Concealment and Its Applications to Authenticated Encryption Yevgeniy Dodis1 and Jee Hea An2 1 Department of Computer Science, New York University, USA.
[email protected] 2 SoftMax Inc., San Diego, USA.
[email protected] Abstract. We introduce a new cryptographic primitive we call conceal- ment, which is related, but quite different from the notion of commit- ment. A concealment is a publicly known randomized transformation, which, on input m, outputs a hider h and a binder b. Together, h and b allow one to recover m, but separately, (1) the hider h reveals “no infor- mation” about m, while (2) the binder b can be “meaningfully opened” by at most one hider h. While setting b = m, h = ∅ is a trivial concealment, the challenge is to make |b||m|, which we call a “non-trivial” con- cealment. We show that non-trivial concealments are equivalent to the existence of collision-resistant hash functions. Moreover, our construc- tion of concealments is extremely simple, optimal, and yet very general, giving rise to a multitude of efficient implementations. We show that concealments have natural and important applications in the area of authenticated encryption. Specifically, let AE be an authen- ticated encryption scheme (either public- or symmetric-key) designed to work on short messages. We show that concealments are exactly the right abstraction allowing one to use AE for encrypting long messages. Namely, to encrypt “long” m, one uses a concealment scheme to get h and b, and outputs authenticated ciphertext AE(b),h. More surpris- ingly, the above paradigm leads to a very simple and general solution to the problem of remotely keyed (authenticated) encryption (RKAE) [12,13].