JOHNHARDING, Governor. Whereas it is expedient to amend the boundaries of the town of and Ayios Nikolaos Quarter of Limassol and of the village of Mesayitonia in the District of Liinassol : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 18 (c) Cap. 256 of the Village Authorities Law, and of every other power and authority 17 of 1951 enabling me in that behalf, I, the Governor, do hereby proclaim that from 6o Of 1955. and after the 1st day of December, 1956, the area described in the Schedule hereto, heretofore reckoned within the boundaries of the town of Limassol and of the Ayios Nikolaos Quarter of Limassol, shall form part of the lands of the village of Mesayitonia in the District of Limassol and the boundaries of the said town of Limassol and the said Ayios Nikolaos Quarter and the boundaries of the said village of Mesayitonia as proclaimed on the 16th day of December, 1946, and published under Notification No. 406 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 19th December, 1946, and as subsequently amended by Notifications Nos. 37 (1107) 1IO8 and 194 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazettes of the 4th February, 1953, and the 25th March, 1954, respectively, shall be altered accordingly. SCIIEDULE. Survey Reference I Extent 1 Locality Description Sheet I Plan I Plot I /Don. IEv. IS. ft.

~~ ~- jo 1 380 1 Ayios I - I - I 352 I The area coloured I 1 part I Nikolaos 1 I 1 ired on the Govern- I I I1 ment Survey Plan Se- I I1 rial No. 1665.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Colony at , this 20th day of November, 19j6. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.


PROCLAMATIONUNDER SECTION18 (c). JOHN HAHDING, Governor. Whereas it is expedient to amend the boundaries of the village o 1Uesa- yitonia, the town of Limassol and Ayios Nikolaos Quarter of Lirnassol in the District of Limassol : Cap. 256. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in me by section 18 (c) 17 of 1951 of the Village Authorities Law, and of every other power and authority 60 of 1955. enabling me in that behalf, I, the Governor, do hereby proclaim that from and after the 1st day of December, 1956, the area described in the Schedule hereto, heretofore reckoned within the boundaries of the village of Mesa- yitonia, shall form part of the lands of the town of Limassol and of the Ayios Nikolaos Quarter of Limassol in the District of Limassol and the boundaries of the said town of Limassol and the said Ayios Nikolaos Quarter as pro- claimed on the 16th day of December, '946, and published under Noti- fication No. 406 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 19th December, 1946, and as subsequently amended by Notifications Nos. 37 and 194 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazeties of the 4th February, 1953, and the 25th March, 1954, respectively, shall be altered accordingly. SCHEDULE, Survey Reference 1 Extent ______I Locality Description Sheet 1 Plan I Plot 1 Don. IEv. IS. ft. 1

____~___-l_ll_____l______l____ _I_ - 1 - 1 912 1 The area coloured /red on the Govern- ! 1 Iment Survey Plan Se- I I ! trial No. 1666. -___ Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Colony at Nicosia, this 20th day of November, 1956. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. 1109 No. 1149. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS LAW. CAP. 252 AND LAWSI1 OF 1950, 31 OF 1951, 20 OF 1953, 29 OF I')f& $7 OF 1954 AND I4 OF 1955.


JOHN HARDING, Governor. In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 6 of the Municipal Cap. 252 Corporations Law, and of every other power and authority enabling me in 1* Of 1950 31 of 1951 that behalf, I, the Governor, do hereby declare that from and after the 2o of 1953 1st day of December, 1956, the limits of the Municipal Corporation of 29 of 1954 Limassol shall be diminished to exclude the area described in the Schedule 57 of 1954 hereto and that the limits of the said Municipal Corporation as published l4 Of 1955* under Notification No. 407 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gaxette of the 19th December, 1946, and as subsequently amended by Notifications Nos. 37 and 194 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazettes of the 4th February, 1953, and the 25th March, 1954, respectively, shall be altered accordingly.

SCHEDULE...... Survey Reference 1 1 Extent I ____I_----I Locality --1_11_- I Description Sheet 1 Plan I Plot 1 IDon. IEv. /S.ft. I __-__--- ____--~_-__---___-- LIV 1 50 380 1 Ayios The area coloured I 1 part \ h'ikolaos I - 1 - 1 352 red on the Govern- ment Survey Plan Se- I!! I rial No. 1665. __-I__------I

Gi.cen at Nicosia, this 20th day of November, 1956,

No, 1150. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS LAW. CAP. 252 AND IAWS I1 OF 1950, 31 OF 1951, 20 OF 1953, 29 OF 1954, 57 OF 1954 AND I4 OF 1955.


JOHN HARDING, Governor. In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 6 of the Municipzl cap. 252 Corporations Law, and of every other power and authority enablipg mcjn 11 of 1950 that behalf, I, the Governor, do hereby declare that from and after the 312o of 19511c)53 1st day of December, 1956, the limits of the Municipal Corporzrion of 29 of 1954 Limassol shall be extended to include the area described in the Schedule 57 of 1954 hereto and that the limits of the said Municipal Corporation as published 14 of 1955. 1110 under Notification No. 407 in Supplement No, 3 to the Gmette of the 19th December, 1946, and as subsequently amended by Notifications Nos. 37 and 194 in Supplement NO. 3 to the Gazettes of the 4th February, 1953, and the 25th March, 1954, respectively, shall he altercd accordingly, - -



------I Survey Reference 1 I Extent -__-__ I Locality I------1 Description . Sheet I Plan I Plot 1 1 Don. /Ev. 1 S. ft. I ----__I_------_____II __---- ~ LIV 50 I 377 IKardhana - I - I 912 I The area coloured red on the Govern- 1 part I ment Survey Plan §e- I1 rial No. 1666.

Given at Nicosia, this 20th day of November, 1956.



JOHN HARDING, Gooernor. In exercise of the powers vested in me by sections 7 and IO of the CO=- 43 of 1955 pensation Assessment Tribunal Law, 1955, I, the Governor, with the advice and assistance of the Chief Justice, do hereby make the following Rules :-

PRELIMINARY. Citation. I. These Rules may be cited as the Compensatiun Assessment Tribunal Rules, 1956. Interpret- 2.-(I) In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following ation. expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them respectively, that is to say :- 43 of 1955 ‘‘ the Law ” means the Compensation Assessment Trihunal Law, I955 ; “ the President ” means the President of the Compensation Assess- ment Tribunal, or the member appointed under the provisions of the Law to act for the time being as deputy for the President ; “ Tribunal ” means the President and the members of the Compen- sation Assessment Tribunal selected to dea! with a case under the provi- sions of section 5 of the Law ; ‘‘ the Registrar ” and “ the office ” mean respectively the registrar and the office for the time being of the Compensation Assessment Tribunal. Cap. 1. (2) The Interpretation Law shall apply to the interpretation of these Rules as it applies to the interpretation of a Law. 1111 P.4m I.-REFERENCES. 3.-( I) Proceedings for the determination of any question or dispute Notice of by the Compensation Assessment Tribunal inay be instituted by any party rekrence. who requires to have the clce5tion or dispute dPtermined by sending to the registrar a notice of reference substantially in accordance with Form I in Appendix A, together with suflicient copies thereof for service upon each of Appendix A. the other parties to the proceeding.. (2) Where any reference i, by WL.:~of qpeal from an authority having statutory powers to determine compensation, thcrc shall be sent to the registrar with the notice of rcfercnce a copy of the decision, assessment or notice of thc determining authority. 4. Upoii receiving a notice of reference, the registrai shall enter particu- Entryof lars thereof in the Register of Referencw, and shall forthwith send a copy reference. of the notice to each 0: the parties tci the proceedin%s(other than the party or parties by whom the notice of reference is signed), together with a notice substantially in accord.lilw with Foi~2 in Appendix 4, and shall inform all the parties of the numbel- of the reference. The name of the Tribunal, the names of the parties and the number of the reterence, together with the year in which it is institulcd, shall thereafter constitute the title of the proceedings.

5.-(1) Wirhin IO days from the date of service on the claimant or the Noticeof Acquiring AI tthoi-ity, as the case may be, of the registrar's notice in Forin 2. address, etc. the party concerned shall give to the registrar 21 written notice stating .- (ti) an address ;it which documents may bc scrved L~XX~him; and (0) mhethcr he proposcs to c,?ll an expert xvitness to give evidence in support of anjy valuation. (2) Thz address for seri ice mentioned in palagraph (I) of this Rule shall be tlie full address of a pel son within the muiiicipil limits of thc main town of the District in which the land concerned is situated.

6.- (1) 'I'1.e claimant shd, wiJiin 28 dCLysfrom tlie service on hiin of thc St'ltcrnetit icgistrx's iwtice in Form 2, givc to the registrar and to the Acquiring ofcl'il111, Authority, at their addicss for senic c, a vritten statement (toqether with vdluatlon and plan. three copies thereof in the czx of the registrar) showing the amount claimed by him as compens,ition with full pu'ticulLirsin support thereor. (2) The Acquiring Authority shJl, within 28 days from the servicc on it of the rcgistrar's notice in Forin 2, give to the registrar and to the claimant, at his address for service, 'I. written statement (together with three copies thereof in the case of the reqistrar) showing the xaluatioii of tlie land which is the subject of the proceedings with full particulars in support thcreoi. (3) The Acqiuiring -4uthority shall in all cses send to the registrar four copies of the plan of the ldnd which is the subject or tlie proceedings, within z8 days after the filing of the notice of rcferencc, together with sufficient copies of such plan lor service upon each of the other parties, unless in the meantime thr Acquiring An thority IS required by the registrar to send such plan to him under the provisions of Rule 19 (3). 7.--(1) Subject to any directions wh;cll may hc given by the President, Powerto the registrar may, at any time after ieceiving a notice of reference, require require further a party to furnish a statement setting out rurtlier and better particulars of particulars. the grounds of reference, appal or applicntion, or of any valuation of property which is the subject of the refrrence, and any facts and contentions relevant thereto. (21 The party conceriid shdl within such timc ns m2y be prescribed by the registrar, not bcing less tlim 14 days &er thc d'ite of thc requireinclit, send the statement to the registrar (together with three copies thereof) and shall send idcntical copies to all other parties. 1112 Power to 8. The President or the Tribunal may at any time request the Director require of Lands and Surveys or any other determining authority to give a statement particulars of the reasons for his or its decision, determination or assessment, and to of deter- mination. furnish any other particulars thereof which appear to be requisite for the decision of the application, appeal or reference before the Tribunal, and thereupon the Director of 1-ands and Surveys or othcr determining authority shall furnish the statement of reasons or particulars to the registrar (togelher with three copies thereof) and shall send identical copies to all interested parties within 14 days after the date of such request, or within such extended time as may be allowed by the President or the Tribunal.

PARr 11.-PROCEDURE. Interlo- 9.:( I) Except where these Rules otherwise provide, an! application for cutory cliiections of an interlocutory nature in connection with any proceedings applications. slid11 be made to the President or a member of the Compensation -4ssessment ‘Tribunal nominated by him. (2) The application shall be made in writing and shall state the title of the proceedings and the grounds upon which the application is made. (3) If the application is made with the consent of all parties, it shall be accompanied by consents signed by or on behalf of the parties. (4) If the application is not made with thc consent of all parties, then, before it is made, a copy thereof shall be served upon each party and the application shall state that this has been done. (5) Any party who objects to the application may, within 7 days after receiving a copy thereof: send written notice of objection to the President and to the applicant, and before making any order on the application the President or the nominated member of the Tribunal shall consider any objections which he may have received and, if so required by any party, shall give all parties an opportunity of appearing 1Jefore him. (6) In dealing with any application under this Rule, the President or the nominated mcniber of the Tribunal shall have regard to the convenience of the parties and the desirability of limiting so far as practicable the costs of the proceedings and shall communicate his decision in riding to each party thereto. (:\ Any party aggrieved by a decision ol a member nominated by the [’resident on an application under this Rule may appeal to the President by giving notice in writing to the registrar and to every other party within four days after receiving notice of the decision, or within such further time as may be allowed by the President, but such an appeal shall not act as a stay of proceedings unless so ordered by the President.

Consoli- IO.-(I) Where more than one notice of reference has been given in dation of rcspect of the same land, an application to the President, in accordance with references. the provisions of Rule 9, for an order that the references shall be heard together may be made by the authority liable for the payment of compensation. (2) Where any such notices of reference have been given as are referred to in the last foregoing paragraph, the President or the Tribunal may, without any application in that behalf, make an order that the appeals or references shall be heard together. (3) When two or more references are pending before the Tribunal whether by the same or different claimants against the same Acquirine Authority, and the subjects of such refereme involve a common question of law or fact of such importance in proportion to the rest of the matters iiivolved in such references as to render it desirable that the references should be Lonsolid.ited, the President or the ’l’ribiitial may, on the application of any intcrestcd puty, or of his or its own niotioil, ni;il:e ‘in order that thc references slid1 be hmrd together. 1113 (4) An order for consolidation may be made with respect to some 011ly of the matters to which the notices of reference relate. I I .--(I) Where two or more persons are interested in respect of the same More than land, the President may, if it appears to him that the contentions put forward oneinteres- by any two or more claimants are substantially the same, direct that one of tedpersons* those claimants shall alone be entitled to appear at the hearing of the refer- ence, and may require the claimants concerned, within such period as he may allow, to select, or, failing their selection within the period allowed, may himself select, one of their number to represent them jointly in the conduct of the reference : Provided that any claimant who claims that he would be prejudiced by such a direction may, within the period allowed by the President, apply to the President for leave to appear separately at the hearin? of the reference, and the President may, thereupon, in his discretion, either adhere to or revise his direction, or give such other direction as to the appearance, and order of appearance, of the claimants at the hearing of the reference as he may think just in the circumstances. (2) The registrar shall forthwith send notice of any diiection gixcn by the President under this Rule to all the claimants and the Acquiring 4uthority. IZ.-(I) The Tribunal shall, subject to any directions gi\eii by the Chief slttingsof Justice either generally or with regard to any particular reference, sit at such Tribunal. places as the Presidcnt m:ty from time to time determine. (2) The registrar shall send to each party to proceedings before the Tribunal a notice informing him of the place and date of the hearin: which shall not be earlier than 14 days after the date on which the notice is sent. (3) Any party to whom such notice has been sent may api.!!’ to the President in accordance with the provisions of Rule 9 for an alteration of the place or date of the hearirig. 13.---(1) At the hearing the party claiming compensation sh?ll begin ~roce%~urc and the other parties shall be heard in such order as the ’rribunal Inay athearing. determine. (2) Subject to the provisions of these Rules and to any direction given by the President, the procedure at the hearing of any proceedings shall be such as the Tribunal may direct. 14. If, on an appeal or application aqainst a determination or assessment, Defaultof the appellant or applicant does not appear at the time and place appointed appearance. for the hearing the President or the Tribunal may dismiss the appeal or application, and if any other party to the proceedings or any pxty to a refer- ence does not appear at such time and place as aforesaid the President or the Tribunal may hear and determine the appeal, application or referelice in his absence and may make such order as to costs as he or it thinks fit, 15. On the hearing of an appeal or application against a determination ~~~~ll~~~ or assessment the appellant or applicant shall not be entitled to rely upon limitedto any qrounds not stated in his notice of reference or statement of case or groundsof application unless the President or thc Tribunal thinks it just in all the cir- cumstances, and on such terms as to costs or adjournment or otherwise as he or it may think fit, to allow such additional grounds to be put forward as may appear to thc President or the Tribunal to be material. 16.--(I) Evidence before a Tribunal may be given orally or, if the parties Evidence. to the proceedings consent or the President or the Tribunal so orde:s, by affidavit, but the Tribunal may at any stage of the proceedings make an order requiring the personal attct1tlanc.e of any drponent for ciamination and Lrr)ss- examination. (2) The provisions of paragr~phs(z), (3), (4), (5) and f6) of RLI~q shall apply to an application to the President for leave to give evidence by afkidavit. Ill4 Tribunal to 17. The Tribunal shall sit in public. sit in public. Right of 18. In any proceedings before the ‘Tribunal any party may appear and audience. be heard either in person, or by ‘idvocate, or by a rcpreseiitative appointed in writing and approved by the Tribunal. Expert 19.-(I) Not more than one expert witness oil either side shall be heard witnesses. unless otherwise ordered. (2) An application for leave to call mole than one expert witness may be made to the President in accoidancc with the provisions or Rule g or may be made to the Tribunal at the hearing. (3) Where more than one yarty intends to cdl an expert witness, each such party shall, within 28 drys after being so requested by the registrar, send to the registrar a copy of cach of thr following documents relating to the evidence to be given by his expert witness, together with sufficient copies of the docunients for service upon each of t?ie other such parties, that is to say :- (i) cvery plan and baaluation of ihe land which is the subject of the proceedings (including particulars and computations in support of such valuation) nhich it is pi-opnsd to put in epidence ; (ii) a statement of any prices, costs, or othcr Farticidars, and any plans, relating to a property or propcities othcr thm the said land which are proposed to be given in eviciencc in support of any such valuation, or a statement thzt 11o such prices, costs, particulars, or plans will be relied upon. (4) The registrar shall, within 7 d~;s‘ii+ei ieceihing all the documents required to be supplied by the partic5 unclcr thc last foregoing paragraph, send to each party copies of the dvcumeiits supplied bp the other party. (5) If an application for lea\e to call iiiore than one expert witness is made at the hearing and is grmtccl by the Tribunal, or if at the hearing any party seeks to rely upon any plans, vzluations, or particulars which appear to the Tribunal not to have been sent to the registrar in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Rule, the Tribuml shall, unless it is satisfied that no prejudice to any other party mill arise, adjourn the hearing on such terms as to costs or otherwise as it thinks fit.

View of 20. The Tribunal may, and shall at the reasondble request of any party land. to the proceedings, enter on and inspect the land which is the subject of proceedings before the Tribunal md, so far ab may be practicable, any com- parable land to which the attention of the Tribunal may be directed. The Tribunal shall give notice to the parties of its intention to inspect any land and the parties and their expert witnesses shall be entitled to attend the inspection.

Disclosure 21. Any party to any proceedings shall furnish to the registrar on his of docu- request any document or other in Cormation which the Tribuna! may require ments. and which it is in his powcr to furnish and shall afford to all other parties to the proceedings an opportunity to inspect such documents (or copies of such documents) and to take copics thereof : Provided that nothing in this Rule shall be deemed to require the furnishing of any information which it would be contrary to the public interest to disclose.

Failure to 22. If it appears to the Tribunal that any party to proceedings before the SUPPlY Tribunal has failed to send a copy of any document required undcr these docunicnts. Rules to be sent to any other party or to the registrar, the Tribunal may direct that a copy of the document shall be sent ‘1s may he necessary and that the further hearing of the proceedings be adjourned, and may in any such case require the party at fauh to pay any additioid costs occasioned thereby. 1115 23.-(I) A party to any procccdings before the Tribunal shall he entitled Information to apply to the 1,ands Officcr in charge of the District within which the land, from Land which is the subject of the proceedings, is situatc for inforindtioil concerning F#:l.v sales, registered at the I,and Registry Ofice concerned, of comparable property in the neighbourhood of' such land, and such information (including full particulars of property and sale price) sha!! be given to the party applying within IO days from the date of the application, or within such longer period as may be approved by the President. (2) The application to the Lands Ofiiccr must be made in writing and must be accompanied by J copy of the notice of reference, and the applicant must pay to the 1,ands OfGcer at the time of the application the appropriate fee for the search presciihcd hy any Law or public instrument. 24. The registrar shall have power to administer oaths and take nfKrma- Adminis- tions for the purpose of affidai its used in proceedings be!ore thc Trihunal. :iik; Of ZS.-(I) The President may, on the application of any party to any Preliminary proceedings, order my poirit of law which appears to he in issue in the point of law. proceedings to be disposed of at a preliminary hearing befoie the Tribunal, thc President 01- a inernber or members of the Tribunal selected by the President for that purpose. If, in the opiiiion of the Tribunal, the President or such member or mcmlrers, the decision on the point of law substantialiy disposes of the proceeuings he or they may order that the argument shall he treated ar: the hearing of the case or may make such other order as may seein just. (2) The provisions of paragraphs (2)j (3), (4), (5) and (6) of Rule 9 shd1 apply to an application uiider this Rule. 26.-(1) The decision of the Tribunal on a reference or application Decision of shall be given in iting, together with a brief statement of the Tribunal's reasons for its decision. (2) Where amounl awarded or value determined by the 'Tribunal is dependent upon the decision of the Trihunal on a questioi: of law which is in dispute ill the proceedings, the Tribunal shall ascertain, and shall state in its decision, the alternative amount or value (if my) which it would have awarded or determined if it had decided otherwise on the question of law. (3) The registrar sh2ll seird copies of the decision to every party who has appeared before the Tribunal. (4) If any directions are given by the Supreme Court hrthe amendment of any decision of the Tribunal 011 which a case has been stated for the opinion of the Supreme Court, the amendincnt shall be made by the Tribunal accordingly and the registrar shnll send copies of the amended decision to all persons to whom copies of the original decision were sent. 27. The 'Tribunal nray, i+" it thinks fit, direct that any sum awarded Interest on by the Tribiind shall carry interest from the date of the award at the rate awards. of$ per centum pe- annum. I?), 37/90 28. An offer or any sum, or of readiness to accept any sum, as compen- Offers. sation shall not be disclosed to the Tribunal until it shall have decided upon the amount of compensation to be awarded to the party to or by whom the offer was made. hut ;1 copy of the offer enclosed in a sealed cover may br sent to the registrar or delivered to the Tribunal at the hearing by the party who made the offer and shall be opened by the Trihun'd after it shall have dcc~idcd upon the amount of tk compensation, 23. Where the prties to any proceedings have agreed upon the terms Consent of any order to be made by the Tribunal, particulars OF the terms, signed by orders. all the parties or by their advocates or agents, shall be sent to the reqistrx and an order may be made by the Tribunal in accordance with such teriils in the absence of the parties, unless the Tribunal for any special reason requires their attendance. 1116

costs. 30.--(I) The costs of and incidental to any proceedings shall be in the discretion of the Tribunal. (2) If the Tribunal directs that the costs of a party to the proceedings shall be paid by any other party thereto, the Tribunal may settle the amount of the costs by fixing a lump sum, or it may direct that the costs shall be taxed Appendix B, by the registrar on one of the scales of costs prescribed in ilppendix R. p,/ c - - -O (3) In the absence of an agreement signed by the client, advocates as between themselves and their clients shall, subject to any order of the Gg 6 Tribunal, be entitled to charge and shall be allowed the fees prescribed in Appendq, as are appropriate to the case. f ------I F- Where a client, after being furnished by his advocate with a bill / (1) or costs, fails or refuses to pay the amount thereof, or disputes the amount . 0 ,/ of such bill of costs, the advocate or the client, as the case may be, may apply ?.'Ig5 to the registrar to tax the bill of costs, and the registrar shall tax the bill of costs accordingly. (5) Where the Tribiinal directs that only part of the costc of a party to the proceedings shall be paid by any other party thereto, the registrar in taxing a bill of costs between advocate and client may allow full costs in respect thereof. (6) In the absence of an agreement signed by the client, an advocate niay not recover against his client a greater amount of costs than the client would have recovered as between party and party if he had been successful. (7) Every taxation of a bill of costs shall be subject to the same conditions and Rules of Court as regulate the taxation of costs in civil actions, either between party and party or between advocate and client, so far as the same are applicable. (8) Any party dissatisfied with a taxation of costs by the registrar may, within IO days of the taxation, serve on any other party interested therein and on the registrar objection in writing specifying the items objected to and the grounds of objection and asking for the taxation to be reviewed by the President in respect of such items. (0) Upon such application the President niay make such order as he thinks just, including an order as to the payment of the costs of the review, but the taxation of the registrar shall be final in respect of all matters to which objection shall not have been taken. (IO) A certificate of taxation may be executed as if it were a decision of the Tribunal. Fees 31.-(I) Where the amount awarded by the Tribunal in any case is payable on less than two-thirds of the amount of compensation claimed the claimant shall pay to the Tribunal as fees, in addition to the fees payable under claim. Appendix c. Appendiv C, a sum equivalent to the remuneration payable to the members of the Tribunal other than the President, as determined by the Chief Justice with the approval of the Governor. Such fees may be directed by the President or the Tribunal to be deducted by the Acquiring Authority from the amount of compensation awarded, before payment thereof to the claimant, and to be paid to the registrar : Prmided that, where a reference, appeal or application is withdrawn or settled before the decision of the Tribunal is given, the Tribunal may, in its discretion, direct that the whole or part of such fees shall not be paid by the claimant. (2) If the claimant shall fail to file with the Tribunal a written statement of the amount claimed by him giving sufficient particulars as provided by these Rules or directed by the President, the provisions of paragraph !I) of this Rule shall apply as if the amount awarded by the Tribunal had been less than two-thirds of the amount of compensation claimed. 1117 32. A reference or application may be withdrawn by sending to the Withdrawal registrar a written notice of withdrawal signed by all parties to the proceedings of reference, or by their advocates or agents. etc. 33. The time appointcd by or under these Rules for doing any act or Extension taking any steps in connection with any proceedings, evcept the time of time. appointed under Part I11 of these Rules, may he extended, on an application to the President in accordance with the provisions of Rule g upon such terms, if any, as the justice of the case may rec,uire, and such extension may be ordered although the application is not made until after the expiration of the time appointcd. Pmr IIL---CASE STATED. 34. Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Tributia! as being Application erroneous in point of law may, within four weeks of the date OF the decision, for case by notice in writing addressed to the registrar, require tEe Tribunal to state a case setting forth the facts on which the decision was bawd and the decision of the Tribunal thereon. 35. The Tribunal shal!, as soon as niay be, state and sign the case and Statement shall cause it to he sent by registered post to the person aggrieved. of case. 36. The person aggrieved shall, within 14 dalTs after receiving the case, Lodging lodge it (in triplicate) with the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court, together Of case* with a notice (in triplicate) stating the grounds on which the decision of the Tribunal is alleged to be erroneous in point of la\?. The case shall be entered by the Chief Registrar in a register to be kept for that purpose. 37. The aforesaid notice shall be served by the person aggrieved upon Service of the registrar of the Tribunal and, together with a copy of the case, upon every case. party to the proceedings before the Tritmal within I + days after receiving the case. 38. The person aggrieved shall, when lodging the case with the Chief Address for Registrar furnish ;In address for service in Nicosia. service. 39. The person aggrieved shall give the other party not less than 14 days’ Notice of notice of the datc fixed for the hearinq of the case before the Stlpreme Court. hearing. 40. Where, on its own motion, the Tribunal reserves for the opicicn Question of the Supreme Court 3 question of law in rhe form of A c,m staled. the of law registrar of the Tribunal shall, as mm thereafter 2s pcssible, transmit reserved by Tribunal. the case to the Chief Rzgistrar, together with fmr typewritteii copies thereof. The Chief Registrar shall serve on each partp a copy of the casr, and shall give the parties not less than 14 days’ notice of the date fixed for the hearing of such case before the Supreme Court. 41. On the hearing of the case the Supreme Court may, i r it thinks fit, amend Powers of the case or order it to be sent back to the Tribunal for amendment and sha!l SL~remc have power to draw inferences of fact €rom the facts set for Court. 42. The Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court shall notify the registrar Decision of the Tribunal of the decision of the Supizi11e Court on the case and of Of Supreme any directions given hj thc Court thereon. Court. -g. The ordinary prxtice of the Supreme Court in chi1 appeals shall, Practice. so far as it is applicable and is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Part of the Rules, apply to a case stated by ehe Tribunal. P4RT TV-GENERAL. .++-(I) Any notice or other document required or authorised to be served service of on any person for the purpose of these Rules shall be deemed to have been nctic-s. duly served if sent by pre-paid registered post to that person at his ordinary address or to his address for service specified in any notice ghen under these Rules. Any notice or other document required or authorised to be sent to the registrar shall be sent to him at the office, 1118

(2) Any application or commuiiication to be made to the President or to any member of the Tribunal in respect of any Case shall be addressed to the registrar at the ofice. Change of 45. Any party to any proceedings may at my time by notice in writing address. to the reqistrar and to all other parties to those proceedings change his address for service under these Rules. Substituted 46. If any person to whom any notice or other document is re9uired to service. be sent for the purpose of these Rules cannot be found, or has died and has no personal representative, or is out of Cyprus, or if for any other reason service upon such person cannot be readily effected in accordance with these Rules, the President or the Tribunal niay dispense with service upon such person or may make an order for substituted service upon such other person or in such other form (whether by adpertisemetit in a newspaper or otherwise) as the President or the Tribunal may think fit. Failure to 47. ilny failure on the part of any person to comp!y with the provisions comply with of these Rules shall not render the proceedings or anything done in pursuance Rules. thereof invalid unless the President or the Tribunal so directs. Fees. 48. The fees specified in Appendix C to these Rules shall be payable to Appendix C. the registrar, in respect of the matters mentioned in the said Appendix. Supple- 43. Where no provision is made by the Law or these Rules the President inentary or the Tribunal shall have power to give directions on any matter of practice powers. or procedure with a view to saving time or expense but so that no prejudice shall be caused to the parties concerned. .Application 50. These Rules shall apply to any pioceedinq which is pending at the date to pending on which these Rules come into operation sul3ject to such directions as the proceedings. President or the Tribunal may think fit to gixe. Transitional 51. Notwithstanding anything in the I,aw or these Rules, the Law shall provisions. not apply to any question or dispute for the determination of the amount of compensation where, before the 29th clay of September, 1955, an application was made to a District Court to refer such cluestion or dispute to arbitrators, and thc hearing before such arbitrators was begun before the 9th day of February, 1956 ; and such question or dispute sha!l be determined by the arbitrators or the District Court as umpire, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of the law in force at the time when the application was originally made to the District Court. Revocation 5.. The Compensation Assessment Tribunal Rules, 1956, and the Com- of previous pensation Assessment Tribunal (,2mendment No. I) Rules, 1956, are hereby Rules. Gazettes : re\ o!red. Suppl. No. 3 : 9.2.1956 26.4.1956. APPENDIXA. Form I. NOTICE OF REFERENCE. (Rule 3) In the Compensation Assessment Tribunal. Between : A ...... R ...... Claii~nnt, and

c ...... n ...... Acquiritzg Authority. 1119 To: The Registrar, Comoensation Assessment Tribunal, Nicoiia. Description of land to which the Reference relates ...... I /We ...... of ..I ...... (being a person(s) claiming compensation in respect of the land described above) GY (being the authority liable for the payment of compensation (if any) in respect of the land described above) hereby apply for the determination by the Com- pensation Assessment Tribunal of the question of which particulars are set out below :- All communications regarding the Reference should be addressed to meius at the address shown below (or, to my/our advocatejagent Mr ...... :...... ,of ...... ). (CJiire full addkess of a person within the municipal limits of the main town of the District in which the land is situated).

PARTICULARS. (I) Name and address of Acquiring Authority ...... (2) Name and address of claimant ...... (3) Nature of question and enactment under which claim is made ...... Reference to CYpms Cuxette (date, page and notification No.) in which notice or notices of acquisition and/or notices to treat were published ...... (5) Date of letter of offer and date of letter of r ...... (6) Date of entry on property f the not entered on the property it should be so stated) ...... (7)---(a) Arnoiint and nature of compensation claimed with particulars rt thereof (if this Notice of Reference i ...... OY (b) The Acquiring Authority submits that the value of the property acquired is (state amount, particulars and nature of compensation) (these particulars should be given only if the notice is signed by the Acquiring Authoritv) ...... or (c) Full grounds of appcal or application (including amounts arid particulars)...... (8) Interest in respect of which compensation is claimed ...... (9) Lessee's name and full particulars of tenancy (if any) ...... (IO) Whether the party(ies) by whom this Notice is signed proposes to call an expert witness to give evidence in support of any valuations ...... Dated the ...... I9......

Ad7:ocate for Acquiring Authoril?llCluinimz~. Received on the ...... day of ...... 19

Recirt I'W. Note.-Where any reference is by way of appeal from an authority havin? statutory powers to determine compensation, there shall be sent to the registrar with the notice of reference a copy of the decision, assessment or notice of the determining authority (Rule 3 (2)). 1120

Forria 2. NOTICE RY REGISTRAR. (Rule 4) Compensation Assessment Tribunal, Supreme Court, Nicosia.

7 I9 - Reference No. 119 * Sir, Pursuant io Rule 1of the Compensation Assessment Tribunal Rules, 1956,

I send hcrewith a copy of a Notice of Reference rcceived from 9 of , which has been entered in the Register of References of this Tribunal under Reference No. 119 - 2. You are required to give to me and to the claimant (or Acquiring Authority) at his/their address for service shown in the Notice of Reference, within ten days from to-day, a written notice stating .- (a) the address at which documents may be served upon you ; and (b) whether you propose to call an expert witness to give evidence in support of any valuations. 3. If you intend to call an expert witness you are required to comply n ith the provisions of Rule x9 (3) of the Compensition Assessment Tribunal Rules, '956, thst is to say, to send to me, within 28 days from to-day, a copy of each of the following documents relating to the evidence to he given by your expert witness, together with copies of the documents for service upon the other party(ies), that is to sal .--- (i) every plan and valuation of the land which is the suhjert of the pro- ceedings (includins particulars and computations in support of such valuation) which it is proposed to pit in evidence : (ii) a statement of any prices, costs, or other particulars, and any plans, relating to a property or ploperties other than the said land which are proposed to be given in evidence in support of any such valua- tion, or a statement that no such prices, costs, particulars, or plans will be relied upon. +.--(a) (To t?w C!aiiizant) You are further required to give to me and to the Acquiring Authority at their address for service, within 28 davs from to-day, a writtcn statement showing the amount claimed by you as compen- sation with full particulars thereof. In this connection your attention is invited to Rule 31 of the Compensation Assessment Tribunal Rules, 1956, regarding the fees payable by claimants on exaggerated claims, which provides that whcre the amount warded by the Tribunal in any case is less than tn o-thirds of the amount uf compensation claimed, the claimant shall pay to the Tribunal the undernientioned additional fees :- Amount of claim. Fees in reipct of each day of heariq before thr Tribwal...... 4.-(!) (To th~Acpi~iry Autlio~?fy) You are further req1iired to qivc to me and to the claimant at his address for senice, within 18 days from to-day, a written statement showing the valuation of the land which is the subjcct of the proceedings with full particulars in support thereof. j. You are further requested to supply me with four copies of each of the documents that mill be sent to me (which must be typed double-spaced with suflicient margin). Registrar. ff21

00 00 2%00 2%00 f122

v) 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 00 00 00 8 00 00 99 99 99 99 ? 99 99 4 wit, QBo3 r.H OON ur our UN U U nu

w - 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 El 00 00 00 00 0 00 uro 99 '?? ?? ?? 7 99 4 N ?q N* 3Q ma '0 0 23

Y 00 00 00 i4 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 ?? 'c;"; 99 ?? 'dl WO -2 UN mm Nd- n d-r;88 2: 1123 6 ' b* *I 1124 3 "' 7 p'; APPENDIXC. la FEES. (Rule 48) The following fees shall be paid in stamps to be disposed of as directed in each case :- A mils I. On a notice of reference under rule 3 (to be affixed to the notice) ...... 1.000 2. On any application to thc President or thc Tribunal (to be affixed to the application) ...... 0.500 3. On a notice for a case stited undcr rule 34 (to be affixed to the notice). , ...... 1.000 4. On taxation of a bill of costs : for every EI or fraction thereof claimed (to be affixed to the taxing book) ...... *. 0.025 5. On entering any order, swearing affidavits, issuing summons to witnesses, fimiishing copies of pro- ceedings ...... Same fees as in civil proceed- ings relating to claims of more than E25 to be paid in stamps and disposed of as in civil pro- ceedings. None of the above fees shall be charged in respect of a proceeding taken on behalf of a Government Department.

Given under the hand and official seal of the Governor and the hand of the Chief Justice, at Nicosia, this 28th day of November, 1956. ERICHALLINAN, Chief Justire. - No. 1152. TIHE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (TEMPORARY PROVISIONS) LAW, 1955. --- ORDER IN COUNCIL No. 2888 MADE UNDER SECTION5. In exercise of the powers vested in him by the proviso to section 5 of the Criminal Procedure (Temporary Provisions) Law, 1955, His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executiye Council, has been pleased to order as follows :- I. This Order may be cited as the Criminal Procedure (Temporary Provisions) (Continuance) (No. 2) Order, 1956. 2. The Criminal Procedure (Temporary Provisions) Law, 1955, as amended by the Emergency Powers (Amendment of Law No. 40 of 1955) Regulations, 1956, and by the Emergency Powers (Amendment of Law No. 40 of 1955) (No. 2) Regulations, 7956, shall continue in operation for a period of six months from the 1st day of January, 1957, that is until the 30th day of June, 1957, and shall then expire unless continued in force for any further period or periods of six months by the Governor-in-Council, by Order published in the Gazette, under the provisions of the proviso to section 5 of the said Law. Made this 24th day of November, 1956. By Command of His Excellency the Governor, M. R. POPHAM, Clerk of the Execulive Council. 1125 NO. 1x53. THE CRIMINAL CODE. CAP. 13 AND LAWS27 OF 1949, 12 OF 1951, 28 OF 1952, 4 OF 1953, 45 OF 1953, ZS OF 1954, 20 OF 1955 AND 13 OF 1956. -~ ORDER IN COUNCIL No. 2889 MADE UNDER SECTION60 (d). Whereas by the Unlawful Association (A.K.E.L.) Order, 1955, cap.13 which was published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 14th De- 29 of 1949 cember, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as “ the said Order ”), the organisation 2812of of 19511952 commonly known as “ A.K.E.L.” (‘6 Reform Party of the Working People ”) of 1953 was declared, under paragraph (d) of section 40 of the Criminal Code, 45 of 1953 to be used for the promotion of disorder and of the spread of sedition 28 of 1954 within the Colony and io be proscribed within the Colony : 20 of 1955 13 of 1956. And whereas it is provided, kter alia, under the said paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code that any such order made under the said paragraph shall remain in force for a period of twelve months from the date of its publication in the Gazette and no longer unless renewed for such further period or periods, not exceeding twelve months at any one time, as the Governor in Council may direct by order published in the Gazette : And whereas it is considered desirable to renew the said Order for a further period of twelve months : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in him by para- graph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code, His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order as follows :- I. This Order may be cited as the Unlawful Association (A.K.E.L.) (Continuance) Order, 1956. 2. The Unlawful Association (A.K.E.L.) Order, 1955, is hereby rcnewed for a further period of twelve months as from the 14th December, 1956, inclusive.

Ordered this 24tl1 day of‘ Novembcr, 1956. By Command of His Excellency the Governor,

M, R. PoPrIAM, Clerk of the Executive Council.


CAP. 13 AND SAWS27 017 1949~12 OF 1951, 28 OF 1952, 4 OF 1953, 45 OF 1953, 28 OF I9s+ 20 OF 1955 AND I3 OF 1956. -_- ORDER IN COUNCIL No. 2890 MADE UNDER SECTIONGo (d). Whereas by the Unlawful Association (A.O.N.) Order, 1955, cap.13 which was published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 14th De- 27 of 1949 cember, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as “ the said Order ”), the organisation 12 of 1951 28 of 1952 commonly known as “ A.O.N.” (“ Reform Youth Organization ”) was of 1953 declared, under paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code, to be 45 of 1953 used for the promotion of disorder and of the spread of sedition within 28 of 1954 the Colony and to be proscribed within the Colony : 20 of 1955 13 of 1956, f126 And whereas it is provided, ipiteip alia, under the said paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code that any such order made under the said paragraph shall remain in force for a period of twe!ve months from the date of its publication in the Gazette and no longer unless renewed for such further period or periods, not exceeding twelve months at any one time, as the Governor in Council may direct by order published in the Gazette : And whereas it is considered desirable to rcnew the said Order for a further period of twelve months : Now, therefore, in exercise OS the powers vested in him by para- graph (6) of scction 60 of thc Criminal Codc, Hi; Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order as follows :- I. This Order may be cited as the Unlawful Association (A.O.N.) (Continuance) Order, 1956. 2. The Unlawful Association (A.O.N.) Order, 1955, is hereby renewed for a further period of twelve months as from thc 14th Decembcr, 1956, inclusive. -__- Ordered this 24th day of November, 1956. By Command of His Excellency the Governor, M. R. POPHAM, Clerk of the Executive Council.

No. 1155. THE CRIMINAL CODE. CAP. I3 AND LAWS27 OF 1949, I2 OF 1951, 28 OF 1952, 4 OF 1953, 45 OF 1953, 28 OF 1954, 20 OF 1955 AND I3 OF 1956. ____ ORDER IN COUNCIL No. 2891 MADE UNDER SECTION60 (d). Cap. 13. Whereas by the Unlawful Association (E.A.K.) Order, 1955, 27 of 1949 which was published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 14th De- 12 of 1951 cember, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as “ the said Order ”), the organisation 28 of 1952 4 of 1953 commonly lmown as “ E.A.R.” (‘I Agrarian Union of Cyprus ”) was 45 of 1953 declared, undcr paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code, to be used 28 of 1954 for the promotion of disorder and of the spread of sedition within the Colony 20 of 1955 and to be proscribed within the Colony : 13 of 1956. And whereas it is provided, iiiter diu, under the said paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code that any such order made undcr thc said paragraph shall remain in force for a period of twclve months from the date of its publication in the Gsazettr! and no longer unlcss renewed for such further period or periods, not exceeding twelve months at any one time, as the Governor in Council may direct by order published in the Gazette : And whereas it is considered desirable to renew the said Order for a further period of twelve months : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in him by para- graph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Codc, IIis Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Couiicil, has been pleased to order as follows :- I. This Order inay be cited as the Unlawful Association (E.A.K.) (Continuance) Order, 1956. 1127

2. The Un?lnmful Associstion (EAX~)Order, 1955, is liereby ren~wedfor a further period of imelve months 2.9 from the 14th December, 1956, inclusive.

Brdertd this zqth dzy of November, 1956.

By Comrnar~dof His Excellcnc;. the Governor,

Ti4. R. PO?HAM, Clerk of the Executive Courzcil. ORDER IN CQillNCIL No. 2893 NIADE UNDER SI?CT7ON 60 (d). rag. 23 Whereas by the Uiilawfiil Association (Thcnreticos Democratis) Order, 5.7 of 1949 1955,which ::-as published in Siippleinent No. 3 to the Gaaette of the 14th ?? of 1951 2s of 1952 December, 1955 (hereinafter referred ILO 2.s " the szid Order "1, the body of 4 nE 1953 persons responsible fer the puSicatic11 of tbc newspaper '' Theoretices 4 of 1053 Democratis " was declsred, under paragraph (2)of section 60 of the Crimiid 22 of 1954 Codc, to have amng its aims the proc:otion of disorder and ofthe speed of 20 Qf 1955 sedition within thi: Colony md tu be proscribed within the Coleny : 13 of 1956. And vihercss it is provided, &er Glia9 under the said paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code that any such order made under the said paragraph shdl remain in fcrce for a period of twelve months from the date of its publica.tion in the Gcrzette 2nd no longer unless ewed for sricb further prliod or periods, not cccding twelve moriths at any one time, as the Govenor in Cotncil n2 dlrcct by order pul:lishcd in the Gozeite : And v;hereas it is cailsidcred desirable to renew the said Order for a further period of tvJelve months : Now, therefore, in exercise of the povwrs vested in him by paragraph (d) of section Go of the Criminal Code, His Excellency the Govercor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order 2,s follows :-

I. ?'his @rder may be cited as the Unlawful Association ('l'hecreticos Democratis) (Continuance) Order, 1956.

2. The TTnlawfd Association (Thec;reticos Democratis) Ordcr, 1955, is hereby renewed fox a i'urther period of twelve months as from the I& December, 1256, inclusive.

Ordercd this ~4thday of November, 1956.

Dy Command of His Excellency the Governor, XI. R. POPHAM, @lev/': of the Execzitkit? Co~zcil.

ORDER IN COUNCIL No. 2E94 MAIE ThI'ER %ClICN CO (d). Cap. 13 Wlierras by the Utilzwful Associatioil (Neos Democratis) Order, 27 of 1949 12 of 1951 1955, &ch wa pu'ulislicd in Supplement ho. :$ to the Goreits of the rqth 28 of 1952 December, 1955 (hereinafter refericd to as " the s5d Ordcr '9), tlx body oE 4 of 1953 persox respoiisiblc for thc puLiicatkm of the newspyper " Nens 45 Of lgS3 Dernccratis '' was dec!arcd, under parzpph ($) of sec*ioc Lo cf the Crim;nal i: :::: Code, to ~xvezmong its airs the prtmotion c;f ciisordcr and of tile spread of 13 of 1956. sedition w;tbin the Colony and to be poscillsed 1 And whereas it is provided, &er alia9 under the said paragraph (d) of secticn 60 of the Cricid Cede that any such order made under the said paragraph shcU re~ioi~in force for a period of twelve months from the date of its publication in the Gazetie and no longer unless renewed for such further period or periods, not exceeding t~velvs:months at any one time, as the G017eiTBr in E?ouncil may direct by order pt blished in the Gazette : And tyhereas it is considered desirable to renew the said Order for a further period of twelve months : Now, flerefo'nre, in exercise of the pawers vested in him by pragrapph (d) of section ho of the Criminal Code, His Fxeellency the Governor, with the advicp of thd Executive Cwuicii, has been pleased to order as forlows :-- I. This Grder may be cited as the UiilamfuE Association (Neos Dernocrsris) (Cmtinuance) Order, 1956- 2. The UnlavfuE Associltioa (Neos Demociatis) Order, 113.55, is ewed for a further period of twelve months as from the 14th December, 1956, inclusive. Ordered this aq tb day of Novenber, 1956-

ORDER IN COUNCIL No. "895 M~DEUNDER SrcwoF.r 60 jd). Wheieas by the Unlzdd Assoclxicm (Anexartitos) Order, 1955, cap. 13 \\hi& 37as published iui Supplement No. 3 to the Gazetie of the 14th 27 of 1949 DecLmber, 1955 +ereinafter refen:ed to as '' the said Order the body of 12of1951 28 of 1952 persons responsible for the publication cf the newspaper " Anexartitos " of 1953 was declared, under palagraph (dj of section 60 of the Criminal Code, 45 of 1953 to have among its aims the promotion 01 disorder and of the spread of 28 of 1954 sedition within the Colony and lo be proscribed within the Go!ony : 20 of 1955 13 of 1956. And whereas it is provided, izie~&a9 under the said paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code that any such order made under the said pamgraph shall reiiiajn in force for a period of twelve months from the date of its p&IicZtion in the Gazette and no longer unless renewed for such further period or periods, ixt exceeding twelve months at. any one time, as the Governor in Colmcil niay dircct by order published in the Gazette : And whereas it is considered desirable to renew the said Order for a further period of twelve months: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers %estedin him by paragraph (d) of sectiori 60 of the Ciiminal Code, FFs Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the ExecL.tive Council, has beefi pleased to order as follows :- I. This Order may Cc cited as the Unlawful Association (Anexartitos) (Cmtinuance) Order, 1956. PI30 Z. The Unlmfuu'l Association (Anexartitos) Order, 1955, is hereby renewed for a further period of twelve months as from the 14th December, 1956, inclusive. ~__

Ordered this 24th day of November, 1956-

By Command of Eis Exccllcncv the Governor,

ORDER IN COUNCIL No. 2856 MADE UNDER ShCTIQN 60 (d). Cap. 13 Whereas by the Unlawful Association (Bukilapp) Order, rc)s5, 27 of 1949 which was published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gaxcl'te of the 14th 12 of 1951 December, ~?gs.(hereinafterreferred to 2s " the said Order '-), the body of 2s Of 1952 persons responsib1e for the publication of the nccvspaper '' LzlkrPargl " 4 of 1953 45 of 1953 was declared, under paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code, 28 of 1954 to have among its ahs the promotion of disorder and of the spread of 20 of 1955 sedition within the Colony and to be proscribed within the Cdony : 13 of 1956. And whereas it is provided, infer nib, under the sa;d t'ii section Go of the Cri~inalCode that an; such order mad' ender the said paragraph shall remain in force for a perioil of twelve months from the &ate of its publication in the Gazette and 20 longer ukss renewed for sach lureher period or periods, not exceeciing twelve nionths at any one time, as the Governor in Council may direct by ordcr published in the Gazette : And whereas it is considered desirable to renew the said Order for a further period of twelve months : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in him by parsgraph (d) of section 60 of thc Criminal Code, His Excellency the Goverrlor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order as follows :- I. This may be cited as the UnIawfirl Association (Inkilapp) (Continuance) Order, 1956. 2. The Unlawful Association (linkilapp) Order, 1955, is hereby renewed for a further period of twelve months as trca the 14th Ueccmber, 1956, inclusive.

Ordered this 24th day of November, 1956.

By Command of His Excellency the Goirernor, 1131 No. 1161. THE CRliMINAC CODE. CAP. 13 AND LAWS27 OF 1949, 12 OF 1951,28 OF 1952, 4 OF 1953, 45 OE 1953, 28 OF 1954, 20 OF 1955 AND 13 OF 1956.

ORDER TN COUXUCIL No. 2897 MADF UNDZR SECTION60 (d). Whereas by thc Unlawful Association (Embros) Order, 1956, Cap. 13 which was published in Siippleincfit No. 3 to the Gazette of the 7th 27of194.3 January, 1956 (hereinafter referred to as " the said Order "), the body of ii :i ::$ persons responsible for the publication of the newspaper " Embros '' 4 of 1953 was declared, under pnragiaph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal 45 of 1953 Code, to have among its aims the promotion of disorder and of the spread of 28 of 1954 20 of 1955 sedition within the Colony and to be proscribed within the Coloiiy : 13 of 1956. And whereas it i: y~~iided,iiitev alia, under the said paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Crminal Cotie that any such order made under the said paragraph shall remain in force for a period of twelve months from the date of its publication in the 6; ite aid 110 longer unless renewed for such further period or periods, not exceeding twelve months at any one time, as the Governor in Council inay direct b'j order published in the Gazette : And whereas it is considered desirable to renew the said Order for a further period of twelvc months : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in him by paragraph (d) of section 60 of the Criminal Code, His Excelleiicy the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order as follows :-

I. This Order inay be cjtcd as the Unlawful Association. (Embros) (Continuance) Order, 1956~

2. The Unlawfui Association (Ernbros) Order, 1956, is hereby renewed for a further period of twche months as from the 7th January, 1957, inclusive.

I_-- O;-:lereci chis 24th day of Novcmber, 1956. By Cumnand of 13;s Excellency the Govenior,

M. R. I'OPIlAlLI, Clerk (f the Excmtive Coli wil.


ORDEil MIDB UNDER SECTION 22 (a) (i). Authority to the Impvovernent Board of Komi I(e6ir to contract a loatz.

A. F. J. REDDAWAY, Actifis Administm'ive Secretary. In exercise of the pcwclrs veskcd in me by section 22 (a) (ij of the Vihgcd (Administration and Improvement) Laws, 1950 and 1953, 1, the Acting Administratixie Secretary, do hereby order as follows :- I, The improb-rjment Board of Komi Kebir (hereinafter referred to as " the Board ") shall be at liberty to borrow from the Loan Commissioners i 132 (hereinafter referred to as the Lenders ”) a sum not exceeding five hundred pounds (&oo) at a rate ol interest not exceeding four per centum (4%) per annum, subject to thc following terms and conditions, that is to say :- (a) the sum borrowed shall be repayable by the Board to the Lenders in eight equal annual instalments (comprising sinking fund and interest) ; (b) the sum borrowed shall be utilized by the Board for the asphalting of the village streets.

2. For the purpose of securing the repayment of the sum under the loan, the Board shall, subject to any prior mortgage thereon, mortgage to the Lenders all the ratcs, fees, rents, tolls or charges now payable or hereafter to become payable to the Board.

Made this 24th day of November, 1956. (h1.P. 1IOg.ii;I.)


ORDERMADE UNDER SECTION22 (a) (i). Authority to the Improvement Board oj Episkopi to coatract a loail.

J. F. SYMONS, Acting Administrative Secretary. In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 22 (a)(i) of the Villages (Administration and Improvement) Laws, 1950 and 1953, I, the Acting Administrative Secretary, do hereby order as follows :-

I. The Improvenient Board of 1Zpiskopi (hereinafter referred to as I‘ the Board ”) shall be at liberty to borrow from the Loan Cominissioriers (hereinafter referred to as I‘ the Lenders ”) a sum not exceeding seven thousand, fivc hundred and ten pounds (k7,5Io) at a rate of interest not exceeding four and a quarter per centum (42%) per annum, subject to the following terms and conditions, that is to say:- (a) the sum borrowed shall be repyable by the Board to the Ecnders in fifteen equal annu a1 instalments (comprising sinking fund and interest) ; (b) the sum borrowed shall be utilized by the Board for the improve- ment of the water supply in the village.

2. For the purpose of securing the repayment of the sum under the loan, the Board shall, subject to any prior mortgage thereon, mortgage to the Lenders all the rates, fees, rents, tolls or charges now payable or hereafter to become payable to the Board.

Made this ~6thday of November, 1956. (M.P. I323/53.) I133 No. 1164. THE SUPPLIES AND SERVICES (TRANSITIONAL POWERS) (CYPRTJS) ORDER, 194.6. - ORDERMADE BY THE GOVERNORUNDW. D CE REGULATION 64. Whereas by virtue of the Orders, a appears in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as " rders I'ris Escellency the Governor had arrthorised the use for properties set out in the Secmd Schedule t to as " the lands "), subject to the restrictlo down for a period of six months: And whereas the Orders were subsequ. appearing in the third column of the Schedale heyeto, for a period of six months from the expiration thereof : And whereas the Governor is satisfiecl that the Ian& should continue to bc used for military purposes fgr a further period of six nmnths : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Defence Regulation 64, as set out in the First Sc??eduleto the Supplks aild Services (Transitional Powers) (Cyprus) Order, 1946 (:vhich contimes in force by virtue of thc Supplies and Services (Gontkuance) Order, 1955), His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to order and hereby orders that the aforesaid authorisations for csing the lands for military purposes subject to the restrictions and conditions laid down in the Orders be continued for a further period of six months as from the datc of the expiration of the extending orders and the Orders are hereby extended accordingly. -___ SCHEDULE. ______Not. No. I 1 Not. No. Date of (Gazette j Date of 1 (Gazette Description of Order Suppl. 1 Extending 1 Suppl. Land- WO.3) 1 Order 1 No. 3)

15.10.1955 292 Land at Eylenja village. 18.10.1955 289 Building and land at Ka- tholiLi Quarter, Limassol. 19.10.1955 "94 Pinewood VaILey Hotel, Pedhoulas village. 19.10.1955 "97 Grand, Splendid, Pendeli and Pafsilypon Motels at Platres. 20.10.1955 295 Houses Nos. 25-27, Road, Nicosia. 22.10.1955 296 3 shop at Spyros Araouzos Street, Limassol. 23. IO. 1955 29 1 Land at Eylenja village. 27. IO. 1955 290 Ladat Stroumbi. I .I 1.19955 "93 I' Elsy " Hotel and adjacent land. 10.11.1955 334 ' Sumach " Factory and land at Katholiki Quarter Limassol. 2.12.1955 470 Hekali and Makris Hotels at Kaknpetria. 9.12.1955 47 * Petit Palais Hotel, Platres.

Made this 23rd day of November, 1956. By Command of His Excellency the Governor, A. F. J. REDDAWAY, (M.P. 1422/56/2.) Acting Admir2istrative Secretary. 1134 No. 1165. THE SUPPLIES AND SERVICES (TRANSITIONAL POWERS) (CYPRUS) ORDER, 1946.

ORDERMADE BY THE GQVERNORUNDER DEFENCEREGULATION 64. Whereas by virtue of the Orders, a list of which appears in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as " the Orders "), His Excellency the Governor had authorised the use for military purposes of the lands and properties set out in the Second Schedule to the Orders (hereinafter referred to as " the lands "), subject to the restrictions and conditions therein laid down for a period of six mnnths as from the dates thereof: And whereas the Governor is satisfied that the lands should continue to be used for military purposes for a further period of six months as from the expiration of the Orders: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Defence Regulation 64, as set out iii the First Schedule to the Supplies and Services (Transitional Powers) (Cyprus) Order, 1946 (which continues in force by virtue of the Supplies and Services (Continuance) Order, 1955), His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to order and hereby orders that the aforesaid authorisations for using the lands for military purposes be continued for a further period of six months from the date of the expiration of the Orders, subject to the restrictions aid conditions laid down in the Orders, and the Orders are hereby extended accordingly.


Not.No. I Date of Date of (Suppl. 1 Description of Land Order Gazette No* 3) I 25.2.1956 8.3.1956 161 House at . 29.2.1956 8.3.1956 I 62 Land at Ibrahim Pasha and Arab Ahrnet Quarters, Nicosia. 9-4-1956 19.4.1956 306 Land at . I I .4.1956 19.4.1956 307 Land at Ghiflikoudhia Quarter, Limassol. 18.4.1956 26.4.1956 330 House and " International " Cafe at Platres. 24.4.1956 26.4.1956 33' Land at Bomos. 24.4. I956 26.4.1956 Land at Ayia Phyla, Limassol. 24.4.1956 7.6.r956 :;; Coeur de Lion Hotel, . 27.4.1956 36I956 363 Land at . 9.5.1956 10.5.1956 379 Property at Pano Kyrenia. 25.5.1956 30.5.1956 437 Land at Polemidhia. 29.5.195$ 30.5J956 43 8 Land at I

Made this 23rd day of November, 1956.

By Command of His Excellency the Governor,

A. F. 1. REDDAWAY, (M.P. 1422/56/2.) Acting Administratice Secretary. 1135 No. 1166. THE SUPPLIES AND SERVICES (TRANSITIONAL POWERS) (CYPRUS) ORDER, 1946.

REVOCATION01: ORDER MADE BY THE GOVERNORUNDER DEFENCE REGULATION64. In exercise of the powers vested in him by Defence Regulation 64, as set out in the First Schedule to the Supplies and Services (Transitional Powers) (Cyprus) Order, 1946 (which continues in force in consequence of the Supplies and Services (Continuance) Order, 1955, His Excellency the Governor hereby revokes the Order made by him under Defence Regulation 64 and published under Notification No. 547 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 17th September, 1955, w&hout prejudice to anything done or left undone thereunder. --_- Made this 19th day of November, 1956, By Command of His Excellency the Governor, A. F. J. REDDAWAY, (M.P. 14222/56/18.) Acting Administrative Secretary.

No. 1x67. THE LAND ACQUISITION LAW. CAP. 233 AND LAWS26 OF 1952,43 OF 1955 AND 22 OF 1956.

NOTIFICATIONUNDER SECTION7. Whereas by notification published under No. 154 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 1st March, 1956,the Governor declared the building of residential quarters for members ol' the Cyprus Police Force to be an undertaking of public utility : And whereas the Commissioner of Limassol by notice publishedunder No. 980 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 12th October, 1956, gave particulars of the land required in connection mith the aforesaid undertaking of public utility hereinafter referied to as " the land " : And whereas part of the land has since been purchased by agreement, but plots 144/4/1/5,144/3/1/~4 and 144/4/1/2remain to be acquired : And whereas the Commissioner nf Limassol forwarded to the Governor the required rccommendations, plan and particulars in connection with the said plots, and no objections to the proposed acquisition having been made : And nhcieds the Go nor has appiovd tb~pbn and particulars submhrl and has consiclcrccl it c ipcdient, having regard to all thc circum- stances of the case, that the iemxning plots be acquired : Now, ilicrefox, in cyerc:~of the poneis vested in him by section 7 of the Land Acquicitioi I,m, thL Go-v eirioi docs keieby sanction the acquisition under the provisioris of the said Lan , of the remaining plots of land.

Made this 23rd day of November, 1956. By Cornrcland of IHis Excellency the Governor, A. Y. J. RLDDAWAY, (NI .P. I 450/56/ I 0 .) Acting Adiniristrative Secretary. 1196 No. 1268. THE EMERGENCY POWERS (PUBLIC SAFETY AND ORDER) REGULATIONS, 1955 TO (No. 15) 1956.

ORDERMADE UNDER REGULATION44. In exercise of the powers vested in His Excellency the Governor by Regulation 44 of the Emergency Powers (Public Safety and Order) Regula- tions, 1955 to (No. 15) 1956, and delegated to me by Notification No. 736 published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 26th November, 1955, I, Warren Frederick Martin Clemens, Commissioner of Nicosia, do hereby give notice that in the interests of public order and safety and for maintaining supplies and services essential to the life of the Community, have taken possession with immediate effect of the sites specified in the Schedule hereto for a period of twelve months from the date hereof. 2. The use of the said sites required for Static Water Tanks is hereby authorized. 3. The authority using the sites in pursuance of this Order is entitled to do thereon or in relation thereto such acts as may be necessary for the purpose of their occupation. 4. The exercise of any right of way over the sites and of any other right relating thereto which is enjoyed by any person whether by virtue of an interest in the sites or otherwise is hereby prohibited during the period this Order shall remain in force. SCHEDULE. All those privately owned lands situated at Omorphita, Palouriotissa, Beuyuk Kaimakli, and Ayios Dhometios villages and at Ayios Ioannis, Haydar Pasha and Ayios Andreas Quarters of Nicosia town, that is to say :- (U) the land forming part of plot No. 237 of Block A, Omorphita village, with right of way thereto by the shortest route from the public road ; (b) the lands forming parts of plots Nos. 342 and 261 of Block A and E, respectively, Palouriotissa village, with right of way thereto by the shortest route from the public road ; (E) the land forming part of plot No. 122 of Block B, Beuyuk Kaimakli village ; (d) the land forming part of plot No. 263 of Block A, Strovolos village ; (e) the land forming part of plot No. 289 of Block A, Ayios Dhometios village, with right of way thereto by the shortest route from the public road; (f) the land forming part of plot Nos. 3 and I/I of Block 20, Ayios Ioannis Quarter, Nicosia town, with right of way thereto by the shortest route from the public road ; (g) the land, together with the water tank erected thereon forming part of plot No. 72 of Block 15, Haydar Pasha Quarter, Nicosia town, with right of way thereto by the shortest route from the public road: and (h) the land forming part of plot No. 89 of Block 26, Ayios Andreas Quarter, Nicosia town, all which said lands are more particularly defined by the areas coloured red on the plans signed by the Commissioner, Nicosia and Kyrenia, and dated the 2Ist November, 1956,copies of which have been deposited in his office at Nicosia. Made this zIst day of November, 1956. W. F. M. CLEMENS, Commissioner of Nicosia and Kyrenia. 1137 No. 1169. THE LAND ACQUISITION LAW. CAP. 233 ANN3 LAWS26 OF 1952,43 OF 1955 AND 22 OF 1956.

NOTICEUNDER SECTION6. With reference to Notification No. 497 published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 12th August, 1954 (as amended by Notification No. 561 published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 9th September, 1954) notice is hereby given that the following lands are required for the under- taking of public utility mentioned therein :- All those areas of privately owned lands, with everything standing thereon, comprising 14 donums, 2 evleks and 1,400 sq. ft. or thereabouts, including parts of plots Nos. 5, 6, 12 and 7 of Block C, Ayios Dhometios village and parts of Flots Nos. 27 and zjz of Block B of the said village, more particularly defined as the area3 coloured red and green on the plan marked " Trunk Road A, Nicosia " dated the 2nd November, 1956, and signed by the Director of Public Works. Note,-The areas coloured green on the said plan are to form road protecting strips and the intention is not to cede them to the public road. 2. Any person ciaiming to have any right or interest in the said lands who objects to the acquisition is required within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice to send to me a statement of his right and interest and of the evidence thereof, and of any claim made by him in respect of such right or interest. 3. The Government is willing to treat for the acquisition of the said lands. 4. The plan referred to above is available for inspection at my office.

The 14th day of November, 1956. W. I;. M. CLEMENS, (M.P. 1600/55/A.) commissioner of ATicosiu and kyreniu.

- No. 1x70. THE LAND ACQUISITION LAW. CAP. 233 AND LAWS26 OF 1952 AND 22 OF 19j6. ____- NOTICEUNDER SECTION6. With reference to the Notification No. 466 published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 7th lune, 1956, notice is hereby given that the following lands are required for the undertaking of public utility mentioned therein :- All those areas of privately owned lands, with everything standing thereon, situated at Kato and Pano Dhikomo villages comprising one donum and 1,700 square feet or thereabouts, forming parts of plots Nos. 121, 120, 119, 118, 115, 114 and 28 of the Government Survey Plan No. ~11.54,more pzrticularly defined as the area coloured red on the plan signed by the Director of Water Development and dated 15th November, 1956. 2. Any person claiming to have any right or interest in the said lands who objects to the acquisition is required within six weeks from the date of the publication of this norice to send to me a statement of his right and interest and of the evidence thereof, and of any claim made by him in respect of such right or interest. 3. The Government is willing to treat for the acquisition of the said lands. 4. A plan showing the lands described above is available for inspection at my office in Kyrenia.

-s_s The 19th day of November, 1956. W. F. M. CLEMENS, (M.P. 171/56.) Commissioner of Nicosia and Ir=yvnia, 1138 No. 1171. THE CURFEWS LAWS, 1955. LAWSI7 AND 47 OF 1955.

ORDPKMADE UNDER SECTION2. In exercise of the powers vested in the Governor by section z of the Curfews Laws, 1955, and delegated to me under section 2A of the said Laws by Notification No. (766 published in Supplement No, 3 to the Gazette of the 19th July, 1956, I do hereby order as follows :- I. This Order may be cited as the Curfews ( No. 39) Order, 1956. 2. No pcrson within the arm pl-cscribcd in thc First Schedule hereto shall be out of doors betwcen thc hours prcscribed in the Second Schedule hereto except under the authority of a written permit granted by the Com- missioner of Nicosia or the Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of the area. 3. Provided that this Order shall not apply to any member of the Executive Council, Her Majesty’s Forces, or the Cyprus Police Force. This Order shall come into force on the 20th day of November, 1956.

FIRSTSCHEDULE. The village area of Dhenia. SECONDSCHEDULE. From 05.00 hours until further notice.

Ordered this 20th day of November, 1956. W. F. M. CLEMENS, (M.P. 1267.) Coinmissioner of Nicosia.

No. 1172. THE CURFEW§ LAWS, 1955. LAWS17 AND 47 OF 1955.

ORDERMADE UNDER SECTION2. In exercise of the powers vested in the Governor by section z of the Curfews Laws, 1955, and delegated to me under section 2A of the said Laws by Notification No. 666 published in Supplement No, 3 to the Gazette of the 19th July, 1956, I do hereby order as follows :- I. This Order may be cited as the Curfews ( No. 29) Order, 1956. 2. No person within the area prescribed in the First Schedule hereto shall be out of doors between the hours prescribed in the Second Schedule hereto except under the authority of a written permit granted by the Commissioner of Limassol or the Assistant Cornmissioncr of Police in charge of the area: Provided that this Order shall not apply to any member of the Executive Council, Her Majesty’s Forces, or the Cyprus Police Force. This Order shall come into force on the 10th day of November, 1956. FIRSTSCHEDULE. The arca of the town of 1,imassol within and including the following boundaries :- From the sea shore north along Rugustas Theodoras street, aloiig Zenon street, then along Gladstone street and Nmarino strect, then along 1139 Eleftheria street, Victoria street, Djami street, Agora street up to the Customs entrance. Then along the sea front to the junction of Olympios street and Sir Herbert Richmond Palmer street. SECONDSCHEDULE. From 05.30 p.m. until 5 a.m. nightly until further notice.

Ordered this 10th day of November, 1956. R. C. ROSS-CLUNIS, (M.P. 1267.) Commissioner of Limassol.

No. 1173. THE CURFEWS LAWS, 1955. LAWS 17 AND 47 OF 1955. _-- ORDERMADE UNDER SECTION2. In exercise of the powers tested in the Governor by section ZA of the said Laws by Notification No. 666 published in Supp!ement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 19th July, 1956, I do hereby order as follows :- I. This Order may be cited as the Curfews ( District No, SI) Order, 1956. 2. No person within the arca described in the Schedule hereto shall be out of doors between the hours of 17.30 and 05.00 daily, except on the authority of a written permit granted by the Assistant Commissioner, Lefka, or the Superintendent of Police, Leflia, until further notice : Provided that this order shall not sppply to any person who is not a Greek Cypriot, male or fcmale, born on or after the 1st January, 1930. SCHEDULE. The Municipal boundaries of .

Made this 19th day of November, 1956.

C. M. THOM, Assistairt Commissioner of Lefka.


ORDERMADE UNDER ~ZEGULAT~QN40. In exercise of the powers vested in me by Regulation 40 of the Emergency Powers (Public Safety and Order.) Regvlations, 1955 to (No. 15) 1956, I, the Commissioner of Limasso!, do hereby order that the premises commonly known as Pallas Cinema situate at Ayi't Zoni street, Limassol, shall be closed and shall remain c!osed Ixtmeen the hours 17.30 and 23.30 hours daily from the 17th Novcmber, 1956, until further notice. ____ Made this 17th day of November, 1956.

R. C. ROSS-CLUNIS, (M.P. 1267/3.) Commissioner of Limassol. 1/40 NO. 1175. THE EMERGENCY POWERS (PUBLIC SAFETY AND ORDER) REGULATIONS, 1955 TO (No. 14) 1956.

ORDER MADE UNDER REGULATION34 (I) (b). In exercise of the powers vested in the Governor under paragraph 34 (I)(b) of the above Regulations and delegated to me by Notification No. 807 published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 2znd December, 1955, I, the Commissioner of Limassol, hereby prohibit the use or circulation of motor cycles and bicycles within the municipal limits of Limassol within the area defined in the Schedule hereto, daily as from the 15th November, 1956, and until further notice. I further order that no motor cycle or bicycle shall be left on any public street or place at any timc within the municipal limits of Limassol : Provided that no motor cycle or bicycle shall be used or circulated within the municipal limits of Limassol between the hours of 6 p.m. and 4 a.m. daily: Provided further that this Order shall not apply to members of Her Majesty’s Forces and the Cyprus Police Force, or to persons duly authorized by the Commissioner in writing. My order dated 25th October, 1956, published under Notification No. 1065 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazefte No. 3995 of Sth November, 1956, is hereby cancelled. SCHEDILE. The area bounded by that branch of the Garyllis river which passes under Four Lanterns Bridge up to its junction with the by-pass, along the by-pass (excluded) to Byron street, along Byron street (excluded) to the sea.

Made this 15th day of November, 1956.

R. C. ROSS-CLUNIS, (M.P. 1267/3.) Commissioner of Limassol.


NOTICETJNDER SECTION12. In exeicise of the powers vested in me by section 12 of the Sheep and Goats (Shepherds’ Licensing and Control) Law, 1 hereby direct that during the period between the 1st Decmher, 1956, and 31st January, 1957, flocks within the area of Aradhippou, in the District of Larnaca, shall, between the hours of sunset and sunrise, be kept inside an enclosure and not taken outside an enclosure : Provided that nothing in this notice contained shall prevent the driving of any flock under the proper charge of a licensed shepherd, from one village area to another, along any public road, at any hour.

Dated this 17th day of November, 1956,

I. M. G. WILLIAMS, Commissioner of Larnaca, 1141

- I ------I

-_- ’ I 7---- M m 0 .3 N t- c Uo 2 U2::

... . ORDERUNDER SECTION2. In exercise of the powers vested in the Governor by section 2 of the Burials Law and delegated to me by Notification No. 172 published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 19th June, 1947, I, the Commissioner of the District of , do hereby order that a new burial ground shall be provided, under the provisions of the said Law, for use by the Moslem community of the village of Lapithiou, in the District of Paphos, in lieu of the burial ground now in use by the said community.

Dated this 10th day of Noveinbcr, 1956.

0. 1’. MUFTIZADE, (M.P. 1798/50.) Commissioner of Paphos.

NO. 1179. THE SEEDS LAIV, 1954.


In exercise of the powers vested in nie by section I I of the Seeds I,aw, 1954, I, the Director of Agriculture, do hereby order that the validity of Notification No. 1020 of zznd October, 1956, published in the Gazette of the 25th October, 1956, be extended until the 31s: December, 1956.

Dated this 20th day of November, 1956.

13. HIRST, Achg Rii,ertor of Agriculture.



Gazettes : It is hereby notified that the employers’ side of the Port Labour Board Supplemeat of Limassol has revolted the nomination of Mr. Phacdon Constantinides No. 3: as a representative member of the said Board and has nominated Mr. 10.1.1953 George polyviou Catsounotos in his stead a6 from the 1st November, to 1956, and that the constitution of the said Board has been amended 31.3.1955. accordingly. -- Dated this 23rd day of Novcmber, 1956. (M.P. 1522/53.) 1143 No. 1181. THE VILLAGES (ADMINISTRATION AND IMPROVEMENT) LAWS, 1950 AND 1953.

BYE-LAWSMADE BY THE IMPROVEMENT BOARDOF KOPHINOU. In exercise of the powers vested in them by section 24 of the Villages 12 of 1950 (Administration and Improvement) Laws, 1950 and 1953, the Improvement 18 of 1950 31 of 1953. Board of Kophinou hereby make the following bye-laws :-

I. These Bye-laws may be cited as the Villages (Administration and Gazette: Improvement) Kophinou (Amendment) Bye-laws, 1956, and shall be pt$qrnent read as one with the Villages (ddministration and Improvement) Kophinou 20,8.1&3. Bye-laws, 1953 (hereinafter referred to as “ the principal Bye-laws ”), and the principal Bye-laws and these bye-laws may together be cited as the Villages (Administration and Improvement) Kophinou Bye-laws, 1953 and 1956.

2. Paragraph (I) of Bye-law 26 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted therefor :- (‘ (I) The following fees shall be paid by the owner of or the person slaughtering any animal in the appropriate slaughterhouse, that is to say :-- Mils (a) For every bullock, camel, cow or ox not exceeding thirty okes in weight ...... IO0 (b) For every bullock, camel, cow or ox exceeding thirty okes in weight ...... I50 (c) For every goat, kid, lamb or sheep of six okes or over in weight ...... *. 3”

(d) For every kid or lamb under six okcs in weight , I 20 ”,

3. Paragraphs (I) and (2) of Bye-law 37 of the principal Bye-laws arc hereby repealed and the following paragraphs substituted therefor :- ‘‘ (I) The following fees shall be paid by every person exposing for sale any perishable goods in the market of perishable goods, that is to say :- Mils (a) When the value of such goods is under one hundred

mils ...... 1. U. .. ~. IO (b) When the value of such goods exceeds one hundred mils but does not exceed two hundred mils . . -. I5 (c) When the value of such goods exceeds two hundred mils but does not exceed four hundred mils . . . . 20 (d) When the value of such goods exceeds four hundred mils but does not exceed seven hundred and fifty mils 25 (e) When the value of such goods exceeds seven hundred and fifty mils but does not exceed one thousand mils 30 (f) When the value of such goods exceeds one thousand mils but does not exceed two thousand mils . . *. 35 (g) When the value of such goods exceeds two thousand mils but does not exceed four thousand mils . . .. 50 (2) If the value of silch goods exceeds four thousind mi’s, a fee of IO mils for each additional pound or fraction thereof shall be added to the aforementioned fee of 50 mils”. 1144 4. Paragraph (I) of Bye-law 51 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted therefor :-

I‘ (I) The following fees shall be paid by every person exposing for sale any fresh meat in the meat market, that is to say:- Mils (a) For every carciss of sheep or goat or part thereof . . 30 (b) For every carcass of a young lamb or kid of less than six okes in wcight or part thereof ...... 20 (c) For every carcass of ox, camel, cow or bullock or part thereof not exceeding thirty okes in weight . . .. IO0 (d) For every carcass of ox, camel, cow or bullock or part thereof exceeding thirty okes in weight but not exceeding sixty okes in weight...... 200 (e) For every carcass of ox, camel, cow or bullock or part thereof exceeding sixty okes in weight .. . . 300 ”.

5. Paragraph (I) of Bye-law 65 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby amended by thc deletion therefrom of the words “ two piastres ” (line 2) and the substitution therefor of the figure and word “ IO mils”.

6. Paragraph (I) of Bye-law 75 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted therefor :-

“ (I) The following tolls shall be paid by the owner of or the person exposing for sale any animal in the inarket of animals, that is to say :-

(U) For every horse or mule...... (b) For every ass or ox ...... (c) For every camel ...... (d) For every sheep, goat or swine ...... (e) For every kid, lamb, or suckling pig ...... (f) For every live chicken ...... (g) For every live fowl ...... (A) For every live turkey ......

7. Paragraph (4) of Bye-law IIO of the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted therefor :-

I‘ (4) The fee payable for any licence granted under paragraph (I) of this Bye-law shall be determined in each case by the Board but shall in no case exceed 4000 mils per year or part thereof ”.

8. Bye-1a.w 117 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby amended by the deletion of the words “three shillings” in the fifth line of the proviso thereto and the substitution therefor of the words (‘one hundred and fifty mils ”.

9. Paragraph (2) of Bye-law 135 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby amended by the deletion therefrom of the figure and word “ IO shillings ” (line z) and the substitution therefor of the figure and word 500 mils ”.

IO. Paragraph (2) of Bye-law 136 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby amended by the deletion therefrom of the words “ ten shillings ” (line 2) and the substitution therefor of the figure and word “ 500 mils ”.

11. Paragraph (3) of Byc-law 139 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby amcnded by the deletion thcrefr-om of the figure and word “ z shillings ” and the substitution therefor of the figure and word “ 1000 mils ”. 1145

12. Paragraph (2) of Bye-law 155 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted therefor :-

" (2) The following fees shall be paid by every hawker in respect of every day upon which he hawks goods within the Improvement Area, that is to say :- Mils (a) When the value of the goods hawked does not exceed E1 ...... IO (6) When the value of the goods hawked does not exceed L3 ...... I5 (c) When the value of the goods hawked exceeds E3 but does not exceed Ero ...... 20 (d) When the value of the goods hawked exceeds EIO . . 50 Provided that, in lieu of the above fees, a lump sum not exceeding ten pounds may be paid annually by the persons who come to the village selling their produce in vans, or other similar vehicles ".

13. Paragraph (I) of Bye-law 160 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted therefor :-

" (I) The following charges shall be paid by every person posting or exhibiting any advertisement or notice on any hoarding, that is to say :-

Size of Advertisement OY Notice not exceeding- 2 ft. xz ft. 3 ft. x3 ft. mils mils (a) For each day ...... I5 .. 30 (b) For each week or part thereof . . .. 50 .. IO0 (c) For each month or part thereof .. 150 . . 250". 14. Paragraph (I) of Bye-law 178 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted therefor :-

" (I) Whenever any authorized weigher is requested by any person to weigh, measure or test any goods other than any of the goods enumerated in the Second Schedule hereto, such person shall pay to the authorized weigher upon such weighing or measuring or testing a fee at the rate of one mil per three okes in respect thereof and such authorized weigher shall give to the person paying the same a printed receipt in respect thereof from a counterfoil book in such form as the Board may from time to time prescribe and every person paying any such fee shall require the authorized weigher to whom the same is paid to furnish him with such printed receipt :

Provided that-

(a) fractions under 2 mils shall not be collected; (b) for fractions of z mils and over and under 4 mils the sum of 3 mils shall be collected ; (c) for fractions of 4 mils and over and under 5 mils the sum of 5 mils shall be collected. Provided also that the minimum fee for any one weighing or measuring or testing shall be 5 mils".

15. Bye-la\% 179 of thc principal Rye-l'twws is hereby amended by the deletion therefrom of thc words " four ancl a half piastres " (line 3) and the substitution therefor of the figure and word " z; mils ". 1146 16. Paragraph (I) of Bye-law 185 of the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted therefor :-

“ (I) Every person who, within the Improvement Area, carries on, exercises or practises any profession, business, trade or other calling, as hereinafter mentioned, shall in every year pay a fee in accordance with the following scale, as the Board may in each case determine :- Mils (a) Barbers ...... IO00 (6) Bakers, butchers, clubs, contractors, dentists, medical practitioners, chemists, pharmacists, mineral water manufacturers, pianists, band-masters, photo- graphers, shoe-makers, telegraph agencies . . . . 5000 (c) Hotel keepers, boarding house keepers lodging house keepers or khan ke-pers ...... TO00 (d) Keepers of coffee-houses,drapery shops, grocery shops, restaurants or any other class of shops . . . . 5000 (e) Individuals keeping motor cars for public hire, per motor car ...... 3000 (f) Motor car companies, partnerships or agencies keeping motor cars for public hire ...... 5000 (g) Merchants, money-lenders, business men, manufac- turers ...... 5000 (11) Persons carrying on within the Improvement Area any profession, business, trade or other calling not enumerated above ...... 5000”. 17. The Second Schedule to the principal Bye-laws is hereby repealed and the following Schedule substituted therefor :-

‘(SECOND SCIIEDIJLE. GOODS ‘r0 BE WEIGHED, MISASURED OK ‘l’E8‘1’ED CINDER SECTION 26 OF THE LAW AND FEES PAYABLE FOR ?‘HE WEIGHING, MEASURING OK TESTING THEREOF. (Bye-law 177). Fees for ary quaiitity Minimum in excess of the Item weight. Fees. mininaum height. No. Goods. Olzes Mils Mils per IO okes or part thereof:

I. Almonds ...... IO ’* 5 .. 3 2. Aniseed ...... 20 .. 8 .. 3 20 3. Barley ...... ** s .. 3 4. Beans . . +. .. 20 *. 8 .. 3 5. Butter (of milk) . . .. IO . . 55 5 peroke or part thereof 6. Butter, other, such as coco- line, vegetaline, etc. .. IO 7. Carobs, natural or ground 40 8. Carobs, natural or ground, on exportation . . .. 40 *‘ 5 .. 3 9. Charcoal ...... 20 5 .. 3 IO, Coal ...... 40 .. IO .. 3 I I. Colocas . . .R e. 20 .. 8 .. 3 I5 12. Cotton, unginncd . I .. 40 .. .. 3 13. Cotton, ginned . . .. 20 .. IO .. 5 14. Cotton seed .. e. 20 .. 5 . .. 3 1147 Fees for any quantity in excess of the Minimum minimum weight. Item weight. Fees. Mils per IO okes or No. Goods. Okes Mils part thereof: 15. Cumin seed *. .. 20 .. 5 .. 3 16. Favetta ...... 20 .. $ .. 3 17. Flour ...... 20 .. 5 .. 3 18. Fruit, fresh (other than lemons and oranges) . . IO .. 5 19. Fruit, dry (raisins, dry or boiled) ...... 20 .. 13 .. 5 20. Fruit, dry (with shells re- moved) ...... IO .. 13 .. IO 21. Fuel ...... 40 ,. IO .. 3 22 Gypsum ...... 40 *. 5 .. 3 23. Gypsum, on exportation outside the Colony e. 75 .. IO .. 3 24. Hazelnuts ...... IO .. 5 e. 3 25. Hay ...... 40 .. IO '. 3 26. Konari ...... 20 .. 5 .. 3 27. Lime ...... 40 .. IO I. 3 28. Linseed ...... 20 s. 5 .. 3 29. Mavrokokko .. .. 20 .. 5 .. 3 30. Nuts ...... IO .. 8 .. 5 31. Oats .. a. *. 20 .. 5 .. 3 32. Oil, olive ...... IO .. 13 .. IO 33. Oil, other ...... IO .. 13 .. IO 34. Olives ...... 20 .. 13 .. 5 35. Olive stones .. *. 40 *. 5 .. 3 36. Onions ...... 20 .. 5 .. 3 37. Peas and other pulse .. 20 .. 5 .. 3 38. Potatoes ...... 20 .. 5 .. 3 39. Pumice stone . . .. 40 .. IO .. 3 40. Sesame ...... 20 .. 5 .. 3 41. Silk ...... 3 50 I 5 per oke or part thereof 42. Si!k cocoons, dry . . .. IO .. 80 8 ,, ,, ,, 9, 7, 43. Silk cocoons, fresh . . .. 5 ** 13 .. 5 44. Straw ...... *. .. .I 40 5 3 45. Straw, on exportation out- side the Colony .. 75 .. IO .. 3 46. Sumac ...... 40 .. IO .. 3 47. Terra umbra, natural, in lumps or ground .. 40 .. IO .. 3 48. Terra umbra, calcined, in lumps or ground . . 40 .. IO .. 3 49. Vetches ...... 20 .. $ .. 3 50. Vicos ...... 20 .. 5 .. 3 51. Wheat ...... 20 I. 5 .. 3 52. Wines and Spirits . . .. 20 .. IO .. 5 53. Wood ...... 40 *. 5 .. 3 54. Wool ...... 40 *. 55 .. IO 55. Zivania : weighing and testing by Sikes's hydro- meter ...... 4" *. IO .. 3 56 Zivania : weighing and testing by Cartier's hydrometer , e. 40 .. IO .. 3 1148 Fees for any quantity in excess of the minimum measure. Item Minimum Fees. Mils per IOO or No. Goods. measure. Mils part thereof. 57. Lemons ...... IO0 .. IO .. 10 58. Oranges (Jaffa) . . .. IO0 .. I5 .. I5 59. Oranges (other kinds) and grape fruit . . .. 100 .. I5 .. Fees shall be calculated on the actual weight of the goods weighedI5. at the above rates : Provided that- (a) fractions under 2 mils shall not be collected ; (b) for fractions of two mils and over and under 4 mils the sum of 3 mils shall be collected : (c) for fractions of 4 mils and over and under 5 mils the sum of 5 mils shall be collected: Provided also that the minimum fee for any one weighing or measuring or testing shall be 5 mils ”. The above bye-laws have been approved by the Acting Administrative Secretary. (M.P. 1250 /53.)

No. 1182. THE IRRIGATION DIVISTONS (VILLAGES) LAWS. CAP. 111. In pursuance of the provisions of section 19 of the Irrigation Divisions (Villages) Laws, Cap. 111, the following rules made by the Committee of the Irrigation Division of “ Plakos ” Styllos, in the District of , are published in the Gazette. IRRIGATIONDIVISION OF “ PLAKOS” STYLLOS. Rules. 1. These Rules maybe cited as the Irrigation Division of “Plakos” Styllos Rules, 1956. 2. In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires- “ Commissioner ” means the Commissioner of the District of Famagusta. ‘‘ Committee ” means the Committee of the Irrigation Division. ‘‘ Irrigation Division” means the Irrigation Division of “ Plakos ”. “ Law ” means the Irrigation Divisions (Villages) Laws, Cap. 111. “ List ” means the list of the names and residences of the proprietors end of the lands and extent thereof which are to be benefited or are capable of being benefited by the works prepared under the provisions of section 15 of the Law as finally scttled under the provi.;ions of section 16 of the Lyv. “ Works means the irrigation works of the Irrigation Division. 3. The Committee shall hold office for a period of three years beginning on the 23rd September, 1956. Thereafter the election of the Committee shn!! take place every third year in the first week of the month of September and it shall hold ofice for a pericd of three years from the day next following its election. 4.--(1) The Committee shall appoini a treasurer who shall collect the rates and charges assessed upon the proprietors mentioned in the list. (2) The treasurer shall, on the 31st October, in every year, prepare a statement of all rates or charges still due and unpaid on that date and shall forward such statement to the Commissioner. (3) The treasurer shall be unpaid : Provided that he shall be paid such of his out of pocket expenses as may be sanctioned by the Committee. (4) The treasurer shall be appointed for such period as the Committee may fix but in nocase exten&g over the term of office of the Committee appointing such treasurer. 5. Every proprietor mentioned in the list shall pay a rate not exceeding E0.500 mils per annum as may be prescribed by the Committee from time to time for every Government donum of land owned by such proprietor which is benefited or is capable of being benefited by the works. 6. All rates assessec! under the provisions of the Law and of these rules shall be paid on or before the 31st October in every year. 7. The list shall be examined annually not later than the 1st day of September, in every year, by the Committee who shall have power to amend same as in section 16 (6) of the Law provided. 8. The annual estimates of the Irrigation Division shall he submitted by the Committee to the Commissioner for approval not later than the 1st day of January, in every year. 1149 9. The Committee shall from time to time authorize the treasurer to pay out of the money in his hands any sum required- (a) for the works or for the maintenance or repairs thereof; (6) for any purpose approved by the Commissioner in connection with the operations of the Irrigation Division provision for which is made in any estimates approved by the Com- missioner ; and (c) for any compensation payable under sections 32 to 36 of the Law, whenever there are funds at the disposal of the treasurer or of the Committee sufficient to meet any amount payable as compensation under the provisions of these sections. 10. The Committee may from time to time appoint such person or persons as may be required for the purpose of carrying out any work or for the performance of any duty under the provisions of these Rules, and fix the remuneration of such person or hersons : Provided that the person or persons appointed for carrying out any work shall be first appointed by the Cornmissioner. 11. During the months of September andor October, in every year, the Committee shall cause the works to be properly cleared and repaired. 12.41) No person shall- (a) enlarge or lessen the width of any branch or channel ; (6) open a new channel ; (c) in any way interfere with the water or the works, without the licence in writing of the Committee previously obtained and subject to such terms and conditions as the Committee may impose and if any person to whom such licence has been granted acts in contravention or fails or neglects to observe the terms and conditions thereof, he shall be guilty of an offence against this rule. (2) No licence shall be granted under this rule until after the expiration of ten days from the posting in a conspicuous part of the village of Styllos of a notice of the intended licence so that any objection to the grant thereof may be made and considered by the Committee. 13. Every proprietor through whose lands there pass any channels shall at all times keep such part of such channels as may pass through his lands, clean and free from all obstructions whatso- ever and if he fails to do so the Committee niay cause any obstructions to be removed from such part of the channel and the cost therefor shall be paid by the proprietor concerned in addition to the rate payable by such proprietor under rule 5 without prejudice to any other liability of such person for the breach of this rule. 14.-(1) Every proprietor through whose lands there pass any branch channels shall, not later than the 15th day of September, in every year, repair such channels and clear them of all obstructions and if he fails to do so. the Committee shall cause such channels to be repaired and cleared of obstructions and the cost therefor shall be paid by the proprietor concerned in.addition to the rate payable by such proprietor under rule 5 without prejudice to any othcr liability of such person for the breach of this paragraph of this rule. (2) If there are two or more persons interested in any branch channels and they are unable to agree between themselves for the repair of any such channels and the clearing of the same of obstructions the Committee shall cause such channels to be repaired and cleared of obstructions and the cost therefor shall be paid by the proprietors concerned in such proportion as the Committee may direct, in addition to the rate payable by every such proprietor under rule 5. 15. The Committee shall distribute the water from time to time to every proprietor in accordance with the usage heretofore observed with regard to the turn of irrigation and the distribution of such water, due regard being also had to the quantity of water available and to the number of donums of land to be irrigated by each proprietor. 16. The Committee may xx-ith the consmr of the Comrnissioner enter into agreement or arrangement with the Committee of any other Irrigation Division formed under the provisions of the Law with regard to any dams or ch%mie:swhich are shared in common between the Irrigation and such other Irrigation Division, the maintenance thereof and the proportion of any con- for any expenses incurred in connection therewith, to be paid by the Irrigation Division. 17.-(1) Upon application to the Commissioner, signed by not less than two-thirds of the proprietors mentioned in the list requesting that the Irrigation Division be dissolved, the Commissioner shall call a meeting of the proprietors for the purpose of determining whether the Irrigation Division should be dissolved. (2) Every meeting so convened shall be held in the presence of the Commissioner at the time and place appointed and if at such meeting the majority of two-thirds of the proprietors or the authorized provies thereof who are present decide that the Irrigtation Division should be dissolved, 1 he Irrigation Division shall he dissolved accordingly : Provided that all rates due and mpaid on the date of dissolution shall be levied and paid as if the Irrigation Division had not been dissolved. (3) The provisions of sections 1, 6, 7, 8 and 0 of the Law with respect to the public meetings shall apply ?nutatis mz&uz[!is to a meeting convened under the provisions of this rule. (4) ,Any money in the hands of the Conunittee or the treasurer at the time of the dissolution of the Irrigation Division and any money recovered at any time thereafter on account of the rates due and unpaid at the time of such dissolution, shall be paid to the Commissioner to the credit of the village of Styllos and sha!l be utilized by the Commissioner for such purpose of public utility in the village of Styllos as niay he approved by him. (W1.P. 1483/56.)

__- ______~__~~~- ~ Printed by the Government Printer at the Government Printing OAice, N:co&, Cyprus.