Problem Set 1 215B-Quantum Mechanics, Winter 2019
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Problem Set 1 215B-Quantum Mechanics, Winter 2019 Due: Friday, January 18, 2019 by 5pm Put homework in mailbox labelled 215B on 1st floor of Broida (by elevators). Problem 1 Sakurai Problems: 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 2: Three-site Antiferromagnet This problem requires familiarity with angular momentum operators with j > 1=2, as well as addition of angular momentum. So, if needed, please read Sections 3.5 and 3.8 in Sakurai, which should give you the background to do this problem. Consider a three-site Heisenberg anti-ferromagnet with Hamiltonian H = J(S~1 · S~2 + S~2 · S~3 + S~3 · S~1); (1) where S~j denote spin operators with spin-S. Here the spin S can be integer or half-odd-integer and the exchange coupling J > 0. a.) How many states are there in the Hilbert space for the three spins? b.) What is the ground state energy, E(S), for arbitrary integer and half-odd-integer spin? [Hint, rewrite the Hamiltonian in terms of the total spin, S~tot = S~1 + S~2 + S~3.] c.) What is the ground state degeneracy, N(S), for arbitrary integer and half-integer spin S? d.) Treating the spins as classical vectors with magnitude S, evaluate the classical ground state energy Ecl of H and verify that the ratio E(S)=Ecl ! 1 as S ! 1. 3: Density Matrices for a spin-1/2 particle ~ (a) Let j "i; j #i label, as usual, the two basis states of a spin-1/2 particle, S^ = (~=2)~σ^. Consider two different density matrices: (i) A pure state density matrix corresponding to a quantum state with equal amplitude to be spin-up and spin-down, (ii) A density matrix describing a mixture of the two basis states, j "i; j #i, with equal probability. Show that these two situations lead to the same value for hσ^zi but different values for hσ^xi. (b) Consider the density matrix for a spin-1/2 particle with magnetic moment µ in a magnetic field, with Hamil- tonian, 1 H^ = − gµB~ · ~σ;^ (2) 2 where g is a constant. Using the equation of motion for the density operatorρ ^, find the motion of the polarization vector, P~ = h~σ^i = T r[^ρ(t)~σ^], and compare it with the classical equation of motion of a spinning magnetic dipole in a magnetic field. 4: Block Sphere for Mixed States A Block sphere representation for a (normalized) pure state of a 2-state system (qubit) is given by: j i = cos(θ=2)j0i + eiφ sin(θ=2)j1i; (3) Consider a vector of Pauli operators, R~ = (X;^ Y;^ Z^). (a) Show that the expectation value, h jR~j i, corresponds to a vector on the unit sphere with spherical coordinate angles, (θ; φ). 2 (b) Show that an arbitrary density matrix for a mixed state qubit may be written as, 1^ + ~r · R~ ρ^ = : (4) 2 where ~r is a real 3-dimensional vector such that j~rj ≤ 1. This vector is known as the Bloch vector for the stateρ ^. (c) Show that a stateρ ^ is pure if and only if j~rj = 1. (d) What is the Bloch vector for the maximally mixed density matrix with entropy S = −T r(^ρ logρ ^) = log(2)?.