Theosophy V7 1918-1919
The Theosophical Movement The Brotherhood of Humanity The Study of Occult Science and philosophy, and aryan literature Vol. VII, 1918-1919 Published and Edited by THE UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPHISTS, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA $2.00 PER ANNUM-SINGLE COPIES. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Generated for deveneyjp (University of Chicago) on 2015-11-19 14:42 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / Theosophy Brinton Jones. Business Agent A monthly magazine devoted to the promulgation of The osophy as it was given by those who brought it. The subscription price has been fixed at $2.00 per annum. Subscriptions may begin with any desired number. Infor mation as to Back Numbers furnished upon application. Contributions intended for publication should be sent in not later than the 15th of the month preceding issue. Writers should in all cases retain copies, as no manuscripts will be returned. Subscriptions, contributions, and communications of every nature, should be addressed to Theosophy 504 Metropolitan Building, Los Angeles, California. The Parent Theosophical Society was formed at New York, U. S. A., in 1875. by H. P. Blavatsky, with whom were associated William Q. Judge, Henry S. Olcott, and others. The defined Objects of the Society were as follows: I. To form a nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of Hu manity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color. II. The study of ancient and modern religions, philoso phies and sciences, and the demonstration of the importance of such study ; and III. The investigation of the unexplained laws of nature and the psychical powers latent in man.
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