BOOK LIST Fall 2017

 BIB 346 The Book of Exodus: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Blessedness Dr. Job Jindo

 Jewish Study Bible [2d edition]. New York. Oxford University Press, 2015 [The book of Exodus is annotated by Jeffrey Tigay; the 1st edition is also fine]  Ruth Zielenziger, Exodus: A Teacher’s Guide. 2d ed. New York: Melton Research Center/Jewish Theological Seminary, 1994.  Moshe Greenberg, Lessons on Exodus. Melton Research Center, 1974. [will be distributed in class]

 CAN 280 Drumming and Chanting Cantor Meredith Greenberg

No required text. Please contact the AJR office for information on finding the right type of drum to use for class.

 CAN 447 Advanced Nusah Yammim Noraim II Cantors Lisa Klinger-Kantor and Sol Zim

 Sol Zim Anthology (to be purchased from the Cantors Assembly)  Sol Zim Anthology (to be purchased from the Cantors Assembly)  High Holiday Machzorim: o Silverman o Harlow o Machzor Chadash o Gates of Repentance o LEV SHALEM  A Thesaurus of Cantorial Liturgy for the Days of Awe, Volume Three by Cantor Adolph Katchko (Cantor Zim will arrange to have copies of all pages of the Yom Kippur material printed, for purchase by the students).

 CAN 563 Conducting Cantor Sol Zim

A “CONDUCTING” HANDBOOK will be distributed by Cantor Sol Zim containing various articles and texts on Conductors, Conducting skills and Interpretation.

 HAL 401 Introduction to Codes Rabbi David Almog


None. All readings will be provided, or are accessible online


Rambam Le'am sefer Zmanim

Rambam Fraenkl Edition Sefer Zmanim

The Hebrew Grammar book you used in AJR Hebrew classes

 HAL 500 Advanced Codes Dr. Tzvee Zahavy

 Texts and Tools:  Shulchan Aruch: The primary texts we will be using will be selections of Shulchan Aruch from Yoreh Deah, Orach Chayim and Choshen Mishpat. Some of the readings will be provided in worksheet form, and all will be accessible online.  Dictionaries: These include Jastrow, Even-Shoshan and Alcalay.  Hebrew Grammar: Use the grammar text book and materials from your AJR Hebrew classes to support your studies.  Reference Works and Other Tools: Many useful works for giving further context and understanding of a topic in exist in Hebrew, with fewer in English. Some can be found online. We will review how to use these in the courses.  Translations: The use of translations for the skills building segments of this course is discouraged.

 HEB 250 Hebrew IA – Beginner Ilana Davidov .and the accompanying CD (עברית מן ההתחלה ב')  Hebrew from Scratch volume II  Recommended dictionaries: Lauden & Weinbach – (רב מילון) Multi Dictionary: A Bilingual Learners Dictionary online dictionary), or its free version Morfix ( A) רב מילים Rav Milim free app for smartphones is available from Morfix. Please note: the use of translator programs for any assignment in this course is prohibited. Not only does automatic “translation” seldom, if ever, produce correct results; it harms the process of language acquisition. When you need a word, use a dictionary to look it up.

 HEB 400 Hebrew IIIA – Intermediate-Advanced Ilana Davidov

The book is available at The Israel Connection) מזל כהן, אגדה של שפה : Textbook 201-906-8016) .Gesher edition ,סביון ליברכט, חגיגת הארוסין של חיותה : Reading for a book report Gesher edition , אפרים קישון ,זוהי הארץ : Additional independent readings (Gesher editions available at AJR library)  Additional grammar materials and MP3 recordings will be provided by instructor.  Recommended dictionaries: Lauden & Weinbach , רב מילון - Multi Dictionary: A Bilingual Learners Dictionary (Hebrew-Hebrew) מילון אבן שושן .(online dictionary), or its free version Morfix ( רב מילים

 HIS 450 Judaism and (Non) Violence: Theology and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Dr. Yakir Englander

Side by Side: Parallel Histories of Israel-Palestine by Sami Adwan (Editor), Dan Bar- On (Editor), Eyal Naveh (Editor) Palestine/dp/1595586830

 INT 400 Gender and Sexuality in Jewish Life and Culture Dr. Yakir Englander

Yakir Englander and Avi Sagi, Sexuality and the Body in the New Religious Zionist Discourse, Academy Press, 2015 Chaim Potok, My Name is Asher Lev.

 Lit 530 The Bible in the Siddur Rabbi Jeff Hoffman

Required Texts

 Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, eds., The Complete Artscroll Siddur.  The Jewish Study Bible, 2nd Edition (make sure it is the second edition from 2014 and not the first edition from 2004), eds., Adele Berlin and Marc Zvi Brettler. Available in hard cover and in paperback.

These two books must be available to each student during each class session.

 MEC 120 Mechina Hebrew Yifat Avner

Ivrit Min Hahatchala (Hebrew From Scratch) Book 1.

 PHI 301 Bioethics Rabbi Jill Hackell, M.D.

Matters of Life and Death: A Jewish Approach to Modern Medical Ethics, Elliot N. Dorff (1998), The Jewish Publication Society

 PHI 312 Modern Philosophy Rabbi Len Levin

The readings for this course fall into three categories:

1. Summary: Workbook (on Google Drive), giving a ~10-page summary of each unit and key paragraphs from each thinker 2. Detailed Readings: Selected chapters of represented thinkers (also included on Google Drive). These are listed under each Unit, below. 3. Required books (you should acquire and read substantially): a. Martin Buber: I and Thou (ed. Kaufman). b. Abraham Joshua Heschel: God In Search of Man. 4. Optional books (pick and choose depending on your interests): a. Franz Rosenzweig: The Star of Redemption and On Jewish Learning; also Nahum Glatzer: Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and Thought. b. Mordecai Kaplan: Judaism As A Civilization; The Meaning of God in Modern Jewish Religion. c. Joseph Soloveitchik: Halakhic Man; The Lonely Man of Faith. d. Every unit will introduce you to portions of books by the represented thinkers. If you particularly like a portion of a book sampled in the Readings folder or in the Workbook, you might want to consider buying the whole book. e. Many secondary summaries of modern Jewish thought are available. I highly recommend Eugene Borowitz, Choices in Modern Jewish Thought: A Partisan Guide as one of the best. You may ask me about others. f. A full electronic scan of Samuel Hugo Bergman’s Faith and Reason is included in the Readings folder. It contains excellent summaries of Hermann Cohen, Rosenzweig, Buber, A.D. Gordon, Abraham Kook, and Judah Leib Magnes.

 PHI 346 Ethics Rabbi Len Levin

Required books:  Alan Mittleman, A Short History of (Wiley / Blackwell, 2012).  Moses Hayyim Luzzatto: Mesillat Yesharim: The Path of the Upright. There are several editions of this work available in hardcover and in Kindle. The 1936 bilingual edition by Mordecai Kaplan (recently reprinted) is strongly preferred, but you can get by with another edition if necessary.  Elliot N. Dorff & Louis E. Newman: Contemporary Jewish Ethics and Morality: A Reader (1995). Available in new and used copies.  Ira Stone: A Responsible Life: The Spiritual Path of Musar (2006).

Online readings:

Google Drive access will be provided to view online readings.

Recommended books:

Students are encouraged to acquire for their own library additional books on Jewish ethics, some of which are represented by selections in the online readings for this course. The following are recommended for this purpose:

 Bachya Ibn Paquda, Duties of the Heart (Moses Hyamson, tr., bilingual, Bloch, 1925/ 1941, 2 volumes, reprinted by Feldheim, 1978 and by Literary Licensing 2013)  Isadore Twersky, A Maimonides Reader (Behrman House, 1972).  Norman Lamm, ed. The Good Society: Jewish Ethics in Action (Viking, 1974). A collection of mostly traditional but some modern texts. (See Online Readings 4A1 for Contents)  Marvin Fox, ed. Modern Jewish Ethics: Theory and Practice (Ohio State University Press, 1975). (See Online Readings 4A2 for Contents)  Menachem Marc Kellner, ed.: Contemporary Jewish Ethics (Sanhedrin Press, 1979). (See Online Readings 4A3 for Contents)  Eugene Borowitz: Exploring Jewish Ethics: Papers on Covenant Responsibility (Wayne State University Press, 1990). A collection of papers by Eugene Borowitz on the theory and practice of Jewish ethics. (See Online Readings 4A4 for Contents)  Eugene Borowitz and Frances Weinman Schwartz: The Jewish Moral Virtues (Jewish Publication Society, 1999). A modern treatise on 24 ethical virtues, based on the more traditional discussion of the same virtues in Sefer Ma’alot Ha-middot by Yehiel ben Yekutiel Ha-rofei (13th century). (See Online Readings 4A5 for Contents and Introduction)  Elliot Dorff: To Do the Right and the Good: A Jewish Approach to Modern Social Ethics (Jewish Publication Society, 2002). A collection of papers by Elliot Dorff. (See Online Readings 4A6 for Contents and Introduction.)  Elliot Dorff: Love Your Neighbor and Yourself: A Jewish Approach to Modern Personal Ethics (Jewish Publication Society, 2003). A collection of papers by Elliot Dorff. (See Online Readings 4A7 for Contents and Introduction.)

 PRO 326 Education Dr. Renee Holtz

Dr. Holtz will send readings electronically.

 PRO 341 Life Cycle I Rabbi Jeffrey Segelman

Each student is encouraged to purchase these texts as they are important tools in a professional library. Those marked with an asterisk will be required reading.

Isaac Klein, A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice (Conservative)

*Martin Cohen, The Observant Life (Conservative)

Simeon Maslin, ed. A Guide to the Jewish Life Cycle (Reform)

*Goldie Milgram, Living Jewish Life Cycle (Renewal)

Isaac Donin, To Be A Jew (Orthodox)

*Ivan Marcus The Jewish Life Cycle

*David Kraemer, ed., The Jewish Family – Metaphor and Memory

The halachic and classical sources will be provided in class.

 PRO 490 Difficult Conversations Arline Duker

“Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss what Matters Most” by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen, 2nd. ed. 2010.  PRO 700 Field Work Support Seminar Cantor Michael Kasper

No required texts

 RAB 100 Introduction to Mishnah Rabbi Julie Danan

Rabbi Danan will assign primary texts that the students can read on Sefaria (or elsewhere) as well as several chapters / articles that will be scanned and send to students.

 RAB 330 Intermediate Rabbi Jeff Hoffman

Steinsaltz Talmud, Tractate Megillah

 RAB 372 - The Image of G-d: A Survey of Rabbinic Theology Joshua Schwartz


- Jeffrey Rubenstein, Rabbinic Stories - Paperback/dp/0809140241/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1502222337&sr=8- 11&keywords=rabbinic+theology

- Solomon Schechter zt"l, Aspects of Rabbinic Theology - Theology-Introduction-Finkelstein/dp/1879045249/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1502222337&sr=8- 1&keywords=rabbinic+theology


- Abraham Joshua Heschel zt"l, Havenly Torah - through-Generations/dp/0826418929/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1502222557&sr=1- 1&keywords=heschel+heavenly+torah

-Dov Weiss' Pious Irreverence - Rereading/dp/081224835X/ref=sr_1_21?ie=UTF8&qid=1502222367&sr=8- 21&keywords=rabbinic+theology

 RAB 530 Advanced Talmud Dr. Tzvee Zahavy

Required books:

1- Steinsaltz Talmud, Hullin. This is the all-Hebrew edition of the Steinsaltz Talmud. We will use the original edition, in which Steinsaltz re-set the entire Talmud in a different form from the traditional Vilna-Romm edition. 2- Marcus Jastrow, A Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature. This book is available in standard, hard-copy form. It is also available, in its entirety, available for free on the web. 3- Talmud study aids inclusive of formulaic idioms pertaining to the texts under analysis (copies to be supplied by instructor)

Recommended books and articles:

 Adin Steinsaltz, The Talmud: A Reference Guide.  Yitzhak Frank, The Practical Talmud Dictionary.  Moses Mielziner, Introduction to the Talmud, 1894, 1925, 1968.  Abraham Goldberg's chapter "The Babylonian Talmud" in The Literature of the Sages, vol. 1, ed. by Shmuel Safrai, 1987.  Jacob Neusner, Introduction to Rabbinic Literature  Other items to be added as time permits

 SPI 362 Life After Death in Jewish Tradition Rabbi Jill Hammer

The Death of Death by Neil Gillman

Jewish Views of the Afterlife by Simcha Raphael.

There is also a course packet available from the office in hard copy ($20) or PDF form.