A y v > ft / V n o o a a p SARVA SHIKSHANA ABHIYANA A L o KARNATAKA n 7 H' *r> . *1 It , 2 0 / /H£s 0 2 SarvaShikshaAbhjyan Let us learn • Let us all Grow 0 SARVA SHIKSHANA ABHIYANA MISSION / KARNATAKA / E-Mail :
[email protected] W ebsite : www.schooleducation.kar.nic.in Right to Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Let us learn - Let us all Grow SARVA SHIKSHANA ABHIYANA-KARNATAKA ANN UAL REPORT - 2010-11 SARVA SHIKSHANA ABHIYANA SAMITHI - KARNATAKA New Public Offices, Nrupathunga Road Bangalore - 560 001 Telephone : 080 - 22483040 FAX 080 - 22126718 E-M ail :
[email protected] Website : www.schooieducatson.kar.nic.in OUR MISSION Provision of relevant and useful Elementary Education of satisfactory quality for all children by 2012, with full concern for social and gender equity and regional parity and with vibrant participation of the community in the management of schools. EDUCATIONAL MAP OF KARNATAKA fi^avBk ' ' N f t < : j Sh-hrK., >lu. 0chijgiii 1 I BfLAOJ^I / \ kMfiil^d ! \ M Jwutw4l A ■•n S W [ c‘ ■ V A n kc Kumla^* , A ) (lonavsit^SkJdBpar^^ ^VAfi« ■ ^ # iir ^ChNanpfil git^ flMlagAial V T^-V, < ? % , « k H ^ ' c?‘ Xne^O tdMwtfimrr A>UL-Jgf**" Ml luniwatai * IAN) xi' kaptJfB .unu lAt) |^V«l8nduf Inai CONTENTS F o r e w o r d Pa g e s CHAPTERS 1. PERSPECTIVE 6 - 13 2. PLANNING AND FINANCE 1 4 - 3 3 3. ACCESS AND ENROLMENTS 3 4 - 7 7 4. RETENTION and TRANSITION 7 8 - 91 5. QUALITY INITIATIVES 9Z - 135 6. SPECIAL FOCUS GROUPS 136 - 197 A.