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•• WH&RE THEfRESS IS FREB— , is the Grea,t Enfiirt§by which all Popular States must ultimately be supported or overthrown " RELIGION purifies th« Heart an,d t rennet the Maoners-flgrlculture makes us Rich and Politics providesTor the enjoyment of ail.

vox-, AY EVENING, JANUARY 14, 1832. NO. 2.

ROPHOBTA. T he >Wtfwmg The Philadelphia (Poult's) Adver- Coffte—Amount of riet duties, deducting exports duced, from which the very reverse of PRINTED b {Hkrnerors of a cate'of Ifydro^obia, tiser contains the folk*wing authentic ab­ entillod to debenture in the ate f>ublitttt»fti «h»Bulf«r*»iin )Oa-i itract from thewillofthe*r»V Stephen hove year (1830) gl 030,302 0, Randolph's statements was shown to be' BY zette:- Giranl. The editor remarks: .«T'here .On the whne quantity for thfc fal­ Lthe fnct. - !Btatfa£ tW faftoWing session A• 1t" lowing joar at the reduced du 1 'of Congrns-, thnt dnS24 '25, Mr. Ran* v ALEXANDKR GRAHAM. SCBELLSBURG, (Penn.) Dec. 12. is not perhaps, an instance recorded in ties TC9 144 80 i thVfcst number of !Lh^his!oryi?fthevrorld: of one huma" dolph having taken his seat, there: was ^Sir, Seeing in the last number 01 . !h. _ , ------fr-.. an immense amount Decrease of duty SI.102.J17 20 some, further conversation on thfe subject TERMS your Gazette, notice taken merely of the. Jf'J <' m* 'UCJ an whirr' ended, towards the close of the' death of Mr. David Rock, of Napier °f w"alth lor the benefitben< of his fellow Cocoa As above TWO DOLLARS \ND FIFTY CENTS Pe 'he gI9,S42 60 session, in a demand by Mr. Randolph \ f . deceased has giv- At the reduced duty 9 U21 30 |Annum, payable half yearly in advance. township, by hydrophobia, I have taken " of honorable satisfaction from Mr. Web-* th» liberty of giving you a few of the ' adoP"on< ADVERTISEMENTS laudable purpose of its improvement, Decrease of duty 89-921 30 ster Mr. Benton bore the challenge. particulars of the case derived from my and for the melioration of thn condition The subsequent day, Mr. Benton e lesser diu very harsh to the effect that he would some institution. » » «p.ru uy ,«, . • fc 8jngu|ar|y affected, displaying a To the Controllers oj the Pub* ties on T>ns Coffee and Sail, for the year twelve hundred respectable ind.irnh.li i mber f - * |h(|t ^ ^ not fight a convicted liar. But thi< re­ lie Schools 10,000 1832 predicated also upon the imp'irls'and ft!-' belonging to this city and the neighbor-1 ignate a true case-' of'... rabies \ yet, so little exports of the obove fiscal venr (1830.) port was not countenanced by Mr. \Vi-b- To the City Corporation, to be 7« names_ _ _ _» of__r gentlemen._.«. M A.«n« wn*\who havenQV0I/intTi long ad to administer._ to her_ some* nostrum,' in any way, explained, modified, or re­ i)een distinguished for their piety and in­ purchase of wood for the tracted. Before the House o' Represent' by introducing it with his hand as tar in­ Poor, l!#creaie of duly «1,:!>3,OTJ 10 telligence, wealth, honesty, public spirit, 10,000 tatives, hc arraigned Randolph for hav­ to her mouth as possible thereby re­ 'o ike Society nf Ship Mas­ t— /)ntics as'aboTc, at the Imd all the virtues which adorn the J'hris- ceiving a sligh^ wound on one of his rin­ ing grossly misrepresented the nets and- jain character; lawyers, merchan «, tra- ters 10,000 rnte of 2 .its. TSS Ml SO views of the Crawforr! Committee th«rc gers, from the teeth of the cow. The To the Free Mason's Lodge 20,000 Duties in 1S32 nt 1 ct 331,012 40 |ers &. 'mechanics, who have much at stake nostrum or medicine appeared to have ^ he convicted him, and there he has nwvct i the community, and who, it is not too School to be erected in Decrease of duty gainsaid what he then said. Thus standt no observable effect, and within thirty the township of Passyiink, S584.0V.i 40 jjoch to say, would never lend their! six hours afterward: the cow died. Mr. the matter to this dav. names to sustain an institution.the influ-' forpoor wh'te children 0,000 Salt—Duties as nbovo at tho rate Rock, not yet suspecting the real cause of 15 cts y;i92,8fN 40 ore of which was of a mischievous cha- Sundry Legacies to individuals From llif Juvenile Souvenir, of his cow's death, skinned her; and, in amounting to 120,000 Duties in 1832, at 10 cts. 528,589 60 icter. doing sc, cut one of his hands. Spunk and Peril.—There is a story» Several Annuities amounting Doorcase of duty S-6* 80 j-and which I believe is fact, of two boys TO THE PUBLIC DECLARA­ Nothing more was thought of the oc­ to about 4,000 TION. Whereas, it has been frequently currence, until recently when it unfold­ Total dcrrflaao'in IR31 ' joins; to a jackdaw's nest from a hole To the Cily of JVeir Orleans i s-ia.oin -is under the belfry window in the tower asserted and published to the world, that ed itself in all the death like horrors of 1000 acres of improved land Total decrease in 1S3J 3,185..120 35 in the several degrees of Freemasonry, Hydrophobia, in Mr. Rock himself. of All Saint's Church, Derby. As it in the Territory of Missis­ Total decrease in 13II fit 1S32 g5,6i9 399 80 w«v> impossible to reach it standing with- - as they are conferred in the U. States, the On the Thursday morning preceding sippi, and candidate, on his imtia'ion and subse­ his death, Mr. Rock said he felt unwell; in the building,& equally impossible to us- One .third of 207 000 acres of The preceding statement is made up from cendtothat height fiom without, they re- quent advancement, binds himself by had the head-ache, chillin-ss, languor unimproved Land in the oath to sustain his Masonic brethren in and lassitude. He attempted to approach same territory, mencineLtOel. KS,'9, and emlin^both Sept. i ^.T' u Pla.nk J1"'0"^ «* window; acts which are at variance with the fun­ a trough of water, for the purpose 6 To the Cily of Philadelphia isso As the rcdnctiop of dutirs on all the »r- ! * wnil<% lhft h(>avier boy secured its bal- washing himself, but found, to his utter tirlcs embraced for IS3I, with the exception | nnpn by sitting on the end wllhirt lhe damental principles of morality, and in­ the remaining two thirds of of molasses, did :ioi commence until t-t Jan. ; lightrr hoy was to fix himself on the on- ti $ compatible with his duty as a good and astonishment, that he could not get nea the Raid unimproved lands. faitltful citizen; in justice therefore to it. Retu'mnginto the house, he related [This land is s«i I to 'be ISlirronhreTj 'eo^encin^st 1;^ - ^'f ""* "»f, ^m_,h a t perilous situL themselves, and with a view to establish to his wife what had happened, but did 1S30 nnd cndi,IR joth Sept. shnnld have hcun ' " to reaon "ie object of their desire, now worth 500.000 dolla-s, calculated at the rules of duty then existing. i "° '«r the scheme answered The Ut- TRUTH nnd expose IMPOSITION, the un- not appear to be further alarmed. How To the City of Philadelphia, This has mitlicrn ilonr; because ?n ample off j (Ie fellow took the nest, and, finding in it dersigned, many of us the recipients of ever, on again attempting to approar.' Stock in the S..huylkill Nav­ set o that amount nfl>.ld't'<"';'l additional duty «ndand even ; fi ve rt-dgod young birds, announced ,'he the water, to use his own words, "In equivalent to nil the >.ddilional revenue tha -; -_T I every degree of Freemasonry known and igation Company 110,000 news to his companion. "Five, are acknowledged in this country, do most sensations were such as could not b [Worth in the market fon- grow out of a possible, yet doubtful, cxrcs'-, of ... 4<*01P°r'fl-''J "s . "f l'1'1 iirtioleR this there? replied heathen I'll have three.' soipuirny'deny Vha^xi«8»c«T»f aayr fcueV described. / ! the imrninc, (Friday' siderably ~m6TB ThTnr-^frifc statement, will bo the return doty on tea, colPec Nn,1 exclaimed the other indignantly, 'I obligations in thn Masonic Institution, so before daylight, he got up and went t sum.] nnd e.orn^, put into the custom house stores un­ run all thn danger, and I'll have the far as our knowledge respectively ex­ the water to try if he could, then wasl For a College for poor white der Iho bond of t!ie importer, for Ihe purpose, three.' 'You shall not,'still maintained tends. And we as solemnly aver that no ind found that lie could, giving his ow male children and its proper of bringing the«nn:c under the leaser rales of July md tvhich it is u-ell known |m tioularly the boy in the inside; 'vou shall not person is admitted to the Institution, reason, (And a very plausible OTIC) "tha the sum of 2,000,000 ifcoiicc amounts to nn enormous quantity. Promise me three, or "I'll drop you!' without first beinz made acquainted with it was then dafk he could not see the To tde Cihi of Philadelphia, Indeed although it decs not appear upon the 'Drop me if you please,' replied the" lit- the nature of the obligation which he will water, and coul'l wash.'' for certain City improve­ face nf the oflinnl dcciiinrnt for IS,!0, vet the revenue' ol 1'ial yenr Mill suffer a diminution lle hero; 'but I'll promise vou no more |be raquired to incur and assume. The symptoms above described ap­ ments, to i>e invested, and than two, upon which his companion peared steadily and rapidly to increase from HIP above eansn which npjilics mure im- Freemasonry secures its members in the interest to be annually lo. nnd whieh will sut'ioiish affect the slipped ofTthe plank. Up tilted the end fthc. freedom of thought an 1 ' of speech, in violence, with a considerable decree applied 00.000 revenue of tlic jirescnt year. A< connected and down went the boy. upwards of a and permits each and every one to act of coldness, numhne's and pain in the All his retrv-.hing Estate, real with t!,is part of the subject, ard as having a hundred feet to the gioiind The little according to the dictates of his own con­ limb atiected. Abo'itscven o'clockin the and personal (no part of tlie further tendcnrj to retliirc the revenue of the fellow at the moment of his fall, was evening, (Saturday) a viol'-nt spasmodic yenr. isil:»- fact that the r.xports of foreign science in matters of religion, and of his real estate, to be soldi is to products have, increased even in a greater ra­ holding his prize by Iheir legs, throe in personal preferences in matters of poli­ agitation ofthe whole frame took place be applied as follows: in tio than the inc'rcnse of impot s; thn circum- one hand, nnd two in Hie other; and they tics. It neither knows, nor does it as- accompanied by that symptom which so further aid ofthe said Col­ sianeo, roii|'lu-neatli, buoyed him up like a bal­ sion, and expulsion. start back with all tha horror and fright To the Commonwealth of made as to the great increase of revenue. loon, and hc descended smoothlv to the imaginable, at the. same time screaming Pennsylvania, to be applied T-> At n t t r,t »» t»- » ground;wiwuini, when,ITIIIII, luumiiir un. he The obligations of the Institution re­ in the most violent manner; his imagi­ From the Correspondent of the New lork jn i.;. ,., »v -----..--_ quire of its members a strict obedience to to Internal Improvements t J lo his companion. 'Now you shall have nation depicting to him'self objects tha* by Canals, provided the Leg­ Commercial. none! and ran away, sound ... ^...^ the laws of God and of man. So far I would shudder to name. As time in every from being bound by any engagements islature shall, within one year WASHINGTON, Dec. 26, 1831. limb, to (he-astonishment of Ihe inhabi­ moved on, so in proportion did his spasms from Stephen Girard's de, inconsistent with the happiness and pros­ In my last letter, I referred to some tants,' who, with inconceivable horror, and sufferings increase, until he be­ cease, pass laws authoris* had witnessed his descent. perity of the nation, e.very citizen who came so outrageous that it took five or verbal reports o'' a speech, lately deliv­ becomes a MASON is doubly bound to be ing the City of Philadel­ six strong men to hold him on his bed. ered by Mr. Randolph lo his former con* true to10 hisins GODuuu tolu hisHID VUUJVIKI,COUNTRY, uu s. Soulhworth, author ofthe Jfa- and obey the Menu. LAW; to be a quiet '"K; violent pan, and oppression about Paxson, Thomas P. Cope, Joseph Roh jthe re-election oi Jackson, his personal , iona, pramai cntj||pd (he "Capture of . pulse feeble, irre:;- erts, William J. Dunne, John A. Bai-|h»lred of Clay, he continued:-"But Presco(f> or (he Heroism of Barton» and peaceable citizen; true to his gov- Je and quick- the secretions from he lI.eii.yCl^y.sabra^em^M-IliaveJes- re,ur))!( his si0oere (hanks to the /wo ernment and just to his country." i u ft .. ..-...... clav. J J month slight. His great horror at the ted him though his friend. Dnniel Web­ ladies and fifty gentlemen, who honor­ Masonry disdains the making of pros- ,; ( of fir(N smoke nm) ,vatori was fruly ster, is a. poltroon, and I have the evi- DECREASE OF DUTIES. ed the Theatre on the evening of Wed- -slytes. She opens the portals of her as- distressing. At times his mind appear- ^'e publi'h th* following rnlrt which go into denre of it in my pocket/' The Irans- > ncsday, with their presence, ylrm lo those only who seek admission, cc| prr|c;.t|y composed, and when ad- operation from the 1st inst. tocrther with n action to which this corrupt and crazy gave him n bumper anil a benefit. It with the recommendation of a character dressed cautiously, would answer cor­ statement of the probable cflertthat the same orator allude*, was so mortifying to his was Ihe intention of the author, to hand will have upon the revenue of the past and pre- unspotted by immorality and vice. She rectly. 1 fvr v /.»..*:&« vanity, from its origin to its end, that it the proceeds of the night to the Mpoor of simply requires of the candidate his as­ scut year. [N. V. Courier. He could nt all times know when his Decrease of duties on Teas CefTeo nnd salt; has no donbt left in his bosom a deadly thcchurch "but being apprehensive, that sent to one great fundamental religious 9pnsims "were coming on he wouid'mcn- from and after the 1st January, 1«3?, sling, bul he would never have hazarded the avails of the occasion might not trulh the existence and providence of (ion to the bystanders to lake care and 7en»-From China, in vessels of the United such remarks in relation to it, had he not mert the hungry expectations of that God; and a practical acknowledgment hold him ti^ht, that ho might not injure States Late duty, Pres'tduly since he sold himself to thn Administra­ respectable body, they are withheld, and of those infallible doctrines for the. gov-! (hern or himself. But so soon as a inad Bohea vper- Ih:• 12- cts. 104 cts tion, thrown i«ide all regard to truth or Souchong and other'Black, 2 will be invented in anthracite coal. > prnment oMife, which are written by the flt, as nc Wou|,i ca|i jf, would come Campoy or Congo (consid­ deccnry. The facts, as you may recol- Tnis hem* the first 6en«JS« the authol finger of God on the heart of man. on, though not a moment before giving ered as Souchong 25 10 lect, were these: Mr Randolph was n ever received, -----j excepting.... * always, the Entertaining such sentiments as Ma- the above caution, he would rave, strike, Gomce, Gunpowder or Im­ member of the commitlee appointed to "Benefit of (he .4cf," he considers l.im perial &0 25 inv.stignte the charge* against Secretary Bei f high,y fortunate and blessed. The don*, nn Citizens, as Christians, and ns kick, and even attempt to bite. One llyson and Younp Hyson 40 IS Moral Men, and deeply impressed with of the persons that waited on him, told I'yson Skin & other (Ireen 28 12 Crnvvford, preferred hy Ninian Edwards, aui DOr in reflecting on the e- the ronvic.lion tliat the Masonic Institu­ mchc had seen him try to bite several From any other place and had attended one or two of the early vents of the evening, is consoled with tion has ben nnd may continue to be times. than China, or in vessels of sittings of the committee. Before the the happy reflection, that but for a se­ productive of great good to their fellow Medicine and blood-letting was tried, or in any other than vessels close of the session, hc embarked at New of Ihe United States vere gust of wind, accompanied with men; and having "received the laws of but without any sensible advantage. Hobca U r, York for Europe, and from on board the snow,hundreds would have been in at- the society, and its accumulated funds, in He also look some nourishment; weak Souchong and other Bhrk 31 is pncket, he addressed a letter to his con- tendance, which belief answers all sacred trust for charitable uses." the un­ coffee and soup. Campoy or Conp-o, (consid­ stittient^vherein he claimed for himself the purposes of a full house. Tha dersigned can neither renounce nor aban­ I have given you the most important ered as Souchong) 31 is the crd^p of having prevailed upon the thanks of the author, are also due, to a Gomee, Gunpowder or Im­ committee, in opposition to Iheir wishes bra(,e Of co|ored ladies and gentlemen, don it. We most cordially, unite with our incidents of this tragic scene & will mere­ perial 68 37 brethren of Salem and vicinity, in the de­ ly say, that about two o'clock in Ihe af­ A/yson and Young /lyon 56 27 nnd intentions »o allordto Mr. Gntwford in ,h(, n moved...... its .reference to the .immense and indeed mysterious; it was pravity of his nature. Who could hav» ings of yesterday were read. State, and to the honor, safely and wel­ Committee. on«« Finance.V.nanfo After somesnmo i firstfiV«t If believe,tmlipvp. asserted bybv Bonnet, and thought, that in this age ofthe world. jM H Mr. Lake presented the memorial and fare of her citizens. discussion, this motion was lost; Ayes, since confirmed by Trembley, and oth- the midst of one of the most edified We presen petition of sundry citizens of Dorchester I regret to add, that indisposition in 17, Noes 25. Mr. Dickerson's motion crs, beyond doubt, that the impregnation Christian communities of this Christian eounly, praying for the establishment of interesting le my family prevents me from designating to- refer. ».« it* ^ujto the»..w Committee^------on- - --Manulac- ,.-- _ j. of one set of females of this family serves country, a man should have arrived at a financial institution, to be founded up« an earlier da3r,than Wednesday, the 11th turesj prevailed by a vote of 25 to 18. j or ten succeeding generations there be- the age of 85 years with mind and cnpj. subject that on the invested moneys in the treasury inst. for my appearance at the seat of Some time was spent in the considera­ ng no males but once in that term. city to make himself one of the most on- agricultural for the supply of revenue to the state, Government. I propose to be in readi­ tion of Executive business. The Senate From the foregoing statement of facts, ulent bankers in the world, and, givini> of that genei and to the general accommodation and adjourned over to Monday next. it may be rationally inferred 1st, Thai ness to qualify upon (hat day. nearly his whole estate to benevolent ar.J intelligent g benefit of the people. I have the honor to be, In the House of Representatives, Mr this insect, the "Hessian fly," largely public purposes, should in the noble and Mr. ({oilman presented the petition of With high consideration, Drayton, from the Committee on Milita­ sustains itself, through the slovlfcily and magnificent endowment of a public Col- Muse of Ca sundry citizens of Washington county, Your obedient servant, ry Aflairs,reported a bill making fur­ reprehensible practice of leaving the loose lege with two millions of money, have ably directed praying for the establishment of .a Bank GEO. HOWARD. ther provision for the Military Academy scattered wheat of the stuck yard to veg­ connected such unexampled liberality and jecfs of grea in Williamsport, to be called, The Wash' tt West Point. A bill to add a part of etate, and serve them for their nidifica- Mr. Teackle presented the memorial public spirit with the following restriction earned the a inglon county Bank. of John W. King and others of Somerset the Southern to the Northern District of tion, by which myriads of legions may viz: "Secondly I enjoin and require his useful re Mr. Brewer presented the memorial of county, praying for the establishment of the State of Alabama was passed. A be raised from a few perches of ground; "that no ecclesiastic, missionary, or min­ the committee on the part of the corpo­ a State Bank. discussion of some length took phce up­ 2nd. That this medium of sustentation ister of any sect whatsoever, shall ever nected with ration of Annapolis, praying to be ex- And, Mr. Wilson of Cecil, presented on a motion to recommit to the Commit­ is the great secret, by which this myste­ "hold or exercise any station or duty branches of empted from county taxes and for an a- tee on Claims, the bill reported from the rious and calamitous Insect has been the petition of sundry citizens of Cecil "whatever in said college; nor shall any Not much mendment of their charter. county, praying for the establishment of Committee on Military Affairs, providing much multiplied throughout our wheat "such person ever be admitted for any The house proceeded to the choice . a State Bank. for the adjustment of the claims of the country. we cannot p of a council to the Governor. The bal­ "purpose, or as a visitor, within the preni- I Which were read and severally refer- State of South Carolina against the Uni­ Srdly. That the practice of fallowing "ises appropriated to the purposes of the tence upon tl lots of the members being collected in on wheat stubble, by which much scat­ | red to the committee already appointed ted States, in which Messsrs. Adams, "said college." remedies as the ballot box; the gentleman named to on that subject. M'Duffie, Speight, E. Everett, Bur«es, tered wheat will vegetate in favorable strike retired to the conference room, "In making this restriction" the weal- troying this The Speaker laid before the House re­ Willia-ns, Reed ol Massachusetts, Dray- seasons, and serve the purposes of the thy Testator continues and explains, «| fit after some time, returned and reported ports from the clerks of Prince Georges, ton, Davis of Massachusetts, and Bar- "fly," before it is ploughed down again, there is, at li that there were altogether eighty votes do not mean to cast any reflection upon Talbot, and Cecil counties, relative to bour of Virginia, took a part. The mo­ for the new crop is onother prolific any person or sect whatever but as there views that wi taken, and of that number Wm. Potter source of this evil. the attendance of Judges; which were tion to recommit was lost by a large ma­ is such a multitude of sects, and such a with any boc had received sixty-four votes, Thomas 4thly. And consequently, that to clean read and referred to the committee on jority, and the House adjourned without diversitv of opinion amongst them; I de- C. Worthington, had received sixty two grievances and Courts of justice. taking the question on the amendment to the stack yard, and other places, whore Would the votes, Samuel Turner, had received fifty loose wheat may have been scattered and sire to k-eep the tender minds ofthe or. a man, on Also a report from the clerk of Talbot the bill reported by the Committee of phans, who are to deriv advantage from seven votes, George VV. Purnell; had re- the Whole. vegetated, and to refrain from the cupid­ county court, relative to the several sums this bequest, free from the excitement land and in ceived fifly seven votes, and Robert W. of money paid by him into the Eastern SATURDAY, Jan. 7 ity, also otherwise culpable, of fallowing Bowie, had received fifty two votes, The Senate did not sit yesterday. upon wheat stubble, for a crop of wheat, which clashing doctrines and sectarian Shore of Vi Shore Treasury within the year, ending controversy are so apt to produce; my Nicholas Brewer, received one vote and on the SOth November, 1831. In the House of Representatives, Gen. is the absolutely moral duty of every agr- all for one ye that there were nine blank ballots. Hawkins, of North Carolina, appeared culturist, who is capable of consciousness desire is, that all the instructors and caution in re Whereupon, Resolved, That William teachers in the college shall take pains and was Qualified, and took his seat. A of duty at all, to himself, -or his neigh­ about stack} Potter, Thomas C. Worthington, Samuel CONGRESS. number of bills were reported, and among bour, to instil into the minds of the scholars, grain was ca Turner, George W. Purnell, and Robert them (he Naval Appropriation Bill, for In i former paper I have noticed and the purest principles of morality, so that W. fiowie, Esquires, be and they are the year 18JJ2, which was read twice, and controverted the confident, laudable, but on their entrance into active life, thtj tual to destrc WEDNESDAY, Jan. 4. may from inclination and habit, evince ] herebv declared to be duly elected, the In the Senate, yesterday, Messrs, Tip committed to a Committee of the Whole fallacious recommendation of your Can­ fly? council of the Governor for the ensuing on the state of the Union. Mr. Kerr. benevolence towards their fellow cr»v ton & Waggaman appeared, &. took their ada correspondent, uto soak seed wheat tures, and a love of truth, sobriety and in­ In the ab year. seats. Petitions were presented from Sa­ from the Committee on the Territories, in brine for the destruction of the egg of The house adjourned until to morrow reported a bill establishing the territorial this fly" which he erroneously supposed dustry, adopting at the same time such not the HesJ lem and Philadelphia praying a reduction religious tenets as their matured reason morning 10 o'clock. government of Ouisconsin, which also to be on the grain: I must now take the young upon of the duty on foreign coal, and referred may enable them to prefer." WEDNESDAY, Jan. 4th. to the Committee on Manufactures. Mr. was read a first and second time, and liberty to remark, of a communication growth, and fj Mr. Nicols obtained leave to bring in Benton gave notice that he would, this committed to a Committee of the Whole on the subject of the "Hessian fly" In the After the novelty of this event shall its transform) a bill, to be entitled An act to alter and on the state of the Union. The report of "Hagerstown Free Press," from Mr. have passed off, and the subject shall be day introduce ft bill respecting the duty What is change the location of (ho second and on Indian blankets. the Committee of Claims on the South McKee, that Mr. McKee is entitled to the reviewed with calm consideration, the third election districts in Dorchester Mr. Marcy, from the Committee on Carolina Claims, was ordered to be prin­ thanks of the community for his contri­ world will be better prepared to set a fly? The st county. the Judiciary, reported the bill provi­ ted. The remainder of the day was de­ bution to this interesting question; but I just estimate upon the Testators disclaim­ by the Hessi Mr. Turner, of Charles, obtained leave ding for the payment of interest due voted to private business. can assure him he has bpen much deceiv­ er "of not intending to cast reflection, tionary war, to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to es­ upon any persons, fyc.^ when a oody of to several States on advances made by ed in his observations. fable, as it 1 tablish magistrates courts in this state, them during the late war The bill reg­ From the .American Farmer. He is correct when he affirms that the men are distinctly pointed out. whose as­ and to extend tber jurisdiction. ulating the duties and providing for the ON THE HESSIAN FLY. egg of this fly is deposited on the plant, sociation, whose presence, aye, the very that the sami Mr. Teackle, from the joint committee compensation of Pursers in the Navy Cambridge, E. S. Maryland, anil not on the grain; but he is deceived glance from whose eye is a contamina­ of Continent fo which was referred so much of the was considered, arid after some remarks Dec. 18, 1831. in his observations when says he "select­ tion and an evil most sedulously to be Is there ar Executive communication, as relates to ed a few stalks of wheat in March, on guarded against. And who are that body from Messrs. Hayneaml Dickerson, was MR. SMITH: the Hessian the demise of his Excellency, the late postponed to, and made the order of the I cannot withhold my surprise and re­ which there were a number of eggs of thin of men? Every member of (he Christian, Govenor Daniel Martin, delivered the day for Wednesday next. gret at the apathy of the agricultural fly, that had been deposited the ministry in the world every Gospel tive at one t following report; In the House of Representatives, yes­ community, on that interestingbranch of fall previous., and they produced insects Teacher. A body of men to whom all for a period The committee to which was referred terday, among tlie numerous resolutions entomology, which comprises the history similar to theVommon musketo,'with the Christendom bows with reverential re- disappeared, so much of the Executive communication exception, that they were of a darker jspect, with deferential homage. No mat- submitted were several by Mr Pendleton character and habitudes of such insects, become grei as relates to the demise of his excellen­ of New York, that it was expedient to as are peculiar to the staple crops of colour, and somewhat shorter; no doubt ' ter as to sects, the universal sentiment is cy (lie late Goveenor Daniel Martin, in bring in a bill to regulate and declare our country^- mnonp; which stands con­ he obtained such an insect as he de­ to pay the tribute of Revariuo* 4» *! wh» conjunction with a like committee on the appellate jurisdiction of th«> Supreme spicuous, the "Hessian fly,'' known only scribes; but it is not probable, that the give up their lives to inculcate Gospel Is the inse< the part of the Senate, have had under Court of the United States '" criminal as a deadlr Ibe to the energies ol man; eggs could have borne the cold of last precepts among men, regarding that as in any part < consideration the melancholy subject of cases arising in the State Courts, &.c. Sac. winter, without freezing; and no egg the best and surest mode of "instilling into annually multiplying upon us, &. despoil­ Country? I this reference, and recommend the adop­ The resoltnions were laid on the table ing us of thf fruits ol our labors. having been frozen, will produce a living the mind the purest principles ofmorali« tion of the following preamble and reso­ and ordered to be printed, by a vote of Having before, had the indulgence of animal. ty," and of promoting the "inclination and rior to whirl lutions, to wit. 99 to 89. n column of your useful paper, to implore He must have hnd toe progeny, from habit of evincing benevolence towards fly, was not 1st. Entertaining an exalted sense of '• Mr. Mercer submitted resolutions de­ the co-opcnilion of It-Mow laborers, and recent epj;*, or from clirysalids, of the their fellow creatures, and a love of truth there was, it the Patriotism and public services of his ! fall previous, which latter, ''analogy in­ sobriety and industry" the cardinal ob- claring it expedient that the proceeds of fellow sufferers, in the investigation of ry, viz: are I * Excellency, the late Governor, Daniel ] the sales of the Public Lands, after the this subject, I take the liberty, to ofl'er structs us," maybe capnble of resisting jecls of the Testator's care. J Martin, and disposed to testify by a sol- ]i redemption of the public debt should be a lew more remarks, in the hope, that yet any degree of cold; and he must have Future time will respond to what past inserts, unkt omn act, profound regret, at the dispen­ applied by the Legislatures of the several I may not be disappointed in my pur­ had the rpgs or chrysalids of some oth­ time has long and again and again de­ petually forr sation of Divine will, which deprived the States and Territories, to the purposes pose. er insect, on the stalks; ami not those of veloped, that unjust and prejudiced pro­ Or how shal state of a highly valuable and esteemed of popular education, and the icmoval of the "Hessian fly." because, tins insect and 1 had .long been anxious to see (his scriptions of men and systems will for­ fly, if never citizen, "at a period of life when he free, persons of color 'o Liberia, or else­ implarable enemy, the "Hessian fly," in the "common musketo" to which he as­ ever fail in their objects and it need might reasonably have anticipated where beyond the limits of the United its state of maturity; and in all my fre- similates it, are as totally di*!-imi!ar in ap- not be doubted, that at the great 'Gerard's world but i a long career ef usefulness." States ami of their Territories; and that iquent attempts to gratify my curiosity, pearnncr,• _ _ _ as well... 11 as in' allii respects, as j College' there will be as "great a multi never know Therefore, resolved unanimously, by the the proceeds of such land Sales be dis­ | heretofore frustrated, until recently, I ob­ the "butterfly"' and (he "grasshopper;" tudt of Sects, as great a diversity of o- in the menu General Assembly of Maryland, that in tributed among the. several States and tained a plentiful supply or, as almost any two animals in the pinion, as much excitement and clashing These en respect to the memory of the deceased Territories, according to then respective The loose scattered wheat ef my stack wide range of Zoology: the musketo be-| of doctrines and of sectarian controversy" Governor, the members of this Legisla­ numbers. A motion was made to lav vard had vegetated early in the season, longs ^to the order Diptera, having only! as in any Seminary in the world and it arise and w ture and their officers, will wear crape the latter resolutions on the table, upon perhaps in July, &. grew luxuriantly; on two long extended transparent wings; will be mainly owing to the unfortunate them ivithoi on the hat and left arm, for the residue which the yeas and nays were ordered the 1st of September, my attention was the hessian fly belongs to the Hemipte- weakness of its munificent patron who * of the Session that twenty one minute but the House adjourned without taking attracted by its rapid decline; on exam­ ra order, and has four short incumbent knew more of stocks and of the care of guns be fired at sunrise, at mid-day, and the question. ination, I discovered that almost every wings, of a black colour, the former has every species of pecuniary interest, than The Ban at sunset on Thursday next that the THURSDAY, Jan. 5. stalk was loaded with the chrysalids of long legs, the latter, so short, as scarcely of the influences that operate upon the gain putting state flag be displaysd «t half stall' In tlie Senate, ycs>lenlay, Mr. Benton, this fly: I dug up a small sod without any to be. discernable: the fly has two horns human mind. Had Mr. Gerard provided of Philadel throughout the day, and that each of the on leave, introduced a bill to reduce the regard to selection, and planted it in a at the hinder part ofthe abdomen, the; against any one sect of the Christian de- circumstani Houses will suspend its session for that duty on Indian blankets and other In­ musketo has not: Mr. McKee, will read-1 nominations gaining a predominance or flower pot, under a large glass jar, and departed, i day. dian goods, which was read and ordered placed it on my mantle piece, where it ily perceive OB a futher investigation, favoured preference^n the institution, the


(hat any President would interpose his From the Rational Late rrpcrls—The most prraiinent caies in alf AGRICULTURAL NOTICE: Veto upon that Tariff of duties, thai the According to usage, the 'foansion o !) t;ouiUwlll be faithfully reported, rrpor- BASTQN GAZETTE tbe Trustees ot the Vl.rvUnd Agricultural tefs ore repularly employed tn furniih every Congress of the Country, consisting of President of the U. States was on Society for the Eastern Shore, will hch' thing oflntercM that transpirrs. EASTON, (Mo.) Monday 2nd inst. thrown open for the icir next meeting, at the residence of Edw'd MoTTt'a»fs aurf Dcat'is A faithful list of Marria­ the immediate representatives of the reception of visiters, and a large cou N. Hambleton, F.-<|.ijre, on Iliurtday neit, the ges and Deaths for the week. Saturday, Evening Jan. 14. People and the Slates, had gravely and course of. persons of both sexes, arailet 8th inst. at 11 o'clock, A. M.at which apunctn The h\sturday Bulletin hns been established, 1 attendance of the members is particularly unout five year*; and during that period, the reflectingly .imposed? No body 'could themselves of the opportunity thus affor ded of paying their respects to the Chie patronage linn been great beyond all parallel in HESSIAN FLY. give ear to such supposition why R. SPKNCER, Sec'ry. the history of American Niwspapers. Five then Magistrate. Among these, besides th Jan. 14. thousand subscribers are a sufficient recommen­ We present to day, to our readers, an | cannect the qnest|On of tariff with the Heads of the Public Offices, Members o dation to its merits. No Gazette, in fact, could interesting letter on a most interesting j pPMjjent? n ;, Congress and Congress Congress, Officers of the Army and Nav be offered with more confidence to the coun« BASTON ACADEMY. try resident. Numerous able writersa*s;at the subject that will rivit the attention of our ' a,one Jlut wij, getUe (hat pomt ,et the were the members of the Foreign Lega Trustee, are requeued to attend « Editor in furnishing1 a larger amount of inter* agricultural friends. It is from the pen presjjentia| persua8ive in the Message, tions generally. . meeting of the Board, at the Academy, on esting original matter than is published in any A number of Ladies and Gentleme SATURDAY, the 2l*t . ,gt. «t 11 o'cloclc,. A. other periodi ...I of the'kind; and nearly one of that generous minded, scientific and '^ Mes,aRCS be on which 9;de «. JOHN GOLUSUOROUGH, Sec'ry; thousand dollar* are annually paid by tbe Edi- " may, also paid their respects to the Ex-Pres Jan. 14 intelligent gentleman, Dr. Joseph E. tor tow liter* for his paper. . , .. and no President will be found to inter­ dent of the tlnited States and his Lady, a A lew number* ol the paper will be lent to anj Muse of Cambridge, who has often and pose his Veto on such a question against the residence, of his son, Mr, John A( NOTICE. icrson who may be desirous of examining it*) ably directed his well stored mind to tub-', lhe deliberate decision of Congress, ml- ams, and were cordinllyjreceived. UE CommiaVtoners of Talbot county will Jretensions, on application, tree of postage, to Mr. Clay, now before the People fo r meet, at Baston. on TUESIIAY, the 24th :he Editor. 'i;he extensive improvement* made jects of great concern, and has justly ' thooRh it may be ajjamst his views of the the Presidency, received tne visits of ,st., to elec! a dork for said -ody. Applicant* n the size atid quality of tile Bulletin on the earned the applause he has received for will theretote.please forward tlieir applicatior.a 1st of January, 1832, can be cbmpentate'd only policy of the question. Let us vote then great number of hi* friends^ residen on or before that day. t>y an increase of subscribers; and in order to his useful researches into matters con- for the President unconnectedly with any and strangers, amongst whom the hones By order of the induce gentlemen at a distance, a* well a* thoM and into other . Working-- — • »»i»i^ mentu\*ai i*«of Washirret«n»< w*"ii*c^tvii v*were ere nou COMMISSIONERS. in the city, to promote it* circulation, th*: Edi­ nected with agriculture, schemes, independently of any bias for j less numerou* thaii any other class, n Jan. 14 , (S) tor offers the following , branches of science. or against particular projects and let j less kindly and respectfully received, m Not much skilled in practical farming,. uidef,.deupon ^^ na(ional interests! availing themselves ofth An Overseer Wanted PREMIUMS. ic day to take him by the hand. MMRLI \TEl.v to supply a vacancy, 1.—Any person forwarding Five subscriber* we cannot pretend to pass definitive sen­ (ingle man, to reside on the farm where and a year's subscription, •ball receive the Pa- calmly without prejudice, without any O 'i''it|i . t tence upon the efficacy of the Doctor's the Subscriber lives, a middle kged man would per frit for himself, so long a* the Five contin­ regard to that superficial* skin deep pa­ , Jan. 10. be pretwred. His good character in all re ue. remedies as some of the means of des­ triotism, that looks to names as things, By the packet ship Formosa, which tpects, must be satisfactorily vouched for. 2.—Any peraon forwarding Ten subscriber* HUBERT H. GOLDSHOllOUG'l. and a year1* subscription, shall receive a copy troying this destructive tormentor, but fc. expects by a little sophistry just showy has arrived at New York, from Havre, we hava received two umbers l> II.Diwaun, dec'd. extend to them just protection. To undo with the annunciation that the Polish re­ at the November Term ol Mid court, in land and in Delaware and on the Eastern he fear of our Lord eighteen hundred & thirty LIVERY STABLE. all that has been done, even concede that bellion was completely extinguished, re­ ne, the Subscriber Shore of Virginia, to seed any wheat at turns thanks to God; boasts of the im- will uttVr st public sale, THE Suhscribei respectfully ii.fornwthecit- it has been done in error, would be mad­ o the highest bidder, on the cmirt house green, ncna of TMbot county and tray! r* gen»r*My, my all for one year, adopting Dr. Muse's pre­ ness. Let us get right rationally, with moveable solidity of the foundations. of n Kaatoo on TUESDAY the 14ir- >\*\ of Feb that he has extiblished a Livery S'abk in Pk*- caution in relation to the growth of wheat Russian power, & of the exploits, fidelity uat) heit, between the hours ot Twelve ton, where he will tnkr indorsee and attend much justice to all, and meeting the aus­ moderation, and humanity of lhe Russian liree o'clock of trut day. All that far.i, of to thtm carefully on the o>o*t liber*' tf rm«. about stack yards and other places where picious influence of events, it will be wis­ Armies. It concludes thuj-f' IK- (aid Josepb H. Dawson, <> ! which he in lie lias good and careful ostlers in bi* employ, grain was casually scattered, prove effec* rtis- .life time r«Mv!ed, and of which he died and pi; dg'« himself that nothing on li'n part dom to Arrange things upon a permanent with the help of Divine. Providence tited, Situated in the Bav Side, of Talt>ot shall bf wanting to render general ntintsrtion. tual to destroy or drive off the Hessiart let us fin'nh what our Brave troops have ounty, immrdiatvly on the bav Shore; the He has alto, and intends constantly keeping, for basis, as far from monopoly and restric­ wrrd being composed of the tracts nf land fly? begun-, time and our efforts will destroy, hire, raddle hows, horses and pi?s said carria­ tion as from a total disregard of existing even to the germ, all those dissentions ailed Uawson's security and Klliot'.a Neglect, ges, which may be bad at all time* on the! low­ In tbe absence of wheat plants, will nid containing the quantity of two hundred interests. ——— which have so long agitated two nations »ntl twenty three acres of Und, more or less. est term*. not the Hessian fly deposit its ovum or of the s=:r.e origin. You, also, will *e« 1 he Improvements on the said t»rm, con­ Jan. 7 THOMAS PARKOTT. We understand that, on Monday last, young upon any other tender vegetable in our subjects, pf the kingdom of Po sist of a frame Dwelling house, Kitchen, Ban the Directors of the Bank of tbe United land, ^tables, he. all in a stcte of pretty g od repair growth, and feed and mature itself through restored to Russia, only member .ly the terms of the decree a cr dil of one am', I States, simultaneously presented to both of that great family to which you its transformations on it? > *o years will be given on the purchaie money Houtes of Congress, a memorial repre­ belong. It is not by inspiring tears the purchaser executing to the Trustee a- CO-PARTNERSHIP. What is the History of -the Hessian of a revengeful reaction,, but_ ._ by,J -.uch, bond or t>o> ds, with such security'as th. senting their desire fora renewal of tlieir fly? The story of its introduction here constant examples of fidelity, great- i ruitee shall approve of, lor the payment ot I charter. The application, we learn, is ness of soul, and a generous oblivion tliv ..purchase money with intirtU Iron; THE SUBSCRIBER, having giv- by the Hessians in forage in the revolu­ the dsy ot jale, and upon the payment °' ven his son Tbomas ., an interest in his brief and dignified and founded as much of injuries, that you will contribute to the lhe whole Orlhe purch.ise money and interes' tionary war, has been supposed to be all nnd Medicinal establishment, the hvtM* upon considerations of the general inter­ success of our designs for a more inti­ and not before,) the Trustee is authorised to ness will be carried on after the first of tho fable, as it has never been ascertained mate, a more solid union of Poland with xecute t the ; urchaser a good and lunvivn1 year in the name of . ests of the country as upon those of the eed, conveying to him, his heirs and assig that the same insect is known irt any part :he other parts of the empire. For our orever, all the said property, free.'cleur and TBOMAS a. DAWSOff $ SOJV of Continental Europe. company of Stockholders. happiness and (he glory of Russin, let tbe liachurged from all claim ot the complainant of whom may be at all times had every article Irt the Senata, it was referred to a se­ indissoluble tie have its guaranties in a nd defendant*, and tho*e claiming by from, I in their line, of the first quality. Hi* friends So Is there any part ol"dtir country virhtSre sentiment of attachment to the jM)>«r o/ Ifo *«rp C Hcpurl ajutt* Drawing ul 1*4 M.iryUnd Class, frtt from all political 6ia*, State Lottery, No. 10 (ten) for U31, drawn Is the insect we call Hessian fly known yesterday. of the largest xize, published in Pliila- The British government is now devis­ PUBLISHED IN PHILADELPHIA EVEBT in any part of the world out of our own ing plans to send out to the colonists un­ drawn No 7.937 &6.00 le.lphia at two dollars per annum band, SATURDAY, BY EDMUND MORRIS, 3d 19479 1200 Country? If not, is there a period ante­ married females between tbe ages of 18 3.1. »18357 800 somely printed, and containing a variety No. 95, Chesnut Street, 4th "9.."5U rior to which this Insect, we call Hessian and 3J. Money to pay their paMas:<' is 500 — - - - .\/llll*>*lv-^ilii£^vaof interesting original « j^i s j i» i and«*iii^ selectedtivii^vsi^ui. mat-it(««v to be furnished. As the export is only Al Two Dollars per Annum. 5th 300 fly, was not known in our Country If) ter>_We recommend it to the patronage contemplated to the colonies, we do not 6th 10.9^5 J . 7th M2.450 ( each 1*0 there was, it gives rise to another enqtii-' Of Public. know that this country is particularly in­ The I'rourittur of lhe S.aurduy Hulletin takes 8th «6.'0 Wantage ul t! e cnorinou* i nlarRement ot hia ry, viz : are there new generations of new terested in the scheme; but tbe case may 9th 100 easily be imagined in whjch a "protec­ uper, to point attention us llth »1 7.923 < ech 80 . r . . ., f .. , Tuesday, the 3d in^t. elected by fbe Leg- tive duty" would be necessary, if many im of ben.p the most informing •• ost mtuing petually forming in the progress of t.me? ..' ro|m ., to ,hfi Gov ' p . " 12th *U89 > . islaturo. Council to the Governor: of the unmarried iemales should find their nd most yirittd of nil Ne«ap»pers, »nu in 13th «U' 597 J each 70 Or how shall we account for the Hessian Win. Polltr, of Caro'ine, way to this country. It is probable that ctiUr ut being the best Weekly Paper for 14th • \.\60} expectable families, ever offered to pub­ 4v.il fly, if never known in any part of the Thas. C. Wartkinztan* of Frederick, this shipment of females is to be made 15th 50 to supply the distant colonies with wives patronage Irom the Philadelphia press. To 16th »8.3.,6 cacti world but in these United States, and. Snml. Turner, of Culvert, this lauer claim, the utmost carets ta- 17th »K.516 Rokt. W. tfnifie, of Prince Georges, as it is obvious that in all new settlements c -n to crowd into its ample column* every pos- IPth never known here anterior to a time with­ G«o. ft. Purne//, of Worcester. the number of males grettlly exceeds that ible variety of new 81 interesting intelligence; 19th »7.500 in the memory of men now living? j - of females. The idea is, nevertheless, nd on thft score of the talent, spiri , and real 20th *2 49 ; ,1: somewhat laughable; and if we were a- nterest of its content*, combined with the be. u- 2Ut »8.615 These enquiries seemed naturally to The Legislature of this State, says the .tully white piper on which it is printed, tbe 22d '1C 172 each and we have hastily -iven place to l>«l«*are Journal, assembled at Dover; m"nS lhfe co'°.n!a'»' ?nd .a sro.re °.f . lear, new t\pe, and it* not being crowded 83d ' and we have nastily ,ven place to ^ Tues() Jhe 3p(J ingt The two h(ju_ younger, we should inqdira closely whe- "?.OH9 vith an abundance of advertisement*, U it 24th 4 them without mucii consideration. ges Ponvenej aj ,wo o'clock, P M - in ther the consignments flqualled the war- mped it may claim admission to the parlors 25th *6 026 o the Senate, James P. Lofland, Esqr. was »nty df the bills of lading viz:-"in «;ooi Ktid libraries ol ill person* of education and 2000 Even Numbers ending with 0, each *tte To those who do, as well as those who i 10.000 Odd Number* £4. The Banner of the Constitution is a- elected Speaker, and James A. Sparks, order and well conditioned."-tf. S. Gaz ;lo not read the daily papery the Saturday Bul­ sain putting forth its labours in the city Clerk: in the House of Representatives, letin will never lack nuveltx; every part be- No 9.150 lint drawn Even number, by *\ _;., , , .. - ... , ,, TAomo* Dacts, Esqr. was elected Spea- Army Deaths and desertions.—Ttie i . circumstances we are sorry that it ever last year, is 126: of which 3*2 were from titled to five Dollars, in addition tn whatever intemperance, and 21 from consumption large imperial sheet of fine white paper, twen­ departed, as the removals we fear like ty lour column" in each number, It contains the •um anv of them may have drawn besides. Governor Cass, as Secretary of yr The desertions jluring this year, amount news of the week down to the latest dates. N". 7937, an Odd number, having drawn tbe mostlw.t .«,,«v.,.,..«-.«..»™.»removals, have retarded its progress.l .v B ,«.. wasconfirmedby tneunani mousvote of ed™ toW 1450.I«U. The*l« anuual«.U»», loss.U« byuy each«.v, The paper* for subscribers in the country are Capital Prize of $6000, agreeably to the scheme period is now approaching; when the the Senate on Friday last desertion, is estima'eU at «J81 CO. It ts carefully pack-d in strong wrapper* and put every odd number in the Lottery is entitled to OCIItttV UU I I IW«J l«»*. . j ., . . Into tin.- I'okl office in time to leave tbe city by a pri>e nf g4 and in addition to whatever suni doctrines «_:_». on~~ political 1:1:^.1 econom),. > _ sustained....._: ,! Wenr. learni__ also.1.. lhat,1.1* yesterday_. 'i__j... then.- fol-r.i *sueeestedUgge* t " that , an "v'incrwie of pay to thi the mails of baturday morning, so that by any of them may have drawn besides. by that paper, will be had recourse to in lowing appointments, by the Presidentt of amouiu Ml«llt Mmea this evil. Sunday night, they may be received at offices ' rr^A" tickets with number* ending with 1, some degree from necessity, viz: curtail- $'££$*****' *""* confirmed the one hundred and fifty miles diiUnt from the 3, }, 7 or 9 are those entitled to the priie* of There were 2508 deaths in the city o city; while those who live within fifty or seven­ four dollar*. ; receipts at the Custom House to suit Francis Baylies, of Massachusetts, to Baltimore from the 1st January, ty miles, will receive them on the evening of (j^AH tickets ending wi»h !. 4, 6, or 8 apdt not to be found amongst the above art Blank*. expenditures, and this must inevitably be Charge des Affaires to Buenos Ayres, to.the l * Janua7 ^- ~* . . . • minent>w«.nANf diseasesnimanmma in the Bill of Mortality I General plait of the Saturday Bulletin. rj3>On hand at Clark'*— »U marked thua* .tend to produce a revision and balancing v'rc Mr. •old at Clark'*. Iro vision, are of Cholera Infantum 248; Consump­ ffevi of the Wetk— K*ery useful fact uixi inter- ' lep them 4j,«*fk'ith candour and kinclnes*. n«y'* Swent will pleasr leave « line at Doctor est ?n supporting one side or the other Par'n& a biography of her uncle, Iron lett, wife of Mr. F Arlett. ecrfolu and Gojsi/) Under this head is fur- Ttio* H. Dawaon1* Orup Store wb»r<- they will arful mo- «r«v,«T«_:fr ,, : » i .L ' the papers and continued diary which hi On Monday morning, last Mrs.Harriet, rcliot all the< be punctually attended to by the *ub*crib-r. Ibetheme ol the lonn question to advance their , r i ,-, / «f r>- i >n HiutiniT runfors of the .< ) . „ . .• kept. A likeness of Mr. Girard will aC of the late Thomas P. Bennett, of this county. |wluch are dtcmed proper for a newipaper. RICHARD C. LAIN. ld, and it bjoct as to President, the extinguish- company the work. Oh Saturday I ait on Benn«U's Point, (j.ucon e Marlttls This subject u peculiarly inter­ neb good, ment of the National Debt would assinv Ann* county. Mr John L. Tllghman. ceding to the country subscriber at all time*, Pec. 3 (S 8t W) iiciation On Tiienilay the 3d insl. Mrs. Ann Craw, of Mid in the preterit excited state of Europe, ilato the views, wishes, interests and o The Senate of Georgia have passed this county. . a of supreme importance. The most great a majority of the! bin . refe.a1i"? a" *° law.9 °ftl.ie St» On Friday the Oth in*t. Mr. James Grace of iiti and accurate accounts will be given ABBOTT'S "IU,. . ' against duelling. It was deemed prob this county. »eckly, up to the latest moment, of any Dec. 20fh 1 Mi. . alion—I American People, as to leave the di»s«m- (bi« that the other branch of the legislatu Oh Monday last, Mrs. Ann, relict of the late ihungcsin the i'lourand Grain Markets, lt> subscriber respectfully Inform* hill Wm. Parrott, of thi* county. ;ltiding the prices of Wheat, Rye, Corn, friends and the public generally, that he ha*j res and tients iu a minority completely diminu­ would concur. On Thursday the 6th Mr. Joseph Sittterfield | ileal. Sic., Cotton, &c. taken the "ILL. recently carried on by th» ion must tive and selfish. How unfortunate then ofQ,ueen Ann's county. eel Variety—Ct>nint\ng of the choicest and Messrs. McKnetts. The above mill has nOn»j it. likely Free Trade Memorial to Congress.- On Mondsy last, in this county, Mns. Grace. most cultivating Title* and Sketches from through a thorough repair, with new Siohrs Ic in so great and interesting a question as a On Tuesday last, in Miles River, Mrs. Snred. | UUckxvood'n M«g-a^ine, and other highly po­ bolting Cloths complete, k I*now incomplete; A. B. We understand (hat the committee a; order for mamifaciurmr Flour and meal; and general Tariff of duties, to blend another pointed by the Convention of conaortofMr. Samuel Sliced, of thin county. pular English publications, Poetry kc. ?hiladi On Wednesday last, Mrs. Kranceu, relict of [ PoJtce Rtports—Procured exclutfvety from an experience of several years at the mil- deeply engrossing question of next Pres­ phia, arc prompted by the repoit of tl for thi* ling; business, with a disposition to please and Lati Gae- tbe late 8, It. Corkran. paper, and to be found in no other Philadel­ Secretory of the Treasury, to prcpa On Wetlnesd"ay last, "t Dovef firidg*?, in this phia publication. These reports consist nf accommodate the public I hope to merit Oieijf bat there ident, and to form an alliance between patronage 8 R. CORKRAN. them when there is no necessary connex­ and transmit their memorial as soon : county, MM. Wifluim, consort of Mr. Jaceph leases uUhc Mayor's Office., and are generally I that city possible. Mr. Gallatin has summon* Vlllirfms. [of an eXcei-dingly humorous character, while N. B Rags or barrels, bo. sent to mill with.; ID steam ion. Of what great avail is it on which Departed this life, on the 9th inst. it the res- all are invariably interesting. In these re­ out the la

; t • '.'";' 6':' ,''"' ''.V vv- ''.^\ v,

lo discharge them as speedily as ' William of Holland. This kin?! * too thinner they had eat en through in »hreds-, Hhmff-8 last jfplicefor 1831. but bad not made their escape. Where possible by., ^thc most active and HAVING in my former notice, shewn (|IL. much elated at his Belgian campaign, and powerful cathartics. If n horse is neces'ity ol every (food citizen, settling Olli. POETRY. confronts the declarations ofthe A'liea most of them were present, they seemed leisurely at work, to sati&fy their natural violently attacked, first give him lauda­ cer's fees «'ue from them individually >n,j I,,,,. powers with as much coolness as though num to reduce the spasws. Bleed free- inR found many, who have paid no attention to From the Amaranth. he were master of half Europe instead ol appetite. lint I think there my rePe"tetl calls "nd lonK forbearance, I have HURN1NG LETTERS. his little marshy kingdom It is Impos­ I published some remarks upon this Iv in the jugular vein. «ut l tnmK mere | nereby Kiven my Deputies, the- most positive case at the time, in the New England " t in bleedingi.i...i:_~ any animal till he of »ll fees now due, as the Lair directs with, obstinate as to prolong his opposition, Farmer, with'a reference to the natural falls. Turn down a quart or two of the l;irc, my hand is on the key, blood, warm as it flows; or give that out respect to persons. . Prompt attention ID And the cabinet must ope! and therefore in a very short time we history of this insect in the 4th volume this no'icc may save the good feelings of many may expect the definite arrangements of the New England Farmer, page 345, quantity of warm milk and molasses; as well as my own. I 'Mil now consign to thee and in a few minutes a powerful dose of between all parties. by Dr. Green of Mansfield, a gentleman The Public's obd't serv't --- Things of grirf of joy and hope. well known to be one of our most learn­ castor, oil, or other like medicine. Cram­ J. M. FAULKNER. Treasured secrets ot the heart London, JVoo. 16. Ah improbable re­ port prevailed last night viz: that the ed entomologists,'uncommonly accurate ming down the entrails of a ftfwl may Dec 10 VO1 To thy care 1 hence entmst, king of Holland had laid an embargo on in his observations and thorough in all be considered a ludicrous prescription, Not a word must thou impart, all'the shipping in the Dutch ports. The his investigations. Dr. Green's account and indeed I should never think of re­ TO RENT, But reduce them all to dual! report probably originated from two of should be read by every person at all in­ commending it. Still I have heard of FOR THEEJYSUWG cases so well attested of relief being TWO brick houses situate on rjuirrn> This—in childhood's rosy morn, _ the steam packets being some days due; terested in the subject. If he is correct but this might arise from the state of the as 1 doubt not he is, bots are not irerf, gained by it that I can easily conceive it Waih'rigton street, one occupied at It wa« gaily tilled and sent, though they may be said to be raised in to be a rare dainly to the insects, in the present by Mr. w m. Faulkner, the Childhood is forever gone! weather; and one of them we have heard other was occupied by the late Mrs. ALEXA1 had her destination unexpectedly change.! the bowels of a horse. failure of their natural food. Bell they are both good stands for Here! devpuring element, The other horse / lost sevnn or eight Respectfully, business, nnd will be rented low to good and This was friendship's cherished pledge, and was gone to Hamburg. The Germanic Diet has excepted the years ago. He was young, and had been LEMUELCAPEN. punctual tenant*. TWODOLLI Friendship took a coWer form, 24 articles for the treaty between Hol­ easily kept in good condition. The Apply to Annum, payabl Creeping on its gilded edge, spring before he died, he perceptibly lost JACOB LOOCKBRMAN. land and Belgium, dictated by the con­ A CARD, Nov. 26______ADVE May the blaxe be live and warm! ference of London. Whenthecomposition flesh, and discovered symptoms of being troubled with bots. !t. S. M. JENKINS has removed to the Not exceeding a Thew the \etter and the token of this Diet, and the influence by which house situated on South street) formerly PUBLIC SALE ONE DOLLAR Through the following summer, I had occupiedD by the late Or. Hammonri; where he Never more must meet my view, it is ruled, are considered, this accept* Will be sold at Public Sale, on TUES­ every «ubsequei ance cannot fail to be taken as a new but little and light work for him; yet, may be at all times found unless professionally DAY the ninth ds) of May next, on a cre. «F When ihe faith has once been broken, with much belter keeping than usual, I n^Hgeu. 12 months, the purchaser or purchasers giv­ pledge of peace, and the resistance of the Easton, Dec. 17 ' . Let the memory prrish too! king of Holland becomes inexplicable. could not hide his ribs. In the autumn, he ing bond with security bearing intt-re't froiri OO1 Here comes up the blotted leaf, It has been said that king William will wasst-ized with colic, on a short journey, the day of sole, that large and convenient three Dl.ster'd o'er by many a tear! in the hands of an experienced and care­ story brick dwelling house, situate on Wash­ From th\ not accede without a return from England OVERSEER WANTED. ington street, and the two story frame shop ad- Hence! thou waking shade of grief! of those colonies which were given up in ful driver, and died before the next mor­ joining (the property of the late Col. Jab_ez ning. His death was caused by a small TUB Subscriber wishes lo procure, for the Go, forever disappear.' exchange for Belgium. This however, next year, An Overseer, who possesses ill t he Caldwel') persons wishing tr. purchase would In the Set| is an absurdity. The Dutch colonies quantity of corn remaining undigested in requisite qualifications Tor the management of do well lo examine the property before the las presented Iliit was penn'd while purest joy his stomach. Taking all the tirrum.. a very large K»rm. To such a person liberal 'lay of sale Sale to commence at 3 o'clock were transferred to England as a com­ P. il. and attendance given by of the United Warmed the breast and lit the eye; stances together and in connexion with wages will be given, lie also oilers for rent, newal of its Cl pensation for the services rendered to the with nr without a suitable number ol labourers JOSEPH CALDVVELL, Adm'r Fate that peace did soon destroy) House of Orange in promoting its resto­ my late experience, I have concluded Dec. 24 toaSelectCor And its transcript 10 must I! his plantation at Shoal CrerV. and the place ration, in the same manner as the Isle of that he had been essentially injured by commonly called Little Horn's Point. consist of Men Tfcw must got for, on the seal, bots. For I can hardly conceive, that France was ceded by the treaty of May C. GOLO-UOUOUGH. To oil whom it may concern. ins;, .Hayne When I saw the solemn yew. double the quantity ol corn he had eaten 1814. Shoal Creek, Nov. 5th have placed my Books in the hards of Mr. submitted a Keener wss the pang than steel HOLLAND AND ENGLAND. On Wed­ would have injured a horse with a sound a lonry Goldsborough, and those indebted he said, call u| 'Twit a heart-string snapt in two! nesday afternoon, a Flushing pilot boat stomach. to me w.il'l please call and make payment to committee on perceived the English fleet, consiMing of I have vet to state tlie case on which THE him immediately. boliahing the d| 7Hit— 'tis hb who seem'd to be fifteen sail, off Blankenberg. One of I chiefly rely, to prove that bots prey J. W.JENKINS. ted, which do| High u Heaven, and true as light; the frigates made a signal for a pilot, but upon the stomach of the living horse, al­ LADY'S BOOK, November 28 articles made > But the visor rose; and he the boat immediately put about and re- ways to his injury in proportion to their PUBLISHED MON .'HLY, In compliance with the above notice, the States, with t| Spare, O, mercy! aparethe sight j fused to answer it. The buoys marking ravages, and very often to his destruction By L. A. Godey Sf Co. 112 Chemut si. subscriber has commenced the settlement of Mr on wines and : Ofthe tace thaifrjwn'd beneath il they are very numerous. In the win­ .lenkins' books and accounts; a d gives otice, on wines and the channel have all been taken up by PHILiUELniU, OPPOSITE THE PosT OFFICE by order of Mr Jenkins, to all concerned, that While I take it, ham! and name, the Dutch. The town of Flushing has ter of 1829, a man in my employ kept a (CjThis popular work, no well calculated to those who neglect to settle after once having rection of b f? I; And entwine it with a wreath been declared to be in a state of siege. horse in my stable. He was seldom used promote an improvement in Female Literature been called on may expect to have their ac­ New Orleans Of the purifying flame! King William has issued a proclamation and put to no hard service. He was not in this country, continues to elicit universal counts plncod in an officer's hands without de­ some debate, c to the inhabitants, calling upon them to meanly poor when he came, but rather approbation It is decidedly the cheapest lay, and without respect to persons The bill concc Thttt—the hand is in the grave, lean. He had what good English hay publication Issued from the American Press HENRY GOL.-SHOROUGH, Jjgent. defend it to the utmost, and lay in pro­ Every number in the present volume contains Dec- 24 ordered, to u And the soul is in the skies, visions for three weeks; and every mea­ he would eat, and grain daily. Still to upwards of 64 pages large octavo letter press, respecting the Whence they came! 'tis pain to save sure has been taken for a vigorous re­ my surprise, he seemnd to gain no flesh. and is embellished wit a variety of Engravings Millenary and Mantua-making, ers of the Na Cold remains of sundered ties! sistance in case the English attempt to At length, be was seized with colic, which many of them by first rate artists, executed on was postpone*. caused an entire stoppage in his bowels. steel. C$4' 00 have been expended by the pro­ MRS. GIBBS Among the Go together, all, and burn, enter the Scheldt. prietors of this work, in one year, for embel­ OW WASHINGTON 8TRKI1 . We could not remove it by cathartics or House of Re Once the treasures of my heart! CITY, Tuesday Evening, Nov. 16. lishments >lono 'Ihe subscription price u Nwtt door lo Mr. James WiMson's store in Easton Still, my breast shall be «n urn The reports relative to a change of Min­ clysters. After death, I examined his only S3 per nnn-im- Copies of the work can Mr. McDuffi* be seen at this Office. To preserve vour better putt! istry, which we alluded to yesterday, arc stomach myself, could find only two or ESPECTFULLY informs her friends, and rectors and still prevalent in the city. We suspect, three bots, and those of small size. Yet Easton, Nov. CO R the public in general, that she has just the U. States, however, that there is no truth in them there was abundant evidence of their for­ commenced the above business, and means to said institution From the JVetc York Advocate. mer ravages. About two-thirds, I should Ckrry it on, in all its various branches. Having that they are, in fact, mere inventions of errpioyed experienced ladies in the Uillenary crable length t LATEST FROM EUROPE. the enemy What would be the conse­ think more, of the inner coat of his maw CASH. and Mnmua making business, hopes to share a of this petition quence of a change of ministry, accom­ had been eaten away clean long ago, as -.::• •«• w part of the public patronage. McOuffie,Cai By the arrival of the packet ship Hi- panied with a change ol measures? In the was evident by a scarreu rim or head, a- Ladies are respectfully invited to call and Mercer, Ingei bernia, Capt. Maxwell, from Liverpool, long the edge of the portion not consum­ THE subscriber wishes to purchase fron see her assortment of DONNETS, materials, & South Carolint first place, the destruction of credit and funcy Hrticles and jndge for themselves. 'we have received our London files to a run upon the Bank. This must be ed ; showing that nature had been making (j^All Mxhicli she will sell very reasonable. ell, of South < the 16th, and Liverpool to the llih No­ followed by a suspension of cash pay­ an ineffectual effort to repair the injury, SO TO 1OO Also her charges for work will be very moder­ Johnson, of 1 vember. ments a pretty beginning for a new after the plunderers had finished their ate. ifer, Hunting! The principal object of interest is the Ministry! In the meantime we shall on­ brief existence and retired. I may be Easton, Dec 17. ______and. tfnffman, told it is not absolutely certain that this rom ten to tA-.-nty-rive .ears of agre, of both was finally ret reported cholera, which appears to have ly observe that there is an opinion in the teles, lor which the highest market prices exr.ted no little terror througl the injury was caused by bots. Yet, appear­ Jl Classical Teacher Wanted. Ways and M city that Lord Grey wishes to resign on will be given in cash. Apply to the subscri­ A person well acquainted with the Classics & British Isles. We have looked over a account of ill health, which we do not ances so exactly corresponded to those ber, or, in his absence, a letter left with Mr. S. who can produce satisfactory proof oi hi* ca- 90; and the 1 variety of reports made to the Board of think very improbable. But the public in the case of my own horse where I I. owe, Baston Hotel, or directed to the subscri- pacity, tec. will bear of an eligible situation by hour. Health, from Newcastle and Sunderland found them in the very act, that I have i>er at CeiitreVille, will meet immediate at- appivhx; at this office. may be assured that there will be no cntion. BANK OF T and have also read the Communications change in the policy of the Government not a doubt upon the subject. Jf the Dec. 3 knife had been applied, as recommended Nov. 13. THOS W. OVERLEY I he Baltimore Patriot will eopy the above of a numbt-r of medical observers, nnd with regard to the question of reform, 4 i; nv s, and send their account to this office. from the testimony thus obtained it does for this simple reason there cannot. by Mr. Harden, this horse might possiblv not appear that the Asiatic scourge has A ministry not pledged to s\ full k efficient have been relieved, for the time', but never NEGROES WANTED. NOTICE. invaded the shores of his Britannic Ma­ could have betn a serviceable beast. His The Memo; reform could not hold office a week; Jibout 10 or 20 young IME Subscriber still desirous of disposing of jesty. Upon a reference to the Parish intestines were greatly inflamed, and dis­ his landed property hitherto advertised, rectors, and C they would instantly be driven out of T United States, register of Sanderland, we discover that power by the force of public opinion, or tended like blown bladders, by the air will sell upon inviting terms, his farm called the mortality of the season has not ex- produced by the fermenting undigested NEGROES, Hickory Kidge. Persons desirous of an high ofthe Stockhj by another desciipUou of force equally ind healthy situation near Easton, with other spectfully repr ceeded that of the previous year, and that efficient, though not quite so agreeable. food that was stowed away in them. Ma­ advantages rarely (o be met with; would do tho majority of deaths have occurred as ny cases described to me by others, still , of both seref That the ( well to come and view the premises early. about to expi usual among infants. We add some ex­ From the JV. England Farmer. more confirm me in the belief, that bots w-jiitd-, for whicli the highest cash price will JOSEPH K. NEALE. tracts, which will prove how groundless BOTS IN HORSES. do prey upon the stomach of the living be given. Knquire at the Eastern lintel. Dec. 10 6m 1836, your n the report of cholera has been, and al­ South Boston Dec. 22cf, 1831. horse as their natural food. It did not Sept. 17. JOHN B.BOSLEY. duty to invite though we would by no means blame the MR. FF.SSENDEN: occur to me in describing the case of my to its renewal. measures pursued, for remedying the dis have read very attentively the article own horse, but I might have added, that The geher ease if it really existed, yet we cannot in your paper of yesterday, copied from i I kept many of Abe bots several days, NAT TURNFR. caused the ei help thinking that a little officiousness in the American Farmer, relating lo bots in \ under various experiments, and often ap- HE confessions of Nat Turner, the the manner ir the > orre«pondents of the London Board leider >\ :he Me .nsurrr>-ll»n i" Vivpir- duties assigned horses. Every thing that may throw light! plied them to the stomach of the horse T1:1, tis fully and voluntarily made to Thos. K of Health has contributed to the spread upon the.1 subjecti ' . is important, . , .« as .1this in­ after-r.__ _._.!.:__soaking Iiit :_in ...»_.warm .water. _<._ TU_They recommend it Gray in die prison where he WRS confinert, morialists for of a very alarming rumor. sect has been gt>nerally and I must still uniformly seemed at home, firmly applf- '.nil acfcnowlrdged by him to be such, when The public affairs of England are in believe rightly, though the most formida- ed their hooks and went to work, greed- retd before the Co'irt of Southampton; with these subjects, the same state as described by our last ble enemy to the horse. I i>el a dcepMly sucking »ny blood^that flowed from the Rertiticale, under the seal of thr Court. more compete! advices; the country, after the confusion Alio an mitliei tic accourt ofthe whole Insurrec­ Th« subscriber has again opentd a They will lh personal interest in the subject, having j the minute vessels. For many interest- tion, with lists of the whites who were murder­ that has prev iled in Bristol and other lost OUR valuable horse, I doubt not in ing particulars, relating to this subject, I views which it ed, and of the negroes brought before the BOOT & SHOE STORE, this time. places, is calmly awaiting the result of the the least by a direct attack of the bols,! would again refer to the communication Court of Soiithinipton, and tbo»e sentenced. in Easton, at the aland opposite the Market- Unless the q proposed measure of Reform, which will and another, as I firmly believe, by colic, of Dr. Green, above mentioned, For Sale at vhis Office. House, next door to the Drug Store of Dr. once moce travel through the Commons occasioned by his stomach beins; disor- The article o/ Mr. Harden contains Dec. :l Spencer, where he solicits the patronage of I present Cong House, to the Lords. All anticipation dered originally by the depredations of, many valuable hints; but I cannot yet his old friends and customers, and assure* upon it can be would be idle as to the success or loss of bots. The last mentioned horse died at; subscribe to his theory. Instead of colic them he will accommodate them on his usual years ofthe 03 the bill; if we may credit the writers in Collector's last Notice. pleasing terms. He baa laid in, for their use a period befo a distance from home. I did not see him , being the original cause of death to hor- LL persons in arrears for County Taxes for and the public's, Blackwood's Magazine, and the Quarter­ alter he was taken ill.and had no oppor- ses, in so many cases as he supposes, I of your memoi A 1830 and 1831, are informed, that no in- a large and elegant assortment of ihe I ent, not merel) ly Review, the tories are in no temper toj 't un'ity ' - 'to examine the condition of his am confident the colic is much oftener lulgence wi|j be granted after the second call surrender any *part of their former opin-l stomach. The more remote cause of his occasioned by the bots feeding upon the »f the Bubscnbers deputies. The demands of above articles, to wMch he has added tution itself, b ions, nnd will manfully maintain them to death is therefore a matter of conjecture, stomach, till it is (rendered incapable of (hose having claims ngninM the county ore ol so interests of tht the last. Such a disposition, we need A case, however, has come under my oh- \ perlbrming^ts natural functions. When urgent a nature a; to prevent any indulgence CAPS, &c. &c. nation of Con; even if (lie collector desired it. AH person of the best quality and newest fashions, ill Independently not add, would, in all probability, con-' sePVatioii, which I cannot reconcile with they leave the horse, bavins; attained |1Iluut^reste.l-res,c.-i,., in this» . notice,.,<»,<^ arearc requested.«,,.»» to gov vulse the country and eventually lead ' t|,e new theory of Mr. Harden. To il-, their growth, thqy leave him peculiarly Urn them^lves by their own interest, which he will dispose of at much lower rate* the Bank wa; than has ever been done in Etston. He which it.nece from reforming to revolutionary piopo- , lustrate this case I must first refer to an-1 liable lo colic, fflr his food can never a(- Dec. 17 UENNETT BRACCO. requests of his friends and the public to give saU; on -he other hand should a bill of otner. In February, 1829, one of the/tor te well digested, and much of it wi him a call, view his assortment, enquire the tate ot the ci a similar nature bo submitted and passed, 1 horses above mentioned died, alter hav/pass through him but imperfectly digest price and judge for themselves. He pledges pecuniary tran the Aristocracy will gam no esteem from ; j ng been ill about >M hours. As soon ;*: cd, alwavs a pretty certain indication o TRUSTEES SALE. himself that nothing on his part shall be want* are regulated, ing to give general satisfaction, and as he hu lions are com Receding to a measure rather out ol fear I nc cou|d bo skinned, 1 commenced dif- disease, of an unhealthy or unsound state BY virtue of a decree of Caroline county been for years in the business, he has no doubt than inclination; anu the resolution ot ; sec tion toasccrtain the cause ofhis dcatti. of the stomach. I will not further ex- court, slump; as a court of Chsnccry, in the of doing so, if first rate articles, in his line, at local business the people-will have triumphed over the QII coming to the stomach I found vcfv tend this article, to comment particular- *3e ol Short A. Willis, complainant and Mary low prices and on liberal terms will command of the United Imbecility ofthe nobles. I he pnidnnt ; m., nv bols> nn,| ,lbout (wo (|liri|8 of tl'c |y upon ,he theory of Mr. Harden. The iriflith and Levi Griffith, respondents, I will it. THOS. S. COOK. cial interohan xpose to public tale on TL'KSUAY the 7th Boston,Nov. S W States, anil tb measure would be, for each side lo yield mnci. OI. vi uous coat Or , lic stomn.ch eL attentive reader will perceive that his HV of February next-between the hours of 10 so much, as not to incur the contempt ol , ire|y enten nway_not ea/m through, ai facts may easily bo accounted for, witli- nil 2 o'clock, V. M. at the Tavern door of NOTICE. with foreign n llif oppuMte part;; but, -.iller all, it is use- //, uulfl. ,. , .;<. / , coal remained til- out adopting his theory. It is very nat­ r. A. (intfith in the Town of Demon. All the Of the value teal'estate whereof Levi Griffith, died seized commissioners named in a commis­ ion to tulk of runson. when the passion* • 1lt03l enitl- .Ci Now if their object had ural, for instance, that bols, when disturb- sion issued out of Caroline County Court, |system which, lonhisliiiK of a part of two tracts of land called forts, and at of men arc aroused -those passions wi.l. b,!eil to make their escape as stleedily tvs ed by dissecting or handling the place of Aid known by the name of Goldiborough r'g. bearng date on th« tenth day of October A. work to tho lullij.ncnt at their pin pose, I p0!jsib |0 fl.om thc stomiu.|, Of the doad theii abodf, should endeavor speedily to tfittion,' unit the Three bounded Hickory-i U. eighteen hundred and thirty one, lo view, your rnei speedily value, or otherwise divide the real estate of lei them involve what other principles animal, they would not have passed OVJD hide themselves from observation. But ipposed to contain 108 acres, more or less. succeeded in i he arable land is represented to bf in a fine Samuel Harrington (late of Kent county In the to spoal thc.y may. . . | so much sui face. They might have this is one thing, and leisurely eating a- State of helaware dec'd. among bit several France is in thc enjoyment of repose,! Gn through in any part, immediatelyZl late or culi'tvavion.there is also a lutficientqunn lurpose is to r way the inner coat of tho stomach, leaving jly of woodland to supply the premises. The heirt,) which lies in Caroline county in the State notwithstanding tho obc>yauce ol the i Xovr could it have been their object t of Maryland. Will meet on the land mentioned espectfuHy, th the outer nearly entire, is quite an. t her. hprovevnents are * good dwelling house with truction of (hi Peerage question. An extraordinary | .,ol.gc themselves at last with one tiesper At this season ofthe year, it may not [in necessary out buildings, all of which ure in the said commission on the first Monday of ariy naw. The above described property Is March next, lor the purpo-e of proceeding in used through robbery hus been committed in the Be-1 nfe meal of flesh. Ten times their iiuiii be amiss to add a few words on the the execution of the said comminion, whereof Royal.! m Paris, of two thirds 1 bur, voracious as they appear to be, coul Ituuted in a very agreeable neighbourhood luclivo industr proper mode of treatment for the bots.- id convenient to market- fly the terms ot all persons In any wise concerned or interested Q\ (tin uxidulii, 500i) in number, and a Hot have devoured so mucli, in the tiu§ It is evident they cannot bu killed with­ are desired to take notice. all tho reh lie decree, a credit of 12 months will be given md private inc variety of thu mobl be.iuiil'ul and valua­ that elapsed between tho death of til in (he horse, without cnJangcring his ' the purchaser or purchasers giving bond OEO. RKEU, ble :uiliqui:s. horse and the time of dissection. In fac life. The obiect therefore is to admin­ the Trustee With approved security, with WM. OltltEU., live stability tc lerc&t from the . ' fr

'&.$:: &&•&.>&,

: "-;^-'-^' •*"?>-s*?H i^^zZ-jSLi?.. 4

WHERE THE PRESS (6 FREE "Literature well or ill-conducted, is the Grelj| Engine by which all Popular States must ultftttely be supported or overthrown." RELIGION purlBes the Heart and teacUcs us our Duty Morality refines the liners Agriculture makes us Rich and Politics provides for the enjoyment of ail.


eemit worthy of continuance, it seems cles, when Mr. Cll 1 and addressed he should move to lay*the resolution on Huirrro »roBU«HBD ETSRT IATORDAT EVMHKO Mr. Carmichaet, obtained leave t» xpedient to relieve the country, as soon he Senate, for two hours, in a he table. bring in a bill, to be entitled, An lition of the currency, and amount of tance of approacj uestion of such ascertaining the amount, if any, of in­ act to repeal an act, entitled. An »ct*o »- Annum, payable half yearly in advance. Capital disposable for those objects, must moment with deliberation, demnity due to the state pf Maryland for bolish imprisonment for debt on certain necessarily be involved until your de­ moved that it I 1 to Monday lasses sustained during the late war judgments, rendered by justices of the ADVER TISEMEWTS cision is known. If, on |be other hand, the next, and made which was referred to the committee on Notexceedinfc a square inserted three times fo< r^rder for that peace, passed at December session, 1880 wisdom of Congress shall determine that day, which mot led. Military Affairs. The resolution intro­ chapter 155. ... ONE DOLLAR; and TW«NTT Firt Currs lor the Bank must cease to exist, it is still In the House j Bntatives, Mr duced on a former day by Mr. Bouldin, every ubiequent Insertion. more important that the country Cambreleng, )mmittee on on the subject of advaloretn duties on LIGHT HOUSES., should begin early to prepare fur Commerce, repd Mr Teackle submitted the following fregalating our certain goods, was then taken up-, Mr. . CONGRESS. the expected change, and that commercial int th the French Stewart mov<>d to refer it to the Com­ preamble and resolutions. . the institution should bave as much time Islands of Martifi Whereas, the establishment Of Light Guadaloupe, mittee on Manufactures instead of the Houses,at Hooper's or Barren Island, in From ay in tbe oonsid Retolved by the General Jlssemblu «f States, with the exception of the dutie relative to the abolition or reduction of of referring the If.e Commit- eration of Executive business, having on Claims ins jlfarg/anrf, That the Senators and' Re­ on wines and silks, & reducing the duties duties was taken up, but its considera- tee |»eler.t com' gone through with the usual morning presentatives of this State, in the con­ on wines and silks. The bill for the e- ion was postponed, with the assent of Mr. business at an early hour. A few made an ioeti gress of the United States, be requested rection of barracks in the vicinity of he mover, till this day. The bill pro­ Polk lion to bring portions were presented, and resolutions to use their exertions to procure appro* Jfew Orleans was considered, and after viding for the erection of barracks and of up the Appnrtio pRepresenta- were submitted by Messrs. Hen- priations for the erection or Light Houses I some debate, ordered to a third reading. store houses in the vicinity of New Or­ tion bill; and th fter passing Id ricks and Moore. Several bills from private! at such point or points on Houper'sor Bar­ The bill concerning Navy Agents was leans was read a third time, and after a thirteen led. 1 the House of Representatives were pas; ren island, in Dorchester county, and at ordered, to a third reading and the bill discussion, was passed The bill con­ Jan. IS. sed through their first and second read­ Sharp's island, in Talbot county", as may respecting the duties of the Commission- cerning Navy Agents, was passed. The In the Senate, IT, pe'itions ings &nd referred to appropriate com­ be selected by the proper officers of the ers'of the Navy, after some discussion, bill for the regulation of the Ordnance were presented by }lsbee, Smith mittees. government of the United States; and in V. was postponed to Friday next Department, was, after some considera­ Prentiss, Webster,! s, Holmes, In the House of Representatives nu­ he event of those erections being com­ r- Among the petitions presented in the tion, laid on the table for the present. Hill, Tipton, Filkins, and merous bills were reported from the com­ pleted, to recommend that the light ves­ House of Representatives, was one by Some time was spent in the considera­ Moor. A report cefred from the mittees, and acted upon by the House sel stationed in Hooper's Straights be Mr. McDuffie, from (he President, Di tion of Executive business. Secretary of the ' , containing the Consideration of Mr. Bouldin'* resolution transferred to some suitable station, n<«ar rectors and Company of the Bank ol Mr. Benton submitted the following names of the appliost »der the act for was rerumed, and the subject was further the southern extremity of Tangier 'It- the U. States, praying for a re-charter of resolutions. the relief of certain tent debtors of discussed by Air. Cambreleng and Mr. land. said institution. A discussion of consid­ Resolved, That the Secretary of the the United States, I amount of the Dearborn, Mr. Davis of Massachusetts, Further Resolved, That his Excellen­ erable length took place on the reference Treasury be directed to furnish the debts due from (If the names was pro-ceding to mo ve a further amend­ cy the Governor be requested to commu­ of this petition in which Messrs. Wayne Senate with the names and titles of the of those who have i release, to- ment, when the hour expired, and the nicate a copy of the foregoing preamble McDuffie, Cambreleng, Coulter, Archer, foreign stockholders in the Bank of the "ether with the fof "compromise House passed to the order of the day. and resolution, to each of the Senators Mercer, Ingersoll, Carson, Davis, of United States, if any document in his made in each case- eUilon was pre- The resolution introduced by Mr. Yance and Representatives of this state, in the South Carolina, Wilde, Appleton, Mitch- office will afford that information; am scnted by Mr. Si merchants respecting the abolition of the office o Congress of the United States. ell, of South Carolina, Root, Dearborn, if not, to endeavour to obtain, that infor in Salem, Ma«sv r (he reduc Assistant Engineer, was ordered to Which was read, Johnson, ofVa.; Howard, Foster, Jen­ nation from thf Bank aforesaid, and lay tion of existing fides of for- third reading. The remainder of the sit eign commei p,7,- -- - -j*' ntt wn" devoted *< lh« coo* j4*rat£or » EASTERN SHOBF. N*vi(?»T>ON. ifer, Huntington, Sutherland, ElUworth it fiefore the Senate as soon aspossible, Mr. Tenrkle .submitted the following witli trte-snnoiiiHVf IWPfiK tfeTflTB/eacIi'.' * of the rtghtd .petition was private bills: and. Hofiktaov-iaok part. The petition also presented by Mr. Smith, of Md. from preamble and resolutions. was finally referred to the Committee of Resolved, That the Secretary of the Whereas, (he entrances of the Rivers Treasury be directed to lay before the numerous citizens to abolish the postage of .MarxianA, Ways and Means by a vote of 100 to on newspapers, and to mftrce the postage Nanticoke, Manokin, Annamessex, Po- |s3ICS & 90; and the House adjourned at a late Senate information, first, of the amount comoke and Wicomico, in the collection liS C»- of debts due from individuals and bodies on letters A'W the adoption of the re­ HOUSE OF DELEGATES, lion by hour. solution of Wednesday, and the ordering distiicts of Snowhill and Vi'-nna, com- BANK OF THE UNITED ST\TES- orporate, to the Bank of the United FRIDAV, Jan. 6 fion to the navigation and commerce o£ Stat's and its branches, distinguishing >f several bills to a third reading, thefol- Mr. Hardcastle obtained leave to bring To the Senate and House of Representa­ owing bills were passed; The bill pro­ more than one thousand registered and the amount secure'! by mortgage from in a bill, to be entitled An act to build n licensed vessels and .iff-rding anur?er\ of tives of the United States, in Congress that secured by personal securit/ alone, viding lor the laying out and constructing bridge over great Choptank River at assembled: road from Line creek to Chatahoorliie seamen of incalculable value, are difficult and "'hat portion of said debts are con­ Greensborough in Caroline county. of access, by reason of narrow or mean­ The Memorial of the President, Di­ sidered a« standing* accommodations and lor other purposes; the bill fur the On motion by Mr. Brown, of Queen ri'lief of William King and others, and dering channels through expanded flats rectors, and Company of the Bank of the to the customers of said Bank and its Ann's, whereof, the United States, in the name and in behalf the bill for the relief oi Henry Kilbourn. or shallows, in consequence wiled branches. That the Treasurer of the Wes­ owners of vessels properly belonging to of the Stockholders of the Bank, re­ Resolved, That the Secretary of the The Senate, spent some time in the con­ tern Shore, report to this house, a list of |n high sideration of Executive business. those rivers, although few in comparison i other spectfully represents Treasury be directed to lay before the the persons now on the pension roll of to the number who resort or trade there­ uld do That the Charter of the Bank being Senate the mtnthly statements of the In the House ol Representatives, Mr Maryland, the time when placed there, Jenifer submitted the following resolu­ in, have long been, and now are subject about to expire, on the 4th of March Bankofthe U. States for the year 1831. designating their respective rank and to an annual tax for staking out and des­ 1836, your memorialists deem it their Resolved, That the Secretary of the tion. place of residence, and the amount annu-' Resolved, That a Select Committee be ignating the said channels; and consider­ duty to invite the attention of Congress Treasury bcdiiecledto lay before the ally due to each pensioner also, the ! ing that the regulation of commerce has to its renewal. Senate a list ol the Directors of the Bank appointed *o inquire into the expediency several aggregate amount paid to pen- te, of making an appropriation for the pur­ ! been wholly ceded to the general govern­ The general considerations which of the Unile

;:.•'.-. '":?• '•'• •

Voi^C*;.^; 1 '.I" •. -.-*•

i or benefits citizens of Congrtss of tlie United States, to use. House, went lo the Senate chamber,'our eye?, and avert our faces. And ii(0 on the SOth of November, 1881; which j neighboring states, from the exercise of their exertions to procure appropriations [where the Honorable George Howard we speak almost without n hope, that tho HASTO was read and referred to the committee \ a more liberal course of policy, theagn- for the- erection of Light houses on 1 was duly qualified as Governor of the: Committee or that the Legislature, will Hoopers or Barren; Island, in Porches-1 State of Maryland, in the presence of do any thing, at the present session, I 0 on ways and means. , culture, manufactures and commerce of __JBA Maryland, ha t advanced in any ter county, and on Sharp's Island, in'both Houses, in the manner and form j meet this question, yet we sny now in Mr Brown, of Queen Anne's, obtain­ prescribed by the Constitution and laws: the utmost sincerity of our hearts, that Saturday ed leave to bi^§ in a bill, entitled, An degree -n- --*---• propo r ------ned to the advantages, t Talbot cotinty; she enjoys in her relative location, her in­ And, the resolution requesting them thereof. The Speaker, attended by the 'our wisest men cannot give too much of act to alter the Sire of the meeting of the "' and .their attention to this subject nor can- General Assembly of this state, and for comparable watercourses,her fisheries also to use their exertions to procure ap­ members of the House, returned MR. propriations for the establishment and resumed the chair. they give it too soon. other purposes , and navigation, tegping forests, mineral The America support of proper buoys at the entrances Mr. Edelen lubmitted the following riches, and a soil of tbe most fertile or im- developement < proveable character. of the rivers Nantlcoke, Manokin An- RICHMOND, (Vir.) Jan 6. j The Subject of the Coloured Popuia- preamble and resolution. FREE NEGROES. /ion is one certainly the most serious guislied Orator Whereas, from the severe frost, and 4. Further Resolved, That the emis­ namessex, Pocomoke", and Wicomoco. sion of promissory notes under charters in the collection districts of Vienna and The following pro/ef was submitted I (j,at cnn occupy the attention of the j.rr- arc at length gr: inclemency of the weather, the members Text was a rcs< from the Eastern Shore, and some of the granted by tho. several states, founded Snowhill; were sent to the Senate. yesterduy to the Committee on Fiee SCnt session of the legislalnre. It will mm officers of both houses, have been com­ upon a solid capi"",1, and immediately Mr. Pearce presented the petition of Negroes, &c. for consideration, by Mr. be seen by reference to the himself, viz: "1 pelled to come around the head of the convertible into c does not infringe sundry citizens Kents nnd Queen Faulkner. Uiat a metnoiial from the Methodist So- articles importc bay, in order to attain the seat of gov­ the organ!claw of-'the Federal Govern­ Anne's counties, raying An act to in- Resolved, That it is expedient, as ear­ ciely in Annapolis, has been presented, not coming into ly as possible, with their assent,'to re-1 rOunter to the spirit of the bill as reported ernment: ment, which merely designed to prohib­ corporate a comdany to construct, a ticlcs made or Resolved, That the Treasurer of the it the making of bills of credit a legal Rail Road from th<[ head of Chester Ri­ move the Free Negroes and Mulattoe* i |,v ]\i,.. Brookhart, published in our last. ouglit to be for from this Commonwealth. On Monday, Dr. TANF.V, submitted to W: Western Shore, pay to each member of tender in payment of debts. ver, to some suitable point on Duck on Wines and Si the legislature from the Eastern Shore, 5. Considering that the public moneys Creek, which empties into the Delaware Resolved, That the Colony now es- the Senate, resolutions which will be Mr. Clay's attending in discharge of his legislative invested in the funded debt of the United baiy. •• itablished at Liberia on the coast of Af- ( found in this paper, which go to urge our public debt boil States, and in the shares of different Mr. Teackle retorted a bill, entitled, rica, presents the most desirable Terri- j representatives in Congress to obtain duties, the following itinerant charges, in , . r i. i i p .. i. • L- i "i- - -_•-! r»—- «_ _... _-__.» I • - " it was the duty addition to those allowed on the journal incorporations, which may be converted An act to make .vnlid and confirm the tory, to which the said Free Negroes and appropriations from the general govern­ Mulattoes shall be transported. revenue, by ned of accounts to wit: into specie, is of greater value than all proceedings of JOB Alien as justice of ment towards a more effectual accom­ mandiofthe Co the peace, for Somerset county, Resolved, Thsd this State will annu­ plishment of the colonization plan. We r ** To the members from Cecil now at­ the silver or gold in all the modes or doing banks of this state; and, also con­ Which was readrtbe first ahd second ally appropriate the sum of $ 1 00,000, to- ! most heartily accord with this proposi­ tending, three days itinerant charges; \vnrds defraying the cost* of the trans­ vras "to abolisl To the members from Kent, six days sidering that the supply of means for time by special or|er; passed and sent tion. Let no American be at a loss for literature, the due improvement of the to the Senate. portation of said Free Negroes and Mu­ an application of the surplus revenue, tccted articles, itinerant charges; lattoes to the coast of Africa which sum faithful aollecii To the members from Queen Anne's, most beneficial lines of intercommunica­ On motion by] r. Purnel), the house whilst so dee.p a debt is due to Alrica to tion &lhe avoidance of oppressive charges took tip for consid nation the bill repor- j shall be raised by a tax upon Inn.l, slaves humanity and to our posterity. If there i'e adheres t seven days itinerant charges. n act to make val- and other property now declared taxable maintained with To the members from Caroline, eight upon the counties, require the establish­ ted by him entitlt be a theme to warm the patriot, the man, ment of an equitable and efficient system id and confirm thij ceedings ofElijah by law. or the Christian amongst us, this is the policy of tho Co days itinerant charges; Resolved, — That it is expedient to the growth or To the members from Talbot, eight of receipts and distribution, therefore war­ Melson, as a ftice of the peace, for one. This proposition of Dr. 'fancy's ranted by tbe experience of four of the Worcester count] constitute a Board, which shall have is the more seasonable, as we obscivn U tales, high ] days itinerant charges. authority to draw for such sums as may To the members from Dorchester, nine sovereignties of this Union, it is further. The said bill i then read the second Mr. Jenifer, one of our Representatives kept up upon sue Resolved, As the sense of this house lime by special i j^r; passed and sent to he necessary for the purposes aforesaid; in Congress, has proposed a joint com­ and he unites days itinerant charges. whose duty it shall be to select from a- To the members from Somerset, eleven that it is expedient to assume the sover­ the Senate. FRIDAY, Jan. 13. mittee of that body to consider the sub­ ing magnanimoi eign right,and erect a bank upon the in­ Mr. Brown of I ueen Ann's presented mong such as may present themselves ject. The host efforts of the great minds that the duties c days itinerant charges. as candidates for emigration, under the To the members from Worcester, ele» vested capital in the treasury, and the the petition of TM)mas Ashcom, Sheriff av well as of A!! good hearts of this w president, and vice- to nourish commerce, and powerfully The bill repoi by Mr. Sutton, enti- and Mulattoes in each. We hope the papers ot the state will ings, of which president of the United States, by gen­ promote the common welfare. tied, An act to jthorise the granting Resolved, As an inducement to emi­ promptly give publicity to the project, in to restore and eral ticket. 7. Further Resolved, That the priv­ writs of replevin y justices of the peace grate, each emigrant shall be provided. order to elicit 'he opinion of the people different inter Mr. Nicols obtained leave to bring in ilege of funding the current notes of the and for other pur t)ses therein mentioned, at the public expense, with agricultural before the bill shall be put upon its pas­ tbe Union the & bill, entitled, An act to authorise ex­ contemplated bank, redeemable at the was taken up for >nsideration; read the and planting implements, clothing, and sage. It is a grave and momentous corresponding ecutors, administrators, and all other per­ pleasure of the legislature, upon the prin­ second time; pajsed, and sent to the other necessary articles, not exceeding subject. Md. Republican. their delibera sons, to divide large claims, no as to ciple of the three per cents of the Uni- senate. in value dollars. A bill, entitled. An act relating to the ternal sentime make them subject to the jurisdiction of ted States, would beneficially enhance The hour havink arrived for taking up manumission of slaves in this State. tentmcnt and a justice of the peace. the public credit, and present a source of the order of tbe day, the house proceeded The subject of the coloured popula­ Sec 1 lie it enacted by the Gener­ are strong and Mr. Teackle from the select commit­ incalculable value in every case of exi­ to consider the n solutions of the select tion of Virginia is apparently exciting al Assembly of Maryland, That from The amount tee, to which was referred the memorials gency. committee, to w lich was referred tlie (loop interest in that Stale. Hitherto, if and after the passage of this act, it shall ed by Mr. Clav of a great number of citizens of differ­ Which was rend. memorials of a _ eat number of citizens it has been alluded to at all, it has only not ho lawful for any person owning or ent counties, praying for Ihe establish­ Mr. Teackle reported a bill, entitled, of different count] es, praying the estab hern in a distant and indistinct manner, holding any slave or slaves in this State millions of doll ment of a state bank,delivered the follow­ An act to establish the Bank of the Slate lishment of a Stt Bank. but recent occurrences have brought the to liberate, manumit, or sol free such reduction depe ing report. 1 of Maryland; On motion by ir. Teackle, the house subject forward in a way which puts for­ slave or slaves by deed ot manumission, anv>unt of rf The select committee to which was j Which was read. resolved itself inj a CQinmillcR of the mer fastidiousness entirely aside. Take will or otherwise, unless such slave or Treasury ' Us referred the memorials of R great nuin- | On motion by Mr. Teackle, Ordered, whole house, for; kjijjturpose of consider- tho following for example from the slaves, be sent by the owner or holder yni (1832) I her of citizens in different counties, rep­ That the report of the select committee, Ing said resolutk i; ami after some time Richmond Knquireiyof th« 7th inst. or his or thrir representative} bvyml for I &3 1 ju*t p resenting that the state of Maryland has to which was referred the memorials of spent therein, the speaker resumed the Salt. American, Ihe limits of this State. not advanced in w*allh nnd prosperity in It is probable, from what we hear, to '»e correct a great number of citizens, praying the chair. Sec. 2. And be enacted. That if any fu'in-1 neces^a any degiee proportioned to the advan­ The clerk of the senate leluined the that tho committee on the coloured pop­ establishment of a state Bunk, and the negro or mulatto slave or slaves hliall safo t-) estinv tages she enjoys in her relative location, bill reported by the said committee, be bill, entitled, An act toeiect a new bridge ulation will report [fo tho Legislature become entitled to his, her or their free­ her incomparable water courses, her over the Groat Choptank river, at low in session] some plan forgetting rid tlian about tw referred to the standing rommittoe on dom at any future day after the passage tha', tlvj rcd'i fisheries and navigation,teeming forests, ways and means, and that the resolutions Greensbnrough, in Caroline county; in­ of Ihe free p- ople of color but is this all of this act, according to the present ex­ mineral riches, and a soil of the most accompanying the report be made the dorsed '%wiil pass.'' Ordered to be en­ (hat cnn be done? Are we forever to miK'i larger t isting laws of this State, such negro or pe I'ture up1 fertile orimproveable character ascrib­ order of the day for Friday the 13th itivt. grossed. sufler tho greatest evil which can scourge mulatto slave or slaves shall forfeit all ing as the principal cause of this retarded Mr. Brown, of Queen Anne's, reported SATURDAY, Jan 11. oui- land, not only to remain, but to in­ right, title and claim to her his, and their plan M improi progress, the undue proportion which the a bill, entitled, An act to alter the time Mr. Brewer presented tho memorial of crease in its dimensions? "W e may shut freedom, unless within days alter T'lere a mass of propeity bears to the amount of of the meeting of the General Assembly the Methodist Episcopal Church of the our pyes ami avert our faces, if we [lease" Country tli&t money in circulation, and praying the becoming so entitled, he, she or they quit of this state, and for other purposes. city of Annapolis, on the subject of negro (wiitos an eloquent South Carolinian, on and finally leave this state. be HI least estahlishnu-nt of a financial institution, his return Irom the north a few weeks Which was read. slavery; which was ri-nd and referro I to Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it of ':itc to be to be founded upon the invested moneys tho committee on Grievances and Courts ago") "But there it is the dark and The house adjourned. shall not be lawful for any person or wliic!) is, wi in the treasury, for the supply of revenue WEDNESDAY, Jan. 11 th. of Justice. growing evil, at our doors.; and meet the to the state, and the common conveni­ persons to give, sell or transfer, or con­ Mr. Teackle presented the petition of On motion by Mr. Heard, the bill re­ question we must at no distant the undue proportion which qualification .0' the Governor elect. mals whose food it is, must severely tho muss of property bears to the amount THURSDAY, Jan. 12. which is pressing upon the South, and suffer. We understand that it is impos­ day was of money in circulation, and the superi- The resolution requesting the Senators The Speaker thereupon left, Ihe chair, will still more press upon her, the sible to find fifty bushels for sale at an\ IMS rerrp; and Representatives ot this state, in thu and attended by tho members of this longer il io put off'. We ought not to shut price.—Savannah Georgian., 4 ,'•?• I'ave witnl .'"•i|B,»,^, : .' ' .V 'v.-';'" ' ..- ** -,

US''£.i;M.1; !!i- - - - >f"~" i ^ UNITED STATES BANK. Mr. Page year ending on Ihe 30th Novetnler last " ** "" For the Easton Gazette. GAZETTE I submitted for the consideration of the it appears that there was a'nett gain dr- ABBLK PL'DDER. = Senate of this State, on Thursday last ring that period of $2888 06; or includ- Cousin Tabitha exbresses a vish to knd , (Mo.) a preamble and resolutions approbatory ing payments on, account of loans of how to make Abble pudder, and to bre- , WM. H. & P. GllOOME, of the United States Bank, and instruct­ $6235 42. __ .serveit. i Have just received by tbe last Packet Saturday i Evening Jan. 21. ing our senators and requesting our Rep­ c , . "TT-T* T . ' ! kno not much 'nKli>h as ij iss 'not from Baltimore a freshsupp!v"of resentatives in Congresse" to use thi'ir en- Scepticism.— Philosophers tell us that dre yares. since I left myn country, put I ^ ^^ «» aaiaau MR. CLAY'S SPEECH. deavors to have the charter thereof the motion of the earth is equal to seven­ hobe Cousin Tabitha vill me under- renewed. These resolutions were takdn GOODS The American world have looked to this teen miles in a second; so that if a man stbnnd. up yesterday, and assented to by the bonnet to a friend, in the street, AMONG WHICH AHE developement of the views of their distin­ doffs his In Jarmany id iss made irt the vollow Senate. Md. Rep. Jan. 14. seventeen mites bareheaded, ing manner- take neVv cider from Ihe Clover Seed, Coflee, Sugar, Salt. guished Orator with no common anxiety, and he goes without catching cold. Five weeks ex- brtfss, strain it, but it in a prass or cobber Cheese. Molasses, Sperm ami are at length gratified with its publication. The JVeil-s Expected. The N. York A- pcnence has induced certain people to kiddle veil clened, and poll it town one Mould ~ " Flour, Text was a resolution introduced oy Mr. Clay merican of Monday evening says: flrvliKtdoubt Ithe l-i» neeA*il!nn Thcatr 4 1\}\ .*« «.!._ a.l_' .1 !i __...t> ^» ._ _.l__r_?l__ i k_ Candjes; Family himself,viz: "That the existing duties upon A passenger who left the Ship Colum- that articles imported from foreign countries, and | m'a? from London, Dec. 1 near Block the not coming into competition with similar ar-1 Island, and landed at Newport, R. I. re- be tides made or produced within the U. states,, ported that a revolution had broken out: sun ought to be forthwith abolislxd, except duties in Portugal, and that Don Jtf iguel had j in summer, and antliracite-in the winter, dill 'it buts on a handsome prowri abbear.. on Wines and Silks, which ought to be reduced." ; fled, that there had been a serious riot _ 0 ance and so thick as you vish it, you must Mr. Clay's view is essentially this The ' at Lyons, in France, similar to that at The following bill, we tee informed, stir it condinually vile it iss on the fire public debt being considered now as paid off! Bristol in England; and that the Cholera has passed both branches of our State odhervise it will purn to the kiddle and •* . l*..,J!««_*i«.«m-l.*(VQ..«.lA..ln«>1 iVi A 1*t 4i*.At it was the duty of Congress to modulate the had increased at Sumlerlaml the latest Legislature, and is therefore now a law. I Pc fn*' ; vhH!! do"e ^ ? '" Mon,e Ja" P^age to and from JlnnapollS. revenue, by Deduction, to the diminished de­ dates beinp the 28th November eight nn r a dy dem veil ub mit string and »ofd deaths on that, or the previous day. Annop- mands of the Country that there were various A UlLiLi, leadher, so no alre vill come mit it. In Queenstown and Wye IWilhJ'on Mon- modes of doing this, but the mode he preferred irifetion atHooper'TBMri !he b'P.«er Jarmany some beoble first ...,..,_ The Baltimore American of Tuesday Island in Dorchester county wnd at Sharp's, out on it a biece ol linen made moist mit' { * » ' r >z: » * was "to abolish and reduce duties on unpro­ says: Our harbour may now be consid­ Island, in Talbot county, for the erection of svcet oil, den the leadher. I have seen it' M»ior Jnn«. n^t. °li ° 0°k> A' M in tected articles, retaining and en'orcing the ered as virtually open. Many of the in­ Light Houses thereon, by the Government keeb several yares, ven made in the a- |Creek b "o^t^i^^l^^^i faithful oolleciion of those on protected ones, ward, bound vessels reached the wharves of the United States. pove manner. . Te name ofte abblepud- C°°d »t»ge» by U, and'Easton the same af- t'e adheres o the principle he has always t'jlERKos applications have been made to the yesterday, and some of those bound out Congress of the United States, for the erec- der, iss te two lasd sylaples ol myn, in Jrn°°n- .Leave Easton—— —" for•*•• Cambridge*/nuiui luce uil maintained without variation, that where the proceeded down the river. The ice, it is Tuesdays and Saturdays immediately after the lion and establishment of Light ouses at Jarman. rrival of the mail from Philadelphia, and ar. policy of the Country prescribes protection to to be h much desired human nature must sooner or later swell the iolis in the packet arriving by 5 o clock James G. Barnes, hoists the flag of Henry by the good people of this State. Therefore, triumphs of the «;rave. How inscrutable art- same days. , preclude enquiry into their adequacy or pro­ Clay and John Sergeant, and in a spirited Section I. He it enacltd by Ikt Genertl Assem­ he ways of that Providence which preside! priety. If it can be shewn that. In any instance. bly of Marytand. That i case un act or acts of iver the destinies of mortals! In the spring­ rom Cambridge to Annapolis a T <^ Editorial article, announces his intention Easton < < 1hev are excessive or disproportionately bur. impress of the United talcs, authorising the tide of J[ils days, when environed by the thou­ 2,50 to give his best support to Ihe cause of ereetion .md establishment of a Light House sand endearments of lile, and encliRnted by the Wye Mills «. a oo thensome on nnyVJqtion of the Union, f-v one, Clay and the Constitution. We wish or Light Houses, at cither one or more of the rising hope ol (mure hnppiness and prosperity, Queenstown M J.75 I am ready to vote for their reduction or mni/t/i- him and the good cause he espouses, ill places or points designated in,the preamble of iie was suddenly.snalchcd away. But, Broad Creek " 1,00 y All baggsge at ihe the risk of the OW''T* cntion. The system contemplates an a -quaic this act, Commissioners shall ke, and the same Why their loss deplore that are not lost, success. are hereby appointed with Jgwer to fill va­ PEHRY UOBlftSON protection; beyond that it is not necessary to \Vh) wanders wretched thought their tombs Ei ton, Jan. 21 ! cancies, if any should occur, In either body around go short of that, its operation will be injurious Massacre prevented.—We have been to fix and determine the value of the land In intidel distress i to all parties." favored by the Rev. Mr. Wharcy, with which may bfe selected by lh«United tales, They live! they greatly livr PUBLIC SALE. for the put pose or purposes aforesaid. B ot an order of the Orphans' Court Mr. Clay concludes his clear and adapt state­ the following extract of a letter from a A I'd from »n eye virtue Sec.2. And be il enafled, That the following Of tenderness, let heavenly pity fall bet county, I will (HI st public sale, on suited to the exci­ gentleman in Rutherford Co. N. C. The persons be. and they are hereby appointed and ment with declarations well shows the unspeak­ On me, more justly numbered wi'.h the dead. NP.Sl)->rthelit day of February next, statement it contains, constituted Commissioners for the purposes of at t late residence of John Alien, and John ted and conflicting opinions of the times, be­ able importance of giving the black pop­ this act to wit- John Griffith, Samuel Kcene In the tender remembrance ot his virtues coming a man of elevated and patriotic feel­ iiis friends will seek R lasting solace in their C. »rncr dec'd. adjoining Holt's Mill, all the ulation of our Southern country, soum of Benj. : eninmin Traverse, John Creighton n»l estate of said dec'd*, connisiinp Of ings, of which the deep solicitude he expresses and Charles Traverse, all of Dorcheslei counly I .9*,and loudly cherish the endearing recol­ religious instruction, to save them from lection, that his lilr hore » strong evidence ol to restore and preserve harmony among the to be commissioners fo the said county, and Horses, Cattle, Sheep fanaticism, and from the perpetration o Robert Banning John Looekerman, W m. Ham- the heavenly graces attainable by a ;;' ristinn's jc llfrliS, corn and corn-blades and a vai i«tw different interests in the various sections of the most horrid crimes. The letter from hlelon, Samuel T. Kennard and Edward N. devotion, and his di-Hth nllixed n splendid it fainong utenails. Also household and Kitcli- tbe Union the hope he entertains of meeting tlamblclon, to be commissione s for ' alhot seal to the. rea ity ot a Christian's hope. |n furniture. which we quote, is dated the public in re­ corresponding dispositions in other" and 'hat December 1st, 1831. counly as Ihe case may be, & tjjey, or a major' The. exulted opinion.of Teims of Sslr A credit of six months will ity of them shall, in evenl afomoid. be author' lation to the deceased was strikingly signified f given. ", »1| ,lims over five dollars, the pur- their deliberations would be guided by fra­ "We had great alarm in this county by ised, in either of their respective counties, as bv the numerous concourse of weeping Iriends laser, or purchaser* giving bond with sacuri- ternal sentiment? and feelings diffusing con­ a conspiracy of the blacks. There is a tl-.B case may be, upon giving al leasi sixty who assembled on the day. of burial to celebrate 1)1 bearing interest from Ihe day of 8»le on tentment and satisfaction through the land, Baptist preacher by the name of Fed, days nolicc in Iwo of the most convenient netvn iiiii obsrquicf. Tears found their way o'er all sums of, and under five dnllars'the cash will w.-ll known in this county, who under- papers, for four consrc.itivc weeks, lo valu e ninpy a lid, and the silent moans of the audi­ b«|r quired, before the removal of the proper- are strong and impressive testimonies. .,.,,. wi i- i i : anil assess the same taking into consideration ence bore testimony that the days of utoical ap stands.,.,,. the business. . wiHe hired a man to bid' to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. The amount of duties proposed to be reduc­ i lh(1 a(lvanV3gC9 or ,f is.,dvanf»Bes atiendanl athy have pone by, wlien it was said, "The attendance girth by do his work at home, and rode about upon the erecting the Light M»uses aforesaid, righteous dr. and no man layclh it to heart;' ed by Mr. Clay in his resolution will be about 1 NICHOLAS U.^E\» NAM, adm'r, through this county and Burke, enlisting on the land aforesaid and Including in said Hut while the murks ot sadness were visible of John AlUn, tf John C. Warner, dec'd. millions of dollars; whe'her that is a s-iffirient soldiers and arrangng the business. .valuation a reasonable alloxvanw for ihe use .n every coumenancr; each individual ol the .m 21 ta reduction depends entirely iifvn the calculated m . ri ij ».« I and privilege of a road from the land nforc- mournful assembly, as though conscious ol the There are two Gold Mining rompames,) saidiP throl^h , he | ands Of ai, prop.ic-or or happy exchange, seemed to hear a voice irom amount of revenue. The Secretary ot the onr in this county, the other in Burke. proprietors, il'--uch road t hall be deemed no- heaven saying '-Blessed are the dead who die MARYLAND. Trcssurv ""alls the amount of revenue for thir On these he put much dependence. They ccssary; and the deci«iou of thB ' ominission- in the Lord, for they rest from their labours yrui (1832) thirt; millions the same as that are said to have a hundred at each place. ers aforesaid or a majority of tHnm,' shall be md their works do follow them". J. U. II. fbot County Orphans' Court, _...... -' : *»nn«lffof*nn nnfil nnn f*nnrl,lV\i* EMttWAftn tnn l:i Vienna, Dnrchrster county, on Tuesday If the Secretary ia proved . Jdiiuarj 2o-.t,, A. n. 1831 for 1831 jiwt pa-.t The night was set, on which they were | es, unless an appeal »i.vu (hereafter bo 10th 'u.st. Dr. Clement Stanford, after a short application ol William Bullen, AdniV. to '-e correct, i> much larger rcductbirwill be to commence the massacre. They were] prosecuted, as is hereafter provided; and the illness. onii Non of William Slow, late ot Tul'.ot firm 1 necessary. Mr. Clay does not think it to commence at the gold mines, and kill j amount or value of the land & .he righ' of way In Cambridge, Dorchester county, on Thurs­ iity, estinvte the revenue of 1812 at more or oflered to he paid to the projru-tor or pro­ Rutlierioidton, the other to In the villuge of flillflbrrough, on Frklsy exhibit their claims against the naid deceas- than about tw nty five millions and even with prietors thereof, the United Stales shall tunre- night the 6ib inst. Mr. Kichard I'hillips. alter a '» estate and that he cause the same to be tha', tli-j rcd'icv.on of seven millions leaves a 'lorganton. and tuke the towns There j [,brwa d be considered the tne and Inwful short illness. ublished once in each week for the spac. of lirv would set arms and ammunition to wners of the snid land or cf tin- MI id right mir-li Isrgvr b.l-ince thr.n any calculation of ex. On Sunday night, the 8tli inst. in Hillsboro* tiree successive weeks in one of the news- arry on tlipir operations. But a few nd privileges of a way. for he purposes u- a'tera alinit illness. Mrs Mary Itwmim, widow apers printed in the town of Rastnn. pe 1'iure up-m the most nn|;nificent ft liberal orcsaid; Provided afoay*, Thntil the owner or cf the late Scth Kussum, and sister to the late In testimony that the fort-going is truly co­ lights before tho fatal nig/i/, Fed came wners of the said land, and o'the said road, plju ;.l improvement, requires. o.Tohn I.ogan's negro house, in our (own Hichartl Phillips. pied from the minutes of proceed. s aforesaid valued, his her or their guardian On Tuesday nipl t the 10th inst. in Hillsbo- r gs ol Talbot County Orphan'a T'lere s'-t-ms to be a settle;1 opinion in the RuMieil'oi(lton') to enlist a man of his. If r guardians, tui«tec or trustees shall conceive rough after a short illness, Mrs. Elizabeth, wid­ Court, I have hereunto set my Country tli&t ihe amount of reduction ought tc lappeneil Ida) a woman in heil overheard im her or themselves a^rievui by such valua ow ol the late Hichard I'hillips. hand and the Seal ofim office hn rotiverinlion, and slipping out priv- ion by the said commi;sioncrs,or any '( them, On Thursday mornin? the 12th inst. in Hills- affixed this 20th day of January be «t least cqunl to the sum annually required i fj to the said oommi** oners the samee lely, wont nnil told her master. Fed 't shall not orough, alter a shoit illm ss, Mrs. Sarah Ann, in the year of our Lord eigh- of ':itc to be applicaole to the piblic dt-Lt. writing it shall Jtina) fce lawfil fur said om 'aughier <> thr- tote Rich'v.'l 1'hillips. een hundred and thirty two. wliie'i is, we Relieve, about nn average of was tnl<»M) ond put in jail; and a strong nv'ioners, or any 3 of them, to ssue their wai In Cambridge on Tuesday last, John Craig, Test JAS. PRICE, Rcg'r »nt to Ihe ^hrriff of the county, commandin twelve mill:'.us 01 dollars. This at first woul guard kept in town night and day. When Esq. Of Wills for Tr-lbot County. Fed heard they had testimony against nm to summons as ,'urort six freeholders o us Ur as ii -auction could safely f;o and to aforesaid, and not iitereslcd in the1 be iiiii sufficient to hang him he confessed lie. county, this experience and *" fa' r anticipations of fu­ iremises, and qualified to servi as Jurors in I. II. DAW SON & SON, lii compliance to the above order. he whole, and told who were to be the .lie county court, to appear on a day by them THIS IS TO GIVK NOTICK, ture VTt'-pts of revenue admonish us that \ve ''AVE, by the arrival of the Packets Ihis officers under him. They were taken, :o be appointed on the premisei; and the said week replenished their stock of Medicines That the subscriber ot Talbot county hath migut go. with several others, and committed to jail; Commissioners, or any'one of fiem, are here- Confectionery, &c. &c. obtained from the Orphans' court of Talbot >y authorised to administer an lath or affirma­ Jan 21 3w county letters of administration on the personal We dii not suppose that the amount r,f re­ 3ut they all belonged to Burke county, tion, as the case may be to cv-ry person so estate ot William Slow, late of I albot county duction will co istitiite a question of vcty greut they have been sent to Morganton jail summoned 'hat he will withoutfaVor alTeclion deceased, all persons having claims against the difficulty or contra lic'ion but there is anoth­ For some reason, Fed's trial nas been par ialily or prejudice, assess th? damages sus­ said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit put off, and he remains in jail." tained by the person or persora at whose re- the same with the vouchers thereof, t< the er question, unavoidably arising in this debate, piest such Inquisition shall belaken by trans- subscriber, at or before the first day ol August to which all our anxieties are dirccte I ond Southern flr/igtous Telegraph. °er of his. her or tlieir lands, about to bo HOTEL, next, they may otherwise by law be excluded No. 95, ' urtn Second one square above that is ichclhcr any, and if any ic/mt reduclioi, made as aforesaid, and by reasm of thodisad from all benefit of the said estate. Jan. 11. vantages attendant upon 'he erection, as a- Market street, Philadelphia. Given under mv hand this 20th day of Jan­ must be made in {hr duties Jrpon nrotfdrd article* Washington, Unfortunate Raleigh!—Private letters furesaid, and privileges of the 'oad aforesaid, E Subicnber has the pleasure ofiri. uary in the year of our I ord 1882 Th.2 devotees to tne American S)ttem, as it is yesterday received from Raleigh, in upon the land aforesaid, anc! Ihe person so forming his friends and former Patrons, WM BULLEN, adm'r, calle I, will not b: willing to yield a hairs summoned and so qualified ihall thereupon tt well as the public in general, that a large of Win. Slow, n Talbot County before the 14th da\ him at the Government House during the of the said Court shall preserve a record of of January next. The report of the Trustt n tbe year of "ur Lord 1832. »o the report of ( he Board of Director the said proceedings, for the recording of tatrs, the amount of sales to br $372 00. MAHY CLARE MARTIN, > day was numerous. The hospitality of 'if the Maryland Penitentiary, made re which he shall be entitled to the same foe RICHARD TH.r,HMA\; KAIU.E. EDWAHD MAHTIN. \ his reception was equal to any thing we fort! which he receives for other records, to be True Copy J. Loockerman, Clk. of Daniel Martin, dec'd. rintly to the Governor, which sets Jan 3JI l-ave witnessed there. the concerns of that institution for the paid by, the parties. Jan. 21 3w ... V'-\> >.^' ' .

in--. *: .-- >,, '.,;'&'•. •'••••;-.:..:-.*::-. :". r-:' >;' TflP. SATURDAY BULLETIN. Boot & S\\oe fttote, TRUSTEES SALK. - Y virtue ofa decree of Talbot county court, A family Newspaper of the r«rj/ Largett A CARD. sitting as a court of Chanccry.in the case - f Classifies from all political bias, B Dswson, against Jas. Dawson fc others, M. JENKJNS has removed to and<*IIU Medicinall« V»JI«-1»1S»» establishment,ww -»™-.-...—— , the busi- ..v—--— ------low prices and on liberal terms will command disposed to purchase are invited to view the news of the week down to the latest dates . for iis reception render it as light and ne,g wm be carried on after the first of the it. THOS. 8. COOK. pre mites and judge for themselves. The papers for subscribers in the country are SPEECH I mellow as possible, ploughing as deep as Near in the name of carefully packed in strong wrappers and put r Easton, NOT. 6 W WM. HADDAWAY, Trustee. into the Poki office in time to leave the city by On the Aforftl the nature of the soil will admit; harrow-T'<| 1 TrjftMTHOMASj B. DAWSOJf SOW Jan. 14 the mails of Saturday morning, so that by SENA1 ing the ground previous to planting Sunday night, they may be received at offices advantageous in hard cloddy soils, but .Is of whom may be at all times had every article LARK'S OFFICE, Baltimore, Dec. 30 1831 The Senate wer in their line, of the first quality. His friends & Report of the Drawing of the Maryland one hundred and fifty miles dittunt from the not generally necessary. The seed shquld C TRUSTEES SALE. city; while those who live within fifty or seven­ following resolutil customers will please to accept his thanks, for State Lottery, No. 10 (ten) for 1831, drawn Wednesday last: be deposited, in furrows struck as deqp as the numerous favours received from them fche yesterday. BY virtue of a decree of Canline county ty miles, will receive them on the evening of Saturday Resolved, That! the ground is ploughed, and lightlyrcov- hopes the new arrangement will furnish addi­ court, sitting as a court of Chancery, in the tides inported froil tional inducements for them to continue their drawn No. 7.937 geooo ciseof Short A. Willis, complainant and Mary ered with loose earth, if too much fearth 2d 19 4>9 1200 General plan of the Saturday Bulletin. coming into compj custom. Griffith and Lev! Griffith, respondents, I will made or produced I is thrown upon it there is danger if its 3d 18.357 800 expose to public sale on TUESDAY the 7th Neva of the Wttk—Every useful i»ct and inter­ in- - hich Dec. 31 St T- H. DAWSON. 9.350 ought to be forth* rotting in the cold wet weather, 500 day of February next between the hours of 10 esting occurrence, whether at home or a- I duties on vines oil sometimes succeeds the season of | ant- 5th 16,411 300 and 2 o'clock, V. M. at the Tavern door of bruad, carefully selected and logically arran­ 6th 10.925 ) 1 to be reduced; anl ing. By this mode of planting the | ants LIVERY STABLE. each 150 Mr. A. Griffith in the Town ol Denton, All the ged, with particular attention to the early I (hat the Co..irai 7th real estate whereof Levi Griffith, died seized insertion o Hie Foreign news. are more firmly fixed in the cart , the 8th 620 I ed to report a bill I sup- 100 consisting ofa part of two tracts of land called Life in Philadelphia— Exemplified in a series ot I M -'.'AY rosol roots (tricking deep draw a greater 9th and known by the name of Goldsborough reg­ narra­ ply of nourishment to support them they 10th 4.65') ) well writirn and deeply interesting f Substantially as foil 17.923?' 80 ulation, and the Three bounded Hickory* tives under the title of the Town Tatter I have a few obfl arc likewise more secure from tin ught llth supposed to contain 106 acres, more or leas. 12th M4.89;>) . affording pictures of res) life never before I only a fow, to sul which often proves very destructive to 16 597 J each 70 The arable land is represented to b». in a fine communicated for publication. measure now beCoil THE Subscriber respectfully informs the cit­ 13th state of cultivation.there is also a sufficientquan the corn crop, the stalks will not gfner- izens of Talbot county and travellers generally, 14th 1.1601 The Drama -Criticised with freedom and spirit to ask all your iml a Livery Stable in Eas­ tity of woodland to supply the premises. The but with candour and kindness. 1 feel but too sc'.i^l ally grow as tall as those which» are that he has established 15th 4.201 improvement* are a good dwelling house with feels of approach! planted superficially, but are thickenand ton, whete he will talcs in horses and attend 16th 8.336 each Antcdotti and Gossip—Under this head is fur­ on the most liberal term«. the necessary out buildings, all of which are some years very U| stronger and produce larger ears. The to them carefully irth 8.516 nearly new. The above described property Is nished all the floating rumors of the day deliberative a<*ser He has good and careful ostlers in his employ, 18th •1-840 situated in a very, agreeable neighbourhood which are deemed proper for a newspaper. best process of cultivation is, that wnich and pledges himself that nothing on his part 19th 7.500 been the cause will preserve a lave) surface, and most shall be wanting to render general satisfaction. and convenient to market- By the terms of T/ie Jltsrktti—This subject is peculiarly inter­ I have been, of exi _0tt* 2494 the decree, a credit of 12 months will be. given esting to the country subscriber at all times, deno.c of which is effectually destroy the weeds. This is He has also, and intends constantly keeping, for 21st H.615 each 35 by the purchaser or purchasers giving bond and in the present excited state of Europe, hoivevp.r thesubje most effectually done by. drawing a large hire, saddle hows, horses and gigs aid carria­ 23d , 10 172 ges, which may be had at all times on the low­ of May next, on a credit of pular English publications, Poetry Ice. lottery, ending with the figure 0 are each en- 12 months, the purchaser or purchasers giv­ prosperity, in the will be sufficient; in doing this the earth Next door to JHr. Jama fl'iUson's store in Eojfon titled to five Dollars, in addition to whatever ing bond with security bearing interest from Police Re/iorlt—Procured exclusively for this tered over the la should be thrown to the corn, but care sum any ol ihtm may have drawn besi'Jes. the day ot sale, that large and convenient three paper, and to be found in no other Philadel­ prosperous and p phia publication. These reports consist of past, and now, in should betaken not to ridge it, whicftis F.SPFjCTFULLY inlorms her Wends, and No 1937. an Odd number, having drawn the story brick dwe.ling bouse, situate on Wash­ Capital Prize of gSCOO, agreeably to the scheme street, and the two story frame shop ad­ cases at the Mayor's Office, and are generally think it necessary very injurious, as it carries eff the R the public in general, thut she has just ington of an exceedingly humorous character, while resolution. Olhe from the corn which requires a plen commenced the above business, and means to every odd number in the Lottery is entitled to joining (the property of the latr Col. Jabez M prize of g4 tnd in addition to whatever sum CaliTwell) persons wishing to purchase would ail are invariably interesting. In these re­ ferently and may supply of moisture, especially when curry it on, in all its various branches. Having ports the country reader, though far remov- it. If they do, 1 h f ployed experienced ladies in the Millenary any of them ny have drawn besides. do well to examine the property before. the iug. ed from the busy . scene, will have a bird* of the enai»i met and Mantua making business, hopes to share a OCTAH tick^ttwith numbers ending with 1, day of sale Sale to commence at 3 O'clock eye*'lejr lew s\ast Notice for 1831. and healthy situation near Easton, with other patronage has been great beyond all parallel in endeavor to makt examining th« outer rows of corn where advantages rarely to be met with; would do the history of American Newspapers. F've the Tariff Th< the ground could not be well ploughed. rMMEr.IATKLY to supply a vacancy. A HAVING in: my former notice, shewn the well to come and view the premises early. thousand subscribers are a »uficient recommen­ the late war, jui mS'( ingle man, to reside on the farm wrier e necessity of evtry good citizen, attUine Ofti for Nati Wlut x, ems to have led to this practice e>._i___'L ..— »•_. __ _ _ ••!•__-_« __ . ..it - ~ " . /_* ...... °. . JOSEPH K.NEALE. dation to its merits. No Gazette, in fact, could contest ife he Subscriber lives, a middle aged man would cer's fees, doelfrom them individually and hav commonly railed is the cultivation of new ground where it he preferred. His pond character In all re- Dec. 10 6m be offered with more confidence to the coun­ [ ing found mam, who have paid no attention to try resident. Numerous able writers assist the sed by Congress could not be ploughed deep, the strength specls, must be satisfactorily vouched for. I my repeated cllls and long forbearance, I have inp; for its reimb1 ol the soil produces abundantly with any Editor in furnishing a larger amount of inter­ HOBEUT H. GOLDSUOUOUGH. i hereby given ny Depnties, the most positive esting original matter than is published in any pared and propo hirvl of culture. The superficial farmer Jan.14 L'brder* to proceed forthwith, to the collection NEGROES WANTED. other periodical of the kind; and nearly one mine, whose pro continues sliiming the surface until i "of all fees novidue, as the Law directs with- thousand dollars are annually paid by the Edi­ merely to his na becomes exhausted, when supposing the I out respect to persons. Prompt attention to Abqut 10 or SO young tor to writers for bis paper. of its brightest o OVERSEER WANTED. | this notice may save the good teelings of ma,ny tion. No man, land worn out he abandons it to wise A few numbers of the psper will be sent to any THE Subscriber wishes to procure, lor the as well as my 4wn. NEGROES, person who may be desirous of examining its iionor to be assc Cultivators. nest year, An Overseer, who possesses all t he The public's obd't serVt postage, to cils, combined Another error which some practice i pretensions, on application, free of formation with requisite qiiHlifications for the management of J.M. FAULKNER. of both sexes the Editor. The extensive improvements made so absurd as almost to carry with it it a very large Farm. To such a person liberal in the size and quality of the Bulletin on the blandnoss of m wages will be given. He also offers for rent, Dec 10 Mr. LowmlM own confutation, this is to plough s wmte.l, Mr which the highest cash price will 1st of January, 1832, can be compensated only by the rtispensa! tleep as to cut and mangle the roots o with or without a suitable number of labourers be given. Enquire at the Easton Hotel. by an increase of subscribers; and in ordef to his plantation at Shnal Creek, and the place induce gentlemen at a distance, as well as those he was taken ft corn with the idea of making it produce commonly called Lit fie Horn's Point. Collector's last Notice. Sept. IT. JOHN U. BOS LET. the Edi­ to anticipate th better. This causes what is called fired in the city, to promote its circulation, dom and discr C. GOLUSUOUOUGH. LI. personiin arrears for County Taxes fur tor offers the following appropriation corn, that is, the blades wither and die Shoal Creek, Nov. 5tb A 1830 and 1831, are informed, that no in­ made towards before it is fully ripe. dulgence will bt granted after the second call PREMIUMS. interest of Ihe Though r conceive the above observa­ of the subscribes deputies. The demands of CASH. which might j those having clams against the county are ol so ———— V.t-O-lfr ———— 1. Any person I'prwardinK Five subscribeM tions to be supported by reason, they are A Classical Teacher Wanted. and a year's subscription, shall receive the Pa. yond two mil urgent.a natur^ u to prevent any indulgence THE subscriber wishes to purchase fron thought prude somewhat the result of experience, the A person well acquainted with the Clussics & even if Ihe cf lector desired it. All person per free for himself, so long as the Five contin­ ue. gencies. best proof of theory. I once planted in who can produce SHtinfactory proof of his ca nterested in tni notice, are requested to goi But this vfs' the same field with some who ploughed (' city, &.c. will hear of an eligible situation by rn themselvespy their own interest SO TO 1OO 2. Any person forwarding Ten subscriber! plication of pu ihallovv,,while my part was broken upbeam Apphine at this office. Dec. 17 BENNBTT.BRACCO. and u year's subscription, shall receive a copy the public deb Dec 3 of the I.IFK OF NAPOLEON, beautifully Congress had i deep and furrowed with the plough one bound in two volumes, or any other work of 1 he Baltimore Patriot will copy the above rom ten to twenty-five -.ears of age, of both ry nays &mea after the other in the same furrow, the 4 'imcs, and send their account to this office. equal value which may be desired. These led the perfoi crop IOTICE. sexes, for which the highest market prices books will be forwarded with care, in. the man­ Consequence was that I had a better will be given in cash. Apply to the subscri­ acts, and mot than they, with much less labor, and I HE commHioners named in a commis­ ner directed by the owner. the abuseil sion issued out of Caroline County Couii. ber, or, in his absence, a letter left with Mr. 8, am convinced that every similar trial T Hotel, or directed to the subscri­ ADDRESS THE EDITOR. were amply r TO RENT, earing date oh the tenth day of October A. Lowe, Easton abled to read would produce a similar result. ). eighteen htndred and thirty one, to view, ber at Centrevillc, will meet immediate at- Jan. 14 FOR THE EtfSVIJYG YEAR. ention. financial pro A WESTERN FARMER. alue, or otherwise divide the real estate of thui abundant TWO Urick houses situate on iamue) Harrington (late of Kent county in the Nov. 13. THOS W. OVERLBY their system*' From the JV Y. American. Washington street, one occupied at State of Dehwwe dec'd. among his several ABBOTT'S MILL, ing to be per present by Mr. Wm. Faulkner, the ieir») which Sea in Caroline county in the State Dee. 30th 1831. simply minis Save your Asht*.—It is now a well other WHS occupied by the late Mrs. if Mmyland. Will meet on the land mentioned THE THE subscriber respectfully informs hu> no Adminis'r fact that the fine ashes of Schuyl- Hell they are both good stands for n the baid ctmmission on the first Monday of friends and the public generally, that he has attested be rented low to good and any other me business, und will (arch next,'or the purpone of proceeuUg in taken the MILL, recently carried on by the debt, than th kill coal will make an excellent fire, il punctual tenants. LADY'S BOOK, Messrs. McKnetts; The above mill has gone made into balls of tho consistence ol he Cxecutioi of the said commission, whereof laws. Noot Apply to ill persons in any wise concerned or interested PUBLISHED MON ( HLY, through a thorough repair, with new Stones k which it it el thick mortar. A friend of mine showed are desired t« take notice. bolting Cloths complete, & is now in complete ment of whal me a fire last evening which had been JACOBLOOCKEttilAN. ByL. A. Godey &r Co. 112 Ghesnut at. order for manufacturing Flour and meal; an4 Nov. C6 GEO. USED, army and na burning six hours, mrule principally o orpoiiTC THE POST Orricc from an experience of several years at the mil* Government WM. OIKELL, PHILADELPHIA, with a disposition to please an* these ash halls, which was tjicn as good GEO. NBWLEE, ling business, The opera WM M. ttARDCASTLE, popular work, so well calculated to accommodate the public I hope to merit their menced wit and as warm a fire ns it would have been To all whom \l may concern. promote an improvement in Female Literature patronage. S. R. CORKRAN. roe's Admm iChe had made it of coal. The manner SAUL. UlAWVORD. in this country, continues to elicit universal have placed my Books in the hands of Mr Bee. 17 N. B. Bags or barrels, &c. sent to mil) with* of eight yea in which these halls am made is as fol­ a Henry Qoldsborough, and those indebtvi approbation It is decidedly the cheapest put the last part of the owner's name markeA of the Treas lows: mix the water with the fine mhos to me will please eall and make payment to publication Issued from the American Press in full, will be at the risk of the owner, as I ularlj appli' balls i l"m immediately. Every number in the present volume contains am determined to take no charge of them with' upon the tor of the coal, and then make them into upwards of 64 pages large octavo letter press, J. W.JENKIN3. XT AT TURNER. out- S. R. C. Treasury st( about 111? size of ar, egg, let the grate hcj and is embellished wit a variety of Engravings Dec. SI Swq fund. Dnrin half full of coal and fill it with these balls November £8 HE coifessions of Nat Turner, the many of them by first rate artists, executed on four years; then ]iut on the blower, and in a fewmin- T leader if the Me Insurrection in Virgin­ steel, tf 4, 00 have been expended by the pro­ fully applio ia, *s fully and voluntarily made to Tboa. fi. prietors of this work, in one year, for embel­ CHIMNKY SWEEPING. rears wore u.tcs it will be in a blaze and make a In compliance with the above notice, the lishments .'lone Ihe subscription price is Gray in the prison where he was confined, appointed director deficiencies good fire. Subscriber has commenced the settlement of M and acknowltdf ed by him to be such, when only £3 per annum- Copies of the work can THE Subscriber being present Ac Junkins1 books and accounts; and gives notice read before the Coutt of Southampton; with be seen at this Office. of the Chimney Sweeper for the Town of numbered s by order of Mr Jenkins, to all concerned, tha Easton and having obtained good Sweep for Preparations, wo observe* liare been the certificate, under the seal of the Court. Easton, Nov. 26 ' , before it. those who neglect to settle after onee liavin Also an authentic account olthe whole Insurrec­ the purpose, flatters himself that be will be able brcndeviai made in many places to celebrate with been called on may expect to have their ac tion, with lists of the whites who were murder to give gei eial satisfaction. Persons living ! tho Govcrr unusual ceremony (he birth-day of Wash* counts placed in an officer's hands without de the neighborhood of Easton wishing their chin* millions of lay, and without respect to persons. *d, and of the negroes brought before th> PRINTING ney's Swept will please leave a line at Doctor i»»£tou. On the 22d of February, one t'unrt of Southampton, and those sentenced. 1 bos H, Dawsoni Drug Store whtre they will mterpst, 1« hundred yari will have rlnps«J slucetho HENRY OOLU8BOROUOH, 4gent. ! ' ' Sale at this Office. Of entry dexriplion hnniii»m«{y ttinittd tl Ihii twenty foil Deo>ST4 , , <-- he punctually attended to by thr lubscriber. Oflliat t birth of our coun\ry'» father. * Deo.3 OFFICE VT THE SHORTEST NOTICE RICHABD C, LAIN. tlie lliree j .1190, whic bound In r

i'~ i f''"' ,, ., . .,. .. ' ' I'

WHERE THE PRESS 15 FREE "Literature *el Mr'ni-conducted, is tbe Qreut Engine by which all Popular States must ultimately ba supported or overthrown." RELIGION purifies the Heart and teaches us our Duty Morality retinal the Mknm'ta Agriculture makes us Rich and Politics provides for the enjoyment ofailj? -.f .* '* ' * «*'


and jvut sentiments which it may discharger whenever it suits its also *»ytint these fraternal articles remmniiiR subject to duties. In thr _ own convenience} and when it is discharged it to be reciprocated- V> their Atlantic ruaonable faeilit to the m«ree»nt, the> *i ,»ntTM> VrOBLl.HHtf EVERT IATURDAV EVENING present advanced singe of comfort and cirili- not supply the foreigner, at the instance of tha must be done by the payment of dollar for dol­ brethren. That these might not to be indif- «tian, It in not. easy to draw the line between BY public, with capital lor hi* mercantile opera­ lar, /cannot think, and I should suppose Con­ terent to the welfare of the wtst, and th»t Hi., y "uxuries and.necessaries. Jt will be difficult tbe secretary of ting. If the laws can be *trictlv enforced,and ALEXANDER gress can rtardlr believe with ^ have the same collateral or indirect interests :o make (lie people believe that boliea tea is a «ect that the sytlem will be And its punctuality and probity, of that amount is founded u | on Treasury re­ doubted. mid to that latest, out maddest and wildest preserved And its abandonment would pro- turns prior to the Ute reduction of duties on 4 On the Modification of the Tariff, from the period of the assumption, in 1190, of 'if all, recommended by the Secretary ot the luce general surprise, spread desolation over the duties tbe debt of tho Revolution down to the. pre­ tea, coffee, and cocoa. Supposing SENATE, January II. I rcasury for squandering- the public domain, the Itnd, and occasion as t;re«t a :!u>ck as a on wines and .ilks to be reduced as low as I sent time, rest upon a solid and incontest­ the pr> sent The Senate went into consideration if the 1 b >;K; it will he preserved for declaration of war forthwith against the most think they may be, the total amount of revemut able foundation The danger, perhaps is not gem-ration and for posterity, at it has been "' werfiit na'ion of Europe. following resolution, offered by Mr. < lay, on its engagements, with which the proposed measure will dispense not that it will not fairly meet vt-crivi d from o.pr sncestors, a rich and bnunti- But if the Rystem be preserved, it ought to will be about 87,000,000. The Secretary of WednesdayResolved last:"" - ""- »'- : '«*'" __ "-- .' but lhat fromfr°m ana" inordinateinord.inate avitniy,*»'<%.. arising ul inheritance. In these halcyon days 01 duties upon ar- j fiom temporarT CB11,e,, it mny bring discredit ne honestly, fairly, and Uitht'ully enforced. the Treasury estimates th. receipts of the pre­ Resolved, »hat the existing peace anil (plenty, mid an overflowing treasury, That there do exist the most scandalous viola­ t5clesles inported from foreign- - countries,u , a-d not, ,.,( ,, yinl p, evident ar rangements which sent year from all sources at g30,108,000, and ~:../» in»A AAmnatit.nn urirn Qiimlnr n:'tir.|f»>l >' . J r . , » r i • we appear to embarrass ouraeKes in devising tions of it, and the grossest frauds upon tiie those of the next year will be ot coming into competition with similar no prudent man in the management of his he supposes .^^ 0;ll(1 evcr lMn]( of n(lop,i ng. visionary sc'ieniesfor cistuigHwitv tbe b 'iint'ie^ imbUc revenue, in regard to some of the most an equal amount. He acknowledges that the made or produced within the United States., -^ of Providence has forthwith abolished except the | v Q( ^ rMJduc nft|)e ,,vcnlT four mm£m of with which the goodness important articles; cannot be doubled. As to past y<-ar h»s been on* of extraordinary com. ought to be blessed u*. But, gir, the storm of war will to one deiinmmatui.i duties on vines and Silks, and that they ought dpht> aflpr deducting tho thirteen nillions of iron; objects really belong ncrcial activity; but bu what principles does he come, when we know not; the day of trial an U> which a higher duty is Httiched, »rc impor. anticipate that the present will also be? The I to be reduced; and three per cent, le«s than two millions are due, come, aud now is the a lower du­ the Co .icnitteo on Finance be instruct- d .-/right n:iVDh|e within the present year, liiiiculty \> ill assuredly led tinder another n»me, to winch history of our commerce demonstrates that it l hat by a prudent forecast, to husband our re- ty is assigned, and the law thus evaded. Pulse ed to report a bill accordingly. f to that* sum be" ndded. . . no. moiety which lie- alternates, and that a year of intei>,p->ratesn«c. ::;.\Y rose and addressed the Senate u ,utees and this, the greatest of them i nvoices are made us to woolle-is, and the ulftion is usually followed by one of more guar­ M comes 'lue on the 31st l>cocm'jer next, of the .et them not be hoar-.led and bugged with classification into mini mums is constantly elu­ Substantially as follows: ^4,.t54,727, created hy the act of 26lh May, ded imporlaiion. That the importations ot tbe I have a few observations Mr. Presi e> t, & noser's embrace, but lihera/ly nsed. Let the ded. The success of the American Manufac­ past yaar have been »ed, and it demonstrated by measure now before you; in doing which I lifivo liirit, and especially towards the stales with- by furnishing a better and cheaper article, the two unerring facts. The Brat is, that the im­ ur whifh the ' . ivrriimnnl is bound to pay in n which they are situated. Let the proceeds hagging ot Inverness and Dumle.e lisa been to ask all your indulgence. I am goring oM: 'ii coursn of this yoir. If more, is paid, it ports have exceeded the exports by about tev. 1 feel but too sensibly and unatfeRicdtv ilo t-> ot the sales of the public lands be applied to almost excluded from the conv.imption ol the entecn millions nf dollars. cr.n only bo done, by anticipating vlie periods of i season of pi-ace to some great object, States bordering on the MUaissippi and its feels of approaching age; and I have, been f<>r its payment, and coing into the public market Whatever may be the qualifications to which some years very little in ihe habit »f .rt'irvss.ng ud when war does come by suspending tributaries. There has not yet boen sufficient the theory ol the balance ot trade may be lis» 1 1 purchase the stock. Can it be doubted that 'ut application of them, during t < on- time to fabricate and transport the article in ' deliberative assemblies I am toM f liat I h^ve if ou Ho so the vigilant holder of the sto<-k. ble, it may be safely affirmed, that when th ag­ been thn cause the most 'inwilli.i^ c.n«te i' i.mance, you "-ill be at once put in possession necessary quantities frum Ihe Wtsttrn Stale-, gregate of the importations from all foreign taking advant-.igeof your anxiety, will demand if means for its vigorous prosecution. Moic to the Southern Atlantic States, which there­ I have been, of exciting expectations, the evi­ a greater price than its value? Already we countries exceeds the aggregate of the e». dence of which is around in. I "egret it; for tnau twenty-five years ago' when first / look » fore have been almost exclusively supplied portations to all foreign countries consid­ perceive that the t*ir«e per rents, have, risen sent in this b>>dy, 1 was told, by the fathers n> trom the Scottish manufactories. The pay­ however the subject o which I am 'o -peak, in to the extraordinary hcignt of 96 per cent. erably, the unfavourable balance must be other ha ds might be treated to g'atify or re­ hr Ijovrrnnvnt, thai, if we hud any thing per- ment of the duly is evuded by ihe introduction made up by a remittance < f the precious 'The difference between n payment of the in­ ct in our institutions, it wts the system for of Ihe foreign fabric., under the i »me of bur. ward the presence and attention now given considerable portion remaining of the public metals to some extent. Accordingly we in mine,I have nothing but a phin, unvarnished isposing otlbe pu'ilic lands; and 1 was can- laps, or some other mercantile phrase and in­ lind the existence of the other fact t« which dobt, in one, two. or three yeurs is certainly iioned against rash innovations in it. Subse­ stead of paying five cents t'e square yard, it and unambitious exposition to mike not so important as to justify a resort to highly 1 allude, the high price of bills of exchange on It forms no part of my present pu -pose, said quent experience fully satisfied me of the wis is . ntered witli a duty of only fifteen per cent, England. It is, therefore, fairly to be antici­ disadvantageous terms lore of their couns. Is, & that all vital changes ad valorem. That this practice prevails, is de­ Mr. C. to enter into a consideration of the es' Whoever may be. entitled to the credit of the pated that the duties accruing this year will be tablisheil policy of protee.tio'i ^inm<; in the « it ought to be resisted. monstrated by ilie Treasury report ot tho du­ less in amount thin those of tbe past year. paymcnl of the public debt, 1 congratulate yo'i, to say what convictions, and deeply seate.l in the atfeclions it is Although it may be imp-actical ties accruing on cotton bngging for 'he years And I think it would be unwise to rely upon sir, and the country, most cordially, that the exact amount of tbe public revenue should 18J8, ISW.'and 1H30. During the first year of a large majori y of the people of tho United so near at hand. U is so near being totally ex­ our present information aa to the income of Sta cs, it stands »elf vindicated, in the general >e, '"or Ihe future, and what would be the pre- the amount was 8137,506, the second $106,068 either of these t»o years as furnishing a «afe tinguished, that we may now safely enquire of any given lyntem of imposts, prosperity, in the rich fruits which it has scat whether without prejudice to any establish ~ise produce and the third it-unk down to $14,141! guide for the future The year* 1829 and 1830 terert over the land, in the experience of all consumption ve m»y safely assume, thai-the revenue may The time li»s arrived when ihe inquiry ought will supply a surer criterion. 1 here is a re- ed policy, we may not relieve the ana conailerabty redtt. ed it be not practi­ prosperous and powerful nations, present and o' the country by the repeal or reduction UP'W be reduced, to be seriously made, whether markable coincidence in the -amount of the re­ past, and now, in that of our own. Nor do I public 'his reduction ma> be eflectid in various ways cable to arrest this illegitimate course of trade, ceipts into the Treasury during those two v<-ara of duties, and curlnil considerably the modes of the laws. think it necessary to dise.uss that policy on this revenue In making tins enquiry Ihe firsl n.. on dillerent principle*, thily three and secure Ihe faithful execution it bavin; been, tbe 'first, trom all sources resolution. Other gentlemen may think dif­ question which presents itself is, hether il shall now be noticed. No time c .uld ' e more suitable than that which g34 827,627 38, and the second, 124,844,116 ferently and may choose to argue nml as«:ii; 1st. To reduce duties on all article*, in the it is contemplated to make a great reduction 51, dillering only about £17,000 xpodient to p cserve the existing duties in or- .* _.*!.__«._____. _i ^T'/..- ^_*__(_.i_. B.I Twonutfeal -«!ti*nge* it. If they do, I have no doubt that, in .ill parts dec tuACCunvjUtA, A turplua injiiia- Tf*a*tP< r.Mi«tes, by which n foreign countries We lix the duties, anil gradual reduction, by letting in mare ot the priate than the present session of Congress lo people and given to another, it would be un- he duties on all articles sh'mld be blindly niesi- we leave to foreigners to assess the value on foreign article to displace the domestic rival endeavor to make a satisfactory adjustmen of lust. If it is to be vsiven to the States, in their ured, without respect to their nature or the articles paying a>l valorem duties. That is, we fatfr.c, would increase the revenue and btgei a the Tariff The public debt chiefly arose out corporate capacity, lo he used by them in their xient of (heir consumption. And it wo"ld be prescribe the rule, and leave its execution to necessity for further and future reduction of the late war, justly denominated the second public expenditure, 1 know of no principle in l-'rogattrr from every principle ot theory or ho foreigner. Thin is an anomaly, I believe, duties until they would be carried so low as to contest for National Independence. An aci tho Constitution which authorises the Federal practice on which tbe government has hithcr- peculiar lo ibis country. It is evident that the end in the entire subversion of the system of commonly called the sinking fund act was pas Government to become such a Collector for o pmcecded. amount of duty payable on a given srticle lub- protection. sed by Congress near fifteen years ago, provid­ the Statex, nor of jny principle of safely OP The second would be still more objectionable jvcv lo an ud vdor'-m duty, may be effected as For the reasons which have been sirigned, ing for its reimbursement That act wos pre propriety which admits of the States becoming to the toes ol the t.triH'than cither oi the .il agniust en- tides, i"tn the hands or the foreigner. I have receipt from the sale ot the public Unds an ea* he was taken from us, his country had reason expected calls upon tho public treasury mus lire prohibition, except perhaps in a few >n- been informed lliat seven-eights ot the impor- I limste which I believe will be demonitra ed by to anticipate the greatest benefits from his wis fr qucntly occur. Take some examples from 'ances, I have been always, and still am, op­ tatmn of wnllens into the port of New York, I experience to be much too large. dom and discretion. By thai act, an annual this -ession. The State of Virginia has pre­ posed. By leaving the door open lo the for- where more is received than in nil the other /f a reduction so large as seven millions bfl appropriation of ten millions of dollars was sented a claim for an amount but little short of ei^ii rival article; the benefit ii secured ot H ports of the United States together, are in his made at this session, snd it the necessary neav made towards the payment of the principal and a million, which she prasses with an earnest­ altuvry competition. U it be hermetically hands. This has not proceeded Irum any want turrs be also adopted to detect and punish interest of the public debt; and also any excess ness demonstrating her convict! n of its jus­ closed, the danger is incurred of monopoly. of enterprize, intelligence, or capital, on the muds, and ensure a faithful execution of the which might yearly bo in the Treasury, be­ tice. The State, of outh Carolina has also a The third mode is the most equitable, & rea­ part of the American merchant; for, in these aws, we may safely make a temporary pause, yond two millions of dollars which it was claim for no inconsiderable sum, being upwards sonable & it presents an undebatcable ground, particulars, he is surpassed by the merchants ol and a*sit the developement of the effect upon thought prudent to reserve for unforsccn exi­ glOO 000, which she urges with uqiial'earne;! i which I had hoped we could all safely tread, no country. It bus resulted from his prubity, the revenue ol these arrangements. Thai tha gencies. ness. he gentleman from ''cnnsylvania. (Mr ithout rtith'culty. It exacts no sacrifice of prin. his character, and his respect to the laws and authority of the laws should be vindicated, all But this system of regular and periodical ap­ Wilkms.1 has brought forward a claim arising ciple from the opponent of the American Sy»- institutions of bis country a respect which ought to agree. Now, the fraudulent importer plication of public revenue to the payment of • - *i* 11 tit i • i • • f out•iJUlui.>La, of Frenchi0iiv.iia|iviiavi\jiia|*i'kii spoliations previous i«j\*a towv/ the>viiu con­\-v*u- e-, it cnmp ehfnds none on the part of its docs not influence the toreigner. ' 1 am aware after an exposure of his fraud, by a most strange the public debt, would have been unavailing, if vention of I800 which js h , nol 8hort of f lends. 'Hie measure before you embraces thu that il is msde by law the duty of the «ppraiser Treasury construction ol the law, (made I un- Congress had neglected to provide the necessa fivo mil, ions an(1 to gomc CIicnt, rkof , I have no mode, 't > -imple, & free Irom all complexity, to ascertain Hie value of the goods in certain derstand however, not by the present Secre­ ry ways d means. Congressdid not however neg-. | doubtdoubt, -it haghas Ba j,just1!lt founfoundation,aaiion. //nany a provis- ft divides the whole subject of impost* accord- cases. But what is hi* chief gui'ier* It is the tary) eludes all punishment, and is only requir­ lect the performance-. of. ,.that , duty.- . Bv.£ V? r,'f«!! ion of" public j revenue, Congress ought so to >ig to its nature. It settles at once what foreign invoice, made by whom he know* not, ed to pay those very duties which he waa origin-, actsacts, and mowmore especially by the tariff of 1824 |• ^ it) ^ ttdmilof jne payro"en,. or ,lotie8t and ought not to be disputed, and leaves to be certainly by no person responsible to our law* ally bound lor, but which he dishonestly (ought -the abused, tariff, of, 18i4-the, , publiev u coffers' proper demands, which its justice cannot re settled hereafter if ueceJsaiy, what msy be And, if its fairness be contested, they will bring to evade. Other measures, with t view to ft )R. wero amply replenished and we have been en- j(, j ecl opor ova(ovadeje you cartloads ot certificate! and aflidavit* Irom further reduction of the revenue, may be adojn abled to reach our present pro«d em.nence of ,J , h t ;, controverted. , , , ... .,. ><* eminence of , | hope. too, that either in Hie adjustment of A certain prut of the South has hitherto com­ unknown persons to verify its exactness, and ted In some instances, there might be an financial prosperity: After Congress had , h £,. ^enue, or what, would be prefer- plained that it pays a disproportionate amount the lirH cost of tl.e nrticle. augmentation ot duties for the purpose. I will thu._. . abundantly...... -.,, provided,.-.--,-- funds, ._.._ and directed_-. .- |t ^^aoie, in ^me .pp^'appropriation ,^ 01? lucme procprocuee,Pe(1, eol 01 the imposts. If the complaint be well Now air, it seems lo me that this is a state ot mention the article ot foreign dist lied spirit*. iiitT^T.;^1;!^^^',^ :rrn * P-M- A ?«?««» « p ,* Pro. founded, by the adoption of this measure it will things to which we should promptly apply an In no other country upon earth is there so much ing to be oerformed by the Executive was one nion will e made for such internal improve­ be relieved at ouce.as will he hereafter shown, efficacious remedy, and no other appears to me of the foreign article imported M in this Th« i hi* limply ministerial. And no Rxecutive and ments a* may be sanctioned by Congress. from at least a fourth of ita burthens. The but that of taking into our own hands both parts duties ought to be doubled, and the revenue \ t baa no Administration can justly claim for itself 'his is due to the American People, and em- measure i* fn conformity with the uniform prac­ of the operation, the ascertainment of the val­ thereby further reduced from g6(>0,000 to the any other merit in the discharge of the public hatically due to the w stern pet'pie. Sir tice of the Government, from it* commence­ ue a* well o» the duty to be paid on the good*, million. The public morals, the grain giowing- gone debt, than that of a faithful execution of the emporary causes may exact a reluctant acqui ment, and with the professions of all the emi­ /fit be said that we might have, In different country, the fruit railing, sftd the cane plant­ laws. No other merit than that similar one to the people of the west, in the all benentted by ren­ taik for directing a regular pay­ acence from nent politicians ol \he South, till of late U ports, different rule*, the answer is, that there ing country, would be plete which it it entitled uspension of .appreciations to objects of in SMumes the rirht of the Government, in the a*. could be no diversity greater than that to which dering the duty prohibitory I have net pro« ment of what is due from time to time to tho pre- it perhaps, oogbt ; antf arm; and navy, or to the officers of the Civil ornal improvement, but as certain aayou esurient of duties, to discriminate between #c are liable from the fact of the valuation be- posed the measure, because imil- Government for their mlariej id<~ in that chair, or a* the sun performs its hose article* wh'cb sound policy requires it to ing now made in all the ports of foreign coun­ to onginate'm the other House* i i an* The operation of the sinking fund act com­ liurnal revolution, they will not be satisfied aier; snd those which it need not encourage. tries from which we make our importations. That the measure I have proposed may be » their menced with the commencement of Mr Mon- with an abandonment ol the policy. They will I'his has been the invariable principle, on And that it is better to have the valuations made dopted without interfering with Ihe plan of the. 1- IN.' come here and tell you, not in a tone ol me­ which the Government has proceeded, *'0m by persons ref ponsihle to our own Government Secretary of the Treasury for the payment of roe's Administration. During its continuance t with,. of eight yean, owing to the embarrassments nace or supplication, but in the language of he act of Congress of the 4th July, 1189, and rcRulRtcd by one head, titan by unknown the public debt, by the 4th of March next, conscious right, that they must share with you down to tbe present tune. And has it not foreigner*, standing under no responsibility will now proceed to show. The Secretary uti- irkeA of the Treasury, the ten millions were not rug- the present year, after .as I tilarly applied to the payment of tho debt, and nthe benefit* a* they divide with you the bur- lecn admitted by almost every prominent whatever to us mates that the receipts of hens and the perils of a common Government Southern politician? Hus it not been oven The otli«*r change to which I allude, i* to re­ meeting all other just engagem- nts, will leave aritl* upon the termination of that administration, the a surplus of fourteen millions applicable to the C. Treasury stood largely in arretir to the sinking They will say that they have r.o direct interest acknowledged by the father? of the Free trade duce the credits allowed for the payment of n the expenditures for the navy, the forti­ 3hurch, in their late address promulgated duties, and to render them unitorm. It would payment of the principal of the debt. With fund. During the fiibsnqiicnt Administration ol eight millions which be propose* to four ycar-i; not only was the, ten millions faith fications, nor even the army, those greatest Tom Philadelphia, to the people of tbe United be better, if not injurious to commerce, to a- thissum, absorbent* of the public -treasure. That they S ate*? If we never had a system of foreign boliiih them altogether. Now we haveWious derive from the sale of the Bank stock, and two fully applied during each yecr, but those ar­ which he would anticipate from the rears were brought up, and all the previous are not indifferent, indeed, to the safety and mpost*, and were now called upon, for the first period* of credit, graduated according to the million* prosperity of any part of our common county. mc of the articles, which »ould. by thin dita are allowed, the moment would ieem_ta.' ing be, that the fourteen millions will h«i com­ HDD, which the Government dou* mil stan some nf their most patriotic sons nobly '' nemiure, -be liberated from utiee,. are luxu- be propitious for restricting the other credits , posen .ble bound lo redeem at any ;v<:«"ri'.icd lime, bt fighting in the common causa, B ut they wil ties, (be remark it equally tru :»f some of tbe in such manner, that whilst they nfTordcd a ' w-,thln thepieient year, then the measure prtf*

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\ *>* 1 %.: ..t

U Department and the Collectors of tl.e, On molion by Mr. Uilson, of Mont-1 The Appolnllngnouer^-'tht follow- -\-V ! in .. ,-M ^ S them. The spirit of compromise, Customs, or either of them, shewing the'gomrrv, nig is an extract from the Eulogiurn ~^m,moi the «hule , which Mr. Hayne advocated the interests - ° . '...... the late, Ex-President Monroe, deliy- debt by the 'ewctdny | of the South, impressed very favorably constrUction^vhiuh has been placed by! Ordered, that ihe committee on the Ul \*lt 1WIM1I«»»»» „»w »••» — - f cre.d by Judge McLean, late Post Master i which h.s been stated. ...II however, ...... u.the ._.:..Cntne gomc of (hose whonre identified with that Department upon the act entitled I militia, be, and they are hereby requir- m 7,000000, tmbraceUby the resolution on your the opposite policy. Mr. Wilkins, of "an act to amend the several acts irripos- j ed to inquire into the expedien- General After the ear 1ms become pained, and the >oul sickened with "every Uhle, were subtracted from the fourteen, it Pennsylvania, while he insisted tint the ing duties on imports," approved the 24th ;cy of revoking or annulling the en- »ould Hill U»ve him seven millions btsidesrthe 'May, 1824, or upon any other act of tiVe militia system of this slate, and ' at"' day's n-port" of the abuses and proscrip­ i m bank stock, to be applied to the debt, and Hut protective principle could never be yield­ of tions of Jacksonfsm, it is consoling'o re­ ol itself. would be three millions more th*n csn ed by him, and asserted,-that its main- Conjingress, imposing duties on imports, the ramti time inquire into the proprie-p 1 _ * U.,. !«in«ncia/% cur to the view here presented of t|)R IM r- be properly «r pV.ed to the object, in the course essential.___*?_! to the interests of passed since that day i.'icludiqg the ac( of jty of substituting in lien thereof, a. wel!' vt was tenance k " .h,.ye.r. lilhwe ...ready endeavored U represented, frankly avow- 19th May, 1830. organized system ol militaiy tacticstactic! as practice of belter days and better men, the State he ed the hope he entertained, that some The Senate, after a aitting of five required by the exigencies of the time* in relation to appointments to office. here, sir, most anxiously desiring "In the use of patronage, that most that *n .mngement of the public levtnue concession could be made compatible hours, adjourned over to Monday next and report to this House by bill or oth­ ; y In the House of Representatives, Mr. erwise. delicate and important branch of execu­ A should bb'iiJe, which, without swrificmg any with those interests, to meet the concil­ (', ' ot the great interests of the country, wwi iatory temper manifested by the Senator Root, from the Committee on Agricul­ Mr. Johnson submitted the following tive power, Mr. Monroe was governed by ''V, reconcife and satisfy all iU puts \ thought from South Carolina. Ibid. ture, reported a bill for "promoting the preamble and resolutions, those enlarged and elevated views, re- pe'ceired in the claw of objects not produced of Silk in the Whereas,underagovernmentessential-[qiiireil by the interest of his country. {--•• ^ Within the country, i field on which we could WEDNESDAY, Jan. 18. growth and manufacture all enter, in a true and pemnne spirit of com- United States.' 1 - Mr. Drayton, from the ly based on, and regulated by public o- The utmost deference, in making ap- The Senate was yesterday engaged, _ ' ' .. I . 1. . _ t l_ _ __Ml _ £* 1 I. _ _,.«....IM u « ! n inn f-lnf r. t*T T\ a »"\1Hl 4 /\ •"» 11 11 I I /> O 011 t I »« KK L promise and Harmony, and agree upon an arni­ Committee on Military Affairs, reported a pinion, and where the will of the people pointments, was paid to public sentiment, ca le adjustment. Why should it not be done? during the greater part of its session, in whilst at the same time, irreproachable Executive business. The Legislative bill to increase the number of Surgeons I is the only sovereign authority it becomes Why should those who are opposed to the A- a primary obligation to diffuse intelli­ chararter and high qualifications w»:re mtncan System demand of its trienda an un. matters were of inconsiderable impor­ and Assistant Surgeons in the United cnnd-tional surrender.1 Our common object States Army. Mr. Bouldin's resolution i gence, and give every facility to a clear indispensable requisites. Personal mo­ tance. tives, either as ihey regarded the Presi­ should be so to reduce the public revenue as to In the House of Representatives, Mr. relative to the Tariff, and Mr. Davis's developement of knowledge, as the ouly relieve the hurt hens of the people, it indeed the dent himself, or the person appointed, Bouldin's resolutions, were further dis­ amendment thereto, was taken up, and secure guardian of political rights, and peopl- of this country can be truly .said to be bur- discussed by Mr. M'tchell of S.Carolina the only permanent foundation for liber' were lost in considerations of public du- »j th- ned The Uovernment must have a certain a- cussed, after which the Census Bill was mount of revenue , t* that amount roust be collei again taken up, and occupied the House until the expiration of the hour allotted ty ami virtue viewing it as incompati­ taught there ui l/: war "Frori the official relation which I bore ttdfrnm the Imports. Hit material tolh« consu­ till the hour of adjournment. to morning business. A number of pri­ ble with the spirit of the age, and at mer. whet -«w.r situated, whether the 'collection vate bills were acted on. The Speaker with the true policy and permanent in­ to the President, towards the close of his be made upon a few or many objects, provided THURSDAY, Jan. 19. presented the memorial of the President terest of this republican government that administration, it became my duty to w: utever be the mode, the amount ol his con- | In the Senate yesterday, the resolutions be left irt those consult him in making.certain appoint- triHution to the public exchequer remains the &. Directors of the Bank of Pennsylvania nny obstruction should If the assessment c«n be made oh ob- offered by Mr. Sprague, of Maine, call­ praying a re-chatter of the BanU of the channels for communication which it is'ments. But in no instance did he inti- je-ts which will greatly benefit large portions ing for information connected with the United States. On motion of Mr. Wick- the interest of all to keep open between | mate a preference for anyone of the of the Union, without injury to him, why should Boundary question, were adopted after a liffe, it was referred to the committee of brethren of the same political family, candidates whose names I laid before him b* object to the selection of those objects? very short discussion, in which Mr. they rnny be, His answer was, uniformly. "The law Yes, sir, I came here, in a »pirit of warm '- Ways and Means, with the following in­ however widely dispersed tichmentto alt parts of our beloved coui;try. Sprague, Mr Ewing,Mr. Clay, and Mr. structions to saiil Committee: over this great national domain', hail­ has given to you the. right to make the with a lively solicitude to rental* and preserve Grundy, rook part. "To.enquire into the expediency of ing with especial delight the rapid melt­ appointment; I shall be satisfied with its harmony, and with firm determination to f n the House of Representatives, the reporting a bill to incorporate a netv ing away, anil antipating the speedy and your decision; do what the public interest pour oil and balm into existing wounds, rather resolutions offered by Mr Bouldin,on (he Banking Company, to take effect and total extinguishment of the national debt, requires." irun further to lacerate tliem. For the truth I:!' and sincerit) ol these declaration-, I appeal to subject of thr. Tariff, wer^ again taken go into operation after the expiration ol the payment of which has heretofore 10- "In one case, I 'had every reason to HIM whom none can deceive. I expected to up, and Mr Stewart concluded the ob­ the charter of the Bank of the U. States, quircd exactions from the pro-pie, that bf-lieve, if personal consideration had be mtt by corresponding dispositions, and servations he had commenced. After he reserving one third of the capital in said hereafter need no longer be demanded, been permitted to influence him, there hoped that "our deliberations, guided by frater­ had concluded. Mr. Wickliffe demanded Dank ol the United States, together with and estimating as we do the public press were strona grounds for its exercise. nal sentiments «nd feelings would terminate m the previous question, which was second­ diffusion 'contentment and satisfaction through. a sufficient bonus on the charter; one of this country «s being beyon-l com­ One of the applicants was a particular ou* the land. And that such may be the spirit ed. The question was then ordered to be third to be subscribed for by such of the parison, the most efficient engine lor friend, with whom, in early life, he Lad pr« Wing over them, undsuch their issue, /yet taken on the previous question by ayes Stockholders in the present Bank as the diffusion of useful information, and been long associated in the public si-r- HID':* t-ivtntly W>pe. and noes, when it was decided by a vote may be citizens of the United States, as, at all times, being the mos! serure vu-e; and for whom he entertained a of 96 to 93, that the main question the the other third to be taken by such citi­ palladium of our free and happy institu­ strong personal regard. A direct appeal CONGRESS. reference of the resolutions should NOT zens of the United'States as may desire tions. Therefore, to persona! friendship was mn'Je, and now be put. This decision icmoved the so to invest their surplus capital: Resolved, As the opinion of the Gen­ this was enforced by the necessities of question from before the House for that "That they also enquire into the expe­ eral Assembly of Maryland, that the the applicant. But even in this ca*e, TUESDAY, Jan. 17. day. After this decision, the House pro diency of prohibiting the Bank from this more »han Roman Patriot gave not .', charge imposed upon th? transportation In the Senate, yesterday, Mr. Clay- ceeded to the orders of the day; and in dealing in or holding real estate, except of newspapers by mail, as it tends great­ (he slightest intimation of a preference; ton, Senator from Delaware, appeared committee of the Whole on the State of for the mere purposes of Banking Hou­ ly to obstruct (heir circulation and pre­ and another individual was appointed, 1 / and took his seat Mr. Dallas present­ the Union, resumed the consideration of ses and houses necessary for the transac­ vent the diffusion of .intelligence, is un­ because I believed him to be the be'tei- ed two memorials from inhabitants of the census bill. tion of the business of the company. necessary, impolitic and unwise. qualified to- discharge the duties of the the City of Philadelphia, trading to the ''Of prohibiting the location of any office. FRIDAY, Jan. 20 Resolved, That of this Western country, praying for a renew­ branch in any State without the consent the Senators "The relation of this incident will be The Senate, yesterday, at half past Mate in tin- the United al of the charter of the Bank of the Uni­ twelve o'clock, having finished the of the legislature of such State: Congress of pardoned, on the ground that such cases te^ States. The bill providing lor the "And also, of so forming the charter, Slates be instructed, and the representa­ morning business, proceeded, on motion exertions to often tend more to elucidate character organization of the Ordnance Depart­ of Mr. Tazewell, to the consideration of that the legislatures of the several tives requesti-d to use their than more important transactions. Wlien ment, was passed. The consideration of States shall and may exercise the pow­ procure the passage of a law lor the Executive business, in which they were on newspa' those selfish feelings, to which we am all Mr. Clay's resolution for the abolition or engaged till 4 o'clock. er when they deem it expedient to do so lotal abolition of the postage more or less liable, come directly in con­ pers throughout the Unian. reduction of duties on unprotected arti­ In the House of Representatives, Mr. of imposing a fair and reasonable tax tact with public duty, and they arc disre­ cles, was resumed, and Mr. Hayne Adams, from the Committee on Manu­ upon the capital employed, in any Resolved, That his Excellency, the garded, no higher evidence can be given moved to amend the first resolution, by factures, reported a resolution directing Bank, or brauoh of said Bank with­ Governor be requested to transmit co- of elevated and patriotic principles. I striking out all after the word "coun/rie»" the-Secretary of the Treasury to report in the jurisdiction of such State; and iies of these resolutions to the Senators deem it of some importance to record in the second line, and inserting the fol­ to the House the quantities and kinds of also to subject the said corporation nd representatives of this State, and al- such instances, as they may not be with­ lowing: the several articles manufactured in the to be sued in the District or Circuit r to the Governors of the other states, out their use in other days of the repub­ "Be so reduced, thai the amount t>f the United States, during the year ending on Court in any State where they may hat the same may be submitted to the lic." public revenue shall be sufficient to de­ the 30th September last, particularly have a BrancK located and the cause of .e^islatures thereof for their considera- fray the expenses of government, accor- those of iron, cotton, wool, hemp, sugar, action lon. ding to their present scale, after the pay- I &c to,,etner W|( i, such jnformaiionn as Which was read. The following anecdotes the late Stephen Girard, are now ment of the public debt; & that, allowing , - , material, and such sugges- of M aY>} \ai\A. Mr. Johnson -reported a bill, entitled, a reasonable__ ___ui- «:_-time r~-for *i.«the gradual_.»,J..*./ ».re­ ^ . ' . o^ Ln act to regulate the election of the (he rounds of the newspapers, and arc [ions as he mav think useful, with a view characteristic of the man. duction of the present high duties on the to the adjustment of the tariff. The res­ HOUSE OF DELEGATES, lerk of the county couit,and register ol ar'icles corning into competition with olution was adopted. TUESDAY, Jan. 17. vills, for Frederick county. A young sailmaker of Philadelphia similar articles made or produced in the The resolution submitted on Monday On motion by Mr. Moores, On motion by Mr. Turner of Balti­ called on Mr. Girard for the purpose oC United States, the duties be ultimately 3y Mr. M'Duffie, from the committee of Ordered, That the committee on edu­ more, buying a large quantity of duck, which equalized, so that the duties on no article Ways and Means, of a similar chatactei cation, be, and they are hereby instruc­ The house took up lor consideration lie wished to make up into sails. He was a shall, as compared with the value of that to the above, was then considered and a- ted to inquire in the expediency of con­ he following leave: stranger to Mr. G. /ed, That The said bill was then read the sec­ On motion by Mr. Nicols, said bill thf payment." The man went accord­ nppmpriations for laying out anu making the paper currency, in the form of orders ond time and passed. was amended by adding at the end there­ ingly, and on the molasses being put up a Mill ary road from Fort Howard at drawn by the Presidents of the Offices The house then proceeded to considei of, the following as an additional sec­ one hogshead or the lot, started at a very 0-een Bay, to Fort Crawford on the of Discount a.nil Deposits, on the Cash­ the second order of the day, being the tion: low rate. The bystanders, who were all Mississippi. Mr. Invin, from the Com­ ier of the Bank of the United States, is preamble and resolutions from the sen- "And be it enacted, That each and ev­ wholesale dealers, supposing that the mittee on the Public Lands, reported a not authorized b> any thing contained in ate, n.|atj vi. to rechartering the United man only wanted one hogshead, would bill authorising the Governor of Arkan­ ery note so taken, as a part of any the charter, and that the said currency is,; states Bank: the discussion of which claim, debt or acconnt, shall on the face not bid upon him; and it was according­ sas to lease the salt springs in that and is hereby declared to b* illegal, and , occupied the house until the hour of ad Territory, and for other purposes. thereof, specify or identify the amount of ly struck off. Much, to their surprise, that the same ought to be suppressed. journment. said claim, debt or account, of which he told the auctioneer he would take the Mr. Harbour of Virginia, from a select Mr. Benton supported the motion in Committee, reported a bill to provide for WEDNESDAY, Jan. 18 th. the same is intended to be a part." whole lot, naming his endorser, and be­ a speech three hours long, and it was On Motion of Mr. Thomas, ol Queen fore he left the spot, disposed of his bar- adjusting and paying certain claims of opposed by Messrs. Dallas, Buckuor, Ann's The said bill was then read the second this Commonwealth ol Virginia. The time as amended, and passed. Igain for an advance sufficient to build resolutions submi^tm! on the 27th ult. biH reported by him, entit.ed, An The hour haying arrived for taking I n'm a 8ni>g tenement Smith, and further suppoited by Messrs, i act for the. revaluation of an pro­ To the above the New-York Gazelle by Mr. BouUlin, ordering an enquiry in­ Forsyth, Miller, Kane, Marcy,and Tyler. pcrs0nal property in Queen up the order of the day, the house to the operation of the Tariff laws upon coun ceeded to consider the bill reported by adds the following, which was handed by The question being taken, leave to intro- " , rcai a gentleman of this city. the importation of certain cloths, was lur- duce the resolution was refused as fol- the second time,' and passed, Mr. Moores, entitled, An act to abolish * ther discussed by Messrs. Davis of Mas­ lows: . all such parts of the constitution and The writer oMhis article, when quite a sachusetts, Cambrereng ami I lie mover -_ __ _ t -. i,,,. The- " house.«wM.a^ proceed|*t v.-,**TIIUH( ll|fWl|in«*upon the _ «•' * , • • The» I«V* saidOCS. IU billW| !• was•«•*•• then»• read the sec- Anne's, the house was called, an J the marking pot and brush, and said, "then Taritr, urned yesterday. Mr. J*'^8tf»! KintinSi&' (Kniglil^Naudam^Prent- ond time and passed. door keeper sent for the absent mem­ do it." He look the pot and brush, and llayner«|>lii!tlIIavnPvnpV.Bdlr.Mr to Mr Clay,(-lay, and fulfilled - IS»> .l»OIIU ")s,si Robinson,noi)inijon,!.eyinour,Bi Sey mour,SiUhi'C, Mite, On motion by Mr. Teackle tlu> vras bers. after being employed about an hour and t 'nVlMixpc.-lMion which it was.ovident ^?''»' l^plon, romllnson, >> ebstcr, anj ,,.,yN ,,ere ordered and appeared The door keeper having returned, re­ a half, Mr. G. handed him five silver dol­ I\ lia.l c\tjiieiili-oiiilli''gr«'at as-eiiihl.igt J, ".s,T"2;j> . , , r ,, as follows-irayo crowlpd. before, ntul all who olution, vtlik-h was read und laid on the Mr. B ruff presented the petition of E- attendance in the house was required. richest boy in the world; but he had soon ware prest'iit, It It it, wo have 1,0 doubt, table: lizu llopkim, of Talbot county, praying The said bill was then read the second to return with his father to Mr. G. to te*t ...... \r ....auguries -...... for the...... ,....._.....,lestoration Iv'^lvcd, Thai the Secretary of the the rdinquishment of the States claim to time, and pasted. the truth of his having received honwtly of harmony HIIIOII- tin-dilufn-nt sections - Trt»su''.vbo directed to communicate to certain lands therein mentioned; which On motion by Mr Ely, the yeas and so much money Mr. G. replied,"! gave of ihc Union, than lh«y brought, with tne Sl'nutc nn.v correspondence which ivas read, aid referred to the committee nays were ordi-red, and appeared as fol­ it to him to encourage his early risii»£ may have passed, between, the Ircasuiy on griavauwi and courts of justice. lows: ayes 19 nays 19. and induilnj." i> ;i -, -,>. v'^;';;''*'^;^... . . ,.. ":^1^^ « < - .•,,

_.--- _... -« «.«, .- ». . By' the following;^ ---,-,.it appears .--tlio Pliila-1--. For l/ie Eoa/on Gwtttlc. The females loo tue a little spirituous 1 EASTOH GAZSTT2 ''elphia are not pleased wilh the p.os- Fli(.nd Grahami liquor and tobacco. The number of fe­ PUBLIC SALE. -— pect of an increase to their coloured pop-1 males is always greater in every civilized OY vhtuf-oUil order of ih« (i>|rliane males. For the 1400 *t the ln«c resi- trice ol John rnuncell, dec'd! Joseph E. Muse; particularly so, as it males of 21 years of age and upwards lmi I Cr.ek neck all the personal r«tate question i, gravely put .- . we will estimate the females at 1,450. Of ot nul i|pc»«-- coinibl- in Philadelphia "whether an illegitimate , We ask attention to the arti- ! feel. s? decP Bn ' namely, that of female minors very few comparatively child can be considered an orphan with' icles, the writer of which is known°to us> ! abiding the depredations.of the "Hessian use either spirituous liquor or tobacco ^*"' I .» . _ ._ _ l|||*»'Jtt»Ir«iM»*»MMMl«Knv«BfAHlr*._.~,l..___I and therefore we discard them from the in the scope of M*. Girard's Will?" Most nd in the statements of which the most I .. ,. calculation. Of the 1450 lemalbs of .-na­ mplicit confidence mav be placed. The I dlscan«'ng »»e for a certainly we say here, he can for a bds- is indeed extraordinary, if not alar- suc«ed.ng crop of wheat ture age we will suppose that one half taid in Law is "nu//iu* filius* and of it would be the height of presumption uses both, say 725 averaging a cost of Horses, Cattle, Sheep & ning. 12^ cents each per week for spirituous course from his birth is without father or 'olihe Editor oftkt Daily Chronicle. 1 in m ? to altemPl to refute or to call in Corn, fork, niade*, Top Fodder, and the crop Give me leave, through your paper, tot q"««tion any part of that communication', liquor and tobacco, equal to $4712 ex­ ol wheat now Rfowing in the giortnd, wiili * mother. He too from his birth will bear pended by females per annum in these two variety of articles loo tedious to enumerate. make known some facts which I think iti fro.m a knowledge of the above insect, Terms of Sale A credit of nine momJu will with him the best chance of going into nportant to our welfare should be known P'ned "? m? opr" obswvat.ons, or to at- superfluous, noxious indulgences thus be Ri«en, on all sums over five dollars, the the Seminary, between six and ten years o the people of Philadelphia, and to the """P* a defence ol Mr. MeKee, who has shewing a grand aggregate annually ex­ purchaser, or purchaaern, Riving note v ifh ap­ Representatives of the people of Penn- P6"1 so much deceived, fas the Doctor pended by the while population of Tal- proved ncunty, Bearing interest from the Uuy of age, unaffected by religious impress­ bot county in the two articles of spiritu­ ol sale-on til «jnr» of, and under five dollars, ylvauia, at Harrisburgh. I fear, gentle- '"forms " ) inr h's observations, save in thr cash will be rt quired, before the removal ions, and, according to the views of the men, we are sleeping on gunpowder. I \ tl!e deP°,slt . °f ^ 'KB *? *he % °» the ous drink and tobacco of §27,527. ot the property Sale to commence at 10 o'­ bequest, will afford a fair subject for the vould respe-tfully ask our Editors gen- i |>!ant- l "ilMeav.. Mr MrKee to defend The Levy list of Talbot County av«r- clock, A. U. and attendance given by ages about $10.000 per annum, this de­ impress of the pure morality he is to be rally,, to make these facts public,, did I | s °wn P0?!1!011 und only mftke "request JOHN C011NUKLL, E«*r ot fear that the extreme philanthropy of ^7°" w.'" lr;sert,'» ft"' u.seful PaPPr ducted from $27,527 leaves $17,527. , . of John Councell, dec'd. taught there unincutnbered &. uncontarn- Jan 28 it ome of them, may darken their vision to llic ™°™ for the edification of yourour The inhabitants of Talbot, as to relig­ inated-by any religious principle. he things which appertain to a just care reaJers; it is an extract from the 6th vol. ious denominations, are divided into the )f ourselves, and of those who have a part 1st page 95 of a little work on in- Episcopal Church, Methodist Church, SHERIFF'S SALE. BREAD STUFF MARKETS. ight to look to us for protection. It is ect Transformations, and goes to prove and Friends, commonly called Quakers Y virtue of a writ if Vcnditiohi cxponas is­ .Vew York, January 14th, 1832. cnown that our fellow-citizens to the lat the Doctor is in an error when he there are scarcely any of any other B sued out ot Talbot County Court, and to sserts "th.it it is not probable, that the me directed a ,d delivered by the Clerk there­ Flour from $6 50 to $7 per brl. whPat South and their Legislatures, are sensibly denominations Suppose you set apart of, at th« suit ol Trisirjfn Thnm-.», use of Con- 118cts per bus. Rye from 90 to 95cts. aWrtkened to their exposed situation from ggs could have borne the cold of last $15,000, apportioned among three differ­ r.d r.elly u CQ. against .lames Rullen, will be tinter, without freezing; and no egg hav- ent denominations by some equitable sold at the tront door of the Conrt House in the per bus. round corn 7flcts and southern laving among them so many people who are of a different and darker complexion ng been frozen, will produce a living an- scale, for building Churches and houses town of Caston, on TUESDAY, the Hth dav flat corn (gourd seed) 62£ to C5cts. per mal." "We cannot better conclude ' bruary next, for cish, hrtween the hour* of han ours. It is known that our sout ern of worship this sum deducted from the 10.Mock, A M. and 4 o'clock P.M. of the bus. considerable bread stuffs had arriv­ ellow-citizens are all laboring, if not to lese imperfect sketches of the liyberna- $17,527 would leave a balance, the first imp day, the following property to wii: All on of insect eggs, than by an account ol ed 500 Liverpool sacks of salt were get rid of their slaves, at least to drive year, ot" $25->7.that might be ndvnnla- ihe right, title interest and claim and estats - ingenious experiments made by Spal- peouslv applied to buying a good scite >f 'inn, the Mid James Hullen, ot in and to all selling at less than $1 per snck. ar from (hem all the hundreds of thous­ he linels of the late Thomas Uullen viz: part ands of free coloured people. Our own auzatii and John Hunter, by exposing lor building a commodious Orphan Charleston, ./im. 9. everal species of these to great degrees Lords Gitt_cpntainitiK 100 acrei of land Legislature arc not altogether indifferent School House with ample grounds around fnr.re or If sa, Bullens 1'iscoverv, near White Flour §6 25 a 6 50 per brl. Savannah to this subject, and it would seem to me fcold as well as of heat. It results from it for all purposes. Marsh (;hureh.containing one I'M...... mired a. r>*a... (Geo.) Indian Corn 87^ per bus. hesc experiments that ''intense cold," to t land rt.ore or tes<. Kiupps Lot, and pr.rt of ihat many of them are fully sensible of The second year, after deducting an- 1'roipoct. Contairvinp 150 acres of Land IXore Boston Jan. 11. the danger we run in making our state ise the xvords of Spallanzani, '-does not nual Levy as before of 1(7,000, we will lestroy the eggs of insects. •>t l.jss. pnrt .>f Manners Lot, containing '9* i ; Flour $6 50, yellow corn 89 to 90cts and city a place of refuge for this class allow $7500 only to all denominations -acres of.bm! more or less, ami part otof Fl- m- per bus. and scarce. of people. All this, gentlemen, is but a The year or 1709, when Fahrenheit's for Houses of Public Worship, leaving I" Frohca, .. our hundred »nd Baltimore, Jan. 9, to 19. sort of preamble to the facts to which 1 hcrmoineter fell to 1° is celebrated for $10,027 to build Ihe Orphan school house " one and a half acrt s of land more or ie.ii, and part ot I'rospect and Knapps Lot. con- Flour average $5 50 per brl. Ry have referred, and which have so fully a- ts rigour and its fatal effects on plants large enough to accommodate 200 scho­ and ani'Tials. 50 seres of land more or lew: alto. 34cts per bus. wheat $1 to 1 10 per bus wakened me to our exposed situation. lars. -vu Ueils, R-dKteadi and furniture, and one On Monday last I will be particular, Who can believe, exclaims Boerhaavc Horse *n.l C. rt, the goods and chattel* lands Indian corn 55cts. per bus. hat the severity of tnis winter did not The third year, after deducting annual and tenements of ihe Morosaid Jamei DnMen. as my memory will serve me as to limes. Levy as before, we will allow no more Good Sea boats well manned and olTi and persons, and places, so as to impress destroy the eggs of insects, especially to p»v and s.tivfy the ab.iv,- mentioned writ of hose exposed to its influence in the open for houses of public worship (presuming vendi'.ioni f x;v.n:>s sml the interest and costa cered might make a good deal for th all my readers as to the truth of all I shal that as many as are necessary will hnvn due ami to becnmc due thereon. narrate On Monday last, I was on busi­ fields, on the naked earth, or on the Attendance liy farmers in shipping their grain coastwise aranches of trees? Yet when the Sjirmg been supplied) and the balance of $17,- ness in the office of Alderman Binns 527 may be exclusively applied to nn J. M. FU'LKNF.H, the moment the frost breaks for when the. Master of the schooner High ;iad tempered the air, these eggs produ­ Jan 28 ced as they usually did after the mild«-st Orphan School. Of this $-1.000 will be the very corn they send to Baltimore and Flyer,/ro7» Virginia, was brought up on necessary to furnish it completely togeth­ sell at 50 &. {j5cts per bus. is re-shipped di- a debt warrant, for wages alleged to be winters. Since that period there have SHERIFF'S SALE. been winters more severe. In France, er with bedding Str, $|2.G14 will he rectly nndfjpt coastwise to Boston, New due from the schooner to a colourei required for (he current annual expense Y virtue ol * »r't of vmilitinni expor.aj, is- young man. I did not attend so particu­ during December. 1788, the thermome­ B ucil i.ut ot Talbot cnunlv Couit, and to York. Charleston or Savannah and sold ter lell considerably lower, and in sever­ of about 200 scholar* for board salaries ;e dincied and delivered, at the suit nl Kd. larly to the merits of the claim, as I woul of a President and four other tutors ward N. Hutuhletou, against Isaac U. 1'urrott, there often at from 15 to 25cts advance have done, had not my attention beei al other temperate European climates.'1 "I have exposed eggito a more rigor­ salary of a manager, wages of eight dif» will be sold at the front door ofthe court house and sometimes at more. arrested by the number of colored people ID the town I Easton, to the highest bidder for ous trial than the winter of 1709. Those ferent attendants for different purposes who came up with the Captain and Con cost of fuel, books stationary for scho­ cath, on TUESU \Y the 14th day nt F. brnary The Western Mail did not arrive yesler- stable. The case being determined, of several insects, and among others the next, between the hours oflUoWk, A M. silk-worm, moth, and elm butterfly (Va- lars, 8ic. Sic. and then a balance of a- and* o'clock, P. M. (he following property, dny no unusual circumstance since the j went tothe Constable, with whom I hav bout $900 is calculated lo furnish a team viz. All his right, title, interest, claim and e». r ... _/-.,._... .,1.. ___i___.__. .. .1.... _,j,. Isome acquaintance, his name is Peter- R nessa polychloras!) w^re inclosed in a of the old contractor 8c the old glass vessel and buried five hours ill a or two, implements of gardening and far­ tale of, in and to thut Tract ot Parcrl ol Land Benner, and asked him how it was s ming;, and for inclosures, for the estab- where the said Parrot! did reside, bi the quan­ route. We received the following note many coloured people had come up wit! mixture of ice and sal flein (rock salt;)'... . tity of Bcres what it nvy, or by vhaiev. r iwrne from the Post Master last night, on the him to the office. I was the more curi the thermometer fell fl°ibelow zero. In "»nment- or names It may be calli-d^-alno 2 yoke ol oirn. the middle of the follcrtfibg Spring, haw- The fourth year tha et4ablishmen U bead of oth«r Cutll*, 10 tie»d of Shcrp.3 subject * oui about the matter, a* it appeared would be complete and might be suppos- Carts. 1 Qigand H»rn« »«, 1 Bureau, 1 Manile i me there wns a certain forwardness and ever, caterpillars camefirom all the eggs, Clock. 1 (;on\er Cupboard and content*, 3 firds lupheadedness of manner in these colored and at the same time asJrom those that i ?d to have its full complement of scholars Bcclsteu:M nnd Furnilure, 1 Negro Oirl (Ann,) ed from Brond Creek, bringing back the men whif*h seemed to me somewhat had suffered no cold. In the follow-' and after deducting the annual Levy, a slave (or a term of years and not to go out of Mail forwarded on Wednesday, It has strange and peculiar. After I got the ing year, I submitted them to an experi-, the wholf of Ihe $17,527 might be appli- this Stutc, 1 sorrel Hone ai Ve mentionei' lunac B. P*rrott, the hay. Every exertion, the driver .ays, ye( mo, fi atteil|;on to th,.so ppople , han , of ice and sal gem with the fuming spirit would literally cost us a drink of grog, a 10 satisfy and r>»y the above Mtmr/l wri> ot , and even r eeka in one of the newspapers printed in DIED ston. to increase-the number of Captains to hundred of them-and I know hot how " succulent* ' stems' ol-" Timothy. " «-- In thi« county on Monday lust, Mr*. Tlopkina. In testimony that the foregoing is truly and forty, of Commandants to fifty, of Lieu- m llun,| red may havc (.omc amon{, us A TALBOT FARMER. In tbi< cotuitv on themme day, Mn Hooper. faithfully copied from the minutes tenant* to two hundred and filly, of M,d- _of ,he ^^ popu|atioll from South- !') thii county on the tame day *'r. William of proceeding! of the Orphans1 sh.pmen to five hundred, of Surgeons to (on Coun, in rvir{rinia, that I .-an- _ I Rinnemon. ' Court, of the county alhresmH. Commandersrommnndp« six­six- ieast jn our 8,atCj to p ve ;t publicity, it is fair to estimate, that 100 of them ford will take place at Vienna, on Thurs­ of Wills for Caroline county teen hundred, School-masters at a Navy i I abstain from the use of all npiritous li- day the 9th day of February, at eleven o'clock, Yard seven hundred and twenty, and else­ A. M. attended with masonic honors The For the Pennsylvania Inquirer. ,. whatever leaving 1300, who use brethren of this and the adjacent counties are In compliance to the above order where three hundred and fifty. The pay P. S.-Since the above communication them more or less- requested to attend. NOTICE IS IIEKEUY GIVEN, of other officers to remain as heretofore. What is the fair average of the total Jan 23. Officers employed in actual service, at wa9 That the Subscriber ol Caroline county, hath sea, to be paid at these rates obtained from the Orphans' Court of Caroline House and Lots for Sate. county in Maryland, let) en of administration on Knch admiral 5000 dollars. the personal estate of George Speerry. l»te Each Rear Admiral 4500 dollars V virtue of an order of Talbot county court of Caroline county, deceased All persona at May Term the undersigned com- A Cap of many free colored fellows did you say ters of a dollar per week, equal to $16,- i miasioners, will ofler at public -ale on ' having claims against the said deceaml's , 150 guns estate are hereby warped to exhibit the ,nn had como here from Virginia?' 'Why,' 900 per annum, spent in spirilous liquors the 38th of February next, with the proper vouchers thereof, to the xib- A Captain commanding a - - - - "'^ TWO LOTS OF GROUND, scriber on or before the 28th day ol July, mounting less than i 3500 dollars nnswer*d the captain, 'I said five hun- by the white male population of 21 years 1 dred!!' 'In what time,' said I, 'do you of age and upwards. next, or they may otherwise by law, he per annum excluded from all benefit of rhe said eat >te num,be.r 4ha» come h"e?' Of these 1400 voters we will ,ay that situate at the upper end of Dorer A Captain commanding a ship of the ?£PP°f g«{ num°e.r street in the town of Easton. on one Given under my band this 17th day of Jan-> line.line 82on8QOO dollars.dollars 'Why,'s_a.dy, sai thee captain.captain, 'since I have been one half of them use tobacco either m of which rs erected a convenient and uary, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirtv two. A Captain commanding a frigate of to the West Indies.' 'Do you suppose, chewing, snuffor smoking, and mahy in , aiBB comfortable two story frame NEHEMIAH FOUNTAIN, adm»r Ihe first chss 3000 dollars said I, 'that such a number as Jive hun- more ways than one. What is the fair dwelling with kitchen attached. This pro« of George Sptcrry, deo'd. A Cantam commanding nfris-atedf the dredhave come here within three months?' averageorthi' total expeViflirure of each perty will be sold on a credit of l* months, Jan. 28 ' " ' said he,'within' twow months.'nth' of the^e. 700 men per week for tobacco? * A Master Commandant, 2200 dollars. .' did not say another word, but deter- We will call it «n cents «ftch a week, J^,*, °b "ri^'f^.',1 fro the da, o sale. $150 REWARD. \ Lieutenant cornmandinp a brig or mined that I would lay the facts, all that making $70 per week equal to $3640 per TheMie wll, aice place on the premises at S ANA WAY from the farm wherenn schooner, or acting as first Lieutenant of PMW«.pa*sed,^before before the people anuand methe ueneraiGeneral annum,annum, making an aggregateaggreg^for lor jutermntofa frigate, 1400 U «<> their good sense to take such order annum. . - WM. H. GROOME, r... Del. on FiMav the I3tb init. dollars nor annurri thereon as may'insure domestic tranquil- The white males between 14 and 21 IIRARDON.k \ * n*gro mm1 named dollari per annunf. Jan. 58 4w [S^WJ A first Lieutenant of a sloop of war, . M p i years of age are equal to about a quarter 1300 dolbrs per annumannum. ,! h?v* Ju»«/ead"»<>' over «°to Mr*T:*™™<> Benner: off '"«the votersvo(ers, thatthat is 350350, of thesethese, sup- LEVIN* A first Lieutenant of a brig or schoo- wliat ' h»ve abov,e wnMen,anJ he says it pose 50 never touch spirituous dr.nk, and 6 CENTS REWARD. :2 years of »gr,», a i'vrk mulatto, aHout ncr, 1200 dollars per annum. '« »'0rd for word what pa.sed 'I.have that the remaininz 300 average twelve ANAWAY from the Subscriber living in feet II incite* nigh, well uitdc nud likely. A.-ailingMasterofashipofthe line, 8l »ce then, ,ays- he,'talked- . w.th .West . and -- a- l-----ial f cents - a- week expended. for JL«, Cardline county state of Maryland on or with » seal- on bis lorehead He took with him __. -^ • *B-nn**iAila!l->Af^n*>t*kia'i at>\ff nA f nil I ITIP ' _ _ *:*.._.._ l*..._ u __..«! l*\ Os in^ri »-vaMnn_ R a quantity 'of fustian clothing and a superfine 050 dollars per niimun. who sued the Captain and he told me 1 spirituous- r ....uous liquor,Ihiuor. eaualequal to »iaau$1950 peran-per an- aoout the 14>h day of October 18 HJ.an nppren- n._» lier._ was a_^i___-_. Carpenter, and ,i hadi.-.i corne «. num . I ticchoy.. ..., of'lie... name ot I?BTKR ANDREW, blue cloth coat, about half worn, &c. &r A Chaplain at sea, 1000 dollars per from Southampton, and that he did not, of these 350 minors, 100 may be set heMS now about 10 >e«rs of »«e , near live teet If the ubov# described negro b- annum. within 10 milra of the larm aforesaid, 1 ill doubt but that more than 500 free negroes ' j|own as consumers of Tobacco in some give £40 A5U if within 30 miles or tl'< e- ward rt 5150 li t»ken at a grc-ter dia< <:e than 20 niilrii Irom »sid lurm .pro»iO« in rich case, thut he be delivered t» me, fiv: < , in Somerset Co Md. or lidj-td in tl\r |> ol Somerset C.MIU'.Y volitional pay, allowance, tir emoiu- - --, - _ . ..^. « « -.- -- v • . ALfXANUEHUOfJOHO. Mt, either at sea or on shore, is exc-lu- b>' °ur pew comer9 fr0m »«>»«h« PiJ»l»? | expended by the ahite male populat, Jap. 28 - 3w 1 . A rENNSTLVANiAN' m snintuoiis honor and tobacco*' -,^ipl^!:^^^ --:..,.;;;. ;-•• •.-.-:.-•'•' •'-. ' ^"<' • , - •• .-.•..•.•...•,•.•..••.. '••;; "•--••.,• "' \\/ I'/ • ••*>•?'v.*••-• :.: • ••• i.V .'

TRUSTEES SALK. THE SATURDAY RULLETLV. LIVERY STABLE. Y virtue el'a decree of Toloot count) court, A family JYeicsjiaper of the very I tilling us a court ot Chancery,"* lhe(case ot C/os»,/r«« from all political bias, DAWSON & bON, Win.B H. Daws'in, Hgninr.t Jjs, Dawson fc others. ,..,...,.~~- of Joseph H.jDjwson, dec'd.. PUBLISHED IN PHILADELPHIA , ...... nl the NuvemnorTerm of said court, in SATURDAY, BY EDMUND MORRIS, u,e ycnr of our Lord eighteen hundred & thirty THE Subscriber respectfully informs the cit- one, lhe Subscriber will oiler at public sale, 'No. 95, Chesnut Street, i/ens of Talbot county aud travellers generally, to the hiah-s! bidder, on the court house green, Al Two Dollars per that he has estsblinhed a Livery Stable in Eas­ in KastowonTUESDAY the I4tt\ day of Feb­ HAVE, by the arrival of the Packets this ton, wheie he will take in horses and attend ruary r.txt, between the hours of Twelve and week replenished their stock of Medicines, to them carefully on the most liberal term". The subscriber has again opened a three o'clock of that day. All that farm, of The Proprietor of the Si.turdsy Dufletin takes He has good and careful otllcrs in his employ, the said Joseph H. Dawson, on which he in advantage ol t) e enormous enlargement ol hi, Confectionary, &c. &c. laper, to paint attention to the merits of that Jan. 21 3w arid pledges himself that nothing on his part BOOTS:SHOE STORK, his hie time resided, and of which he died shall be wanting to render general satisfaction. seized, situated in the »a> Side, of'lalboV liplily popular Journal. It avows the nmriilintK He has also, and intends constantly keeping, for in Easton, at the stand opposite tho Market- ounty, immediately on the Hay Shore; the im of being the most informing rocs! amusing VOL.: hire, saddle horst-s, horses and gigs and carna­ House, nextA*where dooruuui he toiw solicitsthenn.- Drugi-nn^ the Storekjn/icvapatronage of Dr.• nof • I fur- ,_m ,Jb «ln. B composed,--i noff U^ at all t mea found unless professionally M'IF.r.I TELY to supply a vacancy. A yesterday. city; while those who live within fifty or seven­ [ought to be forth\ single man, to reside on the farm where rtY virtue of a decree of Gun,line county ty miles, will receive them on the evening of engaged. I drawn No. 7.957 geooo court, sitting as a court of Ch»ncery, in the (duties upon wines Easi ! , UeC. 17 the Subscriber lives, a middle iged man would Saturday loughtto be reduce^ be referred. His good character in all re­ 3d 19439 1200 cue of Short A. WiHis, complainant and Mary 3d 18357 800 Hesolved, Thai t spects must be satisfactorily vouched for. Griffith and Levi Griffith, respondents, I will Genera/ plan of the Saturday Bulletin. (report a bill accord ROBERT H. GOLDSBOROUG'I. 4th 9..153 500 expose topublic sale on TL'KSOAY the 7th U. 3. MAIL STAGES 5th 16,411 300 dav of Vebrtriry next between the hours of 10 News of the Week Kvery useful fuel nrid inter­ Mr. Hayne movcc Jan. 14 ______6th 10.925; esting occurrence, whether at home or a- lion, by striking ou • each 150 and 2 o'clock, P. M. at the Tavern door of :j" in the second 7th 12.450 I Mr. A. Griffith in the Town of T)enton, All the broad, carefully selected and logically arran­ A Classical Teacher Wanted. 8th 620 real estate whereof Levi Griffith, died reized ged, with particular attention to the early ng: 9th 2 796 ! 100 insertion o late Foreign news. "Be so reduced, A person well acquainted with the Classics & consisting of a part of two tracts of land called Hie revenue shall be proof of his ca 10th •4.650 ; and known by the name of Goldsborough reg­ Lift in Philadelphia- -Exemplified in a series of who c:. 24th •17.187 | merest from the day of sale. is of supreme importance. Uie most copi. complaining of the teri'-on Leave Easton for Cambridge on rtell they are noth good stand* fpr 25th •6 026 J cus and accurate accounts'itl be given ed the decay of his Tuesdays and Saturdays immediately after the business, and will be rented low'.o good am! WM. T. PURNELL, Trustee. weekly, up to the latest moment, of any to prove that it was arrivi) of thn m:iil from Philadelphia, and ar­ punctual tenants. 2000 Even Numbers ending with 0, each g5 Ponton, Jan. 7 3t changes in the Flour and Grain Markets in­ went on, Sir, to ma rive there by 5 o'clock, P M. Apply to 10.000 Odd Numbers $4. cluding the prices of Wheat, Rye, Corn, argument, amply si llet'i'riing, the Stage will '.enve Cambridge JACOB LOOCKERMAN. No 9350, first drawn Kven number, by Meal, &c., Cotton, tec. as an accomplished Ferr< -i 1. \ past 5 P. or inmp'liately after Nov. 26 which agreeably to the scheme the J5 prizes PUBLIC SALE. With this examp th" mail is received, and arrive at Ea^to'i by are determined. AH tickets, therefore, in the Will be sold at Public Sale, on TUBS- Select Variety—Consisting of the choicest and (said Mr. H.)I»ma 9o'r'ork P. '. on Tuesdays and -aturdays lottery, ending with the figure 0 are each en­ DAY the ninth daj of May next, on a credi 1 o most captivating Tales and Sketches from any apology, lest I }fVt fiaston at 1 i rlork M on undays, To all whom it may concern. titled to five Dollars, in addition to whatever 12 month*, the purchaser or purchasers giv Ulackwood's Magazine, and other highly po. which it will certa\ an.l 'Vrdnesdayi; leave Quefinstown at 1' o'­ have placed my Books in the hands of Mr. sum any of Ihem may have drawn besides. ing bond with security bearing hit ere ft from pular English publications, Poetry Ice. gratify. And vet, p the day of sale, that large and convenient three clock. \. M arrive at Broad P-cok about 2 lenry Goldsborough, and those indebted No. 7937, an OdJ number, having drawn the Police Reports—Procured exclusively for thii to one no humble o'clock P. M in time to dine, and thence to to me will please call and make payment to story brick dwe.ling house, situate on Wash" paper, and to be found in no other Philadel­ longs not lo me at Capital Prize of gSJOO, agreeably to tlie«cheme ington street, and the two story frame shop ad Annapoli* '<•• ilie packet arriving by 5 o clock, him immediately. everv odd number in the Lottery is entitled to phia publication. These reports consist of cumsthncet, and, P. M same dajs. .J. W. JENKINS. joining (the property of the late Col. Jabe? cases at the Mayor's Office, and are generally and on this occa*io « prize of $4 *nd in addition to whatever sum Culdwell) persons wishing to purchase woul F:H nbridge to Annapolis g.'i.Sr November 26 any of them may have drawn besides. of an exceedingly humorous character, while of those, if any sue do well to examine the property before th nil are invariably interesting. In these re­ come here to witne " 2,50 tf~j~ All tickets with number? emling with 1, Wye Mills < 2 01 In compliance with the above notice, the > h:s frirnds an 1 form^1 Patrons C. Wanu-r :lec'd. u'joining Holt's Mill, all hereby given my Deputies, the most positive In Talbol County Court, sitting be ottered with more confidence to the coun­ mericnn system, si «• Ml » » n ill sums over five dollars, the pur­ A 183'J and 1331. are informed, that no in­ ers and reported by the said Trustee, be rati­ by an increase of subscribers; and in order to gentleman, we ty -i Sten.Ti Doat Landings, Rank*, Ecc. T chaser, or purcha«ers giving bond with sacuri- dulgence will be granted after tin* second call fied und confirmed, unless cause to tho contra­ induce gentlemen at a distance, aa well as those con ni ry, and si Cha> srr.L Loockerman, Clk. ue. the satisfaction i MARYLAND. NOTICE. Jan. 21 3w 2. Any person forwarding Ten subacriberi relief from an MARYLAND. and n year's subscription, shall receive a copy existing wrong, Talbot County" Orjihtnis' Co«r/, of the LIFE OF NAPOLEON, beautifully are. We cann January 20th A. P. 18.12. E si on issued out of Caroline County Court, OVERSEER WANTED. Talbot County Oi-phans1 Court, bearing date on the tenth «'ay of October A. THE Subscriber wishes to procure, for the bound in (wo volumes, or any other work of Kentucky, rest January 2oth, A. D. 1831. On application of Mrs. Mary Clsre Martin equal value which may be desired. These We must suhm and Edward Murtin, Esquire, Executors of I), eighteen hundred and thirty one, to view, ext year. An Overseer, who possesses all t he positions if we < ON application ot William Bnllen, Adm'r. value, or otherwise divide the real estate ot requisite qualifications 'or the management of books will be forwarded with care, in the man­ Daniel Martin, Esquire, Iste of Talbot county, ner directed by the owner. ted, however, t De Honis Non of William Slow, late of Talbot deceased it is ordeitd,r..e.«.,.H...U.CJT that they giveKIVC tlie .«= no,»"- SamuelSute of llarrington Wt!Uw.re (Utedec'd. of amongKent county his several In the very large Farm. To such a person liberal lit to present si County, deceased, U is ordered, that he tiee required by "la« for Creditors to exlnb.t j ^^ w,1|chliM in c,roline county in the State wages will bo given. He also oilers for rent, ADDRESS THE EDITOR. in favor of his give the notice required by law tor creditors with or without a suitable number of labourers Jan. 14 have directed V> exhibit their claims against the said deceas­ his plantation at Shoal Creek, and the place points, instead ed'? estate and that he cause the same to be in each week for the space of three successive j'" tlieba'd com"1!l>sion °" tlic.first Won*?y of commonly called Little Horn's Point. THE wander at largi published once in each week for the space ol tW0wnk of Ea°,L°f thC nCW'P"pCri< priutcd in the I tneTxecution of the said commission, whereof C. (JOLDSUOROUGH. ment presentei thr e iiuccewive weeks in one of the news Shoal Creek, Nov. 5th LADY'S BOOK, gentleman, ho< papers printed in the town of Eastnn. In testimony that the foregoing is truly co- »» persons in any wise concerned or intereited PUBLISHED MON i HLY, specify two of In testimony that the foregoing is truly cog ' pied from the minutes of pro­ are desired to lake notice. NEGROES WANTED. By L. A. Godey $ Co. 112 Chesnut »t. have been der pied from the minutes ol proceed of Tslbot county Or- GEI). REED, ) . ' in our day, a SEALir ceedings WM. OltHELL, I PHILADELPHIA, OPPOIITE THE POST OIFIC« i cs ot Talbot County Orphan' Court> here' About 10 or 20 young the merits of tl Court, I have hereunto set m GEO. NEWLEB, >Comm'rs. QCj*This popular work so w«ll calculated to has himself pn hand and the Seal o'my oftce seal of my office afl'ned, this 20th day of Janu- WM. M. HARDCASTLE, | promote an improvement in Female Literature tie man pleasi affixed thin 20th day of .tannnry ry in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred SAV.L. CHAWFOHU. j NEGROES, in this country, continues to elicit universal which its true in the yea? of our Lord eigh­ ind thirty two. Dec. 17 approbation It is decidedly the cheapest In the first pin teen hundred and thirty two. Te»t JAMES PRICK, Reg'r. of bolh stxti publication issued from the American Press. ' that the mi Teat JAS. PRICE, Reg'r. of Wills for Talbot county. Every number in the present volume contains protecting tai NAT TURNER. wanted, for which the highest cash price will upward* of 64 pages large octavo letter press, cullers Ct enal of Wills for Talbot County. be given. Enquire at the Easton Hotel. and is embellished wit a variety of Engravings debt of 100,01 In compliance to the above order. IflHE confessions of Nat Turner, the Sept. 17. JOHNB.DOgLEY. many of them by first rate artists, executed on $100,000,000 ' . dU leader of the I'te Insurrection In Virgin steel. $4 °° naTe Deen expended bv the pro­ is capable of < In compliance to the above order, THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, ,ia. as fully and voluntarily made to Tho,. R. prietors of this work, in one year, tor emoeN M rated, that THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscribers of Talbot county hath' ! Gr?y in, 'he prison where he was confined, iishmenta 'lone. The subscription price is by possibility obtained from the Orphans court of T.lbot > an<1, "dtnowlndged by hioi to be such, when degree to p Tint the subscriber of Talbot .county hath , of Southampton; with CASH. » o « only ^3 per annum. Copies of the work, can obi,lined from the Orphans' courj of Tiilbot county letters of administration on the person. ! r*»d befo.re the c?m\ be seen at this Office. suppose, int al estvc of Daniel Martin late of Talbot county th,c certificate, under the seal of the Court. Easton, Nov. 26 it, which wuu county letters of udmi,inlratiotl on the personal deceased, all persons having claims against the ! AI«o an authentic account ollhe whole Insuirec- TH E subscriber wishes to purchase fron estate of Williim Slow, late of ''albot county its tendency siid drcen.ird ore herebyereby warned to exhibit »>nn, with list* of the whites who were murder- deceased, »ll petnoiw having cU.i?'n against tlie «d, and of the negroes brought before the CHIMNEY SWEEPING. ed with a sin hcrrby waited to exhibit the lame with the proper vouchers thereof, to SO TO 1OO sail deceased lire Edward Martin, one of the Executor* of Dan­ Court of Southampton, and those bcntcnced. THE Subscriber being appointed director look for such the same with the voucher" ^hereof, to tho iel Murtin, dec'd. nt or bclore the 14th day of For Snlc at this Office. of the Chimney Sweeper for the Town of tive taiiff, a; aubncribcr. Ht or beton.1 the lirft day of August Easton and having obtained a good Sweep for exclude intf ncvt, they mny otherwise by / iw be excluded August next, they miiy otherwise by law he Dec. 3 rom ten to twenty. five years of age, of both the purpose, flatten himself that he will be able excluded from all benefit of the said estate sexes, for which the. highest market prices the amount < IVom M beuclit ol the s»ii\ e^'.nte. to give ge eral satisfaction. Persons living'» The very ei Riven under my hand thi* 20ih day of Jan- r.iveu mule r our hands thli 20th day of January will be given in cash. Apply to the subscri­ the neighborhood of Easton wishing their chim­ in tht year of our Lord 18.12. ber, or, in his absence, a letter left with Mr. S. substitute lo uvj in the year of our Lorfl 1832. PRINTING ney's Swept will please leave a line at Doctor to Govermii MAHY CLAIIB MAHTIN, ) - - Lowe, Kaston Hotel, or directed to the subscri­ Tlios H, Dawson-s Drug Store where they will WM BtlLLE^.aim'r, EDWAUU MARTIN. S ' Of every Jtjcripllon haniUomehj extcilltil at tht ber at Cciitreville, will meet immediate at- ol Wm. Slow, d«c'J. of Daniel Mulin. dec'd. ention. be punctually attended to by thr subscriber. SI, OFFICE 4T TUB SHORTEST NOTICE Hit H ARD C, LAIN. , Jan 31 Nov. 13. TIIOS. W. OVERLEY Dec. 3 . (SkW)