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4302 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 13, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REMARKS OF KEITH W. ECKEL rier to democracy over which people were commodity supply control, conservation shot trying to escape, and proclaimed, "Ich provisions, trade measures, research, credit bin ein Berliner!". Who this last August programs, food stamps and other related HON. JOSEPH M. McDADE could not feel the tremendous emotional public policies. OF PENNSYLVANIA relief as Berliners scaled the wall, stopped Although we support the general direction IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to dance on its heights, and ran to openly set by the 1985 farm bill, some modifica Tuesday, March 13, 1990 embrace their family members and fellow tions need to be made. These changes that countrymen in West Germany. The ever we are recommending would enhance Mr. MCDADE. Mr. Speaker, Keith W. Eckel, present physical barrier to democracy and market orientation and allow farmers to president of the Pennsylvania Farmers Asso communism ... capitalism and socialism manage their operations in response to eco ciation, shared his thoughts on the 1990 farm ... could not withstand the people's desire nomic, environmental and technical consid bill with the Pennsylvania congressional dele for freedom. erations and opportunities. gation and 200 visiting members of the PF A at I read the other day that most of the We want all programs though to meet a breakfast meeting last week in Washington. guard dogs pulling sentry duty along the three overall objectives: <1) reaffirm our Mr. Eckel is a respected voice in the agri great wall were fakes. They were not commitment to competitiveness; <2> assure trained killers, but lambs in lions' clothing. the opportunity for an adequate level of cultural community, and I know my colleagues As we look at the communistic world today farm income; and (3) maximize freedom for would benefit from his comments as the farm that's very symbolic-its perceived strength farmers to respond to market conditions. bill debate continues. He is a lifelong farmer was its weakness, while its perceived weak Yes, the proposed farm program should who currently grows vegetables and grain in ness is its strength . its people seeking not impede the economic growth of produc Lackawanna County, PA. He has been presi freedom with the right to chart their own tion agriculture, and needs to live within dent of PF A since 1981 and is a member of destiny. budgetary guidelines. the board of directors of the American Farm Yes, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, The farm legislation that you eventually Bureau. "Nothing is more certainly written in the approve will set the tone for the business of book of fate than that these people are to U.S. agriculture, and will establish the game Mr. Speaker, I submit Mr. Eckel's remarks be free." rules for most of the world. to be inserted in the RECORD, and I commend Freedom, our heritage, is spreading like a The issue at hand is extremely important. his speech to all of my colleagues: prairie fire, whipped by the winds of man's Quickly, let's examine some of the pro SPEECH BY KEITH W. ECKEL, PFA PRESIDENT basic desire to be free. gram components which need some revision. What a year we've seen for the develop Farming, agriculture in general, in the Target prices should be frozen at 1990 ment of peace and democracy! Certainly it United States has been the beneficiary and levels. Additional reductions would result in has been a year of strong testimony for the the shining example of the success under eliminating the safety net level of current free capitalistic system advocated by the our system of government. We have not just target prices that have been reached after United States since its founding over 200 survived, but we have progressed and freed five years of steady reduction. years ago. our population to pursue other professions Acreage flexibility should permit farmers Our great statesman, one of our founding and avocations. to plant other program crops or approved fathers, Thomas Jefferson wrote: "Nothing Our system of freedom, capitalism and de non-program crops on permitted acreage for is more certainly written in the book of fate mocracy works to the advantage of the indi the crop which has a base acreage. Deficien than that these people are to be free." vidual and eventually the state. cy payments and loan eligibility will be re Eastern Europe is experiencing a rebirth In America we spend more on recreation stricted to the original program crop. ... a rejuvenation. Its peoples have come than most nations have to spend on food Dairy support price adjustments need to alive with the freedom to choose democracy and fiber. We worry ourselves about quality, be made in the calculation of milk equiva as a way of life. By and large it has been a while they worry about quantity. lents so that increases and decreases more peaceful revolution with the exception of a We must be thankful for our freedoms accurately reflect current demand. Govern few violent eruptions such as in Rumania. and forever cautious in protecting these ment purchases for federal use and pro The charge to democracy has been led by rights. As former President Ronald Reagan grams should not be used in calculation of the people of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslo· said even after his most successful negotia· surplus. Stand-by supply control programs vakia, Bulgaria, East Germany, and now the tions in his quest for peace, "Trust, but should mitigate impacts on and make resti Soviet Union. verify". tution to all affected commodities. This charge, this stampede toward democ· The freedom to choose; the opportunity Conservation reserve program land should racy is demonstrating anew the desire to to succeed; the freedom to fail . all are meet conservation compliance plans at the work under the guidelines of capitalism precious and absolute necessities for the conclusion of the contract. Farm Bureau with many of the personal freedoms that we future of our democracy. Securing just the supports the farmer having the option of re take for granted. Many anti-capitalists have right combination ... the proper mix is dif turning his land to production, or bidding it become outspoken advocates of our system. ficult. For example, the proposed farm legis back into the reserve. Who could have predicted this assault on lation now before you, the Congress. Crop Insurance must not be linked to socialism and the communistic way of life? The 1985 Food Security Act becomes his· farm program participation; be available on If anyone had such foresight, would they tory this year and will be replaced by new an equitable basis for all program and non have guessed that the President of the legislation which you are developing. program crops; coverage must be increased, U.S.S.R. would be the person leading, or at The American Farm Bureau Federation and the program must be simplified. It least making it possible for this rush to free and the Pennsylvania Farmers' Association seems illogical in this day and time to elimi dom. have been strong supporters of the 1985 nate crop insurance as proposed by the I can remember Nikita Khrushchev Food Security Act for very good reasons. Bush Administration. Without crop insur pounding on his U.N. desk with his shoe, It has moved agriculture toward greater ance, agriculture turns to the Congress for and later making the ultimate threat, "We market orientation that allows our products bailouts during natural disasters. Crop in will bury you!" to compete in domestic and international surance is the business approach versus the West Germany might be in the process of markets while maintaining a safety net for political approach. seeing that prediction come true, because it farm income. Research must be expanded to increase is being buried with a flood of East German A proper mix was achieved and resulted in product markets, solve environmental con refugees seeking the rewards and opportuni reducing the burdensome surpluses of com cerns and lower production costs. We as ties of capitalism and freedom. modities that had suppressed farm prices. farmers continue to seek new techniques in I recall on a visit to Germany, John Ken Farm exports increased and so did farm which to cut our dependency on farm nedy captured the essence of the American income. chemicals, but cutting traditional research commitment to all freedom loving people as The new farm bill will include programs funds is not the way to accomplish this ulti he stood at the Berlin Wall, the great bar- for commodity price and income support, mate goal. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 13, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4303 We urge you to take these factors into netic development which has produced the quality of life in Maryland by utilizing the consideration in the formation of a new hybrid seeds that have enabled hundreds of dedication and diverse skills of the young men farm bill, and we pledge ourselves to work millions of people to escape starvation in and women of Maryland. Their distinguished diligently with you in the development of the third world during the Green Revolu the best possible farm program. tion? tradition continues today through the efforts of At our national convention, we initiated a And who would compel America's family its 5,200 members in 88 chapters throughout petition urging Congress to support legisla farmers, their productivity the envy of the the State.