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WEST BENGAL-2014.Pmd STATE REVIEWS Indian Minerals Yearbook 2014 (Part- I) 53rd Edition STATE REVIEWS (West Bengal) (FINAL RELEASE) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MINES INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES Indira Bhavan, Civil Lines, NAGPUR – 440 001 PHONE/FAX NO. (0712) 2565471 PBX : (0712) 2562649, 2560544, 2560648 E-MAIL : cme@ibm.gov.in Website: www.ibm.gov.in August, 2016 11-1 STATE REVIEWS WEST BENGAL Purulia districts; granite in Bankura, Birbhum and Purulia districts; lead-zinc in Darjeeling district; limestone in Bankura and Purulia Mineral Resources districts; manganese ore and sillimanite in West Bengal is the principal holder Midnapur district; quartz/silica sand in of country's apatite resources and is said Bankura, Hoogly and Purulia districts; and to possess 16% china clay resources. Important tungsten & vermiculite in Bankura district minerals that occur in the State are: apatite (Table- 1). Reserves/resources of coal and lignite in Purulia district; coal in Bardhaman, Bankura, along with details of coalfields/districts are Birbhum, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri and Purulia provided in Table-2 & Table-3. districts; china clay in 24-Parganas, Bankura, Birbhum, Bardhaman, Hoogly, Midnapur Exploration & Development and Purulia districts; and fireclay in During 2013-14, ONGC carried out seismic Bankura, Birbhum, Bardhaman and Purulia surveys and acquired 55 GLKM of 2D and 141 SQKM districts. of 3D seismic data in the onland area. A total of 1 Other minerals that occur in the State are exploratory wells with a meterage of 2,514 have been barytes, copper, gold, kyanite, pyrite and drilled. The details of exploration activities titanium minerals in Purulia district; dolomite in conducted by various agencies for coal and other Jalpaiguri district; felspar in Bankura and minerals during 2013-14 are furnished in Table-4. Table – 2 : Reserves/Resources of Coal as on 1.4.2014 : West Bengal (In million tonnes) Coalfield Proved Indicated Inferred Total Total 13402.58 13022.15 4892.98 31317.71 Raniganj 13288.31 7300.71 4013.41 24602.43 Barjora 114.27 -- 114.27 Birbhum - 5721.44 864.57 6586.01 Darjeeling -- 15.00 15.00 Source: Coal Directory of India, 2013-14. Table –3 : Reserves/Resources of Lignite as on 1.4.2014 : West Bengal (In million tonnes) Coalfield Proved Indicated Inferred Total Total - 1.13 1.64 2.77 Rakshitpur - 0.29 0.86 1.15 Mahalla - 0.64 - 0.64 Dhobbanpur - 0.20 0.78 0.98 Source: Coal Directory of India, 2013-14. 11-2 Table – 1 : Reserves/Resources of Minerals as on 1.4.2010 : West Bengal Reserves Remaining resources Total Mineral Unit Proved Probable Total Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance Total resources STD111 (A) STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B) STD121 STD122 STD221 STD222 Apatite tonne 2052517 -- 2052517 - 1225345 120000 8845250 852605 666646 11709846 13762363 Barytes tonne ------- 433000 -- 433000 433000 China clay '000 tonnes 1232 185 906 2323 202 703 38 332236 80335 5826 419340 421663 Copper Ore '000 tonnes ------- 113 -- 113 113 Metal '000 tonnes ------- 2.09 -- 2.09 2.09 Dolomite '000 tonnes - 12528 48000 60528 --- 73226 104275 - 177501 238029 Felspar tonne 25874 -- 25874 -- 900000 3400000 201250 - 4501250 4527124 ST Fireclay '000 tonnes 771 104 854 1729 476 883 - 419 11115 958 13852 15581 A Gold TE REVIEWS 11-3 Ore (primary) tonne --------- 12833333 12833333 12833333 Metal (primary) tonne --------- 0.65 0.65 0.65 Granite (Dim. stone) '000 cu m 3658 -- 3658 -- 19827 1140 8802 - 29768 33426 Kyanite tonne -------- 26520 - 26520 26520 Lead-zinc Ore '000 tonnes ------- 3371 335 - 3706 3706 Lead metal '000 tonnes ------- 130.07 10 - 140.07 140.07 Zinc metal '000 tonnes ------- 130.42 13 - 143.42 143.42 Limestone '000 tonnes ------ 7104 15482 22120 - 44706 44706 Manganese ore '000 tonnes -------- 200 - 200 200 Pyrite '000 tonnes -------- 2500 - 2500 2500 Quartz-silica sand '000 tonnes 779 - 1022 1801 11 11 -- 4607 - 4629 6430 Sillimanite tonne -------- 1653000 - 1653000 1653000 Titanium minerals* tonne -------- 2279000 - 2279000 2279000 Tungsten Ore tonne ----- 173063 - 190739 400000 - 763802 763802 Contained WO3 tonne ----- 450 - 80.84 1000 - 1530.84 1530.84 Vermiculite tonne ------- 490 5076 - 5566 5566 Figures rounded off. * Resources of ilmenite, rutile and zircon as per Department of Atomic Energy for the minerals are provided in the respective Mineral Reviews. STATE REVIEWS Table – 4 : Details of Exploration Activities in West Bengal, 2013-14 Mapping Drilling Agency/ Location Sampling Remarks Mineral/ Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated District (sq km) boreholes GSI Apatite Purulia Around Lanka-1:12500 - 8 348.15 - Prospecting stage investigation (G-3) Parbahal areas for apatite and associated minerals in the apatite-magnetite rocks was carried out to assess the resources of apatite and associated REE-RM. The investigation was carried out involving drilling, PT and sampling. The study area exposes rocks of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex. A total of 384.15 m of drilling has been carried out in eight boreholes. Out of this only one borehole intersected lm thick mineralised zone between 12 m and 13 m depth. Coal Bardhaman Kamalpur block,1:10000 4 2 1303.35 - Promotional exploration under G-2 Raniganj stage was initiated with the objectives Coalfield to establish the development pattern and structural disposition of Raniganj seams under Panchet cover, strike continuity of coal horizons intersected in adjacent Bishtupur-Dandeshwar block, resource potentiality and preliminary assessment of CBM potentiality of the area. A total of 1303.35 m was drilled in two boreholes RKP-1 and RKP-2 and 1303 m was geophysically logged. Thin coal seams of Raniganj Formation varying in thickness from 1 m to 1.7 m were intersected between 458 m to 646.4 m depth. The item was abandoned prematurely on 11.01.2014 due to overlapping with CBM leasehold area. -do- Gaurangapur- 1:25000 - 2 833.1 - Promotional exploration (G-4 stage), Bankati block, outside FSP programme, was initiated Raniganj with the objectives to establish eastward Coalfield continuity of the regional coal seams of Raniganj Formation, already established in the Bishtupur-Dandeswar Sector and to demarcate suitable blocks for follow up regional exploration for coal under G2 Stage in the eastern part of Raniganj Coalfield. A total of 833.1 m was drilled in two boreholes RGB-1 and RGB-2. Seven thin coal seams/ bands with thickness varying from 0.5 m to 1.78 m were intersected between 275.35 m and 316 m depths in borehole RGB-1, whereas nine thin coal seams/ bands with thickness varying from 0.40m to 1.8 m were intersected between 249.05m and 417.17 m depth in borehole RGB-2. Needle Shale of Talchir Formation, Ajoy River section, Raniganj C.F. has been noted. Investigation is under progress. (Contd.) 11-4 STATE REVIEWS Table – 4 ( Contd.) Mapping Drilling Agency/ Location Sampling Remarks Mineral/ Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated District (sq km) boreholes Coal Birbhum Gazipur West 1:10000 6 3 1325.3 - Regional exploration under G-2 stage block, continued to examine the extent of Birbhum coal-bearing Barakar and other Coalfield Gondwana formations below the Tertiary and Rajmahal Trap cover and to appraise the coal and lignite seam development, if any. A total of 1325.3 m drilling was done in three boreholes BGZW- 2 to 4 and 556.6 m geophysical logging. Three regional coal seams, zones IV, III and II of Barakar Formation with cumulative thickness 4.82 m, 13.12 m and 1.91 m respectively were intersected in between 599.43 m and 720.57 m depth. Tests for baseline data generation for CBM were conducted. Investigation is under progress. -do- Heruka sector, 1:10000 6 5 2142.1 - Regional exploration under G-3 stage south of already continued to establish the continuity explored and development pattern of coal- Dhobbanpur bearing Barakar Formation below the sector, Birbhum Tertiary rocks. A total of 2142.1 m Coalfield drilling was done in five boreholes BHK-4 to 8 and 1481 m geophysically logged. Thin seams/bands in-between the depths of 392.06 m and 471.94 m with a maximum thickness of 0.97m was intersected in one borehole. Tests for baseline data generation for CBM were conducted. Investigation was closed on 30.03.2013. -do- Djhara sector, 1:10000 6 1 336.1 - Regional exploration under G-4 stage south of Gazipur has been initiated to establish (west) block and continuity of coal-bearing Barakar east of Heruka Formation below the cover of Tertiary sector, Birbhum sedimentaries, to examine the Coalfield development pattern of coal and lignite seams and generation of baseline data related to CBM. 336.1 m has been drilled in this sector in borehole BDJ- 1. Investigation is under progress. Columnar joint within Rajmahal Trap is one of the notable features in Birbhum coalfield. Lignite Birbhum Krishnanagar 1:25000 40 4 179.8 - Preliminary exploration under G-4 area stage by scout drilling was initiated for assessing the resource potentiality of lignite within Tertiary sediments and to delineate stratigraphy and structural framework of the area. Exploration in Krishnanagar area does not yield any lignite seam although very thin coal bands of a maximum thickness 0.45 m were intersected in between the depths (Contd.) 11-5 STATE REVIEWS Table – 4 ( Concld.) Mapping Drilling Agency/ Location Sampling Remarks Mineral/ Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated District (sq km) boreholes of 14.9 and 26.9 m with a total drilling of 179.8 m in four boreholes RKN 1 to 4. Investigation was closed. Lignite Barddhaman Adharsuli -- 4 740.9 - Promotional exploration under G-4 sector stage continued to search for the development of lignite within Tertiary sediments and to establish resource potentiality. Adharshuli Block was taken up based on sporadic intersection of lignite in earlier explored blocks in the surrounding area.

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