No 33, 5 March 1918
Jttmb. 38. 745 . / SUPPLEMENT TO Tum NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1918. WELLINGTON, TUE~DAY, MARCH 5, 1918. PoUing-places appointed. The Public]Library, Waipapakauri. Shine's Residence, Waiha.rara. LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. The Public Hall, Hohoura.1 The Foresters' Hall, Waihopo. W HEREAS by the Legislature Act, 1908, it is, among The Courthouse, Kohukohu. other things, enacted that the Governor-General may The Courthouse, Rawene.l. _ from time to time appoint, alter, and abolish polling-places The Public Hall, Taheke. for each electoral district within the limits thereof: Ogle's Hall, Rangiahua. }low, therefore, I, Arthur William De Brito Savile, Earl of The Public School, Motukarak' Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New The Public Hall, Broadwood. Zealand, do hereby abolish all eJtisting polling-plaoes in the Andrewes's Hall, Opononi. various electoral districts in the said Dominion, and do here The Public Hall, Omapere. by appoint the places mentioned in the schedule hereto to The Public School, Waiotemarama. be polling-places for the electoral districts the names of which The Public Hall, Waimamaku. are therein specified. The Company's Office, Whangape. The Public Hall, Herekino. Bay of I8lands Electoral District- The County Council Chambers, Kawakawa (principal). Mar8den Electoral DiBtrict- The Courthouse, Russell. The Town Hall, Whangarei (principal). Morris's Store, Opua. The Public Sohool, Kama. Mountain's Store, Purerua. The Public School, Ruatangata West. The Public Hall, Towai. The Public School, Kiripaka. The Public Hall, Tapuhi. The Public Hall, Whareora. The Public Hall, Ohaeawai. The Public Hall, Parua Bay. Diokeson's Hall, Kaikohe.
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