BARNSLEY Our Borough Profile 2019 Foreword Councillor Sir Stephen Houghton CBE Sarah Norman Leader of the Council, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Chief Executive, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council We are pleased to share the Barnsley’s Our Borough Profile with you. This is a refreshed document for 2019 containing the latest available data to provide a solid evidence base to help shape the way the Council works with our partners to drive continuous improvement and focus resources to deliver the best outcomes for our customers; the residents of Barnsley. The profile covers a wide spectrum of information and includes areas where we do not compare well to the regional or national figures, as we need to be open and honest about how we are performing and where we need to make improvements. There are many areas where we are already making good progress which is helping us to progress towards a brighter future and a better Barnsley. This profile provides a useful reference document for staff, elected members, our partners and the public to be able to understand the make-up of our borough. Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&
[email protected] 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 05 Introduction and Purpose Demographics 08 14 Learning Health and Wellbeing 20 21 Caring for Children Caring for Adults Number 22 25 Employment Households Page 28 29 Crime Internet Access 30 Other Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&
[email protected] 3 Introduction and Purpose Barnsley Council is continuing to change how we work together for a ‘Better Barnsley’. We have ambitious plans to improve and grow as identified in our Corporate Plan for 2017-20.