Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]



Abstract: Modern civilisation, thanks to technology development, provides very comfortable and easy living – life without huge physical efforts, i.e. sedentary life. The consequences are numerous, and the biggest problem is our health that suffers the most. One of many health problems, which can be seen by naked eye, is poor or irregular body posture. Irregular body posture can transfer to more complex stage – fixed postural deformity, but only if one doesn’t react on time. Today we can speak about high incidence of postural abnormalities. Based on the concept that postural abnormalities cause pain and injury, postural education and correction have been used as treatment approaches for alleviating pain. Poor posture can be treated in many ways, and one of it is . That’s why the aim of this research is determinate - which Yoga exercises can be used for prevention and treatment of the postural abnormalities.

Keywords: Sedentary life style, irregular body posture, pain, yoga education

INTRODUCTION muscular effort to maintain. Attempts were made to define ideal posture by alignment The health-related benefits of physical of significant landmarks such as the activity have been researched and proven acromial process or the malleolus or by on a number of occasions over the past general body positions such as an upright thirty years. Despite this large quantity of position with non-exaggerated back curves, evidence, much of society remains but there was little standardization of sedentary. Research needs to focus on methods of measuring posture. children and adolescents because many Nowadays proper posture is still lifestyle habits are established in the believed to be a state of musculoskeletal younger years (Rehor, Kornatovska, 2013). balance that involves a minimal amount of Postural education and assessments are a stress or strain to the body. A standard for part of physical therapy education and normal alignment as described by Kendall clinical practice. The importance of normal and McCreary (according to Griegel– upright posture has been proposed since Morris et al., 1992) is frequently used by the early 1900s when it was described as a physical therapists. The points of reference state of balance requiring minimal consisting of the lobe of the ear, the


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

seventh cervical vertebra, the acromial for some musculoskeletal problems process, the greater trochanter, just anterior (Garfinkel and Schumacher, 2000; to midline of the knee, and slightly anterior according to Raub, 2002; Luskin et al., to the lateral malleolus form a theoretical 2000: according to Raub, 2002). line around which the body is balanced in Yoga asanas are certain special pattern perfect skeletal alignment, yielding equal of postures that stabilize the mind and weight distribution and maximum joint body. Their aim is to establish proper stability. rhythm in the neuromuscular tonic There are varieties of postural impulses and to improve the general tone abnormalities of different parts of the of the muscles. Asanas, as a preventive body. The most common one are postural medicine can be used for avoiding the abnormalities of spinal cord (lordosis bad causation of postural deformities like body posture and lordosis, kyphotic bad cervical spondylos, lordosis, etc. Also, body posture and kyphosis, scoliotic bad Asanas can be used for release of physical body posture and scoliosis, dorsum stress resulted from day-today negative planum), chest (pectus carrinatum – emotions of behavioural pattern. This will chicken breast, pectus excavatum – help to avoid psychosomatic or shoemaker breast), knee (genu varum – psychological disorders like hypertension, “X” legs, genu valgum – “O” legs) and gastric acidity, depression neurosis etc. foot (pes planus - flatfoot). Mostly, it’s The regular correct practice of also about asymmetry in sagittal or frontal helps to prevent constipation, arthritis, plane, or there’s an absence of alignment. asthma, diabetes, obesity etc. (Shankar, 2005). Yoga as a useful system for reduce of the is a useful system for muscular imbalance patients with muscular imbalance. The The word of yoga originates from yoga exercises systematically train the Sanskrit and means „to join, to muscles of the whole body, alternating unite“(Maheshwarananda, 2000). Yoga is stretches with holding postures, relaxation an ancient discipline of body, mind, and and movements. This program can spirit that has been Westernized and improve muscular balance and joint health practiced for its health benefits (Raub, – two parts of locomotor system very 2002). Hatha Yoga is a comprehensive, important for good body posture. Poor holistic mind-body practice incorporating posture and bad habits in movement place both cognitive (meditation, concentration) undue of pressure on the spine. The and somatic (physical postures - Asanas, resulting muscular tension is a frequent breathing exercises - ) cause of back pain. Yoga Asanas generally components (Khalsa & Cope, 2006). Hatha involves some part of the spine in the Yoga, through holding static physical exercise. Stretching and strengthening the postures (Asanas), uses stretching and muscles should be combined, because improves muscular strength and flexibility strong and flexible muscles form an (Tran et al., 2001; according to Raub important protection for the spine and (2002) so that it would likely be beneficial joints. That’s why regular yoga practice


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

reduces the symptoms of spine problems used to interpret meaning from the content after just a few weeks. Practice of the Yoga of scientific studies adhere to the problem Asanas provides the necessary range of indications and contraindications for using movement to maintain proper health of of the yoga asanas in prevention and muscles, ligaments, cartilage and joint treatment of postural abnormalities. capsules, which is essential for their function (Maheshwarananda, 2000). Yoga RESEARCH REVIEW exercises are in fact psychosomatic exercises, meaning that they influence the The research review will cover body, mind, breath and consciousness, and literature and scientific researches that they are good because all exercises are have been investigating problems and area mostly isometric muscle contractions, and in which we’re interested. this type of contraction is good cause the Savic et al. (1990) were investigating results can be seen very fast – it’s very the Hatha Yoga's effects on the posture of effective type of exercise. Another good 15 ten year-old children and also its effects thing about Yoga asanas is the breathing – on the psychophysical condition of 15 deep and slowly, and in the right moment. grown-ups. As symptoms, during the first examination, 12 of the 15 children had PROBLEM AND AIM head protrusion, 14 had shortened back extensors, and all 15 had bent shoulders, The problem of this research is relaxation of the frontal abdominal wall indications and contraindications for using and shortened flexors of both the calf and yoga asanas as method for prevention and thigh. The condition of all the children was treatment of postural abnormalities. The remarkably better after six months of subject of this research is the use of Yoga practice, some of the symptoms having as method of corrective treatment. completely disappeared (head protrusion, The research was carried out with the asymmetry of the shoulders, mammilla and aim of determining which yoga asanas can hips, shortening of the pectoralis and back be beneficial, and which can be harmful to extensors), 9 children still had slight to persons with postural abnormalities. medium relaxation of the frontal abdominal wall, 8 children still had bent METHODS shoulders, and 1 child still had shortened calf and thigh extensors. The adults were The basic method was “Content in a weak or very weak psychophysical analysis of literature” provided on the issue condition, they tired easily, they of as method of corrective treatment. complained of sleep disturbances, Content analysis is a widely used fluctuation of emotional state and qualitative research technique. Rather than irritability. After 3 months of practice, the being a single method, current applications vital capacity of 8 of the adults tested of content analysis show three distinct (53.3%) had increased by 435 ml. The time approaches: conventional, directed, or duration of apnoea had lengthened for all summative. All three approaches were of the practicing adults, but with a truly


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

large variation among them (a median of 1985 to 2002, i.e. approximately 120 14%). The deep waist-bend length of all published records. Author has notice that the practicing adults had lengthened by an over the last 10 years, a growing number of average of 9.5 cm and the average length research studies have shown that the increase for the 3-minute running test was practice of Hatha Yoga can improve 42 m. All those who practiced, had strength and flexibility, and may help experienced an alleviation of psychic. control such physiological variables as Greendale et al. (2002) in their pilot blood pressure, respiration and heart rate, study were evaluating Yoga effects on and metabolic rate to improve overall women with hyper kyphosis. The sample exercise capacity. This review is a of examinees consisted of 21 women with summary of medically substantiated physician-diagnosed hyper kyphosis, 75 information about the health benefits of years of age. Hyper kyphosis – a kyphosis yoga for healthy people and for people angle 40°— the 95th percentile value for compromised by musculoskeletal and young adults, may be associated with cardiopulmonary disease. physical and emotional limitations and Khalsa, Cope (2006), based on may have multiple precipitants. Authors previous research that suggest that yoga think that Yoga could be an optimal and meditation practices are effective in intervention for hyper kyphosis in that it stress management, alleviating anxiety and may improve physical and emotional musculoskeletal problems and improving functioning as well as combat some of the mood and cognitive and physical underlying muscular and biomechanical performance, have decided to investigate causes. They conducted a single-arm, non- effects of yoga and meditation techniques masked intervention trial to assess the on musicians‘ stress, performance anxiety effects on anthropometric and physical and performance-related musculoskeletal function of yoga among women with hyper conditions (performance - related kyphosis. This pilot study suggests that the musculoskeletal disorders are highly use of yoga among women with hyper prevalent in musicians, with surveys kyphosis is safe and acceptable and may reporting up to 87%). Therefore, musicians produce better posture. The mechanisms enrolled in a prestigious 2-month summer by which postural improvements occurred fellowship program were invited to among research participants may have participate in a regular yoga and meditation included increased strength and flexibility program at a yoga centre during the course (attested to by improvements in physical of the program. The 10 participants in the function measures) and heightened yoga program, 21 to 30 years of age, attention to alignment (as reflected in completed baseline and end-program women’s diary entries). questionnaires evaluating performance- Raub (2002) in his literature review related musculoskeletal conditions, was investigating psychophysiological performance anxiety, and mood and flow effects of Hatha Yoga on musculoskeletal experience. Fellows not participating in the and cardiopulmonary function. This yoga program were recruited to serve as research covered literature published from controls and completed the same


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

assessments (N=8). The yoga participants system and harmonise and stabilise the showed some improvements relative to practioner’s state of mind control subjects on most measures, with the (Maheshwarananda, 2000). relative improvement in performance Asanas are practising slowly to enable anxiety being the greatest. The results from mental focus and conscious understanding this preliminary study suggest that yoga of the movement. Physical and mental and meditation may be beneficial as a relaxation represents important prerequisite routine practice to reduce performance for the correct performance of all Yoga anxiety in musicians. Results do indicate exercises and it’s only in this way that the that the approaches used in the yoga effects of the Asanas comletely unfold. intervention were well-accepted by The breath plays an important role in the professional musicians and that they are Asanas. The good coordination of breath likely to have benefit for both improving and movement is very important for performance characteristics and alleviating effective and harmonious practice. Use of problems faced by professional musicians. the breath greatly enhances muscle relaxation by concentrating on tense areas RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of the body and consciously relaxing those parts with each exhalation. Correct The help of the body is fundamental breathing is fundamental for the body’s importance in life. For the preservation and optimum metabolic function. Slower and restoration of physical health and health in deeper breaths improve circulation, nerve general, yoga offers physical exercises, i.e. function and one’s whole physical Asanas. “Asana” is the Sanskrit word for a condition (Maheshwarananda, 2000). physical posture. Expressed in general Health benefits from the regular terms Asana denotes a specific position practice of Asanas are many: flexibility of which can be held in a relaxed and the spine is increased, the joints become comfortable manner for a long period of more mobile, the muscles are relaxed, time. Many Asanas were derived from the toned and receive a plentiful supply of natural movements and positions of blood, organ and glandular activity is animals and carry the names of animals stimulated and regulated, the lymphatic (e.g. “cat”, “deer”, “tiger”, “cobra”, etc.). system and metabolism are stimulated, the Asanas have a far-reaching effect upon immune system is strengthened, circulation body and mind. The animals instinctively and blood pressure are normalised and used these movements and positions because stabilized, the nervous system is calmed of their natural benefits. These effects are and strengthened, the skin becomes clear attained through the practice of the Asanas. and fresh (Maheshwarananda, 2000). Asanas are beneficial for the muscles, joints, However, this only refers to healthy cardiovascular system, nervous system and persons. When we are speaking about lymphatic system, as well as the mind, persons with postural abnormalities, Yoga psyche and (energy centres). Asanas Asanas can be beneficial, or totally are psychosomatic exercises, which opposite – harmful to them. strengthen and balance the entire nervous


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

By analysing Yoga Asanas, based on planum, but they aren’t recommendable to knowledge of corrective gymnastic, we persons with LLD and SLD in lumbal part came to the next research results. The of the spinal cord, or at least they should recommendation for persons who have perform it with caution. All meditation problem with lordosis bad body posture postures are contraindicated for persons (LLD) is to bent their knees when they are with “O” legs, but they are good in in dorsal decubitus, for example, when treatment of “X” legs. Asymmetric they are performing Anandasana – exercises that include upper limbs, e.g. Relaxation, Rolling sideways with legs Stretching the body in dorsal decubitus bent is Asana which is benefit for persons are good for SLD, but only if are used with LLD. One with scoliotic bad body correctly. Raising the head in dorsal posture should avoid Shoulder Raising in decubitus is exercise that should be standing position, or at least should avoided by persons with KLD, because this perform this exercise carefully, i.e. persons Asana increases the angle of thoracic part with scoliosis dexter should perform this of spinal cord. Extension of the spine in exercise only by raising the left shoulder, starting position , is good and opposite. Shoulder Circling in for KLD and bad for LLD, because this standing and sitting position, is very good exercise increases the angle of lumbal part for the treatment and prevention of of spinal cord. PAVANA MUKTASANA kyphotic bad body posture (KLD), if – Knee to body in dorsal decubitus and circling is backwards (circling movements standing position, is good for treatment of forward are contraindicated for persons SLD in lumbal part of the spinal cord, but with KLD). PAVANA MUKTASANA – if it is performed correctly, i.e. it depends Knee to Head in sitting position with legs is it scoliosis dexter or sinister. Flexion of straight, is good for treatment and the spine in the position of VAJRASANA, prevention of LLD, contraindicated for is contraindicated for KLD. Grinding and KLD, and one with SLD of lumbar part of The Boat in sitting position with legs spine should take good care (depending of straight, are also contraindicated for KLD, it is scoliosis dexter or sinister). Half and on the other side they are good for Butterfly in siting position with legs LLD, because they activate abdominal straight, is good for treatment of “X” legs muscles which strength is very important and contraindicated for “O” legs, because for good body posture. Expansion of the this position provokes the extension of chest in standing position, is not good for already extended lig. collaterale tibiale. pectus carrinatum (this Asana extends m. MARJARI - The Cat in starting position pectoralis major et minor), but it’s good for VAJRASANA, is contraindicated for KLD (it strengthens m. rhomboideus). Side postural disorders of spine in sagittal plane bending of the upper body in standing (i.e. LLD and KLD), but it is very good for and sitting position, and Twisting exercise persons with dorsum planum. KHATU in sitting position, are good for SLD in PRANAM - Greetings to Khatu and thoracal part of the spine, but only if they SURYAYA NAMAHA – Salute to the are performed correctly, i.e. one with Sun is also good for treatment of dorsum scoliosis dexter should perform bendings at


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

right side and by that will stretch the left spinal cord in sagittal plane (i.e. LLD and side of upper body, and opposite. KLD). Forward bend of upper body while Butterfly in sitting position with legs sitting with legs straight, is good exercise straight is good for spinal posture and “X” for LLD, and bad for KLD. Variation of legs, but bad for “O” legs. Foot and Toe this exercise with one leg bent should exercises in sitting position with legs avoid persons with SLD. MANDUKI straight, and Walking on toes and heels, ASANA – The Frog in standing position, are asanas that are good for prevention and is example of exercise that could only be treatment of flatfoot, i.e. pes planus, beneficial to spinal posture and it is also because this movement strengthens region good for treatment of “X” legs, but bad for planta pedis. Horizontal arm movement “O” legs. in standing position, is exercise that MERU AKARANASANA – strengthens chest muscles and that’s why is Stretching the spine and inner thigh and good for treatment of pectus carrinatum. MERU VAKRASANA – Simple twist, in PAVANA MUKTASANA – Both knees sitting position with legs straight, and then to head in dorsal decubitus, is good for with turning the body to one side, left or LLD, and contraindicated for KLD. right, are asanas that could be good for Relaxation in ventral decubitus (lying on treatment of SLD in the lumbal part of the the abdomen) is not recommendable to spine, but only if they are done correctly, persons with LLD and KLD, because the i.e. persons with scoliosis dexter must only earth gravitation is moving lumbal part of stretch the right side of the body, and the spine and shoulders down and stretches opposite - persons with scoliosis sinister m. rhomboideus – the muscle responsible must only stretch the left side of their for good posture of thoracic part of the body. BHUNAMANASANA – Greeting spine. Stretching in ventral decubitus the Earth, is exercise which should be (lying on the abdomen) with hands above avoided by persons with SLD, especially head is good for spine and muscles that with SLD in lumbal part of the spine. support it. The asana in which we are ASHVA SANCHALANASANA – Horse bringing the arms behind the back in the riding exercise in sitting position with legs ventral decubitus, aren’t good for KLD and straight, is good for prevention and LLD. Raising the head with legs bent and treatment of LLD, because it strengthens Raising the head and legs in ventral abdominal and back muscles. MERU decubitus is good exercise for KLD, and PRISHTHASANA – Rotating the upper bad for LLD. Relaxation in Tiger pose is body in standing position, is exercise good to use in treatment of SLD, but it is which should be avoided by persons with necessary to use it correctly – persons with SLD, especially with SLD in lumbal part scoliosis dexter, for example, must only of the spine (the rotation in horizontal stretch the right side of the body, and plane is causing the torsion of the spine and opposite - persons with scoliosis sinister that is the main problem with scoliosis). must only stretch the left side of their CHATUSHPADASANA – Four legged body. Rowing in sitting position with legs exercise, KATICHAKRASANA – The straight is good for postural disorders of Well and DVIKONASANA – Double


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

triangle, all three in standing position, and – The Cobra in SUMERU ASANA – Mount Everest pose ventral decubitus is recommendable for in VAJRASANA position, are good treatment of KLD, but contraindicated for exercises for whole body, especially for LLD. – Shoulder spinal cord, and it can be used either by stand in dorsal decubitus, and persons with good or bad body posture. – The Plough in dorsal SETU ASANA – The Bridge, is asana that decubitus, are contraindicated for KLD. should be carefully used by persons with – the Bow in ventral weak abdominal muscles, because it could decubitus is contraindicated for persons lead to LLD. with LLD. ARDHA VYAGHRASANA – The Tiger in – Seated twist in starting position of VAJRASANA, is sitting position, is contraindicated for some exercise that should be avoided by persons types of scoliosis, i.e. persons with with LLD and SLD in lumbal spine. scoliosis dexter must only stretch the right SKANDHARASANA – Shoulder pose in side of the body, and opposite - persons dorsal decubitus, should be avoided by with scoliosis sinister must only stretch the persons with LLD and KLD, and left side of their body. VIPARITAKARANI – Half YOGA MUDRA – Forward bend shoulder stand (“Renewal of Energy”) in sitting on heels, is not good for persons with dorsal decubitus, should be avoided by KLD, because in this position angulus persons with KLD. USHTRASANA – The inferior scapula are distant, and m. Camel in position of VAJRASANA, should rhomboideus is stretched. NOKA be avoided by persons with LLD, and also SANCHALANASANA – Rowing in sitting by persons with SLD, cause of asymmetry in position with legs straight, is good for frontal plane. – The treatment of LLD. – The Triangle, with variations in standing Wheel in dorsal decubitus is contraindicated position with legs apart, and EKAPADA for LLD, but good for KLD. UTTHANASANA – One-Legged pose in EKAPADA YOGA MUDRA – One standing position, have an accent to the legged yoga mudra in sitting position with asymmetry in frontal plane, which is not legs straight, and ARDHA UTTHANA good for persons with SLD. HANSASANA KATI ASANA – Twist in Knee stand, – the Swan, it’s also not good for SLD, and aren’t recommendable to persons with for LLD. SLD in lumbal part of the spine. Body TRIYAK BHUJANGASANA – position during the time of is Twisting Cobra in ventral decubitus, is not recommended for the persons with asana that is very good for treatment of varroosis legs, but they are very good for KLD in thoracic part of the spine, but bad the correction of “valgosis” legs. for LLD and SLD. SANTULANASANA – Balancing pose in sitting position with CONCLUSIONS legs straight, is good for LLD because it’s strengthens abdominal muscles. In the end we can summarize this research by saying and concluding which


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

asanas are indicated, i.e. contraindicated scoliosis: Shoulder Raising, PAVANA for postural abnormalities. First of all, for MUKTASANA – Knee to Head, Knee to LLD beneficial asanas are: Rolling body, KHATU PRANAM - Greetings to sideways with legs bent, PAVANA Khatu, SURYAYA NAMAHA – Salute to MUKTASANA – Knee to Head, Both the Sun, Stretching the body, Side bending knees to head, Grinding, The Boat, Half of the upper body, Twisting exercise, Butterfly, Butterfly, Walking on toes and Butterfly, Relaxation in Tiger pose, heels, Stretching the body, Rowing, MANDUKI ASANA – The Frog, MERU Forward bend while sitting, MANDUKI AKARANASANA – Stretching the spine ASANA – The Frog, ASHVA and inner thigh, MERU VAKRASANA – SANCHALANASANA – Horse riding Simple twist, CHATUSHPADASANA – exercise, CHATUSHPADASANA – Four Four legged exercise, legged exercise, KATICHAKRASANA – KATICHAKRASANA – The Well, The Well, DVIKONASANA – Double DVIKONASANA – Double triangle, triangle, SUMERU ASANA – Mount SUMERU ASANA – Mount Everest pose, Everest pose, SANTULANASANA – SETU ASANA – The Bridge and ARDHA Balancing pose, YOGA MUDRA – MATSYENDRASANA – Seated twist. Forward bend sitting on heels, NOKA Generally, every asana that SANCHALANASANA – Rowing and strengthens abdominal musculature is good EKAPADA YOGA MUDRA – One for prevention and treatment of lordosis legged yoga mudra. For the prevention and bad body posture; every asana that treatment of KLD we can recommend next strengthens muscles of thoracic part of the asanas: Shoulder Circling backward, Half spinal cord is good for prevention and Butterfly, KHATU PRANAM - Greetings treatment of kyphotic bad body posture. to Khatu, SURYAYA NAMAHA – Salute One can also notice that every asana that is to the Sun, Stretching the body, Extension good for prevention and treatment of of the spine, Expansion of the chest, kyphotic bad body posture is Butterfly, Walking on toes and heels, contraindicated for lordosis bad body Raising the head with legs bent, Raising the posture. It is noticeable, that persons with head and legs, Rowing, MANDUKI postural abnormality of spinal cord in ASANA – The Frog, frontal plane, i.e. scoliotic bad body CHATUSHPADASANA – Four legged posture, must practice carefully those exercise, KATICHAKRASANA – The asanas with asymmetry in frontal plane. Well, DVIKONASANA – Double triangle, Persons with dorsum planum must SUMERU ASANA – Mount Everest pose, practice asanas that are contraindicated for SETU ASANA – The Bridge, TRIYAK LLD and KLD, and the best examples are BHUJANGASANA – Twisting Cobra, MARJARI - The Cat, KHATU PRANAM BHUJANGASANA – The Cobra and - Greetings to Khatu, SURYAYA CHAKRASANA – The Wheel. Asanas that NAMAHA – Salute to the Sun, Relaxation are indicated for SLD, are at the same time lying on the abdomen, bringing the arms contraindicated for this postural behind the back and abnormality, depending on the type of SKANDHARASANA- Shoulder pose. For


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

treatment of pectus carrinatum Yoga Thanks to Yoga the body becomes offers Horizontal arm movement; for flexible, the muscles strengthened and treatment of „X“ legs it’s good to practice trough this the joints become stronger. Half Butterfly, Butterfly, MANDUKI Those are three most important things for ASANA – The Frog and all Pranayama. good body posture, and that’s why this Yoga asanas are good for prevention and type of exercise ca be used in prevention treatment of flatfoot, especially Foot and and treatment of postural abnormalities. Toe exercises and Walking on toes and However, the health effects on body, mind, heels. psyche, emotions are side effects of yoga On the other side, some asanas are and help us towards the spiritual goals of contraindicated for some postural yoga - union first of physical and mental, abnormalities. For example, persons with then union at more sup tile level. Yoga, LLD should avoid: Anandasana wit when correctly practiced, has a straight legs, MARJARI - The Cat, some tremendous, natural corrective influence on positions of KHATU PRANAM - us at all levels. Greetings to Khatu and SURYAYA NAMAHA – Salute to the Sun, Extension of the spine, Relaxation lying on the REFERENCES abdomen, bringing the arms behind the back, Raising the head with legs bent and Collins, C. (1998). Yoga: intuition, Raising the head and legs, SETU ASANA preventive medicine and treatment. – The Bridge, VYAGHRASANA – The Available on: http://www.blackwell- Tiger, SKANDHARASANA- Shoulder pose, USHTRASANA – The Camel, Greendale, G. A., McDivit, A., Carpenter, HANSASANA – the Swan, TRIYAK A., Seeger, L. & Huang, M. (2002). BHUJANGASANA – Twisting Cobra, Yoga for women with hyperkyphosis: BHUJANGASANA – The Cobra, results of a pilot study. Available on: DHANURASANA – The Bow and CHAKRASANA – The Wheel. Persons 10/1611 with KLD must avoid next asanas: Griegel–Morris, P., Larson, K., Mueller– PAVANA MUKTASANA – Knee to Klaus, K. & Oatis, C.A. (1992). Head, Both knees to head, MARJARI - Incidence of common postural The Cat, Raising the head, Flexion of the abnormalities in the cervical, shoulder, spine, Grinding, The Boat, Relaxation and thoracic regions and their lying on the abdomen, bringing the arms association with pain in two age groups behind the back, Forward bend while of healthy subjects. Available on: sitting, SKANDHARASANA- Shoulder pose, VIPARITAKARANI MUDRA – 6/425 Half shoulder stand, SARVANGASANA – Khalsa, S.B.S. & Cope, S. (2006). Effects Shoulder stand, HALASANA – The of a Yoga lifestyle intervention on Plough and YOGA MUDRA – Forward performance-related characteristics of bend sitting on heels. musicians: a preliminary study.


Acta Salus Vitae, Vol 5, No 1 (2017) ISSN 1805-8787 [email protected]

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Ass. Prof. Tijana Purenović-Ivanović University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical education Serbia E-mail: [email protected]