Jurisdiction and Governing Law Rules in the European Union Contents Introduction 1 Recast Brussels Regulation (EU 1215/2012) 2 Rome I Regulation (EC 593/2008) 4 Rome II Regulation (EC 864/2007) 6 Main exceptions 8 016 2 Further information If you would like further information on any aspect of jurisdiction and governing law rules in the European Union, please contact a person mentioned below or the person with whom you usually deal. Contact Ivan Shiu, Partner T +44 (0)20 7296 5131
[email protected] Giles Hutt, Professional Support Lawyer T +44 (0)20 7296 5483
[email protected] This note is written as a general guide only. It should not be relied upon as a substitute for specific legal advice. Jurisdiction and Governing Law Rules in the European Union January 2016 1 Introduction For any commercial organisation, ensuring that a how the rules work, and giving details of key provisions. dispute is tried in a forum that is both convenient and To help practitioners spot similarities and differences business-friendly is often critical: it can greatly increase between the Regulations, which dovetail with each the chance of achieving a successful outcome, and other, rules are grouped by colour according to their doing so in a reasonable time frame and at reasonable subject matter. So, for example, rules governing the expense. The law governing legal obligations is also scope of a Regulation appear in dark green boxes; crucial, of course. Unfortunately it is not always those dealing with party choice appear in blue boxes; straightforward to work out which court or courts are and 'escape' clauses (a prominent feature of the Rome free (or obliged) to try a case, and what law they will Regulations) are shown in white boxes.