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LAND RECLAMATION, CURRENTLY MINED LAND (Ac.) 544 - 1 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PRACTICE STANDARD LAND RECLAMATION, CURRENTLY MINED LAND (Ac.) CODE 544 DEFINITION • Federal Register Vol. 64, No. 124, Tuesday, June 29, 1999/Notices, pages Reclamation of currently mined land to an 34770-34778. acceptable form and planned use. • 30CFR780.15 - Air pollution control plan PURPOSE • 30CFR701.5 - Definitions: Fugitive dust • Prevent negative impacts to soil, water Develop a reclamation plan that is consistent and air resources in and near mined areas with the site capability, the planned land use and the landowner’s conservation objectives. • Restore the quality of the soils to their pre- Include the practices necessary to reclaim and mining level stabilize the mined areas to prevent further • Maintain or improve landscape visual and degradation of soil, water, air, plant and animal functional quality resources. Dust control. Control the generation of CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES particulate matter and fugitive dust during removal and replacement of soil and other This practice applies to currently mined land. materials. Detail the practices and activities It includes the identification, removal, necessary for dust control in the plans and stockpiling and replacement of soil materials, specifications. and revegetation. This practice also applies to nearby non-mined areas adversely affected by Site preparation. Properly identify areas for the mining activities. preservation including those containing trees, vegetation, historic structures, stream corridors, natural springs or other important CRITERIA features. General Criteria Applicable to All Purposes Remove trees, logs, brush, rubbish and other Plans must comply with all applicable Federal, debris from disturbed areas that will interfere State and local laws and regulations relating to with reconstruction and reclamation mining and mined land reclamation. operations. Dispose of these undesirable Applicable laws and regulations include but materials so they will not create a resource are not limited to the following. problem or interfere with reclamation activities and the planned land use. • Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA), 30 U.S.C. 1201 et Land Shaping and Erosion and Sediment seq. Control. Shape the land surface to provide adequate surface drainage and to blend into • Federal regulations related to the the surrounding topography. Use erosion reclamation of prime farmland, including, control practices to reduce slope lengths 30 CFR 785.17, 816.22, and Part 823. where sheet and rill erosion will exceed acceptable levels. Conservation practice standards are reviewed periodically and updated if needed. To obtain NRCS, NHCP the current version of this standard, contact your Natural Resources Conservation Service State Office or visit the electronic Field Office Technical Guide. August 2006 544 - 2 Use sediment trapping practices such as filter disturbance other than removal of woody strips, riparian forest buffers, contour buffer plants and debris. strips, sediment basins or similar practices to If the area is prime farmland follow a trap sediment before it leaves the project site. reclamation plan prepared according to 30 Establish drainage ways with sufficient CFR Part 823. capacity and stability to carry concentrated runoff from the reclaimed area into receiving For soils that are not prime farmland, develop streams without causing erosion. a reclamation plan prepared according to 30 CFR Parts 780 and 816. Establishment of vegetation. Do site preparation, planting and seeding at a time Separate soils identified with high electrical and in a manner to ensure survival and growth conductivity, calcium carbonate, sodium or of the selected species. In the plans and other restrictive properties, and treat if specifications, identify the criteria for practicable. successful establishment of vegetation such Removal of overburden material for use as as minimum percent ground/canopy cover, topsoil. Selected overburden materials can percent survival or stand density. be substituted for or added to the A and B Apply soil amendments and or plant nutrients horizons if field observations and/or chemical as appropriate, according to the requirements and physical laboratory analyses demonstrate of Conservation Practice Standard 590, that the material, or a mixture of overburden Nutrient Management. If the recommended and original topsoil, is suited to restoring the fertilizer rate exceeds the criteria in capability and productivity of the original A and Conservation Practice Standard (590) Nutrient B horizon material. Analyze overburden Management, use appropriate mitigating materials for pH, sulfide content, organic practices to reduce the risk of nutrient losses matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, from the site. sodium absorption ratio, electrical conductivity, texture and available water holding capacity. If Select plant materials suitable for the specified the overburden material is determined to be end land use according to local climate suitable for topsoil, remove and separate from potential, site conditions and local NRCS other materials and replace according to the criteria. Identify in the plans and specifications requirements for topsoil placement. the species, rates of seeding or planting, minimum quality of planting stock, such as Storage of soil materials. Stockpile soil PLS or stem caliper, and method of materials to be used as topsoil until they are establishment. Use only viable, high quality needed for reclamation. Locate stockpiles to seed or planting stock. protect against wind and water erosion, dust generation, unnecessary compaction and Use local NRCS criteria for seedbed contamination by noxious weeds, invasive preparation, seeding rates, planting dates, species or other undesirable materials. depths and methods. Replacement of soil material. When placing Additional Criteria to Restore the Quality of cover materials, treat graded areas to Soils to Their Pre-mining Level eliminate slippage surfaces and promote root Removal of soil material for reconstruction. penetration before spreading topsoil. Complete a detailed soil survey of the Spread topsoil so the position and thickness of proposed mine area if suitable soils each horizon is equivalent to the undisturbed information is not available. Use the soil soil without causing excess compaction. survey information to determine the extent and location of prime farmland soils. The moist bulk density and soil strength of the reconstructed soil must support plant growth at Remove all upper soil horizons from the a level equivalent to that of a similar layer in project area that are suitable for reconstruction undisturbed soil. before blasting, mining or any surface NRCS, NHCP August 2006 544 - 3 Additional Criteria to Maintain or Improve determine the feasibility of using overburden Landscape Visual and Functional Quality materials. Reclaim the site to maintain or improve visual The reclamation of mined lands provides an quality based on the scenic quality of the opportunity to increase carbon sequestration. reclaimed site as well as the function of the Choose species such as deep rooted site for the end land use. Plan the reclamation perennial grasses and trees to increase the to be compatible with the topography and land carbon sequestration potential of the reclaimed cover of the adjacent landscape. Focus on site. areas of high public visibility, and those offering direct or indirect human and wildlife Maintenance activities will need to be done on benefits. a regular basis after the initial reclamation to ensure success. Include stabilized access Grade and shape spoil piles and borrow areas roads to allow access to the site without to blend with the adjacent landscape causing erosion problems topography to the extent practicable. Reclaimed mine areas can provide important Develop a planting plan that mimics the wildlife habitat. Improve the potential for species, arrangement, spacing and density of wildlife habitat by establishing diverse plants growing on adjacent landscapes. vegetation types, including water in the Choose native species of erosion control reclaimed landscape, increasing edge effect vegetation and other plant materials where and diverse land forms.. Avoid monocultures practical. Arrange plantings to screen views, of vegetation if possible. delineate open space, act as windbreaks, serve as parkland, wildlife habitat or protect Reclaimed soils are often low in organic stream corridors. matter. The use of organic soil amendments such as manure, compost, mulch or sewage sludge can contribute to the success of CONSIDERATIONS vegetative establishment by increasing soil Prior to mining, develop a conservation plan organic matter. that can be used by the landowner as a guide Every effort should be made to utilize native, for the development of a reclamation plan with non-invasive vegetative species. the mining company. Consideration should be given to washing all Improper locations for the storage of soil equipment utilized in the project activities material, access roads and permanent before leaving the site. impoundments can cause serious erosion and sedimentation problems. Locate these PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS activities where runoff and sedimentation can be more easily controlled before it enters Prepare plans and specifications for each streams or leaves the site. treatment unit according to the Criteria, Considerations and Operation and Soil permeability is often a problem on Maintenance
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