St George’s-in-The-Meadows, St George’s Drive, Nottingham NG2 1NX Parish Profile 2017


CONTENTS Page No. 1 Welcome and Introduction 3 2 Statement by the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham 3 and the

3 Statement by the Area Dean of Nottingham South Deanery 5 4 St George’s Mission Statement 6 5 St George’s Priest, 2017 and into the Future 7 - 8 6 Description of the Parish 9 7 Parish Statistics 10 8 Worship 11 9 Pattern of Services 12 10 Congregation 12 11 “Growing Disciples” 13 12 Social and Charitable Activities 14 13 PCC 14 14 Deanery Involvement 14 15 Church Buildings : - Church 14 - 15 - Hall 15 - Vicarage 16 16 Finance 16 Parish Map 18


1: Welcome and Introduction

Thank you for taking an interest in becoming the new Priest of St George’s-in- The-Meadows, Nottingham.

We have tried in the following pages to give you a glimpse into the life of our church and trust that this is informative and helpful to you. Having read this through, we hope that you will have not only gained a good picture of us, but will also feel you would like to be the Priest in this parish.

We need a Priest who will motivate us and newcomers to increase our faith and our commitment to the work of the Lord in this place.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Archdeacon Sarah Clark at the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham.

2: The Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham GROWING DISCIPLES WIDER, YOUNGER AND DEEPER A statement from the Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham, The Rt Revd Paul Williams, and the Archdeacon of Nottingham, The Venerable Sarah Clark

The Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham incorporates the City of Nottingham, the whole County of Nottinghamshire and five parishes in South Yorkshire. The population is 1.15 million – 51% live in the greater Nottingham conurbation, 31% in ex-mining areas and 18% in rural. There are 305 churches (252 parishes), served by 142 stipendiary clergy and licensed lay workers.

In 2016 a refreshed diocesan vision was embraced across the diocese, recognising the imperative for ‘Growing Disciples: Wider, Younger, Deeper’.

 ‘Wider’ in that we will seek to grow disciples in every part of the diocese, with no retreat from any community: urban centre; outer estates; rural villages; or market towns.  ‘Younger’ in that we will seek fresh ways to harness the boldness and creativity of children, students and young people across the diocese, not least in Nottingham which is the 4th youngest city outside London.  ‘Deeper’ as we grow in knowing Christ, so that as his disciples we can be an increasing blessing to the people among whom we live and serve in the workplace, family and community. 3

The Bishop’s Senior Staff, Bishop’s Council and Diocesan Synod have demonstrated their clear commitment to sharing in all aspects of this vision and strategy. In autumn 2016 more than 1 000 PCC members attended 5 vision evenings around the diocese. We have discerned a series of emerging priorities that will facilitate growing new disciples in every parish across the diocese. Compelled by the love of Christ by 2023 we will seek to:

 Welcome 7000 new disciples into the fellowship of Christ and his church  Commission 1000 younger leaders (especially 15-30 year olds) equipped and inspired to serve the purposes of God in the Church and society.  Plant or graft 75 New Worshipping Communities (NWCs) across the diocese to increase our reach in telling the story of Jesus to all.  Grow 25 larger Resource Churches with clear commitment to develop leaders, plant New Worshipping Communities, and disciple the young.  Serve and pray together as 1 Church contending for the gospel in every community and sphere of public life in our city, county and region.

In this new chapter every parish has an opportunity to review its role within the diocesan mission, so that it can play a significant part in the strategic commitment to ‘Growing Disciples wider, younger and deeper.’ It is in the context of this vision that the Parish of St George with St John the Baptist Nottingham takes place. A mission focused decision has been taken to appoint a full-time priest at St George’s with the purpose of enabling growth. A future vibrant and flourishing St George’s would be a resource to fellow traditional catholic parishes and to the wider community. This is an excellent opportunity for a strategic and mission focused priest to lead the people of St George’s into a renewed future with the support of the Diocese and Deanery. The Meadow’s is an exceptionally young, vibrant, multi-cultural and diverse community offering opportunities and challenges for the church community to engage afresh.

Bishop Paul has said: “It is my hope that each worshipping community will develop a compelling picture of its own future in God’s purposes with an expectation of growing numerically and in the scope of its mission. It is my prayer that the new Vicar of St George’s in the Meadows will have the creative leadership and imagination to develop discipleship, plan for growth and reach out to the unchurched of all ages in its locality.”


3: Statement by the Area Dean of Nottingham South Deanery DESCRIPTION OF DEANERY

Nottingham South Deanery is a large, densely populated multicultural area spreading from the prosperous suburbs in the West with a tradition of strong, independent (largely evangelical) congregations, through areas heavily shaped by the presence of the Universities of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent, to the more socially deprived urban areas (including The Meadows), Nottingham city centre and business areas. The area has a population of roughly 200,000 with 19 parishes and 25 Anglican churches. As well as ordained leadership, the churches have strong lay leadership, including two lay incumbents, 23 licensed lay ministers and many others.

The deanery shares the vision of the diocese to grow disciples wider, younger, and deeper and we seek to work out that vision in the diverse contexts and churchmanship of the deanery. As part of the diocesan strategy, we have recently welcomed the birth of Trinity Church, an exciting young church being led by two pioneer curates which meets in converted premises in the centre of Nottingham on the edge of St Ann’s.

The deanery plays a very significant role within the diocese, having the highest church population and contributing the biggest deanery share (which we call ‘giving for ministry’). St George with St John the Baptist has been fully committed to meeting its share and we expect that it will continue to do so.


The Deanery Leadership Team (DLT) is fully supportive of the Diocesan policy with regard to the Catholic parishes in the deanery. We are excited by the missional possibilities of a full-time stipendiary priest at St George’s. We are encouraged by the collaborative and outward looking spirit of St George’s PCC.

The Meadows has a high level of social deprivation but a strong sense of community. Over the past few years it has benefited from investment and there has seen recent and ongoing renewal. There is a great opportunity for the right incumbent to develop partnerships with other churches in the area, particularly St Saviour’s, and also with community groups.

The Deanery Leadership Team wants to see St George’s to grow to a point where it can be a resource for the other Catholic parishes in the Deanery.


The Synod meets 3 times a year and the person appointed would be expected to attend and to encourage the parish representatives to take an active part.


Chapter meets around 9 times a year and there is an expectation that attending Chapter should be a priority for clergy.

4: Mission Statement of Saint George’s-in-The-Meadows

1. To be a focus of Catholic Worship , with Liturgy of the highest standard, encouraging and enabling Discipleship and commitment to Christ. 2. To show the love of God to all, proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed to the best of our ability.


5: St George’s Priest, 2017 and into the Future

St George’s requires a Priest who can put into practice our Mission Statement in his own life and in the lives of our congregation and parish, attracting others to the life of faith. Most importantly we wish with our Priest “To show the Love of God to all, proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed, to the best of our ability.” St George’s is committed to the Diocesan visionary project – “Growing Disciples, Wider, Younger, Deeper” – and this will be an essential part of the evangelistic mission focus of the new Priest. Previous priests at St George’s have been members of SSC (The Society of the Holy Cross). We would want our new Priest to be a member of The Society of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda. St George’s petitioned in 2016 for Alternative Episcopal Oversight, having previously been an ABC parish; it is under the sacramental and pastoral care of the and is affiliated to The Society.

The diocese intends to appoint the new Priest-in-Charge under Common Tenure. He is to be incumbent solely of St George’s parish, so that he can give significant input into focusing on growth.

The Priest will be expected to participate fully in the affairs and life of the deanery and diocese. In time provision of a curate will be considered.

As part of our mission we will target those in the 15-45 age group, especially those who are not Christian or who are in need. This is because the parish population has the unusually high proportion of 52% under 30 and 76% under 44). It is essential that our Priest has an understanding of computers and social media; this will enable him to have a missional focus on these young people. We are uniquely placed to be a church for the under forty-fives.

We are aware that many young people today are struggling to find their true identity or purpose in life; they have questions to which we as Christians can offer answers. Our call is to invite others, young and old, to share in the joy of knowing Jesus as Lord and Friend. Our people need to be supported in offering nurture opportunities and foundation courses. We must go out to people rather than wait for them to come to us, and we pray to the Lord “that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

The diocese has designated St George’s as a Resource Church, particularly for the Traditional Catholic churches in Nottingham; we aim to be generous in this. The Diocese are committed to working in “conversation” with the priest and congregation, providing support in implementing a suitable programme of gradual development.


Links should be strengthened with the Revd Hannah Hall and the people of St Saviour’s, our Anglican neighbours, and with other Christian churches in The Meadows. Members of the congregation need to be motivated and supported to use their time and talents for the church and community. The training of church members to take Holy Communion to the housebound is an urgent need. St George’s has a varied congregation which would welcome opportunities for spiritual development. Encouraging the Sacrament of Reconciliation will play an important part in this. We aim to be a really strong flourishing Traditional Catholic presence, whilst recognising that some change is needed. To summarise, we are looking for a Priest who feels called to serve in this interesting, vibrant and developing area of the city. He will be a missional Priest and leader, who knows how to care for his own well-being and how to relax.


6: Description of the Parish The parish of Saint George, Nottingham, with Saint John the Baptist , Leenside, is situated in The Meadows district of Nottingham, just south of the city centre. This is a level geographic area between Nottingham Castle and the River Trent, the northern boundary being defined by the Nottingham Canal with a boat marina, and the railway station is in the north-eastern corner of our parish. The church and vicarage are close to city centre amenities, with large commercial and retail centres close by including a large Sainsbury’s store. There are also city council and government offices within the parish, as well as the Nottingham Crown Court and Magistrates’ Court. In the city centre (about fifteen minutes’ walk from the vicarage, or a short journey by tram) there are concert halls, theatres and other venues, with all the amenities of our vibrant city.

The name The Meadows was given to the area because the land here before the late nineteenth century actually consisted of ancient water meadows, periodically flooded by the River Trent, and it was famous for a wonderful profusion of crocuses in springtime.

St George’s parish is on the west side of The Meadows, and the residential part of the parish is a modern housing estate (redeveloped from Victorian terraced housing in the 1980s) with mixed social and private housing. There are also many modern private apartments to the north of the parish. Redevelopment is taking place in some areas. The commercial part of the parish has some

9 large business premises and retail establishments, and the Queen’s Meadow Campus of the University of Nottingham is on the western boundary.

There is a wide social, ethnic, religious and cultural mix in the parish and, although there are many relatively well-off households The Meadows area is nationally on about the fifth percentile of multiple deprivation. However, it is a good place to live and people like living here.

Other points of interest include a park adjacent to the church, containing a bowling club, children’s play area, a picnic area, and a wild flower meadow. To the south, just outside the parish boundary, are a swimming pool and other sporting facilities. The Trent Bridge cricket ground and two Football League clubs are nearby. There are several other churches of different denominations in our parish: Roman Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal and the Salvation Army.

There are two junior schools in the parish (Welbeck School, close to the church, and Riverside School near the River Trent) as well as a day nursery. St George’s also has links with the Emmanuel Academy, a secondary school in a neighbouring parish just across the river (one of our church members being a Foundation Governor, and our Parish Priest being a Trustee ex officio).

7: Parish Statistics approximate figures (variable) # indicates 2011 Census returns. ^ indicates 2016 figures from Nottingham City Council.

Total parish population 5,527 # ,, ,, ,, 5,354 2015 city council mid-year estimate

Out of work benefits 20% ^ 2016 figure (Nottm avg. 13%) Limiting long-term illness or disability 27% # (Nottm avg. 18%) Rented social housing 1255(46%) ^ Households owning their own property 845(32%) ^ (Nottm avg. 47%) Privately rented 605(22%) ^ (Total households) (2,705) ^

BA qualification or higher (aged 16+) 31% # (Nottm avg. 22%) No qualifications 33% # (17th percentile nationally)

Ethnic British 53% # Non-white ethnicity 41% # (38% in 2001) Diocesan avg. 28% (Of Caribbean origin) (12%) # (Of Pakistani/Bangladeshi origin) (9%) # Born in UK 71% ONS – Office of National Statistics Resident in UK less than 5 years 12% ONS

Age distribution (0-14 yrs) 14% Age distribution (15-29 yrs) 38% Age distribution (30-44 yrs) 23% (Total 15-44 yrs) (61%) Age distribution (45-59 yrs) 13% Age distribution (60+ yrs) 12%


One-person households (lone people) 47% # (Nottm avg. 36%) One-family households 42% # Households with dependent children 413 # ,, with non-dependent children 173 # Lone parent households (as % of all (38%) 223 ONS households with children)

Position – Index of Multiple Deprivation 5th percentile National comparison of all UKareas Child poverty 4th percentile National comparison Working-age poverty 8th percentile National comparison Pensioner poverty 4th percentile National comparison Average life expectancy: female 79 years # Average life expectancy: male 76 years #

Declared Christian 43% # (58% in 2001) Diocesan avg. 57% No religion or not stated 37% # Muslim 15% # Other religions 5% #

9: Worship

The churchmanship of St George’s-in-The Meadows is Traditional Catholic. From 1911 to 1982 the parish was served by Kelham Fathers and Brothers before demolition and redevelopment of this part of The Meadows.

Robed servers assist at all major Eucharistic services, and the celebrant wears vestments at every Mass. Music, incense, candles and holy water are all used in the liturgy, which is noted for its quality and decorum.

We are used to a daily Mass as far as possible.

The congregation sings the music in sung Masses, without a choir.

We like to observe major festivals, liturgical seasons, Holy Week, saints’ days and other important days in the church year with appropriate reverence and celebration.


9: Pattern of Services The present pattern of services during vacancy is as follows:

Sunday 11.00am Sung Parish Mass Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10.00am Low Mass Plainsong Vespers & Benediction for CBS ward [first Wednesday of the month 7.30pm] Thursday Friday 12.15pm Low Mass, after the Angelus at 12.00 Saturday 10.00am Communion [Confessions are by appointment] St George’s is well-practised at hosting large church gatherings, for instance: SSC Priests (East Midlands), the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament (National), the Midlands Area Franciscan Third Order, and smaller gatherings such as Guild of the Servants of the Sanctuary. We participate in pilgrimages, especially to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. We organise a pre-Advent quiet day at Holy Cross Convent, Costock, as well as study groups in Advent and Lent.

In connection with the centrality of the Mass in mission and


“The call to mission is a call to bring people to worship Almighty God ...

The Eucharist is a transforming encounter with Jesus, indivisible from the very nature of Christ and the nature of his Church ... The Eucharist is a powerful vehicle for gradual change ... No understanding of the Eucharist as evangelistic event can stop at definitions of evangelism as purely word-based activity ...

If evangelism concerns the processes whereby we are drawn closer to Christ, then the Eucharist is – or ought to be – central to evangelism.”

From “New Directions”, March 2017, page 5.

10: Congregation We have a friendly congregation, mainly elderly at present with an average age over 50, including people from different walks of life and educational backgrounds, with about a quarter of the congregation being of Caribbean origin. Being one of the few Traditional Catholic churches in Nottingham,


St George’s attracts congregants from places outside the parish, some people travelling a considerable distance to worship here. The usual attendance at Sunday Mass is 36 on most Sundays, with the wider worshipping community being about 85. Weekday communicants usually total about 24, eight or so of these not having been at the Sunday Mass. The electoral roll is 57. Our Nottingham South Deanery suggests that churches should have an aspiration of gaining about 5 new disciples per parish per year, and in 2016 we gained 5 new members. At the end of 2016 the two junior schools in the parish held Christingle services with a total attendance of 753, including teachers. 11: “Growing Disciples – Wider, Younger, Deeper” The PCC and congregation are committed to playing our part in the Diocesan Growing Disciples vision, and we have decided on various initiatives, such as open days/evenings, which we will be pursuing during 2017, having made a start in 2016.

On Advent Sunday 2016 our congregation committed themselves with prayer to the following targets and priorities:-

Growing Disciples: Wider, Younger, Deeper

TARGET 1 (For the next 12 months) To provide more opportunities for people in the parish to visit the church and to take part in activities.

Priority 1 Reach out more to our local community (e.g. leafleting several times; approaching new residents)

Priority 2 Introduce more people from our local community into the church (e.g. open days; social events)

Priority 3 Develop our own spirituality (e.g. convent quiet day; advent and lent courses)

TARGET 2 (Longer-term goal) To include more families and children in the church and to restart the Sunday School.


12: Social and Charitable Activities The many social activities at St George’s include: monthly parish lunches on Sundays, to which members of the other Traditional Catholic churches are invited: twice-monthly bingo evenings with food (with participants from the other churches and local residents): two parish outings each year. These all help with fund-raising. There is also a Christmas Fayre coinciding with the annual Gift Week to help with boosting our church income. Members of the congregation support Mary’s Meals, shoeboxes are made up before Christmas for Eastern Europe, local charities are supported such as Framework and the Friary drop-in centre, and charity donation boxes for national charities are used in Advent and Lent. We also support the local Meadows foodbank each week.

13: Parochial Church Council The PCC has thirteen members and during interregnum meets as required. The Standing Committee consists of Chair/Lay Chair, the two Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary and deals with decisions requiring immediate attention.

We are in the process of setting up a church website, and we are listed on The Society website and A Church Near You. 14: Deanery We take a full part in the Nottingham South Deanery and represent the Traditional Catholic parishes on the leadership team. 15: Church Buildings CHURCH: The Church of St George the Martyr is a Grade II listed building with a nave built in 1888 and the chancel added subsequently by Bodley, who also designed the main organ case. The interior of the church has many beautiful features. There is seating for about 400, which is needed on big occasions or whole-school visits, for example. 14

It is a very prayerful church, having a Lady Chapel, Resurrection Chapel, and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel where the Sacrament is reserved; the Holy Oils are also reserved. All major works required by the last Quinquennial Survey in 2012 have been completed, and the church is in good condition externally though some interior redecoration is required when grants can be obtained and funds become available.

CHURCH HALL : Our modern church hall, attached to the church, has good facilities including a meeting room (The Kelham Room), with a recently- upgraded and well-used kitchen.

The hall and church have ramped disabled access. There is ample secure parking in the car park adjacent to the hall, and there is carefully-maintained planting with shrubs and trees in the gardens at the sides of church and hall.

A sabbatarian church uses the hall on Saturdays and one or two other evenings in the week.


VICARAGE: St George’s Vicarage in Strome Close (just a minute’s walk from the church) is a modern, well-appointed four-bedroomed house with a garage, and gardens front and rear. Next to the vicarage are the charitable housing units of Levick Court, a PCC member being a trustee of this charity, and the Parish Priest of St George’s is a trustee ex officio.

The Broadmarsh Shopping Centre, leading to the centre of Nottingham, is 10 minutes’ walk away, the tree- lined River Trent Embankment just 10 minutes in the other direction. The nearest local shops are in the nearby Bridgeway Centre (in the neighbouring parish of St Saviour’s).

The location is well served by public transport, with bicycle routes and two tram stops situated on either side about 250 metres away, and there are frequent bus services. There is easy access to A52, A60 and M1.

16: Finance We are managing to pay our way each year, but finance is getting progressively more tight, and most of our congregation are not well off. Nevertheless, we are managing so far to pay our deanery Parish Share in full while this is feasible. In 2013 we had a Promise Programme to increase our regular giving, run by the diocesan team, which raised our income to the projected level for the five years until 2018; this projection is now below requirements, and we have recently asked our congregation to increase their giving where possible, though many are already giving at a sacrificial level, not having significant disposable income.

Fund-raising activities and initiatives take place throughout the year in order to boost our church income, and to provide co-operative and enjoyable social occasions.



Receipts Planned giving 1,179.13 Collections 2,692.80

Donations 2,715.90 Special events 4,769.00 Hall rental 3,960.00 Other income 21,581.09 (incl. Gift Aid & copying receipts) TOTAL RECEIPTS 36,897.92

Payments Parish share 12,840.00 Services 2,194.10 Utilities 5,817.58 Church running 9,579.34 Stationery & copying 2,209.70 Insurance 3,985.69 Repairs 1,564.08 TOTAL PAYMENTS 38,190.49

Monetary Assets Bank accounts (current, etc.) 4,363.92 Deposit account 2,237.45 Investment funds 14,425.90 TOTAL 21,027.27

The above figures include the following sequestration amounts: Outgoings 3,309.40 Received 2,940.00


1 mile Saint George’s Church