A House Fit for a Queen:Wingfieldhouse In Tacket Street,Ipswichand Its Heraldicroom
A HOUSE FIT FOR A QUEEN:WINGFIELDHOUSE IN TACKET STREET,IPSWICHAND ITS HERALDICROOM byDIARMAIDMACCULLOCHANDJOHN BLATCHLY 'At Ipswich the Queen lodged in the house lately built by Sir Humphrey Wingfield to be fit for any degree of wealth or rank whatsoever, as I believe, with the intention that the first- fruits of the presence of the most excellent queen in all Europe on the morrow of her victory might be a perpetual distinction to his son Robert Wingfield . So wrote the Suffolkhistorian Robert Wingfieldof Brantham, swellingwith pride that he had been host at his Ipswichhome to Queen Mary on the morrow of her successful coupd'etatagainst the Duke of Northumberland in 1553.2All but a vestige of the original house has been demolished over the centuries, but fortunately what remains in 1992 is of great interest and significance.Substantial parts of the carved oak panelling from the principal room The Great Parlour' line the WingfieldRoom in Christchurch Mansion, Ipswich, and other traces of its lost grandeur surviveelsewhere,together with some documentary accounts. This room, which was the particular glory of the house, had some remarkable painted inscriptions which together with a richly ornate heraldic ceiling formed one of the most spectacular of such ensembles in Tudor East Anglia. It is the object of this paper to assess the dating and significanceof what was displayedin the room and to establishthe importance of one of Ipswich'salmost vanished historicbuildings. I THE SETTING:THE LOCATIONOF HOUSEANDROOM There is a good deal of confusion about the exact positions and extents of the mansions of three eminent and wealthy Tudor worthies who lived as near neighbours in St Stephen's parish in Ipswich.