VolumeVol.Volume 66, No. 65,65, 80 No.No. 207207 MoNday,MoNday,THURSDAY, FebruaryFebruary AUGUST 6,10,10, 2020 20202020 50¢

A tree fell across wires in Queens Village, knocking out power and upending a chunk of sidewalk. VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSMoNday, OUT February 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ 57,000 QueensQueensQueens residents lose power Vol.VolumeVolume 66, No. 65, 65, 80 No. No. 207 207 MoNday,MoNday, February February 10, 10, 2020 2020 50¢50¢ VolumeVolumeVol.VolumeVol. 66,66,67, 65, No. No.65,65, No. 80 8047No.No. 207 207207 MoNday,THURSDAY,MoNday,MoNday,THURSDAY,MONDAY, February FebruaryFebruaryFebruary AUGUST AUGUSTJUNEAUGUST 21, 6,10, 6,10,20216,10, 10,2020 20202020 20202020 50¢50¢50¢ Volume 65, No. 207 MoNday, February 10, 2020 50¢ VolumeVol.TODAY 66, No.65, 80No. 207 MoNday,THURSDAY, February AUGUST 6,10, 2020 2020 A tree fell across wires in50¢ TODAY AA tree tree fell fell across across wires wires in in TODAY QueensQueensQueens Village, Village, Village, knocking knocking knocking Cityout outCouncilout power power power and and and upending upending upending A treeaa chunka chunkfell chunk across of of ofsidewalk. sidewalk. sidewalk.wires in VolumeVolumeVolumeQUEENSQUEENSQUEENSQUEENS 65, 65,65, No. No.No. 207 207207 LIGHTSLIGHTSduring intenseMoNday,MoNday, OUTOUTOUT February FebruaryFebruary 10, 10,10, 2020 20202020 QueensPhotoPhoto PhotoVillage, by by byTeresa Teresa Teresa knocking Mettela Mettela Mettela 50¢50¢50¢ QUEENS out power and upending 57,00057,000 Queens QueensQueensQueensQueensQueens bill addsa chunk racial of sidewalk. VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSQueensMoNday, OUT February 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ FebruaryFebruaryAUGUST 10,10,6, 2020 20202020 residentsresidentscommitmentscommitments lose lose power power FebruaryTODAYTODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY 10, 2020 57,000commitments QueensQueensQueens impact study duringduring intense intense FebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTAUGUSTTODAYJUNE 21, 10,10, 6, 10, 10,10,6,6, 20212020 202020202020 20202020 commitmentscommitmentsresidentscommitmentscommitments lose power FebruaryTODAY 10, 2020 TuesdayduringTuesdaycommitmentsTuesday intensestorm storm storm to rezoning WORLDADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHWORLDAREADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHFebruaryFebruaryAUGUST YOU WAR WAR READY PARK PARK II PARK PARK IIVETERAN WAS VETERANWAS TO WAS10, WAS10,6, VOTEDESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED2020 20202020OLIVER TOMOROLIVER - commitments ADDISLEIGH PARK WAS DESIGNATED commitments ADDISLEIGHWORLDADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHFebruary WAR PARK PARK PARK II VETERANWAS WAS 10,WAS DESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED 2020 OLIVER commitments ADDISLEIGHNeliganaa NewNew YorkYork fought CityCity PARKoff historichistoric a mugger WAS districtdistrict DESIGNATED with duringduring a cup BlackBlack of Neliganaa NewNeliganNewarow?a NewNew YorkYork fought Look YorkYork fought CityCity CityCityinside off historichistoric off historichistorica today’smuggera mugger districtdistrict districtdistrict editionwith duringduringwith during duringa forcupa BlackBlackcup aBlackBlackof full of Tuesday storm a NewacoffeeHistoryHistory New York Yorkand Month MonthCity his City historicbare ininhistoric 2011.hands2011. district district TheTheafter New duringNewbeing during YorkYork attackedBlack Black CityCity coffeeHistoryHistorycoffeeHistorylistHistory andof MonthandMonthcandidates hisMonthMonth his bare ininbare inin2011.hands2011. and 2011.hands2011. spaceTheTheafter TheTheafter New New beingto New Newbeing plan YorkYork attacked YorkYork attackedout CityCity yourCityCity process HistoryWORLDHistoryfromADDISLEIGHHistoricADDISLEIGHHistoric behindMonth Month Districts DistrictsWAR inin Woodside inPARK 2011.PARK II 2011.CouncilCouncil VETERAN The WAS WAS The on Newisis Sunday.DESIGNATED DESIGNATEDNew celebratingcelebrating York OLIVERYork He City Citywas thethe fromHistoricHistoricfromHistoricrankings.ADDISLEIGHHistoric behind behind DistrictsDistricts Districts Districtsin inWoodside Woodside PARKCouncilCouncil CouncilCouncil onWAS isison Sunday. isiscelebrating celebratingSunday. DESIGNATED celebrating He He was the thewas the HistoricNeliganHistoricnotaHistoricneighborhood’sa NewNew seriously Districts YorkYork foughtDistrictsDistricts CityCity injured offCouncil richhistorichistoric Council Councila andinmugger thedistrictisdistrict distinctive iscelebratingis scuffle. celebratingcelebratingwith duringduring a “Wecuphistory BlackBlackthe thealltheof notneighborhood’sneighborhood’snotneighborhood’sa neighborhood’sneighborhood’s seriouslyNew seriously York injured City injuredrichrich richrichhistoricrich andinand andinandtheand distinctive distinctivethedistrict scuffle.distinctivedistinctivedistinctive scuffle. during “We history history“We historyhistory Blackall all By Rachel Vick ADDISLEIGHneighborhood’scoffeeworkedHistoryneighborhood’sthisHistory month. and hard MonthMonth his through richbare PARKininrich 2011.handsand2011. ourand distinctive WAS ThelivesTheafter distinctive NewNewandbeing DESIGNATED at YorkYorkhistory attackedleast history CityCity we Queens Daily Eagle WORLDADDISLEIGHworkedthisneighborhood’sHistoryALLthis month. month.hardELITE Month WAR through inPARK richII our2011. VETERANand lives WASThe distinctive and ANNOUNCEDNew DESIGNATEDat leastYork OLIVERhistory we City thisworkedfromthisHistoricthis month. month. month.behind hard Districts throughin Woodside Council our lives on is Sunday. andcelebrating at leastHe was wethe shouldthisthisshouldplansHistoricthisHistoric month. month.month.be to beable bring DistrictsDistricts able to a togoshow goCounciltoCouncil tochurchto Arthurchurch isis and celebratingcelebrating Asheand go goStadiumshop shop -thethe- The Council passed a bill last ADDISLEIGHshouldnotneighborhood’s seriously be able injured to PARKrich go toandin church WASthe distinctive scuffle. DESIGNATEDand go“We history shop all- pingpingthisneighborhood’sneighborhood’s without September.without being being “We’verichrich mugged,” mugged,”andand wanted distinctivedistinctive Neligan Neliganto come historyhistorytold toldinto Thursday that will require the city to study the pingworkedthisAS month.withoutRACIAL hard throughbeing COVENANTS mugged,”our lives and Neligan atSEGRE- least told we MayorMayor BillBill dede BlasioBlasio delivereddelivered hishis seventhseventh StateState ofof thethe City address at the American Museum of Natural History on Thursday. Many of PixASPixthethis this AS11. RACIALNew 11. month.month.RACIAL York areaCOVENANTS forCOVENANTS a long time,” SEGRE- TonySEGRE- Khan MayorMayorMayor BillBill Bill dede de BlasioBlasio Blasio delivereddelivered delivered hishis his seventhseventh seventhseventh StateState StateState ofof of of thethe thethe City CityCity address addressaddress at at atthe the the American American American Museum Museum Museumracial of of ofNatural Natural impactNatural Historyof History History zoning on on changeson Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. to ensure Many Many Many equi of of of- ASPixshouldASASgated 11. RACIALRACIAL RACIAL thebe ablecity’s to COVENANTS COVENANTSneighborhoods,goCOVENANTS to church and SEGRE-Addisleigh SEGRE-goSEGRE- shop- MayorMayorhisMayor proposals Bill BillBill de dede Blasio BlasiowillBlasio havedelivered delivereddelivered a particular his hishis seventh seventhseventh impact State StateStateon Queens.of ofofthe thethe City City address address at atthe the American American Museum Museum of of Natural NaturalMichael History Appleton/Mayoral History on on Thursday. Thursday. Photography Many Many Office of of a gatedASNewAStold gated RACIAL theYorkSportsRACIAL thecity’s City Illustrated.city’s neighborhoods, COVENANTS historic COVENANTSneighborhoods, “This district venue Addisleigh SEGRE- AddisleighduringisSEGRE- one we Black hishis proposals proposals will will have have a particular a particular impact impact on on Queens. Queens. Michael Michael Appleton/Mayoral Appleton/Mayoral Photography Photography Office Office Neligangatedgated foughtthethe city’scity’s off neighborhoods,neighborhoods, a mugger withAddisleigh a cup ofhishis proposals proposals will will have have a aparticular particular impact impactimpact on onon Queens. Queens.Queens. table Michael development. Michael Appleton/Mayoral Appleton/Mayoral Photography Photography Office Office agated Newping theYorkwithout city’s City being neighborhoods, historic mugged,” district NeliganAddisleigh during told Black Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office gatedFDNYgatedPark the the transformedMARINEcity’s city’s neighborhoods, neighborhoods,COMPANY from an 4 Addisleigh RESCUED exclusivelyAddisleigh hishishis proposals proposalsproposals will willwill have havehave a particular aa particularparticular impact impactimpact on onon Queens. Queens.Queens. Michael Michael Appleton/Mayoral Appleton/Mayoral Photography Photography Office Office FDNYParkFDNYgatedidentifiedPark transformedMARINE theMARINEtransformed overcity’s COMPANYtwo neighborhoods,COMPANY from yearsfrom agoan 4 an RESCUEDas4exclusively RESCUEDaAddisleighexclusively place we MayorMayor BillBill dede BlasioBlasio delivereddelivered hishis seventhseventh StateState ofof thethe City address at the American Museum ofThe Natural new legisla Historytion, on co-sponsored Thursday. byMany Coun of- a ParkParkNewPixParkboatersASParkwhiteAS 11. York transformed transformedRACIAL RACIALtransformedneighborhood transformedstranded City historic inCOVENANTSCOVENANTS from fromLittle fromintofrom district an oneNeckanan an ofexclusively exclusively Bay exclusivelyexclusivelyNew duringSEGRE-SEGRE- during York Black Mayor delivered his seventh State of the City address at the American Museum of Natural History on Thursday. Many of boaterswhitewantedASwhite neighborhood strandedRACIAL neighborhoodAEW toin go. LittleCOVENANTS into It’s into suchoneNeck one anof Bay iconicofNew NewSEGRE-during Yorkvenue, York cil MemberMichael Appleton/MayoralRafael Salamanca, Photography mandates Office a whiteboaterswhiteParkTropicalgatedwhite neighborhood neighborhood thetransformedneighborhoodstranded Storm city’s Isaias inneighborhoods,  intoLittle intofrom intodespite one oneNeckone anof zeroof New Bay exclusivelyAddisleighNew visibility duringYork York hishis proposalsproposalsMayorMayor willwill havehave aa particular particular pledgespledges impactimpact onon Queens.Queens. toto protect business, Michael Appleton/Mayoral serve Photography Office TropicalwhiteandgatedwhiteCity’sgatedCity’s neighborhoodit setsStorm theneighborhoodthepremierpremier upcity’scity’s perfectlyIsaias African-AmericanAfrican-Americanneighborhoods, neighborhoods, intodespite into for one wrestling.”one zeroof ofNew visibility AddisleighAddisleighNew enclavesenclavesYork York his proposalsMayorMayorMayor will have a pledgesparticular pledgespledges impact on Queens. to to toto protect protectprotect business, business,business, report Michaelon the Appleton/Mayoralracial serve serve impactserve of Photography rezonings Office and City’sCity’sTropicalCity’sFDNYwhiteandParkCity’sQUEENS choppy premierpremier neighborhoodtransformedpremierMARINE premierStorm waters. African-AmericanAfrican-American IsaiasAfrican-AmericanAfrican-American COMPANY intofromdespite one an zero4of RESCUEDexclusivelyenclavesNewenclaves visibilityenclaves York MayorMayor pledges pledges to to protect protect business, business, serve serve andCity’sQUEENSParkCity’sbyPark bychoppy thethe premier transformed transformedpremierearlyearly waters. 1950s.African-American1950s. African-American ThefromThefrom area area anan was was exclusivelyenclavesexclusively homeenclaveshome toto Mayor pledges to protect business,developments to be assessedserve and presented as HistorybyboatersCity’s the early Month premierstranded 1950s. in African-Americanin The2011. Little area TheNeck was New Bayhome enclaves duringYork to City andwhiteQUEENS choppy neighborhood waters. into one of New York coffeebyby theandthe earlyearly his bare1950s.1950s. hands TheThe areaareaafter waswas being home attacked to Historyby luminarieswhitethe early Monthneighborhood 1950s.like in Count The2011. into areaBasie, Theone was ofLenaNew homeNew Horne,York Yorkto City youth and build homes during annual address luminariesbyTropicalby whiteTHEbyluminariesthe thethe early CITY neighborhood early early Stormlike 1950s. like EXTENDED 1950s.1950s.Count Isaias Count The TheThe intoBasie,despite areaBasie, areaareaone HOTEL was Lena zero ofwaswasLena homeNew visibilityHorne, homehomeSTAYS Horne, Yorkto toto youthyouthMayor and and pledges build build homes homes to protect during during business, annualannualpart of the city’s address Uniformaddressserve Land Use Review luminariesluminariesACity’sEllaluminariesCity’s 31-YEAR-OLD Fitzgerald,premierpremier like likelike Count African-AmericanCountAfrican-American CountIllinois MANBasie, Basie,Basie, FROMJacquet,Lena LenaLena Horne, enclaves enclaves CAM-Horne,Horne,Jackie youthyouthMayorMayor and and pledgespledges buildbuildbuild homes homeshomes to protect during duringduring business, annual annualannual address addressserveaddress AEllaluminaries andforCity’sluminaries31-YEAR-OLDQUEENSElla someFitzgerald,choppy Fitzgerald,premier oflike waters.thelike Count hundreds IllinoisAfrican-American Count MANIllinois Basie, ofBasie,FROMJacquet, families Jacquet,Lena Lena CAM-displacedHorne,Jackieenclaves Horne,Jackie youthyouthBy Davidand and Brand build build homeswill homes have a specific impactduring during on Queens. annual annualdeepProcedure. into the night address onaddress Jan. 10, as patrons, in- HistoryA 31-YEAR-OLD Month in 2011. MAN The FROM New CAM-York City luminariesby the early like 1950s. Count The Basie, area wasLena home Horne, to EllaEllabriaRobinson,Ellaby theFitzgerald,Heights Fitzgerald,Fitzgerald, early Jameswas 1950s. sentenced Illinois IllinoisIllinoisBrown, The Jacquet,areato JoeJacquet, Jacquet,10 wasyearsLouis, Jackiehome inJackie prisMilt to- youthByBy David David and Brand Brand buildwillwill homes have have a specifica specific impact impact during on on Queens.Queens. annualdeepdeep into into the the night night on onaddress Jan. Jan. 10, 10, as as patrons, patrons, in in-- briaRobinson,EllabriaEllabyluminariesEllaRobinson, Heights antheHeightsFitzgerald, Fitzgerald,apartmentFitzgerald, early Jameswas waslikeJames 1950s.sentenced sentencedfireIllinois Brown, Count IllinoisIllinoisBrown, onThe 89thto Basie, Joe Jacquet,areato 10 Jacquet,JoeJacquet,10Street years Louis, wasyearsLena Louis, inwho Jackiehome inprisHorne,MiltJackieJackie prishaveMilt- to- youthByQueensBy David David and Daily Brand Brand Eagle buildwill willwillhomes Fromhave havehave areopening aspecifica specificspecific impact communitiesimpactimpact during on on on Queens. Queens.Queens. centers in annualdeepcludingdeep deepSalamanca into into into Mayor the the the night night said nightBill on thataddress onde on Jan. Jan.Blasio, theJan. 10, bill,10, 10, as toastedas whichas patrons, patrons, patrons, apassed lease in in -in- - Robinson,Robinson,onHinton,Robinson,luminaries for attempting RoyJames JamesJameslike Campanella, Brown,toCount Brown, Brown,kill his Basie,Joe girlfriendPercyJoeJoe Louis, LenaLouis, Sutton in Horne, Milt2018. Miltand youthQueensByQueens ByDavid David Dailyand DailyBrand EagleBrand Eagle buildwill willFromhomes haveFrom have reopening a reopeningspecific a specific communitiesimpact communitiesimpact during on onQueens. Queens.centers centers in in annualcludingdeepcludingdeep into intoMayor Mayorthe the night Billnight Bill ondeaddress deon Jan.Blasio, Blasio,Jan. 10, 10, toastedas toasted aspatrons, patrons, a alease lease in -in -- onHinton,Robinson,on AregisteredEllaluminariesforRobinson,Hinton, for31-YEAR-OLD attempting attemptingRoyFitzgerald, JamesRoy and Campanella,Jameslike Campanella,to submitted Brown,to killCount IllinoiskillBrown, hisMAN his girlfriendBasie,Percy Joea girlfriend PercyhousingJoeFROMJacquet, Louis,Sutton LenaLouis, inSutton in 2018. applicaCAM- Horne, MiltJackie2018.and Miltand - youthMayor BillQueensQueens deBy Blasio David Dailyand Daily delivered BrandEagle EagleQueens build his seventh neighborhoodswillFromhomesFromFrom have reopening reopeningreopening a specific beset communities communitiescommunitiesimpact by during municipal on Queens. centers centerscenters disin in in in- annual cludingagreementcluding42-2,cluding “isMayor Mayor Mayor thatgroundbreaking Bill wouldBill Bill addressde de de enableBlasio, Blasio, Blasio, the legislationtoasted toasted toasted 190-year-old a a lease a lease thatlease HistoricRobinson,He attacked Districts James after woman, CouncilBrown, who Joe is is celebratingtransgender,Louis, Milt the From reopening communities centers in cluding Mayor Bill de Blasio, toasted a lease fromHinton,Hinton, behind RoyRoy in Campanella, Campanella,Woodside onPercyPercy Sunday. Sutton Heand was Queens Daily Eagle From reopening communities centers in cluding Mayor Bill de Blasio, toasted a lease Hinton,CootieElla RoyFitzgerald, Williams. Campanella, Illinois Percy Jacquet, Sutton Jackieand MayorMayor Bill BillQueens deQueens deByBlasio BlasioDavid Daily Dailydelivered BranddeliveredEagle QueensEagle his his seventh seventh neighborhoodswillneighborhoodsneighborhoodsFrom have reopeninga specific beset besetbesetbeset impactcommunities by bybyby municipal municipalmunicipalmunicipalon Queens. centers disin disindisin -in--- agreementagreementdeepagreementagreementcluding into Mayor thatthe that that nightwould would wouldBill on enablede enable Jan.enable Blasio, 10,the the the as190-year-oldtoasted 190-year-old 190-year-oldpatrons, a lease in - HistoricHebria tionHinton,attacked Heightsto theDistricts Royafter New was Campanella, woman, Yorksentenced Council City who toHousing Percyis 10 istransgender, yearscelebrating Sutton Preserva in pris and -- the Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered hishis seventhseventh vestment to helping small business owners Woodhavenhas the potential watering to change hole to the stay way in business.we think CootieHinton,EllaCootie Williams. RoyFitzgerald, Williams. Campanella, Illinois Percy Jacquet, Sutton Jackieand “State of the City” address Thursday,Queens pledg- neighborhoods beset by municipal disin- agreement that would enable the 190-year-old HeafterRobinson, attacked she refused Jamesafter towoman, haveBrown, sex who withJoe is transgender,otherLouis, people Milt will have a specific impact on Queens. deep into the night on Jan. 10, as patrons, in- CootieHinton,Cootie Williams. Williams.Roy Campanella, Percy Sutton and “State“StateMayorMayorMayor of oftheBillBill theBill City” dede QueensCity” de ByBlasioByBlasio Blasioaddress DavidDavid address Daily delivereddelivered BrandBranddelivered Thursday,Eagle Thursday, hishis his seventhseventh pledg seventh pledg- - vestmentneighborhoodswillvestmentneighborhoodsFrom have toreopening a to helpingspecific helpingbeset beset smallcommunitiesimpact bysmall by municipalbusiness onbusinessmunicipal Queens. centers owners disinowners disin -in - WoodhavenagreementcludingdeepWoodhavenagreement into Mayor thatthe watering thatwatering nightwould Bill would onde holeenable hole Jan.Blasio,enable to to 10,thestay stay the toasted as190-year-old in inpatrons,190-year-old business. business. a lease in - afterCootieCootieontionRobinson,CootieRobinson, she for and Williams.Williams. refusedattempting Williams. Development. JamesJames to have to  Brown,killBrown, sex Displaced his with girlfriend JoeJoe other tenantsLouis,Louis, people in 2018. haveMiltMilt “StateingMayor to preserveof theBill City” de the Blasio city’saddress delivered affordable Thursday,Thursday, his housing, seventh pledgpledg-- vestmentnegotiatevestmentvestmentneighborhoodsFrom to reopening leasesto tohelping helpinghelping withbeset small communities theirsmall smallby landlords,business businessmunicipalbusiness centers owners Queensowners ownersdisin in - WoodhavenWoodhavenaboutcludingWoodhavenagreementLocal land Mayorelected usewatering thatwatering watering and Bill wouldofficials, housing de hole hole holeenableBlasio, to to thepolicies tostay stay the staytoastedQueens in in190-year-old inbusiness.as business. business.a a coun Chamlease- HistoricafterCootieforHinton, money. she Williams.Districts refusedRoy Campanella, to haveCouncil sex Percywith is othercelebrating Sutton people and the“State of the City”QueensQueens address DailyDaily Thursday,EagleEagle pledg- negotiatevestmentneighborhoodsnegotiatevestmentFrom leasestoreopening leases tohelping helping with besetwith theirsmallcommunities theirsmallby landlords, businesslandlords,municipal business centers Queensowners Queensownersdisin in - WoodhavenagreementcludingWoodhavenLocalLocal electedMayor elected thatwatering watering wouldBillofficials, officials, de hole enable Blasio,hole tothe thetostay the stay toastedQueens Queensin190-year-old inbusiness. business. a Cham Chamlease-- for Hinton,money. Roy Campanella, Percy Sutton and ing“State“Stateing toMayor topreserveof preserveofthe Billthe City” theCity”de the Blasiocity’saddress city’saddress affordabledelivered affordableThursday, QueensThursday, his housing, housing,pledgseventh pledg- - playednegotiatevestment a key leasesto helpingrole with in the theirsmall mayor’s landlords, business annual Queensowners ad- berWoodhaven Localof Commerce elected watering officials, and hole even tothe staythe Queens inde business. Blasio Cham- - forHecontinuedCootieHinton, money.attacked Williams. Roy asking after Campanella, woman,the city whoto Percy give is transgender, Suttonthem more and ing“StateexpandCity to Council preserveof education the City”passed the and city’saddress helpa bill affordableaffordable small Thursday,last weekbusinesses. housing,housing, pledgrequiring- negotiatenegotiateneighborhoods a racial leases leases impact with withbeset studytheir their by landlords, aslandlords,municipal part of Queens Queensthe disin re - try.agreementLocalLocal elected elected that wouldofficials, officials, enable the the the QueensQueens 190-year-old ChamCham- ERICA VLADIMER, A CANDIDATE expandinging“Stateingexpand totoMayorMayor topreservepreserve education ofpreserve education theBillBill City”the thedede andthe Blasio Blasiocity’scity’s and addresscity’shelp help affordable affordabledelivereddelivered small affordable smallThursday, businesses. businesses.his his housing,housing, housing,seventhseventh pledg - playednegotiatevestmentneighborhoodsplayednegotiate a akeyleases key toleases rolehelping role with beset inwith in thetheir smallthetheir bymayor’s landlords,mayor’s municipallandlords,business annual annual Queens ownersQueensdisin ad ad- -- berWoodhavenagreementberLocal of Localof Commerce electedCommerce elected that watering wouldofficials, officials,and and holeenable eveneven the to the thestay theQueensthe 190-year-old Queensin dede business. BlasioBlasioCham Cham- - ERICAaftertimeCootieCootieERICA sheto Williams.VLADIMER,findWilliams. refused VLADIMER, affordable to have permanent sexA A withCANDIDATE CANDIDATE other options. people expandingzoningDe to Blasio,preserve educationprocess. speaking the and city’s help at affordablethe small American businesses.businesses. housing, Mu- playeddress.playedvestmentplayednegotiate a aakey key keyleasesto role helping rolerole withinEagle in inthe the smallthefiletheir mayor’s photo mayor’smayor’s landlords,business by Paulannual annualannual Frangipane ownersQueens ad adad- -- beradministrationberWoodhavenber ofLocal of of Commerce CommerceCommerce elected watering stepped officials, and andand hole Continued evenin eveneven to tothe stay the thehelp the Queens inonde de business.brokerde page Blasio Blasio BlasioCham 16 a - not ERICA“ANYONEchallengingERICAseriously VLADIMER,VLADIMER, injuredWHOCarolyn FEELS in MaloneytheAA TRAPPED CANDIDATEscuffle. in “WeBYthe allexpand“StateDe Blasio, education of the speaking City” and addresshelp at the small AmericanThursday, businesses. Mupledg- - dress.playednegotiatevestmentdress.played a keya leasestokey rolehelping role within inthe theirsmallthe mayor’s mayor’slandlords, business annual annual Queensowners ad -ad - administrationberWoodhavenadministrationber Localof ofCommerce Commerceelected watering stepped stepped officials, and andhole in evenin even toto theto staythehelp helpQueensthe inde brokerbusiness. brokerdeBlasio ChamBlasio a a- neighborhood’s rich and distinctive historying“Stateexpand De to preserveBlasio,of education the City” speaking the and city’saddress help at affordable the smallThursday, American businesses. housing, pledg Mu-- “ANYONEERICAfor money. VLADIMER, WHO FEELS A TRAPPED CANDIDATE BY expandseumDe educationofBlasio, Natural speaking and History, help at small laidthe American outbusinesses. his vision Mu- dress.dress.played Assisting a key role small in the businesses mayor’s annual ad- newadministrationadministrationber dealof Commerce that would steppedstepped andkeep inin even the toto historic help thehelp brokerde broker barBlasio ina a neighborhood’schallengingERICA“ANYONEcircumstancesERICAchallenging VLADIMER, VLADIMER, Carolyn WHO similar Carolynrich FEELS toandMaloney A this MaloneyA CANDIDATETRAPPED distinctivevictim’sCANDIDATE in inshould the BY thehistory expandingDe De toBlasio, Blasio,preserve education speaking speaking the and city’s athelp at the affordablethe small American American businesses. housing, Mu Mu- - dress.playednegotiate a keyleases role with in thetheir mayor’s landlords, annual Queens ad- newadministrationber Local dealof Commercethat elected would stepped officials, andkeep in eventhe tothe historichelp theQueens debroker bar BlasioCham ina - challengingERICADemocraticchallenging VLADIMER, primaryCarolynCarolyn for Maloney MaloneyANew CANDIDATE York’s in 12ththe seumexpandseum of ofNatural education Natural History, History,and help laid laidsmall out out businesses.his his vision vision dress.negotiatedress.The Assisting Assistingcelebration leases withsmall small at their Neir’sbusinesses businesses landlords, Tavern Queens lasted administrationnewadministrationLocal deal elected that wouldstepped officials,stepped keep in in tothe tohelp historic Queenshelp broker broker barCham ain - a circumstanceschallengingERICATHE QUEENS VLADIMER, similarCarolyn COMMUNITY to thisMaloney Avictim’s CANDIDATE inshouldHOUSE the ingseumforDeByDe De thetoBlasio, ofDavidBlasio,preserveBlasio, entire Natural speaking Brand city,speakingspeaking the History, butcity’s andat many atatthe affordable Teresalaidthelaidthe American of American American outouthis Mettela hishisproposals housing, Muvisionvision MuMu- -- powerdress. atAssistingAssisting some point smallsmall during businessesbusinesses the heavy winds atnewnewadministration least deal deal one that thatman would would instepped Briarwood keep keep in Continuedthe the towho historic historichelp was on brokerpage sittingbar bar 10in in a DemocraticchallengingcircumstancesDemocraticknowchallengingCongressionalDemocratic this: Youprimary Carolyn primary primarysimilar CarolynareDistrict, not for toalone,”for Maloney forexited Newthis Maloney NewNew victim’ssaid theYork’s York’s York’sraceDistrict in in shouldFriday.12th the 12th 12thAtthe - 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andpowerTheThe rain,Assisting atAssistingcelebrationcelebration complicatingsome pointsmall small atat during life Neir’sbusinessesNeir’s businessesfor thepeople TavernTavern heavy stuck lastedwindslasted at newinatnew his leastdeal vandeal onethat when that manwould awould treein Briarwoodkeep fell keep on theContinued Continuedtopthe historic who ofhistoric the onwas on vehicle. pagebar page sittingbar in 10 10 in CongressionalDemocraticknowtorneyhaschallengingERICADemocraticCongressional resumed this: Melinda YouVLADIMER,primary District,grabprimary areCarolyn Katz.District, andnot for “We exited goalone,” for exitedNewmeal Maloney areA Newthe saidhereservices CANDIDATEtheYork’s race York’s Districttorace Friday.continue in at 12thFriday. their 12thAtthe - seumforDe the ofBlasio, entire Natural city,speaking History, but many at thelaid of American outhis hisproposals vision Mu- dress.The celebrationAssisting smallat Neir’s businesses Tavern lasted newadministration deal that would stepped keep inContinued the to historichelp on broker page bar 10 ina circumstancesCongressionalDemocraticHerCongressionalchallenging departure primary similar District,District,Carolynleaves toforthree exitedexited this MaloneyNew othervictim’s the York’s race candidates in shouldFriday. 12ththe forforseum for thetheDeMore the entireentireofBlasio, entire Naturalthan Queenscity,city, Queensspeakingcity,46,000 butbutHistory, Dailybut many manyDailyQueens many atEagle Eaglethe laid ofof ofhishisAmerican residentsout his proposalsproposals his proposals vision wereMu - andhomedress.andThe rain,TheThe rain, as celebration Assisting complicating acelebration complicatingresult of smallCOVID-19.at lifeatNeir’s life Neir’s forbusinesses for peopleTavern peopleTavern stuck lastedstuck lasted at at in administration inhisQueens his van van when residentswhen a tree steppeda tree whofell fell onworkin Continuedon top Continuedto top oforhelp ofthetake on the vehicle. brokeronpage classesvehicle. page 10 a10 torneyHerCongressionaltorneytoRegoDemocraticchallenging departurevigorously Melinda ParkMelinda locations. Katz.District, leavesprimaryprosecute CarolynKatz. “We three “We exited foraresuch are Maloneyother hereNew thecases here to racecandidatesYork’s tocontinueand continueFriday.in protect 12ththe forseum the of entire Natural city, History, but many laid of outhis hisproposals vision The Assistingcelebration small at Neir’s businesses Tavern lasted new deal that would keep theContinued historic on pagebar in 10 workedCongressionalHerCongressionalCongressionalchallengingHerHer departuredeparturedeparturehard through District,Maloney, District,District, leavesleavesleaves exited our threethree three exitedexitedwho lives the other otherother thehasthe race and race race candidatescandidatesserved Friday. at Friday.Friday. least in we forseumwithoutMore ByMore the ofDavid than entire power Naturalthan 46,000 Brand city,46,000Wednesday History, butQueens and Queensmany Teresaafternoon,laid residentsof residents outhis Mettela hisproposals 24 were vision hourswere homepower homeThe as asawhippingatAssisting result asome result of point winds ofCOVID-19. small COVID-19. during of Tropicalbusinesses the heavy Storm windsIsaias remotelyatnew Queens leastQueens deal one said residentsthat residentsman the would in outages whoBriarwood whokeep work havework Continuedthe or who paralyzedhistoric ortake wastake on classes page sittingbarclasses their 10in thisto vigorouslyknowDemocratic month. this: Youprosecute primary are not such alone,”for cases New said and York’sDistrict protect 12thAt - The celebration at Neir’s Tavern lasted HerCongressional departure leaves District, three exited other the candidates race Friday. challengingHertovictimsDemocraticHerCongresschallenging vigorouslydeparture departureTODAY of sincetraffickingMaloney, leavesprosecuteprimaryMaloney, leaves1993. three and who threeforsuch who assault.” otherNew has casesother has candidatesservedYork’s and candidatesserved protect 12thin in withoutfor the power entire Wednesday Queenscity, but Daily many afternoon, Eagle of his 24 proposals hours andTheThe rain, whipping celebration complicating winds atof life TropicalNeir’s for peopleTavern Storm stuck Isaiaslasted at remotelyin his van said when the aoutages tree fell have onContinued top paralyzed of the on vehicle. page their 10 thistorneychallengingHerchallenging month. departure Melinda Maloney,Maloney, Katz.leaves “We three whowho are other herehashas tocandidatesserved continue in withoutforafter the an entirepowerintense city, Wednesday tropical but manystorm afternoon, oftore his through proposals 24 hours the ripped The downwhipping trees winds across of Queens, Tropical causing Storm Isaias sig- abilityremotely to stay said connected. the outages have paralyzed their Congressional District, exited the race Friday. victimsCongresschallengingvictimsHerCongressionalSOTODAY HERE departureof ofsincetrafficking trafficking Maloney,WE 1993. District,leaves ARE and and AGAIN, whothreeassault.” exited assault.” hasother the METS served race candidates FANS.Friday. in More than 46,000 Queens residents were home as a result of COVID-19. Queens residents who work or take classes challengingchallengingCongress sinceMaloney, Maloney, 1993. who who has has served served in in afterCity an intense tropical says storm tore through condo the ripped down trees violated across Queens, causing sig- ability agreement to stay connected. CongressTODAY since 1993. borough. About 57,000 borough customers lost nificant damage to homes and cars and killing Continued on page 2 toCongress vigorously since prosecute 1993. such cases and protect after an intense tropical storm tore through the ripped down trees across Queens, causing sig- ability to stay connected. thisCongresschallengingGOV.TwochallengingHerHer month. departuredeparturedays ANDREWsince after Maloney,Maloney,1993. leavesleavesJacob CUOMO deGrom threethreewho otherotherhas leftSIGNED candidatescandidatesserveda brilliant Ain without power Wednesday afternoon, 24 hours The whipping winds of Tropical Storm Isaias remotely said the outages have paralyzed their Congress since 1993. borough. FlushingAbout 57,000 borough customers lost communitynificant damage to homes and cars and killing board Continuedset on page 2 Congress since 1993. GOV.victimsCongressbillCongresschallenging allowingANDREWTODAY of sincetrafficking theMaloney, 1993.manufacture CUOMO and whoassault.” and SIGNEDhas sale served of spiked A in borough. About 57,000 borough customers lost nificant damage to homes and cars and killing Continued on page 2 GOV.startchallengingTHE with ANDREWNEW an injury,Maloney, YORK  CUOMOhe was whoSENATE back hasSIGNED onserved theENVI- field Ain after FlushinganFlushing intense tropical storm tore through the community communityripped down trees across Queens, causing sig - boardboardability to stay connected. setset should be able to go to church and go shop- Flushing communitycommunity boardboard setset billTHEbillicethrowingCongress CongressTHEallowing allowingcreamNEW NEW theduring tosincesince theput manufactureYORK manufacture 1993.the 1993.YORKpractice. industry SENATE andItSENATE and“onlooks sale salea ofpathlike ENVI-of spiked ofspikedENVI-every sus - borough.Flushing About 57,000 borough customers lostcommunity nificant damage to homes and cars and killing board Continuedset on page 2 GOV.THEronmental ANDREWNEW Conservation YORK CUOMO CommitteeSENATE SIGNED approvedENVI- A Flushing community board set THE NEW YORK SENATE ENVI- Flushing community board set ice tainedcream growth to put thatthe industryempowers “on both a path producers of sus and- Flushing communitycommunity boardboard setset ronmentalTHEicethingTHEaronmental cream bill NEWis goingNEWConservation sponsoredto Conservation put to YORK the beYORK  alright.industryby Committee SENATE CommitteeState SENATEAll’s “on wellaSen. path approved ENVI- thatapproved ofENVI-Joseph endssus - by keeping bikers off public path tainedTHEbillronmentalTHEconsumers.”THEronmental growthallowing NEW NEWNEW thatConservation Conservation theThe YORK empowers manufactureYORK alcohol SENATE CommitteebothcontentCommitteeSENATE and producers saleof the ENVI- approvedofapproved ENVI- spikedfrozenand Flushing community boardQueens Housing set well? to vote on controversial rezoning tainedFebruary growth that empowers 10, both producers 2020 and aronmental Addabbo,bill sponsored Conservation Jr. to requireby CommitteeState hard Sen. lids approved orJoseph sturdy Flushing community board set a bill sponsored by State Sen. Joseph commitments consumers.”ronmentalicearonmentaltreatsronmentalaTHE billcreambill will ConservationNEWsponsoredsponsored toThebe ConservationConservation putlimited alcohol theYORK industrytobyby contentCommitteefive CommitteeCommitteeStateState SENATEpercent “on of aSen.Sen.the path approvedand approvedapprovedfrozen requireofENVI-Joseph sus - to voteBy Jacob Kaye on controversialQueensQueens rezoningBy Victoria Housing Housing Merlino February 10, 2020 consumers.” The alcohol content of the frozen THE NEW YORK SENATE ENVI- to vote on controversial rezoning Addabbo,a tarpsbill onsponsored Jr. top to of require “trash by trains.”Statehard lidsSen. The or coveringsJosephsturdy tocommitments vote on controversial rezoning FebruaryAddabbo, Jr. to require 10,hard lids 2020 or sturdy tained growth that empowers both producers and to voteQueens Daily Eagle on controversial rezoning Addabbo,a bill sponsored Jr. to require by Statehard lidsSen. or Josephsturdy commitments pingtreatsa theaAddabbo,ronmentalbill withoutwill billsame sponsored be sponsoredwarning limited ConservationJr. being to labelstorequireby five bymugged,” Stateas percent Committee Statealcoholichard Sen. lidsandSen. beverages.Neligan requireor Josephapproved Josephsturdy told ByQueens Victoria Daily Merlino Eagle aA NEWbill sponsored PRIMARY by CAREState PROVIDERSen. Joseph to vote on controversial rezoningBy Victoria Merlino tarpsAddabbo,treatsconsumers.”ronmentalwouldtarps on will ontopprevent Jr. betop ofConservation toThelimited “trashof putridrequire “trashalcohol totrains.” goopfive trains.”hard contentCommittee percent from Thelids The of fallingcoverings orand the coveringsapprovedsturdy requirefrozen out of toto votevote onon controversialcontroversialQueens rezoningCourtrezoningByBy Victoria Victoria Housingtrials Merlino Merlino tarpsAddabbo,February on top Jr. of to “trash require trains.” 10,hard Thelids 2020 coveringsor sturdy to vote on controversial rezoning Addabbo,tarps on Jr. top to of require “trash trains.”hard lids The or coveringssturdy toA condominium vote in Astoria was on found to be controversial rezoningQueens Daily Eagle the Addabbo,asame bill warning sponsored Jr. labelsto require  asby alcoholic Statehard lids beverages.Sen. or Josephsturdy commitments CommunityQueens Board Daily 7 will Eagle vote today on a theAddabbo,for same adults warning onJr. Medicareto labelsrequire asopened alcoholichard inlids Jamaica beverages. or sturdy Fri- ByQueens Victoria Daily Merlino Eagle wouldtarpstreatswouldathewould bill ontrainprevent will prevent toppreventsponsored carsbe of putridlimited “trashas putrid putrid they goop to bytrains.” gooptravel. goopfive fromState percentfrom from The falling Sen. falling falling coveringsand out requireJoseph outout of of of to vote on controversial CourtrezoningByByQueensBy Victoria Victoria Victoria Dailytrials Merlino Merlino Merlino Eagle tarpsHUNDREDStarpswouldAddabbo, on on topprevent top ofJr. of“trash OFtoputrid “trash“trash require NEW trains.” goop trains.”trains.” YORKERS hard from The TheThelids fallingcoverings coveringscoveringsor TOOK sturdyout of into violation voteof their agreement withon the city controversialhotlyCommunityCommunity contestedrezoningCourtQueens Board Boardplan Daily 7to 7 will trialsrezonewill Eagle vote vote the today today Flushing on on a a thewouldthetarpsday.Addabbo, train same preventOak on cars warning topStreet Jr.as putridof theyto Health,“trash labelsrequire travel.goop trains.”as located fromalcoholichard falling Thelidsat 115-15 beverages. coveringsor out sturdy Sutof - Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered his seventh State of the City address at theCommunityCommunity AmericanQueensQueensQueens Board Board Museum Daily Daily 7Daily 7 will Eaglewill Eagle Eagle vote voteof Naturaltoday today on on a History a on Thursday. Many of the train cars as they travel. By Victoria Merlino HUNDREDSwouldthetowouldthetarps the traintrainprevent streets onprevent carscarstop OFputrid of ofasas putrid NEWBrooklyn they“trashthey goop travel.gooptravel. YORKERS trains.” from on from Saturday falling The falling TOOK coverings out in outout supof ofof- after they posted a sign limiting bicycle ac- hotlywaterfront,hotlyCommunity contested contestedCourt whichBy QueensBoardplan Victoriaplan would to 7 toDaily trialsrezonewill Merlino rezoneallow Eaglevote the developersthe today Flushing Flushing on toa theHUNDREDSwouldphintarps train Blvd.,on preventcars top asmarks of OFtheyputrid “trash NEWthe travel. goop 4thtrains.” YORKERS Oak from StreetThe falling coverings locationTOOK out of Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered his seventh State of the City address at thehotlyhotlyCommunitywillCommunityCommunity American contestedcontested QueensresumeBoard Board plan Boardplan Museum 7Daily to 7to will 7willrezone rezonewill Eagle vote vote voteof the todaythe Naturaltoday todayinFlushing Flushing on on ona a History a on Thursday. Many of PixAStothe theport the11.would train RACIAL streetstrain of cars preventthe cars of as89-year-old asasthey putrid theytheyCOVENANTS travel. travel.travel.goop on Asian Saturday from woman falling in supset SEGRE-out -on of cess on a public greenway behind their build- waterfront,hotlybuildwaterfront,Community contested condos, which whichQueens hotels,plan Board would would to Daily shops 7 rezoneallow willallow Eagle and votedevelopers thedevelopers office Flushingtoday space onto to a tothein“APART the New train streets York cars FROM of andas Brooklyn they the THEfirsttravel. onin Queens.FOULSaturday ODORS in sup- waterfront,will resumewhich would allow developers in to HUNDREDSwould prevent OFputrid NEW goop YORKERS from falling TOOK out of hotlyalongwaterfront,hotlyhotlyCommunitywill contested contestedFlushingcontested which resumeplan BoardCreek. planplan would to to 7torezoneThe rezonewill allowrezone advisory vote the developersthe the todayFlushing Flushing inFlushingvote on tois a portportfirethe of andtrainofthe the to 89-year-oldcars condemn89-year-old as they the Asiantravel. Asian decision woman woman to setnot set onclas on - ing. Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered his seventh State of the City address atbuild waterfront,thebuildbuildCommunity American condos, condos, condos, which hotels, hotels,Board hotels, wouldMuseum shops shops7 shops allowwill and and vote and ofdevelopers office office Natural officetoday space spaceon spaceto a History on Thursday. Many of ASand RACIAL spilled garbage COVENANTS that many of SEGRE-my “APARTADDISLEIGHtothe the train streets FROMcars of as Brooklyn they PARKTHE travel. FOULWASon Saturday DESIGNATED ODORS in sup - waterfront,waterfront, which which would would allow allow developers developers to to fire“APARTsify“APART “APARTand the to attackcondemn FROMFROMFROM as athe hateTHETHETHE decision crime. FOULFOULFOUL toThe not ODORSpeacefulODORS clas- Shore Towers Condominium, located on the alongwaterfront,thebuildhotlywaterfront,will latest Flushing condos,contested phase which which resume hotels,Creek. inplan would the would toshopscity’sThe allowrezone allowadvisory andland developers the developersofficeuse inFlushing voteprocess space tois to andfireportPUBLICconstituents spilledand of theto OFFICIALS condemn89-year-oldgarbage are burdened thethat Asiandecision FROM withmany woman on to AROUND ofnota regularset myclas on - buildbuildalongalong condos, condos, FlushingSeptemberFlushing hotels, hotels, Creek.Creek. shops shops TheThe and andadvisoryadvisory office office vote vote space space is is ADDISLEIGHAS“APARTADDISLEIGHandmarch, “APARTandRACIAL spilledspilled co-organizedFROM FROM garbagePARK garbage PARKCOVENANTSTHE THEb WAS y that WASthatQueensFOUL FOUL DESIGNATEDmanymany DESIGNATED nativeODORS ODORS ofof SEGRE- Wil mymy - thebuildforalongwaterfront,build latest the condos, Flushing site. condos, phase which hotels, in hotels,Creek. the would shopscity’s shopsThe allow andlandadvisory and officedevelopersuse office process vote space space isto sify“APARTand the attackspilled FROM as garbagea hate THE crime. that FOUL Themany peaceful ODORSof my waterfront,build condos, which hotels, would shops allow and developers office space to “APARTsifyfire“APARTthebasis, boroughandthe the attacktoFROM condemnFROMtrash joined as atrainsTHE Queenshate THEthe decisioncrime.haveFOUL CollegeFOUL other The toODORS last notpeacefulODORSnegative weekclas - south endhis of proposals Astoria Park, will was haveissued a zoningparticular impact on Queens. alongthealongthethe latestlatest latestFlushing SeptemberFlushing phasephase phase Creek. inCreek.in in thethe the city’scity’sThe city’sThe advisory landadvisoryland land useuse useMichael voteprocessprocess voteprocess is isAppleton/Mayoral Photography Office constituentsandconstituentsliamandconstituents spilled Lexspilled areHam, garbage are areburdenedgarbage burdenedburdenedwas thatalso thatwith withwith manya onmanydemonstration on ona regular aofa of regularregular mymy alongbuildalongThe Flushing condos, Flushing QueensSeptemberBy hotels,Creek. boroughDavidCreek. shopsThe Brand The president advisory andadvisory office will vote vote spacealso is is march,andADDISLEIGHmarch,andconstituents“APART spilled co-organizedspilled co-organized FROMgarbage aregarbage PARKburdened b ybTHE that Queensy that QueensWAS withmanyFOUL manynative DESIGNATED onnative of aODORS Wilregularof myWil -my - violation by the New York City Department of forthethebuildforforalong thelatest the latestthe site. condos, site.Flushing site.phase phase hotels,in in Creek.the the city’s shopscity’s The land andlandadvisory use officeuse process process vote space is gatedsifyforrepercussions athe groundbreaking attackcity’s ason neighborhoods,a hatethe of thecrime.environment, school’s The new peacefulAddisleigh local$9.3 basis,aand “APARTNew thespilled York trash FROM City garbagetrains historic THE have that districtFOULother many negative during ODORSof my Black foralongthe the latest FlushingSeptembersite. phase Queens Creek. in the Daily city’sThe Eagle advisory land useMichael voteprocess isAppleton/Mayoral Photography Office constituentsbasis,againstconstituentsbasis, the the arestereotypetrashtrash are burdened burdenedtrainstrains of Asian havehavewith with otherdocility.onother on a aregular negative negativeregular his proposals will have a particular impact on Queens. theweigh latest in phase beforeBy in David thethe projectcity’s Brand land goes use before process the liamconstituentsliammarch,constituentsbasis,and Lex Lex spilled theco-organizedHam, Ham,aretrash are burdenedgarbagewas burdenedwastrains alsob also y havewiththatQueensa withademonstration ondemonstrationothermany onnativea regular anegative ofregular Wil my - Buildings for hanging a sign on a fence that forforalongtheThe the ThetheThe latest site. QueensFlushing site. Queens Queens phase By boroughCreek. boroughin boroughDavid the city’sThe presidentBrand president president advisory land use will will will voteprocess also also alsois agated repercussionsNewconstituentsmillionandpropertyrepercussions York thespilled soccer Citycity’svalues areon garbage fieldhistoric on burdened theneighborhoods, and andthe environment, track.districtthattheenvironment, with publicConstructionmany onduring a health,”ofregularlocalAddisleigh localBlackmy is for Citythefor theIn-personThe latestthe Council,site. Queenssite. phase Queens trials which boroughin ofthe Daily pending city’straditionally Eagle president land Housing use willvotes process Court also in basis,a repercussionsNewbasis, the Yorkthe trash trash City trainson historictrains the have haveenvironment, district other other negativeduring negative local Black weigh in before the project goes before the againstbasis,againstliamexpectedbasis,repercussionsconstituents thetheLex the stereotype trash to stereotypeHam, trashbe are completedtrainson burdenedwastrains ofthe of Asianhavealso Asianhave environment,early withdocility.othera docility. demonstrationothernext on negative year. anegative regular local said bicycles,his proposals roller blades, will skateboards have a particular and impact on Queens. theweighweighforThe The latestthe Queens in Queensinsite. phase beforebefore By Queensborough in boroughDavid the thethe project Dailyprojectcity’s Brand presidentpresident Eagle land goes goes use before willMichaelbefore will process also alsothe the Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office propertyabasis, “WE’RErepercussionsconstituentsAddabboNewproperty Yorkthevalues OFTENsaid.trashvalues Cityare on andburdened trains historic SILENCEDand thethe havethe environment, districtpublicwith publicother AND on health,”during a negative WHENhealth,”regular local Black CitymatterslockweighforThe theThe Council,step Queens in site. will Queenswithbefore resume whichthe borough the boroughlocal inprojecttraditionally Councilmember Queens president president goes in earlybefore willvotes will Peter alsoSep thein also- gatedrepercussionsrepercussionsagainstpropertyrepercussionspropertybasis, the the city’s valuesstereotypevalues trashonon on  neighborhoods,thetrainsthe andandthe of environment, environment, Asianthethehaveenvironment, public publicdocility.other negativehealth,”Addisleighlocallocal local scooters were not allowed on a public water- weighweighforCity CityIn-person theIn-personThe Council,in Council,insite. Queensbefore before trials Queenstrials whichthe whichtheof borough ofpendingproject Dailyproject pending traditionallytraditionally Eagle president goesHousinggoes Housing beforebefore votes willvotesCourt Court the the also in in History Month in 2011. The New York City City Council, which traditionally votes in AddabboAddabborepercussionswepropertybasis,Addabbo express thesaid. said. said.values trashour ongrievances, trains andthe thehaveenvironment, and publicother when negative health,”we local ex- matterslockweightember,KooweighThe step onin will Queenslandaccordinginwithbefore beforeresume usethe the boroughmeasures. local tothe in projecta CouncilmemberQueensprojectmemo president goes from goesin earlybefore New before will PeterSep Yorkthe also -the FDNY“WE’REpropertyproperty“WE’REATTORNEYpropertyAddabborepercussions MARINE OFTENvalues values OFTEN said.values GENERAL onSILENCEDandand COMPANYSILENCED and thethethe the environment,LETITIApublicpublic ANDpublic AND 4WHENhealth,” health,” RESCUEDJAMESWHENhealth,” local front greenway. Citylock CitylockmatterslockIn-person Council,stepstep Council,step willwithwith with trialsresume thewhichthe thewhich locallocal oflocal pending intraditionally traditionally CouncilmemberCouncilmember CouncilmemberQueens Housing in votesearlyvotes Court PeterPeter PeterSep inin - HistoryParkrepercussions transformedMonth inon 2011. thefrom Theenvironment, Newan Yorkexclusively local City CityweighCityThe Council, Council,inrezoning before which whichwouldthe projecttraditionally allowtraditionally goesFWRA beforevotes LLC,votes inthe a in propertypress our pain,values the outsideand the perception public is,health,” ‘Why City’s top Civil Court judge Wednesday. weAddabboHistory“WE’RE Addabbopropertyexpress said.Month our OFTENsaid.values grievances, in SILENCED and2011. theand The whenpublic ANDNew we WHEN health,” Yorkex- City The building’s Certificate of Occupancy – a tember,KoomatterslockweighKootember,KooCity on stepon on landCouncil,accordingin landwill land accordingwithbefore use resumeuse use the measures. whichmeasures.to the measures.local toa in projectmemoa CouncilmemberQueensmemotraditionally fromgoes from in Newearlybefore New votes York PeterSep Yorkthe -in Addabbowedon’tannouncedpropertyAddabboSAVE express you said. THEsaid.speak valuesFridayour grievances, up?’” DATE: thatand Ham thethe Nassau THEandtold public whenBrooklyn CountyQUEENS health,”we exPaPo-- locklock partnershipKooCitylockTrials stepstep on Council,step landwith withwill with of use thetheresume three thewhich measures.locallocal local developers “onCouncilmemberCouncilmembertraditionally Councilmember or about” that votesownSept. PeterPeter Peter the8,in ParkpressHistoryweAddabbo ourexpresstransformed pain, Month said. ourthe outsidegrievances, in 2011. fromperception Theand whenanNew is, ‘Why weexclusivelyYork ex - City City’stember,KooCitylockTheTheThe ontop Council,steprezoning rezoninglandaccording rezoningCivil with use Court thewhichwould measures.would wouldto local judgea allowmemotraditionally allow Councilmemberallow Wednesday. FWRA fromFWRA FWRA New votesLLC, LLC, LLC, York Peter ain a a HistoricpressCountyAddabbo our Barpain,Districts said. Association the outside Council perceptionwill ishost celebrating its is, annual‘Why thedocument issued by the city’s Department of KooCity’s on landtop Civiluse measures. Court judge Wednesday. SAVEper.liceAddabbo “We’reDepartment’sTHE said. done DATE: withfatal beingshootingTHE invisible QUEENSof Matthew in our partnershipKoosaidland,lockKooThe on Hon.step to on landrezoning reshape land with Anthony ofuse threeuse the measures. thewould measures.local developersFlushingCannataro, allowCouncilmember waterfront,FWRA thatthe owncitywide LLC, Peter thecre a - don’tpressSAVESAVESAVE you our speak THEpain,THETHE up?’” the DATE:DATE: DATE:outside Ham told perceptionTHETHETHE Brooklyn QUEENSQUEENS is, Pa‘Why- Buildings that outlines a building’s legal use – City’slockpartnership partnershipKooTrialsTheTrials step on top rezoningwill land with Civilwill of resume ofuse the resumethreeCourtthree would measures.local “ondevelopers judgedevelopers “onCouncilmemberallow or or Wednesday.about” FWRAabout” that that Sept. own LLC,ownSept. Peter 8,the the a8, HistoricParkCountydon’townFelixSAVEJudiciary, transformedcountry.” you BarlastDistricts THE speak yearAssociationPast “could up?’” DATE:CouncilPresidents Ham notfromwill be toldTHEishost concluded celebrating Brooklynanand its QUEENS annualexclusivelyGolden to Pa be -the administrativeatingpartnershipKooTheThe on arezoning 13-tower,landrezoning of use judge threewould measures. wouldmixed-use ofdevelopers allow the allow Civil FWRAcomplex FWRA thatCourt ownLLC, acrossofLLC, the a a per.SAVEHistoricdon’tCounty County“We’re youTHE Bar DistrictsBar donespeak AssociationAssociation DATE:with up?’” Council being Ham THE willwill invisibletold is host host Brooklyn celebratingQUEENS its itsin annualannualour Pa - the saidland, partnershipKooland,land, Trials TheHon.to on to toreshape landrezoningreshape reshapewillAnthony ofuse resume threethe themeasures. thewould FlushingCannataro, Flushing developers Flushing“on allow or waterfront, waterfront,about” waterfront,FWRAthe that citywide ownSept. LLC, cre cre thecre8,- - a- boatersJudiciary,SAVEper.unjustifiedSAVEJubilarianCounty “We’re stranded THE BarTHEPast dinnerbeyond done Association DATE: Presidents inDATE: with ona reasonable LittleTuesday, being THEwill THE Neckinvisibleand host Marchdoubt.” QUEENS QUEENSitsGoldenBay 31inannual ouratduring 6 states that Shore Towers, which privately main- partnershiptheland,saidThe 29 toHon. acres rezoningreshape ofAnthony ofthree mostly thewould developersFlushing Cannataro, unutilizedallow waterfront,FWRA that the land. own citywideLLC, Sup crethe -a whiteHistoricSAVECountyJudiciary, neighborhood BarTHEDistricts AssociationPast DATE: PresidentsCouncil into willTHE one ishost and celebrating of QUEENSits NewGoldenannual York the atingpartnershipCityland,partnershipThe aof to 13-tower, rezoning Newreshape of York.ofthree threethewouldmixed-use developersFlushing developers allow complex waterfront, FWRA Housingthat that own acrossLLC,own court thecre thea - ownper.Judiciary, country.” “We’re Pastdone withPresidents being invisibleand Goldenin our administrativesaidatingatingpartnership Hon. aa 13-tower,13-tower, Anthony ofjudge three mixed-use mixed-use ofCannataro, developersthe Civil complex complex Courtthe that citywide ofownacross across the the CountyCountyneighborhood’sownSAVECountyp.m.Judiciary,SAVE country.” atBarBar theBarTHE THE AssociationAssociation QCBA PastAssociation DATE:DATE:rich Office.Presidents willwilland will THE THEhosthostdistinctive hostand itsits QUEENS QUEENSits annualannual Goldenannual history tains the public space, is required to “provide land,portersatingpartnershipadministrative to a reshape13-tower,say ofthe threethe judgeplan mixed-use Flushing developersofwill the include Civilwaterfront, complex that Court expanded own across creof the the- JubilarianownJubilarianCountyCOUNCILMEMBERJudiciary,Jubilarian country.” Bardinner dinnerdinner PastAssociation on on onTuesday,Presidents Tuesday,Tuesday, DONOVAN will March host MarchMarchand its 31 RICH- Golden 31annual31at at6at 66 Citytheland,willadministrativeatingpartnershipthetheland,land, 29 of 29toalso29 acres a toNewtoreshape acres13-tower,acres restartreshapereshape ofYork.of of of judgemostly threethe in-person mostly mostly thethe Manhattanmixed-useFlushing ofdevelopersFlushingFlushing unutilized theunutilized unutilizedtrials Civil waterfront, complexHousing waterfront,thatwaterfront, that Courtland. land. day.land. own courtacross ofSup creSup Sup the crecre- - -- neighborhood’swhiteJudiciary,THEJudiciary,JubilarianCounty neighborhood LAGUARDIA Bar Past dinner PastAssociation rich Presidents onPresidents and Tuesday, intoAIRTRAIN willdistinctive one and hostMarchand ofits Golden Golden 31NewPRO-annualhistory at 6 York access to [the] pedestrian and bicycle path to atingwaterfronttheland,City 29a to of 13-tower,acres reshapeNew park of York. mostly spacethemixed-use FlushingManhattan andunutilized a complex systemwaterfront, Housing land. of across roads Sup courtcre- - p.m.Judiciary,neighborhood’sJudiciary,ardsJubilarianCounty at announcedthe BarQCBA Past dinner PastAssociation his Office. Presidentsrich on Presidentssupport Tuesday, and will for distinctive and hostaMarchand development its Golden Golden31annual athistory 6 portersating theland,ating“The 29a to 13-tower,sayaacres reshapeSupervising13-tower, the of plan mostlythemixed-use mixed-use Flushing willJudges unutilized include complex willwaterfront, complex selectexpandedland. across acrossSup cascre- - COUNCILMEMBERJubilarianCOUNCILMEMBERp.m.Judiciary,p.m. at at the thedinner QCBA QCBAPast on Office. Office.Tuesday,Presidents DONOVAN DONOVAN March and RICH- 31RICH-Golden at 6 residents and non-residents.”Mayor pledges to protectwillthethatportersCitywillportersating 29also would of also acresa restartNew say13-tower,say restart be of the business,York.theopen in-personmostly in-person planplan tomixed-useManhattan public willunutilizedwill trials trialsinclude traffic,include that complexHousing that land.day. expanded accordingday.expanded Supcourtacross - serve neighborhood’sjectp.m. was at the put QCBA on holdrich Office. by and the Federaldistinctive Aviation history ating a 13-tower, mixed-use complex across whiteardsJubilarianCOUNCILMEMBERJubilarianprojectp.m.Judiciary,Jubilarian announced neighborhood at on thedinner the dinnerdinnerQCBA Past his28-acre on support on onOffice.Tuesday,Presidents plotTuesday,Tuesday,into DONOVAN forof land aMarchone development MarchMarch andalong of 31 RICH- theGoldenNew 3131at Anat6at 6-6York waterfronttheeswillportersatingwaterfrontwaterfrontthethe“The 29for also29 29acres a trial, Supervising 13-tower,acressay acresrestart park parkofparktheprioritizing, of ofmostly spacein-person spaceplanmostly mostlyspacemixed-use Judges and willunutilizedand and unutilized unutilized fortrialsa includea systemwill a thesystem complex systemthat selecttimeland. day.expandedofland.land. of of roads being,across Suproadscas roads SupSup-- -- thisTHE month. QCBA WILL THEN HOLD ITS to the Flushing Post. Tropicalp.m.ardsableAdministration,Jubilarianp.m.Jubilarian at announcedBasin atthe Stormthe QCBA previously dinnerdinnerQCBA his Isaias whichOffice. ononOffice.support coveted Tuesday,Tuesday, citeddespite for concernsby aAmazon,MarchMarch developmentzero over 31 31 citingvisibility at atthe 66 Following the Eagle’s reporting on the sign, thatporterstwo-attorneywaterfrontthethe porters would “The2929 sayacresacres saybeSupervising parkthe open mattersofofthe planmostlymostlyspace toplan public willthat Judgesand willunutilizedunutilized wereinclude traffic,a includesystem will placed expandedland.land.accordingselect ofexpanded on roads SupSup thecas -- - projectp.m.ards at on announcedthe the QCBA 28-acre his Office. plotsupport of land for along a development the An- Mayor pledges to protectes that thatportersfor“The would wouldtrial, Supervisingsay be prioritizing,be business,theopen open plan to to Judgespublic public willfor thetraffic,include traffic,will time select accordingexpandedaccordingbeing, cas - serve City’sp.m. atpremier the QCBA African-American Office. enclaves thisprojecttheenvironmental 143rdp.m.month. potential at on Annualthe the QCBAfor 28-acre new reviewDinner Office.jobs plot process and ofand affordableland Installationand along pushback housing. the An of- theCouncilmember Department of PeterBuilding Koo sent helped inspectors inaugurate to the new Flushing Creek waterfront waterfrontthatportersesBrownfield forwould trial,say park be the openprioritizing, remediation,space plan to publicandwill a forinclude traffic,systemor the the time expandedprocessofaccording roads being, of ableTHEthisprojectTHEp.m.THE Basin month.QCBA at QCBAon previouslytheQCBA the QCBA WILL28-acre WILLWILL coveted Office. plotTHEN THEN THENof by land Amazon, HOLD alongHOLDHOLD citing theITS AnITSITS - two-attorneytowaterfronttrialesthatportersto towaterfrontthe the forthe wouldFlushingcalendar Flushing trial,Flushingsay park be mattersparktheprioritizing, openPost. before space Post. Post. planspace to that publicandwillMarch and were fora include systemtraffic, a the 16,placedsystem time2020, expandedofaccording on ofroadsbeing, theroadsand thisableAfromTHE quarter month.Basin localQCBA of previously electedthe 5,700WILL officials. covetedapartments THEN by“We Amazon,in HOLDtheare proposedworking citing ITS the building at 25-40Mayor Shore Blvd., and agreed pledges to protectthatwhichtowaterfronttwo-attorney the would Flushingcannot be park open business, bematters Post. resolvedspace to public thatand virtually,” weretraffic,Continueda system placed accordingCannata onof pageonroads the -2 serve City’s143rdable BasinAnnualpremier previously Dinner African-American coveted and ContinuedbyInstallation Amazon, on pagecitingofenclaves 2 esplanade in September 2019. Photo by John McCarten via City Council/Flickr thattwo-attorneywaterfrontthatBrownfield would would be park beopen matters remediation, open space to publicto that publicand were traffic,aor systemtraffic, the placed processaccording ofaccording on roads the of theTHEthe143rd 143rdpotential143rd potential QCBA AnnualAnnualAnnual for for newWILL new DinnerjobsDinnerDinner jobs andTHEN and affordableandandand affordable InstallationInstallationHOLDInstallation housing. housing. ITS of of CouncilmemberCouncilmemberCouncilmember Peter Peter Koo Koo helped helped inaugurate inaugurate the the new new Flushing FlushingFlushing Creek CreekCreek waterfront waterfrontwaterfront trialtothat trialthatthe BrownfieldBrownfieldcalendar would Flushingwouldcalendar be be before open Post.open remediation, beforeremediation, to toMarch public publicMarch traffic, 16, ortraffic, or 16,the the2020, 2020,process accordingprocessaccording and and of of THEthedevelopmentto143rdTHE answerpotentialQCBA QCBAAnnual additional for wouldWILL new WILLDinner jobsbe questionsTHEN inclusionary, and THENand affordable HOLDInstallationfrom HOLD though members housing. ITS ITS an of Hon.withCouncilmember what Anthony a group Cannataro ofPeter cyclists Koo is calledthe helped administrative QNS inaugurate Ride judge the fornew New Flushing York City Creek Civil waterfrontCourt. torothat tothe said.Brownfield the wouldFlushing Flushing be openPost. remediation, Post. to publicContinued traffic,or the onprocessaccording page 2 of A quarterATHETHE quarter ofQCBAQCBA ofthe the 5,700 5,700 WILLWILL apartments apartments THENTHENContinued in thein HOLDtheHOLD proposedon proposed page ITSITS2 esplanade in September 2019. Photo by John McCarten via City Council/Flickr whichtrialtowhichto the the cannotcalendar Flushing Flushingcannot be be before resolvedPost. Post. resolved March virtually,” virtually,”ContinuedContinued 16, 2020,Cannata onCannata on page pageand- 2 -2 City’s143rd Annualpremier Dinner African-American and ContinuedContinuedInstallation on on page pageenclavesof 22 esplanade in September 2019. Photo byby JohnJohn McCartenMcCarten via via City City Council/Flickr Council/Flickr Brownfield remediation, Continuedor the process on page of 2 and143rdAincome ofTHE143rdchoppy quarter the Annual New QCBAAnnualrange of waters. theYork hasDinner 5,700 WILL Dinnerdelegationnot apartmentsyet and been THENand andContinuedInstallation specified. Installationin other HOLDthe proposed oncommu page ofITS of2- Councilmemberhasesplanadeesplanade been saying inin SeptemberSeptember forPeter years Koo – 2019.2019. thehelped condominium inaugurate The the Department Photo new by JohnFlushing McCarten Eagleof Buildings fileCreek viaphoto City waterfront bysaid Council/Flickr Rob ShoreAbruzzese TowerstoBrownfield the CondominiumBrownfield Flushing remediation, Post. remediation, violatedContinued Continuedor its theor agreementthe onprocess onpageprocess page 12of 2 of QUEENSdevelopment143rd Annual would Dinnerbe inclusionary, andContinued Installation though on page an of 2 CouncilmemberesplanadeCouncilmember in September Peter Peter Koo Koo 2019. helped helped inaugurate inaugurate the thePhoto new new by FlushingJohn Flushing McCarten Creek Creekvia City waterfront Council/Flickrwaterfront rowhich said.Brownfield cannot be remediation,resolved virtually,” or the Cannataprocess- of by developmentthe143rd early Annual would1950s. Dinner be Theinclusionary, and area Installation wasthough home anof Hon.to Anthony Cannataro is the administrative judge for New York City Civil Court. ro Brownfieldsaid. remediation, or the process of developmentnity143rd groups,” Annual would the Dinner agency be inclusionary, andsaid Installationin a statement.though anof Hon.can’tCouncilmember lockAnthony bikers Cannataro out. Peter Koo is the helped administrative inauguratewith judge the the for newcity New by FlushingFlushing posting York City Creek Creeka signCivil waterfrontlimitingwaterfrontCourt. use of a Brownfieldpublicly owned remediation, but privatelyContinued or the onmaintainedprocess page 2of income range has not yet beenContinued specified. on page 2 esplanadeHon.CouncilmemberFollow Anthony in September us Cannataro onPeter 2019.Koo is the helped administrative inaugurate judge Like Photothe for newbyus JohnNew onFlushing McCarten Eagle YorkFacebook file City photoviaCreek CityCivil by Council/Flickr RobwaterfrontCourt. Abruzzese ro said. Visit us OnlineContinuedContinuedContinued on onpage onpage page 12 2 2 income“The FAA range expects has not to yet issue beenContinued aContinuedContinued specified.decision on ononpagesoon.” pagepage 2 22 esplanadeesplanadeesplanade in ininSeptember SeptemberSeptember Continued2019. 2019.2019. on page 2 greenway Photo PhotoPhoto by in byJohnby Astoria. JohnJohn McCarten McCartenMcCartenEagle file via viaphoto viaCity CityCity Council/Flickr by Council/FlickrCouncil/Flickr Rob Abruzzese EagleContinuedContinued photoContinued by on Jacob on onpage page page Kaye 12 2 2 Continued on page 2 esplanade in September 2019. Photo by John McCarten via City Council/Flickr Continued on page 2 by incomethe early range has1950s. not yet The been Continued specified.area was on page home 2 toesplanade Mayor in BillSeptember de Blasio 2019. delivered his seventh Photo State by John of McCartentheEagle City file viaphoto address City by Council/Flickr Rob Abruzzese at the American Museum ofContinued Natural onHistory page 12 on Thursday. Many of Follow@queenseagleFollowFollow us us on on Twitter Twitter facebook.com/queenseagleLikeLike us us on onon Facebook FacebookFacebook queenseagle.comVisitVisitVisit us usus Online Online Online byAS the RACIALearly 1950s. COVENANTS The area was SEGRE-home to FollowMayorMayor Bill us Bill de on de Blasio TwitterBlasio delivered delivered his his seventh seventhLike State State us ofon of the Facebookthe City City address address at at the the American American MuseumVisit Museum us ofOnline of Natural Natural History History on on Thursday. Thursday. Many Many of of luminaries like Count Basie, Lena Horne, @queenseagleFollowFollowFollowMayoryouth usus usBill onon onde TwitterTwitter BlasioTwitter deliveredandfacebook.com/queenseagle his seventhbuildLikeLikeLike Stateus us on onof Facebook the homesFacebook City address at the duringAmericanqueenseagle.comVisit MuseumVisit us us Online ofOnlineannual Natural History on Thursday. address Many of AS RACIAL COVENANTS SEGRE- @queenseagle@queenseagle facebook.com/queenseagle queenseagle.comqueenseagle.com ASAS RACIALRACIAL COVENANTS SEGRE- @queenseagleFollowFollowhis proposals usus onon TwitterTwitterwill have a particularfacebook.com/queenseagle impactLikeLike on usus Queens. onon FacebookFacebook queenseagle.com VisitVisit us us Online Online Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office luminariesgated the likecity’s Count neighborhoods, Basie, Lena Addisleigh Horne, @queenseagleyouth andfacebook.com/queenseagle build homes duringqueenseagle.com annual address Agatedluminaries gated31-YEAR-OLD the the city’s likecity’s neighborhoods,Count neighborhoods, MAN Basie, FROM LenaAddisleigh Addisleigh CAM-Horne, @queenseagle@queenseagle@queenseaglehishis proposalsyouth proposals will will have havehave and a aparticulara particularparticularfacebook.com/queenseaglefacebook.com/queenseaglefacebook.com/queenseaglefacebook.com/queenseagle impactbuild impactimpact on onon Queens. Queens.Queens. homes duringqueenseagle.comqueenseagle.comqueenseagle.com annual Michael Michael Michael Appleton/Mayoral Appleton/Mayoral Appleton/Mayoral addressPhotography Photography Photography Office Office Office EllagatedPark Fitzgerald, thetransformed city’s neighborhoods,Illinois from Jacquet,an exclusivelyAddisleigh Jackie ParkEllaPark transformedFitzgerald,transformed Illinois fromfrom anJacquet,an exclusivelyexclusively Jackie By David Brand will have a specific impact on Queens. deep into the night on Jan. 10, as patrons, in- briaRobinson,EllaParkwhite Heights Fitzgerald, neighborhoodtransformed Jameswas sentenced IllinoisBrown, intofrom to oneJoe Jacquet,10an ofyearsLouis, exclusivelyNew in Jackie YorkprisMilt- MayorBy David Brandpledges willto have protect a specific impact on business, Queens. deep into theserve night on Jan. 10, as patrons, in- whiteRobinson,whitewhiteCity’s neighborhood neighborhoodneighborhoodpremier James African-American Brown,into into one one Joeof of New Louis,New enclaves York YorkMilt MayorQueensBy David Daily pledgesBrand Eagle willtoFrom have protect reopening a specific communitiesimpact onbusiness, Queens. centers in cludingdeep into Mayor theserve night Bill onde Jan.Blasio, 10, toastedas patrons, a lease in- onCity’sRobinson, for attemptingpremier James African-American to Brown,kill his girlfriendJoe Louis, enclaves in 2018. Milt Mayor pledgespledges totoFrom protectprotectreopening communities business,business, centers in cluding Mayor serveserve Bill de Blasio, toasted a lease Hinton,City’sCity’sby the Roypremierpremierearly Campanella, 1950s. African-American The areaPercy was Sutton enclaveshome and to QueensQueens DailyDaily EagleEagle neighborhoodsFrom reopening beset communities by municipal centers disin in- agreementcluding Mayor that wouldBill de enable Blasio, the toasted 190-year-old a lease byHinton,byby the thethe early Royearlyearly 1950s. Campanella,1950s. The The area areaPercy was was Suttonhome home to and to Mayor Bill de Blasio deliveredQueens his seventh HeCootieHinton,luminaries attacked Williams. Roy after likeCampanella, woman,Count Basie,who Percy is Lenatransgender, Sutton Horne, and youthMayor Bill de Blasioand delivered build his seventh homesneighborhoods besetduring by municipal annualdisin- agreement address that would enable the 190-year-old luminariesCootieluminariesluminariesElla Williams.Fitzgerald, like likelike Count Count CountIllinois Basie, Basie, Jacquet,Lena Lena Horne, Horne,Jackie youth“StateyouthMayor of theBill City”de and Blasioandand address delivered Thursday, build buildbuild his seventh pledg homes- homeshomesvestmentneighborhoods to helping besetduring duringduring smallby municipalbusiness annual ownersannualannualdisin- Woodhavenagreement address address thataddress watering would holeenable to thestay 190-year-old in business. after she refused to have sex with other people will havevestment a specific to helping impact smallon Queens. business ownersdeep intoWoodhaven the night on watering Jan. 10, ashole patrons, to stay in in- business. EllaCootieEllaEllaRobinson, Fitzgerald, Williams.Fitzgerald,Fitzgerald, James Illinois IllinoisBrown, Jacquet, JoeJacquet, Louis, JackieJackie Milt “State of theBy City” David address Brand Thursday, pledg- vestment to helping small business owners Woodhaven watering hole to stay in business.- for money.  ing“State to preserveof theByQueens ByCity” David theDavidDavid Daily city’saddressBrand BrandBrand Eagle affordable Thursday, housing, pledgwillwill-will Fromhave negotiate havehave areopening aspecifica specificspecific leases impact communitiesimpactimpact with on their on on Queens. Queens. Queens.landlords, centers in Queens deepcludingdeepdeep into into into Mayor the the Localthe night night nightBill elected on onde on Jan. Jan.Blasio, Jan. officials,10, 10, 10, as toastedas as patrons, patrons, patrons, the a lease in Queensin in-- - Cham Robinson,Robinson,Robinson,Hinton, RoyJames James Campanella, Brown, Brown, Joe PercyJoe Louis, Louis, Sutton Milt Miltand From reopening communities centers in cluding Mayor Bill de Blasio, toasted a lease -  ingMayor to preserve BillQueensQueens de Blasio the Daily DailyDaily city’s delivered Eagle EagleEagle affordable his seventh housing, neighborhoodsFrom Fromplayednegotiate reopening reopening a key leasesbeset communitiesrole communities with byin themunicipaltheir mayor’s landlords,centers centers disin annualin in-Queens cludingagreement cludingad- Mayorber Mayor Localthat of Bill would CommerceBill elected de de enableBlasio, Blasio, officials, the andtoasted toasted 190-year-old even thea leasea theleaseQueens de BlasioCham- Hinton,Hinton,Hinton,Cootie Roy Williams. Roy Campanella, Campanella, Percy Percy Sutton Sutton and and expanding to preserve education the and city’s help affordable small businesses. housing,neighborhoods negotiate leasesbeset withby theirmunicipal landlords, disin -Queensagreement Localthat would elected enable officials, the 190-year-old the Queens Cham ERICA VLADIMER, A CANDIDATE “StateMayorMayor of Bill Billthe de City”de Blasio Blasio address delivered delivereddelivered Thursday, his hishis seventh seventhseventh pledg - neighborhoodsvestmentneighborhoodsplayed to ahelping keybeset beset role smallby byin municipal thebusinessmunicipal mayor’s ownersdisin disin annual- - agreementWoodhaven agreementad- ber that thatwateringof would wouldCommerce enable hole enable to the stayand the 190-year-old in190-year-oldeven business. the de Blasio CootieCootieCootie Williams. Williams.Williams. expand education and help small businesses.vestmentdress.played to ahelping key role small in thebusiness mayor’s owners annual Woodhavenad- administrationber wateringof Commerce hole stepped to stayand inineven business. to thehelp de broker Blasio a “ANYONEERICA VLADIMER, WHO FEELS A TRAPPED CANDIDATE BY “State“Stateingexpand Deto of preserveof Blasio,the educationthe City” City” thespeaking address city’saddress addressand help affordableThursday,at Thursday,Thursday, the small American housing,businesses.pledg pledgpledg- --Mu vestmentnegotiate-vestment to leases tohelping helping with small theirsmall landlords,business business owners Queens owners WoodhavenWoodhavenLocal elected watering watering officials, hole hole to the tostay stayQueens in in business. business. Cham- challengingERICA VLADIMER, Carolyn MaloneyA CANDIDATE in the dress. administration stepped in to help- broker a  ingingexpand to to Depreserve preservepreserve educationBlasio, the thethespeaking city’sand city’scity’s help affordable affordableaffordable atsmall the businesses.American housing, housing,housing, Mu negotiatenegotiateplayednegotiate- dress. a leases key leasesleases Assisting role with withwith in their the theirtheir small mayor’slandlords, landlords, landlords, businesses annual Queens Queens Queens ad - berLocalLocal Localof Commercenewadministrationelected elected elected deal officials, officials, officials,that and would steppedeven the the the keeptheQueens Queens Queens inde the to BlasioCham ChamhistorichelpCham- -broker bar ina ERICA VLADIMER, A CANDIDATE seumDe ofBlasio, Natural speaking History, at thelaid American out his vision Mu- circumstancesDemocraticchallenging primary similarCarolyn tofor this MaloneyNew victim’s York’s inshould 12ththe expandexpand education education and andand help helphelp small smallsmall businesses. businesses.businesses. playedplayeddress.played a aakey keykey role rolerole in inin the thethe mayor’s mayor’smayor’s annual annualannual ad adad- -- beradministrationberber of ofof Commerce CommercenewCommerce deal stepped that and andand would evenin eveneven to the keepthehelpthe de de brokerdethe Blasio Blasio Blasiohistoric a bar in ERICAchallengingERICAERICA VLADIMER, VLADIMER, Carolyn A Maloney ACANDIDATE CANDIDATE in the seumDeBy Blasio, Davidof Natural speaking Brand History, andat the Teresa laidAmerican out Mettela his Mu vision- powerThe atAssistingcelebration some point small at during Neir’s businesses the Tavern heavy windslasted atnew least deal one that man would in Briarwood keep Continuedthe who historic was on page sittingbar 10in challenging Carolyn Maloney in the DeforseumDe Blasio,the Blasio, of entire Natural speaking speaking city, History, butat at the many the American laidAmerican of outhis hisproposalsMu Mu -vision- dress.dress.dress. AssistingAssisting small small businesses businesses administrationnewadministrationadministration deal that would stepped steppedstepped keep in inin the to to to helphistoric helphelp broker brokerbroker bar inaa a knowchallengingCongressionalDemocraticchallenging this: You primaryCarolyn areDistrict,Carolyn not alone,” for exitedMaloney MaloneyNew said the York’sraceDistrict in in Friday. the 12thAtthe - seumDe ofBlasio, Natural speaking History, at laidthe Americanout his vision Mu- The celebration at Neir’s Tavern lasted DemocraticchallengingDemocratic primary primaryCarolyn for for Maloney NewNew York’s in 12th12ththe seumseumfor of theof Natural Naturalentire QueensHistory,city, History, but Daily laid manylaid Eagleout out of his hishis vision visionproposals TheandAssisting AssistingThecelebration rain, celebration complicating small small at Neir’sbusinesses businessesat life Neir’sTavern for peopleTavern lasted stuck lastednewnewnew at deal deal dealin that that histhat would vanwould would when keep keep keep a treethe Continuedthe the historic fellhistoric historic on onContinued top page barbar bar of in10in the in on vehicle. page 10 Democratic primary for New York’s 12th seumforfor the the of entire entireNatural city, city, History, but but many many laid of outhisof hisproposalshis proposalsvision The Assistingcelebration small at Neir’s businesses Tavern lasted Continued on page 10 torneyDemocraticCongressionalDemocraticCongressional Melinda primary primary Katz.District, District, “Wefor for exitedexited Neware New here theYork’s York’s racetorace continue Friday. 12thFriday. 12th for the entire city, but many of his proposals TheThe celebration celebration at atNeir’s Neir’s Tavern Tavern lasted lasted ContinuedContinued on on page page 10 10 HerCongressionalCongressional departure District,leaves District, three exited exited other the race candidates Friday.Friday. forfor the theMore entire entire than city, city, 46,000 but but many many Queens of of his his residentsproposals proposals were home as a result of COVID-19. Queens residentsContinued who work on page or take 10 classes toCongressionalHer CongressionalvigorouslyHer departure departure prosecute District, leavesDistrict,leaves exited threesuchthree exited casestheother the race race and candidatescandidates Friday. protectFriday. HerchallengingHerHerchallenging departuredeparture departuredeparture Maloney, leaves Maloney,leaves leaves three three three whowho other otherother hashas candidates candidatesserved inin without power Wednesday afternoon, 24 hours The whipping winds of Tropical Storm Isaias remotely said the outages have paralyzed their victimschallenging of trafficking Maloney, and whoassault.” has served in challengingCongresschallengingchallengingCongressTODAY since since Maloney, Maloney,Maloney, 1993. 1993. who who has hashas served servedserved in inin challenging Maloney, who has served in after an intense tropical storm tore through the ripped down trees across Queens, causing sig- ability to stay connected. CongressCongressCongress since since 1993. 1993. Congress since 1993. borough. About 57,000 borough customers lost nificant damage to homes and cars and killing Continued on page 2 GOV.Congress ANDREW since 1993. CUOMO SIGNED A Flushing community board set THE NEW YORK SENATE ENVI- FlushingFlushingFlushing communitycommunitycommunity community boardboardboard board setsetset set THE NEW YORK SENATE ENVI- billTHETHEronmental allowing NEWNEW theConservation YORKmanufactureYORK SENATE CommitteeSENATE and sale ENVI-approvedofENVI- spiked THEronmental NEW Conservation YORK CommitteeSENATE approvedENVI- Flushing community board set ronmentalronmentala bill Conservationsponsored Conservation by Committee CommitteeState Sen. approved approved Joseph Flushing community board set icea cream bill tosponsored put the industry by State “on aSen. path Josephof sus- to vote on controversial rezoning aronmentalTHE aAddabbo, billbill sponsoredNEWsponsored Conservation Jr. toYORK require byby State Committee StatehardSENATE Sen.lidsSen. or approved Joseph JosephENVI-sturdy tainedTHEAddabbo, growthNEW Jr. that toYORK empowers require SENATEhard both lids producers or ENVI-sturdy and toto votevote ononon controversialcontroversialcontroversial rezoningrezoningrezoningBy Victoria Merlino Addabbo,tarps on Jr.top to of require “trash trains.”hard lids The or coverings sturdy aronmental Addabbo,tarpsbill onsponsored top ConservationJr. ofto “trash require by trains.” Committee Statehard ThelidsSen. coveringsor approved sturdyJoseph ByQueens Victoria Daily Merlino Eagle tarpsronmentalwould on topprevent Conservation of “trash putrid trains.” goop Committee from The falling coverings approved out of QueensByQueensBy Victoria Victoria Daily Merlino Merlino Eagle Housing tarps on top of “trash trains.” The coverings consumers.”would prevent The putridalcohol goop content from offalling the frozenout of to vote on controversialCommunity Queens rezoningBoard Daily 7 will Eagle vote today on a February 10, 2020 Queens Daily Eagle Addabbo,a thebill train sponsored carsJr. to as requirethey by travel. Statehard lidsSen. or Josephsturdy commitments wouldwould prevent prevent putrid putrid goop goop from from falling falling out out of of Community Board 7 will vote today on a a thebill train sponsored cars as they by travel. State Sen. Joseph hotlyCommunity contested Board plan 7to willrezone vote the today Flushing on a treatsthe train will cars be limitedas they totravel. five percent and require to vote on controversialhotlyCommunity contested rezoning planBoard toBy 7 rezoneVictoriawill vote the Merlino todayFlushing on a tarpsAddabbo,the trainon top carsJr. of toas “trash theyrequire travel. trains.” hard Thelids coveringsor sturdy to vote on controversialhotlywaterfront, contested which rezoningplan would to rezone allow thedevelopers Flushing to Addabbo, Jr. to require hard lids or sturdy waterfront,hotly contested which plan would Queensto allowrezone Daily developers the Eagle Flushing to the same warning labels as alcoholic beverages. build condos, hotels, shopsBy Victoria and office Merlino space wouldtarps“APART onprevent top FROMof putrid “trash goopTHE trains.” fromFOUL The falling coveringsODORS out of waterfront,buildwaterfront, condos, which which hotels,Court would would shopsBy allow Victoria allow and developers trialsdevelopers office Merlino space to to “APART FROM THE FOUL ODORS along Flushing Creek. The advisory vote is tarpsand onspilled top of garbage“trash trains.” that manyThe coverings of my buildalongbuild condos, Flushing condos,Community hotels, hotels,Creek. shops Queens shops TheBoard andadvisory and Daily 7 office will office Eagle vote vote space space is today on a “APARTthe“APARTand train spilled carsFROM FROM asgarbage they THE THEtravel. thatFOUL FOUL many ODORS ODORSof my the latest phase in the Queenscity’s land Daily use Eagle process wouldconstituents prevent are putrid burdened goop fromwith fallingon a regular out of alongthealong latest Flushing Flushing phase Creek. in Creek. the city’sThe The advisory land advisory use voteprocess vote is is HUNDREDSandwouldandconstituents spilled preventspilled garbage OFareputridgarbage burdenedNEW goop that YORKERSthat fromwith manymany fallingon ofa TOOK ofregular out mymy of for the site.hotly Community contested Boardplan to 7 rezonewill vote the today Flushing on a thebasis, train the cars trash as they trains travel. have other negative theforthe latest the latest site. phase phaseCommunity in inthe the city’s city’sBoard land land 7 use willuse process processvote today on a toconstituentsthe constituentsbasis,the train streets thecars aretrashof asare Brooklyn burdenedthey burdenedtrains travel. haveonwith with Saturday otheron on a aregularnegative regularin sup - The Queenswaterfront, borough which president would allow will alsodevelopers to repercussions on the environment, local forfor theThe the site. Queenssite.hotly will contested borough resume plan president to rezone will also the inFlushing basis, the trash trains have other negative weigh inhotly before contested the project plan goes to rezonebefore thethe Flushing basis,repercussions the trash on trains the haveenvironment, other negative local weighTheThe Queensin Queens before borough the borough project president president goes before will will also the also portproperty of the 89-year-oldvalues and Asianthe publicwoman health,” set on City Council,buildwaterfront, condos,which which traditionally hotels, would shops allowvotes and developers in office space to repercussions“APARTrepercussionsproperty FROMvalues on on  theandTHEthe environment, theenvironment, FOUL public ODORShealth,”local local weighCityweigh Council,in inbefore before whichthe the project projecttraditionally goes goes before beforevotes the inthe Addabbo said.  lock stepwaterfront, with the local which Councilmember would allow Peter developers to firepropertypropertyAddabbo and tovalues condemnsaid.values and and the the decisionthe public public to health,” nothealth,” clas - CitylockCity Council,step Council,along with thewhichFlushing which local traditionally Councilmembertraditionally Creek. The votes votesadvisory Peter in in vote is ADDISLEIGHand spilled garbage PARK that WAS many DESIGNATED of my Koo on landbuild use condos, measures. hotels, shops and office space Addabbo“APART said. FROM THE FOUL ODORS build condos, hotels, shops and office space sify“APARTAddabbo the attack said.FROM as a hateTHE crime. FOUL The peacefulODORS lockKoolock step on step landthewith with latest use the Septemberthe measures.local phase local Councilmember Councilmemberin the city’s land Peter Peter use process The rezoningalong Flushing would allow Creek. FWRA The LLC,advisory a vote is constituents are burdened with on a regular KooKooThe on on landrezoning land use use measures. would measures. allow FWRA LLC, a andSAVE spilled THE garbage DATE: that THE many QUEENS of my partnershipforalong theof Flushing threesite. developers Creek. thatThe own advisory the vote is march,andSAVE spilled co-organized THE garbage DATE: b y that QueensTHE many nativeQUEENS of Wilmy- partnershipThe rezoningthe oflatest three would phase developers allow in theFWRA city’sthat ownLLC, land the a use process basis,County the Bartrash Association trains have will otherhost its negative annual land,The to reshaperezoning the would Flushing allow waterfront, FWRA LLC, cre- a SAVEconstituentsSAVECounty THE BarTHE areAssociation DATE: burdenedDATE: THEwill THEwith host QUEENSon QUEENSits a annualregular partnershipland, to thereshape of latest three the phase developersFlushingBy in David the waterfront, thatcity’s Brand own land crethe use- process liamconstituentsJudiciary, Lex Ham, arePast burdenedwas Presidents also witha demonstration andon a Goldenregular atingpartnership a 13-tower,forThe the of site.three Queens mixed-use developers borough complex that president ownacross the will also a CountyrepercussionsNewCountyJudiciary, York Bar Bar AssociationCity Past Associationon historic Presidentsthe will environment,will district host hostand its its duringannual Goldenannual local Black ating a 13-tower, mixed-use complex across land, to reshape the Flushing waterfront, cre- basis,Jubilarian the trashdinner trains on Tuesday, have otherMarch negative 31 at 6 theland, 29 toacresweighfor reshape the of insite.mostly the before FlushingQueens unutilized the Dailywaterfront,project land. Eagle goes Sup cre -before- the againstJudiciary,basis,Judiciary,Jubilarian thethe stereotype trash PastdinnerPast trainsPresidents onPresidents ofTuesday, Asianhave and docility.otherMarchand Goldennegative Golden31 at 6 atingthe 29a 13-tower,acres of mostly mixed-use unutilized complex land. across Sup- propertyp.m. at thevalues QCBA and Office. the public health,” portersating a say13-tower,The the Queensplan mixed-use will boroughinclude complex expanded president across will also JubilarianrepercussionsJubilarianp.m. at the dinner dinnerQCBA on on on Office.Tuesday,the Tuesday, environment, March March 31 31 at localat6 6 theporters 29 acres CitysayIn-personThe of theCouncil, mostly Queensplan trials willunutilized which borough includeof pending traditionally land. presidentexpanded SupHousing- willvotes Court also in repercussions on the environment, local waterfrontthe 29 acresweigh park of in spacemostly before and unutilized thea system project land. of goesroads Sup before- the p.m.Addabbo at the said. QCBA Office. porterswaterfront sayweigh parkthe in planspace before will and include thea system project expanded of goesroads before the “WE’REpropertyp.m. at the OFTENvalues QCBA SILENCED Office.and the public AND WHENhealth,” thatporters wouldmatterslock say be stepopenthe will planwith to publicresume willthe local traffic,include in CouncilmemberQueens accordingexpanded in early PeterSep- Historyproperty Month values in and 2011. the The public New health,” York City waterfrontthatwaterfront wouldCity park be park openCouncil, space space to publicand andwhich a traffic,systema system traditionally ofaccording ofroads roads votes in THE QCBA WILL THEN HOLD ITS to the FlushingCity Council, Post. which traditionally votes in weAddabboTHE express QCBA said. our grievances,WILL THEN and whenHOLD we ITS ex- thatto the would Flushingtember,Koo be openon Post. landaccording to public use measures. traffic,to a memo according from New York Addabbo143rd Annual said. Dinner and Installation of thatBrownfield wouldlock be step openremediation, with to public the local ortraffic, the Councilmember process according of Peter pressTHETHE143rd ourQCBA QCBA Annualpain, theWILL WILLDinner outside THEN THEN andperception InstallationHOLD HOLD is, ITS‘Why ITS of Councilmember Peter Koo helped inaugurate the new Flushing Creek waterfront to totheBrownfield the Flushing FlushingCity’slockThe step Post. top remediation,rezoning Post. with Civil the Court would local or judgethe Councilmemberallow process Wednesday. FWRA of LLC, Peter a Continued on page 2 esplanade in September 2019. Photo by John McCarten via City Council/Flickr Koo on land use measures.Continued on page 2 don’t143rdSAVE143rd you Annual Annual THEspeak Dinner up?’”DATE:Dinner Ham and and THEtoldContinuedInstallation Installation Brooklyn QUEENS on page of Pa of2- CouncilmemberesplanadeCouncilmember in September Peter Peter Koo Koo 2019. helped helped inaugurate inaugurate the the Photo new new by JohnFlushing Flushing McCarten Creek Creekvia City waterfront Council/Flickrwaterfront BrownfieldBrownfield partnershipKooTrials on remediation, landremediation, will ofuse resume three measures. or developersor the“on the process or process about” thatof of ownSept. the8, The rezoning wouldContinuedContinued allow on on page FWRApage 2 2 LLC, a HistoricCounty BarDistricts Association Council willContinuedContinued ishost celebrating on its on page annualpage 2 2 theesplanadeesplanade in in September September 2019. 2019. Photo Photo by by John John McCarten McCarten via via City City Council/Flickr Council/Flickr land,The to rezoning reshape thewould Flushing allow waterfront,FWRA LLC, cre a- per.SAVE “We’re THE done DATE:with being THE invisible QUEENS in our saidpartnership Hon. Anthony of three Cannataro,developers thethat citywideown the Judiciary,SAVE THE Past DATE:Presidents THE and QUEENS Golden Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook partnershipVisit us Onlineof three developers that own the ownCounty country.” Bar Association will host its annual Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook administrativeatingVisit a us13-tower, Online judge mixed-use of the Civil complex Court acrossof the JubilarianCounty Bar dinner Association on Tuesday, will hostMarch its 31annual at 6 theland,land, 29 toto acres reshapereshape of mostlythethe FlushingFlushing unutilized waterfront,waterfront, land. Sup crecre-- Judiciary, Past Presidents and Golden Follow@queenseagleFollow us us on on Twitter Twitter facebook.com/queenseagleLikeLike us us on on Facebook Facebook queenseagle.comCityVisitVisit of us Newus Online OnlineYork. Manhattan Housing court neighborhood’sp.m.Judiciary, at the QCBAPast rich Office.Presidents and distinctive and Golden history @queenseagle facebook.com/queenseagle queenseagle.comportersatingating aa 13-tower,say the plan mixed-use will include complex expanded across COUNCILMEMBERJubilarian dinner on Tuesday, DONOVAN March RICH- 31 at 6 @queenseagle@queenseagle facebook.com/queenseaglefacebook.com/queenseagle queenseagle.comqueenseagle.comwillthe 29also acres restart of in-personmostly unutilized trials that land.day. Sup- ardsJubilarian announced dinner his onsupport Tuesday, for aMarch development 31 at 6 waterfrontthe“The 29 acres Supervising park of mostlyspace Judges andunutilized a systemwill selectland. of roads Supcas-- p.m.p.m. atat thethe QCBAQCBA Office.Office. thatportersporters would say be the open plan to publicwill include traffic, expandedaccording thisproject month. on the 28-acre plot of land along the An- eswaterfront for trial, park prioritizing, space and for a thesystem time of being, roads ableTHE Basin QCBA previously WILL coveted THEN by Amazon, HOLD citing ITS two-attorneytowaterfront the Flushing park matters Post. space that and were a system placed of on roads the 143rd Annual Dinner and Installation of thatthatBrownfield wouldwould bebe openopen remediation, toto publicpublic traffic,traffic,or the processaccordingaccording of theTHE potential QCBA for newWILL jobs andTHEN affordable HOLD housing. ITS Councilmember Peter Koo helped inaugurate the new Flushing Creek waterfront trialto the calendar Flushing before Post. March 16, 2020, and ATHE quarter QCBA of the 5,700WILL apartments THEN in HOLDthe proposed ITS to the Flushing Post. Continued on page 2 143rd Annual Dinner andContinued Installation on page of2 esplanade in September 2019. Photo by John McCarten via City Council/Flickr whichBrownfield cannot be remediation, resolved virtually,” or the Cannataprocess -of development143rd Annual would Dinner be inclusionary, and Installation though anof CouncilmemberCouncilmember PeterPeter KooKoo helpedhelped inaugurateinaugurate thethe newnew FlushingFlushing CreekCreek waterfrontwaterfront ro said.Brownfield remediation, or the process of  Hon. Anthony Cannataro is the administrative judge for New York City Civil Court. Continued on page 2 income range has not yet beenContinuedContinued specified. onon pagepage 22 esplanadeesplanade inin SeptemberSeptember 2019.2019. PhotoPhoto byby JohnJohn McCartenMcCartenEagle file viaphotovia CityCity by Council/FlickrCouncil/Flickr Rob Abruzzese ContinuedContinued on onpage page 12 2 FollowMayor usBill onde TwitterBlasio delivered his seventhLike State us on of theFacebook City address at the American VisitMuseum us Online of Natural History on Thursday. Many of AS RACIAL COVENANTS SEGRE- @queenseagleFollowFollow usus onon TwitterTwitter facebook.com/queenseagleLikeLike usus onon FacebookFacebook queenseagle.comVisit us Online gated the city’s neighborhoods, Addisleigh @queenseagle@queenseaglehis proposals will have a particularfacebook.com/queenseaglefacebook.com/queenseagle impact on Queens. queenseagle.com Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office Park transformed from an exclusively white neighborhood into one of New York City’s premier African-American enclaves Mayor pledges to protect business, serve by the early 1950s. The area was home to luminaries like Count Basie, Lena Horne, youth and build homes during annual address Ella Fitzgerald, Illinois Jacquet, Jackie will have a specific impact on Queens. deep into the night on Jan. 10, as patrons, in- Robinson, James Brown, Joe Louis, Milt By David Brand Queens Daily Eagle From reopening communities centers in cluding Mayor Bill de Blasio, toasted a lease Hinton, Roy Campanella, Percy Sutton and Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered his seventh neighborhoods beset by municipal disin- agreement that would enable the 190-year-old Cootie Williams. “State of the City” address Thursday, pledg- vestment to helping small business owners Woodhaven watering hole to stay in business.  ing to preserve the city’s affordable housing, negotiate leases with their landlords, Queens Local elected officials, the Queens Cham- expand education and help small businesses. played a key role in the mayor’s annual ad- ber of Commerce and even the de Blasio ERICA VLADIMER, A CANDIDATE De Blasio, speaking at the American Mu- dress. administration stepped in to help broker a challenging Carolyn Maloney in the seum of Natural History, laid out his vision Assisting small businesses new deal that would keep the historic bar in Democratic primary for New York’s 12th for the entire city, but many of his proposals The celebration at Neir’s Tavern lasted Continued on page 10 Congressional District, exited the race Friday. Her departure leaves three other candidates challenging Maloney, who has served in Congress since 1993.  Flushing community board set THE NEW YORK SENATE ENVI- ronmental Conservation Committee approved a bill sponsored by State Sen. Joseph to vote on controversial rezoning Addabbo, Jr. to require hard lids or sturdy tarps on top of “trash trains.” The coverings By Victoria Merlino Queens Daily Eagle would prevent putrid goop from falling out of Community Board 7 will vote today on a the train cars as they travel. hotly contested plan to rezone the Flushing  waterfront, which would allow developers to “APART FROM THE FOUL ODORS build condos, hotels, shops and office space along Flushing Creek. The advisory vote is and spilled garbage that many of my the latest phase in the city’s land use process constituents are burdened with on a regular for the site. basis, the trash trains have other negative The Queens borough president will also repercussions on the environment, local weigh in before the project goes before the property values and the public health,” City Council, which traditionally votes in Addabbo said. lock step with the local Councilmember Peter  Koo on land use measures. The rezoning would allow FWRA LLC, a SAVE THE DATE: THE QUEENS partnership of three developers that own the County Bar Association will host its annual land, to reshape the Flushing waterfront, cre- Judiciary, Past Presidents and Golden ating a 13-tower, mixed-use complex across Jubilarian dinner on Tuesday, March 31 at 6 the 29 acres of mostly unutilized land. Sup- p.m. at the QCBA Office. porters say the plan will include expanded  waterfront park space and a system of roads that would be open to public traffic, according THE QCBA WILL THEN HOLD ITS to the Flushing Post. 143rd Annual Dinner and Installation of Councilmember Peter Koo helped inaugurate the new Flushing Creek waterfront Brownfield remediation, or the process of Continued on page 2 esplanade in September 2019. Photo by John McCarten via City Council/Flickr Continued on page 2

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Astoria condo issued violation for limiting greenway use Lights out QUEENS 57,000 Queens residents lose power during intense Tuesday storm Continued from page 1 204,000 households in 2011. Hur- “My fellowship recently shift- ricane Sandy knocked out power TODAY ed to an online platform due to for 1.1 million customers in 2012. COVID, but now with the power Con Edison workers restored outage, there’s no way for me to power to about 90,000 house- February 13, 2020 connect with my co-workers.” holds within 24 hours, the utility said Sahiti Kovvuri, a Baruch reported. College student who lives in Much of their work requires Queens Village. untangling wires from fallen The program was understand- trees that littered streets around ing and agreed to put her work on the borough. Rain Monday soft- pause until power returned, Kov- ened the soil, making the trees vuri said. more susceptible to toppling in The storm had a particular im- the high winds, the utility said. pact in Queens Village, Cambria “Restoration will require Cyclists protested Shore Towers’ Heights, Whitestone, Middle Vil- clearing nearly 500 roads that are lage and Flushing, where many blocked by fallen trees. Con Ed- limits on use of the greenway on residents remained without pow- ison must de-energize any wires May 16, 2021. Eagle photo by Jacob Kaye er Wednesday afternoon. Winds entangled in those trees, untangle Continuedas high from as page 71 miles 1 per hour in the wires and Thethen workblock-long with mu stretch- of waterfront path is If the gates are locked, cyclists are forced to Though short, the greenway also allows for a New York City forced the MTA nicipal public works crews to re- “I’m glad that the city has finally confirmed covered in gray concrete with several benches use streets lacking bike infrastructure and rid- better connection to the rest of Astoria’s water- to temporarily suspend outdoor move the trees,” Con Edison said what wetrain have service. been complaining about,”in saida statement. scattered throughout. While it has a nice view of dled with potholes when trying to connect with front bike and pedestrian infrastructure, some- Eric Harold, Outages the founder also affected of QNS events Ride. “I hope“Crews the give East priority River, to little mak has- been done to beautify the the rest of Astoria’s waterfront greenway. thingCelebrating bike advocates say the boroughBlack lacks. that Shoreelsewhere Towers in takes the thisborough.New as an opportunity ing repairs space, that will which provide is surrounded pow- by tall black fencing. During the DOB inspector’s visit to the gre- “In Queens, it always feels like we get sec- to see theirYork waterfrontCity’s Housing property Preserva not -as aer burto the- most “It customers may not quickly, be a large space that they have, enway, the gates were open and no violation was ond-rate infrastructure,” Juan Restrepo, the den buttion as anand opportunity Development to postponed help beautify then the restore but smaller it’s still groups a space and that’s available,” Harold issued, according to the agency spokesperson. QueensHistory organizer with MonthTransportation Alterna- Queensa waterfront town hall on and storm to lookresiliency at it inas anindividual asset said.customers.” “It’s an empty canvas right now.” “Having this open and not having the sign tives, told the Eagle in May. “A lot of the water- to both Edgemere.their shareholders, their condominium More than The 7,000 group wires of cyclistswere also complained about allows cyclists to know that they are free to use front is built with the idea of preserving parking owners andOverall, the community 292,000 athouseholds large.” down acrossthe the building’s city Wednesday. indiscriminate practice of locking this,” Harold said. “It does cut a few blocks off and forcing you to do little detours or just take a The signlost powerin question in New is York no longer City and on theCon fenc Edison- the urgedgates. Theresidents cyclists to say they understand if the that are a bit more hazardous and allows for a less safe path.” es in frontWestchester of the greenway. County, surpassing avoid downedgates wiresare locked and to at renight- but complain that they shorter ride, a shorter commute and gives ev- A hearing will be scheduled at the Office of Ad- Shorethe Towers impact Condominiumof Hurricane Irene,could notport bethem sometimesto the utility aren’tand to openedthe back up in the morn- eryone access to the waterfront, which is right- ministrative Trials and Hearings for the building’s reachedwhich for comment. knocked out power for NYPD. ing. A tree fell on top of a housefully near ours.” 82nd Avenue and 218th Street in Holliszoning Hills Tuesday. violation, accordingPhoto to by the Michael DOB. Nussbaum CollegeEx-Bronx savings prosecutor pilot in Queens vies on for track Western for citywide Queens rollout council within the seat year By David Brand Forman saidBy Rachelshe supported Vick Mina Malik, anoth- 2,800and focus four-year on addressing CUNY climateACE model change. scholarships Queens Daily Eagle er former prosecutor,Queens Daily in the Eagle 2019 Democratic pri- for students“Every facet at Medgar of our society Evers needsCollege to beand viewed low-in - through a greener lens,” she said. “For example, Community activist and former Bronx prose - A marynew forplan Queens to build district generational attorney. She wealth considered and come students in NYCHA housing and neighbor- public defender Tiffany Cabán her second choice, while we need to create more open, green space cutor Julia Forman has entered a crowded field confrontto the racial wealth gap is looking to ex- hoods hit hardest by COVID-19. she said. “I was very torn in that election,” For- for people to enjoy, those spaces will also have a represent Western Queens’ Council District 26. pand a college savings program from Queens’ The investment will also fund paid internships Forman, who recently won a position as a ju- man said. “I wish we had ranked-choice voting in throughpositive theenvironmental college. impact.” school District 30 across the city for the 2021 At least eight other candidates have filed to dicial delegate in the Queens County Democratic that situation.” “Juneteenth marked the end of slavery, but not school year, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Task- run for Van Bramer’s seat in 2021, including Tavo Party, said her experience in District She said her main focus is development, an is- the end of systemic, structural racism in Ameri- force on Racial Inclusion and Equity announced Bortoli, Lorenzo Brea, Heajin Kim, Sultan Maruf, Attorney’s Office motivated her to run for the sue top of mind for many constituents in Western ca,” de Blasio said. “To begin to repair harms of June Queen,17. which has seen enormous growth and sig- Brent O’Leary and Giselle Burgess, Bianca Ozeri council seat now held by term-limited incumbent the past, New York City is investing in the future Thenificant NYC displacement Juneteenth overEconomic the past Justice decade. Plan and Julie Won. Van Bramer’s Chief of Staff Mat- Jimmy Van Bramer. and building generational wealth.” “A lot of what I saw there led me to want outlinesto “I steps see Districtto support 26 atthe an city’simportant youth crossroads finan- thew Wallace is also expected to run in District run,” said Forman, who has lived in Dutch Killscially, right professionally now and this and election academically, is going toinclud decide- 26. ing setting up the youngest students with 529 with her husband since 2014. “It’s a wholly re- which way we go,” said Forman, a member of the PUBLISHERS: active position. The thing already happened andsavings Western accounts Queens through Community NYC Kidsland Trust.Rise. “I want seeing that led me to want to be more proactive, to “Juneteenthto make sure serves the community as a lesson is inkept perseverance in mind when Michael NussbaumPUBLISHERS: J.D. Hasty work in a way that people are able to avoid enterfor- allit Americans,”comes to all land said use Sideya matters.” Sherman, execu- [email protected] [email protected] ing the criminal justice system.” tive director “To add of themore Taskforce density without on Racial addressing Inclusion seri - Michael Nussbaum J.D. Hasty [email protected] [email protected] Forman said she is “committed to ending& Equity.ous infrastructure “While we needshave madewould muchbe irresponsible,” progress, MANAGING EDITOR over-policing” after seeing firsthand the impactthe legacyshe added. of slavery still impacts our society and of Broken Windows policing and disproportionis- much Forman of the reason said she why opposed we still the see cancelled significant deal The Queens PublicMANAGINGJacob Library EDITORKaye is celebrating ate enforcement in Black and Latino communitiesgaps thatin wealth would and have opportunity allowed Amazonfor African to Amerbuild -a Black [email protected] MonthDavid Brandwith more than 120 across New York City. icans.“large corporate campus in Long Island without events. [email protected] Image via QPL “We need to be more focused on restorative “Wcommunitye are honoring input, Juneteenthas well as other by investing recent devel in - REPORTER justice and support a system that promotes thoseour youngopment people projects at thateach prioritize end of theluxury educational housing in DIGITALRachel EDITOR Vick What's on the docketefforts,” she forsaid. the Queensspectrum. legalthe area. Through community CUNY scholarships and 529 [email protected]: Sperling Those efforts include, “affordable housing, oursavings “Sinceaccounts, this we’redistrict ensuring is so densely that they populated have Michael [email protected] J.D. Hasty education system, resources outside of just teachthe- financialeveryone support wants to and see assetsmore greenthey needspace toin gettheir [email protected] [email protected] ers in our schools, expanding access to good qual- neighborhoods, parents are worried about the ADVERTISING MANAGER SOUTH ASIAN INDO-CARIBBEAN BREAKIN’ahead,” Sherman UP IS HARD added. TO DO: ADVERTISINGMANAGING EDITORMANAGER BAR ASSOCIATION OF QUEENSity jobs,” she added. BASICS Each OFquality BUSINESS kindergarten of education DISSOLUTION student available, will and be ofable course to have most DavidKat RamusBrand folks are anxious about rent increases that might [email protected] Ramus COUNTY AWARDS DINNER In January, Forman left the Bronx DA’s Office,Aprilan 23account at 6 p.m. in •their 2.0 CLEname Credits and an initial $100 in- where she worked in the general counsel division push them out of their homes, especially given the [email protected]@queenspublicmedia.com Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. Attorneys Matthewvestment Donovan from the andcity. FranklinThe program McRoberts then works DIGITAL EDITOR and focused on formalizing procedures for re- skyrocketing unemployment and financial insecu- The SAICBA-QC will honor State Sen. Luis Sepulveda and discuss common withbusiness the divorcemembers issues of theand schoolowner grievances,community to Jonathan Sperling turning property seized by police. She worked on rity we’re experiencing during the Covid-19 pan- LEGAL ADVERTISING MANAGER attorney Gary Miret at their annual awards dinner. partnership withdrawal, business forms and governing law. [email protected] LEGAL ADVERTISING MANAGER Sideya Sherman, executive director of the TaskforceCouncilmember on Costa Racial Constantinides’ Inclusion campaign & Equity, encourage demic,” ongoing she said. efforts to add to the account. Julia FormanAgra is Palace,running 116-33 for City Queens Council Blvd., in Forest Hills GinaGina Ong Ong joined Mayor Fdeormer Blasio prosecutorsto announce a program Fighting to for Forbuild Queens you generational borough! president wealth. andQCBA began Office,to lay the 90-35 The 148thcityForman will St., also Jamaicainvest said shea total would of advocate$15 million for more to ADVERTISING MANAGER Western Queens’ District 26. Photo by Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office NYCKR each year through 2025, and set up [email protected]@queenspubliKat Ramuscmedia.com Dominic Addabbo,Photo Esq. courtesy | of Todd Forman Greenberg,foundation Esq for her own run. public transportation and bike routes in the district [email protected] 21QUEENS LEGAL ADVERTISING MANAGER FormerFormerF prosecutorsormer prosecutors prosecutors Fighting Fighting Fighting For Foryou For you! you! ! QUEENSGina Ong AddAbbo & [email protected] DominicDominic DominicAddabbo, Addabbo, Addabbo, Esq. Esq. | Esq. Todd | Todd| Greenberg, Todd Greenberg, Greenberg, Esq Esq Esq TO PLACE A LEGALBehind AD GreenberG :waily AddAbboAddAbboAddAbbo & & & LAW the Bench QUEENS Experience Equals Results. 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Reflecting on Juneteenth: Black Americans praise holiday, say more work needs to be done By Darlene Superville and Kevin Freking Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Black Americans rejoiced after President Joe Biden made June- teenth a federal holiday, but some said that, while they appreciated the recognition at a time of racial reckoning in America, more is needed to change policies that disadvantage too many of their breth- ren. “It’s great, but it’s not enough,” said Gwen Grant, president and CEO of the Urban League of Kansas City. Grant said she was delighted by the quick vote this week by Congress to make June- teenth a national holiday because “it’s been a long time coming.” But she added that “we need Congress to pro- tect voting rights, and that needs to happen right now so we don’t regress any further. That is the most important thing Congress can be addressing at this time.” At a jubilant White House bill-signing cere- mony on Thursday, Biden agreed that more than a commemoration of the events of June 19, 1865, is needed. That’s when Union soldiers brought the news of freedom to enslaved Black people in Gal- veston, — some 2 1/2 years after President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation had freed slaves in Southern states. “This day doesn’t just celebrate the past. It Kimberly Ross-Holmes works on her laptop at her home in Evanston, Friday, April 23, 2021. The Chicago suburb will become the first calls for action today,” Biden said before he es- to pay reparations in the form of housing grants. AP Photo/Shafkat Anowar tablished Juneteenth National Independence Day. His audience included scores of members of Con- of slavery. Many Black Americans had long cele- “This name needlessly divides our nation on a “I’m happy as pink,” said Doug Matthews, gress and Opal Lee, a 94-year-old Texas woman brated Juneteenth. matter that should instead bring us together by cre- 70, and a former city manager of Galveston who campaigned for the holiday. “Juneteenth is important symbolically, and we ating a separate Independence Day based on the who has helped coordinate the community’s Biden singled out voting rights as an area for need the substance to follow, but Black people his- color of one’s skin,” he said in a statement. Juneteenth celebrations since Texas made it a action. torically have always tried to do multiple things at Added Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., who also holiday. Republican-led states have enacted or are the same time,” Joseph said. voted against the bill: “We have one Indepen- He credited the work of state and local lead- considering legislation that activists argue would Most federal workers will observe the holiday dence Day, and it applies equally to all people of ers with paving the way for this week’s step by curtail the right to vote, particularly for people of Friday. Several states and the District of Colum- all races.” Congress. color. Legislation to address voting rights issues, bia announced that government offices would be The sentiment was different in Texas, the first “I’m also proud that everything started in Gal- and institute policing reforms demanded after the closed Friday. state to make Juneteenth a holiday. veston,” Matthews said. killing of George Floyd and other unarmed Black Juneteenth is the 12th federal holiday, includ- men, remains stalled in the Congress that acted ing Inauguration Day once every four years. It’s swiftly on the Juneteenth bill. also the first federal holiday since the Martin Lu- Other people want the federal government to ther King Jr. holiday was added in 1983. make reparations or financial payments to the de- Before June 19 became a federal holiday, it RANK scendants of slaves in an attempt to compensate was observed in the vast majority of states and for those wrongs. Meanwhile, efforts are afoot the District of Columbia. Texas was first to make # across the country to limit what school districts Juneteenth a holiday in 1980. 1 DEMOCRAT teach about the history of slavery in America. Most white Americans had not heard of June- Community organizer Kimberly Holmes- teenth before the summer of 2020 and the protests Ross, who helped make her hometown of Evan- that stirred the nation’s conscience over race af- ston, Illinois, the first U.S. city to pay reparations, ter Floyd’s killing by a Minneapolis police offi- said she was happy about the new federal holiday cer, said Matthew Delmont, who teaches history because it will lead more people to learn about at Dartmouth College. Juneteenth. He said the new federal holiday “hopeful- But she would have liked Congress to act on ly provides a moment on the calendar every year anti-lynching legislation or voter protections first. when all Americans can spend time thinking seri- “I am not super stoked only because all of the ously about the history of our country.” I was a cop for 22 years. I wore other things that are still going on,” said Holmes- The Senate passed the bill earlier this week by a bulletproof vest and patrolled Ross, 57. “You haven’t addressed what we really unanimous agreement. But in the House, 14 Re- need to talk about.” publicans voted against it, including Rep. Chip the streets during the crack Peniel Joseph, an expert on race at the Univer- Roy of Texas. Roy said Juneteenth deserves to be “ sity of Texas at Austin, said the U.S. has never had commemorated, but he objected to the use of “in- epidemic. I saw crime go up a holiday or a national commemoration of the end dependence” in the holiday’s name. and, thankfully, crime go down. And I’m ready to make New York safe for all of us.




Monday, June 21, 2021 • Queens Daily Eagle • 3 G uest Editorial Opinions The story of Juneteenth, the new federal holiday By the Associated Press The U.S. government is catching up with Black people who have been commemorating the end of slavery in the United States for generations with a day called “Juneteenth.” As readers doubtless know, President Joe Biden signed a bill Thursday that was passed by Congress to set aside Juneteenth, or June 19, as a federal holiday. “I hope this is the beginning of a change in the way we deal with one another,” he said. The Senate approved the bill unanimously; only 14 House Republicans — many representing states that were part of the slave-holding Confederacy in the 19th century — opposed the measure. What is this federal holiday, and what is its history? Here’s a look: The origins The celebration started with the freed slaves of Galveston, Texas. Although the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves in the South in 1863, it could not be enforced in many places un- til after the end of the Civil War in 1865. Laura Smalley, freed from a plantation near Bellville, Texas, remembered in a 1941 interview that the man she referred to as “old master” had gone to fight in the Civil War and came home without telling the people he enslaved what had happened. “Old master didn’t tell, you know, they was free,” Smalley said at the time. “I think now they say they worked them, six months after that. Six months. And turn them loose on the 19th of June. That’s why, you know, we celebrate that day.” Union Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger and his troops arrived at Galveston on June 19, 1865, with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. That was more than two months after Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in Virginia. Granger delivered General Order No. 3, which said: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proc- lamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that be- tween employer and hired labor.” The next year, the now-free people started celebrating June- teenth in Galveston. Its observance has continued around the na- tion and the world since. Events include concerts, parades and readings of the Emancipation Proclamation. What does Juneteenth mean? The term Juneteenth is a blend of the words June and nine- teenth. The holiday has also been called Juneteenth Indepen- dence Day or Freedom Day. Often celebrated at first with church picnics and speeches, the holiday spread across the nation and internationally as Black Texans moved elsewhere. The vast majority of states recognize Juneteenth as a holiday or a day of recognition, like Flag Day, and most states hold cele- brations. Juneteenth is a paid holiday for state employees in Tex- as, New York, Virginia and Washington, and hundreds of compa- nies give workers a day off for Juneteenth. Why now? The national reckoning over race helped set the stage for Juneteenth to become the first new federal holiday since 1983, when Martin Luther King Jr. Day was created. The bill was sponsored by Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., and had 60 co-sponsors. Bipartisan support emerged as lawmak- ers struggled to overcome divisions that are still simmering fol- lowing the police killing last year of George Floyd in Minnesota. Supporters of the holiday have worked to make sure June- teenth celebrators don’t forget why the day exists. “In 1776 the country was freed from the British, but the peo- ple were not all free,” Dee Evans, national director of communi- cations of the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation, said in 2019. “June 19, 1865, was actually when the people and the entire country was actually free.” There’s also sentiment to use the day to remember the sac- rifices that were made for freedom in the United States — es- pecially in these racially and politically charged days. Said Para LaNell Agboga, museum site coordinator at the George Wash- ington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy Center in Aus- tin, Texas: “Our freedoms are fragile, and it doesn’t take much for things to go backward.”

4 • BQ Daily Eagle • Monday, June 21, 2021 Our World In Pictures

CALIFORNIA — Lined up: Lanto Griffin lined up his shot on the fourth green during the first round of the U.S. Open Golf Championship on Thursday, at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego. Photo: Jae C. Hong/AP

GREECE — Suspect: Babis Anagnostopoulos, center, escorted by police, left the court in Athens on Friday. The 33-year-old helicopter pilot and flight instructor was detained as a suspect in the murder of his British wife Caroline Crouch, 20, outside Athens last month after publicly claiming she’d been killed during a brutal invasion of the couple’s home, po- lice said. Photo: Aggelos Barai/AP Monday, June 21, 2021 • BQ Daily Eagle • 5 SSPORTS Scholastic Roundup The real king of Brooklyn one-wall handball

By Andy Furman The National Handball As- He completed his 10,000 Barry Kreisberg, Lafayette Brooklyn Daily Eagle sociation considers him to be miles on Dec. 20. He said he class of ’67, e-mails Scholastic Steve Sandler, who won the the greatest all-around player in had never ridden that much be- Roundup, and and says he loves U.S. Handball Association Sin- the history of the game. fore. reading about the “old neigh- gles Championship in 1966, Herskowitz attended Arthur claims he was never borhood” from his new neigh- 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, Brooklyn’s Eastern District one to track his exercise on fit- borhood in Israel. Kreisberg 1973 and 1981 was elected to High School – the same as Hall ness apps. But when he realized was an all-around athlete and the Handball Hall of Fame in of Fame basketball coach Ar- he was so close to the 10,000 was a star at Cropsey Park. His 1985. nold (Red) Auerbach. mark he monitored his miles on younger brother, Kenny, played “No question Sandler was And Ross reminds us that Strava. football for Lafayette. great,” notes Spencer Ross, the Red was a pretty good handball Based on Strava data, Ar- The 1965 Erasmus Hall New Utrecht grad who played player as well. thur estimates he biked between basketball team won the city ti- basketball at Florida State and * * * 60 to 70 percent more due to tle with such household names later called games behind the He was four NBA cham- Covid. as Coak Cannon, Robert E. Lee, microphone for every New pionship rings – so people are * * * Oliver Shannon, Carlton Screen York City professional sports probably stuck as to what to buy While at Brooklyn College, and George Thompson. team – and the Boston Celtics. John Salley for his birthday. Marty Markowitz (’70) was Thompson made it to the “But,” he adds, “he was far from The grad of Canarsie High, elected to SGC Student Gov- NBA, but another Erasmus the greatest.” who played for the Chicago ernment Council. In 2001 he product, Stu Kerzner says, After reading last week’s Bulls, Miami Heat, Detroit Pis- was elected Brooklyn borough “Carlton Screen was probably a Scholastic Roundup, Ross cites ton and the Toronto Raptors, president. better baseball player than bas- another Brooklynite who he swears by a regime that includes Former NBA great and Brooklynite John Salley. claims is the undisputed all- cigars and whiskey along with Wikimedia photo by Lukeford time greatest one-wall handball yoga and health food, according champion. to a recent report in the latest Ci- ketball. ing three different profession- His name – Vic Hershkow- gar Aficionado magazine. Screen, like Kerzner, played al sports in the same city at the itz. His cigar tastes include college basketball at Provi- same time: Ross says Hershkowitz is a Rocky Patel, My Father and dence. Screen played for coach Answer: Shawon Dunston true Brooklyn legend. Tatuaje, and Salley has notes for Rick Pitino. – The No. 1 overall pick in the His resume includes 23 Na- each. As for baseball, Screen lat- 1982 amateur baseball draft. tional Amateur titles, 40 National “You must smoke the best,” er was quoted in the Provi- Chicago Cubs and International titles and 9 con- said in the magazine. “People dence Journal: “I saw Reggie Otis Wilson, First round secutive Three Wall Singles titles. put a lot into these cigars. It is Jackson get hit with a ball that pick (#19) in the 1980 NFL “He was a household name grow- part of why I like them.” the pitcher threw right at him. I draft. Chicago Bears ing up in Brooklyn,” said Ross. Salley spends a lot of time got scared when I saw that and Sidney Green – First round “No question,” he says, “a one- with his cigars, sometimes thought, ‘Baseball’s not for me.’ pick in the NBA draft (1983) wall champ would easily have to the consternation of those But I think I’ve gotten more (#18) by the Dallas Mavericks. beaten the best two-wall player around him, the report said. bumps and bruises playing bas- All were grads of Brook- and have a good chance against “They say, ‘How long are you ketball than I’d have gotten if I lyn’s Thomas Jefferson High the best at the more popular- going to smoke that cigar?’ I had played baseball.” School. ly played two-wall game. Her- say, ‘I don’t smoke the cigar. Andy Furman is a Fox skowitz’ dominance in three-wall The cigar smokes itself. I just Scholastic Sports Radio national talk show makes it obvious he could have help it along.’” Roundup Quiz host. Previously, he was a scho- beaten the best at the two-wall * * * Sent in by Jeff Schrier: lastic sports columnist for the game.” Stephen Arthur, a 53-year- There were three profes- Brooklyn Eagle. He may be In fact, Ross says that Her- old IT specialist who lives in sional athletes who attend- reached at: andyf@brooklyn- skowitz’ name was mentioned North Park Slope, used to bike Former Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz ed the same high school at the eagle.com Twitter: @AndyFur- when it came to picking the two miles round trip to work – Wikimedia photo by John Shankbone same time and wound up play- manFSR most dominant New York City daily. athlete – in the same sentence as When the pandemic hit, he Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle never left his 650-square-foot and others who competed in the apartment and worked from far more popular sports. home. Yet, he was 28 miles “He was virtually unbeat- away from cycling 10,000 miles able,” Ross said. in 2020. name Change NAME CHANGE NAME CHANGE


BRITAIN — Crowd: Scot- land fans climbed on English playwright William Shake- speare’s statue in Leicester Square prior to the Euro 2020 soccer championship group D match between England and Scotland, in London on Fri- day. Photo: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP

NEW YORK — On the field: New York Mets first baseman Pete Alonso walked to his position between innings of the team’s baseball game against the Chicago Cubs on Thursday, in New York. Photo: Kathy Willens/AP

ILLINOIS — Entrance: WNBA referee Kevin Fahy stood in silhouette as the Chicago Sky players were introduced at the start of a WNBA basket- ball game between the Sky and the Connecticut Sun on Thursday, in Chi- URUGUAY — Strike: Workers caravanned as part of a 24-hour strike against hunger and inequality in cago. Photo: Charles Rex Arbogast/AP Montevideo on Thursday Photo: Matilde Campodonico/AP

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8 • Queens Daily Eagle • Monday, June 21, 2021 Mayor • Public Advocate • Comptroller • Borough President • City Council


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COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and will help us all get back to the people and activities we have missed. Bill de Blasio Mayor Dave A. Chokshi, MD, MSc Get the Healthfacts. Get the vaxCommissioner.

To get the facts about COVID-19 vaccines, visit nyc.gov/covidvaccine. Bill de Blasio Visit nyc.gov/vaccinefinder or call 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692) Mayor Dave A. Chokshi, MD, MSc to find a vaccination site to get your COVID-19 vaccine. Health Commissioner

Bill de Blasio Monday, June 21, 2021 • Queens Daily Eagle • 9 Mayor Dave A. Chokshi, MD, MSc Health Commissioner Bill de Blasio Mayor Oxiris Barbot, MD Health Commissioner Your guide to the 2021 Primary Elections By Jacob Kaye Queens Daily Eagle The 2021 citywide primary elections are fi- nally here. Voters in every corner of the city will head to the polls on Tuesday to cast their ballots for may- or, comptroller, city council, civil court judge and many other elected offices in between. The election marks the first time ranked- choice voting will be used citywide after the new system passed as a ballot initiative in 2019. Here’s a quick refresher on how it works: Voters can rank their top five choices in order of preference. While not required, voters are high- ly encouraged to fill out all five slots. The more candidates a voter ranks, the longer their ballot will stay in the count. Choosing not to rank choices could cost a vot- er their ballot as well – ranking multiple people first or ranking no one first invalidates a ballot. If a voter wants to give one candidate ranks one through five, that’s allowed but defeats the purpose of RCV. And if you’re ever confused about how it works, you can ask a poll worker, who can also provide you with a replacement ballot if you make a mistake. If a candidate receives over 50 percent of first place votes after the first round of counting, the race is over and they’re declared the winner. If not, ranked-choice counting kicks into effect. Each subsequent round of counting sees the can- didate with the fewest first place votes eliminat- ed. During the next round of counting, the ballots which mark the eliminated candidate first, go to the candidate ranked second. Elections inspector Brian Linden, left, goes over a ranked choice voting explanation card with Elena Batyuk before she casts her vote The counting continues until there are only during early voting in the primary election, Monday, June 14, 2021, at the Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Soho. AP Photo/Mary Altaffer two candidates left. The candidate with the major- ity of votes wins. But there’s still a ton to rank – this year’s elec- Though the ballot you’ll fill out on Tuesday Use the boxes next to the candidates names to Not every race is ranked though – in races tions are massive. In Queens, over 100 people are will look and work differently from the guide that rank candidates one through five. All candidates de- with only two people, like in City Council 30, vot- running for City Council and only four of them follows, you can use this to start to get an idea of noted with an asterisk are incumbents. ers only need to choose one candidate. Also, nei- are incumbents. how you’d like to rank your ballot. On average, vot- To find out where your polling site is, more infor- ther of the Civil Court judge races are ranked. To help keep track of it all, we’ve included ev- ers have the choice to rank around 20 candidates mation on ranked-choice voting or any other question Ranked-choice voting only applies to the pri- ery candidate running for office in today’s issue across all races, so it’s best to head to the polls with you may have about Election Day, head to vote.nyc. maries. of the Eagle. a plan. Continued on page 11.


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10 • Queens Daily Eagle • Monday, June 21, 2021 Vol. IX No. 22 (#415) • June 10, 2021 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 35 Your guide to the 2021 Primary Elections 2021 Primary Elections Democratic Ballot Mayor - Citywide □ Aaron S. Foldenauer □ Dianne Morales □ Scott M. Stringer □ Raymond J. McGuire □ Maya D. Wiley □ Paperboy Love Prince □ Art Chang □ Kathryn A. Garcia □ Eric L. Adams □ Isaac Wright Jr. □ Shaun Donovan □ Andrew Yang □ Joycelyn Taylor

Public Advocate - Citywide □ Anthony L. Herbert □ Theo Bruce Chino Tavarez □ Jumaane D. Williams*

Comptroller - Citywide □ Michelle Caruso-Cabrera □ Zach Iscol □ Terri Liftin □ Alex Pan □ □ Corey D. Johnson □ Reshma Patel An election worker goes over a ranked choice voting explanation card with a voter before she casts her vote during early voting in the □ David I. Weprin primary election on Monday, June 14, 2021. AP Photo/Mary Altaffer □ Brian A. Benjamin □ Kevin S. Parker City Council - 22nd Council District - Asto- ria, East Elmhurst, Jackson Heights and Woodside □ Nick Velkov Queens Borough President □ Catherina Gioino - Boroughwide □ Tiffany Caban □ Elizabeth Crowley □ John J. Ciafone □ Donovan Richards* □ Evie Hantzopoulos □ Jimmy Van Bramer □ Leonardo T. Bullaro

City Council - 23rd Council District - Bayside Judge of the Civil Court Hills, Bellerose, Douglaston, Floral Park, Fresh Meadows, - Boroughwide Glen Oaks, Hollis, Hollis Hills, Holliswood, Little Neck, □ Soma S. Syed New Hyde Park, Oakland Gardens and Queens Village □ Michael H. Goldman Eagle file photo by Mary Frost □ Linda Lee □ Debra Markell City Council - 19th Council District - Au- City Council - 20th Council District - City Council - 21st Council District - East □ Sanjeev Kumar Jindal burndale, Bay Terrace, Bayside, Beechhurst, Col- Downtown Flushing, Murray Hill and Queens- Elmhurst, Elmhurst, Jackson Heights and Corona □ Jaslin Kaur lege Point, Douglaston, Flushing, Little Neck, boro Hill □ Talea E. Wufka □ Koshy O. Thomas Malba and Whitestone □ Anthony Miranda □ David Aiken □ Harpreet S. Toor □ Adriana Aviles □ Ellen Young □ Francisco P. Moya* □ Steve Behar □ Austin I. Shafran □ Neng Wang □ Ingrid P. Gomez □ Francis E. Spangenberg □ Hailing Chen □ George Onuorah City Council - 24th Council District - Kew □ Richard J. Lee □ Dao Yin Gardens Hills, Pomonok, Electchester, Fresh □ Nabaraj KC □ Ming-Kang Low Meadows, Hillcrest, Jamaica Estates, Briarwood, □ Tony Avella □ John Choe Parkway Village, Jamaica Hills and Jamaica □ Sandra Ung □ Saifur R. Khan □ Mohammed Uddin □ Moumita Ahmed □ James F. Gennaro* City Council - 25th Council District - Elm- hurst and Jackson Heights □ Alfonso Quiroz □ Manuel F. Perez □ Shekar Krishnan □ William H. Salgado □ Fatima Baryab □ Carolyn Tran □ Yi Andy Chen □ Liliana C. Melo City Council - 26th Council District - Sunnyside, Woodside, Long Island City, Astoria and Dutch Kills □ Julia L. Forman □ Jesse Laymon □ Ebony R. Young □ Emily E. Sharpe □ Hailie Kim □ Badrun Khan □ Denise M. Keehan-Smith □ Julie Won □ Lorenzo Brea □ Glennis E. Gomez □ Brent O’Leary □ Amit S. Bagga □ Jonathan Bailey □ Steven B. Raga □ Sultan Al Maruf Eagle file photo by Christina Santucci Continued on page 15. Monday, June 21, 2021 • Queens Daily Eagle • 11 LET US TELL YOUR STORY We can even reach backseat multi-taskers

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12 • BQ Daily Eagle • Monday, June 21, 2021 6 • Bay Ridge Eagle • Thursday, July 11, 2019 2nd department / new Business Formations 11234 CRYSTAL GARDEN 11354 11417 EBWJ, LLC 3 REALTY LLC 4908 1A 111 STREET LLC WR INNOVATIVE NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIM- CRYSTAL GARDEN 3 REALTY LLC, ART NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMIT- ITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). OF ORG FILED WITH SSNY ON 4/27/21. ED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: VENTURES LLC NAME: EBWJ, LLC. ARTICLES OF OR- CTY: QUEENS. SSNY DESIG. AS AGENT 4908 1A 111 STREET LLC. ARTICLES OF NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMIT- GANIZATION FILED WITH SECRE- ORGANIZATION FILED WITH SECRE- ED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: TARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK (SSNY) UPON WHOM PROC. MAY BE SERVED TARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK (SSNY) ON 6/3/2021. NY OFFICE LOCATION: & SHALL MAIL 40-43 194TH ST, FLUSH- WR INNOVATIVE VENTURES LLC. ARTI- Smoke from the Chemtool industrial fire wafts across Naz- ON 6/1/2021. NY OFFICE LOCATION: QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS BEEN ING, NY 11358. PURP: ANY LAWFUL. CLES OF ORGANIZATION FILED WITH arene Drive Tuesday, June 15, 2021, in Rockton, Ill., creat- #188599 QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE LLC SECRETARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK ing a haze over a neighborhood. AP photo by Scott Yates UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST IT DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE LLC MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE SOOK YEE YEUNG, UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST IT (SSNY) ON 3/31/2021. NY OFFICE LO- ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL LCSW, PLLC MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE CATION: QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS Foam containing ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS SOOK YEE YEUNG, LCSW, PLLC, ART BEEN DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON HIM/ MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS OF ORG FILED WITH SSNY ON 4/26/21. LLC UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST HER IS JOYLYNN JARVIS, 1314 EAST AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON 51ST STREET BROOKLYN, NY, 11234. CTY: QUEENS. SSNY DESIG. AS AGENT HIM/HER IS 4908 1A 111 STREET LLC, IT MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE ‘forever chemicals’ used PURPOSE/CHARACTER OF LLC: ANY UPON WHOM PROC. MAY BE SERVED 3808 UNION ST, STE 8B FLUSHING, NY, ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL LAWFUL PURPOSE. & SHALL MAIL 90 STATE ST, ALBANY, #188772 11354. PURPOSE/CHARACTER OF LLC: MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS NY 12207. PURP: ANY LAWFUL. ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE. AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON HIM/ against factory fire #188600 #188782 HER IS WALLY REYES, 97-35 ECKFORD GENTING ORANGE NAYTURE’S CHANNEL LLC 11361 AVENUE QUEENS, NY, 11417. PUR- By John Flesher company pumps high volumes COUNTY LLC NAYTURE’S CHANNEL LLC, ART OF FINE TASTES, LLC POSE/CHARACTER OF LLC: ANY LAW- Associated Press of water and foams to smother NOTICE OF QUALIFICATION OF GEN- ORG FILED WITH SSNY ON 4/6/21. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMIT- TING ORANGE COUNTY LLC APPL. FUL PURPOSE. A company hired to help large industrial fires. CTY: QUEENS. SSNY DESIG. AS ED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: FOR AUTH. FILED WITH SECY. OF #188710 extinguish a fire that gutted Crews dug a trench around STATE OF NY (SSNY) ON 05/06/21. OF- AGENT UPON WHOM PROC. MAY BE FINE TASTES, LLC. ARTICLES OF OR- a northern Illinois chemical the facility and placed booms in FICE LOCATION: QUEENS COUNTY. SERVED & SHALL MAIL 13629 241ST GANIZATION FILED WITH SECRE- 11426 the Rock River to prevent run- TARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK (SSNY) plant this week used foam con- LLC FORMED IN DELAWARE (DE) ON ST, ROSEDALE, NY 11422. PURP: ANY taining toxic compounds that off from escaping, Wilson said 12/23/13. PRINC. OFFICE OF LLC: 100- ON 4/12/2021. NY OFFICE LOCATION: CARBON OPULENCE LAWFUL. have tainted surface waters and Wednesday, adding there had 00 ROCKAWAY BLVD., JAMAICA, NY #188601 QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS BEEN GROUP LLC 11420. SSNY DESIGNATED AS AGENT DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE LLC groundwater across the U.S., been no release of toxins into wa- NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMIT- OF LLC UPON WHOM PROCESS CALIENDO WOODHAVEN LLC UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST IT officials said recently. terways and that hazardous mate- ED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: AGAINST IT MAY BE SERVED. SSNY CALIENDO WOODHAVEN LLC, ARTS MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE The private contrac- rials “are contained at this point.” SHALL MAIL PROCESS TO C/O COR- OF ORG. FILED WITH SEC. OF STATE OF ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL CARBON OPULENCE GROUP LLC. AR- PORATION SERVICE CO., 80 STATE ST., tor sprayed the foam for about In an email responding to AP NY (SSNY) 6/19/2019. CTY: QUEENS. MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS TICLES OF ORGANIZATION FILED three hours Tuesday at the inquiries, EPA said officials with ALBANY, NY 12207-2543. DE ADDR. AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON OF LLC: 251 LITTLE FALLS DR., WILM- SSNY DESIG. AS AGENT UPON WHOM WITH SECRETARY OF STATE OF NEW HIM/HER IS FINE TASTES, LLC, 20511 Chemtool Inc. factory near the agency and with Illinois’ en- INGTON, DE 19808-1674. CERT. OF PROCESS AGAINST MAY BE SERVED YORK (SSNY) ON 2/25/2021. NY OF- 36TH AVENUE, SUITE 379 BAYSIDE, NY, Rockton, despite concerns vironment department had raised FORM. FILED WITH JEFFREY W. BULL- & SHALL MAIL PROCESS TO GERALD 11361. PURPOSE/CHARACTER OF LLC: FICE LOCATION: QUEENS COUN- raised by government regulators concerns with Chemtool on OCK - SECY. OF STATE, DE, 401 FEDER- CALIENDO, 138-72 QUEENS BLVD., AL ST., DOVER, DE 19901. PURPOSE: ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE. TY. SSNY HAS BEEN DESIGNAT- the previous day, the U.S. En- Monday about using foam con- BRIARWOOD, NY 11435. GENERAL #188714 ANY LAWFUL ACTIVITY. ED AS AGENT OF THE LLC UPON vironmental Protection Agency taining PFAS and requested a #187993 PURPOSE WHOM PROCESS AGAINST IT MAY BE told the Associated Press. discussion about it with leaders #188777 11411 ELA DOMINO LLC DAYSTINCTIVE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE ADDRESS The chemicals later were of the firefighting operation. ELA DOMINO LLC,ART.OF ORG.FILED ERC CAPITAL VENTURES, LLC GREETINGS LLC TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL MAIL A cleaned up and stored in a con- The next day, after realiz- NY DOS 3/16/21,QUEE CO.S/S C/O THE ERC CAPITAL VENTURES, LLC, ARTS OF tainer, Fire Chief Kirk Wil- ing the foam pumping was un- LLC 11-24 31ST AVE.,APT.13C, L.I.C.,NY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMIT- COPY OF ANY PROCESS AGAINST THE ORG. FILED WITH SEC. OF STATE OF son said at a news conference derway, the state and feder- 11106.TO ENGAGE IN ANY LAWFUL ED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: LLC SERVED UPON HIM/HER IS CAR- NY (SSNY) 1/28/2020. CTY: QUEENS. Thursday. Earlier, outside ex- al agencies requested a halt to ACT OR ACTIVITY.PERPETUAL EXIS- DAYSTINCTIVE GREETINGS LLC. ARTI- BON OPULENCE GROUP LLC, 23712 TENCE.FULL INDEMNIFICATION. SSNY DESIG. AS AGENT UPON WHOM CLES OF ORGANIZATION FILED WITH perts told the AP it would be review containment controls, #188582 FAIRBURY AVE. BELLEROSE, NY, 11426. PROCESS AGAINST MAY BE SERVED SECRETARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK difficult to prevent at least some EPA said. YAN BING CHEN LLC & SHALL MAIL PROCESS TO 82-32 (SSNY) ON 11/30/2020. NY OFFICE LO- PURPOSE/CHARACTER OF LLC: ANY of the material from seeping “Since then, foam which YAN BING CHEN LLC. ARTS. OF ORG. 164TH PLACE, JAMAICA, NY 11432. CATION: QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS LAWFUL PURPOSE. into groundwater. does not contain PFAS has be- FILED WITH SSNY ON 05/26/2021. GENERAL PURPOSE BEEN DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE #188795 The foam was made with come available onsite and OFF. LOC.: QUEENS CO. SSNY DESIG. #188779 LLC UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST chemicals belonging to a group that is what is being used for AS AGT. UPON WHOM PROCESS MAY IT MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE 11429 known as per- and polyfluoroal- fire-suppression operations,” BE SERVED. SSNY SHALL MAIL PRO- SHAFIQUL & NAZRUL LLC ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL THE BLACKWELL CESS TO: THE LLC, 41-25 KISSENA SHAFIQUL & NAZRUL LLC, ARTS. MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS kyl substances, or PFAS, which the federal agency said. BLVD., STE 123, FLUSHING, NY 11355- OF ORG. FILED WITH THE SSNY ON AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON HIM/ COOK ARTS LLC are used in a wide variety of in- U.S. Fire Pump market- 3150. GENERAL PURPOSES. #188593 06/09/2021. OFFICE LOC: QUEENS HER IS E MCKENZIE, PO BOX 110753 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED dustrial and household products, ing executive Jonny Carroll de- COUNTY. SSNY HAS BEEN DESIGNAT- CAMBRIA HEIGHTS, NY, 11411. PUR- LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: THE EPA said. They have been linked clined comment. ELECTRICAL SERVICES & POSE/CHARACTER OF LLC: ANY LAW- ED AS AGENT UPON WHOM PROCESS BLACKWELL COOK ARTS LLC. ARTI- to numerous health problems in- Alicia Gauer, spokeswom- FUL PURPOSE. CONSULTING GROUP LLC AGAINST THE LLC MAY BE SERVED. cluding cancer and damage to an for the Lubrizol Corpora- ELECTRICAL SERVICES & CONSULT- #188983 CLES OF ORGANIZATION FILED WITH ING GROUP LLC, ART OF ORG FILED SSNY SHALL MAIL PROCESS TO: MD SECRETARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK organs including the liver, kid- tion, parent company of Chem- NAZRUL ISLAM, 4222 64 ST. 2ND FL, WITH SSNY ON 5/12/21. CTY: QUEENS. 11413 (SSNY) ON 4/30/2021. NY OFFICE LO- neys and thyroid gland. tool, said before the foam was SSNY DESIG. AS AGENT UPON WHOM WOODSIDE, NY 11377. PURPOSE: ANY CHICBYTHELAYERS LLC applied, “we provided all re- CATION: QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS Foams containing PFAS PROC. MAY BE SERVED & SHALL MAIL LAWFUL PURPOSE. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMIT- typically are used to extinguish quested information, includ- BEEN DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE 11609 91ST AVE, RICHMOND HILL, NY #188780 ED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: highly flammable or combusti- ing safety data sheets, to inci- 11418. PURP: ANY LAWFUL. CHICBYTHELAYERS LLC. ARTICLES OF LLC UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST #188594 ble fires involving gas tankers dent command and those at the MEANINGFUL HAPPINESS ORGANIZATION FILED WITH SECRE- IT MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE and oil refineries, EPA said in scene. We followed all notifica- TRUE PARADISE LLC FUNDING, LLC TARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK (SSNY) ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL TRUE PARADISE LLC, ART OF ORG MEANINGFUL HAPPINESS FUNDING, ON 1/22/2018. NY OFFICE LOCATION: a statement. Wilson said he or- tions protocols throughout the MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS FILED WITH SSNY ON 5/3/21. CTY: LLC. ARTS. OF ORG. FILED WITH SSNY QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS BEEN dered the company to switch to process.... We have been and QUEENS. SSNY DESIG. AS AGENT AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON HIM/ ON 05/12/2021. OFF. LOC.: QUEENS DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE LLC another type of foam that didn’t will continue to be fully trans- UPON WHOM PROC. MAY BE SERVED CO. SSNY DESIG. AS AGT. UPON UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST IT HER IS THE BLACKWELL COOK ARTS have PFAS after regulators in- parent, coordinated and sup- & SHALL MAIL 10504 103RD AVE, MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE OZONE PARK, NY 11417. PURP: ANY WHOM PROCESS MAY BE SERVED. LLC, 21214 104TH RD. QUEENS VIL- formed him that PFAS-contain- portive with all those involved.” ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL LAWFUL. SSNY SHALL MAIL PROCESS TO: JI- LAGE, NY, 11429. PURPOSE/CHARAC- ing foam was being used. The Illinois EPA said the #188595 MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS No contamination of foam initially used was a “fluori- APENG HAO, 38-08 UNION ST., #2B, AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON TER OF LLC: ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE. #188743 OP APARTMENTS, LLC FLUSHING, NY 11354. GENERAL PUR- HIM/HER IS THE LLC, 139-41 231ST groundwater or the near- nated surfactant” that could con- OP APARTMENTS, LLC, ART OF ORG POSES. STREET LAURELTON, NY, 11413. PUR- by Rock River with the com- tain PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic FILED WITH SSNY ON 5/7/21. CTY: #188801 POSE/CHARACTER OF LLC: ANY LAW- 11548 pounds has been detected but acid, and PFHxA, or perfluoro- QUEENS. SSNY DESIG. AS AGENT FUL PURPOSE. UPON WHOM PROC. MAY BE SERVED LHT HOMES LLC tests are underway, the Illinois hexanoic acid. Both are among 10004 #188562 EPA said in a separate state- some 5,000 PFAS compounds & SHALL MAIL 152-53 10TH AVE, DV EMPIRE LLC NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMIT- WHITESTONE, NY 11357. PURP: ANY 11415 ED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: ment to AP. with oil- and water-resistant LAWFUL. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMIT- LHT HOMES LLC. ARTICLES OF OR- “We will be fully transpar- properties used in clothing, fur- #188596 ED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: LE JARDIN DE NKUSU LLC NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED GANIZATION FILED WITH SECRE- ent with the public and share niture, cookware, food packag- DV EMPIRE LLC. ARTICLES OF ORGA- LIFESTYLE WELLNESS, LLC LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: LE test results and additional guid- ing, cosmetics and other goods. LIFESTYLE WELLNESS, LLC, ART OF NIZATION FILED WITH SECRETARY TARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK (SSNY) JARDIN DE NKUSU LLC. ARTICLES OF ance as soon as we are able to They are described as “for- ORG FILED WITH SSNY ON 3/31/21. ON 3/30/2021. NY OFFICE LOCATION: OF STATE OF NEW YORK (SSNY) ON ORGANIZATION FILED WITH SECRE- do so,” the state agency said. ever chemicals” because they CTY: QUEENS. SSNY DESIG. AS AGENT 3/30/2021. NY OFFICE LOCATION: QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS BEEN UPON WHOM PROC. MAY BE SERVED TARY OF STATE OF NEW YORK (SSNY) Authorities are still investigat- don’t degrade in the environ- & SHALL MAIL 90 STATE ST, ALBANY, QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS BEEN ON 3/4/2021. NY OFFICE LOCATION: DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE LLC ing the cause of explosions Mon- ment or the human body. NY 12207. PURP: ANY LAWFUL. DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE LLC QUEENS COUNTY. SSNY HAS BEEN UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST IT #188597 day that tore through the plant near U.S. manufacturers have UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST IT DESIGNATED AS AGENT OF THE LLC MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE UPON WHOM PROCESS AGAINST IT the Wisconsin state line, prompt- phased out PFOA and PFOS, the TRANSFORMING MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL ing evacuation of about 1,000 resi- most common and widely stud- ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL MAY BE SERVED. THE POST OFFICE CONNECTION LLC ADDRESS TO WHICH THE SSNY SHALL MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS dents within a 1-mile (1.6-kilome- ied compounds in the group. TRANSFORMING CONNECTION LLC, MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS MAIL A COPY OF ANY PROCESS AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON ter) radius of the plant. But it remains legal to use ART OF ORG FILED WITH SSNY ON AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON HIM/ AGAINST THE LLC SERVED UPON HIM/HER IS LHT HOMES LLC, 43 GLEN Chemtool, which manufac- PFAS chemicals in firefight- 4/26/21. CTY: QUEENS. SSNY DESIG. HER IS LEGALCORP SOLUTIONS, LLC, AS AGENT UPON WHOM PROC. MAY HIM/HER IS NKUSU LAUREN JEAN, 85- tures lubricants, grease prod- ing foam except in a few states, 11 BROADWAY, SUITE 615 NEW YORK COVE RD. SUITE B 159 GREENVALE, NY, BE SERVED & SHALL MAIL 3511B FAR- 25 120TH STREET, APT 3G KEW GAR- CITY, NY, 10004. PURPOSE/CHARAC- 11548. PURPOSE/CHARACTER OF LLC: ucts and other fluids, hired U.S. said Melanie Benesh, a staff at- RINGTON ST, FLUSHING, NY 11354. DENS, NY, 11415. PURPOSE/CHARAC- Fire Pump to help extinguish torney for the Environmental PURP: ANY LAWFUL. TER OF LLC: ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE. TER OF LLC: ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE. ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE. #188598 #188602 #187794 #188975 the fire. The Louisiana-based Working Group.

Monday, June 21, 2021 • SECOND DEPARTMENT/Queens/Daily Eagle • 13


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IVORY COAST — Celebra- tion: Supporters celebrated the arrival of the former Ivo- rian president Laurent Gbag- bo in Abidjan on Thursday. After nearly a decade, Gbag- bo returned to his country af- ter his acquittal on war crimes charges was upheld at the In- ternational Criminal Court earlier this year. Photo: Leo Correa/AP


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14 NYCDOH_YoureRight_BKHomeRecSpec_10x6.8_V2_EN.indd• Queens Daily Eagle • Monday, June 21, 2021 4 5/13/21 3:17 PM Your guide to the 2021 Primary Elections

City Council - 27th Council District - Cam- City Council - 29th Council District - Rego City Council - 31st Council District - Arv- bria Heights, Hollis, Jamaica, St. Albans, Queens Park, Forest Hills, Kew Gardens and Richmond erne, Brookville, Edgemere, Far Rockaway, Lau- Village and Springfield Gardens Hill relton, Rosedale and Springfield Gardens □ Nantasha M. Williams □ David Aronov □ Selvena N. Brooks-Powers* □ Linda Guillebeaux □ Lynn C. Schulman □ Nancy J. Martinez □ Jason Myles Clark □ Edwin K. Wong □ Nicole S. Lee □ Rene A. Hill □ Donghui Zang □ Jermaine Sean Smith □ Eliseo Dorion Labayen City Council - 32nd Council District - Belle □ Anthony Rivers □ Douglas J. Shapiro Harbor, Breezy Point, Broad Channel, Howard □ James J. Johnson □ Avi Cyperstein Beach, Lindenwood, Neponsit, Ozone Park, Rich- □ Kerryanne C. Burke □ Aleda F. Gagarin mond Hill, Rockaway Park, Roxbury, South Ozone □ Leroy Gadsden □ Sheryl Ann Fetik Park, West Hamilton Beach and Woodhaven □ Al-Hassan Kanu □ Felicia Singh □ Harold C. Miller Jr. □ Bella A. Matias □ Marie M. Adam-Ovide City Council - 30th Council District - Glen- □ Michael G. Scala dale, Maspeth, Middle Village, Ridgewood, □ Shaeleigh Severino City Council - 28th Council District - Ja- Woodhaven and Woodside □ Kaled A. Alamarie maica, Richmond Hill, Rochdale Village and □ Robert F. Holden* □ Helal A. Sheikh South Ozone Park □ Juan D. Ardila □ Ruben Wills City Council - 34th Council District - Wil- □ Adrienne E. Adams* liamsburg, Bushwick, Ridgewood □ Japneet Singh □ Jennifer Gutierrez City Council - 23rd Council District - Bay- □ Scott Murphy side Hills, Bellerose, Douglaston, Floral Park, □ Andy J. Marte Fresh Meadows, Glen Oaks, Hollis, Hollis Hills, □ Lutchi Gayot Holliswood, Little Neck, New Hyde Park, Oak- land Gardens and Queens Village Judge of the Civil Court - District - 4th Mu- □ James F. Reilly nicipal Court District □ Alex Amoroso □ Cassandra A. Johnson □ Devian Shondel Daniels City Council - 24th Council District - Kew Gardens Hills, Pomonok, Electchester, Fresh Meadows, Hillcrest, Jamaica Estates, Briarwood, Republican Ballot Parkway Village, Jamaica Hills and Jamaica □ Timothy Rosen Mayor □ Angelo King □ Curtis A. Sliwa □ Fernando Mateo City Council - 32nd Council District - Belle Harbor, Breezy Point, Broad Channel, How- City Council - 19th Council District - Au- ard Beach, Lindenwood, Neponsit, Ozone Park, burndale, Bay Terrace, Bayside, Beechhurst, Col- Richmond Hill, Rockaway Park, Roxbury, South lege Point, Douglaston, Flushing, Little Neck, Ozone Park, West Hamilton Beach and Woodhav- Malba and Whitestone en □ Vickie Paladino □ Joann Ariola □ John-Alexander Sakelos □ Stephen A. Sirgiovanni


Please contact Golf Outing Chair David Louis Cohen (718) 793-1553, email: [email protected] on or before September 1, 2021.

Monday, June 21, 2021 • Queens Daily Eagle • 15 LegaL, JudiciaL & courthouse News Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Visit us Online @queenseagle facebook.com/queenseagle queenseagle.com Justice Lourdes Ventura honored by Dominican president BillBy Davidwould Brand require racial impact study Queens Daily Eagle Queens Supreme Court Justice Lourdes Ven- tura, the daughter of immigrants from the Domin- ican Republic, was honored by that nation’s pres- beforeident with a special award to mark International developments and rezonings ContinuedWomen’s Day. from page 1 tential disparities or risk of displacement, such as issu- Dominican President Danilo Medina Sánchez “In 2021, New York remains a divided and inequita- ing protections against tenant harassment, right to coun- Bronx Councilmember blepresented city, with Ventura persistent with the disparities Medal of Meritbetween of theBlack and sel protections and workforce development programs. Dominican Women during an official ceremony Rafael Salamanca Jr. Latino families and White families,” Salamanca said. In Queens, the bill would have changed the ULURP co-sponsored the “Muchat the National of this persistentPalace in Santoinequity Domingo, is due to the the na legacy- of process for the Flushing waterfront development. tion’s capital. legislation with decades of explicitly discriminatory housing and land Though the plan is moving forward, affordable housing Public Advocate use practicesThe president from of redlining, the Dominican to urban Republic renewal, is -to exclu- and displacement concerns were at the forefront of resi- sues the award to notable Dominican women, or Jumaane Williams. sionary covenants.” dents’ and local leaders’ opposition to the plan. Photo via City Council theThe children bill also of Dominicanincludes the nationals, creation ofeach an Interequitable- de- New proposals will also have to prove a commitment velopmentnational Women’s data tool Day. from The awardthe Department ceremony tookof Housing to include factors that further fair housing and promote Preservationplace March 6.and Development and the Department of equitable access to opportunity in line with the city’s The Medal of Merit is the highest award City Planning. The information on the publicly avail- fair housing plan, which works to combat disparities in granted by the president to recognize Dominican able tool will also be sent to the local councilmember, housing access and racially or ethnically concentrated women for their achievements, as well as obsta- the public advocate’s office and the City Council speak- areas of poverty. cles they have overcome. The award specifically errecognizes to aid in womentheir ULURP who serve decisions. as role models for “In neighborhoods across the city, we have seen re- futureRezoning generations appli ofcations Dominicans. submitted once the bill goes zonings lead not to stronger community growth, but to into Recipientseffect on Juneinclude 1, 2022women will recognized need to submit for racial rising rents and displacement,” said sponsor Public Ad- equitytheir contributions reports on inhousing. the social, The political, analysis econom would- include vocate Jumaane Williams. “Particularly in communities factorsic, humanist, like demographic, scientific, cultural, social, professional economic, andand housing of color, these forces have been unchecked in the name conditionscommunity andspheres. trends to determine if the build would of development, and a failure to recognize the racial im- place undue burden on current residents. pact of these projects has been detrimental.” The bill will have to include methods to address po- The bill now moves to Mayor Bill de Blasio for signing.

Dominican Republic Vice President Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, Dominican Republic President Danilo Medina Sánchez, Justice Lourdes Ventura, Dominican Republic First Lady Cándida Montilla de Medina, Dominican Republic Ministry of Women Minister Janet NYC Bar CLE toCamilo. cover LGBTQ employee protectionsPhotos courtesy of Ventura By Rachel Vick Queens Daily Eagle The New York City Bar Asso- ciation is hosting a two credit CLE on Tuesday to go over the different protections and ongoing challenges for LGBTQ clients through the im- plications of recent Supreme Court decisions. The 105 minute course will cover federal, state, and local protections against discrimination for LGBTQ+ workers for litigators, using the June 2020 case Bostock v. Clayton Coun- ty as an example. In Bostock v. Clayton Cty., where Justice Lourdes Ventura (right) and Domin- a County man sued for being fired ican Republic Ministry of Women Minister Dominican Republic President Danilo Medina Sánchez presents Justice Lourdes Justice Lourdes Venturaafter employers earned thelearned Medal he wasof Mer gay,- Janet Camilo. Ventura with the Medal of Merit at the National Palace in Santo Domingo. it. the court ruled that discrimination against LGBTQ+ workers falls un- der the Title VII prohibition against sex discrimination outlined in the Brooklyn federal court Civil Rights Act. Alejandra Caraballo, staff at- torney for the Transgender Legal restricts access amid Defense & Education Fund, and Michelle E. Phillips with the firm Jackson Lewis LLP will lead the coronavirus outbreak program, which is free for members. Registration for the webinar is The New YorkBy City Rob BAr Abruzzese is holding a CLE on LGBTQ Anyoneworker scheduledprotections. to appear in court who Photo via Cait Stewart/FLICKR available online. Queens Daily Eagle meets the criteria should contact their attor- The U.S. District Court for the Eastern Dis- ney, judge’s chambers, probation officers, trict, located in Downtown Brooklyn and Central jury department or clerk of court to make al- Islip, announced Tuesday that it will restrict ac- ternative plans. Further guidance will appear cess to the court due to concerns about the area’s online. ongoing coronavirus outbreak, and asked high The court called the restrictions temporary, risk people not to come to the court. but there is no word on how long they will remain Chief Judge Roslynn Mauskopf said that after in place. being advised by the Centers for Disease Control, Chief Judge Mauskopf also ordered all detain- the court will take precautions against the corona- ees in Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center virus. Anyone who has travelled to , South and other local federal jails to be screened and to Your message to the most vital Queens audience can Korea, Japan, Italy or Iran within the last 14 days have their body temperature checked prior to a appear here for less than you spend on coffee ... Talk to us. is temporarily banned from the court, effective im- court appearance. Any detainees whose tempera- mediately. ture exceeds 100.4 degrees will not be allowed to For Display Advertising please contact Maureen Coppola at: Anyone who has come into contact with an appear in court. infected person within the last 14 days; has been Conditions at the jail have led to worries about Brooklyn’s [email protected] court is still open for now, but the chief judge has ordered anyone asked to self-quarantine by a doctor, hospital or the coronavirus spreading in the complex, where who has travelled to China, South Korea, Japan, Italy or Iran within the last two weeks, health agency; or has been diagnosed with the vi- hand sanitizer is banned and there are reports that or anyone who might8900 have Sutphin been exposed, Blvd., to Lower reschedule Suite their appearances. rus, is also banned from court. inmates don’t have soap. Jamaica, Queens, NY 11435 Eagle photo by Rob Abruzzese 16 • Queens Daily Eagle • Wednesday, March 11, 2020

16 • Queens Daily Eagle • Monday, June 21, 2021