Soberton & Newtown PAR IS H M AG AZIN E For all the community, delivered FREE to over 700 households February - March 2017 1 I.- • ■(S? « '--t-j v^'j.9a Sheep grazing at Armsworth Lane - photo by John Earle SERVICES at St. Peter's, Soberton and Holy Trinity. Newtown. SUNDAY SERyiCES: Please refer to the inside pages Interim Priest-in-Charge: The Reverend Canon Nick Fennemore (Sunday & Friday) 07919 547508 e-mail:
[email protected] ALL WEDDING & BAPTISM ENQUIRIES Please contact Norman Chapman on 01489877378 or email
[email protected] Licensed Lav Mr. Norman Chapman, Meadow Cottage, West Street, Minister fReader) SobertOH 01489 877378 e-mail:
[email protected] Onr Lady Queen of the Apostles. Roman Catholic Church. St. Martin's Street, Bishop's Waltham,S032 IDN. Canon Alan Griffiths (frgriffiths@, O2380 273882 6.00 pm. Saturday (First Mass of Sunday) 9.30 am. Sunday There are Sunday evening services in Winchester and in Fareham. For further information contact Anthony McEwen 01489 877448 The Methodist Circuit. Services in the area as follows Shirrell Heath 10.30 am & 6.00 pm Waltham Chase 10.30 am Bishops Waltham 10.30 am Swanmore 10.30 am & 6.00 pm Hambledon 11.00 am & 6.00 pm MAGAZINE. Editor: Penny Rowlinson 01489 877830 Chairman: Perry Abbott 02392 632338 Advertising: Anthony McEwen 01489 877448 Treasurer: John Rowlinson 01489 877830 Circulation: PeteWoodacre 01489 877768 Secretary: Annie Jacob 01329 832480 Typesetting of advertisements: Solent Design Studio Front cover design: Jontv Shenwili - - 01329 835555 "A new Start to a New Year 2017" 2017 began as usual on the first of the month, what we have not been used to was the fact that the 1®^ January 2017 was a Sunday and the day after New Years Eve and all the celebrations to mark the end of a year.