Speech by Muhammed Kisirisa, Slum Ambassador, Co founder/ CEO AFFCAD at the Strengthening social cohesion and stability in slum populations project. 20th October 2016, at AFFCAD’s BYEC.

His Excellency the Ambassador of the European Union; Her Excellency the Ambassador of the United States of America, His Excellency the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland, Her Excellency the Deputy High Commissioner of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; The Honorable Minister of State for Internal Affairs of the Government of , His Worship the Mayor of Division, Sheikh Al Haj Ali Waiswa, Deputy Mufti of the Uganda Supreme Muslim Council, Councillors, Regional Director and The Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration, fellow colleagues from Civil Society, the Public Sector and the Private Sector, Religious Leaders, invited guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Before I officially turn to my speaking points, I would like to ask you to turn your neighbor and wish them a happy new year, and also tell them that Tusobola which means YES WE CAN!

It is almost two years ago, when we started engagements with the European Union in Uganda and Brussels, and I remember in one of the meeting with Ambassador Kristian Schmidt he told me that “ I can see your passion and energy for representing and empowering young people to better their lives which is also EU’s intentions but sometimes the EU is slow and that is because it is big but when it comes on board, it is always for a longer partnership” do not keep pushing and doing good work. Ladies and gentle that is why this long awaited launch is a special day to celebrate.

Not the EU nor IOM is the best positioned than AFFCAD to implement this beautiful project. Why this launch is timely is because last week we lost our beloved trainer Hassan Nvule, 24 years, AFFCAD’S BYEC photography and videography trainer. Hassan was beaten almost to death by one of the youth criminal groups commonly known as Kifesi while on his way home from work. We have been mourning for a week now, we will dearly miss him and remember him throught the project cycle. This even gives us more passion to execute this project to our best and brings this project closer to our hearts.

As part of the project, Strengthening Social Cohesion and Stability in Slum Populations AFFCAD will majorly benefit and involve in the following activities.

1. Strengthened capacity of AFFCAD to combat political, social and economic drivers of conflict and radicalization, provide social economic opportunities for youth in slum communities and to monitor the delivery of social services.

A comprehensive organizational capacity assessment will be undertaken, IOM will support AFFCAD to developed its institutional frame works including, financial management, strategic management, human resource, project development, fundraising, external communications as well as monitoring and evaluation systems that will help the organization carryout its everyday tasks.

Financial support estimated 1.2 million euros, will be provided to enhance the institutional capacity of AFFCAD and the sustainability of its interventions.

AFFCAD’s will open a satellite office in division to target some of ’s most marginalized slum communities including , Kisenyi and

2. Increased capacity and resilience of the most at risk communities to resist radicalization and prevent violent extremism

AFFCAD will conduct community outreach activities to raise awareness about the threat of conflict and violent extremism and empower community members to intervene in order to prevent violence and radicalization. School engagements, drive a rounds, community dialogues and selecting Peace Ambassadors who will help deliver key messages of the campaign.

This will focus on building links between community and law enforcement officials

3. Vulnerable groups in the target communities access employment opportunities and financial Services

AFFCAD will deliver vocational training programs, alongside entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and professional development through Its BYEC. AFFCAD and IOM will facilitate job placements and internships for the trainees.

AFFCAD will establish a vocational training centre in Kisenyi to benefit 100 vulnerable youth every year in Kabalagala, Katwe, and Kisenyi slums.

IOM will support 600 graduates of the AFFCAD’s vocational training program with cash and in-kind support to start small businesses.

AFFCAD will be supported to work with the communities of , Kabalagala, Katwe and Kisenyi to create 3 cooperatives which will strive to include women and youth.

I would like to end my speech by thanking the AFFCAD team, EU’s- Christian and Sabrina, IOM’s Mariella, Jesca.

In thank our mother, the US Department of State for the support during the establishment. In a special way we thank the European Union for the financial support towards the Strengthening Social Cohesion and Stability in the Slum Populations.

I have high hopes that by the end of this project in 2020, the motion pictures will be ready to make another best seller movie and my prayers are; instead of the King of Bwaise, they name it the Slum Ambassador. I hope you can take my autography now.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.