Ken Jordan Nature Trail Dedicated
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Publishing news & views of Lancaster, Groveton, Whitefield, Lunenburg & other towns of the upper Connecticut River valley of New Hampshire & Vermont [email protected] VOL. CXLIV, NO. 32 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2011 LANCASTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE TELEPHONE: 603-788-4939 FORTY PAGES 75¢ Constable Pleads, Resigns By Mike Fournier low officer Sgt. Denis Girourad Contributing Writer were responding to a report of a LUNENBURG, Vt. – Longtime citizen dispute at 78 Sunrise town constable Robert Shaw Acres in Lunenburg shortly after pleaded guilty to four charges in 7 p.m. when they received word Essex Superior Court, criminal di- from dispatch that Essex County vision, on August 12 and was sen- Sheriff Trevor Colby had advised tenced by Judge Robert Gerety Jr them that there had been a do- to suspended jail time and fines. mestic disturbance at the Shaw In addition to the punishment residence and that Shaw, who handed down by the court, Shaw had been drinking, had left the also resigned from his positions residence and had subsequently as town constable and fire chief. been involved in an accident. The charges were the result of Dispatch also advised the an incident that took place in troopers that they had received a Lunenburg the evening of Aug. 3. 911 call from Shaw’s wife, saying According to an affidavit filed by Shaw had been drinking, had left Trooper Christopher Pilner of the Vermont State Police, he and fel- Constable, PAGE A16 Longtime fire lookout Ken Jordan of Whitefield of the Division of Forests and Lands, who staffed the Mount Prospect Fire Tower in Weeks State Park, was honored on Saturday by having a new nature trail dedicated to him. State officials praised his work ethic, knowledge, and dedication. He posed for a photograph with his three sons: Major Kevin Jordan of the state Fish and Game Department; former Whitefield selectman Ken Jordan; and Littleton Meter Reader Steve Jordan. Ken Jordan Nature Trail dedicated By Edith Tucker ness to pitch in, and his detailed responding to “a citizens’ effort” rade of antique and classic cars [email protected] knowledge of the North Country’s to stop the forests from being de- that morning at the Mountain mountains, forests, and lakes. stroyed by rapacious clear-cut- View Grand in Whitefield and LANCASTER — A new nature USFS Public Services Staff Of- ting and fire, she said. People in members of the Jordan family and trail was dedicated on Saturday ficer Rebecca Oreskes of Milan of New Hampshire and along the others motored to up to the morning to Ken Jordan of White- the White Mountains National Eastern Seaboard worked for the Weeks Lodge, built in 1913 by field, a longtime fire lookout who Forest discussed the broad ac- common good, she said. Andrew Weeks as his summer home. staffed the Mount Prospect fire complishments of the Weeks Act Zboray, assistant Parks manager After his death, his adult chil- tower atop Weeks State Park. of 2011, whose centennial is be- of the Division of State Parks Di- dren — Katherine Weeks Davidge PHOTO BY JEFF WOODBURN The Ken Jordan Nature Trail ing celebrated this year. vision, also thanked Jordan for and Sinclair Weeks — donated Quintin Paradise, of Bethlehem, won the 8-15 years-old division at the was named for a man who was de- John W. Weeks, a Lancaster na- his efforts. their father’s 420-acre estate to annual Frog Jumping Contest in Whitefield. scribed by Park Manager Rachel tive who became a successful Activities, such as geo- the state of New Hampshire. Bruce of Lisbon as having been businessman, Mayor of the City caching, scavenger hunts, hands- Ben Wilson of the Bureau of Things were hoppin’ at “the face of Weeks State Park.” of Newton, Mass., and later a Con- on art making, lawn bowling, hik- Historic Sites of the state Parks Forest Rangers John Accardi gressman from Massachusetts, ing, and sketching and painting, Division was also on hand. The of Lancaster and Bert Von wrote the legislation that allowed were offered all day as part of a Weeks Estate was added to the frog jumping contest Photo Dohrmann of Jefferson, both of eastern forests, such as the WM- two-day Weeks State Park Cele- national Register of Historic By Jeff Woodburn (with his son, George), of Lancast- the state Division of Forests and NF, to be acquired as National bration. Places in 1985. The state plans to WHITEFIELD – The annual frog- er, in the adult division; Ethan Lands, praised Jordan for his ded- Forests. Weeks, who later became The North Country Classic Car begin ambitious restoration ef- jumping contest was one of the Heng, of Whitefield in the 5-7 years ication and reliability, his willing- a Senator from the Bay State, was Club of Lancaster formed a pa- forts in 2012. highlights of the Whitefield Com- old group. Another winner was 2- munity Day. The popular contest year old Nicholas Vivona, of Dal- featured more than two-dozen con- las, Texas (grandson of Ray and Su- Balsams’ sale to Ocean Properties falls through testants ranging from young chil- By Edith Tucker some potential buyers had tele- the Tillotson Corp. would be into it,” said the former execu- san Gradual) who won the under dren to middle-aged adults from all [email protected] phoned him almost as soon as able to retain all or part of the tive of the N. H. Charitable Foun- 4 year-olds division; and five year- over the country. the board’s press release was payment that Oceans had made dation and the Appalachian old Ethan Heng’s was the overall The winners were Quintin Par- DIXVILLE — The Board of Di- issued. “Our employees need in conjunction with signing the Mountain Club, both non-profit winner. His frog jumped 18 inches. adise, of Bethlehem, in the 8-15 rectors of the Tillotson Corpo- clarity on what is happening to P & S, Deans replied that the organizations. Video highlights are available ration sent out a press release years-old category; Steve Gonyer at their jobs,” he said. board did not know the answer Balsams on Thursday afternoon that When asked whether or not to that question. “We’re looking , PAGE A15 Ocean Properties, Inc. (OPI) of Portsmouth had notified them DOE selects team to that it had decided not to pur- Gate of Heaven Parish stays with status quo By Edith Tucker The parish currently has five calls and letters to both him and chase The Balsams. [email protected] churches, two rectories, and Pastoral Council members, par- prepare Northern Pass EIS “We are surprised and sad- four cemeteries. MacKenzie’s ticularly to John Brooks of Lan- By Edith Tucker dened by this unexpected ciates would prepare the re- LANCASTER — Father John plan would have reduced the caster, resulted in his under- [email protected] news,” the Board said in a pre- quired EIS on the project. Con- MacKenzie, pastor of the Gate of parish to four churches, one rec- standing that parishioners had pared statement. “The Tillot- servation groups, including the Heaven Parish told members of tory and four cemeteries. four primary concerns. son Corporation has put an WASHINGTON, D. C. — The Conservation Law Foundation, the Pastoral Council on Aug. 3 His written report was hand- The financial factor headed enormous amount of work into Department of Energy (DOE) the Appalachian Mountain Club, that the “vast majority” of ed out at churches or mailed to the list. securing the future of the hotel has selected an integrated team and the Coös Community Bene- parishioners are opposed to an parishioners. He has decided, he “In the minds of many parish- for the North Country. Howev- of professionals from three en- fits Alliance, objected to this effort to realize his vision of a said, “to forgo any further inves- ioners, we are not prepared to er, despite this setback, our vironmental consulting firms to choice, saying that Norman- new Gate of Heaven Parish tigation of possibly finding new make this kind of investment at goal remains the same: to find prepare the DOE Environmental deau had a conflict of interest Church to be located a tract of land and of possibly building a this time,” MacKenzie wrote. “At a new owner for The Balsams Impact Statement (EIS) to ad- because its was helping North- land between Whitefield and new parish church.” that will benefit the economy, dress the Presidential Permit ern Pass secure state permits. Lancaster. MacKenzie said that phone Gate of Heaven,PAGEA7 environment, and people of the application submitted by North- Both Sen. Jeanne Shaheen North Country. ern Pass (NP). and Sen. Kelly Ayotte raised “A special meeting of the NP proposes to bring 1,200- questions and asked the DOE megawatts of high-voltage di- Board of Directors has been DOE, PAGE A15 called and in 10 days (Aug. 22) rect current (HVDC) electricity we will announce our plan to from Hydro-Quebec across the continue to manage The Bal- US-Canada border on towers up sams. We remain optimistic to 135-feet tall that would be INDEX about the future of the hotel.” converted to alternating cur- The Tillotson Corp. had ap- rent (AC) in Franklin and go on- proved a P & S agreement on to the New England electric grid Business Directory . .B6 in Deerfield at an estimated $1.1 March 10 to sell The Balsams Calendar . .B7 with all its assets and approxi- billion cost. This integrated team is made mately 7,700 acres of land to Classified . .B9-11 Ocean Properties, doing busi- up of SE Group, ness as Balville LLC.