number 1931 205

The Gazette Published bp flutboriip

Registered as a newspaper

FRIDAY, 27th JUNE, 1958.

MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS FOR Security made on the 20th day of May, 1957, be- NORTHERN tween Her Majesty the Queen and His Majesty the Their Excellencies the Deputies appointed to King of the Belgians. administer the government of have Copies of the Order may be purchased from Her been pleased to appoint the undermentioned persons Majesty's Stationery Office, 80 Chichester Street, to the office of High Sheriff for the following Belfast, or through any bookseller. County Boroughs in. Northern Ireland :— Belfast : Councillor Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Breakie, Ministry of Health and Local Government, O.B.E., J.P., Stonnont, Belfast. 49 Windsor Avenue, Belfast. PLANNING ACTS (NORTHERN IRELAND), 1931 AND 1944 Londonderry : NOTICE is hereby given that the Ministry of Alderman James Curry Hamilton, Hearth and Local Government, in exercise of its "Oakroyd", powers under Sub-Section (6) of Section 2 of .the 85 Northland Road, Planning (Interim Development) Act (Northern Ire- Londonderry. land), 1944, will hear in Room 17, Parliament Build- June, 1958. ings, Stormont, on Monday, August 11, at 10.30 a.m., the Appeal of Parkview Brickworks Ltd., against the decision of the Belfast County Borough Council on MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND CIVIL their application for permission to excavate clay in AVIATION the land situate at Lindhurst Drive area, Ballygo- THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE martin Road, Belfast. PREVENTION OF POLLUTION OF THE SEA BY OIL, 1954 NOTICE is hereby given that the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the SALE OF ICE CREAM ACT (NORTHERN Sea by Oil, 1954, will come into force on 26th July, IRELAND), 1957 1958. NOTICE is hereby given that the Ministry of The immediate- effect of this is that tankers of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, by virtue and In 500 tons or more gross tonnage registered in the exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 6 Contracting States will be prohibited from discharg- of the Sale of Ice Cream Act (Northern Ireland), ing certain oils and mixtures containing oil within 1957, and of every other power enabling it in that prescribed zones of the sea, including a wide zone behalf and with the approval of the Ministry of around the coasts of the United Kingdom. Finance, made on the 20th June, 1958, the Sale of A. W. WOOD, Ice-Cream Regulations (Northern Ireland), 1958. Copies of these Regulations may be obtained from An Assistant Secretary of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 80 Chichester Street, the Ministry of Transport Belfast, or from any bookseller. and Civil Aviation.

FAMILY ALLOWANCES, NATIONAL The Board of Trade give notice that the follow- ing Open General Licences have been made : INSURANCE AND INDUSTRIAL INJURIES Export Licence—Iron and Steei Goods RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT WITH BELGIUM Open General Licence, dated June 11, 1958. NOTICE is hereby given that on the 22nd day Export Licence—Copper Goods of May, 1958, His Excellency the Governor, in the Open General Licence, dated June 11. 1958. Privy Council of Northern Ireland, made an Order Export Licence—^Aluminium Goods under the National Insurance Acts (Northern Ire- Open General Licence, dated June 11, 1958. land), 1946 to 1957, and the National Insurance The above can be obtained from Her Majesty's (Industrial Injuries) Acts (Northern Ireland), 1946 Stationery Office, 80 Chichester Street, Belfast (price to 1957, giving effect to the Convention on Social 3d., post free 5d.), or from any bookseller.