INSIDE THIS ISSUE: A Note From The Editor: New Year, New Home

A Note from 1 the Editor Welcome to another Campus, where it started this, see pages 2, 4 and edition of the Golden out, but it is now residing 10. I hope you enjoy this Getting to 1 Thread. I hope you find on the top floor, in what edition of the Golden Know: Dr Louise something of interest will hopefully be its Thread, and don’t forget if Kennefick within. permanent lodgings. It’s there’s anything you’d like Transparency II Don’t forget that our worth taking the time to to comment on, see or Ireland: esteemed law department find out where your say in this newsletter, has once again moved department is, and get contact the editor: Harry Potter III home, returning to New involved in what it does. [email protected] and the Truth House on the South For more information on in Fiction FLAC Society IV Maynooth

Russian-Irish V Getting to know: Dr Louise Kennefick International Relations Unsecured Wi- VI Fi Issues What areas of law do and found it to be a If you didn’t work in you teach? dynamic and interesting law, what area would Criminal Law, Company area. However, if you work in? It’s a VII Law, the Law of Evidence pushed, I would have to Perhaps psychology – part Marathon, not a Sprint and the Law of the say the criminal law is my of my research looks at . favourite as most of my the cross-over between Witness IX Protection: In research is based within mental health and crime. Need of If you had to pick only this area. Evidence is a (However, I hear it Reform? one of these, which close second because it is involves an inordinate Get Involved in X Your would it be, and why? so important to consider amount of statistics..!) Department All have their good points. the substantive and the The European Union procedural under the one If you could change the permeates every aspect of lens. colour of barristers’ XI law in this jurisdiction so robes, what colour We’re Not in Kansas Any uncovering its remit and What’s your favourite would you choose, and More, Toto its limitations can be thing about NUI why? compelling. I practised Maynooth? It’s compulsory footwear company law during my The wonderful students of you should be thinking Lucky Winner XII time as a solicitor in a course! about. Clown shoes, for corporate firm in the UK, (Continued on page 2) P A G E 2 Transparency Ireland: Maynooth

"Every country needs a chapters and affiliates service for anyone facing strong chapter of worldwide. an ethical dilemma or Transparency Transparency considering reporting International" International Maynooth is wrongdoing at work. Jeffrey Sachs the first Furthering this mission Transparency chapter of Transparency has led to the creation of Transparency International is the only International in the world Transparency International Ireland global organisation and is fully accredited by International Maynooth, (TI Ireland) is the Irish chapter of the dedicated to stopping Transparency which endeavours to worldwide corruption worldwide, International Ireland. emphasise the need in movement against corruption - defined working to create a "level TI Ireland’s mission is to Ireland for measures as the abuse of playing field" for citizens, empower people with the aimed at promoting entrusted power for private gain. Founded for business, for support they need to openness, fairness and in 2004, its vision is everyone. Transparency promote integrity and integrity in public office, an Ireland that is International carries its stop corruption in all its business and the non- open and fair – and where entrusted work out through its forms. As part of this profit sector in Ireland. TI power is used in the International Secretariat vision, in May 2011, TI Maynooth seeks to interest of everyone. based in Berlin and its Ireland launched promote student network of over 100 its 'Speak Up’ helpline, a (Continued on page 8)

An Interview with Dr Kennefick

Faced with our deep (Continued from page 1) will go on instinct – ‘R’ A fridge ... in a denim and meaningful example, would both has always been good to jacket. (That’s one for interview questions, confuse and terrify. me. the children of the 90s). Dr Kennefick threw us back some real curve-balls. If you were an What’s your least We would like to animal, what animal favourite day of the suggest clown shoes would you be, and week, and why? for all lecturers as a why? All the days of the week test initiative! If I were to pursue a have something nice to career in law as an offer. I couldn’t possibly animal, I would wish to offend one of them in be a cat - unassuming yet case they take revenge Friendly lecturer? Or all- inquisitive and good at (*sideways glance at powerful duck? pouncing. Ducks can Monday*). swim, walk and fly so they would come in a Would you rather be close second. too hot or too cold? Too cold. W h a t ’ s y o u r favourite letter, and If you had to choose why? between a fridge and I have never considered a freezer, which that question before so I would you pick?

THE GOLDEN THREAD VO LUME III ISSUE I Harry Potter and the Truth in Fiction

In 2007 J. K. Rowling, author of Professor Gendler's discussion of interpretation of fiction; she says the Harry Potter books, the philosophical arguments that readers presume that answered a question regarding about Rowling’s statement characters have five fingers, and the caused me to wonder what that the earth goes around the character Dumbledore by stating decision a court would make if it sun in the Harry Potter world. that she had “always thought of had to give a judgment as to She then looks for clues that Dumbledore as gay”. This whether the character would cause a reader to make an made instant news around the Dumbledore is gay. If for inference about Dumbledore’s world making it onto the pages instance another author created sexuality. This, Gendler says, is of Time, Newsweek and the New a character who was similar to not obvious to readers; the York Times, it was reported on Dumbledore and stated, as a author’s intention is the clearest CNN and on the BBC webpage. primary truth, to be gay, could indication. However, there are More recently, February 2011, it Rowling convince a court that disagreements as to how much was the topic of an article in The weight can be given to an Philosophers’ Magazine by Tamar author’s intentions as against a Szabo Gendler, professor of reader’s own response to a text. philosophy at Yale University In relation to genre constraints ( http:// she says that there could be an argument that his sexuality is p=1780). This article was on the irrelevant, and therefore there is topic of what philosophers call no right answer, as the books truth in fiction. The statement also are aimed at a children’s market, caused immediate reaction but there are also arguments among Potter fans who within against this view as other days posted thousands of characters in the books become comments on internet forums, involved in relationships. Gendler divided these into three categories; those who welcomed These arguments and methods it, those who were dismayed, Dumbledore was in truth gay and would all be likely to be raised in and those who challenged that she had been plagiarised? a court if such a case arose, and Rowling’s authority to add new would be familiar to the legal information to a finished series. Whether Dumbledore is gay, or profession. Textual evidence is It is this third category which is not, is not stated in any of the regularly used in courts and was addressed in the article, which Potter books, therefore it is a used in the Irish Courts to outlines the philosophical matter of secondary truth. The establish the existence, by arguments regarding the weight principal issue discussed by inference, of unenumerated that should be afforded to the Gendler is how to define what rights (rights not listed but author’s intentions when the secondary truths in any work implied by certain articles) interpreting a work of fiction, are and she offers four criteria to guaranteed by the Constitution. and what status implied truths consider: textual evidence, The arguments regarding reader hold. Gendler says that there are reader response, authorial intent response could be compared to two types of truths in a work of and genre constraints. Gendler those arguments forwarded by fiction, primary truths and scrutinised the texts of the theorists who claim that the secondary truths. Primary truths Potter books for evidence which Constitution is a living document are things which are stated in the could imply that Dumbledore is and should be read in relation to text; secondary truths are things gay and found quotes which changing social norms as which may be implied in the text would make it compatible with opposed to a strict textual or are compatible with it without the story. She then examined reading. Authorial intent could being strictly implied. how readers import knowledge be compared to the originalist of the real world into their (Continued on page 4) P A G E 4 Harry Potter and the Truth in Fiction

(Continued from page 3) gay uncovered good of policy (politics) as on school of constitutional arguments for each side codes of law. It is interpretation which is and left it open to the important for an especially dominant in the reader to decide for advocate to have a good US where the federalist themselves, as the understanding of the Harry Potter papers (circa 1787) are purpose of her article methods used by the made history in regularly quoted in court was to explain the social sciences to make 2003 when the to enforce a legal philosophical methods. the best representations. release of the argument. Legal cases are about Law does not exist in a fifth book was Sometimes it can help to competing claims, and it vacuum and if you’re a subject to the look outside of the legal seems to me, as a first year law student, as I first injuction issued against a field, or to examine an student, that in most was last year, my advice unnamed or issue such as this from a cases whoever makes the would be to read as unknown legal standpoint, to help best argument wins, much as you can, from as persons. This has your understanding of rather than one side wide a field as you can. It now become legal methods. Gendler’s being right and the other all helps in some way known as the examination of the wrong, and that towards understanding “Potter Injuction”. arguments for and against important cases are as the legal process. whether Dumbledore is often decided on matters Killian Donoghue

FLAC Arrives in Maynooth

FLAC was founded This year will see FLAC Sinéad Finnerty – Public the development of FLAC in 1969 by four law (Free Legal Advice Centre) Relations Officer, Maynooth without them. students—an coming to Maynooth to Peter O’Loughlin – Training Dr Kennefick is our example to all of us deal with all your legal Officer, Honorary President. that students are worries. FLAC is a new Kevin J. Clarke – Treasurer Deirdre is providing us capable of doing society in Maynooth and and with her solicitor’s mind anything! will be running legal advice Matt McDermott - and skills as well as being clinics from February of Webmaster. an information giver in our 2012. This service will be We are a committee that is training sessions. For all available to all students and committed to ensuring their help, guidance and residents of Maynooth who FLAC Maynooth provides time we would just like to require free legal aid on Maynooth students with all say thank you. various issues. We will the help and guidance they cover a range of topics may need. Recently I, Sinéad, along such as; Employment with our president Rights, Landlord and At this time we would like Patrick attended FLAC Tennant issues and Family to acknowledge and thank headquarters on Dorset Law enquiries. Deirdre McGowan and Dr. Street to meet with other Louise Kennefick as they FLAC committees. This At present we have a FLAC are the founders of FLAC included representatives committee comprising of, Maynooth. Not only are from Trinity, UCD, UCC Patrick Cagney- President, these two women the and DCU. During our Liam Sunner - V ice f o u n d e r s o f s u c h meeting we managed to President, Sé Sweeney- a beneficial society but we cover a wide range of McCabe- Secretary, could not continue with (Continued on page 6)

THE GOLDEN THREAD VO LUME III ISSUE I Russian-Irish International Relations: An Analysis

International relations have a bipartite agreements. After was the decision of the Irish long history; most probably that, similar visits have been Government to open the they appeared together with taking place regularly and on border for those Russians who the first States and have been different diplomatic levels, up already have an English visa. developing, in different ways, to and including ambassadorial Despite the fact that it will since that time. The reason for level. Both States consult each operate as a test regime until this, I believe, is the natural other on different issues, giving October, 2012, it is still a inequality between States, their opinions about positive sign for partner states, which is based on geographical international affairs and as it shows confidence. and economical differences. membership of the United The States thus either want to Nations and other international Apart from the political aspect decrease the inequality or governmental and non- in international relations, trade achieve as much superiority governmental organizations. traditionally plays an important over others as possible. Not only diplomatic but also role. According to the statistics However, on the other hand, parliamentary collaboration collected by Rosstat, the some States want nothing more takes place and a lot of Russian central statistics office, from their international agreements have been signed, the two countries could not be partners than stable economic, among them: stable trading partners, as trade and cultural collaboration. volume of trade differs from They have other purposes:  The Economic, Industrial, year to year - in 2010 it money and reliable co- Scientific and Technological amounted to $1.16 billion – 26 operation in the international Agreement, 1976; times less than the same arena.  The Protocol of Political comparison with Germany. Consultations, 1991, a hugely Russian-Irish international important document in this Traditionally, Russia exports oil, relations are an example of the specific period of Russian wood, mineral fuels, cellulosic second type; because both history, the period of the materials, ore, nonferrous countries are absolutely Soviet Union collapse and the metal and power tools. Ireland independent of each other, do formation of the Russian in turn exports meat, milk, not have mutual borders and Federation as a new alcohol, pharmaceuticals and do not compete on the democratic State; cosmetics. So, as we can see, European market. In its  The Cultural Collaboration there is a huge variety of goods, structure we can mark out two Agreement, 1991; but trade volume is not very main branches: trade and  The Flights and International high. I think that the reason is cultural collaboration. Roads Agreement, 1993; and the size of Ireland and the To begin with, I would like to  Agreement of avoidance of existence of the national say that the first mutual Double Taxations, 1994 – this producers of goods that are communiqué about diplomatic particular agreement imported from Ireland in missions exchange was signed emphasises the movement of Russia. Before the economic in 1973 and in the past few citizens of the relevant states crisis in 2008, Ireland years political dialogue has abroad– Irish in Russia and successfully invested in the developed greatly. But this vice versa – otherwise signing Russian economy with the period of the closer such an agreement would be investment volume amounting cooperation started only in moot. to about $8 billion in the pre- 1999, marked by the first crisis year. The main sphere of official visit of An One of the most significant Irish investment activity was to Moscow, recent developments in Russian and is the construction sector. which resulted in signing several -Irish international relations (Continued on page 8) P A G E 6 Unsecured Wi-Fi: A Gift? Or a Theft?

These days when we intentionally left open “a person who turn on our Wi-Fi for public use or are we connects or causes to be connections we are actually guilty of theft? connected any apparatus bombarded by various or device to, or places or available connections to The answer to this cause to be placed any choose from. While the question will vary apparatus or device in sensible owner will have depending on whether association or conjunction “Wi-Fi” is short for Wireless Fidelity, and their connection the Wi-Fi is provided by w i t h , t h e is actually a protected by some form the Internet Service telecommunications trademark owned by the Wi-Fi Alliance. It of password, we often Provider or the system operated by a is the brand name for see the lone unsecured individual customers. licensed operator or any any products using the IEEE 802.11 line amongst the signals. When the provision is part of the system the family of standards. For the most part the directly from the ISP this effect of which desired connection will will be dealt with under might result in the be stronger but what the Postal and provision by the company would happen if we Telecommunications of a service to any person chose to use this Services Act 1983: without payment of the unsecured network? Is the network (Continued on page 10)

FLAC Arrives in Maynooth

FLAC currently con- (Continued from page 4) yet to help out in the be eligible to be a centrates its work on topics including a number clinics. volunteer at the FLAC four main areas: of campaigns and research clinics and provide the Legal Aid, Social projects which we as a Also at this meeting we information service full Welfare, Credit & society can get involved in. gained valuable insight into attendance at the training Debt and Public We will discuss these how other FLAC centres sessions is compulsory. Interest Law. further at the beginning of operate. After adopting a These clinics were held on the training sessions, which few ideas to implement the 22nd of November- will commence this into our own Maynooth Employment Law and 29th Tuesday the 22nd of centre, such as how to run of November- Family Law, November. Anyone from the clinics, how to involve and will continue on the 5th any of the year groups that all year groups, the best of December- Landlord would be interested in type of training as well as and Tennant Law, 13th of helping with this project the campaigns already December – Information. would be welcomed with mentioned we believe we We look forward to seeing open arms. This is can make a real success you there and to an especially relevant for out of Maynooth FLAC. amazing FLAC year. those first years who want Just to mention again the to get involved with FLAC FLAC clinics commenced Sinéad Finnerty, Public but feel they might not on Tuesday the 22nd of Relations Officer and have the knowledge quite November. We just have Patrick Cagney, President to stress that in order to FLAC Maynooth.

THE GOLDEN THREAD VO LUME III ISSUE I It’s a Marathon, not a Sprint P A G E 5

Six laps down and six laps Lord Atkin on ‘reasonable p a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d to go before it is foreseeability’ or Justice interaction encourages acceptable to eat mince Henchy on ‘recklessness’ debate and critical pies whilst studying for then you need to learn to thinking. If you have not first semester exams. Like read between the lines, yet found your ‘law any race in life there are literally. voice’, it is time to change plenty of mottos to get Starting out you will not this. Simply make a good you motivated for the get to read all the enough argument for a task at hand ‘If you fail to suggested cases in full for point of law and express plan, you plan to fail’ ‘If you each subject, it would be it. Top tip, most of the don’t know where you’re impossible to eat them all time there is no right or Niamh going any road will take you and absorb the key wrong answer so don’t Parker is a there” “You only get out of nutrients or principles. be afraid to find your self-described “first year it what you put into it”. Apparently, if you are voice. If you take part in Law student- Blah blah blah. ‘feeling overwhelmed then it the case discussion you in-training” The fact w i l l is “Life is remember it w h a t d u r i n g happens revision for when we exams. are busy Mooting is m a k i n g the key to plans”; if courtroom you are confidence; like a lot this brings us o f back to students finding your and, for whatever reason, is a good sign’ according voice and picking a good things have not gone to Dr. Kennefick, f i g h t . S c r e a m i n g according to plan so far, Lecturer-at-Law, NUIM. ‘objection’ will get you don’t panic. Firstly, Top tip for Criminal Law: nowhere in the Moot remember you were take out the key points Court. Having a firm carefully selected by and start keeping a case argument and the professors and doctors of book. Learn to apply the confidence to deliver it law to represent the law to the facts of the will get you everywhere. National University of case and remember what Looking at Moot Ireland, Maynooth. You was held or the court’s problems and having to were invited to take your decision. Start a small argue both sides is an place on the law school study group and share the excellent way to get an team at NUIM, so stand reading. understanding of the law tall. As the laps go by you will and how to apply it. You Nutritionists for decades get to grips with the will also get to work with have shouted ‘you are different teaching styles Mr Seth Tillman, gaining what you eat’ when of your lecturers. In exposure to excellent actually ‘we are what we Contract Law ‘a picture advice and tips for can absorb’. If this article paints a thousand words’ written submissions, is starting to sound like a so remember watching which will help you with long winded speech from monkeys. Class your legal writing

THE GOLDEN THREAD VO LUME III ISSUE I Russian-Irish International Relations TI Maynooth

(Continued from page 5) whose development is on the (Continued from page 2) Leader companies, according to agenda. Apart from tourism, it is awareness of the importance the department of foreign affairs of important to mention that more of ethical conduct in society, the Russian Federation, are Quinn and more internship programs are the cost of corruption and Group, Treasury Holdings, appearing, making it possible for measures aimed at addressing Redquartz International, CRH, students to study in different the problem. Smurfit Kappa and Aminex. Large of the partner State. Russian companies are also TI Maynooth will achieve this interested in doing business in Taking into consideration all the by hosting a series of in-house Ireland; for example “RUSAL” information provided above, I can presentations from the holdings took over the Irish conclude that Russian-Irish nation’s leading experts in company Aughinish Alumina Ltd. international relations can be corruption, white-collar crime, and Chameleon Technology Ltd. described positively, with room for freedom of information and was opened in Dublin several years improvement, because, on the one Whistleblower legislation, while offering students the ago. hand, the states do not have strong opportunity to get involved in contradictions in the international research and policy design into The second field - cultural relations arena and are open to dialogue, these interesting areas of law - can be characterized as stable. whilst on the other hand, there are by way of internships and Year upon year more and more a lot of sectors to be improved. placements with Transparency tourists from Russia come to Diana Zenina International and its Irish Ireland, and vice versa, but the chapter, TI Ireland. majority of them travel for Anyone who is interested in business purposes. After the official getting involved or finding out ban of gambling in Russian cities, more should email more people discovered Ireland to transparencymaynooth@gmail be full of excitement and fun. So, .com tourism is one of the sectors Patrick Noctor

A First Year Law Student-in-Training

(Continued from page 7) or ideas not being heard he would Irish Law Journal will also be assignments. simply say “You’re fired!” running an essay competition early It also gets you working together There will be plenty of in the New Year. This will be the as a team, researching and competitions running throughout opportunity of a lifetime so please preparing your case. During this the year. The DCU Moot court watch this space for more news. process you will learn to competition is November 12th – So fellow Freshers: take a deep communicate and again find your congratulations to the successful breath, wipe the sweat from your voice, to express your opinion. NUIM team and good luck! The brow, and stay hydrated - this is a This provides both skills you will marathon not a sprint. use in the workforce and an opportunity to gain invaluable experience. If you were sitting in LAW SCHOOL TEAM NUIM – Bill Cullen’s boardroom in the Together Everybody Achieves reality TV show ‘The Apprentice’ More. and you complained of your voice Witness Protection: In Need of Reform? P A G E 7

Increased gangland crime witness may wish to falsely man who might be on the has highlighted the need to implicate others to conceal WPP” On appeal Murray reform the area of their own involvement. C.J. upheld Denham J. in evidence given by Heffernan notes that the Gilligan where she held that witnesses in the Witness quashing of Ward’s “the same approach should Protection Programme conviction shows the be taken to evidence given (WPP), despite its relative limited contribution the by a witness in a WPP as youth (Gilligan, CCA WPP can make to criminal to evidence given by an Unrep. 2003). prosecutions. accomplice” as an Declan McGrath points Liz Campbell in ‘The “innocent man” might be out, in ‘The Accomplice Evidence of Intimidated motivated to give evidence Corroboration Witnesses in Criminal or influenced directly or Warning’ (Ir Jur 1999), that Trials’ (ILT 2007) states indirectly by benefits judges’ attempts to fire that the WPP participation received from participation proof their corroboration criteria require: in the WPP. warnings against later  the witness must have However, the risks appeal may lead to juries essential evidence involved do not justify being confused rather than regarding serious crimes obligating a WPP warning. The WPP, in enlightened. Under the such as drug trafficking If the perceived slight risk 2010, spent only impression that they and organised crime; of indirect benefits is an €700,000 of the should be morally certain  the evidence must not be issue here then surely the almost €1.2 rather than be certain available elsewhere; and evidence of every career- million allocated beyond reasonable doubt,  a substantial threat to orientated Garda would to it. This was the jury may acquit when it the witness’s safety must have to be accompanied by the first time since 2007 that would be safe to convict. exist. an appropriate warning. the Gardaí spent Further as Liz Heffernan These criteria can be met Treating the evidence of an less money on a notes, in ‘The Vagaries of by both innocent people as innocent person on a WPP programme Accomplice Evidence w e l l a s c r i m i n a l the same as a career than was Accomplice’ (Ir Jur 2003), accomplices. criminal or a supergrass is allocated to it. accomplice evidence may In the recent murder case not justified. The WPP’s be motivated by self of DPP v Bryan Ryan (CCA contribution to criminal interest in avoiding Unrep March 11, 2011) the prosecution will be further prosecution and/or getting appeal was upheld on the limited. Additionally it will special concessions in grounds that the trial judge offer a fertile ground for prison. In the Guerin had failed to give a WPP appeal that is associated murder trial (DPP v Paul warning in addition to the with warnings (e.g. Ward, CCA Unrep 2002) corroboration warning. corroboration warnings) a the accomplice WPP The judge held that the problem we should witness Bowden, a self- precedent requiring the endeavour to reduce confessed murderer and additional WPP warning as rather than increase, as drug-dealer, was described established in Gilligan McGrath points out. by Barr J as “[a] self- (Unrep SC 2005) was While not proposing serving, deeply avaricious because the Supreme leaving the corroboration and potentially vicious Court was “dealing with a warning at the judge’s criminal”, a self-confessed particular set of facts and discretion, as with liar who would lie “without not dealing with the issue accomplice testimony, hesitation and regardless of in general terms” and thus McGrath proposes that the the consequences for had “not given WPP warning should be others”. consideration to the treated differently. In addition, a criminal position of an innocent (Continued on page 10)


(Continued from page 6) This section comes into play as (Continued from page 9) appropriate rental, fee or change shall through the connection to the Wi- With sexual complainants be guilty of an offence. Fi network of another, the user is under the Criminal Law (Rape) simultaneously connecting to their Amendment Act, 1990, the However, when the Wi-Fi belongs own computer and that of the obligatory corroboration to a customer of the ISP, they will owner of the Wi-Fi network. It will warning was abolished. It is not fall within the provisions of the only come into effect when the given at the judge’s discretion Postal and Telecommunications person accessing the Wi-Fi does so and only where there is Services Act 1983, as they will not in a dishonest manner, though, evidence that the complainant be considered a licensed operator. which may include unauthorized has a particular motive to lie Nonetheless, the owner of the Wi- access to a connection. However or has made prior false claims Fi connection is not without the defence may be raised that in etc. In “honest man” WPP witness testimony there is no remedy. Section 9(1) of the the event the Wi-Fi is visible basis to believe witnesses are Criminal Justice (Theft without the inherently unreliable and and Fraud Offences) requirement of a evidence of specific duplicity 2001: password or user name should be required, not merely it can be taken that potential unreliability. “A person who access is allowed to the In order not to further reduce dishonestly, whether general public. the effectiveness of the WPP, within or outside the State, operates unnecessarily reduce criminal or causes to be operated a computer Regardless of the law, in order to convictions or provide an area within the State with the intention of protect oneself from frivolous of contention that will lead to making a gain for himself or lawsuits (and the occasional unmerited appeals, the WPP herself or another, or of computer virus), it would likely be warning should be at the trial causing loss to another, is guilty of an prudent to access only those judge’s discretion. Padraig Ryan offence.” networks which you’re sure you’re permitted to access. Liam Sunner

Get Involved in Your Department

As a law student in Maynooth, get involved in which will not only between two students with the whether you’re a first year who’s boost your social life and your same degree could be those extra still trying to get the hang of how street cred, but also flesh out your commitments and interests. Don’t the college works or a seasoned CV and make you a more hesitate to do anything which third year more comfortable than interests you—it can only benefit the couches in the Zoo, there’s you in the long run. never a better time than now to Interested in writing? Submissions have a look at the range of extra- to the Irish Law Journal are now curricular activities you can get open to academics, professionals involved in during your time here and students for their inaugural in NUI Maynooth. From Moot edition. Follow them on Twitter Courts to Total Wipeout, Pub @IrishLawJournal, or check out Quizzes to Criminal Law Court their website: h t t p : / / visits, there’s a whole host of attractive employment prospect. activities and competitions you can Remember that the difference (Continued on page 12) We’re Not in Kansas Any More, Toto! P A G E 1 1

Half way through third University in France is a If you don’t speak French, year, with the question of different kettle of fish don’t worry. The course ‘what are you going to do altogether to Irish is in English, and you can next year?’ looming large university. For starters, take French lessons for over my head, I there are no clubs and free in the university, so investigated the masters societies in UCLy. This, to you can find the perfect programmes offered by me, was a complete words to talk to that the law department in culture shock as they’re French hottie you saw at NUI Maynooth. Only a an integral part of the the bar. You can also take single look at the college experience. any other courses in the programme for the Speaking to the Simon, the college which take your Masters of International course assistant, he fancy. Business Law offered as a pointed out that dual degree between NUI University is not a place The course this year, has a Maynooth and l’Université where you spend your great mix of students, Catholique de Lyon free time, but rather with Irish, French, Dutch, UCLy is a (UCLy) and I was hooked. somewhere you go to Italian and Kazakh on the private I knew this was the study, and that you leave course. There are also university in the programme for me. The once study is finished. Erasmus and visiting heart of Lyon, France, with course content looked Once you’ve gotten your students in some classes, approximately fascinating, a Masters h e a d adding Spanish, Australian 7,000 students. would stop me from a r o u n d and Canadian to the mix. A component having to enter the real t h a t , Classes are given by university of the world for another year university visiting professors from all Université de and, best of all, it was an h e r e over the world; we’ve had Lyon, it’s one of four in the city, International Business Law makes a Italian, Spanish, American, meaning that masters with an lot more English and French Lyon has the International element— sense. lecturers as well as our third-largest the first semester of the own Professor Gopalan student masters, is spent in UCLy, First thing and the course co- population in in, surprise surprise, Lyon. to do, if ordinator, Dr Cannarsa. the country, surpassed only you’ve decided to take the by Paris and Once again, I found myself course, is get your The experience is one Toulouse. a student of a brand new accommodation sorted. which I would definitely course, a guinea pig of Get in touch with the recommend to any sorts, with no previous accommodation office in student with an interest in year there to provide Lyon, they’re some of the the course content. Going some benevolent most helpful people you abroad to another experience and tips so could hope to meet. university, studying that their road would be Know beforehand international business law that little bit smoother for whether you want to live with a mix of students others. But, since I’ve just on your own or with from a variety of countries finished my semester in people. I didn’t know, and then returning to France, with only the ended up living alone, Maynooth for the second exams left to terrify me, a which nearly drove me semester, it’s an little experience might not insane. international degree in go astray. every sense of the word.


The team here at the speech was given by the Golden Thread would like Viscount Sankey. t o e x t e n d o u r In case that’s not enough Keep an eye on future congratulations to the to sate your curiosity, editions of the Golden lucky winner of the Woolmington was Thread for more competition in the Student appealing his conviction for competitions and your Survival Guide of the the wilful murder of his chance to win! Golden Thread. Orla wife, Violet Woolmington. Ward was the winner of a Woolmington won his €25 gift voucher kindly appeal and was released donated by Maynooth three days before his University Bookshop. scheduled execution date. For those of you who A lucky escape for him and were wondering, the a pillar of criminal law quote came from the case established for the rest of Woolmington v DPP, us! [1935] AC 462, and the

Get Involved!

If something a little December. It promises involved in Moot Court. more light-hearted is to be the event of the Intervarsity Moot what you’re looking for, year. Or contact Courts as well as in- why not try writing or [email protected] college Moots give If you feel there’s editing for the Golden Fancy something a bit students valuable something missing from Thread? Submissions are more international? Try experience as well as our department, why open year-round and ELSA. Events are giving you a chance to not take a lead from aspiring editors need organised year-round compete against law FLAC or Transparency Ireland’s Maynooth only contact and range from students from all over chapters and set it up [email protected] presidential debates to the country. yourself? We all benefit om to get involved. Criminal Court visits, With such a wide variety when our department is Looking for something with everything in of activities on offer, the very best it can with more of a group between, including pub there’s really no excuse possibly be! feel? Why not get quizzes and film for not getting involved. involved in the Law screenings. Contact So what are you waiting Society? Tickets are on [email protected] for? Get out there! sale now for the Law If you’re looking for

Ball, in Johnstown more practical Picture: Irish Law Journal Editors talking House on the 6th experience, try getting to Justice Geoghegan after his talk on the powers of the Irish presidency

Special Thanks to: Patrick Cagney Louise Kennefick Diana Zenina Lorna Clarke Patrick Noctor Brian Flanagan, Staff Supervisor Killian Donoghue Niamh Parker Liam Sunner, Sub-Editor Sinéad Finnerty Padraig Ryan Aislinn O’Connell, Editor