P The GNI Principles at Work PUBLIC REPORT ON THE THIRD CYCLE OF INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENTS OF GNI COMPANY MEMBERS 2018/2019 cmyk / RGB BK / GREYSCALE SOCIAL Lorem ipsum D35852 ED6345 5566AD 347587 298VA0 59C5CE E6EBEF 705C6B E6EBEF A563A2 825B7A 63C3A4 4A936A A6CE40 Global Network Initiative The GNI Principles at Work Public Report on the Third Cycle of Independent Assessments of GNI Company Members 2018/2019 Follow Us Twitter: @theGNI Facebook: #theGNI Contact Us 718 7th Street NW Washington DC 20001 202-793-3053
[email protected] globalnetworkinitiative.org Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 1) Introduction 4 2) 2018/2019 Assessments 9 Assessor Findings 12 Process Review 12 Case Studies 16 Company Determinations 48 Facebook 51 Google 55 Microsoft 59 Millicom 63 Nokia 67 Orange 71 Telefónica 75 Telenor Group 79 Telia Company 83 Verizon Media 86 Vodafone Group 89 3) Improvement Over Time 92 4) Lessons & Opportunities 101 5) Looking Ahead 106 Appendices 110 Appendix I: Acronyms and Abbreviations 110 Appendix II: Assessment Review Recommendations 111 Executive Summary This is the public report on the 2018/2019 independent assess- implement the GNI Principles on Freedom of Expression and ments of 11 member companies of the Global Network Initiative Privacy (“the GNI Principles”). This report marks the third cycle (GNI): Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Millicom, Nokia, Orange, of GNI company assessments. Based on a detailed evaluation Telefónica, Telenor Group, Telia Company, Verizon Media, and of confidential reports prepared by independent assessors, and Vodafone Group. This assessment cycle covered a two-year the querying of the assessors and member companies, GNI’s period, from July 1, 2016, to July 1, 2018 (“the assessment multistakeholder Board of Directors reviewed the assessments period”).