Marine Ecology. ISSN 0173-9565

ORIGINAL ARTICLE A comparison of the contribution of and nekton taxa to the near-surface acoustic structure of three Turkish seas Erhan Mutlu

Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Erdemli-Icel 33731, Turkey

Keywords Abstract Bioacoustics; Black Sea; Mediterranean Sea; Sea of Marmara; Turkish seas; zooplankton. The bioacoustics of upper waters of the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, and the Mediterranean Sea were studied in October 1999 with an echosounder with 120 Correspondence and 200 kHz dual-beam transducers. Net tows were taken to ground-truth the Erhan Mutlu, Institute of Marine Sciences, acoustic volume backscattering. A forward solution was applied to determine Middle East Technical University, Erdemli-Icel significant scatterers of the three seas with regard to detection limits of the fre- 33731, Turkey. quencies and background noise measured in each sea. The noise was 4 dB E-mail: [email protected] higher in the Sea of Marmara than in the other two seas. 200 kHz data showed Accepted: 14 September 2004 significant correlation between measured and calculated volume backscattering strength, and density (biomass and abundance) of the taxa. Large-sized cope- doi:10.1111/j.1439-0485.2005.00039.x pods and chaetognaths in the Black Sea, Aurelia, Beroe, chaetognaths and large- sized and abundant appendicularians in the Sea of Marmara, and fish larvae in the Mediterranean Sea contributed most to the volume backscattering.

which is used to predict acoustic scattering by euphasiids Problem and over a wide range of modeling Bioacoustics have been long used to obtain meaningful parameters including shape, material properties, and information about the length, numerical density, and dis- orientation. tribution of zooplankton and fish (Foote & Stanton The principal objectives of this study were to make 2000). In addition, acoustic scattering models need to be acoustical measurements (total volume backscattering and used to describe the efficiency with which the target strength distribution) in three Turkish sea areas scatter sound. High frequencies (12 kHz and higher) have (the Black Sea, the Marmara Sea, and the Mediterranean been used for different purposes such as determining the Sea) in order to compare the near-surface backscattering distribution of biological sound scatterers, suspended fields and to estimate the contributions to these fields by sediments, internal waves and other physical features the zooplankton and nekton community. (Greene & Wiebe 1990; Simmonds et al. 1992; Stanton et al. 1994, 1998a, 1998b; Wiebe et al. 1996, 1997; Material and Methods Stanton & Chu 2000). Generally, zooplankton populations are much more complicated than those of fish. The popu- An acoustic and net survey of the seas around Turkey lations contain a wide variety of animal types, giving rise was conducted in October 1999 (Fig. 1) aboard the R/V to great variations in the acoustic reflective or scattering Bilim. Measurements were performed during day and properties. There are several major anatomical categories night to observe daily variation in zooplankton. When of zooplankton: fluid-like, gas-bearing, and elastic shelled the echosounder collected acoustic data, a Nansen (Stanton et al. 1994). Stanton & Chu (2000) discussed Opening-closing net (0.112 mm mesh and 70 cm circle some recommendations on the DWBA-based (Distorted mouth opening) collected zooplankton at five fixed sta- Wave Born Approximation) deformed cylinder model, tions: two stations in the Black Sea, one station in the Sea

Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 17 Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure Mutlu




44 The Black Sea 43 M15L15 42 M15M15

41 45C


Sea of Marmara 39



36 G00K30 Fig. 1. Stations where zooplankton was collected with the net and acoustical records 35 F15L00 were made. M15L15 and M15M15 were in the Black Sea; 45C was in the Sea of Mediterranean Sea 34 Marmara; G00K30 and F15L00 were in the 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Mediterranean Sea.

of Marmara, and two stations in the Mediterranean Sea A dual-frequency (120 and 200 kHz), dual-beam echo- (Fig. 1). The net tows sampled layers between 15 and 5 m sounder (Model 102), built by BioSonics Inc., was moun- in the Sea of Marmara, mostly between 30 and 10 m in ted in a V-finned towed body and deployed so that the the Mediterranean Sea, and between 30 and 5 m and towed body was 2 m below the surface. Parameters of the between 10 and 5 m in the Black Sea (Fig. 2a). The samp- acoustic system during the survey are given in Table 1. ling depths were designed to cover only thermocline and The transmitter of the echosounder was disabled to mixed layers (excluding the uppermost 5 m) for better estimate the background noise that would be used to set comparison of the different hydrographical properties of signal-to-noise threshold during post-processing of the the seas. These depth ranges were also those in which data. Volume backscattering strength, Sv [where Sv ¼ )1 acoustical background noise was very low. The net was 10 · log10(sv) in units of decibelsÆm and sv is the vol- hauled vertically at 1.5 knots; depth was estimated by ume backscattering coefficient], is a measure of the effi- wire out, and volume filtered by the distance the net ciency with which scatterers echo sound back to the traveled and mouth area. Gelatinous macrozooplankton source in a cubic meter. These data were collected from 5 was sized on board. The rest of samples were preserved in to 40 m in 0.1 m depth bins for both frequencies. The 4% formalin solution buffered with borax. Later, numbers data were averaged at 5 s intervals. ) ) [indiv.Æm 3] and biomass [mgÆm 3] of taxa were deter- The backscattering data were ground-truthed with the mined using standard procedures in the laboratory. taxonomic data from microscopic analyses in order to Zooplankters were measured for total length and width. determine relative contributions of different functional The diameters of gastropods, bivalves, jellyfish, and a groups to backscattering intensity. The length and width ctenophore, Pleurobrachia pileus, were also measured. Bio- measurements for each individual were used in equa- masses were calculated from length-weight relationships tions appropriate for the taxanomic groups developed by (Shmeleva 1965). Stanton et al. (1996, 1998a, 1998b), Monger et al. (1998),

18 Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Mutlu Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure

(a) 0 M15L15 M15M15 20:07(1) 11:10(2)


depth [m] 20


(b) 0 45C 22:16(8) 23:12(10) 23:18 00:42(5) 03:13(6) 05:05(7) 07:01(9) 09:05(3) 12:30(4)

10 depth [m]


(c) 0 G00K30 F15L00 F15L00 02:20(12) 06:22 23:51(16) 02:48(13) 05:24(15) 07:09(14) 9:45(11)

Fig. 2. Enhanced echograms (200 kHz) of 20 sound scatterers of area to be purposed for depth [m] the models in the Black Sea (a), the Sea of Marmara (b), the Mediterranean Sea (c) (arrows show net sampling depth intervals). Numbers in parentheses denote station 40 number used in Figs 6–11.

Table 1. Calibration data and processing parameters for hydroacoustic system (PW, sounder parameters pulse width). pulse width [ms] 0.4 trigger interval [s] 0.5 speed of sound [mÆs)1] 1500 receiving gain [dB] 0 transmit power [dB] 0

processing criteria

noise threshold [V] based on in situ measurements only listening frequency [kHz] 120 200 source level [dB] 223.51 222.69 receive sensitivities narrow wide narrow wide 20 log(R) [dB] )154.53 )154.56 )149.59 )149.69 40 log(R) [dB] )184.21 )184.21 )179.23 )179.23 simultaneous [dB] )160.51 )149.55 wide beam dropoff [dB] 1.0678 1.1989 nominal angle [N/W beams] 7 18 6 15

Mutlu (1996), and Love’s formula (Love 1971) to estimate coefficient) was set to 0.0041 to match the R used for salp their contribution to the volume backscattering (Table 2). tissue in Stanton et al. (1994). Non-physonect siphonophores were modeled as weakly The fluid-like model was applied to Amphipoda, scattering fluid targets. Assuming that gelatinous salp tissue Appendicularia, , Cladocera, Copepoda, would approximate that of non-gas-bearing gelatinous nauplii, decapod larvae, euphausiids, fish eggs, siphonophores as well, in these calculations R (reflection Mysidacea, Ostracoda, Polychaeta, and salps; hard

Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 19 Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure Mutlu

Table 2. Values for reflection coefficients (R) used in the models Accordingly, the minimum size would be about 2 mm at (Ressler 2002). 200 kHz. Mutlu (2003) identified acoustically a concentra- organisms R model types ted layer of the copepod Calanus euxinus (length <4 mm) at 120 and 200 kHz. The Sv of the taxa was calculated Salps non-physonect Siphonophora 0.0041 fluid-like for individuals larger than a length corresponding to one- Copepoda (mixed) 0.0178 fluid-like quarter of the wavelength of the frequencies. Minimum Euphausiacea 0.0341 fluid-like threshold in Sv was measured by switching the transmitter Amphipoda 0.037 fluid-like Beroe, Mnemiopsis, Pleurobrachia 0.056 Monger’s model of the echosounder off and measuring the received sound. Appendicularia, Chaetognatha, Cladocera, 0.058 fluid-like Background noise levels of 120 kHz were )78.5 ± 0.8 Decapoda larvae, fish eggs, Mysidacea, (SD), )75.5 ± 1.2 and )78.5 ± 0.8 dB in the Black Sea, the nauplii, Ostracoda, Polychaeta Sea of Marmara, and the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. Gastropoda and Bivalvia larvae 0.5 elastic shell The noise levels of 200 kHz were 4 dB lower than those of jellyfish Mutlu’s equation 120 kHz (Fig. 3a). However, the noises were 3–4 dB higher fish larvae Loves’ formula in the Sea of Marmara than those in the other seas (Fig. 3b). This might have been due to the presence of Black Sea water overlying Mediterranean water (below elastic-shell model to Gastropoda and bivalve larvae; 20 m depth) in the Sea of Marmara. The ambient noise Monger et al.’s (1998) model to Pleurobrachia pileus, may have been enhanced by reflection occurring between Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe; Mutlu’s equations (Mutlu the surface and the interface of the two water types in 1996) to jellyfish () and Love’s formula to the Sea of Marmara. Individual calculated Sv less than the fish larvae. Equivalent diameters of Mnemiopsis and Beroe noise was not incorporated into the comparison between were converted to that of Pleurobrachia using the volume- expected and measured Sv. Possible reasons for the high length relationships (Mutlu & Bingel 1999; Mutlu 1999; ambient noise present in the Sea of Marmara are discussed Finenko et al. 2001). later. Target strength was calculated first for each individual of the taxa due to the significant differences found in the ratio of body length/body width among individuals of the same Results taxa. Expected volume backscattering (Sv) was estimated: 1. Biological characteristics of the three seas Sv ¼ TS þ 10 log ðNÞ 10 The 16 individual net samples from the three seas yielded where Sv is volume backscattering strength [dB], TS is 21 taxa of meso- and macro-zooplankton. Eight taxa were target strength [dB] calculated from the models, N is found in the Black Sea, namely, Copepoda (Calanus euxi- ) abundance [number of individualsÆm 3]. nus, Pseudocalanus elongatus, Acartia sp., Oithona sp., and Before calculating the expected volume backscattering, Paracalanus parvus), copepod nauplii, Chaetognatha (Sag- two criteria are discussed: detection limit of the frequencies itta setosa), Gastropoda larvae, Appendicularia (Oikopleura and minimum Sv as threshold. ‘‘Detectable size of the tar- dioica), Cladocera (Pleopis polyphemoides, Podon sp.), get is actually a very complex subject and depends on many (Aurelia aurita), and (Mnemiopsis things. The important factors include diameter of the leidyi, Beroe ovata, and Pleurobrachia pileus). Eleven taxa animal relative to the acoustic wavelength (hence wave composed of Appendicularia (Oikopleura sp.), Chaetogna- number, ‘ka’ value), orientation, material properties, tha, Cladocera (Pleopis sp., Penilia sp.), Copepoda (Acartia numbers of animals per unit volume, sensitivity of the sp., Microsetella sp., Oncaea sp., Oithona sp., Paracalanus echosounder, and distance from the transducer. Also, note sp., Centropages sp.), copepod nauplii, fish larvae, Poly- that even if an animal is detectable while isolated, once it is chaeta, Gastropoda and Bivalvia larvae, Scyphozoa (Aurelia near another animal that has a greater target strength, the aurita), and Ctenophora (Beroe ovata) were found in the latter animal is the one that is detected’’ (T. K. Stanton, Sea of Marmara. The 19 Mediterranean taxa were Amphi- pers. comm.). Greene & Wiebe (1990) provided approxi- poda (Hyperidae), Appendicularia (Oikopleura dioica, mate relationships between minimum detectable size of the Stegosoma magnum), Chaetognatha (Krohnitta subtitu¨), target and the acoustical frequency such that: 10 mm Cladocera (Podon, Pleopis, Penilia sp.), Copepoda (well individuals can be detected at 120 kHz; 4 mm, at 420 kHz; diversified), copepod nauplii, Decapoda larvae, Euphausia- and 1.5 mm, at 720 kHz. David et al. (1999), however, cea (Stylocheiron suhmii), fish eggs, fish larvae, Mysidacea determined that planktonic objects detected at 120 and (Loghogaster typicus), Ostracoda (Conchoecia spinirostris), 38 kHz have size limits, i.e. 3 mm at 120 kHz and 10 mm Polychaeta, Salpa (Salpa maxima), Gastropoda and at 38 kHz, corresponding to one-quarter of the wavelength. Bivalvia larvae, Siphonophora (Eudoxioides spiralis,

20 Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Mutlu Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure

120 kHz Black Sea (a) 200 kHz Black Sea

120 KHz Sea of Marmara –76 200 kHz Sea of Marmara

120 kHz Mediterranean Sea

200 kHz Mediterranean Sea –78

–80 Sv as threshold [dB]


–84 0 10203040 depth [m]

(b) –74

Black Sea

Sea of Marmara

Mediterranean Sea


–78 Sv threshold at 120 kHz [dB]

Fig. 3. Background noise (minimum Sv as –80 threshold, dB) as function of depth (a), and –86 –84 –82 –80 –78 –76 for comparison between 120 and 200 kHz (b) in the three seas. Sv threshold at 200 kHz [dB]

Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 21 Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure Mutlu

16 6 5 600 300 maximum Bivalvia larvae

] Appendicularia

minimum 4 ] ] 12 –3 0.4 –3 –3 mean 4 400 200 3 abundance 8 size [mm]

size [mm] 2 Mediterranean size [mm] 0.3 Amphipoda 2 200 100 abundance [indiv.·m abundance 4 [indiv.·m abundance Marmara 1 [indiv.·m abundance Black Sea m15m151110 m15m151110 f15l0023542 m15m151110 f15l0023542 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 f5l0023542 f15 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 m15l152007 f15l000945 f 15l000245 f 15l000709 f 15l000524 f m15l152007 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 0 0 m15l152007 0 0 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312

g00k30 0.2 0 g00k30 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 g00k30

25 120 1.2 600 6 3000 Cladocera ]

20 ] 1.0 ] –3 –3 –3 Chaetognatha 80 400 4 Copepoda 2000 15 0.8 size [mm] 10 size [mm] size [mm] 0.6 40 200 2 1000 abundance [indiv.·m abundance abundance [indiv.·m abundance abundance [indiv.·m abundance 5 0.4 m15m151110 m15m151110 m15m151110 f15l0023542 f5l0023542 f15 f15l000945 f 15l000245 f 15l000709 f 15l000524 f m15l152007 m15l152007 m15l152007 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 0 0 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 0 0

f15l0023542 0.2 0 g00k30 g00k30 g00k30 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312

12 5 0.5 400 5.0 0.6 copepod nauplii

4 ]

] 4.5 ] Decapoda larvae euphausiids –3 0.4 300 –3 –3 0.4 8 4.0 3 0.3 200

size [mm] 2 size [mm] size

size [mm] 3.5 0.2 4 abundance [indiv.·m abundance abundance [indiv.·m abundance 0.2 100 [indiv.·m abundance 3.0 1 m15m151110 m15m151110 m15m151110 f15l0023542 f15l0023542 f 5l0023542 f1 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 m15l152007 m15l152007 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 m15l152007 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 0.1 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 0 2.5 0.0 0 0 g00k30 g00k30 g00k30

0.8 1.6 12 0.6 0.8 50 Gastropoda ]

10 40 ] 0.7 ] –3 –3 fish eggs 1.2 –3 fish larvae 0.6 0.4 0.7 8 30 0.8 0.4

size [mm] 6 size [mm] 20 size [mm] 0.6 0.2 abundance [indiv.·m abundance abundance [indiv.·m abundance 0.4 [indiv.·m abundance 0.2 0.6 4 10 f15l0023542 f15l0023542 m15m151110 m15m151110 m15m151110 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 m15l152007 2 m15l152007 0.0 0.0 0 0.6 m15l152007 0.0 f15l0023542 g00k30 g00k30 g00k30 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505

) Fig. 4. Minimum, maximum and mean lengths, and abundances (number of individualsÆm 3) of specimens (Station code: e.g. F15L000709 means that F15L00 is station code and 0709 is sampling time at 07:09 h; see Figs 1 and 2).

Eudoxioides sp., Eudoxia sp., Sulculeolaria quadrivalvis), Lengths of Amphipoda species – Hyperidae and one squid (Todarodes sagittatus), and gelatinous organisms Caprellidae species – that were found only in the Medi- (Turritopsis nutricula) (Fig. 4). terranean Sea varied between 1 and 3.5 mm, and between

22 Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Mutlu Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure

8 50 1.6 25 16 0.8 Ostracoda Polychaeta

Pleurobrachia 40 ] –3 ] 20 ] 6 –3 1.2 14 0.6 –3 30 15 4 0.8 12 0.4

size [mm] 20 size [mm] 10 size [mm]

2 abundance [indiv.·m abundance [indiv.·m 0.4 10 0.2 abundance [indiv.·m 10 5 m15m151110 f15l0023542 m15m151110 m15m151110 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 f15l0023542 f15l0023542 m15l152007 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 m15l152007 m15l152007 0 0 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505

0.0 0 8 0.0 g00k30 g00k30 g00k30 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312

25 20 5 2.0 Salp Siphonophora ] 20 16 ] 4 1.6 –3 –3

15 12 3 1.2 size [mm] size [mm] 10 8 2 0.8 abundance [indiv.·m abundance [indiv.·m 5 4 1 0.4 f15l0023542 m15m151110 f15l0023542 f m15m151110 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 f15l000945 f15l000245 f15l000709 f15l000524 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c2216 s45c0701 s45c2312 s45c0905 s45c2318 s45c1230 s45c0046 s45c0313 s45c1238 s45c0505

0 m15l152007 0.0 0 m15l152007 0 g00k30 g00k30

Fig. 4. Continued.

3.5 and 12 mm, respectively. Lengths of appendicularian hydrography in these seas caused the differences in the species measured between 0.4 and 1.5 mm, with an abun- acoustic levels. The regions that were acoustically tracked ) dance of 75 to 250 indiv.Æm 3 in the Black Sea, between in this study (Fig. 5) were biologically very productive and ) 0.5 and 4 mm (abundance: 25–580 indiv.Æm 3) in the Sea were associated with divergence zones due to upwelling. of Marmara, and between 1.75 and 4.5 mm (abundance: Biological scattering was vertically distributed between the ) 1–10 indiv.Æm 3) in the Mediterranean Sea. Shell dia- surface and suboxic zone (here 120 m) in the Black Sea meters of bivalve larvae varied between 0.15 (Fig. 5a), whereas it was confined to a narrow layer in a ) and 0.375 mm (abundance: 10–300 indiv.Æm 3) in the range from the surface to the interface at 20 m formed Sea of Marmara, and between 0.225 and 0.25 mm between waters of the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea in ) (abundance: 5 indiv.Æm 3) in the Mediterranean Sea, the Sea of Marmara (Fig. 5b). The Mediterranean Sea was while no bivalves were found in the Black Sea. very different in terms of the volume backscattering due Chaetognath lengths varied between 2.4 and 10 mm to the absence of the shallow interface (Fig. 5c). ) ) (38–40 indiv.Æm 3), 2.5 and 15 mm (10–100 indiv.Æm 3), Acoustic scattering was layered in and above the suboxic ) and 2.5 and 25 mm (0.1–2 indiv.Æm 3) in the three seas. zone during the daytime in offshore waters of the Black The corresponding values for cladocerans were 0.3–0.45 mm Sea, while it was aggregated in the mixed layer at night ) ) (5–10 indiv.Æm 3), 0.3–1.25 mm (5–600 indiv.Æm 3), and hours. As the bottom depth was shoaled, the volume back- ) 0.45–0.9 mm (5–10 indiv.Æm 3), for copepod specimens scattering strength became homogeneous (Fig. 5a). In the ) 0.25–3.2 mm (400–500 indiv.Æm 3), 0.25–3 mm (40–2750 Sea of Marmara, the scattering was much intensified and ) ) indiv.Æm 3), and 0.25–3.25 mm (10–40 indiv.Æm 3) (Fig. 4). layered just above the interface during the daytime, whereas it was homogeneously distributed within the mixed water characterizing the Black Sea above the interface. During 2. Acoustic characteristics daytime, the layer between interface and transducer depth The enhanced echograms were very different among the was deserted by the . Aggregations by the scatter- three seas. Clear changes in the plankton composition and ers were observed just underneath the transducers

Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 23 Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure Mutlu

44 45 46 47 48 L 10 12 14 16 18 D (a) 17 18 19 20 21 22 S 0 0 20 40 40 60 80 80

100 depth [m] 120 120 160 depth [m] 140

160 200 180 4 8 12 16 20 24 T 200 17:42 02:19/10:57 20:50/17:45 00:36h 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 F M15L15 M15M15 40 42 44 46 L 12 16 20 24 28 32 D (b) 0 20 24 28 32 36 40S 0 20 40 40 60 80 80 100

depth [m] 120 120 depth [m] 140 160 160 200 180 12 14 16 18 20 22 T 200 20:53 45C 05:53 07:17 12:41h 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 F

(c) 38 40 42 44 46 L 0 27 28 28 28 29 29 D 20 39 39 39 39 40 S 40 0 60 40 80 100 80 120 depth [m] 140 depth [m] 120

160 160 180 200 200 23:16 11:31/ 22:08 F15L15 10:47h 14 16 18 20 22 24 T 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 F

temperature salinity density fluorescence light transmission

Fig. 5. Enhanced echograms of sound scatterers around the study areas at 200 kHz in the Black Sea (a), at 120 kHz in the Sea of Marmara (b), at 200 kHz in the Mediterranean Sea (c), and vertical profiles of the hydrography. T: temperature in C; S: salinity; D: density in sigmatheta; F: fluor- escence in Volts; L: light transmission in %.

(Fig. 5b). Moderately high scattering was observed in the 3. Characteristics of model outputs upper 100 m in the Mediterranean Sea at night, while the scattering observed in the upper 60 m layer during the day Taking the minimum Sv (dependent on the threshold was less intense because vertical migratory species deserted and detection limits of the frequencies) into calculation the upper layers (Fig. 5c). of expected Sv, six taxa contributed mainly to the acous-

24 Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Mutlu Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure

Fig. 6. A comparison of estimated acoustic volume backscattering based on the individual size and abundance of individual taxa and the meas- ured volume backscattering at each net location at 120 kHz. AVBS: acoustic volume backscattering; MESV: model estimated Sv; see Fig. 2 for denotation of numbers. r ¼ correlation coefficient and bold means significant at P < 0.05, and number below r is average percent contribution of taxa to total measured acoustic volume backscattering strength.

tic volume backscattering (AVBS) at 200 kHz as well as mum Sv of the echosounder and their sizes were less than four taxa at 120 kHz (Figs 6 and 7). Individually, none of one-quarter of the wavelengths at both the frequencies. the taxa showed significant correlations between model Among the potential correlations between AVBS and estimated Sv (MESV) and AVBS, whereas there was signi- density (abundance and biomass) of significant scatterers ficant correlation between total MESV and AVBS at at 120 and 200 kHz, only chaetognaths showed significant P < 0.05 (Figs 6 and 7). MESV and AVBS were higher in correlations. Since MVBS of Beroe and Aurelia were in the Sea of Marmara than those in both the Mediterranean good agreement with AVBS, 200 kHz might be considered and Black Sea. Main contributors to the total AVBS at the lowest frequency to use in studying mesozooplankton 120 kHz were Beroe, Aurelia and Chaetognatha in the Sea acoustically because there were significant correlations of Marmara, and fish larvae in the Mediterranean Sea. No between total density and AVBS only for 200 kHz (Figs 8– taxon, however, was found to be a significant 120 kHz- 11). Clearly, this statement could change depending mainly scatterer in the Black Sea. Principal scatterers at 200 kHz on material properties, abundance, and size of targets and in the Black Sea were copepods and chaetognaths in addi- ambient noises in the water, which is an issue related to tion to others that contributed at 120 kHz. However, Rayleigh versus geometric scattering. other macrozooplanktonic gelatinous organisms, Mnemi- opsis leidyi and Pleurobrachia pileus, salps, and non- Discussion physonect siphonophores were not significant scatterers at either frequency (Figs 4, 6 and 7). Other taxa were not Acoustic records revealed that the depth limit for the ver- significant because their MVBS were less than the mini- tical distribution of zooplankton was confined to 100 m

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Fig. 7. A comparison of estimated acoustic volume backscattering based on the individual size and abundance of individual taxa and the meas- ured volume backscattering at each net location at 200 kHz (see Fig. 6 for explanation). in the Black Sea (Fig. 5a). This depth corresponds to the cal distribution of zooplankton in the Sea of Marmara upper end of the suboxic zone characterized with a depth was characterized as belonging to two ecosystems of sigmatheta ¼ 16.2 (Tugrul et al. 1992). The vertical (Fig. 5b). The first ecosystem ranged from the surface to distribution of zooplankton was restricted to the zone the interface between the Black Sea and the Mediterra- )1 above the oxygen minimum (<0.5 mg O2 l ; Tugrul et al. nean Sea water masses (here at 20 m) and the second 1992), which depends on season, species, stages, and the from the interface to the bottom. The two-layer exchange oxygen concentration in the water column (Vinogradov flow characteristic of the straits permits material transport et al. 1985; Mutlu 1999, 2001, 2003; Mutlu & Bingel between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea while 1999; Besiktepe & Unsal 2000; Besiktepe 2001). The verti- creating an unusual marine ecosystem in the transition

26 Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Mutlu Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure

Fig. 8. The relationship between volume backscattering (120 kHz) and abundance of taxonomic categories (see Fig. 2 for denotation of num- bers). r ¼ correlation coefficient and bold means significant at P < 0.05.

between them (Polat et al. 2000). Acoustic records layer towards the surface at nighttime tended to reside at showed that there was no significant difference in the day night in a layer between 40 and 80 m, where the fluores- and night vertical distribution of biological scatterers cence peaked. Non-migrating plankton was distributed in below the interface in contrast to the layer above the the upper 40 m, corresponding to the depth of the interface. During the present study, at 12:30 h the layered thermocline (Fig. 5c). Andersen et al. (2001) showed that samples taken by the net revealed dead specimens some species of zooplankton ascended from the deep between 80 and 150 m and between 20 and 80 m. The layer towards the surface at night while others stayed in specimens were all alive above the interface. The water the epipelagic zone during the day. column below the interface has not, however, been well Taxon-specific model equations (Love 1971; Stanton studied biologically. There was only one striking scatter- et al. 1994; Mutlu 1996; Monger et al. 1998) were used to ing layer between 40 and 80 m, where the light transmis- estimate the relative contribution of the animals to the sion dropped to 44%. The physical parameters appeared total acoustic energy at 120 and 200 kHz, as done by to be homogeneous beneath the interface. A high abun- Wiebe et al. (1996). Solving this forward problem and dance of dead chaetognaths (length > 1.5 cm) and larger comparing the result to in situ acoustic scattering meas- calanoid copepod (length > 2 mm) predominated in the urements can be used to test the robustness of the scatter- layer between 80 and 150 m. Low numbers of small-sized ing models and to verify their use in field application copepods, polychaete larvae, and cladocerans were present (Wiebe et al. 1996; Stanton et al. 1997). Figures 6 and 7 between 20 and 80 m. clearly show that the estimated volume backscattering The Mediterranean Sea exhibited rather different showed better correlation with the measured Sv and a lar- acoustic scatterings than the other two seas. Two plank- ger contribution to the total energy at 200 kHz than those ton concentration levels existed daily in the epipelagic of at 120 kHz. The acoustic process is a complex function of the Mediterranean Sea. Plankton that ascended from deep animal size, shape, orientation, and material properties as

Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 27 Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure Mutlu

Fig. 9. The relationship between volume backscattering (200 kHz) and abundance of taxonomic categories (see Fig. 2 for denotation of num- bers). r ¼ correlation coefficient and bold means significant at P < 0.05.

well as acoustic frequency or wavelength (Stanton & Chu found below 30 m, where no scattering above the noise 2000). The principal acoustic scatterers changed between thresholds was observed. Although a high concentration the different seas, as did the taxonomic composition, size, layer of the copepod C. euxinus was acoustically abundance of targets, and background noise. In the Black discriminated previously in the Black Sea (Mutlu 2003), in Sea, significant contributors to total AVBS were Beroe, the present study copepods were not significant scatterers Aurelia, and Sagitta. Other ctenophores, however, espe- because the sampling depth ranges did not cover the layer cially Pleurobrachia, which occurred below the thermocline except for a few large-sized copepods at station 2 in the in high numbers remained below the background noise. Black Sea. Copepods were not important scatterers in the Mutlu (2003) showed that Pleurobrachia pileus was mostly Sea of Marmara, although they were concentrated within

28 Marine Ecology 26 (2005) 17–32 ª 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Mutlu Zooplankton, nekton taxa and near-surface acoustic structure

Fig. 10. The relationship between volume backscattering (120 kHz) and Nansen biomass (see Fig. 2 for denotation of numbers). r ¼ correlation coefficient and bold means significant at P < 0.05. the upper 20 m. The background noise and minimum Sv 24 cm (captured by a scoop net) were observed in the was, however, very high at 21:00 h in the Sea of Marmara. surface waters of the Sea of Marmara during the daytime. Korneliussen (2000) showed that the noise is inherently Bioacoustical properties depended on taxa composition, frequency dependent and also depends on bottom depth. material properties, size of the scatterers, and minimum The water mass interface during nighttime reflected echo threshold of the echosounders, all related with the fre- energy as much as the bottom did. Daytime Sv from the quencies and with the physical and biological density of interface was very low compared to that of the nighttime the water. Wiebe et al. (1997) suggested that size and/or because the biological scatterers around the interface taxa distribution of the zooplankton, and not the quantity changed with time (Fig. 2b). This could have changed the of biomass, was the critical determinant for differences in ‘hardness’ of the interface, and thus the noise increased the volume backscattering. The orientation of the scatter- due to the biological variations as Korneliussen (2000) ers is also a critical determinant. Data on orientation were suggested for the bottom variations. The hardness of the not available for the present study. Stanton & Chu (2000) interface could be associated with the density of the jelly- showed that some acoustic predictions were more sensi- fish Aurelia aurita. Although jellyfish avoid capture by tive to animal shape and orientation than others. Thus, net, according to Mutlu (1996) the swimming rhythms of for elongated animals, the pattern of backscattering versus the observed organisms showed that they could be jelly- angle of orientation at a fixed frequency is strongly fish (Fig. 12). A variation of about 10–15 dB (dependent dependent upon shape. Recently, Benfield et al. (2000) on the disc diameter of the jellyfish) and the occurrence reported that the orientation distribution of freely of a peak every 25–30 s due to swimming jellyfish were swimming copepods peaked at about 90 (i.e. the animal observed in individual scatterers rising from the interface body axis was vertical with the head up), with a standard (stations 6 and 7; Figs 2b and 12). In addition, Aurelia deviation of 30. There was a discrepancy between the individuals with disc diameters varying between 10 and predicted and observed regression. This offset could be

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Fig. 11. The relationship between volume backscattering (200 kHz) and Nansen biomass (see Fig. 2 for denotation of numbers). r ¼ correlation coefficient and bold means significant at P < 0.05. due to a combination of factors including system calibra- Summary tion, net avoidance (particularly for the macrozoogelati- nous organisms at stations 6 and 7; Fig. 2b), accuracy of The three seas exhibited significant differences in overall acoustic models, accuracy of input parameters into the levels of acoustic volume backscattering; the Sea of models, and the failure of the frequencies to detect meso- Marmara and the Black Sea had higher values than zooplankton. Stanton & Chu (2000) concluded that the the Mediterranean Sea. The acoustic patchiness struc- scattering predictions showed a very strong dependence ture differed among the seas due to a clear difference upon shape, orientation, and frequency for the euphau- in hydrographic peculiarities. Large-sized meso- and siids and copepods. macrozooplankton (jellyfish, chaetognaths, ctenophores)

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(a) –50 References –52 Andersen V., Gubanova A., Nival P., Ruellet T. (2001) –54 Zooplankton community during the transition from spring –56 bloom to oligotrophy in the open NW Mediterranean and –58 effects of wind events. 2. Vertical distributions and –60 migrations. Journal of Plankton Research, 23 (3), 243–261.

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–75 Foote K.G., Stanton T.K. (2000). Acoustical methods. In: R. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Harris, P. Wiebe, J. Lenz, H.R. Skjoldal, M. Huntley (Eds), time [s] ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual. Academic Press, Fig. 12. Comparison of swimming rhythm of Aurelia aurita (Mutlu New York, 223–258. 1996) with that obtained from the scatterers arising from the inter- Greene C.H., Wiebe P.H. (1990) Bioacoustical oceanography: face in the Sea of Marmara (a, b). Thin black line, variation of TS due new tools for zooplankton and micronekton research in the to the swimming behavior of A. aurita; thick black line, the variation 1990s. Oceanography, 3, 12–17. averaged over 5 s (Mutlu 1996); variation of Sv of the individual scat- Korneliussen R.J. (2000) Measurement and removal of echo terers observed for long time (a; gray line, station 6; dashed black integration noise. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57 (4), line, station 7; see Fig. 2b) and short-time duration of individuals 1204–1217. below the transducers (b, each line denotes different individual at sta- Love R.H. (1971) Dorsal-aspect target strength of an individual tion 6). All acoustical data were at 120 kHz. fish. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 49, 816–823. contributed most to the total volume backscattering Monger B.C., Chinna-Chandy S., Meir E., Billings S., Greene strength. C.H., Wiebe P.H. (1998) Sound scattering gelatinous zoo- plankters Aequorea victoria and Pleurobrachia bachei. Deep- Sea Research II, 45, 1255–1271. Acknowledgements Mutlu E. (1996) Target strength of the common jellyfish (Aurelia aurita): a preliminary experimental study with a This work was carried out as part of the project ‘Bio-optics dual-beam acoustic system. ICES Journal of Marine Science, and development of regional algorithm for SeaWifs in the 53, 309–311. Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, Aegean Sea, and Eastern Mutlu E. (1999) Distribution and abundance of ctenophores Mediterranean’ funded by METU-AFP-99-06-01-01 linked and their zooplankton food in the Black Sea. II. Mnemiopsis with other projects ‘Dynamics of the lower trophic levels of leidyi. Marine Biology, 135 (4), 603–613. the Black Sea: biochemical processes and system modeling’ Mutlu E. (2001) Distribution and abundance of moon jellyfish by TUBITAK/TURKEY and ‘The Black Sea ecosystem (Aurelia aurita) and its zooplankton food in the Black Sea. processes, prediction and operational data managements’ Marine Biology, 138 (2), 329–339. by NATO-SfP. I am indebted to Dr. Peter H. Wiebe for Mutlu E. (2003) Acoustical identification of the concentration his valuable comments and English correction of the text. layer of a copepod species, Calanus euxinus. Marine Biology, I thank the crew of R/V Bilim for assistance at sea. 142, 517–523.

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