Appendix III: Transportation Engineering


VHB Engineering NC, P.C.

Dorothea Dix is located near Downtown Raleigh, a rapidly growing metropolitan area. Planning for Dix Park includes planning for how people will access the park. The following analysis outlines the recommended changes to the surrounding street network to serve the park and its visitors.

418 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan 419 Dix Park Transportation

Dix Park Transportation Ashe & Bilyeu • Western Blvd Intersections • Western Blvd = 30k  27k (2015) • Ashe/Bilyeu • Pullen Rd Ext  Bilyeu closed at Western • Hunt/Central Prison • Rocky Branch GW realigned • S Boylan • Future realignment/consolidation of Ashe? • Simple signal with crosswalk • Union Station Bike/Ped Connection • Ped bridge…or tunnel? Cross grade is a challenge • Bus Loop

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420 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 421

South Boylan • estern ld olan to north Central Prison & Hunt • Critical access or buses sericeeergenc ehicles • estern ld • e otions or traic groth anticiated • hit estern ld straighten ore i bridge rebuilt • ea estern orientation or traic • Consolidate relocate Central Prisono orehead est • ile signal ith crossal? • ealign unt to est • Ped bridge otions • rainage issues • lorence treet alternatie? • Crossal or ed tunnel? • estern eleates heading east increasing height dierential • Possible reconnection o Cabarrus? • station otential

422 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 423

424 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 425 Union Station Connection • here does bieed bridge connect? • tracs roert • est to olan ridge? • outh to uont Circle  lorence t? • rael through station?

426 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 427

Bus Loop • olline oerations • oaleigh oriangle • Connections • lair t to Partners a • Pullen r etension ileu t closure she t • endall Cir unt r Central Prison Cabarrus t • lair r stead r arbour r • Centennial P ain Caus r chieeent r • nitiatie a

428 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 429

430 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 431 Dix Park Master Plan, Discovery Phase December 2017

Discovery Transportation Summary

Transportation access to and circulation within the Dorothea Dix Park site has adapted to its evolving functions.Transportation Today, the transportation Summary network is singularly focused on automobile access, channeling vehicles to sparse entrances to the site. Internal streets were built to connect the former hospital campus to outbuildings occupied by Department of Health and Human Services offices. The streets are narrow and designed for low traffic volumes. The Rocky Branch Greenway along Western Boulevard is the only formal bicycle path accommodation on the site, and sidewalks between buildings are the extent of the site’s formal pedestrian accommodations. However, people enjoy walking and bicycling on the low traffic streets. Access to the site was historically limited because the site was not a public destination and purposely secluded from adjoining properties and neighborhoods. As such, roadways bordering Dix Park were designed to accommodate regional traffic. These multilane roadways are barriers to connections with nearby neighborhoods and . Entrances onto Dix Park are designed to discourage and restrict direct access. There are no direct connections between the Dix Park site and the State Farmer’s Market. The Dix Park Plan will describe another evolution in the site’s future transportation network. Access to neighboring properties will be opened. Bicycling, transit, and walking will be critical travel modes for accessing the park. In pursuit of these goals, this memo examines the current conditions of the transportation network on and adjoining the site. It considers the priority issues and obstacles to visitors safely and comfortably travelling to and through this premier destination, while minimizing the need to drive or park a vehicle.

Cyclists and pedestrians need safer access to the Dix Park site Cycling and walking near the Dix Park site is currently limited to neighborhood streets severed from the site by major roadways and part of a local greenway. Western Boulevard and Lake Wheeler Road are the most significant barriers to bicycle and pedestrian access to Dix Park. There are no formal bicycle or pedestrian accommodations at entrances along Lake Wheeler Road. Pedestrians and cyclists cross Western Boulevard at Boylan Avenue, Hunt Drive, and Ashe Avenue, but the crossings are neither intuitive nor convenient. The Boylan Street pedestrian crossing is intimidating and requires that pedestrians and cyclists cross in two stages. Cyclists can more easily access Dix Park from the west, crossing Centennial Parkway at the Blair Drive entrance, but this entrance also lacks formal pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. The Rocky Branch Trail enters the site from the west as a shared use path parallel to Western Boulevard. The path also extends across South Saunders Street east of the Dix Park site.

Walking and bicycle paths through Dix Park should create direct and connected routes to regional destinations On the Dix site, the Centennial Bikeway Connector greenway (along Centennial Parkway) and the Rocky Branch Trail (parallel to Western Boulevard on the south side) are the only formal bicycle paths or extensive walking accommodations on the Dix Park site. Existing sections of the Rocky Branch Trail are in major disrepair and do not provide safe or accessible crossings across Western Boulevard to , North Carolina State University (NCSU) Main Campus, or the Boylan Heights neighborhood.

432 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 433 ix ark Master lan, iscovery hase Di Park Master Plan, Discovery Phase ecember December 201

Future greenway connections across ake heeler oad will provide more direct access to the State • icycle lanes along Martin uther ing r oulevard from Poole Road to the outh aunders Farmer’s Market and regional greenway systems such as the Walnut Creek Trail. Also, sidewalk treet underpass on Western oulevard. improvements on ake heeler oad between entennial arkway and Maywood Avenue and ast of Avent Ferry Road, the only fullysignalied intersection is at unt Drive, near the midpoint of this Maywood Avenue between ake heeler oad and South Saunders Street will improve pedestrian segment. The partial interchange at Pullen Road includes a signal for eastbound traffic only. Other maor access to the ix ark site. intersections are the complicated Ashe AvenuePullen Park Driveilyeu treet unction, and the outh ommuter cyclists freuent a route using lair oad, mstead oad, and either Hunt rive or oylan oylan Avenue intersection, which does not allow left turns from outh oylan Avenue, and includes a Avenue on the ix ark property to connect between the S entennial ampus and owntown nearby pedestrianactivated signal. The signalied intersections described above all include signalied aleigh. his route is an important system and can be made more direct and comfortable for cyclists as pedestrian crosswalks. The only driveways along this portion of Western oulevard serve overnor part of the ix ark lan. yclists and pedestrians travelling from downtown aleigh will often use South Morehead chool and the NC Motor Fuels ab. Street or abarrus Street to access the ix site at the oylan Avenue entrance. he ike aleigh With limited access and longer stretches of uninterrupted traffic flow, the character of this portion of lan called for shared lane bicycle markings for oylan Avenue, Ashe Avenue, and abarrus Street. Western oulevard differs from most of the remainder of the roadway. eading west from Avent Ferry hese markings improve driver awareness of cyclists but do not provide separated facilities onto the ix Road to I0, the median narrows, with signalied intersections and driveways becoming more site from owntown aleigh. freuent. As a result, traffic stops more freuently, and long delays and ueues are typical during peak travel periods. Traveling to downtown on Western oulevard, the transition from stopandgo The three major roadway corridors adjoining Dix Park each present different opportunities for conditions to freerflowing and back again is an unepected progression. While traffic is capable of improved multimodal connectivity to the park higher speeds along this segment of Western oulevard, the benefits in terms of overall travel time are estern oulevard not very substantial, due to more congested conditions immediately to the west, and downtown. A relatively steady 5mph flow of traffic along this portion of Western oulevard (achieved through estern oulevard borders the northern edge of ix ark, but the mile segment of primary interest efficient signal progression) would have minimal impact on overall capacity or commute times. extends beyond the ark boundary, westward to Avent Ferry oad, and eastward to the Mcowellawson interchange. t provides direct vehicular access to ix ark via Hunt rive and South Although vehicular crashes do not appear to be unusually freuent or severe, there are concerns about oylan Avenue. Access via ilyeu Street is also possible via arbour rive, but this indirect route is the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists along this portion of Western oulevard. Crossing the street can much less obvious, and will be eliminated upon completion of the ullen oad extension. be challenging due to traffic speeds and volumes, roadway width, and the lack of adeuately protected pedestrian crossings at convenient locations. These conditions are eacerbated by curves, hills, and estern oulevard is an important route for accessing S and downtown aleigh from and vegetation that can limit sight distance. etween 200 and 201, there were seven pedestrian crashes from points farther west. his portion of estern oulevard is primarily a lane divided facility with a at Avent Ferry Road and five bicycle crashes at unt DriveCentral Prison. Other bikepedestrian crashes posted speed of mph. t is an secondary route, classified as ther rincipal Arterial under occurred at or near Naareth treet, Pullen Road, Ashe Avenue, outh oylan Avenue, and outh Federal guidelines. The City of Raleigh’s Comprehensive Plan identifies it as a Divided Avenue, with an aunders treet. ultimate crosssection of six lanes. Only the north side of Western oulevard between Morrill Drive and Pullen Road has sidewalk. In 2015, the Average Annual Daily Traffic volumes (AADTs) provided by NCDOT’s ongoing traffic count owever, the Rocky ranch Trail continues eastward from this point past Central Prison, where it program ranged from a high of , vehicles per day vpd east of Avent Ferry oad, to a low of connects with West Cabarrus treet. A separate alignment of the Rocky ranch Trail roughly parallels , vpd in front of the overnor Morehead School. Although these volumes did not increase Western oulevard to the south. Other than the TIP proects cited above, the only other identified dramatically through most of the early s, there has been an uptick in recent years. bicycle or pedestrian proects along Western oulevard are improvements to the Rocky ranch Trail. he riangle egional Model M v suggests that by , an additional ,, vehicles will oth oRaleigh (Route 1111) and oTriangle (Routes 00, 01, and 05) serve this corridor, with stops be traveling on this segment of estern oulevard. For that reason, the model reflects a proposed at or near Avent Ferry RdMorrill Dr, Ashe Aveilyeu t, unt Dr, and oylan Ave. uses can get increase to six through lanes from ullen oad west to orman Street. his project is scheduled for caught in congestion, and stopped buses can create traffic conflicts. Not all stops are conveniently completion between and in the apital Area Metropolitan lanning rganiation AM accessible to pedestrians, especially if crossing Western oulevard is reuired. Metropolitan ransportation lan M. A critical unknown in the future of Western oulevard is the potential for bus rapid transit (RT) service he State ransportation mprovement rogram S includes two committed between downtown Raleigh and downtown Cary. As part of the Wake County Transit Plan, the initial projects relevant to this portion of estern oulevard, both of which are scheduled for completion by phase of a Maor Investment tudy (MI) is underway. This study will identify the preferred RT route F and characteristics, with completion anticipated before 200. The final RT design and capacity will • A bicycle and pedestrian tunnel under western oulevard immediately west of Avent Ferry significantly influence the flow of traffic on Western oulevard, and its ultimate crosssection. oad.

434 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 435 Di Park Master Plan, Discovery Phase Di Park Master Plan, Discovery Phase December 201 December 201

RT relies on dedicated lanes or busways to enable buses to avoid traffic congestion and operate more and bridge configuration. A RT stationtransit hub in this vicinity would reuire maor pedestrian and like a rail system. At intersections, traffic signals are automatically preempted so buses can avoid bicycle enhancements, and a gradeseparated crossing seems a viable option. Transit, bicycle, and delays. RT can have raillike stations with raised platforms, either in the median or along the curb. To pedestrian access to Di Park could all benefit from close cooperation throughout these intertwined avoid delays, fares are not collected on the vehicle. While typical urban transit buses can operate in RT planning processes. systems, most systems employ highcapacity, lowfloor buses, often articulated with multiple doors on each side of the vehicle. In addition to stationtostation service along the transit corridor (analogous to ake Wheeler Road rail), other buses may circulate on local streets, but use the busway to avoid congestion en route to With respect to Di Park, ake Wheeler Road north of I0 can almost be considered two distinct roads other destinations. serving different functions. While both sections are classified as Minor Arterials with 5 mph speed While local buses may still operate along Western oulevard, RT must have a limited number of stops limits, the segment defining the eastern edge of Di Park varies greatly from the portion to the south. to offer competitive travel times. No more than three or four stops at most are likely along this part of The part of ake Wheeler Road between I0 and Centennial Parkway acts as the main route for traffic the corridor. Possible stop locations could be near Avent Ferry Road, Pullen Road, outh aunders to the tate Farmers Market and a maor route to Centennial Campus, both by way of Centennial treet, andor unt Drive. To ensure safe and efficient access, substantial pedestrian improvements will Parkway. It would also be a maor access route for regional traffic to Di Park. This NCDOTmaintained be needed at any of these stations. The potential stations near unt Drive and outh aunders treet segment of ake Wheeler Road has four lanes and a median, and is defined in the Raleigh would offer the best pedestrian access to Di Park. Comprehensive Plan as a Divided Avenue with an ultimate crosssection of si lanes. 2015 traffic In terms of Di Park planning, modification of the outh oylan Avenue intersection is the most volumes were 22,000 vpd, with significant growth forecast. The magnitude of this increase depends on significant change identified for further study. In conunction with crosswalk improvements, conversion the nature and intensity of development on Centennial Campus and pring ill. The only continuous to a fullysignalied intersection allowing all traffic movements would improve park access for all modes. sidewalk in this corridor etends between Centennial Parkway and I0 on the west side of the street. (iven physical constraints, construction of a gradeseparated pedestrianbicycle crossing in this vicinity The Walnut Creek Trail crosses at two points a crosswalk at the Centennial Parkway traffic signal, and does not appear feasible.) an underpass ust north of the I0 interchange. Another possible improvement involves relocating andor reconfiguring the unt DriveCentral Prison The City of Raleigh is responsible for ake Wheeler Road north of Centennial Parkway. efore intersection, possibly as part of the RT proect. This proect could consolidate the driveways on the transitioning to two lanes ust north of the atgrade Norfolk outhern rail crossing, ake Wheeler Road north side of the road, and create a safer, more efficient intersection, especially for pedestrian bicycle provides an important connection to Maywood Avenue. The narrow twolane section has no sidewalks crossings. or bicycle facilities. Carrying ,00 vpd in 2015, it serves Fuller eights residences, as well as several businesses located immediately to the south. It also offers access to the Park via mstead Drive, along Western Boulevard and Pullen Road the original main driveway to the Di facility. To the south, oode treet provides a secondary route into The etension of Pullen Road from Western oulevard to Centennial Parkway should be completed by the Park. Fall 201. This proect will improve connectivity between Centennial and Main Campuses, as well as The only transit service along Lake Wheeler Road is the northbound leg of GoRaleigh’s #21 loop route. It adding a southward access route to Western oulevard. The Pullen Road etension will benefit all stops at oode, Daladams, rissom, and Fuller treets, as well as at Dorothea Drive after continuing modes of travel, not only automobile traffic. The NC service will be able to follow a more north on outh aunders treet. direct and efficient loop route, and pedestrians and cyclists will have a safer, more convenient option for traveling between campuses. Recreational road cyclists favor ake Wheeler Road as a lowtraffic roadway connecting to destinations south of Di, such as the State Farmer’s Market, the Carolina Pines neighborhood and rural southern As part of this proect, the intersection of ilyeu treet and Western oulevard will be closed, and Rocky Wake County. owever, several intersections and sections of ake Wheeler Road present haards to ranch Trail realigned. This eliminates a road crossing on the trail, and opens up options for simplifying cyclists and pedestrians. icycle and pedestrian crashes along ake Wheeler Road occurred most the Ashe Avenue intersection. freuently south of I0 and near the intersection with aunders treet. It is important to note that the City of Raleigh proect to etend Pullen Road will be followed by an The TRM does not indicate dramatic traffic growth along the northern portion of ake Wheeler Road, in NCDOT proect to replace the Pullen Road bridge and reconfigure the eisting intersection. The precise part because there are no plans to add any travel lanes. uch widening would present considerable schedule for the NCDOT proect has not been determined, nor has the final design. ntil the bridge challenges due to the proimity of homes, buildings, and power lines, as well as width constraints of the proect is completed, northbound traffic on the Pullen Road etension will not be able to turn left onto outh aunders treet underpass at Western oulevard. Furthermore, adding traffic to an already Western oulevard a rightturn followed by a turn would be reuired. congested Centennial oulevard intersection would significantly increase delays. ringing more traffic The impact of the Pullen Road etension on access to Di Park will be influenced by the development of into downtown would cause similar problems at the northern end of the corridor. adacent properties, especially the pring ill site. The Pullen Road proects also offer several synergistic The outhern ateway Corridor tudy confirmed City of Raleigh plans to reconfigure the intersection of opportunities related to the busway design, which will play a maor role in shaping the final intersection ake Wheeler Road and outh aunders treet to make ake Wheelerouth aunders (north) the

436 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 437 i Park Master Plan, iscovery Phase i r ster n isoer hse ecember 21 eeer

throughmovement. mstead rive and the southern portion of South Saunders Street ould be entenni r ou sere s onuit or uses sering ore trnsitoriente n uses or realigned to create a fourlegged signalied intersection that ould also serve ne sidealks, a rerouted estintions suh s i r Rocky ranch Trail, and bike lanes. This ne intersection ould improve bicycle, pedestrian, and sie orers the esternnorthern sie o entenni r shreuse th the entenni automobile access to i Park, strengthening connectivity ith anticipated redevelopment along South ie onneter oos ong the estern sie ro reth Street to rers ret rie Saunders Street. here it intersets the nut ree ri here re urrent no eite ie or eestrin The City of Raleigh also hopes to upgrade the northern portion of Lake Wheeler Road to a tolane, iities onneting entenni r to i r n on sie onnetion to the o rnh mediandivided roaday ith bike lanes See Figure 1 belo from the City of Raleigh Street esign ri s roets re oete suh s the reent etension o ir rie n the ening uen Manual. The east side ould include sidealk, hile a ide shareduse path ould run along the est o etension ore oete n ontinuous netor i eerge side, further into the i Park property. Safe and convenient crossings of Lake Wheeler Road are critical here he een utie eestrin rshes on the Stte rers ret site o entenni r to pedestrian and bicycle access from the east. To achieve this goal, the Southern Gateay Corridor he oue o tri eestrins n turning oeent onits t the rers ret osters this Study identifies Fuller and Grissom Streets as preferred corridors for pedestrian and bicycle highris enironent or eestrins here re no sies or ie th ootions eing improvements, and for crossing Lake Wheeler Road. onto the rers ret site ro entenni r n there re no ui essie ros or eestrin ess oints eteen i r n the rers ret it o eigh trnsorttion ns he ssue tht irsteunt ries or soe euient terntie ou e iroe to roie n ition onnetion eteen entenni us n estern ouer einiie tone enue is ntiite in the eigh orehensie n eie o resuts suggest tht roite i e ttrte to use this iit s ster route eteen entenni r n estern ouer he tu nuer ou r gret eening on eeoent n tre tterns his tri is oriente toro the est using oth South on enue n estern ouer hie n iroe ir rie ou enhne Figure 1 – Proposed Lake Wheeler Road Cross-Section ess to i r or oth otorie n nonotorie oes throughtri route on or ner eisting ro ignents oes not er otie ith the urrent ision or i r reu The rail crossing along Lake Wheeler Road is a challenge to building a connected bicycle and pedestrian oortion i e reuire to reh n rorite ne eteen oniting gos netork along Lake Wheeler Road. The challenge is not due to train operations as much as it is orfolk Southern’s rightofay restrictions and reuirements. n average of to freight trains use the track Implications for the Dorothea Dix Park Plan through the i Park property each day, typically traveling at 12 mph, ith a 2mph maimum. estern ouer Centennial Parkay • estern ouer i eoe ro suurnstyle “expressway” to a more urbanized avenue lthough it does not directly border i Park, Centennial Parkay provides vehicular access to the • eestrin n ie ess to i r ross estern ouer shou e intuitie ith estern side of the park via lair rive. Residents to the immediate south and est are likely to use greserte onnetions here esie Centennial Parkay for access. Most regional visitors to the Park can be epected to use I, eiting at • unt rie i ie e the reerre ess route or tri ro estern ouer Lake Wheeler Road and continuing to Centennial Parkay, especially if parking and ayfinding are • ute signition o the South on intersetion to o ess ross estern designed to encourage this approach. ouer ith enhne eestrin tretent • oorinte ith uen o rige reesign n CTmaintained Minor rterial, Centennial Parkay is a fourlane facility ith a mph speed • nsure goo onnetiit ith ening ieeestrin roets limit. ast of val rive, it has a ide median and minimal access. The Raleigh Comprehensive Plan nerss t ent err o classifies Centennial Parkay as a ivided venue ith an ultimate crosssection of si lanes, hich o ie nes on rtin uther ing r ouer could be implemented ithin the eisting median. o • oorinte ith nning The only bus stop on Centennial Parkay is a Wolfline stop near vent Ferry Road. Several Wolfline o us ootrint routes use the estern portion of Centennial Parkay to access stops off val rive. While the o Sttion otions etension of Pullen Road ill allo for more efficient routing of buses, it is unlikely that development o eestrin onnetiit along most of Centennial Parkay ill be intensive enough to arrant many transit stops. oever, o us ess to i r ro us • onsier iroeent otions t she enue n unt rie

438 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 439 ix ar aster lan isovery ase i ark aster lan, iscoer hase eember ecember

ae eeler oad • nterate the tate armers arket with i ark ia conenient nonehiclar connections • ien the nmber and manitde o ncertainties associated with deeloment, roadwa, and • e nortern portion o ae eeler oad sould beome a more prominent ateway to ix ar wit multimodal and trai saety improvements transit roects, it is imeratie to that the i ark lan denti the ark’s “must haves” clearl and earl, so the can be eectiel o reatin an appealin underpass or out aunders treet at estern oulevard is o ritial attratin pedestrians and biylists rom downtown incororated in desin decisions or other transortation and deeloment roects resere aroriate leibilit, eseciall related to imlementation and hasin ▪ is ould also be an attrative loation or a station o ▪ ompletion o nion tation improvements to out treet and te bridin o est treet over te railroad tras will enane pedestrian and biyle aess to tis loation and redevelopment in tis uadrant o downtown will inrease References: demand ike Raleih lan o onstrained parin and roadway apaity in te norteast orner o te ar alon httbikeraleihorhomeimaesikeRaleihlanrioritiationasd wit te desire to preserve te aestetis o te oriinal driveway ditate tat tis it o Raleih treet esin anal entrane be pedestrian biyle and transitriendly in support o nearby httswwwraleihncocontentetraookslanetreetesinanalindehtml redevelopment

o Lake Wheeler Road needs to become more “permeable,” with more visible and reuent rn o, it o Raleih iccle and edestrian roram anaer entry points or biyles and pedestrians rnoraleihnco • ost veiular trai will arrive rom te sout via ae eeler oad and ric Lamb, , it o Raleih ransortation lannin anaer o ar aess via entennial arway is preerable to diret aess rom ae eeler ericlambraleihnco oad and intersetion modiiations may be needed to manae and enourae tis trai pattern he aital rea etroolitan ransortation lan httwwwcamoncsadotedmt entennial arway ooit or Raleih, • entennial arway as te most unused trai apaity o any o te surroundin httsmooitacomlinestmsorceseolinescstomerdmetrodlanenb torouares bot now and in te uture dependin on entennial ampusprin ill orianle as and chedles normation development intensity dditionally httotrianleormasandschedles o t is not immediately adaent to te par reduin noise and oter trai impats o Raleih s Rotes and chedles o uture widenin to inrease apaity is easible httswwwraleihncosericescontentWksransitrticlessRoteshtml o e main bottlene will be te intersetion wit ae eeler oad realinin tese roads so tat entennial arway onnets diretly wit te interane may Wolline Rotes ultimately be desirable httwwwacsncsedtranswollinemashtml • mproved pedestrian and biyle onnetions in tis orridor are ritial not only or ix ar httsncstransloccom but or entennial ampus prin ill oly ame o esus atedral and oter nearby Wake ont ransit lan development httwwwwaketransitcomtransitlan orotea ix ar httwwwwaketransitcomwcontentloadsoemberWakeransit lansmalld • ransportation networs trou ix ar sould onnet pedestrians and ylists to reional Western oleard rossin td, it o Raleih destinations su as and owntown alei httwesternbldcreatiisibilitcom • esin te transportation system to minimize automobile travel witin te ar o rai sould use external roads rater tan internal roads to irulate to desired othern atewa orridor td, it o Raleih parin httswwwraleihncobsinesscontentlanerticlesrbanesinothernatewahtml arin sould be loated to minimize trai witin te ar o llen Road tension roect, it o Raleih oo or sared parin opportunities o httswwwraleihncoroectscontentWksesinonstrticlesllenRoadhtml • lan te road networ to limits automobile troutrai impats lairmsteadunt rives

440 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 441 ark aster a sver hase eemer

427 930 1224 1027 600 773 1372 1110 1296 est treet tes ret t aeh 1246 608 1330 727 1139 85 272 310 259 725 445 httraehvusesstetaevrtesrasaesttreettesretht 820 957 833 312 377 m 1010 384 423 694 452 973 268 917 458 995 288 352 t aeh mrehesve a 379 456 513 ¤£401 httsraehvusesstetaevrtesaemrehesveaht 0 244 0 529 21 24 961 561 260 m 964 1027 577 1039 1117

54 681 460 ¾ 518 httsraehvtetaevumetsaemrehesvearasrtat ¾ 822 471 620 es 926 1681 946 64 2340 440 770 970 ¨¦§ 594 255 1073 337 1023 395 1472 445 470 e a eestra rash a 2105 913 759 494 1586 898 964 httstmasarsmhmetemhtmaaae 1652 292 953 322 288 2111 1516 122 409 350 403 3664 2475 1018 52 ra ume a 309 388 0 0 451 1126 1088 2428 232 143 httstmasarsmhmetemhtmaaaa 96 362 441 1120 2440 112 604 1484 0 562 0 7057 391 0 1057 30 35 0 1078 0 13 1361 1125 293 76 tate atae as a 1135 46 470 290 1445 425 15 2 htttmasarsmhmetemhtmeaaeaa 1676 15 601 0 248 2467 1005 168 8 40 0 241 427 1282 28 122 31 772 a eer a 1788 0 292 1810 96 0 202 166 266 2 298 259 425 2 268 930 343 httstmasarsmhmetemhtmeaaae 966 292 689 72 1031 53 156 1560 294 736 53 667 1628 883 a vets a 642 1421 707 1175 1495 354 974 httstmasarsmhmetemhtmeaeaa 767 702 546 3 906 4733 728 1357 73 1189 108 1 a 11 210 210 470 0 135 967 560 httstmasarsmhmetemhtmae 0 1343 220

1483 291 1411 513 353 677 ¤£70

729 53 1 421 0 565 0 31 376 993 2 636 46 388 0 0 241 326 0 510 0 513 701 Population 2013 1v7 2045 818 421 12 ¨¦§40 612 < 0% 1836 2049 0% - 25% 0 962 962 3 257 25.1% - 75% 230 302 747 366 75.1% - 100% 756 227 281 100.1%3 -0 8500% 373 319 2628 1280 393 > 500% 2829 1503 1406 Highway Network (V6) 1995 Centroid Connector9s6 6(V6) 2719 1147 918 3865 TRM TAZ (V6) 3225 726 1024 0 115 182 Label represents: Base Value78 21 013 1033 Projected Valu1e0 127045

SOCIO-ECONOMIC FORECAST (2013-2045) 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.9 Dorothy Dix Master Plan ± Miles August 2017

Received December 2017

442 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 443 1668 481 1027 173 413 654 1677 255 482 350 8 1066 250 352 572 501 257 680 94 498 255 350 8 544 586 298 264 101 109 94 33 116 132 508 269 17 109 114 288 179 135 17 330 368 508 16 489 357 148 223 511 16 901 418 173 240

783 307 268 198 73 504 10 819 315 119 345 200 132 512 10 7 126 228 7 1666 238 178 1670 £401 0 198 £401 ¤ 9 ¤ 21 380 1116 1081 101 21 909 253 0 1880 688 1088 0 264 107 8 763 128 1483 16 511 427 128 1697 515 678

54 218 195 54 312 257 ¾ 490 ¾ 283 ¾ 317 ¾ 368 13 297 33 367 245 1247 414 715 269 421 639 786 4950 440 658 44 995 4435 ¨¦§ 287 629 230 1035 200 315 159 681 691 323 310 252 423 277 214 1945 222 339 673 331 634 496 2354 326 654 398 350 1271 1570 376 464 515 1327 1579 669 440 0 105 1 0 ¨¦§ 43 140 4 137 393 285 1194 558 0 986 59 7728 209 9738 2111 0 150 420 292 5602 5732 155 0 1 1431 473 47 3091 7966 235 9867 0 167 0 0 824 1031 173 1 109 68 537 3156 1736 164 148 170 58 226 171 1055 138 494 1035 511 216 2198 1602 0 64 0 281 469 1055 145 308 1152 640 0 556 294 0 2271 423 1869 0 16 5447 951 606 20 21 955 390 1278 2268 0 0 713 1 55 164 6263 447 529 1005 3789 6 83 153 258 305 559 2725 565 0 4 314 3077 1 698 582 690 267 288 4 464 227 0 11 726 3653 971 2977 624 1706 102 441 648 6 7 511 18 0 0 12 6602 3140 2010 164 15 257 1449 627 760 14 78 22 0 1467 854 36 768 116 22 4730 68 0 635 111 2077 457 137 5350 127 149 1 194 20 104 2865 1597 3082 138 194 1 167 413 22 328 5685 393 152 319 48 171 4 6234 5085 444 31 138 460 6 674 150 214 7493 31 380 30 702 158 125 276 307 41 797 38 552 302 102 366 49 539 125 151 42 2647 1307 296 578 201 186 1090 1376 213 2 3629 342 151 2310 5145 344 328 267 2471 22 534 34 8 82 84 50 676 19 1 84 1574 28 5 49 172 26 0 217 33 243 86 205 642 339 0 1341 380 421

23 99 319 845 61 660 189 122 319 1116 667 258 ¤£70 ¤£70

31 323 116 375 23 0 740 40 213 230 295 157 0 154 0 11 11 32 216 471 124 657 255 1 183 22 11 29 220 0 54 0 383 109 592 144 0 0 57 317 0 14 7 332 8 0 67 Employment 2013 v 2045 318 2 536 52 374 181 4 ¨¦§40 644 < 0% ¨¦§40 268 Households 2013 v 2045 186 723 199 0% - 25% 811 0% - 2.5% 50 0 396 36 50 396 16 25.1% - 50% 1 86 2.6% - 7.5% 51 22 92 405 140 102 9 49 50.1% - 75% 244 7.6% - 25% 105 612 247 61 861 75.1% -2 17100% 81 25.1% -1 7465% 835 150 38 147 66 204 38 > 100% 901 572 154 75.1% - 207900% 214 656 96 988 263 Highway Network (V6) Highway Network (V363)1 140 Centroid Connector3s2 3(V6) 603 Centroid Connectors (V6) 158 810 410 1150 957 124 2323 TRM TAZ (V6) 337 1435 TRM TAZ (V6) 1200 32 1140 387 34 1674 499 2885 0 169 Label represents: Base Valu45e7 2013 72 Label repr4e3sents: Base Val2u4e6 2013 1275 Projected Val1u5e0 22045 366 Projected Val3u3e4 2045

SOCIO-ECONOMIC FORECAST (2013-2045) SOCIO-ECONOMIC FORECAST (2013-2045) 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.9 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.9 Dorothy Dix Master Plan ± Miles August 2017 Dorothy Dix Master Plan ± Miles August 2017

444 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 445 446 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 447 ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! (

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448 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 449 ROADS, BRIDGES, RAILS 450 TRAFFICTraffic Congestion AND CONGESTION (Volume to Capacity | AM Ratio) modeled for Morning/AM Peak, 2016








EXISTING Dorothea Dix Park


(v/c = Volume/Capacity) MAYWOOD AVE

S WILMINGTON ST Under Capacity (v/c < 0.8)

Reaching Capacity (0.8 < v/c < 0.95)

At Capacity (0.95 < v/c < 1.1)

Over Capacity (v/c > 1.1) ST S SAUNDERS I- 140


Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Master Dix Park Dorothea

5,000 2,500 1,250

0 .1 .2 .3

MILES Triangle Regional Model (TRM v5)


ROADS, BRIDGES, RAILS ProjectedTRAFFIC Traffic AND CongestionCONGESTION (Volume | AM to Capacity Ratio) modeled for Morning/AM Peak, 2040








FUTURE Dorothea Dix Park



(v/c = Volume/Capacity) MAYWOOD AVE

S WILMINGTON ST Under Capacity (v/c < 0.8)

Reaching Capacity (0.8 < v/c < 0.95)

At Capacity (0.95 < v/c < 1.1) S SAUNDERS ST S SAUNDERS Over Capacity (v/c > 1.1) I- 140


5,000 2,500 1,250

451 0 .1 .2 .3

MILES Triangle Regional Model (TRM v5)

DOROTHEA DIX PARK MASTER PLAN | PARK AND TRANSPORTATION Bridge Feasibility Analysis Feasibility Analysis by VHB; February 1, 2019 agreeable to NS if the proposed structure is not within the As part of the Dix Master Plan, there are several locations that have identified as potential crossings over current roadway R. roads, waterways, or railroads, as well as one project proposed alongside the railroad. The projects are NS may reuire that the addition of this crossing includes presented in the table below and have been evaluated for overall feasibility based on the concept closing an atgrade crossing. proposal, current design standards, and the criteria listed in the NS PPM. New multiuse The proposed entrance bridge oer the Rocy ranch for all Proposed Concept Notes Feasibility bridge oer the users ehicles bies and pedestrians has been estimated to Rocy ranch ree be 30’ wide by 160’ long. - In section 5.5 of the NS PPM, there is a statement that reads “NS policy does not allow pathways that would permit The bridge width would liely be reuired to be wider to pedestrian, bicycle, and other recreational traffic to move accommodate pedestrians bicycles and ehicular traffic. Feasible Trolley on or beside parallel to trains on NS right-of-way or to cross at grade.” Anticipated lane widths include 12’ for vehicles, 5’ for bicycles, plus 5’6’ sidewalks on either side of the structure may reuire a the existing NS -Additionally, NS requires outside parties requiring access to Not feasible structure width closer to 45’. railroad line the NS right of way to complete a “Right of Entry” application for any work inside NS ROW, therefore, it is unlikely that NS The structure would reuire hydraulic analysis and permitting would approve the use of their track by others or permit as part of the design process. another track to be located inside of their ROW. New greenway The proposed greenway bridge oer the Rocy ranch is - The proposed trestle would be used for bike and pedestrian bridge oer the proposed to be 10’ wide by 100’ long. access and links the Ridge to the Meadow through the Valley. Rocy ranch ree Feasible The structure would reuire hydraulic analysis and permitting The trestle is proposed to be 16’ wide and spans the NS as part of the design process. railroad. - Per the NS PPM, this structure would be considered an and ridge to The proposed and ridge crosses oer estern ouleard overhead structure and would be required to follow overhead ullen ar and the Rocy ranch at a location between ilyeu Street and Requires Elevated Pedestrian structure design criteria and the NS process. Verification from Hunt Drive. The overall crossing length is estimated to be 496’ coordination Trestle over NS NS about future rail lines would be required to determine span long with a width of 150’ and is proposed to be comprised of 3 with NS length. precast concrete arches on a sew. - Pedestrian bridges shall be completely enclosed by protective The ederal ighway dministration recommends fencing or canopies to protect the NS right-of-way from falling pedestrian structures have a minimum vertical clearance of 17’, debris. NCDOT recommends 17’ to 17’6”. - NS may require that the addition of this crossing includes recast concrete arches cannot be sewed as they typically closing an at-grade crossing. reuire orientation perpendicular to the roadway. Span lengths Requires max out at 84’ (with a rise of approximately 26’). A staggered coordination - The proposed bridge would be located near the existing configuration also presents complications with endwalls and with NCDOT bridge on Umstead Drive, but outside of the ROW for the retaining walls. n earthcoered pedestrian bridge could be Umstead Drive bridge (Umstead Drive to remain per Master an alternatie if a sew is desired. lternatiely a larger New bridge over Plan). rectangular crossing could be proided using parallel precast arches with the pedestrian way crossing diagonally or in a NS for vehicular - Per the NS PPM, this structure would be considered an Requires meandering fashion combined with egetation and traffic, existing overhead structure and would be required to follow overhead coordination landscaping. bridge at Umstead structure design criteria and the NS process. Verification from with NS Dr to remain NS about future rail lines would be required to determine span onstruction of the arches reuire indiidual footings per arch length. span and may reuire traffic impacts to estern ouleard which has high traffic olumes estimated ehicles per - The addition of a structure adjacent to an existing structure day. (for 2 structures over the railroad at this location) may not be

452 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 453 Design Criteria ef: 3.00 ebruar 1 01 To: Project Team Date: February 1, 2019 ae

Project #: 38767.00 ▪ or atgrade crossings: “All efforts will be taken to close atrae crossins here applicable while recognizing the needs of the communities through which NS operates.” ▪ or oerhea bries S oerhea rae separation esin criteria shoul be reference. From: VHB Re: Dix Park Master Plan – Design Criteria ▪ or parallel roasfacilities “here possible parallel public roas shoul be locate off S property”. ▪ This document includes design criteria for the bridges crossing the Norfolk Southern (NS) Railroad. Refer to the NS or bicclepeestrian trails an crossins S reuirements an safet precautions shall be Public Projects Manual (PPM), the American Railroad Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) met an the proect shall follo the preliminar enineerin reie an construction Manual, and applicable sections of the AASHTO and NCDOT Design Manuals for additional information. monitorin process. (NS PPM: o The overhead grade separation data sheet question #6 reads “List all the atrae crossins that ill be eliminated by the construction of this grade separation” • Basic design requirements for overhead grade separation: • Process/Schedule: S proies a summar of steps for a proect initiate b an outsie part an also o Clearances: “Overhead bridges structures shall provide the specified horizontal and vertical clearances for anticipated future tracks, changes in track centers, and raising of track for maintenance purposes.” provides timeframes for “Overhead Grade Separation Schedule for Review”, with key dates noted belo:

▪ Minimum Horizontal Clearance: all piers located less than 25’-0” from face of pier to o rocess Summar per section .1.3 centerline of nearest track shall be designed with crash wall protection. Edges of footings ▪ Contact the S ublic roect nineer of the proect location an proie initial proect shall not be closer than 13’-0” from centerline of track. information. • It is preferred that all substructures be located entirely outside of the NS right-of- ▪ eie an complete a stanar areement. way. ▪ roie proect information atten meetins reie site ith S or C personnel. ▪ Minimum Vertical Clearance: 23’-0” above top of high rail ▪ Submit initial plans to S or esinate C for reie. o Provide drainage information for approach roadway and bridge ▪ espon to S concerns an aust esin if necessar. o Protective Fencing: ▪ Submit final esin to S for reie comments anor approal. ▪ Where sidewalks are present, protective fencing shall be provided on the sidewalk side of ▪ S ill complete final reie to ensure compliance ith railroa reuirements. overhead structures. ▪ S ill estimate the cost of the orce ccount ork to be one b S urin construction. ▪ Pedestrian bridges shall be completely enclosed by protective fencing or canopies to protect ▪ hen the roect Sponsor an S approe the proect for construction a stanar the NS right-of-way from falling debris. construction areement ill be prepare for eecution. o An application is required for all right of entry agreements. o erhea rae Separation Scheule per ppeni C There are additional criteria to be following during construction, including horizontal and vertical o ▪ Sen Concept ackae to ailroa: 1 eeks prior to lettin clearances, ROW access and flagging services, and cooperation and delay. ▪ Submit 30 lan ackae to ailroa: 3 eeks prior to lettin • Railroad Process: The Dix Master Plan proposes maintaining two existing crossings and adding two new crossings. Norfolk Sothern’s PPM provides guidance on projects that are located over, under, or adjacent to ▪ Submit 0 lan ackae to railroa: eeks prior to lettin the NS right-of-way. ▪ Submit 100 lan ackae to ailroa: 1 eeks prior to lettin o Chapter 4 of the PPM includes a summary of agreements, plan submission requirements, right-of-way ▪ Sen reement to ailroa: eeks prior to lettin entry process, and costs and expenses for working with NS. ▪ itional time ma be reuire to et areements into place prior to S reiein an plan o Chapter 5 of the PPM discusses project types, with the following items noted: packaes. t is recommene to meet ith S to iscuss their process an the proect prior to submittin the Concept ackae.

Dix Park Master Plan Design Criteria i ark aster lan

454 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan Appendix III - VHB Engineering 455 Parking Comparisons

Public Parks around the Country: Public Parks around the Country (continued):


Equivalent Parking Space Equivalent Parking Space Equivalent Parking Space Size # Parking spaces Size # Parking spaces Size # Parking spaces Park Location Programming Park Location Context Programming Comparison to Dix? Context Park # of parkingLocation Comparisonlots to Dix? Qty. @Programming Dix Park Using Same # of parking lots Context Qty. @ Dix Park Using Same Comparison to Dix? # of parking lots Qty. @ Dix Park Using Same (acres) spaces / Acre of Park (acres) spaces / Acre of Park (acres) spaces / Acre of Park Ratio Ratio Ratio Country Park Greensboro, NC dog park, fishing lake, Countrynature hiking Park and 4miGreensboro, from downtown, NC in suburbandog park, context, fishing lake, colocated nature hiking additionaland uses/attractions;4mi from downtown, constrained in suburban by context,250Country colocated Park550 additionalGreensboro,3 uses/attractions; NC constrained2.2dog park, fishingby lake,250 nature678 hiking550 and * park is4mi closed from3 to downtown, vehicles 4:15p in2.2 suburban to closing context, on colocated 678 additional* park uses/attractions; is closed to vehicles constrained 4:15p to byclosing on250 550 3 2.2 678 * park is closed to vehicles 4:15p to closing on biking trails, , pedal boats with science center, veteransbiking memoria, trails, playgrounds, and military pedal boatsarterials, somewith commercial science center, and some veterans memoria, and military arterials, some commercial andbiking some trails, playgrounds, pedal boats weekdayswith and science all day center, weekends veterans memoria, and military arterials,weekdays some andcommercial all day weekends and some weekdays and all day weekends park residential adjacency;park transit accessible, but residential adjacency; transit accessible, but park residential adjacency; transit accessible, but not convenient not convenient not convenient Washington Park Winston Salem, NC lots of baseball (4 fields),Washington greeway access,Park fairlyWinston close Salem, to downtown, NC lots close of tobasebal urban/gridded (4 fields), greeway access,greenway/ped fairly access; close poor to downtown, transit; smaller, close to urban/gridded100Washington 300 Park greenway/pedWinston2 Salem,access; NC poor transit;3.0lots of smaller, basebal (4 fields),100 greeway924300 access,* probablyfairly need2 close lots to ofdowntown, parking3.0 for close games: to urban/gridded 3 baseball 924 greenway/ped* probably access; need lots poor of transit;parking smaller, for games: 3 100baseball 300 2 3.0 924 * probably need lots of parking for games: 3 baseball walking trails, dog park, neighborhoods walking trails, dog park, playground more athletics-orientedneighborhoods more athletics-oriented walking trails, dog park, playground fields allneighborhoods playing at same time morefields athletics-oriented all playing at same time fields all playing at same time no good parking options nearby no good parking options nearby no good parking options nearby Magnuson Park Seattle, WA ampitheater, gardens,Magnuson dog park, soccerPark nearSeattle, gridded WA neighborhoods,ampitheater, on Lake Washington, gardens, dog 5mi park, soccerre-use of historicnear griddedmilitary neighborhoods,base; on Lake350 Washington,Magnuson 450 Park5mi re-useSeattle, of historic3 WA military base;1.3ampitheater, gardens,350 dog park,396 450soccer also a nearbynear 3gridded bus/boat neighborhoods, launch 1.3parking on lot: Lake 110 Washington, spots, 5mi396 re-usealso of ahistoric nearby military bus/boat base; launch parking lot: 110350 spots, 450 3 1.3 396 also a nearby bus/boat launch parking lot: 110 spots, fields, tennis courts, art trail, baseball, boat from downtown seattle; greenwayfields, tennis & bus courts, connections art trail, baseball,greenway/pedestrian boat from downtown access; seattle; additional greenway uses & bus connections greenway/pedestrian access; additionalfields, tennis uses courts, art trail, baseball, boatnot includedfrom downtownin total at left seattle; greenway & bus connections greenway/pedestriannot included in total access; at left additional uses not included in total at left launch launch (marine) (marine) launch (marine) The Battlefields Park Quebec City garden, café, museum,The restaurant, Battlefields walking Park inQuebec downtown City QC, near historicgarden, Old café, Town; museum, bounded restaurant, by walkinggood bus servicein downtown & greenway/bike-ped QC, near historic access Old Town;255The bounded Battlefields115 by Park good busQuebec 1service City & greenway/bike-ped0.5garden, café, access museum, 255 restaurant,139115 walkingsome on-streetin downtown1 parking QC, adjacent near historic0.5 to (& Oldwithin) Town; park bounded by139 goodsome bus service on-street & greenway/bike-ped parking adjacent to access (& within) 255 park 115 1 0.5 139 some on-street parking adjacent to (& within) park paths, concert hall (outdoors) steep bluff above St Lawrencepaths, Riverconcert on hallone (outdoors)side, (2/3 of perimetersteep isbluff very above permeable); St Lawrence other River on one side, (2/3 of perimeter is very permeable);paths, concert other hall (outdoors) ($5/2 hours)steep bluff above St Lawrence River on one side, (2/3 of($5/2 perimeter hours) is very permeable); other ($5/2 hours) gov't/intstit, residential, and some commercial on the attractions gov't/intstit, residential, and some commercial on the attractions gov't/intstit, residential, and some commercial on the attractions others others others Maymont Park Richmond, VA museum, arboretum, Maymontgardens, nature Park 2miRichmond, from heart VA of richmond,museum, separated arboretum, from dt gardens, by hwy, naturepoor transit 2miservice; from 1/2 heart of perimeter of richmond, is very separated 100 Maymontfrom dt by Park200 hwy, poor transitRichmond,2 service; VA 1/2 of perimeter2.0museum, is arboretum,very 100 gardens,616 nature200 few off-site2mi fromparking2 heart options, of richmond, on-/off-street2.0 separated from dt by hwy,616 poor fewtransit off-site service; parking 1/2 ofoptions, perimeter on-/off-street is very 100 200 2 2.0 616 few off-site parking options, on-/off-street center, childrens farm colocated with other like center,activitiy childrens centers (Lake,farm Byrd bike/ped permeable;colocated North with otherBank Traillike activitiy access centers (Lake, Byrd bike/ped permeable; North Bankcenter, Trail childrens access farm colocated with other like activitiy centers (Lake, Byrd bike/ped permeable; North Bank Trail access Park, Dogwood Dell Ampitheater, Barker Field, Park, Dogwood Dell Ampitheater, Barker Field, Park, Dogwood Dell Ampitheater, Barker Field, Riverview and Mt Calvary Cemeteries); gridded Riverview and Mt Calvary Cemeteries); gridded Riverview and Mt Calvary Cemeteries); gridded neighborhood setting, bounded by RR & river to south, neighborhood setting, bounded by RR & river to south, neighborhood setting, bounded by RR & river to south, near expressway to north near expressway to north near expressway to north Hermann Park Houston, TX zoo, café, playground,Hermann waterpark, Park public 3.5miHouston, from TX downtown houston,zoo, café, surrounded playground, by waterpark, publicnear university,3.5mi urban(ish) from downtown setting in houston, generally surrounded 395Hermann by 1220 Park near university,Houston,2 TX urban(ish) setting3.1zoo, incafé, generally playground, 395 waterpark,9511220 public this total3.5mi count2 from does downtown not include houston,3.1 75 spaces surrounded for zoo by 951 near thisuniversity, total count urban(ish) does notsetting include in generally 75 spaces for395 zoo 1220 2 3.1 951 this total count does not include 75 spaces for zoo golf course, outdoor theater, rose garden universities, musems, andgolf neighborhoods. course, outdoor Connected theater, torose gardensuburban city,universities, greenway musems,& LRT connections, and neighborhoods. Connected to suburban city, greenway & LRTgolf connections, course, outdoor theater, rose gardenparking universities, (also zoo is 50musems, acres of and space, neighborhoods. not accounted Connected to suburbanparking city, (also greenway zoo is 50& LRTacres connections, of space, not accounted parking (also zoo is 50 acres of space, not accounted near neighborhoods by greenway. LRT stations diversity of uses;near neighborhoodsboundeed by servery by greenway. major LRT stations diversity of uses; boundeed by servery major for in totalnear acreage) neighborhoodsWASHINGTON: by greenway. REQUIRES LRT stations LARGE QTY.diversity for in of total uses; acreage) boundeed by servery major for in total acreage) arterials, bayou; additional uses arterials, bayou; additional uses arterials, bayou; additional uses OF PARKING FOR SPORTS FIELDS AND FEW PARKING OPTIONS NEARBY



456 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan 457 Parking at Public Amenities around the Triangle Region: Parking at Public Amenities around the Triangle Region: (continued): Name Name Program ProgramName Size approx Size # of Program approx spaces # of spaces Price Price Size approx # of NotesspacesName Notes Price ResourceProgramResourceNotes Size approx Resource # of spaces Price Notes Resource (acres) (acres)spaces spaces/ acre / acre (acres) spaces / acre (acres) spaces / acre Prairie RidgePrairie Eco Station Ridge Eco Station Prairie Ridge Eco Station 30 3030 30 1.0 free1.0 freegravel lot--onlygravel30 about lot--only 10 designated about30 10Prairie designatedparking Ridge1.0 spots Eco parking Stationfree spots gravel lot--only about 10 designated parking spots 30 30 1.0 free gravel lot--only about 10 designated parking spots Fred FletcherFred Park Fletcher Park 2 tennis courts,2 tennis 2 fields, courts, playground 2 fields,Fred playground Fletcher Park 2 tennis courts,21.4 2 fields,21.450 playground50 2.3 Free2.3 FreeLOTS of streetLOTS21.4 parking, of street only parking,50 1 parkingFred only lot, Fletcher 1 parking two2.3 public Park lot, Free schoolstwo public in close schools2LOTS tennis of in courts,street close parking, 2 fields, onlyplayground 1 parking lot, two public schools in close 21.4 50 2.3 Free LOTS of street parking, only 1 parking lot, two public schools in close proximity proximity proximity proximity Duke GardensDuke Gardens garden garden Duke Gardens garden 55 5575 75 1.4 $1/30min1.4 $1/30minFree overflowFree 55parking overflow on weekendsparking75 Dukeon ( weekendsduke Gardens campus,1.4 (duke shared$1/30min campus, parking) sharedgardenFree parking)overflow parking on weekends (duke campus, shared parking) 55 75 1.4 $1/30min Free overflow parking on weekends (duke campus, shared parking)

UNC BotanicalUNC Garden Botanical Gardengarden garden UNC Botanical Garden garden 700 700100 100 0.1 free0.1 freeoverflow parkingoverflow700 on parkingcampus100 onon campusweekendsUNC Botanical on0.1 weekends Gardenfree gardenoverflow parking on campus on weekends 700 100 0.1 free overflow parking on campus on weekends Lake JohnsonLake Park Johnson Park trails, lake activitiestrails, lake activities Lake Johnson Park trails, lake450 activities 450130 130 0.3 free0.3 free(300acre of(300acre land,450 150 of of land, lake)130 150 ofLake lake) Johnson0.3 Park free trails,(300acre lake of activities land, 150 of lake) 450 130 0.3 free (300acre of land, 150 of lake) Koka BoothKoka Amphitheater Booth Amphitheaterperformingperforming arts arts Koka Booth Amphitheater performing7,000 arts 7,0001,500 0.211,500 spaces0.21 spacesfree freecapacity of 7,000capacity7,000 attendees; of 7,0001,500 attendees;someKoka 0.21VIP parking--cost Boothspaces some Amphitheater VIP parking--cost free$ $performingcapacity of arts7,000 attendees; some VIP parking--cost $ 7,000 1,500 0.21 spaces free capacity of 7,000 attendees; some VIP parking--cost $ seats seats / seat / seat seats / seat seats / seat Raulston ArboretumRaulston Arboretumgarden, classesgarden, classes Raulston Arboretum garden, classes11 1130 30 2.7 free2.7 free 11 30 Raulston 2.7Arboretumfree garden, classes 11 30 2.7 free NCMA NCMA Art museum,Art restaurant, museum, restaurant,amphiteater,NCMA amphiteater, garden, trails, garden, etc trails, etcArt museum,150 restaurant,1,000150 amphiteater,1,000 garden,6.7 trails,free6.7 etc free10 bus parking10150 bus spots parking1,000 spots NCMA 6.7 free Art10 busmuseum, parking restaurant, spots amphiteater, garden, trails, etc 150 1,000 6.7 free 10 bus parking spots Red Hat AmpitheaterRed Hat AmpitheaterAmphitheaterAmphitheater Red Hat Ampitheater Amphitheater uses public usesparking public garages parking nearby--no garagesRed Hat nearby--nodesignated Ampitheater designatedparking parkingAmphitheateruses public parking garages nearby--no designated parking uses public parking garages nearby--no designated parking

Raleigh UDO: Parks, Open Space and GreenwaysRaleigh UDO: Parks, Open Space and Greenways *spaces required*spaces for required structures for atstructuresRaleigh the rate UDO: ofat 1the space rate perof 1 400SF space of Parks,per*spaces gross 400SF Open required of Spacegross for and structures at the rate of 1 space per 400SF of gross*spaces required for structures at the rate of 1 space per 400SF of gross Raleigh UDO: Parks, Open Space and Greenways none none** none none floor area floor area floor area floor area Office Office Office 1 space / 4001 space SF of /gross 400 SFfloor of areagross floor area 1 space / 400 SF of gross floor area Office 1 space / 400 SF of gross floor area Outdoor sports/entertainmentOutdoor sports/entertainment facilitiy facilitiy Outdoor sports/entertainment2 space / 400 2facilitiy space SF of /gross 400 SFfloor of areagross floor area 2 space / 400 SF of gross floor area Outdoor sports/entertainment facilitiy 2 space / 400 SF of gross floor area RestaurantRestaurant Restaurant 3 space / 4003 space SF of /gross 400 SFfloor of areagross floor area 3 space / 400 SF of gross floor area Restaurant 3 space / 400 SF of gross floor area Downtown Downtowndistrict: district: no vehicle parkingno vehicle is required parking foris required firstDowntown 10,000 for first squaredistrict: 10,000 feet square of gross feet nofloor vehicleof areagross parking floor area is required for first 10,000 square feet of gross floor area Downtown district: no vehicle parking is required for first 10,000 square feet of gross floor area

Applicants wishingApplicants to usewishing shared to useparking shared as aparking means as of areducing means of Applicantsthe reducing total number wishingthe total of to requirednumber use shared ofspaces required parking may spaces submitas a means may a shared submit of reducing parking a shared the analysis totalparking numberusing analysis ULI's of required usingShared ULI's Parking spaces Shared mayModel Parking submit Model a shared parkingApplicants analysis wishing using ULI'sto use Shared shared Parking parking Model as a means of reducing the total number of required spaces may submit a shared parking analysis using ULI's Shared Parking Model ** Spaces required for park structures at the rate of 1 space per 400SF of gross floor area, see

Applicants seeking to use shared parking as a means of reducing the total number of required spaces may submit a shared parking analysis using ULI’s Shared Parking Model.

Standard Parking References from the Parking Generation Manual, 4th Edition by ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers): Approx parkingApprox parking Land Use LandLand Use Use # Land Use #Parking Ratio Parking Ratio Peak Time Peak Time Demand Demand needed needed Notes Notes city park city park 411 15.0 spaces/acre411 15.0 spaces/acre 300 acres 300 acres 4500 …but4500 only 2 sites…but referenced only 2 sites were referenced 10 and were 10 and 25 acres respectively,25 acres peak respectively, demand waspeak demand was only 5 vehicles/acreonly 5 (~1500 vehicles/acre spaces) (~1500 spaces) live theater live theater 441 0.33 space/seat441 0.33 space/seat 5,000 attendees5,000 attendees 1650 1650 office buildingoffice building 701 2.8 spaces/1000701 2.8 sqft spaces/1000 sqft 7,500 sq ft 7,500 sq ft 21 21 100 seat restaurant100 seat restaurant931 0.47 spaces/seat931 0.47 spaces/seat 7p-9p 7p-9p 100 seats 100 seats 47 47 soccer complexsoccer complex488 58.8 spaces/field488 58.8 spaces/field 12-1p, 3p-5p, 6p-7p12-1p, 3p-5p, 46p-7p fields 4 fields 235 235 (weekends) (weekends)

458 Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan 459