Issue 2 2020 The Arup Journal Contents

4 Tai Kwun, 34 O ∙ PARK1, Hong Kong Preserving heritage in a busy metropolis By converting food waste into energy, Florence Lam, Andrew Lawrence, James this plant helps to create a healthier Sze, Paul Tsang, Young Wong, Gabriel future for Hong Kong Yam, Nina Yiu David Pegg, Michelle Shun

14 UNSW Science and Engineering 40 Harvey Milk Terminal 1, SFO, Building, Sydney, Australia San Francisco, USA Creating a world-class space for Sustainability was built into every step of science and the arts this major terminal expansion Rob Fleury, Ben Moore, Andrew Pettifer, Raj Daswani, Raphael Sperry, Stefan Sadokierski Byron Thurber

20 The Christie Proton Beam Therapy 48 Connswater Community Centre, Manchester, UK Greenway, , UK A safe and welcoming cancer treatment Providing flood protection while centre has patients foremost in mind every developing improved green spaces step of the way for the local community Nick Ashby, Hywyn Jones, Dave Pitman Carol Andrews, Chris Caves, Reuben Lucas

28 LocHal, Tilburg, Netherlands A once-empty former industrial space has been rejuvenated as a gathering place for the entire community Simone Collon, Rob Verhaegh, Babette Verheggen, Mathew Vola

LocHal, Tilburg, Netherlands: Arjen Veldt Fotografie

2 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 3 TAI KWUN | HONG KONG

Tai Kwun, the Centre for Heritage and of the site including structural, civil and Arts, is Hong Kong’s largest ever historic geotechnical engineering, and façade, building revitalisation project. Arup was lighting, fire, materials and security instrumental in transforming the city’s consultancy. Through seamless collaboration former Central Police Station compound, between Arup’s local team in Hong Kong and with its 170 years of history, into a new conservation experts from the London office, cultural centre. Refurbishment projects along with specialist conservation architect are not common in a city where land is Purcell and the local approval authorities, precious, with old buildings typically the unique historic buildings were demolished to make way for new successfully retained, repaired and developments. Standing in sharp contrast strengthened for adaptive reuse. to the surrounding commercial towers in the Central District, this revitalisation Material investigation provides a rare publicly accessible The Tai Kwun site is home to some of the ‘courtyard’ in the middle of one of the oldest surviving buildings in Hong Kong. densest cities in the world. Constructed using traditional Chinese materials (grey bricks and roof tiles) and Tai Kwun, or Big Station, was the materials imported from overseas (red bricks compound’s colloquial name and it was and timber), and using British building retained as a reminder of the site’s former techniques, it is an early example of the two usage and its historical importance. Led by cultures coming together. The Barrack Block The , in partnership was constructed in 1864, the Magistracy in with the Government of the Hong Kong 1914 and the Police Headquarters was built Special Administrative Region, the project five years later. The challenge for the project included the conservation of 16 buildings on team was to preserve the heritage buildings the site, which collectively form three on the 14,500m² site, making them accessible declared monuments (the former Central so they could be used for entirely new Police Station, the former Central Magistracy purposes and ensuring that they met modern and ), and the addition of two building standards. landmark buildings designed in collaboration with architects Herzog & de Meuron. With no record drawings or construction information about the existing buildings, Arup’s involvement in the project began in Arup’s team of structural engineers and 2007. The firm provided multidisciplinary material specialists conducted an initial engineering services for the transformation survey in 2009 to determine the structural


1: Formerly Hong Kong’s Central Police Changing of the guard Station compound, Tai Kwun is now a centre for heritage and arts A Hong Kong landmark has been respectfully renovated and given a new lease of life and purpose 2: Tai Kwun’s Barrack Block was constructed in 1864. Police officers Authors Florence Lam, Andrew Lawrence, James Sze, Paul Tsang, Young Wong, Gabriel Yam and Nina Yiu were trained here 2.

4 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 5 TAI KWUN | HONG KONG

6: The hollow balustrade bottles were strengthened to comply with safety regulations by infilling with grout 7: The reinforced balustrades were load tested to code requirements 8: Arup designed steel arches to structurally enhance the historical brick archways 9: The steel arches provide minimal visual obstruction, showing only thin edges

6. 7.

for the methods used to assess materials reflections that would destroy the integrity of for repair. Surface paint was removed and 3. 4. utilised in constructing historical structures the historical fabric. The solution was to damaged portions (due to dampness or in the city. The experience gained during the strengthen the hollow bottles by infilling termite activity) were replaced by timber form, condition and material strength. The requirements for the adaptive reuse of heritage Adaptive reuse project is being fed into the next edition of them with grout, doweling the infill at the top with an equivalent strength grade. Paint was firm worked with the Hong Kong Antiquities buildings in Hong Kong. As most of the existing structures were the Hong Kong ’s into the existing granite copping and into the then applied for decoration and protection. and Monuments Office on agreeing the constructed prior to the development of Practice Guidebook for Adaptive Re-use and brick plinth at the bottom. Solid steel rods details of the opening-up works during During the investigation, an unusual type of building regulations, it was inevitable that Alteration and Addition Works to Heritage 22mm in diameter were added between the The timber floorboards were removed, these investigations. reinforcement was discovered within the Arup’s assessment approach would lead to Buildings, due to be released towards the end bottles and a 38mm-diameter solid steel top repaired where possible and returned to site concrete floor slabs in the Police Headquarters some structural enhancement in order to of 2020. rail installed. The system was load tested to for reinstallation, after which their surfaces Arup’s London office provided invaluable Block and the Central Magistracy: two meet modern design codes. The critical the current code requirements, allowing the were sanded and protective painting applied. advice on the properties and treatment of the 5mm-diameter wires were twisted into a mesh principle during restoration was to salvage Barrack Block upgrading works to gain statutory approval. The floors were upgraded to meet the historical materials such as brick, timber and within the concrete. At the material testing and reuse existing materials where feasible When first constructed, the 19th-century required one-hour fire resistance rating using cast iron. A rigorous procedure for the laboratory, samples of this twisted wire and, in line with the conservation Barrack Block had three storeys, with a Recycling timber elements fire-rated board, with the structural capacity material testing and data analysis was reinforcement were demonstrated to have management plan developed for the site, to further floor added in 1905. The block was Timber elements including doors, windows of the existing timber floor joists checked established, taking into account the buildings’ similar tensile strength to modern reinforcing minimise structural intervention as much as originally used as dormitories for the police; and floorboards were salvaged and reused using the British Standard for structural use heritage status. The number and locations of bars. Using a ‘first principles’ engineering possible. The methodology adopted meant in its new use as the visitor centre, which where possible. The door leafs and window of timber and verified by in-situ proof load the material samples taken for testing were approach, combined with statistical analysis that most of the building’s historical fabric, contains retail and restaurants, it has to casements were dismantled and sent off site tests. In retail areas, further steelwork was chosen carefully so that they would deliver of the test data and appropriate design factors, including granite blocks, floor tiles, accommodate increased loads. To avoid sufficient data for the statistical analysis while Arup proved the technical viability of reusing ironmongery, facing bricks, and timber overstressing the brick walls, the building minimising the damage to the building fabric. the existing slabs to avoid extensive doors, windows and floorboards, were was retrofitted with a steel frame constructed The data gathered was checked for statistical strengthening or recasting of the floor slabs. salvaged and reused. on new foundations. The floors and roof were outliers before being processed to deliver In the Police Headquarters Block, 80% of the strengthened to provide better restraint to the characteristic strength values for use in floor slabs were retained, with replacement Since refurbishment is not common in walls under wind loading. This approach assessment calculations. This is believed to be required in just two rooms – these were in Hong Kong, the collaboration with the allowed the entire structure to be retained. the first time this statistical approach has been heavily loaded areas where new plant local authorities provided a benchmark used to demonstrate meeting the statutory equipment was to be located. for subsequent refurbishment projects and A veranda runs along the length of each of the upper three storeys of the block’s north façade. These are bordered by bottle balustrades, which are a prominent visual element of the building and can be seen from the parade ground below. As an important 3: The revitalisation included conserving heritage aspect, it was critical to the 16 buildings on the site and adding two new refurbishment that the balustrades be buildings (20 and 21) retained. However, the structural capacity of 4: Arup found wires 5mm in diameter twisted into the balustrades, the wide gap between the mesh within the concrete in the Police bottles (greater than 100mm) and the low Headquarters Block and Central Magistracy overall balustrade height meant they did not 5: Arup retained the buildings’ original structure comply with safety regulations. The easiest and materials where possible, but devised option would have been to install glazed replacements where structurally necessary (new panels behind the balustrades, but this was floor slabs shown in red) rejected because the glass would have caused 5. 8. 9.

6 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 7 TAI KWUN | HONG KONG

added, spanning between walls to facilitate arched colonnade. Assessment of the arched Fire strategy the fixing of tenant services, therefore brick piers determined that structural As some features and character-defining avoiding the need to fix into the existing enhancement was required in order for them elements of the buildings were constructed timber. Overall, 60% of the timber doors to deal safely with elevated working stresses. over a century ago and could not fully and windows were reused, with 25% of To minimise visual obstruction of the original comply with the prescriptive requirements of the timber floorboards salvaged, repaired brick vaulted ceilings, Arup designed steel modern fire safety codes, a site-wide fire and re-laid. arches that were inserted into the arched engineering approach was adopted to openings. The steel arches were fabricated formulate alternative safe designs. Using this Prison buildings using 10mm curved plate welded to recessed strategy, Arup’s Fire Engineering team was In the west wing of the prison’s D Hall, ribs. These serve as an alternative load path able to successfully preserve the unique there is a significant surviving portion of the and transfer the weight of the elevation to the heritage features of the buildings without former radial prison completed in 1862. The foundations. Visually, the steel arches appear compromising the safety of the structures ground floor was originally designed for as ‘door frames’ with thin visible edges. or of their occupants. larger cells, before brick walls were added to create smaller separate cells. To restore Prior to the police station being In the Police Headquarters and the Central the open-plan layout, the lateral stability of decommissioned, D Hall’s east wing Magistracy, it was not feasible to modify the the building had to be enhanced, so at the had suffered significant damage due to existing escape staircases to fulfil the first-floor level Arup devised a new settlement caused by construction activities prescriptive requirements for staircase diaphragm structure that spans between the nearby. Furthermore, intrusive strengthening 11. construction and minimum exit widths. Arup gable walls. This involved carefully lifting works had previously been carried out, with proposed a number of solutions using a the existing granite flagstones, adding a the addition of an external steel frame and soil and enhance ground carrying capacity, combination of specific fire protection horizontal truss made of flat steel bracing horizontal 32mm-diameter tie rods tying the ground was grouted using microfine 12. systems. Evacuation analysis was conducted and recasting the existing screed in the cell the building. The façade had been partially cement injected under pressure to depths to compare the evacuation time under a areas with a 100mm-thick reinforced patched up with cement and had significant of between 3m and 6m below the existing code-compliant design and the proposed concrete slab. Once completed, this cracks (some in excess of 100mm). As part granite footings. design. This demonstrated that people are enhancement work was entirely concealed. of the refurbishment, Arup’s Geotechnical able to leave the building more quickly under team assessed the settlement and designed Canopy, cantilever staircases and clay tiles the new design arrangement because of early The ground floor features an elegant space a solution to stabilise the ground below the The canopy on the front of the Central warning from the fire detection systems and consisting of a brick vaulted ceiling and an building. In order to fill the voids in the Magistracy Building was in poor condition the detailed fire safety management plan put and opening-up works revealed that the in place. This design enabled openness and support ties had deteriorated considerably. minimised the need for additional fire-rated With the agreement of the local authority, the doors along the building’s spine corridor, canopy was removed and replaced with a allowing it to keep its original appearance. replica canopy consisting of a lightweight steel frame with a concrete screed. A spreader In the former prison’s B and E Halls, beam behind the façade anchors the canopy connections between floors were provided by to the building’s first-floor slab. A glass fibre internal circulation staircases. Prescriptive reinforced concrete mould was used to ensure code requirements would have resulted in the new canopy visually matched the original. fixed barriers of at least 450mm depth suspended from the underside of the ceiling The existing clay tile roofs on the buildings around the stair voids. However, due to were refurbished. Initially, these were conservation considerations, neither fixed removed to allow renovation of the timber 13. smoke barriers nor automatic smoke curtains roof trusses, with new insulation and a were desirable. To overcome this constraint, vapour barrier added before the tiles were fast-response sprinkler heads were used, with refixed. To ensure the existing cantilever computational fluid dynamics modelling granite staircases were adequate for the 12: Arup designed JC determining their required activation time. building’s new function, their load capacity Cube’s steel frame so was verified using in-situ proof load tests. the building would JC Contemporary and JC Cube have a large column- Herzog & de Meuron architects created two free internal space new buildings for the site, JC Contemporary 13: JC Contemporary’s and JC Cube, which provide space for reinforced concrete exhibitions and the performing arts. The new staircase connects its two galleries blocks have reinforced concrete basements and a steel structure that rises above the 14: Innovative historical boundary walls to create galleries 10: The Central Magistracy Building canopy was foundation solutions replaced with a replica canopy, as the original had were needed for the within the buildings. The overhang results in deteriorated significantly two new buildings so new gathering spaces below, including a 11: Arup’s fire strategy involved fast response as not to disturb the covered outdoor performance space under sprinklers, meaning barriers did not have to be adjacent heritage JC Cube where the laundry steps now inserted into E Hall’s corridor structures provide sheltered tiered seating for visitors. 10. 14.

8 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 9 TAI KWUN | HONG KONG

Arup designed the column-free galleries 15: To reduce the within the buildings using a system of movement of adjacent Awards perimeter steel trusses which cantilever buildings caused by from a central reinforced concrete core. the construction of JC 2018 Two separate ‘boxes’ house gallery floors Contemporary’s Hong Kong Design Centre that are up to 7m high. The lightweight basement, the struts Grand Award – DFA Design for were pre-loaded structural steel frame enables the galleries Asia Awards to cantilever out, minimising the 16: The new buildings requirement for new foundations adjacent were founded on 2019 610mm-diameter shaft The Association of Consulting to the heritage buildings, and the internal grouted friction H-piles column-free space provides maximum in pre-bored holes Engineers of Hong Kong flexibility for the various exhibitions (shown in blue) ACEHK Annual Award housed in the buildings. Hong Kong Green Building Council The concrete spiral staircase in JC Merit Award in the Green Building Award Contemporary is an eye-catching visual element, drawing visitors up from the The Hong Kong Institute of entrance and connecting the galleries inside Architectural Conservationists the building. The stair structure was 15. HKICON Conservation Awards – 17. analysed using GSA static and dynamic Revitalisation category models and constructed using traditional traditional percussive piles – which could A two-stage grouting process was the wall. A monitoring regime was aluminium bricks made from 100% recycled timber formwork. A BIM model was used to cause excessive vibration or disturbance – implemented to enhance the ultimate skin Hong Kong Institute of Architects established to track any movement, with a alloy wheels – approximately 56,000 recycled obtain the accurate setting-out dimensions would have heightened the risk of damage friction of the pile shaft in the completely Special Architectural Award – Heritage & series of monitoring points placed on the alloy wheels were used in total. Arup provided during construction, with a 3D-printed to the adjacent heritage buildings, which are decomposed granite stratum. This piling Adaptive Reuse buildings, retaining walls and roads advice on materiality, casting options, model used for the coordination of the founded on shallow footings. In addition, method was proven to incur minimal Award of Merit – Mixed Use Building surrounding the excavation site. connection design and mock-up preparation. construction joints. A mock-up was the site’s tight spatial constraints prohibited vibration to the adjacent heritage buildings. constructed on site to agree the special the adoption of the large-size foundation Test piling was carried out on site to verify Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Bespoke façade There are four different variations of concrete finish. After the formwork was piles that are widely used in Hong Kong. the design, with the piles tested to a peak Structural Division – Heritage Category A bespoke cast aluminium brick façade wraps aluminium bricks, with apertures that range removed, a needle gun finish was applied load of 18,000kN – three times their Grand Award the new buildings, providing protection from in size from the smallest, where the building to the concrete surface; this matches the Arup adopted a two-pronged foundation maximum working capacity. This foundation Fire Division – Fire Engineering the intense sun and heavy rains typical of is to be hidden, to the largest, which are texture of the granite in the existing solution for the two new buildings. The system, with such high working capacity, Grand Award Hong Kong’s subtropical climate. Arup’s placed in front of glazing. The complex revetment site perimeter walls. team used 610mm-diameter high-capacity was new in Hong Kong at the time, and Façade team worked for over two years on geometry of these different bricks – with each shaft grouted friction H-piles in pre-bored Arup successfully sought approval from the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for the research and design development, in style having a different pattern, undulation Innovative foundation solutions holes for the foundations, and underpinned Buildings Department for its use. Cultural Heritage Conservation collaboration with Herzog & de Meuron and thickness – was achieved by using six With the bedrock beneath the site reaching two buildings (F Hall and Ablutions Block) Award of Excellence and façade contractor Permasteelisa. different die parts, and each brick was refined a depth in excess of 80m, there were adjacent to JC Contemporary by using shaft The 12m-deep excavation for the basement of Each building is clad in over 4,000 cast in order to enable an efficient cast-and-release significant challenges when designing the grouted friction mini-piles to minimise the JC Contemporary required careful design and mechanism. This method of production new buildings’ foundations. The use of impact on these structures. a comprehensive monitoring system, as the created a high-quality pure aluminium surface work was carried out next to heritage finish, which was necessary to receive the buildings. Finite element analysis programme unique anodising treatment used to protect Plaxis was used to simulate the excavation against corrosion. process in order to predict the movements of the existing buildings and nearby heritage The shape and dimensions of the aluminium gravity-retaining walls ahead of construction. bricks – each 1,200mm wide and 300mm An 813mm-diameter contiguous bored pile deep – echo the size of the granite blocks of wall was used with a grout curtain adjacent to the existing revetment walls surrounding the F Hall, with four layers of steel struts site. Connections in between were carefully supporting the basement excavation. Owing detailed to make them indiscernible to the to the difference in ground level and public, while keeping them simple enough surcharge load from F Hall, there were to make installation efficient. The bricks significant unbalanced forces that the interlock to form the façade and are fixed to construction process had to take into account. the structure every nine tiers of horizontal All the struts, except the topmost layer, were bricks. Wind posts are positioned every pre-loaded to alleviate the movement 3.8m. The system was tested for wind incurred on the adjacent buildings. 17: The new buildings loading – including typhoon wind forces – are clad in bespoke and approved by the authorities. The pile wall functioned as both a temporary cast aluminium brick pile wall and the permanent wall. Lock-in façades Lighting Tai Kwun stress in the pile wall throughout the 18: Each brick has The lighting design for Tai Kwun is temporary basement excavation stage was been anodised to intrinsically integrated with the architecture carried forward to the permanent design of prevent corrosion and finishes to help weave together the 16. 18.

10 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 11 TAI KWUN | HONG KONG

19: The gallery lighting and the parade ground. Arup carried out 21: A concrete footbridge cantilevers over the levels are carefully research on the lighting design for similar adjacent , providing direct controlled to protect types of historical buildings and, with pedestrian access to the compound the artwork conservation architect Purcell, developed the 22: Tai Kwun opened to the public in 2018 and had 20: The laundry steps custom-made luminaires for the project. over 3.6 million visitors in the first 12 months below JC Cube are a These enabled the lighting to be consistent covered open space with the architectural language of the that can be used for heritage buildings. performances In addition to using LED lighting, energy consumption is minimised during operation by using automated lighting control. Time clocks, light sensors and dimmable functions that cater for different uses have been incorporated into the lighting design. This was one of the sustainability credentials that helped the project achieve a BEAM 19. Plus Gold rating.

New access and new public space Buildings and spaces within this once disconnected compound are now connected by elegant staircases, link bridges and discreet structural openings through the historic buildings, with these openings created using concrete-encased steel portal frames. Link bridges cantilever from the perimeter truss structures in the new buildings, providing direct access to the adjacent prison cells in D Hall and E Hall, which were repurposed as dressing rooms for the mixed-use performance 21. 22. venue in JC Cube.

New public entrances have been introduced Authors Project credits Loasby, Benjamin Luk, Hazel Luk, Louis Mak, around the site, making the previously Florence Lam led the lighting design. She is an Client Hong Kong Jockey Club CPS Limited Melissa Mak, Wendy Mak, Gavin Maloney, Andus enclosed compound more publicly Arup Fellow, global lighting design leader for Arup Design architect Herzog & de Meuron Mok, Berny Ng, Yiu-Wing Ng, Jeffrey Ngai, Jason 20. accessible. A circulation path was designed and a Director in the London office. Conservation architect Purcell Paget, Jeff Po, Andrew Sedgwick, Ezra to connect the new public space created in Executive architect Setiasabda, Elvis Sham, Jeff Shaw, Leo Shu, Ken various forms and spaces. For the two new JC Cube houses an 8m-high multipurpose the old parade ground with the prison yard. Andrew Lawrence led the conservation elements Building services J Roger Preston Siu, Yuanyuan Song, Andrew Sun, Frankie Sze, buildings, Arup’s lighting designers made auditorium space, over which there is an A concrete footbridge cantilevers 9m over on the project. He is an Associate Director in Management contractor Gammon James Sze, Nelson Tang, Sarah Tattersall, Ka-Lun full use of the aluminium bricks to express accessible technical grid. Consistent with the busy adjacent Hollywood Road and Arup’s Specialist Technology and Research team Construction Limited To, Vira Tong, Santiago Torres, Anatasia Tsak, the texture of the façade while providing the overall theme of integrating the lighting forms a vital connection to the site leading and is based in the London office. Civil, façade, fire, geotechnical and structural Kelvin Tsang, Paul Tsang, Victor Wan, Youngky light. On the roof of JC Contemporary, the and filtering light through the architectural up from the escalators that link the Central engineering, lighting, materials, security and Wanady, Anson Wong, Eric Wong, Evan Wong, aluminium façade takes on a further fabric, the house lighting for this space is and Mid-Levels districts in Hong Kong. James Sze was the geotechnical discipline security consultancy services Arup: Sally Wong, Stewart Wong, Wai-Hong Wong, functional form, acting as a solar shading located above the grid, shining through to These interventions mean that Tai Kwun is leader on the project. He is a Director in the Murray Allan, Pino Cao, Roy Chan, Che-Cheong Young Wong Lucy Wu, Gabriel Yam, Matthew grid designed specifically for the site to give a soft, general light to the space below. a ten-minute walk from the nearest Mass Hong Kong office. Chan, Chris Chan, Henry Chan, Jonathan Chan, Yam, Jacky Yau, Jess Yip, Rex Yu, Ricky Yu, protect the top-floor gallery from direct The glowing ‘halos’ of light that this creates Transit Railway station. March Chan, Power Chan, Philip Chan, Sam Nathan Zeng, Lyn Zuo. sunlight. Arup carried out daylighting on the grid are then referenced by spherical Paul Tsang was the Project Director. He is a Chan, Tiffany Chan, Chi-Kin Cheung, Crystal studies for the gallery. cast-glass LED pendant lighting in the Working on the project for over a decade, Director in the Hong Kong office. Cheung, Eric Cheung, Esther Cheng, Bobo Chow, Image credits adjacent auditorium lobby, visually Arup has helped to transform and revitalise Al Curry, Sunny Fok, Gordon Fung, Richard Hill, 1, 4–16, 18–21: Arup Inside the gallery space, the ceiling is connecting these spaces. the colonial-era compound into a vibrant Young Wong led the fire engineering design. He Richard Ho, Timothy Hoggins, Jason Huang, Dave 2, 3: Tai Kwun characterised by a stretched diffuse cultural hub, preserving its invaluable is Arup’s East Asia Fire Engineering team leader Hui, Van Hung Tran, Anny Ip, Gabriel Kan, Daren 17: Heliservices (HK) Ltd membrane which filters the incoming The lighting scheme for the outdoor public heritage for public enjoyment and for future and a Director in the Hong Kong office. Ko, Doris Kong, Kin-Kei Kwan, Thomas Kwok, 22: Herzog & de Meuron/Iwan Baan daylight and creates a diffused ambient routes and spaces was designed to have generations to treasure. It is a shining King-Chak Lai, Alvin Lam, Francis Lam, Jerry Lam, light for the exhibitions, keeping daylight minimal impact on the surrounding heritage example of heritage conservation work and Gabriel Yam was the Project Manager. He is an Raymond Lam, Tom Lam, Andy Lau, David Lau, levels within a controlled range and façades while lifting the light level in these has set a benchmark for future revitalisation Associate in the Hong Kong office. Fai Law, Justin Lau, Wai-Lun Lau, Andrew addressing art conservation requirements. areas at night. It uses simple, low-impact, works in Hong Kong. Since opening in Lawrence, Katherine Lee, Brian Leung, Cherry At night, electric lighting above the façade-mounted floodlights to light the paths 2018, Tai Kwun has been enthusiastically Nina Yiu led the façade design. She is a Director Leung, Daniel Leung, Ming Lip, Andy Liu, Leona membrane takes over, maintaining the and give a warm lighting effect in the two welcomed by the public – attracting more in the Hong Kong office. Liu, Lucia Liu, Rui-Bin Liu, Victor Liu, William ceiling glow in place of daylight. main outdoor spaces – the old prison yard than 3.6 million visitors in its first year.


Adaptive learning

This new university building houses laboratories and performing arts areas, with future flexibility built into every aspect

Authors Rob Fleury, Ben Moore, Andrew Pettifer and Stefan Sadokierski

The Science and Engineering against ensuring the building was energy Building (SEB) at UNSW Sydney is efficient. Arup worked closely with UNSW the latest addition to the elite physical and the wider design team to deliver a sciences precinct at the university’s solution that fulfilled both these Kensington campus. Opened in 2019, requirements: the laboratory spaces can be the new ten-storey SEB offers ultra- modified, and the building design is modern research facilities, science sustainable and also integrates with laboratories, classrooms and pre-existing campus-wide systems. This multipurpose performance spaces. strategy for adaptability supports the university’s ongoing research and teaching The SEB features large internal atria and programme, and helps future-proof the highly connected spaces, designed to campus. Flexible solutions were also found encourage users to come together to for the design of the theatre and performance collaborate and innovate. The building has area located in the basement of the building. a flexible laboratory core, with modules arranged around a central service corridor. In collaboration with architects Grimshaw The facility incorporates 25,000m2 of and contractor Multiplex, Arup provided research space and is highly adaptable; the multidisciplinary engineering services from laboratory spaces can be reconfigured with the feasibility phase through to construction. minimal disruption. Post-build, the firm designed the migration of laboratories and studios from existing A critical project requirement was that this campus buildings to the SEB. Arup’s flexibility of space had to be balanced services included audio-visual and

1: The highly interconnected spaces in the SEB are designed to promote collaboration 2: The new ten-storey facility features laboratory spaces, classrooms and performance areas

1. 2.


multimedia, electrical, fire and mechanical successful completion of this work, Arup Arup developed an early works package for 5: Arup’s SoundLab common manifold exhaust reduced engineering, laboratory gas and sustainable was commissioned at feasibility stage for the initial stage of the project. This saw the technology was used operational costs, saved considerably on buildings design, theatre consulting, and the design of the SEB (the completed SEB demolition of several buildings on the site to demonstrate to the space (due to reduced riser requirements) and vertical transportation. is linked to the Hilmer Building by bridges where it was planned the SEB would be client the active allowed for greater adaptability within the at each floor level) to develop design options constructed, including the removal of an architecture system it laboratories. This was the first time manifold proposed for the Genesis of project and site preparation for the ventilation of the laboratory spaces. electrical substation that served several performance spaces fume cupboards had been installed at UNSW. Arup has worked with UNSW for over The firm was then asked by Multiplex to buildings in the lower campus precinct. The 40 years on projects on their Randwick provide design development of the firm designed a temporary substation to 6: The SEB uses Arup carried out a risk assessment on all the plant located in campus. Its most recent work for the mechanical, electrical and laboratory gas continue to supply the surrounding buildings adjoining buildings chemicals that could enter the manifold university on the Kensington campus was systems, before being retained in a review while the demolition took place, and then system. This determined that some dedicated the Hilmer Building for Materials Science role during the design and construction designed the new permanent substation fume cupboards – 16 in total – were required and Engineering, where the firm provided element of the project. The addition of located in the basement of the SEB. This to deal with chemicals that needed a peer review of the building services the SEB and Hilmer Buildings was part work required multiple diversions of services individually ducted exhausts, such as design. This was in addition to independent of UNSW’s 2025 strategy, which aims and a detailed strategy for minimising hydrofluoric and perchloric acid fumes (due commissioning work that included elements to position the university as a world electricity supply shut-downs to existing to their hazardous corrosive nature), as well of laboratory fit-out. Following on from the leader in research. buildings in the campus during the transfer. as for the instances where there was a 5. cross-contamination risk between chemicals. Stakeholders The new facility brings the Schools of Arup’s design adapted the standard audio- Building has been used for the SEB, saving Supply and exhaust ducting to the laboratories Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, and Arts visual systems to respond to the needs of the plant space, capital costs and the need for was standardised across the lab areas. This and Media together under one roof (they new space typologies in the SEB, and further extra ongoing maintenance. allowed for maximum versatility in the fit-out had previously been housed in separate enhanced them. The facility focuses on of laboratory spaces and meant that ducting buildings). This combination means that the collaboration and self-led research, and the With its high density of fume cupboards and could be pre-fabricated off site. A number of SEB has a diverse set of requirements, with new interactive audio-visual systems were significant exhaust air requirements, the SEB the laboratories require physical containment high-level scientific research taking place on set up to facilitate this type of work across the is a mechanically intensive building. Arup with negative pressure relative to the access some floors and theatre and performance lecture theatres, laboratories and classroom used the International Institute for Sustainable corridor, including some classified to the spaces located on others. For the wide range spaces. Arup’s Theatre Consulting team also Laboratories’ Labs21 Tool Kit to benchmark second level of containment (PC2). Part of the of scientific research carried out in the worked with the School of Arts and Media the energy performance of the building and flexibility in the ventilation system and the facility, there is a mixture of wet and dry to develop the specification for their equipment such as chillers, boilers, pumps servicing is that laboratory modules can be laboratories, laser laboratories, microscopy performance spaces. This included and fans. In the laboratories, the air flow upgraded to physical containment rated suites, nuclear magnetic resonance and pilot demonstrating to the client the different ways control incorporates room temperature facilities at a later date if required, with halls. All these applications require intensive performances in the space could sound using feedback, which means air flow can be kept minimal additional work. Careful design was servicing to maintain various laboratory the proposed active architecture system. This to a minimum, as the system constantly carried out around the laser laboratories, conditions – such as temperature control, uses a complex arrangement of microphones assesses the climate. which require tight temperature and humidity air quality and vibration criteria – and and speakers to recreate different aural control (to within ±1°C) and need specific support high-specification laboratory environments and was demonstrated using Laboratory design and flexibility access controls to ensure users’ safety. equipment. Some laboratories also require Arup’s SoundLab and by visiting similar The SEB has seven levels of laboratory cascading pressurised containment. Located venues previously designed by the firm. space, with over 7,000m2 of wet chemistry Arup worked closely with the laboratory 3. in the basement, the Creative Practice Lab, laboratories and 10,000m2 of office, breakout planner to catalogue the user requirements for Io Myers Studio and Studio One have their Sustainability credentials and non-laboratory teaching space. The Mark 3: The SEB and Hilmer Building are own set of needs. These spaces are designed Arup engineered the building’s layout, central Wainwright Analytical Centre, for example, connected by bridges to host performances, video screenings, plant and equipment to contribute to the houses major instrumentation and advanced at every floor film shoots, cross-media installation works SEB’s energy-efficient operating systems. scientific tools for electron microscopy and is 4: Three user group and rehearsals. High-performing window glazing, good a leading research facility in its field. On each workshops were held levels of thermal insulation and the use of level, the laboratories are positioned adjacent to get input on the The UNSW estate management team and the bore water for non-potable water supply were to the service corridor, with write-up space design of the building’s end users provided input on the some of the sustainability initiatives included and offices placed on the building perimeter. laboratory spaces high‑level laboratory design and the in the design. The existing non-potable water The service corridor provides the flexibility performance spaces at an early stage of the system on campus was expanded, with a to direct services – such as central gas, project. Arup worked with UNSW, the plant room for the extended system included nitrogen and argon – into any of the architect and laboratory planner HDR to in the new building. In addition, Arup was laboratory modules. carry out three sets of user group workshops able to gain precinct-wide efficiencies to detail the specific requirements for each through the installation of a combined The laboratory design needed to respond to laboratory, looking all the time to incorporate chilled-water plant for the SEB and the the many different uses and allow for adaptability into the design. Solutions had to adjacent Roundhouse Building. The adaptability. Rather than only use fume be cost-effective, and it was particularly contrasting building needs – with peak loads cupboards individually ducted to a central critical that the new facilities could integrate typically in the evening in the Roundhouse supply system, the method typically in place with existing campus-wide systems, entertainment venue and in the morning and elsewhere on campus, Arup designed a including the building management system afternoon in the SEB – were taken into hybrid system, with a manifold used in that controls and monitors the mechanical account when developing the system. The conjunction with dedicated cupboards. and electrical systems. compressed air plant in the adjoining Hilmer Connecting multiple fume hoods to a 4. 6.


all the laboratories, including equipment and performance, dance and acrobatics in one performances, with shorter reverberation along with manual fire call points and a was used. Arup’s Fire Engineering and facilitated the removal of the requirement for power and gas supply. This enabled a large facility. Arup’s theatre and audio-visual times preferred for dramatic theatre sprinkler system. Building Services team worked closely on dedicated smoke exhaust in the theatre space. database to be developed, which was consulting specialists designed improvements performances to promote speech the system, which distributes air vertically Like the laboratories, there are no smoke integrated with the BIM model to facilitate for the studios including the introduction of intelligibility. This system allows the creative The fire engineering strategy was to split the through the whole stair. detectors in the theatre spaces. Special effect coordination and to automatically generate foyer screens, paging systems and upgraded possibilities of the space to expand building into three horizontal two-hour fire smoke is often used, so thermal detection, room data sheets. All the design team worked amenities to ensure a seamless experience for significantly beyond a small black box compartmentation zones. This meant fire While the occupants of the laboratory areas along with a sprinkler system, was installed. in this 3D environment. The model was issued patrons and stagehands. theatre. Actors and musicians get the separation was not required between the typically are familiar with the space, the to Multiplex, which developed it further in opportunity to hear what it sounds like to laboratory and office space, enabling good theatre requires a different fire strategy to World-class facilities order to produce the workshop drawings. For the Io Myers Studio, the firm designed an play or perform in a large hall – this is visual connectivity between these areas. reflect its use as a public venue, with users The UNSW 2025 strategy sets out the active architecture system that uses electro- crucial to the development of musicians Similarly, the centrally located open less likely to be accustomed to the layout. university’s commitment to carrying out Multipurpose performance spaces acoustic enhancement to increase the and performers. circulation stair running through the building The venue hosts events that often occur out world-leading research and improving The construction of the SEB provided an ‘natural’ reverberation time of the studio provides visual connectivity between levels. of typical office hours, when the rest of the educational quality by deploying innovative opportunity to incorporate enhanced space to support a wide range of uses – these Fire engineering Some fixed fire-rated construction was SEB is relatively empty. The theatre space is face-to-face and digital learning tools. performance space for the School of Arts and include chamber and jazz music, amplified The combination of laboratories and included around the stair void, which operated independently from the laboratory The Science and Engineering Building fits Media – the site of the building was music, theatre and spoken word. The theatre space in one building presented enabled circulation but provided some fire areas of the building, from both a fire and well within this strategy, by offering previously used for the Creative Practice Lab, reverberation time in the space can be challenges for the fire engineering strategy. separation. For the stair cores elsewhere in security perspective. Arup’s fire engineered world-class facilities to support ground- the arts unit that supports teaching and modified to make it seem as though the In the laboratories, the strategy was kept the building, a stair pressurisation system approach, using detailed smoke modelling, breaking research. practice-led research within the School. For performer and audience are in a more simple, with the smoke exhaust set up to UNSW, the aim was not only to recreate the complex acoustic space such as a large use the mechanical systems already in place previous facilities but to enhance them by concert hall or an arena. Longer reverberation for fume exhaust from the research Authors bringing music together with drama, physical times are preferred for classical music activities. This reduced costs and allowed Rob Fleury led the fire engineering design flexibility to modify the laboratories in the and is an Associate in the Sydney office. future – something that would not be straightforward if a dedicated smoke exhaust Ben Moore led the audio-visual and theatre system was used. As some of the research design elements of the project. He is an processes and equipment produce smoke Associate in the Sydney office. and dust that would set off traditional smoke detectors, thermal detectors were installed, Andrew Pettifer was the Project Director and is a Principal in the Sydney office. 10: The building was split into three Stefan Sadokierski was the Project Manager horizontal two-hour and is Arup’s global skill leader for mechanical fire zones in the fire services. He is an Associate Principal based in engineering strategy the Sydney office. 11: Opened in 2019, 7: Arup designed a hybrid system for fume the SEB offers Project credits cupboard exhaust, with a manifold used in world-class research Client/Contractor Multiplex conjunction with dedicated cupboards and performance End-user UNSW Sydney 8: Arup used the Labs21 Tool Kit to benchmark facilities Architect Grimshaw 10. energy performance Laboratory planner HDR 9: A large database was integrated with the BIM Civil and structural engineer model in order to generate room data sheets Taylor Thomson Whitting 7. Audio-visual and multimedia, electrical engineering, fire, mechanical, sustainable buildings design, theatre consulting, laboratory manifold risk consultancy and vertical transportation Arup: Jakki Artus, Vince Bombardiere, Rory Brenan, Tom Brickhill, Nigel Cann, James Cho, Tate Dogan, Tim Elgood, Bernard Farrell, Rob Fleury, Reshmi Govindankutty, Scott Hampson, Mairead Hogan, Patrick Hoy, Kim Jones, Ciaran Lynch, Marc McDonald, Ben Moore, Andrew Pettifer, Simon Pimley, Stefan Sadokierski, Len Samperi, Helena Sjoberg, David Stidolph, James Trevorrow, Sihui Wang, Ryan Wilson, Thomas Yates. Image credits 1–4, 7, 8: Multiplex 5, 6, 9–11: Arup

8. 9. 11.


A precision-focused cancer treatment

Enabling sophisticated, high-energy technology to be used in a safe and sustainable environment

Authors Nick Ashby, Hywyn Jones and Dave Pitman

The Christie Proton Beam Therapy Arup worked on the project from concept (PBT) Centre in Manchester is the design stage through to completion, UK’s first National Health Service (NHS) providing structural, building services, multi-room, high-energy PBT facility. energy modelling, acoustics and vibration In PBT, a cyclotron (a type of particle engineering, and geotechnics and accelerator) is used to create a beam of sustainability services. Having previously high-energy protons. This beam can then designed PBT facilities in Krakow, Arup be focused with great precision on used that design experience by incorporating tumours, meaning that there is less the team from Poland as reviewers at each damage to the surrounding tissue and design gateway. vital organs while the tumour still receives a high dose of radiation. PBT is Proton Beam Therapy facility most suitable for certain kinds of cancer, The 12,000m² treatment centre is part of a such as complex brain, head and neck five-storey building constructed on a cancers and sarcomas. It is particularly constrained urban site in a live hospital useful for treating these types of cancers environment. Its construction required in children, for whom traditional demolishing buildings and diverting and radiotherapy carries an elevated risk of accommodating existing services. The PBT damaging the brain and impairing facility, which is also connected to an cognitive development and hearing. adjacent building, includes the cyclotron and four gantry rooms; three for treatment and The building design for this new facility was one fitted out as a research room. It also shaped by the technology used for PBT. The houses clinical facilities that include CT and treatment requires an intensive energy supply for the cyclotron, which accelerates protons to two-thirds the speed of light, and 1: PBT is particularly useful for complex cancers a substantial concrete structure to house the and for treating cancers in children, as the beam equipment and protect patients, visitors and can be focused with great precision, causing less staff from the radiation generated. damage to the surrounding tissue 1.


operational gantries) are more than ten times maintains the required conductivity and pH those used in typical radiation therapy. A new levels for the water. major primary substation was designed adjacent to the facility to meet these demands. Procurement Arup worked side by side with The Christie to PBT facilities are inherently energy- explore different solutions to the site’s spatial intensive; the amount of energy needed to limitations and inform early design concepts operate the equipment and cool it is as part of the procurement process for the substantial, and there are strict equipment specialist PBT equipment. Three proton supplier servicing requirements that need to therapy equipment (PTE) vendors engaged in be met to ensure that everything runs safely a competitive dialogue during the project and accurately. Providing this baseline high initiation design process. Each had a different level of energy while still providing set of requirements, all of which would have a resilient, sustainable solutions was significant effect on the size and shape of the challenging. Arup’s experience of designing structure that would house the accelerator and sustainable buildings meant that the firm gantries, the associated builders’ work and the was able to minimise the impact of the plant room strategy. To inform the correct operational energy requirements through procurement decision, these variations in the innovative solutions. build cost were addressed as part of vendor selection – this was a crucial issue given the The firm was appointed as the Accredited significant equipment costs, which were a 2. Person and Assessor for BREEAM. Due to 5. the specific nature of the scheme, Arup worked closely with the Building Research Establishment (BRE) to define bespoke credits and assessment methodologies for some elements. The firm’s building physics 2: The Christie PBT specialists advised and agreed key principles Centre was with the BRE. The power used by the particle constructed in a accelerator and beam line magnets to generate highly constrained urban site the high-energy beam results in substantial levels of waste heat. Two large heat pumps 3: The facility includes take this waste heat and use it to provide heat the cyclotron and four gantry rooms for the ventilation system for the clinical side of the building. This solution led to reduced 4: CT and MRI operational costs and carbon emissions, and scanning are among the treatments resulted in the facility receiving a BREEAM 5: The busy site had a public highway nearby, available in the ‘Excellent’ environmental rating. Arup also as well as being adjacent to pre-existing clinical facilities designed the deionising system for the cooling hospital buildings and residential properties water to meet the more stringent water quality 6: An integrated BIM model was used to plan the requirements for the PBT. This process many complex aspects of the facility 3. 6.

MRI scanning equipment, outpatient areas substantial portion of the overall construction Site constraints Arup’s Civil Engineering team assessed and administration accommodation. cost of the facility. Given the site’s shallow bedrock and high this infrastructure and designed safe water table, the large three-storey concrete solutions to integrate it with the new The gantries, each 10m in diameter, are Arup developed three different designs structure of the treatment block was planned building’s requirements, allowing large, complex components that contain the at concept stage based on each vendor’s in a way that would minimise construction phased transfer of foul flows in the treatment delivery system. They can rotate requirements and then progressed two of below ground. Planning, phasing of works network. Two culverted watercourses 360 degrees so the patient is not required to these through further phases of design and and logistics were important considerations, crossed the site and it was not possible move position during treatment. Complex procurement. With large variations between with the facility located in a confined urban to divert them entirely, so one was retained engineering solutions were required to house the equipment layouts, Arup developed a site adjacent to existing healthcare facilities below the footprint of the new building. the gantries and the 150-tonne cyclotron, as strategy that created a tolerance zone along and nearby residential properties. In addition, To minimise maintenance, a robust and they needed concrete radiation shielding the interface between the shielded areas a link corridor with neighbouring clinical hydraulically improved in-situ concrete walls – in places, these were up to 5m thick. and clinical spaces. This innovative buildings was required to create a seamless culvert was developed; this reduced the Over 11km of conduits and a further 1km approach kept the programme on track. The facility for patient experience and access to risk of any blockage and was designed of pipework were precisely located final design was carried out with the PTE the wider Christie site. to allow for robotic access for clearance and embedded in the walls. The overall provider Varian Medical Systems, which and inspection. electrical load for the building, including the worked closely with Arup and contractor Complex existing surface and foul equipment, is 2.8MVA, with a cooling load Interserve to improve buildability and refine drainage crossed the site and needed to be The site was also constrained by a public of 1.4MW – these loads (based on four fully the design requirements. diverted, yet kept live during construction. highway to the south and the occupied 4.


7: The piles were limits of the PBT equipment and could also the concrete mix design right was crucial. designed to ensure the generate vibrations within the rock. By Arup worked with radiation protection structure met the identifying this risk early and carrying out an adviser Aurora to review the chemical settlement criterion, assessment, Arup provided The Christie with content of the concrete mix design to ensure which was more than the tools to liaise with HS2 in future and it did not contain any potentially reactive five times stricter than mitigate these potential issues. chemical components. Concrete contractor for a typical building Heyrod Construction and concrete supplier 8: Arup demonstrated Construction and phasing Hanson were involved at an early stage, that its solution met Due to the logistical challenges posed by the contributing to the design process. The mix the vibration criteria by constructing a unconventionally thick sections of the design incorporated a low water content, full-scale test pile concrete structure required for shielding, the limestone aggregate to minimise thermal and loading it to build sequence required constructing the movements and 70% cement replacement 150% capacity while PBT equipment spaces first. The clinical using ground granulated blast furnace slag monitoring settlement element of the building followed, with the to minimise heat gains during curing. installation of the PBT equipment overlapping with this adjacent construction Specific material tests were carried out phase. The interface between the clinical regarding the heat of hydration gain to building and the shielded areas containing minimise thermal movements, culminating 7. the cyclotron and gantries was critical for in a full-scale pre-construction test pour of the programme. Some of the air handling a typical 5m x 3m x 3m wall section. All the hospital buildings to the north and east. vibration specialists carried out an early units (AHUs) needed to be installed and main elements were included in this test Access to site and materials storage during vibration assessment and developed working before the PTE vendor began their pour: embedded conduits and pipework, 10. construction were critical issues. The mitigation advice for the demolition and installation. The AHU plant room sits thermocouples to measure the concrete strategy included a holding area for vehicles construction phases. This included an partially on top of the shielded area and the temperature and a ‘joggle joint’ detail. This In the sections of concrete around the CT collaboration with the contractors to manage and ‘just in time’ lean delivery processes appraisal of the site impacts on the nearby structure for this could not be completed and zig-zag joint profile was required in the and MRI facilities on the first floor of the thermal cracking and ensure the safe for the site. operational outpatient treatment centre. The made weatherproof until after the finished building to ensure each concrete clinical building, stainless steel construction of the vital concrete shielding. team also assessed the equipment within the completion of the concrete lid above the shielding pour locked securely together. reinforcement was used to manage the Vibration and movement new facility, which had to achieve vibration gantries. To keep the project on programme, By profiling the joint between the concrete magnetic shielding and interference issues. One of the primary drivers in the pour To ensure business continuity for the criterion A (VC-A), and incorporated in the Arup designed an alternative framing pours, it ensured that there was no direct sequence was to minimise the number of adjacent live hospital facilities, Arup’s final design additional equipment-isolating arrangement, in which a small temporary route for neutrons to pass through, thus Construction of concrete shielding panels that were ‘locked in’ on either side elements where required. plant room was created within the first phase preventing any radiation leakage. With such a large volume of shielding by adjacent completed sections of concrete, of steelwork erection. This enabled the required, significant sections of concrete as the ‘infill’ panels had stress levels and Arup’s Geotechnical Engineering team AHUs to be installed prior to the completion Concrete density was also a critical needed to be poured. Large pours create reinforcement requirements more than reviewed the existing ground investigation of the gantry area. parameter of the shielding design – Arup considerable shrinkage forces in the double that of panels with at least one free information and specified a two-stage specified target and minimum mix densities concrete, and with crack widths limited to a edge. Typically, for a 2m-thick wall with geotechnical investigation process. This The building’s height was a critical planning and had the concrete mix tested prior to maximum of 0.2mm due to shielding limits, single edge restraint, 25mm-diameter allowed ground risks to be assessed prior to constraint due to the nearby residential construction starting on site. This enabled this drove the design pour sequence and reinforcement bars were placed at 125mm demolition on site, particularly in relation to properties, and this was capped as part of the the final oven dry concrete density to be reinforcement design, which was carried out centres each way on both faces. However, the tight beam line magnet movement site’s masterplan. Arup carried out a detailed calibrated against the fresh wet density to CIRIA C660 (early-age thermal crack heavier reinforcement up to 32mm and tolerances. The settlement criterion of less structural options appraisal to inform the value, which was tested on site prior to and control in concrete). Pour restraint 40mm in diameter was required in locked-in than 2mm over 10m per year is more than choice of material and the structural solution during each pour to help ensure the target conditions and construction sequencing panels. All reinforcement had staggered five times more onerous than for a typical used to minimise storey heights to ensure the density was achieved. required careful consideration and close laps and 32mm and 40mm bars were joined building, and this strict criterion was outside building was the specified height, and to limit using couplers. the normal limits that piling contractors work planning risks. To create the required to. By taking on both the detailed pile design floor-to-ceiling heights within these 9: The cyclotron By working closely with the concrete was lifted carefully and site supervision responsibility for this constraints, while also meeting the strict into place using a sub-contractor and Interserve, a detailed element of the works, Arup was able to programme, the firm designed an large crane review of the pour sequence was carried out. resolve this issue. The firm created a solution unconventional steel-concrete hybrid framing This had a direct impact on the final detailed 10: A full-scale that met the stringent movement criteria and solution that minimised the structural depth pre-construction design due to its effect on the restraint was justified through detailed monitoring of of the floor slabs, thus ensuring the internal concrete test pour was conditions of each pour. The review a full-scale test pile that was loaded to 150% height requirements were met. carried out, including informed the agreed programme sequence, capacity. The foundations for the facility conduits, pipework and shutter design and the logistics for each were formed with piles rotary bored into the Radiation shielding thermocouples concrete pour. bedrock 15m below ground level. It was essential that the shielding elements of the building ensured staff and visitors Arup provided a detailed specification for The High Speed 2 (HS2) rail route is proposed would not be exposed to unsafe levels of the thermal conditions, with minimum and to pass the site – during the building design radiation. The high-energy neutrons emitted maximum delivery temperatures for the phase, the route was within 40m of the facility. by the equipment are powerful enough to concrete of between 15°C and 25ºC. The tunnel for HS2 is likely to be formed by a activate some surrounding materials, with Thermocouples were placed in each pour to tunnel boring machine; the construction could certain chemical elements more susceptible measure the differential temperatures cause ground movements outside the stringent to activation than others; therefore, getting between the core and the surface – this 8. 9.


11: 3D view of concrete 15: The centre treats shielding, showing adults and children, Authors conduits, pipework, and many elements Nick Ashby was the director for the civil and air ducting and have been designed structural aspects of the project. He is an thermocouples with children in mind Associate Director in the Cardiff office. 12: The BIM model 16: The Christie enabled early clash opened in December Hywyn Jones was the lead building services detection and 2018 and has treated engineer on the project. He is an Associate in construction many patients who the Cardiff office. sequencing have some of the most complex forms 13: Along with the was the Project Director. He is of cancer Dave Pitman 11km of conduits, 1km Arup’s Healthcare Business Leader in the UK, of pipework was Global Electrical Skills leader and is based in embedded in the the Cardiff office. shielding walls 14: The Christie Project credits has a BREEAM Client The Christie NHS Foundation Trust ‘Excellent’ rating Architect HKS Architects 11. 15. Design and build contractor Interserve Construction Ltd needed to stay within a 30°C range. This savings, measured at around £1.95 million, material properties, including the critical on the vault roof, which was constructed Radiological protection adviser Aurora fed into the decision of when formwork through early clash detection and density requirements. using removable pre-cast concrete planks. Health Physics Ltd could be struck and removed. The largest site sequencing. Cost consultants Gleeds single pour required 650m3 of concrete – Future flexibility and development Specialist centres Civil, geotechnical, public health, structural equivalent to 105 concrete wagons – The model enabled the coordination The Christie PBT Centre has been designed The Christie PBT Centre welcomed its first and vibration engineering, building services and 103 different pours were carried out of approximately 11km of conduits and for future adjustability, with the loading and patient in December 2018, and it has since and acoustic consulting Arup: overall. Some 17,000m3 of concrete was piped services through the 3–5m-thick performance criteria in the structural solution treated many patients with cancers that are Iain Adcock, Likhitha Ala, Sam Al-Noah, constructed over a 12-month period, radiation shielding walls. All the individual 14. aimed at balancing capital costs with complex to treat due to their proximity to Waleed Alsharifi, Nick Ashby, Chris Bailey, using 1,700 tonnes of reinforcement embedded elements, including each flexibility. The fourth gantry room, initially vital organs. A second PBT centre is James Banks, Rhys Baynham, Ian Bell, with 538 embedded conduits and pipes reinforcement bar, were modelled and The BIM model was also used by the installed with a fixed beam outlet only, is currently being constructed at University Ryan Blakeley, Geraint Bowen, Adrian Bull, and 140 embedded steel plates, all placed coordinated in 3D using Revit. This enabled radiation protection adviser, Aurora currently used for research by the University College Hospital London, set to open in Jason Burke, Steven Burrows, Lee Carl, to exacting tolerances. the production of a set of drawings that Health Physics, to undertake a detailed of Manchester. This area was designed to 2021. Arup was responsible for the building Olly Carlton, Natalie Chamberlain, Sarah detailed the plans, sections and elevations Monte Carlo simulation that confirmed the receive a full rotational gantry, meaning the services design for the concept design Clarke, Ashlee Corbett, Mike Cronly, Lewis Federated BIM model for each element in the pour, noting the final shielding requirements for the scheme. room can be re-fitted as a treatment room. through to the planning application stage, Cullinane, James Davies, Ian Drabble, Arup, HKS Architects and Varian specific setting-out requirements. The model The simulation modelled the radiation Arup’s design allows the equipment to be and is now acting as technical adviser for Sam Drury, Jiao Du, Chris Evans, James Medical Systems produced an integrated also helped the contractor to design in safe emitted from the PTE and predicted the lifted through the roof by a crane supported the construction stage. Evans, Nicole Evans, Tom Flitcroft, Rae BIM model that included the PTE services access and temporary works during radiation profile within the defined geometry Gee-Wing, Martin Gormley, Susie Gregory, requirements. By incorporating programme construction, as workers needed to be able of the shielding vault and entry mazes. Georgia Hall, Jim Harbord, Rob Harrison, information within the 3D digital model, to install conduits from inside the It included suitable allowances for the Steven Harvey, Justin Howell, Martin Howley, this 4D BIM model helped create projected reinforcement cages. embedded ducts as well as the key concrete Caroline Jarvis, Andy Jefferson, Richard Jeffs, David Jones, Hywyn Jones, Kevin Jones, Sion Lewis, Cath Lloyd, Pat McDonough, Phoebe McNeil, Darrell Milman, Izabela Miniewska, Dan Morey, Sam Morgan, Con Murray, Meguel Nurse, Sean Owen, Oliver Pike, Dave Pitman, Robert Powell, Michal Prochaczek, Anthony Rabaiotti, Derek Roberts, Kel Ross, Iain Scott, Yin Shan Ho, Leigh Sharman, Victoria Shattock, Sam Shooter, Tom Slater, Steve Smith, Martin Stanley, Ryan Taylor, Jamie Temple, Sherine Tsang, Jason Tse, Laura Wardak, Emma Warren, Patrick Welch, Chris Wheeler, Gary White, Adam Williams.

Image credits 1, 2, 4, 5, 14–16: The Christie NHS Foundation Trust 3: Varian Medical Systems 6–13: Arup

12. 13. 16.

26 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 27 LOCHAL | TILBURG, NETHERLANDS

A living room for a city

A vast industrial space has been transformed into a meeting and knowledge hub that serves the whole community

Authors Simone Collon, Rob Verhaegh, Babette Verheggen and Mathew Vola

The spoorzone (railroad zone) district of mixed-use building that is equipped for Tilburg in the Netherlands is a 75ha making and retrieving knowledge. LocHal former industrial area that was has a variety of functions. The redevelopment previously the town’s railway hub. has 11,200m2 of floor area and contains a Purchased by the city in the 1990s, the bleacher-style area that also acts as a site for district is being renovated as part of plans events and talks; Kunstloc Brabant, a to transform it into a thriving urban area, knowledge and expertise area for culture and providing work and recreation facilities art; an auditorium; Midden-Brabant Library; for the local community. a coffee house; a 60m-long winter garden; offices; and several workshops and labs that A critical feature of the spoorzone is a huge have been designed for an array of activities double-bay hangar situated by the main (there is, for example, a Games Lab, a Food railway station. Built in 1932, and originally Lab and a Dialogue Lab). owned by Dutch Railways, the structure consists of two separate, similar-sized halls Brought on board by CIVIC, the lead that served as a locomotive repair and build architect, Arup provided multidisciplinary space, and a boiler repair shop. But in recent services, including structural and building years it has lain empty. The municipality services engineering, building physics, wanted this space to be transformed so that it fire safety, lighting and acoustic could be used by the people of Tilburg and design consultancy. act as a ‘living room for the city’, where everybody, young and old, could gather Retaining the past together and use a range of facilities. The enormous 15m-tall hangar, which had fallen into a state of disrepair over the years, The refurbishment of this once industrial hall has a 90m x 60m footprint. The architectural has transformed it into a welcoming, modern, vision was to retain as much of the original

1: Constructed in 1932, the original building was used to repair and build locomotives 2: LocHal now acts as a ‘living room for the city’, with a variety of areas where people can meet and partake in various activities

1. 2.

28 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 29 LOCHAL | TILBURG, NETHERLANDS

5: Lighting and wooden would average around 15°C to 18°C. Awards tables have been Underfloor heating was installed in this area. added to the structure’s This does not encourage long stays, but allows World Architecture Festival 2019 original columns, which people to relax for a short time while they read World Building of the Year Award can now be used as or work or meet friends. This flexible, user-led study areas heating is energy efficient and creates a BNA 2019 awards 6: Displacement comfortable experience for visitors. (Dutch Association of Architects) ventilation systems Liveability & Social Cohesion (winner) were used for the The enclosed spaces, such as the laboratory intermediate climate Public Prize (winner) areas of the building areas that can be used as meeting rooms, the library offices or the gaming area 7: Oak blocks in underneath the stairs, all have their own the bleacher-style seating area can be temperature control. without entirely eradicating its history. Rather used to create than paint over LocHal’s original columns, semi-private areas While temperatures can plummet in winter, Braaksma & Roos, the heritage architect, in summer they can rise to up to 33°C in the chose to show the columns’ patina after years open spaces, with the structure difficult to of use and then neglect, with the peeling paint cool in a sustainable and economically lending the hall an authentic, industrial air – in viable way, again due to its size. Pre- keeping with its past. These columns have 5. existing openings in the roof are utilised so been fitted with lighting and wooden tables, that hot air can flow out and sun-resistant giving them a new lease of life as study areas. Climate Arup decided to opt for an intermediate skylights were installed in order to limit the 3. As a large, once industrial building, there climate in this area. Heaters were installed amount of direct sunlight entering the hall. Adaptability were many challenges in providing a close to the doors and heating elements To further minimise heat build-up, solar structure as possible. Arup carried out a These can be brought together to form a bar, As a ‘living room for the city’, it was comfortable climate throughout LocHal. The placed along the walls that contain substantial control double glazing was installed in the detailed inspection and organised a or even a stage, and can be moved outside. important that LocHal had adaptability so that client was also keen that the heating and glazing. In order to provide a comfortable glass façade at the front of the building. geotechnical investigation; this enabled the One of the lowered working pits – used to it could best meet the changing needs of users. cooling should be as energy efficient, and climate at all times of year, it was decided to firm to advise on which structural elements access the locomotives from below – has In addition to the mobile train tables, the stairs therefore sustainable, as possible. Arup use a displacement ventilation system. With Arup’s solution to controlling the atmosphere could remain in use, and which would need been transformed so that it can function as an area has moveable oak seating elements, so conducted detailed on-site research and used such a system, ‘fresh’ air is pumped in from of the hangar meant that it was possible to to be replaced or reinforced. office space or working area. It is covered by that people can create semi-private areas for advanced simulation models to create a outside. This air warms up on contact with retain it as one area; previously, the an orange furniture element that functions as either individual or group use. successful solution. The firm adopted the people and then rises, thereby creating a municipality had believed it would need to be In the building’s previous life, locomotives a mezzanine and contains further workspaces, ethos of ‘heating people, not places’, aiming temperate climate and ensuring a continually divided into two halls due to the difficulties were driven into the hangar on train tracks, as well as providing external views. Rather than rely on fixed internal walls that for a clever use of space, with a minimal circulating atmosphere. The system requires inherent in heating or cooling such a large before being lifted off by giant cranes. The offer little flexibility, there are six full-height number of heating/cooling installations and lower air speeds and less air than typical space. Arup’s climate solution has enabled original portal steel frame structure and the LocHal has large floor-to-ceiling windows textile screens that can be moved to divide an efficient use of energy. It developed three ventilation systems and therefore has a lower LocHal to have a spacious feel that adapts to concrete ground-bearing slab on grade had along its façades. To reduce waste, Arup the space in different ways. These have a different strategies for the three kinds of level of energy consumption. It was installed many different uses. It has also enabled therefore been designed to withstand replaced this only where absolutely combined surface area of 4,125m2 and are space in the building: open space, semi-open under the broad stairs leading up to the upper sightlines within the building to be retained significant loads. In the few areas where necessary, so much of the building’s glazing controlled electronically. The screens are a space and enclosed spaces. level of LocHal, and in panels in the walls in and encourages communal interactions. new foundations were required, the slab was is part of the original structure. The original further nod to Tilburg’s past, when it used to some parts of the upper level. locally demolished to create space for new brickwork of the east façade has been kept. be known as a ‘textile city’, and the cloth In winter in Tilburg, when outside Acoustics piles to be constructed. These were grout- curtains were made locally. As well as being temperatures can average about 4°C, the The steps, where people can sit, read and The open character of LocHal meant that the injected drilled piles, and only 81 new piles The client wanted the refurbishment to functional, they provide a softening acoustic temperature in the open spaces inside the work, were designated as a semi-open space. acoustics in the space had to be carefully needed to be installed. breathe new life into this old building, but element in the industrial hall. hangar can range between 10°C and 15°C. Here, it was estimated that winter temperatures considered before installing the various

The old crane construction was still present in the hall and found to be structurally 3: The giant textile sound; this was retained and used to suspend screens can be used to the new composite steel concrete floors of divide the space in the upper levels. The existing building different ways columns were also kept, where possible. 4: Where additional These not only support the roof, but also the support was needed, cranes that are found on two different levels. Arup designed a new support system In the areas where additional support was between the columns required for the suspended floors, Arup consisting of trusses of designed a new support system between the various sizes columns using trusses at a height of 5.4m.

The locomotive tracks, embedded in the concrete floor, have been kept as a distinctive feature in the refurbished hall. They are now used to move three giant wheeled ‘train’ tables. 4. 6. 7.

30 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 31

type code

A1 balustrade, geklemd glas, houten regel A2 trapafscheiding, geklemd glas, houten regel A3 trapleuning, houten regel B balustrade, staal cassette, glas C1 balustrade, staal cassette, stalen regel C2 balustrade, staal cassette, tafel kort C3 balustrade, staal cassette, tafel lang D balustrade, stalen strippen, stalen regel



10: Analysis was also m|Lab conducted for the different types of To conduct auralisations, Arup used the communicate the experience. With the lighting needed for the m|Lab, a mobile version of the firm’s m|Lab, the sensory experience of various spaces SoundLab technology. m|Lab is a cubicle architecture and environment can be 11: Arup’s acoustic designed to be used in noisy settings, such simulated, thus going further than numbers design means LocHal as busy indoor conference centres. Once and words. This approach allows the study retains its spacious feel inside the lab, noise from the surrounding of the subjective qualities of design and but can adapt to many environment is shut out entirely. As with a space, giving a deeper insight into how the different uses recording studio, there are sound-absorbing spaces feel visually and sonically. 12: Located in a materials on the interior panels. vibrant, rejuvenated The simulations run by Arup’s acoustics area, LocHal is now a centrepoint for the Within m|Lab, bespoke software combines experts via m|Lab helped the client and community advanced virtual reality (VR) and 3D audio to design team to make choices at an early experience the sounds produced in different stage regarding the layout in the hall that built environments. would generate the most appropriate acoustics in all parts of the mixed-use area. 8. Until recently, designers of architectural For example, the library and study areas 10. 11. space have had to rely heavily on their have been placed towards the back of the features. As a single mixed-use area, sound sensory memory of certain experiences or hall, far from the coffee bar area. The tiered in the open workspaces in order to retain buildings. The historic glass room from Authors levels overlap, and noise travels far, especially spaces to guide their design decisions. seating area, which can be used for large a consistent architectural image. the Beurs van Berlage (the old stock Simone Collon is a lighting designer and an as the space is constructed from materials such Qualities of light, sound and space can gatherings and presentations, was tested in exchange building in Amsterdam, which Associate based in the Amsterdam office. as steel and concrete, which amplify sound. sometimes be described in words or such scenarios to see what it would sound Where possible, the lighting team retained is now a conference centre) was due to numbers, but these metrics often fail to fully like when at full capacity. the building’s industrial heritage luminaires, be demolished, but the City of Tilburg Rob Verhaegh is a senior engineer, who was The coffee bar area is situated at the entrance retrofitting them with new technology. bought it for €1 and transported it to involved in the structural design for the to LocHal, creating a lot of noise. At the same Lights were added to the building’s columns LocHal. It now has a new function as project. He is based in the Amsterdam office. time, the library areas need to be quieter, as in order to improve wayfinding and to a glass auditorium and small concert hall do the areas where people can sit and study. rooflights allow daylight to flood into each area, although distinct, felt like part of enhance the details of the historical venue within the LocHal complex. Babette Verheggen led on building physics the building, creating an ambient a coherent whole. construction, further emphasising the and acoustics and sustainability. She is an In order to attain client buy-in, and to inform atmosphere for users and retaining links building’s character. A new community hub Associate in the Amsterdam office. the layout of the hall, Arup conducted with the outside. The tall ceiling of the main open hall Open every day from 8am to 10pm, LocHal in-depth auralisations. These demonstrated meant that a lighting programme had The lighting scheme is predicated around is a vibrant hub in a once-quiet part of Mathew Vola was Project Director. He is a the sound levels in different parts of LocHal The many different zones of LocHal, which to be developed in this area that would low energy usage principles. Tilburg. Offering spaces for people to meet, Director and Property Business Unit Leader in in various design iterations and were a way each have a different function, meant that provide the right levels of light for people study, attend events and visit exhibitions, it the Amsterdam office. of demonstrating the complexities of the Arup’s lighting team had the challenge of studying or meeting friends. Pendant Sustainability is a welcoming knowledge centre and an acoustics in an accessible way. creating various lighting atmospheres. These luminaires were used; positioned quite At every point, elements of the original inspiring example of how to breathe life into Project credits had to ensure each zone had its own specific close to the ceiling, they still supply light structure were retained rather than an old building. Situated at a connection Client City of Tilburg Lighting feel (which was also appropriate to its at a high enough intensity for people to replaced, so as not to waste materials. point for several roads and adjacent to Architect CIVIC, Braaksma & Roos, Natural lighting is used as much as possible. usage), while also retaining an overarching comfortably converse and study. Going a step further, LocHal has also Tilburg train station, LocHal is now a new Inside Outside The large glass façade and partly restored style throughout the building, ensuring that Pendant luminaires were also used helped to preserve materials from other centrepoint for the community. Interior designer Mecanoo Construction management Stevens Van Dijck Bouwmanagers & Adviseurs 8: Arup’s m|Lab Main contractor BINX Smartility technology helps Acoustics, building physics, building to give deeper insight services engineering, fire engineering, into how spaces lighting design and structural engineering, will sound Arup: Enny Breure, Simone Collon, Antonio 9: Arup carried D’Aquilio, Solmaz Esmailzadeh, Bettine out building modelling Gommer, Michiel Hagenouw, Sander Hofman, to help with the Bart Kramer-Segers, Ander Perez Palacios, challenging acoustic Camille Pfeiffer, Ouiam Rhersellah, Kevin design in such a large space Truijens, Rob Verhaegh, Babette Verheggen, Mathew Vola, Pieter Wackers, Hielke Wagter, Tom Warger.

Image credits 1: Regionaal Archief Tilburg 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12: Arjen Veldt Fotografie 4, 6, 8–10: Arup

9. 12.

32 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 33 O∙PARK1 | HONG KONG

From food to fuel

At O ∙ PARK1, food waste is converted to energy and compost without creating a stink

Authors David Pegg and Michelle Shun

Hong Kong is a food lover’s paradise. Its strong tradition of food culture embraces both regional delicacies and fusion foods that reflect its long history of international trade. But the moniker ‘culinary capital of Asia’ comes at a price, with over 3,000 tonnes of food waste produced every day in the territory.

With food waste the largest municipal solid waste category being sent to landfill, Hong Kong’s Environmental Protection Department put in place a strategy to develop a number of organic resources recovery centres that would make effective use of this waste and help reduce carbon emissions. Phase one of the project, O ∙ PARK1, which opened in July 2018, converts food waste into energy and compost.

The first organic resources recovery centre in Hong Kong, and one of the largest of its kind in Asia, O ∙ PARK1 is located on a 2.2ha site on Lantau Island and has the capacity to treat 200 wet tonnes of source- separated organic waste each day. The food waste, generated by commercial, industrial and institutional establishments, is digested by micro-organisms, which then produce

1: O ∙ PARK1, which opened in 2018, turns organic food waste into biogas, which is used to generate energy 1.

34 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 35 O∙PARK1 | HONG KONG

hour (ACH) in the main process area and minimise water consumption. Wastewater wastewater treatment plant, plus 10 ACH in that comes from the dewatering process the pump room, it found that the air discharge of the food waste residue after anaerobic volume would exceed the limit set forth digestion (AD) is also treated and reused under the environmental impact assessment. in the pre-treatment process (crushers and sieves). Arup overcame this challenge by first, minimising the volume of every space, O ∙ PARK1 generates around particularly the composting hall (one of the 14 million kWh of electricity per year most odorous environments on site), where through the AD process, which produces a it used an inverted beam design to reduce biogas rich in methane that can be used for the internal size. Second, the firm both heat and electricity generation. implemented a cascade air flow strategy to The biogas is purified and dehumidified make efficient use of the air that was drawn before feeding into the highly efficient into the facility buildings. combined heat and power (CHP) units for power generation. As well as being self- Inverted beam design sufficient in terms of its own energy With the aim of maximising the operational 5. consumption, the plant powers up to 3,000 2. headroom while minimising the ventilation households annually as a result of the volume in the composting hall, Arup by making efficient use of the air drawn into access to the bunker via the back door. surplus electricity it feeds into the grid. 2: It was essential that proposed inverting the structure to use the facility. In total, the strategy cut down When the tipping process is complete, The renewable energy that powers the site Arup addressed the upstand beams, leaving the soffit of the hall consumption, and therefore discharge of air, the truck is once again sealed between and local homes, combined with the issue of bad odours created by the facility. flat, effectively moving the unusable void by two-thirds, simultaneously lowering the two doors, where it is washed. carbon emission savings that would A CAPCS treats the air between beams onto the roof. In addition to energy consumption by reducing the amount otherwise arise from landfill, reduce before it is discharged decreasing the internal volume without of air being treated. Any water that runs off from the wash is greenhouse gas emissions by 25,000 3: The composting hall impacting the operational headroom, the collected, reprocessed and reused on site to tonnes each year. has a flat soffit, which design created a clean ceiling surface. Arup Arup analysed the operator’s normal maximises headroom assigned only the bare minimum of utilities operations to find out which areas would be and minimises here – lighting and sprinklers for fire services. unstaffed and which would need operator ventilation volume access. The firm then configured the plant 4: The spaces created With the inverted beams creating into zones such that fresh air would enter by the inverted beams compartments on the roof, Arup turned this buildings in staffed areas, before being on the roof have been arrangement into an advantage. The drawn into areas with restricted staff access 5: Fresh air first filled with planters, rectangular voids between beams have been and a medium pollutant load, and finally enters the facility in helping to green filled with compost produced on site and into unstaffed areas with high dust content the staff areas the site used as planters to grow vegetation. This before being treated by the CAPCS. 6: In order to best 3. helps to green the industrial plant, which use the limited space, overall has 30% green coverage. The CAPCS comprises two wet scrubbers the tipping bay and biogas. This biogas powers the facility and wastewater treatment), electrical, building that remove dust from air coming from the vehicle wash bay have is used to provide around 14 million kWh services, fire strategies, landscape Cascade air flow strategy composting building, a chemical scrubber been combined surplus electricity to the grid annually. architecture and BIM. The cascade air flow strategy proposed by with a two-stage acid and alkaline cleaning 7: O · PARK1 is able to Every element of the process has been Arup also helped reduce the total volume of process to remove ammonia and hydrogen treat 200 tonnes of carefully considered for its environmental Air discharge air that needed to be treated and discharged sulphide, and an activated carbon filter, biodegradable waste impact, with the digestate converted to about As the first in a series of O ∙ PARKs, a which discharges to the stack. every day 6,500 tonnes of compost per year and central plan of the O ∙ PARK1 brief was 6. wastewater either reused or treated before proving to the citizens of Hong Kong that Green and clean being discharged to the public sewer. this type of facility would not tarnish their Odour control was considered in such great communities with bad odours and pollution. detail that every truck exiting the site is O ∙ PARK1 was procured by the Arup responded with a strategy that ranged required to be washed. However, space local government under a design-build- from rigorous facilities cleaning to a constraints were such that there was no operate contract with an 820-day design negative pressure site design that would room for the trucks to manoeuvre from the and construction phase and an operating draw air inwards in order to prevent odours weighbridge to the tipping bunker and period of 15 years. The contract was escaping, and a centralised air pollution washing facilities in a linear fashion. awarded to consortium OSCAR control system (CAPCS) to treat the air Bioenergy Joint Venture, comprising before discharge. To overcome the issue, Arup combined Suez, Atal and RosRoca, with Arup acting the tipping bay and the wash bay into one as the designer. Arup provided detailed However, the government also set the air unit with two rapid-roll doors – one at design services, including architecture, discharge limit for the site at a stringent the front, one at the back. In order to structural engineering, geotechnical 130,000m3 per hour. When Arup assessed the retain the odour seal, the back door is shut engineering, civil engineering, process facilities’ enclosed volumes to be treated and when vehicles enter, with the front door (centralised air pollution control and allowed for the required 12 air changes per closing behind them before they are given 4. 7.

36 2/2020 | The Arup Journal 37 O∙PARK1 | HONG KONG

8: The plant produces team helped configure the plant in such a 11: Work on O · PARK2 is already under way. enough energy to way that visitors could experience it without It is expected to be commissioned in 2022 power up to 3,000 coming close to the operational areas. 12: The plant has over 30% green coverage houses per year Visitors are able to walk through the site and and has reduced landfill volume by 73,000 9: The open-air view the core processes from a protected tonnes per year elevated walkway environment, with the inverted beam design allows visitors to gain a acting as a talking point that highlights how good view of the site much thought has gone into odour control. 10: 3D BIM was An open-air elevated walkway is central to used to conduct swept the design, giving views across the plant but Authors path analysis on also allowing visitors to hear and observe David Pegg was the Project Director. He is a vehicle movements Director in the Hong Kong office. around the site the industrial environment. From the bridge they can see how the site blends into the natural setting, with mountains behind and Michelle Shun was the Project Manager. She the sea on the other side. They can also see is an Associate in the Hong Kong office. the AD tanks where the crushed food waste is converted to biogas, and the wastewater Project credits treatment plant in the middle of the site. Client Environmental Protection Department, 8. 11. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region After the link bridge, visitors come to a Contractor OSCAR Bioenergy JV Look and feel and is used by the contractor to load and visitor gallery where they can look down Architecture, building services, civil, Ensuring the waste trucks look and smell unload equipment. through skylight windows into the fire, geotechnical, process and clean is part of the wider initiative to ensure composting area, providing views of the structural engineering and sustainable the facilities are amenable to the community The stack was designed to minimise its visual normal working processes, such as trucks infrastructure design Arup: while having a minimal negative effect on impact, with Arup proposing a rectangular taking the compost from one tunnel to Ryan Adi-Putra, Karma Barfungpa, Mathew their neighbourhoods. O ∙ PARK1 is situated rather than circular construction. By changing another. The bunker area where organic Brown, Christy Chan, Patrick Chan, Thomas adjacent to a major highway near the airport the height and width ratio in this way, the waste is tipped and crushed is also visible. Chan, Vince Chen, Joseph Cheng, Hilary and is visible to the public. It was therefore stack is less obvious. The rectangular shape Visitors thus can see the site operations from Cheung, Ray Cheung, Hilda Chiu, Harry Choi, important to adopt an aesthetic design that also allows for easy maintenance access. a safe distance, allowing them to be Yiu-Bond Choi, Elaine Chow, Carrie Chu, harmonises with its surroundings. educated about the way the plant works. Mohammed Danish, Nilda Galvez, Aatisha Staff amenities were also considered in the Gupta, Don Ho, Rex Ibanez, Berlin Ip, The brown-grey building cladding was design, with a courtyard garden set into the BIM Aniruddh Jain, Thomas Jiang, Yiu-Fai Kan, selected to match the mountains behind, top floor of the office building. This There was no formal requirement to use BIM Jason Khoo, Cammy Kong, Dominic Kwok, while the large airducts running from the provides staff with an open space, and glass but because Arup had designed similar Kathy Lai, King-Chak Lai, Romario Lai, compost building to the chemical scrubbers walls along the garden’s perimeters give the facilities using the technology, it went ahead Kwan-Yau Lam, Maggie Lam, Sharjeel Larik, were placed along the link bridge so that office and conference rooms extra sunlight. with this strategy. As the project developed, Morize Lau, Yee-Ting Lau, Joey Law, Vincent the deodorising process is visible. both Suez and Atal also adopted 3D BIM, Law, Bill Lee, Jason Lee, Kam-Tim Lee, Kitty On the roof, cladding was used to hide Visitor experience meaning that the whole project has been Lee, Siu-Yuen Lee, Brian Lei, Andy Leung, the pipework and the chemical scrubber, An important strength of Arup’s design was completed in BIM. The model was also used Gavin Leung, Louis Liu, Franky Lo, Edie Luo, making the site seem less industrial. The its thinking behind the visitor experience, to carry out a swept path analysis to simulate 12. Carlson Ma, Martino Mak, Wilson Mak, Arnd architects allowed a slot on the front face which was vitally important for educating vehicle movements around the site to ensure Manzewski, Dhaval Mehta, Candy Mok, that gives visitors a hint of the pipework the general public. The firm’s Architectural these could be undertaken safely. Arup also developed a virtual reality project is to provide independent Giuseppe Mollica, Andrew Ng, Angel Ng, application that integrates with the 3D BIM certification of the design deliverables and, Calvin Ng, Kenneth Ng, Roy Ng, Raymond model, allowing the client to assess through a team of site-based engineers, Pak, Simon Pearce, David Pegg, Edgar Po, operational and maintenance tasks before provide independent certification of Dora Shum, Kin-Pui Shum, Michelle Shun, entering the real environment. The client is construction and commissioning activities. Iota Sin, Taurino Singson, Andy So, Edith So, able to use 3D goggles to ‘walk’ through the Edward Stonehill, Susanne Sugiarto, plant and visualise a particular job, such as Arup is also helping the Hong Kong Raymond Sy Guan, Stanley Sze, Albany Tam, removing equipment from a difficult space, government to identify additional waste Grace Tam, Megan Tang, Paul Taylor, Morriz which is helpful for safety and operational facilities up to 2041. This work includes Tsang, Simon Tsang, Sum Tsang, Alex Tsoi, training as well as planning. a pilot trial of a food waste pre-treatment Ricky Tsui, Muhammad Umer, Raymund Vega, facility for co-digestion, combining sewage June Wang, Billy Wong, Calvin Wong, Ensen O ∙ PARK2 sludge and food waste in the same anaerobic Wong, Eugene Wong, Louis Wu, May Yam, Work began on the next stage of the digester tank to create biogas. Daphne Yan, Alan Yang, Sam Yau, Sunny Yip, government’s plan, O ∙ PARK2, in October David Yu, Doris Zhang. 2019 and it is scheduled for commissioning As the client explores the future of organic in 2022. The plant, located in Sha Ling in waste management, O ∙ PARK1 stands as a Image credits the region’s northern New Territories, will testament to what can be achieved, reducing 1–7, 9, 10: Arup adopt advanced technologies to recycle 300 landfill volume by around 73,000 tonnes 8, 12: Heliservices (HK) Ltd tonnes of food waste per day into biogas and each year while producing renewable energy 11: Google Earth DigitalGlobe other useful materials. Arup’s role on the and compost. 9. 10.


1: SFO’s new terminal is named after civil rights leader A new vision for air travel Harvey Milk 2: Arup was the multidisciplinary SFO’s new terminal leads the way in sustainable travel that considers users’ wellbeing consultant on the Boarding Area B Authors Raj Daswani, Raphael Sperry and Byron Thurber design-build team. It was also lead airside engineer


Terminal 1 at San Francisco International Construction began in 2016, with the first Airport (SFO) was originally built in the nine new gates of Terminal 1 opened in July 1960s. Increased demand for air travel 2019. Stage 2, a further nine gates, opened in over the decades since – and particularly May this year, with nine more gates set to be since 2000 – meant that it could no longer up and running by mid-2021. When handle the passenger volumes that were complete, it is planned that Terminal 1 will passing through every day; an upgrade operate approximately 400 flights per day. was needed, but the client wanted this to be carried out without affecting flight In 2018, the City and County of San schedules or passenger experience. Francisco bestowed the terminal with the name Harvey Milk in honour of the US Navy The 1.2 million ft² (110,000m²) Harvey Milk veteran, County Supervisor and civil rights Terminal 1 project involves major leader (1930–78), who was the first openly modifications and rework to the Terminal 1 gay elected official in California’s history. Center, the complete demolition and rebuild of Boarding Area B, and upgrading Creating sustainable flight Boarding Area C. Ageing infrastructure SFO has long been concerned with has been replaced, aircraft taxilanes sustainability, with its Strategic Plan 2017–21 realigned, and temporary and permanent setting out the airport’s aim to become – facilities constructed. among other goals – entirely net-zero energy by 2021. As part of the plan, SFO wants to Arup served as the largest multidisciplinary achieve zero waste, reduce its greenhouse gas consultant on the design-build team for emissions by 50% (from a 1991 baseline), Boarding Area B that was selected by SFO maximise water conservation, and implement in late 2015. The firm worked on aviation a healthy buildings strategy for new and planning and analysis, civil engineering, existing infrastructure. SFO set up a Zero sustainability consulting, fire engineering, Energy and Resilient Outcomes (ZERO) building services, and acoustics/audio-visual Committee, which was charged with services. Arup was also appointed lead reviewing all airport projects (both those airside civil engineer, which entailed the under way and those in planning and design design and construction administration of the stages), including Boarding Area B. The 30-acre apron and taxilane reconfiguration. review was to confirm compliance with the 1.


airport’s strategic sustainability goals for Modular baggage handling The trays are conveyed on individually energy and water efficiency, carbon Terminal 1 previously operated with six controlled roller modules rather than conveyor reduction, zero waste, and selection of disparate baggage systems, each owned by belts. If there is no tray on a module, no systems, materials, products and furniture for different aircraft carriers. The systems were power runs to it. An ICS therefore uses half improved planetary and human health. complicated to coordinate and also used a the energy of a traditional belt-type conveyor significant amount of energy. They needed BHS. It also has greater capacity, managing Arup was responsible for the schematic to be streamlined – replacing the different up to 3,000 bags per hour on a single line, and energy design for Boarding Area B. The firm systems with a shared one – and updated so has quicker transport speeds, meaning it is worked closely with the ZERO Committee, that the new BHS could easily fulfil the particularly useful in large airports where bags looking at ways to drive the energy usage of needs of a busy, modern airport. may have long distances to travel. The the terminal down even further, carrying out Boarding Area B pier is quarter of a mile long. lifecycle costing, triple bottom line Most airports, including SFO, have a assessments across social, environmental conventional belt conveyor BHS. Belt In a conveyor system, all the bags are sent to and economic considerations, and analysis conveyors are driven by variable frequency one storage room, which requires staff to be in of different mechanical systems. drives and have one motor that powers a belt attendance and sort the bags whenever 20m to 30m long. If there is even one bag needed. This introduces the potential for The energy analysis process had two tracks. anywhere on this surface area that means the human error – if a mistake is made about a The first used building energy analysis motor will be running, using power. In an bag’s destination, there is no double checking. modelling software IES, which was run by individual container system (ICS), however, In the modular system, bags are also sent to a Engineering 350 under Arup’s supervision, to each bag is put into a separate container (also storage room but with the difference that each 6. 7. assess the building energy load (including referred to as trays), each of which is 2m long. tray has a radio frequency identification areas such as heating, cooling, ventilation and (RFID) tag embedded within it. Once a bag is Arup collaborated closely with the designers people and then rises, meaning that the entire lighting). The second track analysed airport- loaded into a tray, the bag ID is ‘married’ to and installers, Beumer. This is the first time room does not need to be cooled. In a typical specific loads that could not be so easily the tray ID, with the containers tracked via such a system has been used in a US airport overhead cooling system, a lot more energy is measured by IES. These included the their RFID tags. This means that sorting and and Beumer provided an Environmental needed, as air has to be pumped through the high-mast lighting that illuminates the airport releasing of bags can take place automatically, Product Declaration and a Health Product whole space, rather than just the lower couple apron and taxiways; the elevators and and if a bag fails a security screening, it can Declaration for the BHS – a first for of metres. Displacement air also travels at escalators throughout the terminal; the automatically be sent back through the the industry. lower velocity, requiring less fan power. equipment-charging stations (for baggage system. By automating these complex actions, tugs and aircraft pushback tractors), which the chances of luggage being sent to the Heating/cooling systems The design also included radiant ceilings for are charged via the terminal; the baggage wrong plane are reduced, as are the staffing The other main area that Arup identified heating and cooling in the hold rooms. This handling system (BHS), and the aircraft levels needed. Moving bags via trays also for energy savings was the heating/cooling system is energy-efficient because rather than themselves, which when parked can plug into reduces the probability of bag straps or wheels system. As Boarding Area B is open 24/7, it relying on air being pumped – which takes a the terminal’s electricity and can also access catching on parts of a conveyor system and uses a significant amount of electricity. lot of energy through the use of fans – the ventilation from the end of the passenger causing jams. heating and cooling method uses water that is boarding bridges. Arup opted to use a displacement ventilation circulated through pipes. As well as requiring The design of the BHS was led by the system. This supplies air at a low velocity far less energy, this allows the air system to Having metered various equipment in the Terminal 1 Center design-build team of through large column covers and wall panels. be smaller than it would otherwise be, past, SFO had data that Arup was able to use Hensel Phelps, with the new system serving It requires less energy, particularly when thereby creating further cost savings and to determine which aspects of the airport both Boarding Area B and Terminal 1 Center. cooling a space, as the cooler air meets taking up less space. used most energy, and where savings could be made. Two critical areas were highlighted following a review of this data – the heating and cooling systems, and the BHS. 3.

3: Construction began in 2016, and was 6: When parked, carried out in stages aircraft plug into the 4: The Harvey Milk terminal’s power and air Terminal is open systems, improving 24/7, and therefore outdoor air quality has significant 7: The advanced energy needs modular BHS uses 5: Arup’s energy significantly less energy usage analysis included than a conventional belt monitoring the use of conveyor BHS the electric ground 8: Building energy support equipment analysis modelling charging stations software was used to assess the building energy load 4. 5. 8.


12: Arup analysed all the materials used in the construction of Terminal 1 to assess their environmental impact 13: Arup obtained an environmental product declaration for the passenger boarding bridges – a first for the building industry

9. 10. 12. 13.

The radiant ceilings, combined with the or cool a space. Arup, along with the demand. It solves the glare problem, provides The interior materials were all closely one of the major equipment systems of an ‘eGSE’. In a pioneering study that has now displacement ventilation system, allow architect, HKS-Woods Bagot-ED2-KYA Joint some energy savings on hot days, and ensures monitored and tracked, with Arup reviewing airport terminal. In a first for the building been replicated with several other clients, a wider band of air temperature to be Venture, worked to develop a perforation that unobstructed views and natural them against strict indoor air emission criteria. industry, Arup obtained a Health Product Arup’s Aviation Analysis team performed a supplied, ensuring passengers have a panel that could fulfil the terminal’s thermal daylighting are retained. The global warming potential per square Declaration and an Environmental Product comprehensive requirements analysis to comfortable experience in the terminal. and acoustic needs. metre of carpeting was closely analysed; the Declaration (the latter quantifies a product’s assess the optimal number of eGSE Achieving sustainability carpet tile was selected according to the San environmental impact through its lifecycle) recharging stations per gate. A benchmarking Acoustics Electrochromic glazing SFO’s ZERO Committee asked Arup to Francisco Environment Code and to strike a for the passenger boarding bridges, in order to study of comparable airports yielded a Another consideration when installing the As typical of many airports, SFO has large analyse the design features of Boarding Area balance between durability (due to high better understand and improve their impact. wide range of charging stations per gate radiant ceilings was the acoustics of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Such large areas of B to quantify their social, environmental and footfall) and environmental impact. and per eGSE vehicle, showing there was terminal. Getting the right balance between glass can mean uncomfortable glare in the economic performance. With Autocase, a Harvey Milk Terminal 1 is targeted for no evident consensus yet in the industry the ceiling panels having the optimal thermal morning and evening when the sun is directly specialist consultant that conducts triple Reformulated wall board of a slightly lower LEED v4 BD+C Gold level certification, but (as at early 2016). and acoustic performance was a complex job. in view. Arup helped develop a strategy that bottom line cost–benefit analysis, Arup density was used. This option included a lot once construction is complete, it might even Often, acoustics are better when an acoustic- ensured window space did not have to be estimated the costs of key features of the of recycled content, thereby fulfilling circular be possible to achieve Platinum level. Arup’s analysis, which assumed an ultimate absorbing back is installed behind the metal curtailed but could also prevent glare without terminal renovation. The results showed the economy principles and having a smaller transition to a 100% electric fleet, took into ceiling panel, with perforations made in the the maintenance concerns or loss of view environmental and social benefits that would carbon footprint. The spray-on insulation Electric GSE vehicles account factors such as vehicle operating metal so that the sound can go through and be from window shades. After extensive come from making certain choices during under the arrivals level floor slab is created As part of its strategic plan to reduce carbon times, recharging times, sharing rules, absorbed. This ensures that the many noises consideration of various options, SFO opted construction. For example, the radiant from a bio-based material. All interior emissions, SFO has been incentivising numbers of idle or out-of-service vehicles, created in a busy terminal do not become too for the installation of electrochromic glazing heating/cooling system delivered better air materials and furnishings are free of toxic airlines and third-party ground service distance/convenience for staff, and battery life loud for passengers. However, too many (or dynamic glazing), using View Dynamic quality, which benefits the wider community flame retardants. providers to transition their aircraft ground optimisation. This resulted in an evidence- perforations mean that there will not be Glass. This uses electrochromic technology through a healthier atmosphere and fewer service equipment (GSE) vehicle fleets from based recommendation of four stations per enough metal to create a radiant effect to heat to switch between clear and tinted states on cases of respiratory problems such as asthma. Arup carried out analysis of all the materials traditional diesel to electric, known as small gate and ten stations per large gate. used in Terminal 1’s construction for their contribution to the following environmental impacts: eutrophication (the impact of high levels of macronutrients); acidification (emissions that cause acidifying effects to the 9: Arup installed ocean); smog depletion (emissions that radiant ceilings, which contribute to ground-level smog formation); use water circulating and ozone depletion. Concrete, which has a through pipes for high environmental footprint, primarily due heating and cooling to its cement content, was one of the main 10: Solar photovoltaic construction materials. The firm optimised panels are used the cement content of the structural concrete, to generate electricity on site replacing it where possible with alternative, less damaging, materials. By doing this, the 11: The electrochromic embodied carbon footprint of the entire glazing can be 14: Arup used its adjusted to prevent building was reduced by over 10%. WeatherShift software bright glare without to forecast future the need to reduce Passenger boarding bridges (commonly weather patterns and window size or known by the trademark name ‘Jetway’), ensure the drainage install blinds which are composed primarily of steel, are system was resilient 11. 14.


15: WeatherShift showed the effects of predicted coordination between the 120-strong group of future rainfall on the airport’s stormwater drainage design and construction professionals, airport 16: The airport parking plan has been upgraded to personnel, and the project management accommodate a modern fleet mix support services teams. This created greater 17: The first nine new gates of Harvey Milk efficiencies at every step, in a collaborative Terminal 1 opened in July 2019, and nine more delivery process novel for an aviation project. opened in May 2020 The airside grading and utilities were modelled using AutoCAD Civil 3D – integrated into the project’s BIM model using AutoDesk BIM 360 Glue – to facilitate sharing, coordination and clash detection in a real-time 3D environment. This accessible affected nodes. By using WeatherShift, the platform provided a single shared space for firm could pinpoint with a great degree of the design and construction teams to design, accuracy this potential problem area and build collaborate, innovate, and ultimately in a solution – pre-empting the issue and construct and document the project. saving on future costs. 15. Upgrading the airside Phasing and collaboration Arup’s airside planning team, with industry- In addition to generating electricity on site Arup used WeatherShift primarily to assess This project was planned in stages in order leading expertise in aircraft gate and apron via solar photovoltaic panels placed on the the effects of future rainfall on the storm to have minimal impact on airport users design, developed a new aircraft parking roof, SFO purchases renewable electricity water drainage system for the airport apron. and flight schedules. A temporary set of plan that flexibly accommodates a modern from the grid, so meeting the airport’s The tests showed that most of SFO’s drainage gates was constructed before the old gates aircraft fleet mix. This includes six gates longer-term carbon reduction goals. was capable of handling the projected were demolished. This required detailed configured as two-for-one multi-aircraft increase in rainfall intensity, but it highlighted coordination among the teams on the ramp systems, sized for A380 and future WeatherShift a weak link in the system. In several areas, project – the upgrade was split into two B777-9X aircraft types. In a first for SFO, A vital part of creating a sustainable building the drainage system of basins and pipes came separate projects, Terminal 1 Center and vehicle service roads (VSRs) are provided at is ensuring it is ready to meet future climate together in nodes. WeatherShift’s IDF curves Boarding Area B – who all worked together the head of stand, in addition to the scenarios. To have a better idea of the kind of showed that a small number of those nodes on site in a repurposed space within an traditional tail of stand. Head-of-stand VSRs weather patterns facing SFO in the coming could become backed up due to the higher unused hangar known as ‘The Big Room’. facilitate a reduction in the number of decades, Arup used its bespoke WeatherShift intensity of future rainfall. Arup was therefore This integration was highly successful, potentially conflicting aircraft/GSE rolling programme, developed in-house with able to mitigate this problem by upsizing the allowing for easy communication and interactions, and shorten the distances and 17. Integrated Environmental Solutions and travel times for GSE, resulting in improved Argos Analytics. The tool uses climate safety and efficiency of aircraft servicing. change predictions for a local area to generate Authors audio-visual and multimedia, sustainability annual weather profiles to simulate future The aircraft stand configurations that Arup Raj Daswani was Project Director for the consulting, and aviation planning and analysis building performance. developed for Boarding Area B are now duration of the project, and performed oversight Arup: Shakeel Ahmed, Jennica Autery, Josh Bird, regarded as the new benchmark standard for of all building engineering services. He is a Holly Brink, Jenna Browning, Alton Cannon, Typically, design takes into account rainfall future designs at SFO, and during the Principal in the San Francisco office. Camilo Chalela, Eglantin Dashi, Raj Daswani, intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves, project the airside team has assisted with John Dell, Haley Francis, Audrey Fremier, which are calculated based on the past 100 gate planning on adjacent projects at Raphael Sperry was the Project Manager during Ekaterina Frolov, Maribel Gibson, Cooper years of measured rainfall data. However, due Boarding Areas A and C. the construction phase, and led on the Glosenger, Geoffrey Griffiths, Justin Guan, Erica to the rapid pace of climate change, calculating sustainability and energy modelling aspects of Hoffman, Peter Holst, Yeying Huang, Venon future weather based on the past 100 years is Enhancing the flight experience the project. He is an Associate in the San Jalali, Jun Lautan, Anh Le, Jackie Lee, George no longer considered reliable. WeatherShift The first nine new gates of Harvey Milk Francisco office. Long, Vineet Maheshwari, Alisdair McGregor, uses data projections from several global Terminal 1 opened in July 2019. Nine further Grant McInnes, Kyle McMillen, Aarshabh Misra, climate models to construct weather scenarios gates opened in May 2020, with the final nine Byron Thurber was Lead Aviation Planner for Jack Mong, Elena Morosanu, Luis Nieto, that consider future weather behaviour. gates set to be completed in mid-2021. The the duration of the project, supervising the Ramson Paulus, Rubina Ramponi, Todd redevelopment of Terminal 1 will enable it to aviation planning and analysis work-streams. Ravenscroft, Léonard Roussel, Raphael Sperry, Current weather profiles are ‘shifted’ to the handle up to 17 million annual passengers – a He is an Associate in the San Francisco office. Vojin Stefanovic, Jolene Stoffle, Nathan Stroud, future, meaning that buildings, infrastructure capacity increase of 70%, and a 70% decrease Mark Summers, Aihua Tang, Larry Tedford, Sara and urban masterplans can be tested to see in energy use compared with the previous Project credits Tepfer, Byron Thurber, Aldrin Tordecilla, Lauren how they withstand future weather patterns. terminal. Passengers can enjoy a terminal Client San Francisco International Airport Wingo, Frances Yang. By being able to plan ahead more accurately, catered to their comfort at every step, and can Architect HKS-Woods Bagot-ED2-KYA lifecycle costs can be minimised, as resilience appreciate the many amenities on offer, such Joint Venture Image credits is built in, meaning replacement is not so as high-end shops, food halls and an art Structural engineer Rutherford & Chekene 1, 4, 9, 12, 13, 17: Austin-Webcor frequent. WeatherShift can plot future gallery. And with its environmental impact Main contractor Austin-Webcor Joint Venture 2, 3, 5–8, 10, 14–16: Arup temperature rises as well as rainfall IDF closely monitored and mitigated wherever Civil, electrical, mechanical, public health and 11: San Francisco International Airport curves, both of which affect the choices made possible, the Harvey Milk Terminal also fire engineering, acoustic consulting, in the construction of the built environment. contributes to the wellbeing of wider society. 16.


Reconnecting communities

The rejuvenation of this riverside area has created green, open Combining vital flood alleviation been encouraged by a series of urban spaces for the public while also providing vital flood protection with a greenway project that connects amenities throughout the greenway. communities, the Connswater Community Greenway is helping to transform East Arup played a central role in creating the Authors Carol Andrews, Chris Caves and Reuben Lucas Belfast. The scheme is a 9km greenway Connswater Community Greenway by that offers access to riverside leading the project team during the design environments, 16km of continuous cycle and construction stages of the extensive and walkways, improved and connected second phase of the development. As well green and open spaces, new bridges, a as using the firm’s civil engineering public square, and heritage trails. expertise, Arup deployed a wide range of additional technical skills, including The linear park along the Connswater, geomorphology, transport, environmental Knock and Loop rivers provides a design, community liaison, project continuous, uninterrupted car-free corridor, management and site supervision services. allowing residents and visitors to walk, run or cycle from the Castlereagh Hills to the The development represents a £41 million Quarter in . investment (£30 million for the greenway and £11 million for flood alleviation), The needs of the local community drove the delivered by Belfast City Council in close design, resulting in urgently needed flood collaboration with local social partnership alleviation measures combined with new organisation EastSide Partnership; Northern green and public spaces. The works Ireland’s Rivers Agency was an important increased river capacity and attenuation, collaborator on the project. providing crucial flood protection for 1,700 homes and businesses and 40,000 residents. Community engagement East Belfast was previously noted in travel The genesis of the Connswater Community guidebooks as a part of the city inadvisable Greenway scheme began in 2005 as an for tourists to visit, but the greenway has application to the UK National Lottery’s helped turn that around. It has stimulated the Living Landmarks scheme, designed to local economy, drawn tourists to the area and is an attraction that the community can enjoy and be proud of. The interventions that were carried out support economic development, improvements in public health and community cohesion – allowing previously segregated communities to come together. Where rivers once acted as barriers, people and places are now reconnected, and healthier lifestyles have

1: The 9km Connswater Community Greenway provides flood alleviation measures, green spaces and access to the river 2: The linear park provides an uninterrupted car-free corridor from Belfast’s Castlereagh Hills to its Titanic Quarter 1. 2.


3: As part of the contractor planting days. During construction, 5: Seven new steel project’s flood paid employment for 1,014 weeks was bridges were alleviation measures, provided, split between the long-term constructed as part of 4.1km of reinforced unemployed, apprenticeships, graduates, the scheme’s 26 new concrete flood walls training candidates and university students. or refurbished bridges were installed 4: Arup engineered a A phased approach to the greenway series of pedestrian and development meant that sections were cycle bridges as part of opened and made accessible to the the greenway community as quickly as possible. This enabled the public to use the facilities and to quickly see what the overall project was aiming to achieve. Each time one of the sections was completed there was an open day, which helped to keep the momentum and goodwill towards the project going. The engagement has not stopped with the greenway’s completion, as EastSide Partnership organises events on an ongoing 3. basis including nature walks, charity runs and outdoor fitness classes. The greenway has connect communities via open space. It then development. For example, some residents also been included in the local geography developed into a more ambitious greenway who lived close to planned public entrances GSCE and A-Level education curriculum. 5. project with the goal of creating pedestrian- to the greenway were concerned about cycle routes and improving the public realm. anti-social behaviour, and struggled to Flood alleviation the area was subject to flooding in 2007, the Belfast Lough end of the greenway (based in Newcastle) made several The area surrounding the greenway is home envisage the benefit of having new A period of regular flooding in East Belfast 2008, 2012 and 2014. The three rivers that where the river level is influenced by the recommendations that were implemented, to communities facing a range of amenities on their doorsteps. provided a greater impetus for the project – weave through this urban environment were tide. Further upstream, the flood walls were including softening the river banks by socioeconomic and public health challenges, prone to both fluvial and pluvial flooding, in replaced with banks, with a 5km river removing debris and refuse – over 50 including low life expectancy, high levels of One of the project’s significant technical addition to influence by tidal events. Belfast restoration scheme used at the far end. tonnes of rubbish was cleared from the child poverty and subdued economic challenges was access to the waterway, City Council and EastSide Partnership waterway – and managing invasive species activity. EastSide Partnership wanted to which in places was along a heavily worked collaboratively with the Rivers River restoration such as Japanese knotweed. Much of the overcome years of neglect and lack of confined urban corridor. Working closely Agency to incorporate the Connswater In the past, the path of the Connswater, Connswater River was previously investment in the area – poor-quality with the local council, Arup managed the Greenway Corridor and the East Belfast Knock and Loop rivers had been artificially confined to a blockstone channel, while infrastructure was recognised as a particular individual landowner agreements regarding flood alleviation scheme into one combined influenced. An important project goal was other river sections were oversized and barrier. An understanding of the needs of the purchasing land where required, agreeing project. This approach maximised the to restore the rivers to their more natural sluggish. All these elements encouraged local community was developed through a timeframes, reinstatement and compensation benefits by combining procurement. It forms, thereby helping to increase a healthy, dynamic water flow, giving series of community engagement initiatives. for the works. This was a substantial amount allowed Arup to produce enhanced biodiversity, encourage the riverside the river system a ‘kick start’, improving Improvements in public health, societal of work given the linear scale of the project, integrated design solutions to augment the area’s wildlife and ecology, improve their channel aesthetics and creating more cohesion and security from flooding were the urban environment and the large quality of the infrastructure delivered, general appearance, and allow greater public diverse habitats through the fluvial and identified as critical priorities. numbers of landowners involved. minimise disruption to the community access. Arup’s geomorphology specialists tidal sections. during construction and reduce the overall Sustained commitment to community One of the most visible elements of the cost of the combined works. engagement during the design and greenway is a series of new pedestrian and construction phase resulted in 550 meetings cycle bridges engineered by Arup. The With flood protection a priority, the project Awards with homeowners and businesses, and nine scheme included 26 new or refurbished was split into two phases. The initial works larger community forums. bridges, with seven new steel bridges and two in Victoria and Orangefield parks were done 2019 2017 small-span wooden ones. These serve as as part of the first phase, with Arup awarded NCE 100 Award Electrical Awards The project team went beyond the connections between communities, linking a the design work and supervision for the Impact in Urban Living Lighting Project of the Year intermittent consultation required to fulfil network of green spaces. Where once the seven sections in phase two. statutory obligations, instead engaging with Connswater, Knock and Loop rivers acted as 2018 Sustainable Ireland Environmental Waste the local community continually. barriers to public movement, the area now The flood alleviation measures along the Institution of Civil Engineers Management and Energy magazine Responding to over 750 public queries facilitates sustainable travel and healthier greenway route included 4.1km of new World’s 200 most influential projects Environmental Initiative of the Year – across the four-year construction period, the lifestyles, and connects previously separated reinforced concrete flood walls and 1.2km of Joint Winner team issued 12,500 notifications and updates neighbourhoods while providing access to the flood embankments. Local and long-lasting Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors to 6,640 Facebook and 4,584 Twitter riverside environment. Encouraging a sense materials were used in the design, with Northern Ireland awards Construction Employers Federation (CEF) followers, ensuring the community was of community ownership and stewardship natural materials included where possible, Community Benefit – Highly commended Excellence Awards aware of all the long-term benefits for the was a priority, and a public nomination particularly for the river restoration. Robust Green Flag Award Social/Community Construction Award area, including the provision of improved process was used to name a dozen bridges construction and detailing were essential, Transport & Utilities Infrastructure Award flood protection measures for their homes. and five paths along the greenway. Local given the urban environment, 24/7 access British Construction Industry Awards The process helped overcome scepticism in children created designs for the construction and intensity of use. The major flood Community Engagement Initiative of the Year CEF Environmental Sustainability Award some sections of the community about the hoardings and amateur gardeners attended protection works were carried out towards 4.


community. The number of people using the 9: The greenway has brought together several greenway area for play and recreation has communities in East Belfast and created a vibrant doubled to 556 per hour when surveyed six area enjoyed by locals and tourists months after opening. And thanks to the 10: CS Lewis Square contains sculptures of greenway’s well-lit paths and outdoor fitness characters from the author’s most famous book facilities, another important social outcome is that the community is safer. The PARC study noted a reduction in the perception of litter and vandalism in the area, as well as a perceived reduction of crime. Authors Carol Andrews was responsible for Another goal of the project was to supervisor duties on the project. She is an contribute to the economic regeneration of Associate in the Belfast office. East Belfast through investment, employment and tourism. Parts of East Chris Caves was the Project Director. He is Belfast that were previously unwelcoming the Infrastructure Leader for Arup in Northern are now busy with dog walkers, joggers, Ireland and a Director in the Belfast office. pedestrians and cycle commuters. CS Lewis Square draws tourists into this part of the Reuben Lucas was the Project Manager/ city, with the square and greenway tourist Lead Designer and is an Associate in the destinations in their own right. The river Belfast office. 6. 8. 9. restoration, coupled with the flood alleviation works, has encouraged the Project credits At the low water levels, natural brushwood Reflecting the best of Belfast providing bicycle hire, repairs and cycling population in East Belfast become active community to return to the river when for Client Belfast City Council/ bundles were tied together and fixed to A new public square, CS Lewis Square – workshops. The Belfast Bikes ride-sharing because of the greenway, the scheme will years they had turned their back on the EastSide Partnership shallow (75mm-thick) gabion mattresses. which is Belfast’s first 24/7 park – sits at scheme was extended out from the city pay for itself through health benefits in 40 waterway. There has been an increase in Landscape architects These were pinned to the existing the heart of the scheme and was designed centre to the square and there is also a stop years. This equates to a potential economic planning permissions for developments Paul Hogarth Company revetments and filled with stone and in what was an unused grass area at for the hop-on hop-off tourist bus. return of £500 million – more than 12 times along the greenway, including refurbishment Cost managers ChandlerKBS brushed soil that allowed the planting Holywood Arches. Named in honour of the project cost. of existing houses (focusing the homes Contractor Farrans Construction and grasses to grow. The brushwood the Belfast author, who was born in the area, Recreation facilities in the form of playparks towards the river), along with apartments, Bridge engineering, civil engineering, flood bundles encourage wildlife to nest more the square is 2,500m2 and features seven and MUGA (multi-use games area) pitches A core goal of the greenway is to encourage shops and businesses popping up along the risk management, programme and project readily, especially compared with the sculptures based on characters from Lewis’s were installed, with connections to the healthier and more active people and route. More than 1.4 million pedestrians, management, and sustainability consulting concrete channels previously used in book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. adjacent local schools to allow easy access communities and to improve the public cyclists and anglers are using the greenway Arup: this area. Adapting stone revetments so Along with its adjacent visitor centre, the for children to the play areas. Eight tourist health of locals. This includes 40,000 each year. This project demonstrates the Carol Andrews, Imelda Barry, Chris Bolt, that they take a more natural form, and square attracts more than 1,000 visitors each trails have been established to celebrate the residents, the pupils and students attending power of green infrastructure and how it can Laura Brady, James Calvert, Will Campbell, adding native aquatic planting to them, day and has contributed hugely to the history and culture of East Belfast, including the 23 schools and colleges along the route, contribute to a city’s wider community and Ken Carter, Simon Cattley, Chris Caves, has improved the rivers’ ecological regeneration of East Belfast through an industrial heritage tour. The Van and those who work and invest in the economic development goals. Andrew Clarke, Stacy Clements, Mark status as required by the EU Water inward investment, employment and Morrison Trail is named after the singer, Coalter, Candice Constantine, Francesca Framework Directive. More than tourism. Sustrans, a charity that makes it whose most famous song, ‘Brown Eyed Crossan, Jack Davies, Matthew Dowie, 1,400 native trees have been planted easier for people to walk and cycle, has an Girl’, references the hollow that is located Ciaran Elliott, Meghan Fick, David along the greenway. Active Travel Hub adjacent to the square on the greenway. The Conn O’Neill Bridge Hetherington, Nevin Keane, Jagadeesh in the same location, which dates from 1603, Kunnumal, Gareth Lawlor, Nigel Livingstone, was strengthened as part of the greenway Cian Long, Reuben Lucas, Donncha project. The George Best Trail tells the story Madden, Suzanne McColgan, Emma of the former Northern Ireland and McFarland, John McGill, Christopher Manchester United footballer who grew up McGuinness, Megan Moore, Keith Morrison, in East Belfast and was a Glentoran FC fan, Rachel Murnaghan, Chris Norman, Pawel 6: Playparks and attending games in the Oval football Ogonowski, Tara O’Neill, Aled Phillips, multi-use games areas stadium located adjacent to the final section Tomasz Pietruniewicz, Andrew Richardson, have been established Dave Ross, Corrado Ruta, Eamon Scullion, along the greenway of the linear park. Holly Shearer, Darren Stewart, Peter Storey, Natural brushwood 7: Greenway success Annelie Syk, Marian Thompson, Killian bundles were attached Walsh, Tammy Whelan, Dominik Zolnowski. to gabion mattresses Queen’s University Belfast was and filled with stone commissioned to measure the effects of the and soil so that plants new infrastructure on the surrounding area Image credits and grass could grow and quantify the impact. The Physical 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10: Paul Lindsay/ Christopher Hill Photographic 8: The Conn O’Neill activity and the rejuvenation of Connswater Bridge – which dates (PARC) study measured the mental and 2: EastSide Partnership from 1603 – was physical health effects Connswater has had 5, 7: Arup strengthened as part of on the community. One of the study’s key 8: Paul Megahey the project conclusions is that if only 2% of the inactive 7. 10.

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1. Tai Kwun, Hong Kong: Arup; 2. UNSW Science and Engineering Building, Sydney, Australia: Multiplex; 3. The Christie Proton Beam Therapy Centre, Manchester, UK: Christie NHS; 4. LocHal, Tilburg, Netherlands: Arjen Veldt Fotografie; 5. O·PARK1, Hong Kong: Arup; 6. Harvey Milk Terminal 1 at San Francisco Airport, San Francisco, USA: Austin Webcor Joint Venture; 7. Connswater Community Greenway, Belfast, UK: Paul Lindsay/Christopher Hill Photographic. Front cover image: Tai Kwun, Hong Kong: Arup.

The Arup Journal Printed by Geoff Neal Group Vol.55 No.2 (2/2020) Produced on FSC® paper Editor: Macdara Ferris and printed with vegetable- Designer: Wardour based inks. Email: [email protected]

Published by Arup 13 Fitzroy Street London W1T 4BQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7636 1531 All articles ©Arup 2020