F Music and Art
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le Res f Music and Art thot ho was thor Frieda Klink, Contralto . greatost pianist that jHusical Happenings ever plnycd. lt ia imposstible to Jm- !P?P?£: agino Moiseiwtisch making a m'.stake Random Impressions At In tho sense of playing a wrong note. I Home and Abroad do not suppoao that Moiseiwitsch h so great a musictan as Rubinstein.I think ho does not pour his whole aoul Formed to Aid into his as Rubinstein must &w Organization Young Musicians; piano, The $ummor exhibition season is now a epiritual significance. In this vein have done to have lefc such an impres- in the art Several is the large hillside subject with ita I>eodat de Severac; An Old Friend sion on the world.but Moiseivitach is opening galleries. of the latter have announced showa to winglike cioud apparttion and ita bril- Pleases London Audience a master of the pinjio in the sense that liant star in the sky abovo. The entire Vclasquez is a master of point or Lloyd commence thia week and continue show reflects refinement in subject and George a master of tho spoken word or through tbe summer months. In each in treatment. It will remain Carpentier of the dclicacy Katharine Huneker the boxing game. case Is involved the work of a group on exhibition until 1. By Wright coined phraso "practising It is not possible to believe that July Muri in public," but will act as a of Americans and con- Tjsst year Miss Silba, a young prop for man can achievo such miraclea painters, mostly than talent broader in the .UJiist of more ordinary ability, deserving rccognition. production of sound, more variable than temporariei. While tiding over a Land sea pes, Old and New, an It is planned to a ^pressed tha opinion that organi- form board of tho ever-changing color of the period of lessened activifcy, the galler- be formed to determine twenty judges to datermine the merits aea, At the Ariington Mtioii skould until one had heard Moiseiwitsch play ies thus to exhibitions of of musicians of prospectivo candidates for a plan provide In the summer show at the Arlwiy- -¦le cligibility young wish- profes- for a couple of hours or with the coneert balls sional career. In order to more, representative scope and charaeter for tcn Galleries there are several fine ja? to storm of New okain a only two or three brief breaks. She recommended that such hearing candidates must present cre- the apeclal benefit of summer visitors landscapes by those distinguished York. dentials from Kitchener, it wns said, "cut out hia painters of out-of-door M«8f people be given an out-of-town musicians of high stand- heart and made himself a who may be interested more in the subjects. machine for inness and These to sta- heiricg by compotent judges. The ¦tng. tbe conquest of the Sudan." Moisei¬ broader activities of the home school Wyant. tend of their Branchea of the bilize the exhibition in which there ,uality performance would organization are to witsch, I imagine, cut out his heart and than in the work of in- a New York be established in other hav- any particular are many examples by the later ex- eiiher justify recital or cities, and made himself a maclilno for the con- ing passed a-^uccessful dividual. pontfnts of this field. There is a deep (V^y Treuld be advised against court- audition thosn quest of tho piano. He has won vic¬ who meet the there has refinement and maturity of understand- ,Rgfurther pub!icity and failure. Miss requirements of the tory after victory, and now, like Alex- At the Kraushaar galleries will be a ing in the art of these two masters Silba's suggestipn was without results, judges given try-outs in the ander, he must yearn for new worlds to been put on the wall3 collection by one smaller cities before that can always be studied to advan- no dared to incur the appearing in New conquer. There seems in twelve contemporary American artists. Jpptwntlj nothing the in a show where manner dsi>?ers involved in blighting the hopes York. Traveling expenses will be met art of piano that This exhibition, which will remain tage the of the playing Moiseiwitsch interpretation is ao varied as 0; budding genius. But although Miss by association and a fee of $50 cannot do. He is only but until the close of next month, has in it widely does not paid for each The thirty-one, of in the present> instance. The two Silbs's nsme appear on the appearance. financos he has been an accomplished pianist for much interest and artistic distinc- of the association an ex- Wyants are "Early Autumn" and "Ark- ioard of directors, the newly organized will depend upon more than He won tion. There is, for example, K$r\. twenty years! the ville." Inness are "Nook Near Our Jfusica! Debx-.t Association is a prac- various memberships, ranging from an Rubinstein at Odessa tremely good landscape by Ernest Law- By annual Soloist, Goldman Band, Mon¬ prize University Village" and one other. the rieal realisation of her scheme. membership at $1 a year to life when he was nine. Now it is son of most delicate and velvety qual¬ Among held that rest is a "White This courageous body of men and membership at $500. day evening. he is" the world's master ity, showing a vista of low fields in striking example, player. Tenement," Robert It is a TCT.cn will not only act as a restrain- At present the board of in- Moiseiwitsch is not a soft greens and yellows and a limpid by Spencer. judges theatrieal per- strange, house of stories isg lafluence upon the annual crop cf cludes Frank Damrosch, chairman; opera "Lo Cceur du Moulin," a pieture former. He sits bolt most of stream winding through them. A meri- large many upright and windowa on a Kispers, squealera and bangers, for Leopold Auer, Franz Kneisel, Alexander cf Languedoc peasant life. In this the time, while his hands about the torious example by Prendergast, a park situated the bank of fly stream amid fields. It is an in- »hose activities tho late James Gibbons Lambert, Herbert David country his music is little known, but keyboard with the lightness and quick- scene of vague beauty and animation, rolling W^herspoon, there be more of congruity of which the artist has made Bispham, Richard Hageman, perhaps may it next nesa of shuttles. Now and then the is shown, together with a character- Dudley a picture that is full of beauty. Daniel HUSICAL INSTRUCTION Buck and Frank Hemstreet. On the year. rhythm of the music becomes part of istically decorative exterior and figure Arthur B. Davies. Just as Garber's "Dark River" is a work of board of directors are John Louw Nel- Benno Moiseiwitsch him and his head bends and sways as study by a line between conspicuous quality, being a broad, hilly NEW YORK AMERICAN son, general director and originator in he sweeps the music from the machine. the latter draws sharp Plays London his and its vista in a winter mantle. Another ex¬ of the plan; Rutger Bleeker Jewett, His hands soar in front of him central subject background, dONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Admirers of Benno Moiseiwitsch, who high the artist all ele- ample of simihr atmosphere is Ballard 163 West Howard F. Clark, Mrs. Denison D. and crash with the scientific preceding brings his 72d Street played here many tlmes last season, accuracy ments in a com¬ Williams's "Block Island," showing a Dana, vice-presidents; Wallace Cox, of a steam-Tiammer that can be together sympathetic HIGH CLASS INSTRUCTORS will read with pleasure the following graded other ex¬ bleak coastal inlet under lowering secretary; Province L. Poguc, treas- to smash a steel bar or to crack an bination... Tbere are, too, In AH Branchos of Music. and impressions left by his recent recital terior studies by Halpert, Myers, clouds. George W, Bruestle, E. W. TERMS REA.SONABLE. uier, Bronson H. Davis. egg; or his fingers stroke the keys so LORENZO FRAIMONT It is to on a writer in The London Daily Ex- (From the Kuehne and Kroll. The "Circus Pa- Redfield, Cullen Yates, Ernest Lawson, SEND FOR PROSi'ECTUS. be hoped that the associa¬ 8oftly that the notes are as painting by Van der Weyden presented by Italy to the tion jiress: resulting rade," by Gifford Beal, and John Sloan's Robert Reid, H. B. Snell, Edraund will pursue a vigorous campaign as the of a people of Belgium) There are some in this world gentle tinkling brook. are Greacen, E. Loyal Field and Martin of weeding out mediocrities, its most things Nor does he his miraclea early work, "Moving Pictures," that are worth and on nccomplish akin in their imbued Rico are others whose work may be i Heller important function. As for its philan- doing, Saturday without exertion. I School and appeal. Botigare Klein physical say noth¬ two from the School of ber and a seen here the next afternoon I rode miles on 31, program announced as "Aa with human interest. Thera is a rem- throughout two Piano Instouction, thropic aims in fostering young talent, twenty-five of the mental of Accompanist, Coach tramcars and omnibuses in order to ing astounding labor Landscape Architecture. Professor Afternoon of Fairy Tales," to be given iniscent note of romance in the latter months. nd Two Piano Enscmble Classes. have not most of the musical titans all the music he Edward C. Moore will of this and hear Benno Molseivitsch play the remembering played accompany the February 18, will be under Mr.