RIVER MURRAY WEEKLY REPORT ST FOR THE WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, 21 JANUARY 2015 Trim Ref: D15/2088 Rainfall and Inflows Humid weather and rain contracted to the northern Basin at the beginning of the week, with quite dry conditions persisting until week’s end when a new trough system brought scattered showers to eastern areas. Highest weekly rainfall totals were recorded across the far northern Basin in Queensland and in north-eastern NSW; with lighter rain in the NSW Riverina and north-eastern Victoria. Most of the western Basin remained dry (Map 1). The highest rain totals in Queensland included 96 mm at Miles, 60 mm at Mungallala, 54 mm at Goondiwindi and 48 mm at Texas. Totals in NSW included 48 mm at Gravesend, 39 mm at Inverell, 34 mm at Grong Grong and 33 mm at Ardlethan. In north-eastern Victoria, there was 37 mm at Wodonga and 26 mm at Barnawartha. Map 1- Murray-Darling Basin rainfall for the week ending 21st January 2015 (Source: Bureau of Meteorology). Stream flows in the upper tributaries are steadily receding following the previous week’s good rainfall. Upstream of Dartmouth Dam, the Mitta Mitta River at Hinnomunjie Bridge fell from 700 ML/day to 300 ML/day. On the upper Murray, the flow at Biggara fell from 1,200 ML/day to 400 ML/day; whilst on the Ovens River, the flow at Wangaratta peaked at 700 ML/day before receding to 340 ML/day. GPO Box 1801 Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone: 02 6279 0100 Facsimile: 02 6248 8053 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.mdba.gov.au ABN 13679821382 Page 1 of 9 River Operations • Navigation via Lock 7 lock chamber unavailable from 27 January for 10-12 weeks; • Flow to South Australia increased as environmental water is sent to the Coorong.