KALAMAZOO COLLEGE BULLETIN Vol. xxxv February, 1940 No.3 Entered as second-class matter, July 30, 1918, at the Post Office at Kalamazoo, Michigan, under Act of Congress, July 16, 1894. Published in September, Decem• ber, February, March, and June. FOREWORD The content of this bulletin represents several months of effort to gather accurate information on the College family. In spite of all that has been done, errors have probably oc• curred. Weare very sorry that this necessarily must be true. Everything within reason has been done to avoid them. You can be most helpful by sending us information concerning any errors you notice and we shall correct our records immediately. By way of explanation, in the instances where higher degrees are cited it is only if that award was granted by Kala• mazoo College. Persons who earned higher degrees in other institutions are not noted. We have included a list of non• graduates because we know that many of them are interested in our activities. However, we have included in this list only those who have indicated their interest. The Constitution of the National Alumni Association, Article III, section 2, states that "Any former student having attended Kalamazoo College for a minimum of one year shall be eligible for Associate mem• bership, such membership carrying with it the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as full membership in the Asso• ciation. However, Associate Membership may be revoked for reasons which indicate lack of interest in the Association." Those listed qualify under these conditions and should not be thought of as the entire list of non-graduates who have at- tended Kalamazoo College.
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