Logical Methods in Computer Science Volume 17, Issue 2, 2021, pp. 23:1–23:30 Submitted Feb. 27, 2020 https://lmcs.episciences.org/ Published May 28, 2021 ALGEBRAIC COCOMPLETENESS AND FINITARY FUNCTORS JIRˇ´I ADAMEK´ ∗ Department of Mathematics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany e-mail address:
[email protected] Abstract. A number of categories is presented that are algebraically complete and cocomplete, i.e., every endofunctor has an initial algebra and a terminal coalgebra. Example: assuming GCH, the category Set≤λ of sets of power at most λ has that property, whenever λ is an uncountable regular cardinal. For all finitary (and, more generally, all precontinuous) set functors the initial algebra and terminal coalgebra are proved to carry a canonical partial order with the same ideal completion. And they also both carry a canonical ultrametric with the same Cauchy completion. Finally, all endofunctors of the category Set≤λ are finitary if λ has countable cofinality and there are no measurable cardinals µ ≤ λ. 1. Introduction The importance of terminal coalgebras for an endofunctor F was clearly demonstrated by Rutten [Rut00]: for state-based systems whose state-objects lie in a category K and whose dynamics are described by F , the terminal coalgebra νF collects behaviors of individual states. And given a system A the unique coalgebra homomorphism from A to νF assigns to every state its behavior. However, not every endofunctor has a terminal coalgebra. Analogously, an initial algebra µF need not exist. Freyd [Fre70] introduced the concept of an algebraically complete category: this means that every endofunctor has an initial algebra.