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BINDEX 03/09/2012 18:54:54 Page 345 Index A SAS 111, 267 SAS 112, 267–268 Accountants, 92, 223–226 SAS 113, 268 Accredited investors, 16, 339 SAS 114, 269 Acquisition, 339 SAS 115, 270 Acquisition Premium, 339 American Jobs and Closing Tax Advisors, selection of, 91–92 Loopholes Act of 2010, 54 Akerlof, George, 48 American Research and American Accounting Association Development Corporation (AAA), 339 (ARD), 31 American Institute of Certified American waterfall model, 10 Public Accountants (AICPA), Angel investing, 20–21 339 Antitakeover provisions, 93 accounting and review standards, Antitrust legislation, federal 270–271 235–238 SSARS 10, 271 Celler-Kefauver Antimerger Act SSARS 12, 271 (1950), 237 auditing standards Clayton Antitrust Act (1914), SAS 1, 243 236 SAS 1 amendments, 257 Federal Trade Commission Act SAS 82, 249 (1914), 236–237 SAS 82 replacements, Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust 257–264 Improvement Act (1976), SAS 85 amendments, 257 140, 237–238 SAS 95, 249 Robinson-Patman Act (1936), SAS 99, 256–257 237 SAS 104,COPYRIGHTED 264 Sherman MATERIAL Antitrust Act (1890), SAS 105, 265 236 SAS 106, 265 Apollo Global Management, 53, 55 SAS 107, 265–266 Assessments, manufacturing, SAS 108, 266 319–333 SAS 109, 266 corporate vision and mission, SAS 110, 267 323–324 345 BINDEX 03/09/2012 18:54:54 Page 346 346 INDEX Assessments, manufacturing Breakup fee, 129–130, 339 (Continued) Bridge financing, 339 customer satisfaction and Broker-dealer, 339 perceived quality, 322–323 Bulge bracket bank, 74 employee satisfaction, 320–322 Business development companies equipment and facility (BDCs), 54 maintenance, 324–326 Business intelligence, 277–292, 339 inventory management and application to private equity, product flow, 327–328 291–292 operational data and cost of sales, exit strategy, 292 328 investment decision, 291 visual management, 326 portfolio companies, strategic Audit, scaling, 206 management of, 291 Auditing Standards.
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