2O16 NORM NORM-VET Usage of Antimicrobial Agents and Occurrence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Norway DESIGN, FORSIDE: IDA SKAAR IDA FORSIDE: DESIGN, – SVANEGODKJENT TRYKKSAK – 241 762 241 – TRYKKSAK SVANEGODKJENT – ISSN: 1502-2307 (print) / 1890-9965 (electronic) AS MEDIA LUNDBLAD 2016 NORM NORM-VET Usage of Antimicrobial Agents and Occurrence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Norway ISSN: 1502-2307 (print) / 1890-9965 (electronic) Any use of data from NORM/NORM-VET 2016 should include specific reference to this report. Suggested citation: NORM/NORM-VET 2016. Usage of Antimicrobial Agents and Occurrence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Norway. Tromsø / Oslo 2017. ISSN:1502-2307 (print) / 1890-9965 (electronic). This report is available at www.vetinst.no and www.antibiotikaresistens.no 1 CONTENTS NORM / NORM-VET 2016 CONTRIBUTORS AND PARTICIPANTS Editors: Gunnar Skov Simonsen NORM, Univ. Hosp. North Norway Anne Margrete Urdahl NORM-VET, Norwegian Veterinary Institute Authors: Per Espen Akselsen Antibiotic usage in humans
[email protected] KAS, Haukeland Univ. Hosp. Cecilie Torp Andersen Candida spp.
[email protected] Oslo Univ. Hosp. Elisabeth Astrup MRSA in humans
[email protected] Norw. Inst. of Pub. Health Hege Salvesen Blix Antibiotic usage in humans
[email protected] Norw. Inst. of Pub. Health Dominique Caugant Meningococci
[email protected] Norw. Inst. of Pub. Health Petter Elstrøm MRSA in humans
[email protected] Norw. Inst. of Pub. Health Hege Enger MRSA in humans
[email protected] St. Olav Univ. Hosp. Frode Width Gran MRSA in humans
[email protected] St. Olav Univ. Hosp. Kari Grave Antibiotic usage in animals
[email protected] Norw.