District Census Handbook, Ratlam, Part XIII-B, Series-11

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District Census Handbook, Ratlam, Part XIII-B, Series-11 "Tif XIII-1I ;ri{qvr.:rT 'fiT • sn~fqif) UT'(TU • ] I its. m. ii, I .1 'lmffq smmf,:($ i\'lin J ~ !nIl'f'Iren qlll ~1iT I ;~1 CENSUS-PUBLICATION PLAN (1981 C~nsu, Publications, Series 11 in All India Series will be published In th~ folloWing parts) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS Part I-A Administration Repo rt-Enumera tion Part 1-'8 Administration Report-Tabulation Part II-A General Population Tables Part U-B Primary Census Abstract Part III General Economic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population Part VIII Household Tables Part IX Special Tables on Schequled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part X-A Town Directory Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns Part X-c Survey Reports on selected Villages Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part XII . Census Atlas Paper 1 of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Paper 1 of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS PL'1'XIlI-A&B District Census Handbook for each of the 45 districts in the State. (Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract) CONTENTS ,~cs Page. Foreword f-lv Preface v-vi District Map Important Statistics vii 5 . ~~q'\li fi!t~ Analytical Note ix-xxxiv ozrT.!1T~~<fi R:etr11f1, if:!~J;f:qcr iiI1f6' 'IfR if:!~m Notes &, Explanations: List, of Scheduled 'I"'f~f~ f.!i1 ~'lfr (~l!T)a;:r), fcr!Tlf<fi 1 976; Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order f~T ar'f~lIJ'iff 'lf~crf.!ir iti'T (f(j'~Hr ~ ~:sr I (Amendment) Act, 1976, History and Fci1~"U'f T~ fccq'vrr Scope of District Census Handbook, Analytical Note Tahsil Maps Alphabetical List of Villages 1-41 (i) GTrlRT cr~~1~ 1-5 (ii) m~)e ffi!l:~l~ 6-10 (iii) ~WAr ff~~1;;r 10-18 (iv) ~~11f ~l[ift\1 18-21 (i) Jaora Tahsil ~-26 (ii) Alot Tahsil 26-30 (Hi) SaiJana Tahsil 30-38 (iv) Ratlam TalJsi) 38-41 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 42-117 RatJam District Abstract, 42-49 ( i ) iil'rcr~T t'rI[~Tiff (~rllfy,q- ) Iaora Tahsil (Rural) 50-61 (if~"{Tlf) (Urban) 62-65 'llSo Pages ( ii) arr<?l'tz ffi!!ll:<l (lAP:ftur ) Alot Tahsil (Rural) 66-75 ( ij1f'&r) ( Urban) 76-19 ( iii) ~<1T;;T tI~ (lJt'fitvr ) Sailana Tahsil (Rural) 80-103 (~) (Urban) 104-105 (iv) "{'~Tq 6'~« ( t.f(11'1"or ) R atl am Tahsil (Rural) 106-115 (~) \Urban) 116-117 APPENDIX-Urban Primary Census Abstract Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes 140-14 3 Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes l44-147 APPENDIX-Development Blockwise Primary . Census Abstract 148 -lSI i5A1f'UfifT {ftToif HU 'U;;:lI' ~n:0fiT7T 'fi1 q r<: q ij'lfift;ra err nr~ ",1 fifij;Zffli IJ'r~ it ~~ ~fcrar ~;I;l ~; 0') ~~if>i r;;;r~ \ififq1lTifT ~ft(l'~T Gf'{fl'VTrrT ~T ttifi or~~~ d"q~fQS' ~ I ~,{T1Jr orcrrtt' I ~ fififWCfiT iii '1lTlil Cfi) ~: ~lf~ iifi~a f~T ;;;riftTurrrT ~ftij'ifiT CffT lfT\ififT frr+rhnQ1, smHr'fiT, ~I:f g"TJI'TOf i!J it ~~er ij'+rttr 'lm\'F §fcrar'&tl, fcr~­ fcrifAT $TR qij"S"Trr 'fifffql 'fiT orTr -orT'{ m<r~ificrr ~)eft· 'fi~ ~fqQ'Iq-) q-l'{ 'J:f'f \ltflf)fI Cfi1 fCf,fq) if; iI'~ it 'frr 'I wq orrm q; ~Ter-ij"N ~~ ~f«rifiT ~T ~q~)lI' fifcrT:qif oll'Tqij; II'Tcnf m:rrfcrse- 'fi~ U" ~ irrwr ifi"T ::JfTffr ~ f.t; ~ij'~ 4i1i't ~ qfur'M'rr, ~ri'{nt ~~T ~ fi'{!TttUf ~1<: el"lTlI' Jl'T~'li)~trll' lI'T\ififr ~ ifTCTl7l1'ifiCIT q-"~ 'l\T ~ ~ifi1ft I ~q lI'T;;ro:rIi cr"l'f.r it mfCfillr ijfraT ~ I 1I'~ ~f~1fiT fJf~T srWTij'il if ~ f'l'TifTlI' 1ii~1 it lfrGl';:n' ~lI'R rn it ~irTlI'ij'f ftffifl') r;nt'rif if ffT ij"~ifi €IRrr ~ I f~r ~;n ~ffCfifi'r ilT q-ifi q-ffr~ liT~ !R'l<: ~qnrl ifi) 'ift fcrf.rll'flia Cfi~ ~h f~ 'I'nf ftu'r .lTifirtlTif ~ fGl'~~ m-~ it"l'T ~ ~llJ fff<: ffifi q; 3i~lI'r if mtl1·lR'ij'~rr 'tiT CfiJf ifi\~ if ffT ~~llffiT f~tT) , ~ 5l'fiTllfi iftT<:TlI' ei'~ q; crri <rn: Jlrerf~ ;;rrrtTUfrrr ~n: ~ ~Wtfcrer ;:~p:raJf $I'T<4lll'CfiffT ij;T~~JI' 2I1T f~ ~T'fllll'ifi(I'TiI'r ,"Cfi~ i3'lTt'I'ifl &)a ~ I ~ij"iT ~rfi'i 11')<: ;:rT<:T tfTfG" iT ~~;a 'fiT ';(fu ~ ft;rit ~«ifCTff ;;rrrrCf,T\) rt\' f~ rrt liif ~ rrf lI'i'a'flCfi ~fcrS'TqT ~ crr~ it 'iff ;;;rrrr!fiT'u nr~CJT ~ I ~ I iT ryf 11~· ~ : Sf" merr w.::ir, SJT¥lfliifi' ~erTf~-i3'1l ~ m'lT it ij"r~~rflfij; ferHq CfiTliifimq-T ~<ifno li<fT'I>1' \Terff fGl'm ~G{i'{T ~f~(I'CfiT Cfi1 'SIit~mT llfiT SfT<:J:'if 1 951 i3',~1l1l' 'fiT 6lfTit it ~ff Itt UTJI' fif~Twifir it ij[')~ fTlfl ~ J 11ft iiA'I'VfifT it fCfim 'l'lI'T lefT I Wit f;;r~ if; Sf~<fi lXT1l qh fij;ttr fT~ it ifTif-::JfTit ~ ij"rarrT ifi' orT~ it iSlT rrlfT tt~ GI'~T ~\ ifiT 5TTl'ffltij; ~T ~T'{ 'Ih ij[iftyG{rrT <fiT +r~cq~of Ifll'T ~ ~ij;T iff'1'srTlf fGl'~ if; ~if ~) ifir \JfTrriifil {) tt'fif<ifCJ ~fVll:rt lefT I 1961 ~ IfR:Tif f~T ij[ifq1JfrrT ~ffflCfiT ij;'{rr1 ~ fij['ij'it mifT i51HT ar~ 'fifoif riflefftr iii) ~~1I' ~ I it; filq eT!J ifiT N~n: f!fill'T 'Tl:JT I WiT f~~ iifiT NfC'[ff ~ <fIH CfiT~li "f~ ij['r[ij"llT ~T,{ qrorn:l 'fiT ~~jln" q;) Iniro'. srm~flfifi mfiitl'ifiT t Gl'iftf1Jl'IfT ij'r,fUJ'lI't ~i'r<: 57Term<fi q~ ~rn Cfi\~ ~ f\ifiT ::Jf~T tTlI'T ~ fii ~ifiti t) fer !fiT ij['if~~lI'T GAqGJiJ'T ij'n: iii) flfflTllfi<: ~J1f ~ if'I'\ frrirn'f.'r wrfu~ 1=n IIT\ qftcrR ~~lfT f!fia;:ft ~ If)\ \;ifif; if~trT\ fCfiaoU ~fqS'T~ EIll 'Ii 1 1971 CIli mT \ifif flUJ'o:rr ~ftAiT CIli ~~TqT i!il crtrr \;q~;r;1:T ~ , ~)' ift!" qf~fWl)e ~h: ij[')~ tTtt ~ fii[orit' ~ lJ.'fi 'l'mT it .fZT fI'lfT 'n , 1fi'-"lTfT it ~TJI' ill<: iftT'{ frrifw'fir, .., ~f1it if; arrt iT ~ Gl'5"t 'fi)f .~craT :a-q'Wicr ~r ~ allfT .-'lTfT it \T11{ '&t)'{ iflT~ iifiT SJT~ Gl'i'f'l'GfrrT ij"H ~h I~u, ~~ ii[rr~l§lI'T ~ q-~qm it ~~f'liCf ~Tfff tlh lR'2;. IT -""IT if flfl~GfTf'fiifi f~q)t, nrnfrr=p wtfisll''fiT, f;;rl;r ~f'ifo ij[1fGfrfff 'fiT ~ijll'r ~ ~:ttmr ~ I iSA1fVr;:rT ij'T~fQrzrt, smrfJl''fi i;fi'{tTGfifT m<: 'H qrS'Tf«r f~ mmTfliili ftq)i '&th ~TliT it; ... ~ it cr~t ~icr Wcrallil q; '£~ 'IlTrfm;r ¥t I (I''ITN, ~ Uii<rT it ~ij"if ~<rn f~~T if;r~ frrcrf!lTCfiT it; tflTli"f iT '1'1 f~ ij'1ft')S'if f<fitt tTtt ~ liriflTVTifT ~lI't '~r 1fT tTf ~ I ~~ .~ 'fT +rnm- ir ~~t f~~ fii ~~ q~T if; orr~ it \1fR<fi'l'\i flR;r ~iIi ~h r~.=ffi'li «lMIQ 'Il'{ ~or it ~u ~),if ~ ~~ ~ffflifiT SJij;rfWCI irT 'Irl!flflf'fiffr <fiTli"lili iIl1 "'rcr!fll'ifi6'~) ~T ~fu ~) q~ I ~T If(\' ctl tB I :a-,\~1I' 2f>1' 1511'Trr if ~",a g~ ~1-1 ~UfT-l! i; OfifGlT It) ~T crfmm it i'frtTf<:Cfi tirt Il'rll' ~f<rTImT ~ orR it ~ 1981 llfif f::Jfl;f ij['iffTG{rrT ~fff<fiT ~ q;nf fflfTl: ifi'\ff ;rll'r fcrcr~Gf (fer<r\1lT-IV 'Ii') Gl'l9r Q11T ~: JrrWT !J>"F GI'T(f) ~ mli m'{ rrfl't firifwCfiT ~ q)11fl it f~ rrl{ 'm:t'JI' ~ f.ri ~~ srTCO GfTrrOfiro m<ft;;r<fiT '1>1' ITi'rtt il'f~trzit ii; wrl1: Iir~ i3'~ fq;'{ ~ ~lI'T\ fiifill'T ;rll'r I i3'Cfff 'Jirl{ arrrffi ~JI'lI' if; ret!" 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