
H- JOURNAL WATCH, J to Z H-Diplo Journal and Periodical Review First Quarter 2016 22 January 2016

Compiled by Lubna Qureshi, Stockholm University

Journal of American East Asian Relations, Vol. 22, Issue 3 (2015) http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/18765610/22/3

• Robert C. Cottrell, “Sex and Saigon: Gendered Perspectives on the Vietnam War,” 179.

• Amanda Boczar, “Uneasy Allies: The Americanization of Sexual Policies in South Vietnam,” 187.

• Amber Batura, “The Playboy Way: Playboy Magazine, Soldiers, and the Military in Vietnam,” 221.

• Jeffrey A. Keith, “Producing Miss Saigon: Imaginings, Realities, and the Sensual Geography of Saigon,” 243.

Journal of American-East Asian Relations, Vol. 22, Issue 4 (2015) http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/18765610/22/4

• David P. Fields, “The Rabbi, the Lawyer, and the Prophet: American Exceptionalism and the Question of Korean Independence.” 291.

• Jimin Kim, “Empire versus Empire: American Critiques of Japan’s Colonial Rule in Korea in the 1920s and 1930s,” 315.

• Brandon K. Gauthier, “A Tortured Relic: The Lasting Legacy of the Korean War and Portrayals of ´North Korea’ in the U.S. Media, 1953-1962,” 343. ______

The Journal of American History, Vol. 102, No. 3 (December 2015) http://jah.oah.org/issues/december-2015/

• Robert Michael Morrissey, “The Power of the Ecotone: Bison, Slavery, and the Rise and Fall of the Grand Village of the Kaskaskia,” 667.

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Kendra T. Field, “’No Such Thing as Stand Still’: Migration and Geopolitics in African American History,” 693.

• Kirsten Fermaglich, “’What’s Uncle Sam’s Last Name?’: Jews and Name Changing in New York During the World War II Era,” 719.

• Jennifer Burns, “The Three ‘Furies’ of Libertarianism: Rose Wilder Lane, Isabel Paterson, and Ayn Rand,” 746.

• Edward E. Curtis IV, “’My Heart is in Cairo’: Malcolm X, the Arab Cold War, and the Making of Islamic Liberation Ethics,” 775. ______

Journal of American Studies, Vol. 49, Issue 4 (November 2015) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=AMS&volumeId=49&is sueId=04&iid=10020807

• Hamilton Carroll and Annie McClanahan, “Fictions of Speculation: Introduction,” 655.

• Aimee Bahng, “Specters of the Pacific: Salt Fish Drag and the Atomic Hauntologies in the Era of Genetic Modification,” 663.

• Gerry Canavan, “Capital as Artificial Intelligence,” 685.

• Eva Cherniavsky and Tom Foster, “Permanent Crisis and Technosociality in Bruce Sterling’s Distraction,” 711.

• Laura Finch, “The Un-real Deal: Financial Fiction, Fictional Finance, and the Financial Crisis,” 731.

• Leigh Claire La Berge, “Fiction is Liquid: States of Money in The Sopranos and Breaking Bad,” 755.

• Andrew Pepper, “Who Knows What’s Going On? Mapping New Security Landscapes in Contemporary Espionage Fiction,” 775.

• Katherine Sugg, “The Walking Dead: Late Liberalism and Masculine Subjection in Apocalypse Fictions,” 793.

• Michael Szalay, “Pimps and Pied Pipers: Quality Television in the Age of its Direct Delivery,” 813.

• Evan Calder Williams, “Salvage,” 845.

Responses to New Southern Studies Forum

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Jon Smith, “What the New Southern Studies Does Now,” 861.

• Ted Ownby, “The New Southern Studies and Rethinking the Question, ‘Is There Still a South?’,” 871.


• Anthony J. Stanonis, Hugh Wilford, Andrew Hartman, Sheila Hones, Stephen Tuck, and Michael Heale, “Nicholas Barreyre, Michael Heale, Stephen Tuck, and Cécile Vidal (eds.), Historians across Borders: Writing American History in a Global Age,” 879. ______

The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 74, Issue 4 (November 2015) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JAS&volumeId=74&iss ueId=04&iid=10061788

• John Delury, Sheila A. Smith, Maria Repnikova, and Srinath Raghavan, “Looking Back on the Seventieth Anniversary of Japan’s Surrender,” 797.

• Mrinalini Sinha, “Premonitions of the Past,” 821.

• Sanjay Joshi, “Juliet Got It Wrong: Conversion and the Politics of Naming in Kumaon, ca. 1850-1930,” 843.

• Daniel Chirot, “The Long Struggle: Enlightenment, Counter-Enlightenment, and the Importance of Ideas in Democratization,” 863.

• Mark R. Thompson, “Democracy with Asian Characteristics,” 875.

• Edward Aspinall, “The Surprising Democratic Behemoth: Indonesia in Comparative Asian Perspective,” 889.

• Elizabeth J. Perry, “The Populist Dream of Chinese Democracy,” 903.

• Ashutosh Varshney, “Asian Democracy through an Indian Prism,” 917.

• Gaerrang (Kabzung), “Development as Entangled Knot: The Case of the Slaughter Renuniciation Movement in Tibet, China,” 927.

• Erik Esselstrom, “Red Guards and Salarymen: The Chinese Cultural Revolution and Comic Satire in 1960s Japan,” 953.

• Dorothy J. Solinger, “Three Welfare Models and Current Chinese Social Assistance: Confucian Justifications, Variable Applications,” 977. ______

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Journal of British Studies, Vol. 55, Issue 1 (January 2016) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JBR&volumeId=55&iss ueId=01&iid=10096138

• Philip Loft, “Involving the Public: Parliament, Petitioning, and the Language of Interest, 1688-1720,” 1. • Stephanie Koscak, “The Royal Sign and Visual Literacy in Eighteenth-Century London,” 24.

• Gregory Conti, “What’s Not in On Liberty: The Pacific Theory of Freedom of Discussion in the Early Nineteenth Century,” 57.

• Peter Jones and Steven King, “Voices from the Far North: Pauper Letters and the Provision of Welfare in Sutherland, 1845-1900,” 76.

• Brett Holman, “The Phantom Airship Panic of 1913: Imagining Aerial Warfare in Britain before the Great War,” 99.

• Becky Taylor, “’Their Only Words of English Were “Thank You”’: Rights, Gratitude, and ‘Deserving’ Hungarian Refugees to Britain in 1956,” 120.

• Ezequiel Mercau, “War of the British Worlds: The Anglo-Argentines and the Falklands,” 145. ______

Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 17, Issue 4 (Fall 2015) http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/jcws/17/4

• David Patrick Houghton, “Spies and Boats and Planes: An Examination of U.S. Decision- Making during the Pueblo Hostage Crisis of 1968,” 4.

• Tommaso Piffer, “Office of Strategic Services versus Special Operations Executive: Competition for the Italian Resistance, 1943-1945,” 41.

• Kevin W. Martin, “’Behind Cinerama’s Aluminum Curtain’: Cold War Spectacle and Propaganda at the First Damascus International Exposition,” 59.

• Zachary Shore, “Provoking America: Le Duan and the Origins of the Vietnam War,” 86.

• Thomas K. Robb and David James Gill, “The ANZUS Treaty during the Cold War: A Reinterpretation of U.S. Diplomacy in the Southwest Pacific,” 109.

• Archie Brown, “The End of the Soviet Union,” 158.

• Gary Kern, “Father, Son, and the Bomb,” 166. ______4 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 59:8 (December 2015) http://jcr.sagepub.com/content/59/8.toc

• David Shirk and Joel Wallman, “Understanding Mexico’s Drug Violence,” 1348.

• Angelica Duran-Martinez, “To Kill and Tell? State Power, Criminal Competition, and Drug Violence,” 1377.

• Javier Osorio, “The Contagion of Drug Violence: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Mexican War on Drugs,” 1403.

• Viridiana Rios, “How Government Coordination Controlled Organized Crime: The Case of Mexico’s Cocaine Markets,” 1433.

• Gabriela Calderón, Gustavo Robles, Alberto Díaz-Cayeros, and Beatriz Magaloni, “The Beheading of Criminal Organizations and the Dynamics of Violence in Mexico,” 1455.

• Benjamin Lessing, “Logics of Violence in Criminal War,” 1486.

• Stathis N. Kalyvas, “How Civil Wars Help Explain Organized Crime – and How They Do Not,” 1517. ______

Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol. 33, Issue 3 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjca20/33/3#.VpKB7Cge_zY

• Leith Mullings, “Blurring boundaries: post-racialism, inequality, and the anthropology of race,” 305.

• Janis van der Westhuizen and Karen Smith, “Pragmatic internationalism: public opinion on South Africa’s role in the world,” 318.

• Ivan Turok, “Turning the tide? The emergence of national urban policies in Africa,” 348.

• A. Carl LeVan, “Parallel institutionalism and the of representation in Nigeria,” 370.

• Niamh Gaynor, “Poverty amid plenty: structural violence and local governance in western Congo,” 391. ______

Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 46, Issue 1 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjoc20/46/1

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• Michael D. Barr, “Ordinary Singapore: The Decline of Singapore Exceptionalism,” 1.

• Michele Ford, Michael Gillan, and Htwe Htwe Thein, “From Cronyism to Oligarchy? Privatisation and Business Elites in Myanmar,” 18.

• Sarah Turner, Thomas Kettig, Dinh Thi Diêu, and Pham Van Cu, “State Livelihood Planning and Legibility in Vietnam’s Northern Borderlands: The ‘Rightful Criticisms’ of Local Officials,” 42.

• Tamara Jacka and Wu Chengrui, “Village Self-Government and Representation in Southwest China,” 71.

• Youngwon Cho, “When $262 Billion is Not Enough: Rethinking Reserve Accumulation in South Korea,” 95.

• Serhat Ünaldi, “A Kingdom in Crisis – What’s All the Fuss About?,” 120.

• Jihyun Kim, “Understanding the Hermit Kingdom As It is and As It is Becoming: The Past, Present, and Future of North Korea,” 130. ______

A Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 25, Issue 97 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjcc20/25/97

• David S.G. Goodman, “Locating China’s Middle Classes: social intermediaries and the Party-State,” 1.

• Jiang Chang and Hailong Ren, “Television News as Political Ritual: Xinwen Lianbo and China’s journalism reform within the Party-State’s orbit,” 14.

• Yuchao Zhu and Dongyan Blachford, “’Old Bottle, New Wine’? Xinjiang Bingtuan and China’s ethnic frontier governance,” 25.

• Dongya Huang and Chuanmin Chen, “Revolving out of the Party-State: the Xiahai entrepreneurs and circumscribing government power in China,” 41.

Local Party Discipline Inspection Committees and Anti-Corruption Campaign in China

• Yukyung Yeo, “Complementing the local discipline inspection commissions of the CCP: empowerment of the central inspection groups,” 59.

• Fenfei Li and Jinting Deng, “The Limits of the Arbitrariness in Anticorruption by China’s Local Party Discipline Inspection Committees,” 75.

Foreign Direct Investments in and out of China

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• Friedrich Wu and Andreas Bakke Frøystadvåg, “China Investment Corporation’s Forays into Europe and the United States: explaining the different receptions,” 91.

• Ka Zeng, “Understanding the Institutional Variation in China’s Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs): the complex interplay of domestic and international influences,” 112.

• Xianming Wu, Xingrui Yang, Haibin Yang, and Hao Lei, “Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions by Chinese Firms: value creation or value destruction?,” 130.

Research Note

• Eun Kyong Choi, “The Politics of Central Tax Collection in China since 1994: local collusion and political control,” 146. ______

Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 23, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjea20/23/4#.VpKZxyge_zY


• Anthony Cooper, “Where are Europe’s New Borders? Ontology, Methodology, and Framing,”447.


• Dorte J. Andersen, Olivier Thomas Kramsch, and Marie Sandberg, “Inverting the Telescope on Borders that Matter: Conversations in Café Europa,” 459.

• Rodrigo Bueno Lacy and Henk Van Houtum, “Lies, Damned Lies & Maps: The EU’s Cartopolitical Invention of Europe,” 477.

• Alexandria J. Innes, “The Never-Ending Journey? Exclusive Jurisdictions and Migrant Mobility in Europe,” 500.

• Catarina Kinnvall, “Borders and Fear: Insecurity, Gender, and the Far Right in Europe,” 514.

• Pablo Calderón Martínez, “The EU and Democratic Leverage: Are There Still Lessons to Be Learnt from the Spanish Transition to Democracy?,” 530. ______

The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 75, Issue 4 (December 2015) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JEH&volumeId=75&iss ueId=04&iid=10063547

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• William J. Collins and Marianne H. Wanamaker, “The Great Migration in Black and White: New Evidence on the Selection and Sorting of Southern Migrants,” 947.

• Giovanni Federico and Michelangelo Vasta, “What Do We Really Know about Protection Before the Great Depression: Evidence from Italy,” 993.

• Leonardo Weller, “Government versus Bankers: Sovereign Debt Negotiations in Porfirian Mexico, 1888-1910,” 1030.

• Guido Alfani, “Economic Inequality in Northwestern Italy: A Long-Term View (Fourteenth to Eighteenth Centuries),” 1058.

• Peter Scott and Nicolas Ziebarth, “The Determinants of Plant Survival in the U.S. Radio Equipment Industry During the Great Depression,” 1097.

• Richard B. Baker, “From the Field to the Classroom: The Boll Weevil’s Impact on Education in Rural Georgia,” 1128.

• Carl Kitchens and Price Fishback, “Flip the Switch: The Impact of the Rural Electrification Administration 1935-1940,” 1161.

• Timothy W. Guinnane and Jochen Streb, “Incentives that (Could Have) Saved Lives: Government Regulation of Accident Insurance Associations in Germany, 1884-1914,” 1196.

Essays – The Future of Economic History

• William J. Collins, “Looking Forward: Positive and Normative Views of Economic History’s Future,” 1228.

• Kris James Mitchener, “The 4D Future of Economic History: Digitally-Driven Data Design,” 1234.

• Ran Abramitzky, “Economics and the Modern Economic Historian,” 1240.

• Naomi Lamoreaux, “The Future of Economic History Must Be Interdisciplinary,” 1251.


Journal of Genocide Research, Vol 17, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjgr20/17/4#.VpKgiCge_zY


• Andrew Woolford and Jeff Benvenuto, “Canada and colonial genocide,” 373.

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Review Article

• Matthew Wildcat, “Fearing social and cultural death: genocide and elimination in settler colonial Canada – an indigenous perspective,” 391.


• David B. MacDonald, “Canada’s history wars: indigenous genocide and public memory in the United States, Australia, and Canada,” 411.

• Tricia Logan, “Settler colonialism in Canada and the Métis,” 433.

• Seth Adema, “Not told by victims: genocide-as-story in aboriginal prison writings in Canada, 1980-96,” 453.

• Robyn Green, “The economics of reconciliation: tracing investment in indigenous- settler relations,” 473. ______Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 11, Issue 3 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjge20/11/3

Forum: The Sustainable Development Goals

• Eric Palmer, “Introduction: The 2030 Agenda,” 262.

• Paula Casal and Nicole Selamé, “Sea for the landlocked: a sustainable development goal?,” 270.

• Scott Wisor, “On the structure of global development goals,” 280.

• Frances Stewart, “The Sustainable Development Goals: a comment,” 288.

• Johannes M. Waldmueller, “Agriculture, knowledge, and the ‘colonial matrix of power’: approaching sustainabilities from the Global South,” 294.


• Jaakko Kuosmanen, “Repackaging human rights: on the justification and the function of the right to development,” 303.

• Gwilym David Blunt, “Justice in assistance: a critique of the ‘Singer Solution’,” 321.

• Paul B. Thompson, “From world hunger to food sovereignty: food ethics and human development,” 336.

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• Yvonne A. Braun, Michael C. Dreiling, Matthew P. Eddy, and David M. Dominguez, “Up against the wall: ecotourism, development, and social justice in Costa Rica,” 351. ______

Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 37, Issue 4 (December 2015) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=HET&volumeId=37&is sueId=04&iid=10034203

• James R. Wible and Kevin D. Hoover, “Mathematical Economics Comes to America: Charles S. Peirce’s Engagement with Cournot’s Recherches sur les Principes Mathématiques de la Théorie des Richesses,” 511.

• Terence C. Mills and Kerry Patterson, “Carmichael’s Arctan Trend: Precursor of Smooth Transition Functions,” 537.

• Christopher S. Martin, “Equity, Besides: Adam Smith and the Utility of Poverty,” 559.

• Natsuka Tokumaru, “Wieser’s Unity of Thought,” 583.

• Carlo Cristiano, “Theories of the Firm in England before Coase: Stemming the Tide of ‘Rationalization’ on the Eve of ‘The Nature of the Firm’,” 597. ______

Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 14, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjhr20/14/4#.VpLA2yge_zY

• Gearoid Millar, “’We Have No Voice for That’: Land Rights, Power, and Gender in Rural Sierra Leone,” 445.

• Eduard Jordaan, “Rising Power and Human Rights: The India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum at the UN Human Rights Council,” 463.

• Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick, “From Rescue to Representation: A Human Rights Approach to the Contemporary Antislavery Movement,” 486.

• Moira Katherine Lynch, “A Theory of Human Rights Accountability and Emergency Law: Bringing in Historical Institutionalism,” 504.

• Anja Mihr, “Why Holocaust Education is Not Always Human Rights Education,” 525.

• Sebastian Wogenstein, “Holocaust Education and Human Rights Education Reconsidered: A Response to Anja Mihr,” 545. ______

The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, Vol. 43, Issue 5 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fich20/43/5 10 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Ross Nedervelt, “Caught between Realities: The American Revolution, the Continental Congress, and Political Turmoil in the Bahama Islands,” 747.

• Sara ElGaddari, “Her Majesty’s Agents: The British Consul at Tripoli, 1795-1832,” 770.

• Kirsten McKenzie, “’The Laws of his Own Country’: Defamation, Banishment, and the Problem of Legal Pluralism in the 1820s Cape Colony,” 787.

• Jim Tomlinson, “Orientalism at Work? Dundee’s Response to Competition from Calcutta, circa 1870-1914,” 807.

• Jonas Fossli Gjersø, “The Scramble for East Africa: British Motives Reconsidered, 1884- 95,” 831.

• Helen Bones, “’A book is a book, all the world over’: New Zealand and the Colonial Writing World 1890-1945,” 861.

• Jonathan Hyslop, “A British Strike in an African Port: The Mercantile Marine and Dominion Politics in Durban, 1925,” 882.

• Iain E. Johnston, “The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan and the Shaping of National Identities in the Second World War,” 903. ______

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 46, Issue 3 (Winter 2016) http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/jinh/46/3

• B. Zorina Khan, “The Impact of War on Resource Allocation: ‘Creative Destruction’, Patenting, and the American Civil War,” 315.

• Geoff Cunfer and Fridolin Krausmann, “Adaptation on an Agricultural Frontier: Socio- Ecological Profiles of Great Plains Settlement, 1870-1940,” 355.

• Stijn Ronsse and Glenn Rayp, “What Determined the Location of Industry in Belgium, 1896-1961?,” 393.

• Simon Nicholson, “The Birth of Free-Market Fundamentalism,” 421. ______

Journal of Military Ethics, Vol. 14, Issue 3-4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/smil20/14/3-4

Editorial Introduction

• Henrik Syse and Martin L. Cook, “’The Just Soldier’ – Who is It?,” 201. 11 | Page

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• Jesse Kirkpatrick, “Drones and the Martial Virtue Courage,” 202.

• Robert Sparrow, “Martial and Moral Courage in Teleoperated Warfare: A Commentary on Kirkpatrick,” 220.

• Jesse Kirkpatrick, “Reply to Sparrow: Martial Courage – or Merely Courage?,” 228.

• Michelle Schut and René Moelker, “Respectful Agents: Between the Scylla and Charybdis of Cultural and Moral Incapacity,” 232.

Book Symposium: The Ethics of Insurgency

• Michael L. Gross, “The Ethics of Insurgency: A Brief Overview,” 248.

• George R. Lucas, Jr., “Response to Michael Gross: Military Ethics, Insurgency, and the Rise of ‘Soft War’,” 251.

• David Whetham, “Response to Michael Gross: Human Shields, Participatory Liability, and Different Sets of Rules,” 255.

• Valerie Morkevicius, “Response to Michael Gross: Between Reality and Restraint,” 260.

• Michael L. Gross, “In Response to the Commentators,” 266.

Case Study

• Paul Lushenko, “Coining an Ethical Dilemma: The Impunity of Afghanistan’s Indigenous Security Forces,” 272.

Case Study Commentary and Analysis

• Paul Robinson, “Determining the Limits of Moral Compromise: The Case of the Impunity of Afghanistan’s Indigenous Security Forces,” 276.

• James Cook, “A Moral Tower of Babel?,” 280. ______

Journal of Military History, Vol. 80, No. 1 (January 2016) http://www.smh-hq.org/jmh/jmhvols/801.html

• Thomas Dodman, “1814 and the Melancholy of War,” 31.

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• Jacques Hantraye, “The Silence of the Woods: The 1815 Murder of a Prussian Soldier in Western France,” 57.

• Stéphane Calvet, “The Painful Demobilization of the Napoleonic Grande Armée’s Officers,” 77.

• Christopher Tozzi, “Soldiers without a Country: Foreign Veterans in the Transition from Empire to Restoration,” 93.

• Jennifer Heuer, “Soldiers as Victims or Villains? Demobilization, Masculinity, and Family in French Royalists Pamphlets, 1814-1815,” 121.

• Morten Nordhagen Ottosen, “Ending War and Making Peace in Scandinavia, 1814- 1848: ‘Peace Crisis’, Demobilization, and Reconciliation,” 145.

• Petter Wulff, “Artillery, Light and Heavy: Sardinia-Piedmont and Sweden in the Nineteenth Century,” 173.

• William S. Dudley, “A Soldier, His Family, and the Impact of the Pacific War, 1942- 1945,” 187. ______

The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 53, Issue 4 (December 2015) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=MOA&volumeId=53&i ssueId=04&iid=10029191

• Caitriona Dowd, “Grievances, governance, and Islamist violence in sub-Saharan Africa,” 505.

• Tijo Salverda, “(Dis)unity in Diversity: How Common Beliefs about Ethnicity Benefit the White Mauritian Elite,” 533.

• Giulia Piccolino, “Does democratisation foster effective taxation? Evidence from Benin,” 557.

• Meike J. De Goede, “’Mundele, it is because of you’ : History, Identity, and the Meaning of Democracy in the Congo,” 583.

• Peter Albrecht, “The Chiefs of Community Policing in Rural Sierra Leone,” 611.

• Luisa Enria, “Love and Betrayal: The Political Economy of Youth Violence in Post-War Sierra Leone,” 637. ______

Journal of Modern Chinese History, Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmoh20/9/2 13 | Page

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• Shiwei Chen, “Intellectual preparedness: Dr. Hu Shih, Lake Forest College, and Chinese diplomacy during World War II,” 153.

• Dandan Chen, “The state in the shadow of war: reexamining Zhang Junmai’s thoughts on democratic politics and state building,” 175.

• Lin-chun Wu, “Partnership across the Pacific: Sino-American collaboration in maritime transportation during World War I,” 199.

• Yiwei Cheng, “Coping with parallel authorities: the early diplomatic negotiations of Soviet Russia and China on the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1917-1925,” 223.

• Wennan Liu, “’Historical research is like retrying an old case’: an interview with Shen Zhihua, June 17, 2015,” 244.

• Yuhe Zuo, “Oral history studies in contemporary China,” 259. ______

The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 87, No. 4 (December 2015) https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/682417

• Michael P. Breen, “’An Uncertain, Useless, and Disgraceful Means of Proof’: Marriage, Law, and Authority in the Épreuve du Congrès,” 771.

• Christian Bailey, “Honor among Peers? A Comparative History of Honor Practices in Postwar Britain and West Germany,” 809.

• James Mark and Péter Apor, “Socialism Goes Global: Decolonization and the Making of a New Culture of Internationalism in Socialist Hungary, 1956-1989,” 852.

• Camille Robcis, “Catholics, the ‘Theory of Gender’, and the Turn to the Human in France: A New Dreyfus Affair?,” 892. ______

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmis20/20/4

Special section: Italy after the 2013 elections

• Daniele Albertazzi and Arianna Giovanni, “Surviving the perfect storm: Italy after the 2013 elections,” 427.

• Gianfranco Pasquino and Marco Valbruzzi, “The impact of the 2013 general election on the Italian political system: the end of bipolarism?,” 438.

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• Fabio Bordignon and Luigi Ceccarini, “The Five-Star Movement: a hybrid actor in the net of state institutions,” 454.

• Antonella Seddone and Fulvio Venturino, “The Partito Democratico after the 2013 elections: all change?,” 474.

Non-special section articles

• Giampaolo Salice, “The Greek mirror: philhellenism and southern Italian patriotisms (1750-1861),” 491.

• David I. Kertzer, “Interview with Romano Prodi. Part Two: from the fall of the first Prodi government (1998), Prodi’s term as President of the European Commission (1999-2004), the second Prodi government (2006-08) and Italy’s 2013 presidential elections,” 508.

• Alexander Grab, “Secondary schools in Napoleonic Italy (1802-14),” 527.

• Davide Gianluca Bianchi, “Trasformismo in Italian regional assemblies: a systemic interpretation,” 547.

• Mary Gibson, “Through Partisan Eyes: My Friendships, Literary Education, and Political Encounters in Italy (1956-2013) with Sidelights on My Experiences in the United States, France, and the Soviet Union. Review and commemoration of Frank Rosengarten,” 567.

• Peter Jones, “Painting and politics: Renato Guttuso at the Estorick Collection,” 571. ______

The Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 50, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjph20/50/4

• Matthew G. Allen and Sinclair Dinnen, “Solomon Islands in Transition?,” 381.

• Jon Fraenkel, “The Teleology and Romance of State-building in Solomon Islands,” 398.

• Clive Moore, “Honiara: Arrival City and Pacific Hybrid Living Space,” 419.

• Rebecca Monson, “From Taovia to Trustee: Urbanisation, Land Disputes, and Social Diffentiation in Kakabona,” 437.

• Debra McDougall, “Customary Authority and State Withdrawal in Solomon Islands: Resilience or Tenacity?,” 450.

• Edvard Hviding, “Big Money in the Rural: Wealth and Dispossession in Western Solomons Political Economy,” 473. 15 | Page

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• David Akin, “Maasina Rule beyond Recognition,” 486.

• Joseph Foukona, “Urban Land in Honiara: Strategies and Rights to the City,” 504.

• David Lawrence, Kylie Moloney, and Christine Bryan, “From the Archives: The Charles Morris Woodford Papers and Photographs at the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau and the Pacific Research Archives, Australian National University,” 519.

• Christopher Chevalier, “Obituary: John Roughan,” 533. ______

Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 44, No. 3 (Spring 2015) http://www.palestine-studies.org/jps/issue/175

• Glenn Bowman, “Encystation: Containment and Control in Israeli Ideology and Practice,” 6.

• Gabriel Piterberg, “Israeli Sociology’s Young Hegelian: Gershon Shafir and the Settler- Colonial Framework,” 17.

• “The Palestinian Resistance – A Reexamination: Interview with Ramadan Shallah (Part II),” 39.

• Fouad Moughrabi with Elaine Hagopian, “In Honor of Naseer H. Aruri (1934-2015),” 49.

Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 44, No. 4 (Summer 2015) http://www.palestine-studies.org/jps/issue/176

• Mazen Masri, “The Two-State Model and Israeli Constitutionalism: Impact on the Palestinian Citizens of Israel,” 7.

• Interview by Nehad Khader, “Elia Suleiman: The Power of Ridicule,” 21.

• Stathis Gourgouris, “Dream-Work of Dispossession: The Instance of Elia Suleiman,” 32.

• Avraham Burg, “The Way Forward: Full Citizenship for Israel’s Palestinian Minority,” 48.

• Linda Butler, “Eric Rouleau: Journalist Extraordinaire, Champion of the Palestinian Cause,” 57.

• Compiled by the Editorial Staff, “The Iran Nuclear Negotiations: Israel and the U.S. Congress,” 68. ______16 | Page

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Journal of Policy History, Vol. 28, Issue 1 (January 2016) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JPH&volumeId=28&iss ueId=01&iid=10069616

• Paul Sabin, “’Everything has a price’: Jimmy Carter and the Struggle for Balance in Federal Regulatory Policy,” 1.

• Johann N. Neem, “Path Dependence and the Emergence of Common Schools: Ohio to 1853,” 48.

• Dennie Oude Nijhuis, “Low Pay, Wage Relativities, and Labour’s First Attempt to Introduce a Statutory National Minimum Wage in the United Kingdom,” 81.

• Lin Poyer, Laurence M. Carucci, and Suzanne Falgout, “Micronesian Chiefs under American Rule: Military Occupation, Democracy, and Trajectories of Traditional Leadership,” 105.

• Doron Avraham, “The Religious and Moral Origins of German Conservative Social Policy,” 133.

• Olivier Burtin, “’A One-Woman Tea Party’: Tax Resistance, Feminism, and Conservatism in the Life of Vivien Kellems,” 162. ______

Journal of Political Science Education, Vol. 11, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/upse20/11/4

• Ian G. Anson, “Assessment Feedback using Screencapture Technology in Political Science,” 375.

• Michael K. Baranowski and Kimberly A. Weir, “Political Simulations: What We Know, What We Think We Know, and What We Still Need to Know,” 391.

• Ryan L. Claassen and J. Quin Monson, “Does Civic Education Matter?: The Power of Long-Term Observation and the Experimental Method,” 404.

• David Menefee-Libey, “High School Civics Textbooks: What We Know versus What We Teach about American Politics and Public Policy,” 422.

• Sara R. Rinfret and Michelle C. Pautz, “Understanding Public Policy Making through the Work of Committees: Utilizing a Student-Led Congressional Hearing Simulation,” 442.

• Carolyn Forestiere, “Promoting Civic Agency through Civic-Engagement Activities: A Guide for Instructors New to Civic-Engagement Pedagogy,” 455.

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• Heather K. Evans and Victoria Cordova, “Lecture Videos in Online Courses: A Follow- Up,” 472.

• Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado, “Internationalizing ‘Engaged’ Learning: Enhancing Travel Study in Cuba,” 483. ______

Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 47, Issue 1 (February 2016) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=SEA&volumeId=47&is sueId=01&iid=10081177

• Lisa Arensen, “’All newcomers now’: Narrating social and material aspects of post-war resettlement in northwest Cambodia,” 24.

• Robert Dayley and Attachak Sattayanurak, “Thailand’s last peasant,” 42.

• Brendan Luyt, “Empire forestry and its failure in the Philippines: 1901-1941,” 66.

• Anthony Reid, “Two hiterto unknown Indonesian tsunamis of the seventeenth century: Probabilities and context,” 88.

• Olivier Évrard, Thomoas O. Pryce, Guido Sprenger, and Chanthaphilith Chiemsisouraj, “Of myths and metallurgy: Archaeological and ethnological approaches to upland iron production in 9th century C.E. northwest Laos,” 109.

• Albert Lau, “In Memoriam: Dr. Cheah Boon Kheng,” 141. ______

Journal of Tourism History, Vol. 7, Issue 1-2 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjth20/7/1-2

Winner 2015 John K. Walton Prize

• Michalis Nikolakakis, “Representations and social practices of alternative tourists in post-war Greece to the end of the Greek military junta,” 5.

Original Articles

• Gaetano Cerchiello and José Fernando Vera-Rebollo, “Steamboats and pleasure travels: success and failure of the first Spanish initiatives in the mid-nineteenth century,” 18.

• Michael Vargas, “’Catalonia is not Spain’: projecting Catalan identity to tourists in and around Barcelona,” 36.

• Tammy S. Gordon, “’Take Amtrak to Black History’: marketing heritage tourism to African Americans in the 1970s,” 54. 18 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Clive D. Field, “Fun, faith, and fellowship: British Methodism and tourism in the twentieth century,” 75.

• Shelley Baranowski Christopher Endy, Waleed Hazbun, Stephanie Malia Hom, Gordon Pirie, Trevor Simmons, and Eric G.E. Zuelow, “Tourism and empire,” 100.

• Trevor M. Simmons, “New Tourism Archives: The records of the East African Professional Hunters’ Association,” 131.

• Bertram M. Gordon, “Touring the field: the infrastructure of tourism history scholarship,” 135.

• Adam T. Rosenbaum, “Leisure travel and real existing socialism: new research on tourism in the Soviet Union and communist Eastern Europe,” 157.

• Gerald McFarland, “In Memoriam: Dr. Richard H. Gassan, 1958-2015,” 177.

Journal of Tourism History, Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjth20/7/3

• Andrew Wigley, “Against the wind: the role of Belgian colonial tourism marketing in resisting pressure to decolonise from Africa,” 193.

• Colin Symes, “Motion pictures: an analysis of the posters of Victorian Railways during the 1920s and 1930s,” 210.

• Hamish Bremmer, “Battle lines in the Hot Lakes District, New Zealand, c. 1900: tourism development and the contested nature of place,” 228.

• Pedro Alexandre Guerreiro Martins, “Sea bathing and seaside tourism in Portugal in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: an overview,” 246.

• Scott Moranda, “The emergence of an environmental history of tourism,” 268. ______

Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol. 13, Issue 3 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjts20/13/3

• Peter J. Hugill, “Closing the Atlantic gap: the symbiotic development of civil and military aviation technology through the 1930s,” 235.

• James L. Gormly, “Opening and closing doors: U.S. postwar aviation policy: 1943-1963,” 251.

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• Peter Svik, “East-West relations in the civil aviation sector between 1945 and 1963,” 263.

• Alexandre Vautravers, “Fighting for oil in the skies? The case of the KC-X programme,” 279.

Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol. 13, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjts20/13/4

Special Issue: Diplomacy on Campus: The Political Dimensions of Academic Exchange in the North Atlantic

• Thomas Adam and Charlotte A. Lerg, “Diplomacy on campus: the political dimensions of academic exchange in the North Atlantic,” 299.

• Tomás Irish, “From international to inter-allied: transatlantic university relations in the era of the First World War, 1905-1920,” 311.

• Kenneth Bertrams, “The domestic uses of Belgian-American ‘mutual understanding’: the commission for relief in Belgium educational foundation, 1920-1940,” 326.

• Whitney Walton, “National interests and cultural exchange in French and American educational travel, 1914-1970,” 344.

• Molly Bettie, “Ambassadors unaware: the Fulbright program and American public diplomacy,” 358.


• Victoria Bazin, “Restless subjects/careless people: re-reading The Great Gatsby,” 373.

• Joseph Eaton, “New Insights into Gatsby and the Jazz Age,” 377.

• Constance J. Post, “Review of Careless People,” 379.

• Sarah Churchwell, “Literary spirits,” 382. ______

Labor Studies Journal, 40:3 (September 2015) http://lsj.sagepub.com/content/40/3.toc

Interactive Issue: 40 Years Later, the Impact of Harry Braverman’s Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century

Guest editor: Joe Berry

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• Chris Smith, “Continuity and Change in Labor Process Analysis Forty Years after Labor and Monopoly Capital,” 222. • Robert Ovetz, “When Hephaestus Fell to Earth: Harry Braverman and the New Division of Academic Labor,” 243.

• R. Jamil Jonna, “Monopoly Capital and Labor: The Work of Braverman, Baran, and Sweezy as a Dialectical Whole,” 262.

• Robert Ovetz, “Response to R. Jamil Jonna and Chris Smith,” 275. ______

The Middle East Journal, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Autumn 2015) https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/the_middle_east_journal/toc/mej.69.4.html

• Jérôme Drevon, “The Emergence of Ex-Jihadi Political Parties in Post-Mubarak Egypt,” 511.

• Khalil al-Anani, “Upended Path: The Rise and Fall of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood,” 527.

• Alam Saleh and Hendrik Kraetzschmar, “Politicized Identities, Securitized Politics: Sunni-Shi’a Politics in Egypt,” 545.

• Mona Tajali, “Islamic Women’s Groups and the Quest for Political Representation in Turkey and Iran,” 563.

• Kurtulus Cengiz, Önder Küçükural, and Etrit Shkreli, “At the Borders of Public and Private: The Oturmalar of Kayseri,” 582. ______

Middle East Policy, Vol. 22, Issue 4 (Winter 2015) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mepo.2015.22.issue-4/issuetoc

U.S. Interventions

• Brian Katulis, Siwar al-Assad, and William Morris, “One Year Later: Assessing the Coalition Campaign against ISIS,” 1.

• Leila Hudson, “Liquidating Syria, Fracking Europe,” 22.

• Katherine Blue Carroll, “The Strangest Tribe: U.S. Military Claims in Iraq,” 40.

• Timo Kivimäki, “First Do No Harm: Do Air Raids Protect Civilians?,” 55.

• Chas W. Freeman, “Lessons from America’s Misadventures in the Middle East,” 65.

Turkey and the Kurds 21 | Page

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• M. Hakan Yavuz and Nihat Ali Özcan, “Turkish Democracy and the Kurdish Question,” 73.

• Kilic Kanat and Kadir Ustun, “U.S.-Turkey Realignment on Syria,” 88.

• Mustafa Kibaroglu and Selim C. Sazak, “Business as Usual: The U.S.-Turkey Security Partnership,” 98.

The Gulf

• Richard J. Schmierer, “The Sultanate of Oman and the Iran Nuclear Deal,” 113.

• Makio Yamada, “Saudi Arabia’s Look-East Diplomacy: Ten Years On,” 121.

• William A. Rugh, “Problems in Yemen, Domestic and Foreign,” 140. ______

Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 52, Issue 1 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fmes20/52/1

• Yonatan Mendel, “From German Philology to Local Usability: The Emergence of ‘Practical’ Arabic in the Hebrew Reali School in Haifa 1913-48,” 1.

• Katherine Ranharter and Gareth Stansfield, “Acknowledging the Suffering Caused by State-Mandated Sexual Violence and Crimes: An Assessment of the Iraqi High Tribunal,” 27.

• Ahmet Serdar Aktürk, “Female Cousins and Wounded Masculinity: Kurdish Nationalist Discourse in the Post-Ottoman Middle East,” 46.

• Dogan Gürpinar and Ceren Kenar, “The Nation and its Sermons: Islam, Kemalism, and the Presidency of Religious Affairs in Turkey,” 60.

• Anat Kidron, “Separatism, coexistence, and the landscape: Jews and Palestinian-Arabs in mandatory Haifa,” 79.

• Guy Bracha, “A letter from Iraq: the writing of Iraqi correspondents in al-‘Alam al- ‘Isra’ili and Isra’ïl,” 102.

• Erdem Sönmez, “From kanun-i kadim (ancient law) to umumun kuvveti (force of people): historical context of the Ottoman constitutionalism,” 116.

• Muhammad Suwaed, “The Wadi al-Hawarith affair (Emek Hefer): disputed land and the struggle for ownership: 1929-33,” 135. ______22 | Page

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Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 50, Issue 1 (January 2016) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=ASS&volumeId=50&is sueId=01&iid=10089550

• Sanjay Subrahmanyam, “One Asia, or Many? Reflections from connected history,” 5.

• Edmund Herzig, “A response to ‘One Asia, or Many? Reflections from connected history’,” 44.

• Simon Schaffer, “Origins and Barriers: Reflections on Subrahmanyam,” 52.

• Craig Clunas, “Connected Material Histories: A response,” 61.

• Willem van Schendel, “A War within a War: Mizo rebels and the Bangladesh liberation struggle,” 75.

• Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi, “Roads in China’s Borderlands: Interfaces of spatial representations, perceptions, practices, and knowledges,” 118.

• Amy King, “Reconstructing China: Japanese technicians and industrialization in the early years of the People’s Republic of China,” 141.

• Indrani Chatterjee, “Women, Monastic Commerce, and Coverture in Eastern India circa 1600-1800 C.E.,” 175.

• C.J. Fuller, “Anthropologists and Viceroys: Colonial knowledge and policy making in India, 1871-1911,” 217.

• Joan-Pau Rubiés and Manel Ollé, “The Comparative History of a Genre: The production and circulation of books on travel and ethnographies in early modern Europe and China,” 259.

• Maria Misra, “The Indian Machiavelli: Pragmatism versus morality, and the reception of the Arthasastra in India, 1905-2014,” 310.

• Faisal Chaudhry, “A Rule of Proprietary Right for British India: From revenue settlement to tenant right in the age of classical legal thought,” 345. ______

Modern & Contemporary France, Vol. 23, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cmcf20/23/4

• Elise Hugueny-Léger and Caroline Verdier, “Toutes ensemble? Femmes et société: intégration et marginalisation,” 431.

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• Isabelle Charpentier, “De la difficulté (sexuelle) d’être une femme célibataire au Maghreb: une étude de témoignages et d’oeuvres d’écrivaines algériennes et marocaines,” 435.

• Julie Landour, “Les collectifs de ‘Mompreneurs’, une solidarité professionellement porteuse?,” 457.

• Anne-Laure Garcia, “Solitudes maternelles, solidarités publiques et entraides privées: les mères célibataires dans la France de la fin du vingtième siècle,” 475.

• Sarah Waters, “Suicide as Protest in the French Workplace,” 491.

• Jeremy F. Lane, “’Come you spirits unsex me!’ Representations of the Female Executive in Recent French Film and Fiction,” 511. ______

Modern Italy, Vol. 20, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cmit20/20/4

• Pierluigi Erbaggio, “#GomorraLaSerie: Converging audience and enhanced authorship on twenty-first century Italian screens,” 335.

• Stefania Rampello, “Italian anti-Fascism in London, 1922-1934,” 351.

• Fabio Bulfone, “The Eurozone crisis and Italian corporate governance: the end of blockholding?,” 365.

• Joanne Lee, “Political utopia or Potemkin village? Italian travellers to the Soviet Union in the early Cold War,” 379.

• Michelangelo Vercesi, “Owner parties and party institutionalisation in Italy: is the Northern League exceptional?,” 395.

• Rhiannon Evangelista, “The particular kindness of friends: ex-Fascists, clientage, and the transition to democracy in Italy, 1945-1960,” 411.

• Guri Schwarz, “The moral conundrums of the historian: Claudio Pavone’s A Civil War and its legacy,” 427. ______

Le Monde Diplomatique (November 2015) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2015/11/

• Serge Halimi, “Éditorial: Dégringolade de la France,” 1.

• Olivier Zajec, “Basculement stratégique au Proche-Orient,” 1. 24 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Alexeï Malachenko, “Le pari syrien de Moscou,” 6.

• Guillaume Barou, “’Le Monde diplomatique’ en CinémaScope,” 2.

• Maxime Carvin, “Robespierre sans masque,” 3.

• Martine Bulard, “Paysans chinois entre cueillette et Internet,” 4.

• Martine Bulard, “Les limites de la décollectivisation,” 4.

• Martine Bulard, “Au village des Zha.”

• Aziz El Massassi, “La presse égyptienne mise au pas,” 8.

• Marie Bénilde, “Joyeuse colonisation numérique,” 9.

• Marie Bénilde, “Google Actualités, marqueur de l’incohérence européenne,” 9.

• Lamia Oualalou, “Au Brésil, ‘trois cents voleurs avec des titres de docteur’,” 10.

• Anne Vigna, “Des collectionneurs d’art très courtisés,” 10.

• Henri Leridon, “L’Afrique, énigme démographique,” 12.

• Léa Ducré and Margot Hemmerich, “Les Pays-Bas ferment leurs prisons,” 20.

• Léa Ducré and Margot Hemmerich, “Succès des libérations conditionnelles en Suède,” 20.

• Pierre Rimbert, “La guerre des bougons,” 22.

• Serge Halimi, “Quelques îlots résistent…,” 23.

• “Les comptes du ‘Monde diplomatique’ en 2014,” 23.

• Sébastien Lapaque, “Eblouissements de Pasolini,” 27.

• Dan Bouk, “Ainsi nos jours sont comptés,” 28.

Dossier: Comment éviter le chaos climatique?

• Philippe Descamps, “De la science à la politique,” 13.

• Dominique Raynaud, “Au commencement étaient les bulles d’air de l’Antarctique,” 14.

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• Eric Martin, “Deux degrés de plus, deux degrés de trop,” 14.

• Christophe Bonneuil, “Tous responsables?,” 16.

• Ferdinand Moeck, “Et la couche d’ozone fut sauvée,” 16.

• Jean Gadrey, “Croissance, un culte en voie de disparition,” 18.

• Agnès Sinaï, “Le théâtre d’ombres des négociations internationales,” 18.

• “Un ‘Fonds vert’ toujours anémique,” 18.

Supplément: Transmettre les valeurs de la solidarité

• Amélie Zaccour, “’Après le camp de vacances, nous avons eu envie d’aider les gens’,” ii.

• Sébastien Deslandes, “Chailles, un village ouvert sur le monde,” ii.

• Julien Laupêtre, “Plus que jamais, les droits de l’enfant,” iii.

• Claire Brisset, “Le droit des enfants, une utopie fondatrice,” v.

Supplément: Les océans, grands oubliés du climat

• Jean-Pierre Gattuso and Alexandre Magnan, “Acteurs et victimes du réchauffement de la planète,” i.

• Ferdinand Moeck, “Cinq mille aires marines protégées dans le monde,” i.

• Sébastien Deslandes, “La bataille gagnée des Rapa Nui à l’île de Pâques,” ii.

• Dan Laffoley, “Premiers par vers une ‘économie bleue’,” ii.

• Alexandre Magnan, Teresa Ribera, and Julien Rochette, “En quête de règles internationales,” iv.

• Torsten Thiele, “Les clés d’un sauvetage,” iv.

Le Monde Diplomatique (December 2015) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2015/12/

• Joël Gombin, “Les trois visages du vote FN,” 1.

• Bernard Friot and Christine Jakse, “Une autre histoire de la Sécurité sociale,” 3.

• Raphaël Kempf, “’Prions pour notre shérif et sa victoire aux élections’,” 4. 26 | Page

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• Maurice Lemoine, “Qui a peur de la vérité en Colombie?,” 8.

• Renaud Egreateau, “La Birmanie en liberté surveillée,” 10.

• Lena Bjurström, “Indonésie 1965, mémoire de l’impunité,” 11.

• Tierno Monénembo, “En Afrique, le retour des présidents à vie,” 12.

• Gérard Le Puill, “Et si les vaches mangeaient de l’herbe…,” 21.

• Richard Monvoisin and Nicolas Pinsault, “La kinésithérapie piégée par les mages,” 22.

• Akram Belkaïd, “De Jésus à Mahomet,” 23.

• Pablo Jensen, “La vérité scientifique et le saut du tigre,” 27.

• Ignacio Ramonet, “Délateurs en pantoufles,” 28.

Dossier: Dans l’engrenage de la terreur

• Serge Halimi, “L’art de la guerre imbécile,” 1.

• Nabil Mouline, “Genèse du djihadisme,” 1.

• Pierre Conesa, “Cinq conflits entremêlés,” 14.

• Akram Belkaïd, “En Syrie, une issue politique bien incertaine,” 16.

• Patrick Baudoin, “Perdre en liberté sans gagner en sécurité,” 16.

• Pierre Rimbert, “’A force de lantiponner…’,” 17.

• Hicham Alaoui, “’Printemps arabe’, autant en emporte le vent?,” 18.

• Gilles Balbastre, “Experts en treillis,” 18.

• Renaud Lambert, “Priorités,” 19.

• Ibrahim Warde, “Périls saoudiens,” 20.

• Ibrahim Warde, “Trafics et donations,” 20.

Le Monde Diplomatique (January 2016) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2016/01/

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• Serge Halimi, “Éditorial: Le Front national verrouille l’ordre social,” 1.

• Benoît Bréville, “Haro sur Schengen,” 1.

• Rachel Saada, “Le code du travail, garant de l’emploi,” 3.

• Martine Bulard, “La réunification de la Corée aura-t-elle lieu?,” 4.

• Sung Ilkwon, “Virage autoritaire à Séoul,” 4.

• Laura-Maï Gaveriaux, “Kasserine ou la Tunisie abandonnée,” 6.

• Thierry Brésillon, “Alliance conservatrice à l’ombre de la menace djihadiste,” 6.

• Sabine Cessou, “Le Bénin carbure à la contrebande,” 8.

• Frédéric Lemaire and Dominique Plihon, “Finance, Bruxelles rallume la mèche,” 9.

• Anne-Cécile Robert, “L’édifiant destin de la directive européenne sur le congé maternité,” 10.

• Cécile Marin and Anne-Cécile Robert, “Toutes les mères n’ont pas les mêmes droits.”

• Jean-Jacques Gandini, “Vers un état d’exception permanent,” 12.

• Bhaskar Sunkara, “Un socialiste à l’assaut de la Maison Blanche,” 16.

• Gilles Bouvaist, “Un syndicat pour les détenus allemands,” 23.

• Guy Scarpetta, “Fulgurance de Tadeusz Kantor,” 27.

• Gérard Mordillat, “’Le sujet! le sujet! le sujet!’,” 28.

Dossier: Nouvelle donne en Amérique latine

• Renaud Lambert, “Amérique latine, pourquoi la panne?,” 1.

• Alvaro Garcia Linera, “Sept leçons pour la gauche,” 17.

• Gregory Wilpert, “Avis de tempête au Venezuela,” 20.

• Yoletty Bracho and Julien Rebotier, “La révolution bolivarienne par sa base,” 20.

• Angeline Montoya, “Transsexualité, l’Argentine en pointe,” 22.

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• Renaud Lambert, “Une dépendance aux matières premières jamais résolue,” 18.

• Renaud Lambert, “Contre l’originalité à outrance,” 18.

• “La force des choses,” 20.

• Renaud Lambert, “Trahison?,” 21. ______

Le Monde Diplomatique – Manière de voir (December 2015-January 2016) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/mav/144/

Environnement, climat: désordres et combats

• Jean-Michel Dumay, “Après nous le déluge?”

Désordres planétaires

• Donatien Garnier, “Partir à cause du climat.”

• Anne Vigna, “Coupes d’arbres et coupures d’eau.”

• Frédéric Ojardias, “Revivre à Fukushima?”

• Farid Benhammou and Rémy Marion, “Périls en la demeure de l’ours polaire.”

• Maxime Robin, “Sous le joug du ‘roi charbon’.”

• Gergely Simon, “Mortelles boues rouges de Hongrie.”

• Maurice Lemoine, “Au Paraguay, le soja sème la zizanie.”

• Jean-Sébastien Mora, “La mer malade de l’aquaculture.”

• Razmig Keucheyan, “Catastrophes naturelles cotées en Bourse.”

• René Dumont, “Repenser notre civilisation.”

Terre(s) de combat

• Serge Quadruppani, “Unis contre le monde tel qu’il va.”

• Agnès Sinaï, “Zones à défendre.”

• Emmanuel Raoul, “Vade retro, gaz de schiste!”

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• Warda Mohamed, “Des Algériens contre le ‘don de Dieu’.”

• Patrick Herman, “La victoire douchée des victimes de l’amiante.”

• Philippe Pons, “En 1970, la flambée japonaise antipollution.”

• Eric Klinenberg, “’Justice écologique’ pour les minorités.”

• Olivier Cyran, “Métamorphose des Verts allemands.”

• Bernard Cassen, “La balle dans le camp des politiques.”

Sauve qui peut (la planète et l’humain)

• Ian Angus, “Le capitalisme, marqueur géologique?” • Anne-Cécile Robert, “Le cercle vicieux des inégalités.”

• Aurélien Bernier, “Ci-gît le réquisitoire oublié de Cocoyoc.”

• Agnès Sinaï, “Une couche de vert sur la société de marché.”

• Philippe Bovet, “Energiques résistances.”

• Eric Dupin, “La croissance mise en examen.”

• Renaud Lambert, “Dans l’ombre de la Pachamana.”

• André Gorz, “’Que voulons-nous?’” ______

National Identities, Vol. 18, Issue 1 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cnid20/18/1

• Barbara Lüthi, Francesca Falk, and Patricia Purtschert, “Colonialism without colonies: examining blank spaces in colonial studies,” 1.

• Gunlög Fur, “Colonial fantasies – American Indians, indigenous, peoples and a Swedish discourse of innocence,” 11.

• Kristin Loftsdóttir, “’The Danes don’t get this’: the economic crash and Icelandic postcolonial engagements,” 35.

• Patricia Purtschert, “Aviation skills, manly adventures and imperial tears: the Dhaulagiri expedition and Switzerland’s techno-colonialism,” 53.

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• Christine Whyte, “Between empire and colony: American imperialism and Pan-African colonialism in Liberia, 1810-2003,” 71. ______

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 21, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fnep20/21/4#.VpZDsCge_zY

• Dejan Stjepanovic, “Dual Substate Citizenship as Institutional Innovation: The Case of Bosnia’s Brcko District,” 379.

• Dominik Tolksdorf, “The European Union as a Mediator in Constitutional Reform Negotiations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Failure of Conditionality in the Context of Intransigent Local Politics,” 401.

• Anna Krasteva, “Religion, Politics, and Nationalism in Postcommunist Bulgaria: Elastic (Post)Secularism,” 422.

• Heribert Adam, “Xenophobia, Asylum Seekers, and Immigration Policies in Germany,” 446.

• Marie-Sophie Heinelt, “Collective Rights, Mobilization, and Accessibility: Towards a Comparative Framework for Explaining Minority Influence on Decision Making in Multiethnic Latin America – with Empirical Reference to Case Studies in Colombia and Panama,” 465. ______

Orbis, Vol. 60, Issue 1 (2016) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00304387

• Colin Dueck, “Hoover and Offshore Foreign Policy, 1921-1933,” 4.

• Isabelle Duyvesteyn and Jeffrey H. Michaels, “Revitalizing Strategic Studies in an Age of Perpetual Conflict,” 22.

• John R. Deni, “Still the One? The Role of Europe in American Defense Strategy,” 36.

• T.X. Hammes, “Raising and Mentoring Security Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan,” 52.

• Deborah Brown and Tun-jen Cheng, “The Vatican and the Chinese Party-State: Where do the Parallels End?,” 73.

• Michael D. Beevers, “U.S. Domestic Regulation of Global Conflict Resources,” 87.

• Stephen Blank and Younkyoo Kim, “Does Russo-Chinese Partnership Threaten America’s Interests in Asia?,” 112.

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• Viljar Veebel and Raul Markus, “At the Dawn of a New Era of Sanctions: Russian- Ukrainian Crisis and Sanctions,” 128.

• Thomas R. McCabe, “A Strategy for the ISIS Foreign Fighter Threat,” 140. ______

Passport: The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Review, Vol. 46, No. 2 (September 2015) https://shafr.org/sites/default/files/passport-09-2015.pdf

• “A Tribute to Peter Hahn,” 7.

• Marie Elise Sarotte, Luke A. Nichter, David Farber, Mark Atwood Lawrence, William Glenn Gray, and Daniel J. Sargent, “A Roundtable on Daniel J. Sargent, A Superpower Transformed: The Remaking of American Foreign Relations in the 1970s,” 10.

• Amanda C. Demmer and Lauren F. Turek, “Building a Brighter Future: How SHAFR Can Best Support Graduate Students,” 28.

• Hamza Karcic, “A View from Overseas: The Congressional Commemoration of the Bosnian Genocide,” 31.

• Barbara Keys, Roland Burke, and Guoqi Xu, “The Entangled Histories of Human Rights and the Olympic Games,” 33.

Two Perspectives on the Zivotofsky v. Kerry Decision, 22

• Mary L. Dudziak, “’A Delicate Subject’: The Supreme Court, Congress, and the President’s Foreign Relations Power.”

• John Yoo, “Zivotofsky and the ‘Invitation to Struggle’.” ______

Peace & Change, Vol. 40, Issue 4 (October 2015) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pech.2015.40.issue-4/issuetoc

• Donald W. Maxwell, “’These Are the Things You Gain If You Make Our Country Your Country’: U.S.-Vietnam War Draft Resisters and Military Deserters and the Meaning of Citizenship in North America in the 1970s,” 437.

• Merav Perez and Orna Sasson-Levy, “Avoiding Military Service in a Militaristic Society: A Chronicle of Resistance to Hegemonic Masculinity,” 462.

Special Forum Articles

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Kathleen Kennedy and Kathleen Z. Young, “Introduction: The Body in Pain at Thirty,” 489. • Nicole R. McClure, “Injured Bodies, Silenced Voices: Reclaiming Personal Trauma and the Narration of Pain in Northern Ireland,”497.

• K. Frances Lieder, “Lights Out and an Ethics of Spectatorship, or Can the Subaltern Scream?,” 517.

• Jason A. Springs, “To Let Suffering Speak: Can Peacebuilding Overcome the Unrepresentability of Suffering? Elaine Scarry and the Case of Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” 539. ______

Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol. 21, Issue 4 (November 2015) http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/pac/21/4/

• Richard N. Lalonde, Jorida Cila, Evelina Lou, and Robert A. Cribbie, “Are we really that different from each other? The difficulties of focusing on similarities in cross-cultural research,” 525.

• Lisa Rosenthal, Sheri R. Levy, Margarita Katser, and Cartney Bazile, “Polyculturalism and attitudes toward Muslim Americans,” 535.

• Donald M. Taylor and Frank J. Kachanoff, “Managing cultural diversity without a clearly defined cultural identity: The ultimate challenge,” 546.

• William J. Froming, “Healing in a postgenocidal country,” 560.

• Dominic Bryan, “Parades, flags, carnivals, and riots: Public space, contestation, and transformation in Northern Ireland,” 565.

• Michael G. Wessells, David F.M. Lamin, Dora King, Kathleen Kostelny, Lindsay Stark, and Sarah Lilley, “The limits of top-down approaches to managing diversity: Lessons from the case of child protection and child rights in Sierra Leone,” 574.

• Craig Zelizer, “The role of conflict resolution graduate education in training the next generation practitioners and scholars,” 589.

• Rezarta Bilali and Johanna Ray Vollhardt, “Do mass media interventions effectively promote peace in contexts of ongoing violence? Evidence from Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,” 604.

• Jon D. Unruh, “The structure and function of keywords in the development of civil wars: Opportunities for peace building?,” 621.

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• J. Christopher Cohrs, Andrew McNeill, and Johanna Ray Vollhardt, “The two-sided role of inclusive victimhood for intergroup reconciliation: Evidence from Northern Ireland,” 634.

• P.J. Henry, Geoffrey Wetherell, and Mark J. Brandt, “Democracy as a legitimizing ideology,” 648.

• Brandt A. Smith and Michael A. Zárate, “The effects of religious priming and persuasion style on decision-making in a resource allocation task,” 665.

• Katy Hayward, “Scene from a different angle: Attempts to internationalize Northern Ireland’s conflict experience,” 669.

• Tobias Greiff, “Radicalized,” 673.

• Eric C. Marcus, “How to begin understanding and working with potentially destructive conflict,” 675. ______

Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Vol. 27, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cper20/27/4

• Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer, “Armed Drones Violate the Right to Peace,” 411.

• Jeffrey Bachman, “Drones Are Bringing the Warzone to a Theater Near You,” 418.

• John R. Emery and Daniel R. Brunstetter, “Drones as Aerial Occupation,” 424.

• Steven P. Lee, “Human Rights and Drone ‘Warfare’,” 432.

• Laurie Calhoun, “Drone Killing and the Disastrous Doctrine of Double Effect,” 440.

• Doga Ulas Eralp, “The Role of U.S. Drones in the Roboski Massacre,” 448.

• Kai Chen, “Invisible Victims of Drone Strikes in Afghanistan,” 456.

• James Tsabora, “The African Peace Agenda in the Drone Warfare Era,” 461.

• Jennifer Ang, “Technologizing War and Peace,” 469.

• James DeShaw Rae, “Drones and a Culture of Death,” 477.

• Anna Cornelia Beyer, “Insights from Para-Psychology for International Relations,” 484.

• Stephen Zunes, “U.S.-Georgian Relations and the 2008 Conflict with Russia,” 492.

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Danielle Poe, “Joy and Justice,” 499.

• Willita Sanguma, “Conflict and its Effect on Urbanization,” 507.

• Whitney McIntyre Miller and Michael Wundah, “Peace Profile: Christiana Thorpe,” 515. ______

Politique Étrangère (2015/4) http://www.cairn.info/revue-politique-etrangere-2015-4.htm

Justice Pénale Internationale: Un Bilan

• Joël Hubrecht, “La justice pénale internationale a 70 ans: entre âge de fer et âge d’or,” 11.

• Jean-Arnault Dérens, “Le Tribunal pénal international pour l’ex-Yougoslavie: une faillite annoncée?,” 25.

• Hélène Dumas, “Rwanda: comment juger un génocide?,” 39.

• Jules Guillaumé, “Le droit à réparation devant la CPI: promesses et incertitudes,” 51.


• Marie-Claire Aoun, “Une ère nouvelle d’abondance pétrolière?,” 65.

• Laurence Nardon, “Présidentielles américaines: ce que nous disent les primaires,” 77.

• Barbara Kunz, “Le débat allemand sur la securité: changement du discours, maintien du paradigme,” 91.


• Alain Gascon, “L’Éthiopie, une puissance africaine?,” 105.

• Jean-Yves Haine, “Le Partenariat atlantique à l’épreuve de la multipolairité: la fin des illusions,” 119.

• Juliette Genevaz, “La Chine et les opérations de maintien de la paix de l’ONU: défendre la souveraineté,” 131.

• Arnaud Odier, “De la diplomatie financière à la géopolitique de la finance,” 145.

• Olivier Kempf, “L’indirection de la guerre ou le retour de la guerre limitée,” 157.

• Asiem El Difraoui and Milena Uhlmann, “Prévention de la radicalisation et déradicalisation: les modèles allemand, britannique et danois,” 171. 35 | Page

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Raisons Politiques (2015/3) https://www.cairn.info/revue-raisons-politiques-2015-3.htm

Dossier: Restorative Justice: The Institutional Turn/La justice restaurative: le tournant institutionnel

• Andrei Poama, “Restorative Justice: The Institutional Turn,” 7.

• Victoria McGeer and Philip Pettit, “The Desirability and Feasibility of Restorative Justice,” 17.

• John Braithwaite, “Deliberative Republican Hybridity through Restorative Justice,” 33.

• Albert W. Dzur, “Public Restorative Justice: The Participatory Democratic Dimensions of Institutional Reform,” 51.

• Thom Brooks, “Punitive Restoration: Rehabilitating Restorative Justice,” 73.

• Jennifer M. Page, “Many Men are Good Judges in their Own Case: Restorative Justice and the Nemo Iudex Principle in Anglo-American Law,” 91.

• Jacques Faget, “Les dynamiques de transfert des idées restauratives,” 109.


• Ivan Manokha, “The Conundrum of Economics: Uncompromisng Empiricism alongside Blind Faith in the ‘Magic’ of the ‘Invisible Hand’,” 121. ______

Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy, Vol. 23, No. 4 (2015) http://renewal.org.uk/issues/vol-23-no-4-2015

• Ben Jackson, “Editorial: Labour’s ideology: towards common ground.”

• Joe Guinan, “Bring back the Institute for Workers’ Control.”

• Thomas Ferretti, “Mondragon in five points: advantages and challenges of worker co- operatives.”

• Chloe McLellan, “Socialism through the lens of Alasdair MacIntyre: post-war Labour visions and Blue Labour.”

• Rob Manwaring, “A false grail? Labour and the pursuit of democracy.”

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• Ashraf Ahmed, “Corbyn, Sanders, and a transatlantic left?” ______

The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol. 13, Issue 3 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rfia20/13/3

• Quentin Wodon, “Child Marriage, Family Law, and Religion: An Introduction to the Fall 2015 Issue,” 1.

• Minh Cong Nguyen and Quentin Wodon, “Global and Regional Trends in Child Marriage,” 6.

• Jennifer Parsons, Jeffrey Edmeades, Aslihan Kes, Suzanne Petroni, Maggie Sexton, and Quentin Wodon, “Economic Impacts of Child Marriage: A Review of the Literature,” 12.

• Elisa Scolaro, Aleksandra Blagojevic, Brigitte Filion, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Lale Say, Joar Svanemyr, and Marleen Temmerman, “Child Marriage Legislation in the Asia- Pacific Region,” 23.

• Paul Scott Prettitore, “Family Law Reform, Gender Equality, and Underage Marriage: A view from Morocco and Jordan,” 32. • Regina Gemignani and Quentin Wodon, “Child Marriage and Faith Affiliation in Sub- Saharan Africa: Stylized Facts and Heterogeneity,” 41.

• Judith-Ann Walker, “Engaging Islamic Opinion Leaders on Child Marriage: Preliminary Results from Pilot Projects in Nigeria,” 48.

• Azza Karam, “Faith-Inspired Initiatives to Tackle the Social Determinants of Child Marriage,” 59.

• Jennifer McCleary-Sills, Lucia Hanmer, Jennifer Parsons, and Jeni Klugman, “Child Marriage: A Critical Barrier to Girls’ Schooling and Gender Equality in Education,” 69.

• Quentin Wodon, “Islamic Law, Women’s Rights, and State Law: The Cases of Female Genital Cutting and Child Marriage,” 81.

The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol. 13, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rfia20/13/4


• Melissa Crouch, “Constructing Religion by Law in Myanmar,” 1.

• Tharaphi Than, “Nationalism, Religion, and Violence: Old and New Wunthanu Movements in Myanmar,” 12.

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Susan Hayward, “The Double-Edged Sword of ‘Buddhist Democracy’ in Myanmar,” 25.

• Matthew J. Walton, Melyn McKay, and Daw Khin Mar Mar Kyi, “Women and Myanmar’s ‘Religious Protection Laws’,” 36.

• Nyi Nyi Kyaw, “Alienation, Discrimination, and Securitization: Legal Personhood and Cultural Personhood of Muslims in Myanmar,” 50.

• Benedict Rogers, “The Contribution of Christianity to Myanmar’s Social and Political Development,” 60.

• Saw Hlaing Bwa, “Why Interfaith Dialogue is Essential for Myanmar’s Future,” 71.


• Seng Mai Aung, “Responding to Child Abuse in Myanmar: Poverty, Ethnicity, and Religion in Pathein,” 79.

• Owen Frazer, “International Engagement on Buddhist-Muslim Relations in Myanmar,” 82.

• Tina L. Mufford, “Burma’s Distinct yet Flawed Approach to Religious Freedom: A Comparative Perspective,” 87.

• Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, “Toward a Future of Justice, Peace, and Development in Myanmar: a Christian Perspective,” 91. ______

Review of International Studies, Vol. 41, Issue 5 (December 2015) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=RIS&volumeId=41&iss ueId=05&iid=10039302

• André Broome and Joel Quirk, “The politics of numbers: the normative agendas of global benchmarking,” 813.

• André Broome and Joel Quirk, “Governing the world at a distance: the practice of global benchmarking,” 819.

• Alexandra Homolar, “Human security benchmarks: Governing human wellbeing at a distance,” 843.

• Tony Porter, “Global benchmarking networks: the cases of disaster risk reduction and supply chains,” 865.

• Leonard Seabrooke and Duncan Wigan, “How activists use benchmarks: Reformist and revolutionary benchmarks for global economic justice,” 887. 38 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Genevieve LeBaron and Jane Lister, “Benchmarking global supply chains: the power of the ‘ethical audit’ regime,” 905.

• James Harrison and Sharifah Sekalala, “Addressing the compliance gap? UN initiatives to benchmark the human rights performance of states and corporations,” 925.

• Liam Clegg, “Benchmarking and blame games: Exploring the contestation of the Millenium Development Goals,” 947.

• Caroline Kuzemko, “Climate change benchmarking: Constructing a sustainable future?,” 969.

• Ole Jacob Sending and Jon Harald Sande Lie, “The limits of global authority: World Bank benchmarks in Ethiopia and Malawi,” 993.

Review of International Studies, Vol. 42, Issue 1 (January 2016) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=RIS&volumeId=42&seriesId=0&issueI d=01

• Nicholas Guilhot, “The Kuhning of reason: Realism, rationalism, and political decision in IR theory after Thomas Kuhn,” 3.

• Samuel Knafo, “Bourdieu and the dead end of reflexivity: On the impossible task of locating the subject,” 25.

• Matthew Fluck, “Theory, ‘truthers’, and transparency: Reflecting on knowledge in the twenty-first century,” 48.

• Milan Babík, “’X’ ten years on: The fictions of George F. Kennan’s recent factual representations,” 74.

• Naomi Head, “A politics of empathy: Encounters with empathy in Israel and Palestine,” 95.

• Leonie Holthaus and Jens Steffek, “Experiments in international administration: The forgotten functionalism of James Arthur Salter,” 114.

• Shmuel Nili, “Liberal global justice and social science,”136.

• Astrid H.M. Nordin, “Futures beyond ‘the West’? Autoimmunity in China’s harmonious world,” 156.

• Morten Skumsrud Andersen, “Semi-cores in imperial relations: The cases of Scotland and Norway,” 178. ______39 | Page

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Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, Vol. 58, No. 2 (July-December 2015) http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_issuetoc&pid=0034- 732920150002&lng=en&nrm=iso

• Rogério de Souza Farias and Haroldo Ramanzini Júnior, “Reviewing horizontalization: the challenge of analysis in Brazilian foreign policy.”

• Luísa Cruz Lobato and Kai Michael Kenkel, “Discourses of cyberspace securitization in Brazil and in the United States.”

• Luis Mah, “Reshaping European Union development policy: collective choices and the new global order.”

• Boris Vukicevic, “Pope Francis and the challenges of inter-civilization diplomacy.”

• Norma Breda dos Santos and Eduardo Uziel, “Forty Years of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (XXX) on Zionism and Racism: the Brazilian Vote as an instance of United States-Brazil relations.”

• Felipe Pereira Loureiro, Feliciano de Sá Guimarães, and Adriana Schor, “Public opinion and foreign policy in João Goulart’s Brazil (1961-1964): Coherence between national and foreign policy perceptions?”

• Maria Helena de Castro and Ulysses Tavares Teixeira, “Interests and Values in Obama’s foreign policy: Leading from Behind?”

• German A. de la Reza, “The 1623 Plan for Global Governance: the obscure history of its reception.” ______

Revista de Historia Económica/Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, Vol. 33, Issue 3 (December 2015) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=RHE&seriesId=2&volu meId=33&issueId=03&iid=10012971

• Manuel González-Mariscal, “Inflación y Niveles de Vida en Sevilla durante la Revolución de la Precios – Inflation and Standards of Living in Seville during the Price Revolution,” 353.

• José Aguilar-Retureta, “The GDP Per Capita of the Mexican Regions (1895-1930): New Estimates,” 387.

• Javier San-Julian-Arrupe, “In Search of a Replacement for Economic Journals: The Diffusion of Political Economy in Cultural Reviews in the Liberal Age in Spain, 1868- 1914,” 425. 40 | Page

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• Jordi Domenech, “Empleo y Carreras Laborales en Correos de España, 1890-1935 – Employment and Careers in the Spanish Postal Service, 1890-1935,” 455.

• Angela M. Rojas Rivera, “Economic Reforms in 1970s Colombia: Assessing the Strategic Role of López Michelsen’s Government and the Coffee Boom,” 487. ______

Revolutionary Russia, Vol. 28, Issue 2 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/frvr20/28/2

• Jo Laycock, “Beyond National Narratives? Centenary Histories, the First World War, and the Armenian Genocide,” 93.

• Lars. T. Lih, “Bolshevism’s ‘Services to the State’: Three Russian Observers,” 118.

• Yuexin Rachel Lin, “Among Ghosts and Tigers: The Chinese in the White Terror,” 140.

• Robert Henderson, “Liberty Hall: Apollinariia Iakubova and the East London Lecturing Society,” 167. ______

Revue Française de Science Politique (2015/5-6) http://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-science-politique-2015-5.htm

• Camille Peugny, “Pour une prise en compte des clivages au sein des classes populaires: La participation politique des ouvriers et des employés,” 735.

• Scott Viallet-Thévenin, “Du champion national au champion international: Résistance et transformations d’un modèle de concurrence dans le secteur énergétique des années 1990-2000,” 761.

• Olivier Zajec, “Legal realism et international realism aux États-Unis dans l’entre-deux- guerres: Les convergences réformistes négligées de la science politique et du droit,” 785.

• Dominque Boullier, “Les sciences sociales face aux traces du big data: Société, opinion ou vibrations?,” 805.

• Pierre Hassner, “In memoriam Stanley Hoffmann (1928-2015). Stanley Hoffmann: complexité et fidélité,” 829.

• Paula Cossart and Samuel Hayat, “Étendre le domaine de la sociologie historique du politique,” 833. ______

Revue Internationale et Stratégique (2015/4) 41 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016 http://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-et-strategique-2015-4.htm

• Interview with Laurent Fabius by Pascal Boniface, “’Notre diplomatie doit s’adapter aux transformations du monde’,” 9.

• Interview with François Fillon by Pascal Boniface, “’La grandeur est un combat inlassable, pas un cadeau de l’Histoire’,” 15.

• Interview with Jean-Luc Mélenchon by Pascal Boniface, “’La France, trait d’union au sein de l’humanité universelle’,” 31.

• Interview with Nicolas Dupont-Aignan by Pascal Boniface, “’La France perd de sa voix et de son rôle’,” 43.

• Interview with Hélène Carrère d’Encausse by Pascal Boniface, “La Russie en quête d’identité,” 55.

• Interview with Nicole Gnesotto by Marc Verzeroli, “’L’Europe n’a pas d’autre choix que d’avoir une ambition stratégique’,” 63.

• Interview with Pierre Hassner by Pascal Boniface, “Les États-Unis sur la défensive,” 75.

• Interview with Jean-Luc Domenach by Barthélemy Courmont and Emmanuel Lincot, “La Chine au risque de ses ambitions,” 90.

• Interview with Alain Rouquié by Pascal Boniface, “Paradoxes latino-américains,” 98.

• Interview with Philippe Hugon by Pascal Boniface, “Des Afriques contrastées,” 109.

• Interview with Jean-Paul Chagnollaud by Didier Billion and Marc Verzeroli, “Moyen- Orient: un basculement historique,” 120.

• Interview with François Godement by Barthélemy Courmont, “L’Asie à l’aube d’une nouvelle séquence,” 130. ______

The Royal United Services Institute Journal, Vol. 160, Issue 5 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rusi20/160/5

The U.K. in Europe

• Oliver Daddow, “Strategising European Policy: David Cameron’s Referendum Gamble,” 4.

• Nick Witney, “European Defence: An Open Goal for Britain,” 12.

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• Luis Simón, “Britain, the European Union, and the Future of Europe: A Geostrategic Perspective,” 16.

• James Ker-Lindsay, “Britain, ‘Brexit’, and the Balkans,” 24.

• Linda Risso, “Time to Act: The UK in NATO,” 30.

UK Defence Debates

• Klaus Dodds, Rikke Bjerg Jensen, and Costas M. Constantinou, “Signposts: Cyprus, U.K., and the Future of the SBAs,” 36.

• Noel K. Hannan, “Use of Reserve Forces in Support of Cyber-Resilience for Critical National Infrastructure: US and UK Approaches,” 46.

• Tim Benbow, “The ‘Operational Level’ and Martime Forces,” 52.

• Andrew Futter, “Trident Replacement and UK Nuclear Deterrence: Requirements in an Uncertain Future,” 60.

Counter-Terrorism in Central Asia

• Edward J. Lemon, “Daesh and Tajikistan: The Regime’s (In)Security Policy,” 68.

Military History

• “Great War Stories: RUSI’s Fallen Members,” 78.

The Royal United Services Institute Journal, Vol. 160, Issue 6 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rusi20/160/6

Strategy-making in the U.K.

• Jamie Gaskarth, “Strategy in a Complex World,” 4.

• Benjamin Zala, “Strategy in an Era of Rising Powers: The British Dilemma,” 12.

• Joe Devanny, “Co-ordinating U.K. Foreign and Security Policy: The National Security Council,” 20.

• Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen, “The Architecture of Strategic Choice: From Strong Leaders to Strong Strategies,” 28.

Strategy and Defence in Italy

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• Andrea Gilli, Alessandro R. Ungaro, and Alessandro Marrone, “The Italian White Paper for International Security and Defence,” 34.

The U.S. and the Baltics

• Stefan Lundqvist and J.J. Widen, “The New U.S. Maritime Strategy: Implications for the Baltic Sea Region,” 42.

New Technologies

• Tony Gillespie, “New Technologies and Design for the Laws of Armed Conflict,” 50.

RUSI Resilience Essay Prize Winner 2015

• Liviu Muresan and Alexandru Georgescu, “The Road to Resilience 2050: Critical Space Infrastructure and Space Security,” 58.

RUSI Resilience Student Essay Prize Winner 2015

• Sarah T. Lionel, “Leveraging Social Capital for Resilience through Community Teams,” 68. Conflict, War, and Culture

• Christopher Coker, “Imagining the Third World War,” 76.

• Emma De Angelis, “Images of the Invisible War: An Interview with Trevor Paglen,” 78. ______

Scandia: Tidskrift för Historisk Förskning, Vol. 80, No. 2 (2014) http://journals.lub.lu.se/index.php/scandia/issue/view/2194/showToc

• Piia Einonen, “The politics of talk: Rumour and gossip in Stockholm during the struggle for succession (c. 1592-1607).”

• Ulrika Holgersson, “Historisk spelfilmsanalysis: Exemplet Gustaf Molanders Vi som går köksvägen 1932.”

• Fredrik Norén, “Statens informationslogik och den audiovisiuella upplysningen 1945- 1960.”

• Lina Sturfelt, “Scandia introducerar: Skandinavien och första världskriget.” ______

Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 63, Issue 3 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/sehr20/63/3

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• Jari Ojala and Knut Sogner, “Re-collaborating in the Nordic economic history research community,” 213.

• Marten Seppel, “Feeding the motherland: grain exports from the Swedish Baltic provinces during the Great Famine of 1696-1697,” 215.

• Mikka Voutilainen, “Malthusian checks in pre-industrial Sweden and Finland: a comparative analysis of the demographic regimes,” 235.

• Serge Svizzero, “The long-term decline in terms of trade and the neolithisation of Northern Europe,” 260.

• Pieter Woltjer, “Taking over: a new appraisal of the Anglo-American productivity gap and the nature of American economic leadership ca. 1910,” 280.

• Lars Ahnland, “Private debt in Sweden in 1900-2013 and the risk of financial crisis,” 302. ______

Security Studies, Vol. 24, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fsst20/24/4

• Paul C. Avey, “Who’s Afraid of the Bomb? The Role of Nuclear Non-Use Norms in Confrontations between Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Opponents,” 563.

• Renée de Nevers, “Sovereignty at Sea: States and Security in the Maritime Domain,” 597.

• Mark Gismondi, “Familism and War: The Radius of Trust as an Element of National Power,” 631.

• Alexander Lanoszka and Michael A. Hunzeker, “Rage of Honor: Entente Indignation and the Lost Chance for Peace in the First World War,” 662.

• Darren J. Lim and Zack Cooper, “Reassessing Hedging: The Logic of Alignment in East Asia,” 696. ______

Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 26, Issue 5 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fswi20/26/5

• Stephen Pampinella, “At war with social theory: Instrumental and communicative action in U.S. military doctrine during the War on Terror,” 721.

• James Horncastle, “Croatia’s bitter harvest: Total National Defence’s role in the Croatian War of Independence,” 744. 45 | Page

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• Roger Arditti, “The view from above: how the Royal Air Force provided a strategic vision for operational intelligence during the Malayan Emergency,” 764.

• Laura Freeman, “The African warlord revisited,” 790.

• Christopher Day, “Bush path to self-destruction: Charles Taylor and the Revolutionary United Front,” 811.

• Kristine Höglund and Marcus Wennerström, “When the Going Gets Tough…Monitoring Missions and a Changing Conflict Environment in Sri Lanka, 2002-2008,” 836.

Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 26, Issue 6 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fswi20/26/6

• Rod Thornton, “Problems with the Kurds as proxies against Islamic State: insights from the siege of Kobane,” 865.

• Eszter Simon, “Cognitivism, prospect theory, and foreign policy change: a comparative analysis of the politics of counterinsurgency in Malaya and Afghanistan,” 886.

• Maura R. Cremin, “Fighting on Their Own Terms: The Tactics of the Irish Republican Army 1919-1921,” 912.

• Blessing-Miles Tendi, “Soldiers contra diplomats: Britain’s role in the Zimbabwe/Rhodesia ceasefire (1979-1980) reconsidered,” 937.

• Jeffrey H. Michaels, “Delusions of survival: U.S. deliberations on support for South Vietnam during the 1975 ‘Final Offensive’,” 957. ______

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 96, Issue 4 (December 2015) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssqu.2015.96.issue-4/issuetoc

• Jonathan Knuckey and Myunghee Kim, “Racial Resentment, Old-Fashioned Racism, and the Vote Choice of Southern and Nonsouthern Whites in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election,” 905.

• M.V. Hood III, Quentin Kidd, and Irwin L. Morris, “Tea Leaves and Southern Politics: Explaining Tea Party Support in the Region,” 923.

• Charles S. Bullock III, Eric M. Wilk, and Charles M. Lamb, “Fair Housing Enforcement in the South and Non-South,” 941.

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• Raymond Foxworth, Amy H. Liu, and Anand Edward Sokhey, “Incorporating Native American History into the Curriculum: Descriptive Representation or Campaign Contributions?,” 955.

• Jennifer March Augustine, Kate C. Prickett, Sarah M. Kendig, and Robert Crosnoe, “Maternal Education and the Link between Birth Timing and Children’s School Readiness,” 970.

• Robert Maranto and Jeffery Dean, “Not Separate and Not Equal? Achievement and Attainment Equity in College Towns,” 985.

• Matthew S. Dabros, Suzanne L. Parker, and Mark W. Petersen, “Assessing the Stability of Trust in Government across Election Periods,” 996.

• Rong Hu, Ivan Y. Sun, and Yuning Wu, “Chinese Trust in the Police: The Impact of Political Efficacy and Participation,” 1012.

• Gabe J. de Bondt and Stefano Schiaffi, “Confidence Matters for Current Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence for the Euro Area and the United States,” 1027.

• Uk Heo and Sung Deuk Hahm, “Democracy, Institutional Maturity, and Economic Development,” 1041.

• William B. Hankins, “Government Spending, Shocks, and the Role of Legislature Size: Evidence from the American States,” 1059.

• David Fortunato, “Can Easing Concealed Carry Deter Crime?,” 1071.

• Jiyoon (June) Kim and H. Luke Shaefer, “Are Household Food Expenditures Responsive to Entry onto the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program?,” 1086.

• Carey E. Cooper, Audrey N. Beck, Robin S. Högnäs, and Jodi Swanson, “Mothers’ Partnership Instability and Coparenting among Fragile Families,” 1103.

• Emily M. Farris and Mirya R. Holman, “Public Officials and a ‘Private’ Matter: Attitudes and Policies in the County Sheriff Office Regarding Violence against Women,” 1117.

• Michael Hicks, “Does Wal-Mart Cause an Increase in Anti-Poverty Expenditures?,” 1136.

• Michael J. Armstrong and Steven E. Sodergren, “Refighting Pickett’s Charge: Mathematical Modeling of the Civil War Battlefield,” 1153.

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 96, Issue 5 (November 2015) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssqu.2015.96.issue-5/issuetoc

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• Matthew J. Burbank and Daniel Levin, “Community Attachment and Voting for School Vouchers,” 1169.

• Phillip J. Ardoin, C. Scott Bell, and Michael M. Ragozzino, “The Partisan Battle over College Student Voting: An Analysis of Student Voting Behavior in Federal, State, and Local Elections,” 1178.

• Matthew L. Bergbower, Scott D. McClurg, and Thomas Holbrook, “Presidential Campaign Spending and Correct Voting from 2000 to 2008,” 1196.

• Craig Johnson and Sunil Rodger, “Did Perception of the Economy Affect Attitudes to Immigration at the 2010 British General Election?,” 1214.

• Christopher Ojeda, “Depression and Political Participation,” 1226.

• Matthew B. Arbuckle and David M. Konisky, “The Role of Religion in Environmental Attitudes,” 1244.

• Thomas Macias, “Risks, Trust, and Sacrifice: Social Structural Motivators for Environmental Change,” 1264.

• Alexander W. Severson and Eric A. Coleman, “Moral Frames and Climate Change Policy Attitudes,” 1277.

• Beth A. Rosenson, “Media Coverage of State Legislatures: Negative, Neutral, or Positive?,” 1291.

• Rebekah Herrick, Jeanette Morehouse Mendez, and Ben Pryor, “Razor’s Edge: The Politics of Facial Hair,” 1301.

• Frederick Solt, “Economic Inequality and Nonviolent Protest,” 1314.

• Tyler Johnson and David Rossbach, “Foreign Affairs, Domestic Attention: Explaining American Media Coverage of the European Financial Crisis,” 1328.

• Scott W. Allard, Maria V. Wathen, and Sandra K. Danziger, “Bundling Public and Charitable Supports to Cope with the Effects of the Great Recession,” 1348.

• Ashley D. Ross and Stella M. Rouse, “Economic Uncertainty, Job Threat, and the Resiliency of the Millenial Generation’s Attitudes toward Immigration,” 1363.

• Christine H. Roch and Na Sai, “Nonprofit, For-Profit, or Stand-Alone? How Management Organizations Influence the Working Conditions in Charter Schools,” 1380.

• Mesay A. Tegegne, “Immigrants’ Social Capital and Labor Market Performance: The Effect of Social Ties on Earnings and Occupational Prestige,” 1396. 48 | Page

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• Brian F. Harrison and Melissa R. Michelson, “God and Marriage: The Impact of Religious Identity Priming on Attitudes toward Same-Sex Marriage,” 1411.

• Tzu-Ling Lai, “Effects of Student-Teacher Congruence on Students’ Learning Performance: A Dyadic Approach,” 1424.

• Felix Requena, “Absence of Support Networks and Welfare Systems,” 1436.

• Meeyoung Lamothe and Scott Lamothe, “Exploring the Determinants of Local Service Termination,” 1453.

• Phanindra V. Wunnava, Aniruddha Mitra, and Robert E. Prasch, “Globalization and the Ethnic Divide: Recent Longititudinal Evidence,” 1475.

• Brian D. Taylor, Kelcie Ralph, and Michael Smart, “What Explains the Gender Gap in Schlepping? Testing Various Explanations for Gender Differences in Household- Serving Travel,” 1493.

• Bernard Grofman and Jennifer Garcia, “Using Spanish Surname Ratios to Estimate Proportion Hispanic in California Cities via Bayes Theorem,” 1511. ______

South African Historical Journal, Vol. 67, Issue 3 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rshj20/67/3

• Ciaran Reilly, “’The Magna Hibernia’: Irish Diplomatic Missions to South Africa, 1921,” 255.

• Philippe Denis, “Abbot Pfanner, the Glen Grey Act and the Native Question,” 271.

• Pat Gibbs, “Different Tracks: Ambiguities in the Development Nexus of Coal and Rail in the Eastern Cape, 1880-1910,” 293.

• Goolam Vahed and Thembisa Waetjen, “Shifting Grounds: A.I. Kajee and the Political Quandary of ‘Moderates’ in the Search for an Islamic School Site in Durban, 1943- 1948,” 316.

• Franziska Rueedi, “Narratives on Trial: Ideology, Violence, and the Struggle over Political Legitimacy in the Case of the Delmas Treason Trial, 1985-1989,” 335.

• Justin Pearce, “Interview with Lara Pawson, On Writing In the Name of the People: Angola’s Forgotten Massacre,” 356.

South African Historical Journal, Vol. 67, Issue 4 (2015) 49 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016 http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rshj20/67/4

• Jennifer Whittal and Jonathan Bell, “The Relocation of VOC-Era Bosheuvel Farm in the Liesbeeck River Valley, Cape Town: A Land Surveying Approach,” 387.

• Rachel King, “’A Loyal Liking for Fair Play’: Joseph Millerd Orpen and Knowledge Production in the Cape Colony,” 410.

• Tom Lodge, “Secret Party: South African Communists between 1950 and 1960,” 433. ______

South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 38, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/csas20/38/4

• Ravi Vaitheespara and Rajesh Venkatasubramanian, “Beyond the Politics of Identity: The Left and the Politics of Caste and Identity in Tamil Nadu, 1920-63,” 543.

• Mona Chettri, “Engaging the State: Ethnic Patronage and Cultural Politics and the Eastern Himalayan Borderland,” 558.

• Rakesh Ankit, “In the Twilight of Empire: Two Impressions of Britain and India at the United Nations, 1945-47,” 574.

• Bernardo E. Brown, “Jesuit Missionaries in Post-Colonial Conflict Zones: The Disappearance of ‘Father Basketball’ in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka,” 589.

Völkisch and Fascist Movements in South Asia

• Benjamin Zachariah, “Global Fascisms and the Volk: The Framing of Narratives and the Crossing of Lines,” 608.

• Rashna Darius Nicholson, “Corporeality, Aryanism, Race: The Theatre and Social Reform of the Parsis of Western India,” 613.

• Benjamin Zachariah, “At the Fuzzy Edges of Fascism: Framing the Volk in India,” 639.

• Sayantani Adhikary, “The Bratachari Movement and the Invention of a ‘Folk Tradition’,” 656.

• Ali Raza and Franziska Roy, “Paramilitary Organisations in Interwar India,” 671.

• Satadru Sen, “Fascism without Fascists? A Comparative Look at Hindutva and Zionism,” 690.

Hindu Nationalism in Action: The Bharatiya Janata Party and Indian Politics

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• John Harriss, “Hindu Nationalism in Action: The Bharatiya Janata Party and Indian Politics,” 712.

• Suhas Palshikar, “The BJP and Hindu Nationalism: Centrist Politics and Majoritarian Impulses,” 719.

• James Manor, “A Precarious Enterprise? Multiple Antagonisms during Year One of the Modi Government,” 736.

• Sanjay Ruparelia, “’Minimum Government, Maximum Governance’: The Restructuring of Power in Modi’s India,” 755.

• Ronojoy Sen, “House Matters: The BJP, Modi, and Parliament,” 776.

• Mitu Sengupta, “Modi Planning: What the NITI Aayog Suggests about the Aspirations and Practices of the Modi Government,” 791.

• Robin Jeffrey, “Clean India! Symbols, Policies, and Tensions,” 807.

• Christophe Jaffrelot, “What ‘Gujarat Model’? – Growth without Development – and with Socio-Political Polarisation,” 820.

• Meghnad Desai and Marika Vicziany, “In Memory of Professor Tapan Raychaudhuri (8 May 1926-26 November 2014),” 839. ______

Strategic Analysis, Vol. 39, Issue 6 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rsan20/39/6

• Christopher Budd and Dalbir Ahlawat, “Reconsidering the Paracel Islands Dispute: An International Law Perspective,” 661.

• Arka Biswas, “Pakistan’s Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Deconstructing India’s Doctrinal Response,” 683.

• Keshab Chandra Ratha and Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, “Recasting Sino-Indian Relations: Towards a Closer Development Partnership,” 696.


• Shounak Set, “Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World: Revisiting Kautilya and his Arthashastra in the Third Millenium,” 710.

• M.S. Prathibha, “The Promise of China’s Cooperative Behavior toward India,” 715.

Anthropocene: The Human Age and the Impact on the Climate 51 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Rohan D’Souza, “Nations without Borders: Climate Security and the South in the Epoch of the Anthropocene,” 720.

• Douglas P. Hill, “Where Hawks Dwell on Water and Bankers Build Power Poles: Transboundary Waters, Environmental Security, and the Frontiers of Neo-Liberalism,” 729.

• Majed Akhter, “Dams as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: Geopolitical Implications for Pakistan,” 744.

Strategic Analysis, Vol. 40, Issue 1 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rsan20/40/1


• Jan Kallberg, “Assessing India’s Cyber Resilience: Institutional Stability Matters,” 1. • Sandhya Jain, “Kurdistan: Ataturk to Öcalan,” 6.


• P. Stobdan, “India and Central Asia: Untying the Energy Knot,” 14.

• Bibek Chand and Lukas K. Danner, “Implications of the Dragon’s Rise for South Asia: Assessing China’s Nepal Policy,” 26.

• D.P.K. Pillay, “Applying Human Security in the Indian Context,” 41.

Review Essay

• Nazir Ahmad Mir, “Dynamics of ‘Civil-Military’ Relations in India,” 56. ______

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 38, Issue 12 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/38/12

• Dorle Hellmuth, “Countering Jihadi Terrorists and Radicals the French Way,” 979.

• Yair Galily, Moran Yarchi, and Ilan Tamir, “From Munich to Boston, and from Theater to Social Media: The Evolutionary Landscape of World Sporting Terror,” 998.

• Moran Yarchi, Yair Galily, and Ilan Tamir, “Rallying or Criticizing? Media Coverage of Authorities’ Reaction to Terror Attacks Targeting Sporting Events,” 1008.

• Ramón Spaaij and Mark S. Hamm, “Endgame? Sports Events as Symbolic Targets in Lone Wolf Terrorism,” 1022. 52 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• John Gearson and Hugo Rosemont, “CONTEST as Strategy: Reassessing Britain’s Counterterrorism Approach,” 1038.

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 39, Issue 1 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/39/1

• David Martin Jones and M.L.R. Smith, “The Rise of Dark Americana: Depicting the ‘War on Terror’ On-Screen,” 1.

• Dan Miodownik and Lilach Nir, “Recpetivity to Violence in Ethnically Divided Societies: A Micro-Level Mechanism of Perceived Horizontal Inequalities,” 22.

• Michael Zekulin, “Endgames: Improving our Understanding of Homegrown Terrorism,” 46.

• Jytte Klausen, Selene Campion, Nathan Needle, Giang Nguyen, and Rosanne Libretti, “Toward a Behavioral Model of ‘Homegrown’ Radicalization Trajectories,” 67.

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 39, Issue 2 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/39/2

• Marco Marsili, “The Islamic State: A Class within the Muslim Civilization for the New Caliphate,” 85.

• Brecht Volders, “Assessing the Terrorist Threat: Impact of the Group’s Organizational Design?,” 106.

• Mustafa Cosar Unal, “Opening a Door for Return to Home: Impact and Effectiveness of Turkish Repentance Laws,” 128.

• Lance Y. Hunter, “Terrorism, Civil Liberties, and Political Rights: A Cross-National Analysis,” 165. ______

Studies in Political Economy, Vol. 96 (2015) http://spe.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/spe/issue/view/1713/showToc

• Michael Bueckert, “CIDA and the Capitalist State: Shifting Structures of Representation under the Harper Government.”

• Rebecca Jane Hall, “Divide and Conquer: Privatizing Indigenous Land Ownership as Capital Accumulation.”

• John Grundy, “Statistical Profiling of the Unemployed.”

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• Dennis Pilon, “Researching Voter Turnout and the Electoral Subaltern: Utilizing ‘Class’ as Identity.”

• Fletcher Baragar, “Crisis and Canada’s Macroeconomic Policy: 2008-2012.”

• James Cairns, “Common Sense on Campus: Disaffected Consent in the Age of Austerity.”

• James K. Rowe and Myles Carroll, “What the Left Can Learn from Occupy Wall Street.”

• Chris Hurl and Benjamin Christensen, “Building the New Canadian Political Economy.” ______

Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 27, Issue 5 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ftpv20/27/5

• Lilach Gilady and Joseph MacKay, “Bringing the Insurgents Back In: Early Wars in British India,” 797.

• Arthur A. Goldsmith, “Electoral Violence in Africa Revisited,” 818.

• Gearóid Ó Faoleán, “The Ulster Defence Regiment and the Question of Catholic Recruitment, 1970-1972,” 838.

• B. Heidi Ellis, Saida M. Abdi, John Horgan, Alisa B. Miller, Glenn N. Saxe, and Emily Blood, “Trauma and Openness to Legal and Illegal Activism among Somali Refugees,” 857.

• Joel Busher and Graham Macklin, “Interpreting ‘Cumulative Extremism’: Six Proposals for Enhancing Conceptual Clarity,” 884.

• Bart Schuurman, Quirine Eijkman, and Edwin Bakker, “The Hofstadgroup Revisited: Questioning its Status as a ‘Quintessential’ Homegrown Jihadist Network,” 906.

• Jeffrey Kaplan and Christopher P. Costa, “The Islamic State and the New Tribalism,” 926.

• Ryan Shaffer, “Unconventional Views of Terrorism: Culture, Objectives, and the Future,” 970.

Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 28, Issue 1 (2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ftpv20/28/1

• Lieven Pauwels and Nele Schils, “Differential Online Exposure to Extremist Content and Political Violence: Testing the Relative Strength of Social Learning and Competing Perspectives,” 1.

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• Blake E. Garcia and Nehemia Geva, “Security versus Liberty in the Context of Counterterrorism: An Experimental Approach,” 30.

• Stephen Tankel, “Beyond FATA: Exploring the Punjabi Militant Threat to Pakistan,” 49.

• Max Abrahms and Matthew S. Gottfried, “Does Terrorism Pay? An Empirical Analysis,” 72.

• Francesco N. Moro, Andrea Petrella, and Salvatore Sberna, “The Politics of Mafia Violence: Explaining Variation in Mafia Killings in Southern Italy (1983-2008),” 90.

• Konstantin Ash, “Representative Democracy and Fighting Domestic Terrorism,” 114.

• Michael Woldemariam, “Battlefield Outcomes and Rebel Cohesion: Lessons from the Eritrean Independence War,” 135.

• Elad Ben-Dror, “The Poets of Marj al-Zuhur: Poetry as the Psychological, Political, and Ideological Weapon of the Hamas Members Deported to Lebanon in 1992,” 157. ______

Third World Quarterly, Vol. 36, Issue 10 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctwq20/36/10

• Robert Frith and John Glenn, “Fragile States and the evolution of risk governance: intervention, prevention, and extension,” 1787.

• Maciej Kalaska and Tomasz Wites, “Perception of the relations between former colonial powers and developing countries,” 1809.

• Mark Langan, “The moral economy of EU relations with North African states: DCFTAs under the European Neighbourhood Policy,” 1827.

• Peg Murray-Evans, “Regionalism and African agency: negotiating an Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and SADC-Minus,” 1845.

• Debora Valentina Malito, “Building terror while fighting enemies: how the Global War on Terror deepened the crisis in Somalia,” 1866.

• Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Denisa Kostovicova, Mariana Escobar, and Jelena Bjelica, “Organised crime and international aid subversion: evidence from Colombia and Afghanistan,” 1887.

• Sailen Routray, “The post-development impasse and the state in India,” 1906.

• Kearrin Sims, “Culture, community-oriented learning and the post-2015 development agenda: a view from Laos,” 1922. 55 | Page

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• Abbas Assi and James Worrall, “Stable instability: the Syrian conflict and the postponement of the 2013 Lebanese parliamentary elections,” 1944.

• Stefan Bächtold, “The rise of an anti-politics machinery: peace, civil society, and the focus on results in Myanmar,” 1968.

Third World Quarterly, Vol. 36, Issue 11 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctwq20/36/11

• Jan Nederveen Pieterse, “China’s contingencies and globalisation,” 1985.

China and Globalisation

• Debin Liu and Zhen Yan, “Engaging with globalisation: Chinese perspectives,” 2002.

• Ren Xiao, “A reform-minded status quo power? China, the G20, and reform of the international financial system,” 2023.

• Xu Shi, “China’s national defence in global security discourse: a cultural-rhetorical approach to military scholarship,” 2044.

• Ning Wang, “Globalisation as glocalisation in China: a new perspective,” 2059.

China’s Economic Transformations

• Dianfan Yu and Yajun Zhang, “China’s industrial transformation and the ‘new normal’,” 2075.

• Xiao Li and Yibing Ding, “From export platform to market provider: China’s perspectives on its past and future role in a globalised Asian economy,” 2098.

• Jonathan Holslag, “Unequal partnerships and open doors: probing China’s economic ambitions in Asia,” 2112.

China’s Social Forces and Culture

• Daniel Vukovich, “Illiberal China and global convergence: thinking through Wukan and Hong Kong,” 2130.

• Shih-Diing Liu, “The new contentious sequence since Tiananmen,” 2148.

• Qingye Tang and Qing Li, “Voicing the self: discursive representations of Chinese old- generation migrant workers,” 2167.

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• Changgang Guo and Fengmei Zhang, “Religion and social stability: China’s religious policies in the Age of Reform,” 2183.

Third World Quarterly, Vol. 36, Issue 12 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctwq20/36/12

• Dan Brockington and Stefano Ponte, “The Green Economy in the global South: experiences, redistributions, and resistance,” 2197.

• Carl Death, “Four discourses of the green economy in the global South,” 2207.

• Melanie Stroebel, “Tourism and the green economy: inspiring or averting change?,” 2225.

• Michela Marcatelli, “Suspended redistribution: ‘green economy’ and water inequality in the Waterberg, South Africa,” 2244.

• Maano Ramutsindela, “Extractive philanthropy: securing labour and land claim settlements in private nature reserves,” 2259.

• Rini Astuti and Andrew McGregor, “Responding to the green economy: how REDD+ and the One Map Initiative are transforming forest governance in Indonesia,” 2273.

• Adrian Nel, “The neoliberalisation of forestry governance, market environmentalism, and re-territorialisation in Uganda,” 2294.

• M.F. Olwig, C. Noe, R. Kangalawe, and E. Luoga, “Inverting the moral economy: the case of land acquisitions for forest plantations in Tanzania,” 2316.

• Sarah Bracking, “Performativity in the Green Economy: how far does climate finance create a fictive economy?,” 2337. ______

Twentieth Century British History, Vol. 26, Issue 4 (December 2015) http://tcbh.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/4.toc

• David Monger, “Familiarity Breeds Consent? Patriotic Rituals in British First World War Propaganda,” 501.

• Sean Nixon, “Trouble at the National Trust: Post-war Recreation, the Benson Report, and the Rebuilding of a Conservation Organization in the 1960s,” 529.

• Jim Phillips, “The Closure of Michael Colliery in 1967 and the Politics of Deindustrialization in Scotland,” 551.

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• Andrew Jones, “The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) and the Humanitarian Industry in Britain, 1963-85,” 573.

• Jon Agar, “’Future Forecast – Changeable and Probably Getting Worse’: The U.K. Government’s Early Response to Anthropogenic Climate Change,” 602. ______

Vingtième Siècle (2015/4) http://www.cairn.info/revue-vingtieme-siecle-revue-d-histoire-2015-4.htm

• Emmanuel Blanchard and Emmanuel Droit, “Forces de l’ordre et crises politiques au 20e siècle,” 3.

• Emmanuel Blanchard, “Le 6 février 1934, une crise policière?,” 15.

• André Rosemberg, “La grève de la force publique de São Paulo (13 et 14 janvier 1961),” 29.

• Andrew Diamond, translated from the English by Elsa Devienne, “La politique sécuritaire et les manifesations contre la police dans le ghetto noir de Chicago (1943- 1969),” 45.

• Emmanuel Droit, “La Stasi face à la ‘Révolution pacifique’ de l’automne 1989 en République démocratique allemande,” 63.

• Choukri Hmed, “Répression d’État et situation révolutionnaire en Tunisie (2010-2011),” 77.

• Nicholas J. Williams, “Les evacuations de 1939 en Moselle et en Sarre: Cadres et plans stratégiques pour la prise en charge des populations civiles,” 91.

• Gilles Morin, “Paroles de ‘défaitistes’: Communistes, pacifistes et protestataires pendant la ‘drôle de guerre’,” 105.

• Daniel A. Gordon, “L’économie morale des banlieusards: Aux origines de la ‘crise des transports’ dans la France des années 1970,” 119. ______

The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 38, Issue 3 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwaq20/38/3


• Matthew Kroenig and Tristan Volpe, “3-D Printing the Bomb? The Nuclear Nonproliferation Challenge,” 7.

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• Mitchel B. Wallerstein, “The Price of Inattention: A Survivable North Korean Nuclear Threat?,” 21.

• Sung-han Kim, “The Day After: R.O.K.-U.S. Cooperation for Korean Unification,” 37.

After the Iran Deal

• Mehdi Khalaji, “Great Expectations: Iran after the Deal,” 61.

• Tara Shirvani and Sinisa Vukovic, “After the Iran Nuclear Deal: Europe’s Pain and Gain,” 79.

New China Debates

• Harry Harding, “Has U.S. China Policy Failed?,” 95. • John Lee, “China’s Economic Slowdown: What are the Strategic Implications?,” 123.

• Timothy Heath and Andrew S. Erickson, “Is China Pursuing Counter-Intervention,” 143.

• Yu-Ming Liou, Paul Musgrave, and J. Furman Daniel III, “The Imitation Game: Why Don’t Rising Powers Innovate Their Militaries More?,” 157.

The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 38, Issue 4 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwaq20/38/3


• Bruno Tertrais, “The Revenge of History,” 7.

• Michael J. Green and Matthew P. Goodman, “After TPP: the Geopolitics of Asia and the Pacific,” 19.

• James Goldgeier and Jeremi Suri, “Revitalizing the U.S. National Security Strategy,” 35.

• Jong Kun Choi, “The Perils of Strategic Patience with North Korea,” 57.

• C. Christine Fair and Sumit Ganguly, “Five Dangerous Myths about Pakistan,” 73.

• Harsh V. Pant, “Is India Developing a Strategy for Power?,” 99.

• Cornelius Adebahr, “The Linchpin to the Iran Deal’s Future: Europe,” 115.

• Khaled Elgindy, “Lost in the Chaos: The Palestinian Leadership Crisis,” 133.

Syria in Ruins

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• Marcus DuBois King, “The Weaponization of Water in Syria and Iraq,” 153.

• Daniel Byman, “Six Bad Options for Syria,” 171. ______

The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 72, No. 4 (October 2015) https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5309/willmaryquar.72.issue-4

• Ted McCormick, “Statistics in the Hands of an Angry God? John Graunt’s Observations in Cotton Mather’s New England,” 563.

• Jeffrey Ostler, “’To Extirpate the Indians’: An Indigenous Consciousness of Genocide in the Ohio Valley and Lower Great Lakes, 1750s-1810,” 587.

• Thomas M. Doerflinger, “Capital Generation in the New Nation: How Stephen Girard Made his First $735,872,” 623.

Critical Forum: Dunn, A Tale of Two Plantations: Slave Life and Labor in Jamaica and Virginia

• Simon P. Newman, “The Price of Slavery: Dividing Families and Divisions of Race,” 659.

• Terri L. Snyder, “Life, By the Numbers,” 665.

• Daniel Livesay, “Family Matters on a Jamaican Plantation,” 671.

• Jennifer L. Morgan, “Gender and Slavery, Birth and Death on Atlantic Plantations,” 676.

• Thavolia Glymph, “Telling Slavery: Archives of Life and Death, Surveillance and Control,” 680.

• Richard S. Dunn, “In Response,” 686. ______

Women’s History Review, Vol. 24, Issue 6 (2015) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwhr20/24/6#.VphFkige_zY

• Kate Smith, “Imperial Families: women writing home in Georgian Britain,” 843.

• Nazan Maksudyan, “Control over Life, Control over Body: female suicide in early Republican Turkey,” 861.

• Andreea Andrei and Alina Branda, “Abortion Policy and Social Suffering: the objectification of Romanian women’s bodies under communism (1966-1989),” 881.

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• Bernadette Whelan, “Women on the Move: a review of the historiography of Irish emigration to the U.S.A., 1750-1900,” 900.

• Pam Jarvis and Betty Liebovich, “British Nurseries, Head and Heart: McMillan, Owen, and the genesis of the education/care dichotomy,” 917.

• Zoë Thomas, “At Home with the Women’s Guild of Arts: gender and professional identity in London studios, c. 1880-1925,” 938.

• Derya Iner, “Gaining a Public Voice: Ottoman women’s struggle to survive in the print life of early twentieth-century Ottoman society, and the example of Halide Edib (1884- 1964),” 965.


• Sarah Gavron, “The Making of the Feature Film Suffragette,” 985.

• Una Kroll, “An Eventful Journey from Christian Feminism to Christian Humanism,” 996.

Roundtable Book Review: Women and the Vote: a world history by Jad Adams

• Gaylynn Welch, 1014.

• Tanika Sarkar, 1017.

• June Hannam, 1020.

• Jad Adams, “Reply to the Reviews of his Book,” 1023. ______

World Policy Journal, 32:4 (December 2015) http://wpj.sagepub.com/content/32/4.toc

Editors’ Note

• The Editors, “Latin America on Life Support?,” 1.


• Mariano Turzi, Fernanda Canofre, Gabriela de la Paz Meléndez, Lorena Oyarzún Serrano, Hernán Castillo, Enrique Mendizabal, Ignacio Munyo, and Andrés Fontana, “The Big Question: Fixing Roles: What are the Challenges Determining your Country’s Position within Latin America?,” 3. • Ángel Gurría-Quintana, “Imagining Eden,” 10.

• “Map Room: Latin Americans on the Move,” 14. 61 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], J-Z, First Quarter 2016

• Ricardo Ávila, “The Hangover: Latin America Recovers after Shot of Success,” 17.

• “Anatomy: Chinese Investment in South America,” 24.

Latin America on Life Support?

• Christopher Reeve, “Goodbye, Venezuela,” 26.

• Amanda Mattingly, “The Changing Face of Cuba,” 37.


• Ángel Gurría, “Free Trade: A Ticket to a Bigger Party,” 51.


• Vlad Sokhin, “Nauru: A Cautionary Tale,” 58.


• Sir David Omand, “The Dark Net: Policing the Internet’s Underworld,” 75.

• Ahmet S. Yayla, “Deadly Interactions,” 83.

• Richard Blaustein, “Open SESAME: A Powerful Light Attracts Middle Eastern Scientists,” 92.

• Michael A. Genovese, “Leadership Challenges in a Hyper-Changing World,” 100.


• David A. Andelman, “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” 108.

Copyright © 2016 The Authors This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

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