Village Survey Monographs, Bhatambra, No-34, Part VI, Vol-XI
l l RG. 174.34 (N) 750 CENSUS OF INDIA, 196 1 VOL U ME Xl MYSORE PAR T VI VILI"AGE SURVEY MONOGRAPHS No. 3.4, BHATAMBRA VILLAGE BHALKI T ALUK, BJDAR DISTRICT Editor K. BALAsunRAMANY~M of the Indiall Administrafire Senice Superintendent of Censlls fJpcl"llfiol1.1', Mysorc ",'d) I'IJIlIISIi[IJ BY ]HE C'O"fROLLER OF PUIlLlC\I'lO'S "TW 1)11111-110001 1976 Pri('(': fl/!i/nd Rs. 2.75 or Foreign £ 0.32 o/' S O.9(). MAP OF l 16' \6. is' 14' ARABIAN SEA tate boundary ;6tr;&t ., a/uk ., I.. 7 S· 'P-'1"f1(>iiiipiii'/ii·eiid!iiih~yiiiii.iiiiiKiiiii.v.iiiii./.Aiiiiiiiiiii)(",iiii,iiiiNAiiiiRiiiiAiiiiS/iiiiMiiiiHiiiiAiiiiiiiiiii!;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~p~.,.tiiiipa~""~4-fAt~th-t~-()'~ f 1~·Ct-O-'-t-1I.t~$"'=tr~W-t-ndeiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiio~,iiiiliiiiitrrnuiiiiiiiiiii-oiiiiiPt;!;;,._tIi~ic1tIiiiiiiiiiii~M~yiiiiI-oriiii~iiii,8~AiiiiiNiiii(Miiii~iiii~iiii~,iiiiiltg'4 Village Survey Report on Bhatamhl"a [ieid in vest igat ion and first dr:lft SI i Gurura_i, B.A. /111'est (!!;{/T or. [inn] draft Sri C.M. Chandawarkar, B.Se., Deputy SUjlerintendent 1./ CmslI.I' Opcratirlll, 1\/),sore. Tabulation Srj M.S. Rangaswamy, B.Se .. Senior Technim/ Assistant, (S'ocio Economic SlIrl'ey) Photographs Sri S. Ramachandran, B.Sc .. Senior Technical Assislant, (Handicrqft Suney) (i i) FOREWORD Apart from laying the foundations or demography be chosen with great care to represent adequately in this subcontinent, a hundred years of the Indian gcographicaL occupational and even ethnic diversity. Censu~ has also produced 'elaborate and scholarly Of this minimum of thirty-five, the distribution was accounts 01' the variegated phenomena of lndian llte to be as follows: ~ometimes with no statistics attached, but usually (/.
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