Telephone Directory. Christchurch. 1922

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Telephone Directory. Christchurch. 1922 104 Ol'nCIAL TELEPHONE DffiEOTORY. Pus-Qui OJ'nOlAL TELEPHONE DffiBOTOBY. 105 Rae-Ree 2101- Puschel, J. C. (res.), 30 Euston St., Riccarton 3439 pye, Chas., General Storekeeper, 23 Division Rd., Riccarton R &4489 Pyne, F. A. (res.), 338 Bealey AVtlnue 860 Racecourse Hotel, see Hotels (Public) 2 Pyne, Mrs. (res.), • Linwood House,' cr. Linwood Avenue and Brittan BL 3475 Racing Conference, N.Z., see N.Z. Racing Conference Pyne, Gould, Gulnness (Ltd.), 198 Cashel St.- ASI40 Rae, Mrs. M. (res.), 134 Westminster St., St. Albans Stock Dept. 8309 Race, Alfred R. (res.), 605 G1ouoester St. Wool Dept. Railway Dept., see Govt. Depts. Land and Town Property 34 Railway Fire Brigade, see Railway (Govt. Depts.) Grain, Seed, Produce and Merchandise 2002 RaHway Hotel, see Hotels (Publio) Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce AS219 Rainbow, Mrs. M. J. (res.), 160 Bealey Avenue Cooper's Sheep Dips &7040 Rainey, R. W. (tN.). 203 Hackthome Rd., Cashmere 3920 1849 Ralnsford. W. A. (res.), 60 Ashbourne St., Woolston London and Lancashire Insurance Co. Ramsay, Scott (res.), 75 Bealey Avenue Trust Accounts, Land Brokers, Sharebrokers "'1647 p General Office 3326 Ramsay, W. D. (res J, Hi3 North Avon Rd., Richmond Accountant and Ledgers 2213 Ranger, H. J., Christchurch Garage, 94 Gloucester St. Secretary 2273D Rankin, G. A. (res.), 117 Riccarton Rd. 1999 Addington Saleyards &6160 Bannardale Home, 439 Papanui Rd. 8392 Garage, Chester St. 1786 Rantln Bros., Timber Merchants, 506 Colombo St. South Wool and Grain Stores, Moorhouse Avenue 182 Raphael, F. C., Comm. and Fin. Agt .• 106 Gloucester St. q 1443 81 Raphael, H. J., floJicitor, City Chambers, 134 Hereford St. 1699 Raphael, H. J. (res.), 278 Gloucester St. 1672 Raphael, W. F., Dentist, Victoria Chambers, Armagh St &4108 Rastrlck Bros., Builders and Contractors, 29 Papanui Rd. 3879 Rattray, A. & Co., Skin and Hide Brokers, 216 Antigua St. A6197 Rattray, A. B. (res.), 13 Matsons Rd., Papanui R Q &6188 Rattray, A. I. (res.), 58 Mansfield Avenue, St. Albans 516 , Quamby,' see McLean Institute IST7R Rattray, H. (res.), Scarborough, Sumner 46 Quane, H. & Co., 136 Lichfield St. 869 Rattray, J. & Son (Ltd.), Manager and Offices, 142 Lichfield St. 44255 Quarren, H. J. (res.), SS Opawa Rd., Opawa 867J Rattray, J. & Son (Ltd.), Sales, 142 Lichfield St. 1441 Quartermain, P. N., Public Accountant, Colombo St;. 1149 2227 Quartermain, P. N., (res.), 429 Durham St. 2263 I Rawhlt!' Prlvate Hospital (Miss McEwan), 241 Gloucester St. 1910 Queen', Hotel, see Hotels (Publio) 277 Rawstron, A. J. (res.), 142 Lincoln Rd., Addington 3342 Queen's Pictures CWo Jaggar, Manager}, Hereford St. 2129 Bay, Chas. (res.), Konini St., Riccarton 2097 Queensland Insurance Co. (Ltd.), (J. H. Martin), 152 Manchester St. &6159 Raybern Tile Co., Dormer St., Papanui A5332 Queree, A. (res.), cr. Stanmore Rd. and Gloucester St., Linwood A6385 Raymond, Geo. (res.), 102 Heaton St. A6270 Queree, G. (res.), 74 Weston Rd., St. Albans A6399 Raymond, J. E. (res.), 116 Weston Rd., St. Albans 1623 Queree, J. E. (res.), Ensors Rd., Opawa A4120 Raymond, S. G., K.C., Korari St ., Lr. Riccarton &4236 Quene, J. P. (res.), 501 Glouoester St. &4579 Raymonds, 687 Colombo St. &5419 Qulek Service and Delivery Fruit Mart, 66 Oxford Terrace 2277J Raymond, Stringer, Hammon & Donnelly, Solioitors, West End Chbrs., "5095 Quigley, C. V., Barrister and Solicitor, 151 Hereford St. 1891 Hereford St. 83318 Reaby, A. E. (res.), 34 Fo}Vke St., Richmond 542 t QullI, Morris & Co. (Ltd.), Cathedral Square and Chancery Lane 3747 J &6414 Ilead, C. T. (ree.), 10 Watford St., PaJ)anui A5210 Quill, T. R. (res.), 27 Holly Rd., St . Albans A5024 Read, H., Tobacconist, Trinity Hall Bldgs., Manchester St. A4087 Quirk, W. L. (res.), 84 Barbour St., Linwood A4621 Read, Miss J. (res.), 26 Bishop St., St. Albans 16225 Read, Rev. F. T. (res.), 22 Union St., New Brighton 1732 Reading, M. L. (res.), 22 Webb St., St. Albans I A4376 Reading, R., Wigmaker and Hair SpeciaJist, 784 Colombo St. 2815 Reay, A. & F., Upholsterers, Peterborough St. I- A4968 Reay, Mrs. C. (res.), 242 Worcester St. 963 Receiving Home, see Education (Govt. Depts.) 107 Redfern, C., Printer, Caxton Printing Works, 101 Manchester St. 1159 Redmayne, M. (res.), 64 Ranfurly St., St. Albans I 1332 Redpath, D. (res.), ' Alston,' cr. Glandovey and Strowan Rds., Fendalton 2893 Redpath, F. (res.), 91 River Rd., Avonside "WE HAVE IT" You Get It When Wanted 1693 Redpath, F. & Co., Coal Merchants, Somerset Bldg., Hereford St. 2955 Redpath, J. A. (res.), Papanui Rd. &5423 Redpath, J. A., Junr. (res.), Heathfield Avenue, Fendalton 159O} Redpath, Messrs. J. A & Son (Ltd.), (Office). 181 Cashel St. SEASONED TIMBER 487 Reece, E. (Ltd.), Ironmongers, as under- Our Motto - Give Service and Get Repeat Order. TRY US. 560 Office and Wholesale Department, 661 Colombo St. 350 Engineering Dept., Lichfield St. 350 Retail Department, 661 Colombo St. 1998 Forwarding Department, Colombo St. c. E. OTLEY LTD., Timber Merchants 1153 Reece, E. T. (res.), 92 Fendalton Rd. 381-7 Madras Straet North, Christchurch. 3239 Reece, William, 661 Colombo St. A7031 Reece, WiUlam (res.), Dyer's Pass Rd., Cashmere Tel. Address: "Seasoned," t:h.Ch. 2256 Reed, A. C. (res.), 123 Merivale Lane P.O. Sox 341 &4171 Reed, D. W. (res.), 356 Armagh St. Phones: 48 and 2593. 8219 Reed, E. W. (res.), 34 Eversleigh St., St. Albans 1335D Reed, G. T., • The Dunes,' Onslow St., W ainoni OFFICIAL TELEP HONE DmECTORY. 107 a.. Rho Have been Replatin, ~MSTRONG &FARR Specialists since 1880. 3571 Riccarton Borough Couneil, Clarence Rd., Lower Riccarton PHONE 3011S THE NUMBER YOU WANT A4594 Riccarton Borough Council Electrical Engineer (Mr. R . Sargeant). 85 Matai St_ 106 2211 Riccarton Timber Co., 33 Riccarton Rd. A5427 Reefton Gold Mines (Ltd.), (Fred G. D unn, Sec.), 150 Hereford St. A6050 Rich, G. C. (res.), 407 Papanlli Rd. 3285D Rich Mrs. M. H aekthorne Rd., Cashmere Reesa Bros., Builders' Merchants- 1439 Richards; H. S. & Son, Land Agents, 162 Hereford St 1518 } Office cr. Colombo and St. Asaph Sts. 1692 Richards, H_ S. (res.), 38 Park Terrace 1516 3294 Richards, L. D., Coal Merchant, cr. Office and Papsnui Rds. 927 Depot and Siding, Addington 3294 Richards, L. D. (res.), 20 Aikmans Rd., St. Albans A7044 Reese, Daniel (res.), 63 Hackt horne Rd., Cashmere Hills 2963 Richards, Mrs. E. (res.), 44 \Va.irMapa Terrace, Fendalton A6402 Reese, Geo. (res.), 28 Knowles St. A1203 Richards, Mrs. L. M. C. (res.), 5 Dyer's Pa~s Rd., Cashmere 965 Reese, John B., 165 Manchester St. 2947S Richards, N. T. (res.), Esplanade, ~umner 3821 Heese, Mrs. D., Senr. (res.), 48 Garden R d., Fendalton 1346 Richards, S., Coal Merchant, Lmver High St. R 2547 Rease, T. W. (res.), 102 Rossall St., Merivale A4498 Richards, T. B. (res.), 14 Stratford St., Fendalton 2654 Reavas, A. W. (res.), 76 R ugby St., Merivale 3815 Richardson, D. (res.), 188 Rolleston St., Linwood 2999 Reaves, Mrs. (res. ), 294 Montreal St. 675 Richardson, G. E. (res.), 24 R~pton St., Merivale 8139 Reeves, P. W. (res.), 28 Gloucester St. A4383 Richardson, John (res.), 682 Ferry Rd., Woolston 3171 Referee, see ' Press' 8389R Richardson, Miss L. E.,Engraver, Govt. Life Bldg., 63 Cathedral Sq. Refrlgeratln~ Co. (Ltd.), N.Z., see N. Z. Refrigerating Co., Ltd. 672 s Riches, R. J. (res.), Pound Rd., Yaldhurst 3522 Regal Clothing Manufacturing Co., 236 Tuam St. A4706 Riches, Wm. P., Sanitary and General Plumber, 171 Cranford St. 2160 Registrar Births, Marriages and Deaths, see Regis.-Gen. (Govt. Depts.) A4447 Richmond, Mrs. M. W. (res.), 41 Holmwood Rd., Fendalton 1484 Registrar of Pensions, see Pensions (Govt. Depts.) 90 Richmond Pharmacy (J. G. Hanafin), 273A Stanmore Rd. 1272 Reid, A.& S. (E . Elsom, Manager), Florists and Seedsmen 271 High St A6181 Rickerby, R., Motor and Cycle Mechanic, Papanui 643 Reid & Gray, Agricultural Implement Makers 377 Moorhouse Avenue I 988R Rickerby, R. L. (res.), 405 Barrington St. &.5170 Reid, A. I. (res.), 122 Richardson St., Opa;a A5091 Ricketts, F. W. (res.), 47 Matai St., Lower Riccarton A6144 Reid, Rowland L. (res.). cr. Watford and H awthorne Rds Papanui 1993 Ridley, (res.), llO Merivale Lane AS 179 Reliable Indent Agency Co. , 183 Cashel St. ., 2637 Rigby, Miss L. G. (res.), 80 Fitzgerald St., St. Albans A433 I Reliance Garage (H . D. P urch as). 302 H ereford St. 1061 Riley, Arthur D. & Co. (Ltd. ), Engrs., Imptrs., 90 Hereford St. 3757 Reliance Printing Co. (C. R. Thornton), 761 Colombo St. 1380 Rimmington, E. B. (res.), Bank's Avenue, Shidey 1030 Relph, E. W. (res.), 'Hendon.' 58 Matai St., Riccarton 3053 Ring, Claude, Photographer, Stewart Da\yson's Corner, High St. 185 Remington Typewriter Co. (Charles Bean & Co.), 127-129 Worcester St A6471 Ring, Claude (res.), 25 Weston Rd., St. Albans &.4169 Rendezvous (Ltd.), Soda F ountAin and Tea Rooms High St Rink Taxis (Ltd.), 104 Armagh t., as undel'- 2629 Rendezvous (Ltd.), Bakehouse, Gloucester St. ' . 878 Taxis 503 Rendle, C. A., Electrical E ngineer, 23 Bedford Row 1838 General Office A4213 Rennell, Bernard (res.), 135 Caledonian Rd., St. Albans Manager and Sales Dept. 1627R Rennie, A. (res.), 31 Retreat Rd., Avonside 1337 3843 Rennie, J. (res.), 49 Fendalton Rd. A5330 Riordan, T. B., Dental Surgeon, C.J.C. Bldg., 128 Oxford Terrace Rescue Home, see Salvation Army A4940 Riordan, T. B. (res.), 603 Madras St., St . Albans &.6247 Ritchie, F. J_, Proprietor of Hedges & Co. , 634 Colombo St. 35371 Rest House Summit Roa.d Scenic Reserves Board, Dyers Pass Rd_ A4841 3537w Rest House, Tram Termmus, Cashmere Hills 3638 Ritchie, J . A. (res.), 249 Gloucester St. A4208 Reston, Mrs. P. (res.), 36 Idris R d., Fen dalton A5189 Ritchie, Miss, E lite Toilet Rooms, Starland Bldgs. 3671 Returned SoldIers' Club Rooms, The (Secretary's Office) 71 Gloucester St 8232 Ritchie, Miss A.
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