Seacroft PCN

Seacroft Primary Care Network introduction

Summary of report The Seacroft PCN population has a slightly lower proportion of young adults than and more children. The patients are resident mainly in the most deprived fifth of the city.

Most GP recorded conditions are significantly above Leeds and following the same trends, cancer though is average. Frailty rates are high but lower than many deprived PCNs, and under 75 mortality rates are high but generally trending downward.

Respiratory mortality in particular show large drops for males in recent years. Despite these improvements life expectancy is quite low compared to more deprived PCNs, but it is improving steadily.

Practices in this PCN when this report data was made This report uses GP recorded data for groups of practices called Primary care networks (PCNs). Most of the data in this report represents the combined registered populations of the practices making up the PCN. Collating and producing data for this report was concluded in early 2020 when the PCN memberships had been stable for some time. The following practices were aggregated to create PCN data for this profile: B86007 Windmill Health Centre, B86022 Oakwood Lane Medical Practice, B86093 Park Edge Practice, B86106 Foundry Lane Surgery

PCN footprints PCN footprints: Some data - Life Expectancy for instance - cannot be made by registered populations and instead is produced for the area that the PCN covers which is called its footprint. A PCN footprint is the area of Leeds where the PCN has more registered patients than eny other PCN. Data reported by footprints represents all patients living in the area regardless of which PCN they are registered to. PCN footprints do not overlap and cover the entirety of Leeds.

Deprivation in this report The Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 (IMD2019) is used in this report to relate differences in health data to variations in patient environments. Each PCN has a calculated deprivation score which is created using the July 2015 practice population size and locations, PCNs are ranked by their deprivation score in many charts to investigate relationships with deprivation. July 2015 population data is used because it matches the denominators used by the IMD2019 itself.

Note that PCN registered populations can live far from their GP practice and experience a wide variety of deprivation conditions.

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Seacroft Primary Care Network

Introduction 1 Contents 2 About the charts in this report 3

Demographics Age structure 4 Black and Minority Ethnic patients (BAME) 5 Population change over time 6

Health Asthma 7 Child obesity (NCMP)* 8 Smoking 9 Obesity 10 Obese smokers 11 Diabetes 12 Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) 13 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) 14 Cancer 15 Common mental health 16 Severe mental health 17 Frailty 18

Mortality All cause mortality (under 75s)* 19 Cancer mortality (under 75s)* 20 Circulatory mortality (under 75s)* 21 Respiratory mortality (under 75s)* 22 Life expectancy* 23

Map of PCN footprints Map of PCN footprints* 24

* Some datasets cannot be grouped by practice and are shown by PCN footprint area instead. See Introduction page for more details.

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About the charts used in this profile Charts use consistent colours throughout this profile, and text about the PCN will be in blue. Colours have been chosen to work with the most common forms of colour blindness. Time series chart example

PCN is significantly Deprived Leeds above Leeds Grey area is the range of all PCNs from Leeds highest to lowest PCN is not significantly different to Leeds

PCN is significantly below Leeds

Comparing rates, PCNs ranked by deprivation example PCN is significantly In this chart PCNs are shown in above Leeds order of deprivation with the most deprived on the left. Middleton & PCN is orange because it is significantly Leeds higher than Leeds, Central PCN is significantly lower than Leeds and therefore blue. PCN significantly below Leeds The dotted line is a best fit through all PCN rates and in this case slopes downward because

Otley less deprived PCN populations Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley

Wetherby have lower rates. Road York Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District

% of agebands with condition example The proportion of each ageband with this condition. In this 76 plus yrs example more deprived PCN populations have larger rates in all agebands but the rate is 56 to 75 yrs quite steady for over 75s in all PCNS. 36 to 55 yrs 30% Leeds is shown as dark grey bars 16 to 35 yrs and dotted lines, the chosen PCN is highlighted in blue and the ageband with the highest Leeds Armley Central Yeadon Beeston

Seacroft prevalence in the PCN is B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H.

West Leeds West labelled with prevalence Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP morley & Dst. percentage.

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Age structure and deprivation compared to Leeds PCN registered

Age structure of this PCN, compared to Leeds in grey The age and genders proportions of this PCN are 95+ Females Males shown as shaded areas. The 90 - 94 85 - 89 colours correspond to 80 - 84 75 - 79 deprivation levels in Leeds as 70 - 74 in the chart below. 65 - 69 60 - 64 Seacroft Primary Care 55 - 59 50 - 54 Network is similar to Leeds 45 - 49 40 - 44 with slightly more children, 35 - 39 fewer young adults, and 30 - 34 25 - 29 slightly fewer aged 65 or 20 - 24 15 - 19 more. 10 - 14 05 - 09 00 - 04 6% 4% 2% 0% 2% 4% 6%

Deprivation in this PCN population Leeds can be divided into five groups, from most to Most deprived 5th least deprived. 2nd most deprived Patients in this PCN mainly live in the most deprived 2nd least deprived fifth of Leeds, but with Least deprived fifth others in other parts of 0% 20% 40% 60% Leeds.

Lees deprived PCNs have older populations This table shows the agebands that dominate PCN 80+ populations. The least 70-79 deprived PCNs have 60-69 populations that are less 50-59 diverse in age. 40-49 30-39 The 30-39 ageband is the 20-29 largest in this PCN. 10-19 00-09 greater than or equal to 30% greater than or equal to 20% greater than or equal to 15% greater than or equal to 11% Beeston B H & RH Midd. & Huns. Armley Road York Seacroft B W & M Chapeltown Crossgates Woodsley Leeds West LSMP & Light Morley & Dist Central Park Holt LS25 LS26 Yeadon Otley Wetherby PCNs in deprivation order, most deprived to the left, least deprived on the right

January 2020 population data collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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PCN ethnicity change over time PCN registered

Ethnicity is recorded in very high detail by Leeds GPs, when aggregated it can provide a simple picture of the population changing over time.

How these details are grouped to make Black and minority ethnic (BAME) can effect the outcome. These charts compare the "White British" group with all remaining ethnic types combined into BAME. The third category shows patients with no recorded ethnicity, this has steadily improved in Leeds helping to reveal the true picture.

PCN BAME change over time Leeds BAME change over time In 2020 this PCN has a smaller proportion 29% of the Leeds registered population falls into of BAME patients than Leeds. 28% the BAME category in 2020. compared to 29%

The PCN shows a steady rise of BAME Improvements in recording have resulted in proportion, is almost identical to Leeds, increases for both the "White British" and and has a very high rate of recording. "BAME" categories.

Unknown, not recorded Unknown, not recorded White British White British BAME BAME

Seacroft Leeds overall 100% 100% 7% 6% 7% 6% 10% 10% 8% 11% 12% 14% 17% 16% 15% 90% 22% 19% 90% 25%

80% 80%

70% 70%

60% 66% 66% 65% 66% 60% 66% 66% 63% 66% 61% 66% 60% 60% 58% 50% 63% 57% 50% 57%

40% 40%

30% 30%

20% 20%

28% 29% 26% 27% 25% 25% 27% 28% 22% 23% 24% 22% 23% 24% 10% 18% 20% 10%

0% 0%

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Population change over time - the very young, and the elderly PCN registered

PCN population age change over time Leeds population age change over time In 2020 this PCN has a larger proportion of Leeds registered patients are remarkably stable young patients than Leeds, 14% compared in terms of the overall proportions of the to 12% youngest and oldest agebands.

In terms of the older population, 10% of The over 70s group has only increased from 10% the PCN are aged 70 or more - smaller to 10.6% in the chart below but that is a change than Leeds at 11% in number of people from 80,465 to 92,065.

70 years and older 70 years and older 10-69 years 10-69 years 0-9 years 0-9 years

Seacroft Leeds overall

100% 100% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 11% 11% 90% 90%

80% 80%

70% 70%

60% 60%

76% 76% 76% 76% 76% 75% 76% 76% 50% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 50%

40% 40%

30% 30%

20% 20%

10% 10% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 0% 0%

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Asthma in children PCN registered

Change of asthma rates over time (under 16s) In a time series we can see that generally rates have been falling 12,000 for many years. 10,000 This PCN has been falling more 8,000 quickly than Leeds for years and is no longer significantly 6,000 different to the overall Leeds 4,000 rate.

2,000 Deprived Leeds is barely

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per different to Leeds overall, and 0 falling at the same speed. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Under 16s rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of asthma in children don’t 10,000 9,000 display a relationship with 8,000 deprivation - the grey dotted 7,000 line is virtually horizontal. 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist.

Asthma is more common in less deprived populations (January 2020) The proportion of each ageband who have asthma. In general it is more prevalent in middle 76 plus yrs aged groups in less deprived PCN populations. 56 to 75 yrs Interestingly this PCN has very average asthma rates except for 36 to 55 yrs the 16-35 ageband which is very

16% high. 16 to 35 yrs under 16s The ageband with the highest asthma rate in this PCN is 16 to Otley Leeds 35 years, with a rate of 16% Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist. This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Child obesity in Reception and Year 6 PCN footprints

Obesity % - Reception over time Obesity % - Year 6 over time Leeds has hovered around 10% obesity in Leeds has risen a little from around 19% to 21% Reception classes for years. Deprived areas are in the chart below, and rates in deprived areas higher and rising steadily, while the PCNs are are much higher. slowly diverging. Although the PCN rate dropped a few years ago This PCN was very close to Leeds but rose quickly it is still rising and slightly more quickly than in 2017/18, it is now the same as deprived rates. Leeds.









0% 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19

Obesity % - PCNs reception in 2018-2019 Obesity % - PCNs Year 6 in 2018-2019 Reception rates of obesity are higher for more The Year 6 data has a much stronger relationship deprived PCNs and lower for less deprived - the with deprivation - the dashed line slopes steeply, chart generally slopes from left to right. The and around half of PCNs have a higher Year 6 relationship is clear but not that strong. rate than the highest Reception rate.

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Otley Otley Armley Central Armley Central Yeadon Yeadon Beeston Beeston Seacroft Seacroft B W & M B H & RH & H B B W & M Holt Park B H & RH & H B Holt Park LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley LS25 LS26 LS25 Wetherby Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Road Crossgates Crossgates West Leeds West West Leeds West Chapeltown Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. & Midd. Midd. & Huns. & Midd. Morley & District Morley PCN NCMP data shows the students resident & District Morley inside the PCN footprint, regardless of where their school is located. NCMP data is collected annually and sent to NHS Digital for national collation. NHS Digital return the processed data to local authorities and this is presented here.

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Smoking (adults) PCN registered

Change of smoking rates over time (adults) In a time series we can see that rates have been falling steadily 35,000 for many years. 30,000 This PCN has been significantly 25,000 above the overall Leeds rate for years. It is falling more quickly 20,000 than Leeds though. 15,000 Deprived Leeds is very different 10,000 to Leeds overall with much age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per higher rates of smoking, 5,000 however it is falling more quickly than Leeds overall. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Adult rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of smoking display an extremely strong relationship with 27,000 deprivation - the grey dotted 22,000 line slopes sharply.



7,000 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District Smoking is more common in all age groups as deprivation increases The proportion of each ageband who smoke. More deprived PCN populations generally have 76 plus yrs larger smoking rates in all agebands. 56 to 75 yrs Seacroft PCN has high smoking

36 to 55 yrs 30% rates in all agebands.

16 to 35 yrs The ageband with the highest smoking rate is 36 to 55 years, Otley Leeds with a rate of 30% Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Obesity (adults where BMI>30) PCN registered

Change of obesity rates over time (adults) In a time series we can see that rates have been rising slowly for 30,000 many years.

25,000 This PCN has been significantly above the overall Leeds rate for years. Recently the growth has 20,000 slowed.

15,000 Deprived Leeds is much higher

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per than Leeds overall, and rising at 10,000 the same speed. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Adult rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of adult obesity display a 35,000 reasonably strong relationship 30,000 with deprivation - the grey 25,000 dotted line is sloped but there is 20,000 variation. 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District Obesity is more common in middle age as deprivation increases The proportion of each ageband who are obese. More deprived PCN populations generally have 76 plus yrs larger obesity rates in all agebands. Older agebands tend

56 to 75 yrs 36% to be more obese. This PCN has above average 36 to 55 yrs obesity rates for all agebands, younger ages have more 16 to 35 yrs prevalence. Otley Leeds The ageband with the highest Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Obesity rate is 56 to 75 years, Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP

Midd. & Huns. with a rate of 36% Morley & District

This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Obese smokers (where both records were updated within 12 months) PCN registered

Obese smokers in Leeds, counts by gender and deprivation In January 2020 there were 10,252 Leeds registered and 7,000 Females Males resident patients recorded as 6,000 being obese and current 5,000 smokers.

4,000 56% of these patients are count 3,000 female.

2,000 These charts show the numbers 1,000 gradually rising since 2014, and the most deprived 5th of Leeds 0 (dark orange) has always had

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 the most patients.

Obese smokers, counts in this PCN by gender and deprivation In this PCN… These charts show the number 450 Females Males of obese smokers in this PCN, by 400 gender and deprivation. 350 300 In this PCN, female obese smokers outnumber males 250 greatly, and numbers are in

count 200 general rising. 150 100 In common with many other 50 PCNs, it is the most deprived 0 areas that are showing the most growth. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Obese smokers are older in less deprived PCNs This table shows the agebands within each PCN that contribute 80+ the most to the PCN total of 70-79 obese smokers. 60-69 50-59 For instance, the 50-59 ageband 40-49 contains between 25% and 30% 30-39 of the obese smoker population 20-29 for most PCNs. 16-19 greater than or equal to 30%

Otley greater than or equal to 25% Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B H & RH Holt Park LS25 LS26 Woodsley

Wetherby greater than or equal to 20% York Road Crossgates West Leeds Chapeltown

LSMP & Light greater than or equal to 10% Midd. & Huns. Midd. Morley & Dist.

This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Diabetes (all ages) PCN registered

Change of diabetes rates over time In a time series we can see that rates have been rising steadily 10,000 for many years. 9,000 8,000 This PCN has been significantly 7,000 above the overall Leeds rate for years and is increasing more 6,000 quickly. 5,000 4,000 Deprived Leeds is much higher 3,000 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per than Leeds overall, and rising 2,000 more quickly. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of adult diabetes display a very 11,000 10,000 strong relationship with 9,000 deprivation - the grey dotted 8,000 line is clearly sloped. 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist.

Diabetes in older age is more common as deprivation increases The proportion of each ageband recorded with diabetes. In general it is more prevalent in

76 plus yrs 25% older age groups in more deprived PCN populations. 56 to 75 yrs This PCN has above average 36 to 55 yrs diabetes rates for older agebands, younger ages are 16 to 35 yrs similar to Leeds. under 16s The ageband with the highest Otley Leeds diabetes rate is 76 plus years, Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York with a rate of 25% Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist. This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Coronary heart disease (CHD) all ages PCN registered

Change of CHD rates over time In a time series we can see that rates have been falling slowly 6,000 for many years. 5,000 This PCN has been significantly above the overall Leeds rate for 4,000 years but is decreasing more quickly. 3,000

2,000 Deprived Leeds is much higher

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per than Leeds overall, and falling 1,000 slightly more quickly. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of CHD display a clear 6,000 relationship with deprivation - 5,000 the grey dotted line is clearly sloping. 4,000



1,000 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist.

CHD in older age is slightly more common as deprivation increases The proportion of each ageband recorded with CHD. It is very prevalent in the oldest age 76 plus yrs 22% groups, slightly more so in more deprived PCN populations. 56 to 75 yrs This PCN has very slightly above 36 to 55 yrs average CHD rates for most agebands. 16 to 35 yrs under 16s The ageband with the highest CHD rate is 76 plus years, with a Otley Leeds rate of 22% Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist. This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) all ages PCN registered

Change of COPD rates over time In a time series we can see that rates have been very slowly 6,000 increasing for many years. 5,000 This PCN has been significantly 4,000 above the overall Leeds rate for years and is increasing more 3,000 quickly. 2,000

1,000 Deprived Leeds is much higher

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per than Leeds overall, and rising 0 while Leeds is almost static. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of COPD display a very strong 6,000 relationship with deprivation - 5,000 the grey dotted line is clearly 4,000 sloping. 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist.

COPD is more common in older more deprived populations The proportion of each ageband recorded with COPD. It is very prevalent in the oldest age

76 plus yrs 12% groups, less so in the least deprived PCN populations. 56 to 75 yrs This PCN has well above average 36 to 55 yrs COPD rates for older agebands. 16 to 35 yrs The ageband with the highest under 16s COPD rate is 76 plus years, with a rate of 12% Otley Leeds Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist. This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Cancer (all ages) PCN registered

Change of Cancer rates over time In a time series we can see that rates have been climbing 5,000 steadily for many years. 4,500 4,000 This PCN has been very close to 3,500 the Leeds rate for years. 3,000 2,500 2,000 Deprived Leeds is lower than 1,500 Leeds overall, this is thought to age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per be due to higher cancer 1,000 mortality, possibly a result of late diagnosis. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of cancer display a weak 5,000 inverted relationship with 4,500 deprivation - the grey dotted 4,000 line is sloped slightly showing 3,500 lower rates in more deprived 3,000 PCN populations. 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist.

Cancer is more common in older less deprived populations The proportion of each ageband recorded with cancer. It is very prevalent in the oldest age

76 plus yrs 17% groups, more so in the least deprived PCN populations. 56 to 75 yrs This PCN has average cancer 36 to 55 yrs rates in all agebands. 16 to 35 yrs The ageband in this PCN with under 16s the highest Cancer rate is 76 plus years, with a rate of 17% Otley Leeds Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist. This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Common mental health issues (CMH) all ages PCN registered

Change of common mental health rates over time In a time series we can see that rates have been climbing 30,000 steadily for many years.

25,000 This PCN has been significantly above the Leeds rate for years, and rising slightly more slowly. 20,000

15,000 Deprived Leeds is higher than

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Leeds overall and increasing at 10,000 the same rate. 2017 2018 2019 2020

Rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of common mental health don’t 30,000 really display a relationship with deprivation - the grey dotted 25,000 line barely slopes and PCN rates vary a lot. This may indicate low 20,000 recording or presentations in some areas. 15,000

10,000 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist.

CMH does not vary much by age group or deprivation The proportion of each ageband recorded with common mental health issues. It is very prevalent 76 plus yrs in most age groups.

56 to 75 yrs 34% This PCN has above average CMH rates for all agebands 36 to 55 yrs except the youngest. 16 to 35 yrs The ageband in this PCN with under 16s the highest rate of recorded common mental health issues is Otley Leeds 56 to 75 years, with a rate of Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York 34% Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist. This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Severe mental health issues (SMH) ages 18+ PCN registered

Change of severe mental health rates over time (18+) In a time series we can see that rates have been climbing very 2,500 slowly for many years. 2,000 This PCN has been significantly above the Leeds rate for years, 1,500 and increasing at the same rate. 1,000 Deprived Leeds is much higher 500 than Leeds overall and age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per increasing at the same slow 0 rate. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Rates compared (January 2020) - ranked by deprivation Overall, in January 2020, rates of severe mental health display 2,500 a very strong relationship with 2,000 deprivation - the grey dotted line slopes steeply. 1,500



0 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist.

SMH is more common in older more deprived populations The proportion of each ageband recorded with serious mental health issues. It is prevalent in 76 plus yrs the older age groups, more so in the most deprived PCN 56 to 75 yrs 2% populations. This PCN has well above average 36 to 55 yrs SMH rates for all agebands 16 to 35 yrs except 36-55. under 16s The ageband in this PCN with the highest rate of recorded Otley Leeds severe mental health issues is Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York 56 to 75 years, with a rate of 2% Crossgates Midd. & H. West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Morley & Dist. This data is collected from practices quarterly and therefore only contains records where patients are presenting and have been questioned. Certain population groups are known to visit their GP rarely.

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Frailty - moderate and severe, March 2019 PCN registered

Moderate frailty, age standardised rates per 1,000 Moderate frailty rates per 1,000 show a strong relationship with 50 deprivation. 45 40 Despite outliers the picture is of higher rates in more deprived 35 PCN populations, and lower 30 rates in less deprived PCNs. 25 'LSMP & The Light' PCN has a 20 very low rate and a very wide 15 range of confidence, the age standardisedage rate per 1,000 population contains few elderly 10 patients hence the wide range. 5 Wetherby PCN however has an 0 average rate of frailty despite its

Otley position as least deprived PCN Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby

York Road York population in the city. Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District

Severe frailty, age standardised rates per 1,000 Severe frailty also has a strong relationship with deprivation, 25 and again Wetherby PCN stands out as having a rate well above 20 average.

Age standardisation of this data 15 has removed age as a factor in differences so there is another reason for this. It could perhaps 10 be improved recording or presentation by patients. age standardised standardised 1,000 age rate per 5

0 Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District

Source: Leeds Data model March 2019

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All cause mortality (under 75s) PCN footprints

Change in overall mortality rate over time In a time series we can see that rates have been dropping very 700 slowly for many years. 600 500 This PCN has always had a very high mortality rate, but it is 400 falling slightly more quickly than 300 Leeds.

200 Deprived Leeds is much higher 100 than Leeds overall and age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per decreasing at the same slow 0 rate. 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 Female and male rates over time An overall mortality rate often hides very different rates for the 900 Females Males different sexes. Here are the 800 separate female and male rates. 700 600 Male and female rates are very 500 high, both are always 400 significantly above the city. 300 Female data is dropping only 200 slowly but male mortality is falling fast driving the overall

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per 100 drop in mortality for the PCN. 0 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 Rates compared (2014-18) - ranked by deprivation Overall mortality rates are shown here for all PCNs, there is 700 a strong and consistent link with 600 deprivation where less deprived 500 PCN populations have lower 400 mortality rates. 300 200 100 Only one PCN (Middleton & Hunslet) has a rate higher than 0

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per this PCN, and nine are lower. Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District

Source: ONS, GP registered populations

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Cancer mortality (under 75s) PCN footprints

Change in overall mortality rate over time In a time series we can see that rates have been falling very 300 slowly for many years. 250 This PCN has been higher than 200 Leeds for many years, but in recent data it is perhaps falling 150 closer to average. 100 Deprived Leeds is much higher 50 than Leeds overall and age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per decreasing at the same slow 0 rate. 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 Female and male rates over time An overall mortality rate often hides very different rates for the 400 Females Males different sexes. Here are the 350 separate female and male rates. 300 250 Female rates are falling more quickly than Leeds, and male 200 rates are generally more 150 different to Leeds. 100 50 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per 0 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 Rates compared (2014-18) - ranked by deprivation Overall mortality rates are shown here for all PCNs, there is 300 a clear and consistent link with 250 deprivation where less deprived 200 PCN populations have lower mortality rates. 150 100 50 This PCN has a rate significantly higher than four of the least 0

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per deprived PCNs. Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District

Source: ONS, GP registered populations

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Circulatory disease mortality (under 75s) PCN footprints

Change in overall mortality rate over time In a time series we can see that rates have been falling very 300 slowly for many years. 250 This PCN has always been 200 significantly above the Leeds rate, but it is falling slightly 150 more quickly than the city. 100 Deprived Leeds is much higher 50 than Leeds overall and age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per decreasing at the same slow 0 rate. 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 Female and male rates over time An overall mortality rate often hides very different rates for the 350 Females Males different sexes. Here are the 300 separate female and male rates. 250 Female rates have climbed 200 slowly in recent years and are 150 now significantly higher than Leeds. However male rates have 100 fallen steadily and are now 50 around the city average. age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per 0 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 Rates compared (2014-18) - ranked by deprivation Overall mortality rates are shown here for all PCNs, there is 189 168 a clear and consistent link with 147 deprivation where less deprived 126 PCN populations have lower 105 mortality rates. 84 63 42 This PCN has a rate significantly 21 higher than seven less deprived 0

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per PCNs. Otley Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby York Road York Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown LSMP & Light & LSMP Midd. & Huns. Morley & District

Source: ONS, GP registered populations

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Respiratory disease mortality (under 75s) PCN footprints

Change in overall mortality rate over time In a time series we can see that the Leeds rate has been rising 80 very slowly for many years. 70 60 The mortality rate for this PCN 50 was increasing steadily and was significantly above the city, but 40 it has turned around and is now 30 close to Leeds again. 20 Deprived Leeds is much higher 10 age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per than Leeds overall and 0 increasing much more quickly. 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 Female and male rates over time An overall mortality rate often hides very different rates for the 90 Females Males different sexes. Here are the 80 separate female and male rates. 70 60 Female rates have climbed and 50 fallen in recent years. Male 40 rates did the same but in a more 30 exaggerated manner, they are 20 now back around the city average.

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per 10 0 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2011-15 2012-16 2013-17 2014-18 Rates compared (2014-18) - ranked by deprivation Overall mortality rates are shown here for all PCNs, there is 84 a relatively consistent link with deprivation where less deprived 63 PCN populations have lower mortality rates. 42

21 There is a clear and strong link between deprivation and 0

age standardised standardised 100,000 age rate per mortality. This PCN has an

Otley average rate that is significantly Armley Central Yeadon Beeston Seacroft B W & M B W B H & RH Holt Park Holt LS25 LS26 LS25 Woodsley Wetherby

York Road York higher than five of the least Crossgates West Leeds West Chapeltown

LSMP & Light & LSMP deprived PCNs. Midd. & Huns. Morley & District

Source: ONS, GP registered populations

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Life expectancy PCN footprints

Change in life expectancy over time In a time series we can see that 88 Females Males rates have been climbing slowly 86 for many years. Male figures are 84 improving more quickly but still generally lower than females. 82 80 This PCN has had consistently years 78 low life expectancy for both sexes, but it is improving at the 76 same rate as Leeds. 74 72 Deprived Leeds is much lower than Leeds overall and more or 70 less static while Leeds slowly improves. 2006-2008 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 2011-2013 2012-2014 2013-2015 2014-2016 2015-2017 2016-2018 2006-2008 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 2010-2012 2011-2013 2012-2014 2013-2015 2014-2016 2015-2017 2016-2018

Female and male life expectancy in 2016-18, all PCNs Life expectancy 95% confidence 88 Females Males interval ranges are shown here. PCNs are ranked by footprint 86 deprivation scores and those with lower deprivation have 84 much higher life expectancy.

82 The link to deprivation is especially clear for males.

years 80

In 2016-18 this PCN LE was 78 around the same as Deprived Leeds for both males and 76 females. The sexes are very different and always have been. 74


70 Otley Otley Armley Armley Central Central Yeadon Yeadon Beeston Beeston Seacroft Seacroft B W & M B W & M B H & RH B H & RH Holt Park Holt Park LS25 LS26LS25 LS26LS25 Woodsley Woodsley Wetherby Wetherby York Road York Road Crossgates Crossgates West Leeds West Leeds Chapeltown Chapeltown LSMP &LSMP Light LSMP &LSMP Light Midd. & Huns. Midd. & Huns. Morley & District Morley & District

Bars in this chart encompass 95% confidence intervals, Leeds and deprived Leeds have very narrow confidence intervals and can be illustrated with a line. Source: ONS deaths extract, GP registered populations.

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Small areas called LSOAs were allocated to the PCN with the most registered patients living there.

Some small adjustments were made to ensure PCN footprints were contigious areas. It is possible for a practice to be located in another PCN footprint. Seacroft PCN