Clinical Leadership Fellowship

Yearbook 2012 Welcome to the NHS Clinical Leadership Fellows Programme

The NHS Leadership Academy’s overall aim is to through Fellowship reviews that will be scheduled professionalise leadership within the NHS. To with an NHS Leadership Academy representative, achieve this we recognise that clinicians are your sponsor and yourself. experts in their professional field but also leaders We do hope that you make the most of this and delivers of service. Clinical Leadership is an opportunity; read around the subject, think active combination of working with and through widely and engage in discussions with colleagues teams to improve patient care. The Academy is and staff from the Universities and The Kings focussed on supporting you to use your existing Fund. The programme requires a high level of skills and to acquire new ones so that you commitment. If, at any time, you feel you are become outstanding leaders in the NHS today to struggling with the academic rigour please let us make those changes that will benefit the patients know so that we can provide support and advice. of tomorrow. You will have the opportunity to meet all of the During the Fellowship you will have the 2013 Clinical Fellows during the year and we do opportunity to acquire, develop and share hope that you build networks so that you can knowledge and skills in leadership and will be share innovative ideas and best practice. The challenged to think and behave differently in your Academy aims to create a cadre of Clinical leadership roles. The University of Birmingham Fellows both current and past that will continue and Manchester Business School will provide your to learn and share their experiences both locally academic learning leading to a Post Graduate and nationally. Certificate in Leadership and Service Improvement, which is built around work based In conclusion, we hope that you will find your learning and assessments. The Kings Fund will Fellowship stimulating and enjoyable. The provide experiential learning opportunities to Academy aims to provide you with the facilitate your development as a leader and will development you require to be an outstanding help you apply your learning to your leadership leader. We hope that by investing in you we will practice. The Universities and The Kings Fund be ultimately improving the quality of care and have worked together to ensure that the two service to patients as well as working towards the elements of the programme complement each professionalisation of leadership in the NHS. other. You will also be working on an in-service improvement project with 18 days of dedicated time as part of the Fellowship. You will be able to share the progress of your project periodically

2 South Cohort South Cohort

Selim Ahmed Olukemi Akanle Specialty Trainee in General ST5 Specialist Registrar in Adult Psychiatry Psychiatry Profession: Doctor Profession: Doctor

I am an ST4 Trainee working for the central east I grew up in Lagos, Nigeria where I completed community mental health team in Amersham. I my undergraduate medical training. I moved to see a wide variety of patients that keep me on the UK to pursue postgraduate training in my toes and interested in my field from Psychiatry shortly after graduation. I trained as debating delusionals to hair eating compulsions a junior doctor in the South London and and suicidal or high risk patients to such Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and afterwards enigmas of psychopathology that you cannot worked as a Specialty Doctor in various sub get bored. I am particularly curious about the specialties of Adult Psychiatry including Liaison medical-psychiatric interface with a keenness to Psychiatry and Addictions. help those with psychiatric sequelae to medical I worked as a Client Relations manager in a conditions like thyroid disorders or Huntington’s Health Maintenance Organisation before disease. starting my training as a Higher Specialty My current special interests include working Registrar in the North Essex Partnership Trust. I with post traumatic stress, eye movement found working in a non clinical role a stark desensitisation and reprocessing and contrast to what I was familiar with and this supporting survivors of torture with the meant having to adapt my style of working to “freedom from torture” organisation. In meet the demands of the job. addition to this I have eagerly followed a youth I am currently a ST5 trainee in General Adult helpline that I helped set up a number of years Psychiatry and my present job is working with ago and am also involved in a number of Older Adults. community projects. I enjoy working in Psychiatry because of the Aside from my clinical work I have an interest in diverse patient groups. It provides numerous research and education. I am actively involved opportunities to work in both hospital and in tutoring oxford medical school students and community settings helping people and their am an investigator for clinical trials at the families. Outside of work I enjoy the cinema, University of Oxford. This year I am also doing a reading and international travel. post graduate diploma in education in Oxford.

Project Project The development of a formal assessment Looking at streamlining appropriate care to manual for the West Essex Neurocognitive appropriate clients using a traffic lights Clinic to raise and improve awareness system to highlight key worker caseload amongst clinicians. weighting and risks attached to their patients. The idea is simple – it is to make sure work load is spread evenly and to highlight patients who need more intensive intervention sooner so that resources can be allocated earlier before the point of crisis. The traffic light tool is borrowed from a pilot done elsewhere and is being simplified taking into account frequency of patient contact and level of predicted risk. It is hoped this tool will guide efficiency in team meetings, reduce the frequency of heavy caseloads occurring and catch elevating risk before it manifests in more serious ways

4 South Cohort

Giles Arbon Moji Awogbade Clinical Photography Lead Consultant Haematologist Profession: Healthcare Science Profession: Doctor and Wider Healthcare Team

I trained in general photography gaining a I am a consultant haematologist with a National Diploma and then a Higher National specialist interest in haemoglobinopathies. I am Diploma after which I undertook general the clinical lead for the adult sickle cell service photographic employment before, in 1999, at King’s College Hospital, which is one of the being employed in the NHS as a clinical largest services for this disorder in the UK. My photographer at the Ipswich Hospital. interest in sickle cell disease started during my intercalated B.Sc. year and my current interests After 21/2 years at Ipswich Hospital, developing include the evolving understanding of the specialist clinical photography and healthcare pathophysiology of sickle cell disease and science skills, I had the opportunity to help therapeutic interventions. develop and set up a diabetic retinal screening service for Suffolk run by the West Suffolk I was a contributing author to the Standards for Hospital. This was a huge challenge and was a the Clinical Care of Adults with Sickle Cell great learning experience. Once this service was Disease in the UK published in 2008. I am running and successful I was asked to take on involved in postgraduate training of doctors the role of developing a full time clinical specialising in haematology. I lead my photography service at the West Suffolk NHS department’s efforts in the prevention of Foundation Trust. healthcare associated infections. Since 2006 I have been working to develop this In my spare time I enjoy cooking, reading and service which has proved to be an even bigger organising social events. challenge than setting up a PCT wide screening service! In the past six years I have undertaken a specialised graduate certificate qualification in Project Clinical Photography and been regional finalist in the Health and Social Care Awards. Developing services for adults with brain Being accepted onto the Clinical Leadership injury and dysfunction secondary to sickle Fellowship programme has refreshed my drive cell disease to improve services and patient care. I also hope to raise the profile and the valuable contribution that Clinical Photographers make in the patient care pathway.


To undertake a feasibility study into clinical photography triage of dermatology referrals to secondary care with the aim to reduce outpatient demand and improve patient outcomes

5 South Cohort

Heidi Bartlet Elly Bittleston Children’s Occupational Sexual Health Nursing Therapist Profession: Nursing Profession: AHP

I completed an initial degree in Experimental I have wanted to nurse since I was 4 years old Psychology at Cambridge University and a few and was given a Nurse’s Uniform for my years later went on to take a diploma in birthday! Occupational Therapy at St. Loyes College, I trained at Guy’s Hospital and worked in Exeter. I graduated in 1993 knowing that I several London Hospitals in a variety of wanted to work with children and families. I specialities. I then took a break from nursing currently work in a community based team, and worked with a friend in a City Sandwich seeing children who have developmental Shop before Pret a Manger was even a dream. difficulties and disabilities, at home and in From there I worked in a Nursing Agency office schools, at our therapy base and on hospital rising to become a Regional Manager wards. The clinical work I do is wide ranging, responsible for 7 Central London Branches. from advising on major housing adaptations to providing advice on developing skills for day to After the birth of my first child I returned to day activities. I enjoy the practical problem nursing in 1992 and discovered Sexual Health solving approaches and the collaborative style Nursing which I love. I am currently of work we use to assist children to participate Sister/Manager of a busy Sexual Health and HIV as fully as possible in all they do. I have worked out patient clinic with 15,000 attendances a as a team leader for several years and I enjoy year and 25 mostly part-time staff from all challenging myself and supporting others in the disciplines. team to produce and deliver the best service we I am an active member of NHIVNA and the Pan possibly can. I like to bring both creativity and London Nurses Education Network (PlaNET) for sharply focused analysis to my work and look HIV and Sexual Health nurses. forward to the opportunity to focus on innovation. In my spare time I sing with an A Capella choir and enjoy our regular performances, I also Outside work, I enjoy village life in enjoy good food and wine and travelling to Cambridgeshire with my partner and our 15 search out and experience both of these. year old daughter.

Project Project To increase the number of HIV diagnoses in To establish and pilot a web based, Surrey, early diagnosis saves lives and educative and skill building programme that reduces stigma can be used by parents, and school staff to support children in developing their hand function skills, providing remediation through activity

6 South Cohort

Angela Burnett Zena Butt GP for Homeless People Audiologist Profession: Doctor Profession: Healthcare Science and Wider Healthcare Team

I work part-time at the Greenhouse Practice in I have worked as an audiologist at the Royal Hackney, providing a dedicated service for National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital since homeless people, vulnerable migrants and 1990, specialising in diagnostic audiology, people affected by drug and alcohol addiction. I auditory evoked potentials, clinical audiology am also lead doctor at Freedom from Torture, education and training. My role as head of supporting a large team of mainly volunteer department is to provide leadership and clinical doctors who assess health needs and document services for the Adult Diagnostic, Neuro-otology evidence of torture for survivors. I am a and Royal Free Audiology departments member of the Provision, Prevention and Promotion working group, part of the National Health Inclusion Board, whose aim is to reduce Project health inequalities and improve the health outcomes of the most vulnerable people in My project will focus on triaging society. potential/pre elderly fallers by means of a simple balance test. Straightforward Previously I have worked in Zambia, providing balance exercises will be provided to reduce health-care for people affected by HIV/AIDS the ‘fall risks’. and their families and researching collaboration between traditional healers and formal health If this project is successful, I anticipate workers. I have also worked in Macedonia significant reductions in the associated care evaluating a professional development costs and considerable improvements in programme for doctors and with Oxfam in quality of life issues for this group of Ethiopia, with people affected by drought and patients famine. With RETAS (Refugee Education and Training Advisory Service) I provided mentoring support for refugee doctors in the UK. I was the doctor for the British Winter Paralympic team for 6 years, attending Paralympic Games in Norway and France and numerous training camps in preparation. I love spending time with my husband and two daughters, our wider family (who are spread world-wide) and friends. Having completed the London marathon a couple of years ago I’ve now been advised to stop pounding the streets, so am keeping fit by cycling and dancing.


To develop the Greenhouse practice as a Social Enterprise and to improve the health of homeless people by increasing the number of people engaging with drugs and alcohol services, reducing avoidable emergency hospital attendances and admissions, improving hospital discharge arrangements for people who are homeless and Increasing service user involvement

7 South Cohort

Andrea Gook Hany Hafez Clinical Services Lead (Matron) Consultant Vascular Surgeon Profession: Nursing Profession: Doctor

I qualified as a Staff Nurse in 2001 and in I am a Consultant Vascular Surgeon working in February 2012 successfully progressed to a Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust. I am also Clinical Service Lead in Medicine. I came to the Clinical Director for the Sussex Vascular adult nursing as a mature student and thrive in Network and the Director for the Sussex a fast pace environment. My ambition to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening implement change has been driven by my Programme. I have a special interest in aortic desire for efficient care delivery and excellence surgery. As part of my role, I am helping with a in the clinical setting. Having worked front of major vascular service reconfiguration in Sussex. house on a busy Medical Assessment Unit and leading a nursing team as the ward Sister on a medical ward I am used to the feeling of Project frustration when changes are introduced which have not had the imput for those who will A new service model for the provision of eventually be expected to deliver the change. vascular surgery in this region I married my childhood sweetheart and have 2 grown up sons, and 2 cats. I love to be out running/jogging, depending on how athletic i'm feeling, with my friends, riding my new road bike or getting lost and stuck in marshes when I go orienteering. I am a geek at heart and am looking forward to the films about to hit the cinema screens.


To enable patient care pathways to be developed for all medical patients aimed at specific medical conditions, i.e Chest Sepsis, urinary Sepsis, acute alcohol admissions, acute delirium. The project will initially focus on medical care within the hospital. The aim of project in the future is to include the CCG/PCT to develop pathways prior to admission to support patients in the community and stop avoidable admissions to hospital.

8 South Cohort

Sandra Husbands Lorna Jamison Consultant in Public Health Children’s Clinical Team Manager Medicine Profession: Doctor Profession: Nursing

I am a consultant in public health medicine, I currently work as a Clinical Team Leader of Health working in the London Borough of Harrow Visiting and School Nursing (Public Health Nursing) since 2009. My work includes leading on long- covering the Borough’s of Runnymede and West term conditions prevention and self-care and Elmbridge in North West Surrey. I am responsible for the direct clinical management of 45 staff to ensure community development. I also provide the delivery of an effective outcome focused, public specialist public health support to healthcare health driven service that targets those most in need commissioning. My interest is in improving and looks to integrate with the wider social / primary health and improving health services, but I am a care agendas. My 4 skill mixed teams consist of doctor, who no longer sees individual patients – Health Visitor and School Nurse Specialist I have the whole population of Harrow as my Practitioners, Community Staff Nurses, Community patient! Nursery Nurses and Admin Support. I am passionate about developing people and I qualified as a nurse in 1982 having trained at Guy’s provide coaching/mentoring for health Hospital in London. Very early on I knew that my heart belonged in the Community and quickly professionals through the London Deanery undertook my Health Visiting Training at the Coaching and Mentoring Scheme for doctors University of Surrey qualifying in 1984. I practiced as and dentists, the NHS London Mentoring a Health Visitor for 20 years managing to have two Programme and Mentoring for Diversity children in that time as well as taking on extended Programme. roles including that of Teacher/Practitioner at the Frances Harrison School of Nursing in Guildford. I also coped with studying part time for a Ba (Hons) in Project Community Health and Nursing Studies graduating from Reading University in 2000 with a 2:1. I have Improving population health and clinical worked as a Clinical Team Manager for the past 8 outcomes through effective, rapid years. prioritization of healthcare resource My home life is hectic but enjoyable. I am now part allocation of a ‘blended family’ and have accrued two more children along the way making us a family of six. The children’s ages range from 22 down to 13. My two children are now embarking on their own exciting independent lives, my son hoping to go to Sandhurst and my daughter to Oxford University. I particularly enjoy holidays abroad, relaxing and socialising with friends and family. I am passionate about Early Intervention and Prevention. I believe that unless we prevent, identify and manage behaviour problems in children as early as possible we will continue to see school age children with severe emotional and behavioural issues and an increasing adult population unable to function in the working world and this belief has formed the basis for my choice of project.


To create a pathway for the early identification of Children at risk of serious behavioural disorders that once identified can be offered early intervention using a flexible multiagency practical approach to include joint referral, planning, review and maintenance that considers the needs of the whole family

9 South Cohort

Claire Madsen Elizabeth Mottram Consultant Physiotherapist and GP in the Oxford Deanery AHP Clinical Lead Profession: Doctor Profession: AHP

I qualified as a physiotherapist in Sheffield, way I qualified from Imperial in 2004 with my MBBS back in 1988. I have had a very varied career, and have enjoyed working in acute specialities working in secondary care, primary care, the in the NHS. private sector, private practice (in Luxembourg Last year I lived and worked in Chamonix, and Belgium) and for an HIV and AIDs charity. France where I was able to ski and climb to my This has given me a very eclectic skill set and a hearts content as well as gaining experience broad overview of the different ways in which working abroad as a doctor. Coming back into healthcare can be delivered. the NHS and deciding to become a GP has Currently I work for a newly created Social helped me focus on what is important to me at Enterprise as a Consultant Physiotherapist and a professional level. my specialist clinical area is neurology. As AHP I love sport and am a keen tri-athlete as well as Clinical Lead I am a member of a Clinical playing in my local village tennis team. I have a Cabinet (comprising Medical Director, wonderfully supportive husband and family Consultant Nurse, Medicines Manager and who I know will be a great help throughout the myself) and our role is Clinical advice and fellowship year. support to the Board, Senior Management Team and to support the Clinical Governance agenda. We also lead the education and training programme for clinicians. The Cabinet Project is a new structure and is a very exciting way of Improve quality of health care delivery to working. harmful and hazardous drinkers in the East Outside of work I live with my Danish husband. Berkshire PCT I enjoy reading, cycling and love travelling. We had a wonderful three months at the beginning of the year pretending we were young again backpacking around South East Asia.


My aim of my project is to introduce the concept of ‘self care’ to all of the managers and clinicians within our organisation and to deliver a training package and competency structure, based on the work from Co-Creating Health and Alf Collins that we deliver to all

10 South Cohort

Marcus Page Laura Parker Consultant Psychotherapist Team Lead for Early Supported Profession: AHP Discharge (ESD) Team for Stroke Profession: AHP

I am a Consultant Psychotherapist and have I graduated from the University of Edinburgh worked for Sussex Partnership Foundation NHS with a BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences and Trust for the past six years. I am based in Psychology. I then studied for a Masters in Chichester where I am professional lead for Language Pathology at the University of psychological therapies and a member of the Newcastle where I became a qualified Speech senior leadership team in an integrated and Language Therapist. My current specialism community secondary mental health is Adults with Long Term Neurological Assessment and Treatment Centre. My conditions. Clinically I also have experience psychotherapy training is in Group Analysis working in Paediatrics, Adults and Children which places emphasis on the social context with Learning Disabilities as well as generic and regards individuals as social beings first and Adult Speech and Language therapy. I currently foremost. This training has been invaluable for work for Anglian Community Enterprise my leadership role during a period of (Community Interest Company) managing the transformational change when staff have been ESD team. I have been responsible for setting challenged by the transitional uncertainties of the ESD team up in North East Essex, working new roles and tasks along with the loss of their closely with our Commissioners and other key ‘secure base’ of familiar team relationships and stakeholders. North East Essex were recent workplace. I seek to ensure that potential finalists for our integrated stroke pathway in tensions between staff of different disciplines, the HSJ Awards. created by changed service priorities and I have a keen interest in improving patient configurations, are contained and resolved experience and services. As a result I am a within the leadership team. My key clinical role member of the Emerging Leaders Network and is running groups for men with the diagnoses Clinical Leaders Network. I am looking forward of Anti-social Personality Disorder or Borderline to learning new skills whilst a Fellow which I Personality Disorder whose aggressive can take back to the workplace. presentation through desperation and fear of rejection becomes a self-fulfilling cycle. My insights have been developed from a Project professional background of a twenty year career in the child protection field where To re-evaluate the eligibility criteria for ESD disorganized attachment style is a frequent and redesign aspects of the stroke outcome of early childhood abuse and neglect. rehabilitation pathway delivered by Anglian Community Enterprise to ensure a more seamless pathway for patients that works Project more efficiently Develop a regular forum in which the shared interest of commissioners, service users and clinicians in improved outcomes is developed and where service user satisfaction is acknowledged as being key to this virtuous circle. The forums will serve to develop relationships, personalize feedback loops, challenge the usual divisions within the whole system and lead to improved outcomes for service users, increased job satisfaction for clinicians and achieving best value for commissioners

11 South Cohort

Umang Patel Laura Putman Paediatric Specialist Registrar Speech and Language Therapist Advanced Practitioner Profession: Doctor (Mental Health Team Lead) Profession: AHP

Since graduating from Medical I currently work as the team lead speech and School in 2004, I have followed a paediatric language therapist (SLT) for the mental health career pathway. Any medical job where you SLT team in South West Surrey. I graduated in could legitimately play on a playstation at work 2006 from the University of Central England was for me! Trusts I have worked at include; with an upper second in Bsc Speech and Imperial College Healthcare, Oxford Radcliffe Language Therapy. Throughout my career so far and Royal Berkshire. Currently I am a Neonatal I have been fortunate enough to work within fellow at St Peters Hospital, Chertsey. several different departments including Hereford, Leicester and Surrey (both North and Having been inspired during my training, I have South West). I have always worked with an sought to widen my sphere of influence and adult client group and more recently chose to get involved in projects that can help promote specialise in the mental health field. change for the better within the NHS. Our referral criteria means we see older adults Since moving from London to Surrey, I now find who are under the care of a community mental myself increasingly worried about the health team and need assessment / support for greenness of my lawn, my worsening golf their communication and or swallowing handicap and next doors cats digging up our difficulties. Our main client group is those with vegetable patch. dementia who are referred at any point in their condition from early onset to the advanced stages. Project When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time Service Line Reporting: Using SLR as a tool with my boyfriend, friends and family. A few of to engage clinicians, find efficiency savings, my favourite hobbies are swimming, skiing and help inform on decision making and cooking. I enjoy travelling the world and ultimately improve outcomes across a trust seeking new adventures and I love being active. You will often find me outdoors enjoying fresh air and seeing what the day has to offer.


My project is to provide educational support to care staff, improving the overall management of dysphagia in dementia. The aim is to reduce the client’s risk of aspiration, choking, dehydration and malnutrition avoiding hospital admissions from the community

12 South Cohort

Alex Ramsden Anita Ray-Chowdhury Consultant Plastic Surgeon Lead GP Profession: Doctor Profession: Doctor

I am a microvascular surgeon with a specialist Lead GP of an innovative practice in London, interest in complex orthopaedic bone and Anita has an interest in service development prosthetic joint infection. We are a dynamic within Primary Care. She has worked in a team of orthopaedic and plastic surgeons variety of international healthcare models. She working in conjunction with bone infection was the first doctor in the RCGP to go through physicians working in the country's only the "Vasco De Gamma Programme” in specialist unit dedicated to the investigation Portugal, where she worked on promoting the and treatment of patients with all aspects of transition of healthcare which was taking place bone or joint infection. Highlights of my career amongst GPs. She has recently come back from include the award of an MD from the University a placement at the New York City Health and of London, a successful year in Antarctica Hospitals Corporation, where she explored working for the British Antarctic Survey and a patient engagement tools in order to help the hugely rewarding microvascular fellowship at system move towards the Patient Centered the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Plastic and Medical Homes Model. Anita has also lead on Reconstructive surgical training in the North healthcare improvement projects in India and East was also brilliant fun. I am always Sri Lanka. through the Red Cross. interested in outdoor sports and have She is currently working within CareUK , which completed a channel swim in under 10 hours, helps her understand the challenges of setting climbed to 6400m in the Andes and raced in up Urgent Care Centres and how private mountain triathlons. I am lucky to be married services are integrating within the NHS. with 4 great kids. Future aspirations would be to get more involved with the strategic developments in Project Primary Care.

Transformation change of the Oxford Multidisciplinary Bone Infection Clinic to a Project patient centered super productive environment I am going to be developing a sexual health service at my centre leading in the treatment and diagnosis of chlamydia for patients in Wandsworth, which has one of the highest rates of chlamydia rates in London

13 South Cohort

Yamna Liv Simonsen-Burt Satgunasingam Theatres Team Leader Clinical Psychologist Profession: AHP Profession: Psychology

I am a chartered clinical psychologist working in I currently run the Gynaecology and Urology Essex in an adult community mental health team and operating theatres at the Royal Surrey County with older people's services. My main responsibilities Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and have the include undertaking psychological and/or cognitive privilege of leading a team of 11 terrific, assessments with clients, providing therapeutic dedicated theatre practitioners. We are building intervention, and supervising and training trainee clinical psychologists and other NHS professionals. I on our reputation as a national leader in also provide psychological input to the West Essex minimal access and robot-assisted surgery to Neurocognitive clinic. I am currently involved in a increase and continuously improve our service new initiative within the North Essex NHS Trust that to the public, including the current provides teaching and supervision in cognitive- development of a new cystectomy service to behavioural therapy to doctors and a range of other treat bladder cancer. NHS staff. This has been a very rewarding experience as this has contributed to increased psychological I qualified as an Operating Department knowledge and therapeutic skills among staff who Practitioner (ODP) in 1996. We are specialists in work closely with clients with significant mental peri-operative care. After spending a few years health needs. consolidating my experience I gained a further I initially undertook a four year undergraduate BSc qualification with Central Manchester (Hons) degree in Psychology at University of Surrey. Children's University Hospitals as a Surgical During my placement year I learned about the role of Assistant. In addition I trained with The Royal clinical psychology in the Ministry of Defence while College of Surgeons of England to learn various at an RAF mental health unit in Wiltshire and later at suturing techniques, drain insertion and the the Department of Neuropsychology, Addenbrookes application of diathermy. Hospital, Cambridge. In 1999 I spent seven months working as a volunteer for a mental health Previously I have managed the clinical aspects organisation in south India, going on to complete a of a dental implant service, and worked as a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at University College Surgical Assistant in Maxillo-Facial surgery, as London in 2003. To continue to develop my clinical well as developing advanced laparoscopic skills skills I undertook two further postgraduate diplomas in assisting for laparoscopic radical while working as a qualified psychologist. The first prostatectomy. Throughout my additional roles I was in Applied Clinical Neuropsychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London, have maintained my skills and interest in a passing with Merit, and the second in Cognitive broad range of specialties of theatre practice. Therapy at the University of Oxford. More recently I have enjoyed the challenges of assisting bedside in robot-assisted Outside of work I enjoy travelling in Africa and Asia prostatectomy, with the surgeon operating as well as mountaineering, climbing Ben Nevis in 2010, and hiking through mountains of South from a console away from the patient. America and Everest Base camp in Nepal. Other Taking part in this Fellowship is a fantastic highlights have included completing the London opportunity for me to develop as a clinical Marathon and spending four months living and leader and to gain valuable service working in Berlin. improvement skills. In addition I look forward to learning about how to involve patients in the development of our services. Project

To improve dementia care for patients in West Essex and improve services through Project examining referral pathways and making changes where needed, especially for those Transforming the patient pathway through with young onset dementia. There has been theatres to improve patient satisfaction, a recent review of older people's services efficiency and safety across the Trust which I will feed in to.

14 South Cohort

Frances Stevens Denise Thiruchelvam Clinical Lead Public Health Specialist Profession: Nursing Profession: Nursing

I am currently working with the Older Adult I currently work as a Public Health Specialist at Community Mental Health Team in Essex. I NHS Harrow. My portfolio includes Health have been in this role for just over a year but Protection, Maternity, Children and Young previously worked in Adult CMHT’s for the past people. Before this post I was a Health sixteen years and on in-patient units prior to Protection Nurse Specialist at North East and this. I have enjoyed participating in various pilot Central London Health Protection Unit, Health projects which have led to service development Protection Agency. I was the Health Protection and improved patient care. I am very excited Unit Lead for Gastro Intestinal Illnesses and about being part of this programme and can’t Children. Prior to that I worked in Health wait to start and meet my other Fellows. Visiting and Accident and Emergency in South London. I will apply the objectives of the fellowship into Project clinical practise, ensuring Public Health principles are integral to the commissioning Introduce Dementia training to Student process and supporting implementing research Nurse Programmes into clinical practise. I want to improve collaborative working with my fellow colleagues across NWL actively share best practise.


To prevent TB disease in high risk immigrants by using a care pathway for TB screening in Primary Care

15 South Cohort

John Thornton PhD Si Thu Win Consultant Clinical Scientist Specialty Doctor in General (magnetic resonance physics) Adult Psychiatry Profession: Healthcare Science Profession: Doctor and Wider Healthcare Team

I graduated in Physics with Electronics, and I have been a practicing Psychiatrist for over 10 undertook a PhD in the field of medical years having begun training on the St George’s imaging instrumentation at the University of scheme during the early part of my career. I Manchester Institute of Science and specialize in Inpatient and Home Treatment Technology. In the early nineties I joined the Team services for working age adults. department of Medical Physics and My duties very much include a leadership role Bioengineering at University College London, as supervising and training junior doctors and a post-doctoral research associate in projects medical students as well as providing senior applying magnetic resonance and spectroscopy expertise within the multidisciplinary team. methods to detect and monitor perinatal brain injury. After ten years or so this academic My job is challenging and rewarding and I enjoy research, having a strong patient-related working with my colleagues towards the translational focus, led to a career change ongoing goal to deliver the best possible service when I took an NHS post as physicist we can to our clients. To this end, I feel the supporting magnetic resonance imaging in the Leadership Fellowship offers an ideal Neuroradiology Department at the National opportunity for me to develop into a stronger Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, leader. Queen Square, London. I currently lead a small My interests include keeping fit and I regularly team of NHS Clinical Scientists and academic visit the gym. I’d like to think this gives me an post-docs, with the twin remits of clinical edge when I play football every Monday which service, providing technical support and can get very competitive! advanced imaging expertise, and patient- benefit related MRI physics research. My aim is through scientific innovation to deliver more Project effective and efficient diagnostic and treatment-supporting imaging methods. Using Alarm Alerts on patients’ mobile phones to help remind them it’s medication time Project

Data-driven efficiency improvement to reduce patient examination times in a neurological MRI service

16 South Cohort

Asta Valanciute Stephen Winchester CT3 Training in Psychiatry Specialty Registrar Profession: Doctor Profession: Doctor

I am a medical doctor (CT3) training in I am currently a specialty registrar training and psychiatry on the South West London and St working in clinical and public health medical Georges training scheme. I completed my virology. In addition, I am a trainee foundation medical training in the University representative and have recently initiated and Hospital of North Staffordshire. organised an upcoming RCPath virology training day for fellow virologists and During my foundation training, I developed an microbiologists in training. I originally studied interest in Neuropsychiatry and conducted Biochemistry as an undergraduate followed by clinical studies in Huntington Disease, which graduate entry medicine. Outside of work, were presented nationally and internationally. looking after my young family is most enjoyable Having been exposed to different healthcare and puts any free time I didn’t know I had to delivery systems both as a student, working in good use. I have previously undertaken a the hospice home support scheme in variety of sporting challenges and am currently Connecticut, and during my foundation devising and will be playing in a charity football training as an invited clinical observer in match-a-thon. Neuropsychiatry in Toronto, I am ideally placed to provide different insight and perspectives in the current climate of change within our health Project care system. Research and define a robust model for the My enthusiasm for clinical leadership and real time capture of viral genomes alongside management originated early in my days as a clinical and epidemiological data to medical student and evolved during my core enhance public health reporting and psychiatry training. Working on the frontline in management of virus infections the provision of health to patients at their most vulnerable of states, have reaffirmed my desire to play a more active role in the changes that healthcare delivery is undergoing at present. I believe that health care services can and should be delivering more efficient patient centred and value based care. My spare time is spent travelling and exploring different countries and their cultures. I enjoy new challenges in everyday life from extreme sports to diving in the unknown world of endless possibilities.


Mental Health Rehabilitation service review in Wandsworth: moving towards recovery focused and community based services

17 Midlands Cohort Midlands Cohort

Vazeer Ahmed Alison Bedford Emergency Medicine Consultant Russell Profession: Doctor Consultant Neonatologist Profession: Doctor

I am an emergency medicine consultant at I have been a neonatal consultant for 18 years Addenbrookes, Cambridge. I have been a in 4 different NHS Trusts: 2 in London and 2 in Consultant for the last four years and very the West Midlands. I avoided management excited to be studying fellowship in leadership. positions (except running infection related I am passionate about the young and ever research projects and Newborn Life Support growing speciality I work in. I intend to use training courses with the Resuscitation what I learn from the fellowship for the Council), until coming to the West Midlands in improvement in services within my trust. 2005. Since 2005 I have been the Education, Training and Workforce lead, and since 2008 the Project Clinical Lead, for the South West Midlands Setting up an ambulatory care service in our Newborn Network (SWMNN). Latterly I have trust. A good number of patients who been the neonatal surgical lead for present to the emergency departments can implementation of a West Midlands SHA be treated safely without admission to the project to reduce the number of out of region hospital. We have just embarked on transfers for neonatal surgery. I remain a hands- investigating and treating patients on neonatologist in an extremely busy tertiary presenting with cellulitis, pulmonary NICU. embolism and syncope without admission. I regard myself foremost as a housewife and At the end of my project my aim is to mother; I have 2 sons aged 20 and 17 years, a measure the effectiveness of the step-daughter aged 18 years and 3 dogs. The ambulatory care pathway house is always full of young folks and their music and energy. My husband is an academic paediatrician and we enjoy running, cycling, all spectator sports, theatre and music.


The development of Pan-Birmingham and Solihull Trust-specific maternity care pathways to align with newborn network care pathways, putting mothers and babies at the centre of what is required to provide the highest quality, safe and sustainable services

19 Midlands Cohort

Ashok Bohra Rachael Cook Consultant Upper GI and Senior Community General Surgeon Forensic Nurse Profession: Doctor Profession: Nursing

I am a Consultant Upper GI and General Since qualifying as a Registered Learning Surgeon since 2005. My clinical interest is Disability Nurse in 1998 I have worked within general surgery with specialist interest in Upper the NHS in a variety of services. I have managed GI cancer surgery (oesophago gastric) and respite services, an assessment and treatment advanced laparoscopic surgery. I started my unit for individuals with Learning Disabilities in consultant career in Wigan before moving to Birmingham and residential homes. I was later the midlands in 2009. I am based at the appointed as Clinical Lead for the assessment Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley and also and treatment services within Birmingham operate at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Community Healthcare NHS Trust, and was Birmingham. I am the Upper GI MDT lead for influential in the service redesign of traditionally my Trust. I am the Audit lead for my inpatient delivered services by developing a department. I am the surgical lead in the community pathway and outreach service Clinical Guidelines committee and also a provision. Further to the service improvement I member of the New Interventions Committee. I presented our experiences at a national have an active teaching and supervisory role. I conference and co authored a paper on the am an Associate Professor of Surgery for St. service evaluation. George’s University, Grenada and Honorary Since 2009 I have specialised in Learning Senior Clinical Lecturer for University of Disability Community Forensic Services. Birmingham. I have been appointed to the Currently my work involves delivering specialist Royal College of Surgeons Examiner’s panel and assessment and treatment intervention for the Quality Standards Advisory Board of NICE, people with a learning disability who have recently. offended or who are risk of offending. This role requires both direct service user contact and providing a consultancy role to other Project professionals and carers. Improve the output of Laparoscopic At present I am undertaking an MSc in Forensic Cholecystectomy as a day surgical Mental Health during which I have recognised procedure the developing nature of learning disability forensic services. With limited research and service provision in this field, I am keen to use my skills and knowledge to enhance service development, whilst maintaining my clinical contact with the service users whom I strive to improve services for. Most of my spare time outside of work is spent with my young family who manage to keep me very busy.


To develop a care pathway to offer a consistent and coordinated service response for all referrals made to the Learning Disability Forensic Service; offering an individualised intervention plan based on the needs of the service user whilst accessing the least restrictive environment

20 Midlands Cohort

Darren Cordon Terry Cordrey Senior NHS Audiologist Physiotherapist Profession: Healthcare Science Profession: AHP and Wider Healthcare Team

I have been employed as a Senior NHS I trained as a physiotherapist in London and Audiologist at the University of Leicester spent my formative years at Barts and the Hospitals Trust since 2008 and prior to that London NHS Trust specialising in Respiratory worked as an Audiologist at Nottingham physiotherapy with a particular interest in Audiology Services for 1 year. Before this I critical care. By chance, I found my true calling worked in finance, in private industry for 12 within emergency and acute medicine owing to years but decided to pursue a more fulfilling the wide variety of physical problems career and completed a four year degree course manifested from such a vast spectrum of in Audiology at De Montfort University, presenting problems and pathologies. graduating in 2007 with a first class honours I relocated to the midlands to pursue my career degree. development in this area of practice and now My clinical interests include paediatric/young lead a small team providing rapid access person hearing assessments, and this is an area therapy for emergency and urgent care services in which I am keen to develop further specialist at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS trust. skills. I am committed to research, particularly We offer a dynamic and responsive service patient-focused, and in 2010 I undertook a 6- specialising in effective discharge form acute month secondment with the National hospital and early restoration of physical and Biomedical Research Unit in Hearing at functional ability. Nottingham. During this, I completed a My professional interests lie in understanding research project investigating the relationship how the acute and chronic pathophysiology between adult patient’s cognitive ability and seen in emergency and acute medicine impacts their hearing aid outcomes, which is now being on human movement and function, and how reviewed at conferences and has been physiotherapy and occupational therapy can submitted to a national journal for publication. best prevent physical morbidity and restore In 2011 I took part in the NHS Improvement functional ability in unplanned hospital Programme working with colleagues at admission. Leicester audiology services to train GPs in the use of a hearing aid screening tool which has I have a passion for integrating good quality also been favourably received and reviewed evidence into practice, and endeavour to make nationally. this fundamental in everything we do as a service. I now live in Warwick and enjoy my time off Project work by playing golf, spending time with my family with particular interest in entertaining An evaluation, clarification and my 2 year old son. improvement of the patient pathway for the access to and management of aural care (dewax) Project

Provision of early integrated therapy (within 24 hours) intervention for older people to reduce physical morbidity and length of stay in unplanned hospital admission. QIPP: productivity

21 Midlands Cohort

Debbie Crewe Dr Chris Gillmore Occupational Therapist Principal Clinical Psychologist Profession: AHP Profession: Clinical Psychology

I qualified as an Occupational Therapist from I graduated from Royal Holloway, University of the University of Derby in 1999, following London with a B.Sc in Psychology and following which I worked in a number of areas including, this I worked with people with learning mental health, Intermediate care and amputee disabilities. During this period I completed an rehabilitation. M.Sc and developed my interest in working with staff teams and services to improve I am currently employed by Sandwell and West patient’s experiences. Since qualifying as a Birmingham Hospitals NHS trust as a Macmillan Clinical Psychologist I have been working in Occupational Therapist where I have spent the Adult Mental Health and more recently I have past 6 years developing a service that meets the completed specialist training in cognitive needs of oncology and palliative care patients behaviour therapy. I also have a particular admitted to the acute hospital environment. interest and expertise in working with survivors This has focussed on maintaining quality of life of psychological trauma. for those approaching end of life and achieving their preferred place of care on leaving hospital Presently I am a senior clinician within the which often involves a major logistical Psychological Therapies Service in Bath and I operation. In addition to managing a patient manage and supervise a number of staff. I am caseload I have additionally been acting up as leading a project to implement outcome the acute medicine team leader for the past 18 measures across our Trust in order to improve months and learning how to spin multiple and validate the quality of our services. I am plates in the air whilst pleasing everyone in the also an active contributor to the University of team!! Bath’s Clinical Psychology Training Programme, delivering teaching sessions, supervising In a bid to achieve some kind of work life trainees and collaborating on research projects. balance, outside of work I enjoy running, swimming, reading, baking, gardening and I have worked in the NHS for 14 years and as travelling up and down to the south coast with time has passed I have become more my husband to visit family and friends. passionate and committed to it. For me, becoming a Clinical Fellow is an exciting opportunity to help the NHS evolve and Project improve, whatever the challenges that lie ahead. Improve facilitation of palliative care Outside of work, I have a very supportive wife patients through the acute hospital and I am a proud father of two young boys. I environment through increased am an enthusiastic runner, having completed acknowledgement of their needs by the the Bath Half this year and I am aiming to beat whole MDT, with the aim of reducing my time when I run again in 2013! Prior to unnecessary delays and improving the becoming a psychologist I was a professional outcome of preferred place of care drummer and I enjoy playing in bands and performing live.


Create a new treatment pathway for mental health service-users with Complex PTSD using a phase-based approach and incorporating more targeted interventions to improve quality and improve efficiency

22 Midlands Cohort

Jacqui Gratton Rishi Gupta Clinical Psychologist Pharmacist Advanced for the Emergency Department Profession: Doctor Profession: Pharmacy

I am currently working clinically with adults I am currently working as the Pharmacist who have experienced traumatic and life Advanced for the Emergency Department at changing events such as childhood abuse, Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS domestic violence, war and torture. Often Foundation Trust. My job is varied and involves complex post traumatic stress disorder is the extensive ward based clinical work. I also have main issue but it is accompanied by other the opportunity to work with doctors, nurses difficulties and multiple losses. I provide and other health professionals to help shape supervision and teaching to colleagues. the service we provide on the ward and areas related. I have worked in this field since qualifying as a clinical psychologist with the University of East I studied my pharmacy degree at the University London and my research thesis concerned the of Bradford, completing my pre-registration impact of sexual torture on communities. training with Guys and St. Thomas’ Hospital Specialist therapy is often helpful at enabling and Boots the Chemists. I have worked at clients to find their own way forward and I Leicester Hospitals, first as a rotational passionately believe in the importance of clients pharmacist and then as a specialist surgical being able to access such therapy. My project pharmacist. involves my service continuing to provide In all of my varied roles within the NHS, I have effective therapy whilst making the service become increasingly interested in how clinical more efficient so that the waiting list can be leadership can make a difference to the patient reduced. journey, particularly at ward level. Outside work, I live with my partner and we In my time away from work, I like to keep fit, walk, jog or cycle through the countryside. I play badminton/squash occasionally and have a especially love walking in mountains and have keen interest in history of all types. introduced friends to the magnificent views whatever the weather. Some still haven’t forgiven me. Project

The impact of lost medication Project

To improve efficiency of service delivery and reduce waiting times for treatment of complex post traumatic stress disorder at a specialist clinic

23 Midlands Cohort

Evrard Harris Charmayne Healey CT3 in Psychiatry Speech and Language Therapist Profession: Doctor Profession: AHP

I have the pleasure of working in the I qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health 20 years ago and now lead a team of therapists Foundation Trust as a CT3 in Psychiatry – in the working in schools in Warwickshire. I enjoy very challenging but extremely rewarding working collaboratively with colleagues in Forensic CAMHS service at Ardenleigh Medium Health, Social Services and Education as well as Secure Unit. My day-to-day interaction with my in partnership with parents. I am particularly individual patients and exposure to the vast interested in developing others through training array of therapies highlighted the considerable and mentorship and in developing services to impact that behavioural family therapy can deliver better and more efficient care. have. Away from work I spend my time looking after Witnessing patient’s experiences of this therapy our horses dogs and chickens, supporting my and my reading around the subject has inspired daughters Polocrosse team and volunteering for me to seek additional training in the field, a various Pony Club events. commitment above and beyond what was expected of me. I attended the Meriden Behavioural Therapy course in February this Project year. Such was my interest and enthusiasm for the therapy, I was invited to undertake the Look into developing a means of gathering Training the Trainers course in March 2012. The patient reported outcomes alongside purpose of this course was not only to enhance already established data around clinical my understanding of family work from a outcomes. In addition our Trust is working practicing perspective, but also to better equip towards eRecords so my project will me to lead others in the provision of this incorporate developing a facility to collect therapy and its wider application by the all of this Outcome information on our Psychiatry profession. eRecord Mobile Working devices It is my day-to-day interaction with individual patients and exposure to a vast array of psychiatric therapies that has highlighted the considerable impact behavioural family therapy, the focus of my involvement in the leadership fellowship. Outside of work I enjoy travelling and following football and learning new languages. I am currently learning Portuguese in order to speak it fluently, in preparation of visiting Brazil for the 2014 Football World Cup.


To increase the awareness and improved implementation of Behavioural Family work within the Early Intervention Service in the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust as part of the NICE Guidelines

24 Midlands Cohort

Dr Andrea Lavinio David Lewis Critical Care Medicine and Consultant Community Anaesthesia Consultant Paediatrician and Clinical Director for Community Child Profession: Doctor Health Services Profession: Doctor I am a Consultant in Critical Care Medicine and Anaesthesia at Cambridge University Hospitals I have worked as a consultant in community NHS Foundation Trust. paediatrics in Worcestershire for the past eight I have a subspecialty interest in acute years and I have also recently taken on the neurological injury. I am active in teaching and responsibility of clinical director for community research and lecture and have published on paediatric as well as child and adolescent hydrocephalus, stroke, anoxic-ischemic mental health services. I completed most of my encephalopathy and traumatic brain injury. post graduate training in the West Midlands region having graduated from St George’s, London. I lead on the Quality and Safety Project committee for our service as well as the Research and Development group. The aim of this project is to minimise the delays between the publication of clinically My main clinical interest and drive is in the care relevant scientific evidence and its of children with long term neuro-disability implementation in clinical practice. Clinical including cerebral palsy. I work as part of a protocols and guidelines are mostly multidisciplinary team and feel passionately developed with a "top-down" approach by about ensuring the families of these children national institutions and consensus receive the most optimum care. conferences. The ambition of the project is Outside of work I am married with four children to develop a structured, collaborative, and so much of my time is spent ensuring they "bottom-up" approach integrating clinical get to their many activities! I am also a keen teaching and supervision with clinical runner and cyclist and have completed many protocol updates, tapping into the wealth long distance cyclist paths. of knowledge and resources available in the pool of consultants and trainees practicing and training in teaching hospitals Project

A complete review of the role of the consultant community paediatrician with consideration of how some of the role could be more efficiently performed by other team members

25 Midlands Cohort

Marcelle Michail Mary Montgomery Consultant Anaesthetist Paediatric Intensivist and Clinical Clinical Director Surgery and Lead, Kids Intensive Care and Critical Care Decision Support (KIDS) Princess Alexandra Hospital, Profession: Doctor Harlow, Essex Profession: Doctor I undertook my medical training in London, travelled much of the country and abroad as a I graduated as a Doctor in 1988 and began my trainee doctor, and returned to London from postgraduate training in the specialty of Toronto in 2002. I then stayed in London where "Anaesthesia and Critical Care". During my I took up a consultant post in the Children’s training I developed an interest in the field of Acute Transport Service (CATS) in 2004, and "Obstetric Anaesthesia". have spent the majority of my time in the I was appointed as consultant anaesthetist with transport side of caring for critically ill children a special interest in Obstetric Anaesthesia, at since. I moved from CATS in London in 2010 to Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow in year Birmingham to take up the role of Clinical Lead 2000. for KIDS, based at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. This was a new service, with single During this time I worked hard to develop both telephone number access to Paediatric Intensive my professional and managerial skills. I was Care (PIC) Consultant advice, PIC beds, trained appointed as the Lead for Obstetric transport teams, specialised ambulances and Anaesthesia the year I started and continued in equipment, and logistics, for clinicians that role for nearly seven years. throughout the West Midlands caring for Since then I took up the role of Rota critically ill children. The service has streamlined Coordinator for the anaesthetic department, the pathway of care for critically ill children in deputy lead doctor and sundry activities the region, providing paediatric intensive care representing my colleagues within our ‘without walls’, from the moment the child anaesthetic and Theatre Utilisation Committee. presents at the District General Hospital. Continuing service development is directed to Princess Alexandra Hospital, under the improvements in care which include all parts of leadership of a new Chief Executive Officer, the network. implemented a "Clinically Led Organisation". I felt that my professional and managerial Formative experiences as a junior doctor experience have developed to a point where I resulted in an aspiration to facilitate the highest can contribute to the efficient running of the quality of care for all. Through my roles at CATS organisation. This led me to apply and and KIDS I continue to strive to lead high successfully being appointed to the role of performing teams who provide the best Clinical Director for Surgery and Critical Care pathway for each patient, with quality and Directorate. efficiency and personal responsibility as core goals.

Project My husband and children provide enormous support, enrichment, distraction and havoc Implementing Enhanced Recovery with the assistance of various animals... Programme for major Colorectal, Orthopaedic, Urology and Gynaecological surgical patients. Project Develop an integrated clinical governance network across the region for children referred with critical care through a system of constant transparent, honest, multi- directional multi-disciplinary feedback and learning, which drives responsive patient focussed pathways unlimited by traditional boundaries

26 Midlands Cohort

Helen Morris Mary Passant Advanced Specialist Speech and Southern West Midlands Language Therapist, Learning Newborn Network Manager Disability Service, Somerset and Lead Nurse Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Profession: Nursing Profession: AHP

Since qualifying as a Speech and Language I currently work as the Manager and Lead Therapist from University College London nearly Nurse of the Southern West Midlands Newborn 30 years ago I have worked with children and Network based in Solihull. I have responsibility adults with learning disabilities both in this for a network of six NHS Trusts and 8 neonatal country and overseas. I am currently working as units plus a surgical neonatal unit paediatric ITU part of an integrated health and social care and a neonatal transport service. My role is to community team for adults with learning ensure we work together to improve the service disabilities in Somerset. People with learning and care for babies and families and reduce disabilities are among the most vulnerable neonatal mortality. people in society, however, increasingly, their My background is in paediatric oncology and I health needs are being recognised and worked for 16 years at Birmingham Children’s addressed. Hospital Paediatric Oncology unit before Providing a responsive service that delivers high moving into NHS management. quality care has always been my priority. In I am currently studying for my MSc in Complex recent years I have had the opportunity to Care in Children, Young People and Families specialise in the area of dysphagia (eating, programme at Coventry University. drinking and swallowing difficulties). Dysphagia can significantly impact on a person’s health I am the chair of the Midlands Neonatal and it is an area that carers may find Palliative Care Board and I am passionate about particularly difficult to manage. Currently the improving the service for families who lose evidence base relating to dysphagia and adults babies during the maternity and neonatal with learning disabilities is fairly limited. period. However, best practice suggests that reducing I am married with two grown up children!! I the risks of dysphagia to an individual benefits love to travel I am a regular visitor to the gym; I from a multidisciplinary approach. I believe that love the theatre, meals with friends and being the clinical leadership fellows programme will with my family. help to enhance my skills and understanding to collaborate with health and social care I am also a qualified Relate counsellor working colleagues with the aim of developing a with couples, families, children and young dysphagia service within adult learning people. disability services that is equitable across the rural county of Somerset and that reduces risks to health. Project Outside of work I have three children living at “Improving Neonatal Palliative Care for home and in any spare time that I have I enjoy Babies and Families” Neonatal care is a walking, gardening, travelling and spending challenging clinical landscape where the time with friends. primary aim of clinicians and care providers is to secure survival. Failure to survive can be associated with negative connotations. Project

To develop a countywide multidisciplinary, community dysphagia service for adults with learning disabilities

27 Midlands Cohort

David Pearson Andrew Perry Dentist Superintendent Radiographer Profession: Dentistry Profession: AHP

I qualified as a dentist in 2000 and gained my I qualified as a Diagnostic Radiographer back in Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training 1987 at what was then Central Middlesex in Oral Surgery earlier this year. I have Hospital School of Radiography. I spent the next developed a strong interest in anxiety 16 years working at various NHS hospitals management including sedation for dental within the M25; getting married, having two treatment and have been fortunate to lecture children and picking up an MSc in Nuclear nationally on the subject. Medicine along the way. In May 2003 we relocated to Herefordshire for quality of life My wife and I are based in the West Midlands, reasons. we have a young child and enjoy taking him running when the weather allows. I am a keen Although nominally Superintendent for Nuclear cyclist and have dabbled with triathlons but I Medicine in the past few years I have gradually feel any hopes of sporting prowess will be left moved back towards general management of to the next generation. the Radiology department, deputising for the Lead Superintendent in her absence. I am also clinical governance lead for the department. An Project increasing interest in the theory and practice of management led me to obtain a Professional Planning and Implementing a dental anxiety Certificate in Managing Health and Social Care / sedation assessment and treatment service with the Open University in 2007. within University Hospital Birmingham (UHB) In my spare time I enjoy hill walking with the family, live music, photography, playing guitar and bass, recording my own music and reading. I have no fear of computers!


Service redesign of the Radiology department to enable more efficient use of resources whilst improving diagnostic turnaround times and working towards increased seven day working within the department

28 Midlands Cohort

Amandip Sahota Sandy Shiralkar Specialty Registrar (ST7) in Consultant Surgeon Infectious Diseases and General Profession: Doctor Internal Medicine Profession: Doctor

I am a doctor training jointly in Infectious I have been a Consultant Vascular and General Diseases and General Internal Medicine within Surgeon for last ten years. I was appointed as a a busy unit at the University Hospitals of Medical Service Head for Surgery department in Leicester. As part of my daily work I manage April 2011. I have been a College Tutor and patients with a variety of acute, chronic and have been looking after the surgical trainees in tropical infections including TB, HIV, viral the department. As a vascular surgeon, I am hepatitis, and fever in the returning traveller. I interested in improving the vascular services for regularly lead the acute medical take, over- our vascular patients. seeing the care and safe patient flow of multiple patients who are often very sick with complex medical problems. I enjoy the diversity Project and challenge of this role, and it never fails to keep me on my toes! Redesigning of the Carotid Endarterectomy services in the Black Country Vascular I graduated from the University of Nottingham Network to meet the national targets in 2003 with an intercalated BMedSci degree. I have an interest in global health and policy, which has greatly influenced my career path. In-between completing junior medical jobs in the Midlands, I obtained the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and worked for a year in Australia as Medical Registrar in both a teaching and rural hospital. I have also obtained the Diploma in HIV Medicine, and recently returned from a fascinating clinical exchange programme in Botswana, organised by the British HIV Association. These experiences have allowed me to appreciate a variety of healthcare systems, with their own specific sets of challenges and benefits – and given me an excuse to travel and have plenty of fun alongside! I look forward to the fellowship and believe that it will help provide me with knowledge, skills and confidence to effect positive change in both the NHS and in lower-income healthcare settings abroad.


Design, develop and deliver an Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT) service for the trust and region. Aim to reduce the length of in-patient stay, avoid unnecessary admissions, decrease healthcare-associated infections, and improve patient experience for those requiring intravenous antibiotics.

29 Midlands Cohort

Paula Southwick Nurse Profession: Nursing

I came into nursing in 1985 because I wanted I have just finished my training as a coach and to be in a position in my career to feel that I have achieved an ILM level 5 qualification as a had made a difference in someone’s life. My career coach. The staff that have received this passion has grown over the years and my coaching have said that it has improved the particular interest is in service user involvement. quality of their work and their personal development and they have felt empowered to To further this passion I have worked with go forward with their career development. service users in the community and in the in- patient setting. When working on the wards I What I hope to gain from this programme is to set up the Star Wards initiative which has been develop my leadership skills and to be able to rolled out successfully across the trust. use these to improve services, quality of patient care and to continue to develop staff’s potential In the community I was involved in the and the NHS into the future. development of mental health awareness teaching sessions for disadvantaged groups such as refugees and asylum seekers. Project Between 2008 and 2011 I was given the opportunity to travel to Africa and take part in Set up a home treatment team for the development of the training of mental adolescents who have been discharged health nurses. The graduates from this course from the inpatient mental health unit will go on to set up the mental health services in Ethiopia, which is currently limited, within the next few years. This achievement gives me great deal of person satisfaction and has been a humbling experience which has helped me grow as a person and practitioner. The other area of interest that I have is in leading and developing staff. I was a Leading Empowered Organisations (LEO) facilitator. During this time I led training sessions for staff across the trust. LEO is a first line management course that helps empower others to become front line leaders.

30 Midlands Cohort

Jackie Stretton Jason Viner Lead Practice Educator Respiratory Physiology (Neonates) Department Clinical Lead Profession: Nursing / Lecturer Profession: Healthcare Science

I am a Nurse Educator currently working for the Jason is the clinical lead of the respiratory Southern West Midlands Newborn Network. physiology department at the North Bristol My professional background is Paediatric Lung Centre located at Southmead Hospital in Nursing / Midwifery and Nurse Education, with Bristol. He has a special interest in cough and much of the focus on neonatal care and its causes and challenge testing. specialist education for Neonatal Nurses and He has a keen interest in clinical teaching and is Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners a lecturer at the North Bristol Academy. He also (ANNPs). Whilst working for the University of forms part of a respiratory research team. Birmingham I undertook an MPhil researching the role development of ANNPs and transition He is currently the honorary treasurer and to practice. I left my University role in 2007 to member of the executive board for the join the Newborn Network working alongside Association of Respiratory Technology and colleagues delivering neonatal care in the West Physiology (ARTP). Midlands region. My main focus of activity is His hobbies are cycling and growing his own centred on developing and delivering strategy fruit trees and bushes. for multiprofessional education across the Newborn Network.

I am also an honorary lecturer at Coventry Project University, jointly delivering an on-line Neonatal Palliative care module and a member of the Utilisation of digital technology to increase Centre for Children and Families Applied and improve respiratory patient diagnostic Research (CCFAR). data transmission I live with my family in a small country village on the Warwickshire / Leicestershire border. I am very interested in natural history, especially fish and birds. I keep tropical fish, tortoises and a cat! I also enjoy swimming and cycling.


Developing a Network Strategy to Expedite Safe and Timely Discharge Of Neonatal Patients From Acute Settings Into The Community

31 Midlands Cohort

Lisa Wilson Family Nurse, Family Nurse Partnership Profession: Nursing

I am a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife. I have been working for the FNP in Nottingham since 2008. My role is to deliver the FNP programme to young parents living in the inner city. The aims of the programme are to improve pregnancy outcomes, improve child health and development and improve parents economic self sufficiency. I have worked with the National Unit to develop a programme to deliver Family Nurse Partnership Group based care. I am passionate about my work and I am proud of what my clients have achieved. I am married and have two boys. One is off to university this September so I shall be very poor for a few years. I am a fitness fanatic and love skiing.


To use my learning and skills to establish a pregnancy birth and beyond programme in Nottingham. Having the right motivations and skills to facilitate group work within a hard to reach community has a real positive impact on peoples lives

32 North Cohort North Cohort

Julia Addams- Lucy Allsopp Williams Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist FRCS (ORL-HNS) Profession: Doctor Profession: Doctor

I graduated from the University Of Wales I'm a consultant in Child and Adolescent College Of Medicine in 1999 and subsequently psychiatry, working on an adolescent inpatient developed an interest in Ear, Nose and Throat unit in Nottingham. I've been a part of the Surgery. Having now completed my surgical multidisciplinary team on this Tier 4 ward since specialty training, I am now doing a fellowship 2008, having previously held consultant posts in otology/neurotology at The Royal Hallamshire in a Looked After Children CAMHS team in Hospital in Sheffield. Nottinghamshire, and in a community CAMHS team in Oxfordshire. My main interests include ear surgery and lateral skull base surgery. I have previously I graduated from medical school, including an undertaken research on balance rehabilitation intercalated BSc in psychology, at King's and cochlear implantation. I also have a post College London and did my core psychiatric graduate certificate in medical education and training on the St George's scheme. I moved to have a keen teaching interest. Cambridge for higher training in child and adolescent psychiatry, and completed my Away from work, I enjoy hill walking and horse qualifying training in systemic family therapy riding. with KCC just as I started my first consultant post in Oxfordshire. Project I am now the training programme director for the higher training scheme in CAMHS in the Introduce a change in the management of North School of the Trent Deanery, having been nosebleeds in the setting in order to reduce involved in undergraduate and postgraduate the number of hospital admissions training throughout my consultant career. I teach systemic therapy and of all the fulfilling aspects of my job, training others in systemic family work is the most enlivening.


Redesign the care pathway for the inpatient unit, in newly built premises

34 North Cohort

Elizabeth Angier Keri Brearey GP Nurse Profession: Doctor Profession: Nurse

I am a general practitioner who is currently I am a Registered nurse for people with working as part of a large multidisciplinary learning disabilities. Currently I am the Clinical team in an Allergy Unit in Sheffield. Team manager in a busy multi disciplinary LD CAMHS team with in the North East. The team I trained in general medicine in Australia prior work with children and young people up to the to entering general practice. age of 18 years old and their families in I have interests in integrated care, education, community settings. I have a particular interest service delivery, health policy and guidelines. in improving the experience of Children and young people who access Mental Health I am Chair of the Primary Care Group of the services, I have lead on introducing Investing in British Society for Allergy and Immunology, and Children within the team. Chair of the Sheffield Faculty of Royal College of General Practitioners. I am married with 2 children and I spend lots of my leisure time taking my children to various I am also a member of the European Academy activities. As a family we enjoy caravanning and of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and am mountain biking which goes a little way to part of their primary care task force. keeping us fit, we also enjoy spending time I have been an Expert resource for the Clinical with our Labrador Ella. Innovation and Research Centre at the RCGP with previous involvement in projects such as Map of Medicine. Project I have lectured widely and enjoy participating in Looking at improving patients experience interdisciplinary debates and presentations. and participation in their care within the LD I am committed to improving the care of CAMHS team Allergy patients in primary care. I hope to continue to work on improving communication between generalists and specialists, as a cohesive approach is particularly important with the current changes in health care. Outside of work my interests include photography, films and theatre.


Improve the patient journey in allergy services

35 North Cohort

Steven Buckley Mike Bullock Pharmacist Physiotherapist Profession: Pharmacy Profession: AHP

Having studied at the University of Brighton, I I am the Out-patient Clinical Lead qualified as a pharmacist in 2003, and moved Physiotherapist at City Campus, Nottingham into the specialty of mental health the University Hospitals. I qualified from Queen following year. I am currently a Lead Mental Elizabeth School of Physiotherapy in 1991 and Health Clinical Pharmacist for Cheshire and completed my MSc in Manipulative Therapy at Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. My Coventry University in 2001. I specialise in role is to organise and lead the delivery of lower limb orthopaedic assessment / clinical pharmacy services for a number of management and am involved in the training of inpatient units, as well as several Community Postgraduate students from the University of Mental Health Teams, based at Macclesfield Nottingham and provide clinical mentorship for General Hospital, Cheshire. Previously, I have Masters’ degree students from across the UK. I worked as a Senior Clinical Pharmacist for recently won a CLAHRC research into practice Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, and as a award which allowed me to evaluate exercise Clinical Pharmacist for Bolton, Salford and therapy in elderly patients with knee Trafford Mental Health Trust. osteoarthritis and I now plan on translating this into our service delivery. I am an accredited member of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy, having gained I work with a highly motivated team who are accreditation in 2010. keen on developing research and clinical effectiveness within our department. Our I am married to a pharmacist, Marie, and we caseload is variable and involves have two young daughters Isabella and Evelyn. musculoskeletal trauma, elective surgery and Although being a dad takes up the majority of Primary Care referrals. my spare time, I enjoy fine dining, as well as live music and comedy. Further, I am an avid Outside of work, I enjoy time with my family supporter and former season ticket holder of and no longer enjoy renovating a house which Manchester United Football Club. should have been finished 12 months ago. I love all sorts of outdoor sports and 2 years ago I completed my first ironman triathlon. Project

A review of prescribing practice related to Project depot antipsychotic medication, in order to improve cost and clinical effectiveness, and To increase the uptake of long-term exercise patient experience in patients with chronic musculoskeletal problems by improving the transition from physiotherapy to community exercise schemes and voluntary support networks

36 North Cohort

Michael Caygill Rebecca Dawber Speech and Language Therapist Assistant Director for Physical Health Care and Infection Profession: AHP Prevention and Control Profession: Nursing

I am a specialist Speech and Language I have been working as a Registered General Therapist working with patients with head and Nurse in mental health services for the last 11 neck cancer and voice disorders in North years having started my career in A&E nursing Staffordshire. in 2001 following graduation with a BSc (Hons) degree at Salford University. Throughout my After graduating with an MA English from The career I have always had a keen interest in University of Aberdeen in 1994 I qualified with improving physical health care for the users of an MSc Language Pathology from Newcastle mental health and substance misuse services University in 1997, where I then worked as a and have spent many years committed to research assistant for three years. My speech improving the treatment they receive. therapy career has taken me from Sunderland in Wearside to Auckland in New Zealand, back In 2006 I completed an MSc in Advanced to Newcastle upon Tyne and now to Stoke on Practice Health and Social Care graduating with Trent. distinction from Salford University. Following completion of this quickly followed by a non- I am enthusiastic about improving the medical prescribing course, I worked as an objectivity and reliability of our assessment Advanced Nurse Practitioner in a regional drug techniques, particularly with patients who have and alcohol, in-patient detoxification facility difficulties eating and drinking; I am the lead often working at the interface between clinician for our speech therapy led medicine and nursing. videofluoroscopy clinic, and most weeks I will end up in a lead coat in the x-ray department. In 2009 I was the winner of the Nursing Times Award for mental health having completed a I am the department’s thespian, often found on project which analysed the liver function of stage in my adopted home town of Stone. service users with severe alcohol dependency. Alternatively I will be out on my bike, probably This innovative project culminated in more towing my five year old son behind me, integrated working with our acute care although he assures me he is doing his share of colleagues and significantly improved outcomes the pedalling. for patients. Approximately 1 year ago I was appointed into Project my current post as Assistant Director for Physical Health Care and Infection Prevention The provision of Fibreoptic Endoscopic and Control at Greater Manchester West Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES), in order to Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. This improve the quality of assessment and exciting yet challenging new role means that I management of patients with oro- am now responsible for leading the whole pharyngeal dysphagia. physical health care agenda within my organisation and as such am responsible for the delivery of a quality account for physical health care and the achievement of several quality milestones relating to physical health care. Outside of work I enjoy travelling, being outdoors, going to the gym and having fun ballroom and Latin American dancing.


Improving access to physical health care for users of mental health and substance misuse services

37 North Cohort

Achyut Guleri Claire Hammill Consultant Clinical Speech and Language Therapist Microbiologist Profession: AHP Profession: Doctor

I joined Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS After graduating with BMedSci (Hons) in Foundation Trust in 2006 as a Consultant Speech Science and qualifying as a Speech and Microbiologist and have recently stepped into Language Therapist in 2001, I have worked in the role of Head of Department – acute various clinical roles whilst employed by three laboratory medicine [aka clinical director – different NHS Trusts across the North West of pathology]. I am the lead microbiologist for England. I have always worked with families tertiary care haematology and Lancashire from areas with high levels of deprivation. cardiac centre. There is a strong link between economic deprivation and speech and language Having done my medical graduation from difficulties in children. I became passionate University of Rajasthan Medical School in India, about ensuring services are accessible for all I remained on the faculty of Department of families based on clinical need. I specialised in Microbiology, SMS Medical School and Early Years and enjoyed developing innovative Hospital, Jaipur [India] for 9-years before service provision through funding from Sure accepting the position of Head of Clinical Start and Children’s Centres. I completed some Mycology, Dammam Central Hospital for further study at John Moores University looking Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia and then at applying principles of public health within moving to the United Kingdom. Speech and Language Therapy. During the last 6-years I have led a team and I am currently employed by Bridgewater team worked on several multidisciplinary, Community NHS Trust, Halton and St Helens patient centred and patient safety initiatives. Division. I held the post of Clinical Team Lead, Our team was awarded the HCAI [healthcare temporarily, managing 13 staff before going on associated infections] technology innovation maternity leave for the second time. More award 2009 by department of Health for most recently I have been involved in developing new outstanding use of technology to reduce MRSA service provision for children with specific significantly. We were invited to share our language impairment. Currently, I have a experience and best practice at the European particular interest in Autistic Spectrum Disorder Union parliament, Brussels on a roundtable and providing support for families whilst session on patient safety and HCAI across EU. accessing the multi-disciplinary diagnostic My areas of special interest at work are clinical pathway. mycology, patient safety and reduction in I enjoy supporting the learning and avoidable mortality, reduction in HCAI and development of others and empowering staff antibiotic resistance. Outside of work, my to strive for the best possible service for better three-quarters and 14-year old son have families. been indulging in a challenging annual 40-mile walk from Keswick to Barrow-in-Furness for the last 6-years. I have tried my hand at learning Project piano from my son’s teacher, having played Indian classical sitar in my last life. To improve the quality of the support and intervention that young children with ASD/possible ASD and their families receive Project from Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) whilst they are undergoing diagnosis or To provide clinical leadership and ensure post-diagnosis by the multi-disciplinary quality and patient centred delivery of team (MDT). This may include engaging services within the transformational project commissioners, gaining user views, of pathology rationalization of services developing evidence based clinical across two trusts guidelines that consider best use of skill mix across the MDT and piloting a new intervention

38 North Cohort

Christine Hinde Tim Lacey Occupation Therapist Chartered Clinical and Counselling Psychologist Profession: AHP Profession: Psychology

I am a Senior Occupational therapist working in I am a Chartered Clinical and Counselling community adult mental health. I work for Psychologist working in Adult Psychology in Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Redditch Worcs. I have a wide background in Trust. I have been in my current post in an Psychology having worked in Learning assertive outreach team for the past 8 years. I Disabilities, Child and Adolescent Services and have developed a special interest to promoting Older Adult Teams. I have a special interest in service user artists and their art work across Autism, Psychosis, and Neurodevelopmental Sheffield and throughout our Trust. This has concerns. I regularly hold workshops on lead to forming a Creative Arts Steering Team working and diagnosing Autism both in the (CAST), made up primarily of service users keen NHS and in the private and voluntary sector. to promote arts and help shape and deliver Recent publications include work on new services. assessment models for adults with Asperger Syndrome and Parental Empathy training. My project here is to raise awareness of Attention Project Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) within adult mental health services in the NHS. ADHD To help CAST develop into a more robust despite being well recognised within child group which will eventually be service user services is poorly recognised in adult services led and will generate an income through and often misdiagnosed and mistreated. The selling art and providing services to other cost for misdiagnosed individuals is often huge service users leading to severe mental health problems, substance abuse and often criminal behaviour. The accompanying cost for families and for society is equally huge.


Raise the profile of ADHD as a condition, and improve the confidence of clinicians, to both diagnose it, and work effectively with it. Related to this is the belief that effective treatment of ADHD is related to a wider vision of mental health where more information about conditions leads to a more effective treatment of those conditions, which in turn adds to the improved health and happiness of society as a whole

39 North Cohort

Joanne Machon Daniel Maughan Midwife Specialty Registrar in General Adult Psychiatry Profession: Midwifery Profession: Doctor

I have worked for the NHS for 23 years, firstly I am a doctor (ST5) training in general adult as a nurse and then a midwife. I work as a psychiatry in Oxford Deanery. My current job specialist midwife for teenagers. I have been involves working with patients with severe and married to Chris for 19 years and we have 2 enduring mental illness such as severe beautiful children Kate age 16 and Oliver age depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. I 15. work in both in-patient and community settings. I studied medicine at Cardiff University. I applied for the programme as I have a real After graduating in 2006 I completed my passion for leadership and feel it is something I Foundation Programme in Cardiff working in a use everyday. Effective leadership influences variety of specialties including Medicine, performance and therefore enhances patient Surgery, and Psychiatry. In 2008 I moved to care. Oxford for Core Training in Psychiatry. During this time I developed a research interest in Project social psychiatry, particularly into the recently introduced community treatment orders. I also Will look at improving the knowledge and have an interest in teaching and participate in understanding of the new parents on tutoring, lecturing and examining students at discharge from the maternity unit, to the Oxford University medical school. I started community. This includes looking at an advanced training in general adult psychiatry in effective, efficient way to deliver this August 2011, and expect to complete my package of care training in 2014. I am a big fan of reading history and like nothing more than visiting a city with some sites of historic interest, drinking in the local culture and enjoying many good espressos.


Integration of the out of hour’s psychiatric services in Oxfordshire. The aim is to improve patient flow and optimize quality of assessment. Change proposal is to design and implement a shared triage system between doctors and nurses for the out of hour’s service that will allow greater flexibility between healthcare professionals involved.

40 North Cohort

Joanna McDonald Michelle Morgan Physiologist and Cardiac Advanced Therapy Practitioner Services Manager in a Falls and Fracture Service Profession: Healthcare Science Profession: AHP and Wider Healthcare Team

I am currently employed as Senior Chief Cardiac I qualified as an OT 10 years ago. Since Physiologist and Cardiac Services Manager at qualifying I have had numerous roles, from a Sunderland Royal Hospital. This encompasses the rotational OT in my local hospital to a operational management of all non-invasive cardiac Condition Management Practitioner (working diagnostics and the Cardiac Cath Lab. I manage a with the DWP), to then being a Clinical Lead in multidisciplinary team whilst maintaining a clinical a Neuro Rehabilitation Centre, to then working role. I started my career in physiology in 1997 and over the last 12 years have worked within City as a Case Manager on a Emergency Admissions Hospitals Sunderland, where every day brings a new ward (back at my local hospital) to now… challenge. I have always enjoyed my job and am working as a Advanced Therapy Practitioner in fully committed to it. I actively participate in the a Falls and Fracture Service. I have enjoyed my North East SHA physiological leads group, diverse roles and feel working outside of the representing cardiac physiology and have been traditional ‘OT’ role has made me a more involved in a number of projects such as improving rounded, holistic practitioner. I am a strong quality in physiology diagnostics (IQIPS) with the believer in self management and Royal College of Physicians. I feel passionate about empowerment and believe this is the only way developing physiologist led services and have for client’s to take responsibility for their own implemented improvements in this area, in health and not become dependent on NHS particular the concept of palpitations and services. arrhythmia clinics, valve assessment clinics and complex echocardiography. I feel that the skills and the specialist knowledge of Project the healthcare science workforce could be harnessed across all disciplines in adopting The project is called ‘Community Buddies’. innovation in patient care. I am interested in this The idea is to recruit a team of Volunteers fellowship and the evolving role of clinical to help maintain client’s once rehabilitation leadership within healthcare science, bringing programmes have finished. Many client’s forward the wealth of experience and knowledge deteriorate once discharged from NHS that could be utilised by the NHS. I expect that I will services some going back to pre rehab further enhance my pride in healthcare science and embrace the opportunity that this new leadership state. Many get re referred back into NHS programme brings. services creating dependency and a revolving door scenario. The Community Outside of the workplace, I enjoy spending time Buddies have been trained and recruited to with my family and friends and going for long avoid this happening. We are also walks with our dogs in the countryside and coast promoting self management by recruiting around the North East. I’m an active rugby supporter and a novice referee getting stuck in ‘ex-client’s’ as Buddies. I am passionate when I can. I love long haul travel and going off the about this project and feel it will be beaten track, there’s always a new adventure to be successful as I believe that with input from had! Volunteers post rehab programme client’s will maintain the improvements made and even better they may improve further. Project

Excellence in health, putting people first in improving quality of care across a range of patient pathways. Adopting innovation and implementing a right place, right time, right person strategy, facilitating enhanced access to physiologist (healthcare scientist) led services, reducing length of wait and stay by offering one stop clinics and equitable access 7 days a week.

41 North Cohort

Katja Norse Sanjay Rawal Senior Clinical Vascular Scientist Consultant Paediatrician Profession: Healthcare Science Profession: Doctor and Wider Healthcare Team

I am a Clinical Vascular Scientist and the I have been a consultant paediatrician in Basildon Assistant Vascular Studies Unit manager for Hospital for over two year. I have been working University Hospital of South Manchester as Locum Consultant and now have been offered (UHSM) and the private vascular ultrasound substantive post recently. I studied in medical service provider IVS Ltd. school in Jammu, India. I have done my Paediatrics training in London, UK. I gained my full professional accreditation from the Society of Vascular Technology (SVT) of GB My special interest is Diabetes and urgent care. I and Ireland in 2004. I am currently studying the was appointed as Lead Consultant for acute care final phase of my Masters degree in Medical earlier this year. I also chair critical care Paediatric Imaging. steering group for trust. I am passionate about the improving clinical services and patient The majority of my work is clinical; performing experience. I am also interested in teaching, ultrasound investigations and providing management and leadership. ultrasound guidance during minimally invasive I am interested in developing integrated urgent endovascular procedures. I also teach trainee care pathways and will like to work closely with vascular scientists and act as an internal and commissioners in developing them. I have already external assessor for vascular scientist taking developed and rolled out high-flow pathways for their final practical SVT examinations. 5 common illnesses in Paediatrics in Basildon I am motivated when providing quality care to Hospital. my patients. The role of the vascular scientist is My wife is local GP who has helped me to give evolving I want to lead change so that all insight in primary care. When I am at home all my patients will benefit from quality care. time is for my 16 month old daughter. I spare In my personal life I am keen to be involved some time for my other passions walking and with my son’s education and I actively take part gardening. in school fundraising events. To stay fit, I attend Pilates classes, fitness boxing, boot camp style Project training sessions and I ride horses whenever the opportunity arises. Development of short stay Paediatric Unit


I have identified a service priority area in our unit to effectively diagnose and treat patients with varicose veins in atypical locations such as buttocks, upper thigh, vulvar and perivulvar regions. The project aim is to successfully implement integrated diagnosis and treatment pathway and to replicate this in other units in the North West

42 North Cohort

Ashok Sharma Wendy Tasker Consultant Psychiatrist Advanced Practitioner Acute Stroke Profession: Doctor Profession: Nursing

I am a consultant psychiatrist working in adult I have worked in the NHS since 1986, my career urgent care services in Sunderland. I was born has mainly concentrated on nursing acutely and brought up in India and completed my unwell medical patients, and the last 10 years I graduation and post- graduation from AIIMS, have predominately worked with acute stroke New Delhi. Following this I was practising in patients, taking a lead role in developing and one of its satellite cities and came to UK to redesigning local services to improve our work as a consultant psychiatrist in 2004 patient pathways and outcomes. A constant through the International Fellowship scheme. throughout my nursing career is my interest in developing myself and others. Professionally I am interested in acquiring more skills in recognising and treating comorbid Apart from being a nurse I am busy with family mental conditions. Recently I have developed life, the best way for me to unwind is to spend interest in Adult ADHD and trying to start a time with family and friends particularly my 6 service in my locality. My other interests are year old daughter. related to gaining an understanding of current socio-economic changes and Indian music. Project

Project Streamlining patient pathways by developing improved multidisciplinary To reduce length of stay in working age communication processes adult acute psychiatry ward to 21 days while delivering a safe and effective service of high quality

43 North Cohort

John Taylor Louise Whittaker Consultant Vascular Surgeon Paramedic Profession: Doctor Profession: AHP

I qualified from Liverpool Medical School in 1993 I am a clinical supervisor and paramedic within and completed my surgical training within the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust. I have Mersey higher Surgical Training Program. During worked for the service for over 12 years, and this time I was fortunate to be able to complete a have recently undertaken and completed the research fellowship in the Price Institute for Advanced Healthcare Practitioner MSc at the Surgical Research at the University of Louisville, University of Huddersfield. During the first two Kentucky which enabled me to obtain my ChM years of the course I worked within a GP degree. practice one day per week, under the I moved to the South West in 2007, to begin my mentorship of a GP. I developed an interest in Consultant post in Barnstaple as a consultant the specific needs of mental health patients, General Surgeon with a special interest in and chose to undertake my dissertation in this Vascular Surgery. I was soon appointed Clinical area. My project is based on the outcome of Lead for General Surgery and since my that work. appointment I have undertaken several service When I am not undertaking my role as a clinical improvement projects ranging from increasing submission to speciality based audit, improving supervisor, I am also a senior staffside patient pathways for stroke patients and acted as representative within Yorkshire Ambulance the Hospital lead for the National WHO checklist Service. Having completed the Masters this implementation project. Recently as a result of a year, leisure time is a new concept - I enjoy divisional reorganisation I have been appointed as reading fiction, films, socialising with friends the clinical director for the Division of Surgery and visiting my family in France and the South of England when I can. I enjoy going to the In my spare time I have enjoy sea angling and still gym, but probably go less frequently than I regularly train in martial arts ranging from Karate, should. I also have an English springer spaniel Kobudo (weapons) and Iaido (Japanese Sword) who demands exercise, so we spend a lot of time walking! Project

Survey to explore reasons behind blocks in Project appropriate referral to secondary care for intervention in a range of conditions with Enable ambulance clinicians to accurately chronic wounds. triage and assess mental health patients through both telephone and face to face Significant numbers of patients remain within contact, using a triage tool designed for the the primary care setting needing frequent specific needs of mental health patients. dressings for chronic wounds when simple This would enable clinicians to refer specialist review with or without interventions patients to either secondary or primary care may lead to early healing and the avoidance based on need and within set timescales, of long term complications. The presumption using evidence based practice. It would also would be that early intervention leads to reduced reliance on primary care for ongoing meet the needs of patients based on studies treatment. The project aims to explore undertaken both nationally and abroad, as reasons behind the apparent reluctance in the well as government strategies such as ‘No primary care setting to refer on for specialist Health without Mental Health’, and develop review and to assess whether care pathways understanding of mental health issues for these groups of patients could be amongst ambulance clinicians improved, leading to reduced reliance on primary care nursing time

44 North Cohort

Gang Xu Nephrology Trainee Profession: Doctor

I qualified from Leicester Medical School in 2005. I have been lucky enough to have worked in a large number of different fields before deciding to specialize in the area of renal medicine. I have always been interested in teaching, and have recently completed in a diploma in medical education. It is this interest in teaching which has lead me to become excited about learning how to improve patient care through innovative changes in clinical practice. I very much look forwards to developing my leadership skills, and learning from some great clinical leaders during the course of this fellowship!! Outside of work I spend far too much time and money (as my wife will testify) on photography, taking my camera gear with me everywhere I go. A recent visit to the Olympic stadium gave me the perfect opportunity to add to my photo collection as well as camera equipment!!


Improving outcomes in acute kidney injury through earlier specialty engagement

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