Themessenger Monthly NewsleEr of St

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Themessenger Monthly Newsle�Er of St themessenger Monthly Newsleer of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church SEPTEMBER 2014 VOLUME 103 ISSUE 08 FROM THE RECTOR—THE REV. BETH KNOWLTON Saying Yes to Community he more years I live with the Book of Common I will promise to care for all people, to use Prayer, the more grateful I am for its wisdom and my life to proclaim the gospel, and to love T beauty. One aspect that is parcularly important is and serve Christ’s people. You will promise to support and that when we make an important commitment or vow in the uphold me. Presentaons will be made that will highlight the church, we never do this in a vacuum. We do not take vows areas of ministry that we will carry out with one another. solely as individuals. There are representaves that vouch Then we will gather as a community around the Lord ’s table for our preparaon. We ask the gathered assembly to to share a sacred meal. witness and support the promises being made. Finally, we ask God who has given us the will to make promises, to also Like other vows we make, we take a leap of faith as a give us the grace and power to carry them out. community that night. I will make promises not knowing what the future may hold. You will promise to support me This is crically important. We recognize that our promises before you really have a chance to know me inmately. But are always lived out within the Body of Christ and will most what is beauful to me about the gathering is that we will be clearly be manifested in our relaonships with one another doing it together. I have dear family and friends that will and with God. Whether through bapsm, confirmaon, journey to be here. There will be people from throughout marriage, or ordinaon we are reminded that our ability to the diocese that will also stand with us. We will ask God’s answer any calling is predicated on the support and love of blessing and then in good St. Mark’s fashion we will have one others. heck of a party. The Celebraon of a New Ministry, when a new rector is But, it really is just a beginning. The wonderful privilege of officially instuted in a parish, is no different. On September being your rector is the commitment to a long term 18th at 6:30 p.m., leaders of the parish will present me to the Bishop and vouch for the integrity of the search process. (Continued on page 2) Special pull-out section for Fall Adult Formation Pages 7-14 ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THIS ISSUE: 315 E. Pecan St. Invitaon to “Celebraon of New Ministry” ................................................... page 2 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Diocesan News and Events ............................................................................. page 3 (210) 226‐2426 www.stmarks‐ Meet the Staff Singers and Choral Scholars .................................................... page 4 stmarks@stmarks‐ Photos from New Rector’s 1st Sunday and 1st Adult Formaon ................... page 6 Office hours: Monday ‐ Friday Youth Ministries News .................................................................................. page 15 9:00a.m.‐5:00p.m. Children and Families Ministry News ........................................................... page 16 Emergency Pastoral Care: St. Mark’s “Family News” (Birthdays, New Babies, Departed) ..................... page 18 210‐507‐0256 The Messenger is published monthly (Continued from page 1) and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks‐ relaonship. It means we will bind ourselves together through Parish Clergy The Rev. Beth Knowlton the grace offered to us in Jesus Rector Christ. We trust that it is this The Rev. Carol Morehead bond that will sustain us in the Associate Rector years to come. I am filled with Making a Gi of Their Service gratude and excitement about The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisng Priest the future. You have warmly The Rev. Mary Earle welcomed our family and that Assisng Priest connues to be a source of The Right Reverend Gary R. Lillibridge Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas The Rev. Dr. John Lewis sustenance in a season of Co‐Director, The Work+Shop along with The Rev. Dr. Jane Paerson transion. I believe with all of The Wardens, Vestry, and People of Co‐Director, The Work+Shop my heart that I have been called St. Mark’s Episcopal Church The Rev. Linda Rickes to St. Mark’s at this moment in 315 East Pecan Street Assisng Priest San Antonio, Texas The Rev. Cliff Waller me. There is important work Assisng Priest for us to discover together. The request your prayers & presence for the Staff parish has a wonderful and rich Celebration of a New Ministry Todd Allison history. We are surrounded by & Youth Director the great cloud of witnesses that Institution of Priscilla Briones The Reverend Elizabeth Clemmer Knowlton Finance Manager have come before us. It is a trust as their 20th Rector Janet Carrizales I take seriously and I look Nursery Director forward to seeing where the Thursday, September 18th, 2014 at 6:30 pm Joseph Causby Spirit will lead us. If we remain Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe grounded in the love of Christ, Clergy are invited to vest (red stole) & process Clergy Execuve Administrator we will be able to answer the Database Manager calling of this community Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator faithfully in this next season of Erin Hughes its ministry. My prayers are with Youth Ministries Assistant Director you each day and I covet your Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries prayers as well. Director In Christ, Marsha Kimura Music Department Administrator Jesse “Chuy” Mendoza Beth+ Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Priscilla Briones, Finance Manager Facilies Supervisor & Receponist BUDGET REPORT Pat Hutchison Noble pbriones@stmarks‐ Community of Care Amanda Quisenberry Youth Ministries Intern JULY FINANCIAL REPORT Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Pledge Revenue $139,167 Families & Children’s Ministries Non Pledge Giving $11,667 Intern Leah Thomas Open Plate $2,000 Special Events Coordinator Other Revenue $37,655 .......................................................................................... Total Revenue $190,489 St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. Total Expenses $202,443 San Antonio, TX 78205 .................................................................... ..................... www.stmarks‐ July Revenue Under Expenses -$11.954 2 DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS NEWS This secon will feature important Special Council events of the Diocese including those of special interest to St. Mark’s. A Special Council of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas will be held on Saturday, October 25, at TMI - The Episcopal School of Texas beginning at 10:00 a.m. The only thing on the agenda for Election of a Bishop Coadjutor the Special Council is the election of a Bishop Coadjutor. To view the profiles of the six potential nominees visit the Council website at Also available is the election process, Saturday, October 25, beginning at 10:00a.m. at TMI - hotel and reservation details for the Special Council. The Episcopal School of Texas Diocesan Opportunities The Standing Committee is pleased to present the six Potential Nominees for Bishop Coadjutor. Diocesan Weekly Eucharist Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. The Potential Nominees are: Chapel at the Bishop Jones Center The Rev. Scott Brown, rector, St. Alban's, Harlingen 111 Torcido The Rev. Ram Lopez, rector, St. George, San This weekly Eucharist is open to all members of the Diocese of West Antonio Texas and is led by clergy of the diocesan staff. The Rev. Jim Nelson, rector, St. John's, McAllen Diocesan Weekly Bible Study The Rev. David Read, rector, St. Luke's, San Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. Antonio Mission Room at the Bishop Jones Center The Rt. Rev. David Reed, bishop suffragan of the Following the Eucharist, there is a Bible study which is also open to all Diocese of West Texas members of the Diocese. This study is coordinated by Julie Mock, a The Rev. Robert Woody, rector, Reconciliation, San member of St. Mark’s and began as a St. Mark’s study. The group will Antonio study the Letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, using William Bar- clay’s Study Bible as a guide. A portion is read each week before the class and then discussed as the group discerns how the readings apply to life Each potential nominee has submitted their today. Ends at noon. biographical data and their responses to the questions provided to them, and the required background Threads of Blessing screening process has begun. The profiles for each can Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. be viewed on the Council website at http://council- This sewing group is open to all and meets weekly at the Bishop Jones Center on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. Please continue to keep our election process in your The Bishop Jones Center of the Diocese of West Texas is located at 111 Torcido Drive, 78209. prayers. Almighty God, giver of every good gift, you have given us a life-giving fellowship in the Diocese of West Texas. Rekindle our hearts with the love of UPDATE: Christ Jesus that we might continue to build upon the legacy left by those who have tended this Thank you to all who have contributed toward our KRLN broadcast of “Lessons and Carols from St. Mark’s.” To date, Diocese and led with Godly courage. Look we have achieved half of our goal of $51,000. We are still graciously upon us and upon your whole Church, receiving donations to support this broadcast. Please consider and guide the minds of those who shall discern participating in this effort with a financial gift. It will be a the one you are calling to be a bishop for our wonderful event to share with the broader San Antonio community.

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