The Copenhagen Interpretation: Exploring Science on Stage
The Copenhagen Interpretation: Exploring Science on Stage Michael Frayn’s play Copenhagen, which opened and was known for his experimental, as well as in London in 1998, in New York in 2000, and theoretical, work; Diana Barkan Buchwald, finally made it to Los Angeles in late 2001, ex- associate professor of history, and general editor plores what might have been said during a 1941 and director of the Einstein Papers Project; Hank meeting of Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg at Stratton, who plays Werner Heisenberg in the Los Bohr’s home in the German-occupied capital city Angeles production of the play; Marge Leighton, a of Denmark. Although in the end all the ambigu- close friend of the Bohr family (and widow twice- ities and “uncertainties” remain, the three charac- over of Caltech physics professors Tommy Laurit- ters (including Bohr’s wife, Margrethe), with the sen and Bob Leighton); and Jay Labinger, admin- knowledge of hindsight “when all are dead and istrator of the Beckman Institute, who often writes gone,” reenact various drafts of the purpose of on the historical, cultural, social, and literary Heisenberg’s visit—and the ultimate question of aspects of science (see his review of two other why Heisenberg did not build an atomic bomb for science plays in E&S, 2001, no. 1). the Nazis. After Hank Stratton described the play briefly Caltech interest in the play naturally ran quite (but told the audience they’d have to “spend 55 high, and on December 10, in a packed Beckman bucks” to get the rest of it), Diana Barkan Auditorium, Caltech hosted a panel, “The Copen- Buchwald, a historian of science, outlined what hagen Interpretation,” convened “to consider the was going on in physics at the time: fission had broader scientific, historical, philosophical, and been discovered in Berlin in 1938 by Lise Meitner, artistic dimensions of this encounter and its Otto Hahn, and Fritz Strassmann.
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