. ' ■ s " i . , - . . . --3 ■ ■ .. '

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B _ - .T L---' - ' a n

~ Good irr i i o r n i n g ^ __^ Today’s forei^cast: ' ■, I- ■- - ■ MostlVi^otwdy-wil■with rh rfn rr _ itchetfc-toiv^^wg^wo^f 10 IU 15 iupt r c n a tiig lii"^ - fim hlna- {tg(l WiiqilliHta tlH^k1^2^ ndvnntnge o f iTch^KT^ ■ - • DHAHRAN, Saiidi ArabiaAn - In a fierce B S IflBBMBBI tionalforcerce. ______feet wcathor to hit ______P»fl»A2 . - roiplnnes “scntTffy»H‘* ' __ 1 :------Pm sidrnt a unit of the elite RepuhjuU icon Gu&ids and A rm y'rushei C ne^K . M.^jtatemest.xit.:on the-war^ln ■lyldiess w ar and sixIX nmonths to the, day ,?inoe_^,:.r . blew up airfields, t a i ^t andan personnel carri- . EB radley VehiclesiS —A 4 'fl ' '^Qit'iovokciikcd'Qod and the mernory of)f Abia? Iraq iiivad^'Kuwauwait. i c rs on Saturday,.inilitaiyry ofpccrs0 said. ___ ... ^—|"hm fiUncolicoln, he urged Americans,•to tc pray "The.jast-24 houhours have been most iatis-^ Iniai anti-airqQft.guimecmerB shot tw o Jor theAmeunerican soldiers on Sunday, factoiy lb[ the.Bri.British forces and-for our- Tough to find1- .'r:-.*--- U.S. wnxplanes-.the fimm lost : In two days - ' woun^ Ninlt Irving anid. . ' 'i'cH )crotibn D e ^it '1 Storm has~cau3cd~a y^mcricAn oflicials.sald.ir: :..doctpt_'-. For the first linlime .since. piur^oyM Iraay~ a rpatriotjc'Tush Hn7thetheNMagic Valley for- - l.inic_U.S_Airforcc_boinb!lbs dropp«J.by.Amcricaji^awarpInncs_„L_;o£jwo.Jft«i women:. an. Anny JRcsoye..< sehrched b ^ in d enem y’ lineslir for its’downed Unin b o w rf b y th e relentless alliedal bomb- ffbm Kahsa ler tbw tauiichcd Scud missilesmis r two'at Israel an$ jncrican flags - even [ hsas wBo WCTt AWO|L r a ^ ...... yeljow ribbon, Amc nii

^ — :H tff3\5Sod

chman SEm said the second; -' ■ — a.m . (6:30 p.m. ESTEST),' about five hours after I ; the first. ' ■ . 1 both missiles carried con-: 7 . BoulderJo u r•records n _ ventionnl ‘wAriieads,ids, and- therp wero no rc-: — —poftfr-oft-jnjuriw-frcs-.#rom-«4theF-prfl^ll«r^lr------^ '' 'Pcrfect"CQndition3“ id caused a little damage. It ^____ ^and women’s recordsrds nt th e 16th running . provided no details.i l S . ______;• . o f tJjc B outdcr Moiintilintnin T o u r Saturday. During each attaattiwk;/ fesid«als“ o r fira e T ' P a g « D 1 w ere ordered to doidon gas masks and enter: t ns-in casfc,the-mis3ac.waal ^A^preirhoopp cd a ^ V ^ t i p i ^ with I) -cnemifemical w ^ e a d . About 50: r gh flttttCki ." " pll.r|<»flr wnq; ;==^CTom^djy«^£odjRivervrranked-fifth^- _ — dlCll.j ------and-9ixth-i«pectively’«ly-‘in-G late-A -2."m et - ‘* ' _ - announced on therlili^O. ad ------7" ■ ' ' ------. ‘ tot- th& second'tim e'rthis thi season'Saturdny: Patriot missile defenefense sj^stem w as firra in: ______-PmoB 0 1 ■ 'Cither attack. ReiwrpOTters in ' T el A viv, who: « h a v e T ie ^ sourids''diu dftfie'Fatriots bcliig fired:...... ! g ^ _ iii.UiL4iim , iimiUU.yq “ -^fraadttlcn to~wofryln|jflng-abouf her ftutband’ri8~9afatyrAlmaePflclanclBh«iwllall. urday.’ - , k - .^Shni tiuted ^diartlK — _X)n.toJbLomej:w Buch m ; ^ An active peace momovgment has sprung __ ■ The arm y said only v c r ^ v a ti^ - ht rt -JVtftgifa — r^-r- uutlHJieAVuW-Riw —M a r i t t n S B . - • thf cfptriHrrlrwhi .yolltfy rcsidcnts-T^licrrticr; (iueslion~thc"*war ------plain noith'af-TW A ' .'.-nreonthcirown. rAylrM -wenTB-|lic-issair-^.»r - pied West Bank;-' jj-L ____ U.S. oftteittls outsitutsideoflswlsaldthefifst J L J L ^S' IZ45 SMew qolunm dS{J C g i n s ______io n P 6 ___ prodominanlIy_Anib. mb J V c st.B a n k . .US. did l h c _ _ l ___ The fimcs-Nev^kiirldcla.'ofr its new col- __ _ _ . ..tw o previous roissllcisllcs fifcd-at lsfa<)l,-on Jan. ; -j ' •./V ■ umn. ‘Tnte yid n mmes.” e with. a look at ' - • — D y M « frKInd' - : r - ia'aro-feeling-th ^ nefrof^v«v ------2 8 aiidJm i.-3 lT------TtbcTcccnt cold-'wcatfiotfiCT,-“ ‘ ^ ‘ •** —= :^-Tim»NewsiOTtBr====:: ■ - u>g dicii incoiii:om er cur b yhBlf Ui m ute r min?l ------m e missiles are la .r. . ^ addition^ tp )fit h e r h u s r .CBS N ew ;sjqjeported last w^ that tbou .-.^d^.tog^-in^ wnrriors tiying to' rcslo»toro Kuwait’s bil- hcrselisir fretting'ovearfinances as ;th c;m ili- - b w unables lo-stavolo ofr a^itora and °rear •• eastward to hide:thetthem {rom allied rbombers; ‘ j jiHfflWWt-i- M ttrinc inry tri Jp scDd.hef.. ..facio^tJB Pss^uog^Ccmjad^gglia^ O ^ ~ whose wife wonders if she will ever be ' h u sband’s'ja ^ y c h M k s. J. _ andTin somcjgcj«»M j_t“nta:up.tcy...... -anonymity.— .— - - ablepayoffaSlO.OOOho>hospltal bill. --Her-rr-situation-is not-uniaual--il..-_Dcmo- __L-D^itc.ShaShawn. P_ackham_’» best effort>rts _____ T he missiles latete SSatxtfd ay and early S i i n - ___ We doVt netdnr it ^ I ? “ r il probably be payinyins on il-the rest.qf craticc tawI hiokers in the Idaho SoSm ate p ro -- to prt>yide for his wife before leaving on_01 _day-wcr^ the.28thii_amL29th a fired at Israel- - . 1 If South C a r o linms i^ w ant a n e w reactor m y lllfe,” said' A im ccc PackHam,i 20, of ^wsedd lastI w eek to give mililatyT!y families a - D ec. 9, Aimetnee Packham got none o f Tuhis since the start of' Ihethe Persian Gulf War on —L.------ihai.will.makc nuclMf.l»r.bombLmatc]riatsJcL_:__ Twiii Falls. _ ■ _ pay boboost fro m state funds lo adiaddress th e p ay ilhtil justSt ntw o'w ecks ago. Jan. 17. Twopcoplc-wilc wereJdlied4uid-tw o died.' _____ them have it. today'ss cceditorial sav s. ' ~=“T ieO u sb an d o f ‘fivc;i/S'm ontRs.TS^-vcar- fomilic ...... r i r ~ ' 'ofhiautumiiKslii-Wearlier bunu^6!t.Cin;ihc I d ------P a ^ A 6 - old Unre'Cpiri.'KwirRJ Packham, is n M a-‘ TnThthe M agic .Valley, familiess olof actjvot- . .. Please see C0ST7AJ!i2 A viv area. At leastst 2270 wero wounded, and -'; • m oro than 1,300 apartpartments w ero damaged.

■. .t-_ ___ BaHSSSS!=SS==« —TrffortrrcoluninBrsayifflys. B o i-w e 're wflii- ' ““ m * a M B B ; y ' ’ ing for-Prcsidcnt )u^ -to teU us^hu - ic u 10 be done: Pa'geAT ...... ■'

By Mark Kind — _ . :l . Icipitpjotj^ n d li^ ^ __Postal ra te s risfejgfeioday______. . .eqonpm e yJjft^^^ ^ h e m o untrtiii tO]r~ — i------FoUoM'ing-ncarly>a-.jB y pflr o f tittidy nnft

—^ —powd-todav '-’-...... The Magic Vnircy’s.cconi:onomy-appc^ to. pMujiina ullti 11 —b c ^ t r lnte..ln~1988.; In‘;l990 S iathis-T i-parm cf in thtTBwM i l -- ter, som e of-77»o -r/fnc.s-NcM ccoRotnic i^- cinl cononsuhing firm D.B.~ F i lPatrick''and i a l __ dicntoni nimwl rimmnticnl[cally_/InvuntmirH A sSQCIntiAtcSw&Kncy.isjtn-QssistanLjaLprofcssor ___ _ aateotEjliJlr^------at the BIBSlTCollcgc o f Easiness — -So-w ^atjre the indicators-ars indicalitig? ------s-Jdahoho bu sin ess execuuvcs orCj ------^roundhog-sees-1»-his s h a d o w “— -l^ot Q recession.-forccastc.i8tcr»-6ay,.cvcn a.s—ly: a p liltimistic.abouL lSi5I..nccordimlinp tn .nh __^ S ^ H 9 I opinion survey by S.M. Gl Punxsutawney Phil'c11 tnncrgcd from his , the national wahiinc econorhom y qu avers be- imniiul c twpw a shnrt rinwnhim :and^ongr:dccpr::»:tJntYci-ant 'Cl 31 ty* o£ Idofw 'WonoiTiics"p burrow to predict six uniiiuie wcckii bf;win*— ^ «-profcs5an~ r~ '"_T~ ___ . , • - ■ Seventy. cxpcct per-___ -_icr. ------.. recession. ______" - f : p » B e x » : H ere aro'sirvcrol opinion'so^M jon'jheT daho sOnal Incnconie’ to “g ro w b y l pchx-rilcnTbr'fndrc“ _r fo n n m y tnVrn fmm rrf-r»nf-\inf-T.VTitti«n~'tY|^rt<-- ~~thIS_yc.ni?nr;jZiuaaKcmj3pcajrudl • " l^ o ’s economy continues con to cx- grow byby 5 pcrccnt or more, andid iabout 7 0 W o rk oifs rs soarch through wraclulu g o a t L o s Angolos Intonitom aU onal Airp<>rt.— ' patid^' but tlic pacc o f^ rorowth'Tias w dearly percent,t cxpcct positive sales gngrowth fo r S^9BHE Mtnihou/u - rliii»f their fim Ranfttr-wttid-thcimTv^tndic^iciiicM--lhiti- -- r o ------Soctloh’A------Di't)B aFA b5ir’..‘..;4 ’ '-economist fbnFiisi Sccurityi ___ 3^hc bank's-index, of-indiindicatonurclcascd. -busincs.seg l(»nHf»r«; nr>firip.*>tr clnujir a n t t o l l ^-let^plaiB “ TTWaatrrer .....— cr -CTcsBswQi’tfTTTre------Thursday^ .showed a dcclincline in economic growtJjI :and higher inflation. Thehe opinion.*; Gulf...... 3 .5 P P£ e o p le ...... 7 . f.growth m November and1 r>cccmbcr- D the- rcflcctcd in the flurvQf arc gencrncrally le.-w O p inion ...... 6-7 M Ml ovies....:...... 7 ‘ fifirst lw(>-month dcclinc .sinccnccmid-l9«8. optimistiStic than in prcviou.s years, h i n H i n g ____ Notio n ...... ;.6 - - *’ “Wc arc reminded off HnnyH TnimaiTs * TheIC Idaho Divtsion^^Finnnc r uuma^j ] cl(learedlai obbcrvaliun 'Ihul ’wiif is: 'h^tt hi ~Tin't^p:^-Ee^:iacenien n^S6ction:D-.^--• = = ocinted Press . .... ------6 e < ^ io n B ------migtfti^c worse,’ ” wroterote L. Dwayne crease in pcrsonui'incom c in IdahoS o b lV jI ._____ m cAjuoci C ro w d e d si Sporis...'.„...M-6 n ;r c a O a 8 2 d o lla r s - n 5.3 pc 1 sk i e s - A8 _____ — i-M agwAiallayuJ-:^ Biimov and-BriHn-McGn»Jln>th-in -;» recent—uain;;.:;rc — . — = B ------AfiGBLBS -AtFaip-tia luiTorr forccuiit-elsa pr^iclcd grgrowtlr- in- ^roller nllo'Ilowedfa small commuicc. pLplane., heard on the tape ack S » fffln n F ______■• •'Sometimes war spcndinjJing can have a— 'Tlic f< ------W o d d _ _ _ _ _ . 5 _ _ _ VLU1IUIII>.” lliuji' Miitiu';i!t !»on-a5rIcuItm ’ al.em pioynic llini^r' ing ihniit..lhr-r.olli«on :— __Nnl!fin— — :__ ,fi FflFflnn/BunlnftRS _____ III— iQ.land-onon^thc same ninway beforee t h e ., N«>t»on-»l—Trannportatirialioo. Sal^jy Board-: ^--— i.t i i spokesman. ■ ------Tlie M.iyic V.iHey tscouonjo m y ha-s aiready "Idah'olu) i.s .il.so expcctcd to farer bcUcrbe than I planes collrollidetl, kiHing as m any a.-^ ■/ . __ l.ingmitt:.jVffiirl»-l v-tymif-fl\ th r -^vrrgh______— ^ ------G ee tio n C------GH ■cT^p u ricn a'd som u' o r m :r fTCnTIDTTltr>TtnTTP— 'm:i rec.v^lad i'l:______ps‘oplCi fivlr c o f air IrafDC' control comnYJn^ni- for bodies Saturdayy fnfrom a runway colli- 46931 notices.,4------lala ;io ^ -afc-Ui» 4 I.S.-m »litorir’ h " ______• - A l.ipe ql oil canned I'liim-yid [kivydcrc ^noi1iIi;.b~ ---hell,” jujilii 7~. r;:.:iiPIeaseJC'Cycl0A’WHis n o v /s p a p e r ------—Awd-pfoce.i.tort-tnniihi-an^-tnS^crm nr; i;»>n?^ctmTOiiuir~ccinfidCTce~ ______- ... P ie angj; ______-______j •* rf,rfors in Saudi Arabia will l»cIh: Citting< tlie Id a-. . 1 , • P le a s e s e e ECONCNQMY/Airl '

6 ?

- J ^ ______i —

. ,:A2. 7lme*-Nw*. TVvfnwfnFan«.i^ho Sunday, F«bf<»b»u«y3,'ie91 '- ■“------

~ • ■' r- . .C d r i ^ u _a-..^ddabrw bikw i . ______Z - . _ .: r a moment tbattUs iia tottUy - ', i .Riyadhh S£ cu d w as b h b y a U .S. H t nWwl ~n«i4gti&rhrt«.Bd^devastatii]iglvls&i::(o^m s3?m wiSiritwi!^^ ^S^?=in-& e~-16«e/itV -lOt ■ -o* - Os 108 20s 3 iiffiaafl'IHW w aoTjaHgToT-M r* utheni-lraq-Bfld’:! ng-taid?. he can esceiticertain." •*.’■ '._J -—I------~ ------— t :------— Band* ^i?W tampftmtufes.fl*______^ ■■The face o f the bombing ip2^^ nhw -m ovonnt^^

d^ttwttoKts tncit 5 Iraqis have been doingng a tbohpt” '- • tretdiflg at

t»-|-inrTrtri»Tnid l^ ■ ii'i ijm

f ' | \ - - ■ ^^coBttauiiuMfrom A V '.-' ' "— FriiSy.^~^L ' ,. . Jfei pe A an twm-ecgirtftw R i ^ l d . ^ - " B B argumy g ciiwrlegan’ to panJomp-^wbeaTit; dvsbed thele Sfcywest com- -lind lUf w L '_ :_____ ,.fud.^lhairQfn..tanks_o£^tbe-jet-ai-and^m uto’-'plane-uncier-ii rasHdlfed'aul iW r« ^ . J E H .fj ftp JWWlgWH.WiVW WlWy- _ .• • y ’. ______- . , searttoas mdled a b«ty_JmnllII ; th e iim nlleniH m f. prq>ate< before tbei^w(^-was balbait* skidded about 250 .y-yards down the -inj.' :__ — epoke!uuau'ftoJRcjgmnefbre' aiidilhg"]m“ i n a n e s ’ l n i o 't o r — ^James-fia-Btiniettra-Nalkmal-JYani-— - & i . "It>« not-aafe to WQikixkb i -abamiciq^ co£iete4e-block fi^c "sta- portaUo^ ■■■'... - ' / .._ ,_thcnj t thP i^p" i ■ '-7 .~ ___ —-•'•' - - - Miciie: detti *.'"~ T K ^ ’Iajto.=;pl«ae: - - ^ ^ ^^ O N T S t— sooo • 8tn ^ a ‘

ItoesizSfcOTCTUaptite s ^ ^ g Uie nmway tt tSitim e . idh saia: **TSere j>re doDosuFvn^.”“ '''oflhe^^w:oniniuur plfloc* •' — - 1 - '...... ^ > qw7«HBwnw^ ..... ■■_:.|qg|||^

■ -’iV. ■ ■ ■ temperatuia i r e s SE (AP) — The Idiho Ete. * ’ CbhtiriSuodnfttjSTtt"’'' ~v “ “ . ' b e ^ w h o m A e: ^^metasng^ad^^•--pg?^|^ t '• '•■ . . M « tit of TYaii^rtatio^feporftd:': ^ -L Si-.4a.. . -didrft-to w iri.. Brhofllrfi in KimWcfly, rtmey-wn 'nuaflu ra iouiiaTg Iv ‘lutenKxm, ~withyioy~spot8~ wg c ^ S a ta K-A n b ia ^qi^ - -' nam ea~te» tb» M anhe-I 25Da2U. ' ■ . ~ >- •••'• '-■;.Chlc*oo'i.-l.-i40•4o.3o!!!!! - -„ -had' bbped.to Jiave'th&mUi timitiKg .tiw — hi>hithin>1'''/n S " n th w — ■"• aa gBte~~imiHa . . ' ------T • • ^ " ,, ■ • Danvr.------^—ea 03 a7m... • ' Mn'ninPn. I 'InHMflif ibiril' baaK account, buttm ui « w n e n ,s p a w n r ad dc nssTSBESTrrBo 5 3 ' i e • stetid the tfac mobw' • went oveii»ieas, - three months later, le /T th e k ; - U .il - ^ . ICowf&Atootn? DfiMt -482® Sr-"" La»ty*tf 35 23 ..... where ShiShawn PacUmro kept :ting. draffy mobile home5 iand journeyed Saadpii^^int-Cfflii^^'borfSfw^ ' . g g g ^ HonoMu 82“ . Nonnai ; 39 20~.. it, b ^ across tte n^oiion to live with sp®**?>ots: 'Riggins-Moscow, - diy; ' - - - - • - ^ 1^ - ' MOW. ^ •New M e y t o ^ - W et snow-.. ^ "so as"' ' diedt^ we nbw^KHnfrl^ ;.adUie89,,_Dut I th e _ miDtai;itary_.Packham..Q£Twinfall DOwing;- M a r« n g |O reg o n -1 |^ ;• 3 B3.$4W) from h w hbus* ^ **lt’s cheaper. I’mI )living with his ^ 1 , ^zz:.,.[S y S r'r:| Itntf y — Fnu^ of July _ _ ? l 5 r £ y = = ^ ~T>andT5i; ?'!SB^W te=eSS^t| wet, SpOtSi-IUMkoUt Piiii ~~ * Meni|>hl«-. i” : '66 - ^ e r h i s l^iardqscftsesr'^- i ^ ■ — nitiife^” s b e su d . a, icy, rain. . __ --Miami e*ic»»=-;=eO war has tamed-Aimee^Packack-- -• RtM^A^giA^r.ngaitw„aa«um m gLl(,Ja^j5 A ------MtMMikMr. 47 ir:^I;Bwiston^Koo8kia.-fcy~ :- Idaho . - ' • -: ton-i iifelife iqiride dqw^ ynding; hh^ ^ Caldwell because herI |p«raB, IU )gcr~3iS^^LoMki«-J-olo ftias,wet .i__ at3m ^U rfV 5J“;JJJg -88 ,40-.:^-:_____1:;_____ M Ip • t iitenner*NiCr^~*nHy^fflf|»ckT- at ET^rgasLa^s ; i ...... 4,43 3 33.«;. Hagorman : ' ^ ^Z'.' ■ *^"ui llei-ler troubles.bcgan befweUithe Iqt’s camera and electmmicsl^m “ “55^cy ^ u , snomn^.'Db^I^- ^ -PhoanJx- • - .79-48.W..— .TO Idaho-FaBs------: 3 1 4-..-..V------war.-last-{t-JunerW hm-she'sufTer^id ai —Tw in -Palis.-.T be- dal«Udwcll hospittU Icadwov^ snow floOT, sftow- ^ 5 1:34..... Lewiston S8-42-.-..n—— I -ctuahed-al-anger4n-m a y ^ ^ ^ itJ h - tto t ttf f le d h er ankle!_to b a llp W o lJ g I!™ ■ai -4s-4i- - ^ t t r i k T ' ' < ’— " ■-- J. .""'••"■'I ______J l l - __ :— ! il.^ fl 10 m onthly Mipeiiti ey*to' hecjiusband*a pu, a NoBhnn JJtiliih •and N e v ^ b U uh » Widel; nrf-fw healtW-ttM^anee.' ■ ■ ^i^.^^^5g~_ton,-dry; .y ^ t c ^ - l ^ t a i a .llfte, ir-' — I '-■ifTTTiStm *"‘'2 7 * ^ * ' ! Thurtdaysi Locillyilly breezy south wind* westt - ' * — ,Toe*dayrHiehs30i-30rto near5p.-Lowr teens awl i.tCLtJeycl. f»Ye,.doys^by Grey’ FnrpiM ist^ - ■ n6fco£ahowrr^ . *f :. ,^ ■ .,'■ -NafOdaw^Moall iri^'.ho’' cbH^ooa-jS^^ L.__ L T»>teP«ni.^BateY.Jm m c a , J»nin«.j»KlOoodiilgiciK ~ ; OT-west.and panbaitly clou^ o u t todayi Slightht of ■ SP® .mftm _____ *}_ ■ Mostly cloudy todayiday. witb a sligbl chance o f raili^n! ^ th shoWm east ux)‘vi partly| cloudy wesi tonighL..L lASf^UlRU— — ' wmd i.f0l o~f5 mpRTFRTH iiK^lowef 40S7TonIgRt wandT»oir” cloua|-imd ■guwy’wyw inds with'fl ehBlice o f showc ------d ry ;L o stIt -A-«Uflfc^.ebaoce-o£5SnLhu^^^r m m y ----- ■ I — ttfinr'lOT'«mw I f1nor.'------» ------■ - ^i.ll ' _ L u w iip pci' gO^lligha ' ; .(3ontlnu«j^'lrom A t.'.~-~- .. . r- " - naUonal--^wntuin." Qtt'Smnn^ fey spots; ----S - — i, Slfi I ■■.m.;Vn.-ii ------r “ TT-^ w u y emuuy wiui -y ~ ^ ' iuiafei'.Ti jUllM e>T M BgltmmCT-TOiaV- gi _____;. = ie suticDiuM nuEpooLsaiaj.g.J ^ a in e e . iann'o"^'tiM~fe ~'— ' lippyiQg^ti^yl^Inc^lntrclouainei r siip iai etBpennaiii~1irtdBlHrSatiiitUy' v 10— Dry.-'— — ______” ' ' ■■■ ~ ~7ulii luie 111 Um ilajV^BTligfimSiea i W ^ :- W f ";fb^:l!Lhu.i_vuinismble :low zo o at Malad and B «ir Loi :-- - f ------B xteododFancatte !Southern Idaho Cloudylythondiy i w a#6dcgre«^^ not'-downttim - of"sales"i-of' consumer**^^^ ■ snperatDjeiirthe-natlon'SttUA]fttty^w5T83 ------bo^t»se-ii '_____i - __ .iwitltAxhsnc&oCnmji!in Joibe yalIeyt4UKl-sf)ow-iiHh« rated in this - s^tor,*' the^ the goods, the forecan said ' Tuesday and W edne^y. Coc S S L d c ^ •■ Mimil,li, IH o m e K ^ and-Fon Meyera«. Fla.-hir S S S •^nL.paJtly cloudy Ti • _» *nie Federal Rese liolotteiry j i_ lows fram lo w ^ temperatureire was< 25 aat Guilford, •— concluded.- ■ ‘ m ildT^th Ughs in the uppcr.30s and 40s and lov , ih lU foreca*!------:-A uJJOs; • A------~ r r ^ - — - - jo tfeduco-!e-iiitciest-rates in its.bottlcttle' that-prices-for:;mimya v agricultwal. BOISEB (AP),kHoiQ ...... mtb rccSSiStion - olloSirgSdil'newssw8~^raductff^aicrdqpresBe(L' 1 Cent?aHJ.Sr.S rfeniaysjniMajw eather,-rainsis-M ak^eifi^^ O a s t ------ftjrtdalroriD< th e rcpon sa id .. '. .M.Uiili liiunbd:^ ialty-xuna will Jiawhi^'wi’"SoH hSTjSomT m = “ ~TbBAa6dMPre^ - — a^8rowai-)j::s | OiAa.enjoiM nn unscast^: below.axro S ^ uatilton. l l Maine..Temperatures iiin northern -I.i-— __ . . S __Gnniodbos D&y.___ ^ ' _ . Maine rose into thohe co en s by afternoon.. . C l r c u U ^ n iports retulu aner 'S:30 •»!ind on weekendi,-' \iS.40 per mormonUi. Sl&SO tbr .3 nxwU^t .....-:,i ->Su^iWio cold wasIS ©confined-to nonhcm Newnr J^land - Afternoon temperiperetxires were above 50 degngrees inj' the - . - . • c«11733-093J. - ‘------.... ------rS3Z40ft>r6!l>l6 BkOD^ S64.80 pefyetf.'Stu^.* ~ ~ _____ and th e cwtthem Rocky eky Mountain region. ' Pacific fcoait regioiBion and the Southwest deMJ LiUtion pbme liiM b? - - - - r -r'--Stn>ng;»batheriy-wirwinds-gustedrwhilcrfBjiV'pQur jured- ^ver-nMwtiy- in- the-50*-i}s-and-«OsHn'ihe-Southeut. . <«xccpt.for^ " a ^ U i lin g ____ ' e-uppCT-^Oa-^ - ^Wfcai rB i ,^V :...- . Advertfalt ------V ginhaiftgiflo-Nonhwtt,.ttt,-SiK>w-fe»-ovar-€ato{al»-Serl;-^emperatiiraToscle iiinto^eii^tn. the towerNMliSlssipRU - ; 53^233233S ______. 093J Monday'tbrou^ Fridj — ------h . JQ i Md ~ 'l ^ — -nill ffi ------■ ■ ^ 54J-4W4648'...... •; -iT L JciaiJicJ dII b i a m e d s e ai B ^ o t e a f e ^ iF«m»i>d^leil>erTe^ ~ g wecfc; Soaaay. ' i. t . „ Ky a ilSSper w ei M slj'^ < ^ ( » which .....■ ■•iz^-NEWdVORiC (AP)—— Offioials-ofl—hoods-w«rvftimng-^pcopio to ~treoio-tbe-^e-^said-Dr^WoodrowiMya fera;:ihe'-Ncw-:- . rtr:= ^ { ie :p ^ in.-wlvtiwe'uiU r^ Saturday blnmcd-a-poten wwHd tc^fc.nwdica^attw■ rtiw -if^ naowtnU. whOT c ^ e r deUvgy ii n ______ffiTTn h«foin for the-df ___ Police W rw all the iChmy.dilycJim—l ‘------c. Itnlct^ t t b m i n purcKaj n iavt^ -new rtirarrafa to talkk toto— •en pm ple and scores bfb f illnesses in , P? r In thf rtHlofit^l dqAitmmUcslI t«— ¥ ortc ■s'_Bronx- tJOTTOg^ ■ .th n w states. Ptow-Jewy-fliiSoitC'nt'Con*™™ U-belw««nrt0:00r>m.r«4 5:30iiio^ Syjtj f» 3 iSltt, S58.50 for 6 , Tw^ere drove necticufi.■■-Abouf' 100, people w eree _ aftetiK>bb,"8aid- spokesiii eekdays. To report Isle news ■nd and "moathi^ 5H7JI0. pet;yctt;p; Sunday ooiy.______' cd ” iicigKbdr-"“tr6ated“Bt“Bt'ho^itnls’in ’those states,5, Hums' ‘ ------

)VERTIME I n e S o m ^ BANIONG ■— : : - £ n :/e^l^irorlcaffir; ^ riM iD irfo£ypj®irfiP3ng--thfw we^-and-~if~M grigayr^ il

- r ~ : MBbiuary 4^1 9L__' ^ ______

W eekday D)U nve-in U ankirm g .H ours:. 1 1 ^ — IBTT IMT ' f l M f 9r30=aifB?=&4^;QQ4;tvfflT7TMond; g C l m i zzzSatoitiayB i ng~HoTiTs;" " " ' h •’■ E = = ^ — IQiQO a.-m :-4- 4 : 0 0 p . m . '------■ ■“' M em tjeiTO ifier^ ____ 1 _ , _____ ;■ T Firsf i r iecurity^Mt a n k ‘' o f I d a h o , ;giving 1 IW o -7 now "w itIT“ i j|“ ------^ — -m e Jiou'rs,. b eca^-ssfeA t-^sfeS e&5^tity_^ou L - A ± ------r r j i r : — [^wayS'^m e^gK ■■ Ii ' ■ '---^

— i •—••___ ' ^ [______. _... _

'• ' . I »< __ ly . ' ,!l;,.____Sunday.!^ Fohn.n

i y t o extv fitiif ; thiT' giw tcsifps t f p d ^ and ta iite .tt>- . ------• ' -'irrT- W ASHiNO'l’ON ■■5=“^ ^ e 7 U ^ . - ' -•'Ona.-.'nAtiOQal-dayofpi'praye^'.Sun- -.igethet-irupia.piaycrJLllw_pr»denjL_^ : .. CfcpCeparing-fdfe — f ...... d«y-ihat-lie.plaiincd I t to honor p t..^ sd d :.;m .^ p.ptcjcconjcd rc ' ^ i o ad>*.. — ~ ^ ‘^'fli'gi'OtnKf“ Krai‘ Agauurt'jrt-Iraqi-'foitees^-- — = i S i E E ^ ouiet c>|in r^ w v ip rqI ifin t**** iZi nniimrny . . ^ the tiirir < camp'aign in i - .... • ~ Jand countryside. -, _ ___; “ L et-u s J?raSL£oLJhc-Saf«ly--oC pra ______o ^ n s ex - .■ 'V ----rr,^ ftnrf u/r>m- _ : 1 _ ^ _ i b j ^ d ^ - t tn-fflrCTigitv^i^m ; - --~^:Bud>-ahd^tt>-wiftife... bmfannt. th ctro o p a aye.p^lhdrf-liyeajaod— "the chapel at the pres rhold bccausc'they'tiR"” ___ . •••Unlike,the air war,; hbowever,~the 1 treat in Camp Pavid.i. 1Md., whw dersttod the -ihrcct our w o r ld ." ^ landcan^}ai^.is-expecticct^'-'to-sufier— ...... f e j they w ere spending Uiebfr'igcckendr^ faS5.'* | ■ ----- htiai7ftitittifT*ft~arg rq ~6uloutset a s allied ■ . I -j B iiiiuof utffl^rtntfy'clear^nr iirflqj ____'firlrii, hrmch.fnrtififtntio

• -otiple fronts.^ ----- TaTTT^ire.qrtd-th^i^Wvould.be'closei:= u . .;y4y:Coordinittod-with-aori ining Anny hclicopter-bomeie weapons' as as, those.'employe*»yed since' the^ ' P rV y L i’ll f! iid.Rep..Dav 0 ,. wMt tmtjl‘th«:y' f l r 'iw a7WuniironrfJ” j^M - —• I Icfld-^Suclci^-^^— ~ ! [ ^ c oliromon«lo. ------'•-.)rl2'roclcets-8t-a-time toraora^distance-of-^ U ;Srtn>biibps'inspM t'thtt bumwlK)iNHitrvqialns'ofrSwlM taudlM M ^SatURla ! .,:flboul.2,0;mlles. Ea'ch.of.of.the^rockets ...... ___ ^f.can-^spw ------644^:— — half-pound—E urope^.iT jiurt ftM flf the a l ^ yed—tiheAjApocheJtsclfL^ ______i--ifnasing-8i'^r ^ -?f - est- :sroimd’.. fo rc« r.^ p o n • 7Jfosctoiia£:^a: " bo%oicts - on. enem y'trFtfooi^Hvdu"^^WeBTOBs;tc r-MeCOX' . cles or i^r defenses...... ' Iraqi forces: r a i f a O T i t f ^ ^ ‘a i i ^ ^ u n dI ' ' : .Operating overhead initholaiidat^.rqwrtcd t tp-o..be: deployed In Saiidi - aw McCitfdyra memberToftheHot»e o ossauitisoilordered. " ~ ' ; • ; .. ttack- would be ^ neS IH6 A m y T&eilcAl M issile fT-n nTsnrgmr.. • The ffnm allefl-ATViCMS-TOU. at--" ‘*~comniittecSi esiimatefltHirtHarthe~Aj-my . ' — w iJi v cr ..^.•.•probabIy.J00.<»0"W’ oftliear- ployed.for ither^loclc operations;. I(sIts. 'anti'tank ^accurate. Therh'creJs.notS'-cj-4JflCgc.ori_ . rockets in Saudi-AiiArabia.r--r~T^-Abi;oms-tajt^rniouptinoza:: 120mmI HI eiifiip m issfle is- laser gguided, rid-- senal o f theseese weapons, and their Qse- Th^-MTRg, p»H in rmmtiT*. cnnnon thattotcan.^t-wM elhetajak_J liftma^QJO in Ihe-gulff \war might-comg-MPdcx:— -•^the S5^eCUnioB*a-rockeliKet'artnrttytrt'"js iftuvliiB ai t Imjli sp(xdrit*ca0 pick ~:t BrK>»wfr«iL-^4n^4>eaaiofl o

fT C T xarufW*

J. - WASHINGTON (AT)P) -—- T he fad** 'ft>rests in anar enbrt to bring guerrillasI i:into the Netherlands in I i bc'a slgnincmit.igglotml ' :'xing scars o fo ld WOTS conan stillI be seen o u tJn th e oopen; ]: tlthe defendera breached thehe d il^ that eflect," he ssisaid. " I f tt)e Iraqis w ere to ■ '*-1n the fields'of France,!. theti sandi o f 'T h e VVietnamese ie lost over 5 mil»■ - c protected -the fertile, lowlwlahds from blow u p a lot of oH w ells-at.o^'-it-- ~North~Africa'and .the jungjnglesofViet-- Hon acrs ^ of forest and farmland,';' tiUse o cean 's saltW at^.‘ . cuuia gu u ' ju u n .' abelh'TCcmfr»li<>'T«W»Uy—"~~*Tlje*I>mch'f!ooded thele'landiaim-" months.” ,' - - ■^-■'"Now-a-fnfimy filinlr n>fcnrigoil^t«— ff' pubtiAwi^^rbo<*r^onth-K)f:B“»- t-^ertberadyance-oBhe-:1 i e t Germans,” -.— . ^ e . s m oke '''^polliHTtKrPctiian^Triilf has wntten'" L i^ t.”, aboijoiit tH ^ country's efTorts to< Fl^rkinson said. “The saltit had to .b e . grow ing seascasons and harvests~at l ^ t ___a jicw.page .in thejustoty.}ty. o f environ;, reclaim JaniandVfroinlwaatop.:demta-.;- .. leached1( out-of the earth;(Which-took \ as .far awoyy asa India,. wfaertf.a sm all_ •chronicle-dat-—tion.'--- !■ - 20tn30venrar -— .. - r -- — imbalance inin- food-supplies, could- : - iQg:4uck.8t.leajst.to-146-46-B.C,..wbcn ___ ‘!The pepieoplc are stiU.filling in.some___ For_environ^pcntalistsj!alarmed at havem ajorefl^ w ts. Renner Mid!T :'- l‘&Qinttn.soldicrs:8WVcd;sal;salt,on.the_sile,, 2S'.mi!)ionn;.TOmb^cratera J ^ ^ p le ev- -v-what the-war with-Iraq mightbrinam In addition ----- ftfHefMtgdCiiilhflfle^- - Bietaian.Gin^f-^-copterB>-OT<^ • ' It didn’t woric. Cartlingclage eventually she. said ir ing. TT tiuesoffuel iiin iheir d a ily opmtiohs.' _ 'ttiraclback to.Ufe..jBul_ut.at. Yeidun. .irom.Genevi _ . “Desieits-are . fragile-«. eco ^t* ^— Romer. cstiMtimated .thiit eacb-oerial-. 7 War.I.artiUery . But-it.miiguebt.^^^^^'yet^'^o^^^ . vwithout ^much regeneratly id there have been tens of r;r*S=;iHt^ fnV ym w lhi» rni — i i w B-t m»gh Jiiel.as,iui-^ .^homhs^some ^tches areire still dead. "rjt. she said. j . i i A : 3 ^ ere!3;.5tiHran::Wpa:i fe n jOTcaeJ a u L l ^ W -r^ rc.yeara. , , • . — hardly ■■■ f^ e vewd,** ^ caiw'id' ' RuBSfllf T n ^ iiwid w — M ichncl Renner, a wyrl< ^ thi* mTlit. ^ ^ r. ’^Arroyts center for miljtailjtt^ IwsfJiy. Agem:eot O range and othfer herfai* tary‘8 ti im pact on.'the eni aaifl aorttfi .nm iccuona ,oC T h e histoStory o f w ar also iw ords 1i.. ecoiogicaio disastCT frbm-the I o r gmrw o i - 6i',seir ’may D^overatateo. ;; —;hcrbiddc“w ^“dmiiped~td'~uu-'iii)piuil- - W lien .thethe^isniianj.aTOy nibved " ■; ' “It’s ' m ^^safcr' to Bssuine-Uiafr' ” r 9 9 i ; me a i i i y u ^ 1 2 ^ / w^mm^ - . - il. ‘ '• 8 6 6 ^ ' '-I - - -■


I I t > i n

BES^lend-V--:L-r r o W W C A K - M Jteatiorrtaritixuqfrrjy lfidW«M^_a9r= ndqualltyl Thls- ■r . mustsee-ah^lafJfive ■' lijixury c air r\ wlth-practlcal r T i l e , R ugs » Bordeie t - I - ...... ininq-auto has the:--- |beforeyoir^etide-< !^on-any tfalues..'.equg u p p ^ wl£i all D ^ tiharuiTiew ioDK'of tne2 " r r other. iuxuiy.cacar...... iheJtRtt] it T^ype Of m.-Car-with^ » - t h ^= =-Qfco»nser^h}»bea -includingl-deujxe^lnt?riot di 5- ' ~ i '' j&bptldnS/TindudingJ ==:^qul|^e3.wlth.all illlthg___keylessintcntiy systenri.-'on-- _____ 4 HSZ 5 I ^ s I B e i t F F i ^ lasnl^tnputer^.-.-. ---- ^— Tp'r^, p Qwer_dQQC __ 1 _ ! ■ L et: ^ Itu i a iiJ . ■iSi power mirrorsff:;-= lw arfe;i«jj^.gWirsp^ i^ ^G&aml ^ Lm gatjEjfae^'pertecH lO ortctor-V|bu^— — " er-antenoas,-tinted-— - thepower-optiofwns-andl ----- deluxeJte'?tf> reo system,. _____ ?;yy.teooditiontrig^= ==fiTOi:hrmuch-tpe= ho ■ rnntrnl-air-:— ^ -- - « V o l u m erD ^ iscourit-B uj^j eo system and so - ’: !iCQm'eTind~exp erieilenee a • conditicltionlng:and:=; imuchrMDiHiT: • g jt.1 >. ------vlrorfin en t-l'liinh i f e g ■ D ecorator arm d D esi^er Onn S t a f f . z B i ■ J L ^ Q Q O M n L E lO O .O3 C 0 0 M IL E idreds ot s am plae^s'From W iggtr;h To C hoose ~n^B ~ r «htun 5 A R B A g ^ S : - a R A W T g -

J ^ B m Y i T O m r T d t i ^

-J H — Eliie-EujuiT ilture » C arpjpjanfiJL D rap-edei e s 1 5 6 * 2 7r , ,7 7 7 '■ H a r ddw \ oods • W lridolow T reatm ents iCfC JARDINE tias Uw bcs\?sf selection q flu xu ry carsxirsqf.the ‘ -_ ^ eea < R ugs * T ile ••A ccessories _ ■ and probably (he best prprices ever! fie auaranteeite c s iyou wUl U di^^______—------< r w drhm tiii'J^lcw dl beUluiry ioHaiJ'froiTl 12-5 fo[o s,sifuhv you ■ — ------URNITURE & IN^TERIOR DEST^i N ~ e beautijm ca rs!' "Comfo.tiorfinThe Apnie'BeglBblB-AtThcOalUry" — - j t ^ A - - I 3 2\ M M a in AV cmxe S o n th . TwrIWi n F a l h . 7 8 4 * 1 6 1 : r S ! . . ■ ___ M o n .» 8 at. 9 -3

— r E » H / E r r 'u ta lio n throw s ■ '------

,ZH3 : 1 1 MW ? I For years An'd Yearsrs The Easiest Placer I/nThel^rfd'To Bu y -A C a r ------.v - ^ n ,J?'nna^ a i n A u a . F . . : Twin Falls. -----^733-7700 j | j ' ■ ■ - ' .'K


J ...... - 1 c k i o r B i f e n t ^ : - dAMpSiriicil "/W bia'CAP) ■ paircd'^iiibluding 'a i H.I tliHii' Uie'po wBrftihfio . r- ' ^ J.S. A rm v is'^rushtne to in*a- those now In Saudi Arabltbia. . . • et-'style turnc tg----- ^° rrrr ihoAasociitarr ____ ~—how«verr«aid-hc-did-ootiot>.^aclicvc tnc7. .. inc.A2 Bi m hlern can r e ^ t in n' lack■^e work wns thnt far fllong.-i.______^_Herc,arcjdeycIoi i :— ------pfovemento i tliud-nmgemtorwnid;-tEt^^Tr=r?Tje-inspefltioh-o’rdcr-i^camoj-alto-criHail-OTC Jp- Around the giili. • - thro^firii^ev tiirismissicsions faiied in «ti>« Rr- ly liltiiy ...... liuiiiiup^bp • iniq'fircd'at fe lat.SaudrAraBia'ear- r-^ h eav y ' U»ting.-^S”def5tlStt.was ttaccd; ty, and suryivryivabiliy.- - — ■■ ' ■'■t— ^ ~ f^lcft.lTterikjaieCTnjrrierT te'-' -' ' . maiely lO'fcj '{oH 2 'mll^p^h'oui7 ^ac«~ — ^ ly . S wn d a y / .a n fl the thr U.S. Pa^PL^jr iHt;: rfMtToyed th q ^ _ tl mi A im y in cm g -Tym'-ua'- .nianifymun tuiUiuR w i ailcctcd {nod-. ■' The luiestresi ' ver^lon-u j* tim' ism dt^ ' - ■ incoming .ntissilele over> Riyadhj wSess';ssss said ritw as Ihc “ “ lers in Saudi•ArBbio last JlOlQ ground^cbmbnbat„!hi...._ “ e°L Uie’SS ^iey-ftV1C niost rwenl jncludy the ,T O W 2 anti-tank mis-s i ^ g a i^ , Satidi-Arabta-^ n - n e a rly-a-wo c k ^ ^ n un cunnuii, liMVltn.'uitntifjl i.OOO^pound B radley is'-de-.. m me. production sencs, 11 soijnded ihin Riyadh, tl;ic capital,ll, and in the coastal I Pentagon re- . redesignedd ^fud^ .and, attuminitiohi . . M-i. Abrams battle tank. travel at speeds'up to 38g the.^rhemo and a written P ...... ■ sig n ed .to tP 'slorage andn d :rcactive arm or in somb> city, o f Dm ihraifiafl2r55 at a.m.-Sunday(<-(4:55 p.m: Saturday • :ording. to an Anny; fact^ sponsc 10 'questions. ;s jiavc.been ifired at-,, • Uf>Bih:-2t’‘2* m ph, accQii . ., vehides. IhIn its stiitemept, the Pen>*v. .'-ESf).-rA t Icast-28-28-lraqiScud missiles', • Most,of-the-^A2s oies I assigned -lo tngbh.'Miid hi cpusiaig-about^ain--— - a h u M tb f thc,S ll~ B r ^ e v s - - _^audiAmfeifl.J dilltn l l i g ion ^ -----" '■ .... ■” xijtTTiTeni!nnjTjntcd"th5niirinspec^J^'THr'^SrStyTTopTrmCrm m Gerniahy."' ^^re in Saudi'-AraGia, Sau bM did not' T : •— •tionl'ocheclicck for th e defect takes-45 jurics,-n)6stininor.lor..'-^— ' ' ---- = • ■~T uslyi the' majority,(of A2f ------=— EnolM5';8;ibc.a Ce3 MtjrowIfLbndexllLa^ I Thrti^nilirite'nrloawTn^ ^ in to -'h cft>y-]y - ground ■:'combat,-la.Xan«~I*-—fotiiiH^tb^bhe-fiftn o rth i . HMPTiSOOl0 hvdfo- 'UcffTwilhThTh'e—Am iy V lo p .lm e M-11 ■ ■mately.g.OOQ ’ Bmdleva inLin Saudi Ara- mini* iT the r ai : ‘ "AnrftwH puiijntiic uuut. ' __ ” b^.Theiiirat Bradley: ..ywere. delivJ‘_place U,"-.th — ' ~U;srCc5trai:ComrjflnKmiln-SaudiTVrabla; ”- -r-r*npgm«mrOTOiTotr2!~25mm— :— — ihe-m cmm'orTcleit56a-lo--'l'lht-AS3di^, c '82. dcsiydd-"‘Wd. ss by.thc Pentagon in re-s- • , ...... ’ - lG on..R pbert_ Johns acemaalaM^.IM,__:; ; ' oioted Press iinstf^also sai^ a s^ ( -U- q deiv-'sbaur the* liBnHr=^ lii;..-:;:: p c tM p s ’b y r a l l w ^ h e j r o i n b e r j ii^ATTOryK; ^- = s '" " ^ -r;--^Tow.-aflFa loM tw n-M iid ^l'l -DiaJluys. icansjeonfirmed1 killedki in- tlie^Gulf^War )uniurini!jiR>~Ut2iirjt)ui(!iI‘ uiT— .thp Pcnlagonjoi^on Saturday, the Army' c o m b a t p la n e - lo ssses s e to*2274^~&f-theni>AjAmericanrr-. ------— - - y LkTAyH^S^^^H '’~8Dure*:JaA«'aAcmour' ' ’•APmoMTOib .'said "a I ^rge c quaiiti^^'orthe suspect 1 • Allied air* pttpttacla- Qn"*Iraq' and'' IKuwait • continued' “ im(Ann«y< ' transmission;ons have alr^dy been r ^ . ____ {aroundJh.e_c lp ^ . with al)out'2.600 soridrties Satur^y^ Ae _

— ^ ^yeK ia^ O ff^daidg^hiafiE^BtK^SSgi jHa^issilg^ftirft wiis^ H ~ ~~tiestroygfrfhc~sa»dnidr Johnston - said a* Fre^rCTch-^m iiit^'-esti— ^-----^^ate'ifiat ilitj R^pi^p^i6ah Ciuards remail5fifgr95 percentet-~ ------iectivc seem ea^’cxcceoingiy nign. ^ -NICOSIA. Cyprus,(AP)P)— Ir^ ia ii ry by either:r oofthe parties to thb war." , >TERRftNOUAOFB£RK£L£ • A U,S- commainand spokesman saidjth fiee^little - _jPrn?id‘mt .-RAf&faanj&ni. cx^ —That-was-;u-fln-apparcnL message tof B a j p ------iirmnid.MCilvK giTRneiin treijM aiiin ro ^ —— trrrbrieferTsaid-later^lJi^rthatt^fiye rliaqistahkSrtiirtittemptirj^arCFOS^ —i)lUed-bombtag o f civiliuians in .lnKr.------Thc^UiGLSyjl^MSraqG|vU;uJ ------~7?ySCEWTS.~ ' ■ ' _____ into Syidi ^ b ia?ia wcrtf repulsed, by, QiQatari larfo Friday.. but ‘ 8aid a key to ending; theI Persian ian aircraft\ andai warplanes haye land- —uujf—w ar—was—imq irwitlidrawal—cdtn-lranr-:— BODV^tOTiON^SHOU£Ri:i , nlB&t. Potir Iraqi ta , the tiftlTtled norm ,. _j i tanks;were destroyedTQ Tmm Kuwait. ______^ ^ Tehran, sasays :16 waq)lanes have_ •.MASSACEOIl*SflAMPO( - -- r:-saS-Cob-AhirietfilritmbTjayanV : , — Rafsnnjani-met-with-It-Iraqi-ct)v 6 >^flbwn-mio^i<>T»ts'.^inSac,-andahai:3:|— \ •cowmiioweK .. 'inds^held'back the wor’0 rid!s'jargest'crude'; ' Suldouh'Hama'di,‘ it membnai:r“'Cbm='“ ~Cro>vs7al>oiboardTSomeTlraql'vessfls—}-—^ ^H = l~ = = r= — r- -* 1 summoned also have beebeen ordered to take refbge.' FRAGRANCES" . I _ ljB.gjlLRPUJea m io'protect i^ u iro es alon]>ng the Persian Gulf |mimd Council. then : - U tr Suprem e N utlonul3ecu XD rtintrta aHitil ufniiiuls;, -» « « B LEandDflTH-Ott S- shore. F o restersrs tni|>« tafcty. Irah ha t -it-wH— ^ c n d the-waK--~'.{.- . ~ .. .*./ ~ •" • ■ "im pound inhe-duratiorrDnhrwar-^- ift-fhun'elthcr-slde-ihaf— 'fflfigWNC&flCCESSORIB - --sessioawi^~m iljtaiitaiy^pokesmea..----.....------...... _£ hniiri^H Rnf. 1nnH< tn itg t a m n ls y - w i^ b u t- prior- . - v;, r w as.,w liisk e £ L a a aay iy . to 8 m iiiary:M rJ^9]^fecYLpiajid^^^ zi-< •'-''-

““ “ "" v i m ; tte ip eM,pay a : ipT mebicai scho< TRnfsanjani wttcped: ‘‘lirai.yjU J -Jiiiw.tlie.uM! uiUnTiin|Wia>ii

L - .^ a ly sts sa;

---- r-i ■ -~-i ------—

------NEWiWOWCKAP)'^ HusMi'n *{s likely to cancany’put his ]Oyj« i.'l)i' iiTlia}~ miKS ai.affcuoliker.^ --y-‘ — ly~to 'posc -a 'signiflciuicant.'miljtaiy-:-

B "•--~iv5ITir‘UlC-T^Tp6fcln^^ ^^nmtro~ln ^ 5 i ------W ashing^^-ptJi^ara m im ^ "M C K S TPF"— > ------Bui ii-would-not-beskci ^— ------rariiyTsiie &uiUJ.'( Lliiiikji'!.ji’hUXuty-ftcr- r ----- —S-OljS^S~S\*^,^AT=RS;... --I- s.jlgflingt^nur, ., . , ___ :-6 q r d ! n P ^ *- —grountl_forces. ic ifTcy w ill...... slow.Uiin^^o^i^S'hc sSidi^Bui»aii he^ • will sdll losc.“ .. -■’•'— f t /------E . S n d d a m ^ fa itu re ao -ft chctnicat wca^Mns couUould simply « \A7n /-| mean that he is unablelo \ to dchvcr • W 3 Ccky I treatm ent manay keep Madonrina's _■ nn Sriid missilps. iinniinnlysts ^ntd__ |^ g |pH j R tart------^------~ C /~ ; ■ 'M ___i-An(i even i f h e d ocs havetve thc.capit-. _ — ... _bilily to mount thcm onfl the^Souas.tl - i ttA:M ihpt w ouldn't be very cfTccfTcclive mili- VlaafoiiW s. Mayheiiard"^ islior f s ^ c. u re sw rch...... • — . aiwly^t.at Jthc hcdetat^h.cm.cifJAnicri- . • H O Ww to-cboose-a&stvlnder b ------^E = ? S r i zn p z igton. tW RV's for the 90'sr r ' '■ ------tkftiuBe ul-ihw iny a Scud m issiW to-ddivcluwach'i^- ' _. • icnl nccnl fT hot o v eiv cflltyflleienl %vay - •• *• 3 l € 9arolgQat r to_tliej^&;^tuclq^.Derby^ Jo dcfivcr.il,"^um pcsnid.d. '■ '• — ...... —

Ujts-mutmerem'nHiie${iay^s%lhaall r D riv^ w ith lie ------mJI -M Ofei'it^oirxu ' j: o t m i n d |l ^ ^ 8

jjmile'warrqnty ontn ev e ry i — |! . • new Lm<::oirj,“Hoilo n d o ™ ""1 I __Ij__ or Mercury:y— I T n e i s e n fifloio E o i S / J - ...... = = 3 5 S 5B 3 T = = = = S \^ lf A iI n Av;oE TwinPalLi'7L;- 733-770y L — • -. __y_------^------^ .jSunda/jFiFebmoiyS, 1991 TUnM-NowNi^,TWin.Fona. Idaho A-5 V ' ' I ' V ' i' l\i\" =Poetot»nnignlc will '«!- /^n tl^jfiis g]gucrtion.------;------^ ------.....lied'w ounded get ptefeniawice-.ovcr •‘. — ^ '- r ^ a t h e 3 K t e o S l m l € x o n ^ odesconisotersfl• captured Iraqi soldiere witlith m ofie^ - - “Injury, not the uniform.'*'will be • iio u s 'woilinds?' AfritK. asIS many, a? Dr.^teve PRUIi'hUlips criteria. b o u n t if u l , Utahl^Al^Ap)r~.Had m a m com bat, the inclinatioo’is t6 say b o w ^ i^ U ta h , Diono n j ^ a t ease with e y ^ ; _ -gr^t th^ -wcfe;*> iBPd-Bomlimi-Hofebs,' - one.'^friendss »My,- aj)d cam e within- a - .tovfi mode .the Manncss a canwr, or a .Irads 'Cross bandltd of volvo^ Of ^Ing cl«ted s^' ' wNWdbaiBfc^ k;»/»n' li niQVte gfuwtmnn. o — In l>etween.-^=^e-r^atfMilTMdy-^as.-" ^Betefr^h^aSdual^^^. h498?Abe^Afi^t^>f^ S i S clgiiboHiii&iua.^^ JMWOOBSmffPHBi • ra u n g tn a — dics-w cre goiiioing o ff lascrvcjvlorm on.-.. - _zMcodingtd'his^ftetriBiB e eT >^ g a i' a T ^-c< ^b^-him -lo-a s u ^ o r n - C B t T H t — ^ __ m'nneverhad.' ^ ~ omime.-He~Tnissions7 D16M on-^ristedTnitnx^tn^r "Jed'the swnm nihff'teara to-'s)-9tat^bbiH- toiich^thrdu^ a oewslener.ci^lat^:. - -&eph«wi^jeWs;calla.fio.gomratLgyeci: z p t^ a n d piaycd-ibeiunurart> sity'that belied his sizd. . . . b e r 1989, Dioiio n ;Wrotc o i ^ s i ^ i l a r i t i ^ l ^ i C D ^ S ftfie bu

He bears, up. jwnsoHngig tthe c o n w l- ^astat^” Hobbs said. .^..j'fbrceduitoara new life sty le -, som e 6 rg ~ ^ ■ -W e *^ 4 w r e ^ Spl. Dlofl S te p h en so n hilc^ hii Dion ‘hadi’Td icarf:d fetvv^' ~'from cver^inhing. only to find that you L-Jia.vingJost LanceCpI B ^ o i i - l f e l ibeMtrtd-stster— - A tn o n gJ -fl nis i U.9 ; cM u a itlw r-rs"Stayin^'a-M ti arine -Of ■ beeecbrrirng tT only have GodJ5d and your new m i^lon;— s e r v e : acting-ca— associates.--- ii) a planc crash 8ta g eJ2, J 2, hckn.ows.: ..stuntman as a path to an a r perishables ; ibaf fatr^ra,-^ct'liaOT’t 7'--liwr. ^ A lthbu^ Catholic ini cone o f the “I am proudlud to b e associated w ith a, . • W e ' r e p r o u d1 of our quality p this about gricf-and loss:iss:.thc w orat .*^0" iis mind. does the-pos- _ wnicslatcr, . changed njs I mo5t heavily Monnon cononununities great bunch of guys likcyoui^Ives.",,^ « W e're proudi 6ft>trrfiTendl^ : ' , “I khowrwhiat it s likeleioftvcThc ti at Dion n/ight havc-ibecn- 'p IUa *■ ' liillLU UV friendly-fije^nake-any-dir--Jill -'-" CU- diivc'up"iii Tront"oniII me nouse, ^ ^ I rlfyoulmven'tslshoppcd’vHihriiincmcenilyywe'vegdt ~ says Stephenson, whoseSdpoibcll, dp be- n't change'my beUefs-TJuO— low a hanasQmc. pj^r'df.ifycnoWTrib- ji rn. Anything ,qui happen'in. taM yi^Ainerieica s - - bons, rang at2,a.m._Thursd gt)»ph<»n'«nw aniH . FiVcrMarincs-mdTairA igit:|t«aiii s o n s htrers of (fatrTiingVFPioa’s o|HPar... -r i^n-gave-St^HCT^j.fand 1 4 o o k T— - - GeriUsrcmiflnn(^ : j; . nltion UiM . *' :?rg 5 'a”^Tsr~ ts and Ip fttsident « u s E ^ M u m S X p ' ■ Gulf War was Wadnei LUnce C pl.--|^S ^^- ~ -fc_____ Goodloniy^t— ijton jam^'Sttphbtaiid r t^ B A n a r ists'-and-^'u^'-^IIod: the- - I " wiiMBr a • ^ ^ T d Boiie t6~B^lhe'hiir S ! i ^ S e ‘ - H |a ^ ______I A - Imll 7 . hia fathec had talked to.hiro •ExplfflS. ti^'lbr one’fl • Ulca o f d ^ n y in conibnl' onally moved. He’^s beenjn cfeuntiy...... lflIlmn^?iiihnf*-<. going nn. L V — jv-ivjusf K#a this"T«Iing. ^ C O U P O N • •. jays.,Sl^hcnson’s second i_Q lot easier.” Stephensort ..B e — ieaL-oId-Shdtio^' M arine, i m i G i\RANDMA ^'^■^t.w lU i uiiutlii;! iuut'iitf S d B M ^ E — nitely-did-thetheright-lhii»g=-tn-going-to— ' Beagtlfallyg^lipped w ith.alj iheTu . waM frw g-Gu ._■ - ■-■■■— - — = i c ^ p ' otn-for-gmiitcri. .Snmehndy ■ eennd and brakes, ^climatecl .control ^ -1 - • nd up to'the-criminals o f ' ig, w iieel covers,-del three sons. They are HIS » **''• ''*** has (o stand :." said Stephenson, a me- _ stem and much, muluch m orel #M-6 I ••I“All parents love their deluxe stereo sysl ____ .COUPON---,- DcIIa.AitUnes.--,.,______•J. ^ l-* -V S 5 .— . ? « « . = •T -'S I—i— ~ KTillioeo won mvT» v~» |.* . |*.. f ■ *fV.n ■ !■ ~ Evetything they did I was TTwtlL . Itl *UI IJ JlimvifWt' in intrntily.nf his prided in. 1 - ! pflinrB^^ -*^OOlBt»rGllI|l-t- 1 = :__ llfmi,’'hesard,______T.WOOtiL iihd 145 pounds, SSZ5 0 . ______^ ----- ^nje-couple-3e4dofn-hire I slight “but athletic, M- JhetsmJSavlags^ r o M J ^ ^ - isrs. “My wife would get i - -cCCMHK ______:Um!L2_-^PB ---- «tr4Ve-cooldn^»-gorio.a Uiving~aildrhl^»altltude~-' wthout the boys.” ^ . CustomBrtash i$ 1 0 0 0 — drops. ■ " - ‘ ------■- - -i~ - oood-:3?^^1 --^ Expires . 'jin shating^time jvithih his sons.' “He just: ateau it up," hts iatner said. -DealSFCash'^aclP< $ 7 B0 ^ t o P — ^ iQY.gJOf the___ Only onceice, ^^cn asked how he' E l i ^ S l S o ^ - - MBrine8.-hl8-patriotisin,-hi!-his-'scnstf o f, .wiiLrcmcmbimbcr Jiion.Js^StepI}en!»ii „ MU-eAY-ONLa m t S K S / n r . - dlity.-His adoptive fatherr hihad enlisted. . forced by.rawraw.cmotion to pause. .. — iff tbe-Kavy-tbe dny.Eearl^rliIarfaor.was __J!IhcJIbesL^|-^y UaQ j^cnty^y_ sSented todaiiiy-ifeihtij-51 Z —/in-the Pacific^— ^------_-______- usedlo.c^i[i tltum my iittiggiam.. Mv'"" ^ - t i r oguf sjiowroonr so mtiih to me and hc-was-— J M c m w' ^ ' f ip_auioiic_cni sp.good-1 xt_£z£ettd Ccmtint^^OUl i ggf^^A r«i:ohtyit^ j w « . . . . . I

> ta tne MariffM.iixJS62.ani iJVoiM \o.BOy.AXiSf hi^njusticc; ':r~rr~\ ■ j:_.F(Cw. years And.Vfifl/sJ •• i$irih-Vre&am=Ih719ffMi4^57^trfii|r—lim o^aign to>^oiiU lf-w m iclv5j^35«r^:r~.Tr — ereiyinan-ahotild^Mffthr I------i ^------»At 45.iobking~fit enougl>u'^~to again ' like this, cs}esprcial^^^oung men in - g “If • ■. -v I—S2SB— 5^= 5 — ------— • ' • ' ; ' 'i<— - I!------r ------'■■ t—ST'iEr'H ijflirvH _ I H ^5 1 t n ^ t = r = = t % o f f

^ V M d p i N ■h|PSBr^\ ■ I T» r ] i % ‘— . - AiLSfl8am9_Strocoot*.:an'a B rloht Fm ure*. coilcQiio'ctionaritips.-— r - :— ‘ v-and-steBpwaa r .--- -:^ r ..g S j ) — -bottom'Br 8oUi':^»jfOM'up-apparol.-iftftpweaf^fii

^ ^ All intat E ^ - a p p a f siLyjjgden^ a ^ l s S i s Z 1 7 1

-JL.— i ) 5 ( J d t r r a t g s a n d ^ r r " S h . d i a p e r t ) a p ^ - - ■ I^^V -G hoose (rom-thonosd famous namo brands:Is: ...... 1 '______.'— ------^ - r - ■ O shkosh.B ’.Go:io sh ? »‘HoSfth~T6x» * Chorolorokoo* « Liitlo Lovi's* ; . • Oklo Dokio* *♦ Hush Pupplos*'\-r- -

W ' Z G m ^ q f f ^ : s t r o3l l e r s ^ 3 ig h ccfeirsr-” ^ T=r p l a y ^rls.“ carseatsi s a n d ~ :-

M - -. ‘. - ■J-V. t^ n a toadig|grg’~ strg eg — a

_ • Rmf>prlco9 cjfoctlvot/o th rp u g ti M o n d ay . .. : . .Fchrtmryl8.l991..0oDoes nonnctwto ______^ — r " HHours; ( . I__ ~ p — - — ■ - JC P m iiio y ' ^ m art-VftfeW o n io m e — ------■■; t---= S a tu rd a' y I - .tQ.a.mir7_p.m.,'-. , ; __ —: __ ~ - Sunday _ 11 o.m.-b p.m. - ;.______o m i/jcp.•jCP«nnrY Comp»oy. Inc. _ > y iaqic Vall?"V M nll ------P g Q 4 ------71 ______...... T 3 ^ P i i ------^ “ T T ^

. ,r\ . '•* — ^.....

m IH ^ g id e a ^ ^ Editbriri^ %_ptoieecnoii an i'M irki® eM b»==yT' opinion represent^G [ a n t i lived outut ofthe Muntrv for a coupl • ' .na : 7if a]^

8 wlors re tir^ M y r t ^ ^ n o t p io tu :t:' ; ' ■ Wlien thirany leg^ iHaw^^iri^lly ' ■ / »hcd when 1 saw. the flag dmdraped over, . , 'S u p ™ . ^ U.S. >Uim|ub ^ sole^ “ReslrlctlotrDf ftortiloaghgh^'“ to prevent tHerexptessiression.ofari.^jteoa,atis ------J. ■ ; . . ■ the grayy icasket of my sister’s fianojieeeintho Douglas said, :^eHgi^r~'E5erg.y conom^isx.-whiclr repeatedly[y 1has m isled H.-nfttoisa • — ______■■ , — . • - and free speeclcechik' die m ost dangerous p3fall f - simply wrcnig;—^— : ------^Wh©h^=^£=35 ^^say.'ltlnheTWwexpf Departm ent’s newew budget appears Idadahoans .about th©-envirvironmdntal nns a simple question: whetlether to subveisions.i. itit'U tn e o n e un-American TacC t" ..... n;^as the zoologisU orisequences of its activitiei^*es. ______^ honorani ' out country that could mosnostdaaily defeat iM.** " " speech'that djstlngulsSlushies m an from the je st •----- _Mondax^fol.kJnJn Idaho and South con md respect the sym bol of ou yioin^-itis-the-freodom.... - -■■ intensely interested Second, S ratHerjhan senc•ndtng m ore br whethither lo allow Certain acts whwiiichare CTjjaUerthI Carolina w ill be in es ys.-Eichman. A e.casc-.'______of^mchibatdi^^tinftui^iea our.nation frpmj______:::7.:_. -in onesispecrofit.''t.- - - k -•' ..w«inilitary-p'roduction-here,, tlthe-Energy : expicuiolions o f opmioii - even thou departm ent shoiild lfocus; - its it: attention acta then:muelves are reprehensible, ip Fli^ i^te^T O A ctv", " the rest bfU eifiwfworld. wc - ■.- A South Carolina'ina'congr^man said De] lacks^nonce siat^.'^ITic—...... in cleaning up the/radioacllactive w aste...... -B u tb tljther questiohsTmist be askcjkeft-Who— uoconstitiitionj ng to ------Justice Robert-Jack ~ • lasr-weok.tharthebib: budget will contain on >£j^igioit.orpf i^M ^hpr______eft behind by 40 yearsI oof military decideI vwhiiA is more im ^rtan t?I? Wa»o^ _ uphold the act, conceded that flag bumtn;“ 8 ■ oriceoffreedompfg •money'forgone,, nnot two, nurfear lefl ec^ressive eondu^'with no'' I w e m ust pufu p wiih. • ------—decides^> . ofthe p re y isth iitw =TT -rMctoEfctaproducfcj m aterial.-:: acti;ctivityJn th?_state. ^ _____ ^y^ofriibbg^— •DcmclTcommented lasrst~wee{rthar^ i ah~m, Is worthy u f piohifrribib'w?'^ ^hyyf^^^hffTTT^ ...... 'T h e onTy uharis'nswcrcd"questibn,' yx ■operty-i ^ i ^ n f r t h f r b u m ^ ift would work hardidH ni T-T------~auyBrte^Aprop< ^ . K.cp. JJuiicfr-iJernt;Ti9 k said.-i^JWKiehTlft;^ . ■ '------njryriisdlJlrowr . South. Carolina or reatiAntiiig.a:botnff~iti t! f’l^rr"^ ^■■^:.^t-ifsom e^d^ise-»ffort6------act. _ ■ c. flag'AVt ■ opinion about>ut someI federal policy or matter of spe^handimd their excuse nmy DC ' .been p lan n in g aa' pair ot ■'oew uncincontesied. ^ : just an iinproiectable acL ^ tors. Steve desses» our attenUbriV Th ata ct is v . ' '• that they see'it as Just production j[eactoraors." O ne w o u ld 'b e • OC ur two UIS. senator rfe. We most botoleranfrant in order to detnand -. ylraig, w h o criticism^m and'disdain. It is tt e right}ht to act w e. :. AXtny prolul near Aiken/S.CrTITTthe other at the SJy y i m m s an d L a r ry G-w placc’could be ju sti^'w soafeQr f .- tpterancem-refajm.-OiI. O r nf Ahmhnm I, ______r c d ^ il i t a r y . musi_projrotect Erosion o f ou r constilstitutional - in a public pla« . :Tdaho "-'Nations]M l-; "Engineering--trat'tratditionallyhaye favotec ther-.-purl^’-Those^^oj deideny-fteedom toothers— .— may -think , rights foesnothappendo< all a t onceTlgn r ' ” 'K»t)tlndsfBttt^g im e ...... ^tindrfnnv ...... —dvni’rvc Ttenf^t'f*?*-*****" llfftr^fltiy ...... ^ IjiBt-ono-OTgt^i^htTOPttm [iMt nmHove-our-countrv-an d^nr- -t!nr nu;i tlmt muUilItu: najbrity ot idahoans — butside01 the - prineiple ’ temperature, gas-cii-cooled tephnology rna •fomts sym bolrth^flag.'But?utI-love / —theacL— H • <.vpw»«i»g nn » !’ instead o t'tn e~stan>anda^ hea^«water—cas•a^TiO dahirgttfeyTdepens'ffi^ e'i!r g r r ~ '■ respeet-fi vprds, the puipw e of any suciich fP le ase s e e F L A G /A 7 -IIZ i»-v-Witiwni^ a '4N I radioactive gass .used.1 to trigger _ .TThe. traditional, argumentents in.'favor — ■' • ------warheads. ^ ■ 9,fff 1military .doveiopment at INEL no f ■ ln«=ewlng'lVT-l^owavefr4 he-need-4 b r-r4weapons busineinessrlNEHs-wcll- -tallslked abotU in tefms-o£C ca , Of-jobo? . glennup projects create-jobs>b8-tOO^--^^^---- tule:pronri5es:man: ^ ■ 'long-terfhTecorioniomic siflbility than ~ IiIf South Carolina-wants;its'ihe-N P^,: _ _ _ yntlitnry proHnrtinn . • 155 aea fewer p'oliltear|uaat headachft' than1 dealingd with the^^ decretive-- 7 'andrid' ' ••••not'oTis ly — -^•EeiVfocus^ouF^poliHcaJ; -I: lal^ffortSTon-r ' '■ ^untrustworthy military-indiistrialmi monore beneficial projects.

\ Siephsn Hshgen - CUrkWalwonh . ^ ' All*Ulen Vrtliwn'' ' Peter VorlVofk . . Publither, . '-Mtniging edftor : . Circ;ir«uiailon manager Advcrtltinilting director ' .'U w U |

“ ' ^ ■ rne'meiWiMBgH-Br tneefliiprtttl-Ooar ’=1 arc StephenSw Hnrtgen. Civic Wahalworth and Sieve Crump'. I I '; . , ' ---- ....V ......

=T— whim trohsferrin^tVotfi ------'n-CTlMiena: lim»v >>f I ior us t'o-also—-^^^^1 comnnmcnd-T^T/m^NeH^offo r: cartoona.almb5t te m o o ff{ J^ 6 )t.at^ ■ m -XtaQ nertro^ qpproach«8 to r~ " youyiH ' tHteiit*score an A — — ) p.m., niy sons and .1 ig S tands, '■ ■obsceiiit)iity br'vul^ty. iiis'^hbi'^ '. ^==TH^iiV.TCiffiPFi*M theth to ptusue their h a tin g f ~ ^ w ! 0ija'pa^la^bfdrdO.-yetino'iEOT..the;-0 ; ■? __ ■■ ! drove dow n to thtf cpncanyon,to view the aria- Decisions betng-madcTiowlow will affect -— -hafr.b«n;noneoCmy favpritc-^^s.. ler o r publisheir m i ^ t be S ’r ^ i n . fflidgnts must r ^ VIC e a percenuige of 92 to , . V this area for many yeare to cc y -1 iw«»tv<» the same ; water-front park.'W/e e inotic^ a ^ d Isum viA the comments o f Mr.. TrTmdcan t ^ HARSJ^ H H A R ^ H K . - n e AI a s those who j' : be encouraged to rememberer thatt Id ^ o ’s a g i^ wit schre-a.90-pcrccataae .------;• vchicle-^th a ir’attachi JlEfW 5#vrasT-wtflply b-bccauso^y owfr^SFeic^ niy available fauhch site. heritage Hm In her soil and th ----- It is my opinion t hig’issiica.suchM ^ IBii ■ ^ ^ ^ 7 -----i the'middle o f the onty - h w bcfortt wecnmf. Can wwc c p r c ^ e it ' itiiiV tells m e that-he is notji!U 22J«L ----- _ . , : • . tor our lutuie ana mat 01 our ------ProtestersI-j-have eveiy n g Hg: — ■ ! to shnrecoteSS'.tOthfrIheriverwith anyono------Atoth«Iher lim «, he has caused me ' classes, should be unlverilvcrial'across the :Bjandchildren?---- :------ine'o • Thcanti-Wiir:/or protesters have evety ^ h t - United Suites'to put the students o fth e ' _____^_____ ....- . Fetse.--.r^-r.^;-: •3dHW.CA'nnpjt.Sf)M, . iHialuCTnvermnTgpplitieat-IMtte—n^rmuonto— tn 11.1 They[ipvjmvewav^ght^p-be-^ r n r ,L .^ ler.w aitm fc'iippro: vored.latcr— drafte^fi^t-andand-»enl-4o-(ho-tront4incs.------nii^aginmd imuve his — ...... ■■ m y ^ bb«TTa3smenl~whetv-M»»cove< a ___ ^ r tortile owner to come w i y f i g h U ^ IJriiniHli rJItty. . ndi.decidcd.that.siricc — m ANBBiEYTTrrr: ir-;v. - i-vehicle^myjjpys-anty ty-6aae».aiurtrnH;and7. can ^ — ^would be in wprse shapejt^nftis th clcctricchair.“■ ii, ticy na ve^ a ty-ngn. inKlt-I ------^ ■ ■■largeAad-bcautiiuLflQ;floefc nf pgCTe that were to remember the World Wa^larl.I.and comitry-V cUo na,"; rthc'FiTTt'^rnrnd — l-am-writingin regardMi^QjheafUcli^___J7J ll'- I T — , disjurb^lillU nyiuKi^ i'aliy irTt’s m ^ n t - o f an Iraqifll ' <'Wcndclt parratscOTtpiitnptefHV-cbaoh ------:— ; theJpgrrine B rid g e towtoward Ihe shoreline . aiialso had his problems with1 theth m ilitary policiess cor plans o f our leaders. I ffth tl e views, esiMcrall -They-hav«dvofy.ri^t4o------I h^nrhoi^ihgirkidsimfai r I'rienr the C anyon Sprinjrings GolfCourse. Wc Brbrass and politicians of iliutIt ir&,ci ana a ttw ■' -—y—. . ' ."themseiviIvegAeely-withoutfcaroC^ c i ____—--II— protest fl^D St.tist.the oil c o m i t i e s . - . - -- my husbaiidJAlcx Flore —1 — ..... [ __j_ : ■ then o b s w e d tw o jejet t !skien(operanng- ■ •eiittota tod. M I recall.-— — lctiWt-m n ^ a n 'd h i.^ g OVemmiment-ropr1sal.:SaddaTO--migh: ghtJQrbe:7r7?gngrin>ty-ff-t^ TtTwmn<:they_hflye t ( w alk-tOto ;. - 1 am so'disiyjpoiwedjted to t h i ^ that the. few nSf might, and from work..-•Af — n'ggiim tn g, Qt'eoiireg. the)ey." ^piutmsdndWUMjiU tui J. approaching the gewc^ .-ju tnping-ovci' each _Mcartoons were primarily abou» u t tw o ■ in powererioday and the Persian (JiS anflihgr-qtitet wpnt orMhe map.mn - - have tfie educatication and dependability to ungrateful. My husbandlaod is a n excellent ('■ . ' ■ T oth crt wakes, otc.. un ‘fictitious inlahtiyrtidn, WilMcIllc'nnd'Joe. To nr ach. Hi» hp^ given so ; - - erans of-tho------_ ALIMMGEN______- . -•______ttotAdoTOa^gp -----elMetoHmd a.Gn&coach. -datecl'havefound-few-veteraj ddsi no'^iift'could care *•' : ^ Korean "conflicV - Oix>dir , They have cvicvciy n^ttdraTJbtriino’s- ^ much time to thesfi Wds • Tnagnificent peese patJpattemwl their fliRht up : sosccond-Worid W aror the Koi —^---- nwre-or-tty.hardcr.than.imn-hf» H r {1 fnir _____ le'watcrs below'the" wlwho didn't enjoy ond actuallyally looK forward f“ ------:------Pizza. They linvKavr cvery right to cliain------* the river again lo the v 0 the b um per o f a moving with anyone who is strastraightfofward with '■ Pcrrine Bridge. Theejet jc skis appeared with - to reading those “Up Front”I” ccartoons in * D o o nnesbury’ strip^wck;lcom c themselves to th have every right.to protest him.>^ll_hejE)tRcc^ofhofhislstudents^and _ s to chase the gccse; .—-“StarBand “S Stripea.” ■_------—:------Thank ik youforpubltshingThc"^— -•------vchiclcJrhey hi — ■ ' r repMtcd maneuvers to rjm a3ile3.,as long.a's.they’ree athletes’is to'follow the nilw and'give fob; ^-fron^ the c a n y o n -I^ : -2 .7- n n;y-— the.U3C.ofotirji] il ••— strapped.ontoynSjiTOe m-ftight. TKej^have: - -^h?ent^and-tiy^their-vgr-vgry-bc«."rhis is hnw. — ^huftFaepm'the •' ~~m-wotoronift)'f.r»r.lnieJ 10 Hh-public------^ ran scrviccmcn. i h e se arc gr lowcvcr they wish. , . the siune talent or expcripcrience. He is g iv en '.' : ■■■ ■; attcndlngiharjet skis'(is were very compatible. _cacartoom - as the GIs d iJ with«th Mauldin’s^ canoons.IS. And thej^rc n o th in g ncW ;j them selves how [RErON -,^ -,,,.- -. .... these kids to work with/ith w ho hiivo-Mttle to ------twcxpcncnceanQ4S.fi^i cxpecicd to icnch ! tiuncc to it\c nuoitut in In m y humble opinion, Tru'frudeauand cs^ciallj,Ily overseas. ^ccogn»zc!r4Uciiic m - - 7 them Uie gome onuucvcic v a a p m c ii’-un.'iiri.. " — = = ■r ; the proposal fiark areairca. The cvcnu aj; Zorro arc not attmnpting to) demeandt or Zoiro’s; c< ^ooris com crom o fth e-P Pj a sia n ^ Thistakes time. ecially w hcn-youonly------...... have two rctummj; iithUunieies. > ms tact IS - • i^auldin did; - ■ - people th: ------•. l-.~ ------T'Trlr s genis 10 mi " ^ridciit'''3tmpiy bj^fi..p/icwing vic’ their scorch ~~T' ~~~ •“ ihe p u b licsch o o ls o f this , 7 ...... : -in fact be a m o re aclua;lual^^rc^rc!!iity. Mauldin. Trudcatfsiid ZottoTO ;simply point ' GI.h lovovc cjinoons like these becin■cntj.se they—one system , the "ihmuehdutthf-ir.isnn 1 rn it mV.)Wtfn:»u::T.::-"ili»srnn:: :i sctTui'^iiciy. m iiin x ftu o r ■ ■ • improved so much. - rules .and rcgUlUUuw-rortlwii ” • ; county commisijon^ who had the _huhuman., a habitual and chronic>nlc g rip e r- typical sosoldier’s stronge.st feelingsw - Ihc, . board makes m l ■ .lA4UHkl.nx:mipte-mbdnbdtt4»4htfir- ' - .. in=3^ t t b 6 ~ M .-,,- faitrs sn.j•rii.&s . a r,—SmsT? T;77.-i ‘faSoT I ~ ■Bch^ l-'t'u.Virww rortaTEih-ga^ilf collcgcs arTd’ ; forjihc water park nrcarca bcfore'ony final ./, ununinforrfied public doesn’t k’now'abbut.'kn " lic/shclivlives with cVco’ d.iiy. O ne pi-RiTini ' owned. V m not played this team, they:y lostIc by 28 points. On______I’m talking «bout high '■j" decisions w crc-niaircfcWlhcprojiJct. 6 Theli^: Trtilliary Trti life and tho unplcasaiisantrics that go c.mnot spcnksp to another th e w w ds,-Is,—J------7 -u n i\'^ itie n , I’m 'Friday hightrthcy cameimc’biit'ahd pInycdTi np^TCh ihrs-simntion• wiwith it would ► everybody. -:j.*yttipitlii: it;i7jifTo-' =^{-yStnc7w5tiiii»rg^;!^=50?rf«rt5hjc^was^ = •:— iijnsichnQ.cnccftiHy.nrr rti).Kiy w-^-kiiow JusLhou ?iOTl^he_Ri^^cnts 6 I~ -t-T^illhefpftinyprcvcntiTit ihe WrrT.Tw r------froftr n rth c 3«rfclBTy ofdefensejseto-lhochicfs lypcc^rn ou.'-y.-)tj------IjV many schcw ^ , ducTmwmexyccttcTitetrifcoachiiji;ontl— ’...... _.. s a person la k w c3ih..>-car.arc ______; linr^ssmcnt o f the wild/ilJlifc in this arc.% _____ ot61 stnlT would rufh to~dcny."rf {di«-.--ii» tt-left-l»arKl«i} wuy.ijy ihal is-; - -w hT chdasres a ^yy-L.iirf fnnfrrrfr.n fur StudCflM. . which directly opposesjseS'tlicTtsIi anJ CJamc' pu6T?c5tion"df.' pti :^4vjd;-'nic troops cnjoysuc _____ Ip iease- 7 ~ i- ...... ■"■■■■■ : i ■»jn-would bsvo been A pcHb*fecttto.fortbe - s i t S a d ^ - -— ^tocgB ^ofrtfiecotidi^ df f i a W - 'T ^ w S i n g l e i ttttrtdnnldierslsTfiMpstni e n (nrer^ panelsvd windmllUJtt'O^Saturdayr: < • j, ...... "• • ' " -prcsldeDttJ>.tcIl.u»aboulout (he innxKtance o f HiuIixsseiD voodoo.doUs fi^ lO hue itidn is ■^What s h o u ld ^ dotk)?.*:' ‘ ' ^ w » t a e e d t p d mjfo’ AnditwouldnUmatmatter whether we . * 'r■"___ • *. '. ■ . ‘ -. • J'- -. .-k. - right to attack I r ^ or Mviiig.,^butte..(lldn*t. » fc y «McMi« ibotild tell,' '".'ft d a ilv 'f^ tu M tl yuTiiii^ iiiL - ill a it bli]» kT flnrlmmmIIUIU UUll,>UiB MufTditti tUt'iinportortant-:-— :o ^try -'»ouldd asav»t(wdreaiM ^^li^^ souLluLItshpnldn’t'beleft__ _: -.- . - - .:_the.couiit^4oQkJw;^Jb aijoiit-.;:-;• /.“] l^bopento. ^.dnnkiagjf - . ofl.":- .• Z S y il^^g --.:-- ■ > -- - edirtrMtg? , • ".Sb^ ip-M m g r o f t w - H«aijy ' ' Ftieods4cltt»l-in^in tw rica'iB anMhidoi^ . lue b e ^ a.thou«and.::li—Ang tt^ingthe-cy^lor^-idoidong%ilh.ihaL--lBey.«ay the1)^.'a:. -. 'Susaa'Tnusch iaal*fl^fonO/obe • _ ■ iough.jWearea- ■ T ^aLouick:^ ‘ .-liBttDthfeibdi»ted«iiw..*nd feeUng vevetyloW ••p^^W ^dp^c^>ick apart the bave'^cbfumnte t W M f l i i ^ p M s r ------. IN C E ^ ^ iA i: SAUDIraViHHiA—;- IdMduiy . bethere to greet:set tt e m .w h e h l ^ c ^ ^ n c m knownow ifthey’re going to ' .-■ - - - : - itt in— - r - b ^ . ^ hB Mid,-.-'. •_-> :r- h>c^ h e re c aaljwf^ln lle this respect, the ■ -•■ : • i^j^hT O m^toTOOf^ • ' T” t mis^ onia.diflplaiii'Z' IbttMiure^ to makloake them stroiigCT . •• ;abC^.crou.^_.------l e a v --v^ln'rir-tK^totrigginftali — fty o p m i t mM m lft’^nessHihBhcu'ttfr' •' V '■'•!= S iChy/ainJUynondHart [ . IRRRTWldnF^Tl^Cbte^FHIS^bK ing;itot,iiiS8eilur

L e tt^ s .' — .'J . ~~^ ■ ‘ c o n tin u e d Wm = A 6 -"" ^ SiiLA^owing'Jtets^^r-^ Fiy< iog^ -Kitic^relaiea-nomiGimiciue oa^jpechneo oy > ...... layers.-Ifyota------;------decc 'Vnemiphr ' ' mf>n»y tnrfl as^|^rcrach|^^Bt^^or s:':it-'25:pcfeetttover the lastlastdecade.- - )D as teain claycrs. rcasi iST^r— : :* M ilitety' fo^:jurycOTS i^^. dog 7 ~ . _ . .- pltod.oa'TO^ v r - myo h ^ iin lcaslhan-l-n-|-pcr«mtt>friflc------^ — T ;- ==r~rrelHted1ibnticldcp^^":^^ woutd bcihc niuwci.': ~ tirovw anjEby'-irri^S^Sp3^(b.8B0^e:3^@ j^ g l of ’-is also - had.the inte M th^ hop e a n d coui ..controirWhOThu ~?--?r:irgMi|iB y ^ib er-ftM•semi^uicmatid-rifl^aie : - •~-In cooduadnriiwouldildlikeh>-say.lhfltwe 1 «Rn leshalfofl p e r^ t of all ..... -j- linion or attitude o f all n n » OB’S ■' w^,T>urTgva know thi9 is not the opioii jlng-T -' -r^chi^drenTiad-ihehe i•fiittire of -S.'l^.-violm t crime. ~ . the parents, studegts o rrfans.Iti»lhatof fa ...... ou“i ^ i r of this piece n e ^ to visit aCthe.j^mpiessl^ ti:^'dim M l-Bveryow IL.:- - • • '«T bete-hasnotbeen-0en -any a8saults*pn ~ • ^ . j~» . on)y a fcw who_fglt t h ^ >ffee.8h^;if^flcantytu n ^ f a t u r ^ to itvioosly^' —, ■ be^^Jbaniini t£a^goIice.o£Bceo>ith^AK47sorsiihilar r~ . . .-- - — tarnish the reputation o f n twoyears. . ; entire w S l i ^ - »dCTS u'fiedaa ia>3Gve8;i^/... and'aintSS S lh e < niihlintv Ciu w ell a s the eti ___L.yftmft..Th«t Iflcki ^cw ^ingstafl).nuhertfiniium.ann«i.B-practic«_:_w*pe :perieiiciiig &woud auJthirdlhtl lheughts— V • evwyii^ ^ u t right to wotkrit'rftaitllydilydawpiag^»-.~Aodthey.w afet w r t t t v e b e e n l d l l e d b y -- • =- to tq ik w ith him a n d se« e ffirst-hfliid why th eir , • a b o t trA'Csse couldbe nwde™— ------•— n g a ll iho-piaying r . somtime df.tbewjrolk«.tbat xlghej.qv.1.0 work was ' ’ like to be aa'sorcerer’s cmpientice andbdthw.' WemaybetEe : ■ - <*ipnni w effrhot-get^g 'thvc:: j - berteducatedlMiMontfyrwilliwtbethe.-.^^^^^^^V--:/.'.^thfaMelvea.^ ^ venotsrThe ' ~gfoups~ci^ ." ' ;~'H >PUse-~bfflreannstns bythcTncntaIly-~'-"^^-- -■ — i-i » ■ ■ :iihhnlinnwii^*4w>hIrT , . n^c^e^re»ixeo^^^ j;f^bpthiiides ofthe. ffremeamudebate.-The- ;," i H ■ matter. A fp ecial th an k yc jnt6fdu«“w a^r^^^'ffi iw nlicated and e1ii«iv>» i- I ir^lhwn".-' - - -What^rri -■f^v'aitsweris veiv comoHc •• inends.p^U.aBdftntf^ ifi'J.aMm tn audcasdnff wt^ipofautoma^ ~7 ' jirtd fIt" ” I >flrlndehgwi>*T4Miw%w - - ^ ore.bngg^theM a.L^pg* 3 p ia tt..v ^ :- . .,_witclicrflft7't?'Thecritics'6 fd ieiU tn ^ ^ ^ > 0 iBted w /cr 50 yeats. A ___ __ ’£iLvdiaji»»n7*0r.89yinii ~~ -puU Ifl liiit^ rsiijl-T .," ^ e a . h avi£, rorig:~"~~ . 7 ^ -ggjj.pfapflpj £l^p-'gb7eniiTieht^lo=^- ..: TAMMTJPtf)BP,S— . ioum ali^T!^ utomatifrwaanont,.Iti» n ■----- r . ' h l « « » •othci'.ifeiyi/f I myths;:The court qec i s i o ^ -- . PaPato- McDermott’s billiwvM D ,;.. -ialftnilhsandra: te ise to'alter t niiiitaiy j I h a v e m ppoj A a iT^? d te d in U i e ^ titoftol o t ^ a t e c h ^ bae. ’ . uaadated' ajjic M ia^ JaiL^'e r i ^ . ■ I - Ibwuy^noc S5piim.ao.^ ih :ig = . . . I ■■.“ln T«nd4novwMitd------•- M-newrSinee— ^^ies^areb Imillions expanded by ilwiHe new s media. FedenU ^ ...... ^’cSuiwSiSE^ : Situation in^Idahb has aibargainbgunlt-with be ------Rc ------^ . . . „ , j ^ ■• “hpproximatelyirpercentent o f the work (brcc-^^^-ihetie-time:ofDew^{ the ediicaliwliOT sjrstem Juis—ai^iStaiiBhte r L MittatiOn statistics reVCT| A e — 1 — -Stubbs^ :■ ■ ..- - I- — I ____ J_

— Continued-frpm'AClr?;": ;il Biuliaiileed '

inihhiir' ~ " ■ amctianienVwill h o t'st^t TI n w — ...... ' % ••■, - '''''desecfatlon;ilronically;-sui:»UCb:«lT=r-:; ---- amendment will only enhxnhanceUio :• uijuaiein.'valut o f the yioM But another more t e nht>ie ^ irony S ^ T“ r--m vot»^pdm Uua iiuiHuf.^33E?ra$= F =^T =— we will actually have a sot-whict«o(—: —-t- 4 ------iLSjSSlIjilcm fiji ai\i • 'Tpwiiwwuil-jii'piiBhihll ex| ■ -expression of opinion specpccificailiy ;■ thal veiy g u v aim — T»>Wrh-tit»e-th>» pn w e r '" T h a t IS a t n g h t e ^ g l ^ s r ,T~ ■_ ■ K i ^ Stubbs is a-TwiainFaJts I ^ ' - - •an rfnff * -' ______i____ _ reprcscntarivc. This art'c/cicicwas ------...... -. . - . . -I , .. - . ■ ------: - r - beHotiscon • takeh fmm remarks tO:tbe. ------• Jan. 22 ^678:------0 Central Credit Union? Wc offer services^likc: lik , . ______W hal Is Idaho O ins For Almost Anything , I Idaho Cciitralll Is a credit urtluil iiiulIi diffetfetenW biuuany.other..__ 1 »• 5 Different C hccking e ^ Accounts • Loan _; --4 -W rit^ to -u-U S _ ^ ------J _ — — financial Institutiontlonrllic bijdifftriCTce i^hatw g're ownedby-ouf- Vc operate not for profit non o l ~ ~ " U p Fees- - ?•' • ■ The Tiraes-News weicomcfl- 'Mt - , • mcmbcranlhciLlha;.lhari invcstbre. Therefore, wc ...... •- O v crc^ ft Protcct forserviwycSjrlmlnlmalTTO*s ]p ix y ^ r Uie c o s t of our.*:: .- ; : : - i ; v E A>AX«oblt &;Crcdit Catds:_ ’ leners Irom readcre.cnaHTUbJcits ------i for du uity, but lo r 5 . scrvitcs and helpIp tcto cs.labli’sh a w fid capitalI pppsiiion;T : _ . -D li^ Deposit it. ------ofpublic interest. To-mi-make suit • g2ndJ.iongagc5^;::,. ^ .. __^ - Id a ho Central(1 ClCredit U n io n has been in bbusiness t for o v e r 5 0 y e a rssas nj ■ .} Dcductioru = =yPUrr-:lctUtj' »«- twbliihed— _ _ - ____ . .. rJ/iirf?i.wnr?aTOtmnin^ia Bi - Ipfptnptiv.-i-hcre nrCL-r e l X - f o ^ t ffltQut-of-s^atg inlcrotts. - ^ ' H iM l/yxiikH iiiK i: ’ guidelines to remembcnc n ~ 7 "' ' _ Letters should inchiclu d e the______‘ i . i . —W riter's signature,, mr ailing ~ ______- “ address and tdephoncic numOcr.i -»------: TraUwni7c»n6iflrrrfl _HhelQU!Li.^ 111 ■■■_ \ M g fitcwiirfci.--- rejected, and r/K? Timemes-Ncws ~ reserves the right tolo.cdn, i all ^ ^ 5E = :lelier«.- • ...- t o a E lE m P^cnsc Hinit letterss Io 400 .. . 7r'tCU i 1 ■ m ^ilw3 lN — ' “ words; ------; ===W©:4o©fc=foEBSirdzlC:; I' • from you! . •------vHnniTcLatoirtitvdr^iDNpTthHwi» a V ___ ] ■ ------—_ I S --. ______• ' ---...... I ■ •' ' ' A.^ •nfn«*-N^. 1Wln»ln Foil*.| Idaho | ^n d o y , Fobmi _ ' y ■ ■ ^ ---I ------1^ " . ------L,; USAir•crasMl^ e s tinL se iie s a airfioit • LOS ANGELES (APJ>)-ThecoUi- |^ H ||a | I ; The p::bTi(os o r ^ d e n t a h d i series .sion’M f& 'a USAirir jjetliiter aild-a o f closes cac^ls in 1987 prom pt^' m- ->«iqmmu^-plana was.ti


•"'Sj^n.IX>8 plun^Id'into eight miles from the aiaiipoit, aid-- theljepqrt,^ ie|ga.sed , ii^— ■ the fifrt invoIrtBs -a ’coi .....line. Jiince. th^' airport)rt opened in laflic controllers'complained! __ J947. I’ a s ' lim U y jfe ;' were kiHed m :_iBui^sS is ^ j]budget^ drops vital -.-.Pridajt,night’s runwayy collision be- tween'AeJJSAir Boeinjng 737 and the- ~ screemrine-inchidtng;dtitu^ and flight uiiuiller,~Slcywe8r 7 tfiQCner^e-desdi-^^^l data:------— . . ; ' ' 'to ll was'expected, to risrise os-investi-- PA A • ~ <»hiwig<»< d ^ j> _ showsrSRfe^lHiprises^ LT:. examination - s i g i ^ toib~malu r th e'^ es over the; . . . LxM A ngelo{eles basin safer.— .-...... ; | . ’ . ! ‘ WASHINGTON *(AP:AP):— The fis- 'GuIfW ar.’ar. '■ •' - '— o f the wreckage. V ‘ “ t President Bush ' "Futureire spending debtUe^ willrill ; No one had died:in1 a commercial T«d Lopapatfclawfa ofttM N ib ^ '^nsportetit^ fo^ Board In 1989;89; pilots reported the num- { cal 1992 budget lhat Pi near^llisions dr<^q>d - 47^ £cnds (0 Congress on "Monday, is meaoababattle of i d ^ not_a bidding'n g v je t crash at the Los'An] an sw er*rs (quM tliM ^''al a n«M;C4i'M ni^ranca Ihrtio^^iflflgU U r ■ ber-or-nM ------aqueezcd by-thc co»tt-ola-of-war-and fe«.—war,.. BusiusfaJw dl'jplhisL S W c. p f thlie e. one ;of the cation's hui ^— rrTTT- percent from~thc fror prcvious~yeai', Fpr*'”^' ^^^omIiUu4oimdi~CoQtl ^^ban<:;enjt» ^ -Ai^ ^<4986r£«hty^the-first-K 1 - Inhig fftr whtit it rfftean*atilL^jhanJ'QiL-^-Usyg announced t&at iw to e- j.d i^ed T ^ tbe.aky over>rer two peopir'wwe lalied.1 numt>er ot t

The $K4 trillion ^q>encling plan . s^ .S l 1.7\.'i biiUon fo£'anti-or=b«wtff^anti=effom-«gs ii-, .Atigeles—basin 'ptptomptrd . the : In ^> oof the w6nribs:ADgetMIes " jd r l|^of_tbe ipuiU r c l u d i ^Q ^uestion i .of..:pilots aoidi dnig efTofts by-' 11 pmcent m and p ^ ' percent in ]Ii^*^|e^erai AviattonvAdnu:nnusfi5B5r»TWcid«itj^srnrAerbmeaarlK3^9^ i?sr:niw;vim«l:fflght niloi poses ending more tha year, well above' «ml,ol .gtem> g ^ in gg , the a ii^ ^ collided^^m cobttpUe^ fidled^to. wairam th'e pilots c h ^ lia sstyjpjpi^^wwis t-y dtfi^^were i ■T domestic progams atiJ ingesuuiL , iiiisni wiui'i ait== TO^^iniT-^'.-vinflation:^ ------l tT ^ r 7 n o -major r -<-anti-recession-. gram naa.c

. r r r ^ ^mcd u c d u ^ o n . thehe environment,1 sit ofltdal m 's-olher-pfob-— would cnt=iit^the-ftderaH hare' o f a id toto' ' I MS cut defense local transinsit system s from a b o u t 75,^5, .. s^di^*ir^sr^yiar iluwu (u as IionJo.S2952.bilIlQiUJ>j iri>nt pmpfiw utighMy in- White House ^ congei g e y io n a i] ^ - crcMmg "U ers agreed to last fail ^ th the fading health tanauS tor w om ei^^^m ^ " o f the Cold War. ,. _ children"an3 oi wants ,t67!ii>«Krrabout uft.:doean-t^ in miHi ' use exis^ting, federal inftot thdrl^ity- ' tion^hassaidmigKTcOTnir^S'billton'if -^grams. • it tostt4br-thi^roomKs.t^ (■"' ~Oth>r im IszOctP ' Democrats ore alreaki;Mkly complain- - in eflbitss t~ will' have to pul morere em< ^iasis o n courage local lot projects In-which stu------social andcither domesticM o^uorts.------d m u mayly-sel^^heiroiwn i schotilSZ:::.. “This ctfuU be anoUt o ^ ' d ifR oilt . Bush wi]will,reihtroduce'hislj)lari_t6!o . Get^s C lo tth e s C 3r T ha — ^ mittee^- Chairman -Jamesncs'Sassci^-D--:^ which-is-pi-paidonsalesTof; proper^,' Ttiui.,-iaid?receatiy=!!y ^fiaH ite>otaa!rtE^s^ ----^omesiicsh^w-preatdei sparK ih** ‘^^n'^TT^y ------H^mongW-highlighi B»th;s .,1^ Those im ------' .-.an»8jvhcB ...... - • - ■ , .. . Its in-M adicare'- brcafctran;uuytrnriftn-nf tKr .n y g rh : ___^qvcr Uie„nextJixejaar!cahcJncludins_an(LLdeYcloiOnpt^ent tnx.credU-for.conk.J- ==^^aDouh£3:j>illifi&acxt^«iyw .inogtlyJD^ panies;^V ; - • G L ; .^^CTl^"lb;'hospitelBiTor To ihtcmsHip ' family savaviii^" pliias, ‘ITndef new ' — ------^------budgel-mleules,-speTKUng-increase»'en'd— ’» Tax breq/cs fof biabusinesses tHat tax) cuts mustmi be paid for elsewhere Tiai:;nocaie "In -.to ' tow pmf»raeflc n li‘lh)m'gfovyitigr7~~:: * ~ :' ~ 'poor-arear/-==^=:==:------: ^gtffe' U la '^

■ .five-year, budget de^'stn;stnicic last y ear ' $ .1 C f •0“ per m o,?r that limits' spending- in ian effort to 1 , , .pggin snnniung leoetaHcfmhnk:--T— =f4lgr^iFYeff^SaivBoy g ~ ~ \0RF^' ~ ...... The budgefgap for flsiflsca! 1S213T “ R fnn^ ______^whichJuns.throu8h.Scpt..ptso^iscx- oranaid New Mercury pected to hit $318 billion,ion, J97 billion T rO C:er-plun00;C)06 ei - V ' higher than (be 1986 recoi . mriile il warranty. • WHilTEwE^tlNGHOU; gia»H jjM eterap =

= -•- f-'-’T '-j - = as — ^ .1—'

— d u r CoRi|wi■riHonbaBuiid jStheV: ___ ■; i,\m—^ !dh^Sqiifa^^ ^ ...... r- — 1--..... '■ • ■■'■■ - B nV ^xlk'''^ i~ ^ J , I

E = W T W jHWHIlMlB eSwIW^^wwVWlW**" y! • E xdU lv«20b.

^rVTO/lOW on6rifv~ ■••; ■-' ~i:*»5S22^ J ~^-VE)taijwap ...... - I _ •j4OO*ffl0M,WQt«ICrvW_ _ capocitv«m3/4hp. . . Wl^Of • 2ipt>d^nooBnttvttom '■ tpood motof • • PnMXoorommed ... • Automatic took-to- .. XOfltfOh--...... J]_ - .~AutOff>dHe'»ootfity' fa iBudrotion ~~ ^ iooanan^-t'.: " L^^ol^iirSiSieam -C leaaiB j “ •» a^xHmomwTBmwH------Coofroi ------, MVM ...... • Conent/lh^. . ••WhlfoOwo 10- Model 1321, J - I ond PMmon»nt pr«M . Features: -— cvdM _JJ wotfiboskot W20-2 ■ ______!W-^123omonfir»#.==^- ^ ___ _ ^ i2 0 0 -p si A llte,1- l cJ«qnlr>olntiyrt«^ __ " W i g l o C W _ - ■ -j, ..... '^VtmgjoOmf • 2.2 gaionss fper minute -----i^Uses #2-dieiie s e l._ __ Retail »219y°5^ $HI Ci l m M: -MATCHIIIN G EXCLUSISiW 2 0 LBj^l^DRYERS A t^ ! I M I j y ^ $ A V V i N G S . , . PRICES EFFEOTVlnVETOFEM^TH. j ' "^^oufifwru!Ui fuf Ogj vlLtl-A&E Mvety— ^ .m N S TORE- - - ^ = -fI------r a n ------, 204 MaiMain Avs. North_____j____ ■ .;|® l’ ™EParlirkinfl ...’.._.,-73;r33-7111 I T ____ S f f £ u A ra o e^ in s - V H L 'v . W J CAIN'SSE(SECOND AVENUE-^ |p " — " :~ 3Lgt^ rch^^ ^------Tg- .-g;? .-g s r - - gO Days^Same -- ^ ^ ^ '^ S ! N C E “ 194.46 . "73f L ' y H O U RS: MQ]DNDAY-THURStSD A Y 9:30^6:00r FRiDAY^:3a^ 3AY 9:30-5:30—1j-Ji . —;------p " . '----- 7- ^ '■ j • ' ~' r

■ , J ------— ...... L,.i 2->- • ' ' ' ■ V-; • ' ■ • \_ZdL- ' —i._____ ::_____ m : ^ ■ - ’i .

? TT ♦•■JLmmjJ p

I p!B usw l:Kcjuise - HrwrtUaniSfTiqiialB^wuii^iiinitnrfbnfae~NPR-,'’d c s i ^ budju d ^ by m o re th an S3.00toliuionr-rrNpRiffW» OisrTr. lWa..MW^ i „ i H e _ b r i ^f ..1 ucpanm cnt... a in a o y l b a a . :.r n $660 luilllun-u n tliti p iujutt------=- inw 'f^^l^^ relj^D ^itolS^^biidgrtft^onday, and th e bom bs -• oneon at INEL» tbe otfier att thet ,Sa-~~'over the jpa« two.)wo.years; r ji ; o f h a ^ v er site in S o u th C a r i ^ u r ' rijint TiiHlT viaflhftJ tb btiild ~ii ------

SwglSoSwy!^-M 7? ^ mntr.ao Mnn., Tfi’lThilii^ “ h d s aU.Tiiine"" j “ ire nqt dc- dayt”:r N ic k NNichols'said. i rim'out of)f 11flnancial'suppott in Coogn tem pm ture, g o s-c o o M reac* clw ^Jd^o.pro^^d^ J Friday he b e- stake in IdIdaho is INEL‘8 Q:of torin;ldaho. _ flee 6TSavanhairRiverr5c-: — '~ ' tcn lin a li^ -'the^m oyieT^ ^ = Y o u'^teow ^tituB*^ itcc Monday'it has Muce^ccd its reactor ment will'sll's ^ d about $59 million .< ' ijw ho- melted whcn-tht-they-

sunlight. Come downsvnstairti.with.riie.. ! ‘- | -'i .y^ ^ T^hflve a lKis^cnnchrwJlh~ah~aititUde ------problcnn, a veritablele {street gan g o f .foulTi ..’ _ *. o tem pered P 'P « » sullenlln^wiring, su rly appli- H i Tie a yellow v4 ancca..ana..B viciousbus dtainagc .. system ..... __ -^>aaico:. [py...Sv,iCe,.'iCT~^ds me - down for __ V f garbage bogs or njicd peaches, I J ^ y e to _ H ^ b b o)n r ’round 1: _ _ n ntrttiw . >-4lmt-6rf th'c-w atcf- to - P ^ :i>JOUJL: . ------J ero...... m e^...... V -StawB ' '• ^^times-NewsBW« ~— i- •■'. ^ ■— ::— ^ K i ^ZZIj e r o m e : ^ ^ ' ’soon have a y ello

bnw oeof mllitiii)li^'^eraohnW^ " ■ ■ ■ lyold'honscrbarheck,—.'— I '' ■• We^rvie'inra'flJlriy'o j^^^B ^r-pvt-of Operationio n Desert Storm.-:^i-^^=------^ ^ s o 'd o e s G eorge Bushlush. r i l -bet h e 's not ^ dye Sitting R oom nt 3 SpttAetidedd byb; B lane .R ussell, re* F=foF=the^4eroing=SciK)ol" - 8.m. playing -seych-h- aand destroy with a^ ^ ^ ^ B = ‘^ource=ofl}oeF=A>i 11^-r...... SI erohte High' School cross ' ■ . IMlWitf-WUir-M;tlltUJuU{F= = = =^nholy^t^work-hcrt-CTt-eame-a=eo^lc^£r== -- ^^^^^aioum Ltbe.ctty. it w eek s after w c movc()vcd in. I w ent' down* ~' ence of more tharthan 10 m i i ^ — on Sai- ___ stairs- and found fruitniit jars floating-ia 6 _ ^^^f-uurday,rcb.-23r— ------;a— ------^ - r - - 118 wy puzzling 8ince~ ^ The nmners8 w will'leave from Main______^ Street a t the. SouS b u lh ~ P a ric y p i^ in ;-the -r

!— —w c~dlscovcreil’u' crackluil. in 'ih r ^ ’otindntioTi run a m ile southith oc f Jtro m e a n d around ' ! ^ — ' thatcQuld-bavc-beeajtQihcjtork.otioshua!«l^ ^^^L^!Hhe44oofe!ft^usir Battle o f Jericho. ' ' brass section at the Bat The 10 milests 0ofl ribbon, w iil-b e laid ' — ^ ------Qur-miM-mannCTcd-red^ashing-machine,— — m ajo r' roadroBds-^the-ci^ljmits,— — ------which’had-never^ti«ten-aiiythin^Jarger-n tt than the'occasional.ail .argyle, s6ck.H ol.thot/_ __ - - Ru^ l l said. pointi began swallowlowing w tow els. ^^^■m TR unnera .wHlliiUT)nn^.the. chdaoTlIieT" ^ . -i — —Wrf wouIo-puMheelsis InIf the'-dryer-and take-:------> .'rib bon back too Jl -the park b y IO -'a.tn.._ , out somethinp. thatt resembled re a' Merino _ ^~en~a,ribi>on-tyii^ing ccremony wUrce'*'^ ilectnc storm. _ - . ^ —TieldrMayor^cn ; -^ e e p c a u ^ t jn an dec r Randy G r^srsen stilt I — ;;v..In.retiiospect,Jthinkink the coniiractor w ho . Although' he has soldsol out hts supply olAiA m erican fli^s, Koppel’el’s Browzeville owner R th© dedicatory’ Sjicech^ and B ree[.^jd,_. ^ _ •____ -built the house,probalsbably erred when he ; - - -gas m a s k s ’ln s t p cc k k . .- ',------JefOine law erifbiirifbrc^eivt .but msaid he .said, — ------1- •pl» w hen yqttVe -walldiilking'in the daric w ith ~ t-had’-a-nw^n-thjsm.yel------______^Donaltons.4vilU■^Ll^ »«^fni--n pmjfyt . ' ' ' TiurunulUl'DCwei'diiipciipcisr ------r ~ : — — r_ - ... tW IN-FAfct^S-H‘-yo^yottite4riihe.market.'for.ycllollowrih'btft.hrthe 1 “ W c’v We scH .m ore o f them ttroundnd H al- ^}x„t w jn ■fit~bolh-th^-troopa-Mxt— rr::r:!Tr^ M y wife asked tnele toti raise the clothes- ■gooy-bid-redfwhite, and Americon-flag..you.iu_mav have q u ite low ccn,’m,” he said. • __ ; -;r"A eif-- farniliesi-De■D^la 'for^^ibjcct ^ .!' ' )CT=seg^ha^heT»1l^'8famva !-WCight-Of.,ff,.du,mp____ 1t ^ Operation Desert StorItorro has caused a patrioticic .on. Magic" Who conj ^ e m 'M d ^ y S m asla.». ' _ ’ :• ___ ■ pose ofthe donatimations could n o t b e re^ '______veie concerned th a tth e y were * bounty,, grabbed-myiy^*tOT^^box,Screwed . “■ ■ • • ^ w i’re bul of~fla^~is;~We-hayc'tc-qrdered themrm”and hoppfuHy ' Othor.rcparedto^ ^ pUI'O'StOp tu , - ^ u n d OM-Of thoaee aisteel-braccs wiih a .- -Timcs^Newscrtrespondentn t ...... - - - - ...... - ;w h a t hehe- called “a flagrant disregiiegard.- for_ thc_. t - - ■.- ••——

. T hen I let g o . SUN V A LLEY , - T he1C , City, Council's^' Coummcil members expreitsed ^cono^co that ^ .-I — I ; Tho-doctQP-r«o{»^^^9:::dpubl(^^isionj^ tftn»lacem«rt^na-eurremMa ilKiM^tLMpnihi trhit hag ’ iShould DC ju s t in timeTrnTfo'fijrthc-wfiici' ------velopcr.; ' ■; ^ l e r•to'tKe-iilrccl'ftn«6r-lhffti-Int( ’to Into'drainage ------rsta fM 'NN oyb p serv ice • v-.m'; < softener again.. Qurwt: water softener is an .- .“You’re holding,my feetet tot the fire,” said' ditches'!s'that nin parallel to.the roadwd. . ; earlV model - J.A. CulCullife'an autographed ..■To i m -D cm pscyr-<^p ^ —pfoblemraooofding ■ to. -€ourm|nM%— C< ., i^flu^ingly __ . ' water softener than~tf^f.yrater'salter.~ - Dcmps^t^muCT-rawaitr-wiuntil ~thc. • rvook-t>k'tho-softcnorrapftrt,— ' ■ jdeveloper lMUes a’ bond-as}s a-guahuiteet th at-:j£ o u ld ppdnnitjtrtMncxclutivc tiixTIt n i ahdUSC. — ftf>|^^T)o com pld^ r r ~ — - -xiaxiixi tlnvcr trom -A -l T axi cxpl i .toothpaste ond put'it1 bnckbn together again. ___ ••The pr^durc is riot: w workinft,” Luber taxi opci3crotor5,incur higher,costs to ;— :^Excepl7fqr:a-M^l_e-ofT-ofTspri^'Tind-some^ ~suid. ''THe?oii('few-(imcs-wr-wd-vc’donb-thisr—ycar-rou bund ‘dddr-to..«k>or-M;rv(cc.a —; othcr^stufl^lliat^'drrt;n'irseem to fit-any-' ^ nothlntrce^onc7dcspito--tlo ^ h c fact-that^-wc -bc'-piule to ainitali/-i; • - — «idOT.t--dn!jf,riKiiTiOTpaUij£faK. — ■ -______. . . n.igk »i/iit -TsO rt .“ciiougli^'rwcTgDn}i fliir liem firem lizcd.:'! trrr, -- L uber »aitl that sevemlI 0Ocv.oiopcrs UaviJ A Rcf•fiieiirifig'objoctioiiirri'orino’ 1 TOurbajnJiF— " Have' tb=lo~t} 0 "cst)ibUshe(i oy brine back. And youJU hardly 'notice the_ reneged on finishing contnic:ractcd’work. caus- crator JohnJc Caccia, the boiird_dcciecidcdjo.rc.* „, ^-C ongtess, fs'a ninrty-ohpirM |t*f"r' 3Qm*i]oor.'CSpccially=~ =1f$g=TlE^y=!o^i«iiyutHlegaFial-ic1ion-to-msurc vtcw ainewKJraft-oftjie n ordinance:e ati ihe next------r— w hen the w ater pipes;arehow arc ling. . ...tj-• the woHc is completed. - _ - - meetint’.'K- " ...... _____ ' . Plumbers have •been be< through - o u r ; - : ho u se’s freshwater syssystem many -times.. ^ Tlierc is“ no scicntifictific rc a s o n - w h y - it------1 p c n n n n r i j ~ T'should sound'likc a barbanshccwith an-jm-'— -“da k te’s ctrh a n g ih g j [n p a ^ r ig»ht^tp=woorMawU j;:: - p acl^ w isdom toot rfewHt^bcir— ----- ^ to cfcigiwrgrtfe^^y^^ — - of Knte-SmithrbuT I’mi’r skeptical. Kntc Tim T cS'N trw s w riter • Sm ith had a better sot ot fo f pipc.s than iliis______' \ ______A. ’•Well,Jl, tht; cconomy is chnngtr^ing-in V . W iuu baa uuiE■»iiH£wt ftir iii^ i nfywt tatinr - ^ ------p-| 'F o r that niattcr.-s'o ^i(Jdi(J the pyram ids. ■ -Michifcl BiNoto. n -p ro j — ______Idt^o. 1t\ss Shifting-from^ businessminien to in -Id a h o -s in c e --the thi passage of ri^t-to^. i r r ,-.- , '__a<.aonucs ut. [he Uaiversity of..o f J^ o , is a-sptr- , j ____- , , . em ployees,! pprnpir^/iLII. fill L m] ^ .lzr=^/c^Cn5ng~Tr'/!frr-:tjir-Tuw»-Ncws’ city - daJist a in lahnr-TVlatinn.'^-thechce/rocfpfrri^JH. ' in tho-piihMa-tjpctnr. Asiax^ . nuftirr. isiiir' nmrn- inrl rr-'*vIv u.hat-thitt- yourou diink, li'u' poialblc than:ra-bm --uii:um.li.dut ^miiu|me-peopli-aia gutting Tinion ,------' ]vnu!d.MaYe-:^■cakalc^U^hhihho-s I98S niiht- jj^^^^W BIiiepealing or gutting' riRbMo-work ccould Vepresentation forjrfiee.^^^^,^^^.^ fc ui..,u,.., ' i j m ikJ jjj u iPF(' . iP»»t->u'n.mrm>Ur^ TV>r^. t rr^^L posatfioTcRncRi A i e y •" ~ri~> h r ~ii~ninn 'mpniT>rrsTiip7 Tvfcrcndurn. DiNoto cd about the slate Hoht-to-o-work ia back as an issuee inL Idaho? ^h‘oicabill sH ,po:^cd.5. it would )invc effectiveivcly gutted improves," tilltliero’S' more'_ concef«»-(ttiittiiiotiu . • '"-T ^ -tfaafTToa -tfa ld -faave- let -imionsns collect fce$Jo_W ah£^jj-ri^hl^trt-work lasv.'” ______employees},.Inbotft sh.iring so m e ^ oo_f-jBc__’ f ______'f :;M easlsoe.W O BI^'3r"l

- r ------:------■ C - B-2' 'TlnwNwwrTVvmfmPniio.-^dHlio—Sunday.Fabfuai•u afy.aa99.1_—_- — I d aihio l dele^aftion sp]Mro il A g e nit t G r a n ^ ^ D r a f t ^ icnV decisip’n ‘ HOUSE*ivOTE: VC ^ ' ' w s Service crans Anjiirs. Dcparlnici ;r. vide that kind of maiipow,wcr"'"-- States Ncw« "benefits for TO />WAB/ARD AGENT ORANQB . , •. . 500.000) In o w in ih c Persian G ulf. on whether to award b , .:l . C oattnued from B1 -; • counfry-hud 3 HjiUion-inorc.cc. ;.-U sihg ..the. cnijstmcni3Jt.7,ahortfaI1i«.- ...... « ; « c mIN 3 G T O N ‘-“ ■Here- are-fhe—i& ' oiher'dJseaM.Ti- w-lnchajicrc=saitfc:toibe:rvViCIlMS:BU ' ...... -B ut ih e ti juse. 442-0. p a s se d a'.nW^ o f a dniA moot. It takjlakfs six monihs; i,ctivc-dutluty personnel tlwn today,y. and th e ofiiccr freezes tc Idaho's senators and repre-c- linked; to Agent Orangiige‘ exposure The Mouse ______lQ_RCt an inductcc trained' tro and •de""'Ttic'Viclnilnani buildup took.five years..nj_ ,n ec d fo r a draft is “lay ; n n -m n jo r J cftiSlatiOO Inin and extend.s mcdical carere for-yietims^ .providingpenpermanent disability Ib ^ L ployed;,----- — ~ ’ ...... com7>aredcd to the live Iiiundia dml ~ jfaii.pastjtf£clc... fri~ ihnnigli (lie CTd^Pt993'^ii~^— ------. “ W c stili have veryry 1large reserves, Operalionon Desert Storm has rt-i*r“ S a ffc r knowlcOpaWc"uW . fneans the member voted:d ID A H O : from two typ-¥------—------T-sareoma—and re aervea and-ttH— 1 dp btbi;i'ii;vetliarTvuS-e'not-8cine;~ ^ ------::On» o f thTbisflrrt 1 ei------Sym m s-(R>-y ------^ ------' 'ljlium7aa tidnai buard units urcarc very..-gifpd " toliavcthithe ability to sustain Uii.S lev-u-~ ;qucstions at this point in time is the ..... neans~tne ' member did notot . -" as a result o f their '«pp^ o f - n u m b e r -of-peoplg-the-n-miliury will ^ 9R€B.4EKT--£!!lS2£!lli5- ^ CohJesraan said. ‘‘Wlu wc d O ,W - e| oi; tbrc,)rcc.s. which B ubum ■ sun; -to Age?kgcnl urangc. a chenSJ^ Tiy -com bat-rofceflr^about-half-^Jf. need to.prosccHte.thia:tPi3EctsinaSulD_J;!.(!_;.._r — PROVlSlQN&OfBllDC pbisticated. niunjtions,'ns, so auc.ftaH- „( .Mnrine.'i,m and about half ofof <^nition.” the swtTer 5 T he S e nate. 2-97.- rejec^ i e i l - ^ m c i - t<«frrIcety to 'b e 'o n e or-r7'|~|~|-~7'J^tmon3-whcho-faelone-^to--T|^ jj^ - w , But the Ofalflwas^tii.ijlisconlyiued; , jjithc £etictsiaaGuffonly anumberor”jf~riiiiiroHtIC8ornnjpoor. j — 1973, and the militaryary began to use months aan n d Uicti be rcp laccd so th ery y . - M artin Binkin o f thehe- B i ^ k i n g i f - ^ ^ ^ - * ------:— nrore-in^tlvos=ti»=aUsattfiH^i .n-vnl»n- ec^M—c6mbihg-camp3ign-doea-not- ot- w ay Jo 'overcome ^ e imt i-ahut-down.—Restart-pf-a-4.zRlr.hnnl:StaltingsrD-1dat] ahOrffUKgest— Rivcr-option-i . “ better ^rop oP^pcOfcopie-wncyrnre -^ 6 rK; ihcihcfe IS no" way to pfedTcTiff?-ji;—d c n jrc n tfy to-quaiiiicd-“>l-youpg-blaok 5ct5r~hgg~beeirpo5tptmcd=^ e d a^^eiy^^nm uld stari with mean jobs tW — -wnartcr,-bctwr-«l“catr - CniijT nndnd S? v m in s h a v e express^Kt- ______o f their troons tn-disclisciplinary prob- «i,,n»n^nnmitly^ori^X^.cir..cnlist- . icnl turmoil. £-gaS------^ ;------~1 . said-M ZScttllcttils;nr:tielcTise'. zbackzttethe. , CHsri^isS ■>nrh prnjfTt.,' their ^conccmcerris to President fiSshii7 ;■ •• "'suffer ftar - Rep. GTc r V. -_J‘Sotiny" _ M d rcrcccntly, Defense Seeretary-ry-Vletimn era w hen-w/ealthiCT ei m e n ‘ njU su p prarts-building-tviw^actors or ” —- TIfC“ ftJnaing-cor wououtd-force-a- They-fear• thtthat one NPR w oi1h _ ^ - ^ lermentir~5rrd nntimtion’s .defcs?.c..need^,. in:_tl- hftw een lhc_twcVO N PR~a~ Wllcd-not ' for national 5ccuri^ i-f ■ the House Armed ScrvIcrvices Commit; ofiicerHrwho'arc w ncarinB-rctircmcnl-nl_Myn£jnSIUMtil-SCIll_l£l. fl-ficht ~'n .war;-cludhig-the-lie uiiu j f iNEfcrsaid-eraig:— signs, g iv in g the choice: tot( Congre.sS.' sons but byly scsome uttice 01 M pntfgf- I Budget ‘■bcan-countcc.’4_ ------iinu enlistIjstecs geiling closc tp lullill-II- they d id n ’t believe in. ' B u t DDemocratic—Congressman e M eanw hile, the' deportmment contin- ment and B -.Now, disciplinaryy problems arc j„g . ,|icirttir terms- from leavin g all‘II C o n g r e s s w ould Have pass a Butler. Der>errick of South Carplina ues Its environm ental revirvicw ofboth—said-Symiris-;Tis-spokesman-Davtr-Pear'— ,dnwn..fls.arc A ^O L^ (nbsenlU' willioul hmnrliffs:s.QfLthe ■ m ilitary. ___ law cstflbliyhing a draftaft, “and that said Thiersi^rsday the administration project.s,_n final decisionn 1on which is ^ son. cvci. Arin y officiafs" argue-JC'"WbTira Be no • easy task1 . " sUird^’IGTin i eetatrt ^ .nol likefj/-.fur uuum a ': if it is a 'heavy watcf’.reV military inductees wwho conipldo listmcnt goals arc set much Bandow. “Are you wjlliillmg to force pensive faciacilities. ' :said. ' ' been that if it confiniHhetjj-ls-ohly-gomg- allow the de- actor it willII g(go to .South Carolina biif ‘ " ------tHeir training iSTiprBc ’tfian^tK(:ir“a c tu a r m anpower ” people to figHl, for dieie E m ir7“ A re------“ I ean c o 'g— -TnTffcct-thirwouidall 4t one JJJPR if it is a high-lgh-tcm peratun: g a s rcoctoi;. chances of a draft be)being remsjalcd. mcnt^ndJhaL±hej\nny_so:^l-y o u -w iU in g -to -fo rcc yoi,-oung m e n .to .. *9 b e o n e; realtor," r Derrick told the n a rtm e n t_ to J^’uild* just ;o Idaho,” traig said. .%V; ------“short orW bria^url Kad no'difllculty meeting it.-i 17 II would bi Augumi, IGa:,“ -GhrdmcIc.V'“They*y ' w ithout having tb mak'er the.decisiont: il will g o to Id tiid c th e ir blood for oil? ided to only have pne reac- “Most of)f dietl: technical pboplc'^i to less than none." h e s on quotas through volunteers. ^ have dccidc c* itself. - Sccrclnry James mil"«ion s- avcryiiastyflght." m any things interested in the g a s rea c to r a/td ______But .form er Navy Se the-mosl pnrt.-lho people that ' ___!^DOn_ doesn_^t do .m: Sim “Nunir,' Ihe ' “For™ lat — ^ i t w o u ld -set o ff a nati love to leave' INEL hasalwalways been on tttc cutting.' W ebb ‘.nnd Sei). Snr 8-holding-in thc-scrvices-arc^- less' to^sayrL’ni ?°_.right. so i think they'd lo ------Gft<5rgia-Democnit-wlwho-chairs-ihc Bush n h " , posltlQif;.’“ ^ d ' Scn:-Jol y c ry hard to sce.that it’s at the d ecision to Cty grcss.’s.’^ he said. edge driechn(dinology," Pearson said.-f - -and--expcricnccd ..people."! —-■"i^rSwatc’iArined-Scrvicc-Iccs'Comminccr-'™"''* '*— R-Ariz;,--a-member-of- cct i.rbuilr.-it—- Pearsqp-d-described— Symms-~,a%T7 :p.-Joh n Spratt-JrT, D -S .C T -a - . have cited m anpow errr nced.sn that they said Rep.- ■^~AW cd~Servlces-eoitTmr m itte e -a n d -a C roig thinks th: two NPR~proJccis- betw ccnT da” ‘ **cautiOU.«!lyy opoptimistic:'’— - r of-the House Armed Ser- ’S”^JT d 'mean a turl W lx say.could Jcad to thetie need for'con- m ein b « < j* - former Navy pilofandVVietnam pns.- -could stillI b e in cards. . ' , ho and South Carolina.' ------It’s tooJ cacariy-ia-suggest-thafilte rofnmittce. "He's calling up ’ scription. - vices Cor ill oner of war. PresidentIt B u sh , w h o h a vc e been1 m Congress for 11 be im even facility won'/on’t be built,'' Pear^iT' ■-vwhp-h:}vc 8 c r v r d .? n ndd L* . T lial‘.;LjlQl.„llkC-ly.^.».<*r.^ — ^------XTfficTW irmnrms-Viinuun iposcs a dralt, years andII I have never s« n a ouugci - u^s -congres- 'siiid; "tTlicrc:fe area still too m ^ v carAs' nUT'cliredrbunhC.'JC-Drepco^O^atf«iid-hc-«rongly-oppi m atch.n^Soulh Carolina^: force. tlui_Unit=— to ‘even 50 percent of the. ir m ^re clout • to_bc p l a ^ d ^ ------when a draft was-in fc t-hDw“(ip«cialtit.v-that-arc-inin ;;-:'ts-_ful|y_,aware-ofjhatwt,'^ M cC ain _ adh ered to . sional dcTc'gation has ftif fi;nng-irhops-irt" pie ■ «:Aid Friday:-’DualiTV n-s nn ------ed S to to ^ Haa - S a fi^ni 0 - said:------^------______iZ ___iim c.-hc .Sf »L4m dnhn’s. "T" "T southMst' Asia compim parcd to. the jpply: DranaerwmildrFrrrp^ • , , - iMue is stil!;tilL.vcry muclutlivc-—-ju:St at_ ■ — I because omone person In a iwo-personmT! Ihe ^outn Caroliiia del Strom Thur- ofWELshoulhould cxpand^^^? ^ r,,, — 1;------^— ^-flnvcrBatioti<;»t^ljavs ^drni:lhTnn;du'c?inrt,.i:i_c!udCS_.vcteran_Scns^ ------m ean it's; trtru e." • n io n a , a KcpublicanT^r ^ ~ d — FrttZ ■ ^ llg M i r-R t^. ■ John—hm-e-a-gwwtl>wtl>-oriontcdJnd ^ eiy j cg.‘_ ■ , In J u ly’ 1 9 8 8 . an Lnergy Kesearcnr r ", 'TTdllihB:;.: -a . Pem ocnft:- •ndsii_Hou.se tive life b'-'cau:caustw e haviT^Olvcrsl^tf’ — r O b it alarles ; , Advl;ion<■ I Panel re p o rt^ tlmt thele Spratl. a Democrat, henc to subcommittee.looKing m f^^^i^’Mn-MorfuafyittJlupca.•rt •______couniry_co>could save S60Q m illion to j- \ ^Robert u. Stanctncell -ftrarBirarcar-gra ndchtidrcn.- n e ' *&H ’t^?''V in death by. -his paxcnts. oneic ,. . • . TWIN-FALLS^I ' b r o . t r undm two siMcrs. ------:celtr?5nif-Twin-F«lU niiieiJt *ilhbe-at-2-p.m.-Mt.n—^1—^hvUis-E^Picrc c )rk'~ ...- Mionic itiiiuvuiB iu - ' — ~~~ ' ■ ’ ■' ■. Feb, 2. ^^TaTHTTTH jj,it tlic W epdcll i’resbyienanI? O e O D lN G - Phyllis Flailainc Picrce. ' Ti.;-—— thal?^— — ■ ^ Anangcmcntt-4UB-pre-pcndiniwm ii.wiu_l;^'.^ inrgTBi3rlal~wlH-tbltow, ai llie ,. 1991. at the G ^ ing Mcrremdnal llo.s- ...... bccn~sasaid tliat itic -A . T T s-irqncsnon-o|-gtreti^}^^ OT ■ —bc-nnnounccd-by-^Reynolds.Funeral R< :I1 Ccmeiery wiih;mdsontc rites n gh t-to » wvbrk.' o unions have -been ~• fcderar government'hasnaken over I’m a skilledlied , w orker. TnanagcnVrtit ' Chapel in Twin bolls. lo re o f a financial pinch.** ______gndcll LodKc No. 54' AF and^ ’’’"L r v e .~ i616. 1927. in fee lin g m or the role oT unioi« inn“ ‘pr'otcctinEr” h a ra fi-in \TTstmcnt-in-me.-The ^ n ig ^ — Fnon3fr-ma>L-can-iioai—‘UuZZZZ w o rk ers, iTild thcrc‘5~m' itHirmy-lrBtning-flnd-iiM^XK— luJay at IX«iianij''a Wenui*li ‘ ------pmv toa " ana W iljlffld. Ada iia Va'/uniu. She- ^-Q tY oo -1 ^-^smarclcmaiLOlSrW or^t, ■ .skinsrand-Tii1-Tart-hardcr-gnd.TPonrty ^ ------WENDELlr-Blme root-trrWhi^— T W e a n iKwnjC^ow'hartntt^ffixtetH n „;o {;:w o rk e^—pcriFii’crto rep led Fridayrl'ch-ti— mbmorialrial connibutions be m ade to ih c — ——■"The-legal-protection------. 76. orWcnJeH. died ncr.'“'Shc“ mamcl Hmnltnl inn_____ S u rviving are four daughters; which wi il very diflifficuit to fit^ ____ ' iollowaniiSTllinsrin . Slioron Wilisc ol OowJirJ m B " 'N i^ ie -STroHg lm tiLi.v.“ ll.s - ; ------^------som eone.^* ______. : : : ia d :iprTipm t or;.cus^aistomjmejii cuuer, ' - ; ^ wiw tx'm AugiK. I WO. m Mui-r- — I’jcfcc o f iUAiiu I'uttgrJacq^ - - Mid Btotagc lockcc; ownerov andTamicr. .shalltnwtiiwn: Iow.vttic daughter of Mnr-r- ren o f B liss ami Anlilh Bftft(ifleltofkcn ...... Q.' H[ave av working eoaiditions Q. W hit’s hoppcncdrt[no_the_; clout n ni 11 r Tr~Tri~Trtflh5~Sincc rifilll=^ —-T------Ho-«'os « member-T>f4nf4ho Wcmlcll i-irc • „„,id Orliiicr Garrcn Canon. She ti_:-nowickr-Wi«!ih:; two sons,, JohnJ Pierce "cEangea^ “ ■ "'o f the A FL -C lO in Idaho^io7 J — ’ - - pep«Ttmei>i-frwn-10^ I -!;chtKil!fin'Mafalmlllow-n-and—J___»f'Mauf)in. Ofc.y and D,j[n:^n Pierce o f ' tO -W oA -wy m e t into effect? A'^U^ticlincd.rclati Tske S 5 . - ing,-t5ut-ldaho-has-had-i-liinitcd op-'- ——J\^ / 1970.*Hc scr /! ly; two -ilstcR. Lois Aiict>ei le n t a T^isd imprresion iHai~ J. Haim in 1956 in,Elko. Nev, m nn agcm er portunities for growth inn the.kinds1 of _ _ - dell City.CounciiJor, d. Kory* S .D .. ond.Oonnn.Jc.ir ore power-than-it actually. m oved to Burley in 1956 and_. r.^u!lS.S_ i' has itio n ~ indiisUicsHhm h.TVC~hCCI:cn-nhc-tradi- ...... — ------■-A1nj;KirTtieymo\Td-to-Rui>en'' - ' Pun-was a mcm bo -7-rtTonnl-7trongliolds o f unio Sviiullmvc since rcildcd.acHE= 5?vSV of prolecclneg tthe rights of workers, and Presbyterian Church. .iving arc her hnsband of Bur-r- o f A m erican Falls and Dale thint- th r\’ Icnnu-- ■an u M -lln et- I " ' ^ QrBunEc"p5micnrp ------^ - NO. M .A I‘ uad-:«cMT cl:iiiKhtcfN.’ la n im y Manks 01n-----K m i^ rly ; 11 t*fahdd.il.ffa tuL labor law than ^hey actu- ~ • p-nf-AuK«in, T»nmniild Day olTicialiiin. ArranKc- ly’s G oodtnn y o u 'fa li^ MI think it crcnlCs more fric-c- ing to see teuchcrs’ imioi . . . W endell; cighi ..trarL-.nim3iniifnn.-n; 'am i inciit-^ 'arp art iInder;;ihc’difeCllon of theic Chapet:------lion in lirelre“ workplacc.- (partly) be-e- , lie cmTfJo>*ce*;^miions-prprpw-and--bc------______^causc there;rc is more competition for_or conic more powerful irin the ye.ir-s ^\'anccnictncni (in a non-iinion’^nvj-^•'i- uhcnd.". • — ______• ; Vijpihcrit).” ’ -.V- ServKr c e s ^ ^ Q._Scryicc,ihduslncss :SCOT' lo be tlia i. ------«-tbe rigHts^f-ldalw-woik*-k«—th c -a ic i^ •jybcrc tininas h c m ode to th e ^ -r'r ^ Louise Spolir Maninnin, Kfi. of Battle S45. Twiiwin Falls, II) K.i.lO.V mcmoriul conlribuiions ^ r td since ;rigbt-to-woric w entn t least success, organiziniing. Why is - , _ llanscn^LDS (^Urch. CoContributions T —■ •• kI fifonrwrlyW-i^wii*------r- may be left' nl or fliailcJeJ"To~Whtte------Foils, who died Hiursiursday..\vill be re- KIMHI1HI:RI,Y - The funeral for Ar- 0 Mortuary. P,6 . Box H45.. TwinH FiilLs. f » J <. cilcd at 7 p.m. Itxlayay ;al While Monu: Icy Annin JSimon. 51, ol'Kimberly, who ,. -ID 83303. ____ •ary in Twin I'alU wiili.ilh the ilcv. jLa:ph died -TI□ illu iid a y .. ,'vill be iii 10 .a.m. • .. .• . __s«hmidM.nkialina-1n _T lio-fuiiefurw ill - M ondayty tnt the Kim berly St.ikc Center.r . ------•iy at Wliilc M omi- 3K57 N. 3500 r.. vliili ni-.lu.p Kentit ...... _ be ut 1 p.m. Monday ■ funeral for 7*^C egYNQLDS " ary'with-ttic'Rcv. Juaiiuan-Gum lca uITici- .M.lcn' Ot^Otlicialing. FJurial wiil be iil,1 HAZl-XTO.M I}ic ll R ] ------I'hc? fiinm bibr^rin'nvhcrri'otrplHy.-r'' ^ -MeimtfiHl-l'ufk iii-’|:u.Mi i-u lliit-b• -MaripoSii,. CaliC. and fumicrly fu of V- l|E hviT.7^ Mi.fiM rr^"iii 'rw n .-F attr—r — ntTTTlton. w ho «l>e.l Toos.lS.W. -will Ik j ? ) - - I M FUNERAfcZ *spiniii'f R f>iif)ilf 1 •' Ll at 2 p.m . Monday .11 Ihe W I' riTT:APF.T, ...... ^ _ min.-inlifiiii- i^ifi1 vonr sw i-flhc.'irt — r * S ..-’ill InvnVi' •'IhspjM iinrany-_____ I VT*- ~ w li.-r.-• i[iill th1 e ILS. o rC n n n tla. , -:T .P aui.i>::ET?e ?,nrioldS ift-ais— - ■ — . ~ ■“ "(irrip by)V .-ii.-r call------:------■ k------MA0<€ VALl.FV,FY RI;flinNAI.Mrj31C.^L-a:r F N p -R ' ______J ______i m - ' • - F ig d L. GC o g g b u m Admitted .. . Sons wcic-bonijni U>-Uixiiui uiuJ UrcgcO' -*‘1>IiliUcr-and-iu ^ ...... J o i S ^ —— —:------HOTTicT. t>wnti-Mi?lorJlor-a!Ul-Pu;j.Ru;-dci.:al! al-I'.Wr.winJ-alirrr-.-- - ____ and t ony Llcnii:nl>" i>l' '.r r iCTvny ...... ------■ Released'- .------' — ;.-.r.n r>pjK\'>rrturrturIcy;‘r*nd'Jnnna C'ntchJicId nlni{,mktc>-. O David V.inl.ccii'vciivcn. Kciii;c:ih I’oc. i;(ic Aiuhoiiumy N o w - ______■■ _____• -• Released '______,.|| M-.mI. i 7l.'lr,.n'h. Cwr-i.La!’■uSUiiicr, _ „ /r i ’ - a Carlisle of spn A ve; ‘E a st ■ ,_____ . iKiiijl'all'ot I'vn !-> }-al!i': l-.lnicr \Villi:mi'< and -Joliii-Jo I'aul Lee and .-Xcloiro1 Saldana, -Sa all o f Uurlcy; Inna ■ ■ 2T6BTSddisp .v:rrds I'f Ntall.i; a'nd Winslow Whilctoy^of V WiKiin it.. l^olJl ol ii.ipermrifi: ij.i i im Omcliola nnd111 Viri'iiiia r.iitli'Kareii l-.dwm - - Twiirf e Hs^ Gchfif;. boih of i,“.H)n „„;(,1,.....hl.rnl'ilan:.cn; iici.icva Dinhs :______l; _.\VcT!dcil; Jiji Joh:i^.jn ?am tp-Mr. niti! ivii' Mi...ii.'Cn : : . .1233W, j Main, Jerome. > '! la of llcvbiim; /.jclicli i'ouii--. orniiriJ5T7n^..’ii-r'r'.'ci'ill '.-'r’ ■■■ A hr;ir.-r.T.:: fcarn Sermng^agic~V(■Valley-Si n c ^ m . ■;------ry Tiiilk'-^ly; inid D.ivr A • ...... — -;!-i -I------■ . . r, ■

3^0W0rnMni=nft5rWaho-8-O— ^—- ■ • ______Sunday. F

t f e h o a i ^U u n c h m n e n u s fcH lG H ------p ic.-b f» d «i«ki w gaR .- ^ BLAiNBOOUNUNTY ■ ' Lunch roeoi SCHOOLS Tuesday: HajHaoiburgw. fria; ffuii, brown- I Fcnuodos buiri- line (listed)) everydaye and pizza or self- : 'M onctoy: &\lad bar. or Per Menu has cboicc of'salad bar.soupandba IcondmiUc'. : Turkey u»d noodles, green S uf«iiLiVm.c dr Truh m p andirfjiUc. rni ------Mobday: 1 • ed),«baiftburser line or alaI cartec items. ' n i^ milk. pizza, seasoned beans, hot roll, ■ J m aday. Ptpperoni pin Hamburaer. hne served wilhII frenchI fries Tbureday: Pi:Pizza, vegetable, fruit, cookie ' - , . t n iim y joaaed gnfnd^lhiitt cupcui or peaches, .T u e^ y : Hi E - nnrifna&fiuiL ' 3ucS5i7sSadwich. filva, (VuU,. ?sticEp^^W m n£-^“-—~M bnd ayr€h ick en -rri«l sleaa a r potaiocs; — .rnuay:Tnuc . vW kdncstby; Salad bar;; or <^ld turkey salad, c a ^ K g «vy, peas, whole wheal rolroll, m t and cake and mill^Ik. ■ .1 sOiMWich , v^rtablo ioupI or poUto salad ■ Tbunday;r. (Chicken sandwich, soup and g -—^fic fiy lco u tltt M appletaucc I ' ynftV ' " ' ------W d = r -s p W e d n ^ y : Russian barobinbutger. fries. ~.rw yJFALLS:------C Z S ^ :ct beans or car- pea/s and chocbocotote milk. M lilklu. pem liuit, yelJow cakc j J T “ Tbwsday; Chickm-nugg^,tt. fries, fniit, U w h ^ uII iiis ibe same al all schools. - HAGERMAN hiflh aohoola o flar a ~ Jbccucon a bun. Lunches aei i— Fnao^"B«r «id-a»«H»Jar sandwich.— ohow -of-salad a ;.fw ii cun or orwbolemHkiilkTLTtorotaw milk is Z!T«jgI3^- lklc midnriUc.k. ., • , - ~ . ' f e r ^ CTts.-_ Sloppy Joel, taler tots, ftesh [T.-., - - •____^______.. ilT u u tlrm u t lulll e ' ' . , ‘ • BUSSI ' salad, peachesbes and granola bar. ' Tuesday:- CChicken nuggets, mashedj J i n t n JlCTta. toni. pean m JI UM BERLY -bolognaiAoagic___ ■"‘■■Bt<»kftM served each day. - . p otalocun nOdchoet>.. ' ■ ilANSHN' \T . Wednesday: Tacos, com,, kblachisk n ^ ::*aucc.McxirCO TfWay: Spaghetti, frcndaich roll, green . late milk. ■ ■ Fan»Br«Hl— ite pudding and Monday:: CCanadian bacon pizza, tossedI milk. «f «^ » - __ _ ...... ^ . Jmosauni. ^------Wettnesday ?yi>ufsaay:: ankoa~hjTO; « ese^simdwich, c o m .^ k le;andim iin lk...... —. i n ^ o i ir o ll* ^ bread M d mill Monday f-1lam and cheest

(im , fries, apple, french bread,'^ chocolate cake Md m ilk., " . frid ay: French bfcod piTOi . blscutt'andmilk: ■ . W^esday:'ay:’ Pizza, tossed salad, applea; .- - __ chooolatc cake and milk. _ Friday:'Cl»iCljulapas, fries, seasoned Italian t -salad bar, ice cream bar aridJ . Wednejday:-Turkey gravyvy over-ricc, eookieandmiUriilk.'-— ' ...... ■ -vegctablM.‘'st ^ Thursday:: Chickcn C sandwich, later tots;' • ;ORHIGH - milk, broccoli, fniil and milk. BURLEY JUNIOR •n iu n ^ y: .Cheeseburger, uiUier tots, car- pineapple andid milk.r .kfon dn v: Salad bar withith taco> salad; or - - fn iit nml tnilk. — ...... Fridav:'Dunlurriio. io.sscd~5aladrtur7iDvcr— MalttM chicken or tuna on a Fri#etiOT>r^Th«=-f»atufo<<— - - - ^ T u —day; Chiokm «w>)ll»da , III ______iiAssiA.oouBftlR lY J------JEROM&.,(&SLB^lB^ARY-SCHOOLS_i l2B73TWS8TtSnto95^ ^ -T Chicken nflRRcis.' tri-uicrs,, ad.t garlic b r ^ . peae« ^ ffltimilk. ^------( ______PI-PMFffTARYSCS C H Q O L S ^ A ^ Monday: —------T------' ----- s-MondBY:' Stieht;aSiTi^ P oW ocs,— biscuiU-Jwoej; o ^ llef7^Tf5W-^pplo-Wodt^>>^= oVaturB < ^ tr^ 88 ^ “ ‘T'tf^SfirTrancnrfTpca^ari roll tmti m ilt ------parir pf ^Seflr.g^~ .'Till n ln y ~ Rftterf bpilts* te a m ^ ^ m iUL— • ' .^Am efterfteftittrQest-Washlno------___c fie ^ -sticks, dlci^ t>ears:!rs:"wtiol7 w h eat" ^ e d i ^ S »m"Hne-of-washef97— - - F W a j i ^ ' ' cinnamon roll, pears and choco 1 ' .. 'Wedttcsday; .Roast-mrkeirkey-on^aLbun, la te ^ ip c oookieondmUk. ok ' .< ap o lo g lz © fo r a n y ...... R ea Ripe — ifaalctuyjii^>.lrvia s^ ;y-~i^^t^ltty~aandwicH^lpotBtb_ ganM ncq.’ ------S = ; peanut buttir'cookTc andlilllK:------’------7~ -'SHOSHOSE^ m i>eans, fruit', — ^edery-sriek srfh iirn n d milk.' Open menu. Monday: Spaghetti, green . Fnday: Chili, crackyrs. celety .sucks; ..■■>. ^ = 3 ! o m i r e o

- ' CASTWTORtORD------— r —

• . . M onday: Cinnamon roll.11, juice;i and milkl'. , T on d ay: Pancakes, julccice ando milk. I ''...... - ;-Ji ~ • • W c a n ^ y : Cook'i chol:holce,-Julce-aiid— — ^ ^ ' 7 k<5rOt 6 S S I = — ■■ W uradayT-Wun m irfOee-andiRiik=:=£= l^ ^ = s m ^ = i :

Lunch: 'iJcir-serve salad bar anddn,iltwlihcvco. m : - YOU Gr3IVEin»AL0T h»*K can't put n pfedse date WHEN* .'Monday: Durritoi. .ourMiS'Iis-Match Sale will end. OFTHIMNGS WHEN YOU. -T yiy f lfty Chi*'*'"" d wsteak, potatoes, B u t; we'rew down to our last doien I Fresh i^cmilk...______rollfl of f mattressin cover. _ lRESTONIC... ■ R aked------: ------■TtiursdayrFricd'Snieitenr ■ F r e n c h Team and milk. "tts 1 too ' aching back onand a poor night's sleep.. ^ o loot ro]Uf.c_^vor.ha»- - w rA fhnjtfotigti our quiltmg.fflnr{iina.— riowrlowrcdvcr'dflawut- = CH------UTo-salel lelffOVCTi— —I£r-rr^---:—: r*^^m~ANi> HVETO ^ler^reerrsal'- . en tfie rave'r'ia ^ne, ita gonel our-top ot the line • 4*. ho* ronTfrwit and milk. ^ W e'n alm ost o u t of Mi s, thore'a never been a ps. bunered beets. - S o don'tn't waste any time trying to l.niit I. — i-.ii. ..,dafl>aa.»n-u>hQt_tn rin_Hurfy_r.f) niir_ir covflr&thegrieendfldflwhen tn huy. ■ ,. ___ ^ :r1^ednesdsyr-Hot-niikc>rkcy sandwiches, - —ehowrooioom-i^-save-on-almostANY—Y— ------tfiecotersare^o;ope.—- ..{ ------~ ' t i l i n g com , apple criro,, bnbread arid milk. jnodcl --^ £ s iz e . — - ! Thtirsday: B ^ . bee? and chew burri-- -V; |:_BEST.-n- ■ fru'ii, treacl. cim ~ ~ T ^SLEETP ~ - ‘r / f C v ^ lO^YeaTWa/arranty ~ t5

- - T wnTi-,9p<: it -1 1^1 ’ ~ ^ i C o t g ^ ; m fflKii z lEultSec ."Tt;esdny: Sliced turkey,:y, mashed pola- T ? n ll F u ll S e t _ Q u e eBSr— ^ *27SF= = ' ~ I»S; Bnivy. snawtKmes-Bm 1 „ ^ueen Set ^ !tZv . King Setit" ' - ....*3 8 H ~ ------^ cdncitday:—Tacos; eorrfOfn.-»pplesnu«),~ - _ T p w e l . s i-h«um on roll and milk. . R e ^ o r ju te —;'-~Hmrsd3Yr-Ghicken-num'eIjj^-focWp-Jhul,— — _ j . ~ ^ .jeoveriet!}LQSE0t3 ^ h Selfrz --^ sw fctoamdTOlttoi^' - ...... !^?|5ffSPi2EESIa^SrveloiisMiddle^ ~ __ _WMdemes« < ; l-'rTday:-Chili. crackere.'ve svo»V^A4justing Orth(thotom c Sleep Sets' ' Attd Why YoulViMustBave It.. lin g ~ ^...;.i^y| 9 9 t - = nw*l, m aple bar and milk:— '~T" m th the-“MaVlai^elous M iddle.- ■ Good-poature is fl mim u st for a.CTod nighta. . i-aggravat^old-nock and - _ GLENNS FER:'ERRYJ.^ ^ r -slecp^>qqrTiostunrcan-a} P i e F l i t Every two yyears Hestonic announces estem Fam ily ; tlrcakrost served daily. . back injuries - even makeike them worse. a new linele ofol bedding, This means we ■ body weight Ib on iho — . - U in cli: Choice orsalaU1 baibar every da y .. rltjscmitjiie covrrs on all o uL- r- Two thirdfl of your.bi g r _ B r o w n ______^_____ . _ MnndAy: Fi«h fllc( onn .a u wl»ilc_w1icat_ A a JB h hflvc'todost . middle o rth e"m attrc8 !i^^ e n you sleep'. ■ 2 IbrSag hwi. tatcr tow, colcslaw.f, cchcny cobblcr “^B g 2 S C * S Orthotonicnic sleep sets with thei The M arvelous Middledie pets firmer when you JEoaKdered.fii••••••••••••••••••• on-rishtnin«;.; ; . . - ^ , | - - e n _ • tWTKTVCTand milk. _UOfZ.Can W a*7-!7-^ - ^ -----'"lliursdayr Super i z g t ^ B f^Jnfhe BusineiaL— ! >•• m 4 ff~ ______: WHw-aiul milk------— ' - ■ —m F^h Frozei i Friday:__ Vesctnblc mM»up,»u] sandwich, ‘ I set is a national Rcslbnic model.mt colAicmilk. ------pciiniil'i. piiJiling iind chocol: otoiiica.afitli-tiio-Marvolou811 WMiddkmni wo nalui------W*ii» le r II F am ily— i ►rthQtonic5-hnYC-20ycamon-|)n-pro-rated warranties. t t e r m l l k ------g m s [ ^ - 1 • •O th cT rl M is-M atcn'seis huvc iip LolSiycujlo ' MuuiUiliC.S. “ “ ( ,, ____(GOQpmG:aoi______-L - ^ B Reg* or Butt * ’■ ■ Mcmi-ollcre-a choicc•‘o of f riinm dislv Of- ^ ■ : «!.>d b a r on iinJi3 ^Wednc.'^ay and • ' Always - Free IDelivery K - B i s c u i t = — a — ^------a eg; ■____ ^ . —

■ “ jC^s^n>?Tarpie^auccmTriTmilli"” i'l ’’ B : W edncwliy; ,^thc:z:psmiptin- n -.'T B :|B . — ;.:rtls«»»ndi!Jilk------— ..:inilWTL')l 5 • \.:i^-t;.hic" M.up.' cfuc^:crr.,T., pc.-iclics.| c.-ikc Q S w e e t e n e d | — - p i • 1 4 O Z . C a n - alls, tP r733^33i:12 iw iclt.-ri ■ = — : ^ — = 3 2 6 - 2 r s WfcA vs. S.,=TiS(in Eat - I :Based_M aiBs._.=. 0 0 c a , J M . « ------rritl.ny: x-c.l-lc nulk, g _ • I gH Carnation S I viM'tcip, pine; irdI r ''State o f Idaho, Bureau ofofChild S u p p o r t S t a t e o f■ IdIdaho, Bureau o f Child Suppon>ort Valorie K esiler vsl'&evttvcTi HoiuCT'^iiiJ 'opriiCTiT^Cor ' Rcceni court nciioo inn TwjnTv FjiIIji Coun- 'given, oitemempled grund theft. unveil, individually and dbu .Tlic______nh Enfon:enient. on- behalf of-}f'B minor clilld Enforcement;mt; and MichcUc J, Asbury vs. Ull injury, lawjuit .R ob ert Bunvi ------ty includeJ Ulc fdllQWlnR:6L_- - -:;_Deslrc£je R.~ Anderson, 35. 43 0 Pourth r Depoc West Onc.BaHk..N.^:;------m v«, Ray D^ ia Falls.- _ L— Sieyen K.-AS1Asbury.^ ,. Com puter Dt iiHt.lCmnd .d^n. Hond set nt ■Sligar.-a.pan y r - ■Doc I.-.Duew II,lI.-D.jeH;.Do»tVrand.Dde-X‘------' -“D rm ^'^ lio aer iSe^fafl ubiic defender appointed. orcWM 5u|)|>uii' '”-S m e 'o fItl . filed:, .. Hnforccmcnii.nnd Basilisala D. ABcrasiuri Enforcement:ajU nnd Lba A Close _vs.Vi. ship also known os Echolal.lalce Subivision c o lle c tio nn MiioiLact ...... : __ — . - J.—K«lly— Carpenief.--22.- » o ^ i t i n h — VsrScoH n*vJd.Sjobolm jjfi;f HflVelton'-_:;::r::JUcb'tW.-KwncntKthlOch^tfu:^-:______■ V*. Robert Jackson anti Sue^tie-Aitn ,toksotij^— -jVan H'o«cUef. .vs.Miclmcl.GooIoh.' tonyon," i'winVullsi L. &naun' T ------Slate ol' Idaho. OUfOJU Uf tvjt iBOTI'lt* flt^- . 1133 Locust------— D avid -R - - - Bill Btos» «nd Keith Slii JamwW. Lulliiiin.32.lt ‘''‘“ Xnrofccmeiit VM. M Ichaet-ri IS Bank, o Federal Savings Bonk a'ecitJwt.j , > . Juan A. ^aldivar-Guticfrtierrez, 3B. 232 Dia- ; Kowitz. State, of Idaho, Bureau o f ship also known as EcholalgT sSttr-s^^^ Motors Inc, vs. .Mr. R,G. miller Forms Inc., an Idaho co^ ' VI. Jame* Wingert. Foreclostosure Latham ^ i t J ^ umnte-va. Chnd A . .StirraRC. ndividually. and as the statutory ' ’ .-rrcny-Soiuier-vsrJtathlce^iF tnd=.WiUi»m=L=Lou4ihmillcrT«i*w>‘i^^-^t>hr™HJ=P7rtrert R. Hgner, 29, 5: State o f Idaho. Bureau oof f CTiild Support McCrcnrv nnd Jeanie M c C r ^ . . ■ ;w c ii.:' r-" . *■ *-f7"------Trowbridpc. :~Xttrorefcmeflrnnd'TlTtiri:cc.- 17.-422 Third A ve.------Edjth M. lDuller vs. Sumual E'. Duller, id w ife, and os naiuraLgtiordian* : •'•Fnink W . C«UmanJl37. <1 vs. Ap“ e- -L... Cogswell -VS. Gtiry'-^D.-. drtn-wrMichacIM.-Gnigg 0 U. 2 »0X «. Uuhl. . Cogswell. CrctZCT*aiid'.Barf3am'A.'Gler*;lee— Tracy M . Twiss. 23, Ri. 2 State ofld ah o. Bureau o f ihafti Motors Inc.. an Idaho cbr- • • • . -Lavcmc H. Clirisicnscn,•n, 67.6 Rogerson. Karen K; Tljomason vs, Churles' S. Enforcement, on behalf o f r nd Cliryslef Cotp., o foreign cor-Z'. • All cours«.taUgLight b y lo c a l p r a c t i c i n gI attorneys.att I . f • Anila D. Karl. 205 Readad Ave../ Rupert. Tliomoson. , i£.MickcyA.Valde7;p/:Kin- )ijpute,oycr.uulotnobile.salo_and_ vening program. — — r- niisc'Sn\illi vs.PuiiI./\UaJL5millu...t "—'_'Satc of Idaho>-Burenu of- 'nd— _s_Nln&monlh eve ; : . Driving - under Ihe -tafliiaflucacc Brralgn— )f««iomobilc...... ;n‘SrSlzOnore vs;-Wifliam-K;- Enfi>rcenie/it; nnd Ruih E. 0: , „ ~ -» Financial assistsjtance avairable.~— ------rpentr— :------;------. odiyRobcaHillofTwinTall led ' !:«-:Snnliai;o Jitncnc/. 24. : Thoma5_Tcmpkioh-V5, Brenda-^ «m iion u ..Whilc:s._ljJCDtpomicd ■ Sponsored Jocaliallyb^ldaho Slate untven,versiiy,v)lice 0 l _ Slale o f ldnlii>,-Btir«au o f sTrout Farm: Bamaid R: Whitc- • Buhl. I’lcadcU puiliy, pubhi )lelon. <...... ;—-iEnforcemenj_and-PoHt Cou ‘Her: rrConiinuing:Eddcdcailon:!!-': • •*pfintcd, released onjtts own viaric-OsBoruc-VsJcncty D..Os-i; clitic. W_MuuuJ3Ui!innd_na4l Oregonron- behair-of-a-mi I 1. Wliite nndfcarol M. White. 5 hefdin PocatellorTwinin ffalls, — - ' ■ ------5 _ _ _ — ------«4. Buhl, rieadcdd innocent,in public , C a ^ S . WhitneyV vs, D elbefl A . Whit- rd wIfeTB. Joh yv^lte and VicVr . State o f Idaho. Bureau o.rChi!dSupiv,r, f lection action. --.-■■'■P defender oppotniet),* release=.std on-hh ow , - ; itz County, state '^.7'";, t-nforcement, and Santa Cmz jalter o f Adeanna Kay Ho SSrtNd : . ’ ' M ■ jf Child Support- und lo (ind deldefendant m contenipLoCcourt._ S h o S to te U rtive f j lt y '* ' ------Martin-Riimir«y,-31. 2KC S n n n mM.-HflrnionA-srNerTOar»:Lee-Har—7 ,r_____Slatc.oCJdalio.-Burcau, of ■'Jerome. Plcndcd iniioccnt.It. publicp defender Enforcement, on behalf o of f Arron Cole First Sccurirurity. Bank o f Idaho vg^ Alan D, nppoini^. rclea-'icd on hi!his own recog- . CarolineiC-E. I .Watti vs. Ernest. Ray Watts..IU . Sparlt.s vs. W^illace Dean Waltalker. . . _ -Sample. Collo)lleclion action. - nlzancc. ______Jr. ^ Dnvina undefTteilnflnent icatencliigi:------Kmhr^ti-l.it-U«ur;»-Wtctc.vs- Shawn-Uobby—ay-^l = ■ \ |’nink'^t*M^IKii ; Box 2<^0. Gulch Darreirwies.iese. _ • ^ •

line, liw n^e- ■■TO^^CTdcd'-3o-day^,~lO-Kj)mH^y^ I _____.mpn^^^^robmipn. imiTiiPpJ|^icnd cmin alco- Culhy »ar[iamedt %-s, Robert Dean Bnmedl,dl, ------^.inritijm T...!— T ho days in juil, 90 days susjsuspended, licensc . ’ 'V-siijpcndcd IHOdnys, 12 mon•nomhs probation. > „ MnC"“Cullinnn vs. luJwiirdrd , ■ '■ Tommy Joe tdwards,rds. 29, 3500N Mjchoc Cullrullinun. (Change o f venue from .■i427W, Kimberly. 90 dayslys ini jail suspend- MmidoJcaCoCounty.) S, 1'mmpke v:l livelyn-R.- \ ^ m m noniiored, 59,261 • ir o iiip ^ MIBBI ___.probation,____ tO momhs mon ‘ ■ testimiion. ------’ ...... -Pantela'Gi'Gayle'Nulling Vs. Sioplicn Cur- ' Asuneion B, Pop»>cu, 33, P.O. Oox.340. tis Nulling, Otcnns Ferry. Six motiihsis iiin jail suspend- Mary Anrtinn Taylor vs. Dale Warren T'jy- ed. Sl.OOO fine suspended,ed, twoI years pro- •o'’- W S a n:------batton; ‘>0 days moniwrrtored;- license-sus'-- • Linda MaiVlac Lecdom vs. .Jny L eslie Lee- ponded 90 days, WOO rostituMitution.- - uo"’- . , Jcri .Lynn,Thocker.'_33..33._206_N .-A sh. _ Stacjc_LyrLynn Lamphere vs. Mnrold Lam'- w% m m d L f m M •;+Umberly. 9 0 days in juillil suspended,s two__pherc. u , ’ . -y e ars pw balion:—>0-nwmwnilifr-momtocd^— ^^Chlld-fror - - $300 nnc. S250 suspenilcindcd, license .ws- s,„,g ndaS(^^lure^!ofC hild Support : penaed 90 days. ent: and Pamela Jane' (Titgen) Shan# N . Hall, 28. Ri. 4 180 Nui^ T sX. Cren'cecioi Martinez. _ . r * j i l i J a l f f l U iL S U OQ ■fina.aug------tpended.-lwo ycum-prabaliorilior>. SI50 resl.tu- m ent ys. Isrrael Prado, ~~ ' " nliliupR=Bfei^ 40^7T frermrbetiatrot^ nflnorcimrvsr^ •__ ___ . >non

___— __FflUunrftlinuiiL.. ^ ; Chml'T:AutiWtHr~22r~Mi-^1anpi'.~Pr~w37. •~yuhinbon^lroc>-7o~{ieli\'c r D ^ hitnketo fH cybum ,' '------^ iC p p iililM substance. Public defenderJer appointed,i pre- State.uridridalio. Uureau of.Child Support ------limlnttiyheorlngTcquested.- entron- behalf-of a m mor child— lie C oupons, __ ^ ■ Elinbcth Ann' Taylor,ir, 2 25. no address vs; Marceh'tich'tio A. ValdezofRupert. i “ stock Up AndSavei AAt Alberlsbr>ns^lththej»s0 'Vaiuablc

> •> T y - r ^ l g s Q t A N I» |# U ^•tvt Yfti ir Pfiti'ition d ge .----- ^ I S ^ — — — - z ufrW ciy^i^

------rijti^ yiiT iT ft 4.:uontinued from Bi ^ . jmpQPlj pg - T E l ^ Ihc M iddle,"77 ng off’the American flap ijV^ pow| expmes FEB75, n9i ] \ M ALBERTSONS CO.UPO.'i^~\~exi>^fiesp£B:5. in i'] j | [j ALBE^ONS COUJON»OW I EXPIRES FEB. 5, 1091 ■ f “ 23)ecis^0“5CCTr^DcscTrt i l . i l iLBgRTSONS y OPC ' taking offr(htrmadn»TTr«Tai»-^ ! CTomirig out soon. Many " p » i i - -J - :kcrs and selling them as Iron k-Ltgh F ^ — f -,yound Tw in-Falla'aiu n — U H l e I i-madc.’*-01son said. “ •--- ' ;thcv'rc out or almost oi ‘afA-and-9tfipeg-nfe-^not-^ h e= Tung i ^ ------»-

• 1 htfi OMft^eak-ot-war-n = - — ------: gctung-a-lou-oE-calis for i lurcrs working us fusl as bbon. W^' ve just sold out o, f f ------;------: meet the.dcmand for m or I I ALBERTSONS COUPO^‘ON I £XPin^FEB.5.'l99l Shontelle' Smith, owner off . I I a CBERTSONS COUPOapw I eXP/WES fCfl. 5. IW» ]j | '.I ALaenrsoNS coup^,IPOW I EXPIRES FSB. 5, TWt [ } ii,|.Michacl 'llUliU tti. - J-.. —...... rp_i:H«9 ,^ ^ ______.soji, sa le s m an ager forbr Iihc Cl.iia8“ '<""™ "'” —English— I • fiag Co. “All of the n«glog manufactur- Oilier.cni:raft stores, around town re- . JU Y 1 - G E T ^ le-probiemr^— ;— port -tliw-il>'■tl>cy-havc.-only..tlun:'ycllow Pull-A-Farts — Ol5on-onc^he-U:S;-tV?FtnHge~Affleri-— ribbon- M u ffin s 4 Avollatald In OurPall Shoppo j Mqoe.hoiKpoiiv ___ L-ople wiU.ha.yc . future, doea□csn't look goott bccausc — r— vah-fiflgs-arc aonc. pcop ^ ' I I iiyQn?a^6*;VPocfciwAI~OiJf rr ^ A rerva u-interterestecH in.-a M asteiter’s-S egteejrt^ir E jS

'1 " ------— TT- ' H L |u:Htfl£ftK60Ws:coopa» o /^ ii« a p g s fPfl i. tasi^pi:]~}~i POW I EXPIRES FEB.:s. 19il \ j1 I I ALBERTSONS COUPON•ON I c x p ffl^ f c n .g . >gg> | .! _ ' 927 .hj7 •VM.rj > ^ Crisp ! I ’ 2 8 , C h ee se i Defseys i ?L_CeJeiy__ j “ S p r e a d - ^ ^iBurritos . j . - i r . . :,T-He-le' C o lleg e o f Id:daho rtoin sioikt Janot loo • tool A \ V \ • A»»ofioavoMotio» I ______G r a d u dilate Studt¥s Pr e ^e r ^ s ^ Ti ' INFIFORMATKION " ■% IMEETING & ■ O ' f o r I ! j " ------.------^------,------J U 0 6 1 0 Q 1 ------— - iri® ^ A i b e r t ! _ - ■■______I h e . ^ e p rn.ldahQ _ - 'Shields BiagT~7- R oom 116--_6'IOO'0 p.m.-8:00 p.m. yrLocaied A t ■ ? ^ ^ ------Con vonfffntfjr ^

M aster's DegreeDl Prdgrartis AvailableA\ in w; » (* » » ■ . ______ti ------^------c b fiMMUNITV-COtfNSe t t i SLIN t G ------r^r— “-J ------^------p e f t------F ------^------l A V E . E i H i ■. n T = , = sjfflQ a Q fe^tiNSSLthIMG------:------, , ___ S i ___ 1 _— a ______e ___ ; ______m _._ TOJBaUE-gAg-B-S ' ■ ^ ■ {- ...... s c h C g^T[QN~______~ 2 - - ELEWEMWfARY EDUC^\TION ■ ; ...... 7 1 “ -; — ------^e^CEMEN'iNTARY EDUCAJIO^Jn=-NIATH ------: « Cot.r’0’"m i »y^Pb.rt.<

T 3~ 7T; FbfacadditionannfqrnTalion 5n T ^ lp ' . .... : _... : z Coordinator. - " AVAJlIkUTY: LocKcf rKt:^lpjac3•-•o.^coa ilocns is' requif;uifod fobo roodilv.P'^‘l<2blq_iTo^^ DAIH CH£C»6_wb'siiw lo hti.uoiTfiana surticioni'itocit5ckcfdCTvV«r;i;7JiiViichcn- r ' ri J a n e B r p mmbach.-Twln t Falls Ci (ot.soio at Of Dolow inolO oi2vortiioc3 pftco in e a c h1 AAitx)fttch3 itcfo. e>coDt os.OS, |» fof 'won asa: it boccmo; cvc.io&’o ■! ■ - J . -I' ' ----^------'fltf ...... :------r —— 'T i ■ • r' ' i" Worlct^^ le f s sea]llx lilS rr surviveO T ilir^ C autions ~|"Rescu ^ ------ISLAMABAD,-Pakii^fiHnn (AP) — ,..ResQUCTS„syig g lc ^ tl v /tX M X 'l — —trapped-t^-en^eeitbqui at least 3 0 0 people-and '' __ TT» W y jiin ^ n 1 FriHfiv • ihi* ANQ = ofpciiln iiiiifi ------’---"commam CTd^'nte prraiilent . H itndr^sS^ple- JOHANNESBLBURG — The ,his new;w ireform proposals. trapped iSTraSTOle xhoiiountain villages u | | H P | -. J : A f r i ^ , , Nationional;^Coosmss_>.^I^ICi kKlorii.£aidJ>e-wouId-SQOO-L.— —whewftail^WMii-aodj: ■_____ p ii»prt/«^ w ith itK ' it-legislfllioifccaDCcHng-the^-r~ ~ nttit'lo'scraiy ihrcc;or'^orcLpeo-' ______: Mandela told a:new5,conference nc ____ :------pie are f e d gr injumred. W ^ v e senf - — hero.— ...... —r -nnrf -p riltf list-of-b i------—warm ■—clothes, --tbl ~_r!>w5:?tin:havoVO -no Votes. -W o~-n|gs- jntcmCTd^' to^form jL h^b^ L - -nte~dicitfe» btit the prpibblem -js~ ac» laW^^BiMl ■■ 'can'rtxrinanbCTs' Ito,are suii nnmt* constiiuti J I " Offlciali; in Pakistanw said the num - j ^ S S S i -naied by.whU^i The’ policc arc cconomi.m ic system. ■ ■ b e r o f dead and injuretiaiva55till:unz:r:^^Bi= still harassing', perpersecuung, even plcar because the 'wiW9 rst*hit_ areas ______^ _____ : Killing, o u r- Cpplc," -he sakl,,.. Rutllu — nFrrr in rmth Afrir-i’c^^n ■ niyntiftn: esident Ghulam iShaq Khan. — ------% illion4>lacks —------— . ■ ic” that. Lflt-rfft. Klerk-vas was~aTTcSt SQ miles d ity of 6ur people; presides — bang and the electncity-waiA'os—traJ.-— TT—r r . r . . ^ nCabiiT ^ . ■ nrchcnsivfr Anti«iili-Am rfejd ^ J^ y U R ich ter scale, auihoritiiities M id; ^ ■ a lbiid bar als'^id th»death^lM n-ltd«-J-~ i;h(»n I w o k e _ tQ _ l~«n~ni« •• trr-A-fbhanistan. statat^nin-Kabul——Qfficials-t _what-Mr.-dcJacrkictk-hq^aid.!^ ------Si^!!------/omen and chil- The- ouquake .tnggerco iandslldciAcs—nidi»madww mcntiottj for help,” .said ihat-rumolnbIeT^Iov^^e=5iim53za:vii- - caguatticiirTinr^ o TCf^lortcdJrg^ ing-re^ent Dc. K lerk’s reform rc proccs.s Britishish Prime .Minister John '* drca were begging fo ftm*baked fldobtf Huts w hcn_----- e village "of SuJ- lages, ofTufTicials said . Some' wero ch* cri- nrght that the quake'ha[lad killcd fivc fragile’stm*! still could be.revcevcrsed, M andela.: Major: etcalled upon the ifiusma- 'Y la ji Jehanzcb. whose > blor struck. ’ i shaken by the tirely wipeiped o ut, state T V ^ id . people, destroyed dozei£ens of homes the tremblor warned. lional COcommunity to end South tan was violently sh 'orst quake to strike the area _ quake eenlered more: thontl 300 miles Prime: Minister Nawaz-iSharilarif and damaged some; government _ The worst , ------Out-Un-a-fonnal Kcf! BntTdlngsT" I ; eaatem Pakistani—o ity^^— ^ JinRS w hicti^ im pede Tts away, in tfw HindiTKiitush mountains toured sorsomo' ot tnc quaKe-strickcr rjnilitary±cIicoptcLSPiji!^day • The radio soid- Afgh;jhan-Prcsidcnt Quetta inn 1935,19 leaving an estim aicd ..... _ spccch to paritarKament in Cape eeonomiimicprogrcM.” ------Of A tffla n iStan:------A colony of mud1 1h9mes, .damp and prorromised compensation' and Najibullali sent condoicJbiteas to Pak=—50;00(h>eop SalvadiocanjcfelibeisLnetuiirn 8 missisiles BSffif sajB !H w aa-T — — ^------MANAGUAr-Nicai (A P ) — ^nierrillniln teadera.mndc the delivery.V. w hich like the- SA Ms_ftro. sj shm jlder- _ ' . . The leftist Salvadororiron rebel organi- 'On "hahand to receive the weaponsons tired anti-aircratt ■flTBsllcsT Sfl 'She— zation Saturday returnumcd eighl out of wepr officiob-from-the-lntcrioroff andand wouldn’t say where-fhehe R edeyes h ad - / - — ^ 28 Sovict.iiiade antiinti-aireraft' mis- Foreign^ ministries, the, Sandinistaism been obtained. - i TpnrtP^l ' nmnndcr. Mana~Mafta. Vnl='nl=-:— ^‘W c'TCaffirm-our-cocommitmenl'to~|^^^^H rttrrcoTrtirracnising-elt-kindl . ■ ,,hlagk.plqs||g. w ^ln,lnfd i side bv side ladares,js, alson known by her riom 'dC | r j -— : I on the ccrnem floorTncxi.fo^^thc n cHi“ jjucr«;''j'7T^fff*^lnzr^siTd^hal-theine ..tnciuaing nnsstiea 'Hr- ...... ■ FMLN also I had'fired-and woulduld flg h f against Ihc SalviIvadoran arm y,' ' . Ms. VnlladaresTHnand th^je 'other continuelUc to use'U.S.iinadB^^cycs;resp-:$oid'M*-VBlladarcs. — Lithua]inians mtlourii^noother viei ^ w ..S!K. ' TAP') — gunshot"'31 woLind lo'ttic hcad~he~suf'‘uf'*'"nia mside"thes?Triey'all(^r/y ouMullill ter%0ar^rrarny:^'^te ...... • old'’ Lilliunnian iriahr.itr.oiu:a~—Vilnitis— - =vlS il'springsi375xomb[natlontlons-to^thihQueen- ______strcel- ~ E ’ ~Set • ■ ,^ 2 5i S Q ' 'TsmpBred'SlgBiTOii': sgg'W Tilrinr . .... '..inYOlvmg inc jnm i 'iiiiiiy iirr -i)olice‘"p ^— ------^ padding'grfd'quilting)g-to-assur^.you ot supT^•6rn'e corniort.ang. - trolsrwhtch-Baltie-leade a d c n s e e as' the ^ many long years ol 5 Kfcxnliii'5 ancmr;. Q a great one-lime valialue- Corne.and see-’em.n. ReadyF (or delivery* 2'• trol over their breakaw;aw ay republics,^ r ■, G u a r a n te e ’w ” Ti^t now! -MM K l l ’■X 1 ...... — T a ^ • ...... J B S g H j F M u W g hhave a reputationn for1 the low est: c^ T T e furnltjure prices min the West. ■; p ------i*'/um»HZB5?T —^ £ ^ 7 ’-' j^ f e f ead-ifat ever'-dayT T ^ • 20 COPIERS TOCHOOSfDSEFR0M.?;$495'ANDUi?j ^ - E i R V S C E j aw W(Wo wnI Roi b»3 ur.gQ.’ioMiPncoProlaslaiiasian Gua.'anaw. Dl S * - N ^ io h T f J a a na-AiUMnnftun«»».His.;; : i t r o s K — i gjTiany.'cnrw iatiB—; — t on MiS:most.x»dlUtyiitfatnfliO Tbw tH n^ ~ -T he Church ls-^^A^eep7SltVER^AI^ AIN FALLING-NOW^ ^— F H B ie le ^a i ^ o n ^ c » ■ ^ ■ THISS IS A SRJfHn[UAL COCO M IN G ‘ q S555?^iyE?^ss™ ^ — —Knighr-RltklefWgfl'S'f l 'S S r ^ '" ' '-■' ■-■-TKcEaEonh’Siatmbsph'c^'Has'a.nat^ iat^ le a d . jp ' droughts,7 6«atM^^ ~floo(B K 'TliirHt'«JftfT>i ? wy e ___ V . -uralsbiutility.to trap )]eat and kocp-thoIho-and.other adverse cfl«cct* on larg'e'ar- Cpact ol^Uiti^grS ^cusc cffticiir^'rT^ - -Aa-a-major intcmn wflnn enough for life, the sb-so- dis ofthe planet. ' ; ~ ^, ’whatx a tlW ^ th e .TJIS. position.'^?. urntn^ r *” "rffl? **’*•1—#VI encc on globai;• waiwanning begins'^called ^grecnhotise cnecL But ' .Thi;" nnaly.sca inJlcacate— thnt-ihcre r R o l^r>~brdra~spoicegnm F forTht W R l f e - ^ - — ...... MondorriTWoshingloig«on,-ltie-«vcrncJ'-wajS^^aaes-flTC'exaccrfaatfnt^tlie-^t^ — arc51re5av en^-Qorthese~Breen^~St^Pcpa] f partnicntrsaid^^^'WrifflntrtQ -^TtCTHUllPEnsytOW irs-to-i>ei...Wherc—foci.— »- ______ing ^uiationu-oppcnrs- 7 y house ^ascs in the aiFlr to 00U3C some 'ge t! a iramimcwork ogrccmraiT.'TBH ~E:teSiSftia“ r ------tioca lha un ite d States-tes-stnnd?— - : scts'tTicpro?rot

____P ------—'Bttf-Unilcd-Slotcfc. . largest source o f such:h fpoIIutioiL'*'' Amcricao negotiololotors have op< poscci cfTorts to devetc'etop strict coun; 1- ' • try-by-coimtry..liinitaliitations,. arguing . . ' - that not enough Is'kncknown about the __^_ihreat.o{:globaUvannhimtng-andxlimatc '— —: change to'uhdertakcI pdpotentially cest-: ' J )N-E ly pollution controls. - “The" . U.S. ■ standsIs ' alone' among m ajpru^ust^ti^onions.it*Hns been -rr- /t •.------a ---iimJu< u&JiaUi.,*^ ______Lashoff'.LaJjgldbaLHrnjwnrhilng^gxpCTt J__ Council;*;^ r.4 ; V -. — — ^ -B ut CTvircwmCTtalistlists and-govetm ^ ^ s “ - ...mcift omciairsAyjheyhey expecrde!«FB==*^ ___ iiwtca-flijhisJWQswccl = b=r ■z^ •- ■' wMch-.isrbeing-hdd-ui 7 -^ -piccs-Df th C 'U ite d N a t ” -“'~Tijdfafling:_theibitM d -pittlis s s tcmatioRQi- convention:ion, or treaty, I . that Will lead to the cotcontroro/'glo'ih I - .al>wanning pollutants..ts..- , . 1 7 . f f l y.$.”doc8,;*Miff H s itftme.:-—===

' A s a result o f tlVe'btibtiil3up“of'ccr^ kit with—- lain industrial and agric giMM in the ntmospheiherg.

• • -CuiHlht^wmimiy.:, rz: .771'. J.,,Car1cr'Brown, t^e'ilre-m uscum 's- “ - '^ S el^ iion ■ -• pen' and ink ■ M fcagle—by-^ ; -—_ ..... if---- -TKf-iv viipf - --J-z*— *-Siinifarto-tltustrs H jg ' ' grant,from th e GTE Corporp. ‘ lldeadaiterlnsus ^ y ATOIjOUWffiEBajEiaa □ U ^ R S ih J goesafEJm puiuntaih ; “ “all-reduceedir-Goe^ — JOLIETT; Ptir(AP) ——"iAbusoir- rying a high school)l _ drill team* 1 seliBCction of iJj ' plunged over a ' mouritaritarriside~c'm-‘“ • bankmcnt Saturday, killing k one — ------othrradult-and-injuring-25-otJ p»*^plpi -- fab ric aiind styles.1 nulK gilk'S'Sald. ' ‘ ~ " - r s tartli Tl»c chartcrcd'bus.lostlost co^ju^jas.. :__ il traveled on U.S..-209209^ near this . eastern Pennsylvania tovtown and .s lid ...... ^ eUL h . 150 fccT down an-cmbanliankmcnt.~sald~ — ' "■

1.1 i 'Tlll>4nn? ifm *iini«fl iipi •The man ^vlio wasts killed : was . 9 l»irk- iiboiil 40 p3 " ;—NcCIslIfraltj 5 ~ ^ ^nir1‘''‘'T ^f“''injum L inincludini; d llic W . ____ [ * driver, were inkcn to> hhospitals in M H ...... I'otTSVlHc. licrsH cy anina o Uanvjllc. W H -^ “ ~ :F R E E ~ .immctii;iT(jl>:^no\vn- . llie childTcm'W fc fronronj Salisbury' R B " -"DEETVEI " ___ ^:Ilisfa:SehooYin Lehigh1 OC ounty, n e n r-M — H.-'— r ------xi------^ : on'their way Q § -- - riT'aTTiri; iind ilruin cumumpelilii>i) in ^ M_’* ■ Flr/.itlH.‘(JiviIlo ’ ’ • : Joiioll is iihoiil 35 luilcjilcs minlTca.st ; ^ ^_____ ofH.tmsbanrf'-.-'- ______^ • i. - L - r _ wmmmm - . • I L ':-EBli i i i l i i i ------—1;—^------

'•—7,...... LoeaLi F-ways: to trea

— L ; ^ S W CBetter i ^ ^ »-'Biftq«=oiKitff=w^,-it?8— ^ .. Lltime to ^taAfhinldni^ g a bout creating your . r : /sweetie.'And sevcni!eid cotnnuinity oigani* ■ zations would likece tot give you ideas on . how to show yourr loveIo an4 help s worthy ------. cam e, «yo.‘— r--^—

- r a i s i i l B i f f •'* iL z

"T -- -.•••t'ora.jizu oraiSoation to tne/iw in rails ' ' Chapter of the Asidendticm Cm oySfldrty^------i^^g-V aicntine to any ^ — imniwi ftfi"~Fa> n T o r _ —

so n g o f l o v e . - . ' .4J._ ' All rd:ipients-vrfllvvill-get a sopy of the ^ , s^)ng y o u choose,;, i a persona] message . froqi you. a balloon3n andt a samplCT box o f


" A ^ ^ h u m m . fl i_dccadcs.lfl|cr^ jM«nt3_. “ 5 one ntan'/ • ' 7^ oof,-io!iS^^r^r: - n nythlsinaM-jrbad;”":------^— r - — :rn2oun^HigK3cBoo$; lildren-in some-families- - -- - 3 y Jtflie Fanselow •- •" r ~ '" • 'i r r g^iy W P ’W in8 ~6r " g i a r 8tudentients-nonrinat^-to-the— ^ un itcd-ii>.QH >ositioiUO=^ = , rien iiaim added. "Eve"Eveiy- peraon in'the A caoem y. t u l'is ” - — 1 im ea»f < ew 9w nter“^ ^ , s i y p o c t ! ^ ^ ■^pea d e r ia ovem enHth hln ln k » ;jh e-i« -^ab o H ------,^ ’,:thew ij^rwithlraq.f . ' , ; ."I thinkik g1 e n tly citizens, of-the. among. Aose.nomtaniM ted b y .U J S - R ip .- - - ■ cal;** i • K^hum physiciiiician Randy^ Hermann, opoliton cities' Magic' 'S^l^ I c t doii’t rjeally qiiertion ^cm-uld.duugluei Ajiiy------iiBu t WQ arc d oing-1 ales AmCTca. the y t^ of.govemf^ofj t unley iCs'Tn"1 ■ dym Husseifl'Svantsts Uius'to do. He wants ______In a c ^ tio n ; l a s ^rWEelTFcolumh men- , w ere am b n g .n ^ ut!»♦ 6 «it |g.Tloiftemc~Dr1 igricg|tinah: Lariy^raig ■ will nialce“ '' '' ' to be"ift"R'Wftr-Hrt^in'^J y q u a i f li^ t'Weck fo'r'^5~ .gaid. Bfv H uston- o f- T w in nomiriafiofis hdcl year. —vigils,-occupied-watfrlegiegielatur^s 'an d ^ po licy|*^^■8ai *------Becau se U Jjiaw silng:ng1its~staniBa3tthero~~:"~-' ll • , his lust acadim^rH^ .. candl&light vigil in.in.sup^rt’of peace In • the w ar 'with - Falls.------^ A m iaUv. C taig t oas !b ^ n ^ inR.nomi- _ ,: m arched fo r on end to th ^— Z3HnS5gaj5E7Heini5Siuuia>^ d : ~ I ' ------HOfitffn-^ belicfflSl^WlPr District congress marnan. His nominations — -U 4t_ m ' i^^iive^om- oV the car Fellowship qfR ec^lM i.. -iibpose-stabnizotioninnin“thervoIatI1e-Mld- - < |'7 :e the 8MH of Oiyialion___ tiejro|ri^ly:'based-p5ce^ ^ - and -will-likoly- •includc—peo ine p le ‘ from : ^ ^^ding7''^We ^ ^ @ :kly until the wai- chdsr; • r ICf ~Sut~~ Hiiston '~fiIH i:i'iti throughout 1( ^ 0 . J . come out. o'fUiis withyith a situ a tio n b e tte r . ___ ^___ . .There wcre^nq_no riapiing^Amcrican^ tioTL^iiTpr^p^j^^etioning in the Magic 'fine'sIogoneeritig-HTthcT tLsSft^O~ Iw iO ^Sio r------than-w e had-goinginA ”■ ■ “‘“ilogs'ariTno'pptrf&nt seen';;as anti*Americaiu-'U -those w h o V a lle y a yety ear to 18 m b n ^ a g o ito e f- T ' ■' “ Two Twin'Faius HHigh ^hool seniors died close together in i~...... H e pointed o ut anotluiother-diffcrcnce^bc- _ ■ . paiticipants huddlc« disdain the war are doinging'^ quietly' - p|eel e a s e ' ^ ACTIVISTS/C2 arc in-Boise seriangng os; pages during the * the. cold, windy twjlwJirght,,In.fact,.the.20-_ 2_____ tween the current p«Kpdtee moyemeht and -; - rolests, m d ,the;iacely_...... first igix wwks of Uetht Idaho Legislahire'. . minute event wasIS iso quiet that pc;opIe - __ __I thc.yieinam -era; prole* irf»yt tw fore >.• . !uUltUByi_fion..or Tvni ~ ““ ~ istanding JuBt..ouisiQ - - -reason protestt-started * ' strain to h e a r .------r jjrenoa-uicyrr . ” ------:^A-fewT-perticipan'Mnis -spoki^lHdM one^our ^ the-pein-op suW ucd b u r th e ir stj •^^y»-a^>-gcntlc ■■lUlHrv■p^{Mpleaiidi-wc natioiyl-coi-consciousness, peace- activitm t8 o f'k n o w in g how misled mis we were in; -Zi,' . — Ji-a m iiiliij DcUdi u lorc c le a riy h o w to o u — -TT! — -psyoholo^rmajor,-! :Yrirc^ii~iwih:ilh-ouilfCclifl^TTMdrnu^ ic<^ f'rif^~~*fiiriTTttl^ k Tslrelcrnrnnny ctr __.LL3rpoligy>.(O^PQLton«inJ«>g»^ ____ , ' understand even more rthe-ish-wcTverc.------' . dean’s 1i»t-at Gonzonzogii'UniversTty.-in —------rRandy-Hermann. •The war is nbrgolng~armrm r1 tnked.-TKey-sflng:*'Cfet[jcgn>erezbc::.r.-nM Dinrcirrv«y:casy:tcd>ciiBainsal — ' . ■ fereign pelii Ann>h>»r fM«>n_pggpr^re.-niaLvista—will_____ - ' "W rite to o u r IcgislaTors.'ni^ leg addW. ~RA q u artet o l'- counterCenI5noiistrat6i^'"ror,lhl5peop Jopier^ldnorence-Sttwyer: BfTH—^o^blatnc^^Jncr^cn^'tI ______“They nw d to see!C ga groundawcll o f op? slofloOd ab o u t 2 5 f^t.aw av .. TTwo -held a 3 1-vear-old)ld - -sdwolteacher frorom ~ ■■oppose the war thinkok S|y o r e s o f U .S. ser- • ,______W^l.»n en »nH. K u rm f>«homfl __ only tfte military- ______po«tiom ''—fc~ “^~~— irgo-American-flBg.-Anotheiher-pairied a - Keti^um.— - vic e personnel are oni 1 „ „.otJwiiiJialls.and.KaiKaita.M«ttic«LP.t>jlcr_ ~ ..4Hit^i:i)eeause-jtiisecinsd2jiii r - " '^ -AfflgHgiatgaRr(i!fl en^hat;^referring-^o=thg=Iir=Iraqi6t^ tead ——“ l>*»'vory = = = — dIK ww r^rftlV^Certi KiHBTsmTormnmit------r —— ------ihc ph>lo8 0 Phv-’di.B < SuRc •E m - L iI-lh ey Oiow.-;v.^hoot-‘fcm - a rttj-t^ ys. m,'. . ■ certified professionallol ilegal secretaries. • '' national peiace orgoi I'lllfi DfllJCT'----- ______tive Ketchum foUav, Several in tflg .K ncc.Rroup_JO invited the t& see U.S.■S. m ilitary petsormcLbrO-Ugu ^ t * none ot u s wlioyhoSvTlHak*^ Uia n ib t-— ;->■ . ■ Fhe-oounter— homc4>el(ircSe55^kUL^5t3anEa:iH — T^bulletii^iieTT^^^ Md.',''if^ 9b m e person-—— • . Goicocchca Law DIE>fliccs , ->1011100 is cm- ____nioving^to w flrfth ^ ien--to-join the vigib-Th< smonstrators-deolined,—telllelling-^fe------e wW>'are-flgainst-the-Var-^-are_:.w4KMMU;-fouiwWt-noc«i ***~~~ ' ' ploved-byrRayboni-iSi ^ n s tt^>j.han£ftf=Ti£3>iua«lJ?3rwffi»ii-^»f==po^3rter^that^ii;tatC3. U nc out o f C'^cty ji h w v ictim s'is ^ . ULearmling-theh pltoESfe a'cHira, ond'stuaies'rtr slioy itlia t in u re than------] n e v e r againain look down.on people vwho After.my showerer I lef^ fo r-a -c o u p le o f 75 p ercent o f bum s an ^ ^Whch ' th 'e~ < » ld —wc■wcatlierHirst-hit,—I—P 3 scoffed at those Summnmies-aunering from { '^ i leave waJCTniniungin.lhejColold. - h o u rs to visit a. frietfriend. bcing“carcftit~tD“ ; El. korah Shrine TeT e m p ^ o f B o ise iias y I bought a new pump moiidtor, leave oTaucctranninBning.------1 ' • - an ongoing bum prprevention prpgram frozen pipes because'tle'they hod failed to rumas-^X.'S.l'"; ining. . N .s s . ■ b m .'o la s, itdit did n ’t work. When 1 returned,^d, the « hose-had frozen • . which involves * leave som e w a te r runnir ■sudii stmnWed:------intVed ged, witli ilid itiiiJlurd's'h^lp • •V ' I h id IcA -.w ater riinm n h in g 'o n ' the - back:— — ------* get the outoutside'spigot'thawed andd ’re- T h e next day» I boughtbou “th e rig h t p arts to ■ featuring the voice of iheijate, great ^cl '■ paired, theie hose thawed and.connccire t^ get the pump workinfking - 1 think. I, wonder _ ____ Blanc.iiAny civic,-chchurclf' or ^lld-tare secure in th c^l'belfcf that-MY pipes tfnday 1 to o k the-.pumpuOUj)uf, ,bnr,-,the~BtitrfayrtheCheti;:Ihc-pipes.un^.-.the.ho housc=qnlyzwhaL-ebe-canibcnibfcfiozenror’Whatolso— ; ^ ;------groups-intercsted inn ti tiio p U ^ 'shw ild ■ '[• er in -th e p ip e s thot fcd the.]jc.pump was hodfrpicn.,n ...... tfan go -— - ~ cnll WajTie‘Mobergjof^uhlat^43-6147.:.: of i -- chcck the cistern ihatsuLsupplies my hous& - - water Hi~^odccd,-l-- itie "iimcs-isowiT " IcflTn iLc^pM fro^te, and the next time. So < ts ' about oKa residents wwho rcceivc honors the pum p c a m e o n it burnedbui out. fromn the farm hydrant to the: hhose spigot to the houseuse.' it would quicldy freeze:!C: i f it h a d scoffed -at tho«Kose p r o r ' u n tortunates - . — ------rifftn thfir chimneys be- ;______— — or rccogniiton-.Sef}dhJinformation-to-Thc { ...... lIuifwns'Fnclay nigliiigKirSoturOa^mom- ort'thilh(^ho^sc^Orca^ide 8, butIt doomed c to - dida!t-run.tt—Wilh^the.&ozciLpines ’ inn th e w h o neglected to d ca - Times-I^ews Spotlight'ghicolumn, P.O.Box'- ■...... ing rwiindercd-TlownI iniinto th e'darkrsubzc-- fliil— — — house,-thcTT'c-watcr from the hosc woukjTdn’t , f d i ^ h c eold”5crr'in. in: Bnt~I cleaned my ' ~ • • iZJ. 548, fw in Fnlls^. lU 82303, attenrion-— ~“ — fft baflcm m t tn s rr - ttd t cnimney-carctuiiy.iiy. - r^ntgjftp' thick,, dardfirk g rry ..sm n V r hii.------1 — juii^ iiilfln't Thc'iM andsnow onr ththe steps helped m y wrcstl idpourctThot .crcatcd enoiBougti lIOR'^as w ell as ran1 im - lo w ed Irom ihc iqpipofmB-chiniuey.A of few " ^ — dcfcccnt a s l-Kkipr>cd-tl>i-tl>c-last four steps - waterer ^ e d through .. promptu .iceice sculpture' oo'the outsidede.of ..moments later.the.str: smoke clcarcd M d.ot-_____-i.___ = ==uttttJtenaoi«tlyr--- liie'itr -1 ... „ ____ ihA ftausa. at • I. soon determinedI UieU: pum p had quit lii^'spigot ofeoursc.was frozrozcn as well the hose frorTom freezing. .. It w.i.^quitc literallyo[ly on fire. : ili fnoi. b rA an by tWdWmqt. A nother - S o o n Wat'Vyer"Rurgtca~ and spat inn the ------—— Qr7n~r:;. .. ^iskkimfVBdi i»uiU.' 3u djiJ t- : d j> :g j7^o\>Tlw(»i k»frtH»nsink: lirsT c a n tn b u to r to " L ite ~ ' DearAbby— t 1 1 ■ - Perhnpa the, water in jt: was'just fro^n. begiiuiiming.lo gnvy • thosty-aho-auncrcly had—. Forrthcrfw coxi}d w-nter. Hc is 'the-tirst So 1 set up an • clcctnctnc hcntcr. H rah an~somc1C fttJTCTrprpcsr------___ :___p__ ___il/nult >)'«» Hindisht^ and take.a shower, too s«v and Tima:," ^'hich:h »w ill nm 'occa^idaally - - ' 7" • Crossword , - ‘ _ — - c r — ------JJ.J- day. Nd iiiqk:• ; 'f e v e r got th is w ater hinninling.'I would nothing ofaf a worfinfi flush toilet. JrTUicrc^tuicrscction'tioirr------— ------— ".• ~ — ^ People. . 7..' ,.c7-T ...... — —

^ .... ' T t ” 1'- ■ ^ i ■ '•;'.":- ■' —— ------C-2 --nmw-Nowi. TV«d»Hw«nF«lti,i|^hS Sunday. FrtKabruofy 3.10S1 - '

k ^ # a A » % ZICQZZZ j j C ......

' The Idaho State nya. "T“The -disinites orislamic-co r^tjQtveiiuiy ciassm ieiled-fM iddlcEast:^ trier wUviU^beexBxnloed'iinfae'coni j eve .L-liTjra J- Colloctw a n d ^ . ^ ..of aan y tokens you zinc, can : ...•. 'ConVnved from Ci‘1 / ■ ..beenaflI strong cTitic the Jdobo Na dofli^wlsh:to'.eh«ckj)Ut;^Ib care b f World -.gIan.:Tv ""i a newly chosen, coonwrd&ator moved 1' ° ! ^• ' 'EiTginecr^ ^ LaBoratby.’ BD ^ Ife c t^ N r o ^ ^ p Bfll frutium^--^ ^ ^ :/•' • fronfthd afaczT " ^' littingen-the-siddinea^f-thi iriitliiH Ilf liiM .^^tn■«^^a■!■ SnBE5=^F5F^im p ■T— Biu-^rtmwr—7«t VfrCelb etoat■ !J. 0, Cdlif.-93727; phone -209f lUt he- has m any “ W eB _haveJ so. m«iy , Vnying_^ -Downeiy, Calif.-9024 Bawdy. bouse.tok<^«found^ at ' b<^;*Tnade-.Tok^ns o f Illinois — .Ffrano. ( qjlfgltrtna ’nhfHif e, Iraq. VI g r ^ o f hpjw p^lc^^^ ^ 0^ / - -- .-.-^jf^-s^ flcarm ai y Omfl.-VacJ«^291-5«01620 'for iniOrmaDOQ-and — ^— kiiaw'.o fJ u ~ M l» ^ i l ?rice sb £«njgrt---availabiiii j..._ _, lavecipreswtiadubta y^l^t«ftin:rrttiirii»g;;—fitlfUi*' •. ., “I Uiuikifii^Biniflir^t — ^------representing-ICawa^ 1 Jhem as.g^ t i nft7Snpnal.« .po8tpaid,-Or-diU y the me kinds of mistakes,^ Hond(Sdo^ A.’Send JOT a cop } orau&aitic rep r^iictionsnis b f ' IjU r t^ of 81 ■077i:'~. ;■'\Ave.,‘Chi'^aiicaM;m.-606IirSisJectec 1 . _ wa}^ hss.been.** • s a i d r“People - P cany a lorof. guil .Edition, of .“Hastin!fl iai bawdjr'bouse' qucst'onsions wiU appear in'bcrcdlamii ^ - ■ C ollectors- EniByclopc ' Huston tspcciallyy q u e s tio n ^ w hy~ aboufwliwhat haiq>ened to Vietnairt.’*' miw - tokie^to^ p o ^ ly usedid - by - J to ^ S two from Chica- 'The volucvlfime of mail maka iadividu^ -r^ ^ - tti^^faiTTtateniai r ' di A rtbitt w h en n o reli t^the.byfor^A lii^n^rifain-- [^T ^o n ^ ¥ x u c a - , ^ 5 ^

iPwh^»rt»«eli»nB^idn^-< ■rt.iMma. Fanny,ni - deadline^ forl^i~vntb^^^^OTtom sociauon oti^\on~Col It m b e 2026 iJearboin S t oron the front and rB uJjl;^ -veterHn—KuwitH SS! jjfitspresideirt^'Bill A said. si <8r-W ^N cw to rC IE lentation, one-cannot assursum e « y used in trade for w i d a y d i i d s S v e laid McMunian o f Twin Fallirails - cfosing S15 for an asannual subscrip. Saloon,tokens alonjng'^Sh^pleasure any organized peaceice movement in -.Donah nublication. or « 4 « al. ------thoJwlaflic-UaUfji:— ^ .out flgatn« ,war.a£ska.b?foKfore ~ monthly 1 n.< enplL.^ arcTB ^35QQBIuii - ” 1 If^^p fhTiiy "poi v an. pmmiig a it\ Hii TronronL ^iid fa fuiusaiiiijlL■'^yy- L . .. ailySiw^bly. p r i^ ^ th^c 'j>al{wns o f the ' — u_-sh«.a(idedr-But-she-;ui-Mid-she and her-yn^wwhich-read::.“PresidentcBush h luhi:.. Q..miitcaayoa.tD]laM me ahoitteM -^ Am m cniv-.W est." , bby RobCTt -L.- lUl O ' D ^ ^ i e - - trade young American bloo -Don’t tn la'.ooce UMd ia . luck-pieoieces. Bawdy house tokens fa year w arranty wayq taken .^ e .initiaitiative. She said for oldt IrIraqi oil.” tn d o fiar ^ aervicea■ Iofladietoftfie liiv^toto be authentic include Frenrench' paid ' Sundanceice Publications V / ' ___ _8^ wishes' .^othrahiohe“ elie woiild McMiiVTumah'said'li'e took'th«~8lgrjign—n i ^ A deakr-faais aeine»for-aale-one9.thatMt;portrayL^female,J}Ut.ffU< such US.. 250 Broadway,r, Denver, Uoio. f l*leisen.M a | otora iq>eaHiead' tf'm ovemement i this ' tim e' down as soon as the war^fstart^ buibut bitt camot td f me.a.aagrtfiiQg about .tokens are. ar scarcc.**Tokens from1 bbe- 80203Tphonc 303-777 MnAwn TWinFalt~733.7700 2______around.'-. . he’s row;ow working on a new one'iiig-irg*~'lhoPL~Alao,~T<^~50~havgTi'~denominntlon~bn'bxtt—~ Tokens -of- various T’T sursQly said she thnniiiacs'mariy pc6 ^~ Ing tf*c^;eifeftfe~ahd fa^fe6Haions. uud^i^:^p^e.^M n^^ • V pie are against the waiw ar but are afraid H e sail iauM M iJieedSKde t : — -■ "= / lo speakW becausele otc the-tocus on ipr puttlr iene^iB 3t=#a>^ jLaajSK tL F v v . BupMrting U.S; troofoops. .“I..have. a .. attributedtedvthe lat^_of oA...orgiuiL^.2^1 _ ...... _■ '■ h^new over there andan I core what peace memovement “to 'dur conseiva-'rim- ■ ■ . J ^ O M E - An1 ” ^l3-faifiro1ie3~osI^‘'to'to'bring theif'tiwri thimblnblc. . ^ happens tg him,** shle e asaid. ______tive yiev.lew we hove in this valley.y. I1 quilt lying bee is set frval ' _____ U r^t^vel Uta^ihw ii..said.- shis; .-m akesusus .doubt our, gbycmment. nb attending the Feb... i14 evrot! are 1 .Mayldinrat324»&4^. a .

* yvnat tne g o vernm ent Is ~r - Bcioroi^the-=war=6 c wondej bng^ional delegatgation reported wc find1 anotheroi o n e ? -■ (hat their^lrsnd phojhonc calls were ~MqM.jurrianui said f he has spenttent . . • . . . - "■ ■ ------^hhuipor expertise of ourstylists>si|s>vJII guarantp0 .you w ar lo liberate - cold.-'j _;- ;-^aetw!^^-g w e.can’t-sit-stiil,’lJie saicS ' ' ‘ ;Thecfeo«ve€ — rr^Deseft-Stonn^is-a-Wl ii;r_wyj ,in cr^ ___ _ Jhejobkyou.'r Xuwaitr Pojntina to — StOBOl paid peoDla-W ^«CTV^bit-as-imi>onant^a i.needbecause.ahThe.Cie.Cllp,we khbw-more_ _ ■ ______o o o u tj i e u ^Wolk»iri5 ^ w6le6rf»»;'-■ ;- -3 — Era l ^ l f f l y ^ i g - ~ I '( 5 T p ^ ad- the war's start, and he* tig h t- tliVe the^ ^ c e ~ move6v6-~ ...... Offer,fr go o d Mon.'^rl. only • £<^Ex^res02/28/91 '• ^ .-ynsiot^H-build.T- ded. Z H - 3 D3 2nt ilk-»-/vocriticil» •—»*>'» ^ A N D Y S E : g faid. . . . . i,"' N a t ive Amen—^ < ^ h M ------can Tciigiotiru^^d^d'S he’ aiM'SOme :_____ peace" when-tbe—we> ------Sweat lodges are paipart- of-N ative ^ p ecia r

sc3 .the:body.of,. .' . " '.~rz " v' ~ ~ _-. - ~ ..~;:-)!ivthe-mwtimerij

_------^ Re

m T e i e r r il a i - k e l i n c r - ^ s l i ; 'f ^Bagggziaaasa^^ga ____. . miBC - Ty.for. thc-MogicJicJV allcy__'____

- f — — 1 ~ T ,siQ aw .F«Ftttifuaiv 3 .1 S 9 li. Time»-NSi^i^.TVvIn o ^ ' FnU «Jdaho'"'(^> _ Z I _ M I f f e h a l t i ’ s p f el c e p i e t o hill tv to> I c a r i t ^t o i i m a ‘ . =!-riag with -« rnnt«in^ i^to ' fuel. ' IH I '' A N B W - iiA F Pok PC GRBPg^C^ ! w r^llv~Fd)hary, the cocompany hop« .to inaflcetM ^"■'“PuEIishing ^ i s m agazgazine is a poor suBaP! w,=a|W^imayjL»tiUa^ J I —... _ ^'want--'i»--fl-■worid^filled--«dyLiwithiz^ ' t\n ‘ nii'i»''fhr*-^niilny* BvurvgiytMWjJnjtfieluivted I •™ -Two^^sago/arody-sboiMj^gte4i<-of-A4iooattnclc-Tbe-'-iogx oWDors)— syour pets dcsaserve .Jhe-.. do u s (and: poUut oitspiH s.intft the Pe - desired publicationl ofo f theorgatuzation that > ...... - • disoectcd lion^was latelater shot iaqd IdUcd. .JaV fi n. b u rial." sinn G ulf, thinkik aabout that «i»nie previousLiEL-claims-ajiUOildMddeLin r LmcmhciBtup.iiL 2 -mULi______Within a i g l a S f T w o ^ ^ Tiingdale. ■ source lost forevtrevcr eachjg* we tpss a ^ g ae c o nacio tisneM and is- V v — M r.-TTiinki^SS^SFH™ S=dtonciz^»$y^j*y tfe-^lXirialt-prastR?containcr. ™ |T ^ c s -^ 'Y u c h " ais~wiuitrt’s-ieally*8 happenln^at I ■ - .... - t b^ to -ta p Tiew e tt- '€ ^ o i^ 'm o u n l9 ia —and-< s,-”-rfha prt‘ooffiM S ^I df-card—6 sra-that must b{ "^ir~Ghwnol7 H»hr-|-7 plus)liis-provide-so 1utioos— j — - - - r - - rc.and.more of ' commuoities: tbe-firstfoifor ldlling4he jo g g err-I^ leJ bird or mouse^tzed modexlel costs (ieldf .and theQ wilderiiessv> and wildlife .?5* d like how V stop/waste'ste'incineratots.from b e- 1' die MMWij fo> biHiwg a ■eqekef apa^ e l ^ d . «h.t ^ ndtAtrial ■ iavaai e n ' a n d sp ill hVhTo^now? mJ?,® other eovironmental rnaga^n^'Gi^p«wmi t but of a' war wused mli Ula^7P#tt:broui^lnsaUab “ if will “take the most ^trid'ent str poaition m d e^ hlch - Tve - need for oikomi>^m8 ke-«lMhta.UuowawayjunJPp-ftnsc^jf-thp-planctf-wJ g or chickcn.*1fib«» deve:veIopment . tliM Invades wild tie£ first can avoid disdisposable p laces by packii says. A donatiotr o f' SS22 0 or mere to-Gieen-i -Todd. Malmabui^ of TltTS^p^W i raifiliulblllti^l t^SiofljSnjtt^lutifehes; b t f - ( t g ^ ' iin!41ft|ui'uiM WMiiuu ufUf w u m in i ujiya. itig rw iglQnlJC"llid>i(iit'." t BOfj.viee'S^ ■i-iUte to c o ii^ jc b X j lililu iTa.^NW ,^iShiiiB("n' ! ' •------H—rial^blCOTivmg-out > theretere.' M o iin tm Hons nieai^ you doVt feed'the wild mt-H in temis of.our. favoritinto fUny^woA, stonng: je-leftovera. in_co.vete ^ .iwrere in semirwildeiiiesslafcas; w5i«*:ihey.b leu C o ., a F .lf j.: For ;io.^c s e who m ay iw v c nuss< ir Lviiuiients-tu: Recil'• ,------^ tremcly opportunistie^ IIf f 1they can take 8ome^ tantsnt8? *TW'8 Malms-:_japraese rmanufacturer of food . body’s dog th^ will di ?' Jb rccy- WhalcjAwarenesnessMonthr- S91, BoiUder, C O 8Q30Q3Q6.. •______--cocicer spyiei incidentmt (in ^ e Coloraito • buryi^. ”R*s not inappropnatf.toto look'at zoh- says it hai'lii' d e i 'd o p ^ a technology'Ji

or devel(^--care -or o n-cal.call- lor ZOlouta, FoV'^ rrr ~V«llti 11 ^ead8n p fo p --n w -informntiiminn. riall Dennis Me- n-€ancef>Soci<—voluntewf ttf Rn^nrinryje»pg.at=g3^^ r-weck.'plcose-wIFmiir-«l - 7- ^ e d ^ to deliver - allerhdon-l8 addition,! th e g ro u p is Idilooking, for , yJrourSreerrdayrjplLSul^=iIlJi;oluiitei^a».ne^.^.» in G ( ^ i n g ' ' ReveU at 733-I3-93S1| ' a| a rre b r.n»irto~.’:^vg-.aJiTO:i -rl\ hMp }n L . The AmftricauTRed-Ciosff-a-^d-W enddl-to-help-tutor M. in ,tn e i win. _ Y o u n ^ in h ing the- grqup. ForinQ rcJainformation the College o f SbutfiCTriS Id J > o 1 ita F ~ :' ^ n : iChaygtoibeni—6fflcc»!733 -eiM y~:Pf0gfam.-rN 0r-«itie!i..lf ypto m n.j M-4rAt-^7.1 >U-Anv:time-vou.2oluhleers for child care.are. If you con . The Magiagic Valleyl Aji?Xouncil““ FosterF Grandporent who ' Ifyou need'•« a TO/urirecf,.c«iL/?ose-‘ > 9:15 Tuesday heeds voluhluhtCOT (o 'h e lp -w ith -th e. Joyj« wortdng with teens atIt th e Magic : ..^limtcCT.frem:g;4Sto,9: •s-arcL-needed to be-Girl—^ <»»«>»<» Ni»«. mnry P.vttns ntat the\ Golle ^ o f South- ' 1 J F t T S B -^ ll following:-: :newsletters^ cbmsspon-■=^all^AlrcfflBllve-^ho< - V ool7-T ravcl-— -VoluBteera -i ijighis, call D o n s !-ulle r a tt. If you con volunteer, wwork Cotp. (LINC) needsds 'personal. em Idaho. 734734-7S83, to have it'a f' T Pj .'J', ■ .. dencei .coisproputer .updafe*,. filing, re-_-• reimVursement,n noon_mMsals and ac- Scout leadett. Lubv a t 324-3522: 'Ci'care:service providew-foifor 74-hour -pear,ifl thiscohMJuma.. ’ ; H ~A' "woman in fwinn IFulls TCeds source cenfeirterassistancerphone-calls—c —cident-and-liabiliW-iiuunu:ancc.cnji^_j»lLISM Eyl 1 crochet' pot- 'and'various ~7ofrCTcdr F or m o re “jnfui'ikumationrcall ------. . I .. : J9L i _____ ^ 11 . = , a elp,. l.°™ in B ,<° m L

L Q p e r H r x M i

' -HI ITiH - JuHiofig ^=ewalevrJanK^rizendjne; School ’has - announcedc ed th e ' • Peiuiy^ . tUmm Wowl’^!'«nd cjmiii, _ BryIryan UuUer, Jorgc ciot- = :-s « ra a iflr n a n o r /f iiir ^ - ;.KUBy.CliM :kd.Pautd jg . .Spcllmon. • D iehl. - 1 - . '. H posand'GaryJy J e n s e n f .....” S E ra O R S Angi Bakcr.'-Airiy 3ay,... . FR ESH M EN VHNTH GRADE' . 3.7-4.0: Davi'i' Clini (Iton, LaE)awn Jensen, Jen-, -3 J-VJ.O: K im berlee V ictc:tor. ; 3!7-t^O: J oon'Ferry, n Tanya Merrill, V"®* Am ber Felto and. Bridget Stlnem»tes_' ■ Davis. Rachelle Owslej?ley, Michelle - py Kennedledy, - P>^)- 3.4-3.7: Scott Wood. . I Amy Morelan .^ a naDan|clloT j c H j a m afe S ,9 g „ . nw,}xn icn.-' • • . ~’K ---- m8tsu-and-Ricarto-

^ The TimeS‘N e»rs ^ rwlcbmes ^ph7' biseiliieK^attll^piteyprei^M^li O uir^lTO tioioffofm ore thahTSb'li^ntgmg " ' • ------your-. - e n g a g e m e nIt...announce., t.. fcrred.,Fleajease include a_phon^,^l |J changes eacic h w ^ k to o f f e r a iMigh'tful ■please call 733-0931931, ext: 278, number whwhere' you can be l.'.S • - or visit o'ur office at 132 Third reached andmd please return ,the_ Ij . -variety thatL 1f e a t u r e fa v o r ite s hlike:W< . , • . ■ gementform.— form-at-leassast-yvo-weeks before___:y = ------—J —M Fgga n n y. \wny ■- ■ rhirkeikttn Pot PiB______; Shoimcciiicnt"wiirM— ^ ------^ y o V ^ H k ee th e m ------B.lCiufflm _L^4- — - ^ to w ^ o ^ K c a jl o n g■with ^ a pholfl- pM{?UaM°^as space permits... _ .. -| — ^------f r o m - t n i r J n a n t a h - il - = :=■; :atntion ---- , ' ...'rr-.. '.‘""■ '‘ h wALMII — ' ^ C a r v e d .S o hjanttflnaJ— B e e f S a J a dJ.Bnr .B ' . ■ ' ti . J B C o i^ e d X lL njzagns___ ^______lL ------■ - F r e a h J ------_ - — .-. - g l c o m e d BcS c e fH o s h ------P ie s - _ — ■_p6achu^i S^m 6n~~"' ~^~8ctTLim] I “ rzr"—■ Sausagu^ - ^ _Coke?«!?r»nd--— ------= .. . I l f - __ :______• >■ "SB ...... t o r t ee s s r . ‘. - . . -L

m d ■ A n a im r i o r e . . . . " ...... ^ ffnTfttn i r^g ^feo j^ I.I.I I------______,____ —J= “ wnitD M dn ' ' " ~ = l i e c = l tc e i n tat-Speciul-1= -■ rW hte^^OBSote-^y^ 98 to $34.98 - I TSIclitStr tm nD itw------I— y M l y Saleale* &.R^ntflU______———BfidaVHciFfiri3pJcc«.«4iati •------I— —------—- O lcn^rea • S l « ^ * Slip ..... | o,.— n . __ YqurComi.m rlctc Bridard/ntcr j T SScSS""^) » g S K ^ - >com s Come True" j Accounts II I WaleoRH * I r . I > - & BridaLCenter , ------— t — jW B G g L 116M.M M ain DovCmiown.. -SHOK-; . 734-7422_ C

bDHiG^RESSI5ES ^ V '--- ...... -.--V mHill lO iBiii lii^ iH i ~ ~ UUIS _ ------ir ir-1------•'--■V r— S^:rA»»ii«bW :i»^gaue. lid ^ T-Ijeng^8^1 ta StSgart^at$80) | I (Ovfer 170 Forma:

^ ----- Flower-Bask«t»^ ilM a ^ BEMTALiS 3jt_ A lW EDDI

"I air o n In vitation s A; A nne tl appolntmeBt^g-aoy-oti^h^M n^m ftlQO--1—_.['- iSJmv nnnn'f^•nnTTgltrrhrmntn'ShfTrtm\TTnrm ■------^— - ...... - ~ ' Eimrintafc VtrTpindcT ~ II ------rUridal biructory~ j” ' '(’hina' FebiTjiiify 7 I i"o. havo youfbUsTsTnoss included in tfie-E ^'AcJ^niSlna'I^DprcnrtrtJcntaltve-. ------^ — c ^ o c l ' y ^ 33Tr — -;j- -'I i-SG O rSaiaiOr ^ ■ I . . o r JJanQt a Taylor nt 733-093

- - -'■■ \ ■ ~ ' I — • • . • ■ .T ......

C-4 •TimoD-Nowa. TwinI Falls.Fa Idaho Sunday. FobrujifuaryS. 1991 top in g^g g i s r r yior^p^JE j m ily-^and^had gone to din* ...... DEAR ; ABBY:;-JusiJusi before “ ]■ charicc'Uial'tliclr'lltcni:ntltics *wouId note fromn you ; admonishing her Tfor o r '“R~epulscd in F lgH dS ;^—w h» found M y famil; buffet-style restaurant. The only child's passingg away,i hcin-. luter be revealed, they wwould nol do- this pmciiciLice?. ofrctisiye. when fellowiw diners pro- ner.at a bul Dear Abby nalc — which would gnjniatly rcduce — C A PT A IN IN KOREAEA cccded Ui blow tlicir nonoses loudly at., man sittingirig bchirid ray"gnintliji6ther ■ form ed m e ihm. wbiJeJi 0 loudly blow his nose.' -; ...... 'Iegc.(a .mcdical student;cnt') heihad^bccn . the number.of candidattates (and the DEARCCAPTAIN:.Gladly: . . ______tlie table.. • , ’ begun to I LM , 'Abigail. jth cr turned tO vl>im a n d 'r r a frequent-spcnn- donor.lor. 1 c ^ o L b c * gcnctic chamctcrist'ios).)>from which Dear Movlothcr I'm sure you Iqvc. I • ' r. ,:i., GrandmothC V ^ n B u r e n 1, too, have been niisjiiscclina f mily, :mly, “Are you throufihr , ... giHi, to -1611 you howi)w priceless it . prospective mothers q,ndid thdr physi- your son.1, but1 you sh6uld also ~=iwito-xvetg-taught re- to, eexcuse them- - . ' _• • w o^ld'lJ c nirr'~m^ttr}CT ■^==ciHnrwoTj|d-bcTibte-nrclichoofle.——— ^ T i ^ V'-'j:iOthc.rcKtiponi,yw hen ^ ey^felt------He-jlwiVrT — my-g«no»icgrandchildrcIdrcnl------you^to-dii.discussrthc-Icga] ramiiica-- ______n^t givc i!ou:thcTight.ip_oi>enj^pur.yo ^'**^-the-ne^ to d o o n y h osej'tf blowirig. L ct1 .g d b ack fofor r: s(finc more chickcn.", ' III.-So if you want his,re- —------. -Thcrc;..ure...mQny.;.riregislrics _ for. ..liona, o f'jour j* idca_with aa attorney. D ^ ABBY: I-am a -mo slmre-this true storyry w ith^Jprir. - tt^-GROSlOSSEDOOT IN FRESNO/ ’ natural parents,' before pro' ; ,'^ „ ^ ™ '^ ‘^ ” iipect, youu Nwill stop this violation of I adoptees and ihcir nat )rogrcfising further with this Anoy ofllcer stationed ... _,;.::_:::icA LiF.:. I-----j— but »o n iy jino wlcdgcr^ cy. which* surely must de- — fuf -spdji] 3 o n o n and*inrf-%cir=aoTOr-— Etoncfrtti' coundeiitiulityns'one o f thtf* r m -a is -c y « . - A ppy ® s^tationcd o v e r s ^ , m y r ling, to develop .reoMOS or Cop'optain, why not instruct ------offtipringM am hoping artificial inst:mination has tinues to open my mail, ______^iich aireg Mtry-in an.efl I oven after I rrieninds tQ-send~thcirJcHcrs to .eflbnio locate...,been.so_3i_3upccsaful in .this countiy. havfr politely asked her ft these precious ciuldrcncn and] help oih- (LaSt ycaiear, •between 50,000 ' and tostop. - —^ you III carc ------erelirthlrstaatldn:------■ ■ ■^Q;00(nvoivometrbencntcd-ffOTTnnnfl^fl- ' ' “^h e ltfa d s "D ear i^ bBy"TatthTiiIIy > 'tHistcd? • ------^— — AW O PgP WOma------. DEy^ OPEN CHAPAPTER: I-urge sperni dorlonors knew thccc was a you please print this uwith a little DEAR AlABBY: This is in regard to I C.RIPPEI, Valleyy happennings 7 ESITY IN OLDER CCATS ”?■ tion, call John-JenkinsIS aiat 734-8860'of'Charlene"" jyears of age or ulder. The'hc;i'.valso m iist b e Idolio S tam p club willvili meet M onday '* • _ ___Ciy£SnON: I havi onoUM-cotwhoon condition.I. TlTiioro aro no hord oncT Barnhart at 734-5^06. _ resid en ts and married forir ata i>»f>'ot f.n/» nt tb** It on the plump «d«. I»t it unhMltlw fof ■fait rulos oboul ob< hbw much lo food o TWIN FALLS - The-South Central Idaho ______limt c-of entryrTlie pagcafnafTwHl'includc evening i Stamp Ckjb; wimmw __ y - _ ;,:eo>. Il^diolItol h a s to a d iu tled Jo its iJr“\VeIcoinFW ^^m CliiD to meet j . Higf^-slrung col* and, - S odbuster’s. ^98 DIui)Iuc Lukes'Blvd. N. All inter- -jnorc-infonnaiion, co^taclaci L ori H cod nl 733- ANSWBb Fo« c o ts rn o v’'be-omustng 't in lifestyle. H calirforinstonce.-roquiro ivited to attend.______FA[J_<; Mike] Mil Todd Q fltheJd^Q-89J8 ^ nr Mifhrll.r Rnrtli ntaq3_4.-3357. ' >______\• ^ ' 'cMirc'sfnpy^'buf’lKojioy'aro“not jd outdoor call rriCTt w iira ik T S g show a • - - —fortiiiTotb-in-roar.li.life.-Gbosity moro foodsd thanI those <^hich ore —Ghrifitlan^Woin>men?s:Glub:t03nEi;t:: “ r ~prgdl5posaafrB-Bldor3ir:cQncrhoQrT~fdihargtc~qr•qrlioj'roun.ijHodoefr-ot}» o3333v6unU3afio^wEeaZn kjW& T u W •TWIN FALLS - The C hristian W omen’sn’s the Welcome Wagon ClubCli drTwin'-Falls meets ' ■ troublo, constipation, sskin infoction, day. C lu b of. Magic: Vulli[alley plan s a prayer cofTeefee at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday’,lay’, at Cavazos Mexican TWIN PALLS - Reser\ervations are due.MV>n- — ^ and gonerdl Ibtfiargy^C.Obesity is one ' ------rrom 9;30'to I T ami.m'. Tuesday at the hom e of - Rcstaurantr2096-Kjmbcibcrly'RoadrCosrforthe— -day-for-tho-South-Ccntn»lml Mcdical Auxilitwy^------j r e f i h g rftmgd-i-Re f e r Q uuestions-To:—^ e s — ~ ' Dcnlw -I?ccs;rl572J-B B ri^ood- Uner-Call 734-)4 .—luncheonisiSS^pcrlpccioi UJ<»t.—; 0annua! Bridge Benefit, - set for 11130 a.m .^o 4 lifo. Green Cro!I r o s s ...... — comtf.-Call Jeanttttc=at=:nt=733-676L^r-felaim^»i -P■fl.m—ThuK dayat-the-M ag'iiig'i^yalj^c^ndgo^n-—“ Z- O h c o .o c d l i» ovorwoTqfft— c VeMrinaryiry Hosplw! PA--;^------T“ =^33-2396-t6f-reservfiiioni ~ “ “TfoduangTSliiHiculCiniiisim ich -A r-2 l-l tf-Kitntttnberfy^cMd -■ • — -pi- _ ' • '______cchcon wiin j^ pi'ovlded ancjnd p rizes aw ardedr-AII— - -- - G lass of-’61-pleilanning meeting seP- _ IlaTd-heollKiai^IcPPR;REV£NT^fH»T=733r4553-53-— ------V..--- M rs. Idaho Pageacant starts search ‘bKdgc ^ players arc'tnvifcUcU’at a cost drS6T)cr TWIN FALLS-ThThe Twin Falls High'School p’c rso n o r S20 per lablc! OnO ne p erson p e r party o f I OUR LOCAnOI . C lass o f >961 will_ill hold u reunion planning’ng TWIN Fa£Ls - TIjcl}e Mrs. Idaho Pageant is t>two or more should makeice reservations by call- l i — 4 . ■ ' —meeting ut 7 jj.ii*.-Tucsday~lTrthc'conftrcnce' Ti cw ide'sourulrrur Wuiiiwn -ti OT^aihy=ar=733--9l97.^ ' “ ^-TOom^at4gnnyon=Motc!owrs^»KTTOFgfl4^Ealb=A«;=1/rrr^inlprgnled-in-laking-pnn-ii j(»-illvin.tlr-POR1IUie lllfutlllJ* -^fiit«:ataiiSf“t>fr-l H—t-

^ T S e n i o r' imeii|is= ------rttine M<[ e s s o ^ r ^ k — —Tw i i r f ^ a - —— ScniOT Citizens Centerter ^ _ U a ^ pmcractice at I p.m. _ •'■ 616E«stIandjDrivc ■ ‘ ^ - Thuraday ------Bus to sho ihopping, leaves at 9:30 □I p ^ sconin^yp our lifd. “Put it Inn i D T i n t . , M onday: Liver und onicm ions or ___jijn. Tlie bii.sms wiiraEogo'lo thlTCom- .. cliickcn fned steak' ' munityActic:tion Agency to pick up Tiwssday: Chicken withith rice commoditiesies. ___!- - -Wedneadfty: Ment loaf.af’______Cniftsat.l. iXp.m. . . ______in our Happyr Ads dr —— ------Tbuisday;. Baked potuiqlulq bur .. Friday - , “Triday;' Stew wJ p.m . _• — ^M on^^r'R^Ra^li. ~ & M poday ^ ^ ------Tuesday: h H 'pwi ‘JijQ B.'W. _ W9dPC9 '] Bingo at 1 p.m.' . ’ - Tuesday W ednesday . Blood pres:ressure check from 10:30 V a l e n t i nle e H appy A ds,I, to b e publish!hed in tbe Voteentinea D ay edid i t i o n of C ra^s a nd quilting fromom 9:30 a.m, to 11:30 a.m.m ______i______T he^Tim e es-N e^^^G an-beane>sxpresslop^f^t('outaffeG tjon^- o r ^ ------5-^ to 3 p'.h)...... Exercise: aiat Racquet Bull C lub ut 10 lo t ::—. Phone groccTyuidt.is tu 'Willijiii.\ XIII.. r — ...... ------^.EdS^liiWir,-- i : ! - . ______WBflnaan;m — ^ ~w iilo u~^rV aferrfine-H ai:j p p y t ^ - m e ^g g e - T o i ------^ —Trraonaay— ------~T~-r ------inftm n iio t • ----- Oroccry deliveries. • • ...... “ w ll bcTivnilnliilnbIcfrom l-to-3 pIm:- - ...... ' ■ ■ I .— ------— .. - y — ' • ; Pinochic nVj:p.m. your sweeth^aftr?^ e yoarchlfdri^RFPiarenM =? — ^----- Friday------— 4t-Rac<)iK>M)fi>{-Glub^it-iO— i!5S=OI^=G©-W Of5fk© r=*=$peei(ial-frier»ds—-f- f------r - r ------^------t4— ______Crans,and_quilting fromnm 9:30_a,tti, a.m'r- > -y QUf=bQ!? to 3 p.m. ' ■ Bingo at L 1 1p'n^- ..... "7~~1 *' " ______■______., I • , •’7^ progiiim'aiid'a'yldeoioon o bbwting Friiky will be prcsem ctl by Eddiellie Chappie at - Trip to Jackuckpot. Nev.. leaves at 3 . ) 12:45 p.m. p.m'. Tlicbusius ticket is S2.' T ____ r _ . - : J •- .Satw day------______Ccntorclosed, . r • ...... ^ ______C enter cjq scd ...... e Willi peucb " ------^------ifrtdlill 1:9:9 8 - 7 ' J 310--M m^tfN-:rKaiberibg y . . . M '...... • : : J 7 j y e;Qr^J.O.O,000. a ■ - TTT- mile w ai All dinners at noon. g iran ly on every ...... - ' ■ I ______MfmdnyLSpaghetti_____ Uncolrif Honda— - W edne^v: Mt»n> lonf- Ffla^TScTiTlop^ pofanSjfijcT : ^ ^ ^ or3r-Mercury— " ■ A ctivities- ______H i ! -~7~0>?a/r^C ■- T uesday ■ - ■ ^ sen-M otors - C eram ics at I p.m. ■ ■ A^au/ &■& t ^ (^ 0 To Swootfaco. - 1 lovo y o u n o w • . W ■ ——, ■:: a nti jo re v e c i____ —rrr--^ _ ^ -7; : J.R.

^ ] , 1 •i 'J ■ ^ :: ; r T 6 p l a c e yyoVIFVaTahtine-Hi i H oppy A drjiiSt can733-0ntativG -w !fl-fae-hchappy-to tielp .- TlrheseTspsciatrate itesJare-tor ______pgym ent-ln add v cn ce - Just serand your checkc priorf to th o a d bbeing-published 1 c o irF G b ru a ry ■ - "14 or give uss your banlfcarad n u m b e r a n d sayso ^lcharg© It". Iff you-place younjr q d d t T h © ECIAL T i m e s - N e w s5 office, be sureI »of a s k t o s e e th«he variety o f illuststrctidns that canin b e u s e d .

'^ o r k - o r z ■

K a - - j t t i

KI I ’ - ' ' ------

^ ^ c H.-T tv o n e w ithitii a ginss ofSnfitrr ^ ~ l i l K m " f e i i i s ------frrr ------V ■■■ E 3 ; 7 ------, ■BUHL -B 543-4648 •■^FILER F 3 iJ 5 3 7 5 - 5: ■ ■ -JERGME/HAiAGERMAN, GOOCdoing/W endell's.1536-2535 2 0 0 A did d i s o n W . ___ — -BURtaVfiUPSRER-THf>^2522 ------— - 734;4-41,54 _.^L _ U V —:------,------

Sundaylay. Fobnjary 3.1991 Timos-Nrs-Nows. Twin Folia. Idaho 0 § . -

W C C I C I t l l

‘— Th^itepat fv M ilTer^^ ..Ri(Jchardson-BrodMleen — • ^ EDEN - Mr. ond^MjT^ts.'joeTiu” HAi^SHN,-.Gaiy P TWIN FALLS- Ktl^lly Michelle 'ammmmmK patoCk_of_Eddh.'wiir be ho'nof^ at g rtaiisen annouDcey the, *'engagem ent ,'Richardson a n d .Broitook W illiam ...... yn o p ^ K o u s e fc b . 10!> in obsrrvim ce" S ^ H B H ■ of his daughter. Danic B__also the daughter of_thc _ and Unda M illc^of Twl>in FaI[iand_^|B ^H ■ hiorCitizcnsCcntcr."=• | 3 l L , ?yjjllef.; Don Hite ofLaiJghlin,I, Nev. Parents ;• Fitzpatrick an d ZeWe 1 ~~~Miuta-~i5~a~'gradimtc' —o f-th if—bridegroom -Titre^ ii Blll* a n d ~ ^ ^ ^ | ^ | were mamcd-fcb; -8r-ld4l,---:in'^^^H S, I Fl®! &hool nnd Boise Am erica B ro d M n o f TvTwin Falls and jT ?ryUmcJiM -h i UUn-^^^g f ewiploTcd a< pdoyw.------'ihe, 'areaT-HncC'cc 1954; rnce Universi*' The. Jbii(le_is,a:giraduduate-oL.Twin- - ^-wori^-^J-Hemy-Jonei>ne3-Live3toek— I , ty in Portland. Falls H jg R ~ S c h 6 ^ an'3*3'IS ^ployed~^^^^^^H Co. nntiMiis rctrrnmriit ,i —at_Soars-Roobuck-attd-^J-Co.-in Twin rartdJo^ FrttBairicK - munity College.' He; is -FaUs.-;— - in. t w , Viwy , i v m i itroTrBnram tff-^*** liav'e Iwcn uctiy.cjn_the,he,Lo.w.ct,One.. palrick'and ' ployed :nt_Oregoalflcal md "Dlane:Hcfhnhorst,. bothJ. University. [j-=of-Tw{n=Foltsr-ttr-is-innnployed-at - ikjandKelly BrodMn . ; - C B C lu b ...... V . o f H azeltonton; and Helen Chandler of t'in J a lls .------5*to 9 p.fn: Tho wedding is plahnimed for June / - b•anico a r M lTlefand:.. _ ^ .. 'H aney S e e d G o r o f Twin m : March-2-at the homoTOT^— ——= The 'event is being givengi> by tbeir Clarkiridge,5c, A rk. • ' ' • T b c' n e w l ^ e d s resii:side. in T w in th e bridegn ------.-Bl egroom's aunt and uncle, ' children. Reba Higley:y iand Darrell The coup)uplc has 13 grandchildren. ; Bruce Kromer Falls. A rcccption willI beI held from .LavonohdidGaiyBonarofBuhl. C ! Fitzpatrick, both of Edenden; Joey Fitz- and three: £ff ^ t* g r ^ 6 h ild r e n . j— ^--Pehce-D aiit n l j ^ ------f e : - : £ grawford^B:i a r n e t t — f e o n d ^D o n n a j------^ „ The Stombalaughs'’ ^ m ll I GOODING - Lew o m B B Sa/M :: JE R O M E - C y n th iaC'C rawford and I ' Pence o f Gooding ormouilunce the en- - - B U H L - M r : and M rs. W illiam A. ^ David Barnett were marlarried Oct. 19 I gagemenr*of-|their' daugighter. Lynn ' "BiU" Stom baiigh-of Buhl Ei b« at the S |5 to b au er R anchhin i Jerome. . ------hoanred. nt, ,flpcti'.bousi I Adele. to Gregory Ri>ym ^ ^ ■ ^ 3 and Mrs.- Raymond C ^- Almn N eh. Th>»y t>nrf |_rangeconscrvationist. ■ II j^tnnly »« ii ~ - " tyrover Gity^' N'eb.. andi ^ i hCT moved g g ^ J U jParwrC^thiihBamett j I. — _Stombaugh . _____—< dIAlene-Uigh.School.aod^!isaJl99^^^^^| groom are M r. a n d Mrs./: - — ^n:ntiT»Hn-Inly-nCj93 1r- nett o f Id ah o F alls...... Elko. Nev..5v., aunts of the bride. ! • llie event,-is'being givengiv by tficir” Lane o l Wai9‘uirenlun. Ore.; iUkd Ullwii { ynn PAn'cft and_____' Shnnnon f rnwfnwt si . forest resources. He is etrm p lo y c d by sister of the Tanya Sil^aI^a of Big Sky, Mont.. at- ; children. Eunice Hamiltoilton of Chan* ' Gardoski of Boise nnd their spouses. . j 3regory Danly • bride, served as the' bridiide's maid of tended ttyh e guest book. Tecpsa I______. - =:dlcr.-Arizri-B«Hy-FiskrOfrOf-Paul^-rNor— T—Tlie-coupluplc^h&s- 23-gi^ulchi!drcn-•_J^dward!s H __ Eorcst___lodudustrics__ m ___2 ______ut the Gootiloding United Meth^disfIj-honorrBndesmaids-mcii " cliiffCTFLln3a— R a h ise r © n-Big'Sky; frirad of' the-'" < • ' man-Stombau&h_oF. BulBuhl: Patricia and 23 greateat-grandchildren. ,■ • Princeton ' as a forcstcr. ^^^^^|Thc^j¥cdding_iJ_pl8nned^d-forJune-1—-gl^rch;— j- • .SpcncctoCjGardin«,^(Mont., .B ccky-^b rid cr-w as» th« th e Rift attendant.------‘J.------.. =M ont^nd — TThe=bfMl^id^~M-gr^uate-oF-T^.in i — C eretirPcitu ii O rO iL-ui Fa zh ^hTO l and-Montana- ■ Brad Scdtt of Jeromene. friend of State Univerw re ity . witft a bnctielo i '.■. ------MALt X ~ ^ M rZiand - ' B aR gr-A tldnn s Q i r the ^jridegroom. served "asa bMt man. degree m aniianimal scien^. She is cm- 2 Croonvimcn included ___ IpaiiyJuly n in nhsrrvnr [: -ma^Bafcct-of HatigaraTm 50lh wedding anniversary . Hodges otTU 'er and Jolfol^r Lane oi i nc onaegtleg rooiinti; t» gfiJdllflie o f ------I engagement of their daughter. » G ainer, friends of thee Ibridegroom Bonnevillee H} igh School in Idaho______- - Parke and Ada -^nnn Goodman • L-nrrAim^Marie.UoJUQK^ "" were'married Feb. I. 1941. IS at son, son o f l£rhic and ■______T^nUr,ir-r,l fi^l ” - homcot-Khclta-t'-atnc.mn id .^brnlhergfthe.bride— «_ ■School in ldaho.Fa»6,-Hc------^ — son o f Twin Falls. A reception was held Tlicy have lived inI MaltaK since :ld following ' is e m p lo/cd. y ^ - a t the.. W alking' “G ” Baker is a 1988 gradu;luate the the ceremony. The Hig their wedding. They havimve been en- ligh Country Ranelrfri Jerolerom c. w ■ ■— Christian< ,LJberty__ Aciy:adem_y Band played for.n bamI ddance afler- After’a IC •• —gagcd-tn-farmingund-Toi 10-day hunting trip, for Hansen. She attcndcd~Wcj'estem Bap* ward. Serving were Nor . ore both active in ^e Lions L Club, orma Cordei^ th e ir honeymymoon, i the newlyweds re- "* 'V ' list College in Salem , O re. of Twin Falls, and I^uthh Remaly o f side tfi Jeromom te. huvc been involved in1 Ihetf: 4H Fair ------Boaiti-as'weH-as-vflrious-c —Atkinson is-a 1988-grgfadualc-oL^^^^^^B and' horsemen's.. evcnts-Js_T hcy_have------Twin Falls High School. 1H e cm* P eterse^O ’- m'and'Ada Parke—• .. ; ployedF at Independent M< also been active in sevcra'cral activities - ...... '- NYSSA, Ore, -'L orni‘Ann P e te r-- ■ T w in FnIls.______^wiihiiLCassin-Cojiniy,____’ ..■-Helen Isaacmcs_ofLJcrdmc_.and.Pat._-] _z::sonr.-andzJlon rRcccczO-a’DcU-werc:! .... ' J - - — BM>-wcnUs.hrmg givt The wedding is piannciicd for June -DeeAlAnn Bakor'ancl"~ '. •. I mam'cd N ov. 24 a t the Eatiagles Lodge _ children. Bob Fyke of Malta.Mi Victo- .• The couoljpie has n grondchiiaren—^ anrijL^ttInagn____^ Nn 7114 in Ny^-m. Ore— iintlcv. M ont^ . tin d o n e urea•>at-grandchild. ----- .- - - . ----- miiciattnc was JuiJiBCbi ArleiKh |ft*E ^E zzzzz zznzzz —^— LaRue-Prh ins----- * The bride is the daughleilerof^ster ...... R ^ h o n o g j ! ------WENDEL-U^^wrencece nnd~PccF::^^ ^ ^ ^ H ilcr an'd nar- ' ^i ^ e r o m e r o H - •—gy L.iRwt>f-^^dgH-afw ^engagement— d^vriheir ■udaughte^Z^^^^^BBB. and Bclvnd *TT^^~^*^*^^t fif.^ -^nior-nrgh—Gr-^Broilier.icrr—Jiir—Driwclt— Jared ■ m ^ K ris ty Tlo~FfcdcriC trEr:ftiirinsrspn^D f^^^^^^^ ■— Mlchcynde. 'E d it _ - Leavitt. Kelsey R. Ncwmniman. . LydiqJ.: 'aylor. Justin L. Thompson —graduated from Cottoy C -4tatflfwon-oP-Piler—«nL_^------^ .:_Tcntl)QtiafijJmg3ji^^fii5i „ aLofthebi^B'^ ■ "Lv7Vaton§;^Hiltip ' Carlson. inc±- Cook. "Jackack S. Dean, Robert Daltc iltohr Amanda ’^tiamlltori. PrirK i< n ly ,n’ IQR7^£n nnri'lJashiia M gadnw ^-' ilOOZ5BG:pESEB all ilicr^Pcicf M. ishawna Man one Howell. kailicrin(:~'A~: ZWcnddiJ CS Ily iisas^rir^^ irolyn Mai- . inc'Dndcgncgroonns“a"gT®uate of ■“ ■ FiiUds; -^ncischcr! :r. Lcatm .O. Johansen. Tracy Tr Marie M cDonald, |yly attending the ' U!Sr M ilitary ■- suoka and C o n o n a n d Glenenda Crum- C alifom ia Stigfi5tig;e University in F u l l e t ^ v ' sfy LaRue ancT Fleming^ B£c’n_t_R- Ford,. CC.D. (Hays) g^aw n M . Pennington, Pei Jamjc Lee Ri_-_ _- A cackm y in W est.EoinL.>.N.Y... Spcr . . .. _ b liss..alL o £ X w iti Jf:aUs;.anand.Kondec—ton_H o-is-eii-cmployed-at-Camiition— ^------”• Cause, Eiizabet!T”S. GflBi ilbcn, Sandy jley, Greg S. Thompson, Leslie Ann cializing ci -in studies of tht;he Middle- Pfede d e i i c k Prths' • mand Bob Steinmetz o f Jeror•omc. 'Co. in Othello:llo. Wash., as a packag-' ' • ' Giltncr, X atrina ,J. Clasiilassctt. Ryan Thompson, C , Christina Lee Vogel and East g. and Arabic. He is schacrCnppS._RonnldijiUtl. L —Irina D - McCouRhcyr-N , Mollv Ann Crozier. Dale : .ivisycm, J u s t ^r015en:~ Mickcy b.- t^cJc Ffeyi'Tycson‘l^R m de^~-TT ~ lianrrie^ . ___ _ . rald.'E. Rood. DoujJlas v : S’rg^'Andrw'ca Lea Johansenf'Amanda“ ‘ Pamela S. Spencer, Ryan K IX. Matthew Earl Krucker. — s o n r ^ f y - j i-Weed-Bml-W^"f-liillliilu r ! i?” ” Williams. _ 71k ^»TIC5-^/(.’tVJ.^ wclelcom cs______^ s ,: awn -Milicr.-K clly-Jay— - icem en L L ^ ______- •• — f, _ . . . Mower. Ltsaia MancTvtusgrave,P Sh'ciiy ~ 'mO:U[iBhifCT-Cr^FU..A.TonyiUi— Helen Myers } iT -c x t:------ITS—Katherine-M t-Neff;—- - — .iV»,-or-vi8U ou r'o fticce a t 132— = ;::rJiutlcanc;::lVsan:iTz;C{Iot'°‘^ “u‘"^ “-W cndrAnni2vOlsenrT^nyoRenee-Ro-— - i Emery, Mark L. Holtzen,;en. John D. ,,^,1 l j This' Sfi'Vi^ror a w«w ^ d m g Lyn Strunk. Tracy Lon _ fo rm .' ______• ' Ntufahaii.-Teri-M. MeClure[urc.JMcinlyn c:.C. Wllllmii Tmil Jr. -and— ” - .<^Mon;tti=David-Lvi?CTO^[yg;^”^^Q 3eph!Pamiciiich Vogcb • • - - I - B -W«UCT-amlr^i ^ !_= ^ f j r e t L. Wnltnr _ 3.5-4.0: Brant D. Balls.5. S>Jennifer Z. .Vl?)! :^^=ltorgrgae1miy A. B iuukarl - eg Buhler. Janice. Burnham.I. Jcfry Dale •• O f ^ 4 Hot Dogs ------!0% piscdUNT Q n ^ o eL_W. i : “ > __Clark. Brandon J. Dixoa>. ------• _ j 5ePHaai6cRi= = ■iai Iw ife a ru pRBtrtaV i dwino BA-indnth bfFafaKifliy-~ e s — i i - L .. C rystarj. Halstead, BartonilDnX.'Hmnil-' z z z z z — lionJa m e s - D . .Ha>xock,, RiRichard A._, . _ , A '. _ i-arscn, Kim C;-'-Marlin.n. Bobbi J. " # ® S " "T~FfTiBTumitur&^"Gp m ------— - ::y. . Miller. Brian L. Miller. Chri:hrisW.My- ■ ^ j f T G , 6 '-Since 1908" ^ ^^GaI.S6ff D r in k crs,. Cory T. Newman, • RcRcbccca A. ------TWIN FALLS BUhLEY * . Prescott, Rene C. Quintamtana, Chrys- 1440 BLUE LAKES BLVD.). NN. 67&-1603 . ft tine Robinson, Jeffrey J. Rupert. I I!^h^^.j^an._Bcnu.Thprhomas^ KIB______. 1 m w . Thorhpson nriti David V.V . Wilcox:— rr, ■ , ------—:=5eP.HQM 0R^E.s_— , I ~| Twin Falislis - Sun-Wed Feb.v 3 - 6 1 ; r fl • Janrim es ' R. Sp e n c: te r H — ^— ------Httidi Binalu:n_;n. Rifilinfd. I j-p^tnrpf—Pft«Pastof.-CKristlan-Apoli: . I b f i l s t ------C- laric. Capps, I -j^janm i-B urton^-A niK . Maril r- • anH Afirh/-^r.3r.,-of-B»ua;id-MormoHism -ad€F^5-S40«^‘r t/: 'J''" ± to a j ______■ Ellis. Lyncttc Marie Ford.. VixayVi Mil* I . . - i fi, , n ir ,-n^i K Mitrmy, Rlnninkc- Kiac H B P | P i ' Mormon lately?: la\ a n d . -Case I and Jcflrcy Aioii Won ' 'Witnessing - Wf»»iV »<7 if\c "Impossibles.gs for I - 3.5-4,0: Grog Allen Hamtimci.^Mc>;a— | f a g s c c a c —-----g[-| Wlnnlh)he-^lm ppssibles:^'^^Witnessing-Semn inar Hi-ynm) M,p((n..iiUin = ~€an You PcP a y r] ] 3 5 E EIt Z------Ai>.| .Idi-r.-. Slu.'v X CntisigQ DnDnp!.» ^ j = In Ji i o r f ~ 1 p e r ______IhoStiinl ol Knor AJtmin oKolly Cofdc • “T K ei^qu O an Bu)c-a-Bi J : i^isn rz '-'-I------i ------ajLLIs 1 BfdrTd N ew Mercury en Tracerplus 1 0 0e 7 ; e ^ - - g > r I ' p~ PulMc VJekoij:e Krrr AdtuJmiiJiyii j ------: ' m ile w arrant) ------1- - --- U’«-0,'/fri«d. All Kinds a j CodeHid^Stuff , I . ' T heisen M ot) t o r s ■ — Eastside-Bapti3tist C hurch ------L. 701 MnlnAvnE Twin Fnllfl; 733-7700Tc ■ • • _ ■ ~ r : y » 4 i :,-.i;ri.'inri D rive Norih N c - T j'l-Vt)! I • • • ■I..-. 'v,„; ^ ■ . ______- -id A is==== ------.u :~ ~ ;

_ :Li:: :: • ( ___ il ^ ______. z i l j ------— =

______C-0 71mo*-N«W9. TWnrVWn Falls, Idaho ' Sunday. FebrubruaryS. 1901

I Crpsswinf UrO/rCOf#!'i e ------

WTTTCHTHEE—3 BIRDIEl ^ T>1E^Sunday^ By Olivo Dunn Edited by Hei-bt EttensopE '

ACROSS ------nT:iro=aBving — lociinlqub ' ------— ----tf-Toko-pfoc*------— - IS • — ____ ^ ....9 Bmntler9_ SB 14 W riter of • — — p r j — p H — ' i I.. - -^31______: : ^laU-tovK^iiid om)— ___ .—20. FfOtprngl sym bol , ' 21 Ania t M onase *...... ' 22 Fool compB99fofi_ ...... 23'5travlnsky or

- -i 24 KHIflf wnalos : :______25.PlusJactof ■ ■— . 20 A fcnitocr - •. - - ; CnrlstoRliior •27 S ludont'3 aid 29Yoko— ‘ ' • V 30 Furnaco P ^ ^ U j EZZ l j IL ------i . ------ton d d fs______; 32Uloplnn ' ;! 33 Poc. Island ropublic . . ' ‘ . I. “ 8 0 ta s q u u i ' ■:------i . ingrodlenta ^ j ___ _ i_ 'i______ond west^ ______T'4I ^O 5u5hancoli_ ------— 44,$p..OXplOfOf- - — i i i . • ■ '9CoWe ■■■/ ■- 5 “ “ : : iM HHi - . • s e S a o . - ...... : 57 H oarfrost 56 Rhoa'a rolatlvo ..... l i *.Weatherir prophetF Punxsutaw,rieyiey Phli ls held by his hanindler Jim Means of PiinxLinxsutawney, Pa. : . . _W^I!?I0J?LTV ______61 Schooling: abbr.r/.^7:TlffTSourrda"6l.rolloI.... -- -l£ 2"JunK“~ ' . " ” ~ — IOrSf»'o«i 120 Aquatlc.horb ‘1(‘S^Ono-namp^. • ' .7 44 SonS( of Jacob ; 103Clas9isailios —~ J ’ r^j^— 3fl3.W ily-.. ——Ijrtnfor^*------^------_ IZBrSocreHve peraofis-,-,_-123 WMTaway------iT^rmTtra-Berry—n n5 Delfvrn-irllrade-r-W-CuVtli» aixsutaw l^=S]pI€S^5M j • - -g ra d u a lly .IS 7 Rylng toy lOSThlnkiSS=^=Bin - :fifl.with.,:. ______~2B~ATdn6wh— ------79'T7rm rras warier ' i 1 68 Boiol palm • 129-DoponoB...... J“Niefio------— lOyRBcnr+im8ntnotf-== ‘...... = 127 H ence. 2S29Yea. PIprrp ' 633 UnnorveUi " 1 1 0 Bara I -31^ oboul______: p r e 'winter - i:__ i?g-Sfln • S'Curront J 15 • 73 Frolic ____■■' 3A g ^ .,,r_____ - _ p y N x s:SU^^EK-I?a.-(AE) i .-rr-——Jamc5.H.,Means cappedd ^ re c times.. A rtrnwsidy^ idy 6S..of Punxsutawflcyr- ~ ' • - 7HCarTor "- — •yyfli'm iliun- il|gp>’t^.-il_llu- ______nn Ahrnrtft«» ~ iJii snip, signf" '*' ------rn o - r wp-ttoni it= liandtcr' Dud Duiikul rrtachitd liir he-got on ni?niy niiiiUifUgipinB 16 au»d.— 82 E aatom Inn 133 Tradfla lical sign . kutaw ney'f' -Phil• emerge froin hisiis gently woke Phil, andid''lifted the Phil’s ycar*roi’•round home at the public 83 lota 134 Of robins..," 337 ; BIblo book 95) "E "Bollovo — not!" 124 Haron-am room cushy, heatiiated burrow and predict six;ix squirming rodent. . 1 - library. He: is ta devoted Phil fan.' ‘£, 86Nuanco 135 Family mpmbor 3539 Hawaiian goose 97r HickoryHI tree .12S Vichylyof.Bnm mor? weekscks of winter. . 1'* - . 87 Neadlefiah . lo r a b o rt, 440 ( One of a nautical- . 99-Di>-Disllnctlvo air - 126 Cyst ' l_..Means twice held Philhil u p io hfe absoiusolufely true. H e's never . 08 Actor.Huntor trio The groi;roundhog cast a shadowiw face and sof^ly quegtionecicd him held lid ,Cassidy, accompanied I I I over, the: nnation, after his handler .42 EJPvator nama______rim er the woodchuck to his ear iaughlets .jErin.„9i_-ond_._,. — “ 90 0ullot - - lim-from-a-speciaJlymade- DOWN ■ 443 ; Soir-conlrol | it ■TtnTwMl coaxcd'him ie - swefand signaled’for/fl'a.proelnma- Amy,.8 .------BI Koen 47Howe» -...... f a t — _iiccjtumiu.junJttJhtfflsar.down------. __iionl__-I______-T m Tho lWart-Jn------; - 1 1nflrmarv —...... 47 ------r s io f in n Kyoto—:------•48'Rogulsh4! —^— ------^ f i m t t ™ ------iJHopcfullfully, this time he’s-wrong.”-■ Judge '.Edwin "Snydeiler, • reading — Some peopUopic arc cynical abouT 'Uie' *' .. _____ proacrlpUona______rn rr:3 ‘RaboHioua:oi\o------•494? Catoiogup- ":— -----| if —said Dirk-Rt n f 50 F0I agont . ' f l | ~ from the scmilrrcportcdi tto thcTiiidi-"’ town’s -; promtpmoiion_;ofi'G'rt^ifldho^~— -' 94 — a_a life 4 Melville worK - 5( lost' devoted of Phil’s fol- , 5 Cloors • 51 Fiber plant | g ds I i iSl ' '*• ence of college studentsIts, families. Day and satea tF o f souvenirs such_ag----- _ lowers, thethr- U ‘ hiicin>.«m>.r| Hit ■t/hil-i^g- woodchuck-mi ' -88 H ardw ood tre e ------^7-Courtt^------1 .the.cclcbrated.rodentts Jn---^■.-•naled-—in ^ cleai---- grot•oundhogeser—Phil"wa5n*rimrinvemcdbyTnTiailccTlnff ----- 1 0 0 ‘E ip e rt------— -5 s;rx.dty_ ------_____ ncr_Circlc._c._gaihcrcd_inilop-hats_oj{_ ” ^02 MldiaiVCfefrtrn'ontT" IL | | j >Jl_j-The.re!s-a*shadow-down-'n-therer^ot-jmonagcr: ------• 104 Muslgal ahow BS s liljl _ stage' withith the' town!s ’’Seer o f-' ’especially dark or sti B L eaaMhlrw —■— n-flrat celebrated ^5found«— ^ ■ ..g-CompqaMQ-wrq. jn!!- is-cnny:-|'tir:ncy.cr:iln:jr:: atllflnn ^gamplt^tcMoo-cold,—raid-Mary-Beih— ■;------Bill-Null,^SC<,^secretaiy-of the Ground- —I13.^»-of^rhroo T!■ Z l2 'K ln tfS '.a g q n t' ’ ^B7-Cnroal grnia |||tli jttjs T :—r •• pupb o f tc — -The crowd,-which-bcgar;sm-gathcring—hog-ClubrSaid said-«U.-of-thcitown^ljO-i— ------_11.4Jil09QUltO.C9nil»_ _fi6_0 noaor______Qlffl |f f l| 5 talked herln:~ihtb making th~e~trip7~ “— abonnw o" hours— bcforbre-sunrisc—horera»Td~n«)te jiowl'room^enrbctoked ----- ...115-NMclty.______70Pnt»nco • —:.--v...iuuai! '■ num.. the exact moment ojf-ehccrcd^nabQocdibefon f- srcibreaklng.. aad.nianyLmonnorc'of Phirs'Tdris stayed ' ■ th e . suhrise.se.. inner Circle Prcsidcnl-It up and drifting bock to t^c^cir cars..." . - with relativescesof fHcndsi------i ! ^ . l

^ w ants ^ ^ u g g e r H s «sendM hanleyj ! - V ____:!-• ypiuiote— zz 'Th<» HnfHrpfwr»igim the parents said they found . media. ~ ~ ~ 7Z mugger—mous^letter-su: - ' - ' Some o f thi id . tipon for the fyst time mi ju j history, olher pom mi J ■■ “ . wont^ his LvictiihJto . . .. o u t a b o uJt t the .por^dgraphic7tirics";s\' INihdn Kelzai Shimbiin,m, the news- ' Miichoftlfthut is^cbntrolled^by the to.-Juto.wJic_JiQmCr.aQd:Uu:Uo1QWJU^^SSIZ :li:r ^ ^ ^ ?i.UK.'TU==r'xeiepHcphone-socrhnsilonly-whcnJ l^tc:=poWcr-..yakun35p = - ^ a s-^ c f ul-for the j-jag^gQtteaaaultUiavc-, '■ ■ sfolc^ so he seh l' a thank-you~said noVio I thithank you.” . __ ^-fc.conie-toJnpa^-amL4t-hjIf hng grtiy.giiit._includcjliuilundreds of-doUafs a.m onth—ih— d i ^ r e p o r ^ T l ^ S h Winb-brought-.zoot-suited.n jjnobsters..w^-iiJ:iQ-CQxi;l—. . note. w o rld lii^ c s t—iiLcaUs ruiLjn_up.by_ihcic.childreii4 ______lingerie ailvcnisins,..iQ.-iJbpc board trol most nrostitution r and drut^sI------' Peter—Pflneare-9—w-wallel 'vna P»neye’ss license li ^was __ i^’^'cor^ratlon^squlrrningIg —- wit.h cm-, - meeting and told the comimpany’s di- here, as well^ as many kjnds oflegiti- stolen about two wcekiiksoBoushc llie wnHel..but ?^bamissmcin. The comjmplnihts have forced NTTT rectors that they should,'i,’ “hav e, the mate enlenaiilainment. aubv^ystop olher belongin(gings were missing. «a-moan—lioes- «6 scarch forfoi legal grounds to unplug— . walked a friend to a su __^ :=.._Scores Of phbne-a-i g —cburoge to sell even womenen-sunder ------Most-con;onimcntators-a^uhie- thatI -- ' in Boston. He got the! wailefv Back- . Pancarcr“2^—24;7* saitJ-hc - was 5^havc token over moreore thon-one- the pom lines; Ii to offer extendedd wear" by telephone. - - . , Yakuza syndmdicates also are behind terms -tO- ciistnmrrs whn in the mail on Fridayo y __along mtjgged on Jan.Jan 20 near th'e State Z . . fourth o f th e b u s in e s s:o of" fD in l0 2 .an rT)onthlv_tei Q------v.Tho d a r in e - o < ^ ia l-j2-*wui-b%V gpiri.”•_thp I nrlirl.» Rcirtg Inrgi wittTTtnrnoto. - — inlinn-flnH ,sfr-. find ihcjf, P irecly-.visual.in-jts-oicfini* t iHuir'wmrnTfinTirjtf.------. :-;£^vicc that.at fln t provide I and to provide 0 ficc ser-.. ided sports re-, of control ai said.. . . lions,, the stai5 tanyjirdihasnJnjYCd^a i fn -,~:— rZ 5 ‘'L-i_w8nt-t(>rthenk-y<-you-for-the—Eancarc. said.id—he - piiirQii<»H h im ,____ _ ~'7'^r;sultsr'all&crtisbrrients~~ai~a'n'd' niedrcap • vice that blcblocks otcicss to Dial Q2 atIt " ; • cult to appl'iply to phone lines that. $13 you had it in it.”• tthe anony- but could notOt acatch him. > __ ___^ASuidancc.— .. TWfPjrTCqtlCBtr ' " * ' ' ' 1= ... >— Going beyond me leutlic ol ielc- , ------r ' ief feliig afTCsn;d-gndT;h;hurBCd-with -o rao-of-'talktrk tn ^ irty . - ~ ' ^^pom pioneers in ihc UnUnited States, They al.«K)l.rJU pan's 'cntrcpifcneursi buy.bi space in . o f newspap(aper and magazine cditori-7 vors scandal thal rocked:d Japanese concrete, mesneasures,” to unplug the HCW9pflpd?5, 5p1 - g -;. nflmpany^&-busmc66:dcpari nnmonWoW=wharkinds-of -ofealls-arcTihacccptable:—: z5 5 j= - - ^ -cd chancc to talk withI oa 1female pom privatizedl in 1986, Ihe company has5 ' The Baltimore Suji lo^-wo Rm mnlfinp » Hgftsinn I i n • ■* f ■ ...... _ ^ = - 5 to c f e M d-is-still. J a owned m ainly by-/■ 1 plug on pom. thc-jhoDC, - ■ vp--, DTial-ielephonc thegovemmTment.~------and-'trther ofTlctala- a r ^ f _:^I__£aD)pany_an JTOic -,worii !galj.wi^ jiidi^aien^'i^yg^'T^ I------dn'nattVtegaf-dctrmtion1 ofc pornog^^^^^^^ P p i p P P — 2 - u hcadachc thal, company offi- atlerapts >y,by. Hisashi. Shinto, the vet*• traphy, which depends heavily hi on ciols say. fur outweighsIts thet revenue eran exccutiutivc brought in to guide: i any display .of pubic areasiR and leads ^ • ^ t h e y brin g in . ^ NTX‘s tnmsinsition from public to pri-• tcensors, to sandpaper-out; of o f tccn*agcni, cracy lhat waswi about to fucc com pc- rmid-core videotapes, magagazincs and irGiant saro;ong I----- 7 _ Warfc* CTMOecaita. l y g i ^ s a * woven by Thai1 'T got mi — — BAl>IGKOK, ThailanJind (A P ) — A • g $75 Value Includes: 1-10x j.- ilitLli ill Tliui lia,s piuUuie ill muU J 1, 123------onehour." - -A^strs^tomttstsrism liiFVi ■ !fUyttnl-lnns ■mcn’’s^uJmOtc c. ...and—rod------B ring*;g-your-eyewear-presc;9cripU6Q-to M ountal i2AII-Occs5ionCaptlonPPortraits'" — - ™ chcckcrcd snronR. . l-»fr-^yiwncat^w^u(>u>Qfilomia -:^^worTirn 111 flny&.tO-piO' rrxRight-NowI-M ounUitaliTw ^^n^stoce-, 1 aiJvonisMtpeciaiparlrnibMjrMltK ■* ' unvcilcd at a ccrcmonyy SSaturday in , commitment to quaU valid wiin Any cxrw' ollor. Ono asf/on i.' nonhcastcm Thailand and an Rovcm- maKCSes it possible. O ur co m pncWgo p« IdfTvly. Ofw Fm® ftjrtro: ■ Idc.tiHlicjl-on Canf pat paekago^^^ Cl ment oilicials said llicyrix.*'icvc b< It IS------m a k e s — J ' ' ■ Porlmil sitn sp p n u im M O ^ ^^ H =t:Z .1 ______Thi- 'Lfhif-I» r i d — ■ ------— s(i(cli_on Friday, .was pn ■ i , ' r::-thg ppgning-ivftv-pATiHc ofl'ice building in Nukomom Ralchasi- . ~ OFFER BEGINSS W E D . , F M ^ 6 ~ S ID A Y S O N L Y l T l -^^r“ i^w-provincc, w hose ciipiti ipitiil-is nl>oiit ■ 2 S tu d io D ajfS -B ntf.tHoan^OtSEB^6-SUW.FEB,JO- a RSrMoil— Fiir 9-6S I®“Gioscd'Sat: • • ""Daiaf/ire ioX h;?7H m .^ ity 'v v m r 'it to ...... Sziz!ZH2™' p o i n t m e n t ■ ~ t~ - ■ - Tfic women voluntarily nenSpursTByAppt o Opens with StoreTC Tto s "r m ; i ”5 ■ mark the openint: of llic.ilic.ofllcc and WW ' ^ RI;hip T a k p s Rlvfi l\i IZH3uS2s^4fottst-miN FALLS-&i a DUltLEV------7 |-i >■ -Id puhfi^.c the local wt ACRV ❖ P.txiL^. jm ;?’*_dustryr sard—K-om— Qrve bc^-f 00(I!il C WkNflrtn ca B — iJ- ^^?-~m i»i‘>(cr-in — ‘ «#fLL uiiuiaifiidctl'iiie^jtcii&.'n!ony. " . 7 5 . . .- ...... • ■ i ' ■ , ' -; ' Sunday,y.Fobfuarya. I 1991 Tlmos-Niis-Nows_Twin Fall?, Idaho C-7 >ns i z g l n ^ td 0 ’C< t^v^ds^} K in d n d a y / . _____ L______l ^ e ^ w . ^ ‘■UDy.’ANyELtSTA(Af) J - iimaul. J Tl that i« Inlithg ng all *' «>>i»h t said Friday.., The govc'vemor's: siccing onange- I ’ .lO’Connor, the Jrishh singerj who's - M ilnrinn an a{^>eiwancc-,t:.,aLla dcptf- ments becar:am e a public issue Thursr S unday Gaash'G iveaw aja y ' . gcnontcd - as-much cccontroversy -as— h = a ^ ^ H y -:-inc3it stwc; to bcnefiti.tho-WiUiain^ j day nightt ;.w hca Weickcr told a n - ; record'sale's, Mys'sheJie won’t attend n Holden Wildlife Fotiatmdation in, am used aucaudience at an econ'6im&»- BTlEEttftSHH-DffiVW»ieS12:00 :00 Noon-11 ftM;^----- ^ •da' becausc jIil _ L'...._c«itercncee

U>4he Nauonol Acadeiclemy of R e o ^ •existed 4n4he hlAoiy of-tl ; didn’rthink that was very ing Arts & Sciences. "-'Powers Viri;TfaAvillillle appciiriiir ; - l'afe'24ry<5ir:tHU..i{.Hll}tlllljlil.KimwiH^r 'liHua lil Hie tr,;iWrirkrrCTi^- — ^------* her' . distinctive-c pby “Love Letters.” . -“But I’veve got tb-tell you people I tc iE) S—hairsQflc,—wa i—nomtiuitnin»>/< In i «*.vigi& can't: s l ^p ^ in the’ governor's resi-ri ^ ; Gnunmy categories foifor her album, Song is just a coinincidence, ifcpce." wa/eic^S ^dr^e water's"s ] "I Do' Not' WMt WhiAlut 1 Haven't ,__ turned off, i r, and there’s no sleeping «• • G6(.” |She was'scheduleluled to perform - JJ«ro«»s:Miehm»r a but that’s OK, slOjiiger u ,^ . _L. 8 ... _ _ _ . ! her hit song. “NothingingJCon^arra 2 ., Nptot ou t ta.pa«tuii»yet ~____ NASHVILLE, Tenn..(A (, P) - ; B i- W o i t a s8 Iare repmring*the leakyy ! U." at the Feb. 20 ceretr —rtet^CT Loul^M andfCli■cllsays-ifs a—piiimbirig'acand'ptaster at tnc ohicialtT~ a f j r^wry t^'T' i “We are allowing ou uu-n-iiUlltttiy c x e c iiiiv rnr e s i^ c e ' in Horttord^s SPEaA tS:^ = 't feel like en elder ^tates- tribute in her .upcoming n I portray^ as being in id th e author oTwprica such 4 ,'a n d ^Wclcker ^ d hee , Q J - ■■„ X n r .1; m nr& .im p^nnt. mnn? D duction at Oprvland US^yAAvSie^Sic lONE Dinner..:..;...... $ 6 .9 5 !■ vi»fy p«»optp ,u/p niy iUl," "CheMpaike," "Ceu«[!_„countQr is at-war. .Maich.!,.-.*:.. "wdifc^" ~ Monday^^iJPRlEEDl^lGKEWbim*iner.i..$2.95 f i«-.fae-iieJping.— . h’y.the, w ^_T jje_aqy._“Love My ^ w a s^ ^ tten-before-warbt i S K ’s - While, rrrrenovationa continue.—th5r. e-' ; - - - — r —.Bieglnntng^S:^!. ^ m t; bv the cars we.tnivel in; natbr. who last inonth be» i m : — ^— ' r ■* . ^rwnr>rtin d ^fais :^wifer= M g n r^ - •. • . ^ ' moved lo'>'- thd^ i Eckerd-coi^us-lasLt_ ..tmth ,^ it',w a s aln»dy p quendy stayslysduiing th*c'w^.__;_ jAlNJUUttet StartaatSpjn .» , “Wc aprlnuil thnf ^ >1m to sixud catli Oc'tobei' ..e.— — = sp^ J 3 3 J 3 = = ' issubs'ond-be- ilimiigH~F?fi•’ebruary-hece.aa.paitjr the . L’^. - IJ^ 'ih M her^convictioctiooyronly-add—schooPs*Ac Acadniiy u f Senior Profes“ ■ S ^ e W i m b u r ^ CO the .seriousness of her work." siofila. tribute wjQi twirling rifl

^ t e :- f e iw r ( A ? j— AO---J ' / t 9 3 ranie Powers gays the e x•,. - ,; .■ ^Pniin (t ' lE/U-Ni>:LF O •R^U-N-E— f f T :—^ »F-w4ktHfc u u Biaii u f a itr;^' one can-accxise Gov.-Lo« r^-rr-WriterJaracs-Mliiluaia ^ o f niodero life. I .... The Bast Mi Nevadai Style Enteri\ertalnment ’ icker Jr. o f being asle njjjE _____.lAnKPnr.-• 7 3 4 -1 3 9 3 -Tni?-?^-755-2341-----— ------— ___ time'doesn!t-mcan- he'ihc'8-put om-to— “ Ihe dcslestiuction ot an onimui1 'wfam. ' bm ’ im m um ila " nn'tftin- . ij ______.

INNBH OF 3 G0U3BN _ ONEOPniBBIbiggest MOVIES Itil “ » ------BBSTiTPICrUR£‘ -BBST-SCtCRBENPIAY 3 TFOHMtTTAtE^^ m m — — m m c m i s i — MSesTAaoKtXEVitira z ::=E ^ -rB rHEiD— r---- -:(SECONDyONLYTOrE^TI------mXLCOMB^JHEOS ~ R 0 B E R t— S j ;: .:. msvfFA&aNiii^ = j^ E -OVER--~na_NlRO~ •SMS. WEEia~ W llJ:IAM S - : j ^

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In the wilderness • - ^ n S - g ; aaygntuijgof ,

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i-- DKUY=7!30 ONIY-.— — isstzzzzisiu _-■ ::'bAiLV-^ 5ff^w'■v.uu " M U ll UJN l.0OWK)O V.-00 - 9:000 0 _ j ^ _ B 5 S

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E Kin^srgof^ ^ t e n i^jS^^Bzziz^zizzrzr!

— tMTVWr4CAU^— — ^ ^ daily[?Y7:20?’^: ~ ^ ------DAHr7:00-9:10- ‘"r UAILV y:UU - V:Oa -' ■ f H B i ______SAT-SUN SAT - SUNJ2pO^- 2^40- ~g|P«i^ m i n i J^aj4f0a^:0Q;--7; n i n e[l e E J ^ p ^QW NS^SAT1:^-SUM-|. TWIN ' |T W W ^

s ^ g a a a s g a a W ■' -----. ------;--

1 ------.'C-B 7]mo5-Ncws.-Twir>Fa!fiFalfa. kJQlio------Sunday, Febfoafuafy3..iaai-»- ...... yr i ” ......

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h - B EEach . Weel?k Clip O u t This Giicime Care = f = n e 2 — . i ! ! i i '- ~ ;:2 — r ~ E ^ 5 I 5 '-w l ’ E »iK le=-T|ilKjs^=S=Syi!!libols-oiH-1Your— =

S a m e C a nr d . - ^ ’ W t V

Z^dififecent^symh ■ ' J g : wilvIH b e, pr in te d ea;a c h ,____ da'lay for every garnrhe./ ■achigameja^j; l ' . -- — I JTT 14-4-j ^ €© T : - ''I .

1ease-note:lDoublble.and—- —--- j ; a K E 5 t e : Eairfpfe'symbols^n~tr th e ^ :------■' laily Slot-Machinee-may— — ; — Z r r - - • w e m r H . - p ~ ------PiglO ptrftiroH V^J*ticg-;;lly h i if ___ J ^ " ■ r “ ^in your ^ a m e boaiafd', ' ^ “ w w f°'i______daihey are pictured ____ lorizontally. THEYYARE f f l ^.1 oHE n SAME SYMBOlDLS. 1 ^ :

L m M hoi ^ i _ x , y i z ' y ™rake the LI. ast " our-Birth-^-Year. xam ple: If y o u w«yere born. ______l* mI ia player. M y 1T fo ta lS S i s t t = ^1^32gypuf-lastT!t^digiUs2,;_|. - Z 3 ^ a ir»m e 6 o 1C a t T 6 U a y i - S^bof-Card- ^ — TTODAY’S SYW4 B P t © « e F = ^ A d ddress rc ------1—------M -"- Ex;nd find the last ddi ig it in - / r _ C ity '. ' ! ^our i birth year. Yoio u r 1 * 6 > * ^ — r|-.- L _ L L h ______: _ :.„ L 6ersonal c symbol atappears ~ --- ______.--•.-B-■_'_____an< — —— ------H ofneCne-Phone ■ . ; _ M ______yoLour persortaLsyrhln b o l o h ____ ■ ;= — 1------— ^Basin -' pgraurg^e board.'■ V " li ; ' ---. . ^ Sttensflt=^«nbol*=^^dw^jU je^= === - = — =^a|lin rint^ Sunday thrir o iig h - — . <4 W * W 9 T he T lm es-N ew s-r- K'j ■ , ..yoL ^32-3rd-St^ee^We2e s t" ------■•- . H L y oitUiday u next to yc^our birth ' ^ ^ RO. 80x548 Twin F^lsJD. 8333 0 3 ------— — ~ — - — H ~- ~r:;~?gL<‘ar number.)------— prir -— — !------:------H , ' .... s m IZ _JjaiiOa?^[as TVip -— p i —^------—yeai ^ . .. - ' i — luhave-hpw-circ^i:fed-^-symDpls-or>? ri-yourrQame-Car ird-t2-from-^e— — J L C ^ S p p n s c ot M achine WinTIidows a n d l’frorn1 Today1 s 5ymDoirelrdjTRepeaf ' >et Tmvc S le proces? tomorr<•row with the neww SiQt Machine-aand Symbpl Cardrd! q ic Carp. ^ — btnce I95B~^ Utcaj5lwin;:the;toiotai ofjairYb^s'yoiou compfete! ...... -.....- r 'X „•

~ T ] ------— P.O rBO X MMM • * 230 SHOSHONE STREETT EAST • TWIN FALLS, IDAHCVHO 83301 ■■■■■■■ ' : ____u ! _ ___ ~ You ' — n ------^ - . ______i . j

-A i- - _~:rT~ _ \ ~ ~ r 1 ” n^a , T^.^ath da;^iy"w^ will publi'slT3'"' jmmediatel)ely following tne Jast i c i a l R J i l ^?— sym bols-corrtjrresponding to the g a m e th a t w eekS”cTpm e (Saturday). A lteratio n1 ”^of game boards or —TT ------— ------game boards wfff appDpear in board. Circle:Ie t h e m o n y o u r g arrime ‘ 7. NO SYMEV1BOLS. WILL BE DESCSCRIBED - identlficatritron will lead to i -News on S consecuti'itive board. Each':h weekly.gam e will bt e OVER THEE FPHONE! • ' disqualif?c«cation. WINNERS MUS!UST BE • r i - jekly w i n n e r will b eI selected’se ^ 2 1. YEARSi ave^-tfeled-alKh< ^^bm clal 3dge for one yveek-(7.da:Jjys) u f ..‘.yiiiLiuls lii'Olone.7’uw ~ofyouf gdfi3me ,— receiTOdfOrbrthat w eek's -game:-er------:—fhfflr-p»am€les-and-pic-twFes-for— |:. 1 The tlm'es-N ______board, circlele ithe dollar value ofif th e W inners wilvill b e n o tif ie d by phohone promotionnal purposes, if j Sundays. Ea >oards and symbol carards compleledrdr b w ^ t th e e n d o f rhth e 1, .a n d will ble e p u b lis h e d in ~ 12. All prizize ciatms are suojectcTTo i ^ — ------tebeted^with/ailable in.bur office du i ring w eekly g a mTie e (Saturday) add_th«he !the Times-NcNews_qo:^S,undayibl£ N a__yaii^tip_nj1 by The TimesjSi.ews_y'S w h o se ______IU ______tsinesshoufSTrGards^are • dollar valuee^of c yourcom pjetecff boardI V phone callsIte please. ^ — — declslonls"s 'fin 'a ir - ^_____ play- one per person uponn in the apprbf'bprlate box.~c6mpreiete'the'' 9. Entries fromfr( all weekly gameTies will I .s. m e iirTnres-News is n o t------4 2.-Game boi herei.n'o.purcl^iase___...... informationci-on-the game board•d. and— be-saved-anand at-the.end-of-ihe&e_8 ______responsiblelie for.lost, delayed oro r , - - | l j ar6 also avaito p lay ^ ' mail "ordeltii^liiiir-iOa^ur^ffice. weeVcorite;testTthe' grarid ^ze'~e ...... rriisciir^«^.7nairEm plby^s~dr"drthe ' • • iuHi TlitieyWtjW//s and xn^irirtirtiegigiJI5Ie ^ ; I ■ , ;i.. 1 ^ ,limited to dayon beglnnTpg with G,Game on the frontIt ofc your,envelope (gamefc from thpsesentries. ( : ” . families arere not eligible to w»n.Tf; -• • ■ f ______request, .jheling-withn ~A~"p7^rtl|n'pifo ff E a ll- c o m p le te d W"iVeeWy wlnner_rriu5:ust present identlncatl; a ^ r r _____j • ^ f - a g e ri:e:~» drh/cr^;.lieen£e.;— - :', ] every Sunda;

- — i^gsEieHiasisiZ ■'■ ------Sundiny’and- _ t- — ^ I -■______■ — t - S m >fcatb€i ... ! p sHB§£ i^ a O T ■scores '■ )rmer winneijr knocfe inctiofe th&“5~"—

College - -■ inutes-offrec;c6rdinanntilial event ^ ■ - »iwi . ■ j C8I flO, Snow 72 i. .'.- ”We weree all together with three kilome-' — V W«Mr Slat* 7S. DOMIOMStMaOS " —tera^to-go.-;^■^aid-fifth-plftce-finiahef-Dan^ ’' — ^ Montana 02. W**- Dafgh of /AO------:------:---- A-3playoflt- metersi to the souifi! . . . K c tTTi u ra SoM Spdng 87, OUnn*•nn*Fa.rySO fl Aalberg.~30^'from SallXi■Lake City. took.... fourth., advantage • or perfect condiiditions to and ‘ fifth Tb1^rig~n09i29~orffie 118.6-miIe places — re«— K-HlsiiinE.tKiiereii lUUJuuDtsnsnram e5i^55yr= ' — T o d a y - - - — • i3t-yeaf-by-— K^4-o-h-um— ■ ■- '■ ~ ki Teain inemt>tn:, Audun iini•nraioar:‘":‘rcsiddni^.EXT: . _ _ _ ~ mnt^err nint me university ot ut5K~j ' Deirofl c 10.30 a.m. — Cnannalnd 113. Wwmn'i OoH^TM CMvni«lbii 39. - • pressurerc fromf other racers. Was he i ...... — ‘ ------3'30'pm -----ChwwMl-l tdbk_the Iead:.ack'at Prairie,. OMWe sreakfng^c record?— ------; on to win in 1:26:52. Toly • - ___^ 8pm — cnanrwu.wfi.WFlFogcMftTftePfapqiH - ______:iSurc.ir. i was thinking about it.” ided4o-third-placo4>chind-Lau.^------■ ■ ■ said.-Th«liiere wasn’t anything elsec to think ra McCa ^ o£ f Salt^ Lake City. ______-----■ about." . J. Holcomb had[lad a bit p f a scare before tbe ~ J ...... Whilele > A'albere^was racing agair acc-Sh!eJifld.askcd-aJncQdJii__^ • -- lUJ Wlay — Wt>^/ ila r inchat ^ mm, io^.~ ho^» v ni:iiVT;..Ti,-.^ij^u geiV;-B--^u^i^verOom|Wii»ore-v ^ tfn^atlOa.m. toga y ._ ' _ . John Aalpfil'g.carriodod a n .e a rlyJLQ3 d:to_yictotpjy^ati^ay.______' tiing fors(ir second place.______- Please see BOULDER/D2 ------' f_i- _ 'Z. ' . ------^—' ^ ^ pm. Ou*_*«rvlooavaiMil«tOiM today and Sunday. Snow 1B bax. 34 lotr Houn 0 a m lo __H i«i353sxiS3Svi"£y -7' J

s lo ^ n b si ‘^j^ping ^ * JL pder^t^iketop titles - bye2 in A-2 playoffs lf i( iignrW l B yR onGaO«tea ______= = ^ itrratxiueti ■cnargc wiin— ' I'fincs-NcWewjTwrireT .., ---- ■-"■ ■------—gBBanrwrCTtllng 9[ ____- r - ^ — ^------TWIN FALLSii - Jcramcy Loacr and ' ■■ . V ' ...... " - '" 1 rd up there." ~ WENDl^0 high wi^tled \wllI thi ■ 17: advanced divisions6ns in the MagiC'Valley clinchcii airtiiu impcnpprtant pan» of the tTie~|[i'gatnc playc^ in-iHa'lley'iasitast month. ' scHooI wresfling wn U was lar.lromxv.cwacnLat—vitatjooal (scHed:h^ulea for^:^br i3-nnd^l6) . , -- liinibrJiacquctba]lbalLChampk)iishi;]S-ai— . nil Ky hffnfing W nd for.miich..., — tiie-MBgicigjg-Vaney-€lgs9io-ead-of=Shpny— - ____ - ' • tiedd^ bo^ck’TinT^^rr^^if^^t^JtedpjInL -_ T hstrengths-of ^ the-top:powcrs < . The-Tigfe assurctlircd .themselves, o f .a ...rtimmute— s on-hand— ■-E>e3pile'^tinjttin^ n d iv idual-fitlea-frotBjurt— Kuim of-Twin Fallsalls in ihe'girls adyanccd - rcla5sification~froni' the~19^990-state—two u f five finaltnalisti> tlic Rains held ufT tlic ^ • compcUUon; ...... - first-round, byc-againslinsL-Buhl-nnd.Wood Tln»is 1 tiihe_flBouli; UirticLmijnintucs_rc^ River in district playlayoffs to determine mairlined when W illiam s broke came~to the~ fore with~HiH i^land. - Kavemeri . ^vlio.ho, led by-dcfendihg -statc------unong A -l t e ^ s lou year, i -— ...... — Jeramey'- Lode)der defeated—Torre— 3talirR)uhiBihenHot*^49=t lie. Nearly a ■ minute; ilater, Bari iTsn^ing .-id^-pound-cnan;hampl 6rt "JflTOn^TinCTT^^Mg'----- ^ ' who. wilLgoHO'tlieista luier-up'Kuria 184-1'WH. Fo '.i— ^ — Mdissncf-o^Burioy-lw-in^t^-boYS-3dvanccd-~'1 — Cr.lluii.uioutli.^^. imitton..hiked ~,the lead to i Four-Ttime. nered four cbani]tampio'nships m as.manv tnes. . . Ham ing staji^-3 ^hamp Parmai finishedf Kuna saw twoo mimore wTMtlera ptore third. ~ ~ or the entire second„BretlctL.WaRer.Ts field'-tookl ith~153'PQfnta^ , ' • ~ ~ . • consolation tiUe. _nnri_finally l^ b h e d —outxtI?i'.7^h.at-j>4^Vt..------»<~>iifnnrnc‘fH. r*iin*i____------Hic lead Hai- ih-E~£ifJ:rfd~WiIh~S:47~bn-the------WWalterfftRTTTOim^ !3 laic Unit- F uuilh J iT^llC T ^ S £ S 'sl!!vi!'‘v>^ ance of the lop. 10 os Miniinico and ber needed just1st undert three minutes to pin ------'■ ,.■■.4- Roland foppcd Anpy in^ aggfesgz^^ai ~ ^ n T 6 schedulejles'availabl^"""^ "■"

av ailab le a t no ctichargc the complete TWIhft^Atic ■ w 4ead^~ 3 3 ^ i,.^gche(btle,flf..l9gl ■Maior.IxaBiif!Mj RasRhalL— _ —— — gprMig^dininfr^CTniiTnRtion gariiosr^-rn----- ~ “ — thc ^ cg ion Ig-bmktftballH ' -AT|YPng~w>»g~wnn>'nnld llfrclo have a copy ~---- ttay-niglrt j' llj^yIv fforn while. - of the schedule: sishould stop by The • i f wc had wonted to win it pretty, wc ^ S ^ E E : ------^—rimey^iVcwyfromDm“J0-ininr-to*5-{>tm-:------3;^;^oQi^Tiver"TjUit-Troacoacfi^rtcd-Tre^c:— . I B y Larry Hove ------Mondfly-Ffklay-and-tnd-ask-forBobbi-Jo.------■pleased to havclhat lOtKth conferencet win oT” ^^^■^^r^TtlTTCS=Ncws-w ------______Cbmptlnptlcd from stafT teix)Tts _ the season in hand. '*Wc9 d idn't have to play the combinQtioDS wc ditfi" -- TWn^TFAt: ------.What_happcncd-\vas...C...CSI jum ped-ahead- 9 H H SouU)cm fd^Gj^ o women committed the - by as much as 34 poin(.Hnt.H eariy in the first major sin Satuj►atu^y nighi^f'havlng to half and llicn suW thee sstubborn 'Badgers- H | H h _ I__^ in a gome^twii^twicc. ■• U • --iJH!.siLbJ\cL^h-33_ppint-S.ns in the final sevtn I The Eaglestea jjumped ahMrt o f Snow . 666 --- minutes to make it 89-72’2 aat the buzzer, ■ ■ ■ - —Collegc-T3y-2!r~25^0'ln‘-lhe.*]pr8l"hine '~ ______I r e m e mfiber b taking ______Tliosc last seven minninutcii. o f course. .1 minutes andd hshod to get an eight-point — s^cxcdirtargc-auwd-thar}arhad-Wcndyburgs— bdB rfll- —scoring-spurt'lIrt'in'tlld closing mtnines __ a n o t h e r‘ bbite of my ---- ers on it.s mind. ^ 3 ^ 1 . ,'L from ..Cynthia.*lia.Cluigct-to clnim.a..7Q-i-_ cojffo ff o . . - “T "I'kncw wlial Coac!»i (1(fcUioti>.Anijcrson •' PWES r 57 decisif'n .' ■was tcllins hi.s puys— •we'w don 't want this 'lUe victq^ i 5 9 — ------crowd caimg tiamburgcrgers on us.'" said . ---T Trenkle..“l wa.s at the'te' utli<^ end tellint; B B iB ' ~ lia'SrSrieTSii ------_ _jgoving it anot ^ABe-sport;Dftscaster Frank ~ 7" them wc aren't going to Kt^itl otTcnsivcly.—I f c J You go out und hold them;m defensively.*” ||H i t f j ticipation inn tlthe Region IS touma- ______' Gifford, reca?calling his hotel------g up on inc nccK in- 5 5 breakfasLbebefore the-1967 jury to Dixie guard' Quiniuincy Lxwis Friday itefe. "Wc blew:w away «rly 'nnd just ____ - ______[ce3QwLgarMme betwfif^ the _ niduJr^nkli^ hia iindi,TvtiiiuUiit<— g/T^Tlm.Tin,, Hrr* '.SiiiU COUCI) Ucn UCI Stroud. "Wc stopped------: .. G r e een n Bay Packers ______- = *^ inS; afrf-Viid wg-cwildnrt .shftfit and . . ^ ___ imim- lci.'.Tri:i!^nn- V '.llr opehiiiH'p a a t a t rlo-o^f^now (allege Jetenticr night’s game. He wns: nnot schcdutcd“to“ 7 • WO ju.st -fithig]higgled tlie rest o f t h e ' ^ • __ P-hty..______: '______half and lookloc control ngnin:" TrenkIikic said I rTy>v»r>“jw .^ ‘JW aw w si ------1' numtini u .r~p7:iycir r.rm7>nK'T;-"n avtir : -\mi>:r.77n~Tnrmmrnr~T7r7rjVnrr ^ game was on the linc,’-’-‘Tr5.Trcnfclc-s.iid.ol'.tiic-4)i}t-f>ti epen-a-2: riiuiil Ili.ircrcstL^'tird'TTiwwint iuJ^ hnlflime andd earlyc: in tlie sccO'i^ Jiafr ____ ---- g»OWL.r»Mnl.% -.-.rhov-r.. Ill ...... inJul-ilat-iaiiact-jiaaugfl------:___chnibed .to _wr _whhin .two. Tlic. Eipgles • ■tiusc-they-ttre-iHnvt— 7-. --__ "Iinatia;geU3a_su,_5tay—ahcaitZbuLJwice— ’.'7..'.. rkiy~motmtcd'tTT-i'5-'ltT-hrfv li.'MMiJC>rl l-?,0 3. OirrtsOI 3 1 Z Hwr S cores an<;l stalitats B 2 plincsil \ind patltmcd, the>hey c.in dra.stically fcnsc;c mnlaisL* hit the li;i^;ics. 0-0 1 3 njva .1 i}i'i'i‘ 3 4 4, citiu ;'i-) oXvyiitfiwJToT? lf(:td“a‘~pfvv:triyi;triyu3- 51f5.0 lcaU-?>tirOte!»— ^ ;4J^Rai;. . ______• PGA-- ■ - • 0 5 " ■ -wcwcre. nhic lo pull nwayvay’so enrlv — biit time n ------P t e s e 3 ee C SI/D 2-. zpi— ' uLii t.iiK-CT.Ick-n^o was cxcci- wo titnic-out III ilie'seeoiid - >«xt«CSl«.SnowM. cj ^

------a ■ - • • - : i i .. ” S co ri ilJfcdooiiii3to3^ M ‘ «l7 32>4' : - -^jTlioTiincstNcwH- ' Oooomo - 0«fj 4, B«c B. D»Oom ( JT~B ulldogcoa^ flandy ...... B3oys o ; ! .m*OB8.ThocTp«n 11. Totat* 47 1t>- hose 8-JO tcanr'evencd outIt .. Oi*no»F*fiy —ue»WT>3.Al<)«ii>«> ■ POCA'retLO —- / A long scforing - ■ ^ B4av«nton IS. TraudI 10, Or«oa2. Tb t league, substWuted freelyy - p; winter grab b ed T w inin Fails f late in (he pickedi upu 36 points, had 16 rc- TtrM.oolrao(MU —Dua2.0«bcA.3 ly*s ■ v if ^ f y - hryiliyr n -twngr: _____ qiiurtcr and_Uic,llie Bruins ..ncMT—bountja-B] Sf*—!HoSiSrCTSiari«iii5Sir= - r — r-»hawctJ*ot«:SaiunJny-i,y-m ghrin droj^ Tunnancoice, . - y:-- :^ -=.-Q>aw>futl---;,:— ---.jr.. —SWtlC:l0*UlSns'Tvtcnj^KiQtbcny^tnuchr— • i. ping n 53;26 decisionon loI the Pocatel* fell 70-603 tot. Canyon leader Valley, r lo Indians. .1 CUACouiUy. -.iBsgMca------V a U ^ 97, O a k ley S8>8 .______the No. 1 Ttnirtked Tcanr in cla^ Ai3 _p-----F V J T h . ViW 'ilfing< ii.:M n boskctSalLl,QnTynanv. 0 - - - r l i w a.i l 2 1 2 lo lo .il ntii lUrB ll.a.lxovw U. lKt«vT«.li.yi9K_ ____r, quarter when PocatcJIcejib~took the lcnd -.T~» tm 11 ltonmiiii.l2.'Tlon a. W>inof«ll 7. Lo« 4, Aopol 30. a spHhgbonrd to the nolonconfercnce headriJ thete Ttxyans' with ,11 points. • ------:^An«t*then. the scoringing figlits iirdcd .- t ^ - — L.victciry...... ' ■ ' — — Classtnntnlf~{mTTi<»- baeked-'Cra.'raw tbrd' with 10 Doiiib tlie Brums managnagcd Ju. vvvoaocnwrawforrl 11. SiTM-10. 19.P*t«noa'. e lop-'ninkcd Jndlfla^i' to a ' xiinam »rWt«lalw 3. Poo* 3. SkMnw • wonder nt this topsy-tu;’•lui^y team. .72^68 nipnipping o f D ictriph in North-h. Lewis Woodhoufic scorct TWalt; 1017-33 2565 :• “Wc ployed so well wc Inst nighl, ^jdjConf.inference play. • ** Wg»«1y —Thompampwvi TO. D«ard 10. Shan* CHMO, 'Tonight, we played1 prelly pi w ell bill ,,, VW«y 1349 Mlabr t • 3fi»wncn>»«,7.HoHMUm 8.0. Sman 8, "ftUjnB 8. the victory, the Indians im-n- OMcy IS2842S8 SlokM s. 0>« Iw c ju st c o u ld n ’.t hit1 nnylliini!C^.W ur p „ „ j „ Iq_19.-^. an d w m nped up the1C <.2S.H*n»/11. ‘ t«l.;2»l»-30 20MI 7-77. . , * * ______I the cnnrh w h n .^f^rieri- ■>»yQ tCMrA T?v^^lOlnt__QttMty-rWaflrihauwllHarfly.^.Rodrtiuttta.H«te__ ^p^J.5173. __ i' wiih the shooting pcreeirecnlage. ghosl IS, Pi)«n fl. UStmt 8. TMM Z^ft>-21 oshonc led. for most of the>C TMM.palntBOtfi —'n»t$p(»K)*f2, ‘ “One major problioblem was re- bv_lhn;c b, o r four noints, The M o u n tainil :Hom e 68, BuhJ58 : bounding, w c only goi801 iiiic sUui per won „ the game.nl^|{LtoU»vcr«dm«-^h48-26 ^ 'rioLhis lu pomis .onjin Ihe ofTensivc ick hnd 32 points and Ugiilde sfieit nnd defeat Bi^hli - ... - f. boards,.” A s to rquia naid - MA-t A n — ,3n m f:-:simamna.'.. Cfaig° " aner^fie'’pcn«n« S. 0«vn 2. Ugatd* 31. -■went to: the-frrc throw--- 1-7 from the line duriiuring. that span. tm '• The Hornets, who dippjl|«dlo ll-T ^°‘‘= - ' Ac,a.toam -4:w u v i i a l l ^ ^»o.^lhe^»mon^wCTe-l oinK, Travis Ipurth-qnartcrtcr but camr-away-with— ...... goM t — OwMii. U04kl« 3. MMtkk 3. “ Coibin Knowles IS.'poii - 'T T • , .*• -*'.1 . ------•'T-inf.lh-,—1 M ? « » ------ionoam«—-5Be»non« 87;t»«icn es OT—— Ashcrr“Brandon~Bnickckenbury-nnd-r'^ scu t ofiL____ -...... Pootolo 1SM 40U . • ilson scoted 15 for Buhl. ~ANor'Aft£»umirn>i>M^«i^. TMn FU>-avict>M 0 CM] 1 0. Tlivar I TranWe•jc 10-11 w.€-.n,ci,-3 G len n ^ Ff c rry 54, G o o d in g 51 urcs^^as-welL.,:______5 ^ G ^ y:y ; added 12. Sklors pound4he trarm k d u rin g 'th e final hlfot(Ilomotorsofthd 144 7.S40W30-1 OS. Qvletey 1 £ —Gatorade Boulder MlMountaln-Torur.------r- - — - -- - GLENNVTNS F E R R Y -^hawn-Phelpp------High scoring juniof'^JuJustin-Jones,' ' B CM)3 10, Rutt) 1.CM> 0 2. Nonntn'o"o 0 1 “r?yiKjlitr 3: 5li.or1Vom ihe top o f ------ot>J.emuiiiiia I.; T-arcpnan-n-‘53577TtimM2fii:T3nhtckcy3vtW lllrlilUf .aCConds-showilHJ.'—g—last—Kumnior.. p a e ^ —th ----- 7 J '“ 7“ "Tanked Dragons with 37. • ' • KIMBERL'ILY - TroiTmg" 54153 : t - ' " - " - ■■ _.Thra»poimooflU'3ioyflrHaittj.!.LiiTim S»wi---- to-give the Pilots-a-54-51 win over "^Jboulder • Goodingi; tft-Ciihyonti Cofiicrcnce play • ^ ~ • wiiK-4^Q-Ioflcft-in^Kc-gamc,-Valley ---- ^ 0»ck) • I . 1T J44S72” reeled off sc'seven-unanswered points “ (joriiinueo trom u i 1:t0:i0; JooyC«mpCN ■ Riphfi€kt-69r€tefkH „ , GlennsfIS Ferry Coach Doug called a3 'D»p^. Toui» 23' __litlc. ; I RICHFIELD — Br .willi IQ-sccoads-kft-and.sct — her and was uniible toO linu llicmf utan, 1:17:27; JOMpn timcDULwi li'Start • ...... -cmriHsil.ttBtcnum.-l MaA nMnaftivi, Hal----LB — — ^-Robbie^AppcH-canncd:d-36 -2 polill.s oird „ jifiiifTerent play. But n Gooding7 jMaiAd —MuananT.5mrm4. Owaiwiienwn3,KiSt^ Thc Vikincings hud~~fiv^~~^aym until sli^Iy.b'cforc'lhe's MLJonnia<.Pa(tCsv.UU)n. I H ------‘ RiphftgJd nceriprt ntl noftheiTi f I to-slave ~ I »,Jor»t3r.Coueft».TuW>t3.V1m*»riemwi3.Toi»t»- s c o rc ' 'i n -dcdoufalc~fiimrcs:—Blake—------’-T-waa-uli»le'oanict< = , ■ = • oil nonCtfnTcrcncc Clnrlm^xmritrw^T^asa-ibFTi; r thC-pame^winninK shot.- • ___ |Tl>f«»-polnl 00«t - AWW 3. Knoom.J i?EfracE5prmgcn’l7 B h ~ = um, 1:10SO;MPI«lchar, ■ , T h e I’ilo’ilot.'! irailcd by eight pointsS ,BanxMAlAdUDodoSO. ,1; Cart Pisagol.Kalcnum. 1:20:07:' ■ Rtchrield, getting unan early boosi me and nine aflcr three peri- . - Pedro FuenlclelO. their.placc on thc pddiiiium. skie.5 DnMw.Cok).. 1:20.38. - ■ from Jake Riley’s' 19 10 -nrst-qu.mer ^ a , - ,j ;nn led Kimberiy with 15 yan Stevenson drilled 0)urr |Kimberly 77; Wendell:>n « Chris Glenr continued to trickle in.I. ISome rac- points, built up4i 20-poiipoint lead in he 3.^ ” ‘ points. Shawnwn p'D cIl added 14 and .ers battled lo the end, divinfeovcrdi the' fourth quarter to key—f ' KIMBERLY — Every - E J. Iloicomb, Malay, 1:20.53:B third c^UaAcr a n d thenen weatliored a oienn.s FeFerry's comeback.' Sicvcn- . y player on Brian Thompsipson 12. Ihc finish line in ann etlort to U>im> MuooqIm McC*IMcCaba. Surnmn Pork. Uttti. ■ withering shootinp dlsnCiy-*by_U.c dis: j h e Kimbcrlyj^rosjerjscorecred Satu^ay ______thw art—sprint—attacks-s-bv- their i(iTMj'.Pai1iCRy.uart.-t23:W;..;-. .. ■ - shed'With' 19- point.tr-Jamcs-“) as the Bulldogs ran away 1 ” Ell«nCU>»n,P»liOti Bobeats Alderrnunin tolalled It2 point.s- nnd-, , / from Wen- v*Mr cQippciiiors. WJIWrKt, Pa« C*,,ity.lJli^,_124:24;_^_^. UU . jj ------—Thoy-r-iveF-caught-u • ,.77~5^ ^'tnyf^n Xonretenee_SS2-«-S?yC ------Others slowly ■ m cun I basketball. -• Fu»M« to, QiuocO,0, ^Vwt 5. Koftti 4. Total* 24 21-30' ntdcttd-inr-^S'SS'Srikjan, SaHLaliaC*r, 1J803; ’ B . although Richficld's lealead was down ;• jTliompson scored 11 and | apparently more ovcrtakakeh by the aru>N4KxiM.Pa>k'iPa»i Oly. Utah. 1:28 07; Adrtenna jj ' r Davc'DcBaiT3olf‘l OTor GoodrngT" ~— ^ ;^John— Thompson andnd— Damon lOnWy—cw>->ftvlSr«h««U3’Od U_T>»npioi;.lZ=_- -_-bcautiful-day.than-c^pi ip c m io n . Appell, who is ptayilaymg .witli an ■ _Bearcl, with 16 and 10 popoint.-paeed- fO 4, Sh«n« o cxa 4, Hoctm 7. D« _ Wt»0«x>r, CVapw, IW, |:30 3»; RoPynn MjtWi.' ■ 'g- i.iAfy ■;;'f w M.1t. rr: ~ ~ ~ I — Spn^gv. Clono, C/ian Sm«« '‘IhC'tataiWiTlCimb^crly' olltiiensc io an TN»»poii —: C«>M Cowntiy SW Ra» V/yo, I M ls'iKimSp;mSoil^^onvS!^'*!^ ~ _B -______134.BC. DiaoQWW.Su 1 00 3S; Kon MeC*f1hy, PaikCity, Utiin,UU 1:13 18;* Uuin, T3e-33; C^ratcMrttcnw Am. Kattfmm. 1:38:00: - '■ Tuck MJw, OoWi. 1 tl 31: D«l Nux>»fO», Keioumi, AM Mort Cun V»B«y. VI ^33^restliiing— ^ . ri3'^,U»^n>;ti^TPi»»rT^.W:ubh~ri3_!iD,'~~--c iiyu<^;.«i;3a3fl, t s J: ------IConflnuftH frnm D I ------..I-...— ...... heavvwl;ighight.Matt-BiiUnt^s-dropped ^ .. ■— . - Amclicarrl^fi!afis Beavers proved poor.. ,1^ • Minico and Wendell gt :hes to H ighland opponents-- - i 112 —0we», M*f Ki'4> hosts Saturdaday aflcmon, winning , 'in Falls' M ike LaPray. *19 — Hamt. K. OM Hol»or, D 14-0 ------vidffd oll.th e title s M agicifeTatySr “ ‘f "w t 125 — John Aniwun. Mm.dK CrunOlM their own 12-tcam I invitational H ; al . , nin into a buzzsaw i; wrestling tour}umamcQt 173 lo 139 J . ■rlingentscould'produceor 171 130 — 0iA>O(. J. Me AMonu. 0 7-r Tigers — fonSaturi'ay. 12-0 to K avcm an Kole Mo- 1 J J — Coe>ort. J 0 ^ P^rey. P 3-0 • 'ovcrSugar-SalSalem. - ' .Rick.Slimpson, namediiedfe^cvenrs 1 ^ —M>aMlM,pMn«jHamni>n. 0' bul trailed by four points hcading ' H ns UPray-’s first setback in tt ; state A-2 • champion Contir^ued from D1 Hi.o Defending ,1 n - I I ■ I intn fhr ,finrj„frtl p,Tin,l H.->m;itnn'titt, g ' ■ ' ■ bTTSki; Kivui■ WU.S W rmtfguTga to luunt r“W ^ l ltinw o^frcc‘throws" witli MejaM lii.s Ihird ' ^,'”“^'*1^*^ 171 — r m w .». y c WooUn Of 18-3 b u c k e t, thalhat gave Jerome a -t^ m - m atdm otH 12S).-Mtn>eb.- lhe— u ^ pluee-behind-N^l-Marslt-Valitfy. , 1------ond-t-ot !c » -^ i%-inR^\^W —: )niag^4vitri--ttio^^ ig t? re I^ - LJustin Jansson '{ ),■'Matt'" “ ■■ tcam m ^ Josh Anderson 152 2 Declo amaS5asscd 74^5 noititii. ^ood .[j •H» )=cfel j lennsfJ=ei^rqind--|i pound-clasflificattonr-bc “ I^iler'tourna fhent ^ ', t<7r eightli Tn"Tl1 the (cam standings, to ^ le duo o f G uy Bullock ( ) , Jnroma 13 28 38 5! .two straight forS t ^ " p « tile Jerome 1 130 r-school Magic V.allcy the fourth quarter. Egbert ( ) salyuged a o n i e _ FILER ^ With individuanal champi-- ^ four-si ------bv outlasting Oooding's J 135 ''{isin^n'ihe~fb!lowtng'tnBt( yvreslling J.oufnamcni Saitniiruay, tnc Bum rang ln..lOIhiri wiih points^^'i'eight puinw-tvith Rhrl M orc>r y kn o ck*— o S ‘i‘O.Tsfef»~?Pi7jw ------i:-W cndcll*s brothrir com:ombinalion o f ing in scVen points in thc 'jH^s^vvwwsj-fl 1 i4,okip=r~i scores: 1. Highland "L«4727 iiosl Wirdcats topped secccohd place followed by Kimberly.Ki 11 th with 3 1 |?l )-034,P,>.y 1 1-344,DamMO:§^-,. ! ------Jcny- and- Harvey Rumircnircz prevailed i ' > Drairi Hfimur had live of 1^ 3. Panma isi.jil. Minico —Meridian'by^OTJointrlrrrHhc~foirr-—Wood River,>,"Which sent 'wrestlers to 3l hit. 17 3-a«S;MlinH»n*0-«‘IM 4 8. weems e 7-e 3 io, v«w*rr-; . oyer, in district fo e s at. n9Ldl3l). 11 points in that quarter. Jeromtme cut the ofOc^io toui»joi31J013-213157. ; Twin Falls 124H‘. 6,.Madi- »cteam event. ' ____ ■ nvo scpuraie: toumeys.ont< Saturday, P^* - Owi. Heftion.,' ------^!eaving-!25. where the BrBruins- David ' lead to a point in the thirdd q u arter. , Jerome . . Durley Kelly ZweifeUt^ark Baitoickclt. By- tallied three poipoints. Bnriccr fell 5 - 4 to K u na’i 7 82 8 /endell 78. 10, M eridian 65. ^ronJSice and Robert Schick jhomorc Brian Chivers ."l ■*7:rr^tinnrtheTk)no-pazcJoc_i” ■1------.a i,.G lenns FFerry 1? Ri^hnn l^el-_m jlfr°°An'!“n ==th«-lower-^lght5F=^^ IV decision. it^ » c -n c n w ;ift-«t-140—-Peeatello = triamis^ - ' "PogStcvg^fclattlmwv-u oou.ls,:rit.-was- a -r round • - •• ’Falls |-J fourth in the team stancindipgs. ^ jjonai welh . ____uL o___ — - . • IM —SIW^.I,!■n,Mod»eJo^And»non.M.i 1?-1_____ ^ l>. ______G irlsi b a sk e tb a ll i I M iiu.smu Ulld k'tTnh..rK-'g~~ rco in e r(Vi-~rout«oour=^r«Bey— .job nml.' f h r iu rh.nntlli-idlcr!s_jusi-a^.ias-ci..iwn.KL ■•Mitch' Brooks-Ror.«:cconds wiisjthclbroaon2 tt_.mcdalisi. in the -Pr*'*prbvc(r~loci iiiu'cir'Iiwivcr'ci m.w.<»«Couen. 1^ 7-3 “Wn3H5TTwin W TaIl3“ gofot ■ scconds J 35_pound clus -ijuftey i>alunlayas the Hob ■ sophomore, but wrestledled :h;inl.-lr-1S;:J“V DK. . e tc Tanata. H S-» • fn lussificalion a.s~wus Dc; said. "It WPS to u g h for' them, thi but we uo —sim.H.t, o»a«c»ff»n, no-0* from Paul Pena,- Doug Dujmggun and clo's Bryce OsOstcrhout at 145. Nail-.; |°to Pocatello in the Region i-'JawmSlitkuti. basketbnll phtyoff^rTrT:------ntonn<; Ferry ' cnJoycdntrHopcFuMyjnhc;Thcy‘lt-ccnnnv-;^r?;j^iJ^ ItOocScwMfl. p t2-1 aUrtn ffii* Ihc llArrlcL'i— — -' ue to-wrestlc-likc-tbat-rig-right-lKrougb’—iBQ—Uluoo»i.k. j.K.atiiPflarey j-a .0 ______were J.D .-OslDslcrhouL.(152}._Scott _ The loss, which dropped11 ithe Cats.' AMERICANS T A L L S — D isvi^^S" ------the siato toumnment.’' __ K.'iMltariay, Tf 12-0 *“ ”* f(Turntfnte»f-t '. - - - Robiiison ( 1'40^4 0 ).^ D . .Coopcr-:( nSOr^-|g itTTins-Ferrv did-m osf-^^^B :. ■ ~ Burley's STbvc Gerraiiitt and: Minjcp_ 77s_— I, H.a^: n«»'at..< . , ______...... SCIsecond stale luumey, berth ailstak i: t:.----- •-■playotTagainsIisl S< , Tlitf r»yilax,-a;atmi irhamptipiunJ a.ii------n ij '. r i niii;.-;! - ■ — an:ans took at i(>-}2Tiiiinimclclead, Tliat ] ^'itn-fviimimmctol tftetr •btilgL. iiiu 'n iL d ie a ic d n u t su j ■— ^ T fe T i in ^ N e w a ' " ' —-r ■------vaultcra-inthr-the countrynhisw im cr.------na~r^l.'Tand~firiislicd~se^n|lw) lim ed in ijiuivltOh opponcillcru , and .farced—137-3 8 .' lc|hcIpIacc_.,Liytn^slon wa.«;^as ^ggitcltgfe-scoringTrabi^ ty: ^ 3ia a i a g ^ T o ^ attcm'pUt^bo “ TT'.: r_:. ____J c f t s o ^ n>oiund-’ieammaS=RobOHJ-.' Bobcats' inability. Ovcr^thciTfirst 16 po continued at a nationuma! indoor qualifying 15 ThThomas was timed in 8.36 8. with “Tlieir track i taking good on lust >8g j i k is bniiid new and thc .mimitct^-Burley—w«s-flbW-l< — hi^uialondiryi-itidoorpolpole-vaulting -fect-buH cih:i|-short-sctiling-for- 14- 0 -M‘Marian i Tmishlng at 8:44:— Vti^nes~afc~nbro f what we' cxpccicO - ' -I.. ur7'5 ndTmt:oal iiltempls. G le n r is S ^ .jusl_LS:-paccni-froni-lhcuflooi j^.il.ml.iv .11 rStntc r^l. linlour.' ..ainUtteptaro I1K:cv' rcmarrccrTril^es '•* , ^ h e rry wa.s .still■till ' twii baskets I> e ttc r ^ ^ Marlatt .also piaccd mx,.i.Ti .M iL .=thtfm-(t>^t>g=1ltr« Still tniilini* by 12 early Tpii-t- Ini-it-itir'nril hyy__iying—liis- -—Ncol-MarliarloU-providcd-tlic-Eaglo; —^ ' V'V - coach Rick Neil ■ly-'” ■!>\^-.-fcom 4hefield.:- ' long jurti'p \ ? i l h a J ^ of22- ...... :■— fo^founh 'period. Builcy ciiughVfu a spark ; schoot’rccord in tho'cycntcnt at 16 tcct with the bestjst .track pcrfp nViuhce wi.tli Thc Eagles willw be in action again f from-sophumore su^Tora AndersonA. he charity stripe, where a i l . ------■ his 7;93-sccrccoud lun ill tlk‘'iriais"or ”” Duii"1 tivmg-Mun pickcd"d -u p - the -ihis wcclccna-tir -imtie-Mouu(.iin-St.ite.<:' before (‘I! running out of tinie. th e C a rd in a ls< lieheld a 25- l 4.’a(lvnn-^S The record tying vaultlit isi llic see- the 55-mclcr:crhurdlcs. i hiihightsl "finish on the trackck w ith a G am es in Po.p.a >patcllo. on Friday arid jJe n n ife r P e te n icn i'lad 12 poiiils tnge. llial the contc.slcom was decided...... ond highest among junicjnior ctillcge Marl:ill"cli|dipped a hurtile in Ihc fl- fourth foi placc finish in the ‘IOC00 meters:- Sanirday:------antand 13 relMiiiiuls'to • pacer-'Buricy, - ' Mindy Sniilli'jilli'paecd GIcnn.s t-'crrv . - -MeM e g a n W illia m s, a 6 -1 .seniinio r post, w ith 13 a n d -Was .w;i aided by A ngie 8&M Scores F-p<>t'<>e«(c!lo:------Y m m p 's 10 point: Piicatmlo 0;t)?‘J44 ~ s i7 i= :5 ------TT-JTJI ?78“ ^ lurtJiJn iTlSwSw srn jT tw ----- ssarrjpSTvrrrc rnccM^ 7i77iT7iZ5ir ------:------3 SanmStft OtnQ«mM . Now uun27 AO. Dwna2.3 n n r n'tii t"7r-r ’n'”~ r v . , , ,i a ~ - GH.nnr.FoTV 'K Enn 8 11.1. 110,10, COT, •wJmnycKMCfi Ptons CO. Pai“»Du7n<^pW \ • MTVnMMSr 108;M«r«en 55— ^ riro K iu ' ------v-e>.ere«HOo w t:i»£WC I’rcpscorcs___ ■asmsi------m S i ^ H I 0*3 Vi^nrun \ ; Otjfw jnn»n»t*. . n ,7 ^ tr ,.v i S 10 4 ^ lukai*, Uv>n VWloy I JiLWctin 4a~ E c b b l c ^ ; WWW .~u rs i;onnnued irorri DI j . i r ^ ■ I______. uraay Jt 1 m3- T.OTWyKir_|?L- - . . . ? . v ^ j . s ■ HtMMtrr '* ' I n» n.««. M. n.J.4j wWl ------c*-*TTrr»otBrB»-8»iiCTt flag . 1.11 f iL.^ 11— LiJinptfr^-with i:omc.e.xcellcni cm . C.^fH.V4<. UorWun-4S-«r“ . e.T^imtS. 001-77 Pot>' J^U»r3Mn cTi :Mm« ...... - ■• • - ...... ' 7'C 'an d icc Lorti.N lo h b c d in llicll lirsi Y■ '• .In/y ho\ spfirp ______G'v''<'vr~ry M. CKjTlinQ ;.1 -WO. C lingcr KoiliK m ull in 111iiiL-niiii- T,:..:- ‘ ' n..nl~ .n______ilc of Uiu kev fur llic c:Uch andai then ontare...... ' f T3 'it- niaitod. 5.i?: . owixt t* :j t CMcP«o______OASEUAu. ' hericr exccllc-nt ninniiii; abililv wjrgw coNfiTgwcr___ vi?!i.R:' _i_D r#veje_a new . j ' ci*7r».v . iti a tiire o -t|iia n c r k-m-.lli pas I ^ _ ."jStable ™ J J ! - £«l A«no 31 1 ;• ■:' irill 3 tl 0 nyj, U. Iw.T ra.-» 7G • fn, ______;ici>ii.iiv5^i‘iK “ iiKnhcirii)t)K'/iv'aiuilTi^ ' (Tf _ ,1~_____ 1 . c•IHub T li tfum_Kris Hnurn-f— jin d lsa x 'B 11. - hc'hiirrn'.'Snnn Tnnrcoli nijiowcd- to — ^ 3 S C ) C i T g i : _—V. ... vitii .1 |) .iir ; m nn:7'7rTTr>~.rrr[T ------:------QASKETBAn oni UMliatoall*±xxisM * rciiiainiTui. ('.SI w.'is lln.i ■ i 6 o , o300 o i mile - Ll .‘lo iiL. J;!t - a-T’rs5 ^ ^ ...... ’ . -TT MOMMi-T;;— K x,, 61-5 - L»U‘tn, • . , , ,7year v • Ccrmrw* F w a r r a n t y :. '' !j .. ,V Oaseitaa Ti ’"i. — , - T h e i s e f s Ri3.g^frtfTtg»c; ri • I'-:;',',-,, vo-t .'.'..iiiiAv«c-Tw;:_Twm F.ills 733-^700 I ' ------r « ^ ^ ------;------••.• I I

-J _

_■______. Sundaiday, Fobruory 3, I9 9 l.....Timoa*no8-NewsrTw

w s a \ c s u r fp a i i e p

Arkansasspom ia^R lc(ceT T titztrflrws^hipszW^Eii . ; Jj^Aatodatedi^7 ——H---- —~ . ArKgnWlOOT^I^ >ll^£baffieU M ir~ biiver M iller s c o ^d‘26 : points, in- - :__L^-_Evcn w ith a 4^-itec. ------cludin t n h r ^ basj«!tfi-d»jluringanr4&A=^^^^W • Jlowilown-IStffcfinUW .2 j nih'Tis Arkansas (2R1 ! ilcge b a s k c t^ f. f* *" strctcU.as,as lhe' C9wt)oya 0 ^ 5 , 4-2) ateir free throws. - ...... - .wc5L_Confiacocc) vnwon^its— j > Oklahoma Stale upsetups No. I yis -strarghtgamc.- : - - : i ^ k n _81-68 SaturAi’rAiy, m piul Be- ^ *" Iher tfamcji; 7'Jo, 2 Arkansas tl B i f ^ St R ^ ita c k s * bui)um~5tartaLii^^B M K j;XOTtr^ Ihc-tonpo—’^■^'■^5-_ ■" ir'Jotm 'ite ! 7 Duke biat Ndtife D«iine90->Q. comiKiicJ tmo~lhe opeilening minutes .1 .1 “In the sTCond halllinir. wc nibd to N°- \ -QC.tbe second half, builjilding il 41-38_^^^^H — i ii»huiteii iliu gmuc,-**^ o -9 9 S T N n tgrsy3S::amiicriCfaag "i ~r^TcoaclrEddte"Snnoirsa ^ ^ 5 points' for visiting-R' Rjcc(8^i • I ' '{ptr. »hr r.fT,»nc/^foHr/4Irrl T hoV .T o'y— Ng, ,)!>■f> Piftsburch 112-85.* "New. i >,boy’ to take some tim. “ cut ofT paging Orleans8 defeated Southwestern^ . 'Comesecca, 66, bccacame the 3 (H K ~ 'Q ||fiy ^ h iilS poinSTn vision:i:to:Tcach the_SC n o'th"'lisfS--feii‘S wa State 85-787 ^ ■ .. 4^cach-itrneod-J|^^^M | l'_l^-^PiinutCT:: - t tt.; Btft gamp, NOi 70 Nrw ^••~~tng 683 games; - _ W n n Hnl<~wiig\i>tttnr c loser - than- fo fus:iso3x:wiQr=^^^^H dm»nAii«n(-on—

lA te o iia' 8S,_'W^^si^ln g to n 56-1- < p—> a w M — ^------pninf'i [ v - “ -' I MrAWMTt 'ail.'KCgLJIWUUHl —-and-Arizona us^ a- tenacioustc de- I ._____ M OM>un.cvtifcf^Q fense to e x t^ d ThcTnninionVlongest------CNXM^IH.CMNimn asi home winning streak to0 ;58 gomes. I . ^ ^ 1 __>■?; t; • :| -,22«5mjRtowfr** ■ ' Arizona (18-3) stayei/cd on top o f - __ ^wli^.B«MU.'__ _lhcJtoci£cilfl,ConfcrcmtlCftJL2:iond-.L_>_J^K ...... — z ^Jr^Vfor-on^ ■ —ca ri?^ 7 < ^^ ro 8Sv^^-=--^^ ____ -ymirtfmaaw^ - ' • '■ _——lMatt-OUtick>-had-l.l- J-points,-th^^^HK-_ -{-J--- ^H.A*st«7LHnMi«:------r ■ I N»»liliiia»«t.UIHiB ..______]y£cdiiidauble=^^BC^-^— -- - liguics. but every Wii'ildcat p l a y c d ^ ^ K ^ ^ r ' - I'madrnTtSmfam^St SUM^nTMW.a«gin9ia and. scored. Qoug Meekins. M led a-, • UaAtUPMwtfiCS_. Washington with‘17^ir)ints.- . - ^ . S s s S * ■ : • T ^ t c i s & . n - -- MnMiaLSUU __ _ J i t - D u k e 9 0 , N o tr e D a m e 7 7 ------1 — ____ aMAffisRj______• L'hristim - Ijd ^ e r sciscored six-of~* ■ T'eajt ■ ■ • ■■• his gamc>hsgh 2 U poiniints-in a -16- • - - ~ u- ^ ^ HaVtTiadiiitmta ■ point first-half run forDi '. Ti*«KLIt9L«tfntlL}0T ard Blll.MqCaffray drive*kres th e la n e a g a in s t Notritre-Damo's Tim Slrrgtstoiston-Satuhia/. ' — ■ Notre Dohie (8-13) “SSSl^il'by’L tr i NEOWmn.mOH#ra7< ., e = s a ^ “ . .,. ■ ‘ OMVlgnn.an««H many as 23 points’and1 rmade only a and Tracyy Murray scored 29 for3r Deacons for the 10th1 time in 11 ASC) cutI NiNew Orieans* lead to 58- ' , NarT>tdMn.hiaMt«i!M ntMoiTtLtUuXt third o f its fleld-goa! altc ,i>w>ran.MMf----- Chris-King tconrd 2626-poiats-for- c onsncinive-ivc—3‘pointcrs_by_lBryon------Wl4MWMttLlClrain~~ I St>taaSlll.S«nHuUnon--B^ii9?8l3-'nt- f t '7.’’ niT r?i"’'» ~ Iow a Slateliate (i-14.-2-4) had upscl ^1 ft (Wl ,, ■ c«w>rwira.c«wwB ------By’bcatin^B oston Co!biiC8CilO-IU-^^fjPj5T6r6-4 Western Athletic _ and~l-7)-for the-i3th-lii ^ Appalac^jan State {11 -9^ • - - s a ' 5 £ s r » ’JJ------— ------,{ 1!!!“ : '" ,% '; -ConTcrcnc'b).:b).. which chdcd_thc,.Uies’-.i V... from.n.l4-pc4-point,de'ficit despite. Vic-______Orawi Man n. Cumnt Im HoM>n.lM.M>a>CcuY|U '’ Ilast 14 nicetmgs. Syracusu s c (lW .n d school-recoitl tor Aiexanctander's season-high 33 - -EleEL."CnBWn.MMAHlt6S - tsiacraar; _____ : ord 17-gome ; winnings S. Mii^issippi 77 CMUNdflKUBWMin - - =7-3) kepLpocc-wjlh.St.JtJohlLlullhc points. oicig»amc«<*sucNip “ "'SSTTuiiSw ------t top of the Big East standii exico. which took c o n ^ l1 Louisville 6 6 ' . . ^UOMU^aUgM a01V|^' T V iii ill il-2 aOCOUj-liUll^~lull. Iius ' rd"23"polhts—B righani'YirV ounE 69 i U T E !P6S ------~r...... “ gin“6r:vicJoiy^Hst:|ii-WK st~5lncc~fal'llng tb~Michi—7 TPPjtl 4^2r2±XS5]v=Slj5w»iwi^m tyie@ coi'fia-n6==: umatr.aAMin —p F oints. ------:------gnilon-Ucc.: ^“ iTMeirD-CDntfcrcnceXnTyi ^ n m i^ ^ r s . . ■ LWrtMMaHKttauirwari J5;hch-S''-^.^.-polnts._iiSliicluding_.tvOo_.free throws • -T--- ^ LouiU won'84-8riast month foro r’hcirfir^-—Alhictic-C^nf ’dnfercnce Saturday nigKt. • . rm»ii,cw>uO Jlandy Funk chijTped in 17 points Scott Draucaud4iit four technical foul. ' Hremraniiyii—tl DM UK W. BM«n»Cs«Mi B *' ever.victory at Freedorom Hall in - b YU imprciproved to'7-3 in the WAC ...... ESiffiKL. — ^ ---apd 7 a fcatn-higirsix-rcboii}iinds tO'lead-shots with fo£fojir-seconds rttmaining-to-i-i'—l,^is« ile^------■ SSK.'T-’ ' nenMtehMmC.aUoir ■victory-over—spOil-a-comebBcback-by. the Tigers. Cl 3.r. ' ...... and!3-10ovI overalli'UTEP rcU to 5-5' rtowauTomn Utah State to a 88-7 t'v i ...... l^OiaCBKOMCMaTI--- '-— nc«nism.Bwj«r— ssijfjssa” •■ •• -s San Jose State in Big -W«Vest-Gonfer— 6 .6-4 Solithetheostem Conference).—-----. ^/■Okliahoma' 95, M issoi famlMiJLUjitan . cnce basketball Saturday. • . ■ — Draud’s-fn-free throws camo- aflcr f oun 87 BYU led(i 666-65< when the 7rfoot-i - ' T B..______3T^-^-rtll6=?^tQVC^g>nt- :• 'j reny Evans scored 255 points, in- Bradley went/ent to the free throw line, —j .._. !S=iS!Uiajia\^ 'A o f^ ' p'rirvt. , Hots.. . ■ ■ r r r - . jMCOTiSI.(*aMM«>U.. . . J|dicn«aHLMwair . 'roamed back. tcaring.i3fTT on >. 1,7-2 LSU centerr SShaquille O’Neal. who_I Jti^ m^i^le.^OS OW ^omala (15*6. 4-J ous toul sliots WMtAkMan VfTO>r«.W«w«M nrun that pul the score alt -51-39-1 with drew a technrhnicaf when he argued,.-•B . fg’ Eight) ended a three-:c-gamc I0S-- - But he rattirattled in his firs^shot and ' ‘ awitl.StPHMTB-- ___»4-?7 rr»m»mmf\ _ ___ • T.Palc Brown also was. >ih^streak, ' sw ished thele sccond.s( “ ^Si^ytaa-tj- -'-iar»»rwi*woi-«j------Youngblood rnddedimiTiTire- points" given luiicat'toul loi"ai'guiiig.L.. lin -th e .a e 'c --^ 4 n d t - MggjLCcdl nii.»iwl-n-dBMH.i|U ‘=g g-on-to-'Seat- tioh i-p o ihhrbli’dtwitli ra 4^sec6ndsnell— ' ------[Mnca41Ca.Kk«*«UCrv«ir—r------taaa^caiJ.amjw n ------during Utaemn and Wtahr.SfaieTOver^=Brucc-Eldci i l d c r ^ r c 'a - |‘>-poTnts-for',*~-<>tid half but Huti4o-n^g- __ :a.wiart7uix0na..:.. {•. . the Tigers (12-7. 413). wwho got 38 thut wouldId have—tied. the g'uinb.' ■ ’ ■: - ■art»a.n.j^tt,an . .' •trailed again.-' ...... --Vnnderbih(U(l3-7,-7-3). ;* = i!7iiiTiiir-r - r • rharfp«;-TrTTrli. scared;d^-gam c=^ from n »iig -BYU*s ScQlt kho.Crs7aE.ua>gnl) t«»TIXtl frilWMM • • m ad e'th e CotCougnrs’ final point with lUmiwrMnmOmR srBBtn» -ni.high 23 points for San Jososc State (5- V ir ^ n ia 83,t3,W akeForjcst80 Smith. .. - - ttnmaiaW.TimwMiH^ _ » ______one sccondd lcIcl f t ...... ' - u jznnoxti ' ____ —I- i5and-?-S), ! 3t!ite3corcd=1M=T>oints;r:yJ _ ■: -*W - —nSlcVfct’tJK »i ~— •'~T~ — • Mike tirotncTton - camt —N ew O r l^ n i s ^ V - T T ^ fead^2^an(i-W isrts^rabbearTrretgngas'----.: — *": ” iixrtiMrriM.uanaCteiV ^ STcfeSK® ~ '"'P ~“ b bcnch-ln-tnc-ilrst^pcrio. '— ______ini Ihc firtal two minutes as hosi New. — jmeroddedriO-points. all Orleans C won, in thc Amencncansoutn McCall.scoiscorect 22 points and Mar-’ Don McLcan atonod-toro n iii^diTii iintig^Rond^nt^ y .-as ■vtrglffiywotr~(ConTcrcncc. " ■“ - - Ion M axcyy I17 points fo t^ UTFP'H— ------r-. "______Vv •• overall. .2-5- M iners; • "

^^^W eber^lo im d s rfi^ m m r S 2 . ; ■ A ■ - -• )\- - - p^^TBLLorr^) ' ?l»-y t^wr|v-nt»-r i ^ ^ ilamilloi^ — er .nnd.lt^ e y -Jackson—NNr-Arizona^4yNevada-< 11^66-— - : — ------* .1 — • .■ByDavc^oSi Tl scored 30 points.-to leiS?M o£a*lo'?^77~ led1 the Bengals with 19' points'npiooe.-—po " — -- Timcs-Ncws'coircspohdcndent ...... game-high Z22 pojrils, 12 above his FtA GSTAFf, Ariz. (AP]AP) ~ Dave Wolfe . . ------^------average-^—ni free throws and . .. victory overJdaho Statexte in Big ^ ConfeTOce__ _.Mpntana .opened the gogame w i t l i ^ 8-2 mn, scorod 23 points and madede fourf free throws in ■ pld5^bindaiyhi^i“;. —t»hl«l-JCcam^-andi^ttSEqgting, who ^ r e a . 4 ,1,, ,. ■ BOISE- The Wcbcr StnState' Univer- a tip-in ja' startsla jhc;i'5-»l Wildcat run. final 3.lLseccmd3^s J?JortNorthern Arizona beat______—^^-sity“Wjidcats-Tnade-a ■ criticalM-cri 5- l — 5l-wns ttfe-b<-begin{ijr{|^>f thc cnd for------_JTi«iJ3riz?ILe5_0f=fi,Litni.8^):juicdLiihcod.':ri N c v a ^ ? ? !^ Ib r its finstt BigBi Sky Conjfefencc on a I4 rl hm .witlj 8:0;07. letnninihg in the Jirst 1 ^ ' Bengal* then hadi tl;tlj^l^Tng nin. jcd by nclorytffthc season Salurda'irdayiuHht.-- ...... ______run niidway through theIC ssccxjnd half the Broncos. .-, —half-to-lafce-^-42-2frr ------1-During^halhat^:9:TOtchrT!rcnTr< f»f»iTnte^rrcd .wilh an 8-3 s6uft at_^;jft - ' ll -!'AVc-iniR)wawl wmtHilwitrerouiid-UisH^ - iTa9i r ' ~ Uicir. /0=55^ .•||onriu11y~'g'o~rur tis." Dy5 = ^ ---- . Wildcats, 4 -4 and 9-1M O , moved wiid.*". '/ • -nhmd-of the Broncofi-ami piacc in llic conl'crcncc. . ?iri^('giiinc,vinieiuj1 tJ.^U touK u i-U lead on ;i | Il.wiis W SU's lltird slra‘ilrdigbl 1 ^1?” ' % lilly i'ikcs m (he op,cning ry. and~snappcd ~3~niode3t:c3t'livo*pinj#-'-mmnlc>ndii III Ihrwimitdcr l>y 6-^fwl. By B} Colin Muldoon - - ‘ - ■ ■ - - --- i illg-UltolUlcTg;-gaiue.Vbul.-Un; '..'VahUalii .ire — CSthHTnning -^m-cak:------■»ior—g»inr4-W«ff—.S»fw>F,—- 41}:^^u»cs-Ncws-corn;.spondt‘nt nl------wtfre tho-oncji- ji.ve High iSuiimii gniduaii;, ' ------ic-ud in tlie liniiirst O ininuie:.'. UI.1110. J-J 111 uig .-^Kyy'i>‘->y. , ic- ' ^ ^ S s Sb M ferencc. cwnc inid the; ggaine. frcili . scorcd five: ppoints in tlic early min- ■. , MOSCOW. • Univcrsitjity.ofldiilio •. ' :;umcs il.s league schedule; rnext week t l f J K 5 L i 3 |S at di.\q'n wi Ui i tia in.-m'irni ' , i\n ;m' insnin-il Lil)icn..maij— . At (lie i’m-ii ,_i:r«»nulin>; dais r.in outi ool' gas while Souihcni o:un I luirsdiiy and Saturday. ,verc as utes inlo ThcIC \uainc. S.inor. wlio canic =Thi^|-'liiiiii]mtiinl!i loniplii,". said BSU Coa(.‘oach Bobbj~—into-thc-pinitline iive^n^nT^ujils ^ - •Dyc--"Bul-i:il-tcll you-wJia __per game, alout i the Tc^iLof thtiialH.__ -'.Inij^i. that cam'ed ihihrce minutes inio..tlic I? — ■■ —sccond-halfr-oifi rgnl quick tcnm nnil Uicy.lcy. loukjid Viuul------miic4Uiy;iiy»; think you slimilil pbiv____ -owljing iho IciKi t.> O-- c d -c x u a ^ ^ y —uillll.'.iliC-iSIniUnlToul,''--D>ic-said.T.‘!I 7h i ----:jliFKcTiDn"iConlrTmcr-mn^ — ------—mjj-onc-oMitr;llt^guya-that-think-^hHl.’■- -dii-iliiiiJ.vunst:culLvtt:fyr.Wi 3j\o,lo. ndw.ll------—------Tlic Wildcias" began •plnjiing pi < rz- ^ TlicWildc;dcat.s, who led 35-34 a f 8 B '.ovcrtill.- Southern U tah,h ^irops lo Tliat was be as close 'as“ iM’viuTurij'1 ^BUY-°-SElL^--THH A O E - tTcmcl>‘-v.-ci^'af)er a .layufyup by BSU halfliiRc. madjade 26 of 30 free throws 121 % ■...... , «c(. ccntcr Tujmkii Bt;»rd guveive .ihtf B ron-- fo r the pnmc. I IDAHO COISjGAlLEHIES' wiih i3-rr.^-rninutcsrli ------“ H hm bnhnT^rrrcnlly^cliitch rhont------.....From1 the o})cn!pg.-rip.'.• Southern, Three Vanda:idais had dDubtii flgiu'cs,. n 302 N. Molii.TWirLFnllfl. W.id..Q33ai - ' f f l l i l p i R B vtrc(Micls Icn ih the crtmc. inK /' Dye ba*igiald. Fikes and Beard cach ui.UUh pii.^licil lliu tem po. I1 Ihe Thun-' -.bcndc^il by. Sama^wy-l-rccTTian >vith ^ - V\T$U • sophomore - lorwiirilfor fiuci i:> {V)ini.s»T {orUriU. ' ■aci(icrhjrils. wcr.c ■■ivcmcmc ‘VI.<' com- ' j - - I . .______.

___l j __ D:4 - ■•nfnoa--Ncwnjwliiwln.Faia.ldttho—Sunday-Fab;abmaryja-isai__ __ ------1- — r

SMiStO] 'x - t il____ e__ r f ® . ^ ' BriefI . ' / / sALrij^KE-crr:iTY--^Thavc'al-.Vr^a|B ways been imprcssicsscd w i± , Andy. , W rite r, bi>roadcaster Axtlt t h e l m d i e s l^o^lson. I’m cvmn morC;r ir^tysn'ed.,, Brad . PITTSBURGHH — Pcte.Ax^heliTi.jia contontmentaior on ESPN’s Na- how. ■' ...... ■ a ncwspapert'and. b fo a d ^ t _ <[ynn in hig hi^h M BrMaW~^ tionalj'TobtbalfJ.J.«ague:.coYcragc,.nn_dji. " — l--watdicd-TooUa — — te p6»ia"^n*Tyilban lb raridTforsc^rticingrdiS: . ‘---- —fwbbol'dayR and-c.iiigllughT^-bixiMionfll— tlsbiirgh hospitalT3f livL-i fuil- z : glimpse of liirri wiUwith t}re~Bnghani ' t^ ^ B S - urc. He was47. Young, University CoiCouggvsbnskclbdl Axthclm .enterccrcd Presbyterian-Universitjrsity ' ' V team. ,, . I first expcricnccs this year .cam Bt MichncUnrdan of the Bul ls. _ Hoapital on Jan.. 227 ond was in the hospital’ital’s^^ ^ *• ■ — iitit awaiting..a iivec tnms- son and his role wilii ' imcnnve-carc uit \11-Star shot a disntal 4-for-l ------■ptaHi;------Ro^ml ; Tlie imprcs-sioh slays a laiiiMo-wakli-Uu J C S ! ^the field finishing with nin _ RflcAiewcz said._d. « ' - ______i. Drexicr. didn’t'have un dl :— i‘Wd-wif|.misss ,1his inSJghUuL commentary, ■ Portland '1‘rail Blazers incisive rcoortinens and unique literary - fla* "'j ...... ■uuiUBriphs- and - yeH- __ iQQisQfl.^wns irvcrywhcr cr was, hounding the Trafrail ■ I — T""-^— " “ of.” ESPN spoVokesmair MiKc io jty s saiu. ! supposed to be thec b(b e st te a m In ihc -. , ‘,’Wc. will..cspccialially miss his warm fricrid-md,-. ' : Nhtional BasketballlA,suciu,io„. A; r wherever he was.------nsoriVtarfed and played the ffir; ir s t ------Settling- down jnin m y se al. I ' -. ^—'... Axthelm—______minutes p f the Crst 'quortcr andan< A '. Axthelm.iwhdrjoined j E^PN in 1987, pro^proj watchcd the Jazzi' 'warm up and vided commentaiyiiy' ahd picks on NFL garnetmes on the network's,fNfL :r.Twin F«H. Mar ' J "the second halfand playedI an-an J J ! j: watehcd the former.1 seven minutes before sitting on GameDay”.and ”N"NFL PrimeTime.” He alsoso ccovercd horse racing. —r------knock-m: throo-point-i„u«hoK-Ukc-.hcy^-“™ 5i=^ vatching'"thc7105-9I victortory ------—He•wasparrof^fNB.C*S'NFLrcove ra ge-teamam-from-1980unlil-1985.-^ ----- ; — r were tv/o-foot shots.Its. Swish w as.all . ^1“ he bench. : • Axthelm. a 196<'65 ^ d u a te o f Yale Utiivers/ersi^. joined the New-XA[}f., - wU)a^i«_m an T , you heard, He played Toolson-Thursday, he-sHoLth' H e ^ d 'T riu n e aias a 'h o ts^ rn d n g writerr aiana’sports eolumnictf-^* •’ — Ior Mfail{ liaton whaSEo practiccd his . • itbe. .^ H . r. vice, made a bucket and misse!'-_' — j the pthcr side.wiUi the _ gtievivfvt hy him wil rr. Meg.in. ]_ *'T"—* .KfnHKft ~m It. dmwing-oohs and flahsJrog ~~ ' f uneral arrangen I ■ His start camc in thehe iat^ n c e of Jeff hnd three oQinls-iii-lhfl:mnIesi = 3rc-imppnanLwns.hisrieten.sivc ;oril1;aiis a s doe: —"i— groinjn ju TyrMa^iniU,iuUlronr 12th man- « on D’rexler. “ VSSlA"Teco : ’ , to starter, is a surprise,rise, lo mosl of the tig ‘ had>-alpairh, of steals and a “ . : N /U ^ A — Nor'onhwest N a z a r ^ Collegeg'c :from Nampa lias broken ’ __ . j.. i--faithful and-Toolsonntnightlmvc.bc«M n blocked"d shot highlighting his-statis- iut.sullimanagcd-10 losc.ial_ . surpri,scd»ai.wdLxunhunnmg oulron the „ - --a-30-yoar.oM NAIAIA-basi(CU>aii rccom . but.: r ir,hn Stncktnn’s ■ “ p. ihe-gameboxscore.-'_ ^ - pppoDCTLWcstcra']a B a p ti^ TO-70. . . - f- gQUft--jtisl tn hrnr if n ng7~Tuolsoii~5li o ^ d- ex-ccp= ! nainc unnoungi^-ibyby the public od- • “ " •"•J TNC guiii^ Rliik m airlii^ Cdriind j7tli-cui>}- ^ “ i------apesS'ft'anr” - owsr-Solvesonr^ho-is-M 2 oose balls atid helping, in the ;----- C.862)rHaSii(»wgor;onc l I gamcs-without a mis; 1 The Jazz led fron■ran, .h= tip a n d 1ion ?“ gatpc on the court. I turned the game intoito ia one-sided af- “Nobody :wer toldto me anything about it,’iti" Solvasijn said luler. ’'i* _i " fair. ______.______ToolscIson is not the scoring machine was siirpnsed whctiicn.lhey stopped tho clock.c. 1I 1 thought therc was d mal- —t------Toolson started, bot rprcly w ed the- he-was-is-at-Twin Tails ana'-QY-Ur-Rti ---- b'hoUUU^l-hC-US^niT-'pT i7y.' •fflns-}ike~ht«r~5t%*lc.~inTa t»^/Cru5adcr_cgfich-Garrv-M }■ fensivc powerhouse;e ffor Twin Falls ‘packedi \ hoiisc that erupted when t the h e ^ “ ~2oi5E3S9Aa^ai a w mplishtncrttmy^tai^ tandPin”ific^"E3ni!:' nffljr p and'BY'U"was'imhc^ L ^ g am g .” :., ; ^4—_— si.ve.man._l_^^____ nounced,ed._the Jazz fans like this * ' ' I -^T . Hrs-^SigliihehJ-wat.atayilcJlocIciuliSlSSSULivssM.cz:'7 ------rvr-.^ ^ R a i n ^ k e yys-Afct:orall=staitarsaftijaitw iir— C Irtyr fnng tMH _mi«: . If ^ t he usually i like:e hisi .style. Andy Toalson im*im- In p ra ctice, Andy_T;Toolson keeps his offene n s tv e sk ills s h a rp but ' I: guards the ^Pftehein'sft's best man. One' pressedd'tTfconcc r again. In games concenmirates on tgugh defensii^sii^e a s s ig n m e n ts . ■ •Ib ^ b' ^ l c itITY. Fla. — Tim RainesrKa'd hai two hil.s in two at-bats ------. -and’scbredtworun:ms Saturday, la d in g the AnAmerican League All-Stars

1 ' ' —t m B M IlfScjgL.ioiik aJtA l.lead ^ a-B o b b y Bonilltililla’s solo home nin n^nd ii __ I 6pH oss .. Iwo-run stiot l>y LCincinnati's Joe Oliver in the secoTid inning, J o e ...... 1 NEW YORK (AF(AP) — Geraid helnn the. Magic hit one o o: f two free thrown. Poyto:yton • Carter’s sojo home:le run in the bottom ofthe: iniinning made it 3-2. :: Wilkins scorcd 12 ofofhis h 16 points in — withshstand a career- then threvrew a punch that precipitateated Barry Bonds^ thelie NL’s most valuitble playeayer last season, made it 4- i a span o f 4:41 in theie ilthird quarter os ^ h 35*point per- the alterctrcation which xesulted inI the'th 2 with a sacrifice flyfl in the third, but the AL rallied for three runs in thc'Ncw-Yortc-Knicklicks-hnndcd-thtr-^^^H tiance-by-Mia- ejeetionolI o f both...... : -V------^the bottom fof-the thirdth focJhe-vittory______•; Sacramento Kings a franchise mi’s-looul SiH t R r^— L_buLJost_Uic.,_^JJ",»-night-ctub-foJlowing-th< rprospeetss^ ^ bounds. - —-i___ Ticntuni ''h « i— yicioty oV&rcniciiB0~Tti6rgg teams piirotectingi With a loss, the: HKnicks' would It. ■ ...... h u r r^ ^ d a shot on ^ . - H ic Associfltcd Press ' .. fhc.plarplan.was insiiiuted three years i: ’ hove m atched Miamini vwith (he }vprst jb g ' .lysj” - JVuEEelS ~ ag o 'as papart of- the NFL's w n y pf • ts 126, Hawks 125 ~~ In its third yeai\ die1C plan for Plan fighting, a scries of anlilmst’ suits :d--SacramniuAl^ H g l mabinfl f^nlv ^ipht^ j^beoome^lean ' - —poinr-iT-play-bn-tho—?'L?J}P.^i.,- ^ g ebrud^ l. po i n t s ^ dTfiMh a d - -Whcrryou tnakeiip) yyour list in the . Ifallow-ows each team to protect'37 - its .against. Atlanta, leading losing alrcak'wns'll'in”inl98I-82.- .pthcr■^gnd::^-. < J ling, league’sllmitcdiVee-^ogenTpool, pro- players,-w,-wtli the re.it''becoming-ti^ ’ i^lC- tiwt piyvapA^ta' I whQ^ven?back.lo theJr.on§i; ter ntter h>» niinrtrr hit^ tm>. ;: utivo-baskotfr-by-Antoiiitoino-CarrTwHo'^^^BT’- S-nifi^hois ' f:the fJup ^ 'ts* crghth victoryOTy " paid _stars who aren't^t"''^*ing*''a?^ ■^neonreliff^^^ByAprni. ' ; ' ■ ' led;the Kings wjth if;i; points.p( _ from1 the field and *0 im es following a 6-28 starttart where. This yearyea more than ever, the em- -33^points in—oritLiWli-tli the sixth consecutive ,1OSSo. con- , , , , — Stipcr-Bowi; Matt-Bahritirnvnoiiaciceo GianLs' _■ RICHFIELD. Ohiohio (AP) — • ' ’ ...... ______^ .s«uti>live points for 11, N ets 103 the winning ; f-San:{francisco|^pcron O ter- — faA trt-ts^.-Ai.tar<;iTV-/AP) :-Ka~rf 1 . : game .into overtimee with,\ a last- dunk w ilhilh’43 scvondaJeft.------—- rnidway through ' th e’t^tfil'rcl quarter t ^ o n e scorco sci j,i poinui 'UllU Jufuijfjn— and-4ight-tevc_(Jros.ia:ollI^cw^__ ^ • ^ -..-1 Ca?gltgr5~igDirJ oc:just^t ^d-caii:cr=h.ghS=withr{6^ ------points" one for— Downing'and RogerBro ifl 26'gaincs; ' ■ ■ md. ;j 1 assists, and Cliuekv‘■y Sup€i^nics ibp ■. ■: ^ TTRuFrBIW iley a'tiaca“lll“potnt.s'r6r ^ Ic.nSing lHEicil^h"c t^cl Inst t^'o scasops; -__ ; Nance’.*; -heroics oveiwercame a 28- Brown see5coredl8. z.—wlio—won—their— thirdird James and^Dowmjig.ig. ^ t h dcfcn- Ruas Gri,n5ri,mni. .• Kelvin Btyant and ~T poHnTtJul rji inanegr l>yr J5A EC^.-^i ]Sjnd"pullcd"within t twoTjatncs1CS - -si vc - linemen -takeh-in~ ia^fHVa;;tilngton;'andi.^dlc------Tony Carnpbell. who0 returnedn from Tyrone C **^^tcheai— tTTnnrms— : wc.s;—uiVltimn-lcjUiiiy '5 jtt Corbin. 25 for MinncKoia,f ’--- Sclmmipf,—who_^waa_ ^Ii3_lu3t five.Vuf-iLt^a3t- ai.^.;: witfi~their.-2Q^ home mtOf-,to-v’ i:Brbwn.:aTcor-Llj),,» - New— • per"^'^-poinicrs_iiilihe-the-C.nal 10-scc-_t;(H„tfs,---- ”^ f i RhtlTC~wttl7^nntc^s-( p m c s ..,'___ {TTzr.______;^w»wiiw4>iektffa.ofrHl!rUjpe^===T- pn3s ofovertiine, ----- seor5359-points Hpiecer 2T— thc-Gianta-bcfore-being- ...... After Payton.-who led;d-Scatlii: wilh - .■-RoSSic: JThcus led the Nets with 26 unproteclol-.vvas. Scott Nor- .Campbell had one: Ixst la; shot lit ly- M flftic 1( —,— tlierseason^-laat-four gamesgi and the----- 1 0 8 . H e a t 9r ——19-poinls,“cfit'thclndiiin!tmricd-lo-IOI- P9'n-“ - M ookic, Blaylock finished playplTs. . wood of' Buflalo.Bu who' missed the 47- : inc.it..hut llis >PQiniq1I:T t^'-nced ptT ..., q k l 'aaAlDQ,-Fl-j.N ‘Sjyi,>tl . ax writh a l.isr^in with..SO,n t»A ’ With 19 antimd Derrick Coleman 18, IS hnve-.nrenv ^ yard fieldId gglial in the final four .sec- - ■ the rim. • ‘•MQsL-fl£-ihc_yains- ; • Skiies brolrokc out ^ f aVhrniling Hllfmp-»p- Schrcmp f waa ioulcdi b»; Dcfrtck — m « p u u ea tuieau-jz.-..:a-aitcr!\* |^ m u9h-dcvclQped the saramc tnrumla." tit McKoy witn 41) .second rtcr~bchind C ol^an’s.' TO JO said George Yoiing, th^le Giarits- g l^ - . iist 'biiiulay's lille giinie.. . dcr~a-mtnutc. lo go1 in’thtTTourllr;ir ol IsS frwHhrowji -jn ■ thcTfdilnK^ih~iLiid eoiuicctcd On boilrfrTrVinfiip^—= ^m ^butlilt tln> Ja^j: rallicd_to'*-takc - eral manager.-You saveiVe your young But Non'lorwQod had'just siy;ned a _ i___ quarter. whcii.Nancc.defilrffrftfTT-i q u a rtrr .la_hcat,JvIiaim^.foMhc_ tn first llc(jj;cattlc to the lead for fo g w d . 47-^6. on-Mike" guys aird;;yoiu- big-guyuvK—You tnkt? ne^conlTinilrucl. and-.iikt many of. the— . by Pooh Richnrdson- — ...... ■“ time in the:heir la.st five riieetinRs'. : io3-rocr. with' '-\k £ ne_^Ii^icai^VwitIV-Buyft^in:P npriilWnja^layCTT!; ■doewr't— ^ ------!lo>m-Ji.lQrtQn_picki^r:ctl_up_»m,baii:___ ^ acott adden points to ------canreplenish:’’------apptnino-bca'biTgnliryaii'ywhere. . ‘ N F L o)wes sueeeess^^ - HRcd^Gi^range^ The Baltimore Sun - scoring onl)nly_.seven in ll|ce League in 19R3. Walker:r gul a lot of Bue.s leftI ithem scmmbling for a I New 91I 4x4 Sul ------( b (four in one Bame an.iinst ^^_jnoney and puhlieity. _bui.couldnlL_iiQach._Ami h h ‘s often diflicull to0 stsepunite myth hastily org;rganized team in St. Louis);) s^op die league froin foldidin^._ ■ “ Buddy Ryonr'an,~thi:’formcr Philadelphia'jj,. ------" /w ^ —^-----froni r«iUity. in pro-foolbMtbiilL'x.distant—and gettiao.ng booed In some cities. —.. . .Pro-foolbulLstiuggled.uLJbr..alniost_ Jiaulcslcoac;)ach,.nilLBelicluck, t1ie.der_ ..past. • J -----______In Waxhi shingloti.Jie,gaincd 11 yardss two deeadcs alter Gxaiigc.;c.dj;pancd*___fcpstye_copr iprdioaior_of ihe New York^ - 3 T ~lv^^ v ------Kcd Gnfngc-prriVcditf^atf^at;-- — in cipht-crcarries.- 'I'hc promoter lost1 • _ Whrti-cvemually initdee pn,>\; ftH)lbull—Giants.—Gariary Stevens;-an-.isKiwnn«- When ho dial hisl week, wc most of money, prcprompting The Washington1 was not Gr.mge. but televirvisioh. coaeh'‘^of ththe Miam^>olphms and ------the obituarius lh;i'iliiii lie t» rep.•port the ■■crHlr^l_fnc--- in evetHfyttig—Rw>liHrd WiUinntMMi.- Wi wito—finislxHt— t ‘ •xn'm m cnireihe mvih: lt‘!T‘!7toncmhcrf- out the-soil:toason as-thc-Bucj^^head-id- . -1 g __ I . took with the C hicago>Jk-ars JJj in 1925 • vi’helhcr :thc :thi Capital -City funs'vvillI d e d .iniQ th e A n ie n ca n sports sp pysche coach alterT Kay l'erkins.w.is tired, ------Ryarr l ilasn’l lEi. clianged a fit since Uiri. IV’ ___ jt^ng-iryrhr^^^.miicysfaSTt—1 frr-*;Tr>rt-~lh:in thr rrnttr}-—1 . u-in(.rnri-7n> .•hgl-ditrtrmt. .hv an All-.ll-American named George- - |.,y^ n.ii^g- book publislied1 I;Ia.st fall by — \Vildcnt"-V"Wilson. H R ^ ------e diun t waiii Culverhou.ie.i.ie,' he called it-.an "excel- " 'Wfl.shinpion writers Dan-Daly Dai' "and- Tlic Pitl’itlsburgh’^ I'ress” *reported., to compete witii his own'liI legend.' • lent" inicryic\iew . ■ \ '■ p „ ------nr':pil>»~ -.n ------Bob O'D onndl titled. "1 tic Pro "Grange -rmi.^ !•: tu hu u Ji. .1' pitttfW— vrahir ofn-r...... ------~ o t j y , l-rootbaU.C.'hrfiniclr.-|'~ pnlr fr n n ^ th e T a m p a '.Ba^-^ih E Leease! \ rcituty ot ~tlie tuTTCdo •—-«>nc. rg ;x>H jj wnyn«: worth $2. maten m e tne mym..■ .ana tnai looiuatt.'. million a year -- WalslIsli mmed ~it Orange's firo i;;irrcr w.i.iin a.-; sioncd. he nnd .Cicori^e Uahs. the: id o w n last w e e k -lo stAy in

Although "Gmngc drewIrevv 65.000 iit inoriey eapiipitaliziin; on his name he- Ilot him nm a qiiartcrbacl; canipt in the V ero^Jgw hL- 1--S------thc-Pokr^nniml!i-in-NcvNcw-i'urkumd _cuuac.lhci'_l;y_had_eoiiinitl^uaruiilces ___i~i t: .. 'g|g~ ., Til!.- , ’.£!vi y-ir, , vyhpri ,llala.'i_.i_. le1 i h im m n il.l.n:>{ .y e a r.___ n o n 'Hira Imt a.QOfttonfvicy.itxfcd— F .------the book-~point.s out thiiih:il the rest o r' Tvcnildn't'm■meet hFs’TIciTia^s^nfTrripc■ The mTijor' l;ictorr—tHt the tour ;(thcrc were actually ac two helped tbun'und his own ic.ijiuc. it (old-• -Wnisii’s fcchn$r"rhm-hr~h ------TmirxwVe •urvitiht-pnmcr:icrnni.1~n'nnThiT~~Trt-:n'tcr ,i ~\'c;ii\i and-he-ftHiuiKsi-i^v-dw:__IIcll to tifove. 11.hi' u-t-rp .* . o f jMtR'hwasii't ;i roii.‘;ln.«:n«.mKccss, He NIX in 1^2^27. siiMcrcil'a kiice iiijti|-y <.c e> sliil. il Ih.’ esiH ' drew only ahoul 5,00(.f IbnsIbl in Wuili- ;md never \y;i.s-'y (he sacTie as a runiicr. \wc/ein. iic'd iia\T im fT : : incTon. I-otii':. Pins’insfaur7;h .md To'ciHiip.i:p.\fo;him to n iiiodcm ptay- 55U}:pc!:ntin th a t 'h e cniili. • "N ew Orleans. ; cr. he was: lik? lil Hcmchci Waikcr sifni- -w iiim iil Jih; Mi'iiitciiiii, ' - -::rtiQ' flUc-.-iiViV j. it-..-. .r.;r.i;i:.i-s~rrii.--r-{MViTrinl?;^ -L;/ . tM W - - ^ -- -} W i i f f l i aa U s ^ S ■ _DAYT0N4BEAa.C H T T k -T h e--S lo ck ,divdivision and also host raciiigS is, best 20 o r 22-fmishc«.s. A 'com pcti-__ ^Ci||Mt& NASCAR, WinstonI RacingP Scries in thc LiLimited Stock, Street Stock>ck lion index-then dctetmimines tfae na- - k H m a 4 'iWill expand inter Idahcaho-for the fim and Ponytay-Stook- claase3.i^Y-CI3_iQJ q .tiooal chompioQ from-an.mmpurittnn . ,'liiiic as Magic V ^ ccy y Speedway iii the fcaturture division will have the op-3p- of the e i ^ t regionalll cbmplwu'~~ - - r n O w Pnllg ttrill jn in thethx serieg fo»4he - portunity.,ty to c o m i ^ fbr a^ ahare oof. f .records. The 1990 NAJASCAR Win^_; • :i991 season, boostingJng NASCAR’?,.close.yr0 “ $50,000 in regiona! poiritlirit stbn Racing S ^ ea-Na^ ——pr^nceuitlherUnitcdited; Statesj61317 o^aivardrand-thrivi/l=HA^|'orth ..alm ostost -,er won $65,500 for thertitlo.-.--,- ti -----•— ' ;n gniithi»m lHnhr._hr —^----- '^ a tu ra >l»}H-~ be paid TO'thf^— — :rc^0n'-scrics and-wwill il .'operate dn NASCAR -administrative operationsMIS top five finishera in thtidtCThe" 9 ih«-*i08in5«si'rft8t6MmdTt ~rtatlbiuil"prinrT“ . . ' j.' ty for prize money and recognition, -serids-haihas . g r o ^ . to include someme funds and awards.'Theyyinclude AC-, • V " T B ^ i m eis-News. s : ..a t no 6)ot’tra cost! •—■—Alsorwe-fans here kncknow WASCAR • 7,000 driv[rivers at abiiut 90 race tracks,lu. Deleo; Champion; FasTnick, ~ racing and now they’ canca see it right Driversi c«compete for regional cham­ni'-' Gdrorad^ Qobdy's,.- Moxx f Race ' here every week." • pionshipsps under a uniform system-sm-Caids»-Mr.-(3askct, Moroso. W ..Prc- ._.__riic_tniclt. Will .leat;caturc_Uie_J'ro —wlucH awQwarda poMJtbftjWd.on iholr.Btf~^Mne;;gTC anJ Unuuah-

L-i~V ellow :pi^ ;------:— ------^^^nvpiaTfietiPbfi^ g e r p p ^ S — neeerta ry-WMlele :fte Yellow j 'Mg*''IS dire ttCTy-etfers^ ------^ p e b b l e BgACt:CH, Calif. (Apj- m m m ~w lde dl^biitloniniijtS-once.aivear-pi upubilcatiori.Um lts, ------...... — CTfn, codr'and^idH^iniected'Rbc- i'-^-advCT^TSIKtlwKiir abdi^.tS;seU;«^tecp ^g M :.T-r " -rl: •• ' exercized Paul Aziilinger tookhis^^^M "^TZ" -^oLflLPoppy HillsZ Azinger lost threerce strokes to par • TTirM Yellow P( f W a g I c V a lle y . Tl ! — and his lead ii the Pebble Bcach National Pro-ro^Am — on the II . split readeirahip,, a^di cut the effects: t i v e n e s s o f t h e — ^------nrsTTwrtolerbfrtR■e \worth S500." ______■ ------White-ATirigci-wa~was~BOfng~from.;~ ^ S ^ ^ ^ [ water to sand and, eventually,c\ to a ______------ri»ovgr-par 73 at Pop>opp>-HiiisrM c'-^^H ■ diate used a fast finish Hn — eagle,_; birdie, par — at Spy>pyglass Hill for ' ~sii5hbp built , ' ! a'69 and a onc-shotiot lead with 18 , w II - 4 —helesto-go- ...... i s « a g w I U ^ a d l v '' ■ Mediate,-nor^t-a-t-^-winncrJn^^^^^^ —;------sca5on5~on‘th c P Q/q pletcd-one round-oron cach-of-thfr-^^^H ______thP?>-M9nfcrgy_P.cniieninsula courses ______S£ ____ _ in 205. i I-under par.- Tw*wiiu'iuiiu«'i7 WJ^ ...... : ...... - j>pitfUMtphOte ^ . P*««'•(M . advtniilnr tw .GTE .. — ^ z=fficj^bbly?=o------whcn“he-found-hinhimself-in-titlc Id ‘on the 11th h^e. T ---- -getby o«m less than half of> f -W h a t — r'T------^ ■■ contention...... •“n>*ih»«yUth*blntrthe------— Theyawfelspendine^thlfaeh e “I’m more comfonfortablc.now,” O’M ca^ra^s. 7 3 ' ot Ppbble BcacBI He was followed by'' Azinger . d. Uw belter oft.yott an . bul. ____ Motiiain. Qak-hnrifl ^ \ ih^f. ■ telpnlinnina^m mpany.** VQUsdn Sunday 's linullin j 8 Imles a ^ c n ^ g inlo p qualliy for Snndny's fi- t — . : i 4 b lc li^cK K bur’S — I' One c[tio.-t-fccUlikerIccrl- ca n rh an rflfi-y Jtat-li- Hkr-‘th r - 49ers'.- t " cniitd—t Hnn Ctaar _ !_____|e*ij ■ that riow*. ’ . . , have plaplayed better” .-O’Meara1 iand Lany Mize, tied'at 21210, were Mitpanletr'-'------— ------...... ~ - — !T-vc iuKt-t»ol-lo-ii1>-tfb-oul-ae« Uim I------world. I know I cann dod it. I've just The sanmme could be said for Cur- M ed ^^e w a s even , parir for the Mr.Ir. Tonnlnf ttltf. ihejr have 1- day until’he'hitTr^.wn shotsi 225 • ' f«*‘0*1 i«?tphont compinlci ~ T ‘‘Studi'es!s show that peoplei l e u s - r i '.5 _ .i got to.gei it done.’.’ , P-. - tis Strang,ngc; Lanny-Wo'dkins ond ’ c General Tclrplionc init ; 1 He was in poiiiti^tion to dA it in Jack Nick,cklaus. They, too; failed, t o-..yards > to within 3 0 'inchesiM .o O ii'_____ ip.'ti acirjc_Ncrlhw*il D«tl)______...... Jng.y£ltoO'H^paKes-Keiierallyiij^-— —— ^ -rr ' this'cvcnt last year.r, \when hclicTd' moke.il'.tf.to-ihc-lDsl-Toundr-Nick-'-T^ ' . cup and made-the putt-for3r caclc=-3 . rii'Wl-.o«J:oo(nn-yell(n*-Taiei' on hlB~16thholo. _. ; itverll»lng.Jiyc»=«^nnttft _ :,j_ ... _ -have,niai ade:^p.4 (ieir mindsIs and ~ s=i"; -sccond place alter“ 5^ 54'holes,' then“1nus.-inFfSct.'WflS-bcfitch" - f ftwfCT 1J% and »% ot the __ blew to a fat 77 77 . and Mark-son.. -Jac!ociciB.._The— Sl-jfj^K)ldL--.L-l:.‘£ven-llhe_caglc_didii.’Ji.’t_cxcitc._'. ______Twni a builiftw.tavw-by ------______areJffioto dne for phone numlm b e r s ______•tromu with liitt 'Ouldni—I me like I used to get," he>e-oaid.- “I------mtK ------— ------[ressestnotand ailJi a fancy: y ■: — - — in Jnckiu w a s at-2 2 1 ...... --just, j i thought,. IG.OQd_shoiiot,;—and , _____ CorCompatilw sltcn run adi !»«• Uian-j»ttfid.-*n«-Uii-T —— — - B a v o1 - Lovnt lIl,com pletedTa.69 T-B lelp lianwi tinder too-miny* —-“ ^"731“ Mles'piicicH.” , \ ' ______• nt^ PoppyIV Hills with a last-hole On the next one,jK-pro;^i^ed a _ c^uiaulflcallanii Mr. Tannfng ’ iiu^ SiMitlTiMyitaVp^ie ' about O'Meara ' this , time., hind Medi: d ia t e a l 2 U6 . _ bbirdie that put him irTfr^nt. ive made up Uielrmlndi and . — ' ■ 1 .a « klaoUac lor pbone sumbert . . ------■ 1 : ____ , andid .i .atfclrye«,.not a (tncy J*H*IlLll,'' .■ ------^------^ i ^ - c o r i ^ Tire Associated ? ^ "Notliingng i can do about birthdayss ~ 1 r-.~rr!1^7,VicdPre8idiidcni' ‘ ‘ ' ...... ' g s a ^ ' anymore,"." Ryan 'said. “They just;t Al Harazin’s main tasksk os cxeeu- i I ■ Buscbull’s c r a 'o f pood- po< ftfClineti-keep pilingng-vp...The .only thing thatit tive vice presldeg^ of theic New York ' ^ ^ • _IIZ ' ■ Cp \/O f«sr rtTlSy tions wiih umpires. Riel"chic P h illip / Io 50. ‘No\lobod^s^'ori'a game-«l-M^— irVice"pfc3i^— ^ thc lawyer for the umpires, um says and I don'tn’t think yoTi'll sec ol' No.-I.- - dc^^corli«^lk: the wccklJdJJamzinJhiis ■ ariicl1 services * . ...,aand every day.'i'," they, afeiookiiMtrg:for~~~r^ . tolks nrejprogressing on a new con- 34 doing it."it. made contract offers tcto pitchers _■ ** -^j..lract__ ' ------,-----___ WhcnRy Ryan starts dii opening day., ■' D w i^ ' t ' G o o d en and' Fri*raj* V iola; i p f oirm r i atinn tn H«^)| “Tire iunio-sphcrc tss ccordial." he 'Tic wiirbw'ccun!5~ei11y thc^Sth-rnajorr iiimli » n o w ' waiUSgrioT:J, licar-rrom . . said. "1 am optimistic wtwc will reach league pitchtchcr to appcar;in o game att thciragcntsr—i ;------, ------—^Oi!^^eWcle-ye 1 ifou-use to-ii-eacf:h theM cbnsiir ~ r ...... ■ ■ ' -----that^'c are making-progi — ^Seeing Double------e — o ^ e tf^ B d ^ ¥ te la ^ r c -c SB Ct^pr^tSSsi :::2 == free agcncy after thc 19‘ S iggeF-^aessgg . no intention of rccomminmcn^ing it^nt ' Pitcher■ FFernando Valcnzucln- has led by thTMcrxfcan League—.-G oodCT' haa-aaid-he-wantaI’ts-to-havc o-^ ~ P K fK : my clients strike springg training.’"tr Pccn sighcS ;ime during D U L U national andr • Under ilic old agrccrr;emcnt, nnijor Dos Larcdc:dos Tecolotes — not thc' ^ cal. completed sometin h I spring training to avoidid thc year- - l<:iiguc umpires started^d at S40.000 one' o f Los.os Angeles Dodgers fame ■ ' long negotiations DarrylI Strawberry‘ lewspapfers forDr their ihpppinng infomiation.n . - . . " ^ ; and coiild muke us much ;ls bul onc by>y Illic saaic namc.j5 i[s Fcr^ J ; ,w ait through lastscason. . Sl05-.000.^n_thu Spend tgOO Mmch oq il - _ .-ing-for-or how muqh memore time off No. 17 drafraft'^picC o f hSIive M cx ic a n1 ’works out with thc Bostotion Red Sox umpires want during thclie ?season. ' free agentI players.p ___ 1before making a fmalII decision. ' g r - r r r — ~ ub<»crytmdy^.».pug>tMe r=^ClHScn£ is reiwrfcdlyiseccckingmbry - , .z- „ th iis Viyearis Yello • ' siiltiSt hy s[iiiDg.U)ecilicrhrr nnrt trv tn r'~ “1 hope; tl'this Viilenzuela ts-ns poodi ’- ili.in| S 2 0 m'illion ovcrfiTC- to keep this o'lrt of thc public pi: liplil. i'S Jhc olherfter one. Or maybe, halt as> Expanding -Your Tim es°fli"lews—acix^rtislfi^ tatHave^i^t-'ctG — ------• mxHl.'------l.aroBrcHlos-vKtf"j»r..etp w ith s o g g ^?gtT&iTg~f(rrnr ^ ■'the Amerien'n and Nation;ionni Lc.igucs. . Tlie Dodjj)dgers’ VtilcfiTnckris also «‘ '• cities( oathe short list o f tJ said "we're trying lo kckeep it quiet native-of M exico sm l sliin r.>r— tr progigram ’to i^edyce:e the amountJJtha.t_you_spAQd id on., '^ ^ ; ,ind low-key"' ai)d-lh;ithat ihc sides carcer m MMcxico. Tiie l^redo team> -. committcc.( will visit Mianami.imd.Dr: VelTrM ■—rrwcrc taJfcinz 3bout"t:^o3i]usilv technical playa bothII iiin.Nucvo Laredo. M c.'cico|>' lando on Feb. 25 itnd St. PPclcr-sburg- - * C l i '-awFPaofi^d^ '' ^isiRgfanil^yeetroalsK ’itTOor ■'nd Larcdu-lo, Trvti-; Tampa .L-H-FylA ■ 36. T 1h» - . ------& ■ ijiahday-Boj Gome Plan - i __I3uniilo;::43cnva-:M il~^X^iisiiiiipmLZZ - S F T e g l 35t'roK3li ijaleH-ii4H-1 9 9 j. ■■ ,= : ■ It scvms i!k- only thinhim- th.'il will iu4s,mnanatfer a) .Lou-Piniclla cx-• >w ill be scheduled nftcr ihihc.comr^lc-- ' _ ------;TTU]rKnt;iii Ky:m is'ilmi;:TCTlt>.in. TOcn.x- fcnr itnvn-famb-.to_tl:=aluit-ur-th&-vis-mp;np to make a djvinn entchI ({ 12).- MuiV McG wire 11OJ;iJrAt-Uosen -->'•=------. . nq;hitit:r-aud bccuin;:,ll:i:..hi;.20th_pi!uh -' i» 4 nj- Hv^ W i-rid S.-m -s lf>> ( 151. l- r A i ± Viola ( 14). Willie V M e-' ______:: .T l.« u itl '1)1) .______Oaklarul. C ovey (TlTrBrci Salicflia'i;^^;cnTJR)^■^ ' i ______“ f—

______D-6 •nmo3-New3,Twittvrin Falta. Idafto' 'ra u m la r-F a<>t)fuafv3. tw laai - gibbeaiK c s n p a s tF------?akiiei^f 1^0 . a Kawk.” Also> h(hot on the greens Saturday ______•M’v p hud th is p put tm y rJo rji long Al GeibcrBcr. G winlcss last yeayear. T o y season. I with Amimold Palmerv "7 _ ‘ _____ ' - Fvcn at SfiS. the nuptittff'‘wns n bar-^ .was Geibund-aiaturday. .

' over Sweden when GoranGo Ivanidcvie ---- -• and Goran-l^jpic bcaLcaLStelan i:d(>crfi~! .. 1^1 -S-l —I m“Qnbcfltnb1c ^ - 0 — ----- le a d irr^ rt« ^ o ^ 55 cccompetition, — - - - Ivanisevic,—the - world’s-w< No. 7 ■ — . J ___player, served seven:h aaccsjmd domi- . ,, ,_nuted nt the net asis 'cdcs,” Ivanisevic ■■ said. “This.viclory camecan too fast." i £ 3 ------The Yugoslavs-svg\»'i«pt Fn'Hny’n ' ^ sint;Ies' matches, wiwith Ivanisevic M bcutingi'jotias^v^s![fesgn~Tind ~ l ^ i c ~ r | p ^ B

----- ;— -world ranking to Dorisoris Becker at the ' ! ------Australian.Opch,. .. R G ili ^ Z i y Z f Iimnother-opciiing ----- Haly-took-fl-2-l4cad-.id^vcr*pow5rfuI— Germany when Dicgclego Nareiso and •• W asher- f 1iiiMr~r viTt'jii iii'kM ------trio ;elfcjk-4i676^r7-^=7-^(8^)i=4=6'v6: - ^ ^ y y e r y a f 3 in Dortmund. Tliehe series will be ’ 4 decided Sunday wlieivhen the .reverse WRW;W1505K DRB155I1555K singles arc played. • Larflirge capacity lub -S dIfy ry sselection ------—Thc^tenms-split FrFriday’s singles- - — ..•3wcwash levels___— • 2 cy.?lewie., matches, Becker beat:at Paolo Cane in ••3Wcwash/rinse • 90 minminute timer four sets and Cpmpctnporese downed W f ‘ . terhfiip, combinations ------MichucI Slich in slraig■aight sett. ----- 1------In -Other— first-rouround...matches,.— Czechostovakia, AusAustralia, Spain ond Argentina won in idoubles Satiir*' ►TWIjTle“ j p ’ ______day to take unbeatableble 3*0 leads. ■ . ehmmat^ Aus^ ~~ !— -- -Spairi~R;at-’Chnada^tia^and "Argentina “ r r ------delealed New Zcalufta:nta. : Two World Group»up matches, dc— taatS elfeC iejeanifim M = = frnilii^'“rtiiimpiiin nTmlr.l'S:r«Bi ma j:— ■-3-taDriaejnp:?Gtccnon!ms~"~ ■■ , —j - — Maluysia-i^udi Anitmiibiii in the Asia- ' rtatrifriweftrfficks- " —7^ ■ —Ocii^uia gfQup, and~cd-tgypt=Sencgal— ■ ‘rSelFcIearrllnfffltBT'^^-^•Ttimcd-tJrytycleT— " nor stand—^ ^ . • and Algeria-Ivory CCoast in the • . > •' Reo.e o . $ 949: 95’ ; • J , ' African Zohe^:—Gount rrange7a r ' ‘ ' ' ...... ------ibr ncxLycAr!s main dradraw___, L______Model- - LW2503W/ ------~LE3402W .1 3L"-'— Jaguar hiholds— — \ . M . -li ■ \ ' ' [ ' r ' " ' ' ...... V M a ^EBBteSap — ; - - F l f > n t K i R C # i^ ?ad . ^ Z IS ^ DaS ^ N A —BEACHCHT-Fltr-rAP)^ — ; 3 0 ‘ E —.r.ngli-shman Derekk WixrwickV sur- pluQ In SIsurface units -----vivcd-n-spin-and keptit ththe d e f e n d i n g " ----- surtace units ------:------7Ul2^pfnrotypfl— = ■ iii'lhc Icud Saturday nij afler si.\— = 7 iiop-.— • . T . ------: IiouraZof~ihti~DiiytmiaOMU 24 Hours _ _ i~- " i I • SDortscarmce. f B ”^ 'C ^ ii)g quiilily yOu3u~ ~ j~r~" Warwick, ii veteran .w, B cariHcnond 011'. . •' OiTg-mcingr^putt-ecdway. - . _— - - ■ , , ..-.rgiadjtretablgo He was able to conJontinue to tne • - - - end of his iibom 80-minininute shifl bc- J ___ fore h'andiiiK thc wliccicTto t teammate — navy Jont:s. tinii’ol'.tasu tlS/l «s. tiers, .with a lead over• twoiw buropean 3 i Group C Nis.-yin R90C‘s. — ------' Australia,GcolT the Bnibliam g of Ai m m T throe-time defending IMSA I.V Camel B • GTf' champion, was drivIrivmg Ihe sec- , g SAVE oixi-placc car, while Stcv>tcvc Millcn of- B ,Ncw Zciiland was at the th' wheel o f ra the third-place Niss.in, ______All ihrce had compJctcijcted 177' laps ' 3 l o i r ---- g ------— huunt.^ic NissalT^Ovhie^hieh n re-fas ta — n t----- 3 p p ih:i» thi! IM:sa G l priiloolotypcs, nave tq M • Ftrsi Ifl pfpleroiroiKO- • uepenO aD iiiiy —tsci^»ggn=a=t;w H imisTOaapffjawJ-n '■ £3. ' ' ■ - ^ p n - n n-TTinTTn T t o n n i "'^‘pfovcn i n ~ s t ! l t ' sl<)\ycr,method o f refuelfueling in this Q . survey asking servictriaOncifiL's*” Ittiiii'Air ------' r:ir< rio ^ ^ * irih in i‘.^;out. I t,-»L-.'>r.-»r7-n-.irtr;~^tf-zihi ■trnii Duriona qryiiiii — inrcriiWc—^ — — of Ihc first six hours p.ipav'c the Nis- W ' brand'oishler e r capacity^* Proper op'CartrJtiBe/ ~ — (jfy tn ^ lor al! labric: jntlofraHJpil y — — i!\>Vi''n-i!rtd'ht.-!|Viil^ UkJii•iirftfihiceTiic!-:'i ' ^ ^ ^ IA

John l’avil JL aiiil-En«l?Bhlifihmcn Jnmcs;—M- Q '~

------— ■- tminn. iwoTTfollowcd laps down, by r Tl T5 ------rilK'-fH>i*>wioiiin}4-ryrwhcthc-of-rrcncli—_ y ___U ______nv^n^iML-Wnl)t;k._(;orTiorman H em d ' IH R ----- FRE-i LQML^IN-S:STOR^ I " ~ Il'.iolu.HariJIa M "n~~ — • aiurSJassiiiu) Sil^j Ih. n " • A downpourr c;caiiscd som e | rJ SENG—PtE ------h3^-t>e-nbo(»—rnirraicunc.T-imo'-thc—r f ” " n ~ ------—wtih—the-—Mardn Tin- RX-7-of—p ------('alviii i'i.vl) ^liiuiii)^ iiiulmill tiiiliiii> ilif ■ : ■ ■ ■ - .. . wall.oil t]ie b a n k in g off ihihe (>v;il por- ' ' R ------llLul uflll.; ■I.SJ.-iiiijt: ^-itcv ______^______Sunday, Fobniii(y 3. m i i i r i 3 a n m i r e A g r i i r e i ij i t i i S ; ]f a l l s

^ . F r7T% b Z ^ tb e lfl> w ’ 8<^(Fbent c l ^ tt a r k ^ I ' M m . • • ~Bv Marie Kind ter’ theth numbers were released. . - this year for iwo reasons - fc^cr U.S. ;, I Timcs-Ncws wnlcr^ ^ ^ ~ "'inIn' Ucpcmbcr, overall Idal)iiiio“ bcci— rarmCTmnmmsIkcly lo jiiam ii .oecuusc ot ' , <9 priccices averaged S67 per 1003 pounds, low prices andid wworldwide wealhcr isn’< ------TW IN FALLS -- 1TRc tiwes-f^ews' accorcording to_ the Idaho Agrijriculluntl . likely to be as ffavonibtc for the crop r’^gncultural priccs Statfsatfstics SeiVicc. ' -tlUsycar.- “ • rcachcd its lowest: JtJcvel since March _ ,SteS teen and heifers nearly readiched S76 ■ The Idaho.wluwheal market lost another — -l^SS-rftmntf-lPW^ii-fc*-fourth-quflrtiir..------~~thcthc-highcst monthly avcragoj0 in more - nickel- from-No’November-to DccembCT,...... - Bui prices may hav'lave bdnomcd'out: • .thanm Ifive years...... “ 7 ...... d ro p p in g - to S2JS2.38 u bushel slatcwide.’ ____ “Hopefully, this is 1kind o f Ihc IrougJV ■ • F.Potato priccs probably won)ti’t move That was S 1.5555 I lower than the overage ' ” l-of-ihesc'commodi— muchjch until tho remains o f a rececord-1.1 - in DccembcrJ98J989 arid the second-low-:_ -..... tics.” said W‘Jsi>i»^i»-Gray. Extension billio;lion pound harvest diMppettear from—est- monthly average av sincc- October------1 oisL______stomt siunmer. I9H6.______The ugriculiural prpricc index w^/al- Grayay said.- ...... • Sugar beets,ets, thou^i they are fctch- . m ost 22 pcrccDLbcIovlow Uic .1980 bench* . AAverage v« Idaho potato-pric<:C«-hoId -in g less (lutn tiicy.did.inJSSO.jDanoifLa..tiicy ‘=waric=Tis«J-in-/7w-/-tlinoi-Ntiwii' eoa-—stead]adyritt:rDcctanbetrfll:rS4:S0=B=frrhun— nmfitnhlecmp _ nomic fcalculations. I H fcrfualweighl-ancHiebtH l^ ffigTT^rbm (licir' I nc su g n m|pricc n nary;;nt_ v;hriy..jh^En:ijj ------a „ ■ prices..wcnl and..u, forecastfc o f where _ Th«rhe rclativcl^lbw priccsTcoi - - th e y niighJ be goirig;j; : :------^— suudc sp rin g n fl n d pre-...... -»-Dairy priccsices took a huge; plwnge . • • B eef priccs.arc-Ie-25 pcrccnl abovc_vcnt.fit.further pricc drops, Wilsonin_saidi; ___during the quarlciartcr. f their 1980 level - thehe only agricultural *' LLikewise dry bean prices • nmay nol Better limess areor still sevchil months ~ p ritc that did not sufTctfTer in-199a.- -- --'- -s in k t;t^ueh-farther—-t h e y ^ ^>6-low-^o—o ^ ff as productiontion-continueato-incrcase :----- — • consum er dcmundid'shows“iro'sigirof : “tcmpr 3-pcfcent per yea rin Ida- -becgroberj'?8B |. 9> relenting despite a-cor:ord high retail beef thiss sfspring. ’ho. ----- ^ 1% “ "p rices - $2.90 pcr^iouound. , ' AlsiMso, the 1590 Farm Bill pcpenalizes ' Local cheese:se ]ploni.s are paying on . .ny_wbsi d ^ d J armcrs who10 might—average— $9,50-to-S I0--per 100 • — ______.. ^Nov. 14. 19S^ 8 0 ' B “Through ihis sprin]ing. I would cxpcct .mony. ~we"^11^Tobablv~sce~ee~sortn; .stn;iiinh~in~othcrgcrwisc~shift ftPtirgroing'TO'bi• b e a n s " ot— potmds-ofmilk";^lk-;^niy-snid.------^— ------• b eef prices." Gray saitaid. potatoatoes.. . , ------.th e U&DA’itrTTTcnrnmcTrtorccnsT— ; ^ .Idflho bffan - uary 's noiiuilUl uiuiii rrn ts n hundredwelghrin' Dci>eccTTiber— the, second higheIche™ ..... J0i30;.r==r^ .Zz...... - -.IlillJ.llliiil.C .twtf.t::£Otn-rWillinn d ir y p n r nt ■ ' — mnrkcts-Tcmaincd atroitrong last week nf- - _.Wheal priccs should streirengthcn 1990-----

B y M ark Kind • FlFarm prices took a dive in1 Ithe last qua'hcr o f 1990'90 than they did u y ea r, ’ 196? Times-Ncws writer quurteiner of 1990. Whean.-dryy beans, earlier.' The avenivenigc value o f the per- B yT .i-ga il ' H potatoatoes and dairy products iore all mils, however,tr, was\ 19 }jcrcenl less' ----- TWIN FALLS-TlThe Magic Valley cheap1. morere new cars wilh the Idahoo TrHns- _ • The uhcmplo;iploynienl ratc'wafrhigh-' '— — T C '^ 'T o t a l - 'H And several .ire virtvirtually, unchitngcd portatitation Department last quarttrtcr ihan""cr than during'198■|989*s fourth quarter-----1------from one year ago, theyy didc in tlie last quarter of 1989. • By Decembcmbcr, fewer employers; — •— f^J^ f Q-[j’--v-fnmmn^r~7 hr>\tr~Thr rriTTU'^ O irt v ' __ o'my—perronncd in tlictli(iJasl_quartciL-of!_lurcdfirdfinJSaSUndJ 990 were coujuntcd - 77jc -Ttmas-NetiNew.v'carricd 21 pcrccnt iQon-______• ______» Likewise.' I.i new hookuns of'clcctri- f i r.«w.«r inrhpg of h'l • Inflation, iis^m^ncnsurcd.Hil three, cal amand lclcphonc.-«rvice-Wcrc: vinuiu--._,T,cnls^ -in Decemtember thttn in the-some STorc.'s did iiui !.i;ii- , iy L'lpr mnnlli nl — unica itumtTCT^-wcrc n>------sh{)ppcrs can hiiy roroughly the same • » Bank Bi detysit^in Twin FallIlls gruw fm ^w hcn-tthc-ntim tw nmouiit ^tT^v trccnl — a S3Q:n>iU»on-incfcaft cnl more “ * »>chcs droppcc — year-ago and pay onlynly 3 pcrccnt more * BiBuilders took out 27 pcrccn ti^fectobcr’s 4;721.------; f o r iir — ...... - - j- : ...... ■ pemiitniits fpr new homes'in theic roiirth ■

• j ^U fariirBb i-g h v o r^ I - C ^ a i _1 iiew ta sk lb>rceto i fiig h t dro '"■-'r Press ___ . ___ _

. SACkAMl-NTCTO, C alif — Cpv. Pete Wilson W on Fri- day crcntcd an ememergency ^lusk force-of-tO| $504.(XI7V^1 cials lo forge fiI pplan within two weeksi oion the' rccord ' ' ’ ^ [ hr»-«vucounKolod-CalUbmions-sgiBgainstTianjcb------'. I __ .; He Stopped shrshort o f formally dcclariniring a drought __ •', cmcrB(!hcy. bul..diidirected Ills new tusk'- forcerce to report lo on5nio^H5ns^nras5cHoIoi ^nTcrgertCp'declarEaraifon ][hat wou|d‘giveT-hii-him~brond^a^^^^^^^^ tliori^y over watciIter supplies, rcgnrdless of ol who o^ns a __ ^ tticm . icws,coufcrcnccUlii:. gbveriieriior .compared •I": 1 tii_. J 3 W ilson.siird he~prc-irefcrrc/d not l6”do‘Qs'long'ag'as'local'agcn- ^ 11 ts continuc~dcr a ------^droughnhRiDphcc'conscf^^tionWdratibriing:n g r ~ - — ' — tcfln tin rtrrrp rrttiirf'frn mn-,wnrrirdi -A fitatr,' - —; aJ______Avaicr.'pmjccLcustQstomers tn dccIareA-drouglilgliLia^gency,_ _ s ------^-. But-he said^hc-hc-rJrout'hlr^i*ktW>>‘-«omeme-moaujrvJ>-Is- ' ' y . — b __ Califomia's worst;st on rec(^ry->l-fof-«>n-tiH-lo-lwuri-Coii— ------^ y p i u © _ ^ ■ = cem ia-instilled.■ PPnnic-rt-w)lr^T7-This is a threat- to our_____ ■‘a HR-.;,' — ^— - 7 ^ — :. livelihoods, nut iiII |1ihrcnt to our lives." he saicJuid. V Wilson said strit[riel mandatory mtioning mmu ay have to be Z. M ; _____ imposed sUlewidcdc. llic rules woiil>. ------, . — i - .. .A City Council:il commilice will con.sidcrdcr it'before it Earlier t!this week, famicrs andd urbanu water' users = — •— gocs-to .1-votc-by-tlMht^lull-body.------—------^------pn»tcstcd-plplans-fcr draatie-rationiiig-oig-of-wttter” n ul^9^^i- S I _ ' ------XhcjaiicmiiLiius:[i;l:ili-;ilc. I3cp;iniiiuiH L'f WiHt:r ; __ ___^ri;ctor.-\vilJ hcad.Uv.Uic p a n e l...... / ter and. pipromised to -iTthl the imposition in of .iny g - B ------—Wilwtt-^Rtd-that«t-no-mattcf-whnt-stcprf-bc'•bcctmie necea- --iqatcwide.. rmandatory rationing-wiih-vi!h-umform-s(imdurds. ------■ g^eriougii \ w a i u t fur Imiuan - r fa ^ ...... ■ , ■ " s J fc ty , no r.ijioninjinn rcguhiinn^WOUtd unf;infairly hit any' adopi riiiononing.' " ■' j ------piirilaihir MVlnr MM-h.-Lsa^iailiurc.;-sn ______Sincc-ihelic-ahilc;la_ruiii^eas0n:bcga^rpnn in July. rainth H _ - —7- : ^ A-^p«kesnuin fo;forjllnrt^lifuniia l\inri BuiBurcauJiedera- |,;is nvcnt'cijedjust 38 pcrccnt ol'noniialiiial .statewide., [lii^ gr ■ Jaj lion. Mike Henry.;7. .sJiul t;inncTs were cncom:. ~ ~ — z : ------ic.-c losesi-'to Lo:.‘A;it:elcs. tli rcetii; StfeliiYTfuiroITi^'avcr.T.'er.Tpmc! onc-foimh o f - ’ — H S l E v F - j ^ .1 J _ i 2.'oS6 IDck i ~ ~ "VvVrc iioperiir'ul that th e lask force w illI workw with lo- just pcrc - Ik'. ..T'nrLfC-t’y n«^ fin;-^l>

    ' ------pul inlii any rccotiiimiiiiciulalions." Henry snid.id. •. Ilia Uiroiiy.h.-.ll diy'tini'-'S. tire at ^•1 pcrcpcrccnt of tficir U'ntal ^ Noiin^; V^hon’TT> s CiiIT ib r reco»>iii^i71;»ltci'trntiTliv Feb.~I5;~~sto'i^KC tHisisliTfie'ot year and ie«; thnnihan oiie-tliini oTllieir ^ /ptnbor t —' ' ‘~* ?.n?fi Novot i . ------;— ii-4mpumiiii Ili muvc inul.niiniiivi- iiiiu:K,T>'" ’o.n..-.uiy .. •• 3>iocr~ o e to b e fi • __ His appQinlmeni^ol : oY ihc t.i.sk forcc. 1 ilunk_±: h d i± irn‘: Ihe r 'r ii.it'levc^cl if: ■■:uhst.nntialiy below' the RToni Icnv levels______^ ^ " .b C )Q|r^,750^43!s0c4r4i:2S |r. fs issijc." ;------STHTTT ■ ” E-2~ •nmea-Nowa. iWlnMn IFalla. l;ioho Sunday, PebruaruBty3.io9?' — -■■ ■ - — - - - - ^ - ^ 1------=]^ F a r liu i j ^ D e c c

    ______- . g» . y ^ 1 ' “ As Uj«dSc3.by.thc ogcncy, i ^ fca8h'''' M ,nir>nnrttg Itl- • ,*' . Tg-flimplg i t i ^ fffcren ccb g :;:: praisersJietMolr^nH^y nrn^fing' c ie a s ^ 0.7 percent-fhfrom Decem ber.' —Nlet O ftaiw Wbw ie;- .... -tweeit-'gros^ss-^h-tncome-and-cash- - EZ [culture 'Depart- ' In MIbUnoRS.of^lars: torejcast for - " —T r-r-'TWINTAL'ES^"’ To™ s)-ifc:;z2^^ rrrijc M ag lc^ a llS y arapTepTefiTlhc^ldaho Sotietyor.r. m e n t'^ d . tween $44 bUlibh atid $49 bllll«howad-:agricultlltUAt«0£iCCS-4IW— ct£^otb4be:dS9&xecQnliD£^ lii^rabcr actually ropped K4 per-* ' — ------i > i f i t r a c t b r s i t o iiheet n TH ursda'v . ~7 * « it from November■ tinstead o f the | ^ ~<^iigrareo 0.7 f - The Twin Falls chaptCLo:E3>rui^Assdciatcd-cenenu~ monin ago. "of'Uve-'weight-Tpationally,- - C o n j^ ^ r e meet Thursday to discuss leglegislative issues, constmc- - Higher piices for lihogs, broilers...... - ' * i—- t^‘’l ■ .'dowD'zromixmi:$7fi.-I0-in-DdcembdvA— id'Otlwb^TO ------r M^^^-wer6-68id.io.; ■fc.'.! rrr r-v~yearHwliarliw ^Ble4awaged-.^3J0^ nt 7.p,m. *I^e Meeting willrill be held al thc Canyon — ^ t n DecembCT, althIthgu^ lower _1 ■ ■ rl^ ‘tpp^ for fli ~ p n c« -to r soybeans^ mimil]c und ------. ., - pQf more infbiTOt y.5.. V- ■ -beef.;'. iimation, contact the TwinI Falls F ofilce at 73.4-7526.. toes softened the gains.IS...... - -5^ . — Hogs^ aayeraged;S4936-pa hun-' --r _■ __ '.'The dinner will cost;ost:SIl. • .. . ' Overall, thc pricc indndcx was down - ■■ y V g - 'H dredwejght.flhL UP from $47.80 in Dfr >'^:5'perceiit'Aoui Janua11017*1990311111 ----- < ■'•1- '• IS S S ~ S Z 3 _ ___ ^ A year 'Writer ■hogs~aver- — ^ '-R ural Pnnim nciLplans farmm wnt-kshop ^ the department’s Agriaieultuml Statls- . '■- •' — - jicsBo^. - i___o= n,' at ,S2,22 per bttshfil, wito__ 5'.-‘ T^'IdifioTRuiidl 'Counciicir Tsj^pporisoniig 'a"work-" ~ Pficcs paid' by- fanirmers to . meet »j•80 ’SI ‘83 '84■84 ’85 * ''‘86 •87 /8 8 , ’89 ’ 90’*‘ unchangedled from December but .>w __ rT7~~^ ‘~8nop-oii ‘‘FarmingignftfiTOe-^Fanlri 0 BiH-'begini;inning-l-p;m.-Thur^y^in—— ~«Kpenses.--rneanwhl«e, URCETChii^rrSw^AsrieidttifOfotMpanrtwii 0 ----- —•-forecast- ^----- do^-fam ri . l-Rooro408i»{UIttAs. |Acpi-fi'BnilHin|T'nl thi» Pnl1r£llcgc.o£SouihcinJ^o.____ ;‘ rhnngWt frpm OctObPT.a'.-lhc. p£cvious___ «VENSCRAFT ... eat-:pnces7ai-th«;:ff^ir«o^rTt: ‘ The agenda will.'ill .include an overview ojf r jM'hoLJanncre rtfllly -n^, V reading,; Biit thosie avergCT8Cd 3,3„per-, : j , , _ KflTNJoloan^^ M ''^lim in^ figures,^ver- -- ___ j 1 ' ceived-tn thc-'1990WFarm'BiHidi^ssidns F on-1m-thc crisis In the dairy in- - c c n f more than a yeyw ago. The • • - i n - - r r - ijwamgwi _____'.'..dustiy^piniod ofaofsharitig problgna_and posiossiMe ^ li^ ^ M ^ fin ^ c ia l y nfiinggB..flnH lAmnne,' thf ; r '~thrgfrmrtrt«Ky— rfdr-^— ^ - p m e atfm m PeccinKff^ ■40- ii r ^ i rifaer- and^ « i ? r ^ UTOJR^'infiMTnnnon toT-farmer ly 1990.;^, ; • ' . • ricc8^g>uifnntecreh ^ - conber ^put'-at-S76-^rer^up;^S2^ cembefandjmd$7^ayeareartiCT/ leking^ie^hoiistse:desj^ifeas : j flT9r7».py^reariier.- * . |ng^EnaBEA:seet ~ =grC|KHt- ...... 1— *-:Scyfaeai TWniFALLS-,1-iThc Formers Home Adminninistmtion is sc ^ n g y n w ' Crop prices cbll^tivlivciy-rose 0.8 i«"dbwn "2*'percent“ fronr*ff arli^ and 35 pm ent below ^ ^ e ^ i-m ilk price paiiaid.to farm ers bushel,-comwmpaiied with $5.72 in-Dc- •ry-' ' ‘•■■■house’p l ^ toiestft}t fdrxonspmers* acceptance.EC. ■ • percent from’ Decfribcccin6CTWd^rrperceiit frum—jier-----^— .report said, level iatirtnc^ m in a r !s Icn* weic'JU.y cents ,’per " ' pH^^ediscts^ ;sdieduied_Z------I e-year-flgo.-Higber-pfi©icc6-for-stcaw><----- Poultiy-ayj-and.cgg^cte-up.3.9 per-, -Januaiy-avor— poundt^lvfrrivfrrWftght. .coinpared with...: , r —! ' t w i n f a l l s; - Local tolic can leam how'io ho' prepare lor inTc’r-j - r r - T . . vj ewii,.pfe3em.a peal teccmbcf. fpl- January.l.9t TtrdeftyertrmesM^brififem ____• : T hcjeitiinar willill bet hdd at the College otf f SouthernS Idaho and prc-i - . ;i-8ented by StcvejUro;«py, former media relations ~ — j-Jimmy»Cailefi.an dai^long %rorkshopjapj callcd “Why MEdia?".. will w cost S99. which in- . ------Laa ee-Cton^hay-beer T T — i~EiMisn r ~AS3exviceslDcI .. . T nas a nmc-mcm- Clow joined IDS Twiwin Falls’ of- ber board and ”aa BOISEj(AP)-iliihoho Pow er C6. pany’s' serviervice area also w as the Tfadedirecectoiy needs.bus[isiness h a m e s fice in W90; He v m rairanked fifth in - /Mr V pcrmajient staffif f ' reported jnct incomc TorT( 1990* o f largestanhiiaihiiU 'ih c re ^ tn nine yeacs. _ ..the^EaciilC.NortbwesL/0 • at--Elkhpm,. rep-- --^ ^ O IS E -= “Thc-IdahdahcrDcportmcntTjf Commein’erceis'lobking^'orldaho'" ■ jbc-total-soles ■. ' mS&bSB P-' r-. $69..2;'roi(lion. a drop.~6t ibur^t-of^he-flve:ilow^ ----- _vDlume.and_wflsJnJhcj(aopip.«£C.C.HtJ 1.472 lioB ifhirn 1989 as loy sriisnowpack and w a^ y (^ius'on ‘ record' Having oc-' • !'• firms inte«stcdiircx:rcxpoTtmgWeir pTWifdljrof-aifncwrces:------home and con- :;-:.:_The.departmentisi! is updating its Internationalal^Tmd ‘ ^ r r M t o r y ^ h i o- ^ - hfltionwide. n~ r^uced'stn^flows «continued to . curred in the past four years: w'e^ve =^»l:containJnf6mat _.mjs.i-mnnc»ni semciice^s »lWcfore, ..nnd=3liaimfl< TTie tiMdlifie fqr'lhi or rtlorc information, con------Qeni-St«tc-Pn«“* r , . orl^agcmtoil lutf” r‘lhe~Iistings is March I. For _ has nam'^ BUTCmyitsiK l ^ ^ s a i e s been appoipofntcd to-the A m ericam - and operating -reveiiucc was down-'' operationalIII efriciehcycl and economic “ ■ pereon o rT tic y ^ . ifroryTy,"wJTpsc ter- FilHii bunMF^QTnaTionSI^quacujture re " 891?9TlH»luil ^^Dlll 198i'S9'10,S4i4.!) "j^r&Wjj.Iu UK ritS ^ ^ i ^ l u d a Kjain’.V H6me~c6mTmttee.e. ■■■•"' ■— mlMionr-''"t ' -.- • .-J---'.irnan'ciarpcrWi!rti5miaiice.^~''~~ -•* ~ i d g a f t i n g course “ —Oieiiiis F en y ;' Duss7 '^fohlrHFwinr-rHc-basTrt"I c=------Bot~the~companv~pairimted-wnip— -^^ftile:^ _ Falls and Jackpot, beat c —The-6 oHege-oP^omhefn-I. xta iiibvtC IVfttJnfT'lo KHp.tn? Mon— • ”"■clccTc^rcsidftnrofthe-J rSun-Vaney— suj^r-comm ^jltroom.i:22-of-th& Canyoft>ft^uilding. I ; - , ^rr—^d-dncreasing-bw-'reli nn rf^ying lrfnf>n*q pn». It costs S6S. Snidc]udents can register in-the TaToylor Building Recoids higher cost-cpaN'fird iesiesources; vir.- -sdifls^bil&I^fffllrsnowpaclnmd-resef — ^ .93S4,-ext..426 focjaotcOnfprf/.,.. tilpgcgtello ] .T .-uirtffflTtaiieial trffieefT^. ■ ;____ -■ ;pnrATFtt:n-TTi• tHnhn ;<< fnffrring nn nqiiaciilturo:^ - I------^tf-senrrBcord-foT-reTetail’energy luu.guuU ttiuiiiiiuiijye;‘-8lvliig Oie uuiii------in P^nl^lln T T JUUL l7 L__ _ *'! 70 in t -— sal^rouf-fegional-eoono ^pom»nity-to-fa^cjrQlati»e.------; ’ The cofirse will tutMi ch how to get started, whtvha^cquipmerit is needed .-- . -.BOISE (APj'-^-.TlvoVO. businesses were -alleglegedly - offeri^ng. people ues-its robuk^growthrotirur gciiciuti^J^ly dicap - lijh y d i ^ 'S ^ ^ t ^ _ • i"watemu#Hly. = rjUndnWo-individiiWsTtavavc-agreca-to—trertwndot» *.*l' y d tninsn?i8fflonVsyatehi' • '"■'■■ Pisirfkriiiei^ und'cid~consultanr:Jerry-2inn~wiH ill”present“thc*economicr~ tt -nvramld-nnd-Tclativelv-sl~shorr‘T>eiTbd8~pf-timer-if- -^|ium.Rtf-niU>-ntoiS .._____ s'- . ' • • " mcK-in-.ldahor;-tnc:Sol>cit(^ ^jouf die-re-^i tjeg*,^.:____~ - ••• Atfn nipy^Qi»ni»ra>-l-flrfy:■y::£choHawk -iium-ofnnoii y=priced?ian d -~':—'..... ~ ^!fbeBtntr9r45'B.m; m'URTBIB O r !UVtf - says. J I ccttain nuinlimber ofVthcr people to do. 1-' . il- pond- Student Unlotilioti at Idaho State Uhiver'ersity^ N9 fee will be .readilyavailable”.Hommim ondM id. '* .‘‘By combi:mbining that, opportuni^. _ — -Chargcd.-Prcrcgistcr;r b;by calling 800:232-4921^;„ . All thc .'“assurance o:of'voluntary likewise,"* EchoHawkE said'in a news He said genenil'businencM-sales o f - for:'econoihicihic -purchases .on .the rpr — compliance" agrecnieilents were release. ' electricity in ijiSOl^inishshed slightly^ gionaLmarketrket with. our prpven de- cm 8tKffiod wm r^m ts .ri»ched throughnegotiatiation.-Deputy ' " flhefldol iyu^'sre&rd,^and contract- -pendable—the.tbetmal....re>ourcc8,.77the ------t DeLanpe o f He .midI siccnm<»t|tTi<^ O f ^ c strong. comity antic^ticii»tes~no di.tlici^ty m F c h n H ^ k ’a CnrLsumcL?r Protection fer a tokenn newsleilcri or other com-^ — But limitad.gananitiog.1 8 . projected energy loads------Unit said Friday, that no r lawsi^its modityvsuchjch as a silver dollar, in cx- rcsuU o f low waterconditilitions'result- during the upcomingup< yeori" l i e ''^ 3 r •" - iw e ro-Wed. . ^ho-6oticiwd-pw6on:&- Wlh~Ofr-sys- "Ihc nenaflVi ‘'' -^-tcm. mtes-tu—uUiw--uiitit c--n rr:irTles»tfattn'OptiniaL'. --- by Idaho-consurhcrs.i:— ^ jfftettin^thc gciftrtricnintjm lr“ ■'— ------DcLange said the..... agreements - gaitis in toIcs within Idahahp Power’s • rfor-N Q F tl^hw est’s wV h e a t ^ ^— were-'reached-with-prirrime"M oney-----‘j^o long.ig. however; as the-person''■ scrYi**r-iir?n_^>f ^ inhcm h enstr. P r5pitff Jthc.-!d«jinM!lf«^L^bS=^.the it ^uvuUu.— ^v-l990.-Uieefinr AWi— = J --^'Iteaaure vallcy;~vir]^i^ ihl4-baBcd.^ n n I H l y i ^ r.gcncrotion year.-on-'a po!posjhve-nbier-comparcd^^ •—Malachi-Sa{eA-&-MMket;etingr-Whioh-ductiotv-^P-►f-othef-perrons—inlo-the—was dedicated io our• ~ o\ra cus- witti'thc samemepenod I in I9»9i _ j l,1irTliir|iii5lilU .S^ai:cMtaloiui^-fliruivtf.. ; tionie :,qF_~; -tf-ht • frinm-Qjyvinin! ^riiin jj - - 't o ^ f y ^ crgy rtWtlli.‘‘hlSiiT^ld. • ; ^Cbl»OT-^f—Pwaiello^hahd^wrgia-^ood^r-scr scfwices.-it- ig'.an-unlawful— in>»PTiniiei—in ■ Fnrlhr-b«rf^ long aicmip. a :u g ^ -B3id.-----—-—■ Jones, who was basedI tn1 the Los pyromid or o Cham .- dismbuiionn toon trinho <;f.vv ^mw6d»y-bi^ 8 . ------rrrr-r-^-- - Wh^tg^^rt^vhenrrthe'vnrtctyrprcdbim"— Angeles area.. . - uhcm c undeider Idaho laW,'* the attor- iU .. ^i!Jhe4)tinJui^.arttjicaficariy-equal, to-Uatuly-^growawndsSBS^Joflbwost^^is-J L-^yeac. cu^ome^incrcrease since.-'lioi^ ti^-Sl I7.g mnnuuLsalco n jo cj^jap[^An_or,$ouiH;^usricc for a bushel of white. f^ id Kjucgcr, editor otI thc ihi I'ontand; wheat to 5*.3..j.ut.Lon ihursuay, up STJm a u t : • ~ =-----;p tg^based---White-Whca ■'Of52.75 un Ou. 16:------1tion cotnpany '*exe—and-A da—Pfwtdw t Lany-ScUand-Mid-Thuty— Lai ••“This has been one duzzlir:z!ing deal." _ (County~Highway '■ Distncnet director day. Organizlizcd three years ago, the; silverm ineliTc SmjuKiii£SnNC~ r Speculation among broilbrokers is thal The pricccc is still far below , Ihc.- ^ Tom MacGregor has been be named College-of-1f-Tcchnology incIudcs-24 . — - {Egypt has come info a windfiiHrlrwir is- high o f S4.6'{.60=ajy^el recorded 15 ‘ cdcah o fB o isc Stnlc'lJntVci-'crsily's C6I- programs itttl the'SchbordfI! Vq^tibnalJ --::-:KEE1.0 G G r{A P)':^ 1 M E N T ^ T in C A T E S '^ " . .^QC or..2S natioos. alignci;ncd with thc monthly ago,JO, bcIoJ?-pricc declines j,lege of'tcchnoTo^. We: school; an-- Technical'EdEducation”ond~cighr pro--~ Mincjn.nonhcm ldaho'j.5 , jjJriitcd Sfatcs against Iraq■aq ini thc Per- jy^t the whiaiia t industry reeling.__ _ j, Icy-wiil be temporarily shiih u td o w n in '—~ ' nounced.------...... grams in thefe 5School o f A'pEnicd Tcch- April .because o f dcprcs:csscd silver* - ' ■ Thc pcrmanctfl appoiiointment o f nology. rices. Asarco Inc.. annjnlounccd' Fri- ______B_ iM a im .C'^onnectfciiq tb ^ n k s ;MacGregor; who now is actinga« dcnn. The collcg[eg&'also administers the av. -■ - -T—'-C ""... _iUilc_Boacd—Canyon-Com 1------AbouW-30-employee3-vi-wilhbe af— t—^— j L of Education . 'for appro'•oval j i ^ its' and serves as a liaison to the Uriivcr- - fecled by thc Ap^l 3 shutd« d . ^ , a.f^CL J ------— ^ sol J ^ Mflrch-mcetlngrnownrc ; ~conlinuo~to'- siiy o f IdaHoHo's-enginccnng^in-lioStr-' : -wHicHrth'c.mihc-.will be: |placcd on ------FroFFive or Years > ___ —recoivc-hU current onnoallal-salary-of program, i l:faB3 hi I41jfaCTlty .artd gtQll-I - o^-and-nulnicnanci!S stsniius. j ^ n ii g . . . $l,OC ,000 Minimiim.. , — r"IIART^uRI>. Conn. rAT)rAT — tfuiilc Mcrchlmls'!l.s Uahk and l ru.Cr-closcd-Saturday. —fww^pay4ov®lMire--n set...... —•------catc—progntm ,’- 'pnm i'o'find nnd-dgvclopp.ore-aLlhc ... . • ^ aye- ^ fxlvrn^ nnrtiill'—Tttry Vr’ill r'^•cgpgrEiMondi tfagiSnm chH ^ imifii llum = j r ininfigni^aiimireTiip^ II C’onnt!x:il^ur ~ cii~~u'r Unionon. irusi, siaTc baniang w „ hadied.ofa heoit attack ]i ly Corbett said from New i c lost June. non-credit short sh< courscs, apprenticc- . When the m tnewflTc'^ 1 2 . 5 8 % ■ - jndM uinc to hcquirc them.(••m.-.- ..... • Commisslonc.mcr Howard B. Brown ___ .'}Wc_ai^foiii^Jc lo fint m.s and Adult Basic Edu- _ ~ t “ MCTchanf5-Bank-nnd-Tn:-Tnnrtrn-l-67-—-saidf-: ------= ind-.somconc -Shln.proKcum oralftm p r o - - _l_”.Whcnjiu.uniccot i^iclt to com- “ i^cm-uld bank •, w^th brabrandie.s ih Rr^wsils wHl'tw Vtssuthcd "by ^ icnKtvo -cofv-— ' 7“------$1,000.00.00 IBTOWT5TO-Sl-;62a.t«-.------V Ihi«--I^>f4i>i- cncc- in- Hie-pufilir^ _tociwi^’ITrTsuTnnccjCa'SSlTilVBaiiFihK ccTvc a o2«l9•19 miUion advance" from and-pnvatc—* ~H ffio.j r^atcs Available ~ _ _ ■«L which ~if.»;t-MhVFnir — ' 2 . jsi7,() million tn I99U. wits wif im in c d i- ' I h c bank~voorch7'i . _ ^ci;ils suid it was being saidsal to Fleet Mas.s. S T E ^ S T O ^ L E o f 7 1 — --834^Qll^Avenye/ Slo^O. 2 1 5 0 —Un lt"r«lniritlI Stcmillt>. llV- K rliank o7 Maine, a subsidiaryiary-ofFlccl. •- fl^-R T C• wwas crcatcci Iiy Con'yrcss • ]jETT o c q ' : Twin FalliTTSoKoKTi3:?cri------Falls. ID J J p Or3rd"Ave. V S d 'i” 'jJWi>Iar Fiiiaiiciiii GroupI'p o' f Piovi- ill’ 1 ^ 9 ' l o ^dispose of Ihc; n«lic)n's 156 4lh Avo. S. • Twin Pj . 733-2575 ■ ay. F^Muary 3. 1B01 ' HmM-M Falliru>t»: »

    r r ' 7 : : - : = ^

    _ _ its- indhrid tie- a-year ih-revenuo-to-ca: tiding!will be expanded aijd -• L:L--8aid.-~-.'-= r----ml1Hon:toorBtyw.of-g-Powder-River-^-iii odte(»aewDftw ofiTf --V Union Padflc Railiclioad Co. will UnioD P ^ i ^ ' t ^ principal beh-ai- coal to a O e o ^ a .P o w er Co: corn* in y that^extend ex 8,000 fcct,poirat_i__. $70 millionJhislls year In -the. -‘.eficiary ofJattl» ^ 9 8 4 qjiiylof CEoiBo:go=^ex nearMaoob----- — r— “ freigtit ti^ns^ns to piill off, while coal ", -following- the ’ tiaiR9.- whictMch-are^nearly-two^Tmikjs^- ~ —fegfr phase o f a 6ve-:?c -4JF->ha»-.th»^gH)omimie .coalHelfields and tmgrade its mainlin it for final delivoy. and in othersben now ones will be built! . " ro., otto o f .few ^ ^_pgH^ . N d ) f ^ Ihe BN'larrinaJorconirti^ t o deliver— Sidings-8-that- tt long -aHow ftciglit...... ’ _ _DwjTOcjQL«gM5jP5 "-^s^niO Tibioianidanrtoos o f coal ~tiains fo^^pul-puiroiiTvrale-coai^Tnc^^ lined finance ftom ion anmially to American ElElectric PowCT- -which cann b-^-ba and KaninsasClty.-:-— ■ ConsumOB Powct Co3.'.' ' im d'^Det^t track at its, its Bmley Y arf-in -,North: ; ' r "I h tnagher new ; The- -C-CNW’V E - .combinadon. ari-and-NoHh-lP.laB c.M ^ J " 1 moved-SO0 tmiUion.tons o f coal out of em Public Scrviw w C o IT in m THe camejmcTalM ^lT in^ll fl?“ . -J: t»BJhe.COtiYCT;.z.thej!MiiLijiiin 1989. abo u f 27 percentmt areas oncc the ^’" t i o ^ llotifile iifiuiU m ’^wm~be''»«M9g«l"ne«-— —r g =^riitnny Wn-ttwT-M f r ^ :----- tuwl^Nottheast.s^.He-s itiU iMveg to^tjli^-inol^hT^Ct’K,-fbr^aoOHpleFAii Liiiu aaid-the (wwn .ICani “ -reiaraHTaiTeenptiB^ ^and* SuuUiwcut, ultliuuglrttli iimlu lluc will l e thuU^Ib le»tiaUc over Kansas - City ■ East Coast'- 7 • " ' • iomaStog-'.g-'.vohnhes-are moviii'g t6 ^ 'mote than 200 o f itS'228 S-iniles by yard trackJi wd-sidiWcvicity will' ' Th e-.-predominant-s-i. iw«rlr»** ' l

    Bting unit and tract worth- 1 ^ , m^£ af _;__;_ Naw qame» likeielijiiTona t fo^ « on w arr lilh~^ii Pariir^'6uffr~~~ h o ftji^ jjri( T s i ^ l i nHy Husiiiliei^es l e l M R i t e i m hgs ]b ■ -m - ijjr* •-1 y --~ ^ ^^tite8"^!brougitT1)UJ jghiflH- d e a -Bbbut $ 15' hui ^ i^^last jiy9 k,~'aupoitsr-bttt':butT-Pinlmton!s-Ghaimnti==^ — 3 ^ H ---- iyfiji' ■■iiLirity" lion in b uiSSBrpwTarTrwRnrt^ a iyr y j thcn-said word in thfc.------eou-company ferini^ freeee '^nsultation to obmi^*. nms - the cu»> indu^-ism thaTt>etroleuinth faamiMnltai___ J : _ _ — new - y o r m a dm^Uie u u tb re ^ o f (Igtii* ^ rr SibciniVes say. • • ’ - . ------nies -uiTan=3 S' iomcr^^S'I" ^ ^ ™ ...... - , -and utJlWesi»e«-are4he'two otfatf itt^of—^ artillery lines the: bolderb< between ing thatt b ro u ^ t playOT into i h e_ __EtoinJntcnia{ioMl:^ai;omprtfiiftfl lilte htisint!;!!!. iSecurityj5n!l_chwpLJj£L- R __ •*! hop eih e v w 'c n d s,- iacCTjfic1dagJ)g»Pr'. , : -■-^ :^^4gnwate^d^Sfludiludi -Anifain.* Jet' slums~ifl - —ftnkerton’s^and—Wdls 4ette^^bomb-^detectoF:4Vi»= that preceded the wttr. ■ • ted •firms, ry- nhnnt SS.flOinon Hurite Mid- ____“ ~ d r ilP r< lldn*V9rq^^e S e ...rigs, sir bases andd c|cbcmical p lan ts'' “As sot^ n as it changed trom ecutives report Saddamn 1Hussein and ; “There’s’s ;such a fear out there ... didn’t create the terrorist It its two luMidon officeq, ore destroyed. . •-'Desert SfiShield to Desert Storm, his call for strikes againslist the U n it^ W e’re gettiitting calls iiom banks; De*e- just addressing, people's“ S ' s i s id pick up considierably." ^ 00^ jnan», ten. ; : ______It is war in thc,.P<: Persian Gulf— _ saics.did ------States-ate-goodjiewaJLia-bad.eco^padme&t-St( K) immediate n e w in a - p mpany-ft-calling-tftc boQg------r- - in'cai^board.------' he'sajdl.; com panies It, . ner."', . ' , ,:__r •nomic’times. - • risk asse8s-“ “nbt. signifi(^ficant,” a ltb d ii^ tliai - T ljc 9utbrcak-oflof fighting iri the Military - ■ - -" It's sad in a wayrbulu tifaci^ n j nsportotion, c p m p a d ^ A Gene . M^rangelo,. i [ncsfRltk.In. cmiidchangangoH^w^to^-i ' “ ■"'Adrienne’Burke o f^ c S ss-is-jumping-for-Stovte?n • ------— ets.-paiticuliifly .thffi >l^'TOy*Triw^*Wrau^L , n'Anriritlili Mt v«ll. His New Yiork»-k»—a call a wom an wh< sophisticated wv ^ rezaisoTrmorerexpcnsivcr— : ^ - --h a ^ -G m n >*wg™Honal~Bl~bis'tntsineas card inun a — — '■■models" of“TTiilitaiyj i y aii'craft and—"Gulf-Stril;trike’Mi^for-S40f^vhile— - Siiice"BOT^i^bepii ill‘ Ufi<»' nf nt nnr.Thfi warTfinallylcain ill have on' our- busiiiess," - _ “A Line: iiin the Sandlisjm ced at the Pereion Gulf, her w time to dial him. 1 St Initiatn fnr nf HT»W f»-;-thi» -fni>1ffr-nf--- -War -^gamc_«fi^oiuaiQS,. gt whp___ - ({ay ?t in O in tn n n i' ngi»til« ng Hn y ^ a - of_diplo»_ meet:With:her.and a numm bw of^^firms t ' ' ■:ons’‘~gamc;' beganan work on "A W a ril’oni Ww tattlM^^w” ■ ------ing'-lhe'-atnoamount'buslnimirh^-ia^ ' ------inne - in-thcrSimd. ^ jy roalictio ccwu ripir. STiiTl - nr InUughlih, a spokesinan ^ _ PI ,lJPM I I f p>undtheworid..hasadft^ed a n ^ - the tad o f It :zr:j —"LAViUia^iunn BaaniHMcE £ ^ e n^ufoctiirerirer, Brought its " “T h ^|T aare real sticklers for ac* [* gervices for several oldId .ones, said -“rv e hooped ^ for a sfton war irom » ~7ZZ —“Oul^Stnicc^bottf^)itfd~iaOTe*^tiii-to cuiHcvt**~hhe saidrraddinfly that in ^ ~ [ Mastrangelol .'■7 p ^ n a l M stai o^int But ih>m^ f ; ■“, dfliffVrtilrrecCTrcvnnxnts. ' ' . - formation.)n:'u^to:crcateJ!A.‘.Line_. j d _ S l e s d t e ^-----^ert^-clients-awrsgso^concemed—hMlnwg-itai■ttndpQ{nt.-=-I»ve=toltt^auf; ------^ ------Thgjatcsrcditiorc on"of.Sliuit^ & , Ul tbe Sani )-£ -^ D In-—the-opporti>rtuni^-to:.restructure ,Jts„t3_ about letter bombs th eyiL j ^ 't opw- _ clj.entt_^at ji il^the w a r^ e t^ lomot?- npatioH—about Operation"____ ’ TIG ARD, Ore; (A I»r JJ—inig matt on‘the}rmopeit> _ j_Tacticsr^^m^iziniane about w *110 ' infoCT - —dustries' lnc;;--wfaieh—I—launched—fc^debt-;WhiJei lei>nHMting^»^ntn«sts^«s^ tl^ tflf jiamntm ^ - -dizzyjng rite out of ^ eB ttimber crash -\wH-as-thoatiose-ofits custotnersr sup- - [d^m.virtu-_:*fiwi r*. «aid-W( ipH>y.ayMMi«tMmwg»— n^M OiUlto* oi Liu^tn.i cludca -aie a ile-'ag am st'Un] •niUTsday^it^ t o for protection The TiTigvd'based cotnpany, ______tailed map o h he PersianPe Gulf fc» the-witf. llcii from the ,h „ — r.^the • fc d aa^ w h tc h laSLaZyaOSaclisM zy^fl^ i f s ~ i a mfl=^Jg S M iy|» tfii mnrt —i ‘ • gion-and-cardboaidacd.game piecw At tl' Co!7^'manufScfifiSTof “ fourth-largest, lumber.. as come ' fl'diu'- existing' ip8 and kiti .. . b iy ifrp tcy ^codc. coililtry a g l PW!Bfclplmrobi»faor|C ."W» imin. T •. • .-"ExUdHe~adviiT8evco urer. report^ an 18.0 rtnUT — Arat)ia^.and Q^cr jo l 1'.' Li'tOT.tiic Rwn<^wke.ui ~7 ' rc5ulted*in'>our-bein^.<^ 73eiiKXl^^.^^^dSSl ■ ~magazine’S~60’ 'paj ly-soies-dxoppea y to say how ‘HlghtEov . ance with.theternikofct the previous yew*. s would pro* ing,” she said say the liew games3 aiare doing well. • - ,-BlgTnaiiianufacttiters Hasbro Iiic.. ippany Presi*; ' much business the. calls “G ulf Strike,”, whiwhich now has a" and Maheltel Inc., now preparing for • debt instrumentsV’ coipj nilusuy ^ inuje liwwt Toy ^ ■resident-SadJMu iliii tuyhnl statemAn.- —THu8gein^n-thg4Kw,«Xriias.^Id-out-J^ieiC Tf;^M L D E W S ^ S a

    i s n a m w a a.M i EETTW iS^ — ^

    eaitiservtc^rm em bersjiTeielp ‘ - “ s h a p ei vourV associaations future.. ______I _____ i Palls, Idaho — SiocKhtKnojaers pf the IntereiState F-eder^ U p d 3Bank a Asso niation ___ lend their annual. rm WodnosaSy, FoBribruary BrTSSI, at tfth e W ^on~Prau^=l3!135irBrue'iJakM “ =^=; : J NUSPUDearl;arly operation seed .Twin Falls. lal meeting will b e pr€greceeded by registra•atlon-at44-;00-a.m^TJ -The -meeting .wljl ' j, _L -potatoes^havev^nown-an ability' with lunch a t 12«0 ncnoon, followed by a bbuslrress meetlr^j^— ' i to withstand verticiliumvf wilt . . , Ihllght at this y ea r's annualar meetings acniross the Twelfth Farmirm-Gredit District " ■ ).dl^ssion onthe re

    • For moilore Information Snd tot< make reservationsIS pleaseI c a ll:------: ----- r m - 6 r e d f il t ~ s e r v 8:e ^ s ; z 1.1 r «4 I • Twin Fgltc Farm nrpHit Cjfttvieos—— 129 Eastland Drive • Twin Falls, Idaho' ■ 733-2f>577

    ■...... — :-----L-- ...... - j - — ------L l_____ E-4 'nmoa-Nowa, Twin Foil:Foils. Idaho Sunday. Fobruofyify 3 .1091

    a g a l S " " - ^ - O Q g . O O T i

    - -,007^o6soflnlBfS5!^^"'^^'= BasBgipiii.,:. ^LBflarKotnsT'^^:------'i• tx m :o » rs - F o u rK i'------*-■“ v ~ ;AaiV9 .yow fl.p^m lytod .voT,-.- “ AOVERTI|^MENT K>R^: ' II ersn now hlnng porsonal at- - ' tondant. NAorCNAwol. ' -:^J:Of.ConsBijeflon.ol.1Wt,. aBi-''c8iinw7ii. - 1como.-CaH M 4-«7a6 |o r j> B t-r -^ ------MocJfflcoflons ; KETCHUM/SUN VALLEY Lost: Groy cot whh pink cot-I- ssonal If^iorylow.______SEWAGE TREATMENT tar & bblls'. 6 montnti. Main ;An individual ora.couple, PLANT- SIKWH: : 4 0 0 btoek. 7 3 3 - b ^l '.•. noodod> to m anaM rf Iran- For tho S u n VaHby Wotor Lost: I Moto. blond Cockof X, cchiso motoLln Wondovqr,' ' ------— nr>H gwwmr nnd tNo jl.Iwron^a a ro a .^ b v troow av. I Crty of Kotcbum, Idaho Amwcfflf to •Suds. 32^2673." “c S o u o d proposals tor (ur- Lea: ^ Wh~do cJoth p u rw W7/ :ttPPI lANCF-TFCHNIClAN' ^ U L Iililu’uji I r b w to o l‘{6b- o ^ d n » y ln r r mont, labor nnd coivieM t 'Sim VoIIiSynuUB Ul (ixport-— _ o f an Mnda for.-tho^co»i-. . - j>neod.to«nldan.-_W oani.aii: ■ tirowlno, lull 6orvlco,.comt___ i r. psfiy«Tlh oxconontpiy ‘ “ basWoii commlfislonrplus— , I tjnn' ^ h o f ^ f p B: 1'nfluont “BANKRUPTCY^ , - ^ boriolits. Coll ^ 783-9164 / "STost.oifi' .Ctop ■♦dfoolga'Uf ^ , w p«»- sosslons, suits, garnish- S ^ ABOVE . •;•Sludgo FodBboo, tor-tho. * i ASCS is now occopting bkte, ; Sun Volloy W atorond monta " ft other eollocjion f action. Frco toloplwno., for •' individuoreounttoncr^r-^ - ^ r Sowor D lstrJctand Iho City “ ;= aoriaJ c«>mplianeo-phctogr#— t-*.- consultation. Appoint- a ol Kotchum. Idaho, will bo ® , ^obfiwiy 1991 ___ monts'schodukid'in Twin, phy P within tho stolo ol Idaho. _ _ Fpbruary-lhrough^riM91991 ^ roclovod at City Hall, C Foils. II '• you oio inlaroctocl in sub- , —Kotchum;^ldaho-.0^ f .mining a bid tor.:A'da.,Rlalno. ' . t - Box 2315)“5ntTT^00"'^^=^WmHrMulb9rry^=^- g Attorney at LjdV. Soiso, ° Co/nas, Canyon,— o'clock p.m . (M SI), on tho Elmoro, Gcm .Xooding, Un- 13thdoyolMareh. 1991.- . P.O. B o x IBS. .■ , £ • . p frfr, tffphf' ____.. coin., o .Oiahop,*_^ypJl.o.,ond_____ — trnmodlatolythoronttorr “ '^■■t.600-548‘2166 Woshington V Countlos. — '-suoh proposaiK wlll bo - f Ploaso c o n M Mictwoi May - publicly oponod a n d read II hovo a bobbyl 1 sovo di? ot'tho ; Gooding County a t City A contract wBI *woodon c o a t nongors with ASCS ? ollico, 130 4th Avo.> bo awarded or bids rs- ccIoonorB. dyors. ft hotel Q lO lr ' n » m o a prinlod on thorn.' W, Oooding, 10 or call 934- Mould o ^ r o o a io your noip, — — £r.nll mn cnijffd, Cant H nno:-A^ c s Is n o w accoptjnfl-bida— L - ^ yuctiofl^ M ^ Q u d o - ^ 2 -“siudgo'tniokonmg-Bn« I | ^-All^-bow» ; wii not 7 urriping raclllltos: or sponslblo s| lor any dobts ^Siolo'"tdaho. II w n/oin-“ Schodulo B) inlluont oihar oi rthon m y own. A s ol icrostod Hi submrtUng a bU > ^ w S ' y \T --pufiip-Btnttofv-grH roowal ih - ___ [ffor Bannock. Boor Calre, -t— f • Caribou, CQsiio,-Franklin.._,.;_. and tludgft^i^nlna and,, • • V . Y ABOVE - -JoiomOTMWtdoko, O noW a,- -J- •PInnft a n d nnftcifimiiona___ Powor. or Tvm Foils Coun- ‘ i ,.jii«.pioosofe6rtiflai)fafw, P: - v S may bo oxomlnod al tho. SIOOGrocofYWlnnorl-..v — olliea-ot-tho 'e o n a u lttr^q-w------.aiophcna..ai.ihQ.Bannodk__ — wnnrffmrwntsfwiti------County? ASCS Ollico. Room . J , ' _ g ^ in w re o r ot Kotchum City- _ s i i i i i s _ 9.ii'> c>v<«rnl ai.;Hlnq Pnrj.. - . BELL. WALTER ENGl- SINGLE? ^ (0 to o r C T B 2 3 6 ^ 2 ’I* , ■ NEERS,1NC. I?Moot wilh u s , (or conipanlon- Avolloblo T im modiotoly. Ex- ! ? ship, dancing, cords, now _ epiloni lulMlmo dontal hv- - - “ -f=^Bfuajvnoo't— ^ ■ ■ tTW^a^and - o t W rnjp^ ^ -^j zB_£obruaiy^r^ghtApril^ ------Wi-g-Warinnalllion.-Thal'llefl. a .farm'--n—noof at the abovo ayfosa . ^USEvBOLD^ daya inonilno6.-FiflttJrotty- «_ -ftrASHTNnTnTs?rtffP^ rds a'decadeA)ld sHfO jn w : :tMtan:amreft:rJOTtTw.-Cnll -----attd^urepean9-fa»e!Hhe-h'«^4l'og&rOurg^^ho-mcat-and—g .ImitC:; su rp lu s «n >iji,TT»ntiillum, vvull beluw tin; ~n - I N Y O U R - A P ^ I — -Cl nmmotlitic^ ih rellttivcly--Tn -. in tw~Bnwronrof $i7S.oo.~Lj ited Statea; wlwuyftffi—i n e a k o fS 26.6 hillionin !*>}<<>}g : itnhlp_mnrket| oppomini- PC 11 really draws ’ pay high priccs for the imp(mported hams. ttics in processed ond cons Imports o f conipclilive; products,ji such as mcfit fundablo. f, Tho rotundoblo torm care facility Is Inviting • ansumcr-oricrited trade," in the 1980s. By 1989 ... .-p portion ol tho doposlt will ATTENTION. Inlorosl'od I* nursos aldos to t 'But feed Iowa com to0 IiIowa Ijogs ond thf real . the t report said. and cheese 'rose steadily ir ______COcomo'&.Mn our loam for on . . ____ . anthose-rcpresenied-7-l-pereci•cent o f all U.S_agricul>—_bo rofundod upon rotum ol ■ money islnadc by ’those’te~wha~slaughlcrthe s oni- By-1988. it saidreonsiit $.25_per w oid._■ -ihoJobtiii^-4-lolato-ad-— — isiimcr-oriented trade of- th *itlf:57^rconrln-}y«0;==g Only - -vanlag»'0» ONA'ft-OPR — ~ mols, cure the meat and shipshi] hams to Europe.-- fhrm f products worlHwidc tc tural impoils^TftfTjmrcirwitl - Call' 'irj r totaled about 5136’HiP tu all U.S. agrieultunir im- rotumod n within IS doy# ol- 'IrainirM being olfarod soon. • JL- _AlthOHBn^^o_vcnumptiipliiicaUon._lhii_iS_WMLlI ~-t1on. or S3 percent-of all ngri Further, nearly halt' o f a|l •—The-Tlmos'News FlFT/PTposlirona availabla.T-'-r;-i igriculiuraLiradc,______imncr-oriciited-products——■lartJwTMa opening. _ ------economists and trade expeiiperts have in mind when ■ ThTU.S. share'was SI 1.2 ports in l'9K9 w eie Viinsmi : Tho PoWlc W »Ka ?f0}0Ct *(■Customer Service—- St : -^r^oy-gpcftk-of boosttnfl hilgh-.vAlue-cxpons lgt instgfld-J8 Dcrecnt of. global_agriculti1.2 billion in 198»,-only pcThose were-in live eategotgories; colTcc, fresh and Is |g not fincuicod In wholo or __■ ■-D ept.-ioryQUf ■ DjD^ry wanlad^llkor . .ccnt.oDhc_YolMc_b.f_U.S. ogrultural trade ond 28 per- Tlprocessed Iruits. Iresli andid processed vegetables, Ti -----o f relying so-much on expori- , ,.bcc[Lnrawi(Lroo.lgniHim. _itraclDn!).Hho.-Pfioc_!ojbQ_ •cortnmmteTindTipproctailon------plish the goal is throughh lilarger expons o f nigh- The USDA defines consul** the repon said.- theven ttiuugli a wcdkci dolloiiiic nan inin!>j“ R>rcign bid ^ opening, hold cuHont “ isumer-orienlcd products cv c—for—jJ-S.~<;on.sumers." .. ...Im .liconso#-a»-Publk;-Wori6r«,andtrtondstof_all J J , ___ ',,,“Adding-valuc40-raw agiagricuUuraLcommoditics—c—or-no-additionaLprocess^^ roducti? that rgqMiLc.li«ic_p.f■thejcpon-saul, . ______Tj^ndTJilo^Oy^dld^o^ jttt fnr rnn<;iimplinn.'such __ Ul■■'.'.Tin; .U A U - n qigU- u .'l ? aaJ J ' smdy Li.^..jh'..depart' — ' Aii.&ts&oftairmtiBi, ^ tkrougn rproccssing reapsps tDc.Ocneliis ui.uuue'u •^-u r !i'53h .ffuu pltal and Btneo roturnlng 'at iTk’-and;:iiuu;):aic.'--' ------^l-Scrvics?-<>nrihe multi- <-eubmltlod o n regular kum&J.P' at IST^attwotl Avonuo;— •— rncmpI^EcnL-cconomic_oi"oulpOt'‘und"'government mcnt-s-Hcoiwiniti-iittsciudl. hcmo;=YouVor-airBOCn~TO~ Tw , - are mainly—semiprp-^-mplicrctTccf o*f highn-nhic-tmtmcte:^ ------r(-~^._fu/mshod..w'ilhJKipoaBi. .11? revenue,” says the General,ral Accounting OMce. ccessed ileitis in the mtermcc ihoughltut-with your curds ol- • Earn Good JM s e l l "’ 'Cations ond.ooch must bo woll wishos, phono calls, ntivg npenev o f Congress, cchain, such os wheat flour,nediate~stage onheToVd'^* pi If the .United Stales cuukuld capture a 15 percent" r Ihulk commodities, the ^ doiicioua loods, and m ost ol Jj""MVRMC Is sooUno a pwl- ___menf has failcfl »o developlop a long-range strategic GAO said th ^ U ,S . City of Kotchum In on “S tlmo EEG Toch. S d a rv com- i,S. share o f worldwide, n wi csiJrn d c:iv o u id ;l’i.»>bi:riicjteJ!fHioi):!i_arow; DaliouaL.*—am ow > t o q u ttH O ' o r o«»- oLxEU£j}royors,lof_hta fo- pinn for.fnmi^XPQfla____ -...... ^ .ti eovocy. T hanks lo oach p od mensural* on~4xp«}MnC«;:^- . prtfduel------gg ■ ^ ^ d c h to cxpo^evelopmiment e in the tuture. wTih a — .'A look'tii ugTnjuitararimi ^^afcnikiiwrwiifTTir^Sg* InipOITTfladed fUnher lu by A Porfornioneo Bond ond • Kohnloop. , Modlcal Contor, 737-2008 ■ \ i -foeu»‘ot>^l6vwnng-U>»-coficostft-of-prodncing bulk' llthe impnrlnnce of hiKh-valuc 'fh at w o u ld translak- iiilciilo a growth computed at ^ p v mqnt Bond With-O-COfi. ^ commodities such -os wneaheat, com rricc and soy- Tli' 1989nnc rcporTsanfrdue consumer products, Uje-tinic-ot-ii..: biltiun lo.j,Tiii.rbii!ri5A aiid iiro.ito— p id. U.ST-njyicuIliihil ini- if? ■ amount ofBno fiundrod: D05-«8mod«l NoOoaa-- beans. : ■ . . Ppoilts rose.io a rccord S21 about'kS million more jubs. ~ ' Coodoamin^p*o^ofits.--■-■- S 2 1.5 billion , "com pared ab Siiw f e -th a n ka " lory contnbultona,-cards,-S ----- p ‘'ihinIhg lfio~proM8ol s^^ J5I! “ psraon to rmnapa-front------— ■ fao m a rkodaridaddresB od words o l sym ptthy-w o-havo- —o:offica in busy cturopreetic' r s ^ l e ^ ee o M # i i r -trult^crrops to I ,tho City CtofK, City HoB, rocoivod duo to tho passing einie. cii Eiporionco protorrod. Kotchum.ldabo B3340. 8'ol our door wilo, mothor, EE^eoDwrtMioorcwortunity.xi rt stone- daughtor, sislor,'S aunt, -cal — Dci;cin- fiuil ciu|i in- btretmseHilt— ».hI—yjuHiyli—liJ-liiiii- I'nr the In-c-s tn -B fj Y -O n D g R O F T H E CITY “ "lt*5 a hopeless feeling-bc COUNCIL H u3) pm" bcr's frigid temperaturess nmay have.. "And rcrnembmbcr, we still'havc more thi cn't etTcc- wcallicnirool'p|' Iihetnselves. but_sevtfre C /Jo appiM ato oH of Iho k>vo those precautior\s just arenig.Uic.wui>— itce./ing-caii-d:udaniage-uiure ihatujusl—^KETCHUM. IDAHO • Y[ rtir-of-Utah—winter monthsths to get through."------:-----tiv - o r t d — ------I cuppod-bdctowod.upon.UE: EmhuatastleiMaplorBflo'------tive-or-cost-«nc«tivc.duriug. A our timo o l nood-in .tho: Valley’s prach crop, and experts Orem's W.M. W. Ereonbrack Fruit tci buds^lic s:iid. -SUN VALLEY W A TE^j^ ter.’’he said. ■“ • H- f,-,i i-tilil sjii.-ll.s may havr ,Al — - wmUlWt—41 ft a n c h X o«mn«-S-7fr ^ acre* l^ y Wimoa & l ^ j y - ^ Ijif! j T S u~yi°u^ ^ T r ^ i n ^ '' ' jjgje ttclt^udii typically arwjrcs i o f m i- . vveatciied so'niL)'nitJ.rccs .so much they SUN Si VALLEY, IDAHO "5“ Haws. Earn oxtra. monoy In ...... out Utah CoiiTounty, including p u c h by PUBipH: Fobmary 3. 14 Sonoral 4 Alico HUo . •||»1 -f!? ^ 'uiiiit-SiaiiS-Uiifv^uvy.Extcnstorr~oretianhin'Q -I by frosts dufing temper.iturt;I.i>tc-Dc.__ mrr.r iintihlL^nJn'^yintL-ri/cv"* ’ ' • ^Tieo FavQ Booumonl » tom-., .{‘^i itch-fiawMw—_ ntsfroit-cropsr^isr^including —-Mt's stillI rprobably too early to .thnr,dearoyinB-buds-in:tlic 11s , , — tlm.na.st-four_vr_vears.:soJ'£ifmera'iilve _|® ■aura Bullor & tamily - pcochw und opncols. give a ^>reciscISC estimafc. but J'd put • IIaicbi»iid._. i f t tKirking ■ sTopiH’d ciiiki.'Kciiiiaiing on tliem ■ .so'- = rho lamilios o t Orvlllo Sack-1 ^ Also.- trecs usually sirifi ul. Utah CToiinty fam ^ rs^ y 3n.wisb all o u r trionds & rot- | twve-provid- —»Hr-^w3h-k)itk)S6oa-a^-aroundJ3t)-pcr*.-ov „002.:lqilAW lij»l:_,,_, S1IIV8B j c K n ew ftWi^Uftry j ^ junccntfatitig.tfiuiut.and—^ s S ^ ^ tft^mr^fTT^ of . ..■■ed pnly 7 0 "pcri.^T'*IS~2rp uixcumdJiaolcning-iQ.prua! iW ATOTrppTsenhtnrmo'r” _ AS cariy BS“foll, Il8telv"titiid^“ .-crops. .which also mnv pofBturo flhd woathor. Roto- yield-in-(ho- (cn-hit pretty-:ty-sovcfulyr-at-lcaiil from ^Ilic-pnst...: swcci.chcrQ^ __itOUNDPOUNp„..SM(»s&asjUiQwnJ(L.word&J colton^ roqulrod. ^ I’ve taken so far." . __ fci-Autumn conditions fnrlly p ro v id e luive been dam;imaged in the frosty jl.oncourogomont boih vor- ^ . pHst, thc-loi;&cs gtill-amountont'toasub- -Utc cuttings 1*> ...... ‘------bol)aJ & wrinon. during OfviBo'8-j-»i I______; . — ^;oid— winter— few years m;iy have .nctually TWIMFAIICj. iltn, =^miilioa=annuol fruit farmio. rating for fruit formers., ^ . .ANtji^ -SHbLTfc^h . Ruih Sochon rnoo m y,' ruicc-UuIl'ruit.. hj^rniicc_riinlinUkc=iaii5prina=rfroKi3^ — -«otie=lrG«w-9chit6or==i:S * ___ farmers _canncmot use wind machines . F ound d o g s : ' .NarxY J . Montgomory ^S*Ktm od. Syten^ 0 ^ . • • 4pcci2ilist- __- -_. ' 1. Shophord X. blacl^ O.D. ' & BortMfa^flckQtl------SonSood fosumelo-PO-Sfflrtttr^'^— lliifd larjitfiit—i,ir pwrtiihlr.- hi:;: _Llanyj5L£W '5«?*ott_ir: .Qn

    a! block and stonosoRbg, fuFtkno. bfown, m ak). pup. 00£)06 P o fso n a la ______-Call406-54l7711. ------• Man wins 'I2 nd future!es contest 4rHiKHqr: -blaLK ■ = _ m a k i . EjqMriencod tractor opondor **, ALCOHOLICS ^and siphon tubo Irrigator, _ • -WALLA WALLAmViCiViSh7~TAP)" n iIh'cr uifd bro!)rolher. in L&M j'ccders ; )R YQl_------^ _ANQI*YMOUa:.r::: .^opR|t«kjnsioK»-BOX_'.4- , — For tlTrscconH”cortJiecu(^ultve'yeiir, iiiid“tfuded in FO -A d o p ito n :- • , ' - . . ’ Cnil 733-6300 SJa , Mimiuah, I0.S33«. ;; . Mike Lundgren,parlayed1 hi;his knowl- the year-longig contest. Mis Sl0,000 1. Ub. diocolalo. apayod JloUono? W anto Foil in Lovo? Farmhar>d, Farr soosonai. rofor- edge of cattle into cash byy \\winning a stake grcw.toO S S.H 44.1...... Jhrisllan 24 hr, Romaneo oncos one roqulrod. Siphon- . [ i contract is a Icgnlly- O ■ - - S o il- : ^ tubonawrow ff^oxpdrr-' . national futures trailing cont'ontcbt. . A futures i ■wa>-omua7Ciur7W-5053. :i ■ l^un’dgrcn, 31. o f Lund^ndgrcn Fii- binding agrcericment lo buy or sell an — —B ui/geC s-^ ■C*--' b a ? n p / i n g Snm.toflpm. ______)f a Wallulii item today I'oifor fiiture delivery. l-‘u- 3, Co?Uo' X. bloc* nr>d tan, “ HOTLINE-733-0122_h 1 |= lur'cs Inc. and co-owner o f a Fomalo pup. • | Lprabiom , is not Jt p ro b - F«m-h^p. noodod 9W-ct.^^-; - fccdlot. earned more Ownin :26 other turc.s traderss Jiiake: money, if they . 4. Spaniel X brown and ] loirDm whon charod. Monlai Ror, loc yo«f roond position. __ e«>n»tfj;ianiK.in-tl»;-profciii>ioiiiomil--aiYit.-..:cyrD.‘cily .guc?:ig?is-whether nricc5~ will " — io3lrh-A!;soclatlon:-^ m to' ^Exeallant psy arxl b a rta n u , - ’ p Ciuimpi- rise or Hill.1 and make conlracts. -Sr^i^°^^tan-and-:-^ hourr. o7TwRnd;r^-^»J'mu6t'b»«xperl«noed-wi)h ------.sion of the World Cup ' whilo, fomato. 2 pups, jrs: oqulpmoni oporation and »YPNO§IScanholpyou. 40' g ^ y oiisbip of Futures Trading.*. matching thatal trend.t 6. Lob X, tart I h d whilo, gmviiy Imgotion. M o c ^ k u ii - In 19K9. Lundt;rcn wonm tthe same Luiidp;rcn saidsa he used ii coinbina-____ C ro p - - c: '^Oryonicsf - j i^lunaaemcnl-^ - ' mol».poo...- - 11-^f. p.p. John. 3?4-^Bi: Jiyji,6 ^ or>d caito knowtodgo fl :■ competition, sponsored byly tthe Rolv (ion ol longig and .slmrt eoiYtraci.s, ______. P>nn.<; 7, Hool^iwrrtfanrmalori----—RTPNOTFTmPIST------W bins Trading Co. o f Chicagojgo. Long conlracl;lels bet the nlarkct will- • 10 months old, DDonSpeneor, 734-1237 <=»• 5, Many n'ico cots n n d kil- I .L^ESJ.05£^£1CHT- L; I — - -H ..v,iin II jirm u t oonlntrtg hL-. ____ •wJ\'ajaaniions • ^_AETERKOOf4S^rinyi — troro3rqoa-mo!is.TOO~ ip ;5 * Lundgrcn is a co-owncr,cr wiliniiti c.imrn^JamTU'riiopny., ^ “ ------Mon'd y thru Fnctay------}'— ' - Probi^fm - F^rd" Onaiar-- r - — CLOSED Saturday, O V E R E A T E R S chip shif eooKs r^orvlco odtrl- . ??ICTd3)/ ___ !___ ANONYMOUS -solj w il ^ ^ •------I — ~/C<3-9113 _____ r - rjv r t-uTnr tir.r.rh ■ | — ??G-a299 : :qo pregnancy tosOng vieo wrilor and/or 3 yoar® I ______S_. ,, d or fox rosum o .iaj3gS£n6Q^CT.caha-pkk4rrZ Owner:: IVMARGIE LEWIS ESTi;tate — o ^ 0 poppy, dog, or cat - [0077 Jobs of InlorosI BM\ ------'-rgSIMonogorrHO Box 40B. . “tfohrT'G'.-0-Connor AIIAitkmerican AuctionJ Co.( ------V------^ >untrt^oj:aio I ^iliaisBpobfkrMn^lco ^3^l3-?039 for prolirv.ional to- Twin T w i Trails, ID 03303- •• • - ■ • u in w nnrK5ur>aimnnJ ol sumimo C0rviC(».-Floy Sietion 0408. 04fl Phono 200-733- - ______:----- 1 ‘“T-■ g:3 0022 ■nw Tiin.jf..Nowr. • ' !lr:li>:u.n;nn Po'.t--■ 733-^OQg. b blU iio . l.-i» ?n.q.7ri.MP.r:n . oo-Nnwo. Twin Falls. Idaho'E-5 ' • ' - / . . - ■ Sunday,ly, F«b«uary 3. 1991 Timoo-h f ■ ' ■ :; n - 007^029 t ■ ■ '

    »7^objollnleresl ' . 007-Jobs ol Interest 007-JobMllnieresl T w -Jobj of (merest . 008 Salos PoopI# '■ 017 flu iln s it oia-Income Property 023 kivesUhenU _ ...... PpjjorlunlliBs ' ■ fQ .Ratiil offle^poalUort: 1-_• ’~ Trw>| qaigg ■ ------»»-NEEp«ASHr "• CASH< BtiVdR tof yoor,----- Sales: Valwea and instm-.; Wo buy rw tos & roal eMola » “ ' W E T S t S CiovjrTM aSd^^ Oportlflfl Bvallablo M arch‘ No^ expoHonco nacdssary, menu. Idaho a Nevada.I' F».*:U»t«lbobylumC * comitieis;iCToaiivoPinarin. i 4th. Oonororollico.wotk, « ' Intfuftriat e^rlence, Mall i^fttvoQO-anno_____ 3 — A P P U C ATITtOWS-FOB: -som9-c*i«*f duli«.-»9me- c - rwumerOerieratManeoer.- ■ - COME4N&«CCI-^------morchandlilng involvod.• toads/h - . Fivo separata 2 .'bWroom I arn_an. Exocwivo In vfhal rental units y«1h alove.-rofrifl. ------Keno^Runm ner/W rlter . -r — ' S»itS'tt'$0.flOportwMr. £s-~ n lSu tabllshed. acowinp rofllono! fi - Fknosa magszino stales “ is carpot.dfopo8.and,80Mn«r ! ^ 733-8137 or 7^ 2S2S CANYOfJ M0TqR98U8>t> one ol tho lasiost grewing Slot FlopierG astoler rotallor with prolit shoring,1 J»romaotflca3g4.3843._j ^ QOS & olOctric motoca. Groal P" -kKalon near Hannon HarK OM. Instructjon . ; . 1 onjM.OgSWiififWOraml-' ^ itiUUK onwfcH&r: YFCA, and MoTningsido^ 025 Instrucllon- “ . ' ^ — 7Tp0iy at pefsonwi o - bonofls. EOE. cwrontlv soarchino lor a low • -4-o-m.--W e-witt~t»£ “ h m i p e ^ iri’U i rWA F4M iaierO eatH liTsiii^nce"rr '^ftOVEftS PA^:PACK ------" area to work with whom aroro ■ ______' MKlna.almospliere, _ pi5B8ii5aarvaiay ig39ancJC AMERICAN-WEAL------~ ■jwktFoni.4d4ho0MOt.:” dftverarEngettgnrbonua.I - luudy Im .•g~TOectfislui~ca<- — ;bolw«on-2:QCUind.Ama^ » - mr/wHoAv^lat^W tm- ZZESTATE-fAPMSaCZ M C E ^ C i B m r — TnurgdaVj^Fcb 7. F ^ny.2 6benafiR~wbhlcle mmnfa ^ % ■ - 734-56ro - ■= ^ p - rW ean hWe 2 pmpto fflf fl~ CTBrivsr ; i- - SJimon-FriTl -eOO^Tr want to ' se'cure a position Dlwwl'Tlnr S ^ 4 i e n t 6 ^ and bonotH Inyn ifc m o ^ o u’" s’ ' . Doug VoUmor. ^ k o r __ _ ■I.M FIUM, Jam w im in SF.E. i 6 . ^ 1 . . , • - M j i y f a u aiin a jir 3 4 ' 900fi______TVainlni)lS!ilij?gl?lnfc-: S ___ - 1 : ■ ~ FOOD •"FUNN - F O R T U;N E Washlnoton; olociric utility. C - ! i j lSS!^Hh*^g?w'. k, -• -Aida Slrong733-090S EuQonaflono.On ■ ,: . — h o w , 5T(ucM.lMh«nio:-NMd p o ^ S ------^Twifyfalts-734*1393or) or Jackpot (702H55-3WJ— T ’" ' c o f T p A m o s ' J;- -D 0nls voiwior733-9t99“. . . - QiiiASS.ES'STARmITING EVERY WEEKr ------u ----^ E V R O t e f — _ 6, iSftV aUaL LowoU Wilta733-6562 __ . yfujninj Qn rtftTtTT'fl, fVNJ , the Wftston.Plaza, 1350;a • New CommmiUal LIoodm»nw ' 1 ' ~ - maintain a Dooi of trucks. 001 s. Unooln, Jerome '- • J o b Placomoni A»»iiinry:c 51 Loon otilcor/mamt iralnoo> NationwldaN company with . 324.aft0Qor734^5C5_. Blue Lak6s Blvd. N. F^w mto o ■ • .... •FlnandalAldilQualitod ■ . ■- ^ -j -openlr>9 -(R-iMtt}«en>(-olHe«rrr jrxcollonrbonoftttrM o oat- )rtation A»i»wo~ " •" ■------'Mi»t-havB-4 year buain«8« h ■It Iwould-imo^a^LbifM ^ ^ O W f f N URESOOREES—I l a havo own hand toob A b e a - 0»-AduttC«reSerrice#— _ with loaso bach.option, dogrso, and bo sokls *~ rosponsiblo; r< honoii soil- M^^avi&OTiM^oi. ■ ^ ■ V . - ♦1-800-28?-283-e7B9» y _____ • Ore'-lila FMdSLjnc lnc..Jias an outstanding otod. Sond nwumo to For- atortor. s Intoroslod pbrsons Apptogate Rot&oinehrEslale- - Good fdum on Investment. oppdriunily (or an ATslsjslstanttm ployee .Relations Can 733-7711 or PO Bo*. s ^ ld pick up af^icalbn at inBilHli ex p ai^ . prhnto0 TURN-KEY 1891. Tvrin Fans. ID 83303. Mgnagar-at our plaiDlant In-B urley, - Idatio.- • W ash- ^ ropma wrth.prtvoie,oath are Senior resident shelter r-.029p^pen HowcV-.V ‘' 0?3-OpenHouse*;..... -■ Responsibilities Include:ide: plant ^ fe ty prdgrams."'■ ~S 4 arn»in FateriD 63303: V Ir _ hom o. Largo waiting lisL d *017 BuJlnoss f ' supervision ol a nurse.aieancl security force as well. Medical kanscrlpilonisi (or T i> Books open lo qvallliod I R a u ll M lM potlUon: _ . _.Oppodoniilo» J OrthopndlcJiHicn^nfy!L ; nv/iflflbtff a ppro»t» buyera. Cali J o to at: - rnentllnciude a Sacttelor's 1 'BBWTsrnRpwoncBTtajrp'' „ m a 101 y ^ ar m 4 tlvA dvise ■' r~ " ~ Minimum requfremer 1 Wotor slktos. mokls. parts!r t ' " ' ■■■ o c e S LMQUSE . J(1 Ewd^TSHSFaifWFnuntarFH “ ~iha«!i6r/g n n io o r - p iu n t. L pmyomflnLprAiffcli^soc!^ - VENDING ROUTE: Good H suH oav’iiV’1.4 p .n i. ■ " ~ ~je?ource'exp6rict>c8~VjrWo-otfer-ft-competitive- i. «tarehouso-dmi«C-invohrn. . . cash!bu6inesc. priced 10 6o Ui— _ - < 10.0DO/o llo r. O a lt Ma rk. ^ -20?«8r-8m -— r------salary, excellW bbndilsirasamratnjpirenanitnon j ^ nmlon'i kia ^ ^ I ropootod how lifting.^W ■1-eoa28T8363. /fttnpmflnt. -L______J _ l - 7 _ c a re e r growth a n d (Jevelo • ■tttS7:'topoff»ororn5WwH Can ■■U.-t-BTSO,______,______' ------IU^ra4nlor6sted-atd-and-maet-lhBse.mlnimurrti £ •.. _quallfical!om call-CarqH PPflMt at (208) 678^7^- ' your clas'tftlad adT . . th*1 OTST^Open H o u ser “^ ”0??^^Hou3es ’ f 4th«^r Tuesday, February resunstakaabfttooof, • ■ ] ------WANNY------^ . tl2S ^ 0p^ok. Join the B . x iO —P ro 'fa itln n it largosi, tdstosi orowlng « S e rtk * * • ™ o o s ™ firm ■ who thinks ol Y O lJ j 2309 Filer.er Avo. ^ » t H -f tttt- Q r o a l aa laryi oxcof- * - - -.. A M R R K U M -__ __:i;Sunday_i L l - 4 . p . m . ______3 2 lont,bonollis. Airfare paid. 3 Peraonnat« Temporary - I -SpafkUng. coniompororyiry : bodropm, boih, ono . ^ ; I s bolwoonjB;00 and 11:00, lovol h o m o . N.E. o r o a ,^ J 1^0&-44-NBnnv ■ h 3w lcea,lnc. p;-; [, Thursday, Fob 7, Frldaj^ _ - i ssz^ 2 5 2 ^ S h^ - $ 6 7-.>500 - Zgropmed.tiridfluaMuiISnC i I I -Hoeti-Dwlght-Sandma BdvarKwmom avaHoblorSat--'r )cto y y o u r wortc and p la n -to r■ '-*NSmSa7:;: ...... 467-S627 ■ Cactus Pete’s 111 J ackpel.'Nevada ^ is kwking atv p iu i ^me Mure looj Tho JC Pan- f r i M a ^ ...... 452-6575 ^ ’ tor a locKsrnlth wTInIin'3 to 5 y 6 T in ? rs n ~ 1 i ^ . i290Aaai»iiSQn Ave. E ast f S > "T- aspects of Qeneral^ LcLocksmlttifng. Must be >rni^ andr »of fc ^ tuB orTW t tlmo atylst.' Bridal Contor 116 N. Moln,____WeW [Odaf.salaty plua com:. • ■ 734>24»2922 * . .CCT, ^ capable of developltiplng- and maintalrjing _ mlaiioiTT^taoTtrti^onientp(T ^ r , / : g o> n N D O I - ^ ------____ - G rand-M aster-Systestems. Malntains-and- ;■ penaion.tnd .lnsurance' . I Y ^ D E O >-'RN;¥ corn*. I. g --:-r79Z:M eCKlO.^to w s D flv e W ------^ (roe .living ol no oulilflfl progrosatvo tkillod long lorm ______734-1 flse.- bxporlenco tno coreiro< Installs, troubleshootsot^. repairs, calibrates, • care ta d l^ . Excolloni ^ . 2caltTodym-oeST" malnloncxKOl TNs 2 b<^roorroom, I bom condo is voconf ■ HouaeclaanloQ. 73*ueg9. re living. Sto33jS^ ]tho otace. C a l 7 3 ia 6 6 2 . ‘ L ^ MAGIC^ULEY V, REALTY - = O P I --73 4 ^ 9 9 1 — ^------JoomptexJn.Bwn..iDi-Mi^'• Tube-lrrlgiuort , and tractor«p- .•gortioni, malnlonanoo and -■ /^ 826Btua[u* t« k u Blvd. N. aeo- -j i D A y L , _ .. S67.12SVoor.NowhIrlng. “. ed. no oiporionce nocaa- ____CalL(U.e05:M2:6000 Ext^.^ ;^«aiy.^Gail-1-B0002d«429— , ^ - ^ 1 i » . m :r t O c , 4 R M w _____ I s - 1 — p-10467-ior eorrannist:------.-oxL^a.CamthnjBprn, 7 • — $34.95TOfUMfl&Krjoo;-'', - days. <12.85 t o o - - --S<^m ^all^:,W «^_ ^ -733-5336 HIISE CIRCLE ■ ni_ABEYOIOCS ' woman a 'career* lasnions!" i -1 S15~Mill6onrflvB rtf ------Wflmmfl Ifl/Q dompimpaQy or proiesalonal fOiiiKQ aim alloialioiia. I =^aJ^ddisonjnA^e.kostto, '* 7 ' ‘ ------USE BOLD- - -| -Thursday,'!ti t:00 to 6;3d high poriormartce-.- -Only $;2 ^erword.-^ -wWo aiu Booking (or the Twin- t L : , ?64 Meileadows ^ ' ’ "'T imrnEE i J__„ ’ = O THkn-“WEMfc _ The Tlmes-News ^ ■6mo.-r30-am-to-a:60-pm^ ______lLyoujinawered.yda.’ca to thastLquoationB.____ -Moa.Frl-Agea:-3.-5-XalLL -ARE-UNDEH-COHow si^^now.’-^ zf^rz — —>f>erhQp6-yo^«-whanln8t:fer:aa-shlftB.-Wo: ■HarMen-tocaiton.-Ha[s..CaU- -42^4>41B.-:rr -. ------: - r ^ S A L E S OfO F E I C E ^ ^ Sfflo)! tn d o p o r t^ Khool In pay P< oDovo'compoiitlvo i • Minimum 3 yM rt Axparitnritne* In «n , Sun .ValW la iooMM an In- wagos w and bonoilts: For Mother K o( two win watch your "222'Si;0sii0Ni;-;^F^S jm e t W est______ertica ■nvlrontntra ' more intermallon plooso call cM c dren, swing shiR houra. novothw, lloxtlo and highly m Twin Falls, Id/Idaho 8 3 301 ' .■♦ cxporloncad 6lh grade oor oi Dlrodor ol Nursing at; •' Mon-Fri. k Moato and anadta ■ P IssS asssi: - includod. Kristi. 734-S660. ' SI5£E^Sc£?~52r2:2i:~~. Bus: 734-4411 OR Res: 7 3 3 -1 8 7 4 ■ ..,• year, to eow -a-l-yoar toavo ~_ -oJ-absenoe.-Thoro b-a •_. - . SERVICES------J, Monday Ihru-FrlMy. Catl ’ ____«AbUHy toKgoll»M«>y aggaggruklvB mnd 10 woik. _ -goual Oppoilunltv Emptoyof Shollie s at 324-4609.______’>plit'e~ntryi 2 car g 'a rjg e 7 ^^cck, c shake rooli Recently ■wgtonrmaTumJiiuHii. am aiw ;v c o u lo a b o oxlofld boyond t c« ccssolton Insiaiclor noodod houraj h reasonable. Cali ______. .■_:__lQ3-90 _ If you aro Inlorosiodod ;and have Q sincofo yoor. CofflpotHlvo salary and. ■to.iMct;LC to. |M 9 a ^ J^ y -S ^ -2 - - 5^iaswwKFpfogf#Mar«y?QF6ito5aM%Mlh^^= _ contact Cadua Pflle Ttori B T o ^ o f t^ djd a n o r a rospirtocy thereptaL- *0Oisr B abyam efa W a n te d - — ...... betw een tlie tioure} olol 8:0 0 a.m . ohd-6:UU"~-. or wtilB Magic Valley^ — RMC; PO Box 40d.'Tm»tn- j . p.m ., MdncJoy ttirough'igh'FrWayto'arrangG oTi— Tiatura r*»ponslb)r*Chrts>-- ______Intnrvinw-Cnmn prnpnr 737-2008 -ter-mofo- mtornia^ — : — lottorof leference. ififQ Q' vSiabterW pe^^ to^-tr^-s^' .-/pSO — N D AYTT 1 ^ 7 ------V ‘nartdalpIannofa.iNilUain.-- jjpp-eo.g— — . FEBRUARY^ _ . ______^ 2:3833. .extenssn8 ion,6 JQt t ^ o y l— — :Beap«HBj^ -Chttaianrad n fa --208 sa7-e454. — •. 008 Ifilo* Paopla ^in our 1^ 0. 3 wook days. ^11734-2008. _ holp nwxjttsfso^ rOwmoS “ -to-Mnnnqof. PQ Bar^flSfi, :-^ANCABD_^ii :~ (^18. Em ptoym ani W flnt^t Twin Fnlifi. ID 83303 " PR Q G &SrSjWGrLstWwir ^ -ana-aHofationa OOfw-— No m anor flow you ■pond" ■ ' -;• 1 —- in myTwmo. Pricos tooson- c^rio ♦ jAi53g>rHIWO~~~~ ^ =^HDWrFASrCAr*-YOtf-- -J -Ti«fa'nmtt:«v!rta'fflroaorrBi ------SPETJO'MONEY? — ------^ "" AN EQUAL OPPORTUNnMITY EMPLOYER M/F/WV Ooods and aetvlce* lo work Toonago boy will movo p ^ -•wrvWrTpqav r- - j hHOWMUCHf.^eNCVDO. -A-dQ.laoiLwgtk^otc, E. TF ^------2^11 WANT'^______^ oron.CnnHfinn733:??5f^ W o aro' training Ihis Friday 017 0 Buslnpss lor SUCCESS. PRESTIGE OpportunlUaa' ____ a n d opportunity ; _ I — } icoMPfliimEYbciRV Thlsiatornaloapooplo . A VEWDffJG------S J who wont to monogo, nrst , » BUSINESSES. B yoursoll, thon an olfico In Hmdling-Nx^jteco;- H Koobler.— n -just, qfrgiit nny major city- £ TDOilRS you wish. ^products. NO SELLING IN­ . • I Part-tim e en,lf>l-y . l e v e l p o s it io n ss immediately n VOLVED! Soivice commor- ng_preyipus_expgrierence necessary, H___ CALL; . . cidal accounts-sot up by-Co. ___ 3_available_with_afl ---- 208-345--4700 ~ f,Nolional-oonsuft-ligufea— , I flexible work schedules s avaiJaiable. It you're n 1_ chow, avoroao Qtosfi ooin------7 ^ Jerd n ie Gdo l f ^ o u r s e 2 7 : i n : n»y-the=Ffnest-{n ow n Ixjcinofto. . .T>.Twin Falls aroa. To loara . * .mmwn nhftiTl Ihir pm:i1 f>ppf.f- = n t l r e ^ ! mw i r ^ u r m r "

    3 • BoTjed upon cuinlT loy.cfir...inriririing n. U -»-(-j-C'stnpany . d* ------~ - U -19 5 Q 'Sq . '^.i Qak-Ga5i5ifie?s==- m . hr>nn*;. P or rriorc If]ioFormation or^ our w ■ •-;yohido avoilaWowitFi |n«niips^onof 5;M"^Toi^if^g sIo(o. . ^ Resources Dcpnrtmc Call 734-4537. ----- 5- extension 66Q1. ■ N ot n job, but vou r hiutu ro: — _ .J Afcl'iitcctur;ural ^_R oof Good Qents Honio n ie j --wrwre y ow rohpr» an«T - ;ciltng5 ' ' '«’* ’□ " R e a w o o a 'u e c x ckisiro 10 bo quccosbIuI FULL SERVICE . u Vaulted Cci -twwnitrorvn ir l>w.» W-'.. - '-Q ^ — i--a.cnsTom-jjUrjjg- -... ' '* ■—ZIX3rCaE£aEagEIII • ------‘ oro n -m w y FotfCfWl ffnhwny— 'OpportomrTTiwnttrir------; .di.dosw -to Twtn Ffllls. /ir-..------li-KTDhlcrPiunumbing-thTTDDghout—— ihPeliet--W oodburntr•ntng-Siove— ■ - - i ■ ^ youounlily. ' vcvory lucrativo businor.o ______-cgtf-G««HQ> U«.tC4wl»y-n ______:j Raised Pana n e l D o o r s ^ Hot Tub .and'Jacu;icuzzi i f m M o p d ■ y ^o nj y , ^Tun nr tiuyor:;. ■£1 * JACIU'UI. . ' Idahoio IPpwor.,^j^^!v^^ John nt: , ■ l'ER M^V/>^A/ Olhof.wookdnyr., normal Jc ___ ■ ■ ■j. . >VNEQL)aLOF’OPPORTUNITY EMPLO'YEI H buairwM hourr; nt ILandwatch, Roallors s •n-aoo-w5-4^ss , btbt/,r733-36e? n'^a:>6-5P-lt ' ------.v~~ ------;------^— — ______i - _ E-6 Timos:Nt»vs. Twirli FcFalls. Idaho . Sunday, robruiaruoryS. 1991 ; ,

    ______- 029-030 iaic~ ti^q rTygstate i—

    J | | | H | H |

    (ajirHomasForSaloi _ - Oaj-HomssFofSale '030 Homos For Sale . _ 03t>-H6mosfOf Sila ___;_|^O^Hom0sFofSalB O35-Ht|fTi0SForSal9 ' 02M)pen Houses l)29-Op«n Houses • O»-Home3fOfSal0- ^ 4 badroom. 2 bMh, w ^ j ____ ■ir ^ ~ A.. -btfvNEk>cMIon,S7B,500_: CUSTOM r ~ f reomS^fa^Ftm — — HOUSE _ m. ... ■- ' Now Rn« m « ------‘ W T j P Pt4-HbUSE j J g: ai -saa>-Locaiod-o«t-lhn-^» r r •AponmontsrUv® k* o o o _ u ^ 1 -7— —Sunday rFrtmbfM ary-3-*-r1*^P«n»>— ~RflmNof-3-bocJroomr^'/i -TFrie»H79*«7g.------— ^AOEHMAN-^By-OWNCTH roni tho’olhormroo imte^to-- • 12^ kopt'2 bodroom honw in a -omg-jBoH;Cours»T Brick o ‘ -Flv«rfoncod acros-wah 2 ; - J ^ KLKottumullyllnnd- gr )Fn'g~RALE BY OW NEm 2 tal cost to ownor'TIOO-a-,j - t a i i q r m a DE .ifA Ttvwoy-TOCtiort'^of^Twlf^' aiv -hnttroom—1 ” ; lnonlhTFortjrocm»«^ - sc a p o d with plnos & wWto Falls. Includod Is the ,g 'O uioteui.do-sacTyra^ § In exdudvo "offl- ?h- niaco; dock with hoi tub. in l.w.ivo \.1lh^ ,re control sir; 733-91W,------^ §Mctsouisf viaW.Aaniry^ j Ma?gha^f^[hbm^T^2^ 1 ~b1dck fodcooidds to priva*^ pump, attachod garago.\ 2 car flaraoo with- doom - -oy;-C«JJ-Vauohn lor-moro- .iJndorgTOund sprinktor sy ^ < o . ziF-TOU 'RE------67fl7. ownincs. ro7-€S23. - ’! ^ior^7l?.^2266^ori. f ,H tom ' artd m'u<^ moro. Just ___-THlNKlNGOE_ - -k « lh y -L t^ .-(hofl^ ^ a a : - i H — -dolallB..Hrlco roducodi. tho-epot foriho-younoi01 -tajno|-733;5338-0f 733--t- -ROOMTO SPARE-J «3Se-90. • ■ BUILDING._CHECK- 6 E. 500 S. A 444W 0241,------f^-r^nw rnTi^ft*ttn i.&fc BcrcsT _THIS OUT in' Ihl# 6 b o d r ^ . 3 bathIT j "^iSoMOUNTAiN "— j-mun-narm:o'niarbm?r — only $49,600.1429-90.' - : -Prosbntiy-tjtiaor.confltruo-lio- h o m o w lth - o x tr a la rg o0. J -REAL ESTATE _ , 10 i'sq . ft. 3 'bodroom. 2batti )■ ;;------THREEM’: ~ Framow/brfck,T.960i Call Bon or Virginia for tion ln.prootigious Can-*n* moBtor bodroom; family^ I 2 bodroom condo, troplaco, : and doublo g a fU Ql? ^F /o r c o d o ir.fu rn a ce with ale showing. REALTY dloridge Subdivision.• 3 -room, patio, dock, Hro-1 . 733>S33S '' wpBarfces, ysrd caio, tonrtls conditioning,,built-in'mlrmlcfwaTo/rajipocombo.-oak- 5 GEM bodrooms. 2 baths, largo■go pioco, and fuB^spdnktors5 eourt. assuraabio.Jdaho. cobJnots ond.spdnklor«lor 8yslom,wtth nuto tJmor. REALTY ' Try a tow-cost d u s llie d BO w" 'oh-lari»^«3mof loC^Donl- I- COLDWELL - “ >! -miss-tms oxpan#ivo,byt> | Houtkig Loan.-7;8S-APR; 734-0400 - -today. Oii-7a3K)6g6. ------a 14500 down, balanco,• B A N K E R . $ 11 0 0 9 , 9 t > 0 OH TOLL FREE — ings, 3 car gamgo. All o* of not oxporoivo famtly homaS ; i25,600.'*275por-monlh.- , •1^00-34S-4e65oxtEl1S tho oxtra amonilios. at only 5129,500 ^ to d '•. WESTERN REALTY: . GEM S164.500. «03-ei. Jn an c«eollont family - _ 733-2365 y 3bodroom,goodan>a, ~ r __ jM odtmrkJSim Lty^^:S±r-_ ____ ....CQMEORr . . - -H EA LTSC ______j noiQhborhood_-Call„Cindy, l^dopondontl^ownod FOR SALE! ___ . 734«0400 ; I ^ • - JHpPP M' _—_ ..forTnfnifl^-OQ. ^ - 1«flOO»34S>46eS a ^ £ l 1 ^ | ------Bffl y o u n ee d ." storm doors, patio. brrXOO*flO- - JUSTUSTEOi I doub(flifar.saraaowrih. oaOr-Hom.esFof^B " ' ...... Pfi^armo Rasktenltal-U -de«p-{and&capod and.n d- ^______I____:______•e ! -worKt>onchTind-»hohre8r -»on<^ lot. *34,000.-Glvoivo . THIS OLDER HOME!^ RV parking. Nlco pulio-lo- bath.-Kousa-oo-2-dty.ktt..: GEM h R&nchos Commercial Joonnlo a call today. ' foaturos4 bedrooms, ■id yard^tat wn^.ty. plus a rontol 1 bodijoom epCgl". J*nxiw. tP. 8 3 m 1 1 ------TAKE-ADVANTACE—~ yard onxonooJot!------; ilotallr7»963S ------— —t«>0.3A5.46a5 BKt.EnS.. ' Hugo homo for tho monoy.: ■ N O q S a u r c Xt io nI sal.OOO. Call Gary or BRAWLEY REALTY ------. LARGE ASSUMABtEi,E Shlrloy for your personalZ (O&i-HomsafoTSal^------lOPttDiTiBS For Sale- ■■ ------n g o i ~ g i to t c - T oirSq»< ----^ -LOANt-g-bodroom- hom»-riw- -tour.------£-2 030 Homos Fo>5bIb ... ■ with doublo pono , , - 7AWD!srFOUNorbno-or - ^ .-r- '---t c : = = . -windows. dock-OfL-nlcoly.»I|L J ETTEB TAKEA i a e K I 2______. ^ ' rrr: nawa«Bapoitlnr:«a;QOOrBvT ^ 'if'^D ooroom tranto win-' R ^ l - r _ rviownUtfOfiJreafnrtrouip -‘CnB O ^'fordotagt;— ■ IBUpUB^TT^OTX. i^'' ? ■■'■■■■ I ' iSfc-j ^ r«KOSSE‘ORrCATTlE.$ETUIUCJPJocatoO,JO.JTitnufff«rom;ftllT >-S S ^ ^ S * § ^ S rW " ■ Twtn Pfirtfufn- P\r.hotn.-tfV>r6hoprbofftr4-fuey-fencod»T- >11 Crths. Naariv 2.000 sq. ft. I . U ZQ ^J— i =rt=mis^radeosFW 8*‘-wwii NELSON acfo»..oll-»prl'r»Hlod..4;tipj;boafODmn3:ftp,ttl'^.^^ . ,:L talnod duplex. Excelloi REALTY - - yooolovolwiihl^^ail- Ju»t roducodi .Famllmily cnoh How. 3J)odroon Iras, irtduding oaK csttpot*.- — bS-—— on 2 60 2 n d St. East homo In HoUbtor. 3 bod- boc family room, fvir bath ( t fe s .‘ffis’ss;s ? LOCATED JUST North of' JorcJoromo • 2 houioj. 2 a a w • rooms, 2 b ath s. 2 firoplacplao- oach cldo. with garogojgos. . 734-3930 ‘ N ELSO fl xsds lhi$ hoifie sotdl.Ifiis 4 t«(J(oom, | -Ono-ftlcol fv1ota,.hQcnoJ.oc 1___ aad; rrhTa-iaJi-itMusciSooo n ;. - ...... R g .I T S ;,, B iy ?j.-Ml^ B O n:--0 o n n » x a n i> u lp -;3 b J22122IE H3usiom-tooili.=^-«o»yr^3S ==BEA i^at;=^ •65-90. ■" Isro st I 'o a n T N ^ u a N f ^U g l i s l l i l s j _ bdrni. 3 ’/4 balfis, basomont.«m. iG0 2nd SL East rwcassary. 9M 0 T . . . .TV 1 aero, groot notghbortiood, SUPES AS$UlutABl£ LOANN - No 1 Quolifyfr>o nocesioiy. BRAWLEY REALT jJ. . 734-3930 :»oom hom o just right JaLO. THREE M 734-5858 all amonltlos. $169,900. MAGIC VALLEY( MirrooraaEjIifOT ^ontomporory 2 bodroor REALTY Toll IrM 1373 Falls Avo' Wost. CallCali ;------Tmall-fomily.-foaturos-.-7W)ae5.^------REALTY ' a a a s s f i ! -Mi^ljon^g. coyocod_dpd_dp.ck &_sptlr:i.kl!nQ.J^sU)m^___ ...... - ____Z32£22S-----____-- . l.aOO-523-2460 E«»-fl83 = !------LETSTALK—- B/ owner 3 bodroom. 1 Why k«ep li whon your neS r “ INSPIRATIONAL— C O U N T R Y , rago, iongor noMl It? S«R It wiihi«n V COUNTRY . -±=: „ i437,500J.36 •W .W .jjL -ELDUMEOjLSellefsjfiw-iyq -= --S S i2ASSKSm . riS.y71niVpihtlv.;cl*i»lll« ------EXECUnVE^^^■ Jorbmo, 3 bdrm homo,f - ^ MOVE RIGHT IN — - wiin25«40-garage wiiiTi)ou6i6fl[ )o fix up this 4 twdroom, I ■dMO^Jofonw. 324-3146.4fl- Id. Call 733-0ag6,______basom ont. (aniBy room. • andoata^atejoodlejipjs Cffllij i i g g - Loige gorpgo. Poy clpjlf!l^ g ; e o > » & boclt^to x ^ . ------AS-fTARBAS . - ^ 2 ^ WMOUWrtaiiiV^rihi^ •ownorv,ratiQfTY;-$20.00(!F~ HAILEY’S COMETET GREAT RENTALL on on® aero o«of» ov<>r™ ':2ssr2-2srrss- *■ single, couple, or small lainily VAUEY^EALTy- — ------INVESTMENTS- ^ ptii^e patio, air conoiiioningrsin owr> . ,, tin main Hoot UltcNWlocaiion. : 734^1991 : ------Iu » U K M B i Wd. N . ■ away. Closo .to tino t»ti w. .*59^2bdrmhoM pn dcdo. 2 laundry rooms. Idoa m a 4 ^ / __ i t ^ : re^ 'lo r-^ . CJmtOUmEOITODEMiU~ ^ ^ cw ii|PY vbuu*6stt*aBbJ

    a hlltsidQ lindor ih o pinotInos.' ^ m u o so n at 733-2B07 — • — Only-$7g .O O O .-C aB Oonna w n K ^sr'"'------—^ eOLDWELL- ROBERnr'joiS'ES U -to - ______^______-)^7^~-2^goy7Mr 3 3 - ' ' ; ------—--rrrH&ANKER ------BEAUTY:—- — -WE9TERN-REALTV-py------733-0404------733-2365 . 1 J0Q.345-4gaS art E t155 . ~ I ir s ^ - ■ i'.jo»g6g^i-^ NO q u a lify in g ^ C O L D W E C i r ______EXT. 1 2 1 1 ------Inaopondorilirown®*^ = = ^= B A m E B ^ , oDOfated. ------; .. p h a M n pn ------WESTEHN-REAL-T\;^ -l—^ ?OL^EE-^ •^spataous-auplaX-OQJiSi^, ---- 733-2365 — .• M»800-346»46S6^«iitj1t6 - S S f f l S a p Iridftpondehii/ ownod i rcANrrBEflrrrHis - — ^oooratod.------' - I T g i M a s j [c rgestH om a-A ------COMFORT— E kitehon w/now ylnvl. Lc lono) showing..»3M iB£3 R easoii W hy_^r ' ~~______J*. c^atoa ciosV lo town I i^Tlier^isra~l ■“ - in sm a rt m n e h o r witl ■ g °° o P E3N r 1 TO 5 - SiSaturday 6^Suilu n d a y (omily aroo. w z y llr e ^ a M hoat pump. cathodmJ cdl Inas, walk-in closots an GEA/IREALTY B E O t / C E^StlPpIft’flSSSciintur P :._,-g.yih';aiSsa i ' ^ iMTox. IBO ^ n l ^ o n ^ = d i ^ k 3 ^ & S ' 733-4324— OR?^X^REE^^^^ - = FHAJIHA. Just $66,900>“0. CIRCLE THIS AD Call Larry ^ l l h .

    -ConiamMraryTanchstyw-For l a W x a X E a 'hom* w/doyiiflW w aiPour ------r * ^ •80«rwoll^«>atod.-and I - basomant on short »“ “• p®*■O' ' C O L D W i t X T viow _SoQ lna l8 boliovl;ie B A I» jK E R----- = «4iS0qM»-108-«a------a j > J g 3 L - a - —feroly'wirh-fr-b^cOT ! | r .. ■. baths. Foaluros lots ol oakak ^------r - > WESTERNJlEALTy — THREE M=== =T>woughourrvau»tod:coilinga. ■ :-^ -^ 3;g305 ■ IS S t a r n e t ______JndoDondontly ownod.a,a i- - REALTY - iTwaik'-tn’clb'set,'' ‘ ^ ------[M .3 3 3 » ------r r ------Full basem ent.mt. 3 bedroom'. 2 bath, targc^asterfa suite witftvi ------frpptaco.- winp around-docK^ /i^replace. range,___ M ft'^PrtnWlng-ByOOffl.- NOW-IW- cathedral celHnggg great room, dlning.^nd»d kitchen with pantry, fii gjugrtgg.igM «9o-2io. • >rgy ^fflrlgnt g.-»«;-hpar ana y . i j7- reP irectlons:;S<-Tum-w€St-on-North-CCollefie-offitoshlngtoaic;rrf>pt.Thf»n fiim _____ J. ______fl . T.remoynljroo ost JohnWc----I iI".r^g^~lLi>VB-Con6L=rHa»Bac — ■■ left on Starfire andid look for the-flags,—— teL-Ai-phaaoa_c«v m-- _BnddZ73TD335775??fW5;-’ir " : j custom wory, found m ' ' • B Cont/aiiu -^caio.d~latQfl^ ------fi-----iniah, Woaitwiitlo ------S ------...... t -H horm'curronlly-u»od-o»-2- ______J . pMf. 733:6455T3r 6S!6SS-430t. n3nlnl_unlts,_ljts^_0l__(^.'i: izzT ForwM ore-Inform ^[tion~€an : 7 3 6*!6 ^ 7 3 ~ - — = ______fl "------HcB-Troo pfwwp;------1 - , ’ a — j h i L i i i ^ S F s f c :on bo. . ^___ 734-2578. I stop-by.our qtrice-a X B ^ ^ B S S E S Sg S S s a B ’ __ g - — ------f i . . a- flftRFtoorfUpalf.■ lr.C «pol. ‘ g Wo ropaif Troi^^ovtrrg-fc liifiiming! ^ “ liioftlinoloom.Allwc11 wood lloof ' cJow 4pair ml: waDs. doofs. wlrv- Q TiQuality Wood Acre# Tree > H fopajfs. C an 324-;24-2079.. n.^_ .:ha»u«amlM. Comploto p>po . _ _ F O p rm , C q»326;&?22 -■; o and repairs. T o n /t____a _____ f , TrttfiinnfmTtf ------° 734-a & Hcdalrs. n 4 < » 2 2 ,24 hours. .=■ ; iS b ^ E ± • ~H ~ ^ : = g jgSmSICS^SBS ■^vnx\~vi5T7raSubdlvr^ioiT' IH - on TOLL FREE NORTHSTATAR Subdivision ' 8 ■ nntwornri tor dflV' ____ ' w ^ a L >jf .f UiiJ Lol.Iege ------Just-Sot3tlrt)\'roHwfft~^ ------pajWna io«8. otc.r-TBO-cys T ------n ------Hgnd yng : I M ost24 hrrcium 734-1234 D n bodfootfi. 2 b.nlhs, ho.il. Ragl too..Cflll.Nor TwrTBBrrfeea. 15 ^ 9 H------A, V.A..ConvcntionaI, I.H.A.,1 Financing avali v a l i a b l c TT------s — c ijiij & n:,.u'3."3= 4 yf5 in a /o a . flola. MSoioiilio Technology ^ nir.^tols ol oxlras, $98,500 D 'fi.SfiOa.-Fitor. - B £ a d 'C B c s a cC'si- di aH 734-M17. ' Bi ca B C3 t a C3 tnEnH jataQ iacacac] DaEacaBoBcia ■P.H.A, . . . ^ .j^.r " " ;;■■ . - r '

    Ir^ ^ ■ g .j A ■ >,.: 7 ^ 1 . 1 ■ .— . . j •.V,-. • r Sundoy,, FobruoryF 3..1991 ,Tijn05-N(5-N ows, Twin Folls^ J^f.'iho E-7

    ^ R e a r e s t aa l t e ^ e a l ^ estate-M s ercIiihairdise~3r: , - 001 Furnllure, 4 Ciwpols H 030 - HomeaFof Sale , oas'coodlnfl/ . «39„BuslnaH Ptopefty-... OSl--.UnfunilahKUtoum..0 . 0S8_QIDc«&-Bu»lnM»I - )068-‘computers ...... - 00 mobile- -tk ------csnualtalt-a hoal-»4j8o. s r ioeaibt>-a^KCDSs on East & Wafohouss w/ovorhead i ,.at>d fmnd ehonos. 324-4623 .. -l.p_l. rolosslon al hiit*ly*L''B_____ ^ __ ------tS 5 Van Buron. 734-5578. ' -KImWaitfBo. 679''ffpll*nce#" o ^chrir. $400 both: 733-7a3l. . . ; Now a.bdrm, 2 both homo.J* 7976 Of 734-4163.______. 5 % bedieom touM In H M o n i - iTtMsirteadMrtaelndtsst' s h iy *>^L. Uhiy J( ----- ^wjmprotMatOTBL-wfra^ ■Cmice^ g j U o u ^ o T ~ ^ — - •captfm. Swn foooC Ibmwl'j ' ZhomBsrnunt^rourwt^ .^ OMtMf>n'»t3odn>ont, '2 v twi,„F ttr i -5385,-aHer-6-ee-73M134, Tg - Klng-size-waterbed-mat—------BecUto dryer, goofl condU ^ r ~ c ^ Q .^ ^ rfcunay mom'n ' buUin^-oorr^. BuN we«.~ j- 'W u ie it:G o o B B ;d e c t> y a- ; .Lnyn-a | to 5 .« * ^ .fof,M“ - . -e I tress, firm sided Snor.-4 ^ ^ - • — Ikxt, $50 or otter. C al’ days ^ »r- -DOSHIER BEALTY- ) « o a ^ and or field lypo.‘ Want] lo buy: Blecuto diojial U |v - r ^~*^sss?73»s«^ ] -7*j:«34»:^-for-Oevkf-or -|! 734-P5T8llf. » j-. iVii-ja-'l l l i i S d i ' h. •nothortulidinfl^(if»r •€ - - 30-torm mkoncxtltr dgch. an6« ^»o». now cspet 4 Kkby GerMratlen III with at- ij r , 73C-72Zd. . ------: Va mDo north o< KiniMity.ly, sa m o s iz o or iaroor.- Call paM , prrvate i«stroom & eof- " -Want to buy: Exerciso biko K J tIftftO acre. Can 4 2 3 :4 4 9 4 _ Jonn Hutchinson tor moro' J ■Srbar.$39S.-734-«139 j - ^ .. and VCR In pood condition titachmentt and ahampooor.: ^ ~ ?^ifRMVUEYR^ALTY- •• 'Ctowr2-*Jdmrhou«*,“s » w i .erw>d.oQW-$8S0 tr heal oU. .S f 335 Acmt. Ku*tton,-pl\^‘5-^..««od.,^e5,Y 0,:x Retail and dflibVipacos i ter. C al 32frS437.______■= • • 734-5858 « )d whool-linos. 4 bodroom ) pisteh. ^ rifles. Competitive • • One tareo boautilul olass 'I Tonfre«„ . . dBb*-raiiCTro° ' ' f si*e mjSreS'K?«Tnm»r’ "e ^ j- 1 ^ 0 Q ^ g M 4 6 0 e m BBSSi - 2«OA^*^^£u'^-tro' Clean homTm pro^ntlS''] . Qood'used ( m R M r wHh CaB352^215. _ . 65 § ia ____ ^ u . aoM-edk end tabtos. MOSl’ -i ' ‘ rocit, whool Itiios, good^ T V L P I N t: lm m . 2 bedroom s, laOndry jj . -TWSISYOUR homo. $395,000. ' - 'room. fenood.b y k ^ d . Jijp. ;06OJtf*»touftfr-- ;i -. I Wanttobuy:Froei-(n)onk- SO S M 12 cu. ft.. wMt% frostt t^ann!>OQO,?34-7^M, : Z- HOMB=------RockyJiouotalAiloatty.Ino..------~'ft-9ter^|rflarrtil—- iLooWno-lDni-llbeiBlaEa- o r - 0 8 2 - BuUdlng Materials : _ 733-t4P6. _ __ 734-3373 . CCan73Z43aa(lor4:3^,' - amrnmum canoe. 32n S a . If you ^ quickly nnfl a- 40 OCTOS SW Joromo. mirt'W ^'S C T T O L L FREE^ "In Ii Jerom e: 1 bdrm, $200 : Can 738.6359. g . (or o togonco o n d «lylo. Ex-X- oitfot. $67.500.324-4B23 _ ^ -1.600-345^665. 0«t 100 £Plus dop. Can 324-8087. ij . .Want 10 buy; Large hot we- ■* ■ — - , , wptionni 3 bodroom homo L yif.Nxxo^ r-pii.73^.7^ ■• _ei , . Can 423-5374. • « A BARGAIN., n ' I «*lm formal IMng and dn-1' 75 acros botwoort Flior ond MA t^ M L ^ STOHA^; •?• g^lnr • 'Wart »o Sc*iwinn Air- ^727gr

    lb: ., -J ■- -We-went-l:OODm~?------^ list Mbo'ofTon'oirana’id' ' "^SSffaCTOsw/3 bdSir. Smal lo modkm flze tram- roomt and Iving room. wKh or fil^ere^ood**condiUo^ ■ - ^9.00lDTrNddn ----- ^------r — dn-. cA ~3ae*rCoyiBnM r ■ - TJSZ-Tomtitwd-Aptr------1 Near Hagorman; Double; j pollnein nood-conditionr- i •$ 1SD ::C elR 3»g7^aft_af Sr-:------— C a l 423-5516. - t6cotfon 733-eiB4. . • • ADuplaies - -> ! : (REDWOOD 2x8-6'.!' / tvVmBnKI______:-r—BRAWL&V^^AtlV- - ______eOMMFRaAL___ .=fbodrooTinipaTtmontlor «f>oeeriS1ni^T7WmtlIh~ '( -072-AnttqUM -----■« -091—Fumntire-iCtrpet*— ai • •200 cow dairy, a in n io T2 ^ building ; ^ - 7 3 4 ^ 5 ^ horrinoborto b ^ . Wondon •Trailer ^ » « r for ipiil. smallI ffor tloBp. oiiao or Ford - -Ton f»* ' ' - . S i n ? 5 a o ' . “: « i o ^ -i ! Dlekup.cWOT.^. 11950's d asd e juke boxos tor CCafebratlng our 3rd . i R .. On-Hlghwoy'30-bo^ooa l. niral coud. $80 mo.'f $5 for E olfloe « home. Can Stave AAnnlvereery witli beroalna oact)m in units 144 pea) i-flOQ.62a.g46QE«tBMS Lodoo.Kolchum. 726-3441. trashftvstor. | AvaUabie bnmo- VWanted: to hp sinole phase f - _ galore. Curved traditional' P A N E L IJ W . •nriREO-OF-nEHTINOZ J . (fiat0ty.734:781B733.3689. < r S puny. CaiTyjSt fjn f ij^L522a22V__ i couch8 in soft multi-colors: •F T M n w tslcto f thto a i y col-Sj^------DAIRY FARM __Z. , W00DBACK4I8 = =071 ifcmlniiljmiteyMna^ ^ - 53ak.=,=h=:=J»Afc«l»el==,™™ ^ jrowS^prinfcrodl^ x ^ ^ ------>Utipl*itti -n«ru minjii ii ' ~ j « rwiUjwiKHii.i.W.tl adw t I ,1,

    ■ C a l S 4 4 -7 S 5 V ^ ^ ^ country kitchen cupboard ■— L v r ^ t ^ : g o a - n ; e T u a ' S- -BRAWLEY-BEALTY ^ 1 & 2 b drm a(as . * ^tloti^DTOTO ^ — OCT • K^Kanoom' ' jWanted: 1969 or .1969 ( wUh hutch: newer wMe 34*x77W.50ee. _ ...... QOIET-tOXURY - fi .7alrlo4.old-tie«dla-aawlng. .p -~ ~ ?”cAN-fypU-^ELlEVE-e. -fi homn and nleo 3 - — Lo waIk-Jn-ck>«>t»;JiC------ly bodroonr horns, Reduco£ iM n e r ia K c a to ln o i:------WHAT $ d 3 ^ ‘WtU. BUY ' Laurel P a rk A portm onts- _ annlveraary spedal now 6 " . FOR YOU? n«*>- . 176 Maurice SLN., 11950's dassic juke boxos lor knportani;cilbM706 I ^ whichever com es first. • • r ^ j S l B t l T L E R REALTY otOU.^63S._____ :____ - drawerchMUonIy$3d. ralnoJ^homtfi now ga> Ap; 30 4 . m a n ag e r L o v ! 3 > .6 7 a ^ i CaB Sieve J ..SECOND TM E AROUND . £ :_____ : 076^Offia* Eguipnuiit"! d " P R I C E ^ T R E W ^ H I ‘200 ocros In Gooding, tsrm (^oondllon,$1100.. 5 ' - DE3ICS:. ?C lean cOmroriaWe:Wde.a- ~ H » » M ^ r ^ e ] ’ ground sbrinlilod. S on a R ^w A w W .'73^'16^ _ CoU 934-5523. - V Exffcotivo a secretaiy. ihe g«bed, (weedy earth fonea.^ .PIONEER REALTY..•' aldo Hodlngbono. 7 largo0 Lots of potential for many K SacrI«ce$306.73fr66tS ^ o f K h i t o ^ 1 bodroom aportmonts. 2 portabl^e oxygon tanks, tl now. $230/choloe-orJ>a^- §i ti. -tood lolt , iSO-coKOfOd. Irofl-f, commercial u»ps. One i ^TREAT YOURSEli‘ :staia. commodity bam . Kor-r - -se n pmt-wiih dy wntnr xa•Ctoaif. ^ gHH.~j.*oiiieiom.-TV •» k -w d yw er^t.5-sharos.wa-{.« -(Kln9)-30-io-J-aMiQn»«tea_____I____ : Tor^IiTOinelEnSHaind^ f 6 bodroom homo imdliioo'a' -ratior^iew.-WIUaoeommo------Vano.'oc.Wanda. * S ^ J0 _ -o-CaB-7a3-0740.^^^— - - i ^ T S r g ^ e r a rawer. ibO'. ? _____fa in is.-2 .IiJ0diallw^fl(ann i bgdtoom-home^Reducod- s parBorras'aj complote- i I'arn^nriW frrnjrPBone- -« ------floorrtAxnrovoretzed-2-car- - -2 b e d ro o m -to w n h o u se -la i-.«.woddng..$5o£jiome.andiry. -WarriodUrydo^sUeoLioosC.v - ^7 3 4 ^ 6 . — ^------■« aardgo. v o u llo d colllnga,* ^^B IH L E R REALTY n ^ ‘^$^ffgnth ■» doposit jiMl Call 423-4209.______Utrail bl(e, 175,200 or 250. • £ Caa>37^643L______gnk^ca^onls ^ o c b tro o . ■Call 733-0152. ____ Several used sateOite s » - 1I yr o(d queen-slza Marvel- ^ 0 ■ ■:_ M4-5322------‘80-FairmonlHM t^wa^,. -£ • nfemBTs(arlIno'$499r734- V»oua'Midale mattrAa eel, windows and patio door. ' W anted: Botw buntw rabM \ — GRAVEL------Ur conditionod and mudi,'• Just RoducadI 64.76 acros 1234.SalsltH»VechrwloflY. K$300mier or trade for. fu*- C .prifflo.subdi»ision.pfoporty.r ^ B m B cnndv vorKliwi r r t i K ^ 4feeders. C al t3 3 : 0 t 4 ______2 alie aw. Ca« 423-5979. a - LlMden:.20.'20^saIolite.fyK ^ much inofOT^MTSOOr’• ' o n A d ^ o r L ^ r | ^ o ^ | Lf f ------REALTY------" a TrajBgTBodyjiiilfltir.-flnd: >li00-90. 1 ■•.- o ^ y o e ^ F g n PU. Cafl !! T H R E E M ■ T e r C a m S l ? ^ ^ ^ ? " • "pJ ^ t s ; • ' OOSHIER REALiy.. Altracllyo 1 bdrm apt, an utl- H Wanled; Buttw:chum elthor ^ - ...... ' hh ; ; : REALTY >tf« r ft, - 733-S336 — - ■gTJsed ZO'SHiW'OISWU'IlWri . —'--=:r Fans to Cirtannall, leavitM «wanted wood lathe. Cali . 073 Bazaars & Cralls nv 1 W» ^..atiH tooMnfl^ acro- 734-6915.______^073 Batasrs & Crslts Oi ______- I ; WONDE^UL' and“ nor'llUi'aro'"t’ 'io 8o!i ^ f c g s i Wantpd buy: Educaitonot p 4x4, 6x5. 6x6. Rustle Fonoo or643-S309. ■ - ^ • ...... n t ~ a u ot, OaH Hobwi-J wtMM .— NlnlBl^lflM aJ3^A _ . ;u CRAFTS 33 ^^^6e^lglouB—tpegnm r- ■ — morclal OT^lllci ipw irr ^ ------Uvoly o6taio'Wiih“4 of r " ancos' + laundry room, Amana ugrlght 23 cu. It.' si _ ...... A F uture Of ThisilsNewspaper C6084 Tools .... . ------btK kow n~hom 0 -o n -a o r» - ; t afl ooo. #00.196. ______" 1-10* labia saw wltmncten- = rf«^(»bi3a^Fr..waronousir ^ 22-ihoit barro<-pblofr11^ »'• do|>os1t. Call Johnny. 775^7830.______Ooar& C^ 734^19, .loavo !r -^ckayo-anilTairsiiilngT ^ -'!!!!■” n ~ fci-thte*twmd.-Cal- - '^sfK liide^llU U ?! -lor-Uami_thty-want.(o.b u y .l bdrm. I baih. carpon. nyal p ~ / y M W n ^ ^ “ inmo^iai^^y;i^ !f

    •7.i7:CBlltel.47S7...... — ; tooags'^ t.uti ' . . iiHi in Q«ld - ; . i z : : .g r -pS^TTTf wnt n 'o n o ‘ $51)! 9 i V4 mlla-oorthtol-Klmborfy’ Wnrilffifj • *■***'*" i—oH ^oacti-^ad -aro-taken.-Cati T '- ~:^^EALTY. ■ ’ J$1990 ocm,.CaiU23-44ft4-. bedreeln sef^ Reasonable WOODEN LAWOtjRI^W ITUR6 ^Bulld' VWr” s a n h a tfo n W cL Np p^oTs. g 324-4960. - • _____ - •. 734-0400 ^ :waylntorAango?1ASin)hou#. {J pricaCil324-56t3. - own and Savel Classiclie wood-and-eanvas S O R TO LL FR EE ' 55 ACRE'FARM $435 per month. 1-772- love |( seat, good condition. ^ O d er Sears AC woktor. with ' w ih te d : Good used sprlng~ adjustable deck chainIrs an d fo ld - u p e n d g* :1-B0P.34S-4BCS 9Xt E115 WITH A VIEW, 2421 or733-0979after5. ' $35.00. $ o iA ra e to lS o a th o ; 1 t7?,gpn?2?-m - S y l & K '’5S“Ji3 I '«/typbtDcking horse. labial Full-size pattailarrts (or cdnjoured' “ bound Encyclo(»dia Brttarh. .• - ^ 733-3795. • : ':whyfun »llo»f lewnwtwo . nica. make offer. 733-6963. - pahs, complata lllustistratad instructions ' gg086 Rrewood r .7*)fuu canlocW B'pW iTtar**^- - ; °SSne^r^ty ■ WyW:

    • Citl 733 0628. . ^m l!t«S^^llm4^t^4':--^ ono wonb’nQj)r>vacy;^pt_a Largo, d e ^ . sunny,'warm- sotta * pl^-w ith apaakecB, ^ - --'SATISFACTION ORTOiOUR-MONEy^ACKI ...... "S2 rt^dio. dop. _$ | 150. CaH 324-4960. ’ WWontj);d^^and.^owocod > Firewood, U-haul or wo de- - 1 ^ ' _ To order p lana mall chSrCa»tJa4-2t37.-w . »Wanled:-N this on - Seasoned-pine-spBl-Vdeliv- :---- — 1-— ' Qet your ty n m ow before ^fit 1986 tul-slze [M g o (rod . InOkla.ptaaiseaddtax. orod. $110teerd. S43-4446. *9prlilt|t1fO'ilillilir tliuifpi." “ ^■ •'S Si.’c a p o ts : -lo 8E Buiteyy ( c^gK^wjtiydrautlc Jg ^ jn T • *r — :— ^------CLASSiPie tp r cfwrro ' .. ------^ ------rtnt,.drta5igi.a.car.flataoa.. J- Studio aoarvnofdaJor sinpto CaB C 334-3556 — ______o ^ ______:______, - 0 3 i n : 'JbrKhiCDround tprlrikCrty*- i persons. Pfoioronco owftl 15" OuhusraMi4»tfirn»l^ ( STBI r^l'lSaiuSSl-.rii-^_ I „ • ' p.o>-sox.ioo05ScBY. OK-MOOB^______more. WO.BM; " = i e M 9 . ------||da^l«»rI^reWffrTyj-8nd- s condiH^$^wga(otwrf*o ^ l~Paik oino:CAI'X;4.';SS3;------^------■ ■ _ Vyanted: Old advortlslng ^ . J -P i ~Gunu snowtooflreroxcolom-toS n!\^S zof cfirOnvo^r .ln.'iamily-liQU«iDg>JSU£L -oondAion.«176orbest(^.-^ g ^ a l p in e : Loron al 543-5697. ------~'Oflil^FbnU'ufe~a.'n C a tp tU ~ O•QBr'Furnlluro i 8. Carpets—— OlOBt Furnlluro t Carpels : — mEAtiY—— Wantod; 6U ^ d o s, IKO ^734^3373 MiTO.Jiii^n^F^I|^Hou«ing~ ^ or oldor. Can 734-5007. - -CAL-tTO ttrFR EE—------^34-3373 - ff y iiTvo a : o tJ w u^njuuu is.— L -1 ^ 1 ^ 6g ^ t-tOQ^ ■ Clean complex,-1.& 2 lo Wantod:-Sowlng machine , *. ;^3icfoann with S .w ii6BnrHomar----- “r ^ 1 = = :*»47.000i-ea»emem-(anK P 'Bf^f'^rcfOOK- • ■WAMTgn- Sm all t>lckuD. . A r K > t h < ___ •^ jO Q m ,3 .b d tin a ..2 bnttiB., " S ^lO-PEElioNGElfc ==^cro parcd s1 New 1991 Centonniol.), - 864 Quincy ^ soni Toyota or Ostsun pick­ - « b d ^ 2 ba th . CnH.Jucty ^ 7 3 4 .6 6 0 0 New N formais. $50-$&5; m ens » ^ 2 7 ,5 tX J r 3 b d m rto r tow-r !and6iie-aU3.5.flcroa_. fl ______14X80_____L ^ &boystuxea.$25.$3i,$76, up. u Nolhino oyor.$3/00._ C w nbW It^7 with 25% 3 bedroom s. 2 baths lor solo. Carol. 734-4469; Call733-SOao0orm»ffL--^ C •prico. Motol Biding. ; OSS Roommatfls WanUd - - :*#<9,S00t-lrt»8alad-l/4., 9, down^«pO.SOO. # 0 5 -9 ^ Now showirtg at QSI ------.... .------W V anted to buy: 1903 or - lot with Mco 2 b ^ Nood roommalo lo-^turo 2 TROY-BLT TILERS . nowor n 19 lo. 19 loot travel ' y i 2 fft. ! sp ik ed iron rs : y . _____^ n o r t h w e s t ^ Lost con al 1990 prteea. 90 traitor, IJ in oicotton|:eondiiton. - ___ : . r n i x g p : i bodroom ool. CIcaiV. Quioi. Li autiftjlr$125.— non.sWH>iv^-'c ^ - ; 3 a - 7 i7 3 : n:Ay3fraw»E3P^hler9>lTr:d 5 - . f - -beai - ■ 4 4 0 9 ^ S l ! 5 f S i o ~ Snlaflof-6-pm .-$125, a' month, ^roef hnlor/funow ef, X/lufTy W v antod lo buy: < 3 ^ usod ~ If P g ^tS .^ ______f^7g.1R91w. Irv;lrv;kidnsuiailios. Ja snow mochino. $300'or toss. ■ \ CallII 733-0094. ------1‘:800^366-^6^rl2^7•■ Ro.Roominau-W8nied;=targo ^ |uUfi£^^wmuohUra|y^ ------: - - - . - b D i l d i n g l o t 12x50-woH 6 k ^ & intiM - ooicomforlablo homo wilh all V^.nice V 4 po^tor q t^ W anted to buy; Good used. ' o d , a w n in g , ouiot park, thatho convonioncos. $275 por size si watorbod. 6 drawer ppair of, wotor skis ond Kto s e O fWlOCOdf OWOT ’ cprnof_ loeaiion. oncolktnt: $5000. 726-5710 nftor 6 pm. momonth plus doposit. Jndudos podOGtol. p< or u se w/reg mat- |ackol./C la aI mornings only. ------.o tr-1 T < -n a to l-iex 4 0 ahop.- ^ trpta. $300. 324-6704 7734-3572.______■ ‘ noiflhborhbod potontial, t4xM ‘Nash u a : w/owaivJo. ulililioa plus largo privoio liv- tr chair;irs. 2 chaise, $475. C 'W a ol trooa. jpflo ol town.• priood " at $6500, owrwr is ing apace in addiJior to vour ■WhobRTialr; brown-ptUBh- WWQnted-4otl 423-5792.______' * ExcoDotii hom o tor Idoho ° Tonyopmos-mao:. . tVDOWiltor tv 4-225Rx15 ttrM." v. ’ °* ****= = ' F A C T 0 R ¥ = = ~ ^Rooms lor ro«-,wiih tutruM ^ra35■.^^5Rx^6■|ruc^^^Iro^ T kojijnblo k or floor lamps. AUTHORIZED-SALE t ool l l^'flV-hOUfta7t20a:PBr: TA 'AfaorwiB'A -buy-lam p^pS rsS r^ ------Krr*-Gt«!RBON—nm i ------>hjw~19etTiTOdol5-, CnCnll73d-fi373 ...... — ^;OS£eBent-«ofRSSOTr-$€00.-3- ^WcnKKlIO'btvrPsrmn-.Wa-— 4of-(.UlAMUir '*~. •dutrmtuni-ikidiiK.GfoaLlami.1. 9 ^ _ • J , a7S-1S21-Of______k « IBM e o m p a tib lo . L oading p P' lio n o . Coll 734-C219. In -----:tl?lromV inni For moro into c.-iB ------:------» wi3 citt nil tanck: — ~ p . - : -\a m ust to suol VcTy n*co 4 C = — :CTrnrw7Tufnny-rnrrworK- ^ " / R v n t a l i Bciarin obtxT^^njilionrCiJI S • n»ni. fttoff>oo room. 4 Ig lot. c'allustodayi , 733-2GS5ovoninns. g ------Lxtwago Shad. S43.SD0_____-.g 8)uwp-2 bd«n-4.1upk>x,-«a a(:^. |,2350_?q.tl._ol .'SM .>3 .EW unior ond r*ccnr.«>. L • ■' L o o k in g (o r n springI plisncos,p qgint k>c.nlion. n n -’ j] ■ flyrtilftblrt.-o»c<^t'k)cnlK>n, fMS. no O r ^ for kids to- team • W ■pfofocJ? y bdraj homo lhal ^ : ' ■ muiiWlos tnciodcKJnrrfonI: Lyn^ on. or ooKaabrraJ programs & complctOJiindmilL « any sixo., | I w m t^lo lo-nn. $CS.S00. ^ 0.1VO or Lorpn nl 543-5697. "' Q V -.:.@ ^g|yEg inKimtjaiHii'Ki'. I • ■ -noods tlio rom odollng lin- Y 050 Furnished HouMt-- wood Shoppirig Contor. tun (ui nnmofi. $350. /jJ-H rJU 0 : bfvjd S'.'m o ^ 0 moloriols DOSHIERS ' 7M-g;>a2.. , ' ; IBM 7b P S Il 3 0 /2 8 6 . 2 0 m b WanIo(J: Vy V/ood Ij-po foncing. 1 b ! . Honcon: Nico Zbodioom 2>.5 Jdv^rUm. harfha diik. 1024 K momory. small cx trees and shfutn. .will t 132 3rbStreeeiJA/est, Jw in ,,FcFa!Js._8330T ______i .^ ______. PIONEER REALTY. ------nCA LTV ------^ m ooiio'lM i’u. UifiA.1. “!w; s^rw:!p ------l ' ■--' t ^ .V-. ii-g=a - . • _ 'r-:S2-X-JS

    ; e \-n m o s -N o w 3 . TWifrFnItf.iilij, Idaho --Suoday. Fob^oryo ry a .is s i .______------: r ^ A l r f r t i■ lf % i^»iif ^ — • - .-- ' Q B f f i i i w M y . y ■/...ii.'.Vji7~r!^^ '^^: ‘7T~~J7T? VT": a i s e i ^ i w elers'^iiiiarketitiiRecreatic ? W e r e h a n d --- I ,., —-;:--7—

    ; i5^(Sf«rriuroii»i^ ’iIM-heH-UjTriieki-- :■-. ^vr~0«-Variflt)f ftKJd9-r-:rTcr-^ .1 0 2 -C bW.------•■—_ ^ . t 02-C a tU a ------. 7 “ r _ l . vSodowSfArottoSi^^^v t'jssisO Tigpap^ ^ |Z2Si!n!M ni<^*alal D ispersal I ; - i® ..SS56a7.4!si^---.-',---- — Yosl Tfronrfs-PortUflOMo.^ — ^ A irH e i lO rt— n;^-7rr:~ ^.:tM:hb(*«aaocfc^.M: .1 ? 3a3SKS«SDB«E2Z - y g o » 1 U. »0W>.>W- . fnqulM matfo and 0( ^ In /:14th - ntOO'a.fTi. i at Zoko-« Moal*.iV Thtirsday, February 1 _■ Cooding Uvestock-€o j 1990 Chewy..'K. too wAoppor;_;‘; nt- ■ '\ '. n 'ii-':V r‘'._ ^ < a-w.T!-,^i ;.^i'i''ig— ^ j 1 "090"PftaVsuppiig»"= ESS^SSSSffl^] ti^^tiZSStiSSSSSc: ------3 ntinl&(uf»-Pin£Clws,-$200’-w it^ieldslL andn^ci^h^ai^ rj % ------n a ac -l-CtiHiuahua^orflO O ' p w v t i H a-6im «liRH Iar~^F

    -■ ■5L'<^ -B» ^ S ° g 5 5 ^ < g iteto rH ftn y ix L : - aacryea.73»W32. ’ j 4 AKC Toy P ood io sHvorO fl- . . 'j;...]...... J *.. . ■ ____: - ■■-■ :^1 IS ,.,-' ...... :' " 136 ..HwYjjajpiiwrt,: .. i 096' "fWms'FoTRoni' ~ "I M Dllty B ^ lp i» ir= ^ ^7»M5259. - Bt»-ne|ir.-»4S0H|la^ ■ - tf»c>C<7” ’ttM i* y :!g y Z POTATO OROUHD undor t- 12a: UMV ^ lwi ' r r ^ i;«r~HwVy — - . - Eiai^CanS43;6l(».__i. aof. wol wa- . . Looking for a vet? Ful twfvtetfSnilB « hospital. r -ior-9tw ipw orti^-~' i3B0:CBis-<':*>'Bpb'Cat pallet 1 -7 82»-Si2l.^lnoa. 3 « 8 pete.fiOiwenUonBl.wAai«.._'. ' ' A K TLab pupa..show B«lnd Pautaraa.- • -. -_^ 3!j5%h‘.5 S S ^ :'■ 110, ■ Poumv t Rabbin- l! - 197»^teCalRg}har. - , I- rorkart^SOrMultltek log .’< _ _ noM trial ®- Want. to ranir«0|W ^ 0 U to ^ . ••• to appradaje.-- c snppM. C ^ 4 B S » auif. i ■ ------B<*y-W

    ^ ~^~7:GloB^iW'a'Food 1 ___•'•irac faqlitarad Qgcmaa. E 3323triiB»on— . ,|j ieohd t7Pfr-Cn*ttt4^ft1 ’ * *-'|.1990-JD 410’backhee,;f^' J StoTroliaf te iw 9 hUdT 6 1 22 month old purebred£ For'aala^'Tyr old APHA' —rOATEOPtPE { I ’• ^ 132 Auiohirte^ ::::: "■ SwU-QafWfc • . - ! ‘ ?DD?rf;^ f i'o ^ S n

    AKC rogWOfOd LhaMT W *0 as bk>. good quainy Howtin ■ AMOW RW ^cSr^ , 'iMer^hB^ S ^ f n g at ' ;■ sit. ■ori(weTl5tora^7a-S123._ L lANDSUPPUES < - i iffltoE^ol^^.Hwy30.; 3 _ SHoltialntHneoowtlor - I c a t e 2280 , 3000 hourj. i a 400 Fertf tnBaa- I AKC raglstored RottwaliorItr . . Mie.S660«ac*i. I ^ a t l In trukvhMT R lunlI iM uflnaato^'aw^ al c ^ CaBS4»*277. ■ ' * ‘ * *1 s _— itl,in Ir„V— U...._..._.i.illfH»H»» —nl«TrJ^i* ■■■■M r BamamTirtni^ r ' 1 w r '-viii* ' , ■■■■^ ■- fc yPW iiftB I iii»‘ ^ ISfrrPlclpUr^n ^ — ■ 1 i»w 4o(nJn^g-^ei^ld.^^ =■ .ah£S^:.73^ ^ . ■ :■— riS^~S3a5.^73^^^ • 19B6 Dodge Caravan BE. • : ■ - iSd KortTa&Slmmenial.Call kMidor. now -poW'. 7 ;^24-SnowVehldBi_____._ .124 SnowVehlctay

    ftTaaCrTv^S^rdaify s M f e g i g i I

    - ^ s S Z B H I O I a gaUon iBttCTnd'Handr ■ ■:-.t27S.Can43a-e(»3.____ -iflffi 1 Pof ta le UdBCmM'pOHMiF iimiB ftiM ttH m f' i ; <42 ln»ort/SpPrt» Co t | • CiUI73»0177. Z ' ^ s s s s s ^ MKW,YBOAQ------1 - For ta lo : .P u rab rod U b ra. half«r.S11.000.<2raybaal 5 • 208/733*8887 ___^ S F F f l z o e S’ l970Man»doa:250.4dow^ • : den, black and choco lHa. Dalrv.OT-«12. „ gray: lealhar. lmo(1er,_aut(»- , '

    - . »hf n , ' - j g B P

    -w^ -^lrijd.^W1;496^---- -1 P Sw ^lonra^ — .; •• $4»;»00 o r ^ - ' ^ 1 r l4M M tiJ5S5Bp5S5 ~ he&-r*il£o^i!h'^^ = ' 'fljanNf.'Sertidln'unllonir ■ ” : : : 7 - ITS-AuloOealofi.-..:— i ../; — Forrtran M artcvt. . rj2^?*5y?!L;2lzLz - C Z * C 2 ^ ■t ^SXXCIZXK^CZC 099 FarmSaW ! i B r c y r y F ^ U/;4i«B»fc^ '—' ^ laaaa; Wtgow dairy tac%- TUmUCTlHTMl ■■■■II inun^suM - I , ■ftW/fMUBWO

    _ -no? H«y 6f«ln*iFaad, ^ f r e m a w :w hoel.«llH ty trailer, oW ar. [i - oflta; S5Sti£*l'a^ ^SIjSi§f|oara '-4D0D.'’Alli»:ChainlVrrW 0r ^ Mww?cai awsoet _ W 0 4 B . D 14. C aaa VAC. atof>.CaB734^lV0.------ND^BIEIIIiigilbvent n n ■' _.. _4fe ^ » »lgy»^)L«H ^ : r^ E B O M E ^ 2 0 8 0 2!4-2904-7 4 4 ^ -|-|-^’^ •

    ...... b*' 114->Fannlmplemef\tC . . * ~ . " 'y e b h I e b s i ^ - ..C«l32frS6S3awonliwt. " ■—-^-AHa««-hw . eftd^ unliyr46- = •Automoh'c htJM......

    Ctoan whoat and barloy ^:.Bi!£iSZ-- - : -:g ------tuw . CaU 733-a*M. — Cloan wt»Bl atrew, S1.00_ilL per bato^^l ^44066 or

    hay, ta . a an).rtT ^ S s^^^I7"|p B

    - ijrodr-1-loarf-o»-100rK^■.ti- — 5«te$------$?;C4——WJZ-r “ Cfu^nfito 6n m w . « ^ 3gr&re7'cf3g»giagr-— AR1012r8ntS.50&.S5iSljSffrlos.. S10-14 <8.92. ^tt^^E^BDEScSrTO^" • - oovpred. eaay necm . S75»^ o // fh/5 6 ion. Col S43-4023,______. - AH 75603 Fits up to 40 Sc;icic/ics AR 94510 Fits 50 SCflCS &6 UUp $2056 »1M)9 »w- r ~ — 50 Series'- t 3 . 9 T - - p ^ qunl^„is^^ VM:5 5 - - MnMtT'miMfmrm — brakes ■ •Reardefrwhjr ' ' ; ~ 7 9 ^ Fils30! 40 1 50150Sorios S l6 .1 4 '^ 4 a O IttsI&najtfoAW iftlad-i. ---:Aen*r.- ' . —------AH 79941 Fits 4030 - 4040>40 --~40S0 $20.40 »ITJ 5 ' 1 ^ — •AircofKfitionmj«nmg— ♦Tinted g la u ; - ______uanuraHtuUng : •MochtnorBl ■ ; Hoyloft^j^aflSCTopa." 326-5736 - -Man baitey »traw ,-75-'pof' • hnki. Cnii i3 2 -S 2 ik : ' RoBod whom or cdm. B06- _ .-77S2^0V06r7»-im-.z:i - Q Q 1 Ryo ana'tofiMTKrow.-a iio- "jzPBoitt'i y y I ifiercc u i y ^ r a g or bio balot. Good tnoxpon- Usrlna Itams l_ _ _ tiv D noldiog food, rar. B *iT m IP U a 14 II Richllno aluminum^ W ifh all this equipmemenk «^TroaBurovoSoy!^fTO|r rt>omrSAOPfl?/>9Lo>r^Coil_ v*4or^EHoogiho ►Rodiol.fires______—— ^vwj; ; nx JSfl;^13fcfl3gjir L ; —•Ra Smw wlh good >i>od. fiomo' Jup 24 - 420 Amps __ 734-flS^Q ^ ^ '- .AufomoKc ^ ------w M T id o d . S rfi-Eolor Car^ gHeHiE0tL80W —^ ■ -R cfl-gfl—$65.20-• S afa-j»^ - ■” "Pww ilwiiiiw 'Rui ^ _—,.,-r:-: f* -wpffssrtfBte ------m '_____—46-48 7 - _____ tS.67^ iSiiiS;» i0 3 I ' - - Top qualitjy j a . DU0-3ET - 460 AMPS • - •/^rconditionjr>g ~ ••Tin 7 ^ TY6334-55 Gallons eg^ a b .B I. .}>aI6 $S6.78 ~ '£ ' •A M /K M s I r ^ »Mii ...... ^ - TBGWE on. m«JW ...... - ...... g1/Uh " . , ! “ :up5Q - 850 A n u s _ _ _ _ . >. r r ~ 3 ^ ------; s i l ------W140J----tagUTS. -;TnT; ______:____ BaVloy- _— HTORAUUCatt— _ _ _. . - -GfouBjJUB 30EH-850 Amps .*. .. . r - - ...... SuyAsoU.*-...... — SSS.52“ ."Sots $38.24 •“ i^ tofcS"* Im mled i late De li^ ■■■■' ■IY6354-G.ill6hd...... ZS.aM S9-.90' 2Cf aluminom Jot boal wIZOO "•••" • A a r t B e e f G r a in ..■• , AHG94'l‘i • 5 Gallons ' ' JTnrt’ - ■ S23.08 7^217-21741 • ' y're ^heanfer In-TheIC f^ntiTitr y ” :----- ‘lYfll>38--aOQ3tlon3------—,-•- S»53.0/ $137.78 Group:3UP 30H --e^AftiT^^^ fiit B t ' ;» faE ggg.,',aej^’ ~~' 5^6-2391 ?r 737-l?3^h— ARG&4.^5-G5 Gallons___■ »25a.07.^^g3 a .2Sr ^%a-:_. '098 Farms For R«it '- l E j b l A H '.■r tCT^CToitpinaltofmStd- -&OUHTYJBACTflR ^ ■ ■* SWof.Ctisilolofd. CaD 9afsF^or-52-2 - Y 0 a r s i ' •1.93S-Ca40oJ^ =3-i3-Ma5."--i»— Or4 ICIfivfcjwrfy^t^o^ — •OonWt^SodSTvtri booa - Y b u rh t o u n t r y - D & Oaiiy for ront: Jorooio,.^- ■ ^ ? ^ 6 5 3 ‘ wilh OMC Cobra molofs nra ^ 7 3 3 -7 2 7 2 faidocfiwith 1990pricos. bJo fi bom . wofth po". ff«x> c . iI n T6!l a Frrt. l-«OO-9a«>51.0‘. fl5te[et,_R L ^6-5611 1/ . slab p.tJC tof^ homo. Coif - 'c a it To» Froo 1^00-221 - Tom'* Mwlna i Sport G d i.. uport « 436 ■ . «Ro/G^.734-7359. ■ • HovburrVBurfov/ 67e-7473_ " . . f. ■ ______■ 1

    i r r — ------mog-News. Twin Falls, Idaho ,Kr9 ' '. - „ ------I L_. ______ZL ^___ tivg-Anit"*?*' M i i o t i v e ^ ...... - r — ...... , .; iiiirfyj, - ~ t75-AutoOeiler»—— ^ 142 imperV^potU Car*.fTT' 4x4‘^ 4 A T V r T r “ - - - (:158 ■■Autet-Ch*wol«t-~^1-. i6J.^utoa-EDfd_i._..;__s 'I4 r ------1962' Audi-400 0 a>ee».^ U m^ttTOabNrrWgOTTT wV ^ ^ S ^ .^hM^toSTwiSS^§ 3 ^ T| )'!. - iS‘cS:«3&Soo' ^ '^18^GM(7S-15'4MrV-«; ffllllWIIJIi t lll» ^ H i_i V. H l i S - j r ' ' ^ ....mBM,143S0IX.CalJS^^tm . sgg ag ^'" 'B J ™ 'ay ' dad,^ 'iM^Mv«iia~mnBu*'floiM'.^ AT, b^atf;V«ty. : i _ E ^ S S i S sdieEZlSilnsr’ rr— rr— & &6 k ’vi e H w 1 e g e 7 ^ TissaQMO^iUea-4xloti$ 1 9 8 9 Ford 9/4'tOR t u p * 'n» ■ 1M 1 rChavy Ciuaioni^^Wyjg-~ Es yi 1987 Oldi 8B npyalB 2£ S&MVU, LVftWU &^ifcSS lililUBs V T W^ l t077 Ch«vy Monza. 2«2^ 4x4.- 1W.OOO m is • x t m M wwS£; m- 5.0..4 >pd. p^.^pB.ii r r. . Drougharnriosd^ JAtnactK ). Con 734-4388. • ^ K yg!g.g7ga

    _ _ 1990 Toyoea 4x4r*xe«^ -WL«ttt»»-AMC 1986Ch0vyBlai0f: — ■coniC«i)«uizoaaW.‘of •n far. 734-6M4: < ^ . • - 0»- C»nvonM otort.734^e6QI _T IBiMl a n . ( J f r a S l Sl l ^ s - «««4n ** runC !i52 AuloyJta]cfe>Cjsg^~ :VoT.^!f*L .1982W P02fgfl»: g ? § ^-1989ColobrRy,.S4500.- — ^ .M * •_ ■iS- -SgSeife^l^r f a ^ iy^-””^ Q/ ^>UU ■ ' “ '■ ^ t e i ' '7"or3^4^1.' or934-eS60ovM.. ~ Savet 1989 Ctwvrolw G~E^r —-as^^Xr*^. _ cruiso, lo^o.jSO * m p 0 . — •WMO/atteTB. 7^3.1359. • ^ ^g ^ t e ^ y m authT II ~ b * ^^17^»taaHeT¥~~'----- BOB? '7 7 n r ~ s r T n v!i/H . /'i/ij.aiiim I -ytMy^dwiWadwdav...” 1985 PVmo(^ Hofion. M l. -. PS..AC. criilaa. W B^IiW fffFW l cloon a (ow rnHot. $239SM-r tor. Can 543-8325. 19a7^UEST.^-toy. u33EI!iS-i2i&23IB8E^!»5finX rry^-:.-.?-v=^Tj£r-'7I7Tr

    '~ 1965 Ford Falcon: BluoST I ^ R / / ; '! / / 'r‘r-i /iii-iiiw TS ril~PTilI ~ v W i ^ ”

    ~t7S-AutQDealBri • . -LjLlZ5z52^B22!!2— • iZ ?OY RAYMONND FORD/BM\IW • — iS eiW aW =^r^ig£gss|^ : - =: a ■ B 4 u■ 0 i S _ jL< t ( o I! _ } £ k r f f l # l S S t l T E'is ? ^ s r & l A s ' % i S S M S t ’ , s i a - ( s ^ 9 9 s ?

    s if -X t(l"H ^srn BB ONE TfHE m m u HMBHBHIKnis Krits^aVwlTrSirSMSES^tS^ I A™ ™ ! 7 i s? r ™ f w a T ! nm i m ^ S M ' --- JwrTtfWfttMl...... ’_ r II i j ; u 3 r i BS^ B ^ g Ia ' « i MB ■ ■ Ml *1B?7 - s T i M i W i - • ■ —■—r= •'-' -'-— ~ TI^ERClJRYCOUfiAR :40atr,lftt«ia.WOB a m 3 s m $ I i L ^ j s i m ’w Iii/w W im #-r r " irc-i0 PiiaaiPH9 7 7 TT io*5i6PiiniiSt®ifi---f^

    ll'l! l«iw«>iii»r»a{jwr==l:±^1977-IgJgS K 73MBIC£0B 220B»-sa »2977 ' ^ ^ ^ 7 7 - igjplpr^vjf^ m iSfhmfLW^sssimam F2MPranH>^ «3 ^ !

    'v f — ...... «.nr^>=T^‘>oft0fa3rmr* ^ 4 4 ^ . W , S,Ml®a=r*4977: ^ , ^ S S i S B ! = M077 ” .”*5?:! mm. i_i; ftfi M ra n tm y sam P - ^ a s B s s s ^ ■ r.r ,.»w6C!i*0fiM,»Jian_i-r-r=fea437S^®d^tHM IEagTTg i , B^CHOTCapRITY!ill4977-f^g^r»1DI’ICBIg-$fi777, _ IIMVO]iI C K g! i ^ M p E ■ ^ 87 CHEVY G a E 6 M ?= 40aor.4CttWMt«SiU*-,______^877fS?J?SJIS & . . :,^>6777 ' -^■:»S977 nCTflVMr^igyyy r a ^ m a p S n T f c _ . .^Dw.4CllU»»VOl5l-.-.....-i::*597r M iSfjr n ^ m i i “ 88 CHEVY COEBHITY __ *4>< .*7777- - jI •4.9LEFII-6 H VJUM WHEELS /■ 85UKC0LNMARKV1I t09B,6otHBi,«iiaa— —;-—E_*6977 S fS Kfl=l™J<“l_»8377 l ■ • * 5 SPEED MANlvJUAL OVERDRIVE • WINDOW ^ ____ BSniHD^OBT' »697ni'S?l^ C K i i o p 77T ~-B~»J:LLLARlArrRlF r m ------lENCE GROUP ' - 4 ^ . .. **

    = Tfflvautto, ••_ '^I-.:,.;;. tT "V '- n58PtcimP " J n g 7 r f “ .4p95l.4Cl1BIU».«'M/.... - ==j87:7?-:T!|p . g j^ B ^ ^ g g g i J I I I .rLvr.r^ '* 3 J J y~ ~ 8Ct< I 0 0 * 1Y V M o m

    - J c v ^ ^ 3 ^|B~ P 1-8:00 Sat.. 8 * ^ 0 s Blvd. No. « TT; w i n ; f ^ l ! s 7 » 5 r BBBBBHBHBM/SSyi ^lE SEE U S.. .l\W ^ N ^ A V EE^OU^NY^MON.

    , .. ... ■ ^ .— ' ------^ " •• T"' •■ ■

    .±TT.-----:— :------r IH E-10 nmos-Nowo, Twin FalFalls. Idaho Sunday. Fobfuw■uaryS. 1991 '• j

    jTi \ m I

    s ' 4^y' ' '■ll i a i i i r iv a H ^r N lm ^ w c i i i f Sr ' 0 in |te SSill^ ^ — ------1^^— . '

    smilte yFAWiiK- KTO i3 m M m — —i.— V.;, • ' H m HE

    :B: P • •< ~ ~ ~ r = = = = = r ~ ^ ^ @ r ! i r 3 0 0 ^ ItE W m m m t j IK z : CAURS-TIrRUCKS i^lO&N ! j c m APA JStC E^U -^— — — z = a af FACItc n r p N - ■ ■ —■ « ' t ^ i i ^ t c e frofflra l j m i - . aFyfH*-y< P e s t e d u fB i B E achV = ATrTREI^ENDOUS SAVING! , . r - • - F - / z M m E $ 4L$L i i i r ^ .... = CKep— * rtrlWWOIfH g g S P0PGj^/ g w WM-RwCK

    i 11 r ^’ ■ ! ilJv'-”''' • \ ' ' -' - - V, “ ISlO-VER^Oie=IISIDHEAi U t^jftrTRItCIKs “ At faoiilUIPATIOM(WiBravSY^Fwv P ■ RICls! iwb I —— W hfeid’ f t jgag*? "~Z IJl29l

    ~ "f e w m i l ^

    iV I 9 i e IK in wl iE ^5E ^ = U sed= C ai Tsr:$"4ure 1^ J>f A HMot S p r ini j g 'S p a F oD r ------M b iittlis ^ - D ra ww ing to b e held1 at 5:0(XiRlVlSundi i a y , ~ W ~ ------F e b x tiiaary37\'ou: must be 18i years^or ol) ld e r ” ^ —— 4 o-re;egister-andl-iriust-be-p»c e s e n t4 :o w-i:d -n .-— - ■■

    ___ . •

    rr' 1 B ,- — 4 :0 30-at4#g-tAKES 0 - S B L V D rko.-—■-: —W------.____ TWII»M FALLS. IDAIM!0L_833ai__^ I M g j - B PPHONE i {208} 7734t8JI03; _ . 5 1 Q .2 n dive. ^ S. °_Twinn FallsT-Idahe->-a . 7 3 3 - § 7 7 6 —

    J , - , - I. _j______^7______I ■ ______^