6 X 10.5 Long Title.P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67505-5 - The Cambridge Companion to Daniel Defoe Edited by John Richetti Index More information INDEX Act of Uniformity (1662), 163 Colonel Jack, 40, 58, 69, 71, 84–85, 86, 89, Addison, Joseph, and Richard Steele, The 94, 95, Spectator, 25, 26, 39, 42, 227 compared with Moll Flanders, 73–79 adventure fiction and global realities, 60–62 urban realism, 128–29, 173–74, 179 and the link between overseas and urban commerce, adventure, and imperial design, realities 60 and Christianity 47 Africa as negative pole of commercial world, Complete English Tradesman, The 19, 69, 92, 56–57 99, 108 Annesley, Arthur, 5th Earl of Anglesey, 37 instructions and advice to tradesmen, Annesley, Samuel, Foe family minister, 163 170–71 Ashmole, Elias, History of the Order of the moral optimism, 212 Garter, 113 politeness decoded in shop negotiation, 178 Aubrey, Miscellanies, 113 territory of trade in London, 169–70 Congreve, William, 232 Baker, Henry, Defoe’s son-in-law, 39 Cowley, Abraham, 233 Beattie, John, 66 Craftsman, The, and Tory ideology, 42 Behn, Aphra, 233 crime wave of 1720s, 39–40, 65–67 Bishop, Elizabeth, “Crusoe in England,” 182 Cromwell, Oliver, 11 Blackmore, Richard Sir, 11 Crouch, Nathaniel, The English Empire in A Satyr against Wit, 231 America, 49 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, 1st Earl of, 36 Curll, Edmund, 1 Bunyan, John, 211 currency crises in Defoe’s time, 90–91 Butler, Samuel, 211, 227 Dampier, William, 55 Camden, William, Britannia, source for Davis, Lennard, 124 Defoe’s Tour, 112–13, defoe, daniel
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