2014 ANNUAL VISITATION REPORT Giant Springs State Park 2014 Montana State Parks Montana State Parks had a record 2.255 million visits in 2014, which was the 75th anniversary of the park system. Statewide visitation is up 3% from 2013 and up 29% for the 10-year period. North Central Region (Great Falls) had the highest overall visitation with over 593,000 visits, and Giant Springs State Park had the highest visitation of all state parks with over 316,000 visits. Peak season visitation was also the highest on record, with over 1.68 million visits, up 3% from 2013. For questions about visitation data or this report, please contact Maren Murphy at 406-444-3364 or
[email protected]. TABLE OF CONTENTS Statewide Visitation 1 Annual Visitation by Region 3 Annual Visitation by State Park 5 Appendix. Visitation Tables 8 2014 Annual Visitation Report 2014 Annual Visitation Report JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2014 The following is a summary of the Montana State Parks 2014 annual visitation, as well as comparisons with 2013 data, and visitation trends. Total statewide visitation is 2,255,038 visits, up 3% from 2013. 5-Year Trend (2010 to 2014): State Parks visitation is up 14%. 10-Year Trend (2005 to 2014): State Parks visitation is up 29%. STATEWIDE VISITATION In 2014, Montana State Parks had the most visits in a single year over the past decade—surpassing the previous record in 2013. The busiest month in 2014 was July with over 516,000 visits, up 9% from 2013 and the highest single month visits over the last five years.