The London Gazette, Issue 45077, Page 4116
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4116 THE LONDON GAZETTE, lOra APRIL 1970 and 12.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. on Order on the grounds that it is not within the powers Mondays to Fridays at The Shirehall, Abbey Fore- of the relevant section of the Act or on the grounds gate, Shrewsbury, and at the offices of the Clerk that any requirement of that section or of section of 'the Oakengates Urban District Council, • Council 84A, 84B or 84C of the Act or any Regulations Chambers, Oakengates, Telford. made under the said section 84C have not been com- If you wish -to object to the proposed Order you plied1 with in relation to the Order may, within1 six should send 'the grounds for your objection in writing weeks of the date on which the Order is made, make to the undersigned by the 4th May 1970. application for the purpose to the High Court. W. N. P. Jones, Clerk of the County Council. D. W. Chapman, Town Clerk. The Shirehall, P.O. Box 18, The Council House, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury. Solihull, Warwicks. (284) 10th April 1970. (393) SOLIHULL COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL STAINES URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL The County Borough of Sohhull (Earlswood Road) Pedestrian Crossings (Restricted Roads) Order, 1970 Notice is hereby given that the Staines Urban 'Notice is hereby given that the County Borough District Council, in exercise of their powers under Council proposes to make an Order under section section 21 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1967 72 (3) and section 73 (1) of the Road Traffic Regula- propose to submit to the Minister of Transport for tion Act, 1967, as amended by Part IX of the Trans- approval a Scheme containing proposals for the port Act, 1968, the effect of which will be to impose establishment for crossings for foot passengers on a speed limit of 30 m.p.h. on the following length roads within the Urban District. of road: Eight existing uncontrolled (zebra) crossings in Earlswood Road, Dorridge. From its junction with the Urban District are to be retained and the Scheme Four Ashes Road to its junction with Grange will provide for an increase in number up to 28. Road. At present it is proposed to add the following: The Draft Order, together with a map showing 1. Kingston Road—by Stainash Parade. the length of road concerned and a statement of the 2. Kingston Road—between Edinburgh Drive and Council's reasons for proposing to make the Order, Woodthorpe Road. may be inspected at the Council House, Solihull, 3. Church Road—by Percy Avenue. during normal office hours. 4. Church Road—by Dudley Road. Objections to the proposal, together with the 5. Church Road—by Scott-Freeman Gardens. grounds on which they are made must be sent to me 6. Thames Street—north of Tothill Street. in writing by 9th May 1970. A copy of the Scheme will be available for inspec- D. W. Chapman, Town Clerk. tion during normal office hours at the address given P.O. Box 18, below and any objections, together with the grounds Council House, Solihull. (283) on which they are made, must be sent in writing to the undersigned by the 1st day of May 1970. STOKE-ON-TRENT CITY COUNCIL Dated this 10th day of April 1970. Traffic Regulation (No. 2) Order, 1970 F. Entzoistle, Clerk of the Council. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City Clerk's Department, " Elmsleigh ", of Stoke-on-Trent propose to make an Order under 73 High Street, Staines, Middlesex. (331) section 1 (1), (2) and (3) of the Road Traffic Regu- lation Act 1967, as amended by Part IX of the Transport Act 1968, the effect of which will be to STAINES URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL prohibit traffic entering and leaving Butterfield Staines Urban District (Kingston Road and Gresham Place, Tunstall in the said City, by way of High Road) (Prohibition of Right Hand Turn) Street. Order 1970. A copy of the draft Order and of <the map showing the street concerned may be examined at my office Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of April during ordinary office hours. 1970 the Staines Urban District Council made an Any objections to the proposed Order should be Order under section 1 (1) (2) (3) of the Road Traffic sent to me, an writing, together with the grounds on Regulation Act 1967, as amended by Part IX of which they are made, by the 2nd May 1970. the Transport Act 1968, and of all other powers them enabling in that behalf, the effect of which is L. K. Robinson, Town Clerk. that no person shall cause any vehicle proceeding Town Hall, along Kingston Road, Staines, to make a right turn Stoke-on-Trent. into Gresham Road, Staines. This Order revokes 10th April 1970. (356) the Staines Urban District (Various Roads) (Pro- hibition of Right Turns) Order 1965 so far as it SWANSEA CITY COUNCIL effects Kingston Road, Staines and Gresham Road, Staines. The Cdv of Swansea (Pegler Street, Brynhyfryd) A copy of the Order and a map showing the (One Way Traffic) Order, 1970 lengths of road to which the Order refers may be Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of inspected during normal office hours at the address April 1970 the Council of the City of Swansea made below. an Order under section 1 (1), (2) and (3) of the F. Entwistle, Clerk of the Council. Road' Traffic Regulation Act, 1967, the effect of which is to forbid any vehicle to proceed in Peglar Clerk's Department, " Elmsleigh ", Street, Brynhyfryd, other than in1 a westerly direc- 73 High Street, Staines, Middlesex. (332) tion from Eaton Road to Zouch Street and' the said "Order will come into operation on the 13th day of SOLIHULL COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL April 1970. A copy of the Order and a map showing the street The County Borough of Solihull (Lodge Road, to which the Order relates may be inspected at the Knowle) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order, 1970 Town Clerk's Department, The Guildhall, Swansea, Notice is hereby given that on 9th April 1970, the between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Mondays Solihull County Borough Council made an Order to Fridays inclusive. under section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, Any person who desires to question the validity 1967, as amended by Part IX of the Transport Act, of the Order or of any provision contained in the 1968, the effect of which is to prohibit vehicles from Order on the ground that it is not within the powers waiting in the following length of road: of the relevant section of the Act or on the ground Lodge Road, Knowle. Both sides from the junc- that any requirement of that section or of sections tion with High Street/Warwick Road for a 84A, 84B or 84C of the Act of any regulations distance of 75 yards. made under the said section 84C has not been com- 1 plied with in relation to the Order, may, within' six A copy of the" Order which will come into opera- weeks of the above-written 7th day of April make tion on 13th April, 1970, and a map showing the application for the purpose to the High Court. roads to which the Order relates may be inspected at the Council House, Solihull, during normal office .Dated this 10th day of April 1970. hours. lorwerth /. Watkins, Town Clerk. Any person who desires to question the validity The Guildhall, of- the Order or of any provision contained in the Swansea. (313).