Fact sheet


What is Stem nematode? Stem nematode ( dipsaci) is a soilborne pest of oat, pulse and some pasture crops. The oat, lucerne and clover races of this nematode occur in South Australia and Victoria. The oat race infects oat, faba bean, field and wild oat, and has also been recorded on canola, and chickpea seedlings. Stem nematode can also be highly damaging to some horticultural, ornamental and nursery plants.

Crop damage from Stem nematode has not been recorded in Western Australia.

Access to some international and domestic markets requires produce (including seed) to be tested and found free of stem nematode.

What can it be confused with? Stem nematode damage can be similar to the effects of some herbicides.

What should I look for? Poor emergence and establishment, stunting and distortion of plants, swollen stem bases, premature S. Taylor, PHA S. Taylor, plant death, lodging and fewer seed heads. Lucerne Oat plants affected by Stem nematode are stunted and can exhibit ‘white flagging’ of leaves. Symptoms distorted with swollen stem bases (plants on right) usually occur in patches, but the entire crop can be affected in severe cases.

Symptoms in faba bean, canola, pea, chickpea and lentil are only seen in seedlings. Symptoms in oats can persist throughout the season. The multiply rapidly on susceptible plants under cold, wet conditions.

How does it spread? Stem nematode is spread by infested hay, straw, weeds and other plant material, and as a contaminant of seed. It is transferred in soil by machinery, humans and stock. Stem nematode PHA S. Taylor, Stem nematode can cause stunting, distortion of leaves and is highly resistant to desiccation, and can survive poor establishment of canola seedlings (left) and lentil seedlings in a dehydrated state for many years. (right). Plants on the right in both images show symptoms of Stem nematode

Fact sheet produced as part of the Grains Farm Biosecurity Program no liabilitywhatsoeverbyreason ofnegligenceorotherwisearising from theuseorrelease ofthisinformationorany partofit. anything doneinreliance onthispublication.TheChiefExecutive Officer oftheDepartment ofAgriculture andthe StateofWesternAustraliaaccept first obtainingprofessional advice.PlantHealthAustraliaand allpersonsactingforPlantHealthAustraliaexpressly disclaimliabilitywithrespect to Disclaimer: Email: Phone: Email: Phone: Vivien Vanstone, SeniorNematologist,DAFWA: Further contact Patchy andstuntedgrowth inaStemnematodeinfectedcrop intolerant cultivars(left) growth whenStemnematodeispresent, incontrastto Stem nematodetolerantoatcultivars(right)produce strong DAFWA, PHA: Jeff Russell,WA GrainsBiosecurityOfficer, AgWest PlantLabs:089368 3721 www.planthealthaustralia.com.au

[email protected] 08 96902000 [email protected] 08 93683141 s material without Thematerialinthispublicationisfor generalinformationonlyandnopersonshouldact,orfail to actonthebasisofthismaterialwithout

S. Taylor, PHA P. Zwer, SARDI if youseesomethingdifferent. familiar withthecommongrainpestssoyoucantell pests andunusualsymptoms.Makesure youare Check yourfarmfrequently forthepresence ofnew to entertheproperty. Ensure thatpotentiallyinfectedmaterialisnotallowed nematode? How canIprotect myfarmfrom Stem South America,CentralAmericaandtheCaribbean. world, includinginEurope, Asia,Africa,Northand Stem nematodeiswidelydistributedaround the 450 different plantspeciesandmanyweeds. there are upto30worldwidethatcanattackatleast In additiontothethree racesthatoccurinAustralia, occurs inhighrainfallareas onclaysoils. Thenematodeusually South AustraliaandVictoria. andcloverracesareThe oat,lucerne present in Where isitnow? Exotic PlantPestHotline If youseeanythingunusual,callthe

