

Minutes of Meeting held on Monday, 9 January 2017 at 7.00 pm in the Council Chamber, The Braid, 1-29 Bridge Street,

In the Chair: Cllr Mrs A Wales, MBE, Mayor

Vice Chair: Ald W McNeilly, Deputy Mayor

Present: Ald Mrs M Beattie Ald R Cherry, MBE Ald S Hanna Ald S McDonald Ald G McKeen Ald Ms G Mulvenna Ald T Nicholl, MBE Cllr Mrs B Adger, MBE Cllr B Ashe Cllr Ms D Anderson Cllr J Brown, MBE Cllr Mrs B Clyde Cllr B Collins Cllr T Gaston Cllr R Glover Cllr Miss P Hardy (to 9.14pm) Cllr B Henry Cllr J Henry Cllr Miss C Johnston Cllr R Logan Cllr P Maguire Cllr W McCaughey (to 8.37pm) Cllr J McKeown Cllr Miss L Millar Cllr S Nicholl Cllr D O’Loan Cllr P Reid Cllr P Sinclair Cllr Mrs A Smyth Cllr J Stewart Cllr A P Wilson Cllr D A Wilson Cllr Mrs R Wilson

In Attendance: Ms A Donaghy Chief Executive; Mrs K Hargan Director of Organisational Development and Community Planning; 2 FC/01/17

Mrs P Allen Head of Regulatory Services; Mrs B Candlish Head of Leisure, Arts & Culture; Mrs S Fisher Head of Policy, Research & External Affairs; Mrs V Law Head of Communications; Mrs L Hunter Committee Administration Manager; Ms R Hosseini Committee Administrator.

Press: Three representatives of the Press were in attendance to 9.17pm.

The Meeting was upstanding to receive the Mayor and Mace.

The Mayor informed everyone present that the meeting would be recorded. This recording would subsequently be made available for public listening on the website.

Before commencing her Report, the Mayor welcomed Members to the first Meeting in the newly refurbished Council Chamber. She extended thanks to all those who had been involved in the renovation works and offered her appreciation to the Chamber Design Working Group.

The Mayor also extended, to all Elected Members, Staff, Press and the citizens of the Borough, her wishes for a happy and healthy New Year. She hoped that 2017 would bring a very prosperous year for the Borough, both for the success of local businesses and that of ’s economic growth and that together Council would make Mid & East Antrim Borough an even better place for its citizens, visitors and investors.



The Chief Executive read the Notice of Meeting.

Mayor’s Remarks

Sympathies AD/SF

On behalf of Council, the Mayor extended deepest sympathies to Council staff who had recently suffered bereavement:

 Carol Jenkins, whose husband had passed away. Carol was based within the Operations Waste Department in 3 FC/01/17


 Jacqueline Reid, whose father had passed away. Jacqueline was based within the Economic Development unit in Ballymena as an Economic Development Assistant.

They Mayor also extended deepest sympathy to Ald John Carson and his family circle, on the passing of his mother, advising that Council’s thoughts and prayers were with the family at this difficult time.

All those present stood for a minute’s silence.

Congratulations/ Events

Queen's New Year’s Honours List -

On behalf of Council, the Mayor congratulated the following people from the Borough who had received Honours in the Queen’s 2017 New Year’s Honours List:

Officers of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)

Mrs Lynda Ann Bonner- Founder, National Nursing and Midwifery AD/SF Nursing Network, for services to the Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism (Ballymena).

British Empire Medal (BEM)

i. Mr John Scott Mitchell, for voluntary service to the community AD/SF in Northern Ireland through Volunteer Now (Carrickfergus).

ii. Mrs Florence Elizabeth Ann Tinsley, for services to music and the community in Glenarm (Ballymena). iii. Mrs Joan Guiller- Manager, Drop Inn Ministries, for services to Humanitarian Aid and the community in Carrickfergus.

iv. Mrs Mary Knox, for voluntary services (Ballymena).

Cllr Mrs Clyde congratulated all of the recipients, in particular Mrs Knox, for her voluntary work within the Borough.


The Mayor reported that she had been delighted to attend the Ballymena Polish Saturday School's Annual Christmas Nativity Concert, with Jackie Patton, Head of Community Planning on Saturday 17 December. This had been a thoroughly enjoyable 4 FC/01/17

morning and the young people had made everyone feel very welcome.

The Mayor advised that she had a very full diary in January and she looked forward to getting out and about throughout the Borough, as well as welcoming visitors and investors.

Meet the Buyer Workshop

The Mayor was pleased to confirm that Council had successfully secured the interest of a number of key employers, including Terumo BCT, Ulster University Rainbow Communications, Mooney Hotel Group, International Airport, P&O, Port & Harbour, Moy Park, Onecom and Caterpillar, who would be attending the “Meet the Buyer” Workshop in Willowbank Business Park, Larne on 26 January 2017. Negotiations were ongoing with other organisations interested in meeting small businesses who would have an opportunity to supply their goods and services to those large buyer organisations. The Mayor advised that she looked forward to officiating at this event on behalf of Mid & East .

Mid and East Antrim - The Happiest Borough in the UK

The Mayor advised Members that a recent Halifax Bank survey had revealed that adults in Mid and East Antrim Borough had the highest average rating for overall ‘life satisfaction’ in the .

According to the survey results, adults in the Borough had an average rating of 8.4 out of 10 while the UK average was 7.7 and adults in Mid and East Antrim Borough also believed that what they did in life was ‘worthwhile’. This was the highest average rating in the UK, officially making Mid and East Antrim residents the happiest adults.

This was the second such acknowledgement of overall ‘happiness ratings’ for local people, as back in September a survey by the Office for National Statistics also revealed Mid and East Antrim Borough to be the happiest place in Northern Ireland and the second happiest in the UK.

The Mayor remarked that this was another great reason for people to come and live in the Borough.


Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs L McClurg, Ald Mrs M Morrow, Ald J Carson and Cllrs N Jordan and Dr M McKinty. 5 FC/01/17


Members and Officers were invited to declare any pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests, including gifts and hospitality, they may have in respect of items on this Agenda.

Ms Donaghy declared an interest in Agenda item 12.2 - Invitation to Mayor and Chief Executive to visit Sister Cities in order to re- forge links and to re-sign partnerships.

The Mayor declared an interest in Agenda item 12.2 - Invitation to Mayor and Chief Executive to visit Sister Cities in order to re-forge links and to re-sign partnerships.


4.1 Minutes of Council Meeting – 05 December 2016

Tabled and previously circulated - Minutes of the Council meeting held on 05 December 2016.

On the proposal of the Mayor, seconded by Ald McNeilly, it was

Agreed: That the Minutes be approved and adopted.

4.2 Minutes of Audit and Scrutiny Committee – 15 December 2016

Tabled and previously circulated – Minutes of Audit and Scrutiny Committee held on 15 December 2016.

On the proposal of Cllr O’Loan, seconded by Cllr A P Wilson, it was

Agreed: That the Minutes be approved for accuracy and adopted, with the following amendments/addition;

Page 4, 4.1 (a) Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

Cllr O’Loan referred to the reference in the recommendation point (i) “That Council conduct an independent investigation into procurement processes…” and highlighted that this was not a general investigation but related specifically to a tender which AD/SF had not been properly awarded and this should be clarified.

It had also been agreed that the Terms of Reference of the AD/SF investigation would include an examination of who had knowledge of this error when awarding the tender and at what stage and proper steps to be taken internally to address the error as it was 6 FC/01/17


Cllr O’Loan also referred to the recommendation contained within the related Decisions Log “that Council seek legal advice in AD/SF relation to whether/how to inform the firm which had wrongly lost a tender” and asked that this be included within the recommendation within the Minute.

Cllr O’Loan advised that, as Chair of the Audit & Scrutiny SC Committee, he wished to further express and have his view AD/SF recorded that he felt there should be a moral duty on Council to inform the company which had lost the tender, of this matter.


4.3 Minutes of Policy and Resources Committee – 20 December 2016

Tabled and previously circulated – Minutes of Policy and Resources Committee held on 20 December 2016.

On the proposal of Cllr McKeen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Adger, it was

Agreed: That the Minutes be approved for accuracy and adopted.


5.1 Chief Executive’s Meeting with Permanent Secretaries

Ms Donaghy advised that the 11 Council Chief Executives had met with the Permanent Secretaries from across the Executive to discuss how to build upon the relationship between local and central Government. It had been agreed that they would meet three times a year to discuss working together, their roles and Community Planning. There had also been discussion in relation to the Regional Rate, the difficulties faced and the increasing role of local Government in terms of delivery. It was further agreed that the 11 Chief Executives would take a lead role in respect of the 14 outcomes within the Programme for Government.

In closing, Ms Donaghy advised that she felt that these Meetings were a positive step in building a strong Government.


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6.1 Attendance by Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris at Public PCSP Meeting

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

The Mayor was pleased to report that the Deputy Chief Constable, Drew Harris, had attended the Private Policing Committee meeting and the Public PCSP Meeting held in Larne on 4 December 2016. The Private Policing Committee Meeting had provided Members with an opportunity to discuss a range of policing and community safety issues in Mid and East Antrim with Deputy Chief Constable Harris. The meeting was well attended by Elected Members along with Independent Members and Statutory Partners and the opportunity for engagement with such Senior ranking PSNI personnel had been very welcome.


6.2 Approval of Draft Community Plan to issue for consultation

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

The Mayor was delighted to inform Members that the draft Community Plan for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council was ready for consultation. She advised that under The Local Government Act (NI) 2014, Council had a statutory duty to initiate, maintain, facilitate and participate in the community planning process for the Borough and as such the recommended consultation period proposed was between the 10 January to 7 March 2017.

Referring to the proposed arrangements for the consultation process, the Mayor advised Members that three public consultation events had been scheduled, one for each of the main towns within the Borough.

The Mayor spoke of the importance of the draft Mid and East Antrim Community Plan for consultation and she noted that the consultation process was using a variety of methods to ensure that Council engaged with as many people as possible; she encouraged people to get involved as this Plan would shape the future objectives for Mid & East Antrim Borough and its citizens.

Cllr Mrs Wilson expressed her thanks to the Officers, Members and the outside bodies involved in the creation of the draft Community Plan.

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On the proposal of Cllr Mrs Wilson, seconded by Ald Mrs Beattie, it was AD Agreed: That Council approves the draft community KH plan to be issued for consultation for the period 10 January to 7 March 2017 in line with the consultation arrangements detailed within the report.

6.3 Approval of Draft Performance Improvement Plan to issue for consultation

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

The Mayor reminded Members that the aim of the Draft Performance Improvement Plan was to demonstrate continuous improvement in Council’s performance and delivery. It outlined specific actions and measures for this continuous improvement and was based on Mid and East Antrim’s Community Plan themes and the strategic priorities set out within Mid & East Antrim’s Corporate Plan.

This Plan would be published and would be audited by the Local Government Auditor on an annual basis and was subject to an annual audit report.

On the proposal of Ald McKeen, seconded by Ald Mrs Beattie, it was

Agreed: That Council approves the Draft Performance Improvement Plan 2017/18 and issues it for AD public consultation for an 8 week period. KH

6.4 Update on key issues arising from the Corporate Workshop held on 21 December 2016

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

The Mayor advised that she had thoroughly enjoyed the Corporate Planning Workshop which had been held on 21 December 2016 and it had been great to see so many Elected Members attending and participating in the strategic discussions around the future for Mid & East Antrim. The circulated Report provided Members with the outcomes of the workshop and Members were asked to note progress and the way forward in relation to the Corporate Plan’s Indicators and the Corporate Planning process and template.

On the proposal of Cllr Reid, seconded by Ald Mrs Beattie, it was

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AD Agreed: To approve the Community Planning Timetable for KH Consultation and the direction of travel for both the LW Economic and Tourism Strategies.

Cllr Gaston referred to the reference to the “unknown consequences” of Brexit within the Economic Development Strategy and remarked that, as Council had passed a Motion in support of Brexit, Council should be positively highlighting the AD opportunities arising from Brexit in future documents.

Ald Ms Mulvenna commended the Officers for their hard work in respect of the Corporate Planning Workshop.

Noted and Agreed.

6.5 Councillor Workshop on Local Development Plan (Preferred Options)

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

The Mayor referred to another key strategy document for Council, the Local Development Plan, which allowed Council to plan the space of the Borough. Such was the significance of this document, Officers had organised a series of ongoing workshops. Two workshops had already taken place and were well attended by Elected Members who had contributed to shaping the needs of the Borough. The third workshop relating to the environment and countryside would be held on 23 January and the fourth workshop on policy review of the Planning Policy Statements would be held on 2 February. The Chief Executive had arranged to have formal invitations circulated and encouraged as many Elected Members as possible to attend.


6.6 Establishment of a Northern Ireland Strategic Waste Delivery Group

Ms Donaghy advised that a Regional Waste Management Action Plan had been developed by local Government and agreed by all 11 Councils; it had then subsequently been agreed by the Department as the way forward in terms of the strategic management of waste in Northern Ireland. In order to oversee delivery of a Regional Strategy for Waste, a delivery group had been established and Ms Donaghy advised that she had been selected to be part of the group as a Chief Executive lead. She advised that she would report back to Members through the Operational Committee. 10 FC/01/17



7.1 Approval of Council Expenditure

On the proposal of Cllr O’Loan, seconded by Ald Cherry, it was

Agreed: That the December 2016 payments be approved as follows:

General Revenue Wages £ 586,290.89 SC Salaries £1,403,042.57 Suppliers £3,001,140.19 Total £4,990,473.65

7.2 Sealing

The Mayor reported that there was one item for sealing;

 The Control of Acupuncture, Cosmetic Piercing, Electrolysis, AD Tattooing and Semi-Permanent Skin Colouring Byelaws 2017.

Following Council approval on 10 August 2015, these Byelaws had now been confirmed by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.


7.3 Request for Councillors to work with the Chief Executive on a review of Christmas Light Switch-Ons 2017

The Chief Executive reminded Members that, at the November Full Council Meeting, it had been agreed that Council would commence an overview of Christmas lighting at an early stage, in terms of Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. Ms Donaghy explained that any recommendation would be subject to Full Council discussion and decision.

Cllr S Nicholl asked that the group’s remit include a wider look at the whole issue of lighting and the period leading up to Christmas and the Mayor confirmed that this was the intention.

Cllr B Henry thanked Ms Donaghy for bringing this matter forward and, whilst supportive of measures to increase footfall to the town, particularly during the Christmas period, he was of the 11 FC/01/17

opinion that no event should impact upon the significance of Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday.

Cllr Henry spoke of the sacrifice made by many during the conflicts. He urged Council not to let any other event take away from the act of remembrance for those who had given their lives.

Nominations to work with the Chief Executive in respect of Christmas lighting were received as follows;

Nominee Proposer Seconder Cllr Miss Millar Cllr S Nicholl Cllr Stewart Cllr Gaston Ald McDonald Cllr Mrs Wilson Ald Carson Ald McKeen Cllr Mrs Clyde Cllr B Henry Cllr Gaston Cllr Collins

Cllr Maguire suggested that Members consider viewing the engineered Christmas trees in Newtowncrommelin, Glenravel and Martinstown and he also requested that consideration be given to new Christmas lighting/decorations for Glenravel. AD

Noted and Agreed.


8.1 Carnfunnock Country Park Caravan And Camp Site Pricing Policy

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

Members were advised that approval was being sought for the Carnfunnock Country Park, Caravan and Camp Site Pricing Policy to take effect from 1 March 2017. The only variation from the

current policy was in the timeframe for cancellation for

caravans/motorhomes bookings from 5 days to 72 hours and for tent bookings from 72 hours to 48 hours; this was in-line with industry standard practice.

Cllr Ashe queried why the Camp site was not opening the week before Easter, instead of the Wednesday after Easter. He also felt that the site could not be adequately benchmarked as the other sites were not of a similar star rating and he advised of his preference for a small incremental fee increase.

It was therefore

Agreed: That Council approves the cancellation policy revisions from 5 days to 72 hours for PT caravans/motorhomes and from 72 hours to 48 hours 12 FC/01/17

for tents and approves the Carnfunnock Country Park Caravan and Camp Site Pricing Policy, to take effect from 1st March 2017, subject to the application of an incremental price increase in line with inflation.

It was also agreed to check why the Camp site was not opening the week before Easter, instead of the Wednesday after Easter.

Noted and Agreed.

8.2 NILGA correspondence on Entrepreneurship in Council/SME Development

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

Members’ attention was drawn to an invitation from NILGA for Council to be a NI Municipal Partner in the iEER Project effective from January 2017. iEER was an Interreg Europe funded flagship project bringing together 10 regions around Europe. Initiated by a group of regions awarded with the European Entrepreneurial Region label, iEER would define smart paths and solutions to boost regional entrepreneurship ecosystems supporting young entrepreneurs. Mid & East Antrim had already been involved in supporting the regional work and progress to date. Council would incur no cost and would gain from developing enterprise links in neighbouring regions.

Cllr Miss Johnston felt that this was an excellent Project.

It was therefore

Agreed: That Council accepts the offer from NILGA to be a NI AD Municipal Partner in the iEER Project from January 2017.

8.3 Draft Civic Recognition Policy

Tabled and previously circulated: (i) Report; and (ii) Draft Civic Recognition Policy.

Ms Donaghy noted the importance of recognising the various achievements of groups, teams and individuals from the Borough and provided an update on the ways in which Council acknowledged achievements, including congratulatory letters, awards, civic receptions and the Freedom of the Borough.

With so many people deserving of recognition, it was important that Council had a policy to guide the consideration of any 13 FC/01/17

suggested recognition put forward by an Elected Member. In order to assist Council in this process, a Draft Civic Recognition Policy had been circulated for Members’ consideration. Approval of the policy would be subject to a 12 month review.

Ms Donaghy highlighted that congratulations letters from the Mayor were excluded from this policy. In respect of any other recognition, Elected Members were asked to liaise with the Chief Executive in the first instance to discuss and review the recognition in order to ascertain the most appropriate way forward and allow an assessment of resources.

It was therefore

Agreed: That Council approves the circulated Draft Civic AD/SF Recognition Policy, with the Policy being subject to a 12 month review.

8.4 Ballymena Showgrounds Arena Consultation

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

Ms Donaghy reminded Members that the Main Arena pitch at the Showgrounds did not meet minimum European Standards and in order to meet the needs of Ballymena United, should they qualify for Europe, and the increasing demand from international tournaments e.g. ladies Under 19 European Championships, then work was required to examine the best way forward. Ms Donaghy advised that Council had committed to work with Ballymena United in order to make applications for funding opportunities which should arise from Department for Communities Football Stadia Funding.

Ms Donaghy also reminded Members of Ballymena Raceway and their need to ensure that they have facilities to host their meetings. PT The Chief Executive reminded Members of Council’s contracts with both Ballymena United and Ballymena Raceway for use of the Showgrounds and the Arena. She explained that, in order to maximise the current opportunities, work on the pitch would require to be commenced in April should that go ahead. In doing so, she highlighted that the needs of Ballymena Raceway would also need to be considered in full. In order to examine the opportunities of how Council will fulfil both these contracts, she advised that Council had engaged an independent Consultant, Consarc, to prepare an options paper on the way forward. As part of this process, she had asked that the independent Consultant would meet with Ballymena United and Ballymena Raceway group PT 14 FC/01/17

separately, in order to develop the options and to ensure that their needs are being considered and that this paper would then be brought back to the appropriate meeting.

Cllr S Nicholl had hoped that this matter would have been further progressed at this stage and requested that Consarc be asked to

review the potential at the Showgrounds for the 2020 Rugby World

Cup and a report to be brought back to the Operational Committee.

Cllr O’Loan welcomed the review and referred to the ongoing issue AD of noise which he felt required consideration. Ms Donaghy advised that all issues would be considered within the options appraisals.

Cllr Maguire supported Cllr O’Loan’s comment and advised that he was pleased that other sporting opportunities would be considered, moving forward. AD

Ms Donaghy agreed to report back regarding Ballymena United and Ballymena Raceway contract end dates.

Cllr Gaston asked that the need for and possibility of standing to be made available in terracing, in order to maximise capacity, be considered as part of the review.

Noted and Agreed.


9.1 Announcement on the Jobs Front for Mid and East Antrim

The Mayor reported that Minister Paul Givan had announced on 12 December that his Department had secured a new contract from the Department for Work and Pensions which would provide 170 jobs in the Province – 150 of them to be based in Ballymena. The new contract was for providing services to Great Britain on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions assisting in the delivery of Universal Credit and the Benefit Cap across Great Britain.

Of the 170 jobs, the Ballymena office would get 150 and the remaining 20 would go to Londonderry. This new contract secured 80 existing posts with an additional 70 new jobs being created for the next 5 years. The Mayor remarked that this was very positive news for Mid and East Antrim Borough as we entered 2017.


9.2 Update on consultation with the Carnlough community in 15 FC/01/17

relation to the erection of a Memorial

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

Ms Donaghy advised that an Equality Working Group Meeting had been scheduled for 19 January and, at this Meeting, the outcome of the consultation process with the Carnlough community regarding the erection of a Memorial at Hurry Head would be summarised and considered. This Meeting would facilitate discussion and determination regarding the memorial. Following consideration a recommendation from the Working Group would be placed before Council.


9.3 Prohibition or Restriction of Use of Public Roads; Special Events

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

By way of update, the Mayor advised that, as agreed at the Council meeting held in December 2016, the Chief Executive had formally requested postponement of the transfer of the Prohibition or Restriction of use of Public Road from the Department of Infrastructure until clarity had been provided on resources and scope of duty of Council.

The Mayor was pleased to report that this request had now been made and granted.


9.4 Mid and East Antrim Job Fair Update

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

The Mayor advised Members of the arrangements which had been made for the Mid and East Antrim Job Fair to be held in the Braid on 2 February as a collaborative event with other partner organisations. A successful job fair had already been held in Larne with a further one planned for Carrickfergus later in the year.

Cllr O’Loan welcomed the scheduled job fair and extended congratulations to UNITE Union on being the first partner organisation to come forward.


9.5 Department for Infrastructure Programme for Government Infrastructure Consultation 16 FC/01/17

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

The Mayor was delighted to report that Council had participated in a round table exercise to discuss and explore the works undertaken to date by the Department for Infrastructure under the Draft Programme of Works. This was an ongoing exercise and Members would be kept up to date.



10.1 Notice of Motion proposed by Cllr Miss Johnston, seconded by Cllr McCaughey

The Mayor advised that there were two Notices of Motion this evening. She reminded Members that the proposer of the Motion had 10 minutes in which to speak, the seconder had 5 minutes and all other Members had 5 minutes, but could only speak once. The proposer would conclude with a final 5 minutes.

“Council recognises the very concerning level of deaths by suicide in Northern Ireland and asks the Officers to a local suicide prevention strategy is created and the reduction of deaths by suicide is treated as a priority in Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.”

Cllr Miss Johnston commenced by stating that suicide was a major issue for society today; every life lost represented someone’s loved one and had a direct impact on the families, workplace and the community. She spoke of further influencing people’s ability to work and continue caring responsibilities, resulting in a profound effect on the local community and she felt that suicide could be preventable, whilst noting that the factors that led to someone taking their own life were complex and no one organisation could directly address all factors.

Cllr Johnston felt that it was essential that a multi-agency approach was created at a strategic and operational level that reached out to every area in Mid and East Antrim, working together to help prevent suicides, support those in social crisis or those that had lost a loved one though suicide. Cllr Johnston felt that agencies must work together in partnership with the community and voluntary sector and also support vulnerable people.

Cllr Johnston advised that Northern Ireland had the highest suicide rate across the whole of the UK and figures were increasing, with 17 FC/01/17

318 registered suicides last year, compared to 74 road deaths. She highlighted a large proportion of those who committed suicide were male and stressed the need for mental health to be a high priority on the political agenda and to ensure that the right structures and strategies were in place. She felt that Council had a crucial role in improving mental health through its Community Plan.

Cllr Johnston advised that working to increase the communities’ awareness around suicide and self-harm and stamping out the stigma associated with it was a key role, not only for the public sector but also for the voluntary and community sectors. Organisations such as Turning Point NI, PIPS and Lifeline provided a much needed service but she felt that Council should ensure there were services right throughout the Borough and she called for a full examination of what services were being provided and the establishment of a tailored partnership and localised approach to mental health for the people of Mid and East Antrim, a local specific plan to deliver on the Making Life Better strategy, with a local implementation plan.

Referring to the families and friends bereaved by suicide and the need for appropriate help. Cllr Johnston felt that this element was an important component of the strategy and achievable by providing better information and support though working with various agencies to ensure that this assistance was easily accessible to all throughout the Borough. She commended the work undertaken by voluntary agencies and referred to the here2help app which improved accessibility to vital services.

In closing, Cllr Johnston asked that Council, through its Community Planning approach, addresses the issues raised and takes a proactive approach in aiming to reduce the number of deaths by suicide at a local level.

The Mayor thanked Cllr Miss Johnston for her proposal and invited Cllr McCaughey to speak.

Cllr McCaughey, as seconder of the Motion, spoke of his experience of talking to those suffering mental health issues and contemplating or attempting suicide and he referred to suicide and attempted suicide as the scar on society which we must make every attempt to eradicate.

Referring to the statistics highlighted by Cllr Miss Johnston, Cllr McCaughey felt that the increase could be attributed to many things, including the Troubles legacy and busy lifestyles, including pressures from work, financial pressures and I.T. overload, leaving little time for relaxation. 18 FC/01/17

Cllr McCaughey noted that suicide affected all social boundaries and he spoke of the pain and guilt felt by families and loved ones left behind. He also referred to the work being done to try and eradicate the stigma of mental health issues and felt that it was very telling that Northern Ireland spent less on its health budget and had the highest suicide rate compared to the rest of the United Kingdom.

The Mayor thanked Cllr McCaughey for seconding the Motion and invited any other comments from Members.

A large number of Members spoke in relation to the issue of suicide, including factors which affected an individual’s ability to cope and also the impact which suicide had upon families.

Cllr O’Loan asked that consideration be given to including the issue of mental health across the Community Plan including sections on employment and education.

Cllr McKeown suggested that publications coming from Council could have helpline numbers printed on them, for example Lifeline, Cruse Bereavement Care, Samaritans etc.

The Mayor put Cllr Miss Johnston’s Motion to a vote and it was unanimously agreed.

The Mayor declared the proposal carried, therefore it was unanimously AD/KH

Agreed: “That Council recognises the very concerning level of deaths by suicide in Northern Ireland and asks the Officers to ensure a local suicide prevention strategy is created and the reduction of deaths by suicide is treated as a priority in Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.”

Cllr Miss Johnston thanked those Members who had spoken and hoped that Council would make a difference in relation to this matter.

The Mayor thanked Members for their comments on this very emotive issue.

10.2 Notice of Motion proposed by Cllr Miss Millar, seconded by Ald Mrs Morrow

The Mayor noted that Ald Mrs Morrow, the seconder of the Motion, was absent from tonight’s Meeting and it was advised that Cllr A P 19 FC/01/17

Wilson would second the Motion.

“This Council calls upon the Government to make fair transitional state pension arrangements for all women born on or after 6th April 1951, who have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age (SPA) with lack of appropriate notification.”

The Mayor invited Cllr Miss Millar to address Members.

Cllr Miss Millar advised that she brought this Motion before Council in order to highlight the unfair treatment which has been forced upon women born in the 1950s who had been negatively impacted by increases to the state pension age.

In 1993, in his budget statement, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, Ken Clarke, had outlined that the state pension age for women would be equalised between 2010 and 2020. At the time this was justified on the grounds of financial sustainability and also equality, in order to bring the UK in line with equal treatment rules in European law. The 1995 Pensions Act set a timetable for the women’s pension age to accelerate to reach 65 by April 2020, with it then beginning to increase in April 2010.

Cllr Millar explained that what had caused grievance was the lack of any attempt by the Government to make those affected aware of the changes. Given that the changes would not begin to take place for 15 years from the legislation was introduced, and at the time the proposals were announced the relevant women would have been no older than 44, the responsibility lay with the Government to ensure that those who would be disadvantaged by the changes were well informed of the implications. Unfortunately, this had not happened.

Following the 2010 General Election, the Coalition Government had announced that it would increase the overall state pension age to 66 in light of increases in life expectancy. Women’s pension age would now reach 66 by October 2020. For this to happen, the government accelerated the increase in women’s State Pension Age from April 2016 (when it would be 63) to reach 65 by November 2018 rather than April 2020, as previously planned under the 1995 Act. In their 2010 manifesto the Conservatives said that the Pension Age for women would not increase beyond 65 until at least 2020, therefore the 2011 Pensions Act amounted to a broken promise.

Cllr Millar advised that it was only shortly before their 60th birthday that many women learned that in fact they would not be able to draw their pension at 60, with some having to now 20 FC/01/17 wait until they were 66 to receive their pension. The changes in the 2011 Act most acutely affected those women born between October 1953 and April 1955, who would have their State Pension Age increased by at least a year, on top of the increase that resulted from the 1995 Act.

Cllr Millar advised that these women worked hard all their lives, contributing to the National Insurance pot, with the belief that when they turned 60 they would be able to draw the state pension. She felt that these changes had unfairly and disproportionately impacted on women born on or after 6 April 1951, who had been uniquely disadvantaged.

In closing, Cllr Millar stated that it was not unreasonable to expect Government to take appropriate steps to communicate the biggest change to women’s pensions in half a century. However, the changes were not communicated in a way befitting the scale of the changes, leaving many women unaware and still planning to retire at 60. She summarised that the main issue was the severe lack of notice and the Work and Pensions Select Committee at Westminster had already established that more should have been done to communicate the planned changes.

Cllr Millar asked Members to support this Motion, calling upon the Government to make fair transitional state pension arrangements for the women affected.

The Mayor thanked Cllr Miss Millar for her proposal and invited Cllr A P Wilson to speak.

Cllr A P Wilson, in seconding the Motion, advised that this was an issue of fairness and equality and he noted that the Assembly had passed a similar Motion in September. Local Councils had also brought forward a similar Motion and local Authorities throughout the UK had also been passing a similar Motion.

Cllr A P Wilson noted that pension age was increasing and he explained that the issue was not the equalization of state pension age, but rather the short notice which many women had received regarding their increase in state pension age and the hardship which this created.

Cllr Mrs Wilson expressed her own personal support, and the support of the TUV party, in respect of the Motion.

Cllr D O’Loan expressed his support for the Motion.

21 FC/01/17

The Mayor put Cllr Miss Millar’s Motion to a vote:

For Against Abstaining 32 0 0

The Mayor declared the proposal carried, therefore it was: AD

Agreed: That Council calls upon the Government to make fair transitional state pension arrangements for all women born on or after 6th April 1951, who have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age (SPA) with lack of appropriate notification.

Cllr Miss Millar thanked Members for their support.


11.1 Consultation on Permitted Developments Rights for Mineral Exploration

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

The Mayor reported that the Department for Infrastructure had opened consultation on the proposal to amend permitted development rights in respect of mineral exploration. The consultation would close on 3 February and a draft consultation response would be presented to the Planning Committee for consideration.


11.2 Ireland Bid to Host Rugby World Cup 2023

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

The Mayor advised that, as part of the Ireland bid to host the Rugby World Cup 2023, the Department of the Economy had written to Mrs Donaghy in her capacity as SOLACE Chair inviting the Society to receive a briefing on the bid process and potential opportunities for Local Authorities. The Mayor invited Ms Donaghy to address Members.

Ms Donaghy explained that IRFU had contacted Council and she would meet with representative in the next few weeks in order that they may consider grounds within the Borough which could be used, particularly for training camps. Ms Donaghy agreed with 22 FC/01/17

Members’ comments regarding the importance of ensuring that Council’s facilities were of a suitable standard.


11.3 Public Consultation on criteria for reconfiguring Health and Social Care Services

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

The Mayor reported that the Department of Health had confirmed that public meetings would be held during January on the consultation on the proposed criteria to be used to reconfigure,

change and improve the health service.

One of these meetings would be held on 18 January between 7.00 and 9.00pm in the Adair Arms, Ballymena; this Meeting coincided with Council’s Gobbins Workshop, therefore the Chief Executive suggested that she would send two Officers to attend on Council’s behalf.

Discussion ensued and it was agreed that Ms Donaghy would AD ascertain if the date of this public Meeting could be changed. If not, it was agreed that two Council Officers would attend on Council’s behalf.

Noted and Agreed.

11.4 Additional 2016/17 Funding for Front Line Advice Services

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

The Mayor was delighted to report that, as part of the review conducted by the Department for Communities into how advice support services would be delivered going forward, the Department had confirmed that further funding of approximately £130,000.00 would be made available to local Councils, to be distributed through the existing Community Support Programme mechanism.

Ms Donaghy confirmed that Mid and East Antrim would be receiving £8,272.00 and a Letter of Offer had been signed and returned; further information would be provided to Members at the Community Planning Committee.


23 FC/01/17

11.5 The Water Meters Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

The Mayor referred to the letter circulated from the Department for Infrastructure and a copy of the legislation ‘The Water Meters Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016’, which came into effect on 7 December 2016.



12.1 Policy Forum for Northern Ireland Keynote Seminar: ‘Economic Development in Northern Ireland: Key challenges and future opportunities post-Brexit’ to be held in Belfast on 17 January 2017

Tabled and previously circulated: Programme.

The Mayor referred to an invitation received from the Policy Forum Northern Ireland to attend a Keynote Seminar on Tuesday 17 January 2017. The cost per delegate was £210.00.

On the proposal of Cllr Mrs Smyth, seconded by Cllr Mrs Adger, it was

Agreed: That Cllr Miss Johnston attends the Policy Forum for Northern Ireland Keynote AD Seminar as detailed above.

12.2 Invitation to the Mayor and Chief Executive to visit Sister Cities in order to strengthen links with Kentucky, in particular Morehaed and Danville and to reconfirm Partnerships.

Ms Donaghy and the Mayor left the Meeting.

The Deputy Mayor took the Chair for the duration of this Agenda item and he invited Mrs Fisher to address Members.

Mrs Fisher reminded Members that the three predecessor Councils all had individual Sister Cities arrangements with various cities in America - Ballymena was linked with Morehead, Kentucky, Carrickfergus was linked with Danville, Kentucky and Anderson, South Carolina and Larne was linked with Clover, South Carolina.

Mrs Fisher advised that the Mayor and Chief Executive had been invited to visit the sister cities in Kentucky in order to strengthen 24 FC/01/17 links with Morehead and Danville. Kentucky representatives had visited Mid and East Antrim Borough on three occasions in the past few years and were keen to see a return visit. Mrs Fisher detailed student and artist exchange programmes through Sister Cities and advised that further information would be brought before Members if agreement in principle was received to allow for the Sister Cities to develop a more detailed itinerary and to book flights etc at the lowest possible cost.

Discussion ensued and Cllr Stewart asked that a Report be provided detailing proposed outcomes of the trip, outcomes of last year’s trip by the then Mayor and costs. He also suggested that consideration be given as to whether a link should be made with one place similar in geography to Mid and East Antrim Borough as an alternative.

Cllr Mrs Adger proposed and Ald Ms Mulvenna seconded that approval, in principle, be granted for Ms Donaghy and the Mayor to AD visit Sister Cities to strengthen links with Kentucky, in particular Morehead and Danville, subject to a paper detailing proposed outcomes of the trip, outcomes of last year’s trip by the then Mayor and costs being brought before Members.

Consideration was also to be given as to whether a link should be made with one place similar in geography to Mid and East Antrim Borough as an alternative.

Cllr Miss Hardy asked that consideration be given to links which could benefit people living in the different areas through mediums such as sport and Cllr Brown advised that he wished to see involvement expanding.

Ald Cherry voiced his support for the Sister Cities initiative.

The proposal was put to Members and voting resulted as follows;

For Against Abstain 23 8

The Vice-Chair declared the proposal carried and it was

Agreed: That approval, in principle, be granted for Ms Donaghy AD/SF and the Mayor to visit Sister Cities to strengthen links with Kentucky, in particular Morehead and Danville, subject to a paper detailing proposed outcomes of the trip, outcomes of last year’s trip by the then Mayor and costs being brought before Members.

Ms Donaghy and the Mayor returned to the Meeting. 25 FC/01/17

The Mayor resumed the position of Chair


12.3 Dates of public meetings by the Commission for Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition

Tabled and previously circulated: Invitation.

The Mayor drew Members’ attention to the circulated list of meetings being held by the Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition throughout Northern Ireland and drew attention to the North East Public Meeting being held on Thursday 19 January in the Adair Arms Hotel, Ballymena.

The Chief Executive had informed the Mayor that a number of Members had already indicated their interest and a number of Officers would also be attending.


12.4 Welfare Reform Awareness Session

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

The Mayor advised that the Department of Communities had confirmed that half day Welfare Reform Awareness sessions were to be delivered by Advice NI, Citizens Advice and Law Centre NI and she recalled that the Mid and East Antrim Citizens Advice had run a session for Council last year.

The Chief Executive believed that it may be worthwhile for a number of Councillors to attend these sessions so as Council was KH aware of developments in advance.


12.5 APSE Full Association Meeting 20 January 2017 in Apex Waterloo Place Hotel, Edinburgh

Referring to an invitation received to attend the ASPE Full Association Meeting, the Mayor advised that Ald T Nicholl and Cllr O’Loan were the Council representatives on APSE.

On the proposal of Ald Mrs Beattie, seconded by Cllr Reid, it was

Agreed: That Ald T Nicholl and Cllr O’Loan attend the APSE AD Full Association Meeting 20 January 2017 in Apex 26 FC/01/17

Waterloo Place Hotel, Edinburgh.

12.6 Volunteer Now Conference, Wednesday 8 February in Crumlin Road Gaol, Belfast

Tabled and previously circulated: Invitation.

The Mayor explained that Volunteer Now had invited herself and another Elected Member to attend their Annual Conference on Wednesday 8 February in Crumlin Road Gaol, focusing on ‘Supporting Civic Engagement - 10 Tips for Councils in providing Civic Leadership for Volunteering’.

Members were advised that if they could confirm their interest tonight, Council could avail of a discount.

No further name was put forward but it was agreed to send the Mayor and one Elected Member. AD Agreed.


Tabled and previously circulated - See Appendix.

The Mayor advised Members of four items for information and noting at the meeting.



14.1 Tabled Question – Fairtrade Accreditation

The following Question had been tabled in the name of Cllr O’Loan;

“At the Monthly Meeting on 5 September 2016, Council agreed in principle to apply for Fairtrade accreditation, subject to completing the necessary examination of the implications of this. Can I have an update on progress?’’

The following response had been provided;

“At the September 2016 Monthly meeting, it was agreed that Council sign up in principle to Fair Trade, as we focussed on other priorities of Council and that we would begin to deliver this when we had our full staffing complement. An initial discussion at the Senior Management Team had been 27 FC/01/17

completed and Officers were beginning to consider the first steps in moving towards Fair Trade, including internal purchasing and procurement, getting Fair Trade promoted amongst businesses and looking at a Fair Trade Policy for Council. This was subject to resources and staffing time and a paper would be produced in Spring 2017 to present Members options on the way forward.” AD

Cllr O’Loan felt that Council should become Fairtrade accredited and he welcomed further investigations from Officers.


On the proposal of Cllr Reid, seconded by Ald Mrs Beattie, it was

Agreed: That Council goes into Closed Council.

In accordance with Council policy, members of the press and the public were not in attendance for this section of the Meeting.


15.1 Carnlough Industrial Heritage Business Case

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

Ms Donaghy advised that the space above Carnlough Library had been agreed as heritage space and she detailed the project cost, which would be partly Council funded and also funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. She referred to the circulated business case and provided further detail in respect of the proposal.

Ald Mulvenna welcomed the contents of the Report and Members approved the preferred option as highlighted within the circulated SC Business Case in relation to Carnlough Industrial Heritage Hub.


15.2 Blackhead Path Business Case

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

Ms Donaghy referred to the circulated Economic Appraisal and the preferred option, as detailed within the Report. She referred to finances in respect of the work and sought comments from Members.

Ald McKeen and Cllr Reid felt that this was a positive step and 28 FC/01/17

welcomed the recommendation.

Cllr S Nicholl requested a report on the measurements at the AD slipping stair and rationale behind the 60 year estimate lifespan of the repair work. Ms Donaghy agreed to report back at a later stage.

Further to a query from Cllr A P Wilson, Ms Donaghy provided an AD indication of a timescale of works and agreed to bring further information in relation to timescale at a later stage.

Cllr Logan welcomed the proposed re-opening and felt that the path was used to an even greater extent than suggested.

Members were asked to approve the preferred option as AD highlighted within the circulated Economic Appraisal in relation to Blackhead Path.


15.3 Tender Approval of Recommendations to appoint Contractors for various service provisions

Mrs Fisher provided Members with the following information on the tenders tabled for approval;

a) Ballymacvea Landfill Site Laboratory Analysis Services SC

The panel, having completed the evaluation process, recommended the appointment of McQuillan Envirocare, Caulside Drive, Newpark Industrial Estate, Antrim, for the provision of

Ballymacvea Landfill Site Laboratory Analysis Services for the

period 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2018 (with an option to renew for 2 x 12month periods).

b) Supply and Delivery of one Mobile Stage Unit

The panel, having completed the evaluation process, recommended the appointment of Maltbury Staging, Unit 9 Level 5 South, New England House, New England, Brighton, to provide

supply and delivery of one Mobile Stage Unit as they provided the

most economically advantageous tender.

c) Supply and Delivery of Floral Bedding

The panel, having completed the evaluation process,

29 FC/01/17

recommended the appointment of Hannas Nursery, 16 Hannas Road, Larne, for the supply and delivery of Floral Bedding for the period January 2017 – January 2018, with the option to extend for

a further 2 x 12 month period, as they provided the most

economically advantageous tender.

d) Floor Repair Works, Larne Leisure Centre

The panel, having completed the evaluation process, recommended the appointment of Larsen Contracts, 4 West Bank

Rd, Belfast, for the provision of Floor Repair Works at Larne

Leisure Centre as they provided the most economically advantageous tender.

On the proposal of Cllr O’Loan, seconded by Cllr Mrs Smyth it was

Agreed: To award the tenders as outlined in the report. SC

15.4 St Patrick’s Barracks - PEACE IV Programme (2014-2020)

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

The Mayor referred to the circulated Report seeking approval for the submission of a Stage 1 application to the PEACE IV Programme in relation to the St Patrick’s Barracks site.

Cllr S Nicholl asked that the recommendation contains a caveat detailing that he could not envisage how a robust proposal, post consultation, planning permission and funding would all be in place; he also requested surety that the department and PEACE IV recognise the Raglan Development application Council had already agreed for support and that this remained a Council priority included within the application.

It was therefore

Agreed: That Council works with the Department for AD Communities to lodge a Stage I Application by 25 January focused on the complementary provision by Council of Leisure Services and Grade A office accommodation and includes the refurbishment of the parade Ground into a civic space for outdoor events, with the above caveat from Cllr S Nicholl.


16.1 2017/18 Rates Estimates Update for Mid and East Antrim 30 FC/01/17

Borough Council

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

Ms Donaghy reminded Members of the recommendation at the December Policy & Resources Committee to move forward on the 2017/18 Capital Programme and she provided a brief update on the figures, including borrowing and revenue.

It was

Agreed: That Council approves the Capital Plan, as AD/SC agreed at the Policy & Resources Meeting and allows the Chief Financial Officer to finalise and calculate the capital and interest payments. These costs to be included in the revenue figures placed before Members at the next rates workshop on 24th January; and (ii) The Business Improvement Efficiency, as agreed at the Policy & Resources Meeting, be approved, to ensure that revenue costs, with the exception of the Economic Growth & Development staffing and programmes costs, are able to be absorbed through the savings.

16.2 Community Relations Issues

Ms Donaghy informed Members that this issue had been raised many times within the Chamber and she wished to provide an update.

A Meeting had been scheduled between the Secretary of State and NILGA, to take place earlier that day, which Ms Donaghy was to attend as Chair of SOLACE. Unfortunately this Meeting had been cancelled, however, had now been rescheduled. Ms Donaghy advised that, at the rescheduled Meeting, she would have 15 minutes with the Secretary of State to discuss these matters.

The Chief Executive further advised that the Mayor, herself, and the Chair of the PCSP, Cllr D A Wilson, had met the Justice Minister, who had agreed that her officials would work with Council on how to address the Community Relations issues across the Borough. A Meeting with the Officials had been arranged and it was hoped to scope the issues so that the delegation may relay further information to Members.

Ms Donaghy advised that further information would follow in due AD course. 31 FC/01/17


16.3 Update on Manufacturing Task Force Activity

Tabled and previously circulated: Report.

Ms Donaghy reported that, in December, Officers had met with the Department for the Economy representatives regarding the new Economic Strategy for Northern Ireland. It was anticipated that the Action Plan agreed with the newly formed Manufacturing Task Force would commence by the end of the Summer. The next stage would involve aligning the Northern Ireland Economic Strategy, repurposing of the Task Force and appointing a new independent advisor and Chair to the Task Force. 6 Cllr S Nicholl stressed the importance of this matter continuing to move forward and the Mayor assured him this would be the case.



17.1 PEACE IV Stage 2 Application

Tabled and previously circulated: Letter.

Ms Donaghy reminded Members that Stage 1 had been approved by the special EU Board on 12 September and Stage 2 had been submitted on 23 September, which had required significant Officer time in order to meet the deadlines. She referred to the circulated correspondence and advised that an update would be LW provided to the Economic Growth & Tourism Committee on 23 January.


17.2 The Circuit Festival 2017/ Circuit of Ireland

Ms Donaghy updated Members in relation to the Circuit of Ireland event.

Cllr Maguire welcomed the update, in principle, referring to a noise issue which had been raised earlier in the Meeting which he felt required due consideration.


On the proposal of Cllr Reid, seconded by Ald McNeilly, it was 32 FC/01/17

Agreed: That the meeting returns to Open Council.

The meeting terminated at 9.48pm.

Ms A Donaghy, Chief Ex. AD Mrs S Cole SC Mrs S Fisher SF Mrs K Hargan KH Mr P Thompson PT Mrs L Williams LW


Chief Executive


33 FC/01/17




9 January 2017

14 Items/Correspondence for Information and Noting

(i) Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on 10 November 2016 – circulated

(ii) Letter of thanks from Whitehead Community Association – circulated

(iii) Release of DfI Northern Ireland Planning Statistics 2016/17 Second Quarterly Statistical Bulletin - circulated

(iv) Appointments by the Secretary of State: Appointment of Sheriffs for Northern Ireland for 2017