Atlantic News Photos by Liz Premo Reservations Are Reservations Required on on the Menu Will Be Pot Suggested Donation of $2 Will Donation Suggested Accepted
Dove 333 Central A GE P U. ATLANTICNEWS.COM VOL 34, NO 37 |SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 | ATLANTIC NEWS | PAGE 1APresor . O. S. J. P AID FOSTER & CO ostal Customer r, POS NH 03820 INSIDE: ted Standard TA ve. GE TV LISTINGS , IN & C. 16 VOICES Please Deliver Before FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 Vol. 34 | No. 37 | 24 Pages Meals in motion Rockingham Nutrition and Meals on Wheels program celebrates 30 years of feeding Seacoast Seniors Cyan Magenta Yellow Black LUNCH BUNCH — Site workers prepare Meals on Wheels trays to deliver to local Senior Citizens. Pictured here are (from left) Site Director Betty Ash, volunteers Barbara Powers, Mabel Anderson and Janice Hood, and Assistant Site Director Kathie Bowen. — Atlantic News Photos by Liz Premo BY LIZ PREMO reservations now for Thurs- advance by calling the Rock- there was plenty of activity in ers, ready to be delivered by people are great.” ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER day, September 25 and enjoy ingham Nutrition and Meals the kitchen of one of the cen- a pair of drivers, Linda Davis According to Bowen, about ditor’s Note: This is a great hot meal at one of 13 on Wheels administrative ter’s multi-purpose rooms. and Evan Bates, who packed 60-70 meals per day are deliv- the first of two articles locations throughout Rocking- office at (603) 679-2201. Volunteers Barbara Pow- them into their cars. ered from their site Monday Eabout the Rockingham ham County. This year’s celebration is ers, Mabel Anderson and Janis Keeping it all in motion through Friday to Seniors and Nutrition and Meals on Wheels On the menu will be Pot a big one for those who keep Hood were busy dishing up were Site Manager Betty Ash shut-ins in Seabrook, Seabrook program, observing three decades Roast with Vegetable Gravy, Meals on Wheels in motion, steaming portions of beef stro- and Assistant Site Manager Beach, South Hampton and of service to the community.
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