The Buzz Summer 2017

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The Buzz Summer 2017 Summer 2017 Barnsley & District U3A Page 1 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A SUMMER 2017 AGM papers PAGES 6—11 DEVELOPMENT NEWS PAGE 12 Blackthorn Blossom at Worsbrough Reservoir Submitted by Martin King REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 1077654 Page 2 Barnsley & District U3A Summer 2017 The first time that many of you will read this and exemplary. message will be at or after our Twenty First Robert has fitted Annual General Meeting in June. Yes it’s straight into his that time of year again when we have to re- committee role and view what we have achieved and whether we joins a group are happy with our progress. Elsewhere in which, subject to the Buzz you will get the chance to read the the re-election Annual Report which is my attempt to sum- process, has every marise what we have done in the last year. position filled by This report is sent to the Charities Commis- people who are sion and is available for all the world to see. only interested in furthering the cause and de- It was an easy report to write this year; the velopment of Barnsley U3A. We are lucky to main challenge was how to decide what to have them all on board. Having said all that leave out. We have done a lot in the last we will be on the look out for a new Treasurer twelve months and our reputation amongst in the next twelve months as Peter Smithies other U3As is at a high level with many rec- has told us that he will be standing down in ognising us as an example of a vibrant group. June 2018. Peter has done an excellent job There are a number of factors that contribute for us over the last couple of years and will be to our reputation, including the way that many making himself available to talk to any pro- U3As admire and respect the BU3A Choir spective replacements in the coming months. who regularly excel at events around the re- Let’s be hearing from you if you are interested gion. Another major factor, however, is the in taking on this important role. We can’t exist quality of our quarterly magazine which is the without a Treasurer. envy of many other U3As. The Buzz is our ‘signature’ document and creates a percep- As to future developments, keep an eye out tion elsewhere of who we are and the very for an announcement on a new approach to high standards that we set for ourselves. I the issue of membership cards and for those hope that you will join with me in congratulat- members living in the Penistone area, look out ing Sue and the Editorial team for the consis- for news of developments arising from our tent professional quality of our newsletter. partnership with Age UK Barnsley; they are working with us in support of our intentions to Having just gone through another year end create new groups to be based in and around and the ensuing membership renewal period, Penistone. A couple of groups have already it is gratifying to recognise the low number of started with plenty more potential groups in members who have chosen not to continue the pipeline. Exciting times. their membership. Like all U3As, we always Have a great summer. experience a fall out of members at the year- Alan Swann end but, even with the highest numbers of members that we have ever recorded, we have lost fewer members this time around than has been the case for many years. We must be doing something right is my interpre- HELP WANTED tation of this outcome. At a headline level I The Social Committee are looking for am sure that our constant increase in group additional members to help plan the numbers, which seems to be keeping pace with the increasing membership, is a signifi- social calendar, sell raffle tickets, cant factor in the way in which we keep our organise venues, book performers, membership onboard with our efforts. In this plan the annual dinner, etc. Contact respect let me say a massive thanks to our new Development Officer, Robert Green, who Margaret Saxton or John McKinnon has taken on the role with a level of enthusi- for further information asm and commitment which is both heartening Summer 2017 Barnsley & District U3A Page 3 CONTENTS 2. Chairman’s Message ROGER WILLIAMS 3. Contents, Obituary Regional Vacancy It is with sadness we announce the 4. Key Issues from Committee Meetings EGM Minutes New Members death of Roger Williams in March. 5. Dates for your Diary. Roger had been a popular member of 6. 2017 AGM Agenda. Barnsley U3A for many years, particu- 2016 AGM Minutes larly involved in walking activities. 9. 2017 Annual Report There were many heartfelt comments 11. Accounts on Facebook including: “He was a 12. Development News perfect gentleman.” “Losing Roger is 13. Penistone Developments so sad, a lovely man who will be 14. Travel missed by many.” “He was so informa- 16. Book Forum 1. Literature Group tive about everything we saw that it 17. Dodworth Family History Group & brought the walk to life.” Our condo- War Memorial Group lences and thoughts are with his wife 18. BU3A Choir Jean. 20. Motorcycle Group. Conversational French 21. Magic 22. Flix at 6 23. Regional Summer Learning Break 24. Tuesday Gardeners. Memory Training. Table & Board Games The post is currently held by Neil 25. A Life in Magic Stevens (Ilkley U3A) until August 26. Digital Champions IT Support 31st 2017; contact details: 0797 692 27. Stringalongs Classical Music 8865 or email [email protected]. COMPETITION The role involves being a member 28. Bridge. Facebook Group of the Third Age Trust’s National 29. Tuesday Book Forum Executive Committee which means 30. Music for Pleasure. Movement to attending meetings in London Music (accommodation and travel pro- 31. Social Events. WWI Memorial Group vided). 32. Family Historians The Trustee works in the Yorkshire 34. The Great Fish Hunt. Out and About and Humber region helping set up 35. Tuesday Walks. Thursday Gardeners new U3As, supports U3As with any 36. The Mountain Track—Poem issues or developments, and re- 37. Bus Pass Walks gional activities. Training is pro- 38. Naturequest. Bird Watching vided. The role is for 3 years. 39. Thursday Walking/Long Walks Please contact Neil for any further Groups information. 40. Cycling 41. Wednesday Ramblers 42. Group Venues 43—47 Calendar of activities 48 Bus Pass Walkers. Discounts Page 4 Barnsley & District U3A Summer 2017 • We are having talks with NHS Barnsley regarding a possible partnership to pro- mote BU3A. Suitable posters/leaflets for distribution to relevant sites are to be considered. • Copies of the Buzz to be printed in colour and members to be consulted regarding this. • Robert Green has taken on the role of Development Officer. Additional support for this role to be pursued. • Margaret Saxton to replace Chrissie White in representing the Social Committee. • Co-ordinator's Booklet to be updated and circulated. • An initial open meeting arranged for 28th April to discuss the way forward for the Penistone Project and to identify possible groups. • A new format for the BU3A membership card, with a bar code, to be considered with a view to distribution in May. BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPECIAL EGM MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2017 AT 1.30pm AT PRIORY CAMPUS The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting and read out the resolution: “With effect from the beginning of the new membership year, which commences on 1 April 2017, the annual membership fee will reduce from the current level of £15 per annum to £12 per annum.” The Chairman informed the meeting that the financial status of BU3A is now healthy. It was pointed out that we no longer need to consider renting premises in the town centre as we now benefit from our partnership with Age UK Barnsley. The Chairman informed the meeting that as of next year there will be a charge of 50p per member to cover in- creased costs involved in the running of the Beacon system. We are also moving to- wards the production of a full colour Buzz which will require extra funding costs for the printing. The meeting was informed that currently the Blue Box contributions cover the room hire and should we be faced with a 10% increase this can be absorbed even with a reduced annual fee. Members were invited to speak on the subject – no-one took up the opportunity. Following a show of hands the motion to reduce the annual membership fee was carried. WELCOME to NEW MEMBERS: Ann Etherington, Karen Gallear, Stuart Young, Michael Caress, Ann Parry, David Parry, Katherine Dowson, Alison Dobbins, Leslie Dobbins, Audrey Marsden, Ray Wilford, David Wilford, Ann Ashton, Pat Faulkner, Frank Ellison, Ray Thompson, Paul Thackray, Christine Holland, Jenny Lister, Geoffrey Handley, Jenny Maddrell, Jean Brown, Ann Rusby, Carol Gibson, Maureen Lofthouse, Peter Woolf, Jayne Wright, Roy Gamble, Julia Hyde, Janet Moore, Mary Cowan, Ralph Senior, Wendy Roberts, Susan Broad- bent, Cynthia Gray, Philip Stephenson, Margaret Williams, Jennifer Jennings, Janine Lishman-Peat, Jane Roberts and Gill Carpenter Summer 2017 Barnsley & District U3A Page 5 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY JUNE 2017 Mon 5th 1.30pm Monthly Meeting/AGM/Buzz Priory Campus Thurs 8th 6.30pm New Members’ Meeting Priory Campus Fri 16th 9.30am Executive Committee Emmanuel Church Wed 28th 10am Publicity Workshop (Regional) Doncaster JULY 2017 Mon 3rd 1.30pm Monthly Meeting Priory Campus Old Blowers Performance Fri 21st 9.30am Executive Committee Emmanuel Church AUGUST 2017 Tues 1st 2pm Choir Summer Concert Emmanuel Church Mon 7th 1.30pm Monthly Meeting Priory Campus Mon 7th- Thurs 10th Regional Summer Learning Break Easingwold Thurs 10th 10am Coordinators’ Meeting Priory Campus Thurs 10th 6.30pm New Members’ Meeting Priory Campus Fri 11th Closing date for Buzz submissions Fri 18th 9.30am Executive Committee Emmanuel Church Tues 29th – Thurs 31st National U3A Conference & AGM Nottingham SEPTEMBER 2017 Mon 4th 1.30pm Monthly Meeting/Buzz Priory Campus Mon 11th 10.30am Regional Development Mtg Doncaster Fri 15th 9.30am Executive Committee Emmanuel Church Honeydew House COLWYN BAY Holiday Let Sleeps 4 – double room, twin room Cot available 2 minutes walk from beach and water sports facility 10 minutes drive from Colwyn Bay, Zoo, Llandudno and Conway Virtual tour available on www.northwalesholidaycottages.
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