Rim Drive Rehabilitation Revegetation Project 2017 Annual Report
National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Crater Lake National Park Rim Drive Rehabilitation Revegetation Project 2017 Annual Report ON THIS PAGE Working on site documentation for the Rim Drive Rehabilitation project. Photograph by Carrie Wyler. ON THE COVER Collecting native plant seed for restoration while the Spruce Fire plumes in the background. Photograph by Carrie Wyler. Rim Drive Rehabilitation Revegetation Project 2017 Annual Report Carolyn S. Wyler, Tara L. Chizinski, Scott E. Heisler, Melody C. Frederic, and Jennifer S. Hooke National Park Service Crater Lake National Park P.O. Box 7 Crater Lake, Oregon, 97604 April 2018 U.S. Department of the Interior National Park Service Crater Lake National Park Crater Lake, Oregon i This annual report series is intended for the timely release of basic data sets and data summaries. Care has been taken to assure accuracy of raw data values, but a thorough analysis and interpretation of the data has not been completed. Consequently, the initial analyses of data in this report are provisional and subject to change. All manuscripts in the series receive the appropriate level of peer review to ensure that the information is scientifically credible, technically accurate, appropriately written for the intended audience, and designed and published in a professional manner. This report received informal peer review by a subject matter expert who was not directly involved in the collection, analysis, or reporting of the data. Views, statements, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and data in this report do not necessarily reflect views and policies of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
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