Barbarians of Icewind Dale Barbarians of Icewind Dale

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Barbarians of Icewind Dale Barbarians of Icewind Dale BarbariansBarbariansBarbarians ofofof IcewindIcewindIcewind DaleDaleDale Sample file Who Are We? What is in Here We are two buddies who enjoy to play In this collection of monsters, we and game master different systems and present four challenging, enjoyable, settings, but our hearts belong to memorable, challenging and DM-friendly Dungeons and Dragons. We like classical monsters who can be used to your settings like Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft campaign or can be used on the spot. and Planescape, but also strongly The monsters are, an undead spellcaster interested in Eberron, Dragonlance and who hates love and affection (CR 6), an Darksun. We like to write elaborate undead warrior that knows no peace scenarios and campaigns, most of the and respite (CR 8), a haunting spirit that times the players will not even come is hard to get rid of (CR 8) and an across all the prepared details. All this is advanced version of that haunting spirit just to have a perfectly cohesive and who has been around for more than a consistent game, where we are prepared century (CR 12). So fellow DMs, enjoy our for almost all situations. content. We have used these guys in our Why Do We Do This? “Halloween Adventures” and our players loved them. We hope that with little to As forever DMs, we know what it’s like to no effort, you and your players can have be in a tight spot and what is required to fun for a long time. navigate a single session, adventure or What Do You Need? campaign without enough time to prepare. A single NPC can change the You need a Player’s Handbook and a focus of the campaign or even make one. Dungeon Master’s Guide for general When we feel that our preparations and rules and spell descriptions, and notes are lacking to prepare an NPC, or Monster Manual for monsters that are any other content, we are consulting the mentioned in NPC entries. Other than published content or even use random that, your imagination, one or several generators to get things started. players and their characters, time to However, we prefer to keep the amount play, dice or dice roller programs and a of details up to a certain standard and stage for you to play, either tabletop or our players prefer that for better web-based. If you don’t have an immersion and enjoyment. More than adventure or a campaign, our tips will once, either for roleplay or combat, help you out. those NPCs required thorough changes to be relevant and engaging in the current session. Thus, by the time we are finished with those NPCs, they would be completely transformed. This is all good and fun, but what if we could have NPCs detailed enough to be used on the spot? What if this NPC is attacked, possibly unexpectedly? How should this NPC react? What can I do to prevent my PCs from ganging up on my boss? With the help of those detailed NPCs, you will understand the NPC’s state of mind and will see the roleplaying options. Moreover, you will be ready for nearly any Samplecombat situation. file Path of the Winter Wolf inter wolf barbarians are champions of frozen wastes in their Winter's Breeze own right. They are able to survive Starting at 14th level, you can choose to imbue your and through frozen lands and follow your allies' weapons with the essence of winter when you their preys until they become weak enter rage. If you do so, for the duration of the rage, Wenough to be hunted. While raging, winter's breeze cover the weapons carried by you and they prove that frozen wastes are your allies within 60 feet of you. Imbued weapons deal an their domain, calling winter wolves to their side and using extra 2d6 cold damage. the essence of frost to strike down their enemies. You can use this feature once per rage. Child of the Frozen Wastes Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you feel that the spirits of the winter wolves accept you as one of their own. You gain resistance to cold damage. Freezing Blows You harness your fury to imbue your weapons with the essence of winter. Upon choosing this path at 3rd level, while raging, you can choose to deal an extra 1d4 cold damage with your weapon attacks. This extra damage increases to 1d6 at 6th, 1d8 at 10th, and 2d6 at 14th level. Wolf of the Winter Beginning at 6th level, you learn how to live, fight, and hunt like a winter wolf. You gain the following benefits; You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing and smell. You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to be hidden in snowy terrain. One of the Pack Upon reaching 10th level, you can call the spirits of winter to your aid. The spirits join you in the shape of winter wolves, forming a wolf pack. As an action, you howl, roar, or perform another action that attract the spirits, and summon a winter wolf for 1 minute. The winter wolf appears at an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you. The winter wolf sees you as a member of its own pack, and is friendly to you and your allies. Roll initiative for the wolf, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don't issue any commands to the wolf, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. The summoned winter wolf disappears when its hit points drop to 0, or at the end of 1 minute. Starting at 14th level, 2 winter wolves heed your call. Once Sampleyou use this feature, you need to take a long rest to file use it again..
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